#cyrus harkness
sidesteppostinghours · 7 months
The Puppets
(picrew used to make this)
this is a masterpost on my main steps puppets and their relationships with them! all of their info under the cut.
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Hark - Caine Lynzal
hark is caines refuge. hes the one they turn to when they need to take a break from their telepathy for a while, or when they need to feel real again. harks snarky, flirty, and sharp. for all his bravado, he gets the job done well. whether or not that makes him more frustrating or less is up to you. he has an eerie sense of intuition, so its difficult to catch him off guard with anything. he has a cordial working relationship with dr mortum, but jake has his eye on him. as for ranger relationships, ortega flirts with him regularly, though chen is never quite so pleased to see him. he truly doesnt know why– a bruise at the back of the head is a much more agreeable outcome than a bullet in the gut, no? its strange to watch him, really. hark and caine are almost(?) different people; where caine prefers to stick to the shadows, hark revels in attention. caine rarely shows emotions, but hark uses them like a weapon. ortega doesnt have a clue that theyre connected. high puppet individuality, high puppet comfort. practices aikido.
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Argentine - Cyrus Becker
argentine is a tool. nothing more, nothing less. shes a useful asset to help cyrus gather information anonymously, but hes not going to sit here and pretend he cares for her any more than what she can do for him. she goes to meet with hollow ground instead of cyrus, and was stuck being treated in the hospital before dr mortum went to break her out (cyrus had no idea she was getting kidnapped, he was busy regene revealing to ortega while it was happening). she started out flirting with the good doctor in an attempt to manipulate him, but quickly came to realize she enjoyed his company more as a friend. the guilt of lying to him chewed on cyrus until he finally revealed who was behind the mask. dr mortum requested some time, but hasnt cut the chord completely yet. she flirts with jake, and spies on ortega under the guise of being his close friend. low puppet individuality, low puppet comfort. practices jogging.
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Ace- Cecilia Rider
ace lives lavishly. shes an excuse for cecilia to flaunt her wealth and have her own fun. it allows her to let loose in ways she cant normally indulge in. cecilia also hates being ace. every second she can avoid it, she does. it isnt her, even though they may think and act the same way. the prospect of hiding under the mask ace provides gives her hives. shes no coward, shes willing to face the consequences of her own actions, and she refuses to live her life in somebody elses body. ace is friends with dr mortum and ortega, though shes revealed to mortum. however, she has a strong tension with jake because of her tendency to get into fights whenever hes around. oops. high puppet individuality, low puppet comfort. practices boxing.
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Eden - Cynthia Garcia
eden is not cynthia. shes soft spoken and mostly reserved, but professional and polite. Technically speaking, the game registers her as a mirror image puppet, but thats not completely true– eden doesnt look like what cynthia does currently, she looks like how cynthia looked back when she was sidestep. sometimes, looking in the mirror gives her vertigo as she tries to remember who (when?) she is. eden avoids mirrors as a result, but she cant deny that this body feels better than her usual one. like shes turned back time. the fact shes dating ortega only exacerbates this (ortega also called eden 'cynthia' which. Ortega. could you please stop dating both at once and giving both(?????) your gfs an identity crisis). mortum considers her a friend, but theyre not very close, and jake couldnt care less about her. low puppet individuality, high puppet comfort. practices aikido.
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What are the eras and respective members of your version of the JSA?
quick note: for the purposes of the narrative, I see the Society as generally being a bigger, more nebulously defined team that the League or the Titans, so I'm not going to list all the members of every versions, just enough to get kind of the vibe of each era across, but just because someone isn't specifically mentioned doesn't mean they weren't there or weren't active. Like, Plas isn't really mentioned, but he's implied by Offspring joining in the Revival Era, par example.
anywho, broadly speaking, there's
the First Wave (pulp adventurer types like Axel Brass, Hark, Rima, Midnight, The Gray Ghost, etc.) that collapsed when many of them were lost in a battle with the future Justice League of a dying parallel universe.
the Golden Age (Diana, Ma Hunkel, Jenny Sparks, Amaya Jiwe, Kent Nelson, Alan, Jay, Carter, Corrigan, Ted Knight, Duardo Montez/Ted Grant, Berto Jimenez/Al Pratt, etc.) that existed up through the early years of the Cold War and Diana leaving for the stars after her battles with Wraith and Maxwell Lord the First
Earth-2's alternate timeline where that didn't happen and the team thrived throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, though the World Army consistently threatens to overwhelm the Wonders of the World. Michael Holt spent some time as this Earth's Mister Terrific after becoming lost in the multiverse, Val-Zod and Lor-Zod are Superman and Superboy, Dick Grayson is Batman, Diana is succeeded by her daughter Donna, Inza Ben-Hassin is Dr. Fate, Jesse Quick and Judy Boom share the role of the Flash in fighting the Legion of Zoom, among other deviations.
