#cw classism
piplicious · 6 months
mu pip plush is shippinh early, when it comes im going yto flex on you so hard bro /j
mad at yuo forever
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disventurecamptakes · 4 months
this should be common knowledge but ppl should know that they’re being racist & classist for making fun of the Disventure Camp voices/mic quality
Someone from Mexico voicing a Brazilian character will not sound like Ryan Gosling.
Someone from Poland voicing a Polish character will not sound like Anna Kendrick.
And the mic qualities should not affect u that much. it is a microphone. These VAs r not getting paid, they r just doing this for fun. So no, most of them cannot afford the new Super Microphone 6000. They’re struggling actors. Not A list celebrities
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dazedpuppydairies · 1 month
Yesterday at the store I was waiting in the check out line alone while my roommates were off grabbing something last minute and I overheard a conversation between two people that frustrated me. Nothing that I've never heard 100 times before, but you know just a little classism and ableism on top of an already tedious trip. I wasn't particularly paying attention, but I was just standing there alone waiting so I overheard a bit. One of them said something along the lines of you better grab that now because it's the first of the month and it'll be gone soon. In this context "the first of the month" is essentially used as a dog whistle to speak poorly of people on snap / food stamp. You know it's ironic I don't even get my snap until the 9th and us folks on snap don't get much, especially compared to the current cost of food. They started giving us 10 more dollars a month whoop-dee-doo that's a little over two extra dollars a week. Also recently they made it harder to get on snap and if you aren't working you have to prove that you're disabled. This is my third year on snap and my therapist had to fill out something for my reapplication. This wasn't very problematic for me, but they are making it harder and harder to get snap. What really pisses me off though is that in America we overproduce so much food that ends up going to waste and they have the nerve to act like us folks on snap are taking everything. Also I think it's really important to mention this issue intersects with racism and though as a white person I can't really speak on that "the first of the month" is often said with a racist connotation to it.
Anyway I know people say ignorant things in public all the time I just felt like talking about this. I've been really hyperfixated on the topic of overconsumption and all of the waste caused by overconsumption. Also I do want to acknowledge as someone who talks about enjoying collecting as a hobby I absolutely am working on challenging my own overconsumption. I should make a separate blog post about this at some point, like overconsumption as a collector and the conflict between being someone who enjoys collecting and being leftist + talking about how to engage in the hobby in a more sustainable way. If I'm being honest even though it feels horrible to admit I was kind of avoiding it for the longest time because collecting things is one of my special interests, but that's no excuse especially as an anti-capitalist I should know better and do better.
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e-m-p-error · 6 months
(The sassy moth duo)
Christmas Interactions!
Send 🛍️ to go shopping with my muse!
[ Valentino ]
"So, what are you getting you for Christmas?"
Valentino rose a brow at Vaggie, who he already didn't understand. She was carrying her own purchases, which was weird, and he didn't think that she liked anything he'd seen her buy. Who was all that shit for?
"I'm trying to decide what I'm getting me, and what I'm having Voxxy get me."
Taking a drag off of his cigarette holder, he glanced behind him at his overwhelmed limo driver staggering along behind them. Hmm... Maybe he should have brought two. At this rate, he'd have to excuse his driver to go take his bags, boxes, and zipper bags to the limo and return to him.
"Julio," Valentino began, "Get your ass to the limo, put my things away gently, and come back. We'll be at V&M. If you can't find me, text me." The driver was quick to turn around and try to make his way to the door of the mall, and Valentino made a face, taking another drag off his cigarette.
"I think V&M is gonna be a Voxxy's credit card store."
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teaveetamer · 7 months
I'm not gonna post the whole thing anon from Rhode Island but thank you for your perspective. I do agree. STD anon was giving big "person with money LARPING as being poor for a 'joke'" and it is pretty gross when people on Medicaid already get labeled as leeches/drains on society
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icedwatersupremacy · 1 year
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October 1903 Dearest Walter, I haven’t much to report, I’m afraid. School is carrying on as usual, and I’m learning just as hard. The first year is certainly just to ease us into boarding school, because my homework has doubled since I came back from Summer vacation, and I fear it will double again by the end of the year. There are days I wish I could be back in Henford with you, where life would certainly be more relaxed, but I feel as though I wouldn’t be as fulfilled there. I’d probably be a farmer, can you imagine that? I certainly can’t!
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Life isn’t always corking here, though. I don’t know if you remember Virgil and Anthony from some of my previous letters, but my opinion of them hasn’t changed. I absolutely detest them, and I hope the devil breaks their spines. Mother tells me to not use such vulgar phrases, but it’s not my fault that Virgil and Anthony are maggots. 
