gladwin07 · 2 years
SOL Coin Price Prediction – Technical Analysis for Solana Blockchain, August 2021 Redcode
SOL Coin Price Prediction – Technical Analysis for Solana Blockchain, August 2021 Redcode
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katherine-rambles · 6 years
@cryptocache replied to your post: “because I am apparently In Need of more subnautica content, i watched...”:
Oh, is that Joseph Anderson’s video? I’ve actually been getting into him recently, I feel like his critiques are really well thought out and never feel aggressively “this is my opinion and it’s the only RIGHT opinion” like a lot of critics seem to be, so even though I end up not agreeing with a lot of his points I still enjoy his videos a lot. Plus his soft voice helps get me to sleep :P
yeah. he does have a really distinct and pleasing style, lmao
his videos are SO LONG though. how long d’ya think he spends making those things???
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k-times-two · 7 years
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Tulia! A bday gift for @cryptocache. Coporate drone turned space pirate!
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pahein · 7 years
If nobody else is gonna say it I will, flying. Cause yeah.
Just flying? Interesting. 
Because there is literallly only one pokemon with flying as its single type. Annnnnd it’s a god.
I’m flattered you think so highly of me. 😉
(for this)
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velvetcrowe · 7 years
u reblog a lot of cute girls and i approve
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ebonblades · 8 years
In the sense of fairness, I'll give you a non-RP character, Spike from Buffy! (I'm p. sure you watched Buffy, ye?)
..... i never watched buffy. i’m a failure. 
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lich-loved · 6 years
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I could teach you a lot, I think you'd learn a lot Are you afraid? Or just don't dare? -- Of Montreal “Paranoiac Intervals”
a gift for my buddy @cryptocache​ as a big fat thank you for being a bro and letting me stay with them for a few days!! my boy jorah genveer (antipaladin / chaotic evil / werewolf) and their dove (barbarian / neutral? / human). 
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time-left-to-kill · 7 years
hey idk if you're still like. around or whatever but. i was browsing around and just came across your art and. holy shit. it literally took my breath away. 0 exaggerations. it was one of medic and scout just. chillin in bed and i literally sat there for a good while in awe like. holy shit your anatomy, painting, and shading, the details, expressions, style and everything just knocked me tf out. i s2g as soon as i get money im commissioning the shit out of you (if theyre open ofc) ❤
Glad you liked it! TF2′s one of my top games of all time, and it was really cool to contribute to the fandom, even if it was just some dirty slash art.
My commissions are perpetually open. If they aren’t, just assume I died and gave my password to @cryptocache in my will so they could close them.
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necr0wmancer · 7 years
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Some various tabletop characters either I wanna use or I am using that have been drawn at various points in the last few months???
Top two: Yusra Demir, a vampire cleric / wizard and Vecna worshiper. Not sure if i’ll get to use her but she’s around as a character for potential campaign. Top is her initial design / basic ‘outside’ outfit. Because the sun sucks.
Middle: “Twitter”, as the group has nicknamed her. She’s the 7-year-old baby bird boss of the party… somehow… and she’s aarakocra [designed to look like a cedar waxwing] ranger!
Bottom Left: Volker Kaspar and Serenity, a ex-general of a expansionist army and a human weapon he fled with to get revenge on his kingdom for killing his lover. For a Dungeon World campaign over at @bagofholding , as run by @pahein !
Bottom Right: Dr. Abeyancy, a elf namer for a campaign run in the same universe / time frame as the Dungeon World campaign Volker and Serenity are in, run by @cryptocache ! 
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bagofholding · 7 years
Hey all! Since I (@pahein) have been pretty slammed lately, we’re suspending this week’s Jailbreak Game. 
In its stead, the fantastic @cryptocache will be running a oneshot during that time!
When: April 16th, 6 PM PST
Where: Our group’s Discord Server!
System: Dungeon World!
Setting/Setup: See this google doc for details! But, summary: You’re a soldier guarding the bigwigs at a huge diplomatic ball. What could go wrong? 
