vortexbeyondthestars · 6 months
woe..... persona 4 be upon ye
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littlestuffstohide · 2 years
How I accidentally adopted my teenage nephew as my son
AN: So I wrote a family fic of sorts on Dojima. This is my excuse of a fic on Dojima and Yu calling each other Dad and Son. Mostly based on persona 4 golden and diverges. Crossposted from Ao3. See here to read on ao3.
When he made an offer for his nephew to stay in Inaba for a year, he never thought that he'd end up getting a son of sorts.
"Congratulations are in order I guess." Ryotaro couldn't think of anything else to say. Words were never his thing.
Ryotaro listened to his sister give her thanks, talk in excitement about her promotion, how she did not really expect this kind of promotion. She then went on what happened recently about her work though he knew that he would be lost somewhere along with just the first two sentences. Well, that's how she had always been. While never managing to keep up with what she shared with him, just listening and hearing her talk was enough for the two of them. They haven't talked that much due life getting to them. There were a lot of reasons. While their recent calls were a bit of out of the blue, it was a welcome distraction.
Whenever he was lost in their conversation, a few lines often brought him back to the topic, like big news.
"It couldn't have come at a better time! I'll be out of the country this time. Yuuji would be with me because he has work near there. Great coincidence, right?"
Wait. Did she say out of the country? He was happy for her but then...
"What about your kid?" Are you planning on bringing him along was the silent question. How good is it to bring a kid out of a country? He grew up in Inaba. He can imagine living in the city but out of the country? He couldn't imagine how difficult that was.
"Actually, that reminds me, we'll be leaving him behind. Yuuji and I prefer him continuing his school here not to mention Yu's a very independent kid. It wouldn't really be a problem since he's such a well-behaved kid."
Alone? Nanako's face flashed through his mind. Ryotaro felt conflicted. The idea of a kid suddenly moving to another country but being left behind... He didn't know which was worse. He knew some teenagers could live alone given the circumstances. Still... to be left alone for a year on your own? No matter how mature his sister claimed his nephew was, a kid was a kid. All kids needed looking after. Not that he was an ideal Dad or a parental model. The truth was, he was the furthest thing from one.
Not even thinking about it, he opened his mouth.
"How about he spends a year here in Inaba? The house could use another person."
That was how he jinxed himself in taking in his nephew.
He hated life officially.
There were still no clues to Chisato's case. There was this new bizarre case? Adachi didn't make it easy either. Going home was starting to be harder. Work just piled up. Why did he offer to take in his nephew? He wasn't doing that good with Nanako. How was it going to be any different from Yu? It didn't help that the kid was very formal. Too formal. It was either the kid felt like a stranger, or he wasn't doing enough job as an uncle to make him feel at home.
April passed like a blur. Sleepless nights at the station. He was barely home. By the time May came, worked slowed a bit but still a lot. It was enough that it gave him a little break here and here. It was enough that he could be home to see Nanako and his nephew a few days. Most of the time that he came home, the kids were already asleep and he was bone-tired to notice anything. May break was enough that his mind was awake at home to notice a few subtle differences to his house.
The first thing that looked different was the kitchen. It was generally left unused since Chisato... The kitchen felt used and rearranged? Nanako wouldn't touch the kitchen except for frying eggs and toast so maybe it's his nephew? Boys normally don't cook. Or do kids these days do? Then there was Nanako. Oddly enough. Nanako was no longer just singing Junes. She started singing about Yu. She was all about big brother this and that. Her topics ranged about everything they did from cooking, to shopping, to chores and gardening.
Was Yu some miracle or was his age catching up to him? Does it only take a month for kids to bond fast enough to call someone big bro? It sure felt like he was missing out. He wished there were more people on the force. Work was ten times more due to the lack of people. He knew he should try to be home more. He had made promises to himself multiple times but ultimately failing to meet the goal. It was work, it was more important. That was the excuse he told himself, just so that he felt less guilty whenever he stepped into the house.
Luckily enough, the latter part of May allowed him at back on home earlier. Time was mostly spent with Nanako and Yu, the latter oddly liked talking to him. He didn't get it though. He burned braincells thinking of topics to touch and half the time he couldn't seem to let go of interrogating the kid half the time.
Still... going home was more pleasant. It felt okay. For one, they didn't as have to eat as much take outs as before. The refrigerator always seemed full. There was always homemade dinner. That solved the kitchen mystery fast. Dinner was always delicious. His nephew liked to cook. a lot.
