#crosses fingers it was a one time thing
mitamicah · 5 months
Whelp today I woke up so dizzy and disoriented I was worried I would faint. Luckily some panodils and taking things veeeery slow helped. I looked it up to be sure and it seems a side effect of hrt is noted to be headaches and sudden dizziness; hopefully it is a one time thing 😅
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marlynnofmany · 10 months
“Are you going to want help installing all these?” I asked, opening another case of engine rings. I had no idea which part of the spaceship’s guts these actually went into; they were about three feet across, an inch thick, and made of some plasticky red stuff that was above my pay grade to define. All I knew was there was a lot of them, and we only had one engineer.
“No thanks,” grumbled Mimi, the octopus-looking guy with the voice like a gravel road. “This is a tentacles-only kind of operation.”
“Really? What’s the difference?” I was curious now. “Do you have to use specific tools, or reach into tight crevices?”
“Crevices,” he said, checking the label on the box. “These have to fit snug, and they go somewhere you people with fingers can never manage to reach.” He gave one ring a judicious whack against the floor, then tossed it back into the box.
I huffed in mock offense. “I’ll have you know I’m very flexible for my species.”
“Sure you are,” he chuckled. “Not your fault you’re held back by all those bones. And you only have two arms! I don’t know how you get by.” He started looping tentacles around the rings in a different box, gathering an impressive number of them.
“Just fine, thank you,” I told him. “Two arms is plenty.”
“Yeah? Carrying just a couple things at once? Must be a simple life.”
I took the hint, digging into the box for more rings. “Who says I can only carry two at once? Look how many I can fit over my nice long arms.”
“Yes, yes, good job. Put ‘em over there.”
“And I can hook them over my shoulders,” I continued as I deposited my armload where Mimi had pointed. “Heck, these are big enough that I could just stand inside a stack of them, and hold them all from the bottom. Oh! And—”
“Here, these too.”
“And,” I repeated, “I can even carry one without my arms or shoulders.”
“Yes, I know you have tiny fingers on your feet,” Mimi said, unimpressed.
“No, not like that!” I set down the other stack. “I’ll pick it up with my hands, then only touch it with my torso! Think I can do it?”
He struck a pose lounging on the floor with one tentacle against his head, looking dramatically bored. “Wow me,” he grated.
I hadn’t used a hula hoop since I was a kid, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. With all the flair of a carnival magician, I grabbed a ring and lifted it over my head, braced it against one hip, then spun it and did my absolute best to keep it from falling.
I managed about three seconds, which I consider a major success.
Finally it hit the floor. “Ta-da!” I said, hands in the air.
Mimi got up and deadpanned, “Wow.”
“Ah, you’re no fun.”
“I’m sure that is immensely practical on a day-to-day basis,” Mimi said. “A fine consolation for being unable to reach around three-bend corners.”
“Oh sure,” I said, stepping out of the ring and picking it up again. “You can do that, but can you make this love you?”
I gave the ring an underhanded throw towards the hallway, with a twist to make it spin madly. It bounced twice, still spinning, then rolled back to my waiting arms.
A voice from the hallway shouted, “What was that?” Paint stuck her lizardy snout around the corner, and was utterly flabbergasted when I did it again. “How did you do that? Can you teach me?”
“See, she’s fun,” I said to Mimi. “Sure thing, Paint!”
“Well sure; she’s got fingers too.” Mimi waved a tentacle and went back to sorting the boxes while I showed Paint how to use vital engine components for childhood tricks.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come!
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annamariedarkholmes · 3 months
lmao i feel like i should have been way more excited during the initial relaunch announcements
but it really speaks to how gatekeepy the loudest parts of fandom became and how mistreated certain characters (ie those not part of the chosen pet fav circlejerk on x-tw*tter, which would matter less if it weren’t a vacuum reinforced by the actual x-office) were under outgoing editorial these last five years that even a post-krakoa announcement of my girl finally:
-headlining a flagship
-with an incredible writer and artist team
-the possibility of rogue finally having enjoyable interactions with remy and kurt
-under new editorial (that hasn’t said inflammatory things about said character in interviews afaik)??
still kinda had me like
…still not pre-ordering. i’ll see for myself in august” 👉👈
and then literally all it took was gail simone’s cbr mini q&a to alleviate everything i was paranoid about
(ie worried that rogue and gambit were only finally getting attention due to corporate knowing they sell/mcu synergy (cough r&g 2.0) while editorial themselves actively hates and sidelines them, that remy might be a punching bag joke once again, that dull - and mostly yt - sausage fest of a proposed line-up, r&g 2.0/uncanny avengers/duggan’s x-men/excalibur fatigue, general saltiness from the inferno exclusion and basic removal from her mothers’ lives)
and basically i now say
bring it!!!!
