#crow is the snek
yourangle-yuordevil · 1 month
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Don't embarass him or he'll go full snake 🐍
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wanyinchen · 11 months
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i can't wait to watch Crowley walk soppily and pathetically under the rain, really vibing with their melancholy homeless era, and Aziraphale comes to their rescue and offers his wing umbrella as shelter, and then they fall in love for the nth time. this season will eviscerate us all.
(click because Tumblr likes to eat the quality for second breakfast)
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corvidsofthedeep · 3 months
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No Context Crow #300: Snake V.S. Crow
Photos taken by Larry Hubbell.
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caw4brandon · 9 months
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- Anis Rusli Makes a Snakey Return! -
After some time of being occupied with real life stuff. I'm finally back with another digital drawing and who better than your local snake girl, Anis Rusli~ (Pronounced as: A-knee-s Rue's-lee)
I may have lost my footing a little but I'm finding the grove again. Anis, compared to the main trio. Is the only character that can take up an entire page and not apologize for because she is an absolute page turner! A true cover material with the sheer size of her form.
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In terms of the snake sisters and their arrangement. Its pretty much the same. Tepi of the Left is the dominant, Depan of the Bottom is the biggest and oldest of the three. Finally, Belakang of the Right is the assistant.
I looked up on how snakes looked. I've concluded to use a simple and minimal approach. For me, its been doing wonders. The bodies of the snakes are riddled with simple patterns and the eyes are colored differently to tell the snakes apart.
I think, for the next few days. I will try to draw more of Anis and show more sides to her and her snakey sisters. She is a fascinating cryptid to study since she is conjoined with three other heads. How do they function? How does Anis get alone time? If someone dates her, how does that work? That kind of stuff. Which will be revealed in due time.
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Thanks for reading
- Caw4B -
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luxthestrange · 2 years
Things Brothers/Dateables Probably has done with Mc Part 3
For All the Obey me Latino's out there I just remembered this scene from an old comedy skit show, So image Levi is tired that mammon hasn't paid him the money he owed him and LatinxMc decides "Enough is Enough" and told him HOW to finally get mammon to crack and give him his money...Leviathan finds you humans more terrifying day by day
So every time when mammon comes back from the house, every time he thinks he is alone in a room after he evaded Levi calling his human to fetch him a drink, every time he gets ready to take a bath, He turns the tv on...there Levi, At the window of the hotel room you and him were staying up in the human world YOUR GUESS WHAT YOU WERE DOING- In Halloween he dressed as an angel to surprise him at a club-, Leviathan IS THERE SINGING "you owe me, you owe me, you owe me and you have to pay me~"Over and over again...
Yes, he got that maid outfit from Barbatos YES YOU RECORDED EVERY TIME LEVI APPEARED TO HAUNT MAMS-
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taterswithranch · 1 year
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@hoodiehydra @lightgriffinsect @shippin-my-sanses Love that we all have this little guy hdhdsjk
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moonless-if · 2 years
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not me designing my own letters so i can make it look like i have any idea what TUO's tattoos look like so i can draw them
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lookitsstevie · 2 years
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crows will be crows...
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Special thanks to @naromoreau, for giving me the mental image of snek with a cone of shame, when one of my snakes Spice (alias) really needed one bc of itchy snoot
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littlepawzbigheart · 5 months
wedding post
Invited: @the-metatron @angel-thedevil, @pepperoni-the-jesterpuppet @toragay-writing @skyethesapphicwolfwizard @f4y3w00d5 @epixu @da-silliest-snek @zeros-dumpsterfire @curious-coven-crow @sliceocheese @wiggles-mcgee @shortgaything @copper-dragon-in-disguise @villainessbian @blooper-malte @a-portal-to-nowhere @anne-androgynous-android @thelavenderracoon @l1terally-justawizard @gobodegoblin @da-silliest-snek @angelo-rib-shack @thevoidjester @starlatmblr @alicewtmblr @naomimew @sliceocheese @zeros-dumpsterfire @amagnificentobsession
Just note that a few ppl might either be forgotten or left out for a reason
and for those who didn't get the news me and @amethyst-aster are getting platonically married
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missterious-figure · 19 days
I have had this thought for a while so I have waited until you opened your asks again and now I can say it!
Remember how I said Baby Crow Tia would have learned to be sneaky cause of Peacock Moon? Well, I like imagining this scenario where Moon is being sneaky sneaky around Y/N to scare and mess with them (again) but he gets his karma when he suddenly is sneaked up on by the purple eyed chick that is right by his side like: Moon: *about to scare Y/N cause he likes messing with them, hiding in a bush or something* Tia, who just spawned next to him: *EXTREMELY LOUD CHIRP* Moon: AHH-! Y/N, after hearing the scream: ???