At times him and Yu were talking and Nanako would start rubbing her eyes. Bedtime for his daughter. Usually, he would take care of it but sometimes he was too tired, not that he minded, he loved Nanako like no other and Yu just moved like he could tell how tired he was.
"It's bedtime for you little missy." Yu's arms were open, swooping to carry Nanako like he'd been doing it all along.
Nanako grabbed what her little arms could at Yu's shoulders, and she was leaning on him, nuzzling like a kitten. "...Bedtime...story?" she mumbled but mostly close to dozing off. Yu just laughed softly, patting the crown of her hair. "Only a little then." Satisfied with that, the little girl dozed off. Ryotaro knew, she might wake up once in bed just for that story promised. He wondered if Yu realized what he just promised Nanako.
The image was warm. It was so reminiscent of how it was before. Before everything went wrong.
"I'll take her to bed uncle." Yu's smooth and honeyed voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Sure. You should also go to bed too after this." Yu smiled in response as he started off go upstairs but stopped midway, remembering something.
"Goodnight uncle."
"Oh. Umm. Goodnight Yu." He answered awkwardly. Yu nodded, not reacting to his awkwardness and then left to take Nanako to bed.
It wasn't like before. It was new. It wasn't bad. It felt... different. He couldn't tell if he liked it or not.
"It's an old scooter, but she's a beaut that won't let you down." Ryotaro was just trying to be an uncle. Give the kid a little treat seeing as how well Nanako and Yu got along,. Too well that they're now brother and sister. He had never seen two quiet kids that together be so lively? So far, Yu has been a great addition to the house ignoring his odd choice of friends, and the weird places he hangs out. Multiple part-time jobs, managing his lively friends, watching out for Nanako, and he scoring high on his exams; it was a well deserved reward.
What he didn't expect was the kid smiling, eyes beaming which took him with surprise. It almost gave him this idea that this was Yu's way of expressing pure happiness that reminded him of Nanako. That's what it looked like to him. He wanted to rub his eyes if he was seeing things since the kid wasn't that expressive to begin with. Not that he could really say no on getting a scooter when Yu already got the license way too quickly, waving it in front of him moments ago. He was hoping to have more time to surprise him. This kid...It coming to look like Yu's the sort you need to take a few extra steps for.
Now Ryotaro really needed to think of some reasonable excuse to tell his sister of why he agreed to Yu getting a scooter license and giving him his old scooter. Afterall, this was the same old scooter that gave his sister and their parents headaches.
"Are you sure I can have this?!" Yu asked, a smile in his voice that he never heard before. His eyes seemed to shine, still grey, but colors seemed bounced off.
"Hahaha. Of course! Definitely! You should have seen this old man of yours, talking about taking an afternoon break, going here for parts and had this worked on for you? Such a doting dad for his kids, isn't he?" Adachi teased.
Then Ryotaro, of course, smacked Adachi. That was way too much information. He was grateful that Adachi accompanied him but he didn't need to add those details.
"Shut up. You're rambling nonsense." Dojima grumbled then looked at Yu. "Go ahead. Give it a test run."
Yu in his part, seemed to perk like a kid, as perky as he could get. The only indication that made him think of it was the look on his eyes. Once again, it reminded him of Nanako. "Thanks Dad!" As if realizing his slip of the tongue, Yu went to the scooter a little too fast give it a run. Despite doing so, Ryotaro saw his ears turning a little red.
"Wow. That's such a proud dad look on your face right now. You're really a sucker for both Nanako and Yu as well aren't you, Dojima-san?"
This time, Ryotaro made sure to smack Adachi's back HARD, just so he wouldn't see the blush he felt on his face.
It felt weirdly nice. From Uncle to Dad, that sure took him by surprise. Dad, huh? Uggh. He didn't want to think about it.
Why did such a word give him weird vibes? He has a daughter who's called him Dad. Why did this feel so... He shook his idea at the thought. It was just a slip-up, nothing more, and tried not letting his thoughts linger on it.
That's what he told himself every time he remembered Yu saying it. He was sure Yu never meant to say it too.
"Alright Dojima-san. Lay it on us. You've been way too happy for days. So what's been making you so happy? Nanako?"
Then Adachi the bastard had to open his stupid mouth.
"Ahhh. Probably Yu-kun. You know, his nephew. He's been grinning like that over being called Dad."