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thedeadthree · 1 month
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⚖️ 𝐇𝐄𝐃𝐘 -`. fo(tv) • 🥂 𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐀 “𝐃𝐎𝐓” fo(tv)
🩺 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐀 -`. fo3 • 💄 𝐀𝐍𝐀 -`. fo4
🌞 𝐂𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐀 -`. the witcher • 🌌 𝐃𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 -`. asoiaf
🐇 𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐀 -`. bg3 • 🐦‍⬛ 𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐀 -`. vtm
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 @marivenah, @rhettsabbott, @kyber-infinitygems, @crownrots, @loriane-elmuerto, @risingsh0t and @a-treides to use this 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐰!! ty sm!!
@girliefailure, @bloodofvalyria, @shadowsofrose, @hartsvale, @jendoe
@queennymeria, @faerune, @rosenfey, @grapecaseschoices, @griffin-wood
@carlosoliveiraa, @aezyrraeshh, @avallachs, @florbelles, @unholymilf
@katsigian, @hookhearted, @theelderhazelnut, @rolangf, @shellibisshe
@loriane-elmuerto, @jennystahl, @roberthouse69, @lavampira, @celticwoman
@aceghosts, @imogenkol, @zevlor, @vanoefucks, @shadowglens
@confidentandgood, @adelaidedrubman, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @full---ofstarlight and you!!
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snzluv3r · 8 months
i got the job :)))))))))
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unfinishedslurs · 1 year
do u love the colors of the comphet
When it’s over, when Henry Creel is dead and dust and they’ve emerged battered and triumphant. When she and Jonathan have ended things. When there is no more fighting to be done, she and Steve give it another go. 
She knows he’s going to ask the same way she knew in ‘83. There’s no waiting this time, no need to wonder if Jonathan might want her too. They gave it the old college try (He lied to her. He was lying to her for months, and she knew something was wrong before that. She thought they could work it out. She’s so fucking sick of lying to herself being lied to). 
He asks with wide, hopeful eyes, running a nervous hand through his hair. He doesn’t have anything to be nervous about. She made up her mind before he even asked. 
She can do it right this time. She can love this boy the way she wants to. The way he wants her to. They’ve both grown in the years since. She’s going to do this right. 
That’s the mantra she keeps in her head when he picks her up and spins her. I can do this. 
She can’t do this. 
It’s somehow the same and different from when they dated the first time. They’re going through the same motions, but there’s something lacking. They’re both older, more jaded. They’re not kids anymore, and it shows. 
They rarely kiss. He hesitates now in a way he didn’t before. Sex is something they don’t bring up at all. Eddie makes a crude joke once, something or other about what Nancy is like in bed, and she and Steve make eye contact. There’s something there, something like mutual understanding, before Robin smacks Eddie upside the back of the head and the moment breaks. She keeps thinking about it long after. Whatever it is that they shared, they don’t talk about it. 
Maybe they’re lying to themselves, both of them. Puppets going through the motions, too stubborn to admit they’re play acting as real people. Still, she can’t give this up. She can’t make the same mistakes all over again. 
Robin corners her two months into the relationship. Part of Nancy is surprised it took her this long. The rest of her is angry she brings it up at all. 
Saying she’s cornered might be doing her a disservice. They’re having a sleepover, painting their nails and talking about boys. Everything a girl is supposed to do. Except Robin is awkward and fumbling, and every name she brings up sounds like a question. Nancy only has Steve to talk about, and barely talks about him at all. 
Finally Robin sighs and puts down the nail polish. “I feel like this subject is making us both miserable,” she declares. “I don’t want to talk about boys, I was just doing it because I thought that’s what you’re supposed to do at girl sleepovers. I haven’t actually been to a sleepover since I was in middle school and the other girls decided I was weird, but I’m pretty sure the point is to have fun. This is not fun. This is agonizing. We should talk about something else.”
“Steve isn’t making me miserable!” She snaps, before realizing she sounds way too defensive. 
Robin peers at her. “Yeah, see, that’s not what I said. That’s not even a little bit close to what I said. Maybe we should talk about this instead. What’s the deal with you and Steve?”
