#dad this is your device and your tv
edwardslostalchemy · 1 year
It is cold and I was wrapped in blankets in my warm little bed. My mom had things to do over the phone, she is considerate, and did things herself so I could stay in bed. Kind of her. Respectful. Love that. My dad had things to do with the TV that he always uses and uses a device for it and he should know more about it than me. But he wakes me up, gets me up out of bed because he needs help. It's not a one time thing. He does this all the time. I get out of my warm little bed. I'm cold and mad now. I fix his dumb tv and now I'm up, not sleepy anymore, and I cold, not warm. He's so rude.
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astroismypassion · 6 months
Astrology observations🧑‍🎄🎄🧑‍🎄
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
🎄 Scorpio in the 12th house, Mars in the 12th house and Aries over the 12th house natives often crave salty foods late in the evening.
🧑‍🎄 12th house also shows what you are like and like to do before bed or right before falling asleep.
Aries over the 12th house: getting into an argument right before going to bed, light work out, drinking a hot drink, you probably take extra care on your skin on your face especially
Taurus over the 12th house: eating before bed (especially sweets and fruits), preparing clothes for the next day, you probably have a very set bed time routine, drinking a cup of tea, putting on lip balm, listening to music
Gemini over the 12th house: journaling before bed, sending a message to your siblings, a close friend, scrolling on social media, reading a book or news, watching a documentary or news on TV, putting on hand cream, watering the plants, doodling, listening to a podcast
Cancer over the 12th house: spending time with your family members, especially mum, watching movies, eating something home cooked, looking through your photo album on your phone, drinking hot cocoa, warm bath or spending extra time in the shower, listening to music, texting your close friends/family members, using body lotion, drinking a glass of warm milk
Leo over the 12th house: spending time on your hobbies, interests, texting your crush, brushing your hair, warm bath before bed, listening to music
Virgo over the 12th house: reading before bed, reading the news, going through your planner, planning activities for the next day, journaling, gratitude journal, watering plants, doodling/drawing before bed, listening a podcast, stretching, yoga, watching animal videos
Libra over the 12th house: eating before bed (sweets, fruits), doing self-care (putting on a mask) or washing off make up, picking clothes for the next day, putting on night cream, putting on body lotion, putting on lip balm, drinking a cup of tea, colouring a colour book
Scorpio over the 12th house: light work out before bed, meditation, masturbation lol, drinking a hot drink, shaving, you like to be on your own in your room
Sagittarius over the 12th house: reading (but in a foreign language), watching a documentary, eating foreign food, putting on a sleep mask, using Duolingo and practising a language,
Capricorn over the 12th house: going through your planner for the next day, spending time with dad before bad, scrolling through social media, talking to your parents, drinking warm water with lemon, taking more time on your dental hygene
Aquarius over the 12th house: sending a good night message, stalking other people online lol, reading about astrology, guided meditation for sleep, putting on sock because you’re probably cold, charging your phone and other devices, spending time on your tablet
Pisces over the 12th house: watching a film directly in your bed, reading pick a card/tarot readings, watching anime, animated films or cartoons, conscious breathing exercises, guided meditation for sleep, putting on socks, yoga, stretching
🎄 You might not be as compatible as you think with other signs of the same modality as yours. So if you are a Cancer Sun, you might not get along so great, especially in partnerships, with Aries, Libra, Capricorn Sun, so other Cardinal signs. Same goes for Fixed signs, if you’re a Taurus Sun you could not get along that great with Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio Sun, since both might be too dominant and wanting to lead.
🧑‍🎄 When there is Moon conjunct Venus in Synastry, the Venus person tends to lead and the Moon person follows, because they let go off control due to feeling safe around Venus person.
🎄 I noticed the person most likely wanting to marry you has their personal planets (especially Sun) conjunct your Jupiter sign and not the other way around. So if you have Taurus Jupiter in your own Natal chart, Taurus Suns might most likely want to marry you, but it could also mean you might not necessarily want to marry them or see them as your ideal partner. If you have Aquarius Jupiter this doesn’t always mean you will want to marry an Aquarius Sun, but they might be the one wanting to marry you.
🧑‍🎄 You might consider someone your life partner or wanting to marry them if your Jupiter falls into their 1st house in Synastry. You might really see a future with them and this has potential for a long-term commitment.
🎄 Ex partners are most likely to describe you by your Moon sign after a break up. For example if you have Aries Moon in your Natal chart, your ex could describe you as “unsupportive”.
🧑‍🎄 When there is Sun conjunct Saturn in Synastry the connection could ver much feel “right person, wrong time”.
🎄 8th house shows your desires, 12th house your hopes, desires for the future, 11th house shows aspirations and Ascendant shows the pursuit of your innermost desires.
🧑‍🎄 People who have Moon conjunct Venus in their Natal chart often attract a romantic partner with Cancer Moon or Taurus over the 4th house.
🎄 Capricorn Rising might since childhood transform every hobby into a full-time career. For example, if they loved writing as a child or journaling, they might become an author as an adult.
🧑‍🎄 Cancer Suns really judge a person’s character based on what feeling the person gives them. So based on how they feel around you.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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colourstreakgryffin · 2 months
Hiii! Can I request headcanons on what vox would be like as a father of a teen daughter? I feel like he'd be great to gossip with and would tell her to slap any boy that hits on her
Vox absolutely fucking would do this, and he is that type of girl dad to loudly brag that his Princess is cuter than every other father’s! Vox be like: ‘You wish your daughter was as cute as mine’
Vox- Baby Laptop
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Vox is extremely doting and loving but extremely protective. Like, he has cameras and drones following you, his fourteen year old human life and demon life daughter, around all the time. You can’t leave the tower without him knowing and he won’t condone you walking around Hell without ALL his bodyguards escorting you
Vox is a bragger. He brags and he flexes what he has so when it comes to you, he is one-upping every known mother and father in the Pride Ring and flaunting his precious babygirl with no hesitation. You’re beautiful and Hell deserves to bask in your presence… according to Vox
Remember, your dad is the technology Overlord. The one in charge of every device in this city, so of course, he is kept to date with everything and he always gives you the latest models his slaves team create. He spoils you since it’s a symbol of his love
Vox is basically your best gossip buddy and no matter how busy he is, he’ll make time to talk to you. Call him, he’ll answer and whilst he works, he’ll listen to you and he remembers it. He has a good open ear and a good sense of ‘fuck you all’ so he’ll get rather into your gossip pieces and consider asking Velvette to spread them through her social media influence
Vox is more than capable of getting sweet, soft and emotive with you. He always proclaims to you, with his whole heart, that he puts you out because he’s proud of you and adores you and he wants you to have everything when back on Earth, he could barely give you anything
Yes. Vox loves you MORE than he likes messing with Valentino so if Valentino dares to hit you, your father is bolting across the room at mach speeds to make his on-and-off boyfriend regret putting his hands on you. You’re his spoiled little princess and nobody touches you! You’re too valuable!
Vox has a picture of you in his wallet and in his suit pocket. So, whilst he is working tirelessly throughout the days and hasn’t seen you in a while. He’ll pick either photograph out and admire it. Both are direct recreations of photographs he owned when both of you were humans
Like Carmilla Carmine with her two daughters, Vox likes to have you occasionally work for him and occasionally means occasionally. Vox only cares that you’re happy so if you want to spend all day everyday in your big fancy room in his tower free of stress, he lets it!
However. Vox, of course, teaches you important life skills. He didn’t get a chance to when both of you were humans on Earth so he is now. Every night, he teaches you to cook recipes, he teaches you to do basic chores, he teaches you how to balance any money you earn
Vox almost views you as the cute babygirl he had back on Earth. The little five year old that was so happy to see him come home after so long of working so hard as a TV salesman in the late 1940s. The little girl who needed him to go to sleep at night, the precious darling who claimed she’d grow up and become a saleswoman too!
Vox does baby you and he doesn’t regret it. He coodles, he snuggles, he baby talks, he coos. He does all of it because he loves you dearly, you’re the single thing that drove him to become a Overlord, you’re the single thing that motivated him to become one of the strongest Overlords in Hell, you’re the single thing that even brought him to work with technology
Vox had always taught you; ‘if a boy or a girl hits on you, slap them’ and that became your norm. You come home, Vox asks what happened and you tell him. He is always happy to hear that you don’t let anybody bother you
The only criticism or advice Vox will take for his products is you so when you say something doesn’t work or needs improvement. He takes it and throws it as his workers so they can fix up what you said. He doesn’t care what his clients think, he cares what his own flesh and blood thinks
Vox loves how you have his TV head and even gets you to wear a matching outfit with him as a cute father-daughter joke. He likes it, it’s adorable. You look like such a badass business lady! He is that type of dad that will embarrass you with how much he loves you
Talking about a father-daughter situation, Vox has the weekends booked all for you. Two father-daughter days out so you two go to the shops, get drinks, gossip more, talk shit about Alastor, go egg the Hazbin Hotel, get some shopping then go to visit the Vees to chat then pick up a movie suggestion to go watch a movie together! Vox loves these days since he is truly himself with you
Vox legit has you in his contacts as the following; ‘My precious darling princess’
“Darling, Princess. It’s time to wake up, we’re going out together! Yes. To the movies and to the shops. I heard that old timey prick is in a Hotel so let’s go egg it once we’re done, ‘kay? Great, I’ll be waiting for you, pumpkin”
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railingsofsorrow · 7 months
[spencer reid x reader]
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summary: dad!spencer spends his day off with his daughter.
pairing: s.reid x reader (ft. eden reid)
w.c: 721
warnings/content: no warnings; father-daughter moments; fluff; tw!braids!! (solely because I suck at making them)
A/N: one standalone drabble for the eden reid collection (I think I'm gonna do a masterlist for that, we'll see)
want to read more works about this au?
→ recharging
cm masterlist
“What are you doing?”
Spencer's hands halted in the midst of folding a pink skirt. The corner of his lips wavering as his daughter buried her small feet on his socks, which promptly swallowed almost all of her body up.
“Do I look pretty, daddy?” Eden twirled around to show off her new style. He couldn't stop the laugh upon realising they were mismatched pairs.
Spencer crouched down to her height, ruffling her untamed curls which causing her nose to scrunch up cutely.
“You look absolutely dazzling, princess.” He voiced his fondness while scooping his little girl up in his arms and sitting down on the edge of the bed. The unfolded laundry forgotten behind them as Spencer grabbed his phone, something he only recently figured out worked for everything, including selfies. How could it be that a small device was able to provide so much functionalities? He still didn't know how to use half of them. But he could do selfies.
That didn't mean they'd be good.
“C'mon,” Spencer nudged her closer, not that Eden complained, she only snuggled closer, her cheeks squishing as both made faces for the camera that was in selfie mode, then Spencer shifted to their wriggling feet covered by mismatched socks.
[10:03a.m] What do you think?
[10:03a.m] Recording.mp4
Eden giggled after he showed her the sent video.
“Let's see if your mom approves our new look.”
Eden didn't warn him before throwing her whole body on him. With a groan, Spencer dramatically fell on the bed, earning another high-pitched childish laugh.
“Ah! I've been struck.” She kept throwing pillows at him as he expressed his surrender by covering his eyes with his forearms, making sure to always keep one eye open to check if she was too close to the edge of the bed. When one of her feet got tangled with the bedsheets, he pulled her up to the opposite side. “Hey, hey, what did I say about jumping on the bed?”
Eden flashed her innocent puppy eyes at him and suddenly Spencer was actually surrendering. “Don't do that.” He warned, pressing a kiss to her forehead. The warning went on deaf ears for a while but it bought him enough time to fold the rest of the laundry as she made a mess on the bed.
His phone pinged, letting him know of a new message. A smile stretched across his lips as your name popped up on his screen.
[10:20a.m] Love this <3
[10:20a.m] Now I miss the two of you :(
[10:20a.m] Eden's is asking for you to come home.
[10:21a.m] Don't tempt me!!!
[10:22a.m] Love, is that the “folded laundry” behind you...?
[10:25a.m] ( Picture attached )
[10:25a.m] It's folded now :)
Spencer brushed his daughter's strands back softly, pondering the variety of ways he could style her hair for the day. Eden was munching on her sliced apples as her morning snacks, pretty distracted in her own world and watching a cartoon about a ladybug and superheroes. Spencer could never recall the name, he'd just watch it with her.
“I want braids.” Eden spoke, not taking her eyes off of the TV but still pretty aware of her surroundings. “Like mamma makes them.”
Spencer had to hold back a laugh because no, he thought, my braids will never be as remotely good as your mother's.
Letting out a sigh, he pulled a chair in front of the couch so she could sit down and he could work on her hair without interrupting her entertainment.
“Okay.” Spencer said, accepting his fate. He had faced a lot of things in his life, but none were in the shape of braided hair. They could defeat him easily and he had admitted that a long time ago even if you say that it's just practice and that you'll learn eventually. He hasn't learnt yet. But if that's what Eden wants, that's what Spencer would (try) to do.
He wasn't able to say no to his tiny human.
taglist: @lilyviolets
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lovesickonmybed · 3 months
crazy fuckin' phenomenon | 18+
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masterlist | info about palestine | donate to gaza
pairing | dbf!joel miller x reader
synopsis | after your dad abandons joel to watch instagram reels in the bathroom, an argument over the remote ends in a new discovery
warnings | excessive use of bigfoot as a plot device, dbf!joel, explicit sexual content, smut, age gap (20s/late 30s), play fighting with sexual tension, wedgies, humiliation, degradation, kink discovery, semi brat tamer!joel, almost getting caught, blue balls
word count | 2030
a/n | this was co-written with one of my favorite people ever but they wish to remain anonymous! this was so so so fun to work on and i think it really shows. i urge you to not buy any of the last of us games, including the remaster as the creator, neil druckmann is a zionist. the second game is based off of the israeli occupation in palestine and you can learn more about that here.
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“Joel I swear to fucking god if I have to watch one more episode of Finding Bigfoot, I’m clawing my eyes out.”
There’s only so much bickering between Matt Moneymaker and Ranae Holland that you can take, and apparently, you’ve found your limit. Approximately five minutes. Joel had come over to hang out with your father, they had planned to watch some war movie because they’re fucking old, but, in typical dad fashion, your father had gotten up halfway through to use the bathroom. After 30 minutes, Joel couldn’t wait anymore and switched the TV to Animal Planet so he could watch Finding Bigfoot reruns. That was two hours ago, and you’ve now spent an hour on the couch with Joel, pleading for him to change it. Of course, your TV decides to stop working the one time your dad actually wants to use the living room TV. So, yeah, you can be a little bit of a drama queen.
“If you can drag your old man off ‘a the shitter, we can go back to watchin’ Come and See. Three fuckin’ hours, startin’ to think he pulled an Elvis.”
“Seriously, Joel,” you bellyache, slumping back into the couch. “Dunno why they’re looking for Bigfoot when he’s clearly right fucking here.” You shoot him a glare from across the couch.
“Uh huh,” Joel drones, either not listening or either not giving a fuck while he watches one of the camouflaged hosts do a shitty imitation of a sasquatch mating call.
Well, since he’s distracted…
With the stealth of a super spy, you lunge over Joel’s lap towards the side table, reaching past discarded beer bottles and hunting magazines for the hijacked remote. You snatch it right up, victorious for a few seconds at most.
“Now what in the hell do you think you’re doin’? Gonna put on fuckin’ Euphoria or something?” You don’t have time to come up with a witty response before you’re pinned down to the couch cushions. Joel’s hulking form hangs over you, shoulders broad and his hair messy as he gives you a smug look. Cursing the cavewoman part of you that gets butterflies in your stomach from how easily he overpowers you, you writhe underneath him.
“Joel what the fuck? Get off me you old fuck!” You groan, grunting in frustration as you try to maneuver Joel off of you. You’re weak as shit but you remember something from the self defense class you took in high school. You knee Joel in the chest, causing him to fall back, giving you a chance to roll off the couch and onto your knees. You look back as he coughs and gasps, trying to catch his breath. 
“Oh you little shit!” Joel groans, getting off the couch and looming over you like a killer in a slasher fic. He smirks down at you, tilting his head to the side like Micheal Myers.
You feel your heart start to race and your cunt start to pulse. You turn back and start to crawl away but Joel leans down and grabs your ankle, pulling you back to him. You definitely feel like you’re in a slasher film now. 
“Oh sweetheart, you’re not gettin’ away that easily…needa stop acting like such a little brat. Your daddy was never that good at discipline.”
You don’t know what you’re expecting. But Joel’s warm hands sneaking down the waistband of your denim cutoffs is not it. You cry out as his fingers loop around your purple thong, drawing it midway up your back. Pain sears up your ass, and much more dangerous, pleasure tingles in your cunt when the front of your thong slips between your folds. Kicking your legs, you smack your palm into the carpet underneath you. “Joel!” you gasp out in surprise.
Maddeningly, Joel chuckles at your struggle underneath him. He shifts to straddle your upper thighs, weighing you down even more. “What, ain’t ever had a wedgie before?” Another sharp tug makes your head drop to the floor. You fight not to give into your body’s base desire to arch your back. “With how often you run your mouth, I’m surprised your friends never ran you up the flagpole in the schoolyard.”
You scrunch your fingers in the fiber of the carpet, trying to anchor yourself to anything other than the searing pain in your ass and cunt. It doesn’t work. You can’t focus on anything but this cruel and unusual punishment. Your dad’s best friend, wedgieing you into obedience.
Somehow, he pulls even harder. All of that contracting work isn’t for nothing. You’re silently moaning now, mouth open and your forehead dipped to the floor, desperate pants flying in and out of your mouth. “Hmmm,” he hums. “Wonder if I could get these over your head. Bet you’d have an easier time watchin’ my show with that.”
“Please,” you rasp. Your brain wants you to beg for him to let you go. Your cunt wants you to beg for him to be meaner. To go all the way and snap them over your head, leaving you ass up and face down, split in half for his enjoyment. You short circuit before you can get any further into the plea, because he’s pulling your panties even higher in brutal bursts.
“Begging ain’t gonna help, honey. You’ve made your bed, now lie in it.”
The waistband gets halfway up your neck before Joel gives up. The tension in your body lessons as you melt into the floor. “You ain’t off the hook yet, missy,” Joel says, smirk evident in his voice.
He guides your arms through the leg holes of your panties, and you moan helplessly as he snaps them over your shoulders, leaving you in the equivalent of a wedgie bodysuit. You feel like you’re being split in half.
You can’t help it. You roll your hips, grinding into your panties and the floor. The pressure is everywhere and it’s perfect. Perfect against your burning asshole, your leaking cunt, and your throbbing clit. Every movement also propels you up against Joel, something you can’t even bring yourself to remember right now. You’re wet – unbelievably fucking wet. “What the hell are you doing to me?” you whine, still humping the floor as heat blossoms in your core.
Joel stiffens above you. “Are you…” He clears his throat, a rough noise. “Are you fuckin’ into this?”
The question alone makes you whimper.
Every rock of your hips has the wedgie slicing deeper, pulling you apart piece by piece from your most sensitive place. You arch your back properly, that way every time you go up, you can feel Joel’s bulge against your rear. Joel’s quickly hardening bulge as he watches you lose all of your dignity while humping the floor with your panties rammed up your ass.
“Shut the fuck up, Joel! I’m not into this…I just-” He cuts you off by flicking the string of your thong. Tellingly, you moan out.
“Just what? Just get off on getting split in half by your fuckin’ panties?”
You try to speak but he shoves you forward, pressing your face against the carpet and pinning you down, “Just shut your mouth, don’t want your daddy findin’ ya like this do ya? God, just imagine what he’d say…. Seein’ his precious ‘lil girl gettin’ all wet from a well-deserved wedgie up these plump fuckin’ cheeks.” His hand glides down between your ass cheeks and slaps against your denim-covered bottom. You jolt, moaning where he’s pressing your face into the carpet. You’ll be surprised if your drool isn’t soaking it.
“Joooooel,” you pout, still fighting underneath him. You kick your feet, and they barely graze the small of Joel’s back, a sort of flexibility you can’t afford very much of right now. “Can’t… can’t take much more. Hurts.”
“I’ll tell you what you can take, you little brat. You’re lucky you’re not hangin’ up by these,” Joel grabs the waistband of your light wash denim shorts, using it to lift you up off the floor while you grasp at the carpet in a poor attempt to stay on the ground. 
It doesn’t work. Joel hauls you up, grabbing the front and back of your wedgie. You can’t stop yourself from moaning again, dimly away that your dad is still in the bathroom and still could walk out at any given time. You hope Joel’s good ear can hear if the toilet flushes, because you can’t hear a damn thing over your own pulse rocketing in your ears.
He yanks the back of your thong, and then the front, effectively flossing your ass crack and cunt. Your hands fly down to your thighs, but it’s not like you can do anything, because the next thing Joel does is lift you fully off the ground. You cry out, hastily clamping a hand over your mouth, and decide three things back to back to back.
One – fuck Joel Miller.
Two – fuck Joel Miller.
Three – you might actually really like this.
The third one you realize when you look down to see your arousal seeping through the denim. The humiliation stings on your cheeks with a sort of heat you’ve never felt in your life. He bounces you in the damn thing, pulling you up and down with a strength you’d never fathomed he could have.