The WWIII era team the initially confronted Black Adam in the early years of his (eventually permanent) takeout of his native Kahndaq (membership files redacted by order of the US Government, several alleged members of this iteration became the basis of the infamous Team 7)
Infinity Incorporated, legacies of the Golden Age team (Skyman, Jade, Obsidian, Ruby, Sardonyx, Tomcat, Jesse Quick, Judy Boom, Silver Scarab, Hourman, Dr. Mid-Nite, Nuklon, The Harlequin's Son) unknowingly funded by the Ultra-Humanite's Thorul Society using Sly Pemberton's body as a proxy
The Revival Era led by Courtney Whitmore, bringing together new members like Max Hunkel, Grant Emerson and The Offspring with members of Infinity Inc and surviving members of the original JSA.
Finally, years after the Crisis, Helena Wayne leads the New Golden Age version of the team with members like Tanya Spears, Ky Knight, Cyrus Gold and his grandchildren, Trajectory, Karen Starr, Plastoid, Arclight, The Super-Human, Ayesha Saunders, Limelight, and others.
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demiurge93 · 4 months
Looking for some new followers/people to follow! I’m 31 so no minors please but if you’re interested in any of the following feel free to HMU with a follow or a DM:
Star Wars (particularly the prequels, KOTOR and High Republic)
Final Fantasy (particularly 3, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 15)
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Baldurs Gate 3
Kingdom Hearts
Assassin’s Creed (particularly Ezio trilogy, Unity, Syndicate, Odyssey and Valhalla)
Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon
Marvel comics and the MCU (particularly Scarlet Witch, Wiccan, Doctor Strange, Agatha Harkness, the Midnight Sons, X-Men and Captain Marvel)
History (mainly British/European)
Food and cooking
Gay/bi guys
Resident Evil
Music (I stan Christina Aguilera, Miley Cyrus, Kylie Minogue and Måneskin)
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autumnfangirler · 1 year
Can I ask 3 and 22 from the Sidestep ask game for your Steps? 👀
sure thing!
3. What is their villain name? Why did they choose it?
Caine- their name is Lycan! in all honesty he wouldnt bother picking his own name, BUT i need to continue his dog motif so theyre getting a unique one as a treat
Cyrus- hhhhh ok. see i can see cyrus taking up two different names– either puppeteer or heartbreak. im sticking with puppeteer for now but ill explain for both. on one hand, puppeteer really is the best way to describe his viewpoint at this point in time. hes the one pulling the strings here, and everybody else will play along. theyre nothing more than tools, puppets, putting on a show for his own amusement, and the fact hes known as a telepath really helps. on the other hand, i can see him using heartbreak as a way to kill sidestep all over again: the more the name heartbreak is used, the more the memory of sidestep dies. plus he sees himself as heartbreak 2.0– he uses the lessons he learned and channels it to the new an improved version, one who will finish what they started
Cecilia- Lupin! one, because the name was pretty, and two, because arsene lupin was the greatest fictional thief of all time, and she's confident she can live up to the name. shes just cocky like that LMFAO
Cynthia- at first i was certain that shed leave her name up to the press, but i think shed be a bit more hands on with how she comes across to the press, if only to further her goals. that said, she ended up deciding on the name Echo. she sees herself as a shadow of her former self, but with just enough intact to deliver a message, one that the people need to hear before its too late (love me my justice steps)
22. How do they feel about their telepathy? Is it a gift? A curse?
Caine- listen to me ok. listen to me. caine cannot introspect to save their fucking life. the only way hes learned how to place his own emotions is by using his telepathy to compare others emotions with his own. it helps them get through conversations with their head afloat, quickens decision making during fights, and most importantly, keeps them under the radar. he doesnt know what hed do without it. and even though hes the most prone to sensory overload, he wouldnt want to live without telepathy. hark is always there whenever they need some peace and quiet anyway.
