#currently have 3 cod fics on the brain
heademptie · 5 months
many thoughts. no write.
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been staring at the doc for an hour.
(Fic ships in order: Ghoap x reader, Price x reader, mostly Ghoap with some x reader)
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darkhazard19 · 6 months
So my brain came up with a primis armyhorse fic but gave me two versions of the same idea 😅 I didn’t know which one was better so I’m here to get your opinion on which version I should write.
I feel like version 1 gives an insight into how Leta and Dempsey’s relationship developed and how they bonded but version 2 shows the moment the two know they want to be together. Maybe this could be a 2 parter kinda fic but that’s why I’m here to get opinions and feedback lol
Prior to Origins and a couple months into when Leta joined the marines. During the aftermath of a battle while trying to assess everyone’s injuries, Leta gets shot and injured by a straggler. While getting her wounds treated, Leta is slightly delirious and lightheaded from blood loss and just mutters about how she’s sorry for not being useful. Tank comforts her and later on the two share a heartfelt moment while Leta is healing. (Version 1)
Prior to Origins and right after Sterling’s death, Leta makes it back to where they set up base with the letters she nearly died for, letters that Sterling died protecting her for. Moments after delivering the letters she passes out from exhaustion and a wound she had to stitch up rather quickly and messily. After being treated and waking up, she and Dempsey share a heartfelt moment and make the decision to cement their relationship and make it official. (Version 2)
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writersdrug · 7 months
Ghost x Reader x Konig: I Don't Need You (Ch. 10)
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Summary: Thankfully, things have been resolved between you and Konig. You start to settle in more with your team, and Roze shares a few thoughts with you over a smoke. The memories are still there, but just like the winter around you, they're cold and unwelcoming. You and Konig open up to each other a bit more, more than you had ever opened up to anyone.
WARNINGS: implications of masturbation, cursing, angst (if you squint?), plot building, graphic depictions of animal torture and death (PLEASE CONSIDER ALL WARNINGS BEFORE READING THIS, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MEDIA YOU CONSUME thank you kindly)
Notes: Yes! Hello! I exist!! I've been in a slump, and I really do apologize for that. Many of you have been very patient with me and I love and appreciate you all for it! I had to intake as much CoD literature as I could in the past few weeks to get me motivated, which helped a LOT (not to mention I discovered no fewer than ten works that currently have a hold on my heart). But it's here! I forced myself to write over half of the following chapter so that it would be less daunting to finish up. I also plan to make a wip post for yall, just to share will everyone what goes on in my rat brain.
This was edited at 3 am (god it's 4 am now, i just saw that), so if there are any grammatical or spelling errors you have my full consent to call me out on it! Please enjoy!
(sidenote, I completely didn't research how old you need to be to become a navy SEAL, so reader's age is a bit inaccurate in regards to that. pls ignore lol)
(last sidenote then you can read, does anyone have tips for customizing the layout of their fics? I see so many cool ways to style the font and cute banners and errything but I have no idea how nor what to do)
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The sky hung low with a blanket of gray. It looked like it was about to snow, although the threat was soon dismissed when noon came around and there wasn’t a single flake. The air was cold and dry, forcing me to zip my jacket up all the way and tuck my nose into the collar. I blew steady, warm breaths into my jacket and tried to soak up the heat into my bones.
It was as if the incident had never happened.
Konig and I ended up driving to the liquor store, which was a blessing, since I had run out of Yeungling (and I didn’t understand enough Turkish to converse with the clerk, nor did I have any of the appropriate money – Konig was graced with both of those necessities). We talked like there had never been a week and a half of silence between us. He talked about how he had nearly forced Ridgeback to drag me out of my room and into the common area, “… but it would have been too early for that.” He commented. That, and I would have rather died.
So life went on as normal: dreary, aside from shooting people and getting shot at. Nonetheless, it was normal, and there was a peace to be found in that.
I leaned against the building to the training room, with Roze to my left. I had intended to come out and soak up whatever natural light I could – when I saw her standing there, possibly trying to do the same, I felt the instinct to play it off as if I was just leaving the building. But she cocked her head in a greeting, and a part of me took an interest in her worry-free aura. Out of everyone, she always seemed to be the least-stressed person in the room, even in the middle of a warzone. It was the balm to my anxious mind that I never knew I needed, but gratefully stood by.
We remained together in a comfortable silence (one I would most definitely would not have been comfortable with a while ago), staring ahead, watching the indecisiveness of the brooding clouds above. I wondered what the rest of the world was doing – if they might have been as calm and carefree as us, or if they were in some kind of peril, and the horrors of it were blocked out by the clouds.
I was drawn back to the present when I heard the click click click of Roze’s lighter. I turned my head and watched as she shielded the weak flame from the wind, lighting the cigarette that hung loosely from her lips.
“You smoke?” I asked.
“Sure do.” She replied nonchalantly. “Want one?” she extended her pack of cigarettes towards me.
I glanced at the box, feeling a sour taste in my mouth.
I lay on my stomach, my muscles still twitching and shaking as I tried to even out my breaths. Ghost had tossed a thin blanket over my lower half. I hadn’t even moved from the position he had ruthlessly fucked me in – my body ached too much to even try, and my mind was still recovering from the past hour.
I watch Ghost as he reclined next to me, pushing the bottom of his mask up to place a cigarette between his lips. It was the first time I had seen any part of his face all day. He grabbed his lighter from the pocket of his pants that were discarded on the floor, lighting the end of the cigarette and inhaling. He tossed the lighter back down to the floor as he tilted his head back, exhaling a long stream of smoke. I watched it swirl in the lamplight, settling in a cloud around us. He continued puffing, staring at the wall across from the bed as I lay beside him, although I felt worlds away from him.
He'd started off the night with a mountain of stress from a mission gone sideways. Instead of the usual slow build, where he would run his hands under my shirt and kiss my lips slowly and tenderly – he had walked in and immediately demanded I remove my clothes while he began stripping out of his. I had assumed tonight was going to be a passionate one, until he threw me onto my stomach and shoved my face into the pillows. It wasn’t the first time he’d been rough with me, but it wasn’t just rough – it felt dehumanizing. An hour of constant, merciless thrusts, and a hand around my neck that restricted both my blood flow and my oxygen, and I had fallen into a state of shock.
But, in the end, I was happy to be caged in by him again.
I was happy.
He turned his eyes towards me, seeming to sense that something was off. He exhaled another puff of smoke. “Everythin’ alright?” he asked, completely void of any genuine concern.
I met his eyes with my own. I felt like I shouldn’t have to answer the question, and it stirred up a bitterness in me. But I didn’t feel like arguing with him, and I certainly didn’t want him to leave – so I nodded my head, slowly blinking my eyes. “Just tired.”
He hummed and faced the wall again. He brought one of his knees up and rested his arm against it. “Want a smoke?” he asked, still looking away.
I shook my head as much as the pillow beneath me would allow. “No.” I replied.
He sighed disappointedly. Apparently, my lack of enthusiasm after being used like an old fucktoy was irking him.
To be fair, I never spoke up about how I felt.
He grunted and rose from his position, snuffing out his cigarette in the ashtray by my bed, and picking up his clothes and pulling them on. My heart ached slightly as I watched him slide his shirt over his torso. I felt the threat of tears sting in my eyes as I wished his hands were holding me instead, keeping me warm and grounded. He pulled his jeans on and fastened them, buckling his belt rather quickly; and all while he faced away from me.
“Well, I know you probably need some alone time.” He muttered, sliding the skull attachment over his mask. “So I’ll get going. I’ll see you around.”
He grabbed his tactical vest and jacket and slung them over his shoulder. He paused by the door. “Thanks for tonight.” He mumbled, before finally leaving the room and softly closing the door behind him.
My eyes lingered on the ashtray with the half-smoked cigarette. A thin trail of smoke plumed into the air – I wanted to throw the tray across the room and shatter it. But it was Ghost’s, so I couldn’t; I couldn’t regardless, because it was a piece of him that remained with me, even when he left.
That, and the smell of smoke.
“Nah, I’m good.” I replied, facing the cold, empty base ahead of me.
“Good.” She said, pinching the cigarette and blowing a stream of smoke. “Stay that way. Did you know these bastards give you cancer?”
I chuckled into the collar of my jacket. “Do they, now?”
She hummed affirmatively, sucking another breath in through the cancerous bastard. “Who would’ve thought…”
We fell back into silence. I continued watching the stillness of the base, trying to see if the sky would follow through with its promise to fall. Now that my free time wasn’t spent holed up in my room, it somehow felt like there were fewer ways to spend it. With another mission on the horizon – a simple recon, yet dauntingly close to a heavily-guarded compound – no one was out and about when they usually were. Finding Roze outside and seemingly not worried was usual, however, and a warm sight, compared to how the rest of the team was on edge. Even Askel seemed grumpier than most days.
