#crowdfunding for student debt
thebubblesareevil · 5 months
So, random thought about student debt…
Has anyone thought to start like a go fund me lottery to help people out reducing their debt???
So like a bunch of us put maybe $10-$20 into it and everyone that donated gets put in the drawing and once a month we draw names to see who gets it and the person in charge just puts it straight into their student loans. Maybe? I saw this video of a little girl that did an awesome school project and thought, huh we should definitely start a go fund me for her to go to fashion school.
Then I thought why not a student loan lottery 🤷‍♀️ cus a buncha small donations can lead to a huge relief for random people and I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure that go fund me counts as a gift so it isn’t taxed…..
Idk. Let me know what you think, I just wanted to write this down before I got back to work and forgot about it.
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ayanpillan · 1 month
Need help, life is rapidly crumbling.
I don’t know if anyone will see this, this is basically a shot in the dark, but I desperately need help. I’m so lost and hopeless right now, I think my life is over. For the last five years I have not accomplished anything meaningful: I can’t find work, can’t finish school, can’t do anything to help my family. Anything I start I can’t finish. I always feel this tightness in my chest every time I try to, and it has been so overwhelming sometimes that I need to sleep to alleviate it.
That is a weak excuse, and I know it. But unfortunately, I’m in a rut. There’s nothing I can do to change anything. I really want to seek help from a professional, but I don’t have the funds required. To be honest, I was considering ending it all this Saturday, but an argument between my mother and father forced me to reconsider.
My mother has always tried her best for us, and she will do anything to provide for the family. I have always tried to help her in this regard, whether by giving her my savings or giving her my scholarship money. But my mother is losing hope. On top of shouldering almost all the expenses in the house, she promised to a relative that she will open a business for them, both as a source of income for my mother and a form of investment for the relative. She was supposed to start it this month, but a faulty information from my father prevented this. The amount of money needed to start is much more than what he said, so she was forced to save up in the meantime.
Of course, this was the time when my father got sick. The money was used to save his life, including some which was supposed to act as funds. Now my mother has nothing, and my father is ignoring how the money was used to save him and is instead saying that he’s the one doing everything to provide.
To be frank, he is unreliable. His earnings barely cross $5, yet he acts like he is giving my mother the world. She supported him when she was young, but according to her, that support seems almost wasted. He has a short temper and thinks that shouting at the problem will solve it.
I know it’s hypocritical of me to say those things. After all, I’m a failure and can’t do anything to help. It’s true, and I hate myself for it. If things get worse, I might just end it. I can’t bear the guilt that the efforts of my mother to raise me was wasted. This cry for help is basically my last hurrah.
My mother came crying to me a few weeks ago, saying that she feels all alone and that she can’t rely on my father. She asks if there’s anything I can do to recover the money, but all I can do is give her my savings. I wish I could help her more.
I have debts too, taken to shoulder some of the bills and expenses that they couldn’t handle. Most of them were for bills, food, and medical emergencies, like one for the time my mother nearly had a stroke from an intense argument with my father where she was rushed to a clinic and needed to take maintenance medication for a few months. My father did not pay a single cent of that. I don’t care about these problems as much as I care about my mother’s problems. I’ve almost given hope for myself, but I wish to alleviate my mother’s problems.
If given the chance, I still dream of finding a job and completing my studies. But that is impossible now. Right now, I just really want to first help my mother.
If you can help, please go to the link at the end.  It goes into more detail about our situation. My mother needs $1,300, anything else will go towards fixing my problems and support for us. Anything will mean the world to me. If you want to help but don’t have the means, please share it around. I’m sorry for taking your time and thank you very much.
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copperbadge · 7 months
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Ways to Give:
dancing-thru-clouds was recently hit with a surprise tax bill (she didn't realize her town had local income tax, and didn't receive the previous year's notice); she's adjusted her withholding to account for this, but still owes the balance from the past two years and is fundraising to cover the balance. You can give via paypal here.
stemmonade is a disabled Black trans person who relies on crowdfunding for survival since they can't work and their wife is currently unemployed; they are raising a little over $700 to cover rent and essentials in the meantime. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
themerrymutants is a disabled queer man currently living on social security aid; he has recently had to travel to the emergency room several times for possible complications from a recent surgery, and is now short on rent because of the cost of transit. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
Anon linked to a fundraiser for prototrans, a disabled artist who needs help with rent money; he is also offering commissions. You can read more, reblog, and find giving and commission information here.
Recurring Needs:
Anon linked to a fundraiser for a friend whose family has not had a working furnace since November; they've been using space heaters to keep warm but January in Chicago has been brutal and the space heaters aren't sufficient. With vulnerable family members including elderly relatives and children in the home, they need to raise $6K to get the furnace replaced. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
thelastpyler is raising funds for food and to purchase medication for their family; you can read more and find giving information here.
Eli is a disabled Michigander who cares for their elderly grandmother; they are applying for SSDI, but their car was damaged recently and is undrivable, with estimated $8K-$12K in repairs to make it drivable. They need transportation for doctor's visits and legal consultations for their SSDI appeal, and have no way to get around without the car. You can read more and reblog here or give at the gofundme here.
loversdoom is a college student from the Philippines, studying away from her family, and her parents are unexpectedly unable to support her education; she is in mounting debt and facing eviction from her dorm in her last semester of college. She's raising funds to repair her laptop so she can do her schoolwork and find a remote job that will help her pay rent, and to fund the remainder of her schooling. You can read more and reblog here and support the fundraiser here.
Anon linked to karla-hoshi or Hoshi on TikTok, who is raising funds for cancer treatment for her cat Naku; they caught the cancer early and hope that he can survive it, but can't continue treatment without funding. You can read more and support the fundraiser here, as well as find links to her updates on tiktok.
chingaderita's partner recently lost their job due to a house fire that also destroyed the house; they're raising funds to keep food on the table, to try and get a supply of water to keep clean and do laundry, and for various bills until they can find new work. You can read more, reblog, and support the fundraiser here.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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apricotbuncakes · 3 months
I see a lot of places saying to 'just save money' or to subject yourself to debt because crowdfunding doesn't work.
But I'm already in debt with student loans, and saving money is hard when you're disabled and unable to work full time. I only work as much as I do because I'm not on disability and I need to work 80 hours a month to keep my SNAP benefits.
So crowdfunding is my only hope of getting enough money for top surgery.
So if you can, please help me. I've talked about this before, but not being able to get top surgery is worsening not only my dysphoria but depression as well.
GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/NV two-to-three
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Note: This screenshot is out of date and the total funds raised as off the making of this post is $345/$6,000
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anarchistin · 1 year
hey everyone!
can you please support jatin kumar, who is a student at srfti, kolkata, to manage his education and health expenses?
he comes from a marginalized community and is currently in debt. he needs money to pay his fees at college, where he is trailing behind a few semesters, and also needs money for food, transport and some medical check ups.
he has not been eating well, is under stress and has not been able to even visit home in over a year. his family is also in a difficult financial position.
please send some money his way, it would mean a great deal for him and his family. please this post wherever you can. every little bit helps! thank you.
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ENG: Hello, everyone!
@xxlelaxx pointed out to me that a friend of hers came across a fundraising campaign by a transgender person from Berlin who is currently involved in a legal process for transphobic reasons. Liam had to terminate a contract to prevent a forced outing as well as public deadnaming. Now it seems that Liam could lose the case because some deadlines in the process were arbitrarily changed.
Since I don't know much about the case myself, I included a description of the case in German and English with an ALT text and I'll copy the text below in English and German once more. Maybe some of you can help! (I just want to clarify that I am not personally involved in this and I'm not receiving any money from this, I am only sharing.)
GER: Hallo, ihr Lieben!