You can’t stop yourself from grinding down when he brings you up, pulling your panties even deeper into your ass and cunt. You whine and grab at Joel’s forearm for purchase, nearly fucking yourself against the thin fabric that’s cutting you in half. Joel’s satisfaction at it all, the way you can feel him getting sadistically hard behind you from your cocktail of pain and pleasure, is what truly makes it for you. You buck against your panties even harder, letting out a truly ragged moan when it brushes your clit just right.
“You’re taking this so good, ain’t even cryin’ or nothin’. Should I hang you up? Get your eyes just as wet as your cunt? Could you even take it, or are you gonna cream your pretty little panties before I even get you on a hook?”
The answer is yes – you are going to cream your panties before he gets you on a hook.
Your orgasm rips through you violently, lighting you on fire as you hang in suspension and just take it. Ass burning and your cunt dripping like Niagara Falls, you clench and grind on your panties as desperately as you can to prolong your orgasm. Your eyes water, heart beating out of control. Joel’s hand cups your mound, heel rubbing against where your clit pulses. You’re still tremoring by the time you come down. Everything feels like it’s in technicolor, easily marking the most powerful orgasm of your life.
You realize Joel has deposited you back on the ground. It’s a miracle you’re even standing at all with how limp-boned you are. Chest rising and falling, you stumble back around to face Joel, whose cock is straining against his jeans. You’re about to put him out of his misery, not even taking the time to pick your wedgie as your hand flies towards his belt when you hear it –
You take your wedgie out like you’re racing to get rid of a ticking time bomb, frantically yanking it down your shoulders and tucking the strings into your waistband. Still burning up from your orgasm, blatantly freshly fucked, you give Joel a half-apologetic look (he had given you a hellish wedgie, after all) and scamper upstairs.
You barely acknowledge your dad as you brush past him. “Hey sweetie, goin’ back up?”
“Mhm,” you get out, almost tripping up the stairs.
“Hm, wonder what’s wrong with her,” you hear your dad reflect to Joel.
“No idea,” Joel says.
You’re about to close your door when you hear more commentary from downstairs. Your dad’s voice. “Woah there, man. Got a thing for bigfoot?”
Your eyebrows shoot to your goddamn hairline as your heartbeat spikes and your brain fills in the gaps.
“Fear boners, crazy fuckin’ phenomenon,” Joel says, just as casual as ever. Yeah. Crazy fucking phenomenon is right.
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This isn't Your Fault (Sneaking Out)
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: “Intrude? You already fell out of my tree,” your mom said, turning and walking back into the house.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4.1k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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Tara: I’m bored
Tara: Entertain me
Y/N: My mom’s home
Tara: Soooo?
Tara: Come ooon
Y/N: I can’t leave. She just got back home last night
Tara huffed, pouting as she sat on her bed. It was Friday night, Quinn was out, as usual, Sam was working late and wouldn’t be off till early morning, Chad was tired after football practice, and Mindy was on a date with Anika. Tara was bored and had no one to entertain her, her last resort was you, her loving girlfriend, and you had just told her no as well.
Tara: Well… what if I come over there…
Tara chewed on her fingernail as she awaited your response. She had been over to your place plenty of times and you’d been over to hers a few times. She’d never met your mom though. Whenever she came over your mom was always gone. Your dad was also always gone but he was in the military so that was to be expected. Your mom, however, was a traveling nurse so there were times she was gone weeks or even a couple months at a time, a lot of times she just worked really long shifts so Tara coming over never overlapped with her being there. Tara wasn’t sure if she was pushing it though, she wasn’t ready for you to meet Sam and you’d only been dating a few months, she wasn’t sure you were ready for her to meet your mom.
Tara wasn’t sure she was ready to meet your mom either. She’d never met anyone’s parents before. Sure, she knew Chad and Mindy’s parents, she had known Wes’s mom, and she’d known Ambers family but those were all people she grew up with. They all went over to each other’s houses to play, it didn’t count. She never met the parents of someone she was dating. She didn’t date much and the few times she did it never got serious enough to get to that stage. Tara was also scared, what if she met your mom and when your mom found out she was from Woodsboro she banned you from ever seeing her again.
Tara gasped, holding her breath as she watched the three little bubbles appear on her screen, indicating you were typing.
Y/N: Fine
Tara couldn’t help but let out a squeal as she flopped back on her bed and kicked her feet.
Y/N: Text when you get here. I’ll sneak you in
Tara let out a sigh of relief. You weren’t ready for her to meet your mom either, Tara was just causing herself unnecessary anxiety. Tara wanted to meet your mom; you talked so well of her. Tara didn’t know what it was like to have a stable, caring, and loving mother but it was clear that’s exactly what you had. Even if your mom wasn’t always home you talked all the time and when she was home, she made sure to spend time with you, have family dinners, even if it was just the two of you, and just catch up with you. Tara’s mom never did any of that, on the rare occasion that she was sober she might join Tara in watching whatever horror movie was playing on the TV and they made conversation about the movie but once the movie was over, so was the bonding.
Tara: Love you!
Y/N: Yeah, I know
Y/N: Love you too…
Tara smiled at her phone. You didn’t even give her time to pout at your teasing before you had to reply that you did indeed love her as well. Tara quickly slid on her shoes and hoodie before making her way to the front door. She unlocked the door, ready to open it when out of the corner of her eye she caught her pepper spray and taser. She turned, staring at the devices beside the door. She hated carrying them around, but Sam insisted.  Tara sighed, grumbling to herself as she grabbed both, slipping the taser into her back pocket and rolling the keychain the pepper spray was on onto her wrist. Tara told Sam it was stupid, but Sam insisted that wearing pepper spray around the wrist left the hands open but also easy access to grab the spray if needed.
Tara popped in her earbuds as she made her way out of the apartment, she made sure to lock all the locks on the door. She might think Sam was overprotective and paranoid and she might leave the house when she’s not supposed to, and she might hate having to carry around pepper spray and a taser but the amount of locks on the door was actually something her and Sam agreed on. Tara also insisted on it being all manual locks, needing keys, because she had the digital stuff at her house and Ghostface still managed to get in. Sure, it was Amber and Amber knew the codes but learning Codes and hacking into the security app seemed easier than breaking in the old fashion way.
Tara rode the subway for several stops before getting off at the one closest to you. She pushed her way through the crowd of people and made her way towards your house. It wasn’t late yet; it was still daylight, and it was right in the middle of rush hour. See, Sam shouldn’t be mad at her, Tara left when everyone else was leaving work, when the streets were the most crowded, which would seem like it would be more dangerous but really it was less of a chance of someone doing something.
Finally, Tara was standing outside your house. She could see the lights on, indicating your mom was definitely home. The only time all the lights were on in your house was when your mom was home. You turned on the lights as you entered a room and then right back off as you left. You kept the lights on if Tara was over but if she wasn’t she came by plenty of times to you sitting in the dark, your TV screen being the only thing illuminating the room as you played one of your games. The first time Tara saw you like that she had rolled her eyes and called you a vampire. You had just laughed and told her not to judge your lair.
Tara pulled out her phone to text you that she was there when she got another idea. She slipped the phone back in her pocket and snuck around the side of your house towards the back. It was dark now, so she didn’t have to worry about any of your neighbors seeing her. It didn’t even cross her mind that if someone looked out their window and saw a shadowy figure skulking around the side of your house that it might raise some alarms and wasn’t the smartest idea.
When Tara got to your backyard she looked up and saw it, your room, usually dark but since your mom was home you kept the light on. Tara glanced at the tree beside your house. She smiled at her idea. If she could shimmy up the tree, she should be able to hop onto the little roof of your patio, which led right to your window.
Tara rubbed her hands together, a wide smile on her face, and a twinkle of mischief in her eye as she got ready. She reached up, placing one hand on a branch, using her feet to kick, trying to get some traction on the trunk as she reached up for another branch. Tara was glad she was going to surprise you because she knew she didn’t look the most graceful, with her legs kicking in the air as she tried to pull her body up branch after branch.
Tara was hugging trunk as she huffed and puffed. Climbing a rather large tree when she had asthma wasn’t her smartest decision in hindsight, but it was for love, so she deemed it worth it. With shaky hands she reached into her back pocket and pulled out her inhaler. She took a big puff, letting out a few more shaky breaths as she calmed down, her breathing slowly going back to a more reasonable speed. When she slipped her inhaler back in her pocket she looked up, seeing your window right there, she had made it, almost.
Tara just had to make it across the branch, jump onto the little roof, climb through your window and she was good. She kept one hand on the trunk to brace herself as she slowly inched across the long branch. Tara was only a few steps from the roof, a smile slowly creeping onto her face as she realized she was only seconds from her plan succeeding.
Tara froze, the only thing she could hear was her heartbeat in her ears. After a few seconds she decided to slide her foot forward, maybe it had just been her imagination.
Tara’s eyes widened right before the entire branch gave out from under her, sending her crashing back down to the ground. Tara let out a loud groan, hearing a crunch as she hit the ground. She knew it wasn’t a bone, no, she could feel the taser stabbing her in the butt. Tara swung her arms, trying to swim out of the ocean of leaves and twigs that now buried her.
Tara burst through the leaves, looking like something out of Alien. She flopped onto the grass, lying on her back as she looked up at the dark sky. She could feel her taser still poking her. She wondered if it was some sort of cosmic justice, some long-distance karma, Sam using voodoo subconsciously because she snuck out. Tara winced in pain as she reached back, pulling out her taser. She held it to see it busted in half. She rolled her eyes, realizing she’d have to ask Sam for another one. The only good thing was that with Tara willingly asking for another taser it meant Sam wouldn’t question her, Sam would be to happy Tara was taking her safety seriously to question why she needed another one.
“Who goes there!” A voice shouted; the back door swinging open so fast it smacked against the side of the house.
Tara’s eyes widened, snapping to your backdoor. She froze at the sight before her, your mom, still in her scrubs, a wild look in her eyes as she waved around a large kitchen knife. Tara flinched, her hand subconsciously going to her side where she had been stabbed. She wasn’t sure if your mom said anything or what she was doing, Tara’s eyes didn’t leave the silver blade in her hand.
“It’s fine! It’s fine! It’s fine!” Came your voice, stomping down the steps and trampling your way through the kitchen. You slid to a stop, being only in your socks. Your eyes went to Tara who was vaguely aware of your presence. “It’s okay,” you said out of breath but in a much calmer tone. You slid around your mom out the door, so you were standing between her and Tara. You gently lowered her hand with the knife and for the first time since her fall Tara let out a relieved breath.
Your mom finally relaxed her grip, setting the knife on the counter beside the door. You stepped out into the yard and made your way over to Tara. You bent down, a soft smile on your lips as you picked leaves and twigs from her hair.
“I thought I told you to text me when you got here,” you whispered.
“I was trying to be romantic,” Tara mumbled. She took your hand as you helped her up.
Tara was brushing the dirt and leaves off her pants. She felt you picking out the remaining bits in her hair. She looked up at you, blushing as she saw you smiling at her. Her eyes drifted over your shoulder where she saw your mom, arms crossed and clearly not amused. Tara cleared her throat a few times, trying to get your attention.
Your eyes widened when you seemed to realize you still had an audience, you quickly spun around, standing partially in front of Tara as you faced your mother. “Mom,” you said with a smile, but Tara heard the way your voice when up a notch. “This is my girlfriend, Tara.” You stepped to the side, swallowing nervously as you revealed Tara.
Tara held up her hand, giving an awkward wave. “Hi,” she said, trying to come off as polite as possible, as if she didn’t just fall out of a tree trying to sneak into your room. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Your mom just hummed, tilting her head as she looked Tara up and down. “And you what, decided to break into my house tonight?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Nononono,” Tara said quickly, waving her hands around. “She invited me over,” she pointed to you. Your mouth hung open, disbelieving your own girlfriend threw you under the bus. “She wanted to sneak me in.” Your mom turned to look at you, raising both eyebrows. You dropped your head, finding the ground super interesting. Tara ignored all that going on and continued to ramble, “I thought it would be romantic if I climbed up, knocking on her window, like in all those romantic type movies.”
“How long have you been seeing my daughter?” your mom asked, turning her attention back to Tara. Tara saw your eyes widen but you didn’t look up from the ground. “Given that she’s neglected to mention anyone in all our calls.” She gave you a side glance but kept her attention on Tara.
“It-It-It’s been about three months now.”
Your moms’ eyes widened when Tara said how long the two of you had been together. Tara wasn’t the best at reading emotions in other people, but it almost looked like a flash of hurt flickered on your mom’s face, but it was gone just as quickly.
“And do you make it a habit of sneaking in and out of my house?” she asked, clearing her throat so she still sounded neutral to the whole situation.
“Sneaking around is kind of our thing, we might have just gotten used to it,” Tara said without thinking.
“Oh, so you’re sneaking around and lying to your family as well?”
“Well, see, my sister is super overprotective and paranoid and sure it’s a good reason but she needs to learn to let go just a little so I can still live my own life and as much as I love your daughter, I’m scared to introduce her to Sam because Sam tends to scare everyone off,” Tara rambled, barely taking a breath between her words.
Your mom is looking at Tara with worry. Tara isn’t sure why. Your mom looks like she’s about to put her nursing skills to good use. Tara was starting to wonder if maybe she was bleeding from her fall, surely if she was you would have said something, or Tara would have felt it by now.
“Babe,” your voice came. Tara wasn’t sure when everything started to get super foggy. “Babe,” you said louder. Tara looked at you, blinking to clear up her vision. “Inhaler.”
Oh, that’s why you were panicking and everything was fuzzy. Tara reached into her pocket, grabbing her inhaler, and giving herself another puff. She slowly let out a breath, you held her hand the entire time as her breathing got back to normal. She didn’t realize how anxious meeting your mom made her; her nonstop rambling helped push her over the edge the rest of the way it seemed.
“Are you okay sweety?” your mom asked. Tara could only nod, she didn’t trust herself to talk yet. When Tara looked up, meeting your mom’s eyes again she only saw concern.
Tara clearly didn’t make a good first impression. She wasn’t sure where your mom stood with her. Your mom hadn’t yelled, and she hadn’t told Tara to leave and come back yet but she also hadn’t welcomed her with open arms. But the second Tara started having a medical issue your mom was full of concern, she was probably a damn good nurse. Tara would bet money all your mom’s patients loved her, she was just naturally compassionate and carrying, even to total strangers.
“Would you like to join us for dinner?” your mom asked.
You broke out into a smile and turned to Tara, silently begging her to say yes. Tara hadn’t intended to meet your mom on this night but clearly that was already out the window. She would never say no to spending time with you and dinner would give her a chance to recover her poor first impression.
“If you don’t mind,” Tara said softly. “I don’t want to intrude.”
“Intrude? You already fell out of my tree,” your mom said, turning and walking back into the house.
Tara dropped her head, trying to hide her blush. You turned around, wrapping your arms around her. Tara returned the hug, instantly wrapping her arms around your waist.
“I can’t believe you decided to be shifty,” you said, barking out a laugh. “I told you my mom was home!”
“I wasn’t shifty,” Tara said, smacking you lightly on the shoulder. “I was being romantic.”
“Yes, because nothing says romance like falling out of a tree.”
“Shut up,” Tara punched your shoulder harder, but it just caused you to laugh more.
“Man, I wish I knew your friends, simply to be able to share this with them.”
“We are never speaking of this again,” Tara held up her finger, giving you her most threatening glare. “And now clearly I can never introduce you to them if all you want is to tell them about this.”
You playfully rolled your eyes. “Come on,” You untangled yourself from the hug but only to intertwine your fingers with hers. “Let’s have dinner and you can officially meet my mom.”
You led Tara into the house and Tara took a seat at the dining table right next to you. There was a bowl of spaghetti, meatballs, and your mom entered, setting a plate of garlic bread in the middle of the table. Tara’s mouth watered at the sight. It had been a long time since she had a homecooked meal and based on the food, even though it was simple, your mom seemed to be an amazing cook. Sam tried and so did Tara herself but neither of them were the best and they stuck to pretty basic stuff. They had spaghetti and meatballs plenty of times but theirs never turned out like this.
“So, how’d you meet?” your mom asked, tossing some spaghetti onto her plate.
“We have Film History together,” Tara answered. “She caught my eye as soon as she walked in the door, wearing her headphones.” You covered your face, trying to hide behind your fork and your mom just shook her head at you. “We had to do icebreakers and I spoke to her.”
“Are you an audio nerd like her?”
Your mouth fell open, gasping in offense. “No,” Tara answered, ignoring the way your eyes widened at her and her lack of defending you. “I’m more of a film nerd.”
Your mom hummed, nodding along as she finished chewing. “What kind of film?”
“And you’re dating this one?” your mom pointed at you, giving Tara a completely bewildered look. “Have you seen her watch a horror movie?”
You dropped your fork, letting it make a small clang as it hit the plate. Tara smiled at your pouting, clearly having given up on not being embarrassed tonight.
“I have,” Tara said, lightly chuckling. “Our first date was a horror movie. I didn’t know her fear at the time and this one didn’t tell me,” Tara smiled at you playfully. “She really did try and stick it out though.”
“Wow, guess she really likes you.”
You grumbled something incoherent as you twirled your spaghetti around with a fork. “I really like her as well,” Tara bumped your shoulder.
You looked up at Tara with a pitiful glare as you continued to pout. “I guess I like you too,” you mumbled.
The rest of the night continued on like that. Tara and your mom talking back and forth, sometimes about your guys’ relationship and sometimes just about Tara. Tara liked talking about her classes and what she wanted to do with her degree with someone new. It was obvious your mom’s thing wasn’t movies or audio, but she listened. Your mom didn’t know much but she listened intently to everything Tara said, letting her ramble on and on, she just listened, asking questions here and there to show she was genuinely curious about what Tara liked, even if it wasn’t something she got.
“Where’d you get that scar?” your mom asked, furrowing her brow.
Tara looked down, seeing she had reached for a piece of garlic bread with her left hand, the hand she had been stabbed through. Tara slowly pulled her hand away, setting the garlic bread on her plate but suddenly not being very hungry. Her mouth was dry, she knew everything had been going to well.
You reached up, covering Tara’s scarred hand with your own, as you intertwined your fingers again, running your thumb over her scar for some comfort. “Tara’s last name is Carpenter,” you said. You glanced at Tara, she gave you a small nod, letting you know it was okay to continue. “She’s from Woodsboro.” Your mom’s eyes widened at the name. “Tara was one of the people attacked last year.”
“Oh god,” your mom whispered, her eyes now full of sadness flicked to Tara.
“Her sister is Sam Carpenter.”
“The one from the news?” she questioned hesitantly.
Tara sucked in a breath, this was it, she was never going to be allowed to see you again. Your mom was familiar enough with Woodsboro to recognize the name, she had definitely heard of Ghostface and the killings last year, and she was even aware of what was being said about Sam online. Tara started to pull her hand away from yours, but you tightened your grip, anchoring her to you.
“Everything being said about her online isn’t true,” you said.
“I thought you said you haven’t met her sister yet?” your mom questioned.
“I haven’t. But I know Tara and I trust her. I’ve seen the way her friends are, and I’ve seen the way Sam is. She’s definitely scary.” You shuddered at the thought of Sam being scary which made Tara chuckle. “But she loves her sister. I don’t need to meet her. I know everything said about her online is a lie.”
Tara held her breath as she waited for your mom to scream and shout and throw her out ordering her to never come back and to never so much as look at you. None of that ever came though. When Tara glanced up from her plate, she didn’t see anger on your mom’s face, she saw shock, saw someone still clearly processing everything, but there was no anger.
“Why don’t you two go upstairs,” your mom finally spoke. Tara couldn’t help but give her a questioning look. “You can stay for a little while; I’m going to do the dishes and then I’ll give you a ride home.”
“Oh, no, that’s not necessary,” Tara said, not wanting to be a burden to your mom.
“Nonsense,” she waved Tara off. “It’s dark and it will be way too late to let you go off walking through the city alone.”
“Thank you.”
You got up from the table, holding Tara’s hand to bring her with you. “Leave the door open,” your mom called from her place at the sink, not even bothering to turn around. You groaned mumbling a fine under your breath.
“Oh, and Tara,” she called, looking over her shoulder. Tara stopped; you guys had been halfway to the stairs. “Use the front door from now on.”
Tara ducked her head, pressing it into your shoulder to hide her blush. You chuckled, wrapping an arm around her as you led her up to your room. You flopped down on your bed, bringing Tara with you, making her instantly cuddle into your side. You did as your mom asked though, you left the door wide open.
“So,” you said softly. “That was unexpected,” you chuckled. “Not how I imagined you meeting my mom.”
Tara turned, burying her face in your chest. “God, I’m never going to live this down.”
“Nope.” You ran a hand up and down her arm. “Don’t worry, she likes you.”
Tara smiled, turning her head to lay on you. “I like her too.”
Taglist: @lilbitdepressed27 @fanboy7794 @noooodlessstuff @tatumrileyslover @alexkolax @canvascoloredin @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @youralphawolf72
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shslbunnylover · 5 months
hii!! i love your fics so much. i really wanted to request a christmas oneshot with melissa x reader. where they’re married and they decide to surprise each other gifts (the readers gift to mel is the lingerie set mel has been wanting to see in the reader).
(very spicy please with some fluff and smut)
★★★𝘼 𝙜𝙞𝙛𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙚★★★
Character: Melissa Schemmenti
Summary: See ask above!