I hadn’t been seeking out someone to spend time with, no… that I would never do (or admit). But talking to a familiar face provided a comfort I had grown to need over the past couple of months. And, frankly, I felt like Konig might be getting tired of how much I ran to him when I craved social interaction. Though he had never said anything about it, I felt like I needed to branch out to other team members than just my Colonel. One might think I was trying to kiss his ass (I knew the accusation had already crossed Juno’s mind, but the young soldier was good at holding his tongue – when Konig was around, at least).
“You ever think about how ‘little girl’ you would react to this?” Roze asked, and I turned to face her. She had her nose scrunched, and a tinge of pink dusted over her cold cheeks. “Guns, war, no playdates or days at the beach…”
I sighed. “Probably would have cried.” I replied, allowing my freezing nose to poke over the collar of my jacket. “Especially if I had known that being a princess now adays meant spending more time worrying about becoming a hostage than anything else.”
Roze chuckled. “It’s a good thing we didn’t know then.” Her face was mostly blank, but I thought I noticed a hint of bitterness in the way her gaze landed on the ground. I watched her flick her cigarette with a bit more aggression than usual. “I would’ve tried to convince my entire family to run away to Scotland, live in hiding and pretend the rest of the world was a dream.”
“Scotland?” I asked. Soap’s cocky grin and heavy Scottish accent stirred in my mind, but it felt like nothing more than a small cloud of dust.
“Yeah – heard it’s fucking gorgeous over there.” She waved her cigarette in no particular direction. “Now, I don’t know how peaceful it is in terms of politics and war, but it’s pretty spacious. Simple, too. I feel like if I talked about throwing all my shit away and becoming a fisherman for a living, I wouldn’t get people trying to talk me out of it like I would in the States.” She took another drag, and laughed out the smoke.
“Yeah.” She chuckled, a hardened smile gracing her lips. “I don’t know why it sounds so appealing… it just does.”
I hummed and looked back out at the compound. I wondered about Roze’s past; she had never said or done anything to indicate that it was particularly rough, as it was for the majority of us (us – I still wasn’t used to including myself, but it was becoming more of a habit each time), but the weariness in her eyes when she spoke about her younger self made me question what that girl had been through. Maybe it was just nostalgia. A yen for simpler times. Roze seemed to appreciate the simple things in life.
“You know Askel goes ice fishing?” she said suddenly.
I smiled underneath my jacket. “Seems like something he would do.”
“Every winter.” She continued. She dropped her cigarette to the floor and crushed it into the gravel. “He takes about three weeks of leave, if we’re lucky enough to get it, and goes to Norway. Sits on a frozen lake for hours a day, just waiting for a fish.”
“You make it sound like he’s never caught one.” I point out, my eyes lingering on the cigarette.
She shrugged her shoulders. “So does he. Every time I ask him what he caught, he just laughs. Says he’s never expects to get a bite.”
I closed my eyes and hummed in response. It was easy to picture the scene – Askel, sitting on a thick layer of ice, nursing the hoppy beers that he and Konig loved so much and waiting for a fish to bite. I wondered if he even bothered to reel the line in when he did catch something. Or if he even went fishing at all. Maybe he just went out there to get a sense of peace, to pretend that war and death didn’t exist.
The motion of thick, heavy snowflakes falling from the sky caught my attention. They landed on the skin of my nose, resisting the warmth for a few moments, before they eventually melted into trickles of water. A sudden gust of wind blew a flurry of them towards us, making the both of us flinch.
Maybe fishing doesn’t sound too bad.
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The shooting range was mostly silent, save for the occasional conversation between me and Konig. The lights were low, easily illuminating the gunpowder and dust swirling in the air. Konig and I stared at the paper target as we analyzed my shots. A few hit dead center, although most of them were clustered around the lower left of the bullseye. My lips were pursed into a scowl as I glared at my sub-par aim – it wasn’t typically so awful, but of course it was while Konig had been watching.
“Eh, are you sure you didn’t lie on your paperwork about being a sniper?” Konig asked as he stood behind my left shoulder, taking the target from my hands and looking at it closely. “You weren’t even ten yards from it. This is very poor marksmanship.”
I scowled in embarrassment, taking my pistol to the counter and pulling out the mag. “Rough day.” I answered bluntly as I started packing more bullets into the small compartment. It wasn’t a lie – I had barely gotten any sleep the night before. I was in the middle of a rather interesting dream involving me and Ghost, until my alarm woke me up before anything of importance happened.
“Very bad…” he mumbled to himself. I clicked my tongue in annoyance.
“Y’know…” I grumbled, loading the mag back into the gun and shoving it in my holster, “I don’t like stereotyping, but the boot really does fit you.” I walked past him and out into the hallway, not waiting for him to follow.
“Hmm?” he made an indignant noise, momentarily stuck in his spot, before he came jogging after me. “What does that mean? What stereotype?”
I chuckled. “Haven’t you ever how Germans are extremely blunt?” I asked.
“Austrian.” He retorted. “Do I need to brand that onto my face for you?”
“Wouldn’t do me much good, with the mask ‘n all.” I replied.
He laughed – rather snorted, as usual – “Ah, you’re right. Maybe I am blunt – just as much as you are defensive.”
I stopped at the end of the hall, right in front of the exit. “Defe-“ I turned on my heel to scowl at him. “I am not defensive! Where did you get that idea?!”
He stopped behind me, his eyes widening. He gestured an open palm in my direction. “This.”
I huffed, turning back around to punch the door open. The snow from earlier that day had ceased, blanketing the base in a thin layer of white. The moon seemed that much brighter against the crystalized ground, and the yellow lights scattered across the compound made parts of the snow look like sandy dunes. My nose tingled from the nip of the chilly air, and I pulled my jacket tighter around my body as the door fell shut behind me and Konig.
“Well, what am I supposed to say when you call me defensive?”
“You could agree.”
“But I don’t.”
“Which proves my point.”
I huffed in frustration, despite the smirk curling on the edges of my lips. “So, either I have to agree with you, whether I really do or don’t, or you’ve corralled me into a paradox.”
I can practically hear the gears turning in his head. “A what?”
“A paradox, like a – y’know, never mind. It’s too difficult to explain.” I let him fall in step next to me, although he was the one who needed to slow down to match my pace. “We can just agree to disagree, how’s that?”
“Agreed.” He nodded, and I chuckled. “It won’t change the fact that I’m right, you know.” He added.
I bit my lip and tried to keep my smile from growing ridiculously larger. I looked up at him and patted his shoulder – he looked down at me, and the corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled back. A stray, reddish-brown curl poked through the side of his balaclava, and I found the miniscule detail warming my heart through the cold air. He felt real, and in this moment, too human for this kind of life.
“Why did you choose the military?” I asked, turning back to look at the ground as we walked.
He hummed. “Isn’t that every boy’s dream?”
“Well, yes – but most of the time, it never becomes more than that.” I responded.
He shoved his hands into his pockets, mimicking my own position. “I’m not really sure what made me push so much for it. I almost didn’t make it, for obvious reasons.”
I chuckled. “Size does matter, huh?”
He looked down at me with a deadpan gaze, one that I refused to meet. “It almost did, in a bad way. And I almost backed out before they could be the ones to turn me away. But, of course, they knew they would find some use for my size – so they took me in.”
“And what did they do with you?” I asked, looking back at him.
“A ‘human battering ram,’ as my superiors had so nicely called it.” He framed the description with his hands in the air, as if it had been written on a plaque. I laughed and looked back down at my feet.
“Seriously?” I asked. “So they just had you breaking down doors, and then what?”
Konig laughed with me. “Well, I still had a gun, so I was able to shoot, thank goodness. And I had a bit more gear so I wouldn’t break my bones against the doors – I still dislocated my shoulder a few times, however…” he rolled his left shoulder, as if there was still a lingering pain from how often he had thrown himself at doors. “It was actually during a period of recovery when I proved that I could still be a sniper. My shoulder was still healing, so I had to give up being a battering ram for a while. I was sat with Horangi on the side of the mountain to give him cover. Of course, he was ambushed – he had to fight the Arschgiege right when we were given the order to shoot, so I had to take position behind the gun.” I noticed that his chest was puffed out a bit from pride. “That really knocked their pants off.”
I chuckled, choosing to ignore the inaccuracy of his phrase. “Did it now?”
“It did.” He replied, then looked at the ground. “For a moment. I got a good earful for overstepping boundaries that day, but it’s what ultimately landed me here – so I’m grateful for it.”
I nodded and hummed. “What was Horangi picked for?”
Konig shrugged, his hands now back in his pockets. “He never said what he and Commander had spoken about in his office. But, even if he wasn’t chosen – I like to think we come as a package. If I go, he goes, if he doesn’t, I don’t.”