I know it may be pretty unlikely for this to happen but I like imagining this cause Tia would have an easier time being sneaky cause she smaller and her appearance is darker compared to Moon’s (Duh, crow baby!) so Moon be getting a taste of his own medicine (by accident, Tia wouldn’t have meant to scare him, just wants to play lol-)
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Also, have a baby Snek Tia for Wine and Scales version of the AU! She would be a hybrid of a black mamba mama and a king cobra dad, Gen being the mamba mama (obviously) while the father is unknown. She shares most of her father’s physical attributes but is as venomous as her mom. Instead of chirping like her crow counterpart, she would hiss at people to communicate since she still won’t speak much in this version either. I apologize if it looks bad, it was my first attempt at drawing snek person-
Moon deserves to get his fair share of karma, that bastard! Getting spooked by a baby harpy was probably not what he had in mind!!
AWWWW!! Baby snake Tia is so cute!!
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wraithwitch · 10 months
Stuff no one has mentioned yet about Good Omens S2...
Crowley’s waistcoat is leather because he is a slutty snek. Crowley is not always on the left any more. The star map is written in Gallifrayan. Nina calls Maggie ‘angel’. The Bentley is all over black when in S1 it was  black and grey. Crowley calls Aziraphale Lady Bracknell - there is also an Oscar Wilde nod with the Metatron talking about casting out archangels in the same way Lady Bracknell talks about losing parents. ‘The awning of a new era’ is an under appreciated line. Why isn’t Maggie affected by Aziraphale’s miracles in the bookshop ball? Why is Nina the only one to realise the Wickber Street meeting is not normal? The Bentley tries to please Aziraphale in the same way the mobile phone does. Crowley puts CDs in the car sound system, Aziraphale just asks the Bentley to play things - possibly why it doesn’t melt to Queen. Crowley actually slaps Aziraphale’s hand away from the Bentley. The fly is in the box at the start. Ennon is so gay. Why can’t Maggie spell? Why is there a perfect statue of Gabriel in a Scottish graveyard? Why is there a witchfinder and a Scottish surgeon both called Dalrymple? Crowley pointing a paintball gun at Aziraphale and hating his magic tricks in S1 hits different after seeing S2. Technically there are three zombie nazis still shambling around London? The Metatron is dodgy as all get out. There are a lot of references to not knowing or remembering things that a character ought to know - it is very suspicious. When Crowley talks to Gabriel about not remembering he sounds horribly familiar with the process. Crowley wears his glasses during Job and Rome - when he's in a bad mood. I think Muriel saw the kiss from outside the window? Tale of Two Cities, Pride and Prejudice, and The Crow Road are books that come up in shot again and again. They can be said to have similar themes to S1, S2, and maybe S3?
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lookingatacupoftea · 6 months
Two Versions of Job?
Nevermind -- the barn and the house are different and are burned separately. Thanks to everyone who is more visually acute than me!
I was rewatching, working on a meta on a completely different topic, when I ended up revisiting Job and was struck by what seems to be a major discrepancy. Apologies if I’ve missed someone writing about this already!
When we enter the Job memory for the second time, we zoom in on Crowley in the bookshop and then on the image of Sitis in the book. Back in Uz, Crowley introduces himself as Bildad to Sitis in what appears to be the burnt-out house and asks after the “kids.” It is clear that he means children in this context because when Sitis is horrified and says “god wouldn’t … they’re innocent!” Crowley replies, “So were the goats.” As pointed out here by @snek-eyes, Crowley is pretty cold.
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Then we seem to go back in time to the house, still standing, and Aziraphale is there. Crowley reveals the goat crows and burns the house down, the kids are turned into lizards, and Crowley and Arizaphale discover their food kink. 
In the morning, we are back in what appears to be the same burnt-out house as before -- look at how similar it is! There are the same three doors, the same columns and the beams have fallen against the columns in the same way.
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Crowley and Aziraphale and all the angels are there, and they pull off the magic trick that creates Job’s “new” children. Crowley is having tons of fun in his Bildad persona. When we leave this memory, Aziraphale is in the bookshop with Jim and Crowley has left. 
So … this means that we have not only unreliable narrators (see @ineffable-obsession on the changing wigs), but potentially two dramatically different versions of Job?!?
Version 1: Crowley appears to be on his own and, while it’s unclear, it seems like maybe he will or already has done the job as ordered and killed Job’s children, which is the actual Biblical story. This may be Crowley’s memory, based on the camera focusing on him when we enter the memory. 
Version 2: Crowley and Azirphale are together and they save the children. This seems to be Aziraphale’s memory because we’re with him when it ends. 