How do I join?! Join our discord server in advance, and let either @pahein (pahein#3196) or @cryptocache (Niiwa~#1638) know you’re interested! We’ll help you through any questions you may have. 
Whether you’re a veteran Dungeon World player, new to the system but an old hat at tabletop rpgs, or have never touched a twenty-sided die in your life, you are more than welcome to come on in and try it out! We’re happy to help if you need it. Games are usually around 3-4 hours, and oneshots are a perfect chance to test out the rpg waters. 
Hope to see you there!
~ @pahein
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coin-news-blog · 5 years
The Faketoshi BTC 550K Saga - Where Do We Go From Here?
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/news/the-faketoshi-btc-550k-saga-where-do-we-go-from-here
The Faketoshi BTC 550K Saga - Where Do We Go From Here?
With the ruling coming in on August 26th in the case of Craig Wright, a controversial Australian computer scientist and supporter of Bitcoin SV (BSV), also known as ‘Faketoshi’, one may think that this episode in the Cryptosphere is over – but it’s far from it. If anything, this may be just a beginning of various unanswered questions and issues demanding a resolution. As a myriad of questions remain unanswered, so let’s go through the major issues.
What happened?
As reported, during the hearing held in Florida, the judge reportedly rejected Wright’s testimony, finding that Wright had committed perjury and falsified documents, and Wright may lose a whopping 50% of the BTC tokens he mined with his now-deceased business partner, David Kleiman (reportedly around BTC 1.1 million (USD 11.2 billion) in total). This is only a part of a much larger and ongoing case to decide the custody of the accumulated Wright-Kleiman fortune, with Ira Kleiman, brother of David Kleiman, suing Wright for the BTC holdings Wright allegedly stole after his partner’s death.
However, attorney Bill Smith tweeted that “whatever happened at the csw [Craig Wright] hearing today – it doesn’t really matter until the actual federal judge reduces it to an Order,” given that it appears that a magistrate judge held the hearing, whose “main role is to try and help settle cases” and “assist the federal judge and clear his/her docket.” The federal judges “see the worst of humanity and thus aren’t easily fooled by someone like csw,” Smith says.
The decision made today is a sanction. Basically, Reinhart has established certain facts of the case. The jury will be instructed to consider these as uncontested facts and the defense barred from arguments which contradict them.
Wright can have an opinion. He rules on nothing.
— cryptocached (@cryptocached) August 27, 2019
The Kleiman family has waited a long time to recover assets that should have been returned to it shortly after Dave’s unfortunate death in 2013. Today’s ruling marks an important step in the right direction. @KyleWRoche
— Vel Freedman (@VelvelFreedman) August 26, 2019
It will also be interesting to see how this particular judgement will affect other ongoing proceedings involving Wright, though it may be possible that this will have a lesser impact than the Order by a federal judge.
Does Wright have those coins?
Many people believe that Wright does not actually own any BTC and that he didn’t prove that he has access to any coins. Some people find that, according to the interview Wright gave, he might transfer the BTC from the “Tulip Trust” allegedly holding BTC that Wright and Kleiman mined between 2009 and 2011.
Bitcoin Math: 50% of 0 = 0 BSV Math: 50% of 0 = $5 billion pic.twitter.com/ZLr5qccr1e
— WhalePanda (@WhalePanda) August 27, 2019
50% of 0 = 0 * x 50% of 0 = $5B * x BSV = x TL;DR 50% of BSV = 0 of BTC#CraigWrightIsAFraud pic.twitter.com/fqa4drSrnX
— Daniel Vasilev 🕶️ (@dlvasilev) August 27, 2019
On the question if he has the money to pay Kleiman, Wright replied: “If the court makes an order, I will comply with the order. And the court has made an order. It’s that simple,” adding “I own a lot of BTC. Dave should have owned 320,000 and I should have had 800,000 and now it’s 50/50. At the end of the day, that’s not a good thing for BTC.”
Watch the latest reports by Block TV.
