#crusader angelina
starlightcleric · 2 months
I was pairing up my Kingmaker and Wrath characters for worldstates, and I just realized my most recent are both dlc companion romancers.
(More details on the various worldstates below the cut)
Queen Adia Rih, NG tiefling Kineticist and Lorraine Summerglen, halfling Monk/Rogue/Paladin, mythic Angel. The goody-two-shoes, first playthrough of both games state. They both also romanced the blonde healer man of their parties.
Baroness Bella Dorso, CE tiefling Cleric of Norgorber and Poetry, CG tiefling Warpriest of Cayden Cailean, mythic Trickster. I'm not super sold on this pairing, but since Poetry is kind of a canon worldstate to my version of Golarion, it felt weird to not have someone with her. Although if I ever play or run a tabletop game of Kingmaker that would upset this state.
Baroness Liza Ylvaris, CG half-orc Alchemist and Angelina Ylvaris, CN half-elf Bard/Witch, Legend. The cousins universe! I keep going back and forth on if Liza should really be a Baroness or if I should make her a dlc protagonist, but I like her enough that for now she'll chill here.
Baroness Amber Orlovsky, LN half-elf Investigator and Caroline Gemsledge, LG dwarf Cleric of Torag, mythic Angel. This is the new one, and what they have in common is that both of these are a result of sitting down and looking at the lore around the games and crafting characters to fit into it. They both are also planned to romance the dlc companions (Kanerah and Ulbrig).
I have some Knight Commanders without Kingmaker counterparts just because I have more Wrath characters. If I ever figure out Secret Ending games for both games, those characters will probably also share a worldstate.
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haggishlyhagging · 10 months
At the time the Grimké sisters set off on their speaking four of New England in 1837, many sectors of the New England churches had already been long-standing supporters of colonization societies, and at first the sisters received a warm welcome. Indeed, what better appeal could there be than the living witness of two women from a prominent Southern family who had personally observed the horrors of slavery and who now denounced the institution as sinful? They were tangible demonstrations that the tactical campaign launched by the abolition societies was a good one. If Southern women could have a change of heart and mind on the issue, then surely Northerners could be easily won to the same persuasion. But the Grimké sisters went beyond denouncing slavery as sinful; they spoke against race prejudice as an indirect support of slavery, insisting that such prejudice had to be fought in the North as well as the South. Angelina argued that the female slaves
“are our countrywomen; they are our sisters; and to us as women, they have a right to look for sympathy with their sorrows and effort and prayer for their rescue.”
To denounce slavery as sinful was one thing; to call on Northern Protestants to rid themselves of race prejudice was a rather strong idea to many New Englanders. Before the year was out, the Congregationalist ministers were refusing to read notices of abolitionist meetings from the pulpit.
During their Boston stay the sisters were clearly influenced and encouraged by Garrison to strengthen the positions they had espoused at the beginning of their tour. They quietly emphasized the point in their lectures that if women were to become effective in the abolition movement, they had to free themselves from the social restraints that had kept them numb and silent and learn to speak and act as fully responsible moral beings. Many people, clergymen in particular, were very skeptical of, if not openly hostile to, this view of women in the abolition movement. Garrison seems to have taken the discord as an opportunity to denounce the clergy and to identify himself as a strong supporter of woman's rights. It is difficult to be sure of the distribution of views within the abolition movement concerning the stress on woman's rights by antislavery agents, for G. H. Barnes (1957), one of the chief historians of this movement, is so clearly critical of Garrison that one must look cautiously beyond his textual account to the evidence itself, and that is ambiguous. The correspondence between Weld and Angelina Grimké makes it is clear that Weld was eager to open the leadership of the movement to women, since they could reach other women more effectively than men could. Angelina seemed to become increasingly convinced that there was a need to mobilize the reservoir of antislavery sentiment and potential for action among women in more general terms. Since the sisters were speaking many times a week as they toured New England, they were in the throes of an intensive process of politicization themselves, and much of the assurance with which they now wrote and defended their ideas was probably rooted in this experience. But Weld advised caution without departing from his principled support for women. Other officers of the society used a much sharper tone in their letters to the women. Whittier asked how they could forget "the great and dreadful wrongs of the slave in a selfish crusade against some paltry grievance . . . some trifling oppression, political or social, of their own" (Barnes 1957: 157).
Despite the warnings from abolition society officials, Sarah continued her work on a series of letters on the equality of the sexes and on her response to the angry pastoral letter that denounced "the mistaken conduct of those who encourage females to bear an obtrusive and ostentatious part in measures of reform" (Barnes 1957:156).
-Alice S. Rossi, The Feminist Papers: From Adams to de Beauvoir
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sloshed-cinema · 1 year
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)
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I think I understand why video game movies get a bad rap now.  From its faux-temple cold open to the over-the-shoulder intro to the Cambodia sequence, it’s clear that the adaptation from console to screen was a very literal one for Lara Croft: Tomb Raider.  You can practically see the target hitbox on the guardian statue’s face as Lara Croft pewpewpews away at it, hear the checkpoint sound when she spots a side entrance flocked by butterflies.  Dialogue is a stilted series of mission objectives at best, cloyingly poor excuses for character development or background at worst.  And it clearly didn’t really matter who is saying it: it’s difficult to say whether Angelina Jolie or Daniel Craig has the worst put-on accent.  Craig makes Benedict Cumberbatch’s accent work look as subtle and nuanced as Cate Blanchett’s.  That isn’t to say anyone will actually be listening to any of it anyhow.  The camera practically mouth-breathes as it ogles Lara Croft, whether on a raid or in the shower (though, to be fair, Alex West gets his own shower scene—progressive!), and she poses for the camera, doing some sort of bungee-cord aerial routine in her family estate’s atrium because what else do hot rich people do.  At least there was cool techno music to listen to and Lara had those cool shades that make people look like bugs.  Throw this on the pile of movies ripping off the aesthetics of The Matrix with absolutely none of the resulting cultural impact or resonance.
One thing that is mind-boggling and hilarious about the world of Tomb Raider is that there’s just literal magic out there.  When idols spring to life in the Cambodian temple, there’s no hint of clockwork mechanisms.  Nope, these baddies are powered by magical goo.  Lara mentions “time storms” as casually as if they were something that happened on the regular in the town in Kansas where she grew up.  Part of the appeal of, say, Indiana Jones, is the obliqueness with which it approached its supernatural elements.  Totenkopf et al definitely get their faces melted by the power of God at the end of Raiders, and a nigh-immortal knight guards the Holy Grail in Last Crusade.  But they’re brief endcaps to the end of a very tactile and more or less grounded adventure, a fun little button on the end of it before vanishing just as mysteriously as they appeared.  There’s something underwhelming about the pervasiveness of the magical elements, and how everything can be solved by just shooting it enough times.  Then again, this is a movie that things a 2v1 gun standoff is cool: it only takes one bullet to do the job, but why not double down?  Perhaps it couldn’t be helped.
Someone says ‘key’ or ‘bugger’.
A span of time is named.
“Ummm guys Angelina Jolie is hawtttt” *mouth-breathes*
Extraneous acrobatics.
Lara reloads a clip.
Literal magic.
The music becomes just utterly chaotic.
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Celeste profile description
the basics ––– –
NAME: Vindicator Celeste “Moonpie” 
CLASS: Paladin of the Light
AGE: 13,000 (but doesn't look a day over 8,000)
BIRTHDAY: October 31
RACE: Draenei
GENDER: Female (she/her)
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Why? Are you interested? *wink*
physical appearance ––– –
Face Claim: Angelina Jolie
Voice Claim: Scarlett Johanssen
HAIR:  shades of blue, indigo, and purple, just short of waist length. 
EYES: glowing pale blue
BUILD: a buff hourglass: strong arms and shoulders, moderate bust, slender waist, thicc hips and thighs with extra cake
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: skin is pale blue. large curling ram’s horns. Long agile tail. Ears have several piercings. Decorative filigree tattoos on her left arm, left leg, and back
COMMON ACCESSORIES: typically seen with either a mace/sword, shield. Could be wearing plate armor, comfy casual leathers, or beautiful dancing costumes. 
personal ––– –
PROFESSION: Paladin/Military of the Light // General adventurer for hire // Succulent Tart Dancer // Bartender (when not dancing) // occasional detective
INCOME SOURCE: see above
HOBBIES: work hard, play hard. Drinking, exploring, romancing, dancing.
LANGUAGES: draenei/eredun, thallasian, orcish, dwarven, nerglish
PRIMARY RESIDENCE: wherever the action is. Currently temp housing in the Dragon Isles, but still frequents Stormwind and many other cities. 
PETS: do lovers and pals count?
RELIGION: the Light
FEARS: failing her comrades and friends, the extinction of her people, loss of joy in life
mentality ––– –
Social‌ ‌Level:‌‌ Extrovert, loud and party-minded. “Nice to meet you, let's get a drink/get into a fight/go on a whirlwind romance/have fun!”
One‌ Positive ‌Personality Trait: loyal, fun loving, great sense of humor
‌One‌ ‌Negative‌ ‌Personality‌ ‌Trait:‌‌ Brash, you will either like her or not and it's not her problem what you choose. 
One‌ ‌Personality‌ ‌Warning: Enjoys a good fight so if you start something, she’s not likely to diffuse it. 
‌Random‌ ‌Quirk:‌ Will flirt with ANYBODY. 
‌Habits:‌‌ likes to crack jokes, keep the atmosphere light and upbeat, drink and dance and make merry
sex & romance ––– –
PREFERED EMOTIONAL ROLE: submissive | dominant | switch | unsure
PREFERED SEXUAL ROLE: submissive | dominant | switch | sex repulsed | unsure
LIBIDO: 11/10
TURN ONS: good sense of humor, strength/skill in combat, praise and flirtation, confidence
TURN OFFS: being a dick, bigotry of any flavor, whiners, willful helplessness, wet blankets
LOVE LANGUAGE: physical touch, witty banter, words of affirmation
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES: burns hot, but easily distracted. not interested in being tied down (except literally in which case, yes please!).
traits ––– –
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
reckless / cautious / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
empathetic / uncaring / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
SMOKING: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess 
RP Hooks ––– –
You may know Celeste if:
You lived on Draenor before the Exodar left, that is where she was born and grew up and trained as a paladin. It is also where she learned to dance. 
