#cryptid tf 141
ilikeyoualive · 4 months
Part 2 of the chapter 4 snippet. It's just dialogue since I haven't looked at this AU in a hot minute. If you're interested in more snippets or lore about the cryptid 141 AU, check out my Main Masterlist!
Warnings: Mentioned/Implied Cannibalism
Word Count: 318
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Rule #4: Get Used to Weird Fucking Eating Habits.
"Whit's it taste like, Lt?" Soap asked, probably pushing his luck if the way that Ghost's gloved fingers flexed around his burger was any indication, but he was genuinely curious about Ghost's sense of taste.
"That's a fucked up question, MacTavish." (Ghost)
"Huh? Whit, no. Ah meant the burger." (Soap)
"You want to know what a burger tastes like to me?" (Ghost)
"Aye, sir." (Soap)
"It tastes dead." (Ghost)
"Aw, c'mon Lt, ye can do better than tha’." (Soap)
"My tastebuds don't register the condiments or the vegetables beyond the texture. Bread an’ cheese is the same." (Ghost)
"So ye only actually get any sort ae flavor from the meat?" (Soap)
"Affirmative." (Ghost)
"Then why don't ye eat the meat an' toss the rest?" (Soap)
"Wasteful." (Ghost)
"Hang on, if ye cannae taste shite, then how can ye compliment mah cookin’?" (Soap)
"I can taste spices on the meat if it's a dry rub or a marinade." (Ghost)
"So ye were ratin’ mah cookin’ based on the flavor ae the meat?" (Soap)
"Yes an’ no." (Ghost)
"Whit?" (Soap)
"I could taste the seasonin on the meat, yes. But I could also tell that the noodles were cooked an’ that the vegetables were soft because ov their texture." (Ghost)
"Now tha's interestin’." (Soap)
"Is it?" (Ghost)
"Seems that yer tastebuds work, but they're just picky." (Soap) "Bet ye had tae practice, 'cause if ye cannae taste, ye cannae differentiate good food from bad food unless ye teach yerself how.”
"Wasn't always like this, Johnny." (Ghost)
"So ye remember whit food tastes like?" (Soap)
"Sometimes." (Ghost)
"Fish 'n chips?" (Soap)
"What abou’ ‘em?" (Ghost)
"Do ye remember the taste?" (Soap)
"Negative." (Ghost)
"Scones then? Ye tea freaks love yer dry-ass treats." (Soap)
"Fuckin' ‘ell, Johnny." (Ghost)
"Wait, whit about tea? Why do ye still drink it?" (Soap)
"It smells good. It's warm. It's a habit from before." (Ghost)
"Huh." (Soap)
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
Now... I don't know about you guys, but I'm a sucker for Soap whump. I feel like this shows quite a bit in my writing because I just can't help myself, I crave violence toward the sunshine bean. Plus injured or hurt Soap is usually followed up with some delicious protective Ghost/Protective 141 and I sure as hell ain't complaining. Lol. And for those of you who are interested in reading more content for this AU, here's a link to my Main Masterlist!
Warnings: Blood and Injury (Soap gets his throat cut), Canon-Typical Violence, Mission Gone Wrong
Word Count: N/A
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Rule #15: Don't Hurt Said Emotional Support Human. You Will Fucking Die.
Starts off with the 141 sparring together, but then Price shows up and summons them to the conference room for a briefing about a new mission that just came in via Laswell.
They’re tasked with dismantling a crime syndicate that deals in supplying terrorists with all kinds of weaponry, having gotten solid intel about where their base of operations is located. They split into two teams: Ghost, Roach, and Soap as the infiltration team with Price and Gaz as the support team.
It goes smoothly at first, but once in the base, they’re separated when several booby-traps are activated.
Ghost falls through a trapdoor in the floor, leaving Roach with Soap as multiple hostiles converge on them. They fight their way through the first wave and then make their way to what looks to be a cafeteria, where they are surrounded when hostiles flood in through the four entryways. Roach and Soap are driven apart in the scuffle, which results in Soap getting momentarily distracted and catching a knife to the throat.
Blood spills onto the ground and Roach makes a wrecked sound and immediately shouts into his radio that Soap is down.
Roach shifts into his naga form and coils around Soap, putting pressure on his throat with his freed hands to staunch the bleeding while bullets ping off his scales as the men start firing wildly while screaming in confusion because Roach had shifted to his full form.