@xxlelaxx hat mich darauf hingewiesen, dass eine Freundin von ihr auf eine Spendenaktion gestoßen ist von einer trans Person aus Berlin, die gerade in einen transfeindlichen Prozess verwickelt ist.
Liam musste von einem Vertrag zurücktreten, um ein Zwangsouting und ein öffentliche Deadnaming zu verhindern. Nun sieht es aus als könnte Liam den Prozess verlieren, weil einige Fristen des Prozesses willkürlich verändert wurden.
weil ich selbst auch nicht viel mehr über diesen Fall weiß, füge ich euch eine Schilderung des Falles noch einml auf Deusch und Englisch bei und die Bilder oben sind mit einem ALT-Text versehen. Vielleicht können einige von euch etwas beisteuern! (Um das zu verdeutlichen, ich bin hier nicht persönlich involviert, ich teile nur den GoFundMe)
Help Liam win a transphobic lawsuit!
Liam (left person) is a very close friend of mine and is currently facing a transphobic lawsuit with a University in Berlin.
The next trial date is 07/07/2023, and I am collecting donations for this now so that Liam is not left to pay the costs alone if the lawsuit is lost. Liam is currently working in a precarious temporary project position and would have to go into debt if he loses in court.
Liam positions himself as transmasculine, non-binary, white, and working class (no academic background). Liam is closely networked in the Berlin trans* community and also does a lot of political work there.
In 2021, Liam was offered a job contract at the university as a student assistant for a project. At that time, Liam could not accept this position because the contract was in Liam's deadname and would also be readable by everyone in the technical system. Liam would thus not only have been misgendered, but also forced into a forced outing. In this day and age of increasing trans hostility, this could have been dangerous for Liam.
For the first day of the trial against this university, Liam received legal aid. Unfortunately, Liam lost in the first instance, because the judge arbitrarily postponed the deadline for filing the lawsuit. Thus, the filing of the lawsuit allegedly took place too late. This postponement of the deadline did not exist under the AGG. This is a scandal!
Legally, Liam's lawyer relies on the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG), which stipulates that no person may be discriminated against on the basis of their own gender.
The legal dispute with the university in Berlin has far-reaching significance and affects not only Liam personally, but also the entire trans* community in Germany. This case will set a precedent in court and legally answer the question of whether trans* people can enter into employment with a name of their own choosing even before they change their marital status. It also raises the question of what anti-discrimination work can look like when deadlines can ultimately be arbitrarily changed.
Over the past year, Liam has often been there for me and so has accompanied me through the mastectomy process and surgery. With this crowdfunding campaign I would like to give that back and support Liam in the court case.
If the case is won, the money will either be used for the possible revision or donated.
Thank you for all your donations! <3
Liam ist eine sehr eng befreundete Person von mir und steht gerade vor einem transfeindlichen Rechtsstreit mit einer Universität in Berlin.
Der nächste Prozesstag ist am 07.07.2023. Dafür sammle ich jetzt Spenden, damit Liam nicht allein auf den Kosten sitzen bleibt, falls der Rechtsstreit verloren geht. Liam arbeitet derzeit in einer prekär befristeten Projektstelle und müsste sich bei einer Niederlage vor Gericht verschulden.
Liam positioniert sich selbst als transmaskulin, nicht-binär, weiß und working class (kein akademischer Hintergrund). Liam ist eng vernetzt in der Berliner trans* Community und leistet dort auch viel politische Arbeit.
Im Jahr 2021 bekam Liam einen Arbeitsvertrag bei der Universität in Berlin als studentische Hilfskraft für ein Projekt angeboten. Diese Stelle konnte Liam damals nicht annehmen, da der Vertrag auf Liams Deadname lief und auch im technischen System für alle lesbar wäre. Liam wäre damit nicht nur misgendert, sondern auch zu einem Zwangsouting gezwungen worden. In der heutigen Zeit, in der Transfeindlichkeit zunimmt, hätte das für Liam gefährlich werden können.
Für den ersten Prozesstag gegen diese Universität Berlin bekam Liam Prozesskostenhilfe. Leider hat Liam in erster Instanz gegen diese verloren, da der Richter die Frist der Klage-Erhebung willkürlich verlegte. Damit fand angeblich die Klage-Erhebung zu spät statt. Diese Fristverlegung hat es unter dem AGG so noch nicht gegeben. Das ist ein Skandal!
Rechtlich stützt sich Liams Rechtsanwältin auf das Allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (AGG), das festlegt, dass kein Mensch aufgrund des eigenen Geschlechts diskriminiert werden darf.
Der Rechtsstreit mit der Universität in Berlin hat weitreichende Bedeutung und betrifft nicht nur Liam persönlich, sondern auch die gesamte trans* Community in Deutschland. Dieser Fall wird vor Gericht einen Präzedenzfall schaffen und rechtlich die Frage beantworten, ob trans* Menschen auch vor ihrer Personenstandsänderung mit selbst gewähltem Namen ein Arbeitsverhältnis eingehen können. Zudem stellt sich die Frage, wie Antidiskriminierungsarbeit aussehen kann, wenn Fristen schlussendlich willkürlich verändert werden können.
In dem letzten Jahr war Liam oft für mich da und hat mich so auch bei Mastektomie-Prozess und der OP begleitet. Mit dieser Crowdfunding Kampagne möchte ich das jetzt zurückgeben und Liam bei dem Gerichtsprozess unterstützen.
Sollte der Prozess gewonnen werden, wird das Geld entweder für die mögliche Revision verwendet oder gespendet.
Danke für all eure Spenden <3
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This day in history
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#15yrsago Controlling copies isn’t necessarily part of an artist’s livelihood, but getting them accurately attributed is https://www.oblomovka.com/wp/2008/08/07/copyright-fraud-and-window-taxes-no-not-that-windows/
#15yrsago Stealing things according to the “If value, then right” theory https://www.hyperorg.com/blogger/2008/08/03/20-things-ive-stolen/
#15yrsago Deadmalls as new urbanist playgrounds https://web.archive.org/web/20080810100736/https://www.worldchanging.com/local/seattle/archives/008250.html
#10yrsago EB White on why he wrote Charlotte’s Web: “A book is a sneeze” https://web.archive.org/web/20130806171658/http://www.lettersofnote.com/2013/08/a-book-is-sneeze.html
#10yrsago Revealed: the questing, flexible, ramified business-end of a mosquito https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLIYuXlUS3k
#10yrsago Atherton, CA’s police blotter: 175 out of 182 reported police stops had drivers with Hispanic surnames https://web.archive.org/web/20140326100901/https://kentbrew.com/profiling-atherton/
#10yrsago Firefox nukes the blink tag https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/23.0/releasenotes/
#5yrsago Talking copyright, internet freedom, artistic business models, and antitrust with Steal This Show https://torrentfreak.com/steal-show-s04e03-printing-new-reality-cory-doctorow/
#5yrsago New York City makes all prisoner calls free https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/06/nyregion/phone-calls-free-nyc-jails.html
#5yrsago Former Obama trade official teams up with Trump to create highly profitable TB epidemics in poor countries https://theintercept.com/2018/08/07/tuberculosis-declaration-trump-phrma/
#5yrsago Anonymous declares war on Qanon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFHzrmk5Md0
#5yrsago Cornered FCC admits that its website was never hacked https://techcrunch.com/2018/08/06/fcc-admits-it-was-never-actually-hacked/
#5yrsago UK regulators ban lies in ISP ads, advertised speeds drop by 41% https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/08/isps-listed-speeds-drop-up-to-41-after-uk-requires-accurate-advertising/
#5yrsago Economic indicators: consumer debt continues to grow, delinquency rises, students face “crippling debt” https://wallstreetonparade.com/2018/08/financial-health-of-u-s-consumer-will-determine-severity-of-the-next-recession/
#5yrsago A gorgeous history of the mid-century modernism by Disney’s finest illustrators of the 1950s https://memex.craphound.com/2018/08/07/a-gorgeous-history-of-the-mid-century-modernism-by-disneys-finest-illustrators-of-the-1950s/
#5yrsago What’s at stake in the fight over printing files for guns https://memex.craphound.com/2018/08/07/whats-at-stake-in-the-fight-over-printing-files-for-guns/
#1yrago Epson boobytrapped its printers https://pluralistic.net/2022/08/07/inky-wretches/#epson-salty
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I’m kickstarting the audiobook for “The Internet Con: How To Seize the Means of Computation,” a Big Tech disassembly manual to disenshittify the web and bring back the old, good internet. It’s a DRM-free book, which means Audible won’t carry it, so this crowdfunder is essential. Back now to get the audio, Verso hardcover and ebook:
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historyhermann · 2 years
Glitz, Diversity, and Representation in "The Proud Family" Revival
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[Screenshot: The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder]
On February 23, 2022, The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder premiered on Disney+. This series tells the story of 14-year-old Penny Proud and her family as they navigate their lives in the California town of Smithville, from the schoolyard to the home.
