#cruel intentions rp
realtalk127 · 6 months
alright fuck it. i can't sleep and i need to talk about this scene from the last episode of critical role.
because holy shit if this ain't some of the best rp – nay, storytelling in general – that i've ever seen. (buckle up, it ain't gonna be short.)
laudna: i made you a doll. because dolls are for children. and you're a child.
the way she says this is not nice! it's biting, it's snarky. she definitely seems to mean it as an insult – and she probably does! – at first. but laudna's idea of a child is much more expansive than just a cheep insult, as she makes clear shortly.
then ashton's response: i've never had a doll before. this is the nicest thing anyone's ever given me.
i don't know if this reaction melts laudna a little (if it does, she doesn't show it visibly), or maybe she was already coming to the conversation with a more nuanced definition of 'child', but either way, the conversation shifts immediately – and the next two sentences clarify where they're both coming from here.
laudna: i like children. // ashton: i don't.
she likes children! and we knew this, of course. marisha, the god of intentional rp showed us this within the first few moments of laudna's screen-time way back in episode 1. but still! it's worth repeating. despite the bite of her initial comment to ashton, she doesn't necessarily mean it as an insult. i don't know that we could entirely call it a compliment, given the context, but at the very least, i think she intended it as a point of connection.
after all, our data re: Laudna And Kids is not limited to that one scene from episode 1. there's also the parallel scene that mirrors it (with a happier ending) back in episode 38, when laudna first visits the sun tree after her resurrection. we also know (via a 4sd episode that i don't care to dig up right now) that laudna had another friend before imogen, who was a little girl.
and i think it's that little girl that's the most important piece here. we don't know anything about that story except that she exists, but i'm willing to read between the lines and make an assumption that laudna – on average – has better luck getting children to be kind to her (when they've not yet been taught to be cruel) than with adults. there is an innocence there that laudna needs! she needs people who haven't been hardened by assumptions and pre-judgements and all that bullshit. for laudna there is safety – both emotional and literal physical safety – in a childlike perspective.
ALL THAT TO SAY: laudna's associations with childhood are, generally, positive. for a variety of reasons.
ashton's are NOT.
ashton's childhood sucked. from the jump. he was a part of a shitty cult that he barely remembers, and after that they were in an ophanage. their associations with childhood are overwhelmingly negative, and likely associated with feelings of helplessness and loneliness.
whether or not laudna intended that original comment ('you're a child') as an insult, we can pretty safely assume ashton took it as one.
they continue:
ashton: they're awful. // laudna: they're not.
NOW, we're getting into the meat of it. where before they were dancing around a metaphor, it becomes immediately clear what's really being talked about here. ashton is saying 'i'm awful', and laudna is emphatically saying 'no you're not.'
which! first of all, is so insanely generous of her. after what ashton just put her through less than 24 hours ago, laudna has every reason to affirm ashton's assertion that they are, in fact, awful. but she doesn't. ashton knows this, which is why he amends his original statement:
ashton: they can be.
they're saying: perhaps i can concede that i am not always awful, but let's at least agree that sometimes (like specificaly, oh, i don't know, LAST NIGHT) i can be.
laudna: you should remember what it's like to be one.
ashton: i do. it wasn't great.
the LAYERS, y'all. the LAYERS. the important thing here is that it's all in the context of that first comment: you're a child. which is, critically, a statement made in the context of ashton's decisions the previous night. they're talking in generalities here, but they're mostly talking about last night.
when laudna says they should remember what it's like to be one [a child], she also means: you were a child last night, but not in a cool, whimsical way, just in a shitty, immature way. AND! when ashton says they remember, and that it wasn't great, they're saying they know they fucked up last night, but all they know of childhood is an overwhelming helplessness, how can that possibly be spun to a positive?
and this, really, is the crux of their two differing worldviews. these two have a lot in common – much has been said about that in game and out – but this point is where they split. laudna has survived, by embracing her childlike nature (admittedly, to a fault, at times). how to keep from being hurt? just keep everything fun and whimsical! nothing to worry about here, it's all just a silly little game! and she has also needed people who share that perspective. people who are willing to take her at face value and without any of the negative assumptions and prejudices they may have picked up along the way.
ashton, on the other hand survived by growing up immediately. they got through their own shitty childhood by becoming an adult (or acting like one anyway) as quickly as possible and STAYING that way. ashton needs to have a tough exterior (there's the made-of-stone thing again) to feel safe. (admittedly, from an audience perspective, this veneer is basically see-through. but ashton doesn't necessarily know this. they're trying their best. so from their perspective, the tough guy thing is Working.)
laudna: you should find more joy in your inner child.
she's saying two things here:
(1) you can be soft and be safe. those can co-exist, aND!
(2) i need you to be soft for me to be safe. when you have this false tough exterior, it hurts people. it hurts (hurt) me.
which is certainly a resonant metaphor to play with for the literal ROCK GUY who just got literally MELTED into LAVA 12 hours prior.
ANYWAY- that's what i've got for now on this scene. i'll probably never stop thinking about it, and there's even more good shit from later on in the scene when they talk about the doll, but that's it for now.
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greekceltic · 4 months
FAQ Page
I'm not quite done with this, but it'll be nice for later.
Is it okay if I take inspiration from your art and concepts? I've been in a situation in recent years where another artist has taken far, far too much. You've probably seen me talk about it. It's a subject I'm pretty burnt out on. I recently saw another artist's take on this and it seemed sensible to me. I'm just going to quote theirs. I have tried to find my own words, but right now I find myself more comfortable using someone else's. "Well, if you’re having to ask me for permission, either your design is too similar or you’re being overly nervous about a normal artistic process. You’re absolutely free to use my work as a source of inspiration but I’d strongly encourage you to think about the details from my design you like most, and remix them with other concepts into your own unique take."
Taking inspiration is something everyone does, but please don't become a shadow I get bi-weekly alerts about. Ideally your pool of inspiration will be many artists and concepts re-imagined into something unique to you- and that you're being honest with yourself about the result.
Your art is being copied! / Will you tell me who the copy cat is? I know your intentions are in the right place, and I appreciate that, but I get a lot of messages about this and am tired. I'm sure if my art ends up somewhere it shouldn't be or there's a significant event, the community will get it to me through people I know, but let me rest. I'm just sayin' get a second or third opinion before coming to my inbox.
I sent you a message and you didn't respond. Sorry about that. I tend not to stress about messages because it can be a drain. You're more likely to get a response if you let me know from the get go what you want, but nothing is guaranteed. Sometimes I didn't see it, sometimes I got busy or forgot, sometimes I plan to do it later, sometimes I just opted out. It's not personal.
Are you okay with fanart? What about OC interactions? Can I post it? Sure, just don't profit off of it and please credit me. If you want to draw my OCs interacting with yours that's also fine- though I prefer situations where their actions make sense. Alf wouldn't make your character cry for fun, for example. He's grumpy but not cruel. Posting it is fine. Where do you Rp? Are you looking for more partners? Discord mostly. Roleplay consumes a lot of time so these days I mostly only play with my buddy Thema. I probably wouldn't have time to play, but I like to hang around people that do and I don't mind being asked. Just please don't be sad if I never get around to responding! I'm most compatible with people who are comfortable with radio silence.
Can I use your characters in roleplay/as roleplay refs? Considering I actively roleplay my OCs and there's a potential for confusion, I'd rather you didn't. Though I think there's a difference between linking to my art and saying 'this is my character', and linking to it to say 'this has the mood I'm going for, but here's what's different about my character--'. The latter is fine.
Can I make Fan OCs for your setting? Thinking about this makes me tired. Maybe I'll get to a point where I'm more comfortable later, but for now I'd rather you didn't make something directly from my worlds. But lets be real, you don't need my permission to draw cat monsters and I take a huge amount of inspiration from ancient history. Many of my concepts are inspired by things that you can read about and be inspired too. If you see something and are curious if there's a historical source, just ask. Hopefully I'll remember.
Can I repost your work? I don't mind as long as I'm credited. Most of my art has a signature on it already. If it doesn't, please add a link or my name so people can find me. I'm less okay with my work being used as a pageviews grab on a site where I have an active social media presence, but it's probably not worth my time to care.
Do I have permission to draw NSFW art of your characters? No, for a plethora of reasons, some easy to explain and some not, but I probably can't stop you. Just don't profit off of it or show it to me.
Do you have a website for your OCs? I have RP pages for them scattered all over the place and many of them are outdated, but as I type this I recently put some up on Toyhouse. https://toyhou.se/GreekCeltic
Do you have a website for your comic? Sure do. It's an expensive fuck. https://catswaycomic.com/ When does your comic update? Sporadically. I work on it when I have time. My income is solely freelance commissions and Patreon- mostly commissions.
There's other places you could post your comic! Yeah, I know. I may do that someday, but for now I like having my own house, even if it's an expensive fuck. (Not really, the renewal just hits around tax time, Lol).
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the-eggplantblog · 8 months
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Rayman and phantom.....
I must say I love the dynamic between these two, Phantom shows himself as someone charming and kind at the beginning, he manages to convince rp, rm and beep_O, but Rayman suspects him from the beginning, Rayman knows that Phantom has dark intentions behind his charming gaze .....
Anyway, in all the interactions they have you can always see that there is a certain distrust and a certain bad vibe is felt between the two.....
but definitely the best moment between the two is the part where phantom sings and makes fun of him, the song is incredible, but let's talk about the impact it had on rayman himself......
phantom says many words that really hurt the character and could even make him doubt and open old wounds......like saying that his friendship with globox becomes weak, it's a word to refer to how globox trusted him with his children but rayman He couldn't save them from the rabbids and how bad his friend must have felt about losing his children and Rayman living with the guilt of not being able to save them.....
Saying that Rayman is rusty and is no longer as strong as before, making him doubt his ability as a hero by talking about how it must be great to be Mr Dark and that Rayman spends his time sleeping while he is causing chaos, is a way to tell him it's not a good hero who is lazy and often does not take things seriously.....
Telling him how the simple rabbids surpassed and humiliated him, he mocked him by comparing him to an eggplant and saying that his abilities were stupid, that did nothing.... He was humiliated and ridiculed in front of millions.... ..
