#dabbing on a corpse
lunastars21 · 1 year
I'm watching someone read Archie and I swear to God my blood BOILS when I see Geoffrey...
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geraskier · 2 months
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levmada · 2 months
//gn!reader, injury??, idk why im like this
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“Jus’ breathe, it’s going to be okay, it’s okay, be okay, it’s going to be okay.”
You think, even the white walls of the nurse’s station around you are as pale as Levi’s face is right now. He lays as uncompromising as a board, on his back, with panting hissing through his nose despite laying stationary.
You clutch his hand, which is positively wet with sweat while Hange, Nifa, and Moblit work behind you, over his lower leg. Lucky it was a flesh wound, but unlucky that they’re working on removing a hook from a pair of ODM gear.
“Going to be okay…” you mutter. “Levi.”
You can’t be sure he’s even hearing you; his gaze is perfectly locked on your face, but his eyes are glazed over by a film of deep dissociation.
Plenty of times you’ve seen corpses—his eyes look a little like those. But even still, it’d be hard to think of him worse than badly under the weather if it wasn’t for the reality of the situation bearing down on your heartbeat.
When a shaky breath tries to hiss through his teeth, Levi clenches his jaw, and is quiet.
You wish he had just accepted the numbing Hange all but yelled for him to take. Even under so much distress and impaled with a metal hook, Levi found it in himself to argue.
It’ll make me slow, he growled. Keep that shit away from me, do you hear me?
A part of you clinging haplessly onto any form of comfort tells you that he can still accept it if it gets worse.
“Okay, Nifa, Moblit, slowly.”
His eyes blow wide open, but then all at once squeeze shut as the metal leg on the pram squeaks, warped by his white-knuckled grip on it.
Why do you always have to be so stubborn??
His sudden grip on your hand makes your expression twist from the pain, but which immediately strikes you as a privilege at this point.
You make up for it with more muttered reassurances.
“Okay, break.”
You and Nifa let up on his hip, Hange on his knee. You hear a hushed, bordering-on silent whimper. He turns his head to the side, with a cringe ever-present twisting his face.
Hange calls your name. “How’s he doing?”
“Okay, considering.“
It’s a testament to the pain he’s in for Levi not to speak for himself.
Taking a wet cloth from the white prop-up table beside his head, you start to wipe the sweat off, and stroke his hair down, knowing he finds the motions calming.
The break lasts a few extra seconds than every other since you started.
“Almost done?” you ask Hange, without taking your eyes off of Levi.
“The homestretch.”
He sucks in a soft breath through his teeth.
“Almost done,” you whisper to him. “It’s almost over, sweetheart.”
He briefly opens his eyes into slits to look at you before closing them as Hange starts counting down. Nifa, Hange, and you, bear down on his leg to hold him still. Your other hand is getting numb.
No one speaks, but it’s impossible to miss the sharp shift in the room as Moblit resumes removing the hook—Levi screws his eyes shut and covers his mouth with his arm, which has tremors shaking throughout.
“Breathe slowly,” you remind him quietly, maneuvering your held hands so his arm rests over his eyes instead. But you realize why he did it at all when a whimper passes his lips, joined by the heavy breathing he was silencing before.
It hits you right then—the shock of seeing Levi in the throes of too much pain to cover up with a mask of indifference. Sometimes, even you forget that he can bleed. Your eyes are wide.
His pallor is worse than shiny spoiled milk when—and you hadn’t noticed his back before—his back lowers to the table, followed by the clink of something metal dropping onto a pan. The hook. He deflates slowly as you give his hand a proud squeeze.
“All done,” Hange announces, with a softness seemingly reserved for Levi’s part.
“Done,” you repeat softly to him, dabbing away sweat from his temples again.
His eyes close into slits, with a dry mumble, “Really? Didn’ notice…”
Hange orders Nifa and Moblit to start cleaning up and bandaging. Irrelevant words and sounds.
One thing. You hear sticky latex as Hange strips off what you see of their bloody gloves on approach.
You rub his shoulder as he goes to cover his eyes again. But Hange keeps their distance, instead sending you a meaningful look that asks you to follow.
Taking a fresh wet cloth from Moblit, you dab his temple. “Sweetie, I’ll be right back. I have to debrief them.”
“...Alright,” he mutters, like he wants to convince you otherwise but it took a great deal of energy just to say that.
"I'll be right back." You squeeze his hand a final time and kiss his forehead before finally getting to your feet. You feel each individual red, angry crescent-moon shaped mark etched into your hand before you bother to glance as you step out into the hall after Hange.
While debriefing them on what happened, you keep your arms crossed. An accident, of course, but an insanely stupid one. You warn them that Levi will try to blame himself for getting pierced with a poorly-aimed ODM hook mid-air. A reckless recruit did it.
“I hear you. Well”—they tear off their glasses to wipe their face, snapping a sigh—“the important part’s over now. As long as Shorty’s okay, we’re all okay, right?”
“I’ve never seen him like that…”
Their eyes soften. “I know… But I’m surprised he wasn’t screaming. He might as well have been sleeping like a baby through it.”
That stuns you into wide-eyed silence, with the ensuing wave of fondness for Levi gripping your chest, threatening to make you crumble. It’s a uniquely kind pain.
“Can I go be with him?” you ask in a small voice.
They nod you away.
Levi masterlist | main masterlist
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thegnomelord · 5 months
Shark Merperson reader is real gud.
- 🦈
Now Im thinking of a Price x Reader, because shars are the oldest species known to exist. Obviously sharks arent immortal, they've just been on this earth way b4 tress bloody existed.
So Im thinking the readers an eldritch creature, they represent sharks as a whole, as long sharks exsist they exsist. Heck they mights of even of been Prices mentor when he was in his draconic 100s? (Late 20s?).
Imagine Price missing his friend calls him up to see hows hes doing. Reader elated to meet an old friend, accepts the invitation to meets up with him. Reader definitely scolds him for lossing a wing, honestly is pertrified Price lost a piece of himself and thought he was retiring due to it. Cut ahort to him smacking him slap dab on the head when he learns he's lost it a long time ago and didnt tell him.
Cue wholesome interactions th 141 and etc. Heck maybe some romance with Price.
Just a blurb i had yo tell you abt)
Okay, this tickles my eldrich abomination trying to act human itch
CW:SFW, eldritch reader, kissing
Price knows you're there the second he steps onto the old wooden pier, able to smell seaweed and brine and something in the air — what he thinks the bottom of the ocean smells like, old rot of decaying whales and older heat of geothermal vents — the soft wind billowing his hair like the breathing of an elderly beast.
He knows you're watching him, passively at least, washed up mermaid purses dotting the beach to give you a glimpse of the world above the waves through the yolks vital for the pup's survival, able to dream of the warm sun and course sand while you slumber beneath the waves.
"Oi, ser, yer look like a wee lass waiting for her sailor." Soap's sharp voice cuts through the air, the werewolf far too energized for his own good, the sand in his fur not dampening his mood when he can just shake himself off and flick the grains on Simon.
"Hah," Price snorts, "Maybe I am." He tilts his head back to the sea, sharp eyes watching the breaking waves. "Time to wake up old friend." He mutters your mangled name under his breath, mortal lips and vocal cords unable to replicate your own voice.
The young ones in his team lack the sight needed to notice your form slowly rise from the sea like a submarine breaking through the ice, only the visible flicker of air and the receding water keying them in. Price old enough to see you without needing the inner surface of his skull to be dotted with eyes. Though even he sees your real form like a man having a stroke — vaguely familiar at first yet the details are undefinable — flesh and sea melding together without rhyme or reason, long strings of seaweed bearing miniature eyes with pups wriggling inside, cookie cutter sharks boring holes through finless corpses so long eel sharks may form ever reforming sinews, fossilized bone and old rock giving giving support to the massive insult to reality's laws; birth and life wrapped up in death.
You're an affront to logic. And with one sneeze from existence itself you're human standing in front of him.
Eerily human.
Perfectly human.
"What the fuck?" He can faintly hear Gaz's voice, all of them only now noticing you stand where you weren't previously.
Your hand touches his back before he even registers you move, always slightly damp, "When did this happen?" You ask as you trace the spot where his wing used to be. "What did this?"
"And a 'hello' to you too sweetheart." He clasps a hand around your waist, purring softly in greeting as he pulls you closer to his chest. Even if he sees you once every few centuries, even if you don't possess the ability to reciprocate, his love for you is as youthful as it was when he was but a wyrm.
Your facial features remain neutral like the ones of sunken statues, but you blink, and for a few seconds he can see that yawning abyss in your eyes. "Hi." You say, your hand still tracing the bump created by atrophied flight muscles, trying to judge how fresh it is. "Explain."
Your tone sounds like a predator baring it's teeth, but he knows you wouldn't harm him. "In a lil' bit." He snorts, puts pressure on your back until he forces your legs to move. "Come, want you to meet my boys."
The introductions are odd on both ends considering you hadn't spoken with people other than Price since that Icarus of a passenger ship mistook your fin for an iceberg and they've never met an old one like you. But you like them, they compliment Price just like the small scale he gave you makes the pearls and gold offered to you through the ages shine more.
Even if your face is unreadable, somehow they can figure out you're not too amused when you hear he'd lost his wing during a mission. "I told you arrogance would cost you." You at least you can mimic a sigh as you rub your head, "At least you retired." You say,
"We wish!" Soap snorts before he can help it, and the next thing they hear is a horrific crack that has them jumping out of their skin.
Your head had whipped 180 degrees with the rest of your body remained in place, the laws of nature nothing more but blurry guidelines. "You. . .did retire?" You ask, voice like the roar of a whirlpool.
"About that," Price starts, unable to finish his thought as you slap him upside the head as if he's still the whelp who thought he could brave an ocean storm.
"You'll put me in the grave." You growl, holding him by the ear, words spilling from your mouth like seawater filling the empty bowels of a ship. "I swear your scaly hide hasn't learned a single thing-"
"Should we help?" Gaz wonders as they watch you chastise their captain like he's a boy.
"No, this is great entertainment." Ghost chuckles.
"Want me ta grab the popcorn?" Johnny ads, already snacking, tail thumping against Simon's leg and growling playfully when Gaz reaches for the snacks.
Eventually your anger relents, mood changing as swiftly as the tide. You spend the time they have left learning about the men he's chosen as his hoard. Kyle's a bit weary of you just due to his harpy nature, but soon enough you two can be found sitting on the pier and fishing, and if you purposely make the waves flow so a big fish snags on Kyle's line, Price never says anything about it, not when his boy has a smile as big as the sun when he looks at the gigantic fish flopping on his hook.
You attempting to help Soap cook the barbeque, but you're fine motor skills are rusty after all these years of slumber, so the food is slightly burnt but Price loves when his food's basically charcoal and eats it with a smile, especially as it keeps you from telling all the embarrassing stories you have of him, from when he got his ass bit by a squid to when he was so horny he ended up rutting against an extra curvy piece of rock, though the rest have already heard enough dirt to bury him for the next several decades.
Unfortunately for Price, you and Ghost hit it off like a house on fire, and Ghost ends up learning far too many ways to hurt people without killing them that most definitely are against the Geneva conventions but you pull seniority on it. Simon in turn, teaches you how to play cards, which, when you're literally a god that can see almost everything including your opponent's cards, means the shmucks Simon ropes into playing you and Simon end up with empty pockets.
As the sun stars to dip behind the horizon you wind up sitting next to Price by the fire, the others splashing in the water.
You feel his wing spread behind your back to pull you closer to him, "I missed this." He says, knowing you won't comment on the 'I missed you' hidden behind his vellum words.
"Last time we met like this Napoleon was still emperor." You hum, a small yawn escaping you, sharp tips of shark teeth peeking from human gums. "And you had two wings." You can't help but point out, making it clear you've not forgiven him about not informing you.
Price pointedly ignores your later comment, his hand tentatively, almost shyly, reaching down to sit on top of yours. "Afraid I'll forget about you?"
His pulse picks up when you shift your hand to hold his, fingers lacing together when you don't have a tail as a human. "You wait for me." You shrug, holding your free arm up, reality wheezing for a few moments before his scale is suddenly in your hand, shiny and unharmed just as it was when he'd given it to you all those years ago. "And I dream of you."
His eyes widen and heart melts, a purr rumbling in his chest "C'mere sweetheart," He rumbles and pulls you into a kiss, free hand holding your chin stable.
You taste of salt and blood, of chilling cold and boiling heat, of something ancient and familiar and Price drinks it all down like a babe, tongue licking in your mouth and fangs nibbling on your lip, feeling you respond, the touch of hungering god as soft as silk, just to him.
But he knows this won't last.
A shark has no reason to stay on land, and a dragon can't survive underwater regardless of how much he wants. Soon you'll return to slumber, and Price won't know when he'll see you again, if he'll see you again, or if you'll learn of his passing when your waves swallow up his ashes.
He doesn't notice the prickling in his eyes but you do, wiping a stray tear with the pad of your thumb, your other hand still wrapped around his. "Don't worry John," You say, statue features finally cracking into a small smile, "I'll stay for a little while." You say and lead him into another kiss, the other members of TF141 leaving you two to catch up on lost time...
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dilatorywriting · 9 months
Hello! May I request 94. With Rook?
I certainly wouldn't mind the smoot if you think it fits into what you write-
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Gender Neutral Reader x Rook Hunt Word Count: 1.2k
Prompt 94: "Don’t act innocent, you had me pinned underneath you 5 minutes ago."
🌶️ Warning for Mild Spice
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“Just a bit of chase!” he says.
“The thrill of the hunt can be so fun!” he says.
Except now you’re covered in sweat and doubled over panting like you’re going to go into cardiac arrest. Because Rook’s idea of ‘oh, just a little run around, je promets!’ involved nothing less than a full fucking sprint through the wooded areas of the campus—over hill, and under hill, and godyou were so out of shape.
You gasped into your knees, bent over in anticipation of just, I don’t know. Death? Vomit? All of the above?
“Ah, don’t tell me you’ve given up already, mon cher!” the aforementioned demon cooed from somewhere in the trees. In the trees! Like a literal, freaking hunter of old, and not your coddling boyfriend smiling all pretty when he says ‘just a bit.’ Absolute bullshit. You wanted a refund. “We’ve only just begun!”
“It’s been—” you gasped, swiping a furious hand over your dripping brow, “—an hour! You fucking masochist!”
“A true predator knows best that a subtle, steady approach is always the most satisfying, mon petit lapin,” he hummed, voice echoing discordantly over your head. “And how could I not take my time, when the reward is bound to be so sweet, hmm?”
“What reward?” you snapped. “Me doing this at all is the reward!”
The blonde’s trilling laughter curled through the air like the tinkle of a windchime. Light, and airy, and pleasant. Which was deceptive. And entirely unfair.
“Ah, but mon favori. I doubt you could ever say no to a little death, hmm?” he cooed. And the continued, with an air of faux consideration. “A bit for you, and then perhaps a bit for me. And then a bit more for you—”
Fuck his poetry. It was going to be a big death. A literal death. With rigor mortis, and decay, and a bloating corpse if you didn’t have a chance to collapse into a puddle in the next five minutes. Normally Rook’s sweet sonnets and romantic ramblings were something you found quite endearing. But surely anyone would be pushed past their Cutesy Bullshit Tolerance after being chased like a bat out of hell for the past literal hour. You felt woozy, and wrong footed, and like maybe that muffin you’d snagged for breakfast might be in the process of making up its mind to come back up to say hello.
“You have to run, petit lapin,” that chittering voice called again. “That’s the whole point.”
“No!” you snapped, stomping your foot like a toddler. “I give up! I’m a dumb rabbit! A lame rabbit! A rabbit with no legs! Just—get me already!” you shouted into the leafy canopy.
You glared up into the kaleidoscope of greens, eyes narrowed as you searched the shadows. Surely he was somewhere. Somewhere close. You just had to—
And then you were crashing forward with an inelegant screech—a familiar, gloved hand pressing into the skin at the back of your neck and the other twisting into your uniform jacket to push you down into the dirt. And then Rook was sitting astride your hips, looking down at you with a sharp, brilliant gleam in his emerald eyes.
“Ah, mon pauvre lapin perdu,” he sighed, all faux sympathy, and shifted to lean forward so that he could grin into your flushed face. “Whatever shall I do with you, hmm? Rolling over to show your belly so readily. Certainly that’s far from safe.”
There was a tight, warm, whoosh in your gut. A twisting thing that you knew far too well at this point. And it spelled nothing but bad things.
You raised your chin as best as you could, meeting that toothy smirk of his head on, and then—
Ah. Nope. That had been the muffin after all.
Your face went green and you rolled onto your side to barf chunks of banana-nut-nonsense all over the grass.
“Mon cher, how can you ever forgive me?” Rook wailed, dabbing a soft, silk cloth against your heated forehead, nearly in tears. “I have failed you so horribly! So completely! I deserve to be cast from your good graces! Cursed to errer seul! Mutilé par des chiens! Jeté en enfer! Forcé de se repentir pour toujours!—”
“Enough, please,” you whined, pinching at the bridge of your nose. “I’d rather you just, I don’t know, got me a glass of water.”
“Right away!” he chirped, shooting to his feet and darting out the door and down the hall. He was back hardly a moment later, depositing a clean cup into your hands and plunking a curling, purple straw into the center of it.