Roach is yelling into his radio that they need a way out now and that Soap’s neck had been cut and he was bleeding and he didn’t know how bad it was and just generally panicking and yelling that they needed Ghost to get the fuck up here because he was closer than Alpha team (who had called in a medevac for Soap).
Ghost comes up through the fucking floor in a grotesque half-shifted form and proceeds to tear through the men, thinning them out until the last man falls with a choked gurgle.
Then the floor fucking undulates like it’s alive. What comes out is half Ghost and half something else entirely.
Then Ghost rushes over to Roach, who hesitantly uncoils to pass Soap off to Ghost because he was the fastest out of all of them and he could get Soap to the medevac fastest, Soap drifts as Ghost situates Soap in his arms, tucked against his side with one of Ghost’s black hands clamped around his throat to keep pressure.
He tells Soap to close his eyes before just fucking taking off, Soap losing time because suddenly their are voices speaking urgently and hands touching him, taking him from Ghost, who is clearly agitated if the consistent growling is anything to go by.
The last thing Soap hears is Ghost threatening the medical personnel that they will suffer a horrific death if Soap dies before he blacks out.
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ilikeyoualive · 4 months
Another snippet of chapter 4, which takes place a few days later during a mission. Not sure of the details yet, but I have some dialogue for their banter and figured I'd share. If any of you are interested in exploring this AU further, check out my Main Masterlist!
Warnings: None
Word Count: 139
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Rule #4: Get Used to Weird Fucking Eating Habits.
"Pie." (Soap)
"What flavor?" (Ghost)
"Any flavor." (Soap)
"Blueberry. I remember that it was tart but sweet." (Ghost)
"Ah've always been fond ae strawberry rhubarb." (Soap)
Ghost is judgmental, lol.
"Donnae act like ye have a leg tae stand on. I willnae have any ae yer judgy silences, Lt." (Soap)
"Not judging, Soap. Just questionin' your sanity." (Ghost)
"That sounds an awful lot like judgment." (Soap)
"A pie walks into a bar. The barman says "sorry, we don’t serve food"." (Ghost)
"Donnae try tae change the subject wit’ yer shitty jokes-" (Soap)
"Why did the apple pie cry?" (Ghost)
"Ugh… why?" (Soap)
"It’s peelin’s were hurt." (Ghost)
"Tha' wus terrible, Lt." (Soap)
"You laughed." (Ghost)
"So whit?" (Soap)
"So it was funny." (Ghost)
"No, the joke wus so bad tha' ah had tae laugh.” (Soap)
“Still my win.” (Ghost)
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
Wendigo Simon "Ghost" Riley HC's
Warnings: Mentions of Cannibalism (duh), Possessiveness, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Wendigo's are their own warning really
Word Count: 724
Tagging @resident-idiot-simp because Wendigo Ghost Supremacy.
And, if your interest is piqued by this AU, feel free to check out my Main Masterlist!
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My personal headcanon is that Wendigo's tend to be hoarders, although that particular instinct has been heavily repressed by Ghost due to a mixture of intense military training and sheer willpower. However, even though Ghost won’t randomly collect things that catch his eye in the field or on base, he still allows himself to covet essential items such as his tactical skull mask, his numerous skull-themed balaclava, and his favorite mug.
Seeing as they are particularly territorial of the things (or people) that they consider theirs, it’s kind of a big deal when they start giving and/or sharing stuff with others because it’s a sign of kinship and/or affection. So Ghost will randomly offer to make his team members a cup of tea when he’s making some for himself, subtly sharing with them. But he only does little things that wouldn’t be recognized as the affectionate gestures that they were unless you know him well.
So, for example, after the “Alone” mission in canon Ghost would simply let Soap keep the knife that he had found in the unfortunate Shadow that had crossed the Ghost’s path. To do this, Ghost probably just wouldn’t bring up the knife at all once everything has settled down, which in itself is a subtle indication that Soap has permission to keep it because if he didn’t want Soap to have it then he would bluntly ask for it to be returned.
Unfortunately, Soap still recalled how Ghost had said that he would like the knife back during the whole mess that was “Alone” and would totally approach Ghost privately to try and return it to him. Though Ghost wouldn’t move to take it, merely leveling poor Soap with that empty stare of his until Soap lost his nerve and beat a hasty retreat. The bizarre and nerve-racking experience would lead Soap to never try and give that particular item back again, but he does start carrying the knife with him on missions.