Rayman definitely had a very bad time listening to those cruel words and mockery......in fact you can see his frustration, his anger, his sadness and melancholy when listening to that, which reinforces the scene and really makes you hate him in a certain way. form phantom, seeing rayman get angry and almost explode in despair is such a brutal moment it makes you feel very sorry for the character......
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but it also makes this scene perfect, a villain who basically said cruel and somewhat true things to Rayman, things that Rayman could have thought and they didn't let him sleep......all to hurt him emotionally...... .
In the song you can also see the discomfort and growing hatred that Rayman has for Phantom when he gets too close to him, that's also incredible.....
This song is not just for Rayman, it is also for the fandom and if you know the character and grew up with him, you will feel that certain desperation that Rayman feels, it really makes you want to hit Phantom with all the strength in the world and motivates you to defeat and humiliate him in the final battle......
This part is truly pure art....
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elmhat · 10 months
// dsmp rp
dream, quackity, and appearances.
Forgive me for loudduo-rambling again, but I'm thinking about how Dream and Quackity, to some extent, share the mindset of "I must be evil in order to make things good again."
And they are! Dream and Quackity are both horrible people who have done terrible, unspeakable things! I could give long lists of all the times either of them have gone too far. In that sense, their "evilness" is not an act—it's a very real part of their lives. The genuine act comes about from how this "evilness" benefits them when it's believed by other people. To be seen as cruel is to be feared, and to be feared is to be powerful, to command respect. They have good reason to play up their malicious intentions, and do so regularly—though I will say this is something Dream utilizes more often.
On the other hand, though, neither of them are particularly open about the motivations behind these "evil" actions: to build a life for themselves and the people they care about. The juxtaposition between the acts themselves and the reasons for doing them clashes with the image they're trying to build for themselves—it's a weakness—and so they cover it up. Dream now wants to steal everyone's prized possessions and to imprison Tommy because it's fun. Quackity now only lives to make money at the expense of those who look up to him. (Again, it's true that Dream takes a lot more effort to play up his worst qualities than Quackity does, but Quackity is also clearly averse to showing any lingering sentiment or kindness—"Las Nevadas will have no place for emotions," etc.)
And leaning into this kind of role has made Dream and Quackity pretty good at seeing through other people. For better of worse, they're both often called a "manipulator"; you don't become a manipulator without understanding how people think, and well enough that you can methodically pick it apart. Ironically enough, I think one person they're both really good at doing this with is Sam. Quackity is able to twist Sam into a line of thinking that has him allowed into the prison, and Dream is able to twist Sam out of it again enough to get the keys. Neither are deterred by Sam's "high and mighty" act, and they know him well enough for it to be blatantly transparent—even if Sam can't see through it himself. Instead, they lean on it, guiding it into something that's useful to them.
What's really interesting about this, however, is that Dream and Quackity's ability to read people stops exactly at each other. Quackity will always be a monster to Dream, and Dream will always be a monster to Quackity, because they can't cope with believing anything else. Quackity hurt Dream enough to destroy both of their worldviews.
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prpfs · 5 days
👑 I'm looking to do an oc x oc rp! 18+ only, I'm 21+
I have a trans masc prince OC made for a "medieval" or low/high fantasy setting!
My OC is the heir apparent to a royal family, taken in by his aunt and uncle, king and queen of his nation, following the death of his father, the Grand Duke. With no children of their own and no other siblings, my OC was the next in line for succession. He was formally adopted, bestowed the title of prince, and thrown into his lessons.
His uncle, having had no desire to maintain his position on the throne is eager to pass it off to his nephew. My OC holds himself in a polite and mature way when attending court or facing the public, often in contrast to his younger sister who is eager to start fires due to the luxury of her high position.
I'd be open to a number of scenarios, but here are some I've thought of:
- The prince's sister has been causing issues for your character during the social season and he does his best to compensate for any damage done. Granted, it's clear he has no intention of actually stopping his sister from spreading rumors or harassing yours. For this I'd be looking for other nobles/visiting royals.
- The prince's sister is infatuated with yours and he's looking to size yours up. Whether or not your character is initally interested in her or not is up to you! This could be anyone from any walk of life, but he'll be more scrutinizing towards merchants/commoners.
- The king is unable to attend an event meant to strengthen/cement an alliance and his heir is sent instead. It's the prince's first time navigating such an important event.
- My prince has quietly left the castle/the safety of his guards in common clothes. It's the first time he's been out on his own. His reason for going? Maybe he's chased after his troublemaking sister that's gone out into town. Maybe he's curious about the lives of the common people. Maybe he's looking for information to make a political move and meets yours at a guild.
- Something blooming between the prince and his personal guard who knows him far more intimately than anyone else.
- A marriage arranged between the prince and your character to either merge kingdoms or strengthen an alliance. My prince is hoping to keep things amicable, but isn't afraid to be cold or cruel in turn if your character isn't.
- Alternatively, following the murder or assassination of his sister, my prince is a far more cold and closed off person. On a war path, he's looking to forge alliances though he is no longer at all reminiscent of the warm-hearted and polite prince he was before her loss. Perhaps your character is a potential ally, someone who is troubled by the sudden change of character, or from the nation harboring his sister's killer.
I'm not necessarily looking for smut, but my character is a switch. I could potentially be talked into something else depending on the scenario. While I'm open to IRL faceclaims, I'll be using drawn ones for my character and any relevant background characters such as the sister. I do prefer to play the prince as ftm/trans masc, but could play him as cis gender. I'm open to darker themes and have relatively few triggers if you're open to that!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
Reading Viv's callout post for DollCreep is kinda frustrating tbh. I wasn't there and none of us know exactly what the dynamic was like but that's why evidence is provided in these callout posts. To convince us that DollCreep is really bad. but.. the evidence provided isn't really on her side?
DC doesn't seem nice, exactly, but I'm not really feeling a lot of malicious intent? Not in the messages where they have normal-ish conversations and when their friendship still kinda existed? I'm not feeling much actual intent on abuse? I've been through some pretty nasty abusive relationships and I can understand being sensitive sometimes and needing a little more assurance but I don't think I'm comfortable calling DC totally abusive? Not without more evidence.
DC has an obsession with copying which isn't healthy. I dunno if I agree with him that the Viv ocs are copies but that also is more of an issue on his part rather than an intent on abusing Viv. I feel like there's gotta be more to that story.
Some of the messages seems more like critique than anything. The whole "those teeth look weird in your style" posts are more critique than abuse. It's not a nice way of phrasing it but DC doesn't seem delicate in general? His language is casual-harsh from the messages. Not horribly cruel? Maybe?
DC seems kind of exhausted with Viv saying the relationship wasn't healthy. To be honest it's probably not a healthy relationship and these two should've just stopped talking a long time ago. When DC does cut Viv off it seemed like it had been a long time coming. I've had to do something similar in my own life. Just sometimes on a certain day you chose to do it. It's not always because of a big blowout it can just be exhaustion. and if panic attacks were happening on the regular then it's not a bad thing they cut each other out.
DC gave Jiji to Viv as something of a peace offering. and in that message in particular (not underlined by Viv) Doll mentions that the copying obsession and character credit issue IS a personal problem that they're trying to work through. Something that isn't acknowledged in the rest of the callout. Viv obviously knows he has an issue with this subject and I feel like she could've spared a little more grace in acknowledging this is a personal problem for him. It's wrong for him to feel that way but it's clearly not just a 'DC is an asshole' situation. It's a mental issue. A hangup. A really nasty and unhealthy mental hangup.
His Afkinz stuff about Viv saying 'It's my story' in her underlined bits.. She bought Afkinz from DC. It seems like he's offering his own thoughts based on the character concept he created. He's not demanding anything just saying what he would've done with the character concept he created? Again, not in a NICE way but still.
I understand why Viv would remove part of DC's credit in Die Young but I still think she shouldn't have. She was angry at him but it doesn't change that it was a bad decision. In the art world credit is more highly valued than it is anywhere else and 'special thanks' doesn't mean much in comparison to a design credit.
Some of the parts towards the end are a bit.. weird. I dunno why she put up the original Jiji art mixed with rp logs to.. make fun of Jiji? The character made by DC was obviously a parody of scene girls.. not a real serious character. So it seems strange to say "wow so smart and original". She wasn't a character used in a real project so..
She's calling DC a stalker for just.. visiting her blog? I don't think that's terribly unusual? and Viv rants and talks about DC about as much as he did her? So.. I think they were both being annoying about all of this.
He made a crappy drawing of Viv.. but Viv made Jojo. So.. According to the writing under the drawing this was made AFTER Viv made Jojo. So.. I don't understand why she's shocked when she did the same thing first? and the 'dislikes' part is pretty.. concerning.
I really feel uncomfortable with Viv pointing out DC's characters that do 'extremely disturbing' things. Why even put this here? It adds nothing to the allegations and serves to shame DC. Especially when Viv does the same thing in romanticizing abusive relationships. Which.. I personally don't think is always wrong in every circumstance. and I know Viv doesn't see that as wrong either considering her OWN characters. So the only reason she put it there is to shame DC.
All in all. Pretty wild? I do think DC was a bad friend and they had a very toxic relationship but.. This is also something that should've been handled privately? Callouts really only need to happen if there's a clear and present danger to the general public. Nothing DC did was a danger to anyone but him and Viv. They should've went their separate ways and never spoken about each other again.
Instead this happened. Making it public was such a horrible idea and did nothing positive at all. It COULD NOT have had a positive outcome.
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I think that's my takeaway from the whole thing too. DollCreep was no saint and they seem like they were both bad for each other, but from what we've heard of DollCreep, they seem to have disappeared, grown up, and become a better person. Vivzie hasn't.
Also, Dollcreep made a crappy drawing of Viv. Viv made a transphobic caricature of Dollcreep. Viv, you don't get a checkmark on that one.
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necrophcge · 2 months
// Meddles here is technically my most active, but I'm doing stuff behind the scenes for my lads Brom ( @of-forossa ), and Samuel Whist ( @fishermcn ) so I'll add them here too lmao.