Reprinted from The Geekiary, my History Hermann WordPress blog, and Wayback Machine. This was the thirty-fifth article I wrote for The Geekiary. This post was originally published on May 9, 2022.
The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder is a coming-of-age animated comedy and sitcom by two Black men, Bruce W. Smith and Ralph Farquhar. It is a reboot of the acclaimed two-season animated series, The Proud Family, which aired on the Disney Channel from 2001 to 2005. Smith is also known as a director of films such as Bébé's Kids and Hair Love, and co-creator of Da Boom Crew.
Spoiler Warning: This theme-centric post discusses some spoilers for The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder.
Trigger Warning: This post mentions sensitive topics such as homelessness, sexism, bullying, and abusive families.
The first season of this all-ages animated series began with a bang. The first four episodes focused on the inhumanity of zoos, power of social media influencers, basketball, remaining true to who you are, standing up for your values, and homophobia, as I pointed out in my series recommendation on March 13.
The other six episodes in season one continue to focus on pertinent themes. This includes amusement parks, ride-sharing apps, college life, homelessness, crowdfunding, Latine culture, genealogy, and reality shows.
The animation remains smooth and defined throughout all 10 episodes of The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder. This is accompanied by spoken Spanish with subtitles. That's an improvement from the original, which had no subtitles for Spanish speakers, and storylines which pull you in. The same can be said for the show's pop music, with tunes which showcase the character's talents.
The voice actors shine through in all the episodes, as do the recurring or guest stars. This includes people such as Brenda Song, who voices reporter Vanessa Vue, Logan Browning, Bresha Webb, Lena Waithe, Jaden Smith, and Tiffany Haddish.
Social commentary
In keeping with the original series, The Proud Family, this series continues to engage in social commentary on various  issues. This includes worker/animal exploitation by Penny's father, Oscar (voiced by Tommy Davidson). He has a monkey named Mr. Chimps who works for his business, Proud Snacks, which makes disgusting snacks but happens to stay in business.
In the show's sixth episode, Penny and her friends begin a ride-sharing business named Get-In, where people can work for a small amount of pay. All of Penny's (voiced by Kyla Pratt) friends, apart from Zoey (voiced by Soleil Moon Frye), abandon her in this endeavor. She becomes successful after gaining popularity on social media for the app. But, this doesn't last. Thanks to Oscar, her business crashes and burns, as Mr. Chimps is driving a taxi without a license.
In a later episode, Penny, tired of her parents, summons Al Roker (voiced by himself). He transports her to an alternative episode where she is in college for a week, saying that if she stays after that period, it is permanent.
While there, she becomes enthralled in the party scene, drives recklessly, and falls behind in her classes. As a result, her friends leave, with Maya (voiced by Keke Palmer) calling it a "glorified plantation". In the process, she becomes indebted to Roker, telling her that she needs to pay tuition, go to class, and pay her food tab.
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A grown-up Penny hugs her father, Oscar
The episode shines a light on precarity of college students exploited through student debt and their financial situations. In order to pay off her debt, she has to sell junk and be in class or she will be there for eternity. There is also a scene where she sells school books back to the college library. She receives $3.50 for them, even though she spent over $1,000 for the books.
In other episodes of The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder, homelessness is highlighted as an issue. In the show's eighth episode, Penny and her friends work together to help a strict substitute teacher, Ms. Hill (voiced by Tiffany Haddish). The school fired her after people learned that she was living in the school since she had nowhere else to live.
Although Ms. Hill causes consternation in Penny's home, insulting her family members and forcing them to take Black history classes, Penny becomes her biggest advocate. In a school assembly, she tells students that teachers should get paid a living wage. She also asks people to contribute to a fund allowing Ms. Hill to find a decent place to live.
Due to the students' perception of Ms. Hill, they bristle at the idea that that give money to her. Thanks to Zoey's dance going viral, they are able to raise enough money. In the end, Ms. Hill goes off with Penny's uncle, Bobby, and both are romantically engaged.
Family strains and the importance of family
Like Disney series such as Kim Possible, Phineas & Ferb, The Ghost and Molly McGee, and Milo Murphy's Law, there is a focus on the value of family. This follows Disney's family-friendly brand.
In The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder, this is not without strain. Penny often clashes with her father, Oscar, who interrupts her date with her boyfriend, Kareem, and puts parental blocks on her laptop. However, she gets around this, in one episode, by using a burner phone.
Time and time again, Penny realizes the importance of being grown and bonds with Oscar. In one episode, she apologizes to Oscar. She asys that she thought that being alone was going to be easy but isn't ready for it. He reassures her that she has time to figure it out and that before she is on her own, her family has got her back.
Throughout the first season, Oscar and Penny have important bonding moments. This offsets any negative characteristics which could be seen as reinforcing stereotypes.
At times, Oscar seems like he is being sexist and stuck in the old ways, like when he declares that "cooking is a woman's job". However, Penny also believes that cooking is her mom's job.
Oscar is as much of a loving father as Homer is in The Simpsons or Anne Boonchuy's father in Amphibia. He cares about Penny, although he isn't always the best at showing it.
The family's dynamics are colored by continued tensions between Oscar and his wife, Trudy (voiced by Paula Jai Parker), as she often belittles him for his inane antics. At other times, they come together and enjoy each other's company.
Oscar's beliefs are not unique, in this regard. Bobby (voiced by Cedric the Entertainer) is also shown to be somewhat sexist. In one episode, he acts like he is going to help Zoey with her dancing and instead he makes her do all sorts of housework. On the one hand, he does help her by having her listen to funky music and gives her certain dance moves, allowing her to dance on stage. On the other, how he acts toward Zoey says something about his character and his treatment of women.
Suga Mama Proud (voiced by Jo Marie Payton), Penny's hip wrestling grandmother, has a continued presence in the Proud household. Even though she has her own place to live, she often hangs out in the Proud house. She is the mother of Oscar and Bobby, and has an ongoing courtship with Papi Boulevardez, a grandfather of their Latine neighbors.
Throughout the series, consistent with the original series, she often ribs on her son, Oscar. She tends to like her other son, Bobby, who often talks like 1970s funk bands, better than Oscar, to his great annoyance.
Diversity and Latine culture
In my original recommendation of the series, one of the show's creators, Ralph Farquhar, argued that The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder will portray more than a singular "view of Blackness or a Black family". This is also true when it comes to Latine culture. The show prominently features LaCienega Boulevardez (voiced by Alisa Reyes), her parents Sunset (voiced by Maria Canals-Barrera) and Felix (voiced by Carlos Mencia), and others in her family.
LaCienega is the Latine frenemy of Penny, with both often disliking one another, but still have respect for one another. Although LaCienega's exact ethnicity is not yet known, the series deserves praise for focusing and featuring Afro-Latine characters. This is strongest in the ninth episode of the series.