Due to the typically uncontrollable/untamable nature of his particular species, Ghost’s instincts are the hardest to repress, which makes hostile and bloodthirsty his default state of being. But with people that he sees as his (the 141, essentially) the urge to eat them decreases a significant amount, but that only makes the instinct to possess them all the worse. It’s a trade-off that Ghost is more than willing to make though, because he likes his team alive.
One of the pros of being seen as one of Ghost’s “possessions” is, first and foremost, that if he were to go into a feeding frenzy then you wouldn’t be on the menu. There’s also the simple fact that he’s easier to direct toward a target (or targets) while his higher brain function is switched off in favor of mindless feeding, which usually only happens when he’s “fatally” wounded in the field.
Not that he can actually be severely injured or killed by anything other than fire, that is. So Ghost is able to heal from wounds that would be a death sentence to a human and even other supernatural creatures because he only actually has one thing that can do serious damage to his person and since the fact that he’s a Wendigo is kept under lock and key -along with the knowledge that the supernatural exist in general- that means that most people wouldn't think to bring a flamethrower to a gunfight.
Ghost’s mind is dark and more than a bit twisted due to being a Wendigo for longer than he had been a human, so I see him as having a bit of what I like to call “Hannibal Mentality” where he just kinda wants to possess people and keep them with him forever. His way of doing so? Eating them.
Not, like, while they're alive mind you. But say, Roach were to die on a mission with Ghost, who would be compelled to eat Roach’s body since he doesn't have bodily functions that cause him to produce waste, so whatever he eats is quite literally with him forever. It would be challenging enough for him to simply give Price the dog tags instead of keeping them for himself, but there would certainly be no body to give to relatives or next of kin.
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
Part 1 of the 'Soap needs to learn how to ask for help' chapter, lol. I headcanon this explosives-obsessed man as someone with issues with always trying to prove himself, especially as the only human working in the field with literal supernatural creatures. That could give any man a complex, lol. And if you're interested in learning more about this AU, check out my Main Masterlist!
Warnings: Blood and injury, Bombs, Trapped under rubble
Word Count: N/A
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Rule #3: You Have Nothing to Prove. They Know You're Human and Thus Have Human Limitations In the Field so Don't Be Ashamed to Let Them Know When You Need Help.
Three or four TF-141 members are already in the field, tasked with bringing in some criminal for questioning about the bigger fish that the task force is looking to catch.
The house that the criminal is holed up in is rigged to explode via IED in the basement, although they don't realize it at first. But when they do notice, it’s already too late and the criminal hits the detonator and the entire building goes up with the team inside. Ghost had all but thrown Soap away from the criminal and out of the kitchen (which is directly above the bombs) as the explosion happened, but the ground gives way under Soap’s feet and then he’s falling.
He wakes up to voices coming through the radio in intervals, it’s Ghost and Roach. They’re communicating with Price, occasionally asking Soap if he copies before devolving into planning mode again.
Soap raises his arm to reach for his radio and hisses, glancing down at his side, which was riddled with cuts of varying length and depth since it had been clipped by some debris as he fell. He’s bleeding sluggishly but steadily, his side already coated with red. It’s not an artery, so Soap’s not in danger of bleeding out right away, but there is a chance that he’ll go into shock if he goes untreated for too long.
Ghost had been burned by the explosion and is sluggishly healing, he's also straight-up impaled by some pipes that are nestled between the caved-in ceiling and the rubble below, limiting Ghost’s movement. Meanwhile Roach is sporting a few burns himself and is pinned from the waist down by debris, so he can’t shift to get out without severe discomfort.
They’re well and truly stuck for the time being -at least until backup arrives to dig them out- so Soap decides to write off his wounds as minor because clearly they already have enough to deal with as is without the resident human complaining about a comparatively minor injury that’s not even an immediate threat to his life.
But as they sit there, the bleeding doesn’t stop, and Soap realizes that he’s probably gonna die at this rate, he’s already a little woozy.
Soap asks Price for an ETA update on their backup, which is another ten minutes and that’s not mentioning how long it’ll take to dig them out. So, with great reluctance, Soap tells the team that he may have misjudged his initial damage report and that he’s lost quite a bit of blood and losing more as they speak, none of his team members are pleased about this development.