// Ah hell man, probably a lack of progression when it comes to replies? When I'm writing a thread with someone, I do what I can to make sure they have enough from my own to continue the story we're telling together. So getting a reply in return that doesn't move things forward puts me in kind of a bind y'know? Matching or similar length comes with that as well, though I don't expect folks to match me word for word so much as giving as good as they've gotten!
Communication is also key! I know that it can be uncomfortable or a bit daunting to try to chat with folks you haven't gotten to know all that well, but with threads being something we create together we really should be on the same page. Even just a little update or the like is preferable to total radio silence rofl.
// Shoot, it's probably been about twelve, maybe thirteen years now? Been on here the whole time and have bounced around to a few different fandoms before more or less settling down into the soulsborne community.
// I'm definitely an angst kinda guy, though usually in the sense that things are going down or conflict is brewing rather than interpersonal drama. I live for fight-writing and the tension that comes with lives being on the line. Fluff is usually reserved for one and done replies rather than threads because I feel it's more impactful thst way, while smut is... well. I'm getting better at it, but it's definitely my weakest writing of the bunch. That, and I admittedly can get a bit nervous posting it out here in the wild for everyone to see (////-\\\\)
// Both! Plots and plotting are my preferred go-to for our muses to get to know each other and establish what their relationship will be like going ahead, while with memes I'll usually go ham on a single reply with the intent of further fleshing out what we've pieced together for our muses.
// If you've known me on my other blogs you already know I tend to get long winded XD. Short replies never feel like I've said enough honestly, and by taking the time to get in depth with them I reckon it opens the door wider for potential interactions (memes) or it gives the other person more room to reply with (threads). Least amount I'll do is around two to three paragraphs.
// I'd love to tell you folks that I'm a responsible, orderly guy who keeps a good sleep schedule and has a set time for writing. Unfortunately I'm little more than an animal who's as likely to bump out an ask or reply at 4:00 in the morning as I am to post something mid-afternoon. Ideally though... I prefer the evenings for it. More privacy, more time to gather my thoughts and less demands for me personally to have to address.
// I'm a firm believer in the notion that muns typically have something either in common with or identify strongly with their muses in some form or another, and I'm no exception. Meddles might be a conqueror, cruel and malicious, but struggling against a seemingly impossible task and not wanting to be alone in this world... yeah. Yeah, I can relate to that. It helps me put myself in their shoes and understand them better if there's something about them I identify with.
tagged by: @ferinehuntress (much obliged panda :D)
tagging: @yellowfingcr, @hexenjagd, @bcwblade, @rotten-pest, @izar-tarazed, and you!
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sugaryapplepie · 2 months
📸💗HunieCam AU Scribbles [NSFW]💗📸
A/N: So I created an LMK AU with the cast as actors and the Y/Ns would be either assistants to the cam girls/boys/toys or co-stars (or eventual co-stars) and I've been bullying @dynamicsimp @puppy-the-mask and @angellongtail soooo time to slap down some scribbles ;) Tags: HunieCam AU, camming, NSFW, yanderes, smutty stuff, Canon x OCs, selfship, Canon x Self-Insert, scribbles, consensual dub/non-con RP scenario
Characters/Pairings: Kiki x Macaque, Eli x Macaque, Seraphim x Macaque, Pinkie
Kiki! Kiki is a beautiful, vibrant assistant that Macaque couldn't help but slide up to when he saw just how beautiful astro looked in eros work uniform
Macaque is definitely the more slyly flirty, the more pick-you-up-at-the-bar type of guy who's gone by morning light leaving you yearning for him
But then he also began cutting eyes at the dashing Genderfluid assistant that couldn't meet his eyes, always blushing intently and looking away
That's not to MENTION Seraphim. She was a dame that could have a man walk into a door just from how she walked. She had beauty and she had class, and she had Macaque hooked like a fish on a line
All three of them became targets for his flirting, his teasing, and eventually his asking them to join him in a special shoot
This one was one of his favorite scenarios: hunting prey in the woods. The three were playing friends going on a road trip but their car broke down. They had to traverse the forest, trying to find help
And of course one by one Macaque would scoop them up and bring them to his log cabin in the woods
Three pretty pets kept with collars and leashes in the log cabin's basement. Three pretty little targets when they broke free and ran
It was fun chasing them down. First Macaque went for Kiki, the adoring assistant he could count on to massage his muscles after a hard day's work. While astro was running the pre-planned trail, it was easy for him to toss out a rock and make eros fall...but luckily his arms caught eros.
And so did his teeth digging into astro's neck, not enough to hurt but enough to mark. To remind eros who's boss. A few kisses and nuzzles to soothe astro before the eventual down & dirty in the dirt trail
Then on to Eli. Flustered, easily startled Eli. It had taken some confidence-building and trust-building to get Eli to agree to help out, but Macaque was patient and attentive. Instead of jumping them, Macaque carefully stalked Eli before grabbing him, yanking him close, and running his fingers through his hair, crooning to his little pet. Macaque reassured Eli that he wouldn't hurt her, she was safe and so, so beautiful. So lovely. How could he ever hurt her? Just a bite, one small bite to show the world that they were his...and then carefully carrying them back to the cabin. There would be no force, no bites, no scratching. Just gentle kisses, whispered praise, and wearing Eli out so she'd be too tired to run
Seraphim, now, was different. Macaque wanted to prove to her that he knew she was high-class, but that he wasn't a man to be cowed. She he stalked with great anticipation, heart pounding in his chest as he wondered what she'd feel like, how she'd try to turn the tables...and that she did when he eventually found her by the lake. Macaque let her think she was winning at first, but then grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down, biting her not just on her neck but shoulders as well. Just to humiliate her, he made sure she felt so good all of the forest knew who was the dom between the two
But Macaque was not cruel, he would gently bathe her off in the clean lake water and re-dress her before bringing her back to the cabin, feeding her a meal before snuggling her to sleep. His precious pets.
Their manager Pinkie makes sure the film quality and such is up to par before it hits the editing room, which is likely where they're going to closely evaluate Macaque to see if he's deserving of that raise or not. All with the most :| face imaginable.
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darkrpfinder · 5 days
I'm looking to do an oc x oc rp! 18+ only, I'm 21+
I have a prince OC made for a "medieval" or low/high fantasy setting!
My OC is the heir apparent to a royal family, taken in by his aunt and uncle, king and queen of his nation, following the death of his father, the Grand Duke. With no children of their own and no other siblings, my OC was the next in line for succession. He was formally adopted, bestowed the title of prince, and thrown into his lessons.
His uncle, having had no desire to maintain his position on the throne is eager to pass it off to his nephew. My OC holds himself in a polite and mature way when attending court or facing the public, often in contrast to his younger sister who is eager to start fires due to the luxury of her high position.
I'd be open to a number of scenarios, but here are some I've thought of:
- The prince's sister has been causing issues for your character during the social season and he does his best to compensate for any damage done. Granted, it's clear he has no intention of actually stopping his sister from spreading rumors or harassing yours. For this I'd be looking for other nobles/visiting royals.
- The prince's sister is infatuated with yours and he's looking to size yours up. Whether or not your character is initally interested in her or not is up to you! This could be anyone from any walk of life, but he'll be more scrutinizing towards merchants/commoners.
- The king is unable to attend an event meant to strengthen/cement an alliance and his heir is sent instead. It's the prince's first time navigating such an important event.
- My prince has quietly left the castle/the safety of his guards in common clothes. It's the first time he's been out on his own. His reason for going? Maybe he's chased after his troublemaking sister that's gone out into town. Maybe he's curious about the lives of the common people. Maybe he's looking for information to make a political move and meets yours at a guild.
- Something blooming between the prince and his personal guard who knows him far more intimately than anyone else.
- A marriage arranged between the prince and your character to either merge kingdoms or strengthen an alliance. My prince is hoping to keep things amicable, but isn't afraid to be cold or cruel in turn if your character isn't.
- Alternatively, following the murder or assassination of his sister, my prince is a far more cold and closed off person. On a war path, he's looking to forge alliances, though he is no longer at all reminiscent of the warm-hearted and polite prince he was before her loss. Perhaps your character is a potential ally, someone who is troubled by the sudden change of character or from the nation harboring his sister's killer.
I'm not necessarily looking for smut, but my character is a switch. I could potentially be talked into something else depending on the scenario. While I'm open to IRL faceclaims, I'll be using drawn ones for my character and any relevant background characters such as the sister. I do prefer to play the prince as ftm/trans masc, but could play him as cis gender. I'm open to darker themes and have relatively few triggers if you're open to that!
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rphunter · 4 days
👑 I'm looking to do an oc x oc rp! 18+ only, I'm 21+
I have a prince OC made for a "medieval" or low/high fantasy setting!
My OC is the heir apparent to a royal family, taken in by his aunt and uncle, king and queen of his nation, following the death of his father, the Grand Duke. With no children of their own and no other siblings, my OC was the next in line for succession. He was formally adopted, bestowed the title of prince, and thrown into his lessons.
His uncle, having had no desire to maintain his position on the throne is eager to pass it off to his nephew. My OC holds himself in a polite and mature way when attending court or facing the public, often in contrast to his younger sister who is eager to start fires due to the luxury of her high position.
I'd be open to a number of scenarios, but here are some I've thought of:
- The prince's sister has been causing issues for your character during the social season and he does his best to compensate for any damage done. Granted, it's clear he has no intention of actually stopping his sister from spreading rumors or harassing yours. For this I'd be looking for other nobles/visiting royals.
- The prince's sister is infatuated with yours and he's looking to size yours up. Whether or not your character is initally interested in her or not is up to you! This could be anyone from any walk of life, but he'll be more scrutinizing towards merchants/commoners.
- The king is unable to attend an event meant to strengthen/cement an alliance and his heir is sent instead. It's the prince's first time navigating such an important event.
- My prince has quietly left the castle/the safety of his guards in common clothes. It's the first time he's been out on his own. His reason for going? Maybe he's chased after his troublemaking sister that's gone out into town. Maybe he's curious about the lives of the common people. Maybe he's looking for information to make a political move and meets yours at a guild.