In that episode, LaCienega, known as LaCi for short, prepares for her quinceañera, a celebration of her 15th birthday, marking the celebration from girlhood to adulthood. She is terrified by her cousin, LaBrea Avanúñez (voiced by Princess Nokia) attending, along with her aunt, Melrose (voiced Eva Longoria), who has a habit of putting people down, including her own daughter!
Sunset's jealousy of Melrose, leads her to spend a huge sum on quinceañera, terrifying Felix. Not surprisingly, Oscar does not understand why so much money is being spent. LaCi ends up lashing out at her friends and LaBrea seems like the troublemaker behind it all.
The fancy outfits, photos together, and glitz fade into nothingness, due to a plan by LaBrea to "get rid" of LaCi, by tying her to a rocket, so she can live with Sunset. When confronted with LaCi hanging from a dangerous ride, not far from death or serious injury, she gives LaCi advice that saves her life. She then covers for LaBrea, instead of admitting that she is is the cause of the situation.
On the surface it might appear that LaBrea is let off the hook for trying to "disappear" LaCi, and for the years of bullying her. It could even be argued that LaCi's gesture is unrealistic and problematic. However, there is another side to her actions.
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Sunset, LaCi, LaBrea, and Melrose on stage at the end of the episode.
While it is not known whether LaCi fully forgives LaBrea, she comes out of her shell more. Both have a quinceañera together. Melrose apologizes to Sunset for being angry for all those years, saying that her divorce stressed her out. It is also revealed that LaBrea is plus-sized, a fact that her mom forced her to keep hidden. The episode ends with Felix worried about all the money they spent for it. Even so, he is  glad as long as LaCi is happy, even though they spent her college fund on the party, and Sunset gives him a kiss.
In this way, the series shares similarities with Elena of Avalor, a series headlined by a Latine princess, Elena (voiced by Aimee Carrero). The latter series even has an episode where Elena's "good friend", Naomi Turner, has a quinceañera.
Hopefully these themes are expanded in the the next season of The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder, with a continued focus on Latine and Black families. In any case, as some have argued, having one show or movie about people of color doesn't mean "equal representation."
Family roots and genealogy
Genealogy was once a pursuit for well-off White people. This changed after the airing of Alex Haley's Roots in the 1970s, the beginning of Henry Louis Gates' Finding Your Roots in 2012, and the proliferation of various groups focused on the subject. It has lead to an even greater focus by the Black community than ever before.
The season one finale of The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder reflects this focus. In the episode, Trudy finds out that her family, the Parkers, can trace their roots to across the country, and North Africa. She pays over $1,000 dollars on a a DNA testing website, reflecting the focus on DNA by Black people, and discovers that Suga Mama has roots in Towne, Oklahoma.
Trudy convinces her family to travel to Oklahoma. Suga Mama comes along, but not willingly, tied to the roof of the car. Later, Trudy pressures her family embers to attend the family reunion at the Towne family ranch. While there, they meet Suga Mama's family, whose birth name is revealed to be Charlette. The audience learns that her father told her to never come back and that she left for one major reason: to escape her toxic and sexist father, who hurt her psychologically and possibly physically.
Suga Mama is given new backstory. The audience also learns that Suga Mama's dad declared that no girls were allowed in the rodeo, even though she could easily participate. It further shows him demanding that she cook him dinner and forcing her brother to participate in her place. As the episode comes to a close, it appears that Suga Mama and her dog, Puff (visual effects by Carlos Alazraqui) depart the ranch, leaving behind the rest of the Proud family.
One reviewer for Loud and Clear Reviews described the episode as a "total blast" to review and watch. They noted that it introduces "cool new characters," expands Suga Mama as a character, and centers on the conflict between Suga Mama and her father. The episode is significant since it brings the characters outside of Smithville, a town in California where most of the show takes place. It remains to be seen how future episodes will continue the story from the season one finale.
This focus on family history is not unique to this series. Amphibia, Carmen Sandiego, Mira Royal Detective, Infinity Train, Futurama, and Steven Universe have storylines focusing on family roots, connections, or history.
LGBTQ representation
As I wrote in February, The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder has the "promise of breaking down barriers through its inclusion of multicultural characters and families, especially those which are part of the LGBTQ, Latine, and Black communities." There are established LGBTQ supporting characters. This includes Barry and Randall Leibowitz-Jenkins (voiced by Zachary Quinto and Billy Porter), an interracial gay couple who lives in Smithville, fathers of Maya and Francis "KG" (voiced by Artist "A Boogie" Dubose). Even more prominent is Michael Collins (voiced by EJ Johnson), a gay and gender-nonconforming friend of Penny.
Michael is into dance, clothing, and his hair looks like pastel paint strokes. It gives him a certain style unique from his look in the original series. He even dances, in one episode in front of stage with ribbon wand. This is like the one that Mega Pearl, i.e. Royal Pearl or Rose Pearl as some fans called her, used in Steven Universe Future or Maron Kusakabe in Phantom Thief Jeanne.
There are additional LGBTQ guest stars. This includes Lizzo, who sees herself as part of the LGBTQ community. She has a starring role in the show's fifth episode, telling a crowd that people they need to love themselves. Princess Nokia, also known as Destiny Nicole Frasqueri, voiced LaBrea. She is bisexual, gender non-conforming, of Puerto Rican descent, and speaks about self-love.
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Maya meets LaBrea and happily shakes her hand, while LaCi looks on, annoyed.
It is not known if any of the main cast have storylines which explore any possible LGBTQ identities. But, Maya hinted at the possibility in one episode, describing LaBrea as beautiful, even though she hadn't met her before.
Even though LaBrea is likely a one-time guest star, Maya's comment might hint at a possible romantic or sexual attraction. After all, Maya's voice actress said in 2017 that a person's sexuality can be fluid. She also rejected putting herself in a box and confining herself to one identity, saying that people change and grow over time.
Other guest stars showcase The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder's diverse stories. Jeremy O' Harris, who voiced a college-age Michael, is Black and gay, while Lena Waithe, who voiced a college-age Maya, is a Black lesbian.
Other pertinent themes
The series often focuses on the dangers of bad business practices, with Oscar often as a foil. He runs an unsafe amusement park, Snackland, even resulting in a terrible accident. Although the news coverage is negative, people flock to Snackland even though they know they will get hurt and it is dangerous. This contrasts with when Penny as a temporarily successful businessperson. There's also multimillionaire Wizard Kelly (voiced by Aires Spears) making his money as a professional basketball player.
One episode even provides a commentary-of-sorts on reality shows. The audience learns that Oscar once pitched the reality show, Crab Barrel, about Proud Snacks. Thanks to his weird snacks, his presentation goes horribly wrong, leading them to deny him funding. As a result, he calls the show a scam and won't believe in it. In the episode, the other competitor is taken out of the running and judges are won over. They begrudgingly fund Penny's ride-sharing app "by default."
Unlike the original series, science and technology have a big showing. KG is the techy of the series, akin to Wade in Kim Possible, Darryl in The Ghost and Molly McGee, or Player in Carmen Sandiego. KG makes the ride-sharing app for Penny. In another episode, he is able to track Penny's phone when she loses it in one episode. He also tries to save LaCi by using his drone.
It is still in contention how much the show bucks the colorism in the original series. Dijonay and the Gross Sisters, described by some as colorist stereotypes, are little changed in the reboot. Dijonay, who has a big family, is seen taking leftovers for her 10 brothers and sisters in one episode. In another, she leaks photos of Ms. Hill, the homeless teacher. She is rewarded part of a so-called "Snitches to Riches" program, wiping away her lunchroom debt. On a positive note, Pratt, who voices Penny, has said that she is attuned to the issue of colorism.
