#critical role fiction
conditionaljewel · 1 year
Warm Happy Thoughts
Notes: This little ficlet takes place during Episode 56, during a night of rest after Imogen and Chetney are exhausted during the massive blizzard.
(I’m sorry about the formatting, Tumblr sucks and I genuinely can’t tell where it’s broken and not broken when I am editing it, and I just genuinely do not have the patience to reformat it for here, so this is what it is. I’ll post it somewhere else soon.)
The biting cold blew against their faces as they continued their trek through the Flotket Alps. A persistent shiver swept through Imogen’s body, and while she kept telling herself “hoes don’t get cold,” she did find herself wishing she maybe had just one more layer on during this journey.
By the time night fell and they began to prepare their camp to go to sleep, exhausted from the frozen temperatures and having to help dig an embankment for some semblance of protection, Imogen began to set up her bedding for whatever attempt at sleep she would muster. It was weird without Laudna being there next to her each night, and while the others were still welcome company as they always were, it just wasn’t the same. Even when Laudna died, Imogen thought, at least she was still with them and Imogen was able to lie next to her at night, macabre as it were.
Imogen laid down on her bedding and began to cast Prestidigitate around the immediate area to generate some kind of warmth when it just became absolutely unbearable. “Fearne!”
Fearne, who had been sitting in front of the fire with Mister eating some of the cookies Fresh Cut Grass had made the night before, looked up and over in the direction where Imogen was laying. “Yeah?” She asked, lifting the cookie to her mouth for another bite, as Mister reached out for another piece.
“S-s-sit on me!” Imogen shouted just across the camp, another shiver snaking its way through her body.
“Okay!” Fearne responded with a playful laugh while handing a whole cookie to Mister, who took it and shoved the entire thing into his mouth. He swallowed it whole, and after a few moments of some visible discomfort, let out a little burp with the tiniest little smoke trail emitted, relief crossing his face.
Fearne bound across the camp and before Imogen could roll over to continue any conversation, she found Fearne Mirthfully Leaping right on top of her. “Hello,” she said.
“Oh, Fearne—” Imogen said as she gasped under the sudden addition of Fearne’s weight on top of her, “I didn’t—“
Fearne interrupted her, “ssh ssh shh,” and had repositioned herself so she was now laying on top of Imogen, covering her body from head to toe. Fearne reached out and fluffed her dress in a few places, allowing it to flow and drape over both of them, presenting another blanket for Imogen’s much desired warmth.
“Thank you, I was only jokin’,” Imogen explained as she tried to look up at Fearne’s face, only to be met with more of her neck and chest than anything else. Imogen knew Fearne was tall, but she never quite processed how tall until now.
“Oh it’s okay,” Fearne said as she attempted to make herself comfortable now. “I would have wound up over here sooner or later.”
Imogen’s nose wrinkled at that, not quite sure what to make of it, but it was so late and she was so exhausted that she didn’t want to even try and press into Fearne’s mind to find out what she meant. Instead, she just sighed a breath of relief and took in the warmth that Fearne’s body presented in the moment. “Well, I appreciate it, but you don’t—“
“You miss Laudna, huh?”
Imogen blinked. Ever the tactful one, Fearne was. “Oh, uh,” Imogen began to stammer a response before Fearne picked up on her hesitancy.
“Yeah, me too.” Fearne shimmied a little so less of her was on top of Imogen and more on the side, allowing for slightly more comfort on both their parts. Imogen, in turn, readjusted and turned onto her side to now face Fearne properly.
“I miss Orym and Ash, too,” Imogen said, not wanting to make it seem like Laudna was her only focus, but in the back of her mind, she felt that Fearne was worried about them and missing them enough for the two of them in turn.
“Oh, of course,” Fearne responded, “but you and Laudna, you’ve been through so much and together for so long, how… h-how are you feeling?”
Imogen looked down at the red bracelet on her wrist, twirling it around for a few moments before looking back at Fearne. “I miss her a lot, Fearne.” A tiny quiver ran through Imogen’s lip, this time unsure if it was from the cold, or from her emotions. “I’m so worried about her. With magic bein’ all fucked up, and not bein’ able to communicate with her, not knowing if she’s okay, or even alive…” Imogen began to get worked up and breathing hard, her anxiety starting to rise again.