- Something blooming between the prince and his personal guard who knows him far more intimately than anyone else.
- A marriage arranged between the prince and your character to either merge kingdoms or strengthen an alliance. My prince is hoping to keep things amicable, but isn't afraid to be cold or cruel in turn if your character isn't.
- Alternatively, following the murder or assassination of his sister, my prince is a far more cold and closed off person. On a war path, he's looking to forge alliances though he is no longer at all reminiscent of the warm-hearted and polite prince he was before her loss. Perhaps your character is a potential ally, someone who is troubled by the sudden change of character, or from the nation harboring his sister's killer.
I'm not necessarily looking for smut, but my character is a switch. I could potentially be talked into something else depending on the scenario. While I'm open to IRL faceclaims, I'll be using drawn ones for my character and any relevant background characters such as the sister. I do prefer to play the prince as ftm/trans masc, but could play him as cis gender. I'm open to darker themes and have relatively few triggers if you're open to that!
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justguy13 · 18 days
Discussion: minors drawing adult stuffs
CHECK WARNINGS IN TAGS Yeah, i rarely was active later. But i wanted to talk about one stuff that was making me uneasy. This post is kinda sumbur Minors, drawing adult content and , in most cases are influenced and has not nice childhood or even were groomed and SA... By influence i mean that they accidantly could stumble on not nice content on some dark side of internet (I remember when YouTube wasn't filtering ryona and other specific content back times, as I accidantly stumbled on it too. There even was some specific anime for adults with... Boys... As we can say. It's disgusting) or had talk with creeps as possible groomers and predators or even peers who were thinking that drawing NSFW and being interested in it all is '50 C00L 4ND 3DGY!!! 83 L1K3 U5 8R00000!!!' About not nice childhood... Just remember adult-content artist Minus 8 (I don't support his interest in THIS, i'm just saying the fact). He had a cruel alcoholic dad who passed away long ago when artist was only infant. And it could affect him to draw such stuff. And in high chances it can happen to minors too as a way to cope with traumatic and stressful experiences. Neglecting, child abuse, mental pressure, manipulation, addicted parents, bullying Grooming and SA are reasons, that influences minor and/or making them find coping mechanism as drawing adultstuffs. As we know, some victims of SA getting hypersexual after traumatic experience and it's one of the way to cope with this shit, not only panic attacks, fear, agression, depression and etc. And it all can lead to this coping mechanism that sometimes can lead to a mental condition Grooming is more like influence, as groomer manipulates victim without problems and making them to do all, what they pleasure. Sending nudes, RP for adults, drawing adult arts together, or maybe even manipulating through money in games for example Roblox, threats, suggestive voice messages and jokes about specific theme, gifts to the victim, paying too much attention. It all can be a grooming
So that's all possible reasons why minors are interested in adult stuffs and can start to draw such content. I don't support such behaviour, as it can put in danger minors. Most of groomers and predators are seeking them, and when they see that their victims are interested in adult themes, they will be think: "OH... Easy fish! Time to catch!". It's like if underage girl will wear a short skirt because it's fashionable, mother wears like that and etc, and then predators will try to take her in a dark corner (I know, that this monsters don't care about how victims are worn. Check Bundy's Museum "What Were You Wearing". It was a rough and stereotypical example). I wish you understand what I meant...
As a person, who had experience with stumbling on such dirty content all my childhood on YouTube (Banned from Equestria, some Sonic adult gameplay, Boku no Pico (disturbing anime because of genrecon), different ryona games and even adult videos of LPS figures that were recorded BY LITTERAL KIDS with themes as SA, molestion, r@pe and manipulations and even SO SPECIAL INTERACTION BETWEEN FAMILY MEMBERS). I can agree that it affected on me too. No, you won't ever find any of my adult arts as i never was using Internet back time for sharing arts, as I was thinking, that's dirty, and plus I was upbringed by religious family that were explaining that it's all for adults and why I shouldn't be interested in it too much (yeah, you can be surprised, but despite being religious, they're nice, lol). From all this shit I got addiction in teenagerhood and that wasn't fine As a person, who interacted with p3d0-n@zi and somehow intented to break cuts with him after he tried to seduce my minor OC (she was only 9-13 years old) and me who was only 14-15 years old, and who had in friends a minor person who was trying to make ERP with me despite all my rejectes. He was only 13-14, while me 16-17... Well... When I opened my eyes and felt uncomfortable to the bones, I quickly cut all connections with them two, but... Not all minors will do, what I did. Some will become like their groomers or even worse, another will be traumatised that it will lead to sui-... Third will be adult content-addicted and get hypersexuality And knowing all this situations, getting in this situations and talking about this situations with friends and even friending some minors who draw adult content, I feel so fucking nervous, knowing, that some of mf doing this shit to them. It's NOT minors' fault, that they draw and make adult content. It's fault of THEIR ENVIRONMENT. So it's fucking useless and pointless to attack them without proper knowledge about this dangerous (especially for minors) phenomenon. Remember, in most cases society makes up monsters, idiots, creeps and just disturbed and lost souls, not person themself. And when it's finally build up, it can be TOO LATE to change their personality and/or opinion. And by aggressively attacking them you only make them feel isolated and in high chances they will turn backs to you and follow groomers and predators... And ya know it can lead to worse consequenses... What about minors who draw controversial adult content... Yeah... In this case it's really hard to talk with them. If they're fine person, you can try to talk to them and that this crap is evil. But if they're problematic to the bones where they'll make even their friends to make you problems - no, please, don't risk your own safety and safety of people who you know. They're hardest type of people that I ever met... So I can't say many about them
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kokorowoutsu · 3 months
-- RP: @pkmn-spira
Well, Morgan won't really blame Ashe on that, as that was mostly true in almost all incidents. She had read through the old newspapers the old man had. Collections of international news that happened over the years. The notoriousness of Rocket, Plasma, Magma, Aqua, Galactic and so on. Their actions made the world learn that anything with the 'Team' prefix would be harbingers of bad news. While Ashe spent her time reuniting with her young child, Morgan would glance over to the Celestial Grunts that were knocked out cold. While it would seem she was checking if they were to awake, or some of them were pretending to be unconscious and is waiting to pull a fast one on them... In her mind she was laughing. Mentally finding this hilarious. This chance meeting not only had her meet rather interesting individuals, these same faces also unknowingly turned a planned Celestial operation here a complete bust. Looks like she inadvertently caused that, too. The irony is almost laughable. Alas, this is but a minor setback, anyway. It would seem that Ashe's Pokémon has it out for her, what with the Garchomp expressing its agitation, now directed at Morgan and her Gardevoir. In response, Baobhan Sith would move in front of her trainer, staring intently at the Garchomp too, almost as if she was challenging the Dragon type to try anything. Noting this, the Fairy Type specialist would turn her gaze to them, and have a hand on her Pokémon's shoulder. "Easy now. Let's not set off on the wrong foot here, shall we?" Hence, her and her Gardevoir would exchange glances, before said Pokémon would nod in turn, yet kept its gaze locked on the Garchomp, staring at it, unblinking, its body unmoving even. Almost like a statue, of sorts. And now, Morgan would look over to the mother and daughter duo, giving the both of them a smile.
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"Of course. Its always nice to be of someone's assistance, you see." She responded, bowing a bit in turn. "And a mother being separated from her child can be a cruel thing. I wouldn't want you to suffer from it. Though now that means we have one more left to look for, no?" "About these guys?" She began, now looking over to the unconscious bodies of Team Celestial's Grunts. "They're from an organization called Team Celestial, a group that had recently gained notoriety, just two years after the downfall of a previous organization called Team Andromeda. Quite the nuisance they are, you see, as this new organization is far more secretive than the previous. Its almost as if Team Celestial did their homework and made sure to not repeat the same mistakes Team Andromeda did two years ago that led to their ultimate downfall."
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"This is true." Ashe had a tired expression just thinking about it, but there was a hint of worry in her tone too. She knew her husband could handle himself, but he did have a knack for having no sense of direction. She felt Willow shift, her blue eyes locked on Morgan in fear. "Willow... Sunshine... it's alright. She helped me find you." She reassured. Willow went to bury her face into her mother's shoulder then, shivering. Something was bothering her daughter about this woman but what? She seemed to be in tune with the fairy-types or fae even -- there wasn't a reason to fear their own kind... right?
Shifting her daughter, she felt her Garchomp nudge her shoulder. "Hey, you want Kumiko to carry you?" She asked and the girl was quiet for a bit before responding in a foreign language -- Fae. "Yeah? Alright." Handing Willow to the Garchomp, Kumiko held her what looked to be awkwardly, but it appeared she had done this before. With her arms free, Ashe strolled over to the Team Celestial grunts, grabbing a stick nearby and poking one of them in the head with it. "... You still got it, Kumiko." The Garchomp purred in trumph at that. "Whatever this is all about, you being one of the Elite Four should suffice enough for me to stay out of it. Besides, we're not from here and right now I just want to keep my daughter safe and find my husband--" Lucky tugs on their link enough to get her attention.
He had been tuning himself into the forest to try and look for said husband and apparently had located him. Pointing with his ribbons in a specific direction, Ashe looked to Morgan. "What's that way? Nothing too bad I hope?--" A distant boom could be heard as well as the roar of pokemon clashing as whatever Lucky had picked up on got closer. "... Uhhhh..." Ashe couldn't say much of anything except; "... Well I guess that could be my husband..."
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The fawn had been doing really well, he was growing in confidence and could hunt all on his own and knew the forest well enough to go about it with ease. He never got lost, he had managed to befriend and even tame some of the wilder beasts of the lands of dark, he had friends in the lands of light too but not as many, he still suffered with being picked on if not bullied by the other fawns and some creatures.
It was no secret that he had a relationship with a Nyx and Nikki, he was not afraid and didn’t bother to hide the marks Nyx had a habit of gifting him. Yet there were some who were… rougher in their treatment towards him, whilst some only jeered about his appearance and called him names, others doing small childish things like pulling his hair, tripping him up and throwing things to get stuck in his antlers and hair; some particular beings threw rocks, some tried to chase him into human traps and even downright attacked him.
