#crit awards
lizardcatcreations · 1 year
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Restless Specter
a special chonk i made in collaboration with the upcoming CRIT Awards 💙 i'm so in love with this design and couldn't not share all of my fav pictures, and i hope whoever ends up with it loves it as much as i do.
don't forget to nominate your fav indie TTRPG and gaming creators by june 1st!
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rollforfelicity · 2 months
Nominations for The CRiT Awards opened today! For those who aren't familiar, The CRiT Awards are a peer-driven TTRPG awards show where creators can nominate each other to be recognized for their work in the TTRPG space.
For those of you deciding who you’d like to nominate for each category, I hope you’ll consider nominating me for the category of Best Game Master | Indie.
During the eligible period I GM’d two seasons of Monsterhearts: Freshman Year for Girls Run These Worlds and 6 indie one-shots on my own channel. I also facilitated 7 GMless indie games and Shall We? a Wanderhome limited series. (GMing and Facilitating are very much not the same thing, but I want to highlight the number of indie TTRPG shows I've produced/facilitated as well as GM'd.)
In 2023, I started the Incredibly Indie series on RollForFelicity, which is a series specifically intended to get more eyes on games with few (if any) examples of play. I consider myself a huge supporter of indie TTRPGs.
Not only do I increase the visibility of indie TTRPGs, but I’m also very good at running them. I get to the heart of the mechanics and lean into the stories and moments each game is hoping to achieve. When I run a game, I try to run it as the quintessential example of what THAT game can be.
I have a deep love for indie TTRPGs, but more than that, I think I’m really fucking good at running them. So if you’ve enjoyed any of the series or one-shots I’ve GM’d, I hope you’ll consider nominating me for Best Game Master | Indie.
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corsairesix · 2 months
The Crit Awards have opened their nominations! Their mission is to celebrate and recognize the contributions and achievements of the TTRPG community, so nominations and votes are community-driven.
If you enjoyed the work of anyone in the TTRPG community, from game designers to artists to actual play performers, a great way you can support them is by nominating them!
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dungeonmalcontent · 2 months
The Crit Awards 2024
I just learned about these today! I'm eligible for some homebrew awards. It'd be nice to be nominated for Best Homebrew and Best Supplement, and I have a few things that could qualify (more on that later).
More than my own nominations, however, I just really want people to look at the categories and just think about who you could nominate. Everyone only gets 1 nomination per category and there are restrictions on what's eligible (public work, not big company like crit role or dropout, no AI, shared between last jan and this feb, etc.). And I know there's a lot of good categories and candidates for them.
You can find the categories for this years awards here: Crit Awards Categories.
Please, if you see a category and think of an eligible contender fill out the nomination form. It's pretty quick and you can skip categories you can't think of anyone for.
(personally I like Crest Saga for the Indie TTRPG and multiplayer TTRG categories, but don't tell anyone I said that)
My own eligibility below the cut.
As for my own works in the homebrew categories, the following are eligible:
Re:Alignment (for homebrew supplement/3rd party content)
Routine Passives (for homebrew supplement/3rd party content)
Psionics: Spellcasting & Specialties (This one could honestly go either way, it has subclasses, spells, and variant feature rules. It's an all in one supplement. This is the one I'd prefer to be nominated in this category or both.)
Grimdark Puzzles (for supplement, sadly Grimdark & Dangerous itself is not eligible)
Druid: Circle of the Glade (for supplement, technically?)
Encounter With: The Pale Widow (for monster)
Figher: Blade Drifter (for supplement)
Sorcerer: Vampiric Bloodline (for supplement)
Barbarian: Path of Possession (For supplement)
Druid: Circle of Bones (for supplement)
Artificer: Necrocrafter (for supplement)
Bard: College of Partying (for supplement)
Mancatcher (for best homebrew spell, monster, or item)
Restless Hunger (for homebrew spell, monster, or item)
Wax Wings (for homebrew spell, monster, or item)
Suspender of Disbelief (for homebrew spell, monster, or item—this is the standalone item I am most proud of if I'm being honest)
There is more, but it's more niche and behind a minimal paywall (granted some of the above is also behind a paywall). You can find these by following this link and sorting by date.
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capacle · 10 months
'Not a Demon' won as Best Solo Game at the Crit Awards! 😱😱
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To celebrate, it is on sale and on a bundle with my freshly-released one-page murder mystery game!