“Thanks,” you mumbled, leaning forward to take a sip.
“Anything at all for you, mon cher!”
This was almost worse somehow.
“Would you cut it out,” you sighed. “It’s fine. Really. Shit happens.”
He stared up at you from where he was kneeled on the floor at your side with the largest, most doleful eyes you’d ever seen. Like a kicked puppy dog had a sad, sad child with, like, an even more pathetic, more kicked, kitten. You jabbed at him with your foot.
“And stop that!”
“Stop what?” he asked, blinking those stupid, stupid green eyes at you.
“Acting all innocent!” you complained. “You literally had me pinned underneath you, like, five minutes ago!”
“I did, didn’t I?” he hummed, sounding almost pensive. He reached up to tap at his chin, like he was chewing over a thought. “And I wasn’t even able to keep my promise, was I?” he lamented, deflating.
“What promise?” you frowned.
“For a bit of mutual demise,” he sighed. “Une petite mort.”
You felt heat crawl up your cheekbones and all the way to the tips of your ears. Because this had been some whole, elaborate setup, hadn’t it? Something that you’d only agreed to because he’d seemed so, ah, enthusiastic. And then you’d gone and barfed up banana chunks and ruined the whole thing.
“Sorry,” you mumbled.
Rook’s head shot up and he reached out to snare your hands in his.
“Non, non, mon cher!” he gasped. “This was hardly your fault to speak of! It is I and my poor planning that ought to make recompence,” he said.
And then, a terribly acute sort of brilliance came over his face. Like a lightbulb went off in his brain. Those green eyes went sharp with focus. He seemed to roll the his words around on his tongue, as if deciding exactly how they ought to taste when he let them fall back out again.
“And recompense I shall make!” he chirped, determined and shifted so his chin was resting in your lap. He sent you a coy little grin that had shivers racing down your spine.
“I literally just threw up,” you complained.
“This will certainly help you feel better,” he offered.
“That’s not the point!” you squawked. “Shouldn’t I—I don’t know—at least brush my teeth or something first?”
“Forgive me, mon petit lapin,” he laughed against your thigh. “But last I checked, I don’t think your mouth has anything do with this. And besides,” he crooned, reaching up to press a firm hand against your shoulder and help ease you down to the mattress below. “That was from overexertion, I’m afraid. Not illness. And I can promise, mon cher, that this time, you won’t have to bother putting any work in at all~”
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taintandviolent · 9 months
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feed my Frankenstein ; Frankenkyle x reader
summary: stripper!reader decides to dress up like a zombie for Halloween, and when the girls bring Kyle to the strip club…. He makes the decision for himself that he’s going to be with his kind. w a r n i n g s: 5k words! stripper!reader, female reader, cunnilingus, rough sex, violence, mentions of blood, biting, graphic descriptions. kyle being a big, horny zombie who doesn't understand his strength. a/n: [🎃 part of lizzie's halloween fics! 🎃] probably some errors, whoops. I didn't want to label this as dead dove don't eat, but Kyle literally tries to eat reader, so be warned, I guess??? also my ending is very... cliff-hangery. don't come for me, this fic took on a life of its own very quickly. thank you for reading if you did!!! full fic & taglist under cut!↓ / ao3 link here! / ♪ recommended playlist here! ♪
You dab a stippling sponge against your neck, hiding an edge with a speckle of grey makeup. You’d put a lot of effort into your silly little zombie look - but it was Halloween after all, and hardly any of the other girls had dressed up. Sure, they’d started out in low-effort costumes of Dorothy Gale and Snow White, but as soon as those came off, they were just their normal selves again. You… not so much. You went the extra mile. You’d spent hours applying prosthetics on your limbs, and painting your flesh to mimic the rotting corpses seen in cult classic horror films. Specks of blood around your perfectly lined lips, uneven skin, stitches from your neck down the front of your body.
It wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea, you knew. Some of them would lose their boners at the sight. It was time for your first shift. The club was rowdy, you heard it from behind the door. You lean against it, gulp down the last of your water, and fluff your hair before spinning on your red, patent leather heels and pulling open the door.
“I don’t know if this is such a good idea, Madison…” Zoe confesses, nervously. She holds onto Kyle’s arm tightly, guiding him around a booth like an elderly man. He was already entranced by the vibrant lights that swept back and forth in shades of orange and green. It reminded him of his show. Colours….
“Oh, please.” With a roll of her eyes, Madison flips her blonde hair over her shoulder. “This is the best place to put a braindead man… look, they’re everywhere.”
Men cluster around the stage, watching hungrily as women take their clothes off, gyrating their hips close enough to their faces that they could reach out and take bites  out of their full asses. The bouncer in the corner makes sure that doesn’t happen, though.
Over the PA, a loud voice says: “Alright! Put your hands together for our resident nerdy girl, our very own reanimated sexpot…”
As though it was on hinges, Kyle’s head swings heavily to face the stage. H
“Look, he’s already fitting in.” Madison nips.
You prance forward, reaching for the pole in the centre of the stage. Men holler your name, the few regulars that came every night you were working. You’d earned yourself a reputation as the nerdy girl because of your penchant for dressing up on the themed nights. Your hips roll to the beat of the song, coming daringly close to the hands that hold dollar bills. When they don’t get the chance to slip them into your outfit, they flutter at your feet, decorating the stage. You undo the tie of your shirt, revealing white bikini with gratuitous blood spatter. You’d done that yourself.
You wrap one leg around the pole, latching onto it. As it spins, you reach behind your back, undoing the tie of your top. Your breasts fall free, nipples hardening in the air conditioning. You hold the bra out proudly, smiling as the hoots and cheers fill the room.
“C’mon,” she starts, taking hold of Kyle’s thick wrist. His skin is always slightly cooler than everyone else’s. She remembers how cold the inside of his mouth was when they first — She blinks away the thoughts, actually disgusted by the idea. After all, she’d never really wanted to fuck a dead guy…
“Hey!” “Watch it, sweetheart!” “Get outta’ the way, you’re blockin’ the view, toots!”
Madison ignores the heckling, and continues to the front, pressing her bony hips against the lip of the stage.
“Hey! Dead bitch!”
Her voice is loud enough that it carries over the music, and you furrow your brow. She wasn’t wrong, but the bitch part seemed unnecessary. Still, you make your way over to the cluster of them, and bend at the waist to hear her.
“Yeah - what?” You ask, still swaying to the song.
“This is our little zombie — ”
“His name is Kyle,” The other girl interrupts pointedly. Madison throws a look towards the other girl, who nods with a fake smile. Truly, she didn’t care what you called him. As long as she didn't have to deal with him, she was happy.
“Kyle — and he needs a babysitter. He’s a little…” she makes a face, stretching her mouth out in a sneer. You knit your brows together again, unsure what that means.
Kyle, you think to yourself. What a frat boy name. In fact, he looks like a frat boy with really really good makeup. Full head of curly blonde hair, dark eyes, strong but soft features… looks like he can absolutely devour a keg.
He’s wearing an open black shirt and jeans, and beneath the black shirt, you can see raised flesh, scars like he was put back together. Funny that you’d chosen to do a dance number to Feed my Frankenstein.
“Do your job and keep him entertained, okay?” She pulls the peeking string of your thong far enough out to freely press a one hundred dollar bill against your hip and lets go. It snaps back against your skin, hard enough to sting. You wince.
Before you have time to protest, the girls are walking back towards the entrance without their little zombie in tow. One of them casts a woeful glance over her shoulder, and you’re left wondering why if she cares so much, why was she still walking away? You fill your lungs with air, exhale and lower yourself down onto your haunches.
“Hey baby,” you coo, wrapping a single blonde curl around your index finger. It’s angel-soft, and bounces back as you let go, straightening up. He seems to melt towards your touch, starved for it. “I like your costume.”
He watches as your ample cleavage sways with the gentle motion of your body. He repeats the word back to you, laboriously. “Cos…tume….”
“That’s right,” you say, running your hands over your thighs as you stand upright. The long heels of the shoes elongate your legs, making you tower over the club’s patrons. “I like it, it’s cute.”
Kyle watches wordlessly as your hands glide over your body, carefully skipping over the stitches at your knees, along your stomach, and finally up to the long stitch around your neck, which to him is holding your head on. Kyle’s eyes blink repeatedly with recognition.
You dip down, reaching for his hand. The crowd woooo’s as you hand him the string of your skirt. He grips it hard before looking at it deeply. You take one step back, flashing a coy expression to the men in the front row. Another step, and the tie begins to slip through the bow, unravelling. Another step and the skirt falls to your feet. A cacophony of approval fills your ears.
You’re in nothing but the blood-spattered bikini bottoms now, and you sink to your knees again, flashing Kyle a bright smile. He blinks, your skirt awkwardly hanging from his hand by the string.
On all fours, you crawl towards him, popping your ass to the beat of the song. Dollar bills shower the stage,  and when you slide your knees out to the sides, allowing men a delicious view of your backside, someone tucks another $100 in your bikini.
Kyle is watching you, but his hands drop to his groin where he makes a fist, and rubs it awkwardly over his now-throbbing erection. You immediately notice this, and your eyes widen. That’s a sure fire way to get kicked out, and for whatever reason, you’ve clocked him as too innocent to let that happen. There’s either a) something wrong with him, or b) he’s really committed to acting like a clueless, braindead boy. Both options require action.
“Okay, okay,” you murmur, guiding him to the side of the stage. There’s an empty chair, and with a heel, you push him back into it. Sit. Stay. He does. Good boy.
He never takes his eyes off you though, and every time you’re looking at him, his jaw hangs slack, staring at you with half-lidded eyes. He keeps trying to get up, and you have to slowly shake your head at him, teasingly. He seems to understand that gesture, and stays put.   
As you dance, you find yourself watching him, too. Inexplicably drawn to him, for whatever reason. You don’t usually take guys to the back, but $100 is a pretty good tip. Besides, you didn’t want to run into that girl again, and especially not angry.
As your routine comes to an end, Kyle gets up out of his chair, knocking into the edge of the stage. A few guys turn their heads, trying to figure out what this guy’s deal is. You’re too busy picking up your tips, and gathering your clothes to notice. With arms full, you race to the back, throw on a t-shirt and bolt back to the front, praying that Kyle is still where you left him.
He is. He may be trying to climb up on the stage, head craning in the direction of where you exited, but he's still there. You heave a relieved sigh, and saunter up to him, softening your expression.
“Hi, Kyle…” you murmur sweetly. You slip your arm underneath his, linking it with yours and softly pulling him down into a normal standing position again. There’s a small moment of processing and trust before he looks at you and smiles very weakly.
Destinee is next, and while she’s a nice girl, you absolutely loathe her taste in lighting. You enjoy a good rave, sure, but this is like the Electric Daisy Carnival in a much, much smaller space.
You learn very quickly that Kyle doesn’t like it either. At all. In fact, he might dislike it more than you. As soon as the beat is thumping and the bright red and orange lights are washing over the establishment, Kyle wrenches away from you, covering his ears. A low groan starts in his throat, bubbling up through his lips until he’s practically screaming.
“Shhh, shh it’s okay!” You try desperately to console him, but he can’t seem to hear you. Glancing nervously at the guests around you who are starting to take notice of him now, you smile apologetically. “Kyle, it’s okay!”
There’s only one solution - the private dance rooms. They’re quiet, secluded and a perfect spot to store a stressed out zombie boy for a few hours. You looked towards the spiral staircase that led upstairs, and hesitated. You were a dancer who rarely used the private rooms. You had been hard pressed to avoid being alone with any man, especially one that had paid you and felt entitled to whatever he wanted to take. Kyle, however, didn’t seem like the type to… well, do that. Or even articulate that he wanted to do that — did he even understand that you’d been paid to babysit him? Likely not.
You force his hand down as gently as possible, interlacing your fingers with his. “Kyle,” you say. “Kyle, look at me.”
His head moves sluggishly, and his eyes gradually follow. He looks at you with big, black eyes, the surrounding skin darkened and mottled. In the changing lights, he looks so lost, and your heart throbs desperately. Shucking the worries of whispers aside, you lead him through the club towards the wrought iron staircase.
“Hey Lance,” you say. “Private room open?”
“They sure are…” he replies with a large grin, his heavy accent coming through. Lance was one of the bouncers and rotated positions, so you had gotten semi-close with him. He enjoyed your presence and penchant for the strange. “Last door on da’ left.”  
With Kyle in tow, you head down the long, red hallway. Each of the doors were painted black, with gold trim. Kyle’s gaze travels from each door, picking up on the various sounds that seeped from behind them.
“Okay…” You say, your voice a touch softer than before as you push open the last door, praying that it’s been cleaned adequately. You cock your head to the side, urging him inside. His concerned eyes swept from you to the door and back to you before he finally decided that it was safe enough for him to enter. “Look, no strobe lights. No loud music. Just you and me.”
“You… and me….” He grumbles. The door clicks shut behind you. His words are painfully slow and slurred, but you can’t help be charmed by the innocence of them. “You…. You’re…. l-like me.”
“That’s right, baby… I’m like you.” In a quiet, joking whisper, you say: “Raaaaauuuuggghhhhhh…. Brains.”
Kyle seems to like this. The tiniest of smiles forms on his mouth. His chest heaves, and without warning, he lunges for you. His strong arms wrap around you in a steely grip that at first terrifies you; your arms are pinned at your sides, locked into place. His tongue slips over your collarbone, wet and cool like he’s just finished eating ice cream. It slips over your neck, along your jawline, and up behind your ear. He’s licking you, devouring you with such pressure that he has to have eaten some of the makeup by this point. You wince as he nips at your ear lobe, his teeth grinding down on the flesh. With some inhuman gurgle, he descends, covering your chest in his saliva.
You were used to men being hungry for you, acting like rabid dogs the second that they caught a glimpse of your plump tits or your juicy ass. It was part of the gig, came with the territory. But not this. This guy was on something. Had to be. Without warning, he yanks your cropped shirt up, and his jaws clamp down on the meat of your exposed breast. You yelp, pushing him off. He looks hurt or confused, or maybe both. Immediately, you scramble, feeling like you’ve just taken candy from a child.
“Hey no.. it’s okay. You can bite me… I like being bit. But not too hard, honey… that hurt.”
He doesn’t understand. Or he doesn’t look like he understands. His brows knit together sadly, while the dark, ink pools he has for eyes glaze over.
“….biiiiiiiiiiiiiite….” He says.
“Softly,” you finished, with your cutest zombie voice. “Biiiiite soft…ly….”
He cranes forward, mouth finding your flesh again. His teeth continue to graze your skin, slightly softer than before though, so maybe he does understand. His tongue lolls out sloppily to taste every inch. He nears the jumbled up mess of liquid latex on your elbow, and you expect him to stop, or skip over it — but he doesn’t. He feels uneven, soft flesh and his front teeth clamp down on it with a guttural sound. He rears his head back far enough for the liquid latex to streeeetch, and snap.
This gorgeous, blonde boy has a chunk of faux flesh hanging from between his teeth. Fake blood dots his pale lips, and he’s looking at you with the most confused expression you’ve ever seen on a man. It’s a grisly sight, really, but it fits the theme of the night. He’s committed to the zombie act, you’ll give him that.
“Hey, hey, take it easy, spit that out…” You reach up, rubbing the fake blood off his bottom lip. flatten your slender fingers on his broad chest, skin smooth like stone except for the deep scars. These are really good prosthetics. You can’t even see the seam. Because there aren’t any…
Like a dog, he drops the wrinkly skin-toned mass from his mouth and frowns. He looks genuinely disappointed, like he expected blood and guts. “B-bad… th-that… didn’t taste….. gooood…” he stammers. "Hun..gry…..”
For a moment, you’re frozen. Your realization clicks into place painfully slowly, slower than his brain seems to move. He’s really too good at the whole zombie act, and a panicked thought writhes its way into your mind, penetrating it the way that a tissue absorbs blood. Just sucks it in, becomes a part of it. No, no way.
Heavily masking the nerves in your voice, you clear your throat and reach for his shoulder. You stroke the smooth roundness of it, raking your nails against his skin.  “You want something that tastes good, baby?”
That ‘something good' is your cunt. You’ll let him eat you out so you can think. You assume he’ll eat you out like most men do — boringly — and you can process the realisation that this poor creature in front of you is actually really badly scarred, and possibly, a victim of head trauma, or something. Because there’s no way you’re meeting an actual zombie. Even on Halloween in New Orleans. That’s insane. So, you’re going to let him eat you out while you sort this out in your mind.
That was the plan, anyway.
Except the second you sink into the vinyl chair, he’s on his knees, looking at your pretty cunt with hungry eyes and the visual wipes your brain clean. It was like you put a plate of food in front of a starving man. His mouth opens. You untie both sides of your underwear, letting them fall to the floor. His eyes drop heavily, watching every move.
At first, his tongue juts out, curiously tasting what you’ve put in front of him. It presses between your folds, pauses, before wiggling around. Your eyelids flutter; you were ready to zone out, but Kyle’s inexperience, his curiosity feels so good.
“Good,” he growls, the word vibrating your cunt. His cool breath washes over your core, sending a chill up your spine. He delves deeper, tasting more of you.