You were on the Exodar.
You were a Champion of Azeroth. We are up in everything!
You fought with the Alliance’s armies between the Burning Crusade and current events. She’s been in the middle of most of the battles in recent history. Charging into the melees with a war cry and battle grin.
You like to frequent the taverns in Stormwind. She likes to party there on off evenings and in peacetimes. Sometimes drinking, sometimes dancing.
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crimson-violets · 2 years
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Comfort Characters/Crushes of Mine🖤🖤🖤
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axelmedellin · 5 years
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Daily sketch 21 oct 2019
Inktober, day 21
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kingstylesdaily · 3 years
Eternals Writer Blames Harry Styles’ Marvel Character For Infinity War
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Exclusive: Eternals writers Matthew 'Kaz' Firpo & Ryan Firpo say that Harry Styles' Eros is to blame for Thanos' actions in Avengers: Infinity War.
Warning: this article does contain spoilers (most of which we already know) but if you still wanna be surprised, don’t read ahead!
Harry Styles' Eros/Starfox is to blame for Thanos' (Josh Brolin) misguided actions in Avengers: Infinity War, Eternals writers say. Marvel Studios' latest film directed by Chloé Zhao introduced a whole new superhero team to the MCU. But, it also debuted a couple of more characters who are not members of the main Eternals lineup such as Kit Harington's Dane Whitman, as well as Styles' Eros.
As per the comics, Dane will eventually become Black Knight in the MCU despite appearing as a non-powered human in Eternals. Meanwhile, things are a little bit different for Eros. Introduced in Eternals' post-credits scene as Thena (Angelina Jolie), Makkari (Lauren Ridloff), and Druig (Barry Keoghan) attempt to find their other missing teammates, Starfox was introduced by Pip the Troll (voiced by Patton Oswalt). Not much is known about the character thus far, but Marvel Studios is sticking to his print origins as the younger brother of Thanos. While the MCU has yet to learn what their dynamic was like, the writers for Eternals are convinced that Eros has something to do with how the Mad Titan turned out to be.
In an exclusive interview with Screen Rant, Matthew 'Kaz' Firpo & Ryan Firpo were asked if there was any intention of bringing in Thanos' dad, A'lars, who was first mentioned in Avengers: Infinity War, in Eternals. The pair acknowledged the Mad Titan's fascinating origins story having ties to both Eternals and Deviants. In the end, Kaz went further by saying that having a perfect brother who's able to make everyone adore him in Eros may have scarred Thanos. Inadvertently, this was why he was hell-bent on making an impact through the snap. Read the writers' quotes below:
Kaz Firpo: We were actually, like, powerfully familiar with the crazy Thanos origin story, which I'm pretty sure is full-blown Greek myth where he, like, killed his own mother I wanna say... It's been a little bit since I read those arcs, we did a deep-dive into Thanos...
Ryan Firpo: She rejected him.
Kaz Firpo: Yeah, he was born from an Eternal and raised as a Deviant, and he's sort of caught in between the two, so there is a lot of... again, that early connective tissue.
But I think, for the sake of this movie as a film, we really just decided to tell this story, and maybe when we get out into the cosmos you might... I mean, we're literally meeting Thanos' actual brother at the end of the film, and I think there's room for Eros - well, Harry [Styles] - to have a conversation about that.
I think that Starfox is a lot responsible for why Thanos is the way he is, to have that... all jokes aside, to have this perfect brother who can make anyone fall in love with him? It does something to you. So I hope we get to see a little bit more of that in Number 2.
For those unfamiliar with Starfox from the comics, Thanos' brother didn't have the Deviant gene that gave the Mad Titan his purple skin. Instead, Eros looks like a normal Eternal — even a good-looking one. He has all the basic Eternals powers, but his signature skill is that he's able to psionically stimulate the pleasure centers of someone's brain. Essentially, Starfox can control someone's emotions, primarily making them like him. Given Thanos' issues with his image, hence the moniker Mad Titan, it's possible that he was psychologically scarred by the inevitable comparisons to his brother. Because of this, he became obsessed with his life-long crusade to supposedly save the universe via the snap in Avengers: Infinity War. In hindsight, this makes Thanos a more empathetic villain. Not that the decimation is suddenly justifiable, but this offers a better insight as to what the purple villain's real motivation was.
With Thanos now dead in the Sacred Timeline, it's curious if Marvel Studios ever plans on showing him with Eros through flashbacks or other forms of creative storytelling. It's safe to assume that Starfox has a long future in the MCU as one of the newest characters to be introduced in the franchise via Eternals. This gives them plenty of time to explore his origins and relationship with his big brother, and perhaps even confirm or deny if he has anything to do with the snap in Avengers: Infinity War.
source: screenrant.com
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charmed-asylum · 3 years
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Pairing: Dark Steve Rogers x Angelina Fury (OC) Word count: 7,329
SUMMERY: Life was perfect for American boy, aka Steve Rogers. Great friends, hot cheerleader girlfriend, love and adore by everyone. Everything was perfect till senior year when Angelina came around and an anonymous gossip column, Rumor Has It, threatening to expose everyone’s dirty laundry.
⚠️WARNING:⚠️. It’s gonna get dark as we get deeper into the story. No one under age of 18 read this. Many dark themes. Before you ask there gonna be some thing explain later on in the story. THIS CHAPTER IS LONG. BITCH FIGHT /MOODY TEENS BLACKMAIL/ SEXUAL ASSULT/PERSON BEING DRUG is some of many warning. Everyone is 18 while Steve cute as he is 20 and Bucky is 19.
A/n: I wanna thank @sage1998c for coming to me w this. I hope I make you proud. If you wish to be added let me know if you wish to tell me I need to sit my booty down okay let me know I got a donut really for my buttocks. Also sorry for the 50 days delay grad school and a shitty computer can do that to you. Also tumblr hates me huh
Based on this Request: Hi I was wondering if you would please consider doing a dark Steve high school au story starting Kat Graham as the main oc/face claim. I would really appreciate it if you would think about it.
Tagged: @patzammit @what-is-your-wish @cjand10@sage1998c @deceitfuldevout@sage1998c @david-winters-93 @alagalaska
Pervious Chapter // Master List// Rumer Has it ML
CHAPTER 2: I write sins not Tragedies
Hot touch covered her with a pitch of cold sweat. Screams grew louder by the minute. A blurry vision of flames and hands came to sight. Quit whispers mumbled into white noise. Then it all went black.
“AHH” Angelina screamed out, jumping up in her queen size bed. Tears welcome soft cheeks. Bending over, she started counting back from 100. Without thinking, she traced the three-long line scar on her upper back.
Rumor has it now had over 10 million fans, and it’s only been out for a few months. It was getting harder to please folks and keep others in check. But she was cooking on something big. Something that makes those tiny tales and stories sounds like a nursery rhyme.
She turned to her side and pulled out her NIKE runner shoes from under the bed and keys decided it was a good time to run.
Zipping up her red Fabletic hoodie, she sneaked past the nosy shower and unprompted concert her dad was giving them out the front door. She felt something she had been feeling for two weeks now, a presence lurking around her. Bending down to tie her shoes, she checked for the flip blade she had hidden in her sock. Angelina slowly peeks in the reflection of the side mirror to see if it was anyone, none.
No one knew it, Angelina reminded herself.
Getting up to stretch her back a bit, securing her nightstick she stole from her dad the day she came back.
The breeze felt good as Angelina jogged down the empty suburban streets. The only people out were the newspaperman and a few crusaders that survived last night. Felt good.
“ On you left,” a voice shouted out before passing you.
A childish chuckle left as Angelina pushed a bit harder to catch up. Trying harder as hard as she could, she finally caught up to Steve, shouting out, “on your right.”
They both kept pushing one another, trying to win. After a bit, Angelina had to stop and ran into a neighbor's front yard. Steve shortly joined beside her. He was laughing a bit harder than average, holding his lower stomach.
He turns to her and stares. She was out of breath, puffing her chest in and out, making it pop out a bit in her navy blue sports bra.
“ Ain’t you a bit out of place, Rogers,” Angelina said, still out of breath.
He didn’t say anything, just watched as the sweat dripped down her neck and her chest went up and down. He wasn’t going to say anything to her, but he couldn’t stop himself. Steve has been doing that a lot lately by coming by to watch her house. After the second set of pictures Brock gave him: her in the girl locker room and coming out of the pool, he needed more. He looked down at her crotch area. Those panties would do, he thought to himself. He was already making a plan to pop in while she was away at cheerleading practice. That was the newest thing he did. It started two weeks ago when he started to come over. The window was open, and again he found himself going through the principal bedroom.
“ Not even Bucky can keep up. Is there anything you can’t do” Steve asked, lending his on the right hand?
“ Pee standing up is for one, so I guess you beat me there, for once,” Angelina said, slowly getting up.
Sweat peaks from under her sports bra. Steve had this discussion with himself for a bit, but he concluded she was 38c. As if the thought alone wasn’t making him feel something he should, her stretching made him grow incredibly hard.
“-Bucky, wow, he looks like a pig running around in the mud,” Angelina said, laughing at the memory.
He has been seeing her and Bucky together, never for long but always a couple of times a day. He tried asking Bucky about it, but he never answered, just told him it was nothing. He hated that he kept him in the dark and that he had secrets. Most of all, he had what he wanted, a relationship with Angelina.
“ You spend a lot of time with James,” Steve asked.
She didn’t answer him; instead of pretending, he didn’t say anything and looked at the mailman drive past.
“ Getting later than I wanted. Good run. Maybe next time, pace yourself better. You could have beaten me if you don't overdo yourself half a mile in,” Angelina said before running off.
The grip he had with the grass tighter. Breath stopped as he tried to calm himself. But it didn’t work. He knew she wanted him. It was plain as day, but she kept saying or doing something to upset him. He knew it was the price he had to pay after everything he went through.
Clicks of locks and chatter fill the abyss of the busy hallway—most in their groups, some alone, all reading and gossiping about the latest stories.