Of course that meant another hit to Adachi's back. He ignored the blabbermouth's complaint. Why couldn't Adachi be this focused on work?
The others just laughed though.
"He grew so fast on you. Hard not to. Doesn't he prepare those delicious lunches of yours?"
"You lucked out having kids like that. So young but so thoughtful and responsible. I could only wish my kids were the same. Haha."
"I guess I did." And he would not say more.
"And yet you won't give us a bite on those lunches of yours."
"Of course not. They're delicious and I'm spending who knows much time here. I need every bite."
"Uhuh." Was what his colleagues said, completely unconvinced. He'd leave it at that. He really needed the food. It wasn't definitely because his kids made it together one time for him.
"Dad, Yosuke's sleeping over tomorrow." Yu was pouring water to his glass. As if realizing what he had just said, Yu looked down, then drank water from his glass.
The blush was noticeable too. He was glad the newspaper covered his own face.
Like every time this happened, they both acted like it was never mentioned.
"I'll leave the futon for you. You can take it out later."
"Th-thanks. Then I'll be upstairs a bit to do homework." Yu took a hasty retreat.
"Oh Dad, the bath's ready for you." Nanako announced and then tilted her head looking at him and where Yu went. "Big bro? Hmmm." Nanako then looked back at her Dad.
"Oh... Uhhh... Great."
"Dad. You and big bro are acting weird again. I don't get it." Nanako's eyes never felt bigger and piercing as it did at that moment.
Ryotaro laughed awkwardly. "You're imagining things. I'll be taking that bath then. Thanks Nanako." He gave her a quick pat and hug as he made his way for the bath.
He was thinking about it as he took his bath.
Still thinking about it as he dozed off to bed. He hoped not to end up thinking about this for days.
He shouldn't have been surprised that Yu used the same term for trouble too.
Ryotaro was just turning a page of the newspaper when it happened.
Yu, hefting what seemed to be a guitar case, trying to be subtly to leaving the house.
"And where are you going? It's a school night and I don't think you're going out for work?"
The mentioned boy faced him, grey eyes avoiding his for second before locking with his. That was weird even for Yu.
"I'm sorry Dad." Yu paused and watched him, as Ryotaro stood up and crossed arms. The way he said it... sounded like trouble. Like teenage causing trouble.
Yu waited a few more seconds, blinking and just staring at him. Just when he thought Yu was not going to speak, the boy did. "You see Dad, I...I'llbemakingsureI'llbeinschooltomorrowThanks!" Yu spoke so fast, face seemingly red but for different reasons. Yu turned back to slide the door open, not even waiting for a response.
"Wait? What? Wait a second here Yu." His mind stuck on the Dad comment for a second or two and then remembering Yu was obviously going to hightail out of the house permission granted or not.
That seemed to be what Yu was counting on as the kid ran for it. "I'm reallly sorry! I'll be back home tomorrow!" His voice faded, running from the house, despite Ryotaro rushing out to the door trying and failing to chase Yu.
"Yu! Come back here. Yu!" His shouts were ignored and watched his kid's figure fade into the distance.
"Did something happen?" Nanako walked in confusion towards him, fresh out of bath.
He hefted a sigh. Did he jinxed himself when he wished once Yu to act like a normal kid?
"How unusual to see you here Dojima-san."
"Haha. I thought I might buy a thing or two for dinner."
"That's great. Speaking of which, tell that son of yours to drop by, I have some new seeds he might be interested in."
"Son? Oh you mean Yu. Yes... Of course you meant Yu." Even people these days referred to Yu as his. It was sort of heartwarming and nice. And the switch from nephew to son. Did they really act that way towards the others?
The housewife just laughed. "It's so easy to forget sometimes he's your nephew, especially with how the way the three of you look. Like he's always been here."
"Uhhh. Right. Oh, I'll let Yu know. Thanks."
"No need to worry. It's really nice seeing how into gardening your kids are. You have to make sure they're always eating their greens."
"Yes. Definitely. Uhhh... I'll be going now to check on dinner to buy."
"Oh sure! Don't let me keep you." The housewife laughs.
"Dad why did you ask me to go up and down. I don't get it?" Nanako said in confusion.
Yu sent similar looks to him though opted not say anything.
"Nevermind that. Come here you two. Sit." Ryotaro said with a smile, siting on his usual place by the coffee table.