I felt my heart warm at his words. The memory of how Juno had described Konig couldn’t be farther from my mind. It almost felt like I was talking to someone I briefly crossed paths with in my youth – not a war criminal, not the bloody and stiff soldier who had stepped onto the heli after our first mission. I envied his ability to separate his work stress from the time he had in between missions.
“Why did you decide to join?” He asked, catching me off guard.
It was only fair that I opened up to him, since he was so willing to do the same. Always the one to go first, too. But I had to be careful. I didn’t want this to turn into a pity party, and I didn’t want to dig anything up that I had worked so hard to bury deep beneath my subconscious.
“I was… a weird kid. Like you.” I said, making Konig scoff and roll his eyes. “Looking back now, I hate my younger self. I was so sensitive to what people thought about me, and I just wanted to be independent and strong. I wanted to be a ‘different girl.’” I gritted out the words that left a sour taste in my mouth. “I think I just wanted attention at first – of course, when I heard how everyone said they hated how annoying teenage girls were, and how gullible and weak they were, it just – it made me change. I wanted to prove everyone wrong, it wasn’t just about being different anymore. So, as soon as I turned old enough, I enlisted. Didn’t get to Navy SEAL right away, of course… but I joined every program I was allowed in until I could submit my application.”
I sighed, then chuckled. “Thought my family would say they were proud, that I was successful, that I was doing a good job… they were just angry. Said I was throwing my life away for business that didn’t involve our country.” I opened my mouth to say more, but I ended up scoffing and closing it once again. I felt like I had shared enough.
I looked at Konig, expecting him to acknowledge what I said. “That’s how the story goes…” he would say. But, when I met his gaze, I only saw concern. His brow was creased with what I imagined was pity, and my stomach churned. It was the exact opposite of the reaction I had hoped for. I only wanted to share stories with him, and now it was… this.
“I think you made the right choices.” He said, and I looked away.
“You don’t need to make me feel better, Konig. I appreciate it, but-“
“I’m not just trying to make you feel better.” He said, his accent slightly thicker from his exasperation. “You’re good at what you do. Your parents are just probably worried for you, and they don’t know how to show it.”
I bit down on my tongue, my eyes settling on the building in front of us with a hard expression. If only.
“Maybe that’s it.” I muttered, hoping he would drop the subject. He seemed to understand, and turned to look ahead with a disappointed sigh. My heart sank the tiniest bit at the sound, and I internally scolded myself. Still a people-pleaser, apparently.
We continued walking in silence, the buzz of the lights above us mimicking the static of a communication system that had been severed in a time where it was needed most. The edge of the barracks appeared into our view, just around the corner of the arsenal sheds that stood between us and our destination. I continued to stare at the ground, pretending to watch my steps and try to not slip on the snowy asphalt. My heart twisted with each second of silence that sat thickly between us. It wasn’t technically a fight, but somehow, it felt worse. It felt like the first time I had pissed him off, the first time we had spoken to each other – and god, did I already hate myself for the way I had acted towards him during those first few weeks. I didn’t want to drive another wedge between us, not after the ones that had already been worked back out.
I exhaled heavily through my nose. “Sorry.” I mumbled quietly, but loud enough that I knew it reached his ears. “Sensitive topics.”
He flitted his eyes in my direction, but didn’t bother to move his head. He sighed, and I nearly jolted when I felt his wide hand on my upper back. It rubbed back and forth, and it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that he was comforting me. Or, trying to, at least.
“I know.” He said, and his hand rested on my shoulder. “I’m sorry for pushing you.”
I didn’t know how to respond. I was stuck on the feeling of the roughness of his palm, which I could gleam through the fabric of my jacket. How his fingers squeezed gently and released twice. There was no hidden meaning, no forced contact or any kind of attempt to put context into the touch. It was… natural. Warm, comforting, and it spoke a thousand words that I wouldn’t have been able to stomach if he had said them. It broke past my self-hatred and walls of ‘don’t be weak’ that I would have used as my defense if he had tried to verbally convey any sort of consolation. It was the first time I didn’t feel awkward about being so close to him, let alone when he was touching me. I wondered if he did this on purpose, or if he had no idea what he was doing at all.
I let myself stand nearer to him, almost tucked under his arm. I looked up and smiled as genuinely as I could – not that it was hard for me, but because I wanted to make sure that he really knew how much I appreciated the gesture. Although, if he knew that this simple act of comfort would pierce through my outer shell, was it really necessary?
“Thank you, Konig.” I said.
He looked down at me and smiled. That damn smile. I wondered how much more refreshing it would be when he wasn’t wearing his mask. It was already too much for my soul to bear when it was just the crinkling in his eyes that I could see.
“Anytime, Bonnie.” He replied, patting my shoulder before tucking his hand back into his pocket. I grieved minimally at the loss of the touch, but I was happy for what it was. “And I mean it. Anytime you need to talk – or not talk, and do that empty staring that you do – just come find me.”
I quirked an eyebrow in his direction. “Anytime?” I asked amusedly.
“Mhm!” Konig replied, his eyes on the ground as he watched his steps. Then, the realization hit him, and his eyes went wide with panic. “Oh- well, eh- I guess, not anytime-“
“You gonna tell me when?” I joked, and he laughed. “You need an open/closed sign on your door.” I jogged ahead, trying to reach the door to the barracks before he did.
“How about this?” he called out, and I could hear the grin behind his mask. “I’ll nail a chalkboard to my door, and if I’m busy, I’ll draw a stick guy jerking off in his bed!”
My cheeks burned after I heard him. “No!” I shrieked, laughing nervously. “You’ll traumatize Juno!” I quickly tried to pin this on someone other than me.
“Juno, hah?” Konig teased, and I had half a mind to run into the building and leave him on the quad. “I don’t care about him. Kid needs to be traumatized.”
I laughed and threw my head back, turning the corner around the arsenal shed. “That’s not very-“
Immediately, my heart leapt into my throat, and I gasped. Konig nearly ran into my back as he skidded to a halt.
Sick, sick, what the fuck, I feel sick-
“Stimmt etwas nicht?” he asked, concerned. “What- oh, scheisse-“
We both stared at the bird on the ground. A crow from the looks of it, though it was hard to even decipher that it was a bird in the first place, due to the state it was in. Its belly had been cut open, entrails and bloody bits pulled from the abdomen and strewn to either side of the bird. Its wings were stretched to their full capacity and most likely beyond it, crushed and missing a large number of feathers. Both of the legs appeared to have been ripped off and tossed to the left of the crow. Its beak was the worst of it all: pried open, the jaw probably broken from how wide it was spread. A haunting look of terror in the crow’s red, glossy eyes made a violent shiver run up my spine.
I exhaled shakily, my eyes still glued to the horror. “Holy shit – what the-“
Konig quickly walked around me and knelt in front of the crow. I shifted to look over his shoulder, still fearfully curious, but he held a hand out behind him, urging me to stay in place. With his other hand, he pulled at one of the bird’s wings, stiff and heavy. Whether it was frozen from the cold, or this was the effects from rigor mortis, I couldn’t tell.
“How – did a fucking fox do that?!” I asked. Are there even foxes in this area? How the hell did one get on base?
“Nein.” Konig replied, still looking at the corpse. His gaze fell upon it with a sense of… familiarity, maybe? “Not a fox, no.”
“Then what? It – whatever it was didn’t even eat-“
“I’ll take care of this.” Was all Konig said. He stood up and marched past me – I was barely able to catch a glimpse of his furious expression. His eyes were hard and narrow, and as he walked away, I noticed that his shoulders were tense and his hands were balled into fists. I didn’t dare say anything to him; he almost looked the same way he did after our first mission together, except this time, his anger seemed to be directed at something, instead of just a post-mission adrenaline high.
“I’ll see you later.” He said over his shoulder. There was an obvious fury to his words, and although I knew it wasn’t intended towards me, it still made me freeze where I stood – almost as if I might anger him more simply by taking a step after him.
Whatever it is… I thought, watching him disappear into the compound, he’s sorting it out. I can take care of myself. Although, with such an abrupt and tense departure, I was at a loss on what to do next. I looked back at the bird; its terrified eyes locked onto the sky above it, frozen in its last wish to fly away from whatever horror it endured.
A shiver ran up my spine, prompting me to look away.