Rumor Has it some people were never taught the golden rule to treat others the way you want to be treated. It looks like Mr. Doom got some learning to do. Someone was voted most unlikeable.
Even if there wasn’t any news coming around, most people brought it on themselves to start up a game of it. Rumor has it. Make bets dares out of all of it.
Steve hated it. Instead of talking about the accomplishments he made like they usually do, it was all about that stupid blog. His jaw clicked as he sat back against his locker, watching them all go about their business. Shoulder push out to look broader chest out to show his status. With a bump, he looked down on the floor jackpot, he thought to himself. One thing he was waiting for was his little treats. With a simple swipe, he slowly took his boot and dragged it closer to him. His palms grew sweaty with nerves and excitement. Once, he was inside an abandoned bathroom close by the older side of the school, his office. He opened it and started to paint. There she was in the pool floating after-hours with her top off. Steve's thick fingers gently traced the picture right on her nipples and lips. With another hand, he dug deep and stroked himself, tracing back to her nipples. She did this, he said to himself over and over. She was the one who made him do this. He was a good Christian boy, perfect, and she was the apple of the sin dress in white—his Angel. The picture suddenly started to crumble as he released it. His face was covered in sweat, hair dripping flick to his forehead out of breath fatigue.
Fixing himself a bit, he ignores the warning bell. A few pictures and words cover half of his reflection. Once he felt everything was back into place, he quickly left the bathroom with a click of a key he had hidden between his compress with a picture of Peggy. Maybe he will play dress-up with her this week and have her wear Angelina undies he stole or something.
“Woo punk, where have you been?” Bucky shouted out from behind him.
“ Just huh, having some alone time before class. What up, jerk” Steve asked, pulling his sleeves into place.
“Huh, you ask me. You've been acting pretty weird lately. Look, it’s okay I’m okay if your friends are still with Nat. I’m onto new and better things now,” Bucky boosted.
He rolled his eyes at that statement. He needed more people he could rely on, not people that have him question himself more than another.
“ Nothing Bucky. Just pump about the game,” Steve said.
He sighs and mumbles something under his breath.
“ Just great. Typical you. How could you? I thought you appreciated good home values as much as I did. Why do I see you with Angelina? Was Nat the only cheater” Steve hissed into Bucky's ear.
Bucky stops in the middle of the hallways and pushes Steve into a locker.
“ Say that again. You can not be serious. This is all about her. How has nothing ever changed? What are you talking about” Bucky said, holding up his casted arm to Steve's neck?
More people came around to watch—the attention he did not want. Pushing Bucky back, he walked outside the door to the track field. Bucky follows behind like he always does. Steve looks around, making sure they outrun everyone.
“ I went to the gym after that thing came out and saw you with her. Seems very close. You did not know she was coming back either. So when did you two spend all that time together” Steve said harshly.
Pulling his hand down his face, Bucky sighs and looks at Steve with a frown.
“ Ten months ago. When I was at my darkest, I was in the hospital dealing with this” he stops and points to his arm “ I do not know how but she was there one night. She was in a hospital gown, black leather jacket with studs, and combat boots with candy and a little teddy bear on a motorcycle in her hands. Hours we talked about old days. For next week each day, she came by at night. The day you came over, she was gone. I asked around no one even knew who I was talking about. Stevie. Day she came to school on her Harley was the first day I saw her since then. She knew how hard and far I had come. She was checking I did not have another slip-up. That girl is a Pandora box, Steve,” Bucky said.
“ Why didn’t you tell me at the end of the line, Buck. Who are you loyal to, huh, me or her” Steve asked, pissed.
Before he could say something, the loudspeaker went on.
Bucky looked at Steve then down at his phone as it started to light up.
“ That's Tony he said; come to the fountain. It's an emergency,” Bucky said and rushed past Steve but not before he could bump his shoulder into Steves. Steve frowned and punched the brick wall as a bit of blood covered his fingers; he glanced at his apple phone:
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Everyone settled around in front of the school, sitting down on its school fountain. Nat at the end with Bruce talking, making out. Tony next to Pepper talking over a class project and Peggy in her cheerleading uniform fixing her makeup. Angelina linger by a nearby tree in her mom jeans with a black belt with a heart on the front black tank top tuck in with crystal necklace wrap around her neck in one of her dad’s old flannel drooping over her tiny frame hair bone straight with her bangs tipping the top of her glasses reading Little Women.
Steve and Bucky rush to the group out of breath.
“ Tell me this is not true,” Bucky said, holding his phone up.
Tony peeks up from his shades and looks at the phone.
“ Yeah. Sam was pulled out from class. Next, I knew he was screaming at Fury. Hall has not left the office. Who would have known about this? This is next-level shit,” Tony said.
“ It has to stop. Who can be able to do something like this” Nat said, a little sad?
“ Was not me that all I know,” Peggy said.
Angelina pops off from the tree and walks over.
“ Peggy, no one said it was you. Stop with the William Shakespeare dramatics,” Angelina said with an eat-shit grin.
Peggy looks at her then back at Steve.
“ We know someone like you can not be behind it. It has to be someone else who would know of this. Teacher or something,” Steve said.
“ Yeah. I got better things to care about like Prom,” Peggy said, playing with her mirror.
“ I thought you did not care about this shit. Why do you care? Maybe it's your dad, and you're trying to cover it up,” Steve said with his hand intertwined with Peggy's.
“ You're right. It makes the most sense. My dad is the principal. However, he doesn't give a shit about all this. And he still has a flip phone. Stevie. I care because they outed me. They did everyone, but one, two, and three,” She said, pointing to Steve, Tony, and Pepper.
“ Hey, I am an open book. Alright. So leave me out of this,” Tony said, getting up.
Angelina laughed.
“ Just making a point,” Angina said, pulling her vape from her flannel pocket.
“ Anyway. I was thinking. Sam can not be alone. I am going to throw a party tonight,” Peggy said.
Brock talks over just that and screams,” PARTY AT PEGGY HOUSE TONIGHT.”
“ I assume this is open to everyone or stick up the ass club. Hey, sweet cheeks,” Brock said, giving Angelina a wink.
“ And with that, I am out. Too many Breakfast Club rejects,” Angelina said, walking off.
Brock let out a catcall and shook his head. “ Can you believe she is up for Prom Queen”?
Peggy's head quickly turned to him, “ WHAT.”
Brock smirks at her discomfort and walks off.
“ Maybe it's him,” Bucky stated.
With that, Steve nods and watches as the two walk further away. Tonight might be perfect.
Fury marches back and forth. Fist under his chin, thinking. Angelina had her feet up on the chair, looking over Gram and texts to a few people.
“ I do not know how this happened. Hall is one of my best teachers. Two years. Sam is 18 now, which means since he was 16. That rape. Shit. Maybe I should rethink this curfew,” Fury said.
“ You and I both know you can not judge a book from its cover,” Angelina said.
“ Still, this is not good. What if one of these things makes someone do something crazy” Fury said.
“ You're right—your right, Fury. You tried to, and I do not know, hack it, see who is doing it. Can you do that knowing a guy” Angelina asked?
He shook his head.
“ You're my guy. Honey. I figured it out. Who is blowing up your phone” Fury asked with an eyebrow bend?
“ A friend. She wants me to come over. But maybe we can chill and stay in—play monopoly. Like we used to do,'' Angelina said, putting her phone down.
Bucky came in before stopping.
“ You wanted to see me,” Bucky said.
Fury looks at Angelina, then at Bucky.
“ Yes, Yes. Honey. Go over and be back by 10. I need to talk to Bucky,” Fury said. With a nod, she salutes Fury and walks out.
Fury waited a second before walking over to his desk and sitting down.
“ So James. Have anything for me” Fury asked.
“ No, Sir. Nothing,” Bucky said, shrugging his broad shoulders.
He nodded and hummed to himself. On his desk were a picture of him and Angelina and a woman in her forties.
“ Keep an eye out. I am doing a lot to make sure no one knows about what happened before. It would be a lot harder if people knew where exactly you were for those months,” Fury said.
Bucky sighs and rolls his eyes.
“ Yes, sir,” He said, then left.
“ Still think I am the worst Fury, Jamie,” Angelina said, waiting outside.
“ No, that bastard you called dad to be that. We gotta talk,” Bucky said.
She smiles and wraps her arm around Bucky’s neck and plays with his short bit curly neck hair.
“ And what is that?” Angelina said playfully.
Bucky looks at her lips before pushing her away.
“ Steve. He might know,” Bucky said.
Angelina's smile got brighter.
“ Know what, Bucky,” Angelina asked, hand on her hip.
“ About us,” Bucky said, flicking a finger between the two.
“ No, he does not. What if he does. We can be friends. Or this about the two of you. Little fun you two have now and then. Does Bucky want to have him join? We both know you two love each other. You probably bit more than him. Maybe we can kiss and tell,” Angelina teases.
“STOP. I'M NOT GAY. ANGIE. WE HAVE TO STOP TALKING. BEING AROUND EACH OTHER,” Bucky hissed, holding onto her bicep.
She pulled away and looked at him.
“ Do not worry. So afraid of Steve. What can he do, Bucky? You are a bipolar Winter Soldier. Could you not talk to me at the party? I don't particularly appreciate talking to you when you're like this,” Angelina said and walked off.
Bucky slid down the wall and pulled his head between his arms. If only she knew how dangerous he could be.
Party was starting to get lively when Angelina walked in hours after. Peggy had more than a dozen handwritten notes in her locker. She had to tame her before it could get worse. She was already inching to release the next rumor.
Streamer and unwrap condoms fell from the ceiling and plaster over the walls. Drake boom from the nearby speaker. She walked against the sea of people looking for Peggy but found MJ with Peter in the kitchen.
“ Hey Angelina over here,” MJ shouted over the loud music. Peter had his arms wrapped around her shoulder, bopping his head to the beat the best he could.
“ What up, Jones Parker? So this is a Marvel High party,” Angelina asked, standing across the pair.
“ Yeah. I know, juvenile. Peter here, though, has to make an appearance. He is popular now. Congrats on the nomination. You got me and Peter vote,” MJ said, taking a sip.