His tongue flicks at your clit, flipping the swollen bundle of nerves mercilessly. Your whole body is trembling, and you feel the first of your orgasms rushing towards your centre. Carefully, not wanting to scare him, you grip his angel curls and ride his mouth slightly. Shit. Almost instantly, the throbbing starts and you make a mess of his poor boy’s face, squirting over his lips and chin.
“You like that?” You ask, through uneven pants. The first of the night always feels sooo good.
He nods heavily on your cunt, still lapping up the juices that leak from your slick hole. Your legs start to quiver and a fire burns deep within your cunt. You try to pat his shoulders, wordlessly telling him to stop. His tongue delves in, and he freezes.
“Kyle?” You ask nervously. Unconsciously, you clench around his tongue. He snaps to life, like someone flipped a switch in his brain. His strong arms wrap around the front of your thighs, tightly. Very tightly. He starts to pull you off the chair, lifting you up into his arms. Your ass cheeks are pressed against his chest and the back of your head is on the chair’s cushion now. He’s holding you tightly, upside down, still swallowing mouthfuls of your sopping wet cunt. He can’t seem to hear your desperate, pleading cries to stop.
You blink back tears, your vision throbs. You don’t know if it’s because the blood is very obviously rushing to your head, or because you’re coming again so quickly, but he’s drilling his tongue into your cunt like there’s a cream centre. If there is, he’s found it.
A scream fills your lungs and your body lunges upwards, trying to find leverage — something, anything to hold onto. She clenches again, pulsating around his cold, slippery tongue. Kyle’s practically drinking you with each clench. The overstimulation is crippling, and you can’t help but scream out.
At the shrill sound, he immediately drops you and your body hits the ground with a heavy thud. Your ass aches a little from the fall, but it’s nothing that’s going to ruin the night.
He’s frowning at you, his lips and chin glazed with your cum.
“S-sorry…” he grumbles. “Sorry. Bad.”
“No, no… not bad. Accident. Accident. Kyle?”
You call his name and he’s looking at you with those big, hopeful, dark eyes of his. You can tell — he isn’t sure if you’re going to scold him, or praise him and the uncertainty terrifies him. You get to your knees, crawling towards the sofa. Once you’re up on it, you pat the spot next to you three times.
“Can I see?” You gesture to your own body, tracing the remaining prosthetics with a single finger before pointing to him. He looks down, his bottom lip jutting out. He nods after a few seconds and lumbers over to you, sitting down heavily.  
Your fingers dance over his skin. He was literally pieced back together. His head, his arms, his legs, the lower half of his torso… he was sewn back together like Frankenstein. Different parts connected as one. You’re sitting next to an actual zombie.
And then it dawns on you. Those girls. You’d seen them before. You knew their faces. They lived in the massive mansion on Jackson Avenue. They were witches. Witches were a dime a dozen in New Orleans — in fact, it was weirder if you didn’t practice some kind of craft. But zombies… you’d only ever heard stories. You’d never seen one, let alone be eaten out by one.
You stroke Kyle’s broad chest. For being a zombie, he’s surprisingly soft. You’d always imagined them as dried out, crusty creatures, but he only had a few patches of dry skin. In fact, he had more patches where you could see dark blue pooling underneath his skin, where blood had settled after death. He is cold however, and that’s the most jarring part.
You ease him back on the leather sofa, making sure his head goes down softly onto the arm rest.  
“It’s okay, Kyle…. I like your body.”
“Costume….” He says. You shake your head.
“Body. Body.”
His hips give the tiniest little buck, and it slips between your ass cheeks. He whimpers, trying to get a visual of what he’s feeling. Gradually, his thrusts increase in pressure, and you adjust for your own pleasure.
When you adjust, forcing his cock to slide in between your cunt instead, he feels the slick warmth, and his feral nature returns, stronger than before. His thrusts pick up, and he seems to realise that you are a living thing, with pulsing blood and a throbbing heartbeat. Something else is throbbing again, too.
You whine and match his thrusts, letting your head loll back.
Kyle has a different idea, and before you can stop him, he has your forearm in his mouth, teeth clamped down on the soft, warm flesh. It only takes a few seconds for you to feel the stinging ache consuming your arm. It hurts… bad. The muscles in your fingers contract, twitching limply. He aggressively shakes his head, and your heart drops. The terror sets in, and you’re suddenly running cold.
“Kyle, no- OW! KYLE!”
He shakes his head again, biting down harder and digging his the ridges of his teeth deeper into your skin. You don’t necessarily feel the flesh tear, somewhere near the top, but you certainly feel the warm flow of blood that drips down your arm, dribbling onto his chest. Your pupils dilate. The blood keeps flowing, and you feel him start to rear his head back. Something pulls back with him. The ache is replaced by a searing burn, and you realise that if he pulls back any further, he’s going to pull off skin. You’re panicking now, and don’t know what else to do but try again. This time though, you roar at him, bringing back your zombie voice. It’s not so cute this time. “Raaaaaaaaauhhhhhh, KYLE. KYLE STOP. STOP!”
You try to rip your arm away from his mouth, while pushing his head. Thankfully, his powerful jaw goes slack and your arm slides out, strings of spit stretching from his lips. Your blood is smeared across his chin and bottom lip, and collects in the corners of his mouth.
With your vision bouncing thanks to Kyle’s furious thrusting, you look at your arm, watching the bright crimson well up in the indentations of the bite mark. Amidst the rest of your makeup, the bite doesn’t look out of place. You hold your arm out further, trying to come up with a story for this one. Maybe the makeup had stained in an absolutely mind-blowing way. And you had a reaction to it, hence the bizarre swelling and scabbing. That sounds good, sounds believable.
“Want… more…”  He says, and your stomach drops, praying that he doesn’t mean more flesh. You’re not sure you can handle another one. Mid-thrust, Kyle’s thick, veiny cock angles just right and slips into your cunt. She swallows him easily, still wet from being eaten — a mixture of cum and Kyle’s viscid, slimy saliva. You plant both hands on his chest, letting out a breathy, melodic moan. He feels good enough to make you forget about the bite, and as you begin to ride him, it seems that he forgets too.
You’re taking control, grinding on top of him, using his cock like your own personal toy. It’s hitting every spot you want it to, pressing into your walls with its girth, and you can’t help but whine about it. Pausing to smear your blood across Kyle’s chest with your middle finger, you leave deep, red streaks across pale skin. You shouldn't find that hot, but you do.
Kyle wraps both hands around your waist, pulling you down onto his cock relentlessly, each thrust feeling harder than the last. You lean forward, pressing your tits against his almost bare chest, and allowing him to take control, thrusting his cock up into you. The slightly bent positioning of his cock, head grinding against your spongy insides is enough to make you cum right then. You don’t though, holding back, clenching your pussy as tight as you can.
“You like it, Kyle?” You ask, through shaky pants. “You like that?”
Kyle nods, heavily, his darkened eyes watching the way that your body quivers on top of him, wordlessly marvelling at the way your thigh muscles contract and shake on top of him every time he slips out, and buries himself inside your dripping pussy again. He loves how it feels, even if he can’t articulate it the way he wants to, the sensations are everything he wants. Everything.
He grips you harder, lifting you off his cock and slamming you back down, repeating this violent display of strength over and over again. Your cunt shudders, unable to hold back your orgasm any longer. Kyle feels it first, and the sudden tightness has him growling, snarling and pushing his length into you as deep as he can. Kyle digs his heels into the sofa, lifting his legs. You feel the pressure against your cervix as he bottoms out, and press against his cock, forcing his cock deeper into you, until you feel the ache. You ride out the waves of your own orgasm, feeling his as it comes in thick, sticky ropes.
There’s a gentle knock at the door, and you quickly get to your feet, pulling your shirt over your head. You scramble, trying to find the bikini bottoms and once they’re tied, you throw open the door. It’s Lance, who is looking very concerned. Your legs are pressed tightly together, in fear that Kyle’s load is going to start dripping down your thighs and onto the floor.
“Miss Y/N. The club is closing… are you alright in there?”
Closing? What? It was bareley eleven when you brought him into the room. The seedy, slick realisation that you’d been fucking this zombie for almost four hours made your cheeks blossom with heat. You immediately tuck your bitten arm behind the door, flashing Lance a charming smile.
“Yes! Fine! Just uh, finishing up a dance. Hey - Lance… did two girls ever come back, asking for this blonde guy in here?”
He pauses, thinking. After a few moments, he shakes his head and apologises.
Okay, guess he’s coming home with me, then. “Thank you, Lance. I’ll be down in just a second.”
You shut the door and lean against it, looking at the zombie on the sofa. He’s staring up at the ceiling, a small smile on his face. “Kyle, do you live on Jackson Street? Where do you live?”
He sits up abruptly, turning his head to face you. “Uhm…” He murmurs. “Big…… white.”
“Big white house?” You repeat, making a house shape with your hands. He nods.
“You wanna’ go home?”
After throwing on a pair of dolphin shorts, collecting your duffel bag and giving Lance a generous tip, you have Kyle in tow, fingers laced tightly with his. Jackson Street was maybe a twenty minute walk, something you both could handle.
Despite it going on 3 AM, the streets were still filled with partiers, people in masks, and drinks in their hands. You and Kyle blend in as you walk, heading down the busy roads. Once you arrived at the Mansion, the gates were open, a fine mist spilling into the sprawling yard.
The woman who answers the door is beautiful, graceful and composed. She wears all black, her honey blonde hair cascading graceful over her shoulders.
“Good Evening,” she says.
“Good Evening. Um.. this is going to sound strange, even for Halloween, but, um…”  You want to continue. Desperately, but for some reason, you already know the answer. He does belong here. As though she’d said it to you, plain as day, he belonged here, this is where he stayed.
Zoe and Madison must’ve forgotten him.
Your brows furrow, indignantly. How could they?
Cordelia’s plump lips flatten into a knowing smile. You swallow, suddenly feeling uneasy. You scratch at the liquid latex on your neck, fiddling uncomfortably with one of the edges of the prosthetic.
“Well, Kyle… here you go. Go with…?”
“Cordelia. Go with Cordelia, you’re home now.”
Kyle seems somewhat hesitant, but when Cordelia holds out a hand, he obeys and lumbers inside, looking over his shoulder at you one last time.
“Thank you for bringing him home,” she says, softly. “Would you like to come inside?”  
You consider that for a second. Deep within the wetness of your bones, and the warmth of your blood, you feel like you should. There’s something extremely comforting about this place, but… “No, no thank you. I should be getting home. It’s Halloween. Weird things happen on Halloween.”
She smiles again. “That’s quite a bite you have on your arm… did Kyle do that?”
“Oh, uh… yeah. He got a little excited earlier, I’m a dancer, and uh, y’know. Men.”
“I have something for that.”
You look down at your bite again, it looks nastier than before. You clear your throat, ready to reject and explain that your older sister is a nurse and she’ll help, but instead, and you’re not quite sure how that happened, you’re walking through the doors. Kyle is delighted to see you again, pausing on the grand staircase to look at you.
Cordelia’s hands end up being very, very soft.
t a g l i s t : @kaismanwich / @redwoodghost / @elsamars / @silverzoomies / @kaissweetlamb / @thewolveswithin / @80strashbag / @twinkiemaximoff / @spill-the-t / @stucktothetwo / @evansb1tch / @enchanting-evan / @petersevans / @yesdevineruler / @enchanting-evan / @anonymous0316 / @eventually27 / @violetharmonscupcake/ @my-own-walker / @kai-slut / @evanpetersfansblog / @fuckedbykai / @iluwmycats / @nova-kayne67 / @dewberryobssesed / @the-goblin1 / @dirtyfairy97 / @jellyluvr / @strangerthings420 / @kai-anderson-whore / @piecesofcain / @lilthbunny / @quickandsilvers / @tatelangdonsweater / @ifeeltoofuckingmuch / @howtobesasha / @randodummy / @throwinginmythai / @hyperharlz
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tonkatsubowl · 2 months
yandere y/n can't stand the fact that aventurine is so attractive that anyone in penacony would simply fall for him by his looks alone. you became obsessive, possessive, and being a trailblazer, you spent your days thinking about this gambler.
did the aeons bless you with some sort of toxic trait? or were you simply the reincarnation of nanook himself? you were destructive when it came to him. you didn't like how others looked at him. you didn't like how he used his charm to get anything done for himself.
so... you took him.
his trauma of his past was relived, except it wasn't because you wanted him as a slave. you just... were so infatuated with him.
"y/n," aventurine said with a forced smile, wearing the tracking device on his ankle that was hidden by his clothing, "that's enough."
you were in the middle of murdering someone, actually. a woman, a prostitute in the streets of penacony, who wanted to lust after aventurine. for his money, really. looks too, sure, but it was mainly his money. you didn't care, you just didn't want anyone to have him.
you paused, lifting the murder weapon in your hand to deliver the final blow to the corpse. you breathed, looking to your "lover" with an innocent smile.
"...aventurine," you murmured, standing before wrapping your arms around him, "i love you. i love you so, so, so, so so much."
you were insane.
so insane.
psycho, crazy, and sometimes... pathetic, but only for aventurine.
"i love you, too."
was that a lie? a bitter lie to ease your anxiety of losing him? was it him saying that with no meaning? so... you pointed the weapon at his throat, heart filled eyes admiring him so.
"you're lying." you murmured, pressing the blade so close to his porcelain skin, "you're... lying."
aventurine was manipulative, indeed, but you were dangerous. you could read everything so well, considering the fact you were insane. inane for him.
"my dear... how much must i prove to you that i truly love you?"
your eyes widened, breaths heavy, incited by his few words. you laced your arms around the man's torso, laughing hysterically.
"you... you love me? ahaha... ahaha!"
truly, aventurine was trapped within the lion's den. a prey living his worst nightmare, yet so safe and sound because of you.
"i love you, i love you so much! aventurine, aventurine! i want all of you, i want..." you went on, obsessive as you were, jumping innocently and giggling as though nothing happened. he brushed your locks away, dabbing a clean handkerchief at your blood stained face.
...you were a monster.
you were the cosmos' worst enemy.
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luveline · 2 years
best friend steve taking off your makeup and putting you to bed? + super sleepy reader speaks nonsense about how he must be in love because he cares sm about them or something <33
pining steve and oblivious best friend reader 🥺 fem!reader | 0.8k words
You sit pliant as a doll on the closed toilet seat, your eyes drooping, your hands limp in your lap. Steve encourages your head back with the side of his hand to your temple, a cotton round heavy with whatever it is that you'd pointed at to use held hesitantly over your cheek. 
"You're sure this is the right stuff?" he asks quietly, not wanting to startle you. 
You hum and your eyes close all the way. 
"It's so oily," he complains. "And it can definitely go near your eyes?" 
"It's the only thing that will get my eyeliner off," you tell him, reassuring even in your fatigue.
Steve raises his eyebrows but takes the leap, pressing the wet cotton to your eye. You flinch at the cold and he moves to hold your face steady by hooking his fingers under your ear, his thumb pressed tight to your jaw. 
He dabs at your dark eye makeup with infinite care. You drift, slouching closer and closer towards his abdomen until your hands are grasping weakly at his thighs and Steve has to hold your head up.  
"Two more minutes," he promises. 
Too tired to speak, you squeeze his skin beneath your hand. Steve strokes your cheek encouragingly and moves to the second eye, oil mixing with your ebony kohl, rivulets like dirty tears rolling down your cheek. He swaps out the dirtied round for a clean one and wets it under the faucet, scrubbing it methodically over your entire face until your skin is dewy, so clean it's shining under the white fluorescent. 
He indulges your wanting tactility and lets you press your newly washed cheek to his midriff, his hand at the nape of your neck and rubbing down your spine over your soft sleep shirt in a squished hug.
In your way – what way it is, Steve couldn't say, though he's recently come to describe it as an adorable siren call – you'd convinced him to clean your face for you. 
Not really any convincing at all, actually. Steve had mentioned your make up despite the late hour, knowing you hate to wear it to bed in case it irritates your skin. 
You'd said, "Stevie, I'm too tired to take it off." 
And Steve had said, "I'll do it for you."
You nestle your nose into his stomach with your hands clutching his waist, mumbling something too quiet to hear. 
"What?" he asks. 
"I said, 'You must really love me,'" you repeat for him. 
Right. That's what it is. Not an adorable siren call at all. He's deadly in love with you. How could he forget? 
"I do love you," he says. "You're my best friend on the whole planet, numbskull." 
"You must love me," you sing-song. "Love love me. You're super…" 
"Super what?" he asks mildly, bending down to slide his hands under your arms. 
"In love with me." 
"Sure, babe," he says, rolling his eyes. He plays it off well but you giggle anyways, especially when he pulls you up into his chest and has to half-drag you off of the seat and out of the bathroom. 
"You do," you mumble. 
"I do love you," he says easily. Even when it was just platonic it was easy to tell you. It only gets easier. Plus, you're the kind of tired where he doubts you'll remember any inflection.
Steve guides you into your bedroom and deposits you at the bottom of your bed. 
You crawl to the top and go still as a corpse. It freaks him out. He leans down until he can smell the toothpaste on your breath, your soft exhales warm on his lips. 
"Y/N?" he whispers. 
You groan. Steve laughs at you, glad you're alive, and your eyes scrunch tight as he climbs over your legs to lie beside you, your arm pressed to his arm, your socked foot pushed into his calf. 
He watches you doze indulgently. 
