#cw anti queer violence
tumblasha · 1 year
europe is so interesting. they treat me like a cute kid, backpacking across europe at age 21. the next second they ask me why i'm responsible for gun violence in the united states.
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transmascpetewentz · 1 year
Intro + Basic Stuff
It has been 5 days since a transandrophobe has been horrifyingly disrespectful of a gay trans man who died of AIDS on one of my posts or in my inbox.
It has been 3 days since a cis gay man has whined about his genital preference in my notes and/or inbox when I didn't ask.
If you're here because someone accused me of being a TERF, please know that I am not. Read this for more details.
I can't think of a name to use on this blog so just refer to me either by my URL or a silly nickname. My BYF as well as a few blinkies are under the cut.
my pronouns are he/him, but any are fine if you're clearly using them to show that you respect me. they/them is generally okay as long as you aren't using them to dehumanize me.
i prefer gendered terms (boy, girl, enby) over neutral terms, but i will block you if you use "girl" in a misgendering sense. malewife and similar terms are fine. also, this is highly unlikely to come up, but please don't call me "queen."
i'm USAmerican, and when i'm talking about issues, i'm likely talking about USAmerica unless i indicate otherwise.
i'm currently having brainrot about: fall out boy, american idiot, red white and royal blue, fallout new vegas, and velvet goldmine (the 1998 film).
i also post untagged discourse on this blog, specifically talking about transmasc issues, trans liberation, queer liberation, and how to be normal about transmascs if you aren't one.
i'm also looking into converting to judaism, and as such i might post about conversion and judaism in general. filter #judaism if you don't want to see it.
i'm part of a system, so it might not always be the same person answering asks. i probably won't post about it mostly because i want to stay out of syscourse.
all original posts are #wentz.txt, asks are #asks. if i ever have photos of myself on here, they'll be #wentz.jpg.
this blog runs on a queue, so just because i post doesn't mean i've been online recently.
this is my alternate account. i have a main blog that i'm ignoring due to harassment. if you have me blocked on my main and try to follow me here, i'm blocking you for your own sake.
cis women are welcome to follow but don't touch any of my posts making fun of cis gay men or i will bite you.
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blog rules:
no, i'm never sharing my age on here.
tag filtering: flashing, eyestrain, loud, violence cw, sexual assault cw, pedophilia cw, self harm cw, suicide cw, not worksafe, long post, anon hate, arguing with bigots, fascism cw.
please do not ask me about whether i am pro or anti ship, whether i support endogenic systems, or my views on intracommunity issues i'm not part of.
i'm autistic and as such might not understand if i'm making you uncomfortable. please either block me or DM me and tell me to stop doing something.
i won't reblog your callout post, reblog bait, guilt tripping, or donation post. an exception might be made for your donation post if we're mutuals.
if i don't block you, then i don't mind you following me. i don't softblock. please don't softblock me either, just block or else i'll refollow.
if i have reblogs enabled on a post, i'm fine with anyone reblogging it. if i have replies enabled, i'm fine with anyone replying.
if you're going to send anon hate, it has to be interesting, original, funny, and/or creative.
also, if you're going to send anon hate, please refrain from calling me slurs, sending me death threats, sexually harassing me, or misgendering me. also, please censor the name sh***a, or don't use the name at all in your ask.
i don't really have a dni, but i will block you if: you fetishize gay men or trans men, you support capitalism and/or cops, you glorify the actions of the ussr, you deny that transandrophobia exists, you think that feminine cis men are more oppressed than feminine trans men.
actually, i have to add a dni now: please dni if you falsely accuse gay men who died of aids of sexual assault. yes, someone like this tried to interact with me.
That should be it for now!
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aronarchy · 5 months
[CW: transphobia]
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Transmisogyny is misogyny, transphobia is patriarchy.
The only main difference is that trans people are more oppressed than cis women so while cis women have gotten relative progress from feminism trans people are often left behind by cis feminists, and “progressive” transphobes will even naturalize patriarchal gender roles and definitions and manufactured constrictions, specifically bringing them out or bringing them back when it comes to defending transphobia.
This dynamic is especially exacerbated by racism, colonialism, Orientalism; the cultural imperialist Western gaze targets racialized trans people and even cis women and queers to naturalize or essentialize the patriarchal oppression they experience, treating it as an arbitrary cultural quirk occurring because of happenstance which must and/or can only be preserved, rather than a historically contingent form of oppression with specific material causes and consequences which can and should be overthrown. The relativist authoritarian often chastises consistent anti-authoritarians for supposedly being racist, white-privileged, disseminating “Western” viewpoints, etc. (erasing the non-white/Western intersectionally marginalized people who are the most harmed by such discourse, of course), but don’t be fooled: they’re the ones leveraging structures and ideologies originating in Western imperialism (the notion that The East and The West are ontologically different in grand historical ways, that nothing “Western” can be related to anything “Eastern” and vice versa, that The East is static and unchanging and underdeveloped, that The East’s cultures, values, practices, etc. are mysterious, exotic, inscrutable by The West, and so on), and when we expose this we peel away their façade (an important step that they always struggle to prevent by any means possible). (I don’t just say this in a vague abstract online discourse way; these dynamics also pop up in day-to-day personal political contexts, often the mechanism of violence/abuse; they are behind a great deal of material oppression in the real world today and have left a great deal of trauma upon marginalized people.)
It doesn’t occur to relativist transphobes that if someone doesn’t consider themself a woman / man because they feel they aren’t allowed to identify as or be one because they don’t fit the cissexist standard of having to be able to give birth (and fulfill the hegemonically defined (subordinate) wife role) / impregnate (and fulfill the hegemonically defined husband (patriarch) role), then that might possibly be a result of internalized patriarchy/misogyny/(cis)sexism and not an ideal state, and their mental health and self-image might improve and they might be living lives more closely in alignment with their internal selves if some friend went up and told them it could be an option. This is liberal choice “feminism” but specifically a version targeting trans people and transphobic oppression under patriarchy.