She nodded her head and looked around. Her eyes slowly stop at a pair of brown eyes. Who spotted a similar look, one from her past often used. A chill covers her bare shoulder.
“ Hey, you cold,” a voice said from behind her.
Steve stood there with Bucky and Peggy right beside her.
Angelina looked back to see the pair of eyes had left.
“Yeah, but it’s okay. Nice party Peggy. Guess you're more than a pleasant voice and nice boobs,” Angelina said nonchalantly.
Bucky sip on his drink and smirk.
“Well. You will be surprised by the many things I know how to do,” Peggy said.
Steve looks at her, and she must be still mad at the slip-up he had in the car, he thought.
“Did I hear a bitchy voice? I knew Angelina had to be nearby,” Tony said, walking over to toss an arm around her shoulder.
Curving her lips a bit, she bit down the never-ending need to roll her eyes.
“ Hey Tons, the only way you hear a bitch is by tuning up for tool R,” she said.
“ Cute. Well, Peggy Steve, I’m bored. Let’s play a game” he stops and looks around at all but one confused face. “Who's up for a game?” Tony asked, tossing his Tom Ford navy blue blazer over Angie. “ Sweet Peggy, be a host and get some more drinks,” Tony said, taking a sip of his drink.
“ No, I do it. I do not drink anyway. Peggy, which way” Angelina said, pushing from the counter.
“ That way, it's in the wine cellar,” Peggy said with a bit more sass.
Angelina rolled her eyes. Peggy really can not be mad at her for still getting nominated. Before she could cross past Peggy, she blocked her way out and gave Steve a passionate kiss on the lips. She was smudging her Bésame 1946 Red Velvet lipstick across his pink lips catching the whole room in shock.
“ He mines Bitch. Just like Prom Queen. Trash Bitch” Peggy hissed into her ear.
“ Whatever. I do not want him or care for the title. You're just a sad excuse, little girl. Soak it up. Because you are popping baby number four before you're 21,” Angina said toe to toe to Peggy.
Peggy frowned that it was something she confided in Angelina when that first night they were together. She was not even mad at her but the man she had just kissed. She always envies Angelina. Angelina knew that very much and always used it against her.
Angelina looks at the crowd around them and flips them the finger.
Steve watches from across the circle at Angelina laughing at Peter trying to do the Unlock it ( Lock it) dance. He tried to talk to her, but Peggy was extra clingy.
“ Hey, have you heard from Sam?” Scott asked.
“ No. I haven't; he is not here?” Steve asked.
Peggy snorted at Sam's name.
“ Poor Sammy, baby. Now he is a boy I should have fucked. I bet he got a big fat dick,” Peggy giggled into Steve's sleeve.
“ She's just drunk,” Steve said, grabbing Peggy up.
Angelina stops and looks at the two.
“ Need me to lay her down?” She asked for a brow bent with suspension.
“ No, she's fine. Can you grab me some water” Steve asked?
Peggy pushes past Steve rocking back and forth.
“ I do not need a man or woman to help me. I fucking Marget Carter. You all should bow down and worship me. I am everything you losers are not. With a snap of the finger, I can end you,” Peggy said on baby deer feet.
Taking her arm, Angelina pushed back everyone.
“ Peggy, shut the fuck up. No one is trying to do anything to you. She is drunk. MJ Nat help,” Angelina said with others walking behind her.
Tony started to slow clap, laughing. “ One hell of a bitch, but damn, that demanding tone makes it even harder for me.”
Brock started to laugh with a bent-over wheezing laugh.
“ Follow me,” Steve hissed into his ear when everyone decided to watch Halloween instead.
Brock waited a bit and followed the golden prodigy to the garage. As soon as the door closed, Steve’s elbow was against Brock's neck. Eyes dark as the midnight sky, Steve pushed a bit harder.
“ You know, when I was younger. I had a pet dog. I loved that dog. Skippy was his name. He and I were unbreakable. Everywhere I went, he went. All until one day, Skippy decided to chew my GI Joe action figure. Even at my weakness, I still was able to snap that bitches neck into two. You, I do not like you. So what stops me from snapping this neck and tossing you beside Skippy” Steve said with a wide grin.
With one hand, he pulled a baggie of Brock's drugs and flicked it back and forth.
“ My sweet angel. As spicy as she is. She is a good girl. No drugs or liquor. Smokes only organic. She is perfect but if she likes anyone else who takes this she will be…. Well, fuck up. I want you to slip these into her drink and take some up-close pictures. Maybe one with a dick. With your phone this time. You got until the last person leaves this party if not. Before you even reach your car. Cops are up to your ass,” Steve said.
Brock's eyes grew ten times big.
“ You fucking stupid. That fucking jail time. I will be someone bitch. Fuck that. Angelina strong you think she will allow me to slip her a pill, you crazy man” Brock said, pushing Steve.
“ Did you forget? You are only one person bitch, and that my bitch. And I am ten times crazier than anyone you are ever going to meet,” Steve said, letting go and flicking the bag of drugs to his feet.
She watched from the corner as MJ and Nat both gave up and left. Peggy had locked herself in the bathroom about five minutes ago, which led her to now pick the door open.
With one hard push, the door swung open.
“ You do care,” Peggy said with her arms wide open, mascara running.
“ That is a stupid question. You know I do. I shouldn’t with the crap you pulled down there. You were about to spill it. All we have done down the fucking drain,” she said, shaking her head.
Angelina looked at her and sighed, then got on her knees and put Peggy's cheeks into her tiny hands. Her ruby red nails gently rub her cheek.
“ You know I care. I didn’t know about the prom thing. I didn’t. It doesn’t matter if that’s why you're upset, don't worry, it’s just some silly contest. I used to be like you. I look at all the wrong reasons for validation. It became a drug I feed on. In the end, it was that same thing that ended up almost destroying me. “ Angelina said softly.
Peggy pushes at her and frowns.
“Nothing wrong with me. I got you and Stevie. We are going to be remembered for decades after we are gone. I heard something that can make us go to the next level,” Peggy whispered, pulling out a small baggie.
“ You shouldn’t depend on anyone. For most men. They only care about themselves. When I was younger, I learned about the 1st boy who showed me attention. I gave them a part of my sanity. To get it back, it cost my peace my soul” she stopped talking and touched her back “ Alright. If you feel it’s big, we put it in for the next one. You remembered how I taught you” she asked. Peggy went to grab her phone when there was a knock.
They look at each other. Angelina hushed Peggy's giggles and went to the door. Peaking out, she saw two glasses of water and a thing of pills. Picking up, she started to turn when someone startled her, making her drop the glasses on the floor.
“ Fuck. Really” Angelina said, pissed off, bending down to pick up the glass.
Brock smirks down at her.
“ But come on. I got you a little something. Think of it as a white flag. I surrender to you peaches,” Brock said, blocking the door.
Looking up, Angelina rolled her eyes, “ Why won’t you leave me the fuck alone. That would be a perfect parting gift, Olgar”.
“ Now I’m down for pet names, but that won’t do,” Brock said with a snap of the finger. A group of guys came out from a room and quickly grabbed her.
Music got loud, bumming through her body. She lands a few punches knocking a few of the men screaming. Times like this, she wishes she didn’t leave her bag in the car. Brock's laughter overpowers the music. She is not sure how it happened, but out of nowhere, someone forced her to take some pills. She tried throwing up, but between fighting them off and stopping from snatching her, she couldn’t stop the feeling from taking over.
A familiar rabbit hole started to come to focus, and the world around her began to melt in the walls.
“ No, “ Angelina shouted, pulling up her hands clawing at anyone coming close. Her hands were bloody from attacking, and the glass found its way back across her body.
“ Damn your one wild kitty. I know I’m supposed to be a gentleman to you and all, but you're too damn good to pass,” Brock teased.
“ Fuck you,” Angelina said wobbly.
Guys around her laughed as she kept trying to stand her ground. More she tried to fight the weaker she felt the world was bright lights and circles. Music started to flip words coming into her ear backward. Floors began to cave in. With one last warrior cry Angelina passed out.
Steve waited downstairs by the rest of the guys listening in and out of whatever conversation they were having, putting in the bare minimum. He was over the whole thing till something caught his attention.
“ Man, she is one hell of a fighter. DAMN I hope Brock allows me a turn after he is done with her. I always wanted to fuck a black chick,” Jeffrey said, coming down with the rest of the Strike Gang.
He looked around for Angelina. Nat did mention that she was checking on Peggy, but how could Brock get a hold of her. Maybe giving him free rein wasn't the best idea.
“ Hey, have any of you seen Peggy?” Steve asks, looking around.
Everyone either shook his head or said no.
Taking each step by, too, he called out for Peggy but was looking for Angelina.
Little far up, he could see an intoxicated Peggy slowly walk out.
“ Where have you been?” Steve asks.
“ I don’t remember Fury was there, and she left. I came out, but Brock was with some chic,” Peggy snorted.
“ A girl,” Steve asked.
“Mmm,” Peggy said, playing with her nails.
Steve pushed past Peggy and into the room she had just come from. Brock was on top of someone grunting like a wild beast's hand around one's throat. Closer, he got more; he could see his poor Angel. Her eyes were close, but he could tell she was afraid tears would roll down her face, and her hands would come up to try to attack him time and time again. Anger grew by the minute. The more he watched, the angrier he got.
“ WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Steve shouted out aloud.
Brock slowed down a bit and turned around to him; out of breath, he smiled, “ Getting my award.”
Steve jumped on Brock and started to attack him left, right, left-right. Even past the sound of bone cracking, he did not care. He was furious at himself. Punches after another until a sound breaks. Like a sweet violin, her cry broke. Slowly finding his footing, he stumbled to her, who was half undressed, dry blood covering across her body. With a bloody hand, he wiped the sweat off her face and gently picked her up bridal style, and walked out.
People surround the pair as he walks down the stairs. No matter how loud they tried to get though to talk, he didn’t answer. He didn’t listen. He just walked her out. To them, he was a hero without his plan work, without a doubt.