Ghost tells Soap to stay awake before he goes radio silent, all Soap can hear is a faint shriek of metal and the thud of moving rubble as his mind goes foggy with blood loss. His vision swims and the last thing he sees is a dark, emancipated form crawl into his little pocket before he passes the fuck out.
Cue him waking in the hospital feeling like death warmed over with a pissed off Ghost and Gaz lurking in the room waiting to chew him out while Roach and Price linger in the background looking wholly unimpressed and disappointed in equal measure.
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
Call of Duty AU Masterlist
Hello and welcome! This will be where I post my CoD: MW2 (2022) AU ideas and snippets since the CoD: MW2 fandom needs more fun AU's and I'm ready and willing to deliver! Also, A friendly reminder that since I write smut/NSFW -along with violence and trauma and other potentially triggering topics- this blog is 18+ and I will be making no exceptions. I will block you if you are either under 18 or your age isn't in your bio.
And one last thing, if you have any questions or comments about my AU's, feel free to throw them into my askbox!
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TF-141 Cryptid AU
TF-141 Shifter AU
DID Simon "Ghost" Riley AU
Shadow Creature Simon "Ghost" Riley AU
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Bonus Content:
Free Fall
Free Fall Ao3 Link
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
TF-141 Cryptid AU Masterlist
For those of you looking to delve deeper into the 141 Cryptid AU that I spat out on a whim, I made this post to help said interested parties navigate the information I will -no doubt- post without any modicum of rhyme or reason. Enjoy your descent into madness with me!
Main Masterlist
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Fic Stuff:
Chapter 1, Rule #1 | Part 1, Part 2
Chapter 3, Rule #3 | Part 1, Part 2
Chapter 4, Rule #4 | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Chapter 15, Rule #15 | Bleeding Out, Part 1
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Bonus Stuff:
Wendigo Simon "Ghost" Riley Headcanons
Just A Dream (Just A Nightmare) | Part 1, Part 2
Just A Dream (Just A Nightmare) Ao3 Link
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
John “Soap” MacTavish's Guide to Coexisting with Cryptids
Soap liked to believe that he’d had enough experience with the things that go bump in the night that he was reasonably sure that he had figured out the basics of avoiding a grisly and messy end via pissed off eldritch horror and he was awfully tempted to write a survival 101 guide to share this knowledge with other humans in the military who found themselves in a similar situation, because if he didn’t then who the hell else was going to?
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Come to Terms With the Fact Cryptids Exist
Respect Their Personal Space and Boundaries or You’ll Disappear and No One Will Ever Find the Body.
You Have Nothing to Prove. They Know You're Human and Thus Have Human Limitations In the Field, so Don't Be Ashamed to Let Them Know When You Need Help.
Get Used to Weird Fucking Eating Habits.
Keep In Mind That Some of Them Don't Need Sleep. Also, Try Not to Have a Fucking Heart Attack If You Happen Upon One of Them In the Middle of the Night.
No Matter What You Do, They Are Never Going to Spar With You Properly. Don't Get Mad, They're Just Being Cautious Because They Don't Want to Hurt You.
There Will Be Times Where You Forget That They’re Not Human Only to Be Abruptly Reminded That They Are Dangerous Cryptids. Please Take This Time to Reevaluate Your Life Choices.
Certain Things Can Hurt Them, so Make an Effort to Not Have Those Things In Places Where They Might Interact With It. They Will Appreciate It.
Unfortunately, You Will Eventually End Up In a Situation Where You Have to Talk Them Out of Committing Homicide. And Yes, This Will Happen On a Daily Basis. Best of Luck.
You Are Living In Close Quarters with Predators, so Expect Accidents to Happen. Please Try Not to Hold It Against Them.
Excessive Physical Contact Will Be Necessary for Scenting Purposes. Resistance Is Futile and Trying to Do so Will Only Result In You Wounding Your Pride.
You Are Going to See Them In All Their Eldritch Horror Glory Eventually. Unfortunately, Nothing You Do Will Mentally or Emotionally Prepare You For That.
The Way They Show Affection Is Fucking Confusing. Don't Try to Make Sense of It, You'll Only Give Yourself a Headache.
Apparently Bonding Time Is a Must. Do Your Best Not to Give In to the Temptation of Shooting Them When You're Essentially Demoted to an Emotional Support Human.