“What deal? There’s no deal.” She turns around and rummages through the nail polish selection. Robin doesn’t exactly have a variety. Her options are red, dark red, and black. She chooses the brighter red with the absent thought that the black would look good on Robin, with her long fingers and dark eyeliner. Then she banishes that thought away. 
“There’s definitely some kind of deal.”
“There isn’t.”
She can’t help but turn around then, drawn in by the tone of her voice. There’s a glass wall inside of her, and someone is pounding on it, trying to get out. She wants Robin to see it. She wants someone to see behind the glass. There’s something in her trying to get out. 
“Nancy,” she says again, eyes searing into her soul, “are you happy?”
She smiles, fake and fixed on her face. The glass stays firmly in place.  “Of course I am,” she replies. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
The next time Robin wants to hang out, she’s busy with college preparations. 
It’s not just Robin. She thinks everyone can tell something’s wrong with her. Eddie gives her these looks every time she and Steve are in front of him, like he’s putting together a puzzle. Her mom keeps trying to talk to her. Jonathan keeps trying to talk to her. 
They know, she thinks wildly, every time. She doesn’t know what it is they know. She doesn’t want to find out. 
She avoids them all. 
When she and Steve go to dinner, the waitress captivates her. 
Long, dark hair in braids. Long fingers tapping against the notepad. Dark eyes in a dark face. She’s always loved brown eyes. Nancy has never been one to be jealous of other girls (lie, lie, lie), but suddenly heat floods her body. She wants to be as gorgeous as this woman. She wants her full lips, popping gum. She wants the woman’s swaying hips as she turns and leaves their table. She wants— she wants—
She tears her gaze away to find Steve already looking at her. 
The heat is dosed by the ice that fills her veins. All her senses go on high alert until she realizes he’s actually staring past her. She turns around to see the bartender. He’s handsome, she thinks, tall with tan skin and brown hair carefully styled. He’s talking to a customer, teeth shining as he laughs. 
When she turns back, Steve has firmly fixed his eyes on her. She could almost believe he’d never been staring at the bartender at all. 
There’s something there. Something just out of reach, something she could put a finger out and touch if she were braver. She doesn’t. There’s no gun in her hand here, no adrenaline to keep her going after it all falls apart. 
“What did your dumb boyfriend do this time?” Mike demands, storming in her room. Nancy has half a mind to yell at him to knock first before she registers his words. 
“Steve is- Steve is fine,” she says, startled. “He’s great, actually. Nothings wrong.“
“Then why are you so miserable all the time?” Mike accuses. 
“I am not miserable!”
“You are! You both are, and neither of you will tell anyone what’s wrong, or why-“
“I don’t know why!” She shrieks. Mike falls silent, eyes wide, and Nancy suddenly realizes she’s crying. 
“I don’t know why,” she repeats. “Everything is fine. He’s like, the perfect fucking boyfriend. It’s me, I’m the problem. There’s something wrong with me. There’s a beautiful boy who loves me, and I’m- I’m trying. I’m trying so hard to love him back, but I can’t. I can’t. There’s something wrong with me.” She’s desperate now, wiping away tears as she curls into a ball. She feels pathetic, crying in front of her little brother. She’s the oldest, she should be keeping it together, she shouldn’t let him see her like this. But she can’t help it. There’s something in her screaming to get out. 
Mike, with all the grace and bewilderment of a newborn deer, gingerly pats her shoulder. 
“Have you…talked to Steve about it?”
She gives him a cutting look. It’s probably not as effective as she wants it to be, with her red eyes and tear streaked face. Mike holds his hands up. 
“I’m just saying! He’s your boyfriend, you should talk to him. And if you don’t want him to be your boyfriend, you should really talk to him.”
“I want him to be my boyfriend, I just need to get past whatever this is—“
“Nancy,” Mike says. “It’s not just you. He’s miserable too.”
“Because of me. I just need to—“
Mike shakes his head. “I don’t think it is. If it were because of you, he’d be acting different. More…kicked puppy, or whatever. He’s just being weird,  and won’t tell anyone why. Dustin said he asked Robin, and she doesn’t even know.”
Nancy doesn’t have anything to say to that. 
“I think you need to talk to him,” he says again. “I think you need to talk to each other.”
“When did you get so smart?” She asks, instead of crying again. 
“I’ve always been smarter than you.”
She kicks him for that blatant lie.
“Are we holding onto a dead thing?” She asks out loud. 