Requester: Anonymous
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @lilfartbox1
Trigger warnings (DL, DI): Smut, Mommy kink, Praise, Degradation, Top Mel/Bottom reader, Dom/sun dynamics, Vaginal fingering (Reader receiving), Oral (Reader receiving), Clitoral stimulation (Reader receiving),
Genre: Smut
A/n: This was such an awesome ask! Absolutely loved this idea 🤭
Word count: 2.2k
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You sat on the couch with your wife, laying your head on her chest as her hands fondled your hair, her nails occasionally scratching softly at your scalp. The smell of her perfume clouded your nostrils, leaving your brain foggy with only thoughts of her inside of it.
The outside smells of cookies made and candles burned were nothing more than an afterthought when your body was engulfed in the scent of your wife,
"I still don't understand how nobody at the checkout mentioned a girlfriend, like at all," Melissa's laugh broke you out of your thoughts, her eyes rolling at the ridiculous scene playing on the TV in front of you two.
"That would have been an interesting conversation, because knowing Buddy, he would have said something like 'It's for my dad actually', you know? I wish they had added that in the movie," You replied, adjusting yourself so that your head lay on the redhead's shoulder.
"I wonder how awkward that would be to film though," Melissa thought, her soft and nimble fingers wrapping strands of your hair around themselves mindlessly as if it were natural to her. "But the bloopers must be even more fun to watch,"
As the scene where Walter Hobbs is opening the gift naively given by Buddy played on the TV screen, you looked up to see your wife licking her lips with a smirk before speaking.
"Say, I'd like to see you in that," She nudged you, causing you to laugh.
"I don't think I'd look good in it," You giggled, burying your face into her out of embarrassment and the thought of yourself in such an underwear set.
"Oh come on hon," Melissa rolled her head back, looking at you with raised eyebrows and an even fatter grin. "That body of yours would fit perfectly into it, and it'd match your face, all red like that,"
You stuck your tongue out at your wife, narrowing your eyes while a new idea found its way into your head. You looked back down at the screen to watch the rest of the movie, leaving you with a miniature smirk on your lips.
You spent the rest of that week trying to find the same lingerie set from the movie, hoping to get it in time for Christmas as a surprise for Melissa.
"Damn it, why is the evil Jeff Bezos website not working?" You groaned, putting your head in your hands, closing the computer, and placing your elbow on the cold steel shell of the device.
"What's wrong hon?" Your wife asked, opening the door to your shared bedroom, only to see you visibly frustrated.
"It's nothing, my love," You smiled, pulling her in for a soft kiss.
"Alright..." Melissa looked at you with a doubtful look, squeezing your shoulder before leaving to take a shower.
You sighed, looking out the window to admire the darkness of the night, smiling softly as you noticed a couple of snowflakes stick to the window before eventually melting from the warmth of the glass.
You thought hard for a moment before you felt a lightbulb go off in your head.
"So, it's usually about 40 bucks off my shop, but because you're my employee and my best friend, it's half off," Ava smiled mischievously at the situation you were in.
"Thanks, Ava," You rolled your eyes, handing her the cash before grabbing the bag. "We will never talk about this, Amazon was down," You blushed.
"Will do, baby boo," The principal smirked, shooing you away to resume watching Love Island.
You shot your friend the middle finger, shutting the door to her office, and stuffing the bag inside your purse.
When Christmas morning finally arrived after what seemed like just a blink of an eye, a warm blanket of silence covered the house. It had been such a hectic morning of gifts and surprises that the silence felt good. The two of you sat side by side, taking in the moment and the ardency of one another. The fire brought a comfortable warmth around you, and a delicious breakfast made by your wife sat untouched on the table, as it was meant for later. All that mattered now was sharing the day together and enjoying the silence. No sounds of unwrapping or exclamations of surprise, just the calm air lingering between you two while you looked through the photo book Melissa had given you.
"So Princess, do you like it?" Melissa asked, watching as you held a soft photo book from your wedding.
"I love it so much Mel," You replied, tears brimming at your eyes as you flipped through each photo, laughing softly at the goofy ones.
"But, I still have one more gift to give you," You smiled, shooting her a wink and standing up to go to your bedroom to get changed into the surprise.
Your partner sat there while you got dressed, texting Barbara a thank you for the help with the photo book, unaware of the spicy surprise waiting for her.
You swiftly pulled the straps to the lingerie onto your shoulders, your fingers moving to graze softly on the fluffy edges of the fabric.
"You almost done in there, hon?" Melissa laughed at how long you were taking while she cleaned up the wrapping paper.
"Y-Yeah I'll be out in a second!" You replied, opening the door and stepping out into the hallway.
Your arms folded in front of your body as you walked behind Melissa, tapping her softly on the shoulder and watching her turn around swiftly.
"So, what-" The redhead was cut off by the sight of you in the lingerie.
Her mouth was hanging slightly open, all the moisture in there going straight to her core.
The lingerie sat tightly against your body, showing off every inch of your figure. A warm red fabric with white trimming covered the top part of the outfit, clinging to your curves and framing your breasts beautifully. You paired the underwear with a pair of white fishnets and red lipstick, as you knew Melissa loved when you wore that shade of red.
"Oh...Jesus Christ Hon," Melissa gasped, walking up to you and cupping your breast with her hand and your chin with the other. "You look delicious," She practically groaned, pinching your nipple tightly to elect a whimper from you.
"F-Fuck-" You let your head fall onto her clavicle, biting your lip almost as roughly as your wife was being with your tits.
Her palm fell from your chin, pushing you back from her embrace to get the perfect view. Her soft and gentle fingers trailed over your exposed skin, your flesh raising once the tips finally left the area.
"I can't believe this is all mine, these tits, this face, everything about you," Your wife spoke in a husky tone, moving her lips to your neck, leaving soft blue marks on your otherwise [skin color] skin.
"P-Please Mel-" You pleaded, the pain causing the heat in your core to bubble up.
"Ah ah ah-" She tutted, pinching your nub tighter. "What do you call me?"
"Mommy..." You corrected yourself, pressing your body against her, moving your hips so your clit rubbed up against her thigh.
The older woman quickly and harshly swatted your button, watching with a grin as you shivered from the sudden sting.
"Good girl..." The redhead chuckled. "Now, I'm gonna take full advantage of this Christmas present," She spoke, grabbing you and dragging you upstairs.
When she finally made her way to your bedroom, she pushed you onto the bed with a simple flick of her hand, her green eyes watching how your tits bounced as your back hit the mattress like a predator stalking its prey before going to devour it.
"Please do mommy, I got this just for you," You breathed out, spreading your thighs apart to reveal your soaked cunt.
The redhead's emerald eyes widened, and an amused expression made its way onto her facial features.
"Fuck...now this is the bow on top," Melissa licked her lips, wasting no time and immediately burying her face in you, her tongue working wonders as it plunged in and out of you, only pausing to k the tips of her fingers.
Her digits swiftly went to rub on your clit, moving in circles that shot chills up your spine.
Your body was engulfed in a deep warm feeling that started from within and spread out to the rest of your body. Your brain clouded with nothing but a feeling of intense pleasure, relaxation, and even ecstasy as you cried out her name.
"Yeah princess, taste so good," Your wife hummed into your sensitive pussy, the soft vibrations adding to the waves of pleasure pulsating throughout your body
You can feel yourself breathing heavily and panting as your body began to tremble with pleasure.
"Mommy, I-I...Oh God!" You cried, your legs shaking violently from the stimulation on your sensitive button.
Your hand dug into her hair, your thighs clenching around the sides of her head.
Her tongue flicked around your folds, the sweet taste of your release settling on her tastebuds as she savored each lick she gave to your sensitive pussy. Her green eyes rolled back into her head, internally questioning how someone could taste as addicting and as delicious as you did.
But she wasn't done with you. She wanted to hold off your release for as long as possible like always. She was always such a tease, and with your new outfit, the redhead only wanted to watch your body squirm around even more than usual.
"Such a fucking whore," Melissa sighed, removing her mouth from your pussy to your dismay, releasing a laugh from her pretty pink lips when you let out a pleading moan.
The redhead ran her hand through her hair, licking her lips clean of your juices before running her hands up and down your body, squeezing at your breasts to elect more of your delicious sounds for her to relish in.
"Please, Mommy, don't tease!" You whimpered, rubbing your thighs for any sense of relief from the ache between your legs.
Melissa didn't respond to your whines and pleas, only spreading your legs with her strong hands.
"Surprising me with lingerie, knowing I'd fuck your brains out," She growled, bending down to kiss your neck, nibbling at your earlobe before plunging three of her fingers inside your tight hole.
Your toes curled tightly and your back arched, your hands that were gripping at the sheets the only thing keeping you from going completely off the edge.
"Oh f-fuck!" You choked out, your voice turning into a mixture of whimpers and cries as your wife's slender fingers rubbed up against your walls, collecting a white ring at the bottom that increased in visibility the more she pumped in and out of your tight walls.
"Yeah, such a good girl, taking my fingers with your pretty pussy," Melissa muttered, trailing her mouth down your figure before finally attaching her lips to your puffy clit, giving you the much-needed relief.
"Ahh~!! God! I'm going to come! Going to come!" You practically sobbed, your eyes rolling back into your head, the feeling of the redhead sucking on your sensitive nub too much for you to handle.
Just because of her fingers' movements, carefully perfected after years of being your partner, your body immediately became nothing more than a malleable and shaking sex puddle.
"God damn it, you're so easy hon," Your wife smirked, her expression predatory and seductive as she edged you on, her thrusts increasing in speed before slowing down whenever you were about to finish.
"Only for you- Please- Mommy, I need to come!" You cried out, wrapping your hands around Melissa's biceps for more connection to her, your fingernails leaving soft crescent moon indents in her milky skin.
"Then do it baby, make a mess on my fingers and my face," Melissa purred, giving your clit tiny little kitten licks with her agile tongue.
"Fu-Fuck-!! Mommy~!!" You screamed, your back relaxing as the relaxation from your release took over your body, a soft 'oomph' coming from the mattress once your body fully hit the soft plush.
You laid there, your eyes hooded and legs shaking, watching as Melissa sat down next to you, pulling you onto her lap.
"That- Holy shit..." You muttered, unable to say anything else due to the fogginess inside of your head.
The redhead opened your mouth, pushing one of her soaked digits inside, allowing you to clean it whilst tasting yourself.
"I think that was my favorite gift this year," She winked suggestively, pulling out of your mouth.
"I'm glad," You laughed, your head clearing up from how dumb-fucked you were. "Merry Christmas, my love,"
"Merry Christmas Amore," Melissa smiled, stroking away the hair that clung to your forehead. "Why don't we go get that breakfast I made? I don't want it getting cold after all,"
"Good idea," You agreed, attempting to stand up, only for your wife to sweep you off your feet and into her arms.
"I think you need to give these things a little rest," She teased, squeezing your thigh softly before making her way down the stairs.
If you enjoyed reading this, don't forget to like, reblog and comment! Thank you and you are loved <3
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slvt4lanadelrey · 1 year
Flirty Stranger | Wednesday Addams | part three
Warnings: Wednesday being Wednesday, Kissing
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Wednesday (8:31pm)
Dear Y/N,
I'm not quite sure how to use my device, yet.
It would be greatly appreciated, also highly praised if you attend a date with me. Let's say, now. I shall not take 'no' as an answer, I will break into your house again.
From Wednesday.
You (8:33pm)
Did you just address a message like a letter?
Wednesday (8:33pm)
Dear Y/N,
I think it's only proper to address such a formality in such a way,
Furthermore to my previous message, shall I be expecting you? Or should I break into your house once again? Either way, it'll be more than fun for me and Thing.
From Wednesday.
You (8:35pm)
What the fuck is a thing?
Wednesday (8:35pm)
Dear Y/N,
You're avoiding my request, will you accompany me on a date?
From Wednesday.
You (8:35pm)
Wednesday (8:35pm)
Dear Y/N,
It pains me to know you aren't that smart, I just state rather clearly that I am willing to meet you right now.
From Wednesday.
You (8:37pm)
Wednesday (8:37pm)
Dear Y/N,
I will not hesitate to break into your house again, it was rather easy.
From Wednesday.
You (8:40pm)
You just called me dumb :(
Wednesday (8:45pm)
Dear Y/N,
I wasn't insulting you, I was simply stating a fact.
Will you still join me on a date? I have a place where I think you would enjoy, it's deep into the forest.
From Wednesday.
You (8:46pm)
Stop saying Dear Y/N, and stop saying from Wednesday.
Wednesday (8:46pm)
Dear Y/N,
From Wednesday.
Wednesday (9:13pm)
Dear Y/N,
I'm outside your house.
From Wednesday
There was a faint sound of rocks being thrown at your window, you scoffed in disbelief at how Wednesday wasn't joking. The late fall night meant that the sun had long set, nothing but darkness surrounding your home. The moment your window curtain was drawn open, the soft yellow light seeping into the crisp air: you looked down, there standing was Wednesday with a single black dahlia.
"I'm outside." She stated, tilting her head up to meet your tired eyes. She threw her hand up, showing off the elegant flower she had retreated for your liking.
"I got you a flower, apparently it's appropriate to show off these types of treats during a date. Is it not? My roommate Enid is rather a romantic, have a made a fool of myself?" She all but shouted, no doubt alerting your dad there was an intruder on his property.
Your hand pressed into your eye socket, rubbing the sleep from the place.
"No, no, it's sweet. I'm just tired, that's all." You mumbled, shrugging your jacket further up your body. She nudged her feet ever so slightly into the rocky floor, standing almost awkwardly in the centre of your driveway.
"Too tired to go on a date?" She sounded soft, almost. Her eyes landed on you, through the faint outline of the window you were standing in pyjamas, with a TV show blaring in the background.
"Can you give me 10 minutes to get changed?" She nodded, immediately taking the chance to actually go on a date with you.
You pushed away from the window, walking into your room.
"Can I come up?" She shouted, your head snapped back towards her body.
"I'm getting changed." You mumbled back, pulling your shorts down your body, leaning over to grab your jeans.
"That isn't a definite answer, no or yes?" You groaned, shaking your head at the girl's question. By the time you heard Wednesday move your body was already dressed and ready to enter the cold air of night.
"Do you need help getting down?" She asked, standing back to assess the drop she assumed you'd be falling.
"I'm using my front door, like a normal person." She rolled her eyes, leaning the area to meet you at your front door. When you pulled open the door, treading into the night she quickly pushed the flower into your chest, humming when your fingers wrapped around the stem.
"They're my favourite, I like everything black." She stated when you looked at her in question, you chuckled at the quizzed face she held. You shook your head, quickly re-entering the house to place the flower in the nearest vase.
"I gathered, but I'm just wondering why the Wednesday Addams has gone soft, especially due to a girl." Wednesday faced twisted into a sour state, shaking her head with a snarl.
"Don't read too much into it, Enid forced me to bring it." You didn't let the snap in her tone get to you, you simply leaned into her placing a soft but quick kiss to her cheek. You did however notice the remote way her lip quivered and almost turned into a small, especially the way her ears burnt a deep red.
"You're too cute, Wednesday." Once again, Wednesday didn't appreciate the comment. She stomped away, only turning back when she didn't hear your feet next to hers.
"You're coming, correct?" You snickered at her comment, laughing as you walked beside her.
"Not yet." You winked, smiling brighter when Wednesday flashed you a confused look.
When the both of you were nearest the forest, hopefully not walking into a trap where you'd never return home, Wednesday grabbed ahold of your hand, her cold fingers wrapped around yours.
She walked beside you, her mind assuring that her fingers were tightly wrapped around your hand; she'd never admit it, but you brought a weird scene of peace within her, just the slightest of touches helped calm all her wild thoughts.
"Are we near?" You yawned, your tired state once again drawing on your small frame. She looked around, stuffing her other hand into her pocket.
Your back pressed into a small cushion, your back facing Wednesday as she set up a movie on the screen. The both of you were in the middle of nowhere, literally in the woods. There was a screen placed in front of the ocean of trees, a small laptop connected to it. She demanded to watch a classic, so when Dracula began to play you weren't surprised at all.
"You know, there's new versions of this show. Like remakes, stories of vampires." You commented, nibbling on the string of your hoodie, she didn't turn around, only groaning at your suggestion.
Soon enough, Wednesday slipped into the space beside you. She is nuzzling down, seeking your body heat for her own.
"That may be true, but nothing compares to the original." You couldn't argue with that logic, she was speaking straight facts. You hummed, subconsciously rubbing your cheek into her shoulder; She tensed, her shoulder going stiff against your touch.
"Are you okay?" You whispered over the movie, hushed but still loud enough for Wednesday's weirdly sensitive ears.
"Nothing. Go back to where you were." She demanded, pressing your back against the blanket and letting your head roll to her shoulder once again.
"I'm refreshed by your love for originals, but seriously, The Vampire Diaries is so good. Rebekah Mikalson is so hot, it's unreal." You mumbled into your hand, placing a piece of candy into your parted lips.
She hummed, offering you more food to stuff your face: hoping it would stop the words from leaving your lips as the climax of the show erupted.
"So fucking hot."
She knew you were going to stop talking, normally she would hate anyone and anything that would interpret her time whilst watching something she loved, but you were an exception, she liked the sound of your voice.
"Stop calling other women hot, whilst on a date with me." Wednesday felt like she drank vinaigrette straight up, a lemon after sting throbbing her tongue.
You giggled, kissing her cheek: her nose flared, the small of cherry lingering around her oxygen.
"I think you're hot too, Wednesday." You tried to ease her, hush her small fear that crept into her shallow heart.
"I wasn't seeking a complement." Wednesday corrected your behaviour, turning a literal cold shoulder on you.
Laughter erupted from your lips, smiling as the end scene rolled. You nuzzled your head into her chest, taking in her enticing scent: the rich aroma of cinnamon and wood.
"Can I?" You asked, your tongue grazing your teeth, eyes low and dark when they grazed at Wednesday's plushed lips.
They looked so kissable, so delicious, you wanted nothing more in the moment. You looked like you wanted to feast on her, act like she was your last meal.
"You may kiss me, only if you-"
Your lips pressed into hers, revelling in the way she gasped then let her fingers wrap around the back of your neck.
Your relationship with Wednesday was teasing, you mocking all her triumphs on winning your heart: but ultimately, she was the one holding the strings all along.
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caliburn-the-sword · 20 days
the main talking point of a lot of people that love eah but bash on descendants is that "eah was deep!! descendants was just a disney knockoff that meant nothing and was just a cashgrab" SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP (to be clear i am an eah lover). analytical thoughts to follow:
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consider also, that auradon is portrayed as very technologically advanced in direct opposition to the isle being associated with magic (even with its ban) and a lot of of clearly second hand, worn and torn fridges and tvs and whatever
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also, the fact that she felt PRESSURED to not only culturally assimilate into auradon culture, but alter her physical appearance to assimilate further. consider mal's costuming in the first movie. on the isle, we see her with (what i assume is her natural) purple hair, leather, etc. she is even, to a degree, gender nonconforming. pretty much the ONLY time we see her in skirts is when she's trying to impress ben for her plan to work
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compare this with the hair costuming in descendants 2:
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(i actually can't remember which scenes the third one was in but whatever) they have taken away her sparkle!! she's assimilated firstly into auradon fashion by dressing in pastels like them, and in SKIRTS which she textually only wore in the first movie when she wanted to impress ben. now with the added context of her wanting to impress auradon. and it really speaks a lot that she feels she has to conform to gender norms more in order to be accepted by auradon
and what about hair. she's felt the need to not only change the way she dresses, but change her hair to the eurocentric standard, so blonde that it's almost WHITE to conform to auradon's society (because let's be real, her mum's a fairy/dragon and her dad is a greek god. i'd be MORE surprised if she was DYING her hair purple than it being natural). changing your natural hair in order to to conform to and be accepted by the majority... where have i heard that one before??
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shoutout to @soniccat
(to be clear. it is not a one for one analogy. "hey using a spell to force someone to forget what you did is an invasion" to me is like going "well actually people were right to fear mutants in x-men because some of them were walking weapons" IT'S A METAPHOR THAT IS ALSO A PLOT DEVICE)
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('backwater' being used ironically, do not let my meaning be misconstrued here. a better way to word it is that immigrants are guilttripped into having to be 'grateful' for their oppression in a first world country because microaggressions or assimilation is considered better than the alternative, being back in your home country where living conditions may be considered poorer)
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in the sense that for instance, jay put a VK spin on supporting feminism. like yes, he could've done it the rulefollowing, create a petition and gather signatures route, but INSTEAD he finds and exploits an existing loophole to let lonnie join the team. or evie shouting out dizzy's creations, uplifting her voice despite the fact she could've still taken the credit since she was the one that paired the outfit with the accessories. etc
are the descendants movies objectively bad movies?? yes. but this was to me, one of the most compelling analogies for immigrant struggles. take particular notice how almost ALL the main VKs are either racebent from the original disney movies (evie, carlos, uma) or were already based on an ethnic character (mal, jay)
but wait, mal is the whitest white girl to walk the planet. how is she already based on an ethnic character?
glad you asked. it is quite unclear in the descendants movie (basing its portrayal of maleficent on the disney sleeping beauty) is a fairy or a dragon. while the maleficent movie isn't canon to the descendants universe, i'm still going to use the fact that she's a fairy with the magical ability to turn herself into a dragon
a lot fairy folklore comes from ireland. the name maleficent itself, and i quote
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shares similarities to the name millicent. millicent has irish (or scottish) roots (even a coat of arms) as in
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thus one could argue that maleficent herself could potentially be irish coded
whether or not you agree with the idea that maleficent is irish coded, it is undeniable that mal is the daughter of hades, a greek god. it's a shame that that was a retcon in the third movie and not planned from the start, because the role could've gone to an actually greek actress (please google the ottoman empire and greek independence day if you still think it's not fitting for me to group mal with the others)
where was i going with this?? right. it's extremely telling that most of the main/side VKs, save for gil, are ethnic, in the story of a group of misfits finding themselves in an unfamiliar country with new social norms for them to learn as they try to fit in with and become accepted by their peers
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superblysubpar · 4 months
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We'll Call It Love masterlist | It Had To Be You masterlist
the song: Suddenly I See by KT Tunstall // It Had To Be You playlist
warnings: this story is a part of the series We’ll Call It Love, and much of it would be spoiled if you read this first. It’s linked above, and I hope you love it! | series warnings pertain | mentions of drugs | "illusions" to smut
3k words
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Steve always thought he’d meet the love of his life, his soul mate, at a bar. 