You must feel his gaze. You blink your eyes open for a split second, lashes kissing and your nose twitching. 
"Steve?" you whisper.
You stretch until you moan and Steve feels his heart hammering hard enough to bruise at the sound. 
He waits for you to say something but you're not awake enough to communicate anymore, eyes closing once again. You turn onto your side and then your stomach, his arm wedged under your chest in a position that'll more than likely give him pins and needles in a half hour. Your head falls heavy on his shoulder, your lips parted over his skin. You're definitely gonna drool.
He doesn't complain. 
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queenendless · 7 months
🍂🍁💝Thankful (Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader ft Various JJK)💝🍁🍂
A/n: Spontaneous short fiction.
Sequel to Spooky Lovin'.
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate. To those who don't, well do whatever makes you happy.
Lots of characters/pairings, pure cavity esque fluff, with a twist!
All credit for JJK goes to Gege ... despite what happens canon wise.
*Please don't plagiarize, translate, or repost my FANFIC work. Like, reblog and follow instead, thank you.
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The enriching enthusiasm boomed out throughout your private abode.
You watched in beaming amusement through the open archway at the packed company.
Yuji laughed at what Megumi had to say which made the other smile; both close together on one end of the couch.
Nobara gushed over showing Maki upcoming winter attire releasing on her phone, to which the latter was intrigued, both also bundled closely on the other end of the couch.
Kento and Yu leaning against the wall, drinking apple cider as the latter rambled enthusiastically on their latest endeavor, while Ino popped in, praising a blushing Nanami on his caliber as his sorcerer icon.
Aoi clapping and weeping all up in the big TV showing Takada-chan's live performance in the themed parade happening down South.
Panda and Toge jumping in the leaf piles, a beaming Yuta swinging a giggling Rika around through the whisking leaves. Kamo sipped tea on the front patio as he watched the sunset.
Down the way, a car crossed by, with Shiu at the wheel and Toji eyeing the house with sharp ambivalence. Part of him missing his kids but accepting long ago that this is where they truly belong, nodding for Shiu to drive off.
A tipsy Shoko cuddling up with a blushing smiling Utahime in the hot tub on one end and Mei lounging and sipping on cider on the other end with Ui holding her bagged gear and waiting on her outside the tub, on standby, cause he's just that devoted.
Mai and Momo taking selfies together in the backyard garden before teasing a flustered Kasumi after Kokichi gifted her a flower in her hair.
Yuki and Choso; also in the backyard, napped together on the bench under the tallest looming tree, cozy smiles on their faces.
Kusakabe excused himself just to sneak into the bathroom to try out the jacuzzi.
Nanako and Mimiko braided Tsumiki's hair as they sat at the katsudon, smack dabbed in the center of their spacious living room.
Junpei blushing from Tsumiki noticing him gazing at her, smiling widely in return, to which a flushed Junpei jumped from Megumi's stern-faced warning to which his sister complained for him not to scare him so much and a nervously laughing Yuji consoled his horror buddy by hugging him and patting his back, simultaneously trying to calm down his boyfriend going all overprotective brother mode.
Masamichi made some festive themed cursed corpse dolls that were taking up space on the other couch.
Kiyotaka fumbled with his drink as Akari's beaming smile had him and Arata covering their flushed faces from how pure she looked.
Riko and Misato assist Suguru in the kitchen as they prepare the food.
Suguru, knowing you were still unwell, insisted you take it easy and let them handle the feast.
You had been feeling unwell the past few days.
You called in sick today when you felt something change.
You had to see for yourself.
And when you did, you felt inspired to message everyone you know for an impromptu get together at your place. The word spread via group chats, texts, and calls.
Watching everyone enjoying themselves at your impromptu get together heightened your spirits.
Just not for the festive touch.
But to be surrounded by all their beaming warm faces when —
Satoru warped right before barging through the front door with dramatic flair, exciting a few, scaring some, and annoying the rest.
“Honey, I'm home~!” Dropping the bag of pies on the counter, Satoru smooched Suguru fully on the lips.
The moment he noticed you practically glowing, the Six Eyes told him all that there is and will soon be, straight down to the first traces.
In that moment, everyone inside and outside felt the shifts in the cursed force as Gojo warped right before you, startling you out of your hidden viewing spot, his arms wrapping around your figure to catch you. You imagined his eyes trained on the right spot.
“You … you're …”
You couldn't suppress your smile. “I found out this morning. But I didn't know how to tell you both. I had a feeling your Six Eyes would show you the truth – AAH~!” Your yelp as he lifted you up in the air reverberated throughout the house, grabbing everyone's attention.
“Gojo-sensei?!” His students exclaimed in a jumbled mess.
“Satoru! Be careful – !” Suguru's concerns were cut short when he watched as you tugged down that blindfold just to see Satoru's awestruck eyes with your own.
Tears made his eyes sparkling that much beautifully, sniffling softly, beaming with that lovestruck smile as he lowered you down to embrace you, swinging side to side gently, laughing as he smooched your face with so many kisses.
“Y/n … thank you.”
As he sets you down; keeping you wrapped up in one arm, his other arm waving you two's partner over before intertwining their hands together to pull him in quickly. “Suguru~ We've got the hottest scoop of the year!”
Pressing himself right by your side, Suguru leaned down as you got up on your tiptoes to whisper your secret right in his ear. His stunned face was all you could read as he replayed your words in his mind, but he wanted to be certain. “Are you sure?”
Satoru's closed eyed smile and thumbs up added to the buildup. “These eyes don't lie!”
Burning wetness swelled up in those beautiful almond eyes as Suguru kissed you lovingly, smiling at you in the same smitten manner. “Best news ever.”
“Everyone!” Satoru hollered as his arms became yours and Suguru's thrones, lifting you both up, as he floated for literal joy. “We're having a baby!”
“And yes, it's all true!” You exclaimed boldly, knowing the people would take your word more easily than Satoru's.
First stunned silence. Which immediately erupted into cheers and applause of congratulations.
The twins, Tsumiki and Megumi were the first to get up and hurry on over to embrace you, shedding tears of joy.
Yuji and Haibara high-fiving Satoru who was over the moon.
Nanami shook hands to congratulate Suguru, warning him to make sure Satoru took extra caution with taking care of you and your little bundle before embracing you himself. You personally wanted to deem him as the godfather, just a side note.
As those from out front and out back swarmed in as the announcement shot straight through the roof from the loud groundbreaking importance.
After all the girls in the house fussed over you with hugs, advice and offers to help you through this new adventure, your husbands were in the same boat with almost everyone.
Except Kusakabe who was stuck in the bathroom for a while since the hallway was filled with the rest of your guests.
After embracing and congratulating you themselves, Riko and Kuroi announced the feast was ready.
Exchanging kisses with both your loves, you gave a toast.
Toasting to the new addition to your growing unique family.
Now that is cause to celebrate.
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harpyface · 4 months
Kim Kitsuragi - The bullet falls in the bag leaving a smattering of blood on the plastic. He raises the bag under his eyes and says:
Kim Kitsuragi - "Unknown calibre. Rifled. Some kind of brittle alloy, fractured on impact..."
You - "Can I have it?"
Kim Kitsuragi - "Of course. You've *earned* it." The lieutenant drops the bag in your bloody hand. It feels light.
Perception (Sight) - Your gardening glove is completely covered in the corpse's blood.
Inland Empire - Cold and absent of life.
Half Light - Lick your fingers.
Volition - What-
Electrochemistry - YES-
You - Um...?
Endurance - Uh, no. You barely got your shit together when approaching the hanging corpse. Your body will not be able to handle its dead blood inside it.
Electrochemistry - The dark liquid glistens on the yellow latex in the cold sunlight. Your fingers are *dripping* with it.
Authority - You outlived this sad, sad man. It's only right that you should feast upon his corpse.
Logic - No, you shouldn't. The corpse has been hanging outside - mouth open - for a week. In any case, it won't taste good.
Conceptualisation - That's because it's raw, unseasoned blood. This is just a little taste.
Perception (Smell) - You waft the odor towards your face. If you close your eyes, you can imagine it's a kebab.
Volition - We all know that the kebabs you ate were no better than a week-old corpse. Take the gloves off and clean them when you get back to your room.
Reaction Speed - You will never get this chance again, especially with how the lieutenant regarded you when you tried to remove the hanged man's boots.
You - Lick your fingers.
Perception (Taste) - You swipe the flat of your tongue along the back of your hand. Why did you do that? You could have just dabbed at it. It's disgustingly sour and tastes awful. You gag when your saliva washes the fluid down your throat.
Authority - You have bested this man. You have consumed him.
Electrochemistry - It's fucking vile. It's enlightening.
Logic - Great. Now that you've established that brain fluid and blood tastes bad, let's get back to the autopsy.
Kim Kitsuragi - He had turned to his notebook when you took the bagged bullet. He's still looking down at it.
Kim Kitsuragi - He was beginning to write the bullet wound's description. The pen has not touched the paper.
Composure - He *saw* you lick your bloody glove.
Empathy - It's not a surprise. He is still appalled.
Half Light - You conquered your prey. You are the predator.
Inland Empire - A four-legged beast with sharp claws and numerous teeth. Muscles powerful and flexing.
Shivers - In a grimy butcher shop in Faubourg, a rugged man pulls a thawed lamb down onto the somewhat clean counter. He grips the front legs and tendons crack. In the front of the shop, raw meats line the shelves. Red steaks with beautiful marbling, sausage casings stuffed full of spiced pork, pink breasts of chicken shining in the artificial light.
Electrochemistry - You recall the sweet ham of Gaston's sandwich.
Physical Instrument - Your muscles are also powerful and flex-worthy. Your meat would be highly coveted.
Volition - Right. Who would want to buy meat sourced from an addicted alcoholic? Take off the damn gloves.
You - "I wonder what I taste like."
Kim Kitsuragi - You pull him out of his silent stupor. After a second, he decides to ignore what you said. "We need to add an item to the injury list."
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coopigeoncoo · 2 months
Meat Cute, Chapter 2
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Chapter Links: First, <- Chapter 2 ->Next
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader
Rating: Mature (rating may change)
Tags: Canon-typical violence, Cannibalism, Reader is a cannibal, Fake/pretend relationship, Puns, Raccoon Reader, Tags may change, Swearing
In a bid to appear more approachable to the denizens of the Hazbin Hotel, Alastor enlists the help of his favorite butcher to step into the roll of an (after)lifetime: pretending to be his paramour! ---
“You can't deny we have so much in common,” Alastor's grinned, his smile somehow, impossibly, widening even farther as he leaned down on the counter on a single elbow; his nose nearly touching yours as you stood frozen in place. “I'm somewhat of a Butcher myself, you know.”
A story where one thing is certain: the steaks are never bigger than when love is on the line.
Continue reading below, or follow the link to A03!
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Extermination came and went with you wrapped up in all the blankets from your bed, crammed into the walk-in cooler Hal used to age gigantic slabs of meat.  Once the distant screams had died down you were quickly pulled from the fridge and put back to work, barely able to hold a knife in your frost nipped fingers. 
“Lotsa screaming means lotsa bodies,” Hal explained, tying the strings of his apron around his wide hips in a tight double knot.  “And lotsa bodies means lotsa meat.”
As though summoned by his words, a forceful knock sounded from the delivery entrance; a salesman bearing the first of many scavenged corpses sold to the shop for a quick buck. 
You stared down at the man laid across your chopping block, his face contorted to showcase the abject terror of his final moments.
“I'm sorry this happened to you,” you murmured quietly, fingers tracing the jagged cut that had ripped the man open from pelvis to sternum.  “But I promise to do a better job than they did.”
The angels had cut his life short.
And then you cut him into pieces.
It didn't seem particularly fair to you, but you supposed it was as balanced as things could be in Hell.  
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Hal, in a rare show of mercy, gave his employees the weekend off to recuperate from the pre and post Extermination rushes.  You had been content to hole up inside your cramped apartment and sleep for the full two days, but once you remembered your promise to Ms. Rosie you managed to pull yourself out of bed and get dressed with a minimal amount of cursing. 
It wasn't difficult to find her once you actually managed to wake up enough to stumble down your apartment stairs without breaking your neck.  You'd pass by Franklin and Rosie's Emporium often enough running errands for Hal.  It would be hard to avoid the boutique considering it was smack dab in the middle of main street; placing it along just about every route through town.  
The Emporium offered a wide selection of impeccably tailored clothes you couldn't ever hope to afford with your meager earnings.  It was nearly impossible to swallow back the sour burn of envy roiling in your belly at the sight of the smartly dressed women spinning in front of mirrors in their tailored waistcoats and silver buttoned shoes.  You self consciously soothed out wrinkles in your burgundy colored skirt, the fabric likely permanently creased from being trapped under the tight sash of your butchery apron.
The checkout line moved slowly as every patron stopped to chat with Rosie or the woman standing beside her, and it felt like a small eternity had passed before you made it to the front of the queue.  Rosie's eyes widened as she saw you, a bright smile stretching across her face as she quickly skirted around to the front of the counter.
“Take over from me, Franklin!” Rosie called out to her companion over her shoulder, motioning you to follow her with an excited wave of her hand.  “I've got a special guest visiting!”
Rosie led you to a darling two person cafe table pushed into an alcove with a giant window overlooking the central square of Cannibal Town, where a barbershop quartet was starting to attract a fair bit of attention from passers by.  Rosie was silent as she slid up behind you, but the weight of her aura was somehow palpable; like a humidity that clogged the air and made breathing a laborious task.
“It's pretty peaceful for a place called Cannibal Town, isn't it?” Rosie boasted, but you couldn't fault her for her pride.  You knew from stories around town that the orderly life on display was the result of her tireless effort to secure a better life for the sinners under her rule.  
“It is,” you agreed readily, sliding carefully  into the chair that one of her attendants had pulled out for you while Rosie settled down across the table.  “You've built a lovely community, Ms. Rosie.”
“Oh, aren't ya' just the sweetest thing!” Rosie chirped in delight, hoisting a tray of finger foods up under your nose.  “Canapé?”
You were too nervous to be hungry, but grabbed a couple of crackers topped with thin slices of blood sausage and dollops of roasted marrow to be polite.  Not sure what to say, you quickly popped one of the hors d'oeuvres into your mouth immediately and hoped Rosie would take hold of the conversational reins.
Rosie, mercifully, rose to the occasion.  
“So, you seem to be fitting in pretty well around here.  That's unusual these days,” she said, deftly pouring some piping hot bone broth into dainty porcelain tea cups.  “Hard to find new sinners willing to live without television or cellular phones.”
You couldn't help but think of how much of your life had been squandered in front of screens; the endless hours of scrolling and watching and seeing and wanting- of wondering why your life never seemed to compare to the ones that clogged your social media feeds.  
“Those- those things do me more harm than good, I think,” you admit between small bites of sausage.  
“Oh, honey.  Those gadgets are nothing but trouble for everyone,” Rosie cooed comfortingly before angling her head down to mumble into her cup “especially down here.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing to worry your pretty little head over,” Rosie laughed dismissively, pushing a platter of finger sandwiches towards your now empty plate.  You grabbed the one with a thumb poking out, saving the sandwiches stuffed with choicer pinky digits for your host.  
“It's nice to see you don't shy away from the…specialized fare Cannibal Town is known for,” Rosie said approvingly, watching as you skillfully de-nailed the finger in your sandwich.  “Did working at the butcher shop help acclimate ya'?”
“A bit.  I won't lie, it was really hard at first.  I spent a lot of time pretending that I was eating other stuff- beef, pork, a really convincing soy substitute,” you admit. “But after a little while that started to feel, I don't know, disrespectful?”
“It's like- this person is nourishing me.  I am alive because of them.  It didn't seem right to pretend that they were somehow less than what they were; especially when they were providing me with so much.  Acknowledging their life, what they were-” you paused, considering your words along with the remaining phalange held between your fingers.  “It's the least I can do.  A way I can thank them.”
You feel a bit vulnerable from your confession, never having voiced your thoughts out loud before, and it takes you a moment to muster the courage to look up from your hands and meet your host’s gaze again.  Rosie is positively beaming at you, her small nose crinkled in delight.
“I need you to promise me you'll try and get out more, sweetie.  It's very inconsiderate for you to deprive the citizens of Cannibal Town of your company,” Rosie said, leaning over the table to place her hand on top of yours, the press of her fingers a balm to your touch-starved soul. “You're one of us now.  It's time to start acting like it.”
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You'd reluctantly started to make appearances around town.  It started small, with short walks around the park when the belladonna began to bloom, followed by the weekly al fresco concerts once the early spring acid rains tapered off.  
And then suddenly a switch seemed to flip.  People would wave good morning to you from across the street, customers would ask about how your weekend was, and  your coworkers invited you out for drinks after work.  You'd gone from merely existing in Cannibal Town to really living in Cannibal Town.  
You tried to not dwell on how much happier you were in Hell than you were on Earth, fearful about what exactly that said about the sort of person you were. 
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The years ticked by and before you knew it the workers at the butcher shop had surprised you with a lopsided devils food cake to celebrate your fifth death day.
“When you're facing down eternity you don't celebrate every single year,” Dorcas, the girl who usually worked the register, explained.  “Five is the first milestone party, followed by twenty-five and fifty.  They get more spaced out as time goes on.”