He rolls over and looks at her. She’s worried she’s hurt his feelings, broken his heart again, killed any chance they have at a relationship, romantic or not. Then he snorts. 
“Robin got to you too, huh?” He asks, flopping back onto his back to look up at the sky. 
“Mike, actually.”
“Mike? That shithead? What does he know about relationship problems?”
“Are we having relationship problems?”
“I mean,” he says, wry twist to his mouth, “we haven’t had any arguments.”
“Or general drama.”
“That might be debatable.”
“There’s no need to spice up our sex life.”
She snacks him for that one, and he laughs. She props herself up to look him in the eye. His face is more open than she’s seen it the entire time they’ve been dating. 
“I think you have to be in a relationship to have ‘relationship problems,’” she tells him. “Are we in a relationship?”
He visibly considers this. “I mean, I asked you out, and you said yes. And we never broke up.”
“We haven’t kissed in at least two weeks.”
“Did you want to?”
She takes a moment to think about it. “Not really,” she admits, and his face splits into a grin. 
“Not that you’re not still wonderful, Nancy Wheeler,” he says, teeth shining, “but I don’t think I want to kiss you either. Isn’t that weird?”
When they dated in high school, it was like he couldn’t stand being away from her. He spent every moment he could kissing her, wherever he could. Sometimes it felt almost like a performance he put on for the people around them, lifting her up and spinning her just so everyone would know how in love they were. It was stifling at times, feeling like something to prove. Still, it was how he was, so in love he could burst with it. 
Now, she wonders if it was always a performance. Maybe they’ve both been on a stage, and neither of them noticed the lights blinding them until now. 
“It is a little weird,” she says finally.
He holds out a hand to shake, the other one firmly in his pocket. God, she wishes she could love him. “Good go, eh Wheeler?” He asks, smile crooked and shaky. 
She snorts. “We made ourselves and everyone around us miserable,” she points out. But she takes his hand. 
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Congrats on getting Arlecchino! I'm still trying to hopefully get the update to fit onto my phone lololol. My life will be complete if I can get her, haha.
~ The anon who wanted Kaveh but didn't want Baizhu or Ganyu
thank you!!!! i'm surprised she came home so soon, i usually have to go to soft pity at least but Father really showed up after 20 pulls (it's because we are MARRIED and she WANTED TO /lh)
aaaaaa come on phone!!!!! make space for genshin, we need Arlecchino and we need her NOW
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spaghett-onaplate · 4 months
mutuals send me the strength to get through tomorrow
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jenivi · 10 months
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i know im probably the small percentage of Splatoon players that care about camera mode (or even use it lol), but i hope the last part of the season trailer means we can go recon stages during splatfest and actually see it at night
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justworm · 9 months
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finished this radialactive shawl a few weeks ago and i’m absolutely in love with it!! was such a fun knit, although if i ever make another one (which i might) i think i’ll try to sub out the w&ts for something else bc my tension on them was always funny. ended up having to modify the last wedge bc i was running out of yarn but im not that upset about it, it still looks quite good imo!! second picture is more true to the actual colour
this thing is awesome it’s almost like a cape when i wear it. i’m in love
pattern here (only available in a book though)
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hiddenmoonbeam · 6 months
love waiting for a phone appointment and the clock ticks past the set time....... 15 min now.... is her day busy and delayed, will she call in a sec or in half an hour instead? is she for some reason not calling at all but I didn’t get notified? has she forgotten? no idea and there's no way for me to call so I just have to wait.....
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cheapcheapfaker · 3 months
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live view of me after gilgamesh dropped off my daily morning coffee and went “btw key bridge collapsed” with such casualty and left
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Got my official offer letter, and it’s a lower salary than I’d thought/hoped. It’s still a 10%, but considering it’s going from a level 3 to 4 and the company only had five levels I was expecting more. Especially because the list midpoint of the salary range would be a 23% raise. What they offered was just over the first quartile of the range. I am skirting the bottom of the years of experience (it’s 7-9 and I officially hit 7 mid July) but I have a masters and so much experience on the spacecraft. I’ve reached out to the hr person who sent the letter seeing about negotiating. I called and left a voicemail and then sent an email six hours later when I hadn’t heard back. HR replied saying they would be back in touch. I asked for the midpoint of the salary range so I’m hoping they come up a little.
I will take the role regardless and I’m still excited about it and it’s still a good raise but my balloon deflated a bit. But only a bit. And I’m proud of myself for trying to negotiate
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butterflydm · 2 years
attempting to adjust min’s plotline to remove character arc contradictions
spoilers through Knife of Dreams
This is basically just me poking at one of the things in the second half of the series that bugs me and trying to figure out how to improve it.
