#cw: implied nudity
slushrottweiler · 1 year
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Darlin’ thinks Sam should put the laptop aside — and work on her instead.
From Sam’s latest stupid hot BA
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starandsims · 8 months
Book 1: Normal Type | Chapter 8: No Hearteyes Just Heartache
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Book 1: Normal Type | Chapter 8: No Hearteyes Just Heartache
It was somehow spring again already, Teddy had lived in his “new” house for a year now, but he didn’t really feel like a “new” Teddy yet. It was almost like picking up and moving to a new place wouldn’t solve all of his problems like he thought. This was past year was supposed to have been his opportunity to reinvent him - and he had, but he didn’t like the person he had turned into. Somehow he had become someone who was just always working all the time. His life was work, university, work, sleep, repeat. He wanted to get out there and start dating and making friends, but he didn’t have the time. Then came the real kicker - Hearteyes Day. 
Traditionally, Hearteyes Day was supposed to be a day to celebrate relationships of all kinds, but of course everyone always put the pressure on just the romantic relationships. He pulled a double shift at his retail job that night because of the Hearteyes sale, and while he had done a lot of typical on the job flirting, nothing had really come out of it. Not that he had really been expecting anything, he didn’t really want to meet anyone at work. By the time he got home that night there wasn’t time and he didn’t have the energy to try to call someone up to ask on a date. 
The next morning when he woke up, he took a long, hot shower and thought about where his life was at. He hardly saw his siblings anymore unless they came over - he had given them all keys to the new house so they could come over even when he wasn’t there just in case they needed a place to escape. He hadn’t been able to join any of the university organizations like he had planned because of work. He hadn’t met anyone special or even gone on a single date in the last year. With a strange and sudden moment, he realized he was depressed. In that shower he decided he was going to do better. He was going to go on a date if it killed him. He would quit his fishing job if he needed to. Surviving mentally was more important than being late on a few bills right now. 
Now he just had to follow through with it.
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friendlyengie · 1 year
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tf2 rocky horror… I have been thinking of it
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chknbzkt · 8 months
Could we see more werebeast Sun please? I'm in love with the boi and I just wanted to hug them
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Ask and ye shall receive 🫡
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Had these colored just last night but was too tired to post them 😭
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Been hard at work with Halloween AU stuff and Things, I’ve got a bunch of goodies for the Glams I’m excited to show off!
Sry for the boobies, but they’re censored so no worries 😭 if anybody draws him they aren’t a hard requirement, if anything they’re supposed to be conveniently covered by a shredded shirt I’m just a stickler for anatomical exploration rahhhhh!! Plus it’s Sun you know I gotta make him genderfunky \o/
No deep lore, but currently he works as a DIY craftsman making odd trinkets and baubles he sells on his Etsy store, living with his boyfriends in a sleepy town in the boonies in the Appalachia mountains in Ohio. He claims he has to leave town for five days a month to conduct business elsewhere but we all know what business that really entails ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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gardensnakie · 1 month
Cw: implied nudity (Faraway Stranger Au)
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"This isn't mine"
It feels revolting. To feel your veins stress against everyday pressures, to hear it ring in your head when you go to sleep. To feel your bones threatening to pertrude the skin with every twist of the arm, bend of the knee, flick of the wrist. There is something sickly that lurks under my skin. Turning it pale, thin, and weak. How fragile am I? How frail? It's ugly. I would ruin it myself if it wasn't for the pain. I wanted to leave the darkness from the beginning, here I am welcoming it.
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basilpaste · 14 days
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Some divisions, when sown, can never truly be mended.
this was not supposed to be rendered. i set out to do a simple piece with like. maybe some values. this was not supposed to get rendered. where am i.
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Other versions bellow the cut
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lettucefather · 4 months
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O, Gabriel. Now dawns thy reckoning, and thy gore shall glisten before the temples of man.
is this anything...
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"Can’t Help Myself" (2016 - Sun Yuan & Peng Yu) / "Rape" (1934 - René Magritte)
CAN'T HELP MYSELF: It’s better to watch a video of it in action. It’s a large robot arm that’s only programmed to repeatedly sweep a pool of red liquid around it. But its task is never done, the liquid eventually oozes back out onto the floor. It just makes me so sad, the futility of its work. Brilliantly, the artists even programmed it to do little gestures during its work. Sometimes the arm will shake or almost wave at the audience. So it feels less mechanical, like it has a personality. People have interpreted it to symbolize many ideas. Like the futility of violence, and those who are tasked with the endless recovery and clean up. It could be about worker exploitation, the dehumanization of victims of violence, policing borders. Regardless of what it means, I feel pity whenever I see it. (nicolaleecallahan)
RAPE: It is a beautifully provocative painting about the desecration of the female body, both physically and symbolically. He painted this piece as a tribute to his mother, whose body was found in a river after she committed suicide, entirely nude except for a nightgown wrapped around her face, obscuring her identity and leaving her corpse, to the eyes of the public, as an inhuman sexual thing with no humanity. GAH IT HURTS!! THE WAY THAT HER FACE IS REPLACED WITH A NUDE FIGURE BECAUSE THAT’S ALL THAT SHE WAS POSTHUMOUSLY. GAAAAH. (townesorsomething)
("Can't Help Myself" is a Kuka industrial robot made of stainless steel and rubber mopping up cellulose ether in coloured water made by two Chinese artists, Sun Yuan & Peng Yu. This installation was displayed in Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York but was removed from display.
"Rape" is an oil on canvas painting done by the Belgian artist René Magritte. It measures 73.3 x 54.6 cm (29 x 21 in) and is located with the Menil Collection in Texas.)
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cupinho · 7 months
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Suitcase yippityyay
Idk if I should put a cw for this I have little idea how tumblr works
CW: implied/slight nudity ( I think that it counts as such???man idk), slight gore and a moth
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an-albino-pinetree · 17 days
Warnings: suggestive! selfship-ish, candy!jax 🍫
(Minors and ageless bio blogs please do not interact!)
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Really can’t post much of this- but here’s a mere corner of some candy Jax >v> 🍫
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hello! if you're still doing kisses, may I have a 🎲 for Cavendish? with whoever you think would have the most fun with him :D (this is @gmalaart btw hi)
so, i ended up doing two of these because my brain couldn't decide but!!!! here they are
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magicislikelove · 3 months
! IMPLIED S/A, NUDITY, Slight angst !
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:))))) Sorry but I felt like I needed to draw this
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thekingofchungus · 1 month
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hiiii izzy warmups based on this drawing by @electric-friend because i think its genuinely based as fuck. like remarkably so. he shouldve looked like this
[ srry for scribblin over the nips i wanna lower the chances of this being flagged as much as possible LOL ]
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allfortheslay25 · 8 months
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Forcibly Fallen
Concept doodle of angel Neil from a fic my sister is trying to write which is like bible aftg fanfiction but made by an atheist who’s source of information is coming from someone who hasn’t been to church since she was 11
My sister wanted me to design Neil some angelic clothing but I just couldn’t come up with something Neil Josten would wear as an angel that he picked for himself. Even in the underworld, Neil’s fashion sense is ass
My sisters tumblr for anyone who’s interested in her random ass 👇
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