You had woken up early the next day, dehydrated with a headache pounding behind your eyeballs from overindulging at your death day celebration.  Hal, in a show of incredible foresight, had scheduled you for the afternoon shift.  With a mug of watery coffee in hand, you were slowly shambling to the threadbare armchair in the corner of your room when the broken radio on the side table suddenly began shooting off sparks; the device alight with an eerie green glow.
“SWEET SASSY MOLASSY,” you screamed, accidentally spilling coffee down the front of your dressing gown as you leaped away from the ancient box radio.
“Salutations!  Good to be back on the air!” a staticky voice greeted, the cheery tone completely at odds with your abject misery as you pulled your soaked nightgown away from your chest to cool your singed flesh.
The radio was loud, the volume knob having been set to maximum when it suddenly powered on; but the sound inside your apartment was nothing compared to the uproarious cheers you heard coming from outside as the citizens of Cannibal Town overjoyed by the return of their favorite radio program.  
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Taylor is so remarkably good at coordinating capes and figuring out who's specific powers she needs to use together to win, and it's amazing how she gets better and better at it throughout Worm and stays relevant far above her weight class through this skill. I'd say the first time I noticed this was during the second Lung fight, when she was completely helpless when the other capes she was with went down but she managed to incapacitate Lung by dabbing a caterpillar corpse in Newter juice and sneaking it into his eye, but it doesn't really get to be a really common thing until far later in the story.
The Echidna fight is where this skill truly shines for the first time. She's useless offensively and can't go more than like 50 feet from Scapegoat, but she still manages and coordinates countless capes with arrows and warnings and directions with her bugs, capping it all off by having Clockblocker freeze her string to bifurcate Noelle. She's just as useless in the Behemoth fight, but she uses the Chicago wards to make a lightning rod and then uses a combination of Phir Se, Eidolon, Bitch, and Foil to fuck up an endbringer more than anyone else ever has or will. Her time in the wards, against the S9K, even at the oil rig fight at the start of gold morning, every single time she's unable to drown the opponent in bugs she figures out the exact optimal combination of powers to take them out. And at some point, her friends and enemies start wondering if their powers would be used better by her. Tattletale says she knows Skitter would use hers better if I recall correctly, and how many people start thinking the same after she pulls this stuff time and time again?
And then she becomes Khepri, and it's the perfect culmination of this theme because she CAN use everyone's powers now, she can coordinate and search for combinations and be the administrator she's so excellent at being. She uses Foil and Ballistic together, coordinates every tinker to collaborate on a giant fucking gun, and has a ton of changers, Labyrinth, and the most obscure guy in existence Oliver torment him. She could never do any of this alone, not that she's a pushover, but she's just absolutely inspiring in the way that she uses others for help and brings out their true potential together.
So what I'm saying here is that Taylor is strong because she has the power of friendship and teamwork on her side.
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pyjama-aeldari · 7 months
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Painted another corpse fanatic today, so captured the process if some of you were interested. Yes, I still need to finish the base.
1. Base coat in scarlet/ rhinox hide mix
2. Black / khorne red stripes
3. As before, but make a lattice.
4. In the cross sections paint a black square.
5. A thin line vertical of Averland Sunset and white. I do this a bit bold, don't worry we'll knock em back in a bit.
6. As before, but horizontal
7. Using black, create a thin lattice in the scarlet boxes, vertical and horizontal.
8. Get brave. Apply a coat of matt varnish. Let it dry and cover in AK Streaking Grime. Let this dry and with a brush and white spirit brush to the bottom of the model.
9. Apply an oil wash of black and brown. As before let dry and dab off.
You're done. Add pigments if you like for extra dirt.
Full credit, I adapted my process on this tutorial by @kujopainting
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hidden-snow · 4 months
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Summary // After moving far from home to join the Sully family, you develop depression. Luckily, you have Jake and Neteyam to cheer you up.
Warnings // Mentions of suicidal thoughts, SH, and depression. This fic may not be suitable for certain readers. Read at your own risk.
Word count // 1,009
Part 1 of 2 // Neteyam
(Side note from author; if you ever need an ear to listen, feel free to pm me or send an ask in anonymous <3 If you have suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself, please contact 988 or the suicide hotline in your country)
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How long had you been laying around, no motivation to participate in normal day life? How long had your expression lacked the emotions you used to have? How long had you been so… numb?
It felt like you’ve been stuck in the blank, dull pit of your own depression. Your life revolved around that pit and you felt like you were trapped, unable to climb your way out. Jake and his family had been quick to notice your lack of interest in anything, had seen the way you curled up on your mat, a pale blue blanket pulled up over your head to hide away from the world and its problems.
They’d done their best to help you through this severe episode of depression, talking to you and trying to comfort you in any way they could. At times, Ronal would visit to check in on your mental health. When she did visit, she always brought a tonic to drink in an attempt to cure your mental pain.
It never worked.
You were desperate to feel anything other than empty and soulless, taking to extreme measures to find any spark of emotion deep in your aching heart.
The first time you’d slid your knife across your wrist, you’d felt a sliver of pain, the first emotion you’d felt in days. Of course, it was addicting and intoxicating, helping you to feel something other than numb. It sent a thrill through your body, adrenaline pumping hard and fast in your veins. Your hand shook as you added another cut in your skin.
You could see the blood from your self-inflicted wounds, and it only served to prove to you that you were still alive and not a walking, breathing, eating corpse. You couldn’t stop. The sharp burn of the knife against your flesh, the scarlet red that stained your skin.
The only reason you stopped was because a hand wrapped around your wrist, forcing you to drop the knife. A hand with long, slightly scarred fingers. A hand that felt warm against your cold, clammy skin.
You look up to see Neteyam looming over you, his non-existent eyebrows creased upwards in a concerned look. His lips were pursed, as if he were holding back a flood of questions and comments, and you couldn’t help but avoid his gaze. You looked everywhere but at his eyes, afraid that if you looked, you’d only see disappointment. Or worse - disgust.
He didn’t say anything, though. He just grabbed your shoulders, pulling you into a soft hug against his chest, fingers stroking through your braided locks.
You hadn’t realized how desperately you needed this until he was doing it, whispering soothing words of comfort, of promises that only he could keep.
With that simple physical contact that he was giving you, you felt your guards crumble and fall, the floodgates of your heart finally bursting open.
You sobbed softly into his shoulder, the numbness of your soul withering away as you finally began to feel the pain and anguish that you’d promised yourself that you’d never let in.
He drew back, grabbing a cloth from nearby to dab at your eyes, swiping it under your nose to wipe away the snot that had come with your ugly sobbing. Then he cupped your face gently between his hands, his thumb stroking your red cheek.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, smiling softly at you, and you faintly saw the glimmer of tears in his own eyes.
“I see you. I see your pain and your sadness. I am here. You’ll never be alone, y/n.”
You couldn’t help but smile back at him, a hesitant, weak smile that reflected the weakness you felt within.
“Now, let us tend to your wounds.”
You watched silently as he wiped the blood from your wrists, cleaning your skin with gentle care. Everything about his touch was gentle and careful, cautious as to not cause you further harm or pain. 
What did you do to deserve such gentle love and care?
“What brought this on, might I ask?”
You clear your throat, looking back up into his face, but he’s too focused on your wrists. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to confide in a friend, would it?
“I miss home,” you murmur softly and he pauses, looking back up at you in surprise. You flinch back from his expression, knowing that this could only end up in two ways; pity or anger. You didn’t want to witness either of them.
“You could always go back home?” he offered instead, returning to your wounds. You let out a sigh, so deep that it reflected the pain in your chest brought on by your sorrow and depression.
“No. You know that. Mother was very firm about what she wanted to happen. She didn’t want… she did not want me to live in the same land that my father and brother were killed in.”
He didn’t respond to that, knowing that your words rang with a truth that all of the Sullys knew. Your mother had been insistent that Jake take you with him, practically pleading that he keep you close to his side. After all, you needed a father figure to guide you as you grew. Or at least, that’s what she argued when he tried to refuse her request.
Separated from your only living relative, living in a land foreign to your soul and blood, it was hard to readjust. It was hard to grieve for your father and brother when you could not be near to sit over their graves or to lay flowers beside the tangled tree roots that grew over their bodies.
He thinned his lips for a moment, finishing the bandages on your wrists. Then he straightened, pulling you back into another warm hug, holding you close in that safe warmth that belonged to him.
“Don’t worry, y/n. We will return soon. Everything will be alright. From now on, come to me before you think of hurting yourself again, alright? I will make things better for you. I promise.”
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its-c-for-cemetery · 4 months
Tears | Johnny Cage and Kenshi Takahashi
Summary: losing a loved one
CW: hurt/comfort, wounds, blood, death
Johnny Cage never cries.
There’s no time for tears in his life. His bustling and glamorous life never gave him time for meaningless emotions to seep through his heart. Even when his beloved wife left his mansion, left his life, he didn’t let himself feel that vulnerability. It wasn’t his fault. Cristina didn’t understand him. She didn’t understand his life. Johnny downed another glass of martini and heard the door of his mansion slammed close, realizing that he was fully alone in the mansion. But it was alright. He believed in himself and his career. Everything is going to be okay and he'll get through this life crisis.
Not until a Japanese ex-Yakuza broke into his security measurements and demanded three-billion dollars worth of ancient katana. And a man who believed himself to be a god of flames and the protector of the world, along with highly-trained assassins with elemental powers came to get them both to train and compete with residents of the world outside. He never asked for this, but here he was, along with his new buddies, going into life-threatening missions to maintain the balance and peace between worlds.
Johnny Cage never cries.
His skull was pounding mercilessly, waking him up unceremoniously in an underground cell. The ground he was laying on was gross and damp, the cobblestones smelled strongly of mold and plants. His body ached, screaming in protest as he slowly brought himself into a sitting position.
Trying to identify his surroundings and recall his previous memories, Johnny remembered the sick princess’ death grip upon his shoulders, ripped mouth and devilishly long fangs threatening to ravage his head clean off, before a man in red pulled her back, distracting the princess. Snapping back into reality, Johnny suddenly jumped, going after his wounded friend, whose eye sockets were filled to the brim with the crimson liquid darker than his coat.
“Kenshi.. God damnit, how’s the pain?”
“Excruciating,” Johnny hated how hoarse the man in red sounded, after holding that kind of pain for God knows how long. It was heavily dripping with hopelessness and self-doubt.
“You saved my life, I won’t forget that.”
Even as Johnny carefully dabbed some pain ointment upon his ripped piece of clothing and draped it around his friend’s eye sockets, he couldn’t shake off the guilt that was slowly crawling into his heart, eating him from the insides. Not even when the ancient katana was given to his friend could ever forgive what he had done.
He wished it would’ve been himself instead.
Johnny Cage never cries.
They were in a dark but lustrous forest, battling against rebelling forest demons who had been killing off the people of Outworld. Johnny knew there wasn’t a time to be joking around when he saw Princess Kitana and Liu Kang, the God of Fire himself joining the battlefield. Empress Mileena, Princess Kitana, and Liu Kang had tried to have a peaceful conversation with them (much to Mileena’s disagreement), but they never heeded it and still slaughtered innocent civilians passing the forest.
During the hunt, they scattered throughout every corner of the forest, determined to put an end to this killing. Johnny was paired up with Raiden, performing efficient long range and melee attacks not to be underestimated. Sparkles of blue electricity danced jerkily amongst the messy red corpses of the forest demons. Burnt by thunder and beaten to pulp, their kind was to be exterminated. What once were bodies the color of soil, now adorned with red and charring black. A burning smell and the disgusting waft of decaying waste emanated from the demons’ bodies and filled the air around them. Despite that, Johnny smirked and put his hands on his hips, looking at Raiden who was wiping his sweaty brow and pinching his nose.
“Perhaps we should check on the others, Johnny. We’ve been here long enough.”
“Yeah, c’mon, Ray-bro, before I puke all over these damned beings.”
Leaving the dead bodies behind, Johnny and Raiden made their way back toward their assembly point with bloody footsteps. As Johnny marched through the dense trees, stepping over fallen trunks, he was 100% confident that him and Raiden would be the first one to get back.
He definitely didn’t expect bumping into Kung Lao.
The man with the razor hat was drenched in sweat, but  looked exceptionally pale and out of breath.
“Shit–Raiden! Johnny! This is absolutely terrible..”
Johnny couldn’t miss what Kung Lao was carrying in his arms. An audible gasp left his mouth.
“What happened to Kenshi?! Let me see, Lao, put him down!!” Johnny hastily pried Kenshi off of Kung Lao’s arms and laid him on the ground.
Huge gashes and holes tore at his best friend’s body, a contrasting color with the deathly white of his skin. An obvious sign of the enemies’ doing. The blind swordsman’s head lolled to the side, away from the other’s gaze, unmoving. His lips parted slightly, as if he was simply getting some rest, an eternal one. In the aftermath of the battle, a gentle breeze brushed by, gently swaying Kenshi’s black locks. No matter how loud Johnny called out, doing whatever emergency aids the monks had taught him, deep down, he knew it was futile.
Johnny cracked a desperate smile and shook Kenshi’s lifeless body, “Takahashi, I know you can hear me. I know you’re pretending. Is this some kind of revenge for the pranks I always did to you? If so, you’re doing a terrible job at it, ‘cause this is not. Fucking. Funny. Wake up, you fool…”
He lowered himself onto Kenshi’s chest, pressing his face into it, making his voice sound muffled.
“So selfish, Takahashi, leaving this world earlier than me. In the end, even my own best friend leaves me. Fuck you, Kenshi.”
Today, John Carlton cried.
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justagamerandaweeb · 6 months
Mating Season - Omegaverse AU! Hybrid! Yoriichi x human! Reader
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It was a dark yet bright autumn night. The moon shining down on you as you walk down the leaf-filled woods, carrying a basket full of fruits and vegetables.
You were walking back from a village you visited to stock up on food and supplies for Winter. As you were getting closer to your home, you noticed that blood was on the pieces of the fallen leaves.
Scared that something would ambush you, you paced faster trying to get your home safely. You look down to see a bigger puddle of blood on the floor and started to run.
Once you've seen the light of your house, you decided to relax a little bit and go for a jogging pace now, relieved to see your house. But you noticed something laying on the ground in front of your door.
You slowly moved in front of it hoping that it wasn't sleeping. You look down to see more blood on the ground and your eyes followed the blood to the corpse.
You put the basket down and got to your knees in front of the body. The first thing you notice about the body is that it had some sort of tail. You extended your hand in front of it and quickly poked the body.
The body didn't seem to move when you poked it. But you were nervous about what would happen next. Your hand started to shake as it slowly grabbed the corpse's shoulder. You took a deep inhale through your mouth and closed your eyes as you turn the body around.
You opened your eyes to see the person that had long red hair bruised and beat-up, with a huge slash on his chest that had three unusually large claw patterns. You gasped in shock from how damaged he was. You felt his body coming to find out that his body is warm.
You wasted no time opening the door and dragging his body into your house. It took you a huge minute to get him to your room and put him on your bed since this man was so tall and so heavy. You looked in your closet to see where you put the medical supplies, and luckily you found them.
A needle, a thread, a rag, bandages, and some ointment. You put the supplies next to him and got up to go to the kitchen. You grabbed a big bowl and filled it with water and a little bit of soap.
You came back to your room to see the man's body was still on your bed. You walked up to him and sat down next to him as you dump the piece of rag into the bowl of water.
You took it out after letting it soak in it for a couple of seconds and ringed the water out. You propped up and dabbed the rag around the slashes to clean the dirt off.
Once you were done, you put the rag back into the water and grabbed the needle and thread. You put the thread in the needle and dug the needle into his chest. You looked at him to see if he was still unconscious and he was so you continued to stitch up one of the three scars.
It took you a lot of work, but you sutured all three of his claw slashes. You grabbed the wet rag and ringed it again to clean his chest and your hands.
Next up, you grab the bandage and set his body up for you to wrap the bandage around his chest. As for the cuts and bruises on his body, you grabbed the piece of ointment and rubbed it on him, hoping that the bruises and cuts would disappear over time.
You wiped the sweat off your forehead as you took a heavy exhale of relief. You took care of this random person that was bleeding literally at your front door. But then you remembered, that he had a wolf-like tail on his back.
So you looked up to his face to see it was completely normal, But you look up to his head to see a flame-like scar on the top left of his forehead and ears that represented a wolf.
You were so confused but so intrigued at the same time. He was part Wolf and part Human. It made you wonder what species was he. You felt your stomach growling, so you got up, left the door cracked open, and went to the kitchen to make something to eat.
You grabbed a pot, a few spices, a knife, and a piece of raw meat. You washed your hands and started to heat the pot. As you were letting the pot heat up, you placed the piece of raw meat on the counter and started to cut it.
As you were cutting the meat in half, you started to wonder if he woke up, wouldn't he want something to eat? So instead of putting back the other piece of meat, you left it out as you grabbed the bottle of spices and seasoned the meat.
Once you were done seasoning both pieces of meat, you put them both in the pot and put a lid on top of it. You grabbed the basket and took out two whole potatoes and started to skin them.
Once you were done skinning them, you drenched them in water to clean them. And then you started to chop them up into tiny pieces. You then grabbed some carrots and started to chop them as well into circles.