Most times they were too terrified to go near Nyx’s domain or Nikki’s tree, but they didn’t hesitate to assault and Harris the fawn when they caught him alone. L didn’t really bother to tell Nikki or Nyx, he didn’t want to worry them and most times he was able to get away from those who tried to hurt him. Another thing he was improving on was his fear of water, ever since he’d nearly drowned he’d been terrified of any sort of pool of water and he couldn’t even go out when it rained because of how the water all over his body felt.
However after months, with Nikki’s help, he had learnt to go out in the rain, he could go into shallow water and even managed to go into pools of water up to his waist without panicking. It was easier for him to stay clean and clean the pelts he and Nyx wore so they had some clean clothes. It was like today he had gathered up the dirty pelts and tools and told Nyx and Nikki that he was going down to the nearby brook to clean things up. He chose to go alone and just smiled and said he wouldn’t be long.
The fawn had headed down to the brook and had wasted no time in placing the basket down and kneeling down in the water to start scrubbing them clean, his fluffy tail and ears wiggled up and down as he hummed to himself. L was so relaxed on Nyx’s land, he never usually had to worry about a single thing, but it was because of this he did not hear them approaching. Or well, he heard the movement but L was used to the sounds of critters moving about and coming over to him, so he just focused on trying to get a particularly deep bloodstain out of Nyx’s pelt.
That wasn’t until he saw the movement right behind him in the reflection of the water and suddenly something had ahold of his antlers and panic erupted through him as he was shoved head first down before he could fight it, the moment his head went under the water the fear swallowed him and he thrashed and kicked, but he just felt more hands on him forcing him down and in his panic he screamed, he tried to scream for Nikki or Nyx, or someone, anyone and all he got was water flooding into his mouth and lungs.
He heard laughter and sneers, muffled by water he couldn’t hear it fully but he caught jiving and cruel words, vicious intents. The fawns fighting began to weaken his body failing him the pain crushed his chest, his mind went blank with sheer fucking fear and the world darkened, it went black and cold… and L didn’t have the ability to think anymore as he went still.
Closed RP W/@thevampyrecynder
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sparklingdemon · 1 year
It’s understandable you need to rant, and I don’t mind you doing so! It’s a real shame that people won’t go out of their way just a little bit to see if they could find the creator’s blog (yours) to see what they do and do not have a permission to do. I feel as if it’s just the bare minimum someone could try to do, for the creator’s sake.
Making AIs of other people’s characters is also just honestly not cool if there’s no explicit permission given, and I’ve noticed that tends to be the running issue with a lot of these cases. It’s a common problem that people sort of just…forget? That these creations have people behind them who are going to see it and could be very hurt.
Pkmn Monochrome is a really cool concept! I love everything I’ve read of it and seen of it, and I think it and its characters deserves so much respect and love. I really hope that maybe, with time, some can start extending that out even more so that the misgendering of Cody will lessen even more.
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i know right - it's not even like my main is hard to find, it's right there in monochrome's pinned post, which is the first post anyone would see when reading the blog.
it just really sucks - i understand why character.ai would be fun for interacting with canon characters, because it cuts out the need for an RP partner who can fill your specific niche.
however, the pokemon creepypasta genre blurs the line between "canon character" and "author's OC". are they a canon character because they star in their own story that readers can disconnect from the author? or are they the author's OC, because they wrote it? at what point does the author no longer own the character? do they stop owning it the moment they send it out into the world, or does it take years after the author loses relevancy?
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a story will always go farther than its creator. others will take that story and its characters to interpret however they wish, regardless of author's intention. i've always accepted that with my pokepastas, which is why i am usually very lenient with what people do with my pokepasta characters despite me still owning them. people do not have to ask permission for what they do with them (despite it being appreciated, as i still like to know what people are doing.)
the problem with cody is that they're Not a pokepasta character, they are just a pokemon OC that has pokepasta-inspired themes and tropes. pokemon monochrome is not a narrative story you can read in one sitting like a pokemon creepypasta, it is a pokemon ask blog that is being updated daily. cody's story is still incomplete, and therefore no one but me has a complete understanding of their character until the story is finished.
maybe i would be more tolerant of this sort of thing after pokemon monochrome has run its course like my pokepasta stories have.
but the fact that the bot creator was unwilling to wait for that And unwilling to ask permission despite me being readily available shows a massive amount of disrespect for me as a creator. they do not see me as a necessary component in breathing life into cody's character.
there's a level of cruel irony to this as well; cody has a fear of players reverse-engineering or copying them without their knowledge, and that's exactly what this person did to me as their creator.
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thank you for enjoying monochrome! i don't think the misgendering will ever stop, but i'll keep doing everything i can to nip it in the bud. it will never be canonically acknowledged, which is the least i can do.
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qtubbo · 6 months
Hey I just saw the thing about qphil and Sunny and all I wanna say is I see the side where he is coming from because it seems he wanted to comfort (?) Sunny and tell her that Tallulah being a bit cold is not her fault but it's absolutely right that it was worded in a weird manner. And it really seems like a mute point if it was rp or not because he started the sentence with the words "imagine this feeling of your dad leaving you ........and then imagine this feeling 10x more...."
Regardless of what the motive or intent or the follow up was - saying that to a child just seems a bit hurtful. I whole heartedly agree his intentions were care for both sunny and Tallulah and he could've phrased it without it involving Sunny as smth like "Tallulah has been so cold because her dad hasn't been around and she is sad about that so give her time to work her emotions". It's straight to the point and only gives Sunny more context about the situation
See see, I viewed it as him trying to do a teaching moment, like oh Tubbo’s not here I can compare that to Wilbur not being here. But it just wasn’t done right, and it was a cruel thing to say to a child but it’s not plain evil as if he was doing it on purpose.
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arkhamofknight · 1 year
The Arkham Knight : The Beginning
A fanfic rp story
Blurb: Harley Quinn couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the battered Robin sitting in the middle of the room, tied to a chair with barbed wire. As she approached him, she noticed the scars on his face and realized who he was - Jason Todd, the second Robin. She reveled in the fact that her beloved Joker had managed to capture the bird.
As she began to speak to him, attempting to torture his mind further, she was surprised to learn how much he hated Batman and wanted to kill him. She listened intently as he told her about his plan to take down the Dark Knight and avenge his own death. She could see the determination in his eyes, and she knew that he was serious.
Harley saw an opportunity in Jason's hatred for Batman. She told him that he could be her knight in shining armor if he managed to kill the Caped Crusader. She promised him that if he succeeded, she would have the Joker all to herself.
As she untied him, she gave him the weapons he needed and sent him on his way, knowing that he would stop at nothing to get his revenge. But as she watched him go, she couldn't help but wonder if she had made a mistake. Would Jason succeed in killing Batman? And if he did, what would become of Harley and the Joker?
Only time would tell, but one thing was certain: Harley had just set in motion a chain of events that would change the course of Gotham City's history forever.
Read the full story below: the story is in the form a roleplay that can be found on Twitter here
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Harley was takin' a leisurely stroll down the halls of Arkham Asylum, hummin' a little tune to herself, when she did a double-take. Pig tails bouncing, an eerie grin on 'er face.
the sounds of lousy 'ol men moanin' an' groanin' about how they wanna get outta tha damn place. "Can't ya jsut SHUT UP?" Harley randomly yelled. "you're ruinin' ma song!"
she noticed a door that was usually wide open was then closed. "hm, do we have a newcomer?" tha harlequin ask herself.
Right smack dab in tha middle of tha room was none other than tha battered Robin, tied up in barbed wire. "hello little guy!" eyes gleamin' at the new toy to play with.
the boy, sat on a chair in tha middle of tha room lookin all comfy! approachin' him she took him his uniform and squealed.
"well, well, well," she purred, a sly grin spreadin' across her lips. "Looks like Puddin' caught himself a birdie!" she let out a little giggle, twirlin' a strand of her hair around her finger. "you're a long way from the nest, ain't ya?!"
a weary sigh escaped jason's lips, bouncing off the frigid walls of the cell. his head hung low, barely able to lift it in the dank, dimly lit chamber. he knew all too well where he was: the infamous arkham asylum.
muted cries of desperation from fellow inmates could be heard faintly in the distance. the man's mouth was parched, his left eye swollen and his vision blurred. suddenly, the unmistakable voice of harley quinn echoed down the corridor, sending a shiver down his spine.
the mere sound of her voice turned his stomach. if he wasn't going to be tormented by the clown prince of crime, he'd have to endure the cruel taunts of his harlequin. the barbed wire wrapped around his body and limbs had become a cruel extension of his body, the sharp points digging into his flesh with each movement.
as the door to his cell creaked open, he slowly turned his head to the side, his gaze still downcast. he remained silent, refusing to give her the satisfaction of a response. with a twisted smirk, harley called him her "little birdie," causing him to clench his teeth and whisper through gritted teeth, "don't call me that."
Harley's noggin went from side to side as she circled ta beat up boy, takin' in his uniform, cuts, and bruises. She poked his chest where his 'R' was, wearin' a wicked grin on her kisser as she spoke.
"aawwh, come on birdie," she taunted. "you're no fun if ya don't play with me." But the kid refused to reply, his peepers burnin' with hate for her.
Harley's grin turned into a scowl as she threatened him. "If you're not gonna play with me, I'll have to bring out my mallet an' teach ya a lesson, bird brain!" she said, her voice low and dangerous.
She then caressed his face, lookin' at him with a mix of both delight an' menace as she whispered in a sing song tune, "How could eva' the big 'ol bat leave one o' his birdies along like that?"
Runnin' her thumb across tha fresh 'J' on his face, she couldn't help but chuckle to herself. But then, unexpectedly, ta kid just spoke. Harley jumped back, surprised by tha sudden outburst.
"Why ain't ya a birdie no more?" she asked, her voice in a surprised tone.
Jason couldn't even bring himself to meet her gaze as she mocked him for being no fun to play with. There was a time in his past when he was young and fearless, charging into battle without a second thought. But times had changed, and now he felt broken. He knew that this wasn't the end, though. Joker hadn't killed him yet, no matter how much he begged for release from this hell.