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abluehappyface · 6 months
Time for the sixth continuation of the Suwako Takeover! It's a Silly/RuneScape Cover! Someone reblogged my previous Silly Cover with some advice on how to make them sound more like RuneScape, so this one may sound a little different than the others. The most important thing to note here is that the Silly Covers are going to be slowed down from now on, instead of the usual sped up. Despite never playing OSRS, I think I got really close to the music style with this one!
@motsimages @mango-frog @caniscreamintoanabyss@lesserbeans @k4ndi-c0spl4y3r @kinokomynx @he-was-beautiful@fembutchboygirl @semisentient-entity @siegesquirrel42 @soulless-paper-bag @space-frog-boy  @insertusernamethatsnottaken @the-cinnamon-snail @the-kneesbees @that-bastard-with-all-the-bones @reblogging-corner  @womensrightsstegosaurus @please-put-me-in-the-microwave @da-silliest-snek @scarletdestiny @chengoeshonk @oneweekwitch @crow-speaks
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caw4brandon · 8 months
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- Anis Rusli: We're Going on A Trip -
In our favorite rocket ship! Zooming through the sky~
My parents often wonder why I like to take pictures of blank places. That's because its my backlog of images to use for my little edits. You see it with the main trio, you see it with [the Hoodlites] Its my favorite thing to do when I know the perfect image for the job.
This peculiar sofa was placed on a cruise ship that I went to some time ago. It was a cool experience and what better way to make it a cool experience than to let snake girl join us by the ship's reception zone.
Whatever the snakes are talking about, its all Greek to me. Only Anis knows what those other voices are saying and judging from how she looked. Its definitely some inside joke.
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rhadinesthes · 1 year
🐍About Me🐍
Got tagged by @n-brio, so let the fun begin~
Nickname: I've had several, but the most prominent are S_D (which I've used since I was twelve) and Snek. I like snakes. There's also the name people call me when they forget my name. Somehow it's always the same, so it must really suit me. XD
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Call Me Little Sunsign
Height: 5'5"
Last Google Search: I've been looking for a certain sausage cheese ball recipe, since I've lost the one I used last time.
Song Stuck In Your Head: Granite (Pendulum), since it's what's currently playing.
Followers: 2
Lucky Number: Killing Defiled Amygdala in only two tries was pretty lucky. That's gotta be my greatest Soulsborne moment.
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Dream Job: I'm trying to write a story/book, so if I finished that and people enjoyed it, that'd be swell.
Wearing: Jack-o-lantern/bat/rat/ivy print leggings, socks, flip-flops house shoes, my middle school orchestra shirt, and a big, cozy jacket. And to think I just ragged on Fred for wearing flip-flops with socks.
Favorite Songs: So many. I'll pick some from a variety of styles: Legion (VNV Nation) Im Guten Im Bösen (Eisbrecher) Theremin [Club Edit] (Covenant) Respite on the Spitalfields (Ghost) Planet Hell (Nightwish) Honeythief (Halou) Das Neue Fleisch (Sielwolf) Resurrection (Christopher Young)
Favorite Instrument: Harpsichord. I love the sound.
Aesthetic: Does goth count? I've been into goth shit since, like, middle school. Otherwise, it's a hodgepodge. Feel free to peruse my Aesthetic tag.
Favorite Author: Lovecraft. I feel the burn of the torches and the sting of the pitchforks already. Honorable mention goes to my two favorite books: A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines by Janna Levin and The Hot Zone by Richard Preston.
Favorite Color: I like blues and greens a lot. And black.
Favorite Animal Sounds: My grandma has this saying: Whistling girls and crowing hens always come to no good ends. So you know what? Shout out to all the crowing hens.
Last Song: Benzin (Rammstein) just finished playing.
Last Series: I've been watching The Last of Us with someone who's super into the games. I never played them. The last shows I was really into were Resident Alien and Snowpiercer.
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I don't have many people to tag, so... @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe, I tag you. Have fun~ :3 It'd be funny to tag @n-brio again and make it recursive. And anyone else who sees this, Kos has planted a tag inside your brain. Hail Mother Kos! Grant us tags!
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sygneth · 6 days
Hiya :)
Do you have a favourite animal?
hello hii
Yes! I love all animals, but some of them are very special to me (it's hard to choose a first place though, so let's say all those are on #1)
I adore snails 🖤 Especially the Giant African ones and Burgundy snails, but all of them are adorable! I even thought about having a pet snail but even the giant ones live for up to 3 years and I decided I wouldn't be ready to say goodbye to a pet friend after such a short time :')
I also like snakes a whole lot, the smaller non-venomous species like corn snakes are my favourites among sneks I think.
Cats 🖤 🖤 🖤 I have two cats, I love all cats, I am a certified cat petter, cats <3
And crows. They are so damn smart and I am absolutely impressed by the level of development they achieve? I wouldn't be surprised if crows had secret societies and a better plan to rule the world than we do.
cats mentioned -> obligatory cat tax
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