You open the lid and watched the steam go up into the air. You waved your hand back to get the scent of the roasted meat and it didn't disappoint. The smell of it alone made your mouth salivate, you couldn't wait to eat this. So you took the chopped-up potatoes and carrots and dumped them in the pot.
You put the lid back on and decided to check on the person laying on your bed. You opened the cracked door to see he was still unconscious. You slowly walked up to him and touched his bandaged cover chest to see if he was still warm, and he was. Your hand slowly moved to his arm you thought to yourself, "Wow... He has toned arms..."
Your hand moves to his stomach and you could feel his abs as you were moving your fingers. "His body is so toned..." You moved your hand to his and locked it with yours. "Even his hand are bigger than mine..." You let go of his hand and sat on your knees next to him.
You touched his forearms and felt his muscles tense up. You then jumped from shock as he jolts back into consciousness, gasping for air as he was heavily coughing and hyperventilating.
He looks around the room but clenches his eyes closed as he quickly laid his body back down as the sting of pain struck his entire body. His breathing started to relax as he started to get quieter and quieter through every exhale.
He opens his eyes and looked at the ceiling. "Where am I? What is this place?"
"Y-You're in my house."
His head turns to the left to see you sitting on the ground while on your knees. "Who- Who are you?"
"My name is (Y/N)." You said softly to him as you were looking down the floor. You were about to tell him that you were the one that fixed him when you see he was sitting up. You got up and softly pushed him back down. "Hey, don't try to stand up. You were pretty beat up when I saw you at my door."
He grunts in pain and defeat as he relaxes his body. He lifts his head to see a bandage covering up his chest. He lifts his shaky right arm and places it on his chest. "Did you... Do this?"
You nodded and he puts his head back down and sighs in relief. "Thank you. I am your debt."
"Hey, don't worry about it. I couldn't let you die on my doorstep and do anything about it."
"No, I insist. Please, what do you want me to do to return the favor? I'll do anything for you."
You wave your arm at him and said, "You don't have to do anything for me. Just consider it as a simple thank you."
"Are you sure?"
You nodded. "Positive." He sighs as he turns his head around to look at the ceiling. He then here's you walking away and opening the door. He looks to his left again and sees you leaving. "Wait, where are you going?"
"I'm going to the kitchen. I'm making some stew, you are hungry, right? You want some?"
"Yes, please. I would like some." He said as he watches you nod and leaves the door cracked. He closes his eyes and sighs as waits for you to get his food.
You opened the lid to see a cloud full of steam being free from the pot. You look down at the pot to see the food was finally done. The meat was a tasty-looking shade of brown and the bits of potatoes had a nice shade of orange and the bits of carrots were shiny and juicy.
You grabbed two bowls and a ladle and dipped the ladle into the pot. You poured about two scoops worth of stew into each bowl, making sure each one had the same equal amount of meat, carrots, and potatoes.
You put the ladle in the sink and put the lid back onto the pot as you let the fire die down a bit so the stew stays warm. You grabbed two spoons and proceeded to walk back to your room.
You kicked the door open and walked up to him and place his on the banister. He then sits up and grabs the bowl and spoon, which surprised you with the condition he was in. "Hey, doesn't your body hurt?"
"It only aches, nothing I can't endure." He said as he stirred the stew while you scooped up the stew in your bowl and ate it. Your eyes widened from how delicious it was. "Wow! This is really good!" You thought as you scooped up another piece of stew and ate it.
You look up to see him still stirring the bowl of the stew like he was in some sort of trance. It kinda concerned you so you said, "Hey." and that took him out of his trance.
His head turns to you and he said, "Huh?"
"Are you gonna eat your food or are you gonna sit there and spin it?"
"Oh, right. Sorry." He scooped up the piece of the stew and blows it before he puts it in his mouth. He slowly chews and swallows it and made a soft exhale as steam came out of his mouth. "So, how does it taste?"
He looks at you and says, "delicious." And he smirks at you. You faintly blushed when he smiled at you. "Thank you, I cooked it myself." You said as you mentally smacked yourself when you said that. "I can tell, you're a fantastic cook."
You looked at him and giggled when he said that, but still felt a little embarrassed after what you said. You watched him scoop another spoonful and he chews it, savoring the flavor. While you continued to eat the stew.
As you were stirring your stew with your spoon, you asked him: "Hey, I never caught your name, what is it?"
"Yoriichi. My name is Yoriichi. Thank you for the meal, and for saving me."
"My pleasure, Yoriichi." You both giggled when you stared at each other's eyes.
Once you were both done eating the stew, he gave you his bowl and you walk to the kitchen to rinse them out. When you turned around, you see Yoriichi standing next to the room of your door. You gasp and walked up to them as you try to escort him back to your bed.
"What are you doing?" Yorrichi asked you as he was looking down at you. "Trying to get you back on my bed."
"But, I can walk fine though."
"That's not the point! You were just lying down, nearly dead on my door an hour ago, there should be no reason you shouldn't be able to walk normally."
You said as you sat Yoriichi back down on your bed. "Look just- get some rest, okay? You can keep my bed while I go to the living room." You were about to walk out of your room when you heard him say, "Wait."
You turned around to see him still sitting. He looks at you and says, "You don't have to do that to yourself. Please, sleep with me."
Your eyes slightly widened and you blushed when he said that. "A-Are you sure? I mean your kinda big so what if you fall off?"
"Then you could lay on my chest."
"O-Okay but, what if the wound in your chest opens up again and start losing blood again?"
"You seem like a good medic, you stitched it up, right?" You nodded. "Then it shouldn't be a problem, right? C'mon, I promise I won't touch you."
You tried to think of another excuse since you weren't really familiar with company in your house. You sighed in defeat and started to slowly walk up to Yoriichi.
He lays down on his back as you crawl into bed and lay on his chest. You had a blush on your face but you refused to let him see it. "Are you comfortable?"
You nodded and he props himself for him to also be comfortable. "Well, good night." He said as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
"Night..." You said as you closed your eyes and went to sleep as you hear the sound of his heartbeat in your ear.
The next day
Yoriichi was the first to wake up and sees that you were still sleeping on his chest. He moves a piece of hair away from your face and looks at your sleeping body. "She looks so peaceful sleeping like this. Would be a shame if I accidentally woke her up." He puts his arm around your back and closes his eyes again to take a nap with you again.
Soon after, you woke up from the sun shining on your face. You tried to shift your body but felt something holding you down. You blushed when you found out that it was his arm that was pinning you to his chest.
You look at him to see he was still asleep so this wasn't good for you. You look at his sleeping face and for some reason, he looked adorable to you. You look up to see one of his ears was folded and the other was up. You slowly reached for his ear and started to touch it.
Your eyes slightly widened when you felt how soft it was, it felt just like a dog's ear. "His ear, it feels so soft! I wonder what his tail would feel like." You heard him groaning when you were touching his ear, almost sounded like a playful groan, like what a dog sounds like when it wants to be petted.
"Did I just find his sweet spot?" You thought in your head. And it made you wonder, if he was part wolf, does that mean he has wolf-like abilities? A great sense of smell, agility, and hearing? All the questions spiraled in your mind as you were petting his ear.
You look down to see him opening his eyes and you both look at each other. Both stayed looking at each other's eyes which felt like an eternity but really was 30 seconds.
"What are you doing?" He said so nonchalantly. You quickly moved your hands away from his ear and said, "S-Sorry! T-They looked so fluffy, I thought it would be if I... I..." You covered your face from embarrassment by burying your head on his chest.
Yoriichi didn't really seem to be bothered by this but you were. So to return the favor to you for touching his ear, he strokes your hair and wraps his arm around you a little more tightly. Your blush reddened as you clench your eyes closed and groaned.
Mini time skip
After 15 minutes went by with you and Yoriichi laying on each other, you had the confidence in yourself to tell Yoriichi to let go of you. "Why? Do you not enjoy me petting you back?"
"N-No! It's not that! It's just that I need to clean myself and get dressed to go to a village."
"What kind of village?"
"The kind that has everything you need. Clothes, food, supplies, stuff like that. So, could you please let go of me so I can go get washed?" He stops holding you and you got up for you open your closet and picked out your clothing.
You walked out of your room and started to walk to the bathroom. You filled the bucket up with warm water as you started to undress. You sat down on the stool and started to scrub yourself with the soap.
Your mind wandered thinking about sleeping with Yoriichi. His body against yours, wrapping his arm around your back like he was holding you in a tight embrace. You shook your head as you tried to focus on cleaning yourself. Once you were covered in soap, you grabbed the bucket and dumped the water all over you.
Feeling the warm water running down your body as it drips down on the floor killing the silence for a few moments. You made a long exhale through your nose as you closed your eyes and collected your mind for a moment.
You open your eyes and stood up as you grabbed a towel and dried yourself off. Once you were done drying yourself off, you tied your hair back and put your clothes on.
You wore an (F/C) kimono with (S/C) patterns all over it. You opened the door to shout out to Yoriichi, "I'm gonna be out for a while, don't go wandering around where I can't find you, okay? I'll be back before you know it!" You said as you grabbed your basket and closed the door as you walked to the village.
Time skip
You arrived at the village and seemed that a lot of people were here today. No matter what to you though, since you know every nook and cranny of this village. You took a shortcut to the tailor to buy for Yoriichi.
You went through the cloth-covered entrance and walked up to the late-aged woman. "Hello!"
She turns around to see you coming up to her to hug her. Her arms immediately open and you both wrap yourself in a tight embrace. "(Y/N), my favorite customer, how can I help you on this fine morning?"
You stopped hugging her and said, "It's nice seeing you too. I need some help finding some clothes."
"Oh? Is it because one of them is dirty or has gotten ripped up? If so, you can always come to us to knit it back together or clean it."
You chuckled at her response and said, "No it's not that. Thank you for telling me that though."
"My pleasure." She said as she softly bows down to you. You chuckled before you said, "No, the reason I came here is to find some clothes is... I have someone at my place."
The old woman's head perks up when you announced that someone else was in your home. "Oh? Since when did you have a fiance?"
Your face lightly blushed and you responded, "No! It's just... It's complicated, okay!?"
She laughs at the way you were speaking so flustered and said, "Okay, okay. I won't tease you about your situation, let me go give you some clothes for your 'fiance'."
"I told you he is no-" you sighed in defeat you facepalmed yourself from embarrassment. You stood there waiting until the old lady got you some clothes for Yoriichi when you felt someone bump into you. You rubbed your shoulder as you shouted at the man walking out. "It's rude to bump into someone and not apologize, you know."
The curly black-haired man in an almost all-black kimono looks at you with his red eyes and continued to walk out of the tailor with an umbrella. It gave you chills when you saw his eyes, they were like daggers the way he was looking at you.
"Here are your clothes, ma'am!" You turned around to see the old lady with a kimono that was a pale orange color with a black pair of a hakama. "Do you think it'll fit him?"
"I think it might fit him perfectly." You took the folded kimono from her and put it inside your basket. You bowed to her and said, "Thank you."
"My pleasure." She said as she bowed down to you as well. You left the tailor and looked left and right to see where that man went coming to find out that you couldn't find him. You thought he was a quick walker, or was a really good hider.
You left the village and started to walk back to your home, as your mind was still concerned about that man that bumped into you.
Time skip
You reached your house and opened the door as you heard nothing but silence. You open the door to your room to see that Yoriichi was no longer in your bed. It made you nervous so you put the basket down and grabbed a knife and started to slowly walk inside the room.
"Hello." A voice said behind you. You quickly turned around and attempted to slash the person behind you. The person was quick to dodge it and grabbed your wrist and twist your arm to the point where you dropped the knife.
"O-Okay, I surrender, please don't hurt me!" You look up to see Yoriichi standing on top of you, holding your twisted arm while looking at you with a stoic expression on his face.
"Y-Yoriichi!" He lets go of your arm and you immediately bowed down to him and said, "I'm so sorry! I thought I was alone and you weren't here so I thought-" You stopped talking as you felt his weight on you, and his arms wrapping around you.
"It's okay, I understand why you thought that way."
Not knowing what else to say about what just happened, you changed the subject and said, "W-Well, while I was gone, I brought some new clothes for you. There in the basket."
He stands up and walks to the basket to see a folded-up kimono inside it. He grabs it out of the basket and walks back to you. "Where do I go to put this on? I prefer to dress by myself."
You got up and grabbed his hand for him to follow you. You both walk outside and pointed to the small cabin. "You can clean yourself over there inside that shack. Fill the bucket with some warm water and... I think you know the rest."
"Thank you." He said as he walked to the small cabin and opens the door to go inside of it. You exhale in relief from the fact that only Yoriichi disarmed you. You walked back inside your house and started to think what you were gonna make today.
Why not some rice? Everybody likes rice, right? You poured some water into the pot and waited for it to boil. To kill time, you grabbed a bowl and poured the rice into the bowl, and put a little bit of water to wash it.
Once you were done washing the rice, you dumped it in the pot and waited for the water to boil. Once it started to boil, you added a pinch of salt to the pot of rice.
The pot started to boil heavily, so you tried to blow the fire out to let the pot simmer so it wouldn't ruin the rice. You put the lid on top of it so you could let the steam absorb the rice.
As you were sitting there, you heard the sound of a door sliding open. You look to your right to see Yoriichi in his orange-like kimono. You gasped from how nice he looked so you got up and got in front of him. "You look amazing!"
"You think so?" You frantically nodded. "Well thank you. I hope you won't mind the little modification I made." Your eyebrow raised up about what he meant when he said modification. He turns his hips around to see his tail poking out of his kimono through a hole. Your eyes widened from how adorable that looked, you couldn't help but stroke his tail.
He quietly groans as he felt your hands touching his tail. It made his ear twitch from it. "Please, stop..." He said as he grabbed your wrist. You look up at him to see that he had a light blush on his face. "Oh, sorry." You back away from him a bit. "It's fine. Just don't do it again. I'm really sensitive there."
"I get it, I won't touch it again." You said as you walk back to the pot to sit down and watch it steam up. He looks at the pot and says, "What are you making?"
"Rice." That was all you said as you continued to lay your eyes on the simmering pot. Yoriichi sits next to you and he watches the pot simmer as well.
Yoriichi looks at you to see that you were in a trance from looking at the pot. His arm was about to wrap around your waist, but he stopped himself and put his hand on his lap.
A few minutes went by and you opened the lid to see the rice all white and puffy. You felt the smell of the salty rice go up into your nose and your mouth started to salivate. You smack your lips as you grabbed two bowls and a ladle scooped up two spoonfuls of rice and dumped them in the bowls.
You gave the bowl to Yoriichi, grabbed two chopsticks and started to eat. Feeling the white fluffy rice fill your mouth made your taste buds explode with flavor. It tasted so good that you just wanted to hork it down and go for seconds just do it again.
Yorrichi on the hand was slowly taking his time savoring the flavor from each bite he took from the rice. Smirking with every bite he takes the bowl of rice.
As you were both eating your bowls, you look at him and said, "Hey, Yoriichi?" His head turns as he was still chewing his food and you patiently waited for him to finish. He swallows his food and said, "Yes?"
"If you don't mind me asking... uhm... what are you?"
He put the chopstick in his mouth thinking that he had a handful of rice in it but found out that it was empty. "Huh. I'm already finished... Well, guess I can't stall any longer." He puts the bowl down and turns around to face you.
"As you can see, I am a hybrid. I am part human, part wolf, specifically, an Alpha."
"An... Alpha?"
"Yes, an Alpha. Things like us are at the highest rank of the wolf kingdom. We have things that make us different from other Alphas. Things like, physical characteristics, mental capacities, and stuff that make us stand out. Also, we're very aggressive and be very protective about what's ours. But, just like I said before, we things that make us different." He puts his hand on his chest. "I am mostly human." And he raises his arm to point at his wolf-like ears. "But I have the physical characteristics of a wolf. My ears, and my tail." He said as he props himself up and sits with his legs crossed together.
"Wow..." You were really fascinated by the things that Yoriichi was telling you about. From the physicality to their mental state, it got you thinking if there are more hybrids like him. But then that was overshadowed by another thing that crossed your mind.
"...can I ask you another question?"
"You may."
"You know how male wolves have ruts in the winter and spring, right?" He nods knowing he's aware that wolves go into heat. "W-Well, if the males have ruts in the middle of winter, does that mean you..."
"Yes." He answered so nonchalantly that it shocked you that he answered it so casually. "I do have ruts every year. No one would want to be my mate so I try to close myself off to keep myself from forcing someone to make them my mate. Although there was this one person that helped me through it..."
Your head perked when he mention someone that helped him. "Really? What was their name?"
Yoriichi's eyes closed and he exhaled through his nose as if he didn't want to talk about them. "Too much?"
"Too much."
Feeling guilty that you tried to invade his past life, you said, "I'm sorry." You rushed to finish the bowl and rinsed both of them. You turn around to see Yoriichi walking to your bedroom and laying down.
You picked out your sleeping clothes and decided to undress yourself in the living room since you didn't feel comfortable with him watching you undress. You put your sleeping clothes on and folded up your outfit. You opened the door and put your outfit on the chair before walking up to Yoriichi and laying on top of his chest.
"Good night." Yoriichi said as he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. "Night..." You softly said as you closed your eyes and drifted to sleep while listening to his heartbeat.
Time skip: November
2 weeks have passed and it was now November. Most of the fallen leaves around your house were completely surrounding it. You were getting dressed to go to the village to stock up on food and supplies again, but then saw Yoriichi sitting on the chair in the living room. "Yoriichi?"