- 2 and ½ weeks later -
“ And I knew. I had to do what I was born to do and protect my people. Steve stopped and thought about it, then scratched on his flashcards. Angelina was still out, and he decided to wait, asserting that she was his girlfriend.
“ I had to do the right thing. No one should have to go through something so horrible” Steve smirks at that one.
“ Mr. Rogers. Principal Fury is ready to see you,” Secretary said.
Fury was standing by the window, looking at the front of the school.
“ I am proud of my values. Work I put into this world to make it a better place, but what happened to my girl. Have to excuse my tardiness. I would have talked to you before today, just priorities. I should have protected her more,” Fury said, looking out.
“ Sir, I promise you that you did a hell of a job. They said she put up a fight, and they're going to find Brock soon. I’m just happy I was there,” Steve said.
Fury looks back at him and frowns.
“ Still, thank you, Mr. Rogers. We want to invite you to our house for dinner—you and your family tonight. Monday, I was hoping you could come back, and we can discuss your future. I have connections that can take you far,” Fury said.
Steve looks down and smirks. Life has been great; Angelina was on his side since she was in the hospital. Steve made sure to visit her once a day. Every day he would come by and leave her homework for her and even make her a unique blend of soup. With that, they grew closer. Everything was perfect, just a few things out of place.
“ Thank you, sir. I am there,” Steve said, getting up.
Peggy was waiting for him right at the front door in her cheerleader uniform.
“ Took you long enough. You know I never thought it would take me to have to hunt you down to talk to my boyfriend literally,” Peggy said, walking behind him.
Steve laughs and continues pretending she wasn’t there already thinking about his and Angelina's 1st kiss. Peggy ran up in front of him, blocking his view, her arms across her chest.
“ What, Carter?” Steve asked, annoyed.
“ What is this about?” Steve asked.
“ Maybe I should tell them what I know. It looks like everyone forgot all that I can do what I’m capable of. I bet that bitch and your little friend Sam learn their lesson, “ Peggy said
Steve stops and looks back at Peggy. The parking lot was still crowded, full of eyes and ears.
“ Come, let’s go to Lover Lane later. Like how we used to,” Steve said, holding her side.
“ Really ?” Peggy asked, rubbing his chest.
Steve nodded and bent to kiss her roughly on the lips with a quick look at his watch as he hopped on the bike. He had wished the next time he came here was with Angelina on their third date, one he would eat her out for the first time. Well, at least with her awake, not knocked out from the soup he made. Not like this. He could not worry about any exes or people trying to distract each other.
“ Steve,” Peggy repeated.
He looked at her, still sitting in the passenger seat. It was darker now, and he forgot how much time had passed.
“ You said something earlier about Sam. Do you know anything? Steve asked, turning around, so he was facing her.
Peggy smirks and folds her arms over her chest.
“You used to take me dancing,” Peggy said, looking out the window.
“ We both used to do a lot. I'm asking you something, Peggy. Do you know who is in charge of this stupid blog” Steve asked once more?
“ You used to look at me like I was your one only, but I knew once that girl came back. I lost. You always talk about the one who got away. Never a name, but I knew. I hated that bitch. Now it hits. It was her. The worst thing is I can see why. I want to be better than her '' Peggy said more to herself.
Steve looked at Peggy like she had three heads.
“ Dance with me,” Peggy said, getting out of the car and into the cold car.
His hands were as white as snow from the tight grip he had. What was she talking about?
Getting out, he followed her to the edge of the cliff, “ Peggy, I think we need to talk.”
“She never wants a freak like you. It doesn’t matter how much you try. You're still a loser. I think I don’t know, but I know. I know everything,” Peggy hissed to Steve.
His eyes widened at Peggy, who was having a belly laugh. She was laughing at him, just like the way they used to. He didn’t even realize he was doing till he felt a tap. His arms were tight around her neck. She tried calling out for help, but it didn’t matter. Slowly she dropped to the dirt ground. Still, Steve squeezed tight. Eyes wild.
“ You are not doing anything to me. I'm ALPHA. You will not take away all the hard work I have done!!”Steve whispered in her ear.
After her heart started to beep, he held her tighter like a rag doll and danced with her under the starlight. He imagined his and Angelina's 1st dance.
Brock trips over his left foot as he leaves his safe house, a bag full of crumpled 20s and 1s mixed with drugs poking out.
He has been on the run for two weeks now. When he first went to Steve for help, he was quickly dismissed. He tried to put his case, but it didn’t work. He was screwed. Not only up for second-degree rape but drugs too, it wasn’t good. He had to get out and make it to fucking Mexico.
Popping the truck, he dropped the bag onto the ground and looked in terror. At least ten cop cars pulled up as he continued to look in.
“FREEZE” they shouted out.
Brock slowly turned around pulled out a gun, “ It wasn’t me. It was STEVE ROGERS. I DID NOT KILL HER”.
After a few seconds, Brock started to fire back, trying to run away. POW POW
Brock stops running, drops money and drugs, now painted with his blood. A couple of inches from the car inside, a glass eye corpse of Peggy Carter was there.
“Suspect is Down. Repeat Suspect is Down,” a voice said over the COP RADIO APP.
Steve smiles and fixes himself in the rearview mirror.
Angelina tilted down to look at him, trying to get his attention. She had her hair down to the side in a fishtail braid dress in a white lace summer dress that went to her knees. She bit the corner of her lip as she waited for him to roll the window.
“Hey, huh, just warning you, my dad is in a bad mood. So please don’t take any offense to it. Now that over, it’s only going to be the two of us till he gets out of his study, “Angelina said, lending to the side.
“Oh really. Is that so? Principal Fury on the warpath. Think I need to bring my shield with me” Steve asked, flexing his muscles.
Angelina smiled and hit him on the side.
“Alright, the caption settles down. Come on, I’m freezing my tits out here,” Angelina said, rubbing her shoulder pushing her boobs together without notice.
Before Steve could respond, Angelina was already walking inside, swaying her hips a bit.
He thought having a taste of her would be the death of him but coming home to the smell of a home-cooked meal and Angelina in the kitchen might be it. She bent down to take out the roasted chicken. Across the kitchen island were different dishes and an apple pie in the center in a glass case. He could hear Fury from his study cursing and screaming at someone.
“You get used to it. Settle down in the dining room. I will be out with the food in one second, “Angelina said, putting the chicken on the counter.
“No, I can help. My mom would have my butt if I don’t help out the lady of the house,” Steve said, rolling his sleeves up.
“I’m sure if your mom were here, she would be trying to arrange our wedding. Haha, god, how is Sarah doing anyway” Angelina asked, fanning the food.
Steve came a bit closer and leaned over her shoulder, taking a sniff of her shea butter shampoo and sweet potatoes. Angelina looks back at him and moves away, taking a couple of dishes into the dining room.
A frown on his face went to the stove, turned the burner on low, and put his hand on it, trying to control his urge.
“Rogers, can you get the chicken? I’m going to check on Fury,” Angelina called out from the dining room.
She’s yours now; he thought to himself as he went and grabbed the chicken, without mittens, and walked out the kitchen.
Angelina was gone, probably checking on her father, so Steve decided to check around. Everything was perfect, from the spotless surface to the pictures of the two. He liked one more than the other. It was one of her in a pink tutu giving younger him a kiss on the cheek.
“Crazy how much time has passed, huh,” Angelina said, walking back in.
Fury was right beside her this time.
“Sorry about that. Steve sometimes comes home from work. Sit, let’s eat. Where is your mom?” Fury asked.
He could be honest and tell him he never told her; instead told her he was with Bucky and Thor.
“She’s working, “Steve said, rubbing his hand behind his neck.
“I packed a plate for her dad. Can we start? I’m sure Steve has better things to do on a Sunday night,” Angelina said.
“No, I told you I don’t mind being here. It’s the protector in me,” Steve said, pulling the seat out for Angelina.
She nodded and sat right next to him. Steve sat down and placed his hand on the back of her chair. After a prayer, they started to eat. Angelina not so much just kept playing with her food nodding at Fury stories. After a heated discussion on war fury and Steve vs. Angelina, Steve went on to help clean up. He watches her closer as she moves, looks, and speaks. The righteous bitch she could be was gone, and all was left was his Angel.
“So, how are you doing? “Steve asked, looking at Angelina’s hand, trembling a bit as she cleaned the dishes.
She looks over her shoulder and smiles at him, “I would lie to you, Rogers, but I don’t think I have it in myself. He has me stuck here only to see a few people, mostly you “she stops to look at soap slipping through her hands and picks it up to the light “Like any sanity I have is slipping away from me. What are you without that” Angelina said, shaking her hands clean?
As if it was an open invitation, Steve came up and held her hands. He gently rubbed his thumb against her hand look deep into her eyes, and, taking a deep inhaled, the scent of her perfume and the rest of the pie on the counter. For a glimpse of a second, he saw the little girl that adored him that followed him around and called her Ms. Steve Rogers with a strawberry flavor ring pop holding heavy on her ring finger.
“Let’s go then. Anywhere you want. Let me keep that promise I made when we were kids. I take care of my Angel. I’m important now the strongest person ever. No one can hurt you say the word,” Steve said, touching her cheek, warm to the touch.
Her thin lips parted a bit before she moved back to the sink and braced herself firmly with her hands holding tight. “Sorry, Rogers, that girl isn’t here, and she left the same day you stopped caring. Now help me clean up a big strong man,” Angelina said, poking her finger into his chest.
“I’m not giving up on Angelina Fury,” Steve said, coming close, looking down at her.
Angelina slows her pace as she walks through the hallways. Everyone was looking at her and Steve, who would leave her side since that night. Everyone was whispering but about what. The grip around her waist got a bit tighter differently leaving bruises among old ones from a past life. Felt like a twisted mirror all wrapped in a bow.
“Maybe I can just meet you later,” Angelina said.
“What no. Don’t worry. We are almost at the locker, “Steve said, smirking down at her. His eyes sparkle glee, at least till he stops to check his phone. “FUCK” he shouted.
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starlightcleric · 8 months
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Another separate post for the Ylvaris cousins, Liza and Angelina, since they have their own world state. (picrew)
Baroness Ylizabel Ylvaris, half-orc Alchemist
Knight Commander Angelina Ylvaris, half-elf Bard, mythic Trickster->Ascension OR Azata->Legend
Angelina has a fork on a decision, basically, where she either goes Azata and heals or goes Trickster and gets worse.