Before I head into the Sanderson books, I was thinking again how utterly bizarre Rand and Min’s relationship is in context of all of the storylines that Jordan set up for Rand, because she manages to undermine so many of them:
Somehow, despite Rand firmly believing that being connected to him is a danger to everyone else that he cares about, it’s okay for everyone in Cairhien to know that Min is in his bed and we never really see him worry about things like her being called ~Lady Ta’veren~ by the Cairhienin nobles. Instead, there’s more focus on Min as a desirable object of lust and jealousy rather than any kind of implied danger she might be in from her position as his known lover.
Rand is supposed to be in a downward spiral about isolating himself away from his loved ones... except, of course, that Min is there 24/7 at this point and they are constantly having sex. I mean, I kinda agree that having Min there is basically like not having anyone there at all because of how she enables his paranoia, but the book series tries to balance the tightrope of Min clearly being useless at giving Rand emotional support but also telling us that, actually, she’s super-supportive and Best Girl (TM).
Rand struggles with the Seanchan and is out fighting against them, while Min withholds vital information about their forces (the sul’dam secret, which she learned in Falme along with Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne).
Rand struggles with the fear of Aes Sedai trying to control him, while Min hands his secrets over to one of the most controlling/bullying Aes Sedai that we’ve ever met (Cadsuane).
Just... this relationship makes NO narrative sense as written. And Rand’s story would have so much more punch in the later books if Min wasn’t there. Like, even if the main change were that he’d reconnected with Min in LoC and then freaked out about the Asha’man attack in TPoD and left her in Caemlyn along with Elayne and Aviendha after the bonding, his storyline would make so much more sense.
It is BIZARRE that his reactions with Min are somehow the exact opposite to his reactions when literally anyone else he cares about is in danger. And I’m not even talking about his other love interests alone here -- he also avoids spending time with the Two Rivers people who came along with Perrin in LoC for this reason.
And it is WILD how many times Min is directly in danger due to being around Rand and yet he DOESN’T send her away like we know he’s done in order to protect everyone else that he cares about - there’s the kidnapping in LoC; the Asha’man attack in TPoD; he directly brings her into incredibly dangerous situations TWICE in WH (traitor hunt & cleansing); he brings her into another dangerous situation in KoD -- was he TRYING to get her killed, lol? (this is another place where Min ends up feeling like a ‘desirable object’ rather than a character)
Just... Rand’s story with Min really makes zero sense in context with all of the rest of his storyline. What a weird, weird choice all this was on Jordan’s part.
And that’s not even getting into how lopsided the whole ‘fated three beautiful women romance’ thing ends up being, because I do think that’s more about how Jordan straight-up lost control of his narrative after TFoH and things just started sprawling wildly. If his pace had kept up, then it would have been a lot less uneven.
So, to expand on this idea to see how it would work, storywise:
“Like, even if the main change were that he’d reconnected with Min in LoC and then freaked out about the Asha’man attack in TPoD and left her in Caemlyn along with Elayne and Aviendha after the bonding“
This would have:
evened out the treatment of Rand’s relationships
meant that he actually WAS isolated during his self-isolation arc
given Min a chance to bond with co-girlfriends Elayne and (especially) Aviendha
meant that Min didn’t tell him about the Seanchan sul’dam secret because she literally never got the chance/had time after the Seanchan showed up again, instead of not telling him Because No One Tells Rand Anything
meant that instead of Min eagerly being Rand’s mood ring for Cadsuane and betraying his secrets to her, it could be non-lover Alanna instead who was sucking up to Cadsuane 24/7, which would make a lot more sense, because they’re both Aes Sedai and the power structure of the White Tower means that Alanna is supposed to submit to the much more powerful Cadsuane
So, how would that work, only changing that one main element.
LoC: Min arrives. Elayne & Aviendha go to Ebou Dar with Mat.
ACoS: Min and Rand sleep together for the first time, and then he basically runs away to conquer Illian (have him do this instead of moping in his quarters).