As she threatened him, he slumped back and looked at her through heavy-lidded eyes. He was ready to take whatever beating she had in store for him. "I'm used to it," he muttered, his voice barely audible. He wasn't even sure if she heard him, his body failing to keep up with his act.
When she touched his face, he knew she was only taunting him further. But for a few moments, he closed his eyes and let himself drift off to sleep. Her hands were warm against his skin, possibly the first point of contact that didn't bruise or cut him. As she spoke, his heart felt like it was being wrung out like a washcloth. She reminded him of how he ended up in this situation.
When Harley pressed her finger against his fresh scar, pain shot through his body. He winced, but only briefly. He was getting used to the pain, learning how to lose himself in it. There was no shortcut, no way out.
After he told her he was no longer Robin, he watched her closely, waiting for her reaction. Part of him wondered if she knew about Joker's plan to capture him. "Why do you think?" he asked, a bold move for him. Maybe his spirit wasn't as broken as his body after all.
Th' jester was chillin', her hands restin' on her knees while she locked eyes with th' bird boy. He had tha nerve ta spit some words back at her - did he really think he could question THE Harley Quinn? Who was runnin' this show? Her eyes widened, both impressed by his boldness and angry at his words.
"Hey! I'm the one askin' the questions 'round here!" she barked, her high-pitched voice ringin' through the room. She started circlin' him again, thinkin' that if he still had tha nerve ta talk back, he wasn't scared enough of her. And that needed ta change.
"Let me get this straight - you're callin' yourself not Robin anymore, but you're still wearin' that damn uniform... you see how that don't make sense, right?!" she continued. As she circled him, she noticed how tha barbed wire was diggin' into his skin, leaving old drops of blood smeared onto his crimson uniform. Was she feelin' sorry for this kid? Nahh.
In a sudden move, Harley grabbed the back of his chair an' leaned in close to his ear, whisperin', "Was that you cryin' last night? Callin' for Batsy ta come save ya?" She taunted him. "Guess what, birdy - he ain't comin'. He forgot about ya. He don't want ya back. He's got a new birdie now... wanna see?" She kissed his cheek, leavin' a lipstick mark, then straightened up an' hopped onto tha boy's lap, pullin' out a picture from her clothes.
She showed it ta him - a picture of tha B man and some new kid, wearin' a very similar uniform. "Looks like you were right, kid. You ain't Robin no more, 'cause he's got someone else!" She cackled, her eerie high-pitched laugh ringin' around them once again.
As he took a deep breath, the pain shot through his chest like a bullet. He tried to ignore the psycho chick's taunts, but it was like white noise at this point. He knew she was just doing her job for her crazy lover, the clown. And here he was, alone with the demons in his head.
What was her deal? Was she just being stupid or did she have nothing left to say? Of course he was wearing his uniform, did she not know the story? The one where her beloved Joker dragged him and hung him up like a lamb for slaughter? Maybe she missed that part.
Normally, he'd try to talk his way out of this or use his field training to escape. But would it even work this time? Their words were getting to him, and Batman wasn't coming to save him. Did he even still care?
He fought hard not to let their words change his perception of his father, but it was getting harder every time he spoke up for Batman. Defending his mentor and pleading for his help only led to beatings and bloodshed.
As she grabbed the back of his chair, he took a sharp breath, knowing what was coming. Another beating. He could hardly remember what happened last night; his brain tried to erase any trauma associated with it. Was he still holding onto the hope that Batman would come?
His once hopeful, ocean blue eyes were now filled with pain as he looked at the picture. And that's when his heart shattered. It was official, and he couldn't believe it. "No," he muttered, hyperventilating and struggling against his restraints as tears streamed down his cheeks. How could Batman do this to him?
Harley wasn't given any orders 'bout dis kid. She was actin' on her own, 'cause Mistah J didn't tell her what he planned ta do with da lil' bird who's no longer Robin. What did he have in mind for him?
Finally, da boy gave her somethin'. She heard da hitch in his breath an' it made her grin from ear ta ear. But he still didn't say a word. Dis kid was gettin' on her nerves, but he also kept her interested. She enjoyed playin' with him like a black widow playin' with its prey before devourin' it.
Now, sittin' on his lap with one arm 'round his shoulders, she watched his reaction ta da photo. But she wasn't prepared for da boy's response. He looked not only broken, but betrayed and hurt. "Dawhh- did I hit a nerve? hmm" Harley stroked his hair, not ta comfort him, but ta tease him. Her hands were stained with his blood from earlier. What da heck did Mistah J do ta dis kid?
"Ugh!" she exclaimed as she stood up. "Don't just cry like a big baby! Tell me how much ya hate him now. Tell me how much ya wanna kill da new boy who replaced ya! Is he even wearin' your cape or somethin'? How does dat work?"
"Tell ya what," Harley spoke after a short while, hands on her hips as she made her way back ta da boy. "If ya promise me ta kill da Bat too, I'll give ya da means ta do it with."
That photo, the proof that his old man, his mentor, chose someone else over him. Maybe that's why he never bothered to find him. They call him the greatest detective, but if that's true, he should've found him by now. Which means he never even looked. But now he knows why.
Her hand ran through his hair, slick with old blood. It was almost soothing, but he knew what she was up to - playing mind games. Trying to push him over the edge by giving him a moment of peace, then snatching it away. Nice try, but he's been through too much for that.
His body was failing him again, and he was mad. So mad he wanted to scream, but instead, he found himself crying. Was it from the pain, or something else entirely? He didn't know. He looked around, desperate for a way out, but he was stuck, trapped like a bird in a cage.
His visual search came to a stop as he looked at Harley. She had something to offer him. Something that teetered on the edge of madness and sweet, sweet revenge. She even talked about offing the Bat...
He'd heard that line before, too many times to count. It almost seemed normal now, and sometimes he even craved it. To make Bruce feel the same agony he felt. But he shook his head, low and slow.
Harley gave him plenty o' time ta think, but now she wants things done 'er way. He's bein' too quiet, an' that's no fun at all. "No?" She says with a dramatic sigh.
Kickin' his chair so he falls backward, she taunts him with a "Byeeee." But that's not enough for wastin' her time an' refusin' her offer. She struts over to tha boy, still bound ta his chair, an' presses her foot onto his chest.
"Rule number one: If you're not a birdie anymore, ya answer to me!" Her foot presses harder inta his ribcage. "Rule number two: Ya should have accepted it, bird brain!" She holds up two fingers ta emphasize her point.
She can see tha boy getting angrier, an' that's thrillin' for her. "Don't ya hate him?" she asks. "Don't ya see what he did to ya? He let ya go on your own an' never came for ya. Instead, he found some otha kid!"
"Ya've been replaced. Why not show him what he missed, huh?" She leans down closer ta him, twirling a strand of hair with her fingers. "I want you ta kill the Bat for me. Can you do it?"
Harley wishes she had her bat or mallet with her. It would be so much quicker ta get her answer that way! There's nothing in tha damn room to hit him with, except for her fists. But she gives him one last chance ta do as she says.
His eyelids shut tight, trying to erase the sight of his ex-mentor letting the new Robin take up his mantle. Suddenly, he was thrown backward with a jarring shock that sent him reeling.
His head smacked into the ground with a brutal thump, eliciting a grunt of agony from his lips. His vision grew more hazy, and he gasped for air as the wind was knocked out of him upon impact.
The barbed wire dug into his flesh, drawing fresh blood with each movement he made. He couldn't take it any longer. Every time he tried to shift to a new spot, he felt aches he was sure he hadn't felt before.
With her foot planted firmly on his chest, he felt like he was on death's door. His eyes drooped, and he coughed violently as he struggled to breathe.
She was right. He had to let Bruce know he was alive, and he had to make him pay for not coming after him. He needed to show him that he could beat him.
His jaw clenched, and he spat out a mouthful of blood as her boot slammed into his face, forcing him to look away from her. "Fine. I'll do it - I'll kill Batman," Jason growled.
For a moment, there was nothing but silence, and then she lifted her boot. "I'll...kill...Batman," he repeated, fully aware of what he was saying as he looked up at the harlequin.
An' just like that, Harley found herself tha perfect chance ta make someone do her wicked biddin'. Take out tha Bat so she could have Puddin' all ta herself! Ain't it a beautiful day?
"Hmph!" Harley pretended ta mull ova his offer, tapping her finger on tha side of her chin an' playfully rollin' her eyes. "Alrighty then!" she shrugged.
"You can't take on Batman like this, sweetie. He'll just laugh at ya! But lucky for us, blondie here knows just what ta do!" She gestured towards her chest with 'er thumb.
Spinning around, she hollered towards tha door. "Hey, you guys! Get in 'ere an' do something!" Harley ordered her goons ta release Jason from 'is restraints.
Harley expected him ta be all ready for action or somethin', but that wasn't tha case at all! She turned ta tha men again an' asked them to get him some clothes from Arkham's laundry an' then ta move him to another cell later on.
As they scurried off ta obey her, Harley kept her eyes on tha boy, who still hadn't gotten up from tha floor. Arms folded across her chest, she asked him, "So, how long have ya been here?"
Harley was a bit bummed she didn't have a hand in his capture, but now that he was up for doin' her biddin', she was a happy girl.
He shut his eyes, but this time he did it slowly. In relief, no less. He heard the ruckus but didn't give a damn. All he could think about was how he was about to be free from these damn restraints.
He forgot the days when he last stood on his own two feet. It felt like an eternity ago. His pity party was interrupted by the sensation of being hauled upright again. Men cutting the barbed wire from around his chest. He was jolted off the chair and onto the floor. Rude, but at least he was somewhat free.
Once again, he was on the ground. It felt good to be in a different position. Hell, just being able to move his body at all felt like a luxury at the moment.
The men left, and he let out a sigh. He tried to get up, but his body was weak from atrophy and shaking like a leaf. He felt his weight ten times more than before, even though his Robin outfit was slightly bigger than before.
He heard her ask a dumb question. He had no concept of time anymore. He had no idea how long he'd been stuck there, but it felt like forever.
"Weeks? Months?" he threw out a guess, hoping she'd leave him the hell alone. He stirred and rolled onto his back, looking up at her.