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adarafaelbarba · 4 years
Pairing: Sonny Carisi x Wife!Reader
Fandom: Law and Order SVU
Requested: Yes
Request: «Cause you love me, may I please have some Sonny sexy mustache time with the wifey….pretty please throw in some thigh kisses 😍 yum yum» - @itsjustmyfantasyroom​
Warning: Fluffy family stuff. But also a smut. Do NOT read if you’re under the age of 18! Oral (female receiving). 
A/N: This is for my Sonnyverse ( which I’ve created with the lovely @sweetcannolicarisi​ )
Sonnyverse masterlist
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Dominick Gabriel: 6 years.
Matteo Lucas: 4 years.
Giovanni Elijah: 2 years.
Angelina Maria: 6 months.
One of the best ideas Sonny had in years was growing out his mustache, well, he grew out a full beard and mustache while he was off work in the running up to your fourth child, and first daughter. The boys loved to see their dad sporting a full face of hair. And your baby girl seemed to love it too.
The only annoying bit was when he decided to shave the beard. You had begged him to keep it, but he had simply replied that it would not look good with the uniform, «I can keep the mustache, but the beard has to go doll», he had said.
You had been pouting the entire day, even the kids started to notice. «Mama, why are you sad?» Giovanni asked, crawling onto your lap as you sat on the couch. Looking at your youngest son you gave him a small smile and cuddled him. «Your dad removed his beard this morning before going to work. So he’ll be looking a little different when he comes home», you explained, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.
«Daddy did what?!» Dominick, Sonny’s carbon copy and your eldest son, exclaimed, walking in being followed by your mother and your middle son, Matteo. «Daddy cut his beard», you explained, getting up to hug your mother and your sons. «Hey ma», you murmured.
«Why?» Giovanni asked, sucking his thumb, a habit you and Sonny had tried to get him off. «Well. Daddy didn’t think it would look good with the uniform», you said.
«That’s silly», Dominick commented, which made you and your mother laugh. «It is silly. We should tell him that when he comes home. But remember, he’ll look a little different when he does get here, so there’s no need to be scared okay?» you said looking at the three boys. «Okay», they all agreed.
You had been bouncing Angie that morning, trying to get her to sleep a little longer, so she had seen him get a shave, even if she didn’t understand what was going on.
So when Sonny got home that afternoon the little girl squealed and bounced in your arms waiting for cuddles. «Hey princess! Did you miss me?» he murmured, taking her off your hands. «Hey doll», he added. «Hey», you replied, giving him a quick kiss. «How was work?» It was a question you always asked him, but it gave you a small insight to what his day was like, where he could choose how much he shared, and he was often picky when the kids were around. «It was good. Got enough to take it to trial», he murmured, trying to occupy the attention of your daughter.
«Daddy why did you shave your beard?» Matteo asked, looking at his dad. «Work wouldn’t allow it how it looked», Sonny replied, ruffling his second oldest son’s hair.
«But we liked the beard. It made you look cool», Dominick noted. «Did you? I’m sorry bud.» It made your heart soar to see how well Sonny was with the kids. Always hands on with them when he was home. The boys absolutely idolized their father, Matteo and Giovanni saying they wanted to be cops just like him when they grew up which just made you chuckle. Those two were troublemakers for sure, so you always joked that troublemakers didn’t become cops, in which your husband replied with «They become firefighters», which was a little jab to your older brother who was a firefighter in Chicago.
You had finally managed to get all four of the kids to sleep when you plopped down on the bed, yawning. «Even with help from Ma, and whenever you get time, I’m so tired in the evenings», you murmured, looking at your husband, «I wouldn’t change it for the world though, I love them.» You didn’t even want to begin thinking about a life without the kids, or without Sonny. To you, the best decision you had made was kissing Sonny that summer night after you graduated.
«I wish I could be home more, but between work and night classes, there’s not enough time.» He sighed, looking at you. «It’ll all be worth it when you pass the bar, babe», you noted, taking his hands in yours.
He nodded slowly, before pulling you in for a kiss. «You’re too good for me doll», he murmured, pulling you to straddle his lap. «Well, I did marry you didn’t I?» you mused, suppressing an oncoming giggle as the mustache tickled your neck. «That you did, and I’ll never thank my lucky star enough for bringing me you!» he exclaimed, kissing the exposed skin.
Pushing him to lay down, you were about to move down his body when he stopped you. «You told me how much you loved the scruff», he murmured, smirking. «Oh, so you were listening?» you retorted, raising an eyebrow. «Don’t be a smart ass, doll, it doesn’t suit you», he groaned, getting you on your back. «I thought you loved my ass.» That made him groan again.
You laid flat on your back, smiling cheekily up at him as he rolled his eyes at your comment. «I’ll fuck you later, if that’s what you want, but right now, I think I’ll show you that I can still make you feel good with my mouth», he growled, trailing kisses down your body slowly, making you whine. «Shhh, doll, you’ve got to be quiet», he murmured. Nodding your head you, bit down on your lip in anticipation from what was to come.
«Sonny please», you whined. «Please what doll?» He asked, but he knew what you wanted. «Please, I want your mouth.» Looking  at him, you ran your fingers through his hair. He absolutely loved when you did that, which was one of the reasons why you did it, to spur him on.
He let out a small groan and delved in, attaching his lips to your clit as he sucked the ball of nerves into his mouth. «Hmm. Feels so good Sonny», you mewled, biting your lip to stop the oncoming moan.
Entering one finger, then one more, Sonny looked at you, a smirk etched on his face. «Y-you’re enjoying this aren’t you?» You asked as he pumped his fingers inside you. «Oh I really am», he murmured, blowing on your clit before moving his lips back over the nerve. His mustache creating a burning scratch which you knew would stick for days, but you didn’t care.
Your orgasm was fast approaching at this point and you tried your best not to scream out in absolute ecstasy. «Shhh, doll. Fuck I can feel you clamp down on my fingers. You’re close aren’t you?» he murmured from in between your legs. «Yeah», you whimpered, tossing your head back.
Scratching his mustache over your clit while pumping his fingers into you drew you closer, and before you knew it, you were clamping your hand over your mouth to stop the oncoming moans.
Sonny lazily fingered you through your release before pulling his fingers out of you and plopping down on the bed next to you. «I will never get tired of that taste», he murmured, licking his fingers clean. «If you ever shave your mustache, I’m divorcing you», you said, trying to regain your breath. «Sure you will doll, sure you will.»
@detective-giggles​ @kriegsverlobte​ @meri-dawn​ @svu-ncis-criminalminds​ @storiesofsvu​ @the-hopeless-haze​ @thatesqcrush​ @beccabarba​ @dianilaws​ @rafivadafreddy​ @rafaheadcanons​ @incomplete-coincidence​ @cycat4077​ @caked-crusader​ @teamsladsandgents​ @prurientpuddlejumper​ @delia26​ 
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fancoloredglasses · 3 years
Nora Clavicle and the Ladies Crime Club (how to kill the women’s movement)
[All images are owned by 20th Century Fox Disney. Batman is owned by DC Comics. Please don’t sue me]
Thanks to Batgirlspain for the suggestion
First, a bit of history (and if I get my facts wrong, I apologize and welcome corrections)...
In World War 2, with the men off fighting the Axis Powers, the government encouraged women to put down their aprons and pick up a welding torch
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(Thanks to Wikipedia)
Problem was that once the men came back, the women didn’t wanna go back to being merely housewives. This unrest was passed to their daughters and thus the Women’s Liberation movement was started. (yes, this is very much an oversimplification, but I REALLY don’t wanna get any more political than I have to) Of course, the men fought this tooth and nail (I mean, look at what they kicked up in 1920 to try to keep women from voting)
Things really came to a head in the 60s, where public bra burnings made the news, which is the backdrop in which this episode first aired.
Now, on the surface you’d think the studio was forward-thinking bringing a women’s activist to the forefront of an episode of Batman, but I’m fairly certain that in writing one as the villain they were trying to cast some heavy shade on “Women’s Lib”
On a personal note, I first saw this episode when I was in my single digits. I laughed at all the “silly girls” as it was just another Batman episode with goofy characters. However, once I got older and watched what was actually happening, I was in disbelief. As I watched the episode for this review, I was pissed off by the end of this hit piece.
If you would like to watch this episode, it’s available on Amazon behind the paywall.
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We open to a luncheon where Commissioner Gordon is being honored for 25 years of calling in Batman dedicated service to Gotham City. However, Mayor Linseed and his wife are conspicuously late.
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Eventually he shows up with his wife, who obviously wants to continue whatever argument they had in the car. Mrs. Linseed has the final word and directs the Mayor to the podium. He presents Gordon with a watch to celebrate his service...and fires him. He then announces that the new Commissioner shall be Nora Clavicle (who? Well, I mean the name’s in the title of the episode, but she’d never once been mentioned before) Apparently she’s a women’s “crusader”
Chief O’Hara exclaims “Saints preserve us all!” as the opening credits roll.
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Clavicle’s first act as Commissioner is to fire Chief O’Hara and appoint Mrs. Linseed (they don’t even give her a first name!) as his replacement. I don’t see this ending well. (Now, I have no issue with female cops, but given she appointed a police chief who has zero law enforcement experience...well, it’s like appointing a Postmaster General who’s never carried mail!) 
Later Mayor Linseed admitted that his wife refused to cook, clean, or do any other “women’s work” (WOW! You could always get off your duff and do it yourself...or hire someone to do so) until he appointed Clavicle.
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Later at the Batcave, Commissioner Clavicle fires Batman and Robin (though given they don’t officially work for Gotham City...) saying the women of the GCPD don’t need help from men, even those who dress as a bat. Batman guessing something is up with these events (YA THINK?!) and decides to take a patrol around the city, to which Alfred says “We men are counting on you, sir.” (SERIOUSLY?! I expected better of you, Alfred.)
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However, Clavicle didn’t say anything about women dressed as a bat. Batgirl decides to go out on patrol herself.