His head perks up and he turns around to see you standing next to the door. "Are you okay?"
"Of course, I'm sorry if it looked like I was sitting doing nothing. I was just thinking..."
You were about to say thinking about what until you remembered what happened the last time you asked him that. You cleared your throat and instead said, "Okay... So, do you want to go to the village with me?"
His eyebrow raised up and he stood up off the chair. "For what?"
"You know, to help me find some food and supplies, also to explore around."
"That does sound nice but, What if the first thing they notice about me are these?" He points to his ears and tail. "Oh, umm..." You tried to think of a way to cover his ear and tail until something popped into your mind. "Oh, I got it! Stay right here." You speed-walked to your room and opened your closet to see your outfits. You looked all the way to the back of your closet to see a big black cloak.
You grabbed it and sneezed from the dust that came off of it. You wafted it until all the dust was gone. You folded it up and walked back to Yoriichi and gave it to him. "What is this?"
"It's a cloak. It should help you cover your ears and tail." He unfolds it and sees it was long enough to cover everything but his legs. He looks at you and you said, "Go ahead, put it on. I wanna see what you look like with it."
He then puts the hood on as he ties up the strings together and covered his body. "So, how do I look?"
You look up and down at his body with the cloak on almost completely covering his body and the hood shadowing his eyes. It made you feel a little intimidated by him. "A little scary, but I don't think people will notice your tail and ears."
"Is it because of the hood?" You nodded to his question and he shifts the hood to not cover his eyes. "How about this?"
"That's much better, now you look less intimidating." You said while smirking up at him. He kneels down to you and wraps his arms around you. "Thank you." You lightly blushed and smiled as you pet his back. "No problem. Now, can you please let me go so we can go to the village together?"
He stops hugging you and slides the door open. He stands next to the open door and waits for you to leave first. You grabbed the basket and walked out of the door. Yoriichi closes it and started to follow you.
Time skip
You both arrived in the village for the first time together ever since you met him 2 weeks ago. Yoriichi looks around the village to see different kinds of stores and people. He can't the last time he went to a village since he was a nomad and isolated himself from society.
"Alright, Let's get some stuff. Where do you think we should go, Yoriichi?" His head darts down to you and you continued. "Should we get food, or should we get supplies first?"
"I think food should be our first priority." He said with a hushed tone. You giggled as you grabbed his hand and said, "Well, let's go to the butcher over there." And pointed at the store.
You entered through the cloth-covered entrance to see a middle-aged man with a meat cleaver cutting up a piece of meat. "I'll be right with you, just give me a minute." Yoriichi looked down at you and whispered, "Is he the butcher?"
You nodded and started to walk to the banister to wait for the man to be done hacking the piece of meat. Once he was done cutting the piece of meat, he struck the cleaver on the table, he lets out a heavy exhale of relief that he was done. He turns around and says, "Alright, who else is ready to-- Oh, (Y/N). It's nice seeing you again." He said as he leans on the banister.
You chuckled and said, "It's nice seeing you too." With a smirk on your face. How are--" He cuts himself talking when he looked up and sees Yoriichi looking down at him. "Whos he?"
"Oh, this is my... friend, Yoriichi. Don't mind him, he may look scary, but he's a nice person once you get to know him. Say hi, Yoriichi."
"Hello." Yoriichi said quietly and the middle-aged man chuckled at him. "Well, it's a pleasure meeting you, Yoriichi." He said as he extended his bloody hand, but then saw how dirty it was so he quickly retracted it. "Oh, sorry about that. So, what can I get you two today?"
"Just the usual, please."
The man chuckled and said, "This is why I like you, (Y/N). Your really simple compared to the other people. I'll be back with your meat in a moment." He said as he walks back to the store and opens some sort of door.
You both watched him go down the stairs and waited until he was back with your meat. "So, we're friends now?"
"As of now, I guess." You muttered as you were bouncing your leg patiently waiting for the man to get your food. Yoriichi had a small smirk on his face from the fact that you 'confirmed' that you two were friends.
A few moments later, and the man comes back with two big pieces of meat wrapped around in some sort of material to keep them from getting it dirty. "There you go, sorry it took so long, I had to wrap them up to keep 'em cold."
"Thank you." You said as you gave him a handful of mon. "No problem, you two have a good day now!" He said as you both walk out of the store.
"Alright, we got the meat." You said as you lifted your basket full of meat. "What should we get now?"
"What do think we should get?"
"I don't know, that's why I asked you. Let me think..." Your eyes looked around the village to see which store you needed to go to. "The healing place? No, we already have enough medical supplies already. The carpenter? But then again, I don't really need that much wood at my house. Maybe the tailor? Winter is a month away and time is going fast, yeah, definitely the tailor."
You grabbed Yoriichi's hand and walked to the tailor. You both walked under the tailor's entrance and see the old lady putting up a haori.
Once she propped the haori up for display, she turns around and jumps at the sight of you and Yoriichi standing next to each other, mostly Yoriichi is the one that made her jump because of his appearance. Concerned about her jumping, you asked her, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just you two gave me a little scare, that's all." She closes her eyes and sighs in relief, thankful nobody was robbing her. Then she realized that you weren't alone. Her eyes pop back open and she lifts her head open to see you and Yoriichi. She made an audible gasp and said, "Oh my, goodness! (Y/N), when you said you had someone at your house, You didn't say they would be this tall!"
She walks up to Yoriichi and he looks down at her. "You look like a nice young man, What's your name?"
"Well, it's a pleasure meeting you, Yoriichi." The old lady said as she extends her hand in front of him. He takes her hand and shakes it as a formal hello. You smirked at him for being sociable to people despite being in this village for the first time.
She stops shaking his hand and says, "So, what can I do for you two, today?"
"Do you have any clothes that could keep us warm during the winter? I know it's November, and we have a month until winter comes, but it wouldn't hurt to be prepared early, right?"
"Not at all, let me get something warm for you two." The old lady said as she walked to the back of the tailor to see if there was anything that looked warm.
As you were waiting for the old lady to come back, Yoriichi looks down on you swaying the basket of meat around like a child. He smiles from this but quickly reverts to a straight face as you looked up at him.
The old lady comes back with two pairs of haoris. One was (F/C) with an (S/C) pattern on it, while the other was a solid red. She gave Yoriichi the solid red one and she gave you the (F/C) and (S/C) one. "Go ahead, put them on, I wanna see what you two look like with them on."
Yoriichi was about to take the cloak off until you stopped him by saying, "Actually, I think I would prefer if we save these for the winter. Don't wanna make these wrinkle now the moment we wear them!" You said with a forced smile on your face.
"Oh, well okay. I guess that makes sense in some sort of way. Well," she walks up to you and wraps her arms around you. "Thank you for coming to my store, it's been a pleasure having you and Yoriichi here."
You pat her back and said, "The pleasure is all ours." She stops hugging you and was about to hug Yorrichi but stopped herself. She looks up at him and says, "You don't mind a hug, do you?"
Without Yoriichi saying anything, he kneels down at her and opens his arms up at her, giving her consent to hug him. She wraps her arms around him and he does the same. She strokes the back of his cloak-covered head, and he tried to refrain from himself to make his tail wag.
Once she was done, she puts her hands off of him and he stands up with a light blush on his face. You were about to leave until you realized you didn't pay her. "Oh, almost forgot, here you go." You gave her a handful of mon and waved goodbye at her.
Yoriichi does the same as she watches you both leave the village and waves at both of you with a smile on her face.
As you were both exiting the village, you looked at Yoriichi and asked, "So, how was your first time at the village?"
He takes off the hood and says, "It was... Interesting, to say the least."
"Really? Just interesting? Cmon, give me details! How did you feel after all that!?"
"I felt happy, is all. From that old lady patting my head, and you call me your friend to that man."
You faintly blushed when he brought that up. "Look, that was improvised! I didn't want him to think that we were together!"
"Still, the fact that you said we were friends, regardless if it was a cover-up, makes me happy." He said with a smirk on his face.
"W-Well, at least you felt happy about it..." You mumbled under your breath as you both walked back to your house.
Time skip
You both arrived at your house and you put the raw meats in the container and put the basket of your haoris on the counter as you stretched from exhaustion.
"Your tired already? We just walked through the whole day."
"Exactly. In tired just from walking. What, you aren't tired?"
"No, not really." He said as he untied the cloak and shook his head as his ears twitch. "I'm part wolf, remember? I can walk for a very long time." He said while folding up the black cloak.
"Yeah, yeah, I know..." You went to your room and opened your closet to get your sleeping clothes. "I'm gonna go clean myself." You said as you walked out of the house.
You walked to the cabin and opened the door and grabbed the bucket as you filled it up with warm water. You were about to take your clothes off when you heard the sound of the door sliding open. You look to see Yoriichi standing in front of the open door with a pair of folded-up clothes in his hand.
"W-What are you doing?" You said with a faint blush on your face. "I'm gonna be cleaning with you if that's okay."
The blush on your face reddened when he said that. "U-Uhm... Y-You sure you can't just wait until I'm done? I can always speed wash myself to be done."
"I can always turn my back around you so I could clean myself. I respect women's privacy during these things like this, but if you don't feel comfortable washing yourself with another person, by all means, I will wait until you are done." He said as he slide the door closed and started to walk back to the house.
You kind of felt bad shutting him down like that. I mean he's been nice to you throughout these 2 weeks and he hasn't done anything to make you feel uncomfortable. You quickly opened the door and shouted at Yoriichi, "Wait!"
He stops and turns around to see you. "Come back, you can wash with me..." You muttered that last part under your breath.
His eyes slightly widened. "Are you sure? As I said, I can always wait for you to be done washing and take my turn next."
"I know, but, just get back in here, please." He started to walk back as you went back to undressing yourself. You untied your kimono until you took off the last layer. You look to your right to see Yoriichi taking off the top half of his kimono, revealing his toned body.
You quickly looked away at him as you quickly took off your clothes and sat down on the stool. You grabbed the soap and started to scrub it down on yourself. And Yoriichi realizing that there was only one stool, he walked up behind you and turned around to sit down with his back against yours.
You felt flustered scrubbing the soap on yourself as Yoriichi was sitting behind you, waiting for you to be done scrubbing yourself. Your back was the thing that needed to be covered in soap. You softly gulped and asked Yoriichi, "H-Hey, Yoriichi..."
His head turns around and says, "What?" Your left arm went behind your back and you said, "Could you... Scrub my back for me?" You said flustered with a blush on your face.
He grabs the bar of soap and turns around to start rubbing the soap on your back. You let out a soft, shaky exhale as you felt him slowly rub the soap on you.
You closed your eyes trying to maintain your composure as your hands had a firm grip on the stool. And your heart was beating so fast too, why were you so flustered about him scrubbing your back?
You then flinched as you felt his hand smearing the soap all over your back until his hand was covered in it. "Done. I guess it's my turn now." He said as he turns his body around and started to rub the soap on himself.
Your hands slowly relaxed their grip on the stool as your heart started to slow down and your body felt relaxed. You opened your eyes and wanted to facepalm yourself, but was afraid of getting soap in your eyes, so you made a quiet sigh of defeat. "Why did my body feel so hot? It was only him just him scrubbing soap on my back. And his hand, touching my back in a circular motion, like he was comforting me..."
You felt his hand touching your shoulder and you turned around to see him handing you the bar of soap. "It's my turn."
"O-Okay." You grabbed the bar of soap and turned around to scrub his back. He groans as he felt you scrubbing the soap on his back. You felt something rapidly touching your ankle so you look down to see his tail wagging.
"Wow, that's, kind of adorable. But it still feels embarrassing considering this is just from scrubbing his back..." You continued to scrub his back and not say anything to him about his tail.
Once you were done, you grabbed the bucket and put it next to you. "U-Uhm, how should we do this?" You asked him as you twirled your thumbs together.
"Maybe we can lock our arms together and dump it on both of us. That way we both get drenched and have all the soap off of us. Unless you want to do it individually and take turns dumping the water on ourselves."
"I would prefer if we locked arms with each other..." You quietly said as you got off the stool and sat down behind him as your back touched each other.
You both locked your right arms together and both of you grabbed the bucket and hovered it above your heads. "Do you wanna do a countdown or just do it?" Yoriichi said.
"I guess we should do a countdown..."
"Okay, ready?"
"Okay. One... Two... Three." And both of you dumped the bucket of water on each other, feeling the warm water running down your body as you felt the sound of your heartbeat in your ears.
Yoriichi then stands up and walked to get towels for both of you. Once he got them, he got them and wrapped one of them around his waist. He sees you still sitting on the ground so he walks up behind you and covers you up with the towel.
You look up behind you to see Yoriichi standing over you. "Are you okay?"
You completely wrapped the towel on you and said, "Y-Yes, I'm okay."
"Are you sure?"
You nodded and he kneels down to hug you, just for a quick second thought. "Just making sure you needed that. People usually need physical contact in their life, right?"
You couldn't help but giggle at his question, so you hugged him back in response to his question.
He smirks and wraps his arms back on you. Once you both stopped hugging, you both dried each other off and put your sleeping clothes on. What caught you by surprise though was that he seamlessly picked you up and carry you bridal style. He started to walk to the house and he opens the door to your room and placed you on top of him as he lays down on the bed.
"Feeling comfortable?" Yoriichi said as he wrapped his arms around you. You nodded and he smirks again as turns to his side with you and makes you nuzzle on his chest. "Well then, good night." He said as he closed his eyes.
"Night, Yoriichi..."
Time skip
You were the first to wake up coming to find out that it was really early, so early that the sun wasn't even out yet. You were about to go back to sleep when you heard Yoriichi mumbling in his sleep.
What he was saying was inaudible since he was mumbling so softly, but one word was heard almost perfectly. "U... ta..." He softly spoke out in his sleep.
"Uta? Whos that? Is that someone that he used to know?"
In his dream, he was comforting Uta and his newborn baby, seeing him grabbing Uta's finger. "She looks so beautiful..." He said as touches he touches her puppy ears.
"She is, she even has your eyes..." She looks at Yoriichi and cups his cheek. He smirks as he leans down and kisses her. She giggles and says, "Yoriichi, not in front of the baby..."
He chuckles as well and says, "Sorry, it's just that every time I look at her, it reminds me of you, and I just couldn't help myself but to..."
He couldn't finish his sentence as he opens his eyes to see his hands covered in blood. "What the?" He looks up to see Uta on the ground dead, blood splattered everywhere and her stomach ripped open.
He crawls up to her dead corpse and picks her up to look at her dead face. "U-Uta?" His voice started to break as his body started to shake and holds her. "Please, please wake up..." He holds her body tighter as tears began running down his face. "Please wake up..."
Nothing but silence filled the dream as he was refraining himself from sobbing.
"Y-Yoriichi..." The supposedly dead Uta quietly said. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at Uta to see her eyes were blinking. "U-Uta!?" Her head slowly turns to Yoriichi and they both looked at each other.
With no questions, Yoriichi immediately hugs Uta and started to break down crying. Uta slowly wraps her arms around his back and lightly dug her nails into him. "I was so scared, Uta. I thought you were... You were..." He couldn't finish his sentence as he let out a shaky exhale of happiness as he swayed Uta left and right like a baby.
"W-What?" Yoriichi said, concerned about what she just whispered. He then felt a sharp sting on his back as Uta's nails dug deeper into his back. "H-Hey, your nails are hurting me..." Uta then got close to Yoriichi m's ear and she whispered, "Hungry..." And without any warning, she bit down on his neck and ripped a huge chunk out.
Yoriichi collapsed on the floor as he tried to hold pressure on the missing part of his neck as he was gurgling on his blood. He started to crawl back as Uta was slowly crawling to him like a predator cornering its prey. His shaky bloody hand extends towards Uta and all he could be plead. "Please..."
She then pounced on him and that caused him to wake up from his nightmare. He was breathing heavily as his heart was beating rapidly and he checked the right side of his neck to see if it was still there.
He sighs with relief but then started to quietly sob as he covered his face. You tried to comfort him by petting his back but he flinches away from you.
"Yoriichi?" He didn't hear you as he was too distracted from him crying and replaying that dream in his head. You then got in front of him on the bed and softly grabbed his hands to reveal his teary-eyed face. "Yoriichi, what's wrong?"
His breath shaking as he tried to collect himself. You cupped his cheeks to wipe the tears streaking down his face. "It's okay, you can tell me what happened."
His breath started to steady as he slowly gained composure for himself. "I... Had a nightmare."
"What was it about? If you don't mind me asking."
"It was about my wife, Uta. She became pregnant with my child and I was happy for what felt a like very long time since. We both discussed how it would come out, like would be like me and have ears and a tail..." His voice started to break again reminiscing about what happened that night.
You petted his head for comfort to see if that would help him. "And then, what happened?"
He exhales through his nose and says, "When I left to go get a midwife to help Uta go through childbirth, I promised her to come back to return before sunset, but I held up helping an old man that was injured from the war... B-But by the time I came back, they... T-They..." Tears started to run down his face again as he covered the bottom half of his face like he was about to throw up.
You could see that this has been traumatizing him for a while, and you felt so bad for him. He had to hold this in for God knows how long and how much it took a toll on him.