Cyrus- he sees his telepathy as a weapon. one that gives him an upper hand in situations where fists wont help, so he can turn it more to his favour. but its a double edged sword, and sometimes it can be a hindrance more than a help. it made it harder to remain emotionally detached, especially from a certain someone whose thoughts never shut up. still, telepathy is a useful tool in his arsenal, one that he intends to use to the fullest
Cecilia- her telepathy is as much a part of her as a limb. yeah, she uses it a lot less than other steps, but its still something uniquely hers, and she cant imagine living without. or she can, but oh boy does she not like the image. she doesnt experience sensory overload much, so she tends to take comfort in crowds and noisy places, where she can pick apart the thoughts and emotions of the people around her, a bit like people watching, if you dont watch the people lmfao
Cynthia- ive said it before, but she has mixed feelings on her telepathy. shes grateful for it when used to feel other peoples emotions, because it grounds her in a way most other things cant. she also cant help but use it to make sure shes doing things right. but it still makes her feel guilty in a way she cant shake, like shes invading others privacy even when she cant help it. its part of the reason shes drawn to ortega– she doesnt have to worry about her telepathy causing unnecessary snooping into their thoughts
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beantothemax · 1 year
alfyn meets whatever the fuck that shadow-hand thing was that was tormenting castti and ochette
Alfyn continued to trek through the woods, clutching his satchel tightly. He had no idea where H’aanit had gone, and he was honestly rather scared. He did his best to block out the screams of the voices in the forest, but it was growing harder and harder.
“What have you done to him!? YOU MONSTER!”
Alfyn flinched slightly, the rage in the woman’s voice sending chills down his spine.
“If you don’t... I’ll kill the boy.”
Miguel’s voice rang loudest of all, taunting and horrific in his ears, burrowing into his head and taking a spot next to the real Miguel. He still remembered the sight of him cleaved nearly in two, held together by strands of sinew- and the knowledge that it had been Alfyn’s axe that did that...
“You’re such a fucking dumbass. Don’t you ever think things through? I know you have a brain up there, use it!”
Alfyn kept walking, even though he wanted to give up. Lay down on the earth and let the shadows claim him.
He kept going, until the trees gave way to nothingness, barren and empty, shifting and molding into new desert forms, light and dark blending together and separating in a disorienting dance. And among the chaos, was a shadow- the same shadow that H’aanit and Linde had fought.
Alfyn’s grip on his satchel tightened, and one hand drifted to the handle of his axe.
The shadow took a new form- one of a vaguely familiar shape. Lyblac.
“I sense darkness in your heart, young apothecary... Tell me; what is that you did?” The shadow crooned, gently placing a hand under Alfyn’s chin. He was overcome with the desire to tell it everything- Miguel and Darius and the Redeye and G-
He sank his teeth into his tongue. He wouldn’t let anything else spill out. No more secrets would be revealed.
Lyblac’s shadow removed its hand, and smiled sympathetically. “You poor, poor thing... Come, join me. It is safe here in the darkness. It is warm. You will never know suffering again, my little apothecary...”
Shadows swirled around his limbs, weighing them down. He tried to fight, but his mind was hazy. Darkness clouded his thoughts, told him that he was a servant of the Shadow now. Bend his knee to Lord Vide, and embrace the night. Surrender himself not unto silent dusk, for the light shall-
“ALFYN!” H’aanit’s voice jarred him from his (his? Vide’s?) thoughts, and he sat bolt upright, H’aanit looming over him. “Alfyn, art thou alright? Thou were... not thyself. Dark shadows were swarming thee.” Alfyn clutched his throbbing head. “Y-yeah, I’m fine...” He murmured, heart pounding. What had happened? Had he hurt anyone (again)?
H’aanit stood up, bow drawn. “HARK, SHADOW! THOU HAS MADE A GRAVE MISTAKE TARGETING MINE FRIEND! FIE, ON YOUR GUARD, FOR I SHALL STRIKE THOU DOWN!” She screamed at the shadow, and Alfyn stood up, head already feeling better. “I’m fighting too. I’ve got a bone to pick with this fucker.” He unhooked his axe, and H’aanit offered him a smile. “Goode. Now we art truly prepared for battle. COMEN, IF THOU DAREST!” She challenged, and the shadow of Lyblac attacked.
vide using his memories of Miguel and his mistake to toment him… ow.
and now you’ve got me thinking of the 8path 1 travelers with crossed paths. like. IMAGINE. cyrus and tressa leaning about the starts and ophilia and therion solving mysteries?????? this is a goldmine.
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aurorabayrpg · 6 months
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due to not returning from hiatus, please unfollow:
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2022 Music In Review
Post-Spotify Wrapped and as the final albums of the year come out I wanted to dedicate one post to music for the whole of 2022.
I may have binged some of these albums more e.g. Taylor Swift and Harry's House which aren't very groundbreaking but a lot of that was data limitation and general tune catchiness - it was a VERY strong year for pop and a very minimal year for indie/rock music actually.
This list is based on their technical delivery artistically & sonically as well as pure enjoyment.
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Favourite Albums this year:
Renaissance, Beyonce - this album was easily her best work, the truly authentic club anthems honouring her uncle Johnny and the ballroom scene of the 80's is groundbreaking stuff. It slaps, hard.
Mr Morale & the Big Steppers, Kendrick Lamar - wow, this album is deep and the messages buried are so important that it makes even the heavier songs a compelling listen.