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Taglist: @igotmajordaddyissues @princekonig @vixionix @v3lv3tvampir3 @theoneandonlykymberlee @luvvnightingalee @dillybuggg @sun-joo @perfectus-in-morte @evilive @satakingslime @comfortless
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purgetrooperfox · 5 months
propaganda (elevator pitches) ⬇️
Nocte (sw):
is CMO of the Coruscant Guard. fiercely loyal to the Guard. deeply wary of the senate, with very few exceptions. he's my oldest oc and probably the one y'all are most likely to have heard of. integrated into arcs with many of my friends' ocs/fics/whatnot <3 what else goes in his elevator pitch,,, known to take kids and younger clones under his wing, protective to a fault, low tolerance for nonsense. beat around the bush at your own peril. questionable bedside manner. manwhore tendencies. I love him, you love him. he's been transplanted into [checks list] cod, tlou, and bebop
Uj'alayi (sw):
is an ARC trooper, used to work with the Shadows then got brutally injured and had to transition to the CG. owes his life to Quinlan Vos and is disgruntled about it. guard dog coded. his bite is exponentially bigger than his bark. on the surface: quick to laugh, quick to joke, charismatic and personable without being overbearing. this may or may not be a mask he wears. will lay a beat down on just about anyone if they Cause Issues for Fox. in the relationship of all time with Lane Hurosa (another of my ocs)
Bones (sw):
is marshal commander of the 410th recon corps under Bastra Vargdan (another of my ocs). traits include: CQC specialist, confounded by the concept of the Force, at least partly responsible for getting a gambling ring going in the GAR (has a poke face like nobody's business). outside of working hours, he's laid back, easygoing. stark contrast between On-Duty Bones and Off-Duty Bones. encyclopedic knowledge of regs, but flexible adherence to them sometimes. big brained tactical strategist, ended up teaching Bastra a Lot about like. how to lead a corps
Bastra (sw):
my Jedi 👉👈 trained by Sifo-Dyas so dookudyas is very dad-coded to him. specialized as an Investigator, excels at undercover ops. also has quite a bit of integration into my friends' oc arcs and stuff <3 buddies with Obi-Wan, gets on pretty well with the TG and CG since he spends a chunk of his time on Coruscant. ummmm he takes a Padawan like 10ish years before the war, somewhere in that range. he's a goofy guy, real stiff and formal a lot of the time but it lets up around people he trusts. of course I know him, he's me etc etc. he's currently getting transplanted into cp2077
Lane (sw):
is a journalist on Coruscant. they spend a Lot of time in the senate district, very good at schmoozing. certified flatterer. charming, if you will. always asking one million questions that senators do Not want to answer, which results in bans from various spots around the city LOL honestly they're just neat idk what to tell you. they stay following risky leads and getting themself into binds. they're squinting very hard at the details of how the Republic acquired a clone army
Myn (sw):
is a smuggler in the early Rebellion era. also a relentless optimist, sees the very first scraps of resistance and buys in immediately. IF somehow Nocte’s alive at that point, Myn's the one who tries and probably fails to sell him on participating in the rebellion
Vio Selnes (sw):
owns and operates a 24h diner on Coruscant. this diner gets heavy business from clones leaving 79s. connections to the clones leads to scattered connections with the Jedi, leads to the restaurant being used as a rendezvous point from time to time. part of Dexter Jettster's network
Jag (mk):
is part of the Kahn Guard when Kotal's in power. he was raised by the Shaolin Monks until he bailed, moved to the States, got into all sorts of illicit activities. Kung Jin eventually moves onto his couch and joins his crew. those illicit activities land him in a stint with the Black Dragon, which is a real lesson in Kano Is A Bastard. when Erron jumps ship, Jag goes with him. he's kind of an idiot, full of trussed issues, gay as hell, will bring a knife to a gunfight or a gun to a knife fight
Rose (mk):
is part of Danver's crew from before he went BD. the brains of that whole operation. she's severely underdeveloped unfortunately but I promise she's very cool. computer nerd. minimal filter on her in the best way
Eyes (cp2077):
is a ripperdoc with more focus on ripping than doc-ing. from Pacifica, got a long time connection to Mr. Hands. wound up in Maelstrom pretty young, cut his teeth on committing atrocities and revolutionizing Maelstrom's uhhh forcible cyberware implantations and general torture methods :) was real loyal to Brick, so Royce wrecked his shit when he took over, meant to kill him but he managed to get out. winds up on Viktor Vektor's table for recovery, tries very hard to turn over a new leaf. he's a fucked up bastard of a guy I shan't lie. compels me though
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Apple Pie
Captain John Price x Young Female Reader (COD MW(2))
| Part 1: Bruised Apple | Part 2: Apple Slices | Part 3: Current Fic
Warning: Platonic, going on slightly romantic, Angst, Fluffity Fluff Fluff
Summary: Is our Captain going to risk it? We'll see in the next part. And yes, he gets his apple pie.
A/N: A little longer than I expected, not quite where I want it to be, part 4 will come... eventually.
Word Count: ~2,707 words
Master List
(tag list at the bottom)
“Lights out, Granny, need directions.” Johnny’s voice echoed in her headset.
“Call me Granny one more time, Soap,” Y/N snapped into her microphone in the middle of giving directions to Johnny and Simon to allow them to get out of the dark building that had just lost all power. Johnny snickered and she knew Simon cracked a smile.
“Keep going straight and turn right, then take the third door to your left. Gaz and the Captain are waiting for you.” Y/N watched two dots on her screen move on the map of the building she’d constructed.
“Thanks, Gran-Gran,” Johnny snickered once more coincidentally as Y/N was taking a sip of her coffee she nearly spit it out on her keyboard but luckily she barely missed it and hit the edge of her table and the floor. She coughed and tried to chug water to alleviate her pain.
“Y/N, ye alright?” Simon asked as Price scolded Johnny.
“Quit trying to give L/N a brain aneurysm, Johnny,” Price shook his head as he watched him and Simon come out of the building with slight amusement.
Once Y/N collected herself, she looked up at the ceiling, then down at the mess she made on her desk that needed to be cleaned once she knew the team was safe. She sighed deeply into her microphone and returned her gaze to her monitors and keyboards, “If I don’t die of cyanide poisoning, I’ll die by your string of bad jokes, Soap.”
Kyle scoffed and mumbled, “That’s what she said,” under his breath.
“I heard that!”
“Enough!” Price’s voice silenced everyone in the car and Y/N over the microphone. The silence lasted just under thirty seconds before he continued, “Y/N, take us home.”
“Aye, Captain.”
“Thanks, Gran Gran.”
“OH, MY GOD. I’m telling Laswell.”
“Kate, you have to help me,” Y/N held her head in her hands as she was slumped over her table, surrounded by tools and radios, and small communication devices in various stages of being taken apart and put back together.
Laswell smiled and looked over at her desk, shaking her head slightly, “You know I can’t help you with that stuff, Y/N.”
“No, not this.” Y/N looked up at her, not helping being able to laugh, “These people have decided to call me Gran Gran.”
“They call you what?” Kate thought about it, then chuckled, “Oh, I see. I can’t do much about that either.”
“Ugh,” Y/N sighed, then went back to work, tinkering with a radio. Kate checked her watch and nodded, “Speaking of which, they should arrive any minute.”
“Gran Gran, here are those old radios you wanted,” Johnny placed a small box of radios on her work table. Y/N looked up at Johnny from her monitors, daggers coming out of her eyes. It’d been a week and Kyle and Johnny had been calling her Gran Gran all week. Simon knew not to call her that unless he wanted to tease her - it happened once and she chucked a half-eaten apple at him.
And Captain John Price? He was the only one she could tolerate calling her that horrendous nickname. But the first time he called her that and after she told Laswell, she didn’t speak to him for almost two days. She simply would not respond to him. Y/N would turn to the person next to him and ask them to tell the Captain what was on her mind or her answer to the Captain’s question. She couldn’t help that the deliciously green Granny Smith apples were the superior apples in taste, size, and looks. She couldn’t help telling them to be safe on missions by saying “Godspeed” or “Welcome back, Soldiers.” She couldn’t help double and triple checking that their gear was put on correctly and made sure their radios and technologies were up to date and calibrated. She couldn’t help worrying about them whenever they left for a mission.
The nickname seemed fitting - and ironic since she ended up being the youngest member of the team.
“Will you ever speak to me again, Y/N?” Price chuckled and put his hands on his hips. Y/N crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair. This was Johnny’s and Kyle’s cue to leave. Simon followed suit, picking up the half-eaten apple off of the floor.
She blinked once for “yes.”
“Oh c’mon, you know they call you that in good fun!”
“I know! But out of all the things to call me, is Gran Gran the best you could come up with?” Y/N finally spoke. At this point, she couldn’t keep a straight face, and neither could the Captain. Both of them laughed it off.
“Well, it wasn’t me who picked it!”
A few hours had passed, and Y/N was nowhere to be found. 
“Where’s Gran Gran?” Johnny inquired his captain.
Price sighed in amusement, then thought for a moment - he hadn’t seen Y/N for a while either, “I don’t know… Haven’t seen her since we came back this morning.”
“Soap! Captain! You have to come to try this!” Kyle walked by them with a plate of food, inhaling whatever was on the plate, mumbling and half moaning between each bite.
Johnny and the Captain looked at each other in slight confusion, then back at Kyle. He swallowed hard and spoke again, “Y/N made apple pie and it’s probably the best thing I’ve had in a long time.”