Which sounds kind of lame now maybe? It’s just that the movies make it feel like this magical moment - you know, the couple sees each other, the music swells, the lights change - it’s undeniable. 
But that’s not happening for Steve Harrington it seems, definitely not tonight. 
Maybe not ever. 
So here he is, just breaking up with another girl in another random Chicago bar. 
His thumb pulls at the damp paper label, his brows furrowed over hazel eyes girls tend to like to look into deeply from time to time - or so he’s been told. 
“It’s just not working.”
The words taste more bitter than the beer on his tongue because for Steve, that’s quite the opposite of how he feels a relationship should be described. Your relationship shouldn’t feel like a job. It should be easy. It should feel right. It should just work for lack of a better term. 
When there’s no response from the other side of the table he finally glances up from the shredded label to find her typing on her phone, reaching for her wine glass and nodding. 
The blonde finally lifts her eyes from the device, smiling under vacant eyes. 
“Sorry, did you say something?”
Steve sighs deeply. He rubs at his temple as he nods. 
“Yeah, yeah I did. I don’t…I don’t think we should…do this anymore?”
She’s typing on her phone again. 
“Brenda?” He blinks at her incredulously before leaning across the table, closer, as he lowers his voice, “Brenda, I’m breaking up with you.”
She snaps her gum, slides her phone into her purse and starts to slide out of the booth. 
“Yeah, I heard you the first time. Listen, I didn’t even know we were dating? We haven’t even slept together and I didn’t think we were, like, an inclusive thing, you know?”
“You mean exclusive?” 
She’s already walking out the door. As Steve watches her go with a disbelieving stare, he sees one of the TVs suspended over the bar has the Cubs game on now. 
Well at least tonight isn’t a total bust. 
“Hey man, ‘nother beer?” The bartender who brought him his first one asks from where he’s collecting empty dishes at a nearby table. 
“Um,” Steve runs a hand through his hair, squinting at the tabletop before he sighs. “Sure, thanks.”
The bartender leaves and Steve rests his chin on his fist, watching the game but not really seeing it. 
He’s not really sure what he’s doing anymore. Is it all just normal? To be this hopeless, to be this unhappy with life, to be this lonely. There has to be someone out there for him right? 
His phone buzzes loudly on the table, stealing him from his spiral only for the dread he was barely allowing himself to dip into, swallow him whole and drown him. 
The contact ‘Dad’ displays with no photo for what feels like forever until it finally stops and the screen goes dark. 
Steve is still staring down at it when a large basket of breadsticks slides under his nose and a cold beer right behind it. 
He glances up and the bartender is taking his empty bottle, smiling in a sort of laid back way that makes Steve envious of his clearly relaxed state and demeanor. 
“On the house. You look pretty down about that blonde.”
“Oh,” Steve sits up, clearing his throat. He feels the warmth under his cheeks as he shakes his head, “No, um, she’s…yeah, I’m not missing her. Just lost in thought I guess. Thank you…” Steve trails off, looking for a name tag.
“Argyle, man,” the bartender slaps his hand out and grabs Steve’s. 
Steve points to the ceiling, smiling. “Like the name of the bar?”
“One and the same my dude. Let me know if I can get you anything else.”
Steve keeps his eyes on the game until he can’t resist the scent of butter and cheese and he grabs one of the breadsticks. He practically moans when he takes the first bite, and his eyes flutter open when he hears a laugh float across the quiet room. 
He swallows around the way too hot to have taken that big of a bite of bread as he sees you. You’re the only girl at the bar, head thrown back in a laugh he swears sounds like a favorite song as Argyle pours more red wine in your glass. There’s pizza in your hand and you’re gesturing to the baseball game. 
He might already be in love with you. 
And that’s before he watches you devour more than one piece of the pizza you’re eating alone and watching the baseball game like you actually care about it. 
Steve clicks his phone unlocked, ignoring the text from his father, and types one to Robin instead. 
Steve: Do you believe in soul mates?
It takes less than a minute for her to respond. 
Robin: Steve, I’m sorry, but I cannot do this. Brenda is NOT your soul mate Steve: we just broke up Robin: oh thank god Robin: I mean, I am so sorry, what can I do? Ice cream? Steve: no, listen… Steve: there’s this girl here Robin: no Steve: I haven’t even told you the best part Robin: let me guess, you think you love her already? Steve: if you’re gonna be a brat about it, I will not tell you that she’s watching the Cubs game right now Robin: wow? Steve: Robs, she’s ACTUALLY watching it Robin: Yeah, and? Do you even know her name yet, Dingus? Have you spoken to her? Dude, I love you, but you can’t keep doing this Steve: what’s a good pick up line?
Steve takes a swig of his beer and chokes around it when Robin responds.
Robin: I might not be a pro player, but when it comes to you, I won't stop until I’ve reached all the bases Steve: absolutely not Robin: I think I glove you Robin: my dugout, or yours? Robin: I’m an umpire. Can I have your number so I can make the call? Steve: I hate you Robin: why don’t you just go with “Hi.” idiot Robin: also, why are there SO many baseball pick up lines on google? And what do they mean? Wtf is a pinch hitter?
Steve rolls his eyes at his screen, locking it closed as he slides out of the booth. He approaches the bar slowly, deciding that Robin is right, he should take it slow, he always does this. 
And maybe he’ll go with the umpire line. 
But when he’s right behind your shoulder, so close he can smell your perfume that makes him want to fall inside the bottle, he sees your pizza. 
And it has fucking olives on it. 
He didn’t mean to say it out loud, but he clearly did, and when you turn to face him, he sort of forgets how to breathe. 
You’re clearly taking him in just like he is you, and when he sees your mouth drop open a little as your eyes meet each other, he feels like someone is playing a prank on him. 
Because the bar lights dim and the lyrics of As Time Goes By plays loudly. 
And Steve knows, logically, that this is all because it’s the time of night where bars dim their lights and that the song is from the other TV playing Casablanca. He knows this. 
And yet…
“Hey, sorry I’m late.”
Steve kisses your temple as he leans around you and grabs a breadstick on the bar despite your protest. He groans around the bread as you turn to smile at him. 
“I swear, Argyle puts drugs in these.” 
He sighs, pushing more into his mouth as he blinks at you, nodding his agreement. Steve’s eyes roam over the little black dress you have on, stopping appreciatively on the lace neckline that dips nicely and not so innocently. His fist comes up over his mouth, clearing his throat around the bite he shoves into his cheek so he can talk. 
“You look nice.”
“What, this old thing?” You spin on the stool, shrugging your shoulders with a smile. 
“Did you have something going on at work today?” He asks, brows furrowing and at first you think he’s joking, but then he cocks his head, ripping at more of the breadstick.
“Um, no, I-”
“Hey,” Steve waves for Argyle’s attention before he turns to you, apologetic, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, do you care if we get the pizza to go? I’m beat from today, and I just need to get into something that isn’t this tie and eat that pizza and pass out.”
“Oh, uh, sure.” You smile, sure it’s not quite meeting your eyes, but Steve doesn’t notice because he’s already relaying the message to Argyle who looks at you curiously, then Steve, then you again before nodding. 
“Sure, man, I’ll box it up right now, it just got out of the oven.”
He walks away and Steve looks at you curiously, “That was weird, right?”
Except it wasn’t, because Argyle and you must see all the couples literally making out over their pizza, or snuggled up on the same side of booths and pressing their noses into cheeks and whispering sweet nothings into ears. Argyle and you must know that today is Valentine’s Day and Steve…doesn’t?
You quickly hop off the stool, grab your thick winter coat and shrug it on, pretending not to notice, “No? It’s busy, maybe he’s just overwhelmed.”
“Yeah, maybe…” Steve trails off, looking around until he lands back on you buttoning your coat, then down at your feet when he smiles. “Hey, you’re wearing the heels I bought you.”
A hum leaves your pursed lips as you roll your eyes. “Well, they’re really nice and they’re not doing anyone any good hanging out in my closet collecting dust on their red soles.”
Steve leans in and kisses you, quickly and subtly before he whispers, “It’s okay to admit you like the fancy things I buy you…speaking of…” He grabs his wallet from his back pocket.
He hands you his debit card, before he nods outside, “I’m gonna go run and pull the car up so you don’t have to walk in those all the way to where I finally found parking.”
“Steve, I can-” He’s already waving it off and kissing your cheek, disappearing out the door he barely just walked through. 
You slump against the bar and pull out your phone, looking around at the packed place with a sour feeling in your stomach. 
Normally, you hate this day. It’s overpriced consumerism at its finest. It's a sickening zoo of PDA everywhere you look, and places like here that normally are your peaceful, quiet spots, are packed. 
But you’d be lying if you didn’t say you were sort of looking forward to the day this year. Because, in all honesty, you’ve never really had someone you’ve wanted to celebrate with or someone who cared to do so until now.
Until Steve. 
Which is what leads you to pull out your phone, open a text to Robin, decide absolutely not because she’d just text him and then he’d feel awful and instead you call Eddie who answers on the first ring.
You go to bite at your lower lip at the sound of his curt greeting and think better of it, what with the lipstick you put on for tonight and all. 
“Are you busy?”
Eddie sighs, dramatically, and you hear the distinct sound of a can crushing. “Yeah, I’m fucking the love of my life after we just had a candle lit dinner for two.”
As you look at the window, waiting to see Steve’s car, your eyes roll. Argyle hands you the pizza box with a smile and your voice lowers.
“Steve’s a…has he…does he like Valentine’s Day?”
Eddie snorts as he slurps a sip of a fresh beer into the receiver, “What kind of question is that. Of course Steve likes Valentine’s Day. It’s his shit. One year he took a girl out to like this whole big, fancy dinner and ice skating. Presents, flowers, the whole thing. He even gets Robin flowers and a card every year. He’s always been like that. Got everyone in middle school like the really nice candy and cards. Superheroes and name brand shit.”
There’s silence on the other end for what feels like forever and you hear his sharp inhale as the car pulls up. 
“I gotta go,” you start to hang up but then think better of it and hiss into the phone, “Don’t say anything to him or Robin or Nancy or I will kill you.”
“But-” You click off the phone before he can say another word and head out the door where Steve is already jogging around the front of his car and opening your door for you. 
The glaring reality of your situation hits you as Steve closes the door.
Steve didn’t forget Valentine’s Day, he just doesn’t want to celebrate it with you. 
You try to shake off the mood, to smile and nod as he talks the whole way to his apartment about the new job, because you are really proud of him and you love hearing how excited he is for this new work he’s doing. And really, isn’t being alone with him, eating pizza, in comfy clothes, a perfect night with him because anything you do with him is perfect? 
It’s just hard to shake the fact that it’s a known fact he’s gone above and beyond for everyone else on this holiday, but not for you. 
Steve grows quiet as you walk inside the apartment building, thumb swiping over your knuckles back and forth gently until you untangle your fingers so he can unlock his door. 
The heels are kicked off and your coat hung as Steve slides the pizza onto the island, turning towards his bar. “I got that wine you really liked, do you want a glass of that with it, or…” he trails off waiting for you to respond.
You nod and head towards his room, but his arm snakes around your waist, tugging you to a stop so you can see his eyes when he ducks his head to catch your gaze. Steve speaks softly, worried, “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you smile and he frowns and you kiss the corner of his lips, “Sorry, I just had a long day too, I guess. Lady things. Heels hurting, whatever-”
“The heels hurt?” He looks genuinely concerned, and goes to reach for his phone, “I’ll get you a different size, they shouldn’t hurt-”
“No, no, no, I meant like…” you kiss him again, feeling something in your chest ache. 
Steve is wonderful, wanting to buy you new shoes because your feet hurt and here you are sulking because what? He didn’t get you overpriced bad chocolates? 
He kisses you back, hand cupping your jaw until you’re sighing and pulling away. 
“The shoes don’t hurt my feet. I don’t know why I said that. They’re perfect and the wine sounds great. I’m gonna change quick, okay?”
He nods, but he’s still frowning as you turn into his bedroom. You literally shake out your arms as you enter his closet, like you’re trying to rid your body of the bratty feeling as you roll your head from side to side, the tense feeling in your neck making you feel nauseous and guilty. 
You pad over to the tall dresser, pulling at the top drawer that’s slowly becoming yours as your phone rings, loudly, in the other room. 
“Steve, can you grab that? It’s in my coat pocket. It’s probably just Eddie, I hung up on him earlier…” you trail off as you remember what else is in the coat pocket and you race back out to the kitchen, sweats and one of Steve’s shirts in your hands. 
Your tights covered feet skid to a stop in his kitchen at the sight of what Steve holds in his hand. 
His tie is gone, white dress shirt partially unbuttoned to reveal the white tank top underneath with a small glimpse of his chest hair peeking out the top of it. His hair is sticking every which way, like he ran both hands through it several times in less than the minute you’ve been a part. 
And in his fingers dangles a gold chain, his gold chain, with a little ‘S’ hanging from it.
“Steve, I-”
He looks up at you and his cheeks are flushed pink and his eyes look a little glassy and he clears his throat as he holds it up higher. The ‘S’ spins with the movement, catching the light and sparkling as his voice breaks a little when he asks, “What’s this?”
Your eyes close as you groan and drop the items. The heels of your palms into your eyes as you shake your head. The words tumble out of you, unable to be contained any longer.  
“It’s stupid. I’m sorry. I just…I thought…I figured you’re a guy who, like, would eat this holiday shit up, and I don’t know, your chain just…I don’t know. I stole it and I brought it to a jeweler and got the ‘S’ for it and I know it’s technically a gift for me, but I just thought you’d like it if I wore it but it’s fine, I can return it or we can just…I don’t know, I-”
“Hey,” he interrupts softly, now standing just in front of you. He tugs on your wrist, pulling your hand from your face before his fingers tuck under your jaw so you have to look at him. “You got me this for Valentine’s Day?” 
The words of the holiday must make your face aching to be nonchalant twitch or shift or something because Steve leans down and presses his forehead against yours. 
“I didn’t forget. I just assumed you were very much not the kind of girl who would eat this holiday shit up,” he laughs at the parrot of your words as your lips twitch. “I thought you’d hate the fancy dinners and the flowers and chocolate, and just want today to be…normal?”
Your shoulders shrug as you step closer, letting your hands tug at his shirt collar. “I do…normally.”
Steve’s nose traces up yours and back down as he hums, lips ghosting over yours as he speaks, “Yeah? What changed?”
“Are you fishing for a compliment Harrington?” You whisper, heart stuttering in your chest as his lips catch your bottom one and linger, his breath exhaling against your skin warm as he laughs. 
“I wouldn’t complain if I got one,” his lips skim up your jaw, kissing just below your ear before he asks, “Can I put it on you?”
Something inside of your stomach flutters as you nod and spin for him. Steve’s nose follows your ear, down your neck as his hands reach around with the necklace. The cold metal hits your skin, your toes curl and legs press together as his fingertips skate across your collarbones with the ends of the chain, until they’re clasping it closed. 
You spin slowly, bodies refusing to stop touching each other as Steve swallows loudly and you exhale a breath you didn’t know you were holding. His eyes remain on the necklace as you tilt your head back to look up at him. 
Steve’s hand reaches up, fingertips gently brushing down the chain until they’re on the ‘S’ where he pauses, his adams apple bobbing as the apartment grows warmer from the heat of his stare. 
He leans forward, and before you can even naturally follow, he tugs, lightly, on the ‘S’, making your brain buzz and something spark up your spine as the distance between you closes. 
Steve makes a sort of choked noise from the back of his throat, pupils blown wide when he finally looks into your eyes. 
Your lips hover over his mouth, whispering around their smirk, “Pizza’s getting cold.”
Steve groans as you slip out of his arms, spinning towards the food only to be caught around the waist by his arms. He practically drags you to his bedroom, growling, “Fuck the pizza,” around your laughter. 
You’re not sure what you were hoping for, really, with the gift, for your first Valentine’s day together. 
But watching Steve Harrington’s eyes practically roll back in his head with you grinding on top of him, his hands pressed to the mattress with fingers entangled in yours, as the chain and little gold ‘S’ hits his chin is pretty fucking great. 
Oh, and him coming with no warning when you kiss the pair of freckles on his neck and whisper, “Happy Valentine’s Day baby” was pretty cool too.  
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dandylovesturtles · 8 months
Leo and Donnie, Treat (also love your works.. i got a prompt at 2am my time IMBI updated, and i woke up in a rush to read it)
Thank you!! A little Leo and Donnie treat for you ^^
Can you tell I didn’t know how to end this one?
No warnings this time
Mikey is out with Draxum and Splinter and Raph are out having father-son bonding time and Donnie is in the kitchen getting more coffee which means the sneeze he just heard from the living room has to be Leo.
The initial sneeze is followed by another, then a third and a fourth and a fifth because even with sneezing Leo has to be dramatic.
Donnie stares at his coffee and tries to rationalize. Maybe Leo just breathed some dust - Pizza Supreme knows they haven’t dusted in at least six months. Or maybe he got a tickle from some of Dad’s fur. Or he stared too hard at a light bulb.
Leo coughs, deep and hacking from his chest, followed up with a sniffle, and Donnie sighs and fills his coffee mug.
“Noooo, you can’t be sick,” he says as he walks out. “I’m the only one here to take care of you.”
Leo is sprawled in Splinter’s chair, wearing the hoodie he only wears in the lair in the dead of winter (or when he’s sick) and the fuzzy socks reserved for very cold days (or when he’s sick). He looks Donnie right in the face and says, “Well lucky for you I’m not sick.”
Like a liar.
“Yes you are,” says Donnie, exasperated.
“Prove it.”
“You have a temp of 100.4,” he says, goggles down now.
“I always run hot.”
“No you always run cold, dum-dum.” Donnie flicks the goggles back up, debating getting a mask before he goes any closer. “At least tell me if what you have is contagious.”
Leo sulks down further into the chair, but at least he’s not denying it anymore. “I did a test. It’s just a sinus infection, so, you’re safe.”
Well that’s good for Donnie, but it does not change the fact that Leo is sick. And Donnie is the only one here.
“I’ll make you some tea,” he says, and turns to go back in the kitchen.
“You still don’t have to take care of me,” Leo calls after him, but Donnie ignores him. He’s already going over what he needs.
He sets the tea kettle going, then heads for the train car they’re using as a medbay. They don’t have any antibiotics, so he has his computer search up the ones they need and then hack an order to a local pharmacy, paid for by an insurance company his family definitely doesn’t use. Then he sends a text to Raph asking him to pick it up on the way home.
(Raph texts back a few minutes later asking if they need to come back early, to which Donnie responds with a negative.)
In the meantime he grabs a decongestant and and fever reducer. Then some cough drops, and a box of tissues, because if left to his own devices Leo will be disgusting.
Then he’s off to Leo’s room for his blanket and pillow. When Leo’s sick, he sleeps better in front of the TV.
Finally he goes to their film collection and grabs a few of Leo’s favorite JJs to queue up. Then it’s back to the kitchen for the tea.
When he returns, arms and battleshell appendages laden, Leo is just finishing another coughing fit. He looks up through watery eyes that go wide on seeing Donnie.
“Thought you said you were getting tea,” he says.
“And a few other things.” He hands over the tea and the medicine. “Here.”
Leo takes it without complaint, at least. Donnie hands off his pillow next, then starts up the first movie. The opening refrain of Jupiter Jim Last Trip to the Moon 7 fills the otherwise quiet room.
There is one more thing that makes Leo feel better when he’s sick. If Mikey or Raph were here, Donnie would pass the job off to them, but they aren’t, so it falls to Donnie.
“Scoot over,” he says, matter-of-fact.
Leo looks bemused. And sleepy. Mostly sleepy. “Huh?”
“Scoot. You’re hogging the chair.”
It takes Leo another second, but he catches on. A small smile growing on his face, he shifts over so Donnie can fit next to him, rearranging the pillow so it’s behind both of them and the blanket so it’s draped over all four legs.
Then he reclines the chair a bit and opens his arms without comment.
Immediately Leo has snuggled in against him, head buried under Donnie’s chin. He lets out a long, content (but still very congested) sigh, wiggling a bit to get comfy.
“As soon as my legs fall asleep you’re getting dumped in the floor,” Donnie tells him with no bite.