Don't Hurt Said Emotional Support Human. You Will Fucking Die.
Accept the Fact That You're a Breakable Human Surrounded by Significantly Less Breakable Eldritch Horrors
Celebrate Being Successful In Your Efforts to Coexist, You Fucking Earned It.
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Main Masterlist
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
Part 2 of the 'Soap is an idiot that is learning to ask for help when he needs it' chapter! He's getting some character development done, people! Lmao! And if you happen to be interested in looking into this AU, here's a link to my Main Masterlist!
Warnings: Blood and injury, Mission gone wrong, Canon-typical violence
Word Count: N/A
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Rule #3: You Have Nothing to Prove. They Know You're Human and Thus Have Human Limitations In the Field so Don't Be Ashamed to Let Them Know When You Need Help.
The second incident is -again- in the field when the 141 (Price, Gaz, Roach, and Soap raiding with a team while Ghost acts as overwatch) are sent in to safely retrieve an important political figure from a rising terrorist group overseas and the mission goes sideways after Price and Gaz collect the package.
Soap and Roach are making sure the exit stays clear but are ambushed themselves. Soap is immediately not having a good time because he’d been hit over the head and was disoriented. Not only that, but he was forced to leave his rifle on the ground in the skirmish so he’s down to his sidearm and knife against nine people.
Soap managed to take down the terrorist that leveled a gun with his chest on instinct alone, but was pinned behind a tree when more showed up and opened fire on him.
The radio is in chaos, Price announcing that the package is their priority and to get it to the RV point.
Price reaches out to him, asking for a sit-rep, and Soap debates telling them to get the hell out of dodge and that he would meet up with them at the RV, but the odds of him making it out alive without help are slim. Before he can lie, Price tells him that the package may be the priority but he’s always been good at multitasking.
Soap cracks as warmth floods his chest and tells him that it’s looking bleak, relaying that he has nine armed hostiles and not enough firepower to thin down the numbers to a more favorable amount.
Price tells him that he’s sending Gaz, and to sit tight.
Cue badass fight scene with Gaz dodging bullets like nothing and ripping throats out as he works his way through the men. Soap gets involved too, seeing as Gaz is drawing their fire, coming out from behind the tree to sink his knife into the first terrorist he lays eyes on.
They head to the RV together, boarding the helicopter, and he’s immediately approached by Ghost and Roach. Ghost notices the head wound right away, his brows furrowing even as he dryly banters with Soap, moving over to fetch the med kit before tossing it into Soaps lap, the Scot fumbling with the container for a moment before loudly complaining about Ghost’s nonexistent bedside manner.
Gaz ends up helping him mop up the blood and put a temporary bandage over it.
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ilikeyoualive · 4 months
Chapter 15 snippet for y'all since it's been sitting in my docs for a while and I thought I'd share what I had written already instead of letting it collect dust. And, if anyone is interested in exploring this AU more, check out my Main Masterlist!
Warnings: Blood and Injury, Angst, Mentioned Cannibalism, Missions Gone Wrong
Word Count: 644
Read Snippet Under The Cut:
Rule #15: Don't Hurt Said Emotional Support Human. You Will Fucking Die.
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Something squishy yet cold as ice laved over the split skin on his throat and, if Soap weren't mistaken, he would swear that it was a tongue. His brows twitched in growing discomfort at the confusing sensation of that cold tongue touching his feverish skin, each rasp of it over the wound bringing a bright shock of pain as the split and raw skin was repeatedly agitated.
His foggy brain tried to puzzle together why his neck was wounded in the first place, but he didn't have time to linger on it because suddenly the tongue stilled and several sharp somethings pricked the skin of his throat. He belatedly realized with a dawning sense to dread that those were fucking sharp ass teeth closing on his neck, his memories of the last several hours hitting him like a brick to the face.
The looming and very real threat of getting his throat ripped out had Soap's eyes abruptly snapping open as his hand simultaneously shot up to the back of Ghost's head, numb fingers seizing a fistful of the sniper's balaclava and probably even some hair in the process. He didn't make any effort to pull Ghost away with his trembling grip since it would be a useless endeavor anyway, opting to let his warm touch be a reminder that he was still alive.