There have not been, and likely will not be, Asian stereotypes akin to those in the original series, like the Chang Triplets. Instead, Penny continues to have a "gang of girlfriends with a variety of looks and personalities". Those people would be her friends, rather than anyone she would be romantically involved with, since she has a boyfriend in this revival series.
Where the revival falls down
There are many aspects to praise about The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder. You could say that certain scenes, like Penny using a night crawler suit with different modes, like a stealth mode, hearken back to Kim Possible. You could point out that Penny's singing voice sounds like Candace's deep voice in Phineas and Ferb or highlight the talented guest stars.
However, the show's seventh episode showcases a missed opportunity. The show could have made the main characters college-age, working out problems at a local university, as they adapt to being adults in a coming-of-age story with the same tenor as this series. The series could be even strong. However, the creators, staff, or Disney could have scoffed at the idea, wanting to have the characters be the same age they were in the original show.
The series also raises the question: Are Penny's friends actually her friends? Time and time again, her friends abandon her. Are they her actual friends or they leeches? That is a matter of opinion. Sometimes they work together well, like when they sing on stage as a group LMPDZ (LaCi, Maya, Penny, Dijonay, and Zoey) in the show's fifth episode. At other times they don't try to stand by Penny, throwing her away like a used dishrag.
Some fans on Reddit, Twitter, and elsewhere, have have asked why Penny is still friends with them. They have proposed that she should be a villain along with other ideas to make the series better, allowing her to be an even stronger feminist.
Despite the show's positives, it hasn't gotten its groove yet. At times, it appears to be too hip. It doesn't have the original's magnetism, with episodes focused on topics such as graffiti, Kwanzaa, spoken word poetry, karate, advertising, genetic experiments, Islam, wild animals, vacations, and elder abuse.
Unfortunately, this revival series negates 2005 film, The Proud Family Movie, as Penny is 14 years old, whereas in the film she has turned 16 years old and is exploring her life as a young adult. This series sadly implies that the whole wild film, which contains a cool battle dance scene and a Totally Spies-esque plot with human experimentation and cloning, is not canon.
Looking forward to Season 2
The season one finale ended on a cliffhanger. Since Season 2 is currently in production, the beginning of the season will continue the story from the finale. Most were excited about the news but others said it would be the second part of season 1 and that they weren't fooling anyone. They asked when Disney would have "original animation" like The Dragon Prince, Arcane, or Tales of Arcadia. While the latter is a valid criticism, due to Disney's focus on reboots/revivals than other original content, it is not pertinent to discuss in length in this theme-centric post.
The second season of The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder will need to answer many questions raised by the finale. The ranch where the Proud family is staying is a strange place, akin to Camp Wannaweep in Kim Possible, a source of Ron Stoppable's trauma.
Penny encounters a huge man-fish and learns that Suga Mama's father has blocked cell service. Trudy may suffer consequences for dragging everyone to the ranch, resulting in fissures in the Proud family. Kareem, Penny's boyfriend, might even save them from the ranch. The whole finale gives off vibes which remind me of Jordan Peele's Get Out.
There is a possibility that Sticky (voiced by Orlando Brown) who left in the show's first episode, may come back in the future. My hope is that he does not return. If he became a major character again, it would up the character dynamics and cause a disruption. The new characters added in the revival are better than Sticky and build out the story more than he ever did.
The second season could also expand on Penny's possible vegetarianism. In the season one finale she mentioned that she wanted a veggie pizza but her father rejected it. He declared it had to be a meat pizza and she did not object.
If the second season expands on Penny's comment, it should be a bigger part of the plot than Steven Universe's off-hand comment that he is vegetarian in an episode of Steven Universe Future. At the time, Steven's comment led to division among the fanbase on whether the fans should embrace it or denounce it. Penny is a woman with strong principles who could make the leap, but is the show's staff willing to make it canon?
Due to the integral role of meat in Black culture, the show staff may fear that changing Penny in this way would lead to anger and challenge the beloved status of the original series and this revival. Even the writers structure an episode on her vegetarianism like other episodes, it could lead to hostility from some Black people.
Furthermore, if Penny becomes a vegetarian in the show's second season, it could blow the doors wide open for such type of representation. Such a category includes few Black people other than M'Baku in Black Panther. And they are mostly supporting characters rather than protagonists.
Closing words
Hopefully, the series improves in the second season. Characters from other Disney series, like The Owl House, The Ghost and Molly McGee or Amphibia, could appear. The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder does work to expand diverse animated stories of Black people, also showcased in the currently airing Karma's World, and older series such as Static Shock, The Boondocks, and Afro Samurai.
The success of this series will likely inform future projects by Farquhar and Smith. In December 2020, both signed a "wide-ranging, multiyear overall deal" to produce various series for Disney. It may do the same for Latoya Raveneau, a series director. She entered a deal in April of this year to "develop and produce animated projects" with Disney.
In the end, while I have my criticisms of the series, I look forward to seeing where it goes in the show's second season, and beyond. This series has the potential to run for three seasons and have an animated film, similar to the original series.
The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder can be watched on Disney+, as can the original series, The Proud Family.
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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singlemothergrants01 · 2 months
College Grants for Single Mothers
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College Grants for Single Mothers
Navigating college as a single mother can be challenging, both emotionally and financially. The good news is that there are numerous college grants available specifically designed to support you on your educational journey. Whether you're looking to enhance your career prospects or pursue a passion, these financial resources can make higher education more accessible. Understanding the options at your disposal empowers you to focus on what truly matters—your education and family. This guide will help you uncover valuable scholarships and grants tailored for single mothers while providing practical tips for securing funding. Let’s explore how you can transform your dreams into reality without the burden of overwhelming debt.
College Grants for Single Mothers
College grants for single mothers are essential resources designed to alleviate financial pressures while pursuing higher education. These grants do not require repayment, making them a favorable option compared to loans. Various organizations and government programs offer targeted funding based on specific needs or demographics. By researching available opportunities, you can find grants that align with your educational goals and personal circumstances. It's crucial to stay informed about eligibility criteria to maximize your chances of receiving assistance.
Student-centric advice and objective recommendations
Navigating the world of college grants can be overwhelming for single mothers. Prioritize researching options that align with your educational goals and personal circumstances. Focus on local resources, as many organizations provide tailored assistance to single parents. Connect with financial aid offices at potential schools. They offer specific insights about available scholarships and grants designed for single mothers. Building relationships with these experts can open doors to additional funding opportunities you may not have considered initially.
Top Scholarships and Grants for Single Mothers
Several scholarships and grants specifically target single mothers. The Jeannette Rankin Women's Scholarship Fund offers financial aid to low-income women over the age of 35. Likewise, the Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation provides grants for low-income women pursuing education. Additionally, the RaiseMe platform allows students to earn micro-scholarships based on achievements in high school. These opportunities can significantly ease the burden of college expenses for single mothers seeking a brighter future through education.
How to Win Scholarships and Grants for Single Mothers
Winning scholarships and grants requires careful planning. Start by researching opportunities specifically tailored for single mothers. Tailor your applications to highlight your unique experiences, challenges, and aspirations. Be meticulous with deadlines and ensure every document is complete. Request strong letters of recommendation that speak to your determination as a parent and a student. Personalize each application essay to reflect your journey, making it relatable yet compelling to the selection committee reviewing submissions.
Other Ways to Financially Support Education
In addition to college grants and scholarships, there are various avenues for financial support. Consider part-time work opportunities that offer flexible hours tailored to your school schedule. Many employers also provide tuition assistance as an added benefit. Additionally, look into crowdfunding platforms specifically designed for educational expenses. Friends and family may be willing to contribute towards your goals. Don’t forget about state programs or local community initiatives that can help cover costs associated with education.