Johnny and Price looked at each other once more and then headed in the direction Kyle was coming from. As they approached the common room, the scent of warm apples and cinnamon became more prominent. Y/N looked up at them and smiled as she handed Simon a plate of apple pie with a scoop of ice cream on top.
“Hey! I was just about to come to look for you! Come have a piece, I just made it!”
Johnny’s eyes widened with excitement as his heart nearly skipped a beat. He thanked Y/N and waited for his plate, admiring it before taking a bite.
Price walked up and stood beside Y/N, waiting for his turn. He noticed a plate that sat to the side and watched as she took that plate and handed it to him, “And this one is yours, Captain. I saved you the first piece. The ice cream’s a little melted though.”
His heart ached as he took the plate, just looking at it, then back at Y/N, watching as she put a piece for herself and scooped out a ball of ice cream, and gently dropped it on top of her piece.
“Y/N, you didn’t have to! It smells delicious.” He almost didn’t want to eat it - it was too perfect. He watched and waited until she’d put the ice cream away to take his first bite until she did.
“Of course I did! I told you I’d make some. What do you think?” 
Price nodded and nearly moaned in between each bite he took, “I don’t know where you learned to do this but this is stunnin’, Y/N.”
“Well good, because I’ve got another one in the oven.”
“There’s more?” Johnny’s voice echoed in the common room, making Y/N snort before she laughed, which in turn made the rest of the team laugh - including Simon, surprisingly. 
Captain Price couldn’t help himself to laugh and put his plate down on a flat surface so he ensure he wouldn’t drop the plate, “Lass, are you alright?”
Y/N couldn’t contain her laughter, and tears started to form in the corners of her eyes. She felt her face grow warm and fanned a hand in front of her face and wiped her tears of laughter as she managed to calm down, “Yeah, I’ll be alright. And yes, Soap, there’s another one in the oven. There’s plenty of pie for you.”
For the rest of the afternoon and evening, the taste of warm apples and cinnamon stayed in the back of Captain Price’s mind. Who’d bake him a pie? Who saved the first piece of a pie for him?
Her voice took his attention away from his paperwork. She stood in the doorway with her laptop and some papers in her hand. 
“Y/N, everything ok?”
“Yeah! I just wanted to drop off the invoices and inventories from this past mission.”
“Yeah, almost forgot.”
Y/N walked inside and closed the door behind her and walked up to his desk, she handed him the papers, and his fingers quickly brushed against hers as took them from her. His hands were rough and calloused against her soft and nimble hands.
He couldn’t deny that feelings were forming - he couldn’t quite pinpoint what kind of feelings they were, just that he wanted her to be near him, he wanted to make sure she was always safe, and he wanted her to always be happy.
“Would you like me to go over them with you?” She sat down on the chair opposite him and watched as he went through the documents. She shouldn’t feel like this. The captain was good to her. He appreciated her skills and her efforts and she was a valued member of his team and she worked well with the others. She enjoyed watching him work and how he preferred looking at the paper over a computer.
But he also made sure that she felt welcome. How he scolded his team when they felt she didn’t do a good job, telling them that she did her best. Making sure she consumed something other than apples and coffee - even while he was on the field. How he’d held her and comforted her that night and kept her at arm’s length for the next few days after that. 
He asked questions. He got to know her. His eyes lingered a while when he looked at her. She had his undivided attention when she spoke to him. He always saved her a spot during briefings, he always stayed close to her as much as he could when she had to go on missions with them and work from a makeshift base.
Y/N knew he cared about her, just as much as she cared about him. It wasn’t right to feel this way - especially since there was such a gap between their age.
“Yeah, pull up a chair.” He scooted his chair to the side and pushed his paperwork to the side to make room for Y/N. She stood up and held her laptop in one hand and grabbed the chair with the other, placing it beside him. She sat down and placed her laptop beside his papers.
She opened it up and waited for his instructions on what to update, who to contact, and prepare for the completion of the paperwork at the end of each mission. It was a ritual. At the end of every mission, they’d sit next to each other, leaning towards each other as they compared notes and findings.
It was quite amusing actually. Seeing Y/N working behind her laptop and Captain Price marking up paperwork, occasionally one of them would look over the other’s work. If they ever were disturbed, they’d both look up and stare at them for a moment before answering, scolding whoever disturbed them with their eyes.
But this was different. Something was different. They were more hyper-aware of each other’s presence. The Captain used to never notice that he could feel Y/N’s breath on his arm sometimes when she leaned over to look at his paperwork to transfer onto her computer. Y/N could smell his cologne every time he leaned over to point at her screen, sometimes actually touching the screen and leaving a fingerprint, then looking at her apologetically. 
Occasionally she’d look up at him as he spoke to her and just get lost listening to his voice - usually, she’d catch herself and turn away to start typing on her computer, hoping that he hadn’t caught her not paying attention. Most of it was due to her being tired - they tended to work well into the night and his voice was so soothing. On more than one occasion Y/N would lean close enough to him, her eyes would get heavy with sleep and all of the sudden the Captain’s arm would feel heavy.
The Captain kept talking for a few minutes until he realized that Y/N was leaning against his arm, sleeping soundly. God, such a sight. He didn’t dare more. He didn’t want to. He didn’t even want to breathe for fear of waking her.
He looked over at her laptop to look at the time - 2:31 - then closed it with his free hand. His heart is aching to hold her properly. But he couldn’t leave her on his arm, it was going numb.
Every so gently he swiftly moved his body and positioned himself so that Y/N was leaning against his chest, hoping to whatever entity in the heavens that she wouldn't wake up. He slipped one arm under her legs and the other under her torso and lifted her, holding her close to his body. Captain Price nearly held his breath as he carried her out of his office and walked as quietly as he could to her room.
He cursed under his breath every time Y/N would stir, almost waking up. He finally made it to her room and gently placed her on her bed. Covering her with a spare blanket in her room. Before he could stand up properly and leave, Y/N stirred and groaned, waking up slightly. Before realizing where she was, she sat up quickly, then saw her Captain with his hands up, speaking in a low voice, “Hey, you’re ok! You fell asleep and I brought you to your room.”
Y/N blushed slightly, “...You carried me in here?”
“Sleeping on my arm couldn’t have been comfortable, Y/N.”
“I know… but you could’ve woken me up, John.”
“I know, but I didn’t want to wake you up,” He dropped one of his arms, scratching the back of his head with the other. “It’s late, Y/N, get some sleep. Good night.” Fucking hell, what am I doing? He quickly turned around to leave-
“Wait. Please?”
He stopped and half turned around and looked at her. Y/N was standing now and walked up to him. Both of them blushed, both of their heartbeats racing in their ears. Y/N opened her mouth to say something, then closed it.
Dare she risk it? He was her superior. He was in charge. She’d have to leave - or at least be transferred to a different part of the base - either way, she’d see him less. It was enough that he’d leave for days, sometimes weeks. She enjoyed being in his presence. She wanted to be in his presence, even if they didn’t do anything.
Maybe she’d attached herself to him. Maybe it was a result of what that other man did to her, but she didn’t care.
He hated when she looked up at him like that, it made his heart ache. He never wanted her to worry, be scared, or be tired ever again. He nearly jumped when he felt both her soft hands encompass his large hand.
The Captain looked down and then looked back at her, putting his free hand on her cheek, “Y/N…”
She turned her head closer to his hand, her cheeks becoming warmer. He took a deep breath and then removed his hands from her to wrap them around her body, holding her close. He took a deep breath, just taking her in. She looked so beautiful, even when she was tired, “You know we can’t do this…”
Nodding in defeat, but with understanding, she simply rested her head on his chest for a moment. Sighing heavily, Captain Price rested his chin on the top of Y/N’s head, smiling slightly when he felt her arms around his torso.
Was he going to regret this? Most likely.
Did he want to take the risk? Yes.
@ateliefloresdaprimavera @galagcica @sweetybuzz25 @wisedinosaurpolice @itsasecrets-things @ronbon @lieutenantlashfaz @piper570 @shuttlelauncher81 @thanksbutno98 @gabriellathegreat
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uselessmicrowave · 2 years
-• Rules + Other Information •-
DNI if: homophobic/transphobic, racist, ableist, a minor, a genuinely problematic person
-• Transformers Masterlist •-
-• 2nd Transformers Masterlist •-
-• The Legend of Zelda Masterlist •-
-• Call of Duty Masterlist •-
-• Kink(tober/cember) 2023 •-
-• Pick-a-Fic Masterlist •-
Pick-a-Fic events will take place on the first to second day of every month except for January, April, September, October and December.
-• Q&A will always be open! •-
All Requests Opened -> June 1st
Oneshots- closed
Headcanons- closed
Nsfw Alphabets- closed
Matchups- closed
Love Letters - closed
Doodles- closed
Call of Duty fandom requests are open- please ignore the space above if you'd like to request that! I will try to write for every character and not just my favorites I swear. (major brain rot wuh oh)
Want an answer? Just ask, this is a judgment free zone. Don’t worry about if your question is stupid.