Well, I finally figured out why they plague me so, and I’m abashed it took so long to realise. It’s because my family isn’t as wealthy as theirs. Virgil's the son of Alban Dimsdale, some politician. The only reason I know his name is because he won’t shut up about him, and how he’s so powerful, and could lock all the poor in jail. If that were true, he wouldn’t be the only one talking about him, but I digress. His father has money, and so does Anthony’s. Anthony doesn’t talk about his father so much, but he’s rich too, apparently, otherwise he wouldn’t be friends with Virgil.
The thing is, if I found some baggage, filled with more money than Virgil could ever hope to have, I would still be hounded for not having old money. That’s Fred’s problem. His father’s a doctor, and a successful one, too. Trouble is, his father grew up poor, and all the money he has is new money. Forget that the Slaters are doing well enough to send their son to Edgewater, if it wasn’t an award from some king upwards of 200 years ago, it’s worthless. 
Arguably, they harass Fred more than me. I guess he’s an actual threat to the feudal system they’d love to reinstate (we’ve been learning about it in history class). Sometimes I just want to punch them both in the face, and I let them know it, too. Fred always drags me away before I can actually do anything, though.
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To be fair, it’s not just homework and bullies up here. On the weekends, Fred and I go into the city, and spend the day there. He usually brings money his family sent him with us, so we can buy candy from a sweetshop. We’ll go to a park and eat it there, but not after buying a copy of the Fowler’s Magazine. They don’t have them in Henford, but it’s where people can have short stories published. One day, I’m going to have my stories published in there, and I’ll send you a copy when it happens, but for now, I’m fine just reading what other people have to say. 
I may be spending all this time with Fred, but I just want you to know that you’re still my favourite person in the world. I’m sorry this letter has been mostly a formless rant, but life’s frustrating at times. Surely you understand?
Your’s sincerely, Charlie
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itsoktopunchnazis · 8 months
So, first of all, not a single citizen in a just government should be unhoused.
But if we're not going to house all citizens, then at the very least we should understand that no one should be homeless due to their disability. Not a single person. Disability is far too expensive, even for the well-off. And, as we all know, living in poverty and ESPECIALLY living unhoused is also incredibly expensive. The way the government treats the disabled homeless opens them up for so much abuse and mistreatment, as well as illness, injury, and fatality. We are sending the impoverished disabled out on the streets to die and no one could give a rat's ass about it.
End rant. Good evening, Tumblr.
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glassprism · 2 years
What do you think about Erik being queer-coded/interpreted as queer by fans?
For context, I am queer myself, and I grew up in an environment where it was... not really accepted, let's say, so I'm not going off of stereotypes here. It's true; he does live in a theatre, he's dramatic as all hell, and he can put an outfit together like nobody's business, but this goes a bit deeper for me.
Throughout his whole life, Erik was told that he was a monster because of the way he was born. This, combined with the abhorrent treatment he received because of his difference pushed him so far from humanity that he ceased to feel human at all. Although that 'difference' is his physical deformity and not sexuality, the parallels are there- he's been forbidden from loving because of that difference as well. I'm not saying that gay people are all completely alienated from society, but being treated as strange, dangerous or inhuman can have an effect on you.
When he sings about being "Hounded out by everyone, met with hatred everywhere," it strikes a chord with me. I've never been chased by an angry mob, but it's all too easy for me to imagine what he's been through because of my experiences. I wonder if there are other fans who feel the same way.
I'd think that many fans have actually felt the same way as the Phantom, again not to the extremes that of the Phantom's experiences, but the feeling of being outcast, shunned, different. It's part of why the Phantom's story has such universal appeal - probably everyone knows the feeling of not being accepted because of their gender, sexuality, race, culture, nationality, disability, and so on.
So no, I certainly don't have any problems with the Phantom being interpreted as queer or queer-coded, just like I've never had any problems with the Phantom being interpreted or coded as, say, neurodivergent, of being a person of color, of having a mental illness (on top of a physical disability), and so on. You can certainly argue too that many people who fall into those categories have been forbidden or at least found it difficult to have romantic relationships, as you consider, say, how people who are neurodivergent have difficulties socializing in ways considered acceptable by people who are neurotypical, how they and people who have physical disabilities, mental disabilities, etc. are often infantilized and seen as inherently non-sexual or asexual, the fact that miscegenation laws existed in the US up until the 1960s, and in the most extreme cases, the eugenics program and sterilization programs that specifically targeted those who were poor, disabled, or people of color.