Th' clown-faced gal blinked at th' boy in front of her. Weeks? Months? He's been held hostage fer that long? Geez... that's harsh.
"Fine!" she spat out, not lettin' her Harleen side interfere with her twisted plans. As she saw him strugglin' to even move, she shook her head at him. "Ya better get ready, we got a ton o' stuff ta do!"
As they both locked eyes, she could see he was just as wrecked as she was. She then dropped tha orange Arkham jumpsuit onto his chest, her hands returning ta her hips. "Keep 'em until they move ya outta tha cell, ya gonna stay for a while."
Tha jester told tha goons which cell he would be taken to, ta have him showered an' fed. Meanwhile, she pulled some strings in 'er favor ta get tha ball rollin'.
With Joker away on some other task, she had ta run the place herself. She was more than capable anyway. These men were scared outta their minds of tha queen o' crime!
"Oh, and if ya try ta escape? The offer's off tha table, an' ya can kiss the light of day goodbye!" she yelled into his face. Turnin' around, she headed for tha exit to begin her master plan.
First thing she checked was who else 'happened' to be in Arkham. That kid needs some training' but also new toys an' a whole new look!
Did he sell his soul to the devil? 'Cause that's what it felt like. That orange jumpsuit was a real kick in the pants. Never in a million years did he think he'd be sporting Arkham's threads.
Some other slammer? Maybe. But not Arkham. No point in dwelling on the past though. Robin was gone, dead to him, dead to everyone, especially his old man.
He had to take it day by day and rise up from the ashes. Show Batman that he's not some punk off the street he took in out of pity. Take on the Robin mantle only to rip it away from him.
Were those the Joker's words or his own? It was all starting to blur together. But one thing was for sure, they were right. He didn't need anyone to save him, he could do it himself.
Then three goons come up on him and drag him to another cell, or so he thought. They knew who Robin was, 'cause he probably handed them their asses before. Well, now it was payback time, 'cause they didn't leave until he was out cold.
He woke up to the icy water from the shower running over him, huddled up in a corner. 'Get up and get ready before the boss lady shows up' one of the goons who just laid a beating on him said.
With her pigtails bouncin', hummin' her favorite tune, Harley sauntered down tha halls of Arkham, draggin' her mallet along tha steel cages of those foolish animals who dared to run Gotham without her an' her puddin'.
Despite tha screams an' insults hurled at her, Harley was lost in her own thoughts, focusin' on her plan. That is, until she heard no calls that didn't fight back or throw insults from a particular cell. She had ta investigate.
Tha jester leaned against tha steel bars with a light thud, tauntin' Deathstroke who lounged on his bed, throwin' a ball against tha wall. "Whassup, daddy?" she said, grinning mischievously.
"You lookin' ta bust outta here? 'Cause I got a deal for ya." She knew he wasn't tha friendly type, but Harley wanted something from him.
"I got fresh meat for ya," she said, swingin' against tha bars ta catch Slade's interest. She giggled as she heard tha ball stop its thuddin' against tha concrete wall. She had his attention.
"I need ya to train someone for me. And if ya do it, I promise I won't stop ya this time." She ended tha sentence in her sultry tone, rememberin' when her an' Joker meddled in Deathstroke's business an' ended up in Arkham. Just adding her own touch to it.
Slade's eyes fixated on the harlequin with a scowl. "I ain't your puppet, Quinn," he growled before returning to tossing the ball against the wall, the room reverberating with each thud.
He was there on his own mission. A lone wolf, Slade had no interest in getting involved in what he saw as kiddie games with Harley and her clown. But when he overheard Harley talking about training someone, he became curious. And so he sat up in his bed, taking in the jester on the other side of the cell.
"Who? And why should I agree to this?" Slade wasn't one to mince words.
Meanwhile, Jason hurried through his shower, shuddering under the frigid water that felt like needles piercing his skin. It had been months since he had felt anything, so the pain was almost a relief.
His broken ankle made it difficult to stand upright, but after much effort, he managed to pull on his orange jumpsuit and hobble back to his cell. Once inside, he lay down on what passed for a bed and let the pain wash over him as his body readjusted to being upright again.
"Ya know, you're in a pretty tight spot now, ey? Means ya gotta follow what I say!" Harley taunted tha one-eyed marksman with a sly grin on her face. "We got someone in here who was taken from tha Bat, could be a real nice tool ta use against him if ya got some beef with tha big guy. And guess what, you'll get a whole buncha' shiny new toys to play with, 'cause Roman's warehouse is goin' up in smoke!" she finished with a cackle, layin' out her master plan.
Sure, Mistah J would never have let her go off on her own like this, but Harley was gonna show 'im. Show her puddin' that she could run tha show on 'er own. He always talked big about killing tha Bat, but he never got anywhere with it!
Once Slade reluctantly agreed ta her plan, she clapped her hands an' squealed with delight. "Yay! I'll bust you outta' here an' introduce ya to your new student!"
Returnin' to Jason's cell, she knocked on tha steel bars. "Knock, knock, birdieee! Tomorrow you'll have a new trainin' partner, so ya better get ready... oh, an' here's a little prezie for ya!" She tossed in tha photo of Batman an' the new Robin, stirrin' up Jason's emotions an' fueling his rage even more.
Slade would jump at the chance to get revenge on Batman, especially now that he knows who's been taken from him. Deathstroke and Jason, as Robin, have a bit of history between them, having crossed paths before.
Despite being more free to move, Jason is curled up in a ball, finding comfort in the pain that lulls him to sleep. When he opens his eyes, he sees the jester knocking on the steel and
babbling about a training partner. Doesn't she see how messed up he is? He knows he has to tough it out, but he's worried about more beatings.
He wonders who this new training partner could be, and for a moment, he's afraid it's the Joker, playing games with his mind. But he shakes off the thought and looks at the photo that stirs up his stomach.
He can't make out who the new face is, but he wonders if this person is different from him, someone who isn't filled with rage or from the wrong side of the tracks.
The urge to tear the photo to shreds is strong, but he takes a shaky breath and places it under his pillow, using it as a goal to motivate him to come back stronger. The night is full of dark memories and dreams, and he has no idea what the next day will bring.
Tha siren blared, sendin' a thrill down Harley's spine. Nothin' like a little chaos ta start tha day, she thought. Her plan was finally goin' inta motion, and she was giddy with excitement.
"Rise and shine, fellas!" she sang, her voice echoing through tha halls as she pranced around.
She stopped in front of a particular cell, leanin' against tha bars with a wicked grin. "Good mornin', birdie! Time fer class!" she said, jinglin' a pair of handcuffs in her hand.
She didn't bother waitin' fer an answer before unlockin' the door and cuffin' the boy. He was a tall one, she noted, and kinda cute. "Don't mind me, handsome," she purred, runnin' a finger down his arm. "Just takin' ya on a little field trip."
Harley's men escorted tha boy to the courtyard, where she joined them after fetchin' Deathstroke. "Today's gonna be a good day," she told one of her goons, grinnin' from ear ta ear. "It's like watchin' a cockfight - two opponents in a ring, fightin' it out. That's what I call trainin'!"
As she settled in ta watch tha bloodshed, Harley felt a rush of excitement wash over her. It was gonna be a great day.
The night was a real mind fuck, filled with terror and darkness that consumed his being. His body felt like a raggedy old piece of cloth, exhausted and worn out, yet his mind was plagued with twisted dreams of pain, death, and betrayal by his former mentor.
As he woke up, he felt groggy and disoriented, staring at the drippy sink in his cell, which made him feel like puking his guts out. He couldn't choose the luxury suite, could he? At least he had a roof over his head and a bed to sleep on.
"Fuck this," Jason muttered to himself, staring at his broken reflection in the mirror once he got up, which was about to shatter any moment. He recalled his training days when Bruce used to say, "Focus on what you want to achieve," which Jason repeated to himself.
The moment he saw the cuffs, he knew he was in for another round of torture or something similar. The anxiety level shot up, but he held back his fear, not daring to show his weakness.
Despite his sore ankle, he was dragged to the courtyard, where he squinted his eyes and rubbed them to adjust to the daylight. As he tried to regain his focus, he saw someone approaching him in an orange jumpsuit. He wondered if it was Grayson or someone else, but it turned out to be Deathstroke -this ought to be hell.
Once tha jester caught sight of her two puppets giving each other tha stink eye in the courtyard, she dropped her slice of pizza an' leaned forward like she was watchin' a blockbuster movie scene. Her henchmen in tha background were already placin' bets on who would draw first blood.
She tried to make out if they were saying anything, but so far it was all silence. Harley let out a sigh and sat up, adjusting her pigtails. "Why's she gotta do everything 'round here?" she grumbled. It didn't take long for her ta strut out ta them.
"Y'all gonna exchange life stories or are ya gonna train?" she snarled in Jason's face. "Don'tcha know we got a mission ta do? You," she jabbed a finger at Salde, "ya gotta train him," she pointed at Jason. "He promised he'd take care of tha Bats for me," she finished with a dreamy voice, hand on her heart.
"Now, I brought some toys, as promised," she gestured to a trunk on tha side of the courtyard. Instructing her men to remove their cuffs an' see what they were capable of, she barked, "Don't be shy now - tha clock's tickin'!"
One of her goons interrupted to inform Harley that she was needed elsewhere. Some loony managed ta escape his cell, an' instead of Harley dealin' with it herself, she ordered her men ta toss him inta the courtyard with her two boys ta see what they were made of.
Jason knew where he stood, on the other side of the tracks, the very same tracks he once fought against. He was expecting a beatdown for what he did to those crooks. It was poetic justice, but it was still gonna hurt.
Slade, the old man, gave Jason a nod. "Looks like you finally learnt your lesson, Kid," he taunted him. "Now you know why you shouldn't be running around without following orders." Slade wanted to get under Jason's skin and mess with his head.
"What the hell do you know?" Jason retorted, his old Robin attitude seeping through. But their spat was interrupted by Harley, who was eager to see some bloodshed.
Jason's eyes fell on the trunk. Guns and weapons were inside, and it felt like a suicide mission. Slade walked over to the trunk, took a gun, and threw it to Jason. He examined the gun in his hands. Bruce wouldn't approve, but Bruce wasn't here now. Bruce had abandoned him to die.