Interact with me! I love it when followers or mutuals ask me something unrelated about writing or about opinions.
-• Rules for Writing Requests Below •-
Matchup Rules -> send the continuity and faction or fandom you want to be matched up with and some basic information about yourself (hobbies, favorite foods, smarts, bad habits, pet peeves, ect). You'll get some headcanons in return.
Love Letter Rules
Doodle Rules
Absolute No’s -> r^pe/noncon (dubcon is fine), beastiality, ped0philia, incest, crossovers, character x oc, female readers (all readers will use they/them or he/him wether afab or not), pregnancy/breeding (you can ask for it but it’s an iffy subject), religious topics, Q+/minority discrimination
I’ll say this one again: I Do Not Write For Female, Fem or Femme Readers at all. Your request will be deleted if it mentions a female reader. Afab readers are fine, female presenting and/or identifying readers make me uncomfortable to write and read.
Unless I know you personally, I will not be writing neutral readers anymore. Anonymously submitted requests will be male readers whether described as or not.
(The rule above is going to be enforced once I open and get new requests.)
Fandoms I write for -> Transformers (TFP, TFA, RB, RBA, RID15, G1, Cyberverse, MTMTE [Issues #1-#27], ROTB, War for Cybertron, ROTF, All AUs), Undertale (All AUs), BOTW/TOTK, Hasbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Supernatural, The Dragon Prince, Breaking Bad, JJBA, Inside Job, Nimona, The Barbie Movie, Call of Duty
4 characters maximum per headcanon request.
I’d love to write for -> (TFA) Sentinel, Ratchet, rarepairs, angst, coregasm, degradation, stepping, sounding, (CoD) Soap, König, Ghost, Graves
Please include the fandom/continuity and themes/kinks you want in your request! If it’s just an ask with characters in it it’ll probably be discarded.
I may tend to write the requests that are not anonymous instead of the anonymous requests or doing the requests in order. The best bet to have your request finished first is to not be on anonymous.
-• Info ‘bout Me •-
I am transgender (female to male) and autistic. @gay4ratchet is my other SFW and TFA/RBA themed side blog. I’m fluent in English, I am currently learning German and need lots more practice. I have a lovely girlfriend (EEE @cyberrose2001 LOVE U POOKIE<3) and am quite happy with my cards in life, so to speak.
-• Tags •-
#valveplug -> where the nasties are.
#micro talks -> random thoughts, anons talking or asking questions, rambles or opinions on ideas.
#reblog wednesdays -> art or the occasional fic I reblog on wednesdays (CDT time).
#pick a fic -> where all of the Pick-A-Fic polls and fics are.
#micro matchups -> where all of the matchups are. they’re very personalized to individual people/not meant for every reader.
#love letter -> all of the love letters.
#nsfw alphabet -> all of the nsfw alphabets.
#micro’s kinktober -> where you’ll find all of the kinktober (and the kinkcember extension)event posts and fics.
#micro doodles -> where you'll find all of my art
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sergeantwoods · 3 months
im, uh. a little late. just a little. thats alright.
thanks @wild-ghoap for the tag! (alex also tagged me but uhh)
1.) how many works?
3 LOL (i have 10294737563528 wips that i refuse to finish)
2.) total word count?
math no bueno but uhh 14.7k (it'll be more in the future, trust 🙏 i just need to get those long fics done 😔)
3.) what fandoms do you write for?
.. cod? obviously????
4.) top 5 fics by kudos?
encore dance of death
i'll touch the sky for god to stop debating war
its you! (its me?)
5.) do you respond to comments?
tbh not rlly. mb guys 😰
6.) what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
out of the three fics i've written, two of which arent finished, and the other being crack, i have no idea
7.) fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
same as last
8.) do you get hate on fics?
too small lol
9.) do you write smut?
in any current fics? no. have i wrote it before? no. does that correspond with me being asexual? yes. am i going to? yes.
10.) craziest crossover?
dont have any crossover fics 🤷
11.) have you ever had a fic stolen?
i ??? i dont know ??
12.) have you ever had a fic translated?
^^^ i dont know 😭
13.) have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes!! currently two (???) ; one w @/smollestduck-sketches. that one is encore dance of death, and i really like it so far lmaoaoo
i also have i'll touch the sky for god to stop debating war, which i think counts? el said it counted, so i'll say it counted. chad soap for life !!
14.) all time favorite ship?
ghoap. those motherfuckers altered my entire brain chemistry in a way no other ship has.
15.) what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
dilf soap. no words. only spot and ducki know it
16.) what are your writing strengths?
dialogue (big fat ugly question mark.) ,, punctuation ,, and spelling 🫡
17.) what are your writing weaknesses?
not enough detail!! be more poetic, sarge!!
18.) thoughts on dialogue in another language?
sick broski
19.) first fandom you wrote in?
im going to have to say hunter x hunter. that was waaay back in my days (2 years ago) though, and on wattpad (eugh!) so i dont really..
20.) favorite fic you've written?
encore dance of death. the way me and ducki are doing the co-written thing is so fun so i mean like. ducki is also the kindest person ever and AAA so smart 🥰
i also really like ittsfgtsdw for the same reason as edod, its fun to communicate w people while writing hhh
this was fun!! thanks for the tag, el!! now my turn to tag people. you guys can join if u want, no pressure!! (if you were already tagged and you have laready done this, then erm. oops. ignore this u silly goose!!)
@smollestduck-sketches ,, @oshikiri-toru ,, @robiinurheart33
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Writer Tag
tagged by @efingart thank you <3
How many works do you have on AO3? 102!!
What's your total AO3 word count? 788,461
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? (All of them are FC5, and all of them are Explicit lol)
American Beasts (Kit's FC5 canon)
Only You (soulmate au)
The Animal in Me (werewolf au)
Roughing It (the first smut i ever wrote for Kit and Jacob)
Will to Power (The thigh riding fic!)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always. I don't get a ton of them so I always make sure to respond to them all even if its just a keyboard smash or emojis, they always mean the world to me
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Pretty sure all of my fics are angsty, I don't really do fluff, but they always get happy endings lol
What’s the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
At this point, All Along the Watchtower because it's the only long form fic I've actually finished so far
Do you write crossovers?
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Do I ever. All kinds from kinky to vanilla, hate-fucking to romantic. I can't pick just one flavor of horny lmao
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
side-eyeing a certain event in the fc5 fandom... i wasn't the only one that got hit
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I would honestly love to.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
If we're talking canon, then Black Canary and Green Arrow. If we're talking my own ships, then they are all my babies and I love them equally even when some get the spotlight more than others. Then there are all of the ships my friends have that i am holding so tight. Current brain rot ship is Price and Rory however <3
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
alas, the soulmate au and werewolf au for FC5 have been on the back burner of my brain for so long now...I love them but my brain just wants to play with other things right now.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue/banter. The 'He would not fucking say that' alarm constantly blares in my head and I try my very best to make sure characters sound like they are supposed to. Also, I've been told my action scenes are cinematic which is a really awesome compliment to receive.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I have a style that could best be described as scenes separated by page dividers that more or less connect to keep a story going. I am the world's worst at transitioning and writing massively long chapters for my fics.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I just started doing it for my COD prequel fic. I try not to do it too much to pull people out of the story
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Smallville baby!!
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to
I usually write what takes me, so if I haven't written for it it's probably just not something that's really working for my brain at the moment
What's your favorite fic you've written?
American Beasts, it is my magnum opus at this point. Full of trauma, religious imagery, cartoonish amounts of violence and torture, and the most disgusting pair of murder gingers out there
Though All Along the Watchtower holds a very special place in my heart. Especially considering the feedback from readers saying it feels like an actual campaign but with romance, that just makes me want to cry and kiss folks <3
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roachsideblog · 3 months
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you @nessstalgia <3<3
1. Ground meat
2. Aleroach (as in alejandro x roach)
3. Quarantined CoD Fic
4. Monster!konig x roach
5. Ghostroach hookup
6. Time Portal Fuckery (answered!)
7. Roach Alien Rosetta Stoned
I cant think of anyone to tag janfnskdk my brain is currently fried with covid. Anyone who wants to join, mutual or not, feel free!!
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im in love with how ur brain works with words.
i used to play COD growing up, stopped before highschool & havent thought about it since- britanny broski reintroduced me to Ghost & now hes my roman empire. literally made out w someone thinking about him- we were drunk so🤷‍♂️
u put my thoughts and emotions into words 🤌😞🫶😭
you wot mate?! anon i demand that you come back and provide the nasty details so I can turn this into a fic
this kind of reminds me of one of my irrational fears - saying the name of the wrong person in bed?? but hear me out:
if I said Simon, it would be...not great, but okay. opens a can of worms, but it can be discussed.
if i said Ghost??? done & dusted & over. obv i would have to take drastic measures like phasing out of reality. especially as my current squeeze is well-versed with cod
also, thank you for your sweet message, please feel free to drop further thoughts & emotions into my inbox that i can spin into mediocre words for you <3
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snootlestheangel · 10 months
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
16. At what point in the process do you come up with titles?
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
Sorry for so many I'm just really curious about these.