If a (white) infertile cis woman / cis man vented about feeling like they’re a failed Other rather than a real woman or real man because they can’t give birth / impregnate and the society around them says Real Women / Men are people who can give birth / impregnate (respectively), would people like this say as readily that it’s true they really are an ungendered unwomanly / unmanly Other, despite their own desire to be a woman / man and feelings which align with that? Or likewise for other forms of gendered nonconformity among cis people. (Much less likely, I think.)
Would they say, “cis women without children” is a whole separate gender from “cis women with children,” a third gender after “cis women with children” and “cis men with children”? Then “cis men without children” as a fourth gender. What about married with children versus married without? Then split the above into eight. Some trans people do get married, either while closeted, as an attempt at conversion or punishment by family or society, while passing for their correct gender (if they have a gender from the binary), or with updated laws which have assimilated trans people more. Trans people can have children too, even if not in the same patriarchal way which secures intergenerational patrilineal inheritance. More gender-categories for them then? (It’s obvious where this leads: there are in fact as many ways to be women and men as there are women and men, and different gender roles and social gender locations are assigned or designated in a gradient or internally distinguished way for all gender differences or social role differences, but there are some general categories which could be broadly termed different “genders” which group together, and thus it would be irrational/illogical and arbitrary to exclude trans women from womanhood or trans men from manhood under such a linguistic system.)
The transphobic takes above prioritize what “society” says, what other (cis) people surrounding someone says about what gender is, what their gender must be, as if what they say matters so much in defining us (or even at all), and then also equates the viewpoint of oppressive surroundings with the viewpoint of the oppressed individual (as if the oppressed will always just bow down and accept their oppression). That is not how we define gender or determine what anyone’s gender is, because that literally goes against the whole point of transness in the first place, which is that we define our own identities, we say what our genders are, we don’t limit ourselves by a cissexist society which constrains people by setting rigid inaccurate definitions; the subversiveness, the contradiction with surrounding norms, is literally the point; it wouldn’t be transness if there were no preexisting cisness (top-down/nonconsensual gender assignments) to struggle against in the first place.
It’s especially nasty to imply that Western trans people identify as “really” the gender they feel they are because the West’s social definitions of gender uniquely recognize that women don’t have to be wives, childbearers, and mothers (for patriarchs) and men don’t have to be husbands (patriarchs) and property-owning child-investing patrilineage-obsessed reproductive futurists. That erases the fact that there’s rampant institutionalized socially prevalent patriarchy in the West too; many people do believe that still; the point is, no society, no culture is a monolith. But it’s very obvious why sweeping portrayals of white, Western PoVs highlight the “progressive” parts while sweeping portrayals of non-white/non-Western PoVs highlight the “regressive” parts (racism, Enlightenment teleology). (And yes, people oppressed by racism can also be racist themselves.)
That also implies that trans people and our feelings and desires are dependent on cis people and their choices. That none of us will think against the grain until cis people create the conditions which allow for it. This prioritizes cis feminism and cis women’s rights over that of trans people, telling us they’ll always come first, we’ll always need them (though they won’t ever need us), if they’re not class-conscious yet then there’s no scenario where we might be more class-conscious already, which erases how we’re actually pressured to know much more about feminism than them, to understand their issues and ours and to be able to argue perfectly for both our rights and theirs in order to be relatively tolerated. These notions are only legible because of cissexism.
Trans people whose gender includes one (or both) genders from the binary are only treated as not being “allowed” to be “properly” considered as people of that gender because of cissexism. This denial is a form of oppression and social subordination, not something neutral or good or just naturally occurring. It’s cruel and it’s wrong. Notice how such discussions about “difference” never say that, e.g., “cis men are Different(tm) from trans men because they occupy different social niches, and trans men are more manly than cis men, because cis men don't fit into our/the Paradigmatic Image of What A Man Is(tm) and we only begrudgingly acknowledge cis men as probably ‘men’ in some way because of their self-identification but that won’t alter how we fundamentally categorize ‘men’ and we couldn’t possibly put forth a cis man as Paradigmatic, Archetypal, or Representative because smh he’s cis not trans, we couldn’t do that, that doesn’t intuitively make sense, a Man(tm) is a trans man unless otherwise specified?” (or likewise for women). Which makes it clear that this is about a power imbalance, a hierarchy placing cis people above trans people of the same gender and prioritizing cis people, which pushes out trans people from equal recognition and epistemic authority. (And no, the “unless otherwise specified” is not good enough, it’s still implicit misgendering; it’s just a half-assed attempt to cover the problems with your ideology; we want more.)
There is a (very obvious) reason why, despite having very different contexts at times, all patriarchies share certain common characteristics (patrilineage; intergenerational private property/power transfer of some sort; socially-mandated, enforced, or disproportionately incentivized binary heterosexual marriage/the couple-form; child-ownership by the patriarch; rigid definitions of “woman” as childbearer and mother and “man” as the one who possesses/owns the children (and “girls” and “boys,” respectively, as future “women” and “men,” requiring coercive socialization/indoctrination); condemnation of autonomous deviation from the prescriptive binary definitions of gender (in desire, in self-regard, in private or public identification/claiming, in differences or alterations in aesthetics/appearance/biological sex characteristics or role performance); etc.). Of course it’s not just arbitrarily landing on that every single time. These are social structures which arose from a historical process during which children, women, and queers were domesticated or forcibly excluded (as colonialism is imposed through an initial conquest and then ongoing counterinsurgency), relatively stabilizing after the patriarchs won the battle.