"G'st," He slurred, clearing his throat with a grimace as if that would somehow help him cobble together the words needed to talk Ghost out of taking a bite, his head lazily lolling toward the sniper's own bowed head until his cheek rested against Ghost's temple. "Dinnae eat mah till mah heart stops beatin'." He murmured, blinking rapidly until the hull stopped spinning around him in a nauseating fashion, exhaling sharply in relief once he was reasonably sure that he wasn't about to throw up.
It was just one word, barely a whisper against his throat, but there was so much packed into that stupid little nickname that he had grown so fond of hearing from those scarred lips that he felt breathless.
"Donnae dare eat me 'til they call it, ye hear me?" Soap grunted, fighting to stay awake even as his vision began to blur dizzyingly. But he couldn't pass out yet, not until Ghost promised not to take a chunk out of him while he was unconscious. "Simon, please." He begged when the silence stretched on, his grip on Ghost's balaclava starting to go slack as darkness crept in from the edges of his eyes.
"I swear I'll wait til your body is stiff an’ cold." Ghost sounded utterly gutted when he finally spoke, his voice wobbly and hoarse in a way that Soap would find extremely alarming had the last of his lucidity not chosen that exact moment to slip through his fingers like sand.
When awareness returned to Soap only a handful of minutes later, he found that there were several unfamiliar hands on his person. And, when he made a low sound of distress in the wake of this troubling realization, it was immediately echoed by a familiar and hair-raising growl that reverberated through the hull like rolling thunder, those unwelcome hands flinching away from him.
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Ghost was half turned away in a crouch, his mask sloppily shoved up to the bridge of his sharp roman nose, presumably to free up his mouth for the whopping four fingers that he currently had stuffed in it. His pink tongue poking out between the digits as he messily licked at them before his pale, scarred lips closed around them and he began to audibly suck the sticky coating of blood off of his fingers, gasping like a man starved as he hunched in on himself even further with a full body quake that looked more despairing than pleasured.
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
Another cryptid 141 snippet for y'all to enjoy! Please forgive my -no doubt- awful attempt at writing a Scottish accent. I did some research about it, but my Oklahoman ass probably still butchered the accent. Lol.
Main Masterlist
Warnings: Foul Language, Mentioned Cannibalism
Word Count: 590
Sneak peek below the cut:
3. Get Used to Weird Fucking Eating Habits.
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The first time Soap saw Ghost eat something other than his usual weekly intake of suspicious meat that was so raw Soap half expected it to start screaming bloody murder was… a hell of a shock, to say the least. And it was fast food of all things, which was even more unexpected considering that this was Ghost and Soap had never even so much as entertained the idea that fast food was something the Lieutenant would indulge in without having to be bullied into it.
The utterly bizarre display had Soap standing in the doorway of the chow hall while gawking like a total fucking numpty for a solid minute as he tried to process what he was looking at, dumbly watching Ghost all but inhale a nauseatingly greasy and sad looking burger –which was closely followed by the equally greasy fries that were salty enough to give the antisocial Lieutenant a run for his money– with a fervor that would be alarming if Soap hadn't already known that Ghost had a bottomless pit for a stomach.
Ghost sat by his lonesome as usual, one of his skull-themed balaclava –a personal favorite judging by the faded state of the skull print that accompanied frequent washes from equally frequent use– bunched up on the bridge of his sharp nose, revealing the heavily scarred lower half of his sickly pale face to anyone that felt inclined to risk drawing the Lieutenant's ire by taking a peek. However, despite the not-so-subtle staring, trainees and faculty alike gave the table Ghost occupied a wide berth.
Although, to be fair, the collective glances weren't solely because of the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the rarity that was Ghost's ruggedly attractive features –which looked sculpted from marble or some other rock that was just as pale and solid as fuck– if the sheer amount of brightly colored food wrappers that had been crushed into a ball and meticulously stacked beside Ghost's left elbow were any indication.
"Lookin' tae break a Guinness world record, LT?" Soap had been aiming for teasing but somehow ended up landing on curious instead, which wasn't really a big deal because the delivery had fulfilled its purpose of announcing his arrival as well as grabbing Ghost's attention.
"Negative." Ghost grunted, his vague response doing little to explain why the Lieutenant seemed determined to consume so much garbage food that a weaker man would've succumbed to heart failure just from looking at the small mountain of crumpled wrappers that Ghost had amassed.