Meanwhile in Commissioner Gordon’s Clavicle’s office, it’s revealed that Chief Linseed has fired all the male cops and replaced them with women. After Chief Linseed leaves, Commissioner Clavicle reveals her plan to squeeze Gotham dry (I KNEW IT!) When her henchwomen Evalina and Angelina ask about Batman, she’s not worried. However, when Batgirl is mentioned, she gets concerned and plans a trap, instructing her minions to commit a crime to lure Batgirl...and the other two as well.
Now, let’s see how the all-female GCPD is doing...
(Thanks to PoliceInstructor1)
Jesus, the writers are ham-fisting their sexist message! But it gets worse as the switchboard operator is too busy telling units about all the best sales to do more than give the robbery an afterthought. Fortunately, the Terrific Trio have been monitoring the department store ads police band and rush to the bank. After the bank manager gives his accounting, Batman, Robin, and Batgirl rush to the portable Bat-computer in the Batmobile, and somehow it leads them to...
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[STEP 1] Get statement from victim with almost no clues whatsoever
[STEP 2] Access Bat-computer
[STEP 3] ????
[STEP 4] Profit Hideout
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The Terrific Trio sneak in, but are ambushed by Clavicle, who then holds Batgirl hostage with a knitting needle. Having no choice, Batman and Robin surrender, and Clavicle’s henchwomen tie them into human knots
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They arrange the Terrific Trio such than any motion with make the “knot” tighter and ultimately crush them (whatever happened to the good ol’ fashioned deathtrap? No sense of tradition...)
With that, Batman convinces Clavicle to monologue, revealing that she has taken an insurance policy out on the entire city, and will collect on it once she blows it up. and with an evil laugh, Clavicle and her henchwomen stroll out.
And how will Gothan be destroyed? With these...
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...wind-up mouse bombs, set to go off just after sunset (which would be enough time to run all over the city...assuming they were wound enough)
Meanwhile, the unemployment office has set up a special line just for the GCPD.
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Ex-Chief O’Hara doesn’t look right without his uniform. Although I have a bit less sympathy that they refuse to look for another job, and complain that they’re out of work due to women entering the workforce (I know the women they hired are bad at it, but COME ON!)
Meanwhile, the Knotted Trio attempt to Jenga their way out of their predicament. It turns out Batman knows how to get out and only now remembered (HOW CONVENIENT!)  With the deus ex Batshit knowledge, the knot becomes loose enough to free them.
Once outside, Batman spies one of the mouse bombs running around...
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...which has sent the women cops scurrying (REALLY?! We’re doing the whole “women fear mice” trope too? I’m getting more pissed off as this episode progresses!) Batman has Robin and Batgirl call Chief Linseed, but she already knows (due to a pair of mouse bombs running around her office) and faints mid-call. Batgirl quips “You can’s get police women to catch mice” (COME ON! You’re a woman and you’re demeaning them?)
Fortunately, Batman has a plan!
(Thanks to IBatman1966I)
Hey, it worked in Hamelin! Just then...
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...Alfred shows up with Jim Gordon and former Chief O’Hara, having made a citizen’s arrest for soon-to-be-ex-Commissioner Clavicle.
Needless to say, Gordon and O’Hara (along with the rest of the GCPD) have their old jobs back. And of course, this being season 3, Gordon gets a phone call from next week’s villain...
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(At least Gordon doesn’t have to call him son-in-law)
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microsuedemouse · 4 years
man it has been a MINUTE since I made my own post about anything fandom-related on this website but @suzirya is blogging about The Old Guard and I haven’t seen anyone else talking about it really and I’ve got. some thoughts
I had literally never heard of this movie at all until a few nights ago when we were eating dinner in the living room and my dad pulled it up and said ‘hey I want to watch this’ and played the trailer for my brother and me. We were pretty much like yeah, sure, we all enjoy a good action flick, and aside from my other brother (who was occupied with D&D) it ended up being the whole family watching it. and I enjoyed it WAY more than I’d anticipated, especially for something I’d never heard about.
if you don’t know what I’m talking about: drop what you’re doing and go watch The Old Guard on Netflix. (it’s a Netflix original so yes it will be there.) it’s a very fun and good action film based on a series of graphic novels about a small group of immortals trying to do what’s right. there are many selling points but one of them is that it will be very good for your little gay soul, bc Charlize Theron stars (in a character with no explicitly-stated romances but lots of relationships that will make you Feel Things) and two of the other main characters are two men who met during the Crusades and are just amazingly in love with each other. And not in a vague way that the straights can interpret as Powerful Friendship. They are explicitly in love with each other and so devoted and ugh.
ANYWAY. putting the rest of my chattering under a cut bc spoilers and also I’m a wordy piece of shit
1 - early in this movie I was thinking about how glad I am that Charlize Theron has stepped into this role of like... cool female action star, but also, her characters are never super sexed up. almost any female characters I can think of in action movies, if they’re part of the action rather than victims/bystanders, are always made sexy. even when they’re Strong sexy, they’re still... a lot sometimes? I was thinking especially of some Angelina Jolie stuff, Scarlett Johanssen, etc. there are probably lots of exceptions to this that I just don’t know but still - we’ve had Theron in several roles like this recently, and appearance-wise she’s treated with the same respect as her male counterparts, which is so fucking cool and also such a fucking relief. we all love beautiful ladies, obviously, but it’s so SO good to see our female heroes just doing their jobs, without us ever being made aware of their sexuality.
and as the movie went on this was hitting me more and more, and I was also thinking it about... everyone? like. the other female lead, played by KiKi Layne, was arguably more feminine than Theron but not any more sexualised. even once she’s out of her army fatigues she’s dressed with practicality in mind, and again, we never have her female-ness pointed out to us. and I was so about every bit of that. both objectively and as a person whose relationship to female-ness and femininity is kind of weird, it’s such a good thing to see leading women whose gender and appearances and bodies aren’t being focussed on that way.
and as a sidebar to that, while I wouldn’t describe any of the prominent male characters as unattractive by any means, none of them were like... Marvel-actor hot. and I just, idk, especially in action/superhero movies, that’s refreshing to me. a lot of them looked like Regular Dudes in a way that I find very appealing.
2 - can we TALK about Joe and Nicky. holy shit. my brother and I kept leaning over to each other to be like ‘if anything happens to either of them I’ll riot.’ I MEAN.
we got a genuine, explicit, on-screen established romance between these men. it was not implied, it was not just how the actors played it in the hopes that people would catch on - it was right there. they hold each other to sleep, they kiss each other with such love, they talk to other characters about how much they adore each other. they met during the Crusades. they’ve been in love for centuries! and they’re so sweet, so devoted, so adoring! and they never have any arguments or tension to further the plot (one of my personal most-hated plot devices in any story with an established relationship). they just spend this movie loving each other, protecting each other and their weird little family, doing anything they can for each other. they’re taken prisoner and spend their time awake joking and making each other smile. and the one singular bit of casual homophobia they encounter on-screen is met with a declaration of love so heartfelt and intense that the guy who made the shitty comment literally doesn’t know what to say - which is a brief but extremely good scene in the movie, imo.
oh, also worth noting: this romance is biracial and interfaith (inasmuch as either of them may be men of faith after being alive for centuries). just to add to how good this is to see on-screen. all of this on top of them being IMMORTAL AND UNKILLABLE. NO GAYS BURIED HERE
2.5 - can I talk for a second about how goddamn much I love seeing non-hetero romance in genre fiction!!! I know it’s getting easier to find, but still. genre fiction is very much my domain and I love seeing queer romance there, especially when it’s simply an accepted fact and the characters’ queerness isn’t central to the story. narratives about queerness are good and important and serve a function but most of them aren’t really my thing, personally. a story that’s about all kinds of other things but also has queer characters there, being themselves, being in love, is so 1000% my shit.
3 - also? Charlize Theron’s character, Andy?? fascinating from a queer perspective. she doesn’t have any explicitly-stated romance with anyone, but her relationships with other characters are so compelling and so interesting. The backstory about her and another immortal, Quynh, very very distinctly gives you the impression that they were women in love. everything about Andy’s guilt and bitterness over not having been able to find/save Quynh feels so much like there was a romance there. it could have been platonic or familial - they were together, without anyone else, for centuries at least, and therefore obviously developed a very deep love - but the way Andy talks about Quynh it feels so much like there was something left unsaid, or unresolved.
also, her scene with the clerk in the pharmacy. oh my god. this woman clearly recognises that whatever is going on with Andy, something is wrong, and she offers her help, no questions asked. she takes her into the back room and patches up her wound. this scene has such an inherent intimacy because of the close quarters and the privacy and the act taking place, but... there’s also this really interesting connection happening between them, where they recognise something in one another but don’t state it. (personally, I couldn’t help wondering if the clerk was a domestic abuse survivor, maybe? but there are so many ways you could interpret her character from her behaviour and dialogue in that scene, and I’d love to see other people’s takes.)
and then on the other hand you have her relationship with Booker, who’s been with her the longest out of any of the living immortals. they’re incredible. their relationship is so, so interesting and well-depicted! they have such chemistry, that you can easily read as romantic or platonic. they’ve been together for so many hundreds of years and they work together, trust each other, with such a deep understanding and love and respect. and it never quite tips over into the romance you kind of think it will, which imo only makes it that much more compelling - there are so many directions you could take that dynamic.