Fearne reached a hand out and placed it on Imogen’s neck, pulling her face into her chest and hugging her. “Oh, there there,” she said softly into Imogen’s ear as she held her close. Imogen began to calm after a couple of moments, casting Calm Emotions on herself after she was able to compose herself enough.
Imogen continued, “If I just knew she was okay, I’d be okay.”
Fearne looked at Imogen and nodded, readjusting her position once more so she was now on her back looking up at the night sky, the snowstorm having mostly past with just a few clouds lingering now. “I’m sure she’s okay. You haven’t had a dream in the last few days, have you?”
Just as Fearne said that, the clouds overhead shifted and the moonlight from Catha broke through, casting just a small beam over their camp. Imogen felt at peace for just a moment. “No, I haven’t,” she said.
“Just like last time, that’s a good thing” Fearne reminded her. “I’m sure she’s okay,” she added as she reached out and patted Imogen on the cheek. “We’ll find her. For now, let’s just think warm, happy thoughts.”
Imogen looked up to the sky and stared at the waning Catha for a moment, before it disappeared behind another set of clouds. She laid her hand down in the gap between her and Fearne, normally the gap between her and Laudna, and finding Fearne’s hand instead, grabbed and held it, giving it a light squeeze. Fearne returned the gesture in kindness.
They laid there in silence like that for another few moments before Fearne broke the silence. “Imogen?”
“Yeah Fearne?”
After a beat, a momentary hesitation, Fearne asked, “do you love Laudna?”
Imogen, who’s exhaustion had let her start to drift off to sleep, had her eyes closed until Fearne’s question hit the air and lingered on the wind, that slight inflection on the word “love” ringing on Imogen’s ears in the way a song can awaken one’s soul. Again, very tactful, Fearne.
But wait, Imogen thought to herself. Does she love Laudna? She had just told Laudna how much she meant to her just a few nights before the solstice.
You’re my tether, Laudna… Sometimes I feel like I’m about to float away, but as long as you’re there… I love you so much…
And Laudna has told Imogen on many occasions how she’s felt about her, even on that same night.
You’re very capable… I think I feel like I have a strong foundation, and that’s you… I don’t mind being your better half… You’ll always have me
Imogen, still holding Fearne’s hand in one, reached into her pocket with the other and clutched the locket she had gotten from her dad back in Gelvaan. She held it tight in her fist, and continued to think about Laudna for a moment. Sure, there was love between her and Laudna, but was there love? Was this love? Is this what love is?
Fearne looked over at Imogen, and squeezed her hand again. “I only ask because if you’re sure there’s nothing going on—“
Imogen snapped out of her mind and focused on Fearne, squeezing her hand back. “I- I-“
Fearne sat up in anticipation, waiting for Imogen to finish that sentence, as she continued to lay there staring up at the sky for another moment.
“I think I do, Fearne.”
Fearne smiled, before giving a quick glance over to Chetney, where he was sat next to Deanna, both of them seeming to enjoy a lukewarm bowl of soup that had been prepared over the modest fire they managed to start. Their backs to Fearne and Imogen, Fearne saw him rub his shoulder against Deanna in what she perceived to be a playful manner and hear Deanna give a little laugh.
Imogen, eyes wide open as though she’d seen the true face of the Dawnfather, sat up and looked at Fearne. Fearne turned to meet her attention proper. “I love Laudna,” Imogen  repeated.
Fearne smiled again at her and put a hand to Imogen’s cheek, rubbing it softly and carefully. “She’s wonderful, Imogen.”
Tears now fully formed in Imogen’s eyes and beginning to roll down her cheek, she nodded in agreement. “She really is,” she said through light sniffles as Imogen now leaned into Fearne’s body for a hug. A few moments pass as the two of them just share an embrace, Imogen fully taking in this revelation.
“But if you don’t make a move on her, I am going to,” Fearne said, looking down at Imogen with intent in her eyes. Imogen looked up to meet Fearne’s gaze, still wiping the tears from her eyes, before a small smirk cracked on each of their faces after a second had passed.
“We’re gonna find them,” Fearne said as she pulled Imogen back in for a cuddle. Imogen snuggled into the embrace, still a bit cold from the wind that continued to blow through.
“Sure we will,” Imogen responded. “But for tonight will you and Mister sleep with me,” she asked. “I’m f-f-freezin’,” a slight shiver beginning to overtake her once more.