There is no reason why “man” or “woman” (or male, female, wife, husband, mother, father, boy, girl, masculine, feminine, gender, sex, “two genders,” “third gender”) would be terms any more transhistorically relevant, self-evident, coherent, or applicable than “transgender,” “nonbinary,” “trans woman/man/girl/boy/female/male,” etc. (And for that matter, “transmasc(uline)” (and “transfem(inine)”) shouldn’t be treated as “safer” terms to slide in third-gendering of binary trans people to avoid using the words “trans man” or “trans woman”; there’s no reason why they would automatically be more accurate either.) The people who would be called “trans” here today have existed and will exist in every society, and there will always be trans people under any patriarchy, and some language that would apply (whether a word or set of words or phrase or set of phrases or way of describing) to denote people rejecting or not aligning with their birth-assigned gender, so long as gender is assigned at birth. There will always be resistance, at least somewhere, sometime, when there is oppression. You will never have 100% internalized acceptance of cissexism. It’s time that relativists recognized this.
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kae-luna · 1 year
🌃//Writeblr Intro//🌃
Hello! Welcome to my corner of the internet. I am Kae Luna. You can call me Kae or Luna. I am pretty new to Writeblr, so please bear with me.
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(Banner made with canva)
🌊About My Writing🌊
✨Genres: sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural, action, drama, psychological, LGBTQIA+
✨Subgenres: dystopian, cyberpunk, biopunk, solarpunk, post-apocalyptic
✨Common themes: diversity, anti-capitalism, female empowerment
Since I like both anime art and storytelling, I'm planning to make light novels. Some of them may be short stories, standalone novels, or series. :3 Going to put some of them on Wattpad and Tapas.
I try to balance unique settings with complex characters.
🌊About Me🌊
I've been writing and drawing since I was little. And before I could write, I would tell my mother my story and she'd write it down for me. I've always had a crazy imagination. When I was a tween, I got into anime and manga, so I learned how to draw in that art style.
I am 25, queer-romantic asexual, and feminine-presenting nonbinary. I identify as both a girl and a demi-boy. You can refer to me as she/her, he/him, or they/them. I don't mind. I'm also white and have ADHD, dyspraxia, anxiety, and depression that prevents me from getting a "real" job.
I'm pretty shy and anxious, but once you get to know me, I may say some weird stuff and dad jokes. I'm a big nerd and simp as well.
I am also a Vtuber, but made this alt identity since I didn't think my work would fit that persona.
🌊About My Blog🌊
Here I am going to post about my WIP stories and some of my art. I will also reblog others' art and writing. Many aesthetics, fandoms, and other stuff may be reblogged as well with tags if it inspires my work.
Here I hope to find more creators to connect with and find some epic creations. Feel free to message me if you'd like, though I am kinda shy. :3
I am okay with:
✨Tag games
✨DMs. I'm happy to make friends. :3
🌊My Likes & Favorites🌊
✨Aesthetics/genres: vaporwave, cyberpunk, pastel, eco punk, nature, grunge, post-apocalyptic, solarpunk, steampunk, fantasy, LGBTQIA2S+
✨Movies: Alita: Battle Angel, Ultraviolet, Aeon Flux, Spider-Man 2, Howl's Moving Castle, Black Panther, The Matrix
✨Shows: Doctor Who, Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy, The Witcher
✨Anime: Death Note, Attack on Titan, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
✨Games: Skyrim, Baldur's Gate 3, The Sims 4, Minecraft, Fallout
✨Cartoons: Aeon Flux, Batman The Animated Series
Ultra Drive - Intro Post | Directory Post
Links: Wattpad | Tapas (coming soon)
✨Genre(s): sci-fi, cyberpunk, action, drama, psychological, dystopian
✨CWs: government stuff, pandemic mention, gore probably at some point
When AlexiKa was a child, her world was changed forever when her family was forced to immigrate to the imperial city of Venicula after the Ebony Plague - caused by mysterious eumalyptus spores - infected her home town. Now a young adult, she works as a courier (and secretly an anti-corporation activist). When going on a delivery, she accidentally uncovers dark secrets and ends up infected with the same Ebony Plague that haunted her hometown as a child. But when she survives the illness and instead develops superhuman abilities, she joins a mutant resistance group to fight against the Veniculan Empire, the Gaia Corporation, and other mutants with immoral goals.
Adventures in Alsteria - Intro Post (coming soon!)
Links: N/A
✨Genre(s): fantasy, comedy, slice of life, action, adventure, LGBTQIA+
✨CWs: None ATM? Violence probably?
A trans femboy wood elf named Nel finds the homeland of his people - the rain forests of Falinor - and goes on an adventure to form a guild of adventurers! Still kind of in the vibes stage I guess, but I have some ideas formed for lore and characters. :> Something more cute and lighthearted for me to write in contrast to Ultra Drive.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't have much that I can share at the moment due to much of my writing being lost (school assignments or lost on old computers) or attached to other identities. I also had a looong writer's/art block.
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munchcrvnch · 3 months
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Sometimes friendships can be hard. And it takes work to maintain them. But without friends, things can be a lot harder.
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Hello! I'm Munch! I'm 22, so you know. I'm an artist that does art related to my current interests and I do also adore horror art! We love drawing gore art and things that are a little scary lol
We are a DID system of at least 30 members, but there are most likely more of us. Our collective pronouns are they/xe and our collective sexuality/gender identity is queer and nebularomantic and Ambiamorous! I'm in a polyamorus relationship with 3 people and I love all of them so dearly.
We do have a system blog! It's @fries-collective ! We mostly just shitpost on there and ramble. This account is our main blog and we post art on here!