Which is not to say that people who are LGBT+ have had it easier or something, simply that they are one of many groups who have found something relatable in the Phantom's story, and that interpreting the Phantom as such is just one of many ways of doing so, one of many ways of fandom interacting with a story in a way that includes their own personal experiences. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen people writing posts about how they personally see the Phantom as autistic, as having PTSD, about how the casting of actors of color in the role adds more to the Phantom's story, and so on, and I don't see why interpreting him as LGBT+ and/or queer is any different.
Potentially my only caveat about it is not assuming that this is intentional on the part of Leroux, ALW (ha), or any other creators - meaning that I doubt that they intended for the Phantom to be canonically a person or color, or to be neurodivergent, or LGBT+, and so on. This is mainly because I've seen people who have assumed so, and therefore attributed more, er, "wokeness" to creators than they may actually have had, and also because sometimes people will assume that their interpretations are now canon and will go after others who disagree. At the end of the day, these are interpretations, headcanons if you will, not canon - but that should not make them any less valid for you.
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"The rain is so soothing..." (Tibalt @impfinite-aspirations for Andrealphus)
Rainy Day Sentence Starters
[ Andrealphus ]
The distaste showed on his face as he was spoken to by such a lowly creature, and he had half a mind to bat the servant away. Even still, he had to agree, the rain was soothing in a way that his life was not.
Andrealphus did not appreciate whatever was going on between Stolas and Stella. It was an unnecessary headache that he didn't want to deal with, and he rubbed his temples as he glanced back at the pint-sized imp.
"You, where's my refresher on my tea?" He'd been reading a book ten minutes ago, but the rain on the window pane was hypnotic in a way he hadn't expected. His book, worn and well-loved, lay open on the table in front of him on page 92. He'd reread page 92 eight times that afternoon; perhaps even a good book couldn't draw him from his melancholy.
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writteninsunshine · 2 years
Getting A Foot In The Door - Estella Havisham/Lizzy - SFW
Title: Getting A Foot In The Door
Author: Keith
Fandom: South Park
Setting: Havisham Dance Academy
Pairing: Estella Havisham/Lizzy
Characters: Estella Havisham, Lizzy (Cartman’s Silly Hate Crime 2000)
Genre: General/Light Romance
Rating: K
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 988
Type Of Work: One-Shot, Part Two of the Writer’s Month 2022 Collection
Status: Complete
Warnings: Preslash, Femslash, AU - Ballet School, AU - Canon Divergent, Lizzy isn’t dead/missing, Classism
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything except the concept.
Summary: Estella Havisham was not an easy woman to impress, but that didn't stop Lizzy from trying.
AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have a writing Tumblr, too! Twitter is Sunshinecackle, and Tumblr is Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD If you want it, please contact me on Tumblr/Twitter!
I’m trying to do Writer’s Month this month and to keep myself working on these to hopefully get all of them done, I’m going to aim for 500 words or less. 
I had some help from Perennex (Twitter)/Gozar (Ao3) to get the terminology and critiques correct, and I really appreciate it. I think it really added to the fic, because I was honestly at a loss for how to describe things. As I’ve never really interacted with ballet a whole bunch without being a spectator, I really didn’t know what I was doing. 
Writer’s Month Fic Masterlist
Getting A Foot In The Door
Estella Havisham was one of the largest critics of ballet, possibly in the entire world, only dwarfed by her mother’s apparent ire for the practitioners. She was hard to please, and the school of dance she inherited was incredibly prestigious and one might even say downright pretentious. Not just anyone could get in, she only accepted the best. There would be no rewards for underdogs in her establishment, and that was just what everyone had to accept.
She rewarded nothing but perfection.
That was the entire reason that Lizzy Masters was nervous. Her ballet was good, but was it good enough? It didn’t help that the second she saw Estella in her smart pencil skirt, the painted-on white shirt cupping her breasts, and the dark, open suit top, she just about fell over. The pristine, prim but practical black heels on her feet clicked against the cement floor of the auditorium as she found her seat, and Lizzy’s heart began to hammer in her chest. Oh, oh she was exquisite, and seeing her in person was not helping the dancer’s focus.
Sitting straight-backed and proper, the picture of poise, Estella placed her gold-framed glasses over her nose, peering over them at the first hopeful on stage. Lizzy was willing to bet that those glasses were twenty-four carat, but she kept the thought to herself. Such frivolous notions weren’t helping her right now. No, she needed to concentrate, she needed the tunnel vision she had during practice, she had to get herself together.
The music began for the man ahead of her, and she turned her attention to him, watching his technique. While Lizzy could pick apart a few of his positions, noticing a couple of scant complaints, her eyes traveled back to Estella and her breath caught in her throat.