Fearne cooed over at Mister and told him to grab her pillow and blanket and bring them over, and within a few short moments, she was ready for bed next to Imogen. The two of them hunkered down and Fearne quickly began to fall asleep. Seeing the two of them huddled together, Deanna and Chetney soon decided that it was only appropriate that all four of them should huddle together for warmth, and joined them — and Mister — in a massive pile.
As Imogen fell asleep, she clutched the locket in her pocket once more — least of all so Fearne wouldn’t be tempted to swipe it, but mostly as she thought of the relationship between her parents, and now the feelings she had for Laudna and the new context she was thinking of them in. She closed her eyes tight and thought back on all those moments, centering on the locket.
The two halves make a better whole… I don’t mind being your better half… You’re my tether…
Imogen thought of Laudna as her final thoughts before drifting off into slumber, and as she did, she heard one last *klink* as FRIDA and Fresh Cut Grass shared a kiss. With that, she fell asleep, dreaming that she and Laudna were reunited, and greeting her with a kiss of her own. A warm, happy thought.
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septembermonologues · 5 months
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HUGE win for annoying people
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midstpodcast · 7 days
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Find a stunning new high resolution art download by the talented Annalise Jensen in the extras section at midst.co and explore a fantastic floral affair straight from the Fold! 🧡
🎨 https://midst.co/extras/downloads/
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laurasbailey · 9 months
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nellasbookplanet · 3 months
I do think that referring to Essek as irredeemable for regretting his actions only because he was caught and risked losing his friends is both kind of reductive to him as a character and a misunderstanding of the concept of redemption arcs in media.
A person generally isn't changed because you sit them down and hand them a bunch of political theory to read. They change because their circumstances and relationships do. It's like that guy who was deradicalized because he got a bunch of shrimp and started to care for them. It’s our relationships that change us, because they give us not a logical but an emotional reason to do so.
Caleb explicitly says "these people will change you" (or something along that line; I don’t remember the exact quote). Essek, before the m9, didn’t genuinely care about anyone. The people who would die if a war started because of his actions were irrelevant and abstract to him. Caleb, similarly, also started c2 not really caring about others. He had no interest in taking on Ikithon or the Assembly to save others from going through what he did, too preoccupied with his own trauma and his own goals to care. In that sense, he started the campaign in a similar place as Essek post ep. 97: regretful, but too busy wallowing in his own self-loathing to productively do anything to prevent future harm due to his previous actions.
Being with the m9, being reminded of the importance of other people and realizing that they’re capable of caring for them, is what changes Caleb and Essek both. Of course Essek starts out more concerned with losing the nein than with strangers killed in a war. They’re his starting step, the opening through which he realizes that the people hurt by his actions are real, that he cares, that he has the ability to, if not undo his harm, help stop furthering of it.
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Yall ever love a character/ship/piece of media so much that you start shaking because you physically can’t contain all the love and adoration you have for them within your body
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edelgarfield · 3 months
as a forever dm i imagine it must be fun to have an NPC that had a whole ass drawn out slowburn romantic subplot with one of the players.
like all the players get to gush about their love interest among each other, look at how much fun Marisha & Ashley have talking abt Beauyasha, & how much time the cast spends talking abt romantic interests even before anything ever become canon.
so yeah, it must be fun to get to join in after sitting on the sidelines for so long. i support you matt mercer, never stop talking abt your fake d&d boyfriend.
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undead-knick-knack · 4 months
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theunsleepinghimbo · 4 months
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[Begin Image ID: The Simpsons’ “Don’t Make Me Tap The Sign” Meme format, featuring a bus driver in the first panel driving in front of a factory wearing all blue. The second panel shows his finger tapping an all-white rectangle, in which is written, “The relationship between fanon, canon, and pre-recorded content means that if your fanon content wildly diverges from the canon, you will be inevitably disappointed with the source material for not keeping up with your headcanons as they progress through canon.” Underneath, the phrase “This is also what fanfiction is for” is appended. End Image ID.]
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crosswordist · 5 months
i have a feeling it’s gonna be a podcast summerrr. every car ride? podcast. doing homework and wanna be distracted? podcast. trying to sleep but the thoughts? podcast.