This Is What I Mean, Stormzy - sonically Stormzy keeps moving on so much, which is good and bad but I rate his desire to push himself so highly and there are some beautiful tracks on here that make me pine even for unrequited love.
hugo, Loyle Carner - the absolute master at soft jazz rap, he shows so much growth as a person as always lays his life bare for everyone to learn from.
MOTOMAMI +, ROSALIA - a new convert to ROSALIA, her ability to bring her authentic flamenco heritage to mainstream pop in a new and explosive way is tantalising. She had me shimmying on the subway I tell you.
Sonder, Dermot Kennedy - was waiting for this album for year and it's moved on in production values that sound higher quality. If you're in need of a cry, this is the album for you - not groundbreaking but a truly heartfelt album.
Harry's House, Harry Styles - harking back to the start of the year this album truly lifted the spirits in a pretty dark time, beautifully synthed up electric pop is a move-on again for Harry and he's really owning his sound.
Midnights, Taylor Swift - binged this on repeat for a week, a classic TS album full of well-written catchy bangers and a great new style. Absolutely nothing groundbreaking about it and not really a big differentiation in style like folklore was but a solid album with AMAZING marketing.
NO THANK YOU, Little Simz - to be honest, this was a late surprise release so I need to listen more. I'm not immediately grabbed as hard as her last album which had some more jazz/afrobeat backings. This album is serious and has something to say, it's just sometimes harder to listen to.
Where I'm Meant To Be, Ezra Collective - an amazing discovery late into the year of these British-based black artists coming together to make an incredible community-inspired album of jazz/afrobeat bangers that are the perfect accompaniment to basically any moment.
BRIGHTSIDE, The Lumineers
Caprisong, FKA Twigs
Dance Fever, Florence + The Machine
SOS, SZA - could be higher but only just came out!
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Notable additional songs that slapped this year, not in strict order:
Running Up That Hill, Kate Bush. I'm always happy when Kate Bush gets her time in the limelight again and I feel like this song encapsulated a moment in time this summer and I love that a whole new audience discovered KB!
Afraid To Feel, LF SYSTEM. This was such a lovely little summer banger.
Nail Tech, Jack Harlow. There were a few too many lazy duds to list the main album but I really liked this song specifically.
Starlight, Dave
In The Club EP, Mahalia
go, Cat Burns
WAIT FOR U (feat Drake & Tems), Future
Last Call, Khalid
Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd, Lana Del Ray
IFTK, Tion Wayne (La Roux)
Something In The Orange, Zack Bryan
I Burned LA Down, Noah Cyrus
Vegas (Elvis), Doja Cat
Stay With Me, Calvin Harris with Justin Timberlake, Halsey, Pharrel Williams
she's all i wanna be, Tate McRae
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All in all a very good year for pop music, and I'm interested in trying to diversify my music taste in 2023.
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nhanhshopaudio · 2 years
Cyrus ra mắt bộ kệ máy Hark III dành cho XR Series
Cyrus ra mắt bộ kệ máy Hark III dành cho XR Series
Hark III là bộ kệ máy chuyên dụng được Cyrus thiết kế cho các thiết bị thuộc XR Series, bao gồm amplifier, preamp, đầu phát CD….  Để bảo vệ các thiết bị XR Series khỏi tác động của rung chấn, đồng thời đem tới cho người dùng một cách bài trí chuyên nghiệp hơn, Cyrus đã thiết kế và cho ra đời bộ kệ máy mới mang tên Hark III. Kệ bao gồm một trụ đứng với từng phần kệ có thể tuỳ chỉnh độ cao dựa…
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Archie: Cyrus! Teach me about life!
Cyrus: Life! What life! To love is a sin, and there is no one on this earth who can truly be trusted. One day you will curse my name, and in fact, I curse my own soul.
Archie: Cool, thanks.
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Mitsumi: Cyrus! Teach me about life!
Cyrus: Life! What life! To love is a sin, and there is no one on this earth who can truly be trusted. One day you will curse my name, and in fact, I curse my own soul. 
Mitsumi: Cool thanks.
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sidesteppostinghours · 9 months
for the oc ask game, 1 and 8 for Caine and 2 and 13 for Cecilia? :]
eveningg! thank you for the ask!
1. What’s the lie your character says most often?
the thing about caine is that he lies more out of omission than commision. hell only tell a proper lie if theres absolutely no other option, which for a tactician, isnt very often. i cant even really say they lie much about being a villain??? its not something thyere too concerned about hiding(which is a whole other thing that im not going to touch here). that said, id say he lies the most about the puppet. thats a secret theyre actually concerned about keeping, and one theyre willing to go to a lot of lengths to keep. its going to make revelations Very interesting since hes still stuck in hark. well see how he fares lmfao.