“Sure, D,” Leo answers, already sounding drowsy.
Donnie does not dump Leo in the floor. Not even when Raph gets home, grinning as he takes a picture.
He can get his revenge for that later.
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amuseoffyre · 8 months
Have had a couple of days and a rewatch and some mulling to put together my thoughts:
The good:
the writing - I've talked at length about the use of metaphor, symbolism, allegory and the like to add meat and substance to the narrative
the continuity tied in to S1 and the foreshadowing coming full circle, plus running themes continuing
the music is flawless throughout - both the soundtrack with songs and the original score and the way old motifs are used to add parallels and depth to scenes
the acting across the board has been staggeringly good. Especially for Taika, Rhys and Con. I can see why so many reviews had been raving about it.
the bits of set-up for S3 that have been planted if/when they get it
new characters who are an absolute delight
Family Trauma the TV show - intense to watch but cathartic af
Badass ladies and the soft boys who love them
The bad:
too much story and not enough time to tell it
sacrificing a lot of crew-related stuff - I know this is primarily the Ed and Stede story, but we're told that Olu was always talking about Zheng, but we never even got a single line of it. Buttons' disappearance gets one sus line. We gloss over the probation and why Ed is back in his leathers literally the next day. Again, I know, time constraints, but it does feel weaker for it.
speedrunning so much that it's taken several rewatches to catch everything that's going on - yes, it can work as a narrative device, but not all the time
still not over Zheng falling for Ricky's gift. Do not trust the aristocratic white dude, especially not when you've been blackmailing him. And I know there's some logical sense to her being so used to being able to manipulate desperate people on the fringes with both carrot and stick, but it feels like severe underestimation on her part about how ruthless and cruel and petty Ricky could be. He's not like the pirates - he has the power and privilege and it feels like she ignored that.
whatever that Teal Oranges pivot was so Jim could have a girlfriend, especially since they didn't have time/space to actually develop the Olu/Zheng and Jim/Archie stuff. Archie was barely a scrape of characterisation because of time constraints.
The ... Forbs Boding
Izzy - it falls under the typical archetype of Loss of a Role Model especially given all Ed's dad issues, which I thought we were beyond, but then it also fits with the running motif of the show of change, death and rebirth. We've had confirmation of the existence of a place between life and death plus a character who was beaten to death coming back from it and a seawitch turning up at the grave. I can see why it was done as it has been foreshadowed since "the only retirement we get is death" but after all his growth in S2, having Ricky be the one to get the jump on him is... hm. I feel like they had him and Ricky talking and Ricky causing his death for a reason. Feels like there's set-up for S3 planted and ready. My Forbs, they are A-Boding. ffs, they Obi-Wanned him right after he did a speech about "our spirit will last beyond your whole fucking empire". Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine vibes.
The way trauma is/isn't being dealt with - I feel like there's stuff there that is set up for S3 as well, because we've seen how Stede is still bottling all his stuff and hasn't dealt with any of it, while Ed has done some processing and started to make peace with himself over it. Stede still has his mental lockbox and while he tries to pretend it isn't there, it still informs so many of his decisions.
All the Star Wars vibes - I've always been convinced this was the Empire Strikes Back season and now, they have all the pieces in play for the Return of the Jedi arc: Stede and Ed are together and recovering but will have a role to play, Izzy is in carbonite with a seawitch control panel, their allies are out there getting pieces in place, and the Imperial figurehead villain who showed up in S2 is still out there and convinced he holds all the power. And I just realised that this means that if they use Hornigold, he's the equivalent of Boba Fett - Bounty Hunter for the Empire XD
On the whole, I am content with it and am already having thoughts about the potential for S3, but I find it incredibly frustrating knowing how much more it could have been with the budget/time they wanted and didn't get.
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tieronecrush · 10 months
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hot & heavy
chapter ten: a hidden gem, my own goldmine
neighbor!joel x f!reader
series masterlist
series rating: E (18+ MDNI)
series summary:
over the course of three summers, joel miller becomes woven into your life. the first summer is spent falling for him; nannying his daughter and sneaking around with him in a burning love affair. you know how you feel about joel, he isn’t so sure about how it all is gonna work. the second summer is brief. a month spent at home after graduation and before you move to boston for your dream job. one look at you, one time hearing your voice, and joel is hooked again. he pines over you for that month, but you think — how is long distance of over a thousand miles going to work for a single dad? the third summer, you return home burnt out and pride bruised from your post-grad life. you need time to feel at home again, like your complete self, so you’ve come back home with no return ticket booked. it’s only a matter of time before joel seeks you out, slowly spending more time with you. without an inevitable end to the summer looming over you both, what chances are you willing to take?
word count: 10k
warnings: NO OUTBREAK (don’t need to worry about the mushies), no use of y/n, inexperienced reader, age gap (joel is 30/31, reader is 22), canon-divergent (sarah is 7 y/o), nanny au, pet names (sweetheart, darling, sweet girl, mariposa, etc.), polite southern manners, feeling familial and self-pressure, ESTABLISHED relationship FINALLY, spanish cause joel is latino, fingering, unprotected p in v, dirty talkkk king joel miller, soft (and soft dom) joel, possessive joel, mentions of depression diagnosis and symptoms, struggling with self, discussion of co-parenting, angst, MAJOR doubt! and a slumber party! yay!
a/n: thank you as always to the bestie/cousin/sister wife/sweet, sweet gf @northernbluess for beta-reading this chapter, seriously i can't write without you so you're stuck with me. also this chapter is a little heavier in spanish then before, so if there are any corrections needed, please comment or message me! i went through multiple translations to try to find the best/most common, but things are bound to slip through the cracks.
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Joel’s been catching up with some chores around the house this evening after Sarah’s gone to bed: dishes are washed and put away, counters wiped down and floors mopped. He reset the living room after he put the laundry in the dryer, settling onto the couch with a long sigh. Hands rub at his tired eyes, muscles aching for his bed but he is determined to stay up until you text him that you’re back at your friend’s house safe.
A few of your friends from college ended up with jobs in Austin, and tonight you’d all arranged to go out downtown. You had, sweetly, invited Joel to tag along but when you mentioned that the only other guys there would be boyfriends of your friends that were your age, he politely declined. Well, he used his daughter as an excuse because he didn’t want to admit that he was a little insecure about the age difference, even still.
It’s not even a large one, you’re twenty-five  and he’s thirty-three, but with a nearly ten year old kid and his own business, he’s willing to bet he’s in a much different place in life than your friends' significant others. And if there isn’t a lot of common ground, Joel knows he’s not the most social or conversational.
Resting his eyes, his head rolls back onto the couch while the TV drones on about the latest Astros game. A short buzz from his phone in his pocket peels his eyes open, yawning quietly as he fishes the device out and flips it open.
FROM: Mariposa
Cn u pcik me up pLs????
While deciphering your drunk text, another couple are delivered and he keys down to see them as he chuckles at the antics. 
I miiss u
Eveynoe is w their BFs n I wnt mine 
Plesaseeeeeee J
Before he can type a response to you, an incoming call blocks out his screen, his thumb hitting the accept button quickly and bringing the phone to his ear.
“Feelin’ alright, Mari?”
A hiccup on the other line makes him laugh quietly again, your voice coming in over the music and people in the background, “No, not alright. M’sad.”
“Why’re you sad, sweet girl?”
“Cause you’re not here. Every—everybody’s…No I didn’t want a vodka water, gross! I wanna vodka soooooda with lime…Oops, sorry J. What was I saying?” A giggle from your end pulls a smile on his face, only slightly worried at your level of intoxication.
“You were telling me why you’re sad.”
“Right! M’sad cause all my friends have got their boy—” One hiccup. “Boyfriends here. And you’re aaaallllll the way at home.” Another hiccup. “I wanna be home with you.”
“I see. Well, I don’t want you to be sad, darlin’, so m’gonna come pick you up. How’s that sound?”
He hears a gasp into the phone and your voice gets quieter, imagining you holding the phone or turning your head away to a nearby friend.
“He’s coming! Jus’ to pick me up though, we gotta get back for Sar—Sarah…Yeah, she’s so cute…Well, yeah duh, he’s a DILF…I mean, to me I guess he’d be a DIAF…‘Dad I Am Fucking’…Oh, shit!” There’s a rustling as he laughs to himself overhearing your conversation, a smug smile on his face from you bragging to your friends. “M’sorry, J, god I totally forgot I was on the phone!” You punctuate your sentence with an incredulous laugh before quieting down to hear Joel.
“That’s alright, Mari. M’gonna drop Sarah with Tommy and then come and get you, okay? Can you tell me where you are?” Joel is already standing from the couch, grabbing his keys from the entryway before making his way upstairs to get Sarah into the car.
“Ummm…One sec!” The line rustles again while he stands at the top of the stairs. “Okay, we’re at that place on 11th, Nickel City.”
“Yeah, I know where that is, sweetheart. Be there soon, okay?”
“Okay. Tha—” One last hiccup. “—nks, J.”
“Anytime, amor. Anytime.”
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With Sarah dropped off at Tommy’s, Joel goes into town to pick you up. It takes another twenty minutes from Tommy’s place, finding a parking spot not too far from the bar. He slips in the door and starts to comb his eyes over the crowd, most people stepping out of his way from his intimidating frame while he weaves through the masses.
Spotting you off to the side at a high-top table, some friends he recognizes from your photos dotted around the surface as well. You’re wrapped up in a conversation with the person next to you while you sit on a stool, Joel’s eyes finally landing on the person you’re talking to. It’s another man, about his height, maybe a few inches shorter. He’s got light hair, a clean-cut look with some fancy shirt on. Clearly, the guy is flirting with you, standing closer and leaning an arm around the back of your chair. Knowing how drunk you sounded over the phone, it occurs to him that you likely don’t even realize this guy’s body language, a primal possessiveness taking over his judgment. 
He’s waited years for you. There’s no way in hell he isn’t putting on a show for this guy to send him a message.
Joel rolls his shoulders back, chest raising with the corrective posture. He saunters over to the table, politely smiling and waving as your friends must recognize him and welcome him to the group. He walks right up to the other side of your chair, placing a hand on your lower back and brushing against the skin exposed by the tank top you’re wearing.
A small gasp exhales from you with the surprise contact, turning your head and beaming when you see him. The look makes the wings of his butterfly flap faster, beating in time with his heartbeat.
“You’re here! M’so happy to see you.” He matches your smile before he is crushed in a hug, your arms around his neck. Unraveling from each other, you turn back toward the other man, before one of your other friends comes over to tell you something, pulling you away but still within arm’s length for Joel to keep his hand on you.
Joel reaches his hand out toward the man,  “Nice to meet you…”
“Nice to meet you, Colton. Are you one of the college friends?”
Colton gives a weak handshake to Joel, shaking his head with a laugh, “No, actually, never met any of ‘em until tonight. Well, except Taylor. M’relatively new to town, met Taylor through work, so you know how it is. Trying to make some connections.”
Joel has to hold back his eye roll, annoyance clear on his face at the skirting around that this Colton is doing. Joel’s heard it before from Tommy — going up to a girl and using the ‘new in town’ line to get a conversation started and to hopefully get them to leave with you to ‘show you around’.
Mine. You’re mine, he repeats to himself, the jealousy pumping in his veins.
“So’re you one of the college friends? Or an Austin friend?” Colton makes polite conversation while you turn in Joel’s arm and wrap your own around his back. Tugging on his t-shirt the fingers of one of your hands slip under the material and skim across his skin. Joel clears his throat, chuckling dryly as he keeps his gaze on Colton.
“Uh, not quite. M’the boyfriend.” His head nods to his side to you, a tight, smug smile on his face as he watches the gears in Colton’s head turn.
It’s not happening for him tonight. Or ever.
“Oh shit! You must be Joel! We’ve been waiting for you. I’ve just been making sure she’s had some water and didn’t wander off before you got here. She’s been talkin’ about you all night, made me think about how many times I’ve drunkenly ranted about my girlfriend.”
“Your girlfriend?”
“Yeah, Taylor’s my girlfriend — she’s the one with blonde hair right across the table.” Colton beams down the way as Taylor makes eye contact with him, waving to the woman as she smiles back at him.
The man is a golden retriever. And Joel thought he was some douchebag trying to hook up with his girlfriend. Joel opens his mouth to apologize for his cold behavior, but before he can your head pops up from his chest, grabbing his attention. Hands at his back scratch your nails against his skin, humming contently as you press a sloppy kiss to his jaw.
Colton considers his duties relieved and goes to find his girlfriend before Joel can thank him, leaving the two of you at the end of the table. Joel pulls his chin in to look down at you, smiling softly and moving a hand to the back of your neck.
“You alright, sweetheart?”
“Yeah, jus’ happy you’re here. Missed you.”
Joe presses a kiss to your forehead and you hum again, swaying sleepily in his arms. “M’glad you called me, Mariposa.”
“Can we go home now please?”
“Yeah, Mari, ‘course we can. You want me to bring you to your house?” His hands move to your sides, running up and down against the fabric of your tank top. You hook your arms around his neck and shake your head, a tiny “humpf” accompanying it.
“No, home.”
“My house?”
“Yes! Home. Wanna sleep in your bed, s’comfier than mine.”
“Yeah, sweetheart, I can bring you home.”
A warm stirring is felt in his chest, steadying you in your stance and keeping an arm around your waist. You say goodbye to your friends, all of them waving to you both as Joel steers you through the bar and to his truck outside.
Joel calls Tommy on the way home, his brother telling him that Sarah’s out cold and he can bring her back in the morning when she wakes up. He presses for an answer about why Joel had to drop Sarah off, but Joel ignores Tommy’s question again and hangs up.
Safely back at his house, he helps you out of the truck and inside, walking behind you on the stairs as you stumble. It’s like a baby deer learning to walk — he’s never seen you this drunk, tipsy, sure, but never at this level. A smile crosses his face as he imagines a moment like this in the future with you, maybe after a night out for the two of you or maybe even after your wedding.
Your voice pulls him out of his thoughts, tripping over your feet at the landing and recovering on your own. His hand hovers at your back, ready to break your fall if it happens.
“I’m alright, m’alright. Jus’ tripped a lil’.”
To be safe, Joel holds your hips the rest of the way up and into his room, sitting you on the edge of the mattress and gathering a t-shirt from his drawers for you to wear to bed.
“No, I want the funny one that I like,” you whine, waving a hand back at his dresser. Joel shakes his head to himself, chuckling about the fact that you still have a preference for sleep attire.
He grabs the shirt you’re talking about, a worn and washed one that he got as a joke from Tommy a few years ago. He normally wears it to sleep himself, if he wears one, or around the house if he knows he won’t be going out. It’s faded black now, yellow text that reads ‘I do know it all…I just can’t remember it all at once.’
Upon finding it in his drawer last week, you laughed hysterically and made him put it on for a Polaroid. You’ve also requested it every time you’ve stayed over since. 
In front of you again, with the correct shirt, he kneels down and pats the outside of your thighs. “Can you stand for me, sweetheart?”
Using his shoulders as support, you stand on sea legs, swaying back and forth as he looks up at you. “Can I take off your skirt, darlin’?”
“Yeah, you can, cutie.” You giggle and sway wider, playing with the curls at the top of his head, turning his head to your will as he unbuttons and unzips your denim skirt. “You got some grays mixed in here, mister.”
“M’getting old, Mari. No surprises there.” He chuckles and helps you lift each foot to step out of the tube of material completely, rubbing a hand on your calf before he stands in front of you again. He’s faced with a pout, brows knit together in anger.
“You’re not getting old. You’re literally in your thirties. Not old.”
“Say that to the gray hairs then, sweetheart.”
“Gray hairs—“ Hiccup. “Mean nothing ‘sides the fact that you’re gonna be a silver fox. My silver fox.”
A content smile, closed lips, pulls the corners of your mouth up. Heavy eyelids cover your irises halfway, the sight of you so drunkenly drowsy is utterly adorable to him. Fingers grip the bottom of your tank top, kissing your forehead.
“Can I take off your shirt?”
“Take it all off, bay-beeee.” Your swaying causes you to stumble again, Joel catching you before you fall back onto the bed. Once you’re steady, your own hands slip under his shirt, running over his tummy while you press sloppy kisses into his neck. “Mm, want you so bad, J.”
“I love you, darlin’, and you know I want you all the time, but not tonight. You need to get some water and go to sleep. For a while.” A defeated sigh blows against his skin, rocking back on your heels and Joel holding your weight to bring you to stand straight again. “Arms up, baby.”
You comply without another ask, lifting your arms as if they’re heavy weights, allowing Joel to tug the material over your head. With a slight slap sound, your arms drop back against your sides. Joel takes off your bra for you and gets you into his t-shirt, giving you a small kiss. He walks you to your side of the bed, tucking you in.
“Be right back, sweet girl. Gonna get you some water and then you can go to sleep, okay?”
“Okay.” You sigh, nesting into the sheets and duvet. Your eyes close, soft hums filling the room as he runs downstairs, filling a glass of water and grabbing ibuprofen to leave at your bedside for the morning.
Returning to his room, he coaxed you to sit up, having you drink half the glass. He changes for bed himself, stripping down to his boxers and slipping under the covers, pulling you closer with an arm around your waist.
“G’night, Mari.”
“Mm, night, J. Thanks for coming to get me and bringing me home. Like sleeping next to you lots more than a sleepover with my friends…”
“Like sleeping next to you too, Mari. Missed you all night. M’glad you’re home now.”
“Nightie night.”
“Nightie night, sweet girl. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.” He pinches your side playfully, breathing a laugh out of his nose at your yelp and squeezing you closer. With a kiss to the top of your head, he lulls you to sleep with his fingertips running up and down your spine, thoughts going right back to those flash images of a future with you.
“Love you, Mariposa.”
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There’s an ache all over your body, eyes too sore and crusted over with sleep to peel open when you first wake up. Light peeks through the curtains, shining onto the bed and directly at your face, making you groan into the pillow and attempt to roll over.
Unfortunately, your body is telling you to get up, find water or pain meds or some coffee, you really wouldn’t be all too picky at this moment. Rolling over onto your back, you reach out to your side and feel bedding underneath your hand, pouting to yourself when you finally open your eyes and see Joel’s gone. As you sit up, you can hear the shower turn on in the bathroom attached to his bedroom and you can hear some quiet humming from the other side of the door. A smile crosses your face, the idea of a shower nestling itself in your mind and feeling like it would be the only thing to get rid of all of this hangover.
On the nightstand next to you, there are two burgundy-colored tablets and a half glass of water, vaguely remembering last night when Joel made you drink the other half before going to sleep. Washing down the ibuprofen with the entirety of the water, you start to recount what you can recall from the night before, cringing internally when you get to the point that Joel showed up to pick you up. You don’t really remember getting home, but looking down at the t-shirt you’re wearing clues you in that Joel must have done most of the work to get you into bed.
Slipping out from under the duvet, you set the empty glass back down and slink over to the bathroom, twisting the knob and opening the door. The squeak of the hinges breaks your sneaking attempt and Joel’s humming stops.
He speaks up over the sound of the water, “Mariposa? That you?”
“I sure hope no one else would be sneaking into the bathroom this morning. Unless you have another drunk girlfriend you had to pick up from the bar,” you laugh at the self-deprecating joke, picking up your toothbrush and squeezing out a dollop of toothpaste to clean your teeth. And to get rid of the taste of tequila lingering on your tongue.
The shower curtain slides back a bit and Joel’s head sticks out, goofy grin on his face with curls hanging on his forehead. “Nah, just got the one. How’re feeling this morning?”
“Like I got beat up by a bunch of vodka sodas and a couple of tequila shots.” Your words are muffled around the foamy toothpaste, leaning back against the counter facing him.
“Yeah, you were pretty drunk, darlin’. But it was honestly cute, you’re a funny drunk.”
Turning back toward the sink, you fold over the sink to spit out and rinse your mouth out, groaning softly, “God, please tell me I didn’t do or say anything embarrassing.”
“Nothin’ too bad, but there were some things that I will be committing to memory,” Joel laughs and winks, the noise getting louder as you groan again and roll your head back.
“This is the worst part about getting drunk. People holding stupid shit you said over your head.” Crossing your arms in front of your chest, you look at Joel across the few feet separating you and watch him shake his head and grin sweetly.
“I’ll tell you what you said, sweetheart, but I think you’re in too physically fragile of a state right now.”
“God, you are right about that,” you sigh and shake your head, propping yourself off the counter you were leaning on, crossing the tiles to be only a foot from Joel’s face, “Can I join you? A shower sounds like exactly what I need right now.”
He nods quickly, halfway through the question and you chuckle at the antics, pulling the t-shirt over your head and slipping off your panties to leave both in a heap with Joel’s clothes. He opens the curtain for you and steps back toward the other wall while you close the curtain and drag yourself under the stream of water.
A sigh relaxes your chest and shoulders, closing your eyes as you let the warm water run all over you. Joel’s hands brush across your skin, the feeling of his work-worn palms sending a tingle of excitement down your skin and chilling your body even under the hot water. His thumbs cup under your breasts while the rest of his fingers splay out on your ribcage, tips of them toward your back as he holds you closer to him.
“Mm, you’re so beautiful, d’you know that, mi Mariposa? La mujer más hermosa del mundo (The most beautiful woman in the world),” Joel mumbles against your skin when he nestles into the crook of your neck, curving his back to fit with you perfectly. His hands wander from your ribs, circling around your back and drifting down to the swell of your ass where they settle with a gentle squeeze.