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quipxotic · 1 month
On the one hand Ashton hates and distrusts authority figures because most of the ones he’s known (with a handful of notable exceptions since meeting Bell’s Hells) have been assholes who have used and/or hurt them.
On the other hand, down deep (or maybe not so deep, really) Ashton is still the orphaned child constantly searching for a parent’s love and approval.
If the Bright Queen ever figures that out, she’s going to be able to manipulate them into doing whatever she wants. Forget having to have Chet or a bounty hunter deliver Ash to her, he’ll walk into that gilded cage willingly. Add into the bargain the chance to understand themselves better and no longer be a risk to the people he cares about? They’d be lost before they even realized they’d given away their freedom.
Assuming they all survive the upcoming missions, Bell’s Hells should start working on their rescue plans asap. Luckily, they’re about to meet a crew of adventurers who might have some useful advice for them.
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bardly-working · 4 months
I never really engage in disc horse, but I am so baffled by some of the CR takes about Bells Hells ep 95.
Lemme preface this by saying that I thought this scene was FASCINATING and brilliantly played by Marisha and Liam. Especially after watching CR Cooldown, it's brilliant and heartbreaking and I am that sicko meme grinning as I watch it unfold.
But I have seen multiple people say that...
Orym defending himself against an unknown assailant who attacked him in his sleep (after casting darkness so he couldn't see who it was) means he's toxic and and lashing out because of his grief.
Laudna is a bad person for clinging to the only source of stability and company that she had consistently for 30 years, and her being essentially addicted and trapped in an abusive relationship makes her weak and evil.
it's Orym's fault Delilah is back because he actively encouraged Laudna to give her power... by nodding to agree that they needed to kill Bor'dor? As if he had any reason to know she was gonna suck out his soul and bring back Delilah?
Laudna/Orym should get over their trauma because what Orym/Laudna have dealt with is worse.
And holy shit. It's just... all of this is bonkers.
I know fandom is allergic to nuance, but can we like... try a little allergy exposure therapy?
Can we acknowledge that Laudna has a ton of trauma and is being manipulated by her abuser, but that it is still her responsibility to stop doing bad things? Can we acknowledge that Orym sucks at setting boundaries or expressing his feelings and it's damaging his relationships with the group, but that the solution is NOT to repress his feelings even more? Can we let characters be complicated?
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conditionaljewel · 2 months
Tonight I'm not thinking about the Gods, or the Archmages, or the Weapon; I'm not even thinking about the bigger implications of it all...
No, tonight I'm sparing a thought for the Ars Elysia, and that couple who got engaged, who had just agreed to spent the rest of their lives together.
Did they know? Did they know it would only be an hour, two at the most? Did they get to share one last kiss before the city hit the ground? Did they die together, holding one another at least? How long did the Aeormaton last after the explosion, after the impact, after the destruction?
Of course not. You never know when it's going to end. You can never, ever know, even if you think you do. You can only hope, and wish that you do everything you hope to do in those moments before hand, but once it's done, it's done. So of course they didn't know. How could they know?
And how many other couples in Aeor met that same fate that night? How many were together in the end? How many were holding one another tight, wondering what had happened, what was going on? How many had a loved one by their side while the impossible became possible inside their fortress of a city? How could any of them know anything?
They all died that night, as did all of their stories. The nameless mages, the identities of the Divine mortals, all were seemingly lost to history, sure. But also, a great number also lost were people just looking for salvation and a new start on Exandria once the war was finally over.
Tonight though, I'm thinking about that couple in particular. I'm thinking about them, and I am hoping that when that fateful moment came that their last moments were spent together, and were full of love and peace, and they both had a chance to say goodbye. Gods, am I hoping.
I mean, that's all you can really hope for, right?
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midstpodcast · 15 days
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More from the Cosmos is coming as UNEND begins this October 9th…
Learn more before our voyage Un-Folds in Critical Role’s Fall Programming Update!
PLUS Tune-In September 25th for a special trailer drop! 🧡👀
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soaring-trash · 1 year
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"She wasn't like everyone else, she was- she was musical in a way that i'd never seen before."
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eldritchblep · 2 years
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What's sexier than wizards? A tiefling wizard who moves between realms studying planar travel, astronomy, ley lines, and who makes things happen. I love Planerider Ryn with my whole heart, your honor. 
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