8. How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
he rarely ever says it. its not because they have any issues with it(unlike some other steps i could name)(*cough*cyrus*cough*), just because it never occurs to them to say it at all. he takes it as a point of fact and then moves on with his day. if asked, theyd say it more often, but itd be a bit jarring to them at first because they #nevertalkabouthemeselves and their emotions are no exception. though he is more liberal with the phrase "i trust you" and thats pretty much the same thing as i love you.
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
oh this is a fun question for her. the answer is very, very loosely. shell call anybody even remotely nice to her her friend. even if theyre actively trying to kill her. even if theyre backstabbing her and she knows it. she doesnt care! youre her friend now and youre getting soft tacos later. the reason shes so loose with her definition of a friend is that she doesnt,, actually,,, know,,,, what a friend is. she has a vague idea from what shes seen from other people and shes going around and applying it to everybody she can. shes lonelier than she looks, even if she doesnt realize it.
13. When do they fake a smile? How often?
Hah. i wish i could tell you. shes bubbly and giggly and larger than life, but how much of it is an act is so blurred the mask might as well be welded to her face. why shes acting isnt any easier to answer. were there times she smiled out of sincerity? yes. did she ever smile because she thought it was what she had to do? of course. all the worlds a stage for better or worse. to get to the "real" her, youd have to do a hard factory reset and put her under a completely different situations than shes experiencing now.
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writemarcus · 3 years
Savion Glover, Jason Robert Brown, Priscilla Lopez, More Join NYPL I'm Still Here Benefit
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JUN 16, 2021
The upcoming benefit, celebrating the New York Public Library's Billy Rose Theatre Division, honors George C. Wolfe and the late Harold Prince.
Additional artists have joined the upcoming I'm Still Here benefit, celebrating the 90th anniversary of The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts’ Billy Rose Theatre Division and the 50th anniversary of its Theatre on Film and Tape Archive.
Honoring Tony-winning directors George C. Wolfe and the late Harold Prince, I’m Still Here will stream on Broadway on Demand June 23 at 8 PM ET.
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Jason Robert Brown, Savion Glover, Priscilla Lopez, Susan Stroman, Marisha Wallace, and Christopher Wheeldon have joined the starry roster of participants. The evening, as previously announced, will also feature archival content of several Broadway productions preserved in the archive, including the newly announced Angela Bassett and Samuel L. Jackson in The Mountaintop; Bette Midler in I'll Eat You Last; Brian Stokes Mitchell in Ragtime; Kelli O'Hara and Paulo Szot in South Pacific; Christian Borle and Tim Curry in Spamalot; and Craig Bierko and Rebecca Luker in The Music Man.
Viewers can expect to see Glover, Jimmy Tate, Choclattjared, and Raymond King in Bring in 'da Noise, Bring in 'da Funk; Meryl Streep, Marcia Gay Harden, and Larry Pine in The Seagull; Lin-Manuel Miranda, Robin de Jesús, Christopher Jackson, Karen Olivo, Andréa Burns, Janet Dacal, Eliseo Román, and Seth Stewart in In the Heights; and Glenn Close in Sunset Boulevard.
Watch Stephanie J. Block Belt Out She Loves Me's 'A Trip to the Library' for NYPL I'm Still Here Benefit
Also taking part: Annaleigh Ashford (Sunday in the Park with George), Alexander Bello (Caroline, or Change), Laura Benanti (She Loves Me), Malik Bilbrew, Alexandra Billings (Wicked), Susan Birkenhead (Jelly’s Last Jam), Shay Bland, Alex Brightman (Beetlejuice), Matthew Broderick (Plaza Suite), Krystal Joy Brown (Hamilton), David Burtka (Gypsy), Sammi Cannold (Endlings), Ayodele Casel (Chasing Magic), Victoria Clark (The Light in the Piazza), Max Clayton (Moulin Rouge!), Calvin L. Cooper (Mrs. Doubtfire), DeMarius Copes (Mean Girls), Trip Cullman (Choir Boy), Taeler Elyse Cyrus (Hello, Dolly!), Quentin Earl Darrington (Once on This Island), Robin de Jesús (In the Heights), André De Shields (Hadestown), Frank DiLella (NY1), Derek Ege, Amina Faye, Harvey Fierstein (La Cage aux Folles), Leslie Donna Flesner (Tootsie), Chelsea P. Freeman, Joel Grey (Cabaret), Ryan J. Haddad (The Politician), Sheldon Harnick (Fiddler on the Roof), James Harkness (Ain’t Too Proud), Marcy Harriell (Company), Neil Patrick Harris (Hedwig and the Angry Inch), Mark Harris (Mike Nichols: A Life), David Henry Hwang (M. Butterfly), Cassondra James (Once on This Island), Marcus Paul James (Rent), Taylor Iman Jones (Hamilton), Maya Kazzaz, Tom Kirdahy (The Inheritance), Hilary Knight, Michael John LaChiusa (The Wild Party), Norman Lear (Good Times), Baayork Lee (A Chorus Line), Sondra Lee (Hello, Dolly!), Telly Leung (Aladdin), Ashley Loren (Moulin Rouge!), Allen René Louis, Brittney Mack (Six), Taylor Mac (Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus), Morgan Marcell, Aaron Marcellus, Joan Marcus, Michael Mayer (Spring Awakening), Sarah Meahl, Joanna Merlin (Fiddler on the Roof), Ruthie Ann Miles (Sunday in the Park with George), Bonnie Milligan (Head Over Heels), Rita Moreno (West Side Story), Leilani Patao (Garden Girl), Nova Payton (Dreamgirls), Joel Perez (Kiss My Aztec), Bernadette Peters (Into the Woods), Tonya Pinkins (Jelly’s Last Jam), Jacoby Pruitt, Sam Quinn, Phylicia Rashad (A Raisin in the Sun), Jelani Remy (Ain’t Too Proud), Leslie Rodriguez Kritzer (Beetlejuice), George Salazar (Be More Chill), Marilyn Saunders (Company), Marcus Scott (Fidelio), Rashidra Scott (Company), Rona Siddiqui (Tales of a Halfghan), Ahmad Simmons, Rebecca Taichman (Indecent), Jeanine Tesori (Fun Home), Bobby Conte Thornton (Company), Sergio Trujillo (On Your Feet), Kei Tsuruharatani (Jagged Little Pill), Ben Vereen (Pippin), Jack Viertel, Christopher Vo, Paula Vogel (Indecent), Nik Walker (Ain’t Too Proud), Shannon Fiona Weir, Helen Marla White (Ain’t Misbehavin’), Natasha Yvette Williams (Orange Is the New Black), and Ricardo Zayas (Hamilton).