Thank you for your continuous support 💗
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dailydungeondelves · 2 months
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Hello everyone! Nominations for the Crit awards are open and I am looking for your help! If you have the time, I would absolutely love it if you could nominate me for a few categories:
Best Character Artist (Since that is the closest fit for what I do) https://www.instagram.com/dungeondelves/
Best Innovation in the TTRPG Space (For using Vtuber models in AP streams, making animated one shorts that focus more on the characters) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uq1TLnY67S8
Best One Shot (For Roll For Good's charity event where I guest GMed: Into The Woods) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8ERpdJ7iVo
Being nominated will help bring my art to more people, which could mean more chances to work with cool people on cool projects. You need to provide a link along with your vote, so I've added those under each category I think is relevant to me.
I also urge you to vote for other creators you like for the other categories! You can choose to add your name to the vote or vote anonymously, depending on your preference.
Thank you all for your continued support! <3 Link for the nominations form is here: https://forms.gle/7AsSGaRgQebDrdkm8
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merelyroleplayers · 1 month
Nominate Merely Roleplayers in the CRIT Awards 2024
The Creator Recognition in Tabletop RPG Awards are open for nominations until the end of May, and lots of our stuff from the past year is eligible!
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You all got us to the final ballot in 2 categories last year – thank you again, it was incredible to hear the words "Merely Roleplayers" read out alongside so many luminaries of roleplaying and storytelling!
Could we make it 3 this year?
Could we even make it to a win??
At this nomination stage, you're free to nominate whoever and whatever you like in each category. It's free choice, not multiple choice. Then people/things with enough nominations get put on the final ballot for everyone to check out and vote on.
Most of the categories ask for a link or social media handle to help the CRIT team vet nominations. Plus, I know from filling out my own nominations how hard it can sometimes be to work out what actually falls within the eligibility period (which this year is 1 Jan 2023–29 Feb 2024 – RPG vendors please put the publication date on the game's page!!).
So here's a handy list of what we've done that came out in that period, the categories you could nominate them in, and the relevant links and handles:
Best of Actual Plays
Best Series
Vigil: The Great Fire https://foggyoutline.com/roleplayers-episodes/category/The+Great+Fire
Vigil: Chief/Exec https://foggyoutline.com/roleplayers-episodes/category/Chief%2FExec
Vigil: Fear Itself https://foggyoutline.com/roleplayers-episodes/category/Fear+Itself
(and in the Studio...)
Falling Cadence https://foggyoutline.com/roleplayers-episodes/category/Falling+Cadence
The Queen's Dead https://foggyoutline.com/roleplayers-episodes/category/The+Queen%27s+Dead
The Office Party https://foggyoutline.com/roleplayers-episodes/category/Office+Party
Best NPC
Any and all NPCs from the above 6 productions, including 2023 nominee Ernest Bering, Agent of DoOm...
It's up to you to decide, based on his actions in Vigil: Fear Itself, whether oor Ernie belongs in this category or in:
Best Villain
Any and all villains from the above 6 productions, including Ada Lovelace (Great Fire), Max Dashwood (Chief/Exec), Morrigan the War Chieftain (Chief/Exec), the Harlequin (Fear Itself) and (possibly, as above) Ernest Bering, Agent of DoOm.
Best of their Games
Best Game Master | Indie
Matt Boothman https://www.instagram.com/merelymatt/
Josh Yard https://www.instagram.com/merelyroleplayers/
Best Player | Indie
Ellie Pitkin https://www.instagram.com/merelyroleplayers/
(plays Persephone 'Percy' Byron in Great Fire and Camilla Parnell in Falling Cadence)
Dave https://www.instagram.com/merelyroleplayers/
(plays Mick Mason in Great Fire and Josh in Office Party)
Strat https://www.instagram.com/merelyroleplayers/
(plays Brier in Great Fire and Jerome Picklepants in Office Party)
Chris MacLennan https://www.instagram.com/merelyroleplayers/
(plays Kincaid in Great Fire)
Natalie Winter https://www.instagram.com/winternatters/
(plays Gwynned in Chief/Exec and Bess in Office Party)
Marta Da Silva https://www.instagram.com/nanaluvren/
(plays Harper in Chief/Exec)
Josh Yard https://www.instagram.com/merelyroleplayers/
(plays Jinny Greenteeth in Chief/Exec)
Vikki https://www.instagram.com/merelyroleplayers/
(plays Renko in Chief/Exec and Cadence Fairchild in Falling Cadence)
Alexander Pankhurst https://www.instagram.com/apankhurst/
(plays Graham in Fear Itself and Reginald 'Skinsy' Skinner in Falling Cadence)
Chris Starkey https://www.instagram.com/merelyroleplayers/
(plays Cameron Jarvis in Fear Itself and Neville Flounder, aka the Living Shadow, aka Night Gannet in Office Party)
Ellen Gould https://www.instagram.com/merelyroleplayers/
(plays Jess Butterworth in Fear Itself)
Helen Stratton https://www.instagram.com/merelyroleplayers/
(plays Stella Sylvester in Falling Cadence)
Fiona KT Howat https://www.instagram.com/unspeakablyfiona/
(plays the Skeletal Duchy in The Queen's Dead)
Naomi Clarke https://www.instagram.com/naomithinksit/
(plays the Draugr Earldom in The Queen's Dead)
Best of Podcasts
Best Podcast
Merely Roleplayers https://www.merelyroleplayers.com
Best Podcast Host
Matt Boothman https://www.instagram.com/merelymatt/
Thank you! Can't wait to see who gets nominated this year!