4 - and then on the topic of Booker: I am SO into the way his betrayal was handled.
he did, undeniably, betray the others. there’s no argument on that fact. his motivations were understandable (and heartbreaking), even to Andy, though certainly not an excuse. so yes, they were furious with him. reasonably so! but... that didn’t actually break their relationships with him. they didn’t leave him behind in the lab, even if in some ways they might have wanted to. and in the ensuing battle, they were still able to work together and trust each other as they always have. the damage done to their larger relationship was put aside to be dealt with after all of this, as it should be. and even when they did deal with it, what they agreed on was just a century of exile from their group. given the lives they’re all living, that seems like such a mild sentence.
but to me, it makes so much sense. again, these people have lived for centuries, and there are so few of them. they need each other. the bonds they’ve formed over all this time together - the trust, the love, the sense of family - would not only be vital to both their survival and their sanity, but also incredibly difficult to truly break. what he did would seem unforgivable from an outside perspective, and even after that century passed I’m certain he’d have to earn back their trust and respect, but it makes absolute sense that they’d be willing to take him back one day.
god. GOD. I’m sure there’s more I could talk about but this is what I can think of right now and I’ve been typing for like forty minutes probably so I’m done for now but.
this movie and its characters GOT ME, guys. I’m really in it. ugh UGH
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Byzantine Imperial Family & House of Babenberg: Princess Theodora Angelina of Byzantium
Theodora’s parentage is uncertain. She was probably a niece of Byzantine Emperor Isaac II Angelos. Most likely her mother was one of his sisters but it could also be possible that her father was Isaac’s brother John. Whoever her parents were, she was raised at court in Constantinople.
She was born into turbulent times. Rebellions and wars dominated the last days of the Byzantine Empire. In 1203, when Theodora was either in her late teens or early twenties, she left Constantinople for Vienna to marry Duke Leopold VI of Austria and Styria. Leopold was the grandchild of Byzantine princess Theodora Komnene. The celebrations in November of this year are said to have been magnificent. Noteworthy guests were the poet Walther von der Vogelweide, who might have even performed there, and probably the unknown writer of The Song of the Nibelungs. According to historian Karl Brunner, the wedding inspired the fictional wedding of Kriemhield to King Etzel. So many guests wanted to attend Theodora’s and Leopold’s wedding that not all of them fit into the city.
But why would a Byzantine princess marry the ruler of Austria? The reasons were simple. Austria hoped for a strong alliance against the Hungarians who threathened their border and the Byzantine Empire promised themselves a better relationship with and the participation in a crusade of the German King Philipp of Swabia, who was already married to Theodora’s cousin Irene Angelina. But all of this was rendered moot when the Byzantine Empire broke apart.
Not too much is known about Theodora during the lifetime of her husband. The couple had seven children: German Queen Margarete, Duchess Agnes of Saxony, Hereditary Duke Leopold of Austria, Hereditary Duke Heinrich the Cruel of Austria, Landgravine Gertrude of Thuringia, Duke Frederick II the Quarrelsome of Austria and Styria and Margravine Constantia “Konstanze” of Meißen. Theodora most likely used her influence when it was time to find a bride for her son Frederick. It was most likely her doing that he married Princess Eudokia Laskarina of Nicaea. However the marriage did not last long.
Theodora did not really have luck with her sons. Her oldest and favourite son died when he fell of a tree while playing. She never really got over this loss. Heinrich rebelled against his father when he was away and chased his mother out of her home in Hainburg. Frederick, who was described by contemporaries as talented but arrogant and rampant, took away all his mother’s possessions and threatened to cut off her breasts if he ever caught her. Theodora fled to Austria’s archnemesis Bohemia where she could put her trust in her cousin’s and the German king’s daughter Kunigunde of Hohenstaufen who was Queen consort of Bohemia at the time. From there, she went to Kunigunde’s father and complained about her son. In 1235, at the Imperial Diet in Mainz an imperial court decided in favour of Theodora and she returned to Austria. When Frederick died in 1246, the first House of Austria aka the House of Babenberg ceased to exist in its male line.
In her last years, Theodora became a nun at Lilienfeld Abbey. She died either on June, 22nd or 23rd in the year 1246. It is very likely that she inspired a famous German lullaby called Heia popeia. The ancient Greek words Hoide o paide mean Sleep, o child which over the years became Heia popeia with the common people.
// Nur Fettahoğlu in Magnificent Century (2011-14)
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jinxxedmisery · 4 years
Character List
Heyo, Just wanted to let you know, my inbox is open again and I’m accepting requests once more! 
I’ll also mark my husbandos and waifus.. Because that’s relevant information... W= Waifu H= Husbando Ultra= God tier/Will die for this character
Here is a list of all the characters I will do:
From Black Butler
MeyRin (Ultra W)
Sebastian Michaelis (H)
Vincent Phantomhive (H)
Undertaker (Ultra H)
Ciel Phantomhive
Angelina Dalles
Grell (W H)
Ronald Knox
RanMao (W)
  From Seraph Of The End
Guren Ichinose (Ultra H)
Shinya Hiragi (H)
Norito Goshi
Mito Jujo
Sayuri Hanayori
Shigure Yukimi
Mahiru Hiragi (W)
Yuiciro Hyakuya
Mikaela Hyakuya
Yoichi Saotome
Shinoa Hiragi
Ferid Bathory (I seethe with anger whenever I see him or hear his name, I’m sorry if I like end up making all the fics I write with him spiteful lol) 
Krul Tepes
    From Demon Slayer
Giyuu Tomioka (H) 
Kyojuro Rengoku (H)
Muzan Kibutsuji
Kagaya Ubuyashiki (H)
    From Blue Exorcist 
Yukio Okumura (Ultra H)
Rin Okumura (H)
Shiemi Moriyama
Shura Kirigakure (W)
Mephisto Pheles
     From My Hero Academia
Shouta Aizawa (H)
Hizashi Yamada 
     From Attack On Titan
Levi Ackerman (H)
Zoe Hanji 
Erwin Smith (Ultra H)
Eren Jaeger (Fuck this guy... )
Mikasa Ackerman
Historia Reiss/ Christa Lenz (W)
Yimir (The lesbian brunette chick) (W)
Annie Leonhart
Sasha Braus (W)
     From Danganronpa
Byakuya Togami (H)
Toko Fukawa (W)
     From Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Dio Brando (Both Phantom Blood and Stardust Crusaders versions please specify in your ask)
Jonathan Joestar
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (ULTRA ULTRA H)
Bruno Bucellati/Buccarati (H)
Giorno Giovanna
Guido Mista
Joeseph Joestar 
Jotaro Kujo
Jolyne Kujo
Noriaki Kakyoin
        From Mystic Messenger:
Jihyun Kim/V
Vanderwood (ofc he’s still an ULTRA H)
Jaehee Kang
        From Obey Me:
       From The Arcana:
Julian Devorak (H)
Asra Alnazar
Nadia Satrinava 
Muriel (H)
Portia Devorak (W)
Valdemar (idk what the gender neutral term for waifu/husbando is...but I like them a lot)
From Death Note
Raye Penber
Misa Amane
For the Wammy boys please go to my new side blog
And I think that’s all..if you want short scenarios or short fics of any of these characters, please send me an ask! 
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oldmilfenjoyer · 4 years
time to rewrite tma eps based off celeb goss I guess.
please don’t take this seriously I didn’t touch t*yl*r sw*ft goss for a reason
mag 6 squirm: as the only horny tma ep it gets the timothee chalamet/sprouse twins/eddie redmayne chlamydia saga 
mag 7 the piper: mitskis dad is a cia agent and probs def a war criminal
mag 32 hive: obviously the jameela jamil bee story
mag 34 anatomy class: this isn’t gossip. please look at a time lapse of ariana grandes eyebrows WHERES she putting her forehead.
mag 50 foundations: george clooney married amal clooney to get a leg up in eventually running for president. also they’re lowkey divorced.
mag 53 crusader: angelina jolie being v vocal about pegging her bf
mag 58 trail rations: the catering of the new power rangers movie being just “a pile of coke w a little spoon” to quote
mag 69 thought for the day: shakira evading spanish taxes.
may 77 the kind mother: whatever tf yolanda hadid is doing w gigi and bella in like general.
mag 84 possessive: this isn’t a conspiracy the queen definitely orchestrated princess diana’s death. also meghan and harry leaving the royal family for a netflix or amazon deal that’s going to get them $$$$$$$$$.
mag 97 we all ignore the pit: the jameela jamil munchausen theories (I’m so sorry miss jamil please know I love you pero also like the cancer thing)
mag 102 nesting instinct: jessica biel’s gay and specifically the photo of a woman grabbing jessica biel’s ass while justin timberlake is standing next to her but not looking
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mag 112 thrill of the chase: ok…did john hamm haze a dude to death. did lady Gaga kill that chick and steal her identity. how involved were the Olsen twins (coke dealer) in heath ledger dying in Mary Kate’s apartment. Jonny depp absolutely killed joaquin phoenixs brother.
mag 113 breathing room: beyonce and jay z had separate security teams in the met gala 2014 elevator
mag 118 masquerade: brie larson staging whole foods paparazzi pics w her (fake) bf. honestly anyone staging whole foods/ trader joes pap pics.
mag 124 left hanging: bella thorne getting carded when she didn’t have her ID, asking the bartender “don’t you recognize me”, him saying no, her exiting stage left
mag 134 time of revelation: the influencer who’s dog shit on her bed before a party and instead of cleaning it up she put the sheets in her OVEN. idk who u r but Caroline Calloway u have the money for laundry detergent.
mag 136 the puppeteer: I lied I’m bringing Taylor in. I’m not a swiftie and I refuse to get involved w swift discourse. but taylor in 50 years will be remembered for being The Beard for fake dating closeted gay celebs (ex tom hiddleston, joe alwyn, joe jonas, I cant remember who else) and also for giving everyone involved hella publicity
mag 153 love bombing: so many celebs have lyme disease despite not living on the east coast but we’re specifying yolanda + bella + anwar hadid bc yolanda wrote a whole ass book abt it. also j biebs.
mag 159 the last: billie eilish’s parents were gentrifiers and got fucked up by the 2008 housing crisis HA (also they helped commit money laundry)
mag 160 the eye opens: please I just want to know what’s going on with the danai gurira/lupita nyongo/tessa thompson/janelle monae love quadrangle
posted in celebration of Megan Fox leaving her husband good for her!!!!
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The Times article ''Allies say this global crusading was a key element in their romance. “There are two Harrys,” said one. “One hangs out with honking Sloanes and goes to shooting weekends. The other is the young campaigner with Coldplay, Ed Sheeran and everyone else who matters on speed dial, who sets up the Invictus Games and runs international campaigns. That was the one Meghan was interested in. She is interested in being a global humanitarian in the Angelina Jolie mould.” 2 Harry's indeed
That explains why all his friends got ghosted.
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