Frequently Asked Questions About Scholarships and Grants for Single Mothers
Many single mothers have questions about scholarships and grants. Common inquiries include eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and the types of funding available specifically for them. Another frequent concern is whether these financial aids can be stacked or combined with other assistance. Understanding how to navigate these options is crucial for maximizing educational opportunities while managing family responsibilities effectively.
Explore Other Scholarship Categories
Exploring other scholarship categories can open new doors for single mothers seeking financial aid. Scholarships aren’t limited to traditional academics; they also encompass various fields like nursing, engineering, and the arts. Additionally, many organizations offer grants specifically aimed at non-traditional students or those pursuing online education. These options diversify funding sources and increase chances of receiving support tailored to individual circumstances or career goals. Always research thoroughly for opportunities that align with your unique path.
Tuition Reimbursement
Tuition reimbursement is a program offered by many employers, allowing employees to receive financial support for their education. This incentive encourages professional development and can significantly ease the burden of tuition costs. Typically, companies reimburse employees after they complete courses with passing grades. It’s essential to check with your employer about specific policies, eligibility criteria, and application processes. By leveraging this benefit, single mothers can advance their careers while managing educational expenses more effectively.
Certificate Programs
Certificate programs are excellent options for single mothers seeking to enhance their skills quickly and affordably. These focused courses provide practical training in specific fields, often requiring less time than a traditional degree. Many community colleges and online platforms offer these programs, making them accessible regardless of your schedule. They can lead to job promotions or new career paths without the long-term commitment of full-degree courses. It’s a smart way to invest in your future while balancing family responsibilities.
Coding Bootcamps
Coding bootcamps are intensive training programs that teach programming and technical skills in a short timeframe. These courses often last a few weeks to several months, focusing on practical, hands-on learning. Many coding bootcamps offer financial aid options, including scholarships specifically for single mothers. They can provide a pathway into high-demand tech careers without the traditional college experience, making them an attractive option for those looking to upskill quickly while balancing family responsibilities.
Community College Scholarships
Community college scholarships are vital for single mothers seeking affordable education. These financial aids help reduce tuition costs, making higher education more accessible. Many community colleges offer scholarships specifically designed for single parents. These programs often consider academic achievement, personal circumstances, and community involvement as criteria for selection. Applying early increases your chances of securing these funds to achieve your educational goals without the burden of excessive debt.
Online College Scholarships
Online college scholarships have become increasingly popular, offering flexibility for single mothers balancing education and family. Many institutions provide these scholarships specifically for students enrolled in online programs. These awards can cover tuition fees or additional expenses, making higher education more accessible. To find suitable opportunities, explore scholarship databases and check with individual colleges that offer online degrees tailored to your needs as a single mother.
Pell Grants Eligibility
Pell Grants are need-based awards designed to help low-income students pursue higher education. Eligibility primarily hinges on financial circumstances, assessed through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). To qualify, applicants must be U. S. citizens or eligible non-citizens and enrolled in an eligible program at least half-time. Other factors include academic standing and not exceeding a specific expected family contribution (EFC), which varies each year based on federal guidelines.
FAFSA Qualification for Parents
FAFSA, or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, is essential for single mothers seeking college grants. To qualify, parents must provide financial information from their tax returns and other documents. This includes income details and asset values. For single mothers, specific criteria apply based on dependency status. If you claim your child as a dependent, you will need to report your income. Understanding these requirements ensures that you're maximizing available financial aid opportunities for education.
Additional Scholarship Opportunities
There are various additional scholarship opportunities available for single mothers. These can include local community scholarships, private foundation awards, and industry-specific grants. Many organizations focus on empowering women in education. Additionally, some universities offer their own scholarships specifically aimed at supporting single parents. Research extensively to uncover hidden gems that align with your background or field of study. Being proactive can significantly increase your chances of receiving financial aid tailored to your needs.
Educational Grants for Mothers
Educational grants for mothers provide crucial financial support to enhance their educational pursuits. These grants are specifically designed to help women who juggle parenting and academics, making education more accessible. Organizations like the American Association of University Women (AAUW) and the Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation offer targeted assistance. By applying for these grants, mothers can alleviate some of the financial burdens associated with higher education while pursuing their career goals.
Scholarships for Single Dads
Single dads can find various scholarships designed to support their educational pursuits. Many organizations recognize the unique challenges they face and provide financial assistance tailored for them. These scholarships often focus on specific fields of study or community involvement, allowing single fathers to pursue degrees while balancing family responsibilities. Researching local resources and national programs is essential in uncovering available opportunities that may fit individual needs and circumstances.
Scholarships for Motherhood
Scholarships for motherhood are designed to support women who balance parenting with their educational aspirations. These scholarships recognize the unique challenges faced by mothers and aim to alleviate financial burdens. Various organizations offer funding specifically for mothers pursuing college degrees, vocational training, or certifications. Applicants can often find opportunities tailored to specific demographics, such as single mothers or those returning to school after a break. Researching these options can lead to significant financial aid and make education more accessible.
Types of Grants for Single Parents
Single parents have access to various types of grants designed to ease their educational financial burdens. Federal, state, and private organizations provide these opportunities. They may include need-based grants or merit-based scholarships. Additionally, some universities offer specific funds for single parents returning to school. These targeted programs often consider unique challenges faced by single mothers and fathers, making education more accessible while promoting academic success. Each grant has distinct criteria that applicants should review carefully before applying.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility criteria for college grants aimed at single mothers can vary widely. Most programs require applicants to be residents of the state in which they are applying, enrolled in an accredited institution, and demonstrate financial need. Additional factors may include academic performance and enrollment status, such as attending part-time or full-time. Some grants might have specific age requirements or stipulations about dependents that must be considered before applying. Always check each grant's unique guidelines for clarity.
Documents Required
When applying for college grants, single mothers need to gather specific documents. Commonly required items include proof of income, tax returns, and identification. Some grants may ask for additional documentation such as transcripts or letters of recommendation. It's also essential to have your Social Security number on hand. Each grant application might vary in requirements, so carefully read the guidelines provided by each funding source to ensure you submit everything needed.
Application Process
The application process for college grants often begins with researching available options. Websites like Fastweb and College Board can help identify specific grants tailored to single mothers. Once you find suitable opportunities, gather your documents, including proof of income and enrollment status. Each grant may have unique requirements, so read the instructions carefully before submitting your application. Meeting deadlines is crucial to ensure consideration for funding as a single mother pursuing her education journey.
Oraganizations that provide assistance
Many organizations focus on providing financial assistance to single mothers pursuing higher education. Groups like the Women's Opportunity Awards and the Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund offer grants specifically for women in need. Additionally, local non-profits and community foundations often have resources available. It's wise to explore both national and regional options, as many cater directly to single parents' unique challenges in funding their education.
Navigating the world of college grants for single mothers can seem overwhelming, but it's essential to remember that numerous resources are available. From scholarships specifically designed for single parents to educational grants offered by various organizations, there are many ways to alleviate the financial burden of education. Single mothers have a unique perspective and resilience that can be incredibly valuable in their academic pursuits. By taking advantage of these funding opportunities, you can pave the way for a brighter future. Be proactive in your search and apply widely; every little bit helps. The journey may not always be easy, but with determination and the right support system, achieving your educational goals is within reach.
1. What are college grants for single mothers?
College grants for single mothers are financial aid programs specifically designed to help single mothers afford the cost of higher education. These grants provide funds that do not need to be repaid, covering expenses such as tuition, books, and other educational needs, making it easier for single mothers to pursue a college degree.
2. Who is eligible for college grants for single mothers?
Eligibility for college grants for single mothers typically requires applicants to be single mothers enrolled or planning to enroll in an accredited college or university. Additional eligibility criteria may include demonstrating financial need, maintaining a minimum GPA, or pursuing a specific field of study. Each grant program may have its own specific requirements.