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jaztice · 27 days
Go nominate your favorite people, projects, and games in the indie TTRPG space now, folks! Maybe even one of my games if you think it's worth it :P BUT YEAH GO NOM PEOPLE YEE HAW
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mirror-lock · 1 year
My solo journaling game Untitled Moth Game was nominated as a finalist for the Best Solo TTRPG of the Year category of the CRIT Awards.
(I'm not asking you to vote for it. You can't vote for it, anyway, because I've withdrawn it from consideration.)
I bought and read the other games in the category. Here's why they're great.
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Did you know that our very own @Kaydamphyr is a finalist for a CRIT Award?! Kay co-wrote and co-GMed The Christmas Cookie Caper, a charity one-shot benefitting Extra Life with a superstar cast, including Holly Conrad!
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You can check out the VoD of the Christmas Cookie Caper HERE, then head over to he CRIT Award form and vote for Kay and the CCC! Voting ends July 9th.
Thank you!
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undead-knick-knack · 9 months
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He's literally Just a Dad
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eyes-of-nine · 2 years
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i think we all need some tiny Tempus' after that finale ywy
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phatcatphergus · 3 months
I'm sorry but your last few anon are taking the award show way to seriously
Quackity said this isn't community voting/competition.
Quackity didn't kick Tubbo out of the call; he couldn't join because of probably leaks, and he's doing a subathon. Quackity felt bad, and he said he should've been specific (which I agree, lol). For the record, Tubbo isn't mad at or taking it seriously.
You should have expected the award show to be scuffed; it's the first one. This isn't the Grammys, Emmys, Oscars, the streamer awards, etc. This award show is meant to be unserious. I can tell how much Tubbo was having fun, laughing, and not getting mad.
I understand you're mad, but at the same time, it doesn't matter who won/lost. At the end of the day, it's just an award show; it ain't that deep LMFAO
Okay well there’s a few thing here that I think we can agree on bc yes, it was a miscommunication and quackity didn’t kick Tubbo out of the call. People were upset at first because it seemed like a  hypocrisy to let pol in the call when he was streaming too. After everything was cleared up people were fine.
Also, I don’t think I saw anyone actively upset about how scuffed it was. People expect it for live productions and most people were just joking around about it. I think there could have been more testing done beforehand (I think quackity said that it was the first audio test) but overall I don’t think anyone had incredibly high standards for it either. This isn’t the streamer awards lol.
Now I also agree that the awards weren’t that deep. It’s a silly awards show and it doesn’t make or break anyone career. But no one was really angry at the awards show, they were angry at repeated behavior towards creators that don’t deserve it. It’s not hard to point out the sever lack of French representation, the lack of art for certain creators (some who play a shit ton more then other), and the lack of animatics that has become the standard for the qsmp at this point. The qsmp awards was just another arrow to the back of repeated negligence and disservice to creators that play the server every fucking day of their lives. BBH and tubbo haven’t stopped playing the server even when the eggs stopped logging on and both had trouble staying positive and inspired.
They also both defended the admins and purgatory, and were two of the few people who actually played purgatory as it was intended, only to be harassed and targeted by people. Which we later come to find may have been purposeful. Both BBH and Tubbo had incredibly involved and amazing lore that got one image in the museum while other people who played maybe once a week had 3. How was it that purgatory 2 had 5 members of the server actively participating but most of the clips were of the rats or cellbit and baghera who were on for one day after not playing for weeks?
So no, people weren’t necessarily mad about the awards themselves, it’s about a pattern of behavior that hasn’t changed in the slightest and continues to sideline some of the most active and supportive members of the server. If you want to see a more in depth look at the bias then this post lays out how many nominations people received.
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c-duceusclay · 2 months
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capacle · 1 year
I'm a finalist as Best Solo TTRPG of the year!!
Ok, I'm 2 weeks late, but I just found out Not A Demon is finalist as Best Solo TTRPG of the year 😮😮
I'm... speechless! 💓
If you want to cast a vote my way, perhaps there's still time?
Just click the image below!
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callmebrutus · 3 months
ofc most of the good nominations went to either BOLAS or cc's with the most viewership.
i love quackity, i love qsmp, i love events they host but i would LIE if i said im not disappointed.
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