Not knowing what to do, you grabbed his hand covering his mouth, grabbed his chin to make him look at you, and opened your arms towards him.
He didn't bother to hesitate and immediately wrapped his arms around you, completely breaking down into tears as he cries on your shoulder.
You stroked his back as you were swaying his left and right like a baby and whispered in his ear, "It's okay, I'm here with you." The sound of his muffled shaky breathing filled the room as there was nothing but the ambiance of crickets chirping outside.
Time skip: December
You grabbed the wrapped piece of meat and put it in your basket. "Thank you." You said as you gave the middle-aged man a handful of mon. "No problem, you two have a nice night!"
You both walked out of the butcher and walked to the sound of snow crunching beneath your feet. You looked up at the dark sky to see the stars and moon shining like a diamond.
"(Y/N)?" You were taken out of your mind when you heard Yoriichi call your name. "Huh?"
"Is something wrong?"
"No, just, looking at the sky."
"Well, I know a place that's even more beautiful than the sky. Think of it as a shortcut." Yoriichi said with a little bit of charm in his voice. "But, if you wanna take the route we always take, and not show you the spot, we can do it your way, I won't even argue with you."
You were about to speak when you felt a cold gust of wind blow all over you, making you shiver. "Are you cold?"
"A little. Even with this haori, I still feel a little cold." You said as you were rubbing your right arm.
"Here, let me take that basket for you." He grabs the basket and puts it on his wrist before he effortlessly picks you up and puts you on his back. "You feel comfortable?"
You giggled and said, "Yes, I am." You said as you nuzzled the back of his neck and he chucked. "Well, do you wanna take a shortcut or the route we always go?"
"Let's take the shortcut, just this once." He chuckles again and does a little hop up before he started to walk.
Mini time skip
Yoriichi was walking a new path that you'd never seen before. Even though it was cloudy and snowy, it was so beautiful. A frozen lake along trees of wisteria that led a path, it looked like it was glowing. "Wow..."
"Beautiful isn't it? Before my mother passed away from her illness, she would always bring me here to talk to me about the things that happened to her. My entire family thought I was deaf and I couldn't talk, that was until my mother finally spoke to me." He softly laughs, "It's kind of funny when you think about it, nobody would talk to you for seven years straight thinking you were deaf, and the first person to ever talk to you was the person who gave birth to you."
"That just sounds... sad."
"Yes, it does. But I didn't think less of it. My mother was a pure woman. She wouldn't complain about me helping her despite my age at the time, and had a huge love for me and my brother."
"His name was Michikatsu. I haven't since the day he left me. Before he left, he gave me a flute so I wouldn't forget about him. I still think he is alive, he's somewhere out there. But, this place brings back good memories."
He started to walk a little faster to get you both to your house as you raises your hand and brushed against the wisteria trees.
Mini time skip
Yoriichi was getting closer to your house since he knew the trees in this area. But something felt different. He stopped walking as there was a different scent in the air, it smelt bitter and sour. His head darted when he heard a faint sound of snow crunching. "Yoriichi? What's wrong?"
"I thought I heard something... Get off my back and get behind me." He crouches down for you to get on the ground safely. Once your feet were on the ground, he holds your hand and slowly walks along the trail.
His ears were so perked up that the faintest sound could be a potential threat. He started to walk faster as he saw the light of your house but then saw something in his peripheral.
He saw a pair of rabbit-like ears poking out from the left side of a tree. It walks out of the tree and comes to find out it was just a snow bunny. The snow bunny looks at Yoriichi before continuing to hop to the other side of the path.
"Aww, that was cute."
"I guess it was. Sorry for that little moment, do you want me to carry you again, or?"
"No, we're close to our home so let's just walk." You said and Yoriichi smiles as you both hold each other's hand and walked to your home."
Once you were at the door, Yoriichi opened it and lets you enter first before he lets himself in and closes the door. You both took off your haoris and hung them up as you both went to the fireplace.
You both felt instantly warm as you felt the heat of the fire heating up your bodies. Yoriichi looks down at you before he slowly wraps his arm around your waist. You quietly gasped as you felt his arm touching your hip. You look up at him and see that he had a smirk on his face. You giggled at him and leaned your head on his arm, closing your eyes and smiling. He chuckles as he too leans his head down until your heads were together.
He then kissed your head and that made your eyes dart open. You look at him to see that he had a little sly expression on his face. You laughed as you leaned in towards Yoriichi's face, and kissed his lips.
His eyes slightly widened but closed them as he wrapped his other arm on your back. Soon enough, the pecking started to get a little more passionate as he places you on top of his and wraps both of his arms around you.
Though the kissing ended short as gently pulls your head and you both panted heavily as steam was blowing out of your mouths. "S-Sorry, things got a little... Heated." He said with a faint blush on your face.
"T-That's okay, we can go slower if you like. It kinda felt a little too fast as well..."
Without Yoriichi saying anything, he puts his hand on the back of your head and slowly pulls you towards him and you both connect lips again.
You both were smooching each other with slow, but passionate effort. Every time that disconnect the kiss, you would come back for more. You both started to groan as you felt your tongues twirling with each other as you kiss.
You stopped and looked at each other with red blushes on your faces before laughing. He wraps his arm around your neck and back and puts your head in his chest. "I love you, (Y/N). I really do."
"I love you, too, my cute wolf man."
"Time skip: January
"I wonder why Yoriichi didn't come to the village with me. Was it something that he had to do? No, because he would usually tell me what he was about to do before he does it. Why didn't he come with me?" You thought as you were walking back home.
You opened the door to see Yoriichi was no longer in the fireplace. You walked inside to see he wasn't in the kitchen either. "Yoriichi?" You were walking to the door of your room and were about to open it but heard a faint sound through it.
You put your head against the door to hear Yoriichi groaning and moaning, it sounded like he was in pain. You slowly opened the door and peeked your head through to see Yoriichi on the bed with his back turned on you, hugging himself completely topless and sweaty. "I just want this to end..."
"Want to end what?"
His head turns back to see you standing in front of the door. "(Y/N)?"
You enter your room as you slowly walked to Yoriichi. "What's wrong? Why are you-" You were cut short as Yoriichi shouted at you. "Don't come any closer to me!"
You flinched when he shouted at you but stood still. "I'm sorry for shouting at you, but I-I'm trying to hurt you..." He said as he let out a shaky groan. "I feel so hot... My body cant take this..." It sounded like he was in so much pain.
You were wondering why he was acting this way until you remembered what you said to him back in October. "You know how wolves go into heat in the middle of winter, right? Does that mean you..."
His breath heavily shaking as he tightly gripped the sheets of the bed. You slowly walked up to him and started to lightly caress his back, making him flinch. "W-What are you doing? I-I thought I told you to not get close to me..." His breath hitching as he felt your hand touching him. "I-I feel so sensitive..."
"What can I do to make you feel better?"
"I don't want you to do anything. I don't want you to be uncomfortable around me."
"But remember what you said to me when I saved you? You said you were in my debt and that you would do anything for me. Let me do this for you, please."
"B-But, what if I-" you cut him off when you kissed him. His whole body turned around and you took advantage by getting on top of him. He moans as his arms wrap around you. You both stopped kissing as steam came out from the cold air. "You sure you want to do this with me?" Yoriichi softly asked you like he really didn't want to do this with you.
You cupped his cheek and said to him., "I don't want you to be in any sort of pain. Plus, I love you."
Yoriichi hugs you and picks you up and puts you on the floor. He was about to untie your kimono until he stopped. He looks at you and said, "S-Sorry, can I..." You nodded and he slowly took off the layers of your kimono until you were naked.
His hands slid across your body, as you quietly cooed from his touch. "Your skin is so beautiful..." He leans his head down and started to kiss and lick your stomach, making you groan and giggle. "You mind if I can undress you, too? T-That way, we can both touch each other."
He stops touching you and said, "What if you don't like it?"
"There's nothing I don't like about you. Everything about you is perfect for me. What difference would it make if it was small or big?"
"No, it's not that. It's just that it's... different."
"Still, it makes no difference to me, I still love you the way you are, my sweet wolf boy."
His lips form a smirk as he got off of you and laid down on his back. You crawled to his pants and grabbed the rim of them as you pulled them off and got a look at his cock and... wow.
You looked at his cock and found out that it looks exactly like a male wolf's genitalia. It was a solid red color with veins poking out, with a swelled-up bulb like thing that was the knot. Not to mention that it looked so big, it looked to be 10.5 inches long and 5 inches thick.
"I told you it would be different... Do you still wanna do this-" He couldn't finish his question as he felt your hand slowly stroking him.
"Does this answer your question?" He said while looking up at him. He nods as he lays his head down and moaned in pleasure from your hand. You felt his precum smearing your hand as you stroked his cock up and down.
"It feels so hot in my hand..." You propped up and started to circle your tongue around and that made him exclaim. "(Y/N), w-what are you... d-doing?"
"I wanna make you feel good." You said before you shoved his thick wolf cock down your mouth. His hips buck as you suck the tip of his cock. "(Y/N)..." You twirled your tongue around his tip as you were bobbing your head up and down, slightly gagging from it.
You felt him throbbing in your mouth so you took it out and started to stroke his cock faster, making him moan a little bit louder. "(Y/N), please..."
"Do you want me to stop?"
"N-No, I... Wanna... I wanna make you feel good as well..." Your eyes slightly widened but you instantly thought of an idea. You crawled next to him and turned your body around as you put your legs between his heads and showed your pussy to him.
He didn't waste any time so he grabs your thighs and started to eat you. You moaned as you felt his hot tongue going inside you. You started to suck his cock again as you try to make him feel good.
You started to deepthroat him as you put more of his cock in your mouth to the point where you reach the knot. You being in this position felt so lewd, but at the same time felt so right. Both of you, a hybrid between a man and a wolf, and an ordinary human, making each other feel good orally, in the middle of a snowy night felt like something that would happen in a book.
But this was reality, and you loved every single second of it.
He started to suck your cunt, swallowing the remains of your juices from it, while you were licking his cock, all the way down to the knot. He stops eating you and says, "You taste... so good..." His tongue started to go up and down your slit, while you were vigorously stroking his spit-covered cock.
Both of you felt something coming from the knot in your stomach start to form from Yoriichi's cock constantly twitching. "(Y/N), I'm gonna!"
"Me t-too!"
Yoriichi was vigorously eating your pussy while you shoved his cock in your mouth before you felt his cock twitch one more time and spurts out thick ropes of his seed. you swallowed it and gagged a little bit when you felt it going down your throat.
You took his cock out of your mouth and watched it constantly throb. Yoriichi was still concentrating on eating your pussy, you let out a small scream when you ejaculated in his mouth. He swallowed your juices and wiped his mouth before he collapses.
You both were heavily panting laying on top of each other on the ground from that moment. "Wow... That felt..."
"...So good..." Yoriichi finished your sentence as he too was exhausted. You got off of him and laid next to him as you cupped his cheek and made him look at you. He also cupped your cheek and he started to lean to your face and kissed your lips.
You both stopped and you started to pet him, which made him chuckle. He gets on his side and picks you up into an embrace. You felt his cock poking you and said, "Do you wanna, go to the main course?"
"Only if you are perfectly comfortable with me. Nothing else will happen until I hear you say it."
You pecked his lips one more time before saying, "I want to do this with you."
He smiles and sits up and he picks you up as he lays you down and he was on top of you. You look down to see his cock touching and grinding on your stomach, making you coo and Yoriichi exhale.
"You really want this? Because if I put it inside you, there's no going back."
You nodded and put his cock on your entrance. "I love you..." You said as you kissed him and he slowly started to enter inside you. You moaned as you were being filled and stretched by his cock. "You okay?"
You nodded and he said, "You sure, you're tearing up..."
"I'm okay, really. Just keep going, please..."
He then slowly fills you up until you felt the knot touching you. "It's in. How do you feel?"
"I feel, s-so full..." You look down to see a bulge coming through your stomach. "And I can see you poking out of me..." You wrapped your arms around your neck and said, "Please, move."
He then started to slowly move his hips back and forth, rubbing your walls as he kisses you. "How do you feel?"
"I-I feel... g-good... You?"
"Feelings mutual."
"I-I'm glad. O-Oh..." You moaned as you laid the right side of your face on the bed. Yoriichi felt his feral instincts kick in when you exposed your neck to him. His fangs started to extend and he started to breathe heavily. He couldn't help himself so before he got close to your neck, he whispers in your ear, "Forgive me." And he bit down on your neck.
Initially, it hurt when you felt him bite into you, but the moment the pain started to go away, it felt really good. You wrapped your legs around his waist and wrapped your arms around his back and head as you let him sink his teeth in you.
His hips started to move faster when you locked your legs around him. His mind was full of love, lust, and you. His fangs retracted back to their original form as he stops sinking your teeth in you, and sees a bite mark. "S-Sorry."
"It's okay." And you french kissed him. He wraps his arms around you as the sounds of your wet cunt make squishy sounds, covering his cock with your juices.
You both stopped kissing and Yoriichi started to rough thrust his hips into you and you moaned so much. Your mind was so filled with pleasure that you said, "Harder, harder!" He was but that was how much lust was filling your mind.
The bulge in your stomach was constantly disappearing and reappearing every time he thrust his hips back and forth, that's how fast he was going. Your moaning got a bit higher as you felt something in your stomach forming again. "Y-Yoriichi! I-I'm!"
"Me too, darling, me too..." He leans in and kisses your lips. He felt his cock twitching as he was thrusting you. You both started to whimper as you both felt your climaxes coming when you both felt a tsunami of pleasure crash down on both of you, resulting in both of you cumming with each other.
You came all over his cock while was spurting his warm seed inside your womb and then your mind went blank when you felt the knot enter inside you.
Your body was vigorously shaking as you felt him throbbing inside you and the bulge inside you convulsing. Yoriichi didn't dare to move as he felt so sensitive after cumming twice. "M-My knot is stuck inside you... A-Are you okay?"
"I-I... My stomach..."
"Does it hurt?"
"It feels... F-Full..." That was all you said before you cupped his cheek and kissed him. He moans from your kiss and felt your tongue twirling around yours, to the point where it felt like your tongues were dancing with each other.
You both stop as a line of saliva stretched between you two. He gets under your neck and started to peck the bite mark, making you tirelessly giggle. "S-So... Are you not upset by me?"
You shook your head no and said, "I hope we have beautiful children..."
His eyes widened when you said children. "Wait, you mean you're actually committing to having kids?" And you nodded. He started to tear up and hugs you. "I promise I will protect both of you."
You giggled. "What if it's more than one?"
He looks at you and says, "then I will protect all three of you." Before he kisses you.
4 years later: September
You and Yoriichi were walking back to your home after getting some new food, fruits, and vegetables, all while carrying your sleeping children behind your backs. 1 boy, and one girl, both of them 4 years old, and both of them had wolf-like tails and ears. (S/N) had (H/L), (H/C) hair with (S/C) skin. (D/N) had (H/L), (H/C) hair with mixed (S/C) skin.
Once you both arrived Yoriichi opened the door and lets you go in first before he enters. You put the food and fruits in a cooling cabinet and the vegetables in the vegetable cabinet and put your basket on the table. You stretched and yawned as you were done putting everything up.
"Tired, huh?" Yoriichi said as he was holding (D/N). You nodded and said, "Hey, I'm getting old, the more you age, the more tired you get, right?"
"Maybe for you, but not for..." He yawns. "...me."
"Uh-huh, sure. You wanna go get clean with me?"
"What about the kids?"
"They're already sleeping, put them to bed and once we're done, we can sleep with them."
"I guess so. Give me (S/N), I'll put them down." You walked up to him and turned around for him to get (S/N). He picks him up as he walks to your room and you grabbed both of your sleeping clothes.
You see Yoriichi putting (S/N) and (D/N) together to where it looked like they were holding hands in their sleep. You smiled at how adorable that was. He stands up and shifts his head to the right, telling you to go.
You started to walk and he followed you to the small cabin. You filled the bucket up with warm water. While the bucket was being filled, you both started to undress, both of your backs turned against each other as you do so. Once you were done, you turned around to see Yoriichi completely naked in front of you. He started to walk up to you and he picks you up with a smile on his face.
"I love you. I love you, so much." And he kissed you. You wrapped your arms and legs around him as you both had a little kissing session, a playful one at that. "I love you too, Yoriichi. Now, let's get washed before the kids wake up."
He chuckles and puts you back down as you both started to wash each other.
Mini time skip
Once you were both done, you dried each other off as you put your sleeping clothes on. You both looked at each other and laughed at the tension you were feeling. You both walked back to your house and opened the door to your room to see the kids were still asleep.
You both quietly walked and layed down next to your children, holding their small hands and kissing their heads. "Night, Yoriichi." You whispered as you closed your eyes and slept next to your daughter.
"Night, (Y/N)..." He whispered as he looks at you, (D/N), and (S/N) and smiled because he finally is living the fantasy he always wanted: Sleeping with his wife and kids in a small house with no one to bother them.
He looks up at the roof and thought to himself, "I know you're staring down at me Uta, and our child with you. But I know you must be happy for me. I wish I could meet you again, but I have a new responsibility to take care of. But sooner in the future, we will me again, you, me our child, and my new wife and children."
He then laid his head down and closed his eyes as he holds his son's hand and goes to sleep with a smile on his face, happy that he could finally have second chance being a family man.
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