“I think I’m getting better at Spanish 'cause I understood that. And it was very sweet, thank you, J. I think you’re the most beautiful man in the world.” You giggle and feel Joel exhale a chuckle against your neck, peppering slow and spaced kisses along your shoulder.
“You also told me something else about what you think of me last night. Well, it was to one of your friends but you were still on the phone with me so I heard,” he stretches to full height again with a smug smirk, squeezing your ass again as you sigh.
“Oh god, what did I say to you? Did I feed your massive ego?” you tease, bringing your hands up to his shoulders and lightly scratching your nails against his skin.
“I learned that I am a DILF last night. Or according to you, I am a DIAF to you. Dad I Am Fucking.” He can barely get the last sentence out around his loud laugh, your embarrassed reaction of wide eyes and jaw dropped egging him on more.
“Stop, I cannot believe I said that. And that you heard! You’re never going to let me live that down.”
“Not a chance, sweetheart. Not a chance,” Joel can’t wipe the giggly smile off of his face as he continues, “Oh, and you also were definitely really into me getting you into pajamas last night. I asked if I could take off your shirt and you said ‘Take it all off bay-beeee’. Which was very tempting.”
“Oh my god, if you don’t stop telling me all of this right now, I won’t take anything off for you again.” It’s a thinly veiled threat, both of you know it holds zero weight.
“Alright, alright. I’ll stop.”
“Thank you,” you breathe out as you turn toward the shelf in the shower, reaching for the body wash before Joel intercepts your hand, holding it in his and lowering it to your side. He presses his chest to your back, the contact also nudging his hard cock into the flesh of your ass.
“Y’know, I woke up this morning after you were all over me last night with a fucking hard on. Aching for you. And then you come in here and ask to join me in the shower, made it come right back…” he leans down, kissing your shoulder, up your neck and to your ear, “D’you still want me, Mariposa? Hm?”
One of his hands drifts to your inner thighs, coaxing your legs apart and swiping two fingers from your entrance to your clit. Your arousal coats his fingers, a quiet whimper leaving your lips in an exhale, eyes closing and head rolling back against his shoulder.
“You still want me, mi dulzura? Feels like you do,” his lips are against your ear, voice low and gravelly, and he slowly circles your clit as you continue to whimper and writhe in his arms, “Sounds like you do, too, mi amor. Y’know, we have the whole house to ourselves, Mariposa. I want you to be loud for me while I touch you. Understand?”
Lost in the sparks of pleasure slowly building, your words get caught in your throat as one of your arms reaches up to wrap around to the nape of his neck. At the lack of response to his question, Joel pinches your clit before pulling his hand away.
“No, no, no, please. I understand. I’ll be loud for you, J. Please touch me…”
You grip the curls at the back of his head, biting your lip and opening your eyes again to look at Joel’s head at your side. His hand comes back, his thumb rubbing your clit while his middle finger sinks into you until the first knuckle. He keeps his eyes on your face, slowly working the finger in and out of your cunt, never giving it to you fully.
“Fuck, don’t tease me, Joel. Please, pretty please, gimme more.”
A deep chuckle rumbles from his chest, his nose nudging at your cheek to turn your head straight toward the tiled wall, pressing open-mouthed kisses along your jaw.
“You want more, Mariposa?”
“Mm, and are you going to be good? Give me all your pretty sounds that I love?” Joel pushes his entire middle finger into you now, holding it there, “If I give you what you want, you gotta be loud for me, pretty girl.”
“I will, I promise.” You wiggle your hips to get any more friction building, grumbling in frustration when Joel’s other arm tugs your hips back against him, strapping you to him like a seatbelt. The thumb against your clit leaves, and as you’re about to complain again, Joel adds another finger and starts to thrust them in and out frenetically, the heel of his palm rubbing the sensitive bud at the front of your folds.
A sinful moan rolls from your gut, bouncing off of the walls of the shower and drowning out the sound of the water for a few seconds. You can feel Joel’s satisfied smirk against your skin, his mouth dipping to the crook of your neck to suck at your pulse point and leave his mark. His hand continues its rapid pace, your legs bending as they start to give out the closer you reach to the edge. To attempt to hold your weight, you lean your arms against the tiles, feeling yourself being held up by Joel’s arm tightened across your hips.
“Fuck, Joel, feels so fucking good. Oh!” Your voice pitches up when his fingers graze that spot inside your walls, the sound catching in your throat. Joel pushes deeper with his fingers, hooking them to find that same spot and petting against it with small strokes of his fingers. The sounds coming from you are uncontrollable, head falling back against his shoulder as a mess of his name, lustful whimpers and whines, and wanton moans echo in the steaming shower.
“That’s it, pretty girl, I can feel how close you are. Nearly squeezing my fingers out of ya.” Joel’s small groan vibrates against your shoulder, his hard-on being pressed into your back and leaking pre-cum. You can feel yourself clench around his fingers, the edges of your vision blurring as you near your peak. “Gonna come for me, Mari? Gonna be a good girl and come all over my hand so you can be ready for my cock?”
His words are the final push, pleasure oozing around his fingers and dripping down your folds, warmth spreading in your body as your nerve endings tingle. You can hear yourself moaning his name, small encouragements spoken in your ear as Joel continues to fuck his fingers into you throughout your orgasm. When you’re fully present in your body again, Joel slips his fingers out of you slowly, turning your head and kissing you deeply.
“Need you so fucking bad, Mariposa,” he says against your lips, kissing you fervently before speaking again, “Wanna bend you over and make you take my cock, and you’ll tell me how good it feels filling you up. You want it, pretty girl?”
“Need it, J. Please, I need you so bad.” You kiss him this time, pressing your hips back and grinding against his cock, the rumble of a mouth muffled into your mouth as your tongues meld together. Joel pulls away and grips your hips, turning both of you so his back is facing the stream of water.
“Hands against the wall, amor, arch your back for me—” You follow his instructions with one of his large hands skimming along your spine, folded to an angle at your hips. “That’s it, baby. So good for me.”
Joel takes his cock in his hands, teasing his tip at your entrance and earning a whine from you. A dark laugh is heard faintly from behind you, an equally quiet sigh of relief when he gives you just the tip.
“Mm, fuck, Mari. Estás tan apretado, y húmedo, y cálido. Nunca me voy a cansar de este coño. (You’re so tight, and wet, and warm. I’m never going to get tired of this pussy.)” 
Before you can formulate any sort of response, despite not fully knowing what he said, Joel gives you a few more inches of his cock, stuttering out a moan from you before his hips set a rough, desperate pace. Grunts and groans, moans and whimpers fill the bathroom, your names exchanged back and forth as he fucks you from behind. His hands hold tightly onto your hips, digging in to surely form bruises to match the hickey at your collar, and to keep you from being rammed into the wall with how hard his thrusts are.
“More, fuck, gimme all of it, J. Want you to fill me up, make it hard to fucking walk straight.”
There’s a vibrating rumble that resonates in your own chest, Joel completely pulling out on the downstroke and heaving his chest up and down with shallow breaths.
“Fucking dirty girl. Mi chica sucia. Filthy, baby.” He runs his fingers down the line of your spine, still arched for him. You feel him lined up at your entrance again, whimpering for him and pressing your hips back to try to get him inside. Joel chuckles, shaking his head, “Mm, can’t get enough of my cock, can you, sweetheart? Greedy little thing.”
Your jaw drops open with a toe-curling moan, Joel’s hips thrusting his throbbing cock into your waiting cunt to fill you completely, the same rough and hard pace set as he makes you knock forward and brace against the wall with every movement.
“Take it, darlin’. Oh, fuck, aguantarla. Puedes aguantarla, mi dulzura. (Oh, fuck, take it. You can take it, my sweetness.)” Joel’s head rolls back with another guttural moan, tilting forward to watch his cock disappearing into your dripping hole. “Fuck, such a pretty pussy. And it’s all fucking mine, isn’t that right, Mariposa?”
“Y-Yes! Fuck yeah, it’s all yours, J. No one could ever fuck me like you,” you glance over your shoulder and he makes eye contact, a wide, knowing smile on his face. Your cunt clenches around his cock, his brutal pace hurtling you toward the edge. Just as you’re about to ask for that little bit more, he reads your mind and slips one of his hands around your front, errantly rubbing circles in your clit.
“Can feel you around me, Mari, know you’re close. You gonna let me fill you up with my come? Gonna milk my cock with your tight pussy?”
All you can do is nod, eyes shutting tightly as moans squeak out of you. One hand reaches back to grip his wrist as he keeps you right there at the edge.
“Say it, baby. Say it back to me and I’ll let you come. Give you just what you need.”
A deep breath brings enough air into your lungs to rasp out, “Please fill me up, Joel. Wanna milk your cock of everything you can give me, want you to be dripping out of me all day. Remind me of how only you can have my pussy.”
“Fuck yeah, that’s right, sweetheart. Such a good girl.” Joel eyes that you have a hand bracing you still, letting go of your hip as he fucks you, rubbing your clit continuously. He reaches his free hand around to your mouth, prodding his thumb at your lips and humming when you take it into your mouth and suck. After a minute, he pops out his saliva covered digit and brings it back to your body, pushing into the tight ring of muscle facing him. The sensation of stimulation at all three places barrels you to your high, pussy gripping his cock as everything tenses and pleasure rocks your body and clears your mind.
With the tightness felt in both holes around him, Joel takes one, two, three more thirsts before he’s spilling into you, ropes of come coating your walls and lazy jerks of his hips fucking it deeper into you.
After a moment, Joel pulls out of you slowly, gathering all that dribbles out of you and pushing it back inside with his fingers, causing a shudder down your spine.
The two of you come down from your peaks, the water running cold now. Still needing to clean yourselves, Joel washes your body while you shampoo and condition his hair as he folds over to gently exfoliate your legs. The tasks get swapped, Joel washing your hair while you wash his body.
Stepping out, he grabs a towel for you, wrapping it around you tightly and giving you a sweet, chaste kiss. He gets another towel for himself, both of you drying off and heading back into his bedroom to get dressed again.
You sit on the edge of his bed in your clothes from last night, one of his shirts pulled over your tank top and tucked into your skirt. As you comb your fingers over your wet hair, you look at Joel as he pulls on a pair of jeans standing next to his closet.
“Hey, I have a question for you, actually.”
“Shoot, darlin’.”
“Am I remembering correctly that last night when you came to the bar, you were acting a little jealous toward Colton? Did you think he was flirting with me or something and you got all possessive?” you giggle quietly.
Joel blushes and shakes his head with an overexaggerated eye roll. “Pffft, no. Don’t remember it happening like that, probably a bit clouded in your memory.”
Laughing more, you stand up and cross over to him, hands splayed on his soft tummy and head tilted away from him.
“Oh, sure. Sure, J, we’ll go with that if it makes you feel better.” Reaching up you give his cheek a gentle pat and wink at him, giggling faintly before he gathers you up in his arms and gives you a kiss.
“Good, 'cause it does make me feel better. ‘Sides can you blame me for getting a little jealous? We’ve waited like three years to get this right with each other, m’not letting it go.”
“Me neither, which is why you don’t ever have to be jealous cause it’s only you, baby.” You send him a wink and a grin, giving him a kiss before you both hear the front door open, Tommy’s voice echoing upstairs as he calls out for Joel. He looks down at you, biting his lip.
“I didn’t think he’d be bringing Sarah home this early. Uh, d’you mind that he’s here or should I jus’ say…” he trails off awkwardly, waiting for your thoughts on how to broach the fact that you’re over here, in Joel’s shirt and clearly have stayed the night with your wet hair from the shower.
“If you’re fine with him knowing, we can tell him. That is if Sarah hasn’t spilled the beans already.” Joel laughs faintly and nods, running his hands up and down your arms.
“That is highly possible. But guess we’ll have to find out when we head downstairs. And I’m apologizing now for any stupid shit my brother says.”
“You act like I don’t know Tommy already.”
“You don’t know Tommy as my girlfriend. He’s going to give you some shit, and he’s going to give a lot to me for keeping it from him.”
“Think I can survive Tommy Miller. Now, c’mon, get a shirt on, and let’s go. I need some coffee.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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Joel descendsed the stairs ahead of you, rounding the corner into the kitchen and greeting his brother as Tommy pours himself a cup of coffee. Sarah is already at the table, cereal bowl in front her as she eats and reads her book. Joel grabs two mugs from the cabinet, earning a confused look from Tommy before you walk into the room, the confusion melting into mischief. His brother nudges at Joel’s arm and winks.
“Ah, así que esta es la razón de su aventura nocturna en la ciudad. Puedo ver por qué estabas tan desesperada por mi ayuda. (Oh, so this is the reason for your late-night adventure into the city. I can see why you were so desperate for my help.)”
Joel’s eyes roll into the back of his head, “Cállate, Tommy. Necesitaba que la llevaran a casa, así que le di una. (Shut up, Tommy. She needed a ride home, so I gave her one.)”
“Claro, claro. Un paseo. (Sure, sure. A ride.)”
“Pendejo de mierda (Fucking dumbass).”
“¿Qué? No estoy diciendo que haya algo malo en ello. Estoy feliz de ver a su hijo si significa que usted consigue algunos. Finalmente. (What? I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it. I am happy to watch your child if it means you getting some. Finally.)” He laughs when Joel glares at him, Tommy crossing over to the table and covering Sarah’s ears. “Además, ella está jodidamente caliente. No sé lo que ve en un viejo como tú. (Plus, she’s fucking hot. Don’t know what she sees in an old man like you.)”
“Yo tampoco. Y deja de hablar de ella así. (I don’t either. And stop talking about her like that.)” Joel’s voice grits out the last sentence, his short fuse being tested with Tommy’s teasing this morning.
“No, realmente, ella es casi diez años más joven y podría conseguir a quien quisiera, pero ¿eres tú? Mejor empieza a apostar por los caballos, hermano. (No, really, she’s almost ten years younger and could get anybody she wanted, but it’s you? Better start betting on the horses, brother.)” His younger brother comes back to stand next to him, picking up his mug and taking a sip.
“Déjalo. (Quit it.)” Joel sends him another glare, grabbing the milk out of the fridge to add some to your cup.
“Maldita sea, tal vez tengo que contratar a una niñera para Sarah cuando está en mi casa. O tal vez la contrate yo mismo. (Damn, maybe I gotta hire a nanny for Sarah when she’s at my house. Or maybe I’ll hire her myself.)”
When Joel looks back at Tommy, he sees him eyeing you as you talk to Sarah at the table, smacking him upside the back of his head.
“Tommy, si no te callas la mierda ahora mismo, lo juro por Dios. (Tommy, if you don’t shut the fuck right now, I swear to god.)”
“Qué? Ella tu novia ahora? (What? She your girlfriend now?)” The young Miller questions, raising an eyebrow.
“Sí, lo es. Así que deja de hablar de lo caliente que es mi novia. (Yeah, she is. So stop talking about how hot my girlfriend is.)” Joel states matter-of-factly, shutting the fridge after returning the jug of milk.
“I understood some of that actually,” you say with a proud smile on your face, one of eager mischief on Tommy’s across the room.
Joel whips his head to you, wide eyes, “What did you understand?”
“You called him an asshole. Something about Sarah. The word girlfriend was thrown in there.”
Joel sighs quietly in relief, picking up your prepared mug of coffee.
“Oh, and something about you being old. And that your brother thinks I’m hot. ” Tommy sputters on his drink as he starts to laugh loudly, a deep blush warming Joel’s cheeks. You walk over to him and take the mug out of his hand, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Nothing to be embarrassed about. Cause you’re not old and Tommy just wishes he wasn’t single at thirty years old.”
Joel laughs and Tommy waves your comment off, rolling his eyes before winking at you, “Oh please, you wish you found me before this old man.”
“Sure, Tommy. You can think that all you want, but I met you both on the same day.” Joel barks out a laugh, a smug grin on his face from you holding your own toward Tommy.
Joel looks at his brother, a smile growing on Tommy’s face, “Well, maybe you needed to get your eyes checked that day, Posey. Cause you’d have to be blind to not pick me over the decrepit ass.”
“Y’know, I’m happy to set you up with one of my friends. She likes the type of cute guys who think they’re funny.”
“I know I’m funny, Posey, so not sure if it’s gonna work out. But yes, I would like to be set up with this friend of yours, please…” You laugh and nod, sipping your coffee before answering.
“I’ll work some magic for ya, Tommy.”
“I like this one, Joel, better keep her around so she can be my wingman.”
“You say ‘this one’ as if there have been others,” Joel rolls his eyes and continues, “And I certainly don’t need your advice on that front Tommy. She’s got me as long as she wants me, but please dear god, you should not be his wingwoman. Don’t subject yourself to that torture, Mari.”
The three of you chat to catch up, Tommy genuinely asking about your time in Boston and telling you how glad he is that you’re back around to make his people happy again. The comment swells your heart before your attention is pulled to Sarah as she asks about having a sleepover with you.
“I would love to throw a sleepover with you, sweet pea. I’ll bring over all the goodies to your house and we can stay in your room and watch movies and paint our nails and do all the fun girly things.”
“Yes! And Daddy and Uncle Tommy aren’t allowed ‘cause no boys.” She points at the two of them, both of them frowning and sighing.
“Can I at least be at home, mija?” Joel jokes, and the three of you laugh as Sarah seriously considers her answer.
“Yeah, that’s fine, but you gotta leave us to do the sleepover things ourselves.”
“Deal, Bug. I can do that.”
“Oh yes! It’s all decided then, we’ll have a sleepover when your week at camp is over.” You clap your hands together and grin, already planning everything you need to do this week to prepare for it.
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“Damn, Mari, you brought a lot of stuff for one night with Sarah.” Joel eyes you from head to toe, a duffle on your arm, and shopping bags in your hands. He takes the plastic bags from you, holding the back door open for you before following you over to the island to set down all of your purchases. “You do know it’s only Sarah, right, darlin’? None of her friends are coming. This is a practice run for a sleepover.”
“I know, but I wanted to make the first girly sleepover she has at her house fun. I loved having my friends stay over when I was younger, and I dunno, you’re a boy so you don’t get it.” Rustling around in the bags, you start to pull out snacks and candy, along with fun new nail polishes and nail stickers, new hair clips, some young-girl-friendly makeup, and new pajamas for Sarah and you.
“Sweetheart, this is all really nice, but let me give you some money for it all. This is a ton of stuff.” Joel glances at the counter covered in supplies, and before you can answer he’s walking to the front door to get his wallet from the entryway table.
You call out after him, “I’m not going to take it so don’t bother trying! It wasn’t even that much anyway.”
Popping back around the corner into the kitchen, cash in hand, he shakes his head with a mocking laugh, “You’re funny. Even if it was five dollars, I’m giving you ten. Now please take the cash.”
Joel stops in front of you, hand out with a hundred in his hand. A dry laugh leaves your chest, pushing his hand away as you continue to sort through everything from the shops, “Not happening. This was way less than a hundred dollars too, so definitely not accepting that. Go put it back in your wallet, Miller.”
“You’re so goddam stubborn sometimes.”
“Oh, yeah, and you’re not?”
“Hey, I didn’t say that. I know I’m stubborn, that’s why this argument is happening. And why I am about to do this.” Joel steps behind you, slipping the bill into the back pocket of your shorts. You groan, fishing it out and shoving it back in his hand, pushing at his chest.
Joel rebuttals with another attempt, stepping toward you but you step back, backing around to the other side of the counter as he follows closely. You hold your arms out to keep space between the two of you, not being able to hold back a laugh as you start to pick up the pace in your cyclical chase.
“Joel! I’m not taking your damn money, leave it!”
“Mariposa, please, we both know I am way more stubborn than you and m’not gonna stop unless you take it.”
Shaking your head, you turn around to actually move into a speedwalk-jog kind of walk around the kitchen, serpentining your steps.
“Darlin’, I can still catch you if you walk like that.”
“Well, I’d like to see you try.”
Joel takes that statement as a challenge, suddenly catching up with you and wrapping his arms to your front, slipping the bill in the waistband of your shorts before letting you go, putting his hands up in the air.
Wordlessly, you snatch the money from your bottoms, throw it on the counter, and go back to the pile of purchases on the counter. After all of that, you start to unload the drinks in the fridge and open the pantry to throw the sweets and other snacks on one of the shelves. Joel stands and watches you, eyes going back and forth between following your movements to all of the things lying out, including the money.
A feeling kicks up in your chest, tightening your insides with a wring. Small moments send you back to feelings like these, unsupported by actual occurrences but your brain doesn’t care about what actually happens; it prefers the what-ifs. What if this doesn’t last, what if you’re too young, what if you’re too anxious, too broken, too much and it all comes crumbling from under you before you fully realize it? What if this is one of those moments you look back on as a sign? It’s taut and consuming, begging you to say something about it to release the corkscrew.
“If this is too much or if I’m overstepping a — I don’t know — a parental boundary 'cause she’s not my kid, and I know that, of course, but I wanted to do this for Sarah. M’not the nanny that you have to reimburse anymore, I just thought it would be fun to make it like how my sleepovers used to be as a kid…”
Joel’s brows stitch together with what looks like confusion or concern, rounding the kitchen island and standing next to you. A hand on your hip closest to him presses into the flesh there, turning you toward him as the other hand reaches up to tilt your chin to him. Your eyes avoid his, embarrassment heating your body with licks of flames.