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reblog - just a general reblog tag, if you wanna see just my original posts, you can mute this
queer reblog - a variant of my reblog tag (always added in never alone) for queer content, not all of my queer centered posts have this tag but my recent ones do
important reblog - a variant of my reblog tag for content i deem important, like go fund mes, news, and things i just feel like people need to know
xenogender reblog - a variant of my reblog tag for my xenogenders! ....pretty much just that lol
art reblog - a variant of my reblog tag for art!
horror reblog - a variant of my reblog tag for horror content, this may range from digital horror like lacey's games to slashers to horror movies. this tag does contain topics of violence, images of gore/guns/blood, and other potentially disturbing content (but its always tagged with a tw or a cw)
funny shit - things we find funny lol
messing with mutuals - me reblogging stuff from my mutuals and mostly clowning on them, mutualposting if you will
save - stuff i wanna either save for later or keep on hand, recently started using this lol
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⛧I post art underneath #munch art and any asks are under #munch asks !!!
⛧I block racists, TERFs, homophobes/transphobes, zionists, and ableists. I hold no empathy for people who choose to be horrible to people.
⛧We as a collective are very mentally ill (BPD, DID, Autism, PTSD, and possibly OCD) and we were very severely abused for most of my childhood and teenage years, as well as neglected emotionally for most of my life. Outbusts can happen on here and I do apologize for that in advance.
⛧We are severely paranoid and thus we hate unprompted DMs or @/s. If you do want to get into contact with me, you can send an ask about it. But keep in mind that if you are under 18, I will not befriend you due to me being 22.
⛧Despite wanting people to be 18+ to befriend, my account is 16+ due to holding some potentially mature topics!
⛧My account does hold topics of religious imagery and satanic topics. This is how we cope with our religious trauma.
⛧We are susceptible to delusions and paranoid thoughts. Please interact with care especially regarding some intense topics.
⛧I try my best to trigger tag things but if I miss something, please tell me so I can correct it!
⛧I struggle with tone so tone tags are so so needed!
⛧I block freely and often for little reason. I often block even if I simply do not like one of your posts.
⛧I interact with both anti-endo and pro-endo, I'm going to only DNI if you have "endo neutral" on your DNI.
⛧Do not bring LGBT discourse or syscourse into our dms or proship/antiship discourse. I have friends who are bi lesbians and who are lesboys. I do not care. Bringing those topics up to me will result in an immediate block.
⛧Please do not ask me to participate in callouts! You'll be blocked if you keep trying. (If we have an abuser in common, I'd also ask that you please not talk about it with me. I am not comfortable talking about my abusers with people I do not trust.)
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Alt Blog:
System Blog: @fries-collective
General NSFW/hornyposting lol: @fuzzybnnuy
Senshi dedicated Blog: @senshilover2002
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black-academia · 2 years
Black Academia Book Club — (Potential) Reading List
Classics in Queer Literature:
  Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu (1872)
Themes: lesbian vampires… need I say more?
Note: I recommend the new edition with introduction and footnotes by Carmen Maria Machado!
 The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (1891)
Themes: morality, beauty, homoeroticism
CW: suicide, anti-Semitism
Note: I recommend “The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray” edited by Nicholas Frankel for extra gay vibes!
 Orlando by Virginia Woolf (1928)
Themes: gender, transition, sexuality, societal commentary
CW: Orientalism, exoticization of various cultures, use of the g-slur
 Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall (1928)
Themes: lesbian, WWI
CW: suicide, alcoholism
 The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith (1952)
Themes: lesbian
CW: stalking, suicidal thoughts
 Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin (1956)
Themes: gay, bisexual
CW: internalized homophobia, death, transphobia, sexual assault, suicidal thoughts
 A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood (1962)
Themes: gay, bereavement
CW: death, grief
 Maurice by E.M. Forster (1971)
Themes: gay, academia
CW: suicidal thoughts, misogyny
 Rubyfruit Jungle by Rita Mae Brown (1973)
Themes: lesbian, bisexual, gender, coming-of-age
CW: incest, racial slurs, age gap, anti-Semitism, sexual assault
 Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg (1993)
Themes: lesbian, gender-nonconformity, sex work, labor activism
CW: rape, suicide, anti-Semitism, racism, transphobia
 Notes of a Crocodile by Qiu Miaojin  (1993)
Themes: lesbian
CW: violence, abuse, suicidal thoughts and actions, self-harm
 The Line of Beauty by Alan Hollinghurst (2004)
Themes: gay, academia, HIV/AIDS
CW: drug use, self-harm, death
Call Me By Your Name by André Aciman (2004)
Themes: gay
CW: adult/minor relationship, sexual assault
Nevada by Imogen Binnie (2013)
Themes: trans, lesbian
CW: transphobia, drug use, addiction, deadnaming, suicidal thoughts
Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta (2015)
Themes: lesbian
CW: rape, sexual assault, violence, domestic abuse, miscarriage, religious bigotry
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cas-poisoning · 3 months
i can't track down the source but a few years ago, a lot of ppl were discussing the fact that spn s1 was one of the most requested/watched shows by us military in the 2000s (aka as the bush admin peddled the "war on terror") like spn's conservatism has always been noticeable.
also there's literal real life racist libertarians who hate cops and authority bc they see them as obstacles to their own racism. dean canonically says one of the reasons he dislikes cops is bc they do the winchesters' job "badly," he thinks they're incompetent and their violence is not well directed, not that they're structurally oppressive. if they direct their violence to who dean and sam believe deserves it ("monsters"), dean loves them (see jody and donna).
I was thinking about this fact when I was writing my post/arguing with people on Twitter but I didn’t mention it in case it was just a myth, but this is exactly the type of thing I’m talking about!