Be curious I actually love all the questions on this particular ask thing
3. Silence is Golden But Consequences Are Red is by far my favorite. I'm incredibly biased, of course. It's my first COD fic, it's my first fic in general to reach over 4k hits on ao3, it's got some of my best writing in it, and I just love the story. There's something really special about that fic to me
4. Hmm let's see... 6 in terms of what's been posted already (should be 5 cause I've pretty much abandoned Cheers to the Unknown for now). If you want to discount Cheers and count the 2 AUs I want to post soon it's 7. Definitely doing the Prison Break AU and GazAlex Undercover AU
8. Too many. Counting my crochet projects I have 11 actively being worked on. The WIPs and 4 crochet projects.
16. Before writing typically. I try to come up with a title for myself mostly, for when I make personal notes and such. But I also like to have a title beforehand to act as a guide for what I want to achieve. Sometimes my works change but somehow they always still fit with the title. It's pretty interesting the way my brain does that unintentionally
17. Probably just the names of really obscure military trucks
29. I am torn on this question please
Ive cut a decent amount from works but I don't have them anymore and I'm also on my phone in my car so... even if I did I can't post it right now. So instead I'll add an AU idea I'll never write (most likely)
Civilian AU but they live in a modern fantasy world where you can have small dragons as pets
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ominouscrypt · 2 years
thank you for tagging me @a-murder-a-queer-crows !!
time to expose myself.
1.3 ships - well, this question made me realise that i don't read much outside of the ghost fandom... but anyway, let us continue. ghost/soap from COD [thank you, fanartists.] and uh... the characterizations created by fic writers -> swiss/mountain & dew/swiss.
2.First Ship - tough one... i was one of those kids who was obsessed with monster high, so probably clawdeen and draculaura.
3.Last Song - you bear the mark by green lung [it tickles my brain]
4.Last Movie - now, a lot of people participating are intellectuals, who enjoy quality films. me? not so much. Bullet Train. mostly for aaron taylor-johnson. i don't like brad pitt.
5.Currently reading - Front Lines by Michael Grant. I enjoy historical fiction, just barely started this book and I don't have any commentary to add yet.
6.Currently watching - Cabinet of Curiosities on Netflix. It's so good.
7.Currently consuming - Batushka's album Hospodi.
8.Currently craving - at least 6 hours of sleep.
tagging: @severineofsalem , @dewymorningstar and anyone else who wants to partake!!
I need to familiarize myself with my mutuals fr, i am an abomination
anyhow, thank you for tagging me!!
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perpetualfox · 1 year
@bunny-extract uwu thanks for the tag <3
Last song: Bigmouth Strikes Again by The Smiths has been my on-repeat writing song for the past couple days. I fucking adore 'The Queen is Dead' as an album. Cemetry Gates is one of my favourite songs.
Favorite color: Contrary to what my blog theme might lead you to think, it's actually red.
Currently watching: Hellsing Ultimate - I was big into the original Hellsing as a child, but never gave Ultimate a shot. Big mistake on my part, this shit KNOCKS!
Last movie: Reservoir Dogs. I don't care much for Tarantino, but fucking love the way that little twink whimpers while bleeding all over himself. *chef's kiss*.
Currently reading: uGH the list is fucking huge (stereotypical librarian, what can I say) but I'll give you a couple: Thirteen Storeys - Johnathan Sims, The Absolutist - John Boyne, and The Sleeping Car Porter by Suzette Mayr
Sweet/spicy/savory: SPICY. MAKE ME SUFFER
Relationship: Super single, super lonely, but also really not looking to change that any time soon.
Current obsession: Aside from COD? Baldur's Gate 3 and Fear and Hunger have me DEEPLY in their grip.
Last thing I googled: 'why shoulder pain after laparoscopy?' Turns out it's because they have to inflate your abdomen with gas to do the laparoscopy, and when they're done, any residual gas can irritate the phrenic nerve in your abdomen which can cause referred pain in your shoulder because the nerves from your shoulders and phrenic nerve all use the same track to get to the brain! I didn't have a laparoscopy, I just thought shoulder pain was a weird symptom for a surgery involving needles in your stomach and got curious.
Currently working on: Some 141+/reader, Graves/reader, that one Slavation-esque dark fic...the usual :)
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this! I'd love to hear about your lives too! Tell me all the things please!
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Talk about your OCs!!!!!!!!!!
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i desperately wanted to respond to this immediately but i had a physiology exam this morning :(( have my post exam sleep deprived caffeine induced ramblings mwah <3
there's 3 of them rn and i love them all to pieces i have gone into wayyyyyy too much detail under the read more
so there's my demon baby who currently has no name. legit just The Demon in my brain. they started as a reader insert but i genuinely fell in love with them and am probs gonna keep adding to that au for a while (keep an eye out if u liked it)
Personally i see them as genderfluid - they can shape shift at will, but tend to lean towards mma/wrestler builds (1000000% can and will fuck u standing up) and charcoal grey skin (to blend in w the smog that fills their home skies).
physical characteristics? definitely has bat wings. love thin, membranous, and slightly translucent wings. they generally have claws and sharp teeth, a tail cause its fun to whip around and provides a nice counterweight + extra arm to grab things. they change the style of their horns like some ppl change their hair colour, a personal fav are ones either like a ram's or greater kudus's, but honestly if u like a different kind they've probably worn them for a bit for sure. tall and broad no matter what. this bastard is BIG and will use it to their advantage.
they feed off emotions, there's a whole taste menu thing i could get into, but generally they feed on fear cause its most readily available. their fav is happiness. just pure joy. tastes like bubbly sunshine and keeps them satiated for weeks. they can also amplify emotions, but can't create them if they aren't already there. summoned in the stereotypical way: fire, blood, latin chant (soap was just fuckin around for a laugh). no aversion to generic holy items, they aren't evil just another species. bright light will fuck them up tho cause they are nocturnal and have "evolved" for life in the darker hours.
can be mean. can be very very mean. knows where to hit to make it hurt, will absolutely be a little cruel on occasion when hurt by something. can also be very very warm, reading emotions makes it easy for them to give ppl what they need. generally is pretty sweet though, kinda like a creme brulee - brittle hard outside that you gotta crack to get to the soft sweet inside.
when i wanna get into their headspace i listen to maneater by the blue eyed blondes, gimme by she keeps bees (thnx for the rec on that one), keep it down by migrant motel, and i like the way you die boy by black honey. the pintrest board that i dump all the vibes in
the last one is still sorta in the work shopping phase. they're a cod oc, early to mid 30s again. i know their call sign is Jaws bc they tore someones throat out with their teeth when they got pinned down during a mission. they're head hunted by laswell after the 141 is a known force for their recon and undercover work. they get pretty close to gaz and soap, but struggle initially to break into the group cause the boys are such a well oiled machine at this point and don't really want to disrupt the status quo.
there's also the protag of my other cod fic (once again i have yet to name her). she's bi, in her mid 30s, and moved out to the edge of the forest after her last long term relationship ended (have yet to decide whether it was divorce or death). she's definitely a recluse, has a little bit of a hobby farm garden going (hugelkultur ftw), and grew up on stories about how the woods used to eat people (nova scotian; apalachian for sure).
BAD relationship w/her mother. they dont speak anymore. kind enough to her neighbours, but everyone kinda thinks shes a little strange, a little offputting (same girl). big on enjoying the little moments with the people she loves, sitting on the porch and drinking tea together kinda life.
she's honestly super special to me and i love her so much. abandoned and cranky but forced to confront that physical manifestation of grief and rage inside her when she gets attacked in the home she used to share w/her wife. and then soap? just kinda working his way into her life and very quickly getting close to her and being kind and gentle and reaching out a hand for her? idk if that was how it came out but that was what i was going for :)
anyways i listened to black hole by Griff on repeat when writing that fic, also kiss with a fist by florence and the machine. alrighty aphrodite by peach pit, lost without by shane guerrette, ghosts and monsters by saint chaos, and west virginia by the builders and the butchers were some more songs that made the writing playlist for her. pintrest board if ur interested :)
they had some trouble with their last unit too, butting heads with a shitty CO/team mate (tbd). this 100% made it into their rap sheet and gave them a bit of a rep as a trouble maker, they chose to lean into it a bit though and cause some problems on purpose for assholes. they are pretty standoffish at the start, can take a while to warm up to people. not super chatty, but enjoys spending time w/friends and will just chill and listen. loyal to a fault, but not to many ppl (eventually the 141, las, a few old team mates).
they aren't close with their family, parents passed in a car accident while they were on deployment and their sister feels like they abandoned her for the military (give an oc a happy backstory challenge has been failed). playing around with the idea of them faking their death and leaving their old team behind to go undercover at one point (the angst of being recognized by someone who thought they were dead and accidentally burning that bridge tho)
disco! in the panic room by bug hunter, hey child by the x ambassadors, choke by i dont know how but they found me, bury me face down by grandson, aint lookin by the wild feathers if i end up writing them w/one of the 141. a pintrest boards 4 u to browse :)
wow that got really long, thanks for sticking with it!! im sure i'll start posting a little more about all of them as i flesh them out, once i get through the paper and presentation i have for a couple of my classes next week im gonna have wayyyyy more time to write and explore them :))))))))
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stuffireadandenjoy · 4 months
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I don’t post any of my fics on tumblr anymore, they will all be posted on AO3 only. If you see them elsewhere then they are stolen. This is a list of fics that are works in progress/future ideas/completed. Tags for fics will be: #my fics, #(fic name), #pairing Red - on hiatus
Works In Progress
Works that I have posted some of and are currently working on or have put on hiatus until I can work on them.