“Can you look at me? Please?” His voice is unwavering but shy, boyish. You answer with a flick of up, meeting his own stare. “Mari, sweetheart, this isn’t about anything like that. I know you aren’t ‘the nanny’ anymore, and if I’m being honest, I don’t think you were ever just ‘the nanny’ to either of us. I was being pigheaded, and I didn’t want you to take on doin’ all of this yourself. It’s jus’ automatic for me to want to cover for Sarah, with any sort of activity. Not that I don’t want you to do all of this. I can’t even begin to explain how much it means to me that you care so much for Sarah. I’m just, I’m being her dad. And not giving you the means to do things for her yourself. M’sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize, J. I should have better explained myself from the beginning. I want to be a part of your lives, I want to….I don’t know, I don’t want to take the place of her mom, obviously, but I want to be someone she can do girly things with if we’re gonna be together for a while—”
“Not if, Mari. I don’t plan on letting you go without a serious fight,” Joel’s thumb brushes against your cheek as he holds your gaze, “I am so grateful and so relieved that Sarah has someone like you in her life. ‘Specially right now with everything around her mom leavin’, you’re exactly what she needs. What we both need…I will take the money back. But next time we’re splitting it, and every time after that ‘til it’s time that it’s coming outta a joint account.”
When Sarah arrives home from her playdate, Joel retreats upstairs after ordering pizza for the two of you (and him, because he claimed he was gonna sneak down) to watch something on the small tv in his bedroom. You and Sarah changed into your new pajamas and got all of the snacks moved into the living room, trekking blankets and pillows and stuffed animals from her room and around the house to build a nest on the floor in front of the couch.
Sarah had chosen The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants out of the stack of movies you had rented, popping it in and sitting back with you while you had her pick out a color for her nails. The two of you talked about camp and the past school year, her confessing a crush she has on a boy in her camp group this year. There’s only a few details you get from her as you paint her nails, giggling with her when she gets shy and telling her about your first crush.
Sarah eventually is the one to paint your nails, turning out a bit messy and abstract during the process but nonetheless it was fun. As she’s finishing up a second coat on the last nail of yours, the doorbell rings for the pizza and Joel jogs downstairs a minute later to answer the door. Carrying the boxes over to the kitchen after he paid and tipped, he grins at you and nods to the set up.
“Is that every pillow in our house?”
“Well, no, you still have the ones on your bed cause you were sitting on ‘em,” you reply as you walk into the kitchen behind Sarah, fingers splayed apart, careful not to smudge. The younger Miller does the same, looking up at Joel when she stands next to the pizza box.
“Daddy, can you get the slices for me? I don’t want to mess up my nails that Posey painted for me. Look at them! They’re so pretty!” She raises her arms up to give Joel a look, his hand taking one of hers and inspecting it.
“Gosh, Bug, these are just gorgeous. Mari did a great job,” he grins at you, giving you a wink at the same time an idea pops into yours.
“I could do your nails, J. They could match Sarah’s!” Your suggestion is immediately supported by his daughter, her small stature jumping up and down in front of him.
“Yes, yes! You need to get your nails painted, Daddy!”
“Wasn’t this sleepover ‘no boys allowed’?” he arches a brow before he grabs a piece of pizza, plopping it on a plate for Sarah to take into the other room, “If I can stay for longer than it takes to paint my nails and hang out and eat your snacks, you can absolutely paint my nails.”
Sarah takes her plate from her dad, grinning ear-to-ear as she retreats back to the blanket nest. Joel makes a plate for you, carrying it out with his own and setting them on the coffee table. With a groan, he lowers himself to the ground, leaning his back against the couch and holding out his hands to you.
“Go for it, sweetheart.”
“D’you want the same thing as Sarah or something different?”
“Hmm, what d’you think, mija? Should we match?”
“I think you should give Daddy the color I gave you, Posey. It’s so pretty!” she leans back against you, using you as a backrest while she eats her pizza carefully with her wet nails, engrossed in the movie.
“Alright, guess it’s decided then. We’ll be matching,” you smile at him, taking one hand in yours to pull it closer, relaxing it against your thigh as you open the polish bottle. Concentrating on the tasks at hand, Joel wiggles his fingers when you aren’t in the midst of painting to get your attention, holding up a piece of pizza near your face.
“Eat, darlin’. Gotta fuel your artistic brain,” he winks and smiles sweetly at you, earning a quiet laugh before you lean in and take a bite chewing as you go back to painting. You switch hands after a few more bites, giving him a break to eat his own pizza and you yours while the three of you watch the movie. Once your job is done, you close the bottle tight and set it on the table, getting Sarah’s attention to look at it.
“How’d I do, Sare-Bear? Does your dad look pretty?” Her giggles pull some from all of you, nodding and clapping her hands together.
“Daddy, you need some of my pretty stickers and then Posey needs to take a picture with her camera.” Sarah stands and moves over to the pile of beauty supplies, grabbing the pack of nail stickers you bought and picking out a sheet. She sits next to Joel, stickering around his face as he closes his eyes and lets it all happen.
“Is this what happens all the time at girl sleepovers?” He peeks an eye open at you, getting a wide smile and shrug.
“Guess we’ll have to have some more for you to really find out.” Sarah steps back from her handiwork, and you pick up the Polaroid camera, lining up the shot from the side of Joel where there’s multiple star stickers clustered around his eyes. The shutter snaps when he looks at you, spitting out the image. You hand it to Sarah to watch it develop, showing you both quickly before going to hang it on the fridge along with a few other of your shots. You snap another of him looking at you directly, soft rounded eyes filled with affection.
Once you set the camera down, holding onto that photo for yourself, his hands find your thighs, running over the soft cotton of your PJ pants.
“Thank you for doin’ this for her, she hasn’t been this happy and giggly since before you left last summer.” Joel leans in, giving you a gentle, lingering kiss. “I love you. So, so much, Mari.”
Instead of answering, you give him another kiss before Sarah walks back in, settling between the two of you on the floor nest, cuddling up within your little unit of three to finish out the movie.
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A few nights after your slumber party, you sneak over to Joel’s again before bed, using the key to the back door that he had made for you. He’s sitting on the couch, a line of sight to the door and a sleepy smile tugging at his lips when he sees you.
Padding your feet across the floors, you climb onto the couch next to him and curl your legs under you while you lean into his side. His arm wraps you up and his lips press against your forehead with a content sigh.
“Hi, Mari.”
“Hey, J.”
“How was your day, darlin’?” he asks as he turns off the TV, fingers ghosting up and down your bicep.
“Good, it was good. Babysat for the O’Connors today with the little baby. She’s so adorable, just a day full of baby giggles.” You grin and Joel smiles back at you, nodding along, “And then after that I drove to therapy and had that for an hour and then went home and waited to come see you.”
“M’very glad you’re here. Can’t sleep without you anymore,” he kisses your temple, “How was therapy, amor?”
“Today was a little hard. Talked more about maybe looking into medicine cause I feel like it isn’t fully there yet. But I do feel like I am happy. Like in my heart. My brain just can't keep up. Still have a lack of interest in things and not a lot of energy like I used to.”
Joel hums an acknowledgment, looking down at you on his shoulder, “M’here if you need to talk about anything, sweet girl.”
“I know. Thank you,” you give him a chaste kiss, smiling drowsily, “How was your day?”
“Pretty alright. Had to go fill in for someone who called in sick today at a job site so I’m exhausted from all the lifting and using machinery. But the framing is all done which means there’s something that looks like a house standing on the lot,” Joel chuckles softly and glances out the front window, “And then, uh, ran into your mom when I got home. She must’ve been running out for something but she stopped to talk and invited me and Sarah and Tommy to celebrate the Fourth with y’all.”
You sit up, grinning excitedly, “Really? Oh my gosh, that will be so fun. Our first official holiday together. Even though it’s just the Fourth of July. Kind of lame.”
Joel chuckles along with you, nodding his head and avoiding your eyes, “I mean, I told her yes ‘cause I didn’t think you’d mind. But the more I got to thinkin’, I guess, I just—I think I need some more time before we tell your parents about us.”
Your face falls before you can hide it, Joel’s hand immediately reaching to cup your cheek delicately, “M’sorry, sweet girl. I just don’t think it’s a good idea for us to do it at a family event and maybe it might be best if we can sit them down sometime to talk about it all.”
A slow nod keeps you quiet, in your thoughts, rambling out an agreement as you bring your eyes to Joel’s again, “Yeah, yeah, I understand. I agree. Would be best to wait a little while longer.”
“Thank you, darlin’. M’so glad you agree. We’ll find the right time, eventually,” Joel gives you a tender kiss, lingering against your lips for a few more dopey exchanges. He pulls away, standing up and gathering you up with him, leading you to his bedroom and getting into bed with you, “Night, Mariposa. Love you.”
“Night, J,” you reply meekly, the small sound of your voice easily brushed off as fatigue. Joel keeps you close, spooning you with his front against your chest, falling asleep behind you quickly. You can’t rest, especially after that short and decided conversation.
Why did you agree so easily? And why was he even asking for more time? His daughter knows, his brother knows, your friends know. What’s any different about your family? Is he afraid that if he breaks your heart he’ll have to move? But why would he even think about that possibility when all he’s told you is how much he loves you, how he’ll be yours until you want nothing to do with him anymore?
Every reassurance that he’s given you is flooding your mind, those doubts and fears worming their way into the sweet memories and poisoning them with twisted words.
Every time he’s said he loves you, does he mean it? Or is he only saying it to say it, to placate your anxieties about the future of you two by committing in a way?
Is this push back about telling your family a response to you not being ready to say ‘I love you’ back? Is he getting fed up with waiting for it?
Are you too much too quickly? Weaving yourself too tightly into his life and his daughter’s life? Is he going to start to drift, to put off telling your parents until he can end it?
These thoughts cycle in an endless loop, keeping you up while Joel sleeps soundly beside you. Nausea stirs in your stomach, rapid heart beating from the spiraling of your mind keeping you wide awake until the early hours of the morning.
The only way you can manage to fall asleep is turning in Joel’s arms, cuddling into his chest and breathing in his scent to halt the carousel of negativity in your brain long enough for his even breaths to lull you to sleep.
One last question flashes to you before you’re finally asleep:
 What happens when Summer ends?
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taglist: @beskarandblasters @undrthelights @swiftispunk @joelsversion @asirenbyanyothername @ellenmunn @ja-ehyun @sw33tp1xie @marisemonteiroo @brunetteeras @beee-haw @jenna-mcgraw19 @whore-4-pedro @katifefe @joelmillerswifu @itsgiorgiaz @soph55 @wild-hearts-runfree @youcancallmeelle @jupitre @starkovli @thatgeminigirlx @livingdeadmaria @bunnyskisses @houseofballoonsth @casual-obsessions @pedro-pascal-lvr @bimbodolls-world @burningnerdchild @tuquoquebrute @mrsvedder12 @estelivi28 @bongsrconfusing @addictedtotlou @angie2274 @pedrostories @pedroholicx @theelishad @johnwatsn @elissaaa @felicityofbakerstreet @atinylittlepain @northernbluess @cannolighost
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 3 months
Being Their Friend Headcanons:
• you don't like someone? collectively, the guys don't like them either (even though they never met them, they all have beef with your 80 year old aunt susan)
• if you're a girl and you got your period while you're with them, expect mild panicking from raph and/or mikey cause how are you not dying??? (once it's explained, expect princess treatment)
• game night and movie nights on the weekends. monopoly is banned
• head pats and hair ruffles all. the. time.
• if you're short (under 5'5) expect to be the designated forearm rest
• if you wear makeup, expect lots of questions, like how does the eyelash device not pinch your eye?? and why can you remove your eyelashes???
• sleepovers are a thing and it will be a huge fight on who's bed you're gonna sleep in (spoiler: you always end up on the couch with mikey clonked out on the recliner)
• self defense training cause obviously
• leo tries his best not to parent you, but does it unintentionally. you're comfortable enough to call him out and he appreciates it. you end up parenting the guys together...a lot.
• mikey is your go to fun and cuddle buddy. it's not uncommon for you two to be seen playing video games or curled up watching some cartoon on the couch
• donnie and you bond over tv shows and you tend to gossip with him quite a bit. his sleep schedule is all messed up, so if you want to cause trouble at 2 am, he's definitely your guy
• raph is the brother you never wanted but always needed. very loyal but he can and will call you out on your bs. playful banter and stupid nicknames are strong.
• lord help you if you're sick/hurt and you say nothing. they will r i o t
• you cook for them (or bake...or bring them snacks if you do neither) all the time
• leo likes to have tea with you in the morning when you sleep over cause you're not a morning person so you keep quiet
• raph can and will bench press you randomly. you're reading? not anymore, you're now being used as a weight
• you want to find out if the girl who bullied you in elementary school is pregnant with her step dad's baby? donnie's on it
• you need a hug or someone to let you vent? mikey will get all the snacks and drinks galore, he's all yours until you feel better
• you make them watch the eras tour movie and you were shocked to know they all knew the words???
• splinter just kind of adopted you and you're now his child. congrats! you don't have to do the hashi, but instead have to do the guys' laundry when you act up
• they kiss your head all the time
• annoying little shits when you're mad..they'll tighten all the jars so you have no choice but to talk to them..or put everything on the top shelf
• you're a girl? congrats! the guys are now all hardcore feminists for you and april both
• you're in the lgbtq+ community? cool! you now have four attack dogs protecting you
• oh you're on horomone treatments or transitioning? leo reminds you take your supplements, raph will help you buff up if you want, donnie is making sure your transition is going smooth, and mikey is your number 1 hype man
• it's not uncommon to find one of them passed out on your couch
• it's also not uncommon to find them all in your apartment eating take out when you get home from work
• you suffer from a mental illness such as depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc? prepare to have 4 mother hens watching you closely at all times
• 'i love yous' are not uncommon
• overall, they would make the coolest and bestest friends
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lipglossanon · 2 years
With Your Hands Between Your Thighs And A Smile
(Title from the song lyrics 505 by Arctic Monkeys)
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, stepcest, slight breeding kink, creampie, dirty talk, stepbro!kurt, fem!reader, slight perv!reader
Quick author’s note: if the thought that Kurt seems OOC crosses your mind just know I don’t care lol. Enjoy!
More stepbro!kurt found here
/ ˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅ \
The house is quiet after your mom and step dad loudly declared they were heading out for their monthly date night. You only wave goodbye as you continue to channel surf.
Kurt, your brand new step brother, sat slouched on the other end of the sofa. You gave a quick glance to him and saw he was completely zoned into his phone. He frowned down at the device before locking it with a sigh.
“The b-battery on this is shit,” he mutters out loud, turning his attention to the tv.
You hum in agreement, as you now openly look at him. You kinda hated how much you liked him. He was such a loser but weirdly sweet. He has been nothing but nice to you and your mom—really trying to make you both feel welcomed (although you could tell he and his dad had a strained relationship).
After he got over the fact you didn’t do social media (his exclamation of “how will people even know who you are?!” was met with an eye roll and a laugh, “I’ll introduce myself to them, Kurt”), you and he got along really well. The fact you wanted to fuck his brains out, however, is something you’ve been keeping pretty close to the chest.
You’ve had to live together for the past few months now since the actual marriage ceremony and you feel like you’re about to crawl out of your skin with want. Kurt is so cringe and clingy, but somehow that seems to really work for him. It hasn’t stopped you from fantasizing of riding him in the back of his car or think about sneaking into his room at night to slip under his covers for a bit of fun.
And now, here you both were at home on a Friday night with your respective parents gone until the wee hours of the morning. You bite your thumbnail as a half formed idea flitted through your brain. You bring your attention back to the tv and begin to purposefully search through the channels for a borderline porno type of movie. Once settling on one, you press your back to the armrest so your body is facing out toward Kurt.
It takes a few scenes before it seems to click with him, which by that time you already have your shorts tugged down as you slowly tease your slit through the gusset of your panties.
“W-what’re you doing?” he whispers, like he’ll get in trouble (god he’s so clueless it makes you want him even more).
“Just trynna have a bit of fun, Kurtie.”
His jaw clenches but his eyes stay on the motions of your hand as you slowly tease yourself. You give him a coy smile.
“You can’t touch me but if you want to jerk off, I wouldn’t mind.”
He sucks in a deep breath and you watch as his dick thickens in his sweatpants. You moan and shuck your shorts and panties all the way off, leaving your cunt bare to his gaze. You then strip off the skimpy tank top you were wearing with nothing underneath leaving your tits completely uncovered.
Kurt’s eyes greedily take you in, bouncing from your hardening nipples down to your dripping pussy.
Your fingers dip back down your body to circle your sensitive and swollen clit. You let out a low whine as a gush of slick coats your inner thighs.
Kurt’s dark eyes sweep over your body, back up to your own heavy lidded gaze.
“You’re so hot,” he breathes out quietly, his own hand squeezing at the bulge in his sweatpants.
You bite your lip to hold back another whine.
“Wanna touch you, Kurtie”
“I-I want to touch you too, but we can’t,” his brows furrow, “we shouldn’t even be d-doing this.”
You sigh out a moan, “I know. It’s really dirty.”
You slip your fingers through your slick folds and sink your ring and middle finger into your soppy wet hole.
“Wish it was your fingers, Kurt. Your hands are so big.”
You watch as he slips the band of his sweats down to his thighs. His cock springs up with a wet slap to his belly.
“Fuck,” you moan, “want you in my pussy so bad.”
“You can’t say that,” he pants, hand slowly beginning to stroke his cock in time with your thrusting fingers.
You pout, “Why not? It’s only the truth.”
“C-cause,” his eyes dart to the door, “we’re step siblings now. What we’re doing is bad.”
You hum, “Mmhmm so bad.”
You slowly ease your fingers out of your clenching heat and crawl over to Kurt’s side of the couch.
He stops stroking his dick to press his hands into your shoulders to stop you moving into his lap.
“W-what’re you doing? You said no touching,” his eyes are glued to your swaying breasts and bare cunt.
“I changed my mind,” you murmur and push against his hold to slip into his lap. You both let out low moans at the feel of his hard cock rubbing against your wet pussy. He kicks off his sweatpants the rest of the way leaving you both now nude.
“We just won’t put it in,” you whisper against his lips, “it’s not wrong if you just don’t slip it in my needy little hole, right Kurtie?”
Your lips drag against his with every sinful word from your mouth. His pupils are completely blown out when you pull back to run your hands down his chest.
“Take this off for me, please?”
He scrambles to quickly remove his shirt, only to get tangled in it before ripping it off and throwing it down on the floor.
You bite your lip as you card your fingers through the light smattering of his chest hair.
“God Kurt, you’re so hot it’s stupid.”
“Y-yeah?” He watches you completely dazed, hands loosely holding your hips like he doesn’t know where to put them.
“Mmhmm, wanted to suck you off the first time we met,” you suck your bottom lip into your mouth as you move your gaze from his chest to his eyes, “wanted to cry and choke on your cock while our parents were having their stupid dinner date in the other room.”
His hips thrusted up, dragging his cock up against your clit making your hole clench on nothing. His hands slowly come up and cup each breast. His thumbs begin to softly circle your nipples.
You mewl, arching your back so it pushes your breasts further into Kurt’s space. His lips are parted in awe as he takes your nipples in between his fingertips and tweak the hardened buds.
You couldn’t stop the wanton sounds from tumbling out of your panting mouth.
“So sensitive,” Kurt whispered to himself, ducking his head down to suck on your nipples constantly swapping from one to the other.
“I love your tits, you’re a-always wearing such low tops, and—” he grinds his cock up against your thighs, smearing precum along your skin.
Your hands slide up from his chest to cradle his jaw. You watch him pout as you pull him away from your breasts. Your hands slink down his body to tease the thatch of hair above his dick. His hands go down to your hips, massaging and groping the fat there.
“Maybe,” your gaze drifts down to his swollen, leaking cock. You softly tease the tip before pressing his foreskin back to circle the head.
“Maybe you could just put the tip in,” you say, still dragging your fingers against his pink cockhead.
“Wha—“ he moans, eyes clenched shut and the grip on your hips bruising. You hope there are fingertip shaped marks tomorrow.
“Just the tip isn’t going all the way, is it?” You coo at him, fingers slipping away from the head of his dick down his shaft to feather across his balls.
“Fuck,” he moans, his head dropping forward into the junction of your neck and shoulder, his eyes taking in your hands teasing his balls.
“Just t-the tip, nothing else?” He finally gets out, pulling away to look you in the face.
You smile wickedly, “Exactly, Kurt. It’s gonna feel so good.”
He groans, “Alright, but just the tip. We can’t do a-anything else.”
“Of course, Kurtie,” you press a quick kiss to the apples of his cheeks. “Now, put it in me, please.”
“You want me— oh, fuck. Okay, okay,” he’s mumbling to himself as he slips the tip of his dick into your wet spasming hole.
“Yes, so good. Such a good boy for me. S’just the tip Kurtie, promise won’t go any further.”
His hands are gripping the fat of your thighs like a lifeline, head tossed back in an effort to keep still.
“You’re so fucking tight, god I can’t—“ he chokes out, bringing his blown out gaze to your own.
“You’re just too good at stretching me out, Kurt,” you whine, pressing closer to him, dragging your lips across his in an almost kiss.