I think supernatural developed a large female fan base early on (I mean it was a CW show with two conventionally attractive male actors from other cw shows and a soap opera) and then it also developed a very liberal/queer fan base too, so people forget the intention of making supernatural was literally to appeal to that more conservative, male centric, middle American audience. There’s a reason it was so loved by people in the military! This vigilante fantasy is very appealing to that crowd. It’s not anti cop because the premise isn’t that cops suck because of what they do, or because they are violent, it’s “woah cops are incompetent, we could do this violence better!”
I mean even today a lot of conservatives have this “fuck authority, don’t tread on me!” Mindset even though they are pro cops. Supernatural appeals to that! That is what Sam and Dean are.
Honestly you said it even clearer than me here lol
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 9 months
[cws: non-detailed discussion of both fictional and irl SA/CSA/abuse dynamics, apologia for the previous, homophobia, fetishization of wlw, and anti rhetoric.]
having a lot of thoughts about the wider fandom's treatment of the various abuse dynamics present in sdmi--supposedly in the name of being anti-abuse--and how instead it's propagated deeply anti-survivor/abuse apologist sentiment and behavior through where they choose to apply that rhetoric, and where they choose to look the other way.
(first off, if you're someone who does not and has not done this, thank you from the bottom of my heart. second, this is not at all exhaustive of my feelings on the subject and there will probably be more posts about these dynamics and people's behavior toward them in future. as you can imagine by the length of this post that is saying something lmao)
one of the reasons i feel as strongly as i do about the way both canon and fandom have historically been about pericles, pericky, and shitting on anyone who likes them because it Normalizes Abuse(tm), is that their fans are pretty open and emphatic about the fact that it's Fucked Up. it's why we find it compelling. it is vanishingly rare that we don't.
meanwhile, velma is the UwU Cute Sassy Lesbian Icon whose relationship with shaggy was Cringy and Immature (and mutually so 🙃) at worst, when it directly mirrored such visceral aspects of my experience with CSA that i almost threw up rewatching the second episode.
and that's not even getting into how normalized it is for women to abuse men in a relationship, in broad fucking daylight in front of other people, and how men are supposed to Always Want It and it's an insult if they don't, and how the vast majority of CSA--which it overtly is in shaggy's case, he is implied not to be an adult yet--is perpetrated by other kids.
and it's also not getting into the fact that the ~cute lesbian relationship~ is almost certainly going to end up with the other queer girl in the show also being abused, because abusers are not Magically Cured by True Queer Love's Kiss. how it is incredibly difficult for survivors of abuse in a wlw relationship to be acknowledged or get support because then they'd be a Traitor, or people would rather maintain the feel-good fuzzy feelings wlw exist to give them, or they're closeted and it's not safe to let people know they're in a relationship with a woman. how queer relationships, especially between women, are fetishized as cute pure healthy fairytale romances and not dynamics involving real people who might harm each other or be harmed and need help.
and that's not even getting into the fact that mlm are seen as inherently predatory to an extent that the majority of other queer identities are not. how older queer men grooming boys is a classic homophobic stereotype used to justify violence toward them, up to and including lynchings, and how that is the abuse dynamic everyone in the show and fandom latched onto to revile as the Disgusting Evil Predatory One while giving everything else a pass. how mlm have a long history of forced institutionalization and psychiatric torture and abuse, and the Predatory Gay Man is subjected to decades of--you guessed it!--forced institutionalization and psychiatric torture and abuse, which is framed as what he deserved and where he belonged. how he's supposed to be unattractive (and the majority of the people who do this shit lean hard on that), while people are way more likely to give Charming Attractive Aesthetically Pleasing abusers a pass.
this is just..... normal, to the fandom. it's treated as completely normal. and i think that's a whole lot more fucking harmful than finding emotional catharsis in exploring an abusive dynamic that would not fly in broad daylight irl in a million years.
#sdmi#scooby doo: mystery incorporated#professor pericles#velma dinkley#shaggy rogers#SDMItag#cws in post#like. everything about shaggy and velma's dynamic in and related to the first half of S1 is *gutwrenching*#it took me up until this rewatch to realize why every time i try to rewatch the show in linear order i can never seem to watch past E02#and end up just skipping around#and time and personal experience have *really* made the 'fairytale queer romance that is a missing stair right into a bottomless pit'#thing hit harder#whereas exploring pericky when i was younger *made me realize things about their relationship were abuse that i hadn't understood before*#'okay so if i go back and fix *this* part that'll make it not abusive anymore and they can be happ--oh. oh geez. this goes deep doesn't it'#and the people who don't like pericky will do the opposite and *actively claim the abuse dynamics that are there do not exist*#because Then It Would Be Shipping and That's Just Gross UwU#because 'this can't have been [X kind of abuse] because [X abuse] is Gross and its potential existence near me makes me uncomfortable'#'you're the one who's gross for seeing it and pointing it out; ew how dare you ruin people's day by making them think about that'#'thank goodness it didn't happen and we can all move on with our lives (and you won't like what happens if you dare bring it up again)'#isn't. you know. famously a thing that happens all the time to gaslight and silence survivors irl and take our words away from us lol#anyway as you can maybe imagine i am bitter about this lmao#but also i just generally think it's worth talking about; especially if even one person understands their own experiences better for it#the crit files#the salt files#SDMIcrit tag#pericky#dyn: when i die i want you to die too
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oldguardleatherdog · 2 years
CW: Looooooong post
This is about me. My termed blog @hypnokinkdoggo is being used to heap abuse and hate speech on me based on my age, disability, 9/11 injury, HIV status, and perceived mental state.
People are actually encouraging others to search for my posts and artifacts and continue harassing and abusing me. Check out some of the more toxic comments that have been slung my way:
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This began with @commonpigeon in August 2022 and has caused me to be ridiculed by more than 9,000 people.