"Just hungry then, ey?" Soap hummed as he settled in the empty seat across from Ghost, who had finished off the last of the burger before shoving his hand into the brown paper bag on his right to retrieve another.
"Always fuckin’ ‘ungry, MacTavish." Ghost retorted frostily and Soap swore that the thinly-veiled frustration underlying the Lieutenant's normally impassive voice made the room a few degrees colder, several of the other soldiers in the chow hall shifting in their seats uneasily.
“Somethin' go wrong wi’ yer shipment ae long pig?” Soap asked, his foot sliding forward to playfully nudge the toe of his combat boot against Ghost’s. The Lieutenant’s dark, luminescent eyes narrowed when Soap grinned wolfishly with another little nudge that spurred Ghost into making a point of shifting his boot away from the barely there pressure of Soap’s foot, baring his needle-point teeth at the Scot for a moment before he caught himself and his expression fell back into its usual empty stare that held muted annoyance.
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
Because of how... informational and borderline info-dumping my writing was, I was more or less talked into revising the first chapter by my co-author, who was initially asked to just edit what I had written but then ended up jumping on the Cryptid 141 bandwagon with me, lol.
Main Masterlist
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,463
Read the sneak peek below the cut:
Rule #1: Come to Terms With the Fact Cryptids Exist
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Soap shrugged the thick strap off his shoulder before lazily tossing the duffel bag onto the bed, the careless handling of his depressingly small amount of personal belongings disturbing the neatly tucked covers, which wrinkled under the bag's weight. Soap grimaced at the significant dip in the mattress sympathetically as he rolled his own stiff shoulders, the ache from carrying the heavy duffel for prolonged periods of time stubbornly lingering as if to reprimand him for his poor packing skills.
He probably could’ve done without stuffing everything he owned into a singular duffel bag. But, in his defense, he’d had a face to face meeting with the one and only Captain John Price beforehand, who had personally asked Soap if he was interested in being transferred into the infamous 141 Task Force. So the Scot figured that his oversight when it came to packing could be forgiven, if not be completely understandable given the circumstances.
Soap turned to curiously survey what would be his quarters for the unforeseeable future, almost immediately noting that the room was bigger than the one he’d had in the SAS, which was unexpected -what with him being the FNG and everything- but a pleasant surprise nonetheless. However, other than the size, he found that there wasn’t really anything noteworthy about his accommodations. It was barren of any personality, blank white walls and empty shelves staring back at him as he took in his surroundings.
He was already running through ideas about how to fill the space in his head as he turned back to the bed, unzipping his duffel bag and rummaging inside to retrieve his sketchbook and graphite pencils. He handled them with care, depositing them onto the desk with the intent to organize it all later. Soap ran his hand over the cover of his half-filled sketchbook as he considered his small collection of drawing supplies, making a mental note to invest in getting his hands on more materials before turning away to deal with the rest of his meager belongings.
About ten minutes later, Soap was seated on the floor in front of his dresser, surrounded by a semi-circle of neatly folded stacks of clothes. He had time to tuck his tower of jeans into one of the middle drawers for ease of access before he was startled by a gentle knock on his door frame, the almost tentative bid for attention drawing Soap’s gaze to the open doorway. His eyes nearly bugged straight out of his head when he got a good look at the man that stood just outside his room, his poor brain struggling to comprehend what he was looking at.
Feathers, apparently.
They covered the man’s arms in seemingly random patches, the majority of them clustered near his elbows. Soap’s gaze followed the sparse trail of black feathers down to the man’s hands, his mouth going bone dry when his gaze came to a shrieking halt on the man’s fingers. It was immediately apparent that the stranger’s fingernails were… wrong. They were as dark as the feathers, for one, and they had a wicked curve that reminded Soap of talons that looked more befitting of a bird of prey than a human.
And, when Soap’s owlish stare darted back up to the man’s face, he realized that there were smaller, softer feathers framing it, seamlessly blending into the man’s hair from what he could tell because the majority of the man’s head was covered by a baseball cap. But, judging by the way that the bizarre mix of dark hair and fluffy feathers was consistent on either side of his head -which the cap didn’t cover- Soap could only assume that the rest of his head was the same.
“Hey man, I’m Sergeant Garrik, but everyone calls me Gaz. How’re you settling in?” The man introduced himself warmly, the massive pair of fucking wings that were folded behind his back fluffing up a bit before the feathers flattened themselves down in a rippling wave that made them shimmer in the fluorescent lights above.