The program will also feature interviews with Broadway artists plus the re-conception of classic musical theatre songs, including "A Trip to the Library," “Wheels of a Dream,” “Another Hundred People,” “Love Will Find a Way,” and, fittingly, “I’m Still Here.”
READ: The Woman Who Fought to Record and Preserve Broadway Shows
The virtual benefit is produced and conceived by Boardman and Doran and features direction by Steve Broadnax, Sammi Cannold, Nick Corley, Ty Defoe, Lorin Latarro, Mia Walker, and Jason Michael Webb, choreography by Ayodele Casel, Latarro, and Ray Mercer, with new music arranged by Rachel Dean and Annastasia Victory, arrangements and orchestrations by Brian Usifer, and casting by Peter Van Dam at Tara Rubin Casting.
Tickets are donate-what-you-can, with a recommendation of at least $19.31 in honor of the year the division was founded. Visit StillHereat90.com.
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autumnfangirler · 1 year
Hi I’m LATE but— 7 12 20 for the couples ask and the character(s) of your choice??
i assure you it is never too late for me to talk about my little guys. i am always up for it
7. Do they (or would they) pursue the other character's affection, and if so, how? Do they tell the other character how they feel? Try to earn their admiration? Woo them with romantic gestures? Flirt with them, skillfully or otherwise?
Caine- for chen, they do indeed pursue him romantically! a bit of bluescreening here and there but hey, that kiss did happen so! caine only realized after he picked up on chens own emotions, but if they realized before, i doubt they would've done anything until chen did. hes content with what they have as friends, and they don't put much more importance to romantic relationships. no need to jeapordize anything when their friendship is fragile enough. with ortega its,,, a lot more complicated. for one thing, caine flirted with him as hark before he even realized he liked him. i have no idea whether that counts as pursuing him romantically when its technically???? not their own body????? nor was the flirting for the express purpose of wooing him. past that, caine also cant read ortegas mind. they have no way of knowing if ortega likes them back, and again, they dont want to rock the boat needlessly. thats not even beginning to mention how chen fits into this whole ordeal, because yes they still like him and i dont think theyre aware they can have both in the same body. all this to say; if at any point after the whole puppetstuck mess all three of them can have that talk about eachother, caine will be eternally grateful because this is the last thing he should be worrying about at the moment
Cyrus- again, complicated answer. back in his sidestep days, he would. he certainly proved that with the whole thing he had with ortega. back in the day, he stuck mostly to "joke" flirting. (un?)fortunately he was a lot more skilled at it than he thought, which he supposes he should thank the farm for. the problem with it nowadays is that hes trying to avoid relationships(romantic or platonic) at all costs. he doesn't want to fall back into the mistakes he made back when he was sidestep, so he'd probably avoid it like the plague 💀 if it werent for his belief that relationships are a hindrance and a danger though, he'd totally go for it. he values honesty in any relationship, so regardless of what the other person feels, he'd tell them. not to mention, he just became more confident and more skilled with flirting after the farm, so he can truly be a menace for a good enough cause
Cecilia- oh shes absolutely going for it. shes flirting(fighting), stealing chocolates and roses, getting the media in on it, the whole shebang. there really is no limit of what she'd go through for the bit. because that's what romance is to her– its just another way for her to have fun. she's here for a good time, and if it just so happens to also be a long one thats good too. maybe that'll change as time goes on, but for now, she's gonna fuck around and see what she finds out
Cynthia- cynthia would try to pursue the characters affection, just a lot less overtly than cecilia or cyrus would. i don't think she'd try to flirt?? she'd stick to acts of service and act more affectionate in general, hoping the other person would pick it up. unfortunately, her romantic interest is dense as fuck 😔 she's lucky that ortega is flirty, all she had to do was act responsive and sincere to get the point across
12. How much independence do they prefer in a relationship–do they want to share their lives as much as possible with their partner, or do they prefer to mostly do their own thing and let their partner do their own thing?