Repeated reports have been ignored.
I'm finding more of these all the time.
Cyberbullying is against the law. So is online hate speech.
I have hundreds of screenshots of what's been posted and I'm gathering more each day. Anti-harassment resources are out there, and I'm using them.
As I muck through this cesspool of violence and hate targeting me, I've been posting excerpts here with context and commentary. Some will be springboards for monographs I'll post here where I will explicate a hate comment and find the connection to our fight against the storm of RW laws etc. coming our way.
I'm not "calling people out" or encouraging others to make trouble for these posters: they're overwhelmingly Gen Z, with all the purity culture, casual cruelty, and lack of self-awareness and basic human decency that years of 4chan and bad parenting and moral numbness and MAGA have wrought on these kids.
But if you look at their blogs, they're trans, furries, queers, kinksters, pup players, artists, fandom experts, writers, students and more who fill their spaces with beauty and musings and song and art of their own creation and self-healing and introspection that's remarkably perceptive, sometimes moving, even profound.
They're capable of compassion and caring about strangers who just might be queer, furry, kinky, GNC, pups, seekers, writers, and fighting for trans rights - *their* rights - in ways not so different from their own.
But they refuse to show that care and compassion to me, and I don't have the slightest idea as to why I've been singled out and targeted for the most horrific and vile abuse I've ever seen in 60 years of hard living.
And it's not because of my identity, or anything I did that was controversial, or any political or cultural stance of mine, or that I behaved in an antisocial way or slurred anyone with hate or threats -
Its because a 20-year-old girl in Scotland found a stoned 3 AM post I made on a religion thread that was, well, a stoned 3 AM post about religion (I was a Lutheran seminarian and LGBTQ+ equality activist in the 90's) Stream-of-consciousness, rambled a bit, but nothing at all remarkable.
She copied my post from the blog where I'd replied, and she reblogged that *stolen* post for the express purpose of "dissecting" it for ridicule by her followers, and they obliged. Hard. Gleefully. Death wishes toward me included. Done just for laughs, for entertainment, for the lulz.
When I posted some of this a while ago, a follower of mine said, "I feel like the worst part is that they're not even like, 'I'm x-phobic and I hate you', this is just like, a Thursday night for them, it seems".
I've spent my life fighting - effectively - for our community from the minute I came out. Queer Nation, ACT/UP, med cannabis, marriage equality, trans rights, I've been there and I'm still here.
I'm not about to give up. There are too many younger than me who have been asking me to share my experiences with them, and I'm eager to do just that. I know how to fight the fascists with tactics you won't find online; they're in my activist heart, and they're yours for the asking.
For a useless cringe pervo insane grandpa on death's door whose ancient presence here is scandalous, I've got a good supply of wisdom and understanding. But with this, I am at a loss, and no one I know can figure it out.
I'm fighting for my own justice here. Thanks for reading. Peace.
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transhualians · 11 months
just realized I never made an intro post for this blog so hello hello friends! ���🫶
I go by many names, but you can call me lee! this blog is for my selfshipping content. I post a variety of different content, both SFW and NSFW, and I do post problematic fiction (and believe that everyone has the right to do the same), but all of it is tagged, so it is avoidable. if you don't like my content, that's okay! simply close this blog or block me. everything I discuss here is fictional and if you condone any dead dove topics in real life, block me.
I'm a xie lian (tgcf) fictive, and I occasionally refer to canon xie lian in first person. I'm in a traumagenic system but I support endogenic systems.
the f/o that I will talk about 95% of the time is hua cheng (I have a couple others that I am not comfortable sharing publically for anonymity reasons). please do not follow if you post about him in a romantic/sexual tone.
DDDNE/potentially triggering topics will be tagged (see taglist below). dead dove topics I will talk about frequently include noncon, stalking, kidnapping, etc. also I am exclusively sub so pretty much all of my NSFW imagines will read as sub reader :'D
I'm not super picky about my DNI. TERFs/radfem and any other kind of bigot can fuck off, pro-transID/radqueer do not follow. Minors are free to interact with my SFW posts, NOT my NSFW posts. You don't even have to be explicitly pro/comship to follow, I just ask that you be respectful.
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Taglist and extra info below the cut:
For clarification, I support all of the following:
- pro/comship, anti-harassment, anti-censorship, etc.
- endogenic systems and syscourse-neutral systems
- anti-contact paraphiles
I do NOT support the following:
- pro-contact paraphiles/radqueer
- pro transID
- radfems, TERFs, anti-sex work, etc.
- transmedicalism and exclusion of non-harmful queer identities (by harmful, I mean identities which actively and objectively hurt or intend to hurt others [ie. pro-contact MAPs], or identities that appropriate topics or identities that you do not have inherent experience with or feel the real-world consequences of [ie. transracial or transdisabled identities].)
- heavily anti-endogenic systems/supporters
feel free to hide/block any tags that make you uncomfortable! tumblr has that wonderful feature for a reason! /gen
-f/o imagines (general f/o scenarios)
-discourse (contains discourse and/or possibly controversial topics)
-🍁.info (mostly my sexuality-related special interest posting :])
-🍁.reblog (reblogged from someone else)
-🍁.mine (my own post)
-🍁.positivity (positive content, mainly about kink/proship)
-🍁.personal (personal topics/posts, not applicable to almost everyone like f/o imagines)
-tw noncon (explicitly non-consensual sex)
-tw dubcon (dubiously-consensual sex)
-tw underage (reader is imagined as underage [SIDE NOTE: actual minors get the hell off my blog])
-tw kidnapping (reader is kidnapped)
-tw stalking (reader is stalked)
-cw yandere
-tw abuse (psychological abuse and/or toxic behavior depicted *not physical. for that see below)
-tw violence (descriptions of verbal or physical violence)
-tw gore (graphic descriptions of violence, blood, and/or bodily harm)
-safe sane consensual (no dead dove topics are touched on in this post)
tags will be added as needed.