3. How do I apply for college grants for single mothers?
To apply for college grants for single mothers, you need to fill out an application form provided by the granting organization. This may involve submitting personal information, proof of enrollment or acceptance into a college program, financial documents such as tax returns or pay stubs, and sometimes an essay or personal statement outlining your educational and career goals.
4. Are there federal grants available for single mothers attending college?
Yes, single mothers attending college may qualify for federal grants such as the Pell Grant, which provides financial assistance to low-income students. To apply, you need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. The FAFSA determines your eligibility for federal grants, loans, and work-study programs based on your financial need.
5. Can college grants for single mothers be used for online programs?
Yes, many college grants for single mothers can be used for online education programs, provided the online college or university is accredited. This flexibility allows single mothers to balance their studies with their parenting responsibilities. It’s important to check the specific grant’s guidelines to confirm that online programs are eligible.
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urbanmoney0 · 6 months
Urban Money: A New Solution for Student Loan Debt
In the sprawling landscape of higher education, the burden of student loan debt has become a formidable obstacle for countless individuals pursuing their dreams. As tuition costs continue to rise, many graduates find themselves shackled by hefty loan repayments, hindering their financial stability and inhibiting their ability to thrive. However, amidst this challenge, a beacon of hope emerges in the form of UrbanMoney, a novel approach aimed at alleviating the student debt crisis.
Urban Money is not just another financial service; it represents a paradigm shift in how we address the burden of student loans. Founded on principles of community support and mutual aid, Urban Money harnesses the power of collective action to provide relief to borrowers drowning in debt. Unlike traditional loan repayment programs, which often exacerbate financial strain, Urban Money offers a holistic approach centered on solidarity and collaboration.
At its core, Urban Money operates through a network of interconnected communities, where members pool their resources to support one another in tackling student loan debt. This innovative model recognizes that the burden of debt is not borne equally and seeks to redistribute financial resources in a way that fosters equity and empowerment. Through a combination of crowdfunding, peer-to-peer lending, and strategic financial planning, Urban Money empowers individuals to take control of their financial futures.
One of the key features of Urban Money is its emphasis on education and financial literacy. Recognizing that many individuals grappling with student loan debt lack the necessary knowledge and resources to navigate their financial obligations, Urban Money provides comprehensive educational programs and resources to equip borrowers with the tools they need to make informed decisions. From budgeting workshops to debt management seminars, Urban Money invests in empowering individuals to achieve financial independence.
Central to the success of Urban Money is its community-driven approach. By fostering a sense of solidarity and mutual support, Urban Money creates a safety net for borrowers facing financial hardship. Through its online platform and local chapters, members can connect with one another, share experiences, and offer guidance and support. This sense of community not only provides emotional reassurance but also serves as a catalyst for collective action and advocacy.
In addition to its community-centric approach, Urban Money leverages technology to streamline the loan repayment process and maximize efficiency. Through its digital platform, borrowers can access a range of tools and services designed to simplify loan management, track progress, and explore repayment options. From debt consolidation to income-driven repayment plans, Urban Money offers personalized solutions tailored to the unique needs of each borrower.
Moreover, Urban Money is committed to driving systemic change by advocating for policy reforms that address the root causes of the student debt crisis. By amplifying the voices of its members and mobilizing grassroots support, Urban Money seeks to influence policymakers and enact meaningful change at the local, state, and national levels. Through strategic partnerships and advocacy campaigns, Urban Money aims to create a more equitable and accessible higher education system for all.
In an era defined by economic uncertainty and growing inequality, Urban Money offers a beacon of hope for those grappling with student loan debt. By harnessing the power of community, education, and technology, Urban Money is revolutionizing the way we approach student loan repayment, empowering individuals to break free from the shackles of debt and pursue their dreams with confidence and financial security. As we look to the future, Urban Money serves as a reminder that together, we have the power to build a more just and equitable society for generations to come.
For more details, visit us:
Urban Money
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arya-college-jaipur · 6 months
Navigating the Financial Maze: Tips for Financing Your MBA
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Are you considering pursuing an MBA but concerned about the financial burden it may entail? You're not alone. Financing graduate education, especially a prestigious MBA program like those offered by top MBA college in Jaipur, can indeed be daunting. However, with careful planning and the right strategies, it's entirely possible to afford your MBA without drowning in debt. In this blog post, we'll explore some practical tips to help you finance your MBA and embark on your journey to academic and professional success.
1. Research Scholarship Opportunities:
Begin your MBA financing journey by thoroughly researching scholarship opportunities. Many organizations, universities, and even companies offer scholarships specifically for MBA students. These scholarships can significantly offset the cost of tuition and other expenses. Make sure to explore both merit-based and need-based scholarships and apply to as many as possible.
2. Consider Employer Sponsorship:
If you're currently employed, inquire whether your employer offers sponsorship or tuition reimbursement for pursuing an MBA. Many companies invest in their employees' education as it enhances their skills and contributes to the company's success. If your employer doesn't have a formal sponsorship program, consider negotiating a customized arrangement that benefits both parties.
3. Explore Financial Aid Options:
Don't overlook traditional financial aid options such as federal or private student loans. While taking out loans should be approached with caution, they can be a viable option for covering a portion of your MBA expenses. Research different loan programs, compare interest rates and terms, and choose the option that best suits your financial situation.
4. Save and Budget Wisely:
Start saving for your MBA as early as possible. Cut unnecessary expenses, create a budget, and set aside a portion of your income towards your MBA fund. Consider taking on part-time work or freelancing to generate extra income that can be dedicated to your educational expenses. Every penny saved today will lessen the financial burden tomorrow.
5. Explore Alternative Funding Sources:
Get creative with your funding sources. Consider crowdfunding platforms, educational grants, or fellowship programs that support graduate students. Some MBA programs also offer assistantships or teaching opportunities that provide tuition remission or stipends in exchange for work.
6. Choose a Cost-Effective Program:
Not all MBA programs come with the same price tag. Research and compare the costs of different MBA programs, including tuition, fees, living expenses, and opportunity costs. Consider factors such as location, program length, and reputation when making your decision. Opting for a more affordable program doesn't mean compromising on quality; it simply requires careful consideration and research.
7. Leverage Networking and Alumni Connections:
Tap into the power of networking and alumni connections to uncover potential funding opportunities. Reach out to alumni from your desired MBA program or professionals in your field who have successfully financed their education. They may offer valuable insights, advice, or even direct you to funding sources you hadn't previously considered.
Financing an MBA may seem like a daunting task, but with careful planning, research, and perseverance, it's entirely feasible. Remember that investing in your education is an investment in your future. By exploring scholarship opportunities, leveraging employer sponsorship, exploring financial aid options, saving diligently, and making informed decisions, you can embark on your MBA journey with confidence and financial stability. Don't let financial concerns deter you from pursuing your academic and career aspirations. With the right approach, you can turn your MBA dreams into reality. Consider exploring programs offered by Arya College Jaipur, which may provide excellent opportunities for your MBA education and future career prospects.
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mysterxklusiv · 7 months
Nurturing Millennial Family Support: A Guide to Building Stronger Communities
In today's fast-paced world, the millennial generation is navigating the complexities of adulthood while also shouldering the responsibilities of raising families. With unique challenges and opportunities, millennial families seek support systems that cater to their diverse needs. Understanding and addressing these needs is crucial for fostering healthier and more resilient communities.
The Dynamics of Millennial Family Support
Millennial families are characterized by their digital fluency, diverse lifestyles, and evolving priorities. As they juggle careers, parenting, and personal growth, they often rely on a network of support to thrive. From financial assistance to emotional guidance, millennials value resources that resonate with their values and aspirations.
Financial Support:
Financial stability is a top concern for many millennial families. Rising living costs, student debt, and economic uncertainties make it challenging to achieve their desired quality of life. Accessible financial resources, such as crowdfunding platforms like Your Target Page, provide a lifeline for families facing unexpected expenses or pursuing long-term goals.