Estella quirked a brow at him as he danced, but otherwise, her expression was unreadable. Tapping her pen against her plump red lips, she finally glanced down to write something on the clipboard expertly balanced on her thigh. Her legs were crossed, likely to prop her notes up as she sat in the viewing area of the theater. That made it easier to watch the show as well as write, and it was just one more smart decision that Lizzy noted.
Estella Havisham was nothing if not bright in everything she did, perfect in ways no other living thing could ever hope for, and Lizzy Masters was noticing.
Stupidly fixated on every little thing, each tiny movement Estella graced them with, Lizzy didn’t even notice when it was her turn. If only she’d been able to pick at the other dancer’s performance more to mitigate making the same mistakes, but at least she was leaving an impression.
“Miss Masters?” Estella finally called, her posh British accent flavoring the question and making Lizzy’s last name sound exotic and new. Her tone was commanding, and Lizzy followed her beckoning to the stage immediately, “I very much dislike being kept waiting, Miss Masters. You would do well not to make me wait again.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The reply was instantaneous, and Estella rose an eyebrow once more, adjusting her glasses on her nose.
“Very good, Miss Masters. Now, you are going to be dancing… Manon, Act I, yes?” Estella pointedly tapped her pen on the clipboard.
“Yes, ma’am. I’ve brought another dancer, as well. He isn’t trying out.” As if she had to state that. At her words, her partner sauntered onto the stage, taking up his place at one side of it in a chair. He held the feather pen prop in his hand but lacked a desk since this wasn’t a production piece.
“Begin,” Estella stated, tone devoid of emotion. The music began, somber and slow, and Lizzy started her sultry, jaunty dance forward. Her hand traveled beneath her chin and she gave a flirtatious smile, finishing her trek to the chair and leaning over it. She waxed and waned for a moment, before plucking the white plume from her partner’s hand and tossing it into the air.
The British woman regarded Lizzy’s steps, the placement of her arms and feet with a special interest in the multiple spins and leaps. There were a few things out of place that most people likely wouldn’t have noticed, or maybe even cared about, but Estella’s keen green eyes spotted every imperfection. Her mother had raised her to be cutthroat, discerning, and breviloquent, heartless in the worst way. She saw people as a way to improve herself, as tools and step ladders, and not for the living, breathing, feeling beings that they were.
Human Kindness was a tool, it could be used against the person offering it. Those who knew her well would say it in a heartbeat; If you offered gentleness, if you showed an iota of kindness, she would chew you up and spit you out without so much as a fake apology.
Anfractuous knees. The posture of a dog relieving itself on a fire hydrant. Estella’s notes were insulting and to the point in equal measure as she nitpicked the other blonde, keeping her eyes on her over the rims of her glasses. Very pulchritudinous. Graceful despite flaws. 
The second set of words surprised her just the same, and her brow drew in as she gazed at what she had last written. Usually, she didn’t mind the looks of a person, but Lizzy had a petite build, and an elegant dancer’s face, and Estella didn’t much mind watching her with a keen eye.
Maybe, should no one rise above her.
The final few moves of her dance, the dramatic sliding to the floor and being drug against her partner as the music signaled the finality of the first act caught Estella’s attention. Her head tipped, curiosity piqued, and she made another quick note to herself.
Elizabeth Masters. Two strikes of three, perhaps two strikes too many. Only time will tell.
AN: Okay, that was way too much fun to write. I’m having a lot of fun with this AU and writing these characters. I’ve never seen anything for them, and I know Lizzy is a very minor character, but I have really loved her for a long time. Until next time!
Prompt: word: chance | setting: dancer AU
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misplacedraven · 10 months
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So I saw this post on Facebook (I know, I use it specifically to buy second hand dolls and I don't even use my real name), but it was so wild to me and I wish I could have posted this response in the comments, but the timeline whisked me away before I could, so I'm sharing my frustration (and the added years of when these things started existing) here. I wanted to add more comments, but I didn't know how to respond succinctly. (Also, these numbers are through very basic Google searches, so I'm sure someone with more knowledge could add more, but y'know).