“Uh… is there supposed tae be a costume party later? Ah dinnae get the memo.” Soap blurted and under no circumstances would he ever admit that his voice had gone up several octaves by the end of the sentence, his tone bordering on hysterical as he openly gawked at Gaz’s utterly surreal appearance as his poor brain tried to make sense of how someone could look like one of their parents had very strange taste when it came to certain bedroom activities.
And, while Soap was in the midst of a mental breakdown worthy of an indefinite stay at the nearest psych ward, Gaz just stared at him blankly.
“Initiation? Maybe?” Soap asked in a tone that could be described as shrill because he really needed Gaz to burst into laughter and declare that this was all some very elaborate joke pretty soon here or Soap would not be responsible for his actions-
And then finally, he got a reaction from Gaz; though it was in the form of an oddly bird-like tilt of the other Sergeant's head as the wings on his back extended a bit before folding up again in a manner that looked an awful lot like a tell, a tell that betrayed the fact that he was nervous or maybe even bewildered. Soap could certainly relate to both of those emotions at the moment considering his entire world had just been flipped on it’s fucking head.
“What?” Was Gaz’s utterly unhelpful response, his brows reaching for his hairline as he stared at Soap as if the Scot were speaking in tongues. Unfortunately, Soap was absolutely positive that he was speaking English, so the fact that he had managed to confuse Gaz even though he was actively trying to make sense didn’t exactly bode well.
“Anno ah’m the FNG, but ah think this prank is a wee bit overkill.” Soap said weakly as he waved a hand at… well, the entirety of Gaz’s person, which seemed to just confuse the other Sergeant even more as he looked down at himself with furrowed brows before he was back to staring at Soap.
“Excuse me?” Gaz sounded incredulous and maybe even a bit offended, his dark eyes narrowing in a clear warning to tread lightly. Soap would have to choose his words wisely, it wouldn’t do to piss off one of his teammates on the first day. In fact, the Scot actually wanted to get along with his new team, especially since there was so much that he could learn from them considering that they were the best in their respective areas of expertise, not to mention versatile in the field.
“Ah dinnae ken if ye’ve noticed, but yer covered in feathers.” Soap couldn’t believe that he even had to point it out to Gaz, because one would think that it would be painfully obvious that he was talking about the other Sergeant's unnatural appearance. Either Gaz was deliberately being obtuse for the sake of the prank, or he was genuinely perplexed about why Soap was currently debating checking himself into the closest mental hospital to get his head checked.
“Were you not informed?” Gaz asked stiffly, his posture tense and defensive as his searching gaze bore into Soap with an intensity that made the Scot want to squirm.
“Informed? Ae whit?” Soap responded with palpable confusion in his tone, his brows creasing.
“Oh. Oh shit.” Gaz gasped out as something seemed to dawn on him and his eyes widened, an almost panicked expression overtaking his face as he took a hasty step back in order to retreat into the hallway while looking at Soap like he expected the Scot to suddenly jump up and run for the hills while screaming bloody murder. “Sorry man, this must be a bit of a shock to you.”
“Understatement ae the year, mate.” Soap warily agreed because Gaz’s reaction implied that there was a lot more to this fairly disconcerting interaction than he had first thought, which was more than a little worrying considering that Soap couldn’t quite wrap his head around the notion that this whole thing might not be an intricate prank or joke at all.
“I- Uh- Price will fill you in. Soon. Definitely soon. See you later.” Gaz spoke in starts and stops as he absently carded his fingers through the patch of black feathers on one of his arms in what Soap assumed was a self-soothing gesture, the other Sergeant was clearly as out of his element as the Scot was. However, before Soap could wrack his brain for the words that might help him come to understand what the hell was going on, Gaz was already turning on his heel to hurriedly march away.
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ilikeyoualive · 11 months
Just A Dream (Just A Nightmare)
Part 1/2 of the wendigo Simon "Ghost" Riley soapghost fic is up on Ao3. And, if you're interested in reading more about this AU, check out my Main Masterlist!
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ilikeyoualive · 1 year
Anyone else craving a Ghost x Soap fanfic where the TF-141 boys (excluding Soap, who would be human) are cryptids/supernatural creatures? No? Just me?
Because I might have... um... wrote a thing.
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