The interviewer asked Wright if this affects the so-called “Satoshi Blocks” of unmoved bitcoins in the blockchain, and if this means that the blocks that haven’t moved since 2009 will now get transferred, to which Wright replied “Not at least, just under half. Because they’ll have to come out of partnership. I spent more money on the project than Dave, so I will rule on that and effectively Ira will get maybe 480,000 BTC.” He added that this does not include BTC, BCH, and BSV and other BTC forks, because, “according to the judge it’s only from before Dave died, so only BTC. Sorry BTC.”
What if Kleiman does receive the coins?
While we don’t know yet what Kleiman would do with BTC 500,000 he theoretically might get, what is more sure is that he will need to pay taxes. While some speculate it might be USD 2 billion, others claim that more realistically it would be around USD 3 million – USD 20 million.
The fact is Dave Kleiman’s estate owed any tax due at the time of his death in USD not BTC. He died April 26, 2013 when BTC was about $100, so his 500k of BTC was worth $50m and 40% tax = $20m. They can dump that without a market blip…
— BitTradr (@BitTradr) August 27, 2019
Meanwhile, attorney Smith speculates that Kleiman may be able recover his attorney fees and it may be possible for Kleiman to get the federal judge to reduce his judgment to a USD monetary amount. “Kleiman surely knows he is not getting any Bitcoin,” says Smith, “but he maybe able to get a judgment for the USD value + his attorney fees,” and if that happens, “he will have a judgment for ALOT of money hung around faketoshis neck forever. Whatever he has, whatever he earns…it’s kleimans…and the lack of actual Bitcoin is irrelevant.” Smith concludes with: “Get your popcorn ready. Fraud doesn’t pay folks.”
He also says in that interview that he has had access to his BTC fortune from day 1 and hasn’t tanked the market already because he is “nice”. He literally can’t speak a single sentence without lying. Fucking criminal should be executed imo.
— Official Satoshi Nakamoto IV (@trackpantsboner) August 27, 2019
What did the judge say exactly about Wright being Satoshi?
The transcript from the hearing is not out yet, though many people wish to see what exactly was said and in what regards was Wright treated. The Twitter user who claims to have attended the latest court hearing said that the presiding judge, Bruce Reinhart, was “brutal in his remarks” against Wright “while commending his attorneys for dealing with him.”
Wright did say in the interview with Modern Consensus though that “The judge won’t rule on whether I’m Satoshi. But the partnership is. So when Dave Kleiman passed, the partnership transferred to Ira.”
While the Cryptoverse rejects this idea, and the judge in his hearing may be inclined to agree (this remains to be clarified), others are still discussing alternative theories, jokingly and otherwise. Wright said that he’s not going to complain for getting to keep billions in USD, adding “And I’m the only surviving member of Satoshi? The judge ruled it was a partnership. I’m the asshole Satoshi. And Dave was the nice one.” Discussions continue.
Actually he attempted fraud by declaring just himself to be satoshi where infect both of them were satoshi, from what I’ve read he’s tried to make out he was satoshi in order that he could keep the 1.1 million coins, now the dilemma is that the blind trust must release keys now
— Lionel (@Lionel46294550) August 27, 2019
The US court *did NOT* rule that Wright/Kleiman were Satoshi Nakamoto
Anyone telling you otherwise is either insane or a liar.
— Alistair Milne (@alistairmilne) August 27, 2019
They're insane…when CW wouldn't produce the public keys for the btc Genesis Wallet in 2014 after a judge told him to put up or shut-up: we all knew he was a fraud. He cited privacy concerns…lol; it's the public keys not the private. I wonder if he realizes how btc works …
— shar53 (@tyvin8) August 27, 2019
Devin Freedman, the lawyer representing the Kleiman estate, was not available for immediate comment.
Source: cryptonews.com
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pahein · 7 years
Wii + PC!
Wii: first video game you ever played?