Caine- for caine, romantic relationships aren't much different than platonic ones, and with their friendships they tend to stay at their peripherals, always reliable, always there, but not necessarily always close. plus, their interests sometimes conflict (cough villainy cough), so he'd rather let everybody deal with it through their own thing
Cyrus- cyrus values independence and choice. he wants the assurance that he can live his life as he please and not be tied down to the other person. once he gets it though, he can be surprisingly clingy. he likes observing the people he loves, whether thats on a date, watching them work on a hobby, or just taking up space with them. knowing and being known in return is like, the sincerest form of love for him
Cecilia- she heavily enjoys spending time with other people, and that directly translates to trying to spend as much time as possible with her partner. she likes participating in other people's lives, and while she's willing to leave people be when they need it, she'd much rather spend her time hanging out and participating in the things they love. she's learning how to give people more space with argent, though, since she's very explicit in her need for boundaries and alone time
Cynthia- listen ok. she was already clingy back in her sidestep days. after heartbreak it got like. 10× worse 💀💀💀. she wants to spend as much time as possible with her partner because of an unconcious fear she'll lose them, and the fact that her romantic interest is ortega makes that fear so much worse because! ortegas also terrified of losing her! cynthias not an idiot! she can feel her worry! and it makes her worry in return! it is literally the worst possible feedback loop. their relationship is becoming unhealthy in increasingly interesting and concerning ways
20. When would they say "I love you?" Do they say it first? Do they say it often, or is it reserved for special moments?
Caine- they're the last one to actually say "i love you". caine is much more of a 'show don't tell' sort of guy. for him, loving the other person is a point of fact, not something that needs to be explicitly stated. as a result, the actual words don't come often. he only really says it when he thinks his partners need that assurance. that said, after everything is over, when they finally sort out their relationship and they get a quiet moment to finally breathe, they'd probably say "I love you" after getting kissed stupid by their boyfriends, just to marvel at the fact that they can choose without any secrets underneath
Cyrus- cyrus is canonically not the first one to say "i love you" because danny wears his heart on his sleeve. cyrus is desperately pretending he can't see it because he doesn't want to deal with the implications of all of that. "i love you" is far too real and far too dangerous, so in his head there are absolutely zero circumstances where he would willingly admit it. he is blatantly incorrect because he is just as much of a bleeding heart idiot as daniel is. he tries to reserve it for a special occasion, but at some point staying in herald's apartment, he gets so overwhelmed with the feeling of love and safety he can't stop himself from mumbling it into his neck. part of him hopes daniel didn't hear him; both of them know he did. maybe in the future he gets more comfortable admitting he loves him, but there's a lot of shit to work through before that happens
Cecilia- she says it often, both in romantic and platonic relationships! personally i hc her as the first one to say it to argent, buuut that's probably not going to canonically be the case rip :') she doesn't see any reason to hold back, especially when holding back clearly didn't interest argent. for her, "i love you" is a direct challenge to the universe and the farm, for daring to make her feel like she can't feel the way humans do, and for daring to take away the things she did care about. she's making sure they'll never be able to take anything away from her again. i'm sure this will not backfire on her in any way!
Cynthia- again, canonically not the first one to say i love you, but i think (when things settle down and she doesn't have to fear for her life and relationships) she's the one more comfortable with saying it. she says it often, in little moments and in big, and she means it every single time. if things just happened a little differently, if the story was a little kinder or cynthia a little stronger, she'd be able to live comfortable with the knowledge that she loves ortega. unfortunately the world is hellbent on making things as difficult as possible for them
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aurorabayrpg · 6 months
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the following have ended their hiatus and have 24 hours to make 3 ic posts or will be unfollowed:
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camb99-cbmi6 · 4 years
Happy Pride Month!