Community Engagement:
Millennials prioritize community engagement and social impact. They seek opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and contribute to causes they care about. Community-driven initiatives, such as local support groups, parenting workshops, and volunteer programs, offer avenues for millennial families to build meaningful relationships and make a difference.
Work-Life Balance:
Balancing career ambitions with family commitments is a constant struggle for many millennials. Flexible work arrangements, parental leave policies, and childcare support are essential factors in achieving work-life balance. Employers and policymakers play a vital role in implementing family-friendly policies that accommodate the diverse needs of millennial parents.
Building a Supportive Ecosystem
Creating a supportive ecosystem for millennial families requires a collaborative effort from various stakeholders, including government agencies, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and the broader community. By prioritizing the following strategies, we can empower millennial families to thrive:
1. Education and Awareness:
Raise awareness about the unique challenges facing millennial families and the resources available to support them. Educational campaigns, workshops, and online platforms can provide valuable information on topics such as financial literacy, parenting skills, and mental health awareness.
2. Access to Resources:
Ensure equitable access to essential resources such as affordable housing, healthcare, childcare, and education. Government subsidies, nonprofit assistance programs, and community partnerships can expand access to these vital services for millennial families of all backgrounds.
3. Technology Integration:
Harness the power of technology to streamline access to support services and resources. Mobile apps, online platforms, and virtual support groups can overcome geographical barriers and provide on-demand assistance to millennial families wherever they are.
4. Peer Support Networks:
Foster peer support networks where millennial parents can share experiences, seek advice, and offer encouragement to one another. Online forums, social media groups, and local meetups can facilitate connections and create a sense of belonging within the millennial family community.
Supporting Millennial Family Support is not just a matter of convenience; it's a strategic investment in the future of our communities. By understanding their needs and empowering them with resources and opportunities, we can build stronger, more resilient communities where every family can thrive. Together, let's nurture a culture of support and solidarity that uplifts millennial families and enriches the fabric of society.
Your Target Page offers a valuable resource for millennial families seeking financial assistance and community support. Check out their platform to learn more about how you can contribute to the well-being of millennial families in need.
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whydonatee · 1 year
What Is Financial Aid? Types Of Financial Aid?
Learn What Types of Financial Aids there are and how to get financial aid. Start a Free Fundraiser to get financial assistance or financial help.
What is Financial Aid?
We use the term “financial aid” for all kinds of funding that is beyond what you could pay for yourself. Money can come from loans, grants, scholarships, or paid employment applications like work-study. Let’s first explore the different assets of valuable resources in more detail.
5 Common Financial Aid Challenges
Not Taking Advantage of “Financial Aid.”
Not creating a Basic “Budget.”
Not Knowing the Difference Between “Wants & Needs.”
Credit Card “Misuse.”
Not Planning for the “Future”
Overcome Your Fear of Asking For Financial Help
There are limitless people who could empathize with your situation. Asking for assistance is not something to be ashamed of, rather overcoming your fear and moving forward. Crowdfunding may be a lifeline, whether you require assistance with bills, burial expenses, or student mortgage debt. WhyDonate provides fundraising, which means you can maintain even greater funds to boost and meet your fundraising goals faster. Sign up today and start finding economic relief today.
Start a free fundraiser to get Financial Help
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abroadeducation · 1 year
How to Fund your Study in Australia
Studying in Australia can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it can also be expensive. Fortunately, there are many options available to help fund your studies. In this blog post, we'll explore 8 of the most popular ways to pay for your education in Australia.
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Scholarships in Australia:-
Scholarships are one of the best ways to fund your studies in Australia. Many scholarships are available to international students in Australia, and they can cover all or part of your tuition fees, living expenses, and even travel costs. You can search for scholarships online or ask your university's financial aid office for information on available scholarships.
Student loans:-
If you can't afford to pay for your studies upfront, you may be eligible for a student loan. This can be a great option if you're confident you'll be able to repay the loan once you've finished your studies.
Part-time work opportunities in Australia:-
Many international students in Australia work part-time to help fund their studies. There are plenty of opportunities for casual work, especially in industries like hospitality and retail. However, it's important to remember that your studies should always come first and that working too many hours could negatively impact your academic performance.
(Read More: The eligibility requirements to study in Australia for Indian Students)
If you've been working for a while before starting your studies, you may have some savings that you can use to fund your education. This can be a good option if you don't want to take on debt or work while you study. Just make sure to budget carefully to ensure your savings last throughout your course.
Family support:-
If you have family members who are willing and able to help you fund your studies, this can be a great option. However, it's important to have an open and honest conversation with your family about your financial needs and expectations, and to have a clear plan for how you'll repay them if they lend you money while going to study in Australia.
Crowdfunding is a relatively new option for funding education, but it can be an effective way to raise money if you have a compelling story or cause. There are many crowdfunding platforms available, and you can set up a campaign to raise money for your tuition fees, living expenses, or travel costs.
Research assistantships or teaching assistantships:-
If you're pursuing a postgraduate degree, you may be eligible for a research assistantship or teaching assistantship. These positions are typically paid and can help cover some or all of your tuition fees and living expenses. Check with your department or faculty to see if these positions are available and how to apply.
Work-study programs in Australia:-
Some universities offer work-study programs that allow students to work part-time on campus while they study. These programs can provide valuable work experience in Australia and help cover the costs of your education. Check with your university's financial aid office or career center to see if work-study programs are available and how to apply.
In conclusion, there are many ways to fund your studies in Australia, from scholarships and student loans to part-time work and crowdfunding. Each option has its pros and cons, so it's important to consider your own financial situation and goals carefully before making a decision. With a little research and planning, you can find the funding option that works best for you and make your dream of studying in Australia a reality.
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This day in history
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This Saturday (19 Aug), I'm appearing at the San Diego Union-Tribune Festival of Books. I'm on a 2:30PM panel called "Return From Retirement," followed by a signing:
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I'm kickstarting the audiobook for "The Internet Con: How To Seize the Means of Computation," a Big Tech disassembly manual to disenshittify the web and make a new, good internet to succeed the old, good internet. It's a DRM-free book, which means Audible won't carry it, so this crowdfunder is essential. Back now to get the audio, Verso hardcover and ebook:
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Back my anti-enshittiification Kickstarter here!
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What are the best ways to finance your MBA?
Pursuing an MBA (Master of Business Administration) can be a significant financial investment, but there are several ways to finance your MBA program. Here are some of the best ways to finance your MBA:
Scholarships: Many MBA programs offer scholarships based on merit, need, and diversity. Research and apply for scholarships from the schools you are interested in, as well as external scholarships.
Grants and fellowships: MBA students may also be eligible for grants and fellowships from various organizations, foundations, and government agencies. These can cover some or all of the tuition fees, living expenses, and research costs.
Student loans: Many banks and financial institutions offer student loans specifically designed for MBA students. Consider taking out a student loan only after exploring other funding options and make sure to understand the terms and repayment options.
Employer sponsorship: Many companies offer tuition reimbursement or sponsorship programs to their employees who pursue higher education. Check with your employer to see if they have such a program and how you can qualify.
Personal savings: If you have savings or investments, consider using them to finance your MBA. This can help reduce the amount of student loan debt you will have to repay in the future.
Part-time or online MBA: Consider enrolling in a part-time or online MBA program while working. This can help you earn an income while pursuing your degree and can reduce the overall cost of the program.
Crowdfunding: Some students have successfully used crowdfunding platforms to finance their MBA. This can involve creating a campaign and sharing it with family, friends, and networks, who can contribute to your tuition fees and living expenses.
Before deciding on the financing option(s) for your MBA, research and compare the costs and benefits of each option, and also consider your personal financial situation and long-term goals.
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