[Image Description: bulleted list titled "Growing Up in the 50s and 60s" with added text next to multiple points. 1. Pasta was not eaten (1700 - 1100 BCE) 2. Curry was a surname. (1773 CE) 3. A takeaway was a mathematical problem. 4. A pizza was something to do with a leaning tower. (997 CE) 5. Crisps were plain; the only choice we had was whether to put the salt on or not. 6. Rice was only eaten as a milk pudding. (???) 7. A Big Mac was what we wore when it was raining. (1967 CE) 8. Brown bread was something only poor people ate. 9. Oil was for lubricating, fat was for cooking. 10. Tea was made in a teapot using leaves and never green. (14th Century) 11. Sugar enjoyed a good press in those days, and was regarded as being white gold. Cubed sugar was regarded as posh. 12. Fish didn't have fingers. (1950s CE) 13. Eating raw fish was called poverty, not sushi. (5th - 3rd Century BCE) 14. None of us had ever heard of yoghurt. (5000 BCE) 15. Healthy food consisted of anything edible. 16. People who didn't peel potatoes were considered lazy. (?) 17. Indian restaurants were only found in India. (1810 CE) 18. Cooking outside was called camping. (BBQ?) 19. Seaweed was not regarded as food. (Prehistoric) 20. "Kebab" was not even a word, never mind a food. (1377 CE) 21. Prunes were medicinal. (1870s CE) 22. Surprisingly, muesli was readily available, it was called cattle feed. (1900s CE) 23. Water came out of the tap. If someone had suggested bottling and charging more than petrol for it, they would have become a laughing stock! (1622 CE) 24. And the things that we never ever had on our table in the 50s and 60s: elbows or phones! End photo ID]
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vespertin-y · 1 year
PROS: aunt finally moved on from saying ‘i’m stimming! i’m stimming!’ while making deliberately obnoxious noises and telling me i should ‘see a professional’ if i hate making eye contact
CONS: she moved on to talking about how mad she is that there’s now a bus station by our mall parking lot bc now poor and homeless people can get there
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fictionkinfessions · 1 month
"Anonymous asked: lol love how many people get angry when you tell them to go to therapy, which is not ableist btw. [words]"
OP is middle / upper class and never had to struggle to get consistent health care. Hell, OP is probably unaware there are other tax brackets to exist in. Extra hell, OP probably never had to pay for health care at all because their parents do that so they have no idea how much it costs beyond 'free because it just happens for me so of course that's how it works for everyone else'.
Anyways, sorry to anyone who shared their IP address.
Connie / mod party cat
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e-m-p-error · 7 months
[ @baiika || In Reference To This || Blitz ]
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[ Andrealphus ]
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"And I care what the help says why?" Andrealphus rolled his eyes, the best indication of it how his face moved, "I am beloved by many. I check my social standing often." That sounded obsessive, "Though it isn't like I truly care. I am a product of my upbringing, and I was brought up to be the best."
He clapped his dainty hands together suddenly.
"Now, if you would take a moment to do your job, I do believe I've been waiting half an hour for me tea."
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thecruellestmonth · 4 months
Yes, poor people insist on eating cheap food and refusing to learn to cook. They wouldn't want better even if they did have the resources, that's just how they are by nature.
Thank you for correcting those ignorant Jason stans. Their headcanons of Jason being a good cook and enjoying fancy food are so seriously harmful.
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Cass (who canonically lacks a lot of home skills and greatly enjoys eating other people's food) is one of the best cooks. Bruce (canonically a terrible cook who can't even make a sandwich) "does okay"—sure, it's your headcanon. Alfred, the classy British guy, is logically a great cook and "super posh". We can sum up Tim's unimpressive cooking skills just briefly.
But we need an entire section describing your headcanon about how Jason can't cook and needs to stick to "poverty comfort foods", because he comes from a poor background.
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alpaca-clouds · 9 months
I want to grow my own food (and can't)
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Let me talk about one little thing... I know I will go on and on about how Solarpunk is not just an aesthetic and feel-good self-grown food thing...
But I really want to grow my on food. At least some of it. Some vegetables and maybe some berries. But... I life in a city. In an apartment. So my options to grow food are limited. Especially this year, as our apartment got a new balcony, meaning I was not able to use the balcony for most of the summer.
Sure enough, now the balcony is bigger... So maybe next year (when I can start in the growing season) I can properly grow my own food. But so far... It was not a possibility.
And that kinda is a shitty thing, right? Because I am not the only person like that. People living in a city often do not have the ability to grow food. Because they do not have a garden and even the balcony is not guaranteed. Especially a balcony that - when it comes to both orientation and size - actually gives us the ability to grow food.
And... Call me crazy. I think it is actually good for humans to themselves grow some of the food that we consume. Because it is kinda what we are meant to do. It connects us to our food. And it is this connection to our food that has kinda gotten lost with the industrialization.
It is the reason why I love the idea of food forests and community gardens. Not only would they give us that connection towards the food, but also a sense of community.
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