Because I was pretty young when I started-- my dad is an arcade gamer, I caught the bug from him-- I can’t actually answer this for sure. I know he had a lot of games a la SimAnt on one of the first computers I ever got to touch. Zork, Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo, 3D Ultra Pinball: Fastest Pinball In Space, Escape Velocity: Nova... Funnily enough, I didn’t play Oregon Trail until like. 4th grade when my grandpa (from kentucky!) sent me the fourth incarnation on disk. I binged it in one night, and haven’t touched it since. 
My first console game, however, is much easier for me to pinpoint. Some of my earliest memories of the house I live in are from the nights me and my dad stayed up late to 100% Spyro The Dragon on the PS1. I was young, and my gaming skills were not as refined as they are now. So I cheered Dad on while he flamed the heck outta Gnasty Gnorc. 
I also have strong memories of playing Pokemon before I could read-- and this is because I remember pestering my mom to tell me what every prompt said. She got mad at me and told me to learn how to read. :P (To be fair, pokemon games do have a lotta text, haha.) I don’t really know where all that fits on my timeline-- but I remember getting Gold in the opening week or so, which places me at abooouuut 6 years old? Actually, that places Pokemon prior to Spyro, I think? Gods above, I was young. It’s all a soupy mess of memory. Did we move between 1st and 2nd grade? Or during 1st grade? I can’t recall. Hmm. 
In any event, I’ve been playing (or watching my dad play) videogames since I was old enough to have an attention span. So like.... 2 or 3, probably.
PC: favorite villain?
GLaDOS wins this one hands-down. Kind of a show-stealer, really. I’m glad she was the emotional focus of the narrative, because she would’ve been wasted in a more traditional story. 
It doesn’t help that she has very little competition. Villains are often.... well, a lot like Breath Of The Wild’s “evil cloud” Ganon. Which is to say, not compelling in the least. Plus, there’s the whole “not really a villain” thing going around lately for antagonists that do get development-- the most recent example I can think of is in Moana, but it shows up in gaming too. 
Though, I gotta say, Kaos (from Skylanders, which I’m currently playing) is extremely entertaining. Just a big ball of cheese, VA’d by Richard Horowitz in a style similar to his acting of Zim. Not my favorite villain my a long shot, but a good example of the humor of the series. Skylanders is a lot better than the general gaming public gives it credit for. There’s a reason it kickstarted the toys-to-life trend, anywho. 
From ( x )
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somcak · 7 years
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cryptocache: I saw a pretty kitty the other day. for the love of cats! http://ift.tt/2t549pz
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ebonblades · 8 years
Is it selfish to choose Victor for the character meme
looks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY
can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me
would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t knovictor is my bro
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lich-loved · 7 years
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I feel your presence amongst us You cannot hide in the darkness Can you hear the rumble? Can you hear the rumble that's calling....
my christmas gift for the extended d&d family i’ve accumulated!! we’ve gone through some crazy adventures, and something that unifies us is the dark touch of nyarlathotep... 
full cast list under cut
(Front to Back, Right to Left) First Row: Dove (CN/G? Undead Human Barbarian played by @cryptocache), Paige (N Half-Elf / Were-bat Rogue played by @keketar), Stew (CG Undead Gnome Alchemist played by @wingsontheside)  Jorah Genveer ( CE Werewolf / Fey Lord Antipaladin played by me) Lilith (NE Undead Human Sorcerer played by @becna​),  Ben (LG Elf Wizard played by @wingsontheside) 
Second Row: Targan (CG? Dwarf Gunslinger played by @wingsontheside), Poppy (CG Sorcerer Halfling played by @korcarimilds ), Kay (N Dwarf Druid played by @angrymamabear ), Valkarra (LG Half Orc Paladin  played by @korcarimilds ),  Dima (LE Human Witch played by @softcrabs), George Foreman (CG Half Orc Barbarian played by @skarphedinn )
Back Row: Eliza (CN? Human Sorcerer played by @cryptocache ), Osa (NE Human Cleric played by me), Owen (C/NG? Human Barbarian played by @keketar ) , Kyra (L/N? Human Ranger played by @becna ), Carter (CG Human Ranger played by Alex), Dan (LN Human Cleric played by @softcrabs )
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