Okay, I know it’s not a very “happy” pride month and we shouldn’t forget about what is currently going on in the world, but here is a small contribution of positivity in the form of some of my favourite LGBTQ+ characters and couples in media (in no particular order):
Tyrus (TJ Kippen and Cyrus Goodman) - Andi Mack:
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Ambi (Andi Mack and Amber Kippen) - Andi Mack:
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Tennis Boyfriends/Cartero (Bobby Cañero-Reed and Liam Carter) - Diary of a Future President:
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Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who/Torchwood):
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Bill Potts (Doctor Who):
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Drarry (Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter) - Harry Potter:
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Seblos (Seb Matthew-Smith and Carlos Rodriguez) - High School Musical The Musical The Series:
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Dillon Simmonds and Elliot (I couldn’t find his surname) - Jamie Johnson:
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Simon Spier and Bram Greenfeld - Love, Simon:
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Ethan (I couldn’t find his surname either) - Love, Simon:
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Victor and Benji (Again couldn’t find surnames) - Love, Victor:
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Emily Grace - Murdoch Mysteries:
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Llewellyn Watts - Murdoch Mysteries:
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Marc St. James - Ugly Betty:
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Justin Suarez and Austin (Couldn’t find surname) - Ugly Betty:
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If I’ve not included any ship names that’s because I don’t know of them but feel free to fix that and let me know! Also if I remember to I’ll update this list next year as I’m sure I’ll discover even more great LGBTQ+ characters.
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The influence of Herodotus and Thucydides on Xenophon
“Xenophon, when he turned to writing history, harked back to his predecessors––and above all to the pair who form the subject of this collection––in ways that signal his adherence to the historiographical tradition, even as he underscored the distinctiveness of his own approach and philosophy of history.1 Several works across his œuvre betray this influence, and not only the historiographical. Cyropaedia is inspired in its general conception by Herodotean ethnography and more specifically by Herodotus’ portrait of Cyrus the Great, and relies on readers’ detailed acquaintance with the Histories .2 Poroi imitates Pericles’ Funeral Oration in Thucydides (so Loraux 1986), or at least redeploys topoi of Athenian imperialism, whose most famous literary articulation is Pericles’ speech.3 However, whereas Pericles devoted every last penny to war (Thuc. 2.13), Xenophon rejects war as financially wasteful, invoking the Peloponnesian War as his key proof (Poroi  5.12). Athens should instead devote all her resources to commerce and industry, and to the cultivation of peace. By taking as her model her conduct in the Persian Wars, assisting  rather than coercing the Greeks (5.5), Athens could win the Greeks’ affection4 and so improve her military and economic security. Anabasis  draws on the works of both Herodotus and Thucydides, with allusions to the Persian Wars replaced by references to the Peloponnesian War as the Ten Thousand’s journey comes to appear “like a mirror of the experience of the Greeks at large over the previous few generations”.5
But the richest and most sustained response to the two historians is Hellenica, Xenophon’s account of Greek affairs from 411 BC down to the battle of Mantinea (362 BC), which presents itself as a formal continuation of Thucydides’ (uncompleted) History. Tempted by this circumstance, modern scholars have often drawn attention to theThucydidean affinities of Hellenica, exposing how Xenophon at times adopts a Thucydidean register and evokes specific Thucydidean passages.6 Other readers have taken their cue from the judgements of ancient commentators like Dionysius of Halicarnassus, for whom Xenophon in his historical works was ‘an imitator of Herodotus’ (Letter to Gnaeus Pompeius  4).7 But the gesture of continuation can set Xenophon in the line of both  his famous predecessors, signalling continuity back through Thucydides to Herodotus, with Xenophon laying claim to being the definitive post-Peloponnesian War historian, as Herodotus was the  historian of the Persian Wars, and Thucydides the  historian of the Peloponnesian War. The character of Xenophon’s response to both predecessors in Hellenica  leaves the strong impression (as we shall see) that the combination of the two is essential to his conception and representation of history.”
  The opening paragraphs from  Emily Baragwanath  A Noble Alliance: Herodotus,Thucydides, and Xenophon’s Procles, contribution to the collective work  Thucydides and Herodotus, edited by E. Foster and D. Lateiner. Oxford University Press (pp 316-344), available on https://www.academia.edu/4488634/A_Noble_Alliance_Herodotus_Thucydides_and_Xenophon_s_Procles?swp=rr-rw-wc-43570534
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