Jason had some gun training as Robin, but it wasn't the focus of his training for obvious reasons. Suddenly, a man came running towards them. Both Slade and Jason remained calm. Slade didn't even look and shot the man's ankle to stop him. The man's screams of pain echoed through the courtyard.
Jason didn't flinch, but he knew Slade was serious. This wasn't training, it was a test of survival of the fittest.
Harley's laughter echoed through tha courtyard as she watched tha chaos unfold. Turnin' ta one o' her henchmen, she nudged him with her elbow. "See? Ain't this a hoot? I knew it would be!" With a playful twirl of her hair, she tossed him tha keys. "You handle them. Mama's got work to do!"
An' work she did! Harley had a lot on her plate. She needed everythin' to be just right before her puddin' came back. It had ta be perfect, no room for error!
Her plan was workin' like a charm. Tha new kid was trainin', Slade was holdin' up his end of tha bargain, but it needed ta be bigger! It couldn't just be a one-man show. She was ready ta declare war on tha city an' it had to be done right.
But preparation takes time! When that Scarecrow guy hinted at his plan ta bring down Gotham, Mistah J just laughed it off. But Harley saw it as tha perfect opportunity ta put her plan into action. Soon...
Weeks became months, and months became what it feels like an eternity. The kid who used to light up the room, the one who believed that being Robin was the "best day of his life" was long gone. Now, all that was left was a seething hatred that fueled every move he made.
The pain of what his former mentor did to him was always there, gnawing at him like a hungry rat. all the beating's and words he got form the Joker, fueled his hatred and so they were now his ally. He fought harder, he fought dirtier. His only mission was to make anyone who got in his way and the one man pay for what he did to him.
In front of the shattered mirror, he repeated his new mantra over and over again: "He did this to me." The boy who once wanted to save the city now only wanted to see it bathed in the blood of its criminals, and the blood of the one man who broke him.
As the cell door opened, he didn't need to be forced out. He strode down the hallway like he owned it, his steps confident and strong. And when the garage doors opened, he saw what awaited him: an arsenal of weapons and armor, just waiting for him to claim them.
Spinnin' 'round in her chair, she tugged at her bubblegum, poppin' it loud between her pearly whites. When that big bad warehouse door creaked open, she stopped dead in her tracks, lookin' ova ta who was comin'.
"Welcome to yer own personal playground, honey!" she cackled, flingin' her arms wide open like she was queen of the castle. She had plenty ta say, but she was really just biding her time for the guy - er, the former Robin - to take in what he was seein'. She needed a brave soldier to test out her brand spankin' new weapons and guns! Maybe they'd get tha job done right this time.
"What's tha holdup, suga'? Ya here ta play or what?" The jester beckoned him inside with a sly grin, snatching up one of the guns from the pile an' tossin' it over to him. "Heard ya got a taste for these lil' babies," she cooed, eyein' him up an' down as he examined tha weapon in his hands. "This whole place is all yers now, so ya better use 'em well! And don't forget our little deal."
With a playful flick of her multi-patterned thigh-high socks, she stood up from her chair, ready to watch the show.
Harley's voice echoed through the garage, ringing in his ears. He couldn't say he was thrilled to see her, not after all the crap he's been through thanks to the Joker and his clown princess. But duty calls, and he had a job to do.
As he approached Harley, he caught the gun she tossed his way. It was one a custom-made weapon, with the Arkham Logo and Amertek's serial numbers. Amertek, the big guns of weapon and armor manufacturing in Gotham, supplying military-grade vehicles and whatnot. Harley had really outdone herself with these.
But as he held the gun in his hand, memories flooded his mind. Memories of Bruce telling him to drop the gun and not to use them, but Jason grew up with guns, using them to protect his mother and home. He owed it to the guns for keeping them safe from the dealers and pimps.
Then as he visually took in the suit, he couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance to Batman's suit in the Batcave. It had the Arkham Logo and made of the same steel as the military vehicle behind him. No capes, just a sleek, Terminator-like design. It was a masterpiece, and it would serve him well in terminating Batman's life.
"I'm guessing that is mine too," Jason said, nodding towards the suit. He walked over to inspect it, admiring its intricate design. This suit was going to help him get the job done.
As a doctah, Harley wasn't no strangah to seein' folks recallin' their past. She tilted her head, eyein' tha soldier up an' down. Poppin' her gum, she put her hands on her hips, lookin' all tough an' serious. 'Course, she always meant business.
She noticed how tha guy was underestimatin' her, bringin' in all these fancy weapons. "Ya didn't reckon on gettin' all these toys, did ya?" she teased, pointin' at his chest.
Hummin' a little tune in her head, she gave him some time to marvel at his new suit. Skippin' over to tha military vehicle, she leaned against it, grinnin' wickedly. "Would ya look at that?! Batman wouldn't stand a chance! HA!"
Her puddin' would be so proud of her! Finally, finally, she'd have her beloved clown all ta herself. His obsession with tha Bat was gettin' in tha way of her plans with her man.
"Why don'tcha try it on?" she nudged him. Bored, she crept up behind him, lettin' her hand skim over his broad back before settlin' on his shoulder. "I told ya, if ya followed orders, ya'd get some sweet gifts! Enjoy yer little playground while I check some other stuff. When I'm back, ya better have a plan on how ta get started! I'm gettin' impatient!" With a huff, she skipped away.
The whole time she was going on about her master plan and how she was itching to see Batman get taken down for good, Jason was trapped inside his own head. But when she asked him to put on the suit like it was nothing, it snapped him back to reality. He gave her a look, taking in her offer, and wondered where his old Robin suit was now. Probably burned to a crisp, he figured.
With a nod, he sucked in a deep breath as he watched her disappear into the shadows, leaving him alone in this massive warehouse. It was chock full of gear meant to help him take over Gotham and put Batman in the ground. He never would've thought he'd be here, but life's funny like that.
He picked up the helmet and studied it, checking out its sleek, sturdy design and the new blue color scheme. It was a far cry from the garish colors he used to have to wear as Robin. After a few moments, he started to don the suit, inspecting each piece of armor as he went along. It felt powerful and looked bulky, but was surprisingly lightweight. Best of all, it supported all his old injuries, from his back to his knees to his ankles.
He caught a glimpse of himself in a nearby glass and traced a gloved finger over the Arkham logo on his chest. It was crazy to think that a place that had broken him so badly had now built him back up again. Life's a damn paradox.
With a flick of a switch, he activated the helmet and its monitor-like vision filled his field of view. The helmet gave him incredible peripheral vision and was equipped with all kinds of readings and measurements that would be crucial out in the field.
Harley's been keepin' an eye on him through tha security cameras. She was gettin' all giggly an' pumped up. It was time, time ta get things rollin' !
But, this ain't a one-person gig. He needed some muscle, lots of 'em. But Harley knew he needed a plan first. She had some ideas, but she wasn't about ta do all tha work. She's done enough already.
Meanwhile, she wanted ta get him all fired up again. He was takin' it too easy this time. So, she went on a hunt an' found some articles about Batman and his new Robin. Turns out, this Robin guy was wearin' a suit almost identical to the one he came in with months ago.HAHA! They were tag-teamin' and bustin' up bad guys left and right, including Clayface and Scarecrow.
And, get this, she found a juicy article about Nightwing workin' with the dynamic duo in Gotham. Harley couldn't resist playin' with his head, so she circled Nightwing's picture with a big heart.
Over at the gun emplacements, Jason was surveying all the possible ways to wreak havoc. He wanted his own gear now, not just Batman's hand-me-downs. When he was Robin, he had those R-shaped Batarangs, but that was always Batman's thing, not his.
He cocked his head to one side as he studied two identical desert eagles that had been custom-built to be slightly larger than usual and able to fit together. During his time with Slade, he had developed a taste for dual-wielding firearms. As a younger man, it had seemed like a cool idea, but now that his intentions had changed, it was clear to him that having two guns would allow him to attack from multiple angles, giving him a tactical advantage.
He attached one gun to the other and pushed some buttons, then pulled a small lever. One stock extended, followed by the barrel of the other, leaving Jason to join them together to form what looked like a sniper rifle.
"Neat," he murmured, surprised to find that the voice that spoke wasn't his own. It was modulated to conceal his identity. That was perfect. Batman didn't need to know who was gunning for him until the very end, when he took his last breath and realized who had defeated him.
But enough of that. Jason needed to start planning his attack. He sat down at a desk, removed his helmet, and began plotting out key locations on the city map. His primary interest was in the watchtowers; he needed to have eyes everywhere. Jason had learned that if you wanted to take control, you had to know where your opponent was and be ready for their next move.
tha jester was sneakin' up behind tha guy, clutchin' her articles ta her chest like some kinda teenage girl. Once she got close enough, she slammed her stuff down on tha table in front of him where he was workin'.
"Lookie here!" she jeered at him, "Seems like tha new kid is makin' all tha headlines. Ya ever make headlines? ah don't think ya did to be real with ya." She tapped her finger on her chin, pretendin' to think. "Hmm... nahhh. Don't remembah!"
"Oh! But guess what?" she continued, tossin' Nightwing's article at him, "This guy's got a new friend in town too! Ya gotta get those plans ready 'cause ya missin' out on all tha fun!"
Harley loved usin' her knowledge for tha bad. She enjoyed toyin' with this guy's mind, or any guy for that matter. But he was young and vulnerable, so it was too easy for her.
"Hmm... all these names... We gotta think of a name for ya," she said, moving his chair closer to her and straddling his lap. She put his helmet on him and started to come up with ideas. "Robin was Batman's sidekick, but yer MY soldier. Yer gonna kill Batsy for me like a knight in shinin' armor! So I can have my puddin' all ta myself!"
Harley paused for a moment, lookin' at him with her blue eyes as she stroked his armored chest over the Arkham logo.
"You'll be tha Arkham Knight," she finally decided.
"Sounds bad ass!" She took her lipstick out of her cleavage and drew a smiley face on his helmet. "There now, yer all set! That should make ya smile!"
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