Icarus Landing [ POTA | No Pairings | No Warnings | 3/25]
COD Drabbles and Brain Worms [ COD | Various Pairings | Various Warnings | 10/?]
Radio Silence [ COD | Price/Reader | Zombie AU | 1/10]
100 Word Challenge Fics [Various Fandoms | Various Pairings | Various Warnings | 7/?]
Wrong Number, Right Day [ COD | Gaz/Reader | Sugar Daddy Gaz, Manipulation, Fake Relationship | 1/11]
Call of the Jurassic [ COD/JP | Soap/Ghost (background) | Blood/Gore, Animal Death, Character Death, Swearing | 1/12]
A Marriage of Inconvenience [ COD | Price/Female Oc | Las Vegas Wedding AU | 1/17]
Dishes Best Served Cold [ COD | Ghost x Reader | Neighbor AU | 2/9]
25 Days of COD [ COD | Kate/Soap/Price/Ghost/Gaz/Reader | Christmas Series | 2/25]
The Housekeeper [ COD | Ghost/Reader | Threats of Rape/Non-Con, Blood and Injury, Murder, Descriptions of Gunshot Wounds, 2/47] (currently under a rewrite)
Just A Hare [ SW:CW | Self Insert Clone OC | Fix It Fic | 21/30]
Groundhog Day [ SW:CW | CT-6922/Dogma | Time Loop Fix It Fic | 1/27]
Just Sign Here [COD | Gaz/Female OC | Slow Burn | 6/?]
Broken but not Forgotten [COD | Ghost & that mean cat | hurt/comfort | 5/?]
Future Ideas
Ideas that I plan on writing in the future but haven’t posted anything for yet.
That One Coffee Shop AU [ COD | Ghost/Gaz | No Warnings | Coffee Shop AU]
A Hop, Skip, and Leap [ COD | Gaz/Female Oc | No Warnings | Shifter AU]
Whispers Amongst the Petals [ COD | 141/Reader | Implied Stalking, Kidnapping | Oneshot]
Red Alert on the Railcrawler [Star Wars | OC Death, Angst, | Murder Mystery | 0/9]
Better Behaved [COD | Ghoap x Female Reader | petplay, unnegotiated kink, kidnapping | 0/5]
Nature Versus Nurture [Jurassic World | OC x Oc | mentions of animal death, animal abuse, canon typical violence]
Where Giants Roam [COD | Brief mentions of Nik/Price | animal death, minor character death, canon typical violence]
Where Lavender Grows [COD | Laswell x Female OC, Price x Male OC, Price x Laswell tagging for just in case | Bridgerton AU | 0/23]
The One That Follows [COD | Ghoap | Cryptid AU | 0/14]
Price Worth Paying [COD | Mafia Boss Laswell/Reader | Mafia AU | 0/21]
The Day After [ COD | Gaz/Female Oc | Amnesia, Manipulation, Dark!Gaz, Smut, Mentions of Past Torture/Harassment, Flashbacks of Torture/Harassment, Mentions of Kidnapping, Mentions of Past Psychological Torture, Isolation | 0/12]
Bound by Blood and Duty [COD | Mafia!Gaz/Mafia!Reader | Mafia AU]
Untouched [ COD | Ghost/Female Oc | Smut, Sort of Kidnapping, Coercion, Kind of Forced Marriage | Western AU | 0/19]
Jurassic Warfare [ COD | Call of the Jurassic AU | Canon Typical Violence, Gore and Blood, Canon Typical Language, Descriptions of Wounds and Gore, Animal Death | 0/7]
Silver Tongue, Golden Words [ COD | Dragon!Ghost/Sacrifice!Gaz | Warnings | Fantasy AU | 0/17]
The Tapes [ COD | Killer!Gaz/Reporter!Reader | Violence and Gore | 0/5]
The Kiss That Was [COD | Laswell/Handywoman!Reader | Smut | 0/♾️]
Upon Dark Wings [COD | Ghoap | NA | Swan Princess AU]
Actions Have Consequences - A new captain is assigned when Price goes AWOL, but gets put in a tough position when the 141 reunite with Price
Assets Become Liabilities - A team is sent to hunt down Price after he goes AWOL after shooting Shepherd
Stand By My Grave [COD | Ghoap | Major Character Death, Canon Typical Violence | Pet Semetary AU]
In Your Arms I Found Peace [COD | Ghost x Female OC |
When One Night Becomes A Lifetime [COD
Through the Eyes of a Songbird [COD
Mermaid!Reader Fic [COD @/deeptrashwitch request
Completed works or works that I do not intend to continue.
Worship [ COD | Gaz/Female Reader | Body Worship, Grinding | One Shot]
Silver Platter [ COD | Price/Female Reader | Harassment, Slight Intoxication | One Shot]
Slip of the Tongue [ COD | Gaz/Female Reader | Dry Humping | One Shot]
Need A Light? [ COD | Price/Reader | Drinking | One Shot]
Safe and Sound [ COD | Price/Reader | Panic Attacks | One Shot]
Echolocation [ COD | Ghost & Soap | One Shot]
His Thoughts [ COD | Ghost/Reader | Rape/Non Con Elements, Aftermath of Torture, Blood and Gore | [Oneshot]
Morning Glory [ COD | Laswell/Female Reader | Smut, Praise Kink, Hairpulling | One Shot]
In The Rain [ COD | Price/Female OC | One Shot]
Sleepover [ COD | Price/Reader | Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism mention, Grind and Grope, Mentions of Drug Use (prescription), Suicidal Thoughts | One Shot]
Eye to Eye [ COD | Soap/Female Reader | Stalking, Non-Consensual Bondage, Non-Consensual Voyeurism, Rape/Non-Con | One Shot]
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Happy Friday :)
For @onlycodcanjudgeme 's Friday game!
"We would like to ask you to recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is "most popular" and 2 that are "hidden gems”! You can explain why you picked each one if you'd like to or share a secret about writing it that nobody knows cause we love writer secrets!"
Okie Dokie!
I'd say my most popular fic is Placeholder. It's a WIP currently, but very far along! 39 posted chapters, and I try to update every saturday, so there will be a new one up tomorrow!
The secret: It started off as a very simple "What if..?" prompt, the "What if..?" being "What if Elias was the one who fell instead of Rorke?" As it turns out, a lot of shenanigans happen!
When it was still a baby fic, I didn't expect it to be very long at all. Now, it's the longest of any fic I've written, even surpassing one of my oldest WIPS, a skyrim Fanfic written by hand that has around 20+ chapters. (I used to write all my fics by hand lol. I didn't have a laptop.)
Hidden jem #1 isn't a COD fic, which is rare for me! Instead, it's a Frank Castle (The Punisher)/Reader fanfic. It's pretty indulgent, started writing it at the request of one of my friends: @satan-incarnate-666
I should really pick up writing it again lol. I love the reader character I created and it's actually the first and only slash reader I've written.
Secret about writing it: It's so self indulgent. Reader's nickname is "Darling" and everyone calls them that because I thought it was cute and I despise (Y/N). (Nothing personal, my brain just can't fill in the (Y/N) with my name.) I also give them a puppy, a nice house, and Frank actually likes them. They also work at a Cafe, because I think coffee shop AU's are the height of fan fiction lol.
Hidden jem #2 is Through the Eyes of a Dog. A long one shot in which we see the world through the eyes of everyone most dearly beloved fur ball, the one and only: Riley.
Secret: I started writing it in a fit of what I can only describe as "Spite" because I saw someone made a post on here that boiled down to "Riley doesn't know what happened to Logan. :(" As you can tell, it was inflammatory enough for me to write 5k words in which I fix that problem. (Let me know if anyone finds the post lol. Easter egg hunt!)
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