TPoD: Rand self-isolates during the assault against the Seanchan, fails against them. Returns to seek out Min for comfort and then, boom, there’s the Asha’man attack. This attack makes Rand react the usual way he reacts when people he cares about are in danger because they’re too close to him, and he wants Min to go somewhere safe, instead of the out-of-character “let’s keep throwing my girlfriend into danger because I’m “too weak” to protect her by sending her away” reaction he actually has in the books only with Min and with no one else that he cares about. (and I mean, I don’t even like Rand’s self-isolation protocol; I feel like it’s very unhealthy, but I would like the narrative to be consistent here in order for me to actually take Rand’s downward spiral seriously)
WH: Triple-bonding, but Rand leaves Min behind in Caemlyn. This means that Rand actually has a valid reason not to know that Elayne is pregnant (among other things), because Min stayed back in Caemlyn.
CoT/KoD: for the love of all that is holy, make this a single book. Anyway, Min-Elayne-Aviendha bond (emotionally) while Rand ACTUALLY self-isolates and gets hurt because of his self-isolation during the “Tuon” meeting (instead of getting hurt because of Min using sex to manipulate him into taking her to the meeting)
Much more balanced and it makes more narrative sense with Rand’s storyline. Min would get page-time with Rand much more equal with the other two women this way -- instead of playacting as Rand’s jealous wife, she would be spending time with Elayne & Aviendha for most of WH/CoT/KoD.
(side note: I was skimming through my reread for other reasons and found pretty much the exact moment when I stopped liking Min in my reread - chapter one of The Fires of Heaven is when she begins to be insufferable for me to read about, it looks like, when she’s whining about her fate even as she wants to race forward to complete it, which was also one of the things that annoys me about Mat in the Mat-Tuon relationship. If your fate makes you so miserable at least TRY to fight it. Don’t whine about its inevitability even while you are working your hardest to force it to happen; that just makes you annoying. I’m guessing this is bullshit “yes heterosexual marriage makes everyone miserable and constantly complain about their spouses But You Must Do It Anyway To Exist In Society” unhealthy marriage culture - being miserable is NOT a requirement in marriage and if your relationship makes you miserable that’s probably a sign it’s not a good relationship! But, yeah, it looks like my relationship with Min is all downhill from that point in the story)
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orcelito · 6 months
Went skimming thru late trimax For Reasons, got caught up reading the Legato fight, realized things about the fight that I never had before & went WOW, I kind of want to write an analysis post right now!
Felt the same kind of insanity grip me, however momentarily, that fueled all my analysis posts however many months ago. Too tired to actually word things coherently right now, but...
I May or may not have a full(ish?) analysis of the Legato & Vash fight a la style of This post analyzing the Trigun: Multiple Bullets fight that got unexpectedly kind of popular. People seemed to really appreciate that one, & I even had some ppl saying it could be cool if I did that for others?
So. Legato fight. Maybe. Feel free to remind me later if u see no mention of it again for over a week lol
#speculation nation#ive been wanting to go back into reading the manga again#ive only slowly (VERY slowly) been puttering along with where i am in my fic#for research purposes with the fic.#i do want to go back through the manga bc i STILL havent done a full reread of it#ive just reread so many different parts of it for assorted research that im probably getting to some 10 or so reads total lmao#i wanna reread it in full tho front to back to sort out any stray details and remember any timeline things i might have slightly skewed.#the problem with reading the manga though. is that every fucking time i look at it. i am consumed by a drive to research EVERY little thing#so me reading turns into 'hm thats interesting. that reminds me of this thing that i know happens in volume 8. let me just check that now--'#and i end up so dreadfully distracted every damn time. bc i end up with all my wires crossed and my attention pointing a million ways#it's exhausting. and so i havent been reading the manga outside of random research dives.#im very good at that. i know every volume of the manga and can find Anything within 1 or 2 mins (at the Most)#which is also kind of the problem lol. fingers in too many pies. so many things to think about.#if i get back into Actually rereading the manga tho you can bet ur ASS ill find more things to make posts about#every time i open up the manga i find new things that i could analyze.#i just havent. bc i dont have time. but. ykno what. maybe i Could get back into it...#remind me later. this is one of my favorite fucking fights with my favorite Fucking panels#and i realized smth about the shit Vash is doing that was making me lose my MINDDDD#later tho. ive been sleep deprived today. and it is time for me to rest.#& yea yea ITNL is still the main focus. but idk i have such a mind for details and i remember So many things about the manga#i wanna show that off to people again. and thus. Analyses!!! :D#later. goodnight for now
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spllwys · 11 days
i could spend days editing something extravagant and complicated (the likes of which i said i'd never do again) but lots of fun for me to make, or i could get more engagement from simply posting copia's ass
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