thank you for reading!💞🫶
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valfeathers · 1 year
the valfeathers special 'BYF' post!
this is going to be a little post serving as a preemptive ‘before you follow’ and an FAQ! 
standard DNI criteria apply, bigots begone, nonces begone, it goes without saying that TERFS and anti neopronoun people have no place here, after all, the guy who runs this blog is autistic, trans and queer. use your brains. be respectful.
preemptive cw’s for depictions of blood, injuries and violence in my art! i’ll do my best to tag any potentially sensitive content accordingly! 
if you have any other questions feel free to send me an ask and i’ll happily answer it :)
what equipment do you use? 
5th generation ipad pro (and an apple pencil)
gaomon pd1161 display tablet (when on PC) 
what programs do you use?
clip studio paint
are your commissions open/do you sell prints? 
no prints (yet) but my commissions are now available! check my linktree to see whether they’re open <3
do you do art trades?
with mutuals, yes! giving art is how i show my love, to my artist mutuals: let me draw your guys i beg
can i use your art as a pfp/icon on here/other sites?
yes, but please credit me! ‘art by valfeathers on tumblr!’ and you’re good to go!
can i use your art in an edit?
as above, go crazy as long as you credit me!
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frumentariae · 1 year
i'm going to need more white/non-indigenous LGBT+ folks to go read this article, "indigenous sexualities: resisting conquest and translation"
CW for indigenous readers: there is graphic description of anti-indigenous violence at some parts in the article. please read with discretion.
some parts that really stood out to me and resonated:
"Language shows that Indigenous queerness, in its own contextual realities, predates the global LGBT framework. Yet Indigenous experiences are rarely perceived as a locus of sexual diversity. This is partly because Indigenous peoples are imagined as remnants of the past, whereas sexual diversity is associated with political modernity."
"The historical and linguistic archives are crucial even if they defy translation: they refer to social fabrics that have been largely disrupted, repressed, and destroyed. Each language brought a singular understanding of gender. Indigenous genders cannot be reduced to homo or trans sexuality. It would be an anachronism to translate pre-conquest realities into contemporary frames. In pre-conquest societies, third genders were not an anomaly or difference, but constitutive of a whole. Thus, debates on whether to approach native sexualities as berdache, two-spirit, or third genders miss the point. Native sexualities cannot be reduced to the addition of more genders to established sexual registries; they invoke complex social fabrics that are untranslatable in the limited framework of hetero/homosexuality. They invoked native epistemologies and worldviews beyond sexuality."
"For Botchicüna, there is little doubt that sexual diversity is intrinsically Indigenous; sexual discrimination was brought in by a vogue of evangelical religions. ‘Our ancestors experienced people living homo-affective lives but never interpreted it as something malicious, it is religion that came to interfere with our culture trying to evangelise us’."
"For many Indigenous peoples across the world, diverse sexualities and multiple genders are not a Western introduction. Heteronormativity is. Indigenous intimacies were repressed, pathologised and erased by violent processes of colonial dispossession. Yet Indigenous languages resist so that Indigenous sexualities can resurge. They resist heteronormative colonialism; they embody the possibility of radical resurgence."
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trannyfutch · 2 months
umbrella tags.
#on erasure; #on exclusion; #on lateral oppression; #on misinformation; #on oppression; #on rhetoric; #on theory
general tags.
#aromanticism; #asexuality; #bottom surgery; #estrogen; #hrt; #intersex; #media depiction; #metoidoplasty; #phalloplasty; #positivity; #queer history; #queerhet; #reproductive justice; #testosterone; #top surgery; #transfemininity; #transmasculinity
oppression-oriented tags.
#anti-blackness; #anti-indigenity; #anti-masculism; #atm [anti-transmasculinity]; #atf [anti-transfemininity]; #de-gendering; #exorsexism; #homophobia; #intersexism; #malgendering; #misogyny; #misgendering; #transmisandry [transandrophobia, etc.]; #transmisogynoir; #transmisogyny; #transmultiphobia
theory-oriented tags.
#feminist theory; #queer theory; #transfeminist theory; #transunitist theory
rhetoric-oriented tags.
#baeddelist; #bioessentialist; #gender essentialist; #radfeminist; #transmedicalist
warning tags are to be formatted as: tw [trigger] & cw [trigger]. content warning will be used more often for when the trigger is mentioned in passing, or when it's mentioned as queerphobic fearmongering (ie. implying queer people are all predators); otherwise, it will default to trigger warnings.
[tag].log will also be used for posts with real-world examples of types of oppressions, while these posts will likely already have a trigger tag on them, feel free to mute any of the aforementioned topics ending in .log, if you would like.
— (ex. tag: transandrophobia.log)
if a post is simply discussing oppression, it will likely not get a trigger tag. if a post has accounts—or in-depth details—of oppression and other violences, only then they will get a trigger tag.
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scholarfinsterltyto · 2 years
Blogwide CW: Scopophobia, paranoia, unreality, abusive behavior, horror, violence, and general mature/dark themes.
DNI, blog info, & tag list below the cut.
About the Blog Owner
My name is Hunter, he/him. I am a queer, neurodivergent, and mentally ill adult over the age of 25. I'm a digital artist and writer who tends to be drawn towards horror, tragedy, and content involving either my original characters or specific fandom characters I've latched onto. I am white and live in the UK, and have a BSc (Hons) in Criminological & Forensic Psychology.
My main special interests include the horror genre and the nature of fear and trauma in media, psychology (especially in relation to rehabilitation and prison reform), prehistory, and my original characters.