“Fuck me, y-you can’t just say s-sh-stuff like that.”
But you’re so desperate at this point and not able to think past the feeling of the slight stretch of your pussy and how empty it feels. Whining you work his cock further and further into your body as Kurt just holds your thighs in a death grip.
He’s mumbling out, “Stop, baby, f-fuck. Can’t keep going— you’re gonna— shit your so tight, gotta stop before we go too far.”
He groans until you’re sitting flushed against his pelvis.
You lift you up just to slide back down, enjoying just how big and thick he is inside you.
“Couldn’t wait, Kurtie,” you sigh out, eyes slipping shut and cunt stuffed full.
Your eyes flutter back open only to see Kurt’s lips pressed in a thin line and eyes dark.
He lifts you up until he’s nearly slipping out before slamming you back down, a choked cry leaving you.
“You promised you wouldn’t go too far.”
He repeats the rough thrust and now makes you grind down as his dick stretches out your weeping cunt.
“But you just had to do what you wanted, huh? Needed me to plug up your s-sloppy little pussy? Telling me how nasty of a, a girl you are.”
He doesn’t pull out as he shifts you both to lay out on the couch. You cry out as he begins deep harsh thrusts, so thankful you’re the only two home as Kurt rails you into the beat up couch.
“Nothing but a cock slut,” he growls in your ear, “only good for letting me use your tight hole.”
“Yes, yes, yes,” you chant, nails digging into Kurt’s broad shoulders, “need it, need you.”
“I’m not gonna last too long,” Kurt grits out.
“Mmm, you gonna cum in me? Going to fill me up?” You gasp out, feeling as Kurt thrusts into you even harder.
“Y-Yeah I am. I’m going to fill that p-pretty pink pussy to the brim and you’re going to love every s-second of it aren’t you?” He pumps his hips faster, feeling your cunt tighten around him.
“Mmm yes, please,” you moan, dragging your nails across Kurt’s back.
Kurt begins to grind down with every thrust of his hips, making you take him as deep as possible.
“Fuck, I-“ Kurt realizes much too late and is now trying to slow his thrusts, feeling closer and closer to spilling inside you.
“I’m n-not wearing a condom.”
His eyes finally drag up from watching his cock piston in and out of your clenching heat. His brows are furrowed in a mix of worry and pleasure.
You moan at the distraught tone and worried gaze, walls clenching around the thick cock splitting you open. You lift your head up to nip at his earlobe, tongue darting out to smooth the sting.
“Doesn’t it feel good though?” You murmur in his ear, “feel how wet and tight my pussy is? You know you want to give it to me. Watch as your cum drips out, leave my hole a sticky mess.”
He moans out while his hips pump faster.
“That’s it, Kurtie,” you purr, eyes glinting in pleasure, “give it to me. Make me cum on your fat cock and I’ll let you cream this pretty pussy.”
Kurt groans and begins to thrust sloppily with abandon. His hips are now rabbiting into your squelching cunt. The couch creaks as you’re filled again and again, your g-spot battered with each thrust that has your toes curling in pleasure.
You let out a breathy moan, “Oh, fuck, I’m about to cum.”
Kurt clumsily slips a hand between you two and starts rubbing at your clit a little too roughly but eager to please; his inexperience is doing it for you though. Your orgasm crashes over you. Your clit throbs as your pussy walls clench rhythmically around the cock filling you causing Kurt to reach his peak as well.
His thrusts stutter into your pliant body as rope after rope of hot cum fills your spasming cunt. You feel his cock throb and kick inside you as your hole keeps milking him for every last drop of cum. He lets out a low moan as he continues to finish inside you.
“There’s so much,” you gasp out, loving the feeling of being pumped so full of Kurt’s hot cum.
“Y-yeah I always—there’s always a lot to clean up,” he blushes so hard the tips of his ears turn pink.
You hum a happy sound as your drag your nails through his messy hair, “I like it, Kurt.”
He looks at you with the most lovesick expression you’ve ever seen before shaking his head.
“This is—we shouldn’t have—“
You lean up and catch him unawares as you kiss him breathless. Kurt’s eyes widen in surprise but lets himself sink down into your body, kissing you back.
Pulling away you give a soft bite to his full lower lip.
“I wanted it, Kurt. And from the feel of it you did too,” you grin up at his flushed expression, “plus it’s pretty hot to get creampied.”
You felt his cock kick inside your well used pussy.
“Wanna go again?”
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scenteddelusion5 · 4 months
"Two households, both unalike in dignity, In our unsightly hell, where we lay our scene," PART 2
Vox x gn reader (Alastor's child)
Note: I learned how to do ť̷̛̠̝͐̀͗̈̎̐h̵̢͎̥͙̳͚͉̮̊̿̋͑̃͜͝ị̵͖͉̈́͂̾̽s̷̮͖͕̞͉̲̝̿̈́͗̿̏́̚͜͠
Also this is definitly going to be a 4 or 5 parter.
Word count: 3385
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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Y/n was sitting on their bed, looking at the surprisingly tin device in their hand. These smart phones looked so different compared to the phones in their time. Turning the thing on was a bit of a struggle, but thanks to Vox choosing the settings were easy and his phone number was already saved.
Hello Vox, this is Y/n. I hope you get this message.
The man on the receiving end hadn't read it yet, which they learned they could see bases on colour of the checkmarks, so instead they started exploring the unfamiliar tech a bit, mainly the internet. It wasn't invented yet when they were alive but with the amount of books they read, they were familiar with how it worked.
Y/n was looking up pictures of the TV Demon when a knock came from their door. "Little fawn, we need to talk." They swiftly hid the smartphone under their pillow.
Y/n sighed, "come in."
Alastor walked in and sat on the edge of the bed. "Fawn, I would first like to apologize for the way that I acted yesterday, it was unbecoming, however, I need you to understand that you can't trust Vox." His shadow grabbed one of their romance books and brought it to him. "He only wants to get close to you, to get to me and I don't want you to get hurt. Not only does he already have such a relation with his colleague Valentino but me and him have been in a long feud. You see..." Their father proceeded the tell them the same story Vox had.
"So that's why, I'm sorry this wasn't the novel worthy romance you hoped it was, but if you wished to meet new people, I would gladly take you out of the house sometime."
"Thanks for telling me dad." They put their head on his shoulder. "I forgive you... So where would we be going?"
"Hmm, that's a surprise. Put on something decent and come down for breakfast." Alastor stood up and left the room.
As soon as the door closed, Y/n reached for the phone. A message popped up from the screen.
God, I got to teach you how to text Anyway I was thinking There's this new restaurant opening up, want to go?
I see, Y/n thought, texting is very casual.
I would love too but my father is taking me out today to make up for yesterday. We could go tomorrow
Sure I'll see you at the edge of the forest
Y/n was casually dressed, their phone hidden in their jacket. Alastor and them were walking down a familiar street. "I've already been to Cannibal Town, you know that."
"Yes, yes, I know, little fawn. That isn't the surprise." Alastor waved them off.
The two made their way to Rosie's Emporium. Rosie was standing outside with a younger looking man standing next to her. He wore a brown waistcoat, matching pants and a bowtie. His eyes were pitch black like Rosie's.
"Alastor! You really kept us waiting!" Rosie laughed. "And here I thought you were a gentleman."
"Yes, yes, we took a bit longer. Anyway speaking of gentleman, Y/n, meet Paris." Alastor pushed the man in front of them. "He's a young, stand-up, cannibal demon. I thought that you surely didn't want to explore the rest of hell with your old man, so I asked Paris here to go instead."
"It's an honour to meet you." Paris kissed Y/n on the hand. "I would love to show you around the rest of hell."
"Uhm... I..." Y/n looked between him and their father. "Sure, let's go," they sighed.
Alastor and Rosie watched the two leave. "Once they've spend their day with him, Y/n'll forget all about Vox. Now come inside. I've got a new shipment of livers." Rosie invited her old friend inside.
Vox was still removing the thorns and branches from his favourite suit when Velvette entered his room.
"Wait, so you did go after them?!" She pulled one of the branches out of his hat. "You're sooo whipped. Did you find some dirt on Alastor?"
"No, I didn't." Vox stood up and straightened his suit. "But I do need to prepare for tomorrow."
"No-" Velvette jumped onto him and held his screen between her hands. "- you have a DATE!!! OMG, you two should totally get married, could you imagine the Radio Demon's face. Hahaha." She pulled up her phone and started typing something in google. "So where are you taking them? What are you wearing?"
"We're going to that new restaurant and I'm wearing my usual suit." He pulled away from the other Vee.
"You're not wearing your work clothes. Follow me, we're going shopping."
"So yeah that was the first time I had ever eaten a human heart, it was quite experience, hahaha." Paris was rambling on and on. "Rosie had introduced me to your father, he seemed have approved of me. I, mean, that's crazy, he is THE Radio Demon and all... Oh, have I already told you about my cooking? I-"
The whole time this demon had been talking about himself, oh and the Radio Demon of course. Paris seemed to idolize him, which only put Y/n off more. At least they got to see the rest of hell. The two were walking down the road, a unfamiliar city standing in the distance.
"We should go the other direction." Paris was about to walk the other way.
"Oh that's like, uhm, the three Vees territory. It's not a place to take a fair maiden to."
"Dad told you to show me around hell and I want to go there." They continued to walk to the city and it's flashy lights. "Are you coming or am I going alone?"
The two were heading towards the shopping centre. The whole way Paris was trying to convince them to go back. But Y/n was stubborn.
"This really isn't a place for civilized people as you can see, I can show you around another circle in hell." As Paris was talking, they walked up to a window.
The shop window showed a total of ten TV's. Vox 2 Night was on. He looked so handsome in his suit talking about VoxTech's newest invention. They were immediately pulled away from their conversation with the cannibal and lovingly stared at the demon on the broadcast.
"Hey, Y/n." That wasn't Paris' voice.
"Velvette, why are we going to the mall when you can just conjure an outfit for me?" Vox asked.
Velvette pulled up her Sinstagram and showed it to Vox. "Because it's part of the EXPERIANCE, just look. Shopping pics are all over everyone's for-you-page and if we say we're preparing you for a date, we'll totally go viral."
"That's no, we're not telling anyone I'm going on a date." Vox grabbed her phone out of her hands. "Who knows how Val will do when he finds out. No, nope."
"No!" Vox's screen zoomed in on his left eye, black circles spiralled in it. As he was using his hypnotising powers, he caught sight of a familiar figure standing in the distance.
"Fine," Velvette sighed, "but at lea-"
But Vox wasn't paying attention to his colleague again. He was walking to the person standing in front of one of his techshops. They were intently watching his night show. Their eyes sparkled.
"Hey, Y/n," he greeted them.
"Vox! What are you doing here?" Y/n's face immediately brightened seeing the TV Demon.
"Hello, I'm Paris." The demon stepped in between the two lovebirds. "Is there something I can help you with?"
"Yes, you can fuck off." Vox pushed past him.
Y/n, me and Vox were just about to go shopping. Do you want to come with?" Velvette asked.
"I would love to." They pushed a hairlock behind their ear.
"Another time, I was showing Y/n around and we were just on our way to doomsday district." Paris butted in again. "Besides, aren't you and the Radio Demon rivals? It's highly inappropriate for someone who has not been approved by their father to be around them."
"And I don't think a wannabe, cannibal who doesn't know his place is worthy of being seen with them." Vox retorted. "So Y/n, what do you think?"
"I would love to go shopping with you!" They turned to the other cannibal. "I'm going to hang out with them, you can either come with or leave us alone."
"But-" Before Paris could make another objection, Y/n dragged the overlord by the arm to the shopping centre.
"So what's up with hollow eyes over there?" Velvette asked as Vox and Paris were fighting about a suit or something.
"Oh yeah," Y/n's nervous laugh filled the room, "dad wanted him to come with me while going out, I've never been here before. I didn't really get a choice in the matter."
"Hmm, don't worry. I got ya!!" Velvette walked up to the bickering boys. "Hey, Paris! I saw this polo that would suit you. Come on." She winked at her colleague while pulling him away.
"I never realised Velvette's taste is stuck-up bitchass," Vox murmured.
Y/n linked their arm around the TV's. "It isn't, that's why we should make a run for it now before she gets sick of him."
The mall was giant, every corner held a store a different store. The two were looking around a souvenir store.
"How about this?" Y/n asked as they held up a keychain of a hung rat.
"That's disgusting, wh- HEY HEY!!" Vox screamed as they held the dead animal close to his face. "Stop it!"
"Fine..." Y/n took a step back. "Hey, how do your hypnosis powers work? I know you use them for your shows, but I didn't sense anything at all."
"Indirect hypnosis isn't as strong as direct. My shows only work on lowly denizens, so you have nothing to worry about in that regard." Vox looked at the snow globes decorated with death animals.
"And direct."
Vox looked away from them. "I could make you do anything I wanted but I'm not going to do that. I like you just the way you are."
His words shot straight through their heart. "Stop saying corny stuff like that." A red blush decorated their face.
"But I love your reactions, sweetie."
"My love~"
"VOX!" Their face was brighter than Alastor's hair. "S̴̹͎͗̈́͂̏͛̈̿͝͝T̸̡̛̼̥͓͖͂͛́̒̈́̄̀͛̏̔͒̎̌̕͝͝O̵̧̖̖͍͕͔͈͂̈́͑̅P̸̢̥̝̦͎̂̌̽ Ȉ̴̟̗̗̗̖̟̞͍̙͊͑̐̋̂̀̆̋T̵̺͉͔̮̺̩̔͌̽͊̔̍̆̿́̔̇̇͘." Their ears fell back, eyes glowed and their teeth got sharper.
Vox was stunned by this reaction, they were terrifying yes, but they were also kind of cute? Pixel hearts floated across his screen. "Wow, you're so hot."
"I, I- uhm, you're handsome too." They twirled a hairlock around their finger.
"So." Vox broke the awkward silence. "How is that phone suiting you?"
"Oh." They pulled the little device out of their pocket. "Yeah, I'm still figuring out what the apps are all about but I think I understand the chatting and goulgle." They opened their phone and showed it to him
"You still have the standard VoxTech background?" Vox asked.
"You can change it?"
"Yes." Vox grabbed their phone and posed for a selfie. Y/n, not completely understanding what's going on, copied him. "Wait," the overlord said as he was focused on their phone, "here."
He showed them their new background; a picture of the both of them smiling, Y/n looking straight into the camera and Vox glancing lovingly to them, a edited in, glowing heart surrounding the both of them.
"That's so cute!" They stared at the picture now decorating the background of their little picture device.
"I also downloaded 666+ for you along with a free account. you can watch any 666 show on there."
"Even your shows?" Their eyes sparkled.
"Of course." Vox was definitely going to download that image of them to his hard drive once he got home. "Anyway, let's leave. I don't think we're going to buy something here."
"Velvette? Where did Y/n go?" Paris asked.
"I don't know," she answered, "oh look at this shirt." She held up a striped polo.
"I promised their dad I would look after them. Oh, if the Radio Demon finds out I lost them, he's going to hate me!" The cannibal started to panic. "No, I should go to him, if I tell him in time maybe he won't kill me."
"Relax." She rolled her eyes. "Let's go find them, they couldn't have gone far. Besides what would the Radio Demon say if you left them lost and alone now?"
"Right, yeah right." Paris started searching throughout the entire shopping mall.
Vox! I can't keep distracting this guy He's dead set on finding them
We'll come Meet you at the restrooms on the Westside
"Hey! Paris, I know where they are!" She yelled at the still freaked out man.
"Right, lead the way!"
When they arrived, Vox and Y/n were already there.
Paris rushed up to them. "Y/n are you alright? You're not hurt are you? What would your father say if he knew you ran off?"
"I don't care what he would say. I'm my own person." They retorted and then turned to Velvette. "Are you hungry too? Me and Vox wanted to go get some food."
"Sure, I could use a snack."
Paris' face brightened. "I know this great restaurant close by that I just know you would love." He tried to hide his smirk when they agreed to go there.
The restaurant looked nice enough but there didn't seem many people inside. But that also meant they got a table of four immediately. The inside was decorated with abstract paintings and decorative, animal skeletons.
"I've never been in this place. It's rather nice." Vox studied a squirl skull. He couldn't understand why Paris was looking so smug. The waiter passed around the menu and left again. Even the staff was polite, what was going on? But when he opened the menu, it clicked...
It was a cannibal restaurant.
Vox was about to protest when Y/n spoke up. "Oehhh, I didn't think they had places like this outside of Cannibal Town. They even have my favourite!"
He looked over the menu again, looking for anything he could possibly stomach. There weren't any vegan options... shit. This was going to be a loooong lunch.
Velvette shot a concerned look at Vox, when the waiter came back. "Have you made a decision?"
"Yes, I'll have the legbeef, medium rare, and the lady will have the smoked heart." Paris ordered for the two of them.
"Uhm-" Vox glitched, hastily trying to make a decision. I'll have the smoked heart too." It was their favourite dish, he should've at least tried it once.
Velvette was still in utter shock that her colleague was going along with this. "I'll have the uhm... Liver bolognaise." She quickly chose the least horrible sounding dish, at least there would be a shit ton of cheese and sauce on it. The girl still couldn’t believe she was doing this and for Vox of all people!!!
The dinner went fairly well all things considered. Velvette barely touched her dish, while Vox did take a full bite and it didn't taste as bad as he'd expected, actually it tasted great! But knowing he was eating an actual demon spoiled the dish for him. Still, he finished it.
After lunch the group split up again, Paris and Y/n going back to Cannibal Town while Vox and Velvette went back to the V-tower.
Alastor had brought some of his daughters romance books to Rosie, one of them laying open on the table. He wanted to at least try to understand what got Y/n so hung up about Vox and romance.
"So, they basically get threatened and stalked by this vampire and they fall in love with him? I can't believe Y/n has been reading this nonsense." Alastor rolled his eyes and reached out for the next novel. "And this one, to get over her heartbreak, a young demoness writes heartfelt letters, confessing her love for the sinners, never intending to send them. However, when she opens her box one morning she finds all her letters gone, send out. How will she deal with the 5 denizens she accidentally confessed to? Is this supposed to be interesting, I don't get it."
"Come on, Alastor. You want to bond more with her, right? This is part of it." Rosie picked up one of the books to and reads the back. "This one doesn't seem too bad, it's about the love between two demons who look back on their living years as young champs."
"Ugh," the Radio Demon complained. "Luckily I don't need to worry about them and Vox anymore. I must say that Paris boy is quite the charming man, a perfect addition to our home, tell me how did you find him?"
"Oh, Paris is a BIG fan of yours and came to Cannibal Town in the hopes to meet you. For the last few months he has been admired by ALL the ladies in town. Dapper, charming, smart, looks, he got it all as they say, " Rosie laughed, "so when I heard your little conundrum I just knew he was going to be perfect for them."
"Yes, he would make quite the son-in-law but we'll have to see how the date went first." Alastor almost spit out his coffee when he read the backside of the next book; an older Cannibal and younger tech demon falling in love despite being from rivalling families. Was this were Y/n got the idea of falling in love with vox? "Seems like I'll have to have a talk with y/n about fiction and reality."
When Velvette and Vox got back, the last Vee was waiting on them. "Did you two go out without me? You're hurting my feelings."
"Oh, fuck off Val, we just went out for a new suit." She held up her middle finger as she left for her department.
"Oh really?" Val asked, "you went out for a new suit? And you weren't with that whore?" He held up his phone showing Sinstagram. A blurry picture of Vox and Y/n could be seen.
"Yes, I was buying a new suit Valentino, we just ran into them is all." Vox tried to keep back his blush. "Besides, what do you care?"
His colleague's answer infuriated him. "What do I care? Since you met that useless whore, you've kept me dry."
"Not everything is about sex and I highly doubt you're dry, you've got enough playthings." Vox walked towards the elevator. "You don't need me, get over it."
The elevator doors closed again, leaving Valentino all alone. "That fucking doe-eyed BITCH!! I'm going to kill them! Kill their whole fucking family!!!" He grabbed a glass from his assistant and threw it against de wall. "But I'm going to start with them..."
"It's unfortunate our date was interrupted by those two, but no matter we could always meet again," Paris spoke as the two of them were on their way back to Cannibal Town. "I am free this wee-"
"Wait!" They yelled. "This was supposed to be a date?"
"Well, yes."
"No, not happening! Listen up, I am in no way shape or form, interested in you that way!"
"Hmm, I see, what a shame." Paris put on a seemingly fake frown. "You know I was going to keep quiet about Vox and you but it seems like I'm more devoted to the Radio Demon. I wonder how he is going to react... What he'll do to that bastard... Oh well."
"What? I... Please don't tell dad!" Y/n begged.
"Hmm, how about this, I keep quiet about your little rendezvous, your affair, and you become my girlfriend."
"I... Uhmm..."
"How about this I'll give you two days to think about it." The cannibal put on an atrocious smile. "Choose wisely, or you might never see Vox ever again."
"There is my favourite demon." Alastor patted their head. "Did you have a good time, little fawn?"
"Yes, I did. It was great." Y/n smiled widely, doing their absolute best to hide their nervousness.
"That's amazing dear." Their father turned to Paris. "Thank you, I hope you will show them around some more another time."
"I would love to sir!"
Part 3
I'm an unoriginal ass. I know, I know, <3
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