I have a big interest in deconstructive and meta narratives as well as unreliable narrators with complicated morals. I love exploring mental health, trauma, unhealthy behaviors, and recovery as a complex and involved process... mostly via this sad wet rat of an owl who would really like to lie down.
About Finsterl Tyto
Finsterl, also known as Sterl, is an original character I created for a homebrew TTRPG campaign run by a friend of mine. He is a jaded, paranoid, and easily-irritated middle-aged owl-man with a lot of baggage and far more emotions than he'd like. Being a scholar and wizard who is afraid of his own magic, Sterl tends to rely on logic, intellect, a quick mouth, and a gun to try and solve his problems. Unfortunately, he is also his own worst enemy, with a lot of self-destructive and isolationist tendencies and great difficulty trusting in anyone -- even himself.
I am very liberal with the block button. Consider this a heads up that if you follow/like/reblog from me and I notice you fit the following criteria, then I will block you (and report you, if appropriate).
⦿ The usual suspects: radfem, nazi, support Palestinian genocide, other bigots, MAPs, zoophiles, radqueer, etc.
⦿ LGBTQ+ exclusionist (transmed, anti-MOGAI, against mspec lesbian/gay, against aspec/arospec/aplspec identities, etc.)
⦿ System exclusionist (anti-endogenic, sysmed, etc.), against informed self-diagnosis for disability/illness, or 'fakeclaims' others
⦿ Proship/anti-anti/etc., treats pedophilic/incestuous dynamics as cute/desirable, ships real people, or posts kink content featuring underage/incest/RPF
⦿ Blogs that encourage self-harm or heavily focus on IRL self-harm -- including EDs
⦿ Blogs with a heavy focus on discourse/drama regardless of your particular 'stance'
Tag List
Characters [;;chara] Deslie -- Eric -- Efera -- Mera Ersterl -- Pensterl -- Harmonic Hemlock -- Bishop -- Eldritch Chorus -- Blackened Sun -- Stochast -- Eidolon -- Gods
Themes [;;theme] Mathematics -- Research -- Logic -- Six -- Misfortune -- Choice Willpower -- Control -- Morality -- Ego -- Conflict -- Life And Death Memory -- Soulsong -- Journal -- Truth And Lies -- Trust -- Narrative Hallucinations -- Fear -- Paranoia -- Guilt -- Anger -- Sadness Isolation -- Loss -- Trauma -- Self-Destruction -- Sleep -- Recovery Blood -- Hands -- Trees -- Blue -- Eyes -- Music -- Dice -- Bones Guns -- Cursing -- Books -- Coffee -- Chess -- Rain -- Skies -- Orote
Other Artwork -- Commissioned -- Gift -- Original -- Asks
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datubooty · 1 year
cw banko brown killing, gun violence, anti-trans violence, anti-blackness
this country has made a fucking spectator sport out of watching videos of antiblack violence and it pisses me off that the leading queer paper in the region decided it was appropriate to put a still frame of what is literally an extrajudicial killing for being poor as the image for their coverage of that story. [i think about the gendered experience of anger and rage vis-a-vis powerlessness and oh yes my connection to womanhood is nebulous but how it the fibers become visible when my spirit is trembling]
but im also massively pissed at the way the in-community coverage has framed this as a transmasc versus transfemme thing -- as always we know the issue is resource scarcity, not “why are transfemmes getting all the attention in programming.” i am giving the quoted speakers the benefit of the doubt in attributing this to the coverage, but the quotes are long and I am prepared to retract that benefit quickly as (trans)misogyny is still a feature of some (trans)masculinities, a la “why do trans women get all the visibility” being a veiled “why are we not all about men”
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muse-fragmented · 1 year
(CW: queer hate, ment. Of antisemitism, politics, dont read this)
Just so we're all aware, the almost exact rhetoric Nazis used to demonize queer people is what is currently being used in America today. In 2023. I'm disgusted.
Let's call it what it is: stochastic terrorism
"The parallels to the current groomer panic are striking. Of particular note is the fact that Nazis distinguished between those who they believed had come to homosexuality and could be cured, and those who were congenitally homosexual. The latter of these were labeled Jugendverführer or Jugendverderber, and seen as the primary vectors of the “disease.” These terms, meaning “seducers,” and “corruptors of youth,” respectively, bear a striking similarity to the meaning and implication of the term “groomer.” Just as the Nazis attacked Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, institutions that conduct research and provide trans-affirming healthcare are being targeted through both attempts to ban the services they provide and through violent means, with the most prominent example being the bomb threats made against the gender clinic at Boston Children’s Hospital. Likewise, there are attempts all across the nation to ban books and media that normalize non-heterosexual romantic relationships and transgender identities. According to PEN America, there has been a surge in such book bans across the country, targeting more than 1,600 individual titles, all under the pretext that such providers are “grooming children,” or “seducing the youth.”"
An example of this hate would be how "...No person or entity has been more influential at inciting this hate than the anti-LGBTQ+ Twitter account Libs of TikTok, operated by former real estate agent Chaya Raichik. The account, which has over 1.3 million followers and has been praised by the likes of DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw and Fox News host Tucker Carlson, reposts selected out-of-context social media content created by LGBTQ+ people and liberals in order to generate outrage and stoke anti-LGBTQ+ hostility. Raichik has frequently characterized LGBTQ+ people and allies, as well as those who teach about LGBTQ+ issues and healthcare professionals who offer gender-affirming care, as “groomers.” The individuals, events, schools and organizations targeted by Libs of TikTok are frequent targets of harassment, threats and violence." Again. Disgusted. I have no words about how our late-stage capitalist government continues to allow this hatred to spread. Shame on them.
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