Nanako and Yu looked at each other, mirroring bewildered looks but nonetheless sat on their usual respective places.
Ryotaro placed what seemed to be a boxed cake, then silently opened it, gathering his thoughts all the while.
He looked at the two, Nanako who looked curiously on the cake and Yu as usual, looked neutral but knowing the kid for months, he was definitely smiling.
He coughed. "So....uh. Today's a special day for us as a family."
"It's a special day?" Nanako wondered.
"That's right. It's the day the three of us become a family."
"What about before?" Nanako asked. Yu just silently watched him or was probably silently laughing like the little shit he was.
"Well...uh. Anyway. At any rate this is the day we become a real family."
"I see." Nanako turned to look at Yu. "I don't really get it, but isn't that great, Big bro?"
"Yeah." Yu gives off a gentle smile towards Nanako, and then eyes sweeping off to once again to his own mug served and looked back at him. "Dad-uncle, this mug?"
Ryotaro laughs. "We should really stop doing this. You're already like a son to me. Please use this mug. It's got your name on it. I'm sure it would make Chisato happy."
"Oh. Thanks Dad. I'll treasure it."
"And this." Ryotaro hands Nanako a folded paper and Nanako reads it.
"Any day is fine." Nanako looks back in curiosity.
He smiles again. "It means any time is fine. I promised I'll go."
"Okay." Nanako smiles happily.
Life couldn't get any better than this.
Just when he thought nothing could get any better, mistakes happened that changed everything drastically.
He hurled accusations, dragged his kid to the station that ended up causing Nanako to be kidnapped and Yu to take on everything.
Like the kid he was, he came home, Nanako rescued through her health not yet sure if she would be okay.
So they waited.
"Uncle...ummm... Here you go." Yu pushed on perfectly cute bunny-shaped apple slices. " You need to eat so Nanako won't worry about you."
He smiled his thanks, taking in the plate of apple slices and looking at his tired looking nephew or son.
Maybe he deserved it. Once he saw the letter, the world felt like it was crumbling down on him. Someone had dared to send a letter to his house. To his kid. It felt like... he was about to lose everything. Chisato's face flashed to his mind at the time. Instead of thinking things through, he panicked and messed up everything. He wanted to rub his face. He noticed mildly how Yu ommited himself from the equation.
It hurt how he failed. It felt even more awful to leave everything to a seventeen-year-old kid when he shouldn't have to. It should be his. But what probably hurt the most is how Yu seemed to have distanced himself, the expressive kid that came out sometime during the year was fading away, his voice sounding like a ghost, ready to disappear into the darkness.
This he had to fix and there was no time but present to do it.
He took a bite. Yu smiled from his seat, a little awkward from the usual smiles, the same that he used to give when he started living with them. His eyes were neutral, as if to protect himself. Ryotaro couldn't ignore his kid's bagged eyes, and when the kid noticed his stare, Yu's eyes turned to avoid his, taking out a book to read.
Yu looked fine at first glance, not a single hair out of place but his stiff shoulders told a different story. Like Nanako who had screamed at him one night before this mess happened, running away, sitting down there on the Samegawa river, looking small. Yu looked just as small as she did then.
He pushed the table away. Yu needed him just as he needed both of them. Nanako and Yu were both his kids. Both who needed a father.
"Hey son. Come here would you?"
His reaction wasn't any better. Yu looked away from his book, eyes neutral, like a wary cat, not sure to trust the hand offered.
"You can indulge your old man or are you too old to get hugs?"
A second and two passed.
"...but your injuries?"
Ryotaro laughed a little. "Just because I'm injured doesn't mean I can't take a hug or two. So? What will it be?"
Silently, Yu trudged, sitting beside him and hugging him back awkwardly.
That was exactly what they both needed.
"Yu, it's not your fault." He started then rubbed Yu's back. Whatever what was holding Yu back burst out. He felt silent hiccups, tears staining his hospital clothes. "You did a great job of bringing her back. Let's both believe in Nanako."
Hands clutched the back of his clothes at those words.
Yu sniffed. "It's not your fault either... Dad." Ryotaro couldn't control tears that filled his eyes at those words. It was hard not to. It felt like that horrible night was all on him. Yu and Nanako in shambles, paying the price for his foolishness. His mind screamed, wanting to deny those words. It was his fault - he wanted to say. To say he was blameless felt like lies and yet... he couldn't help but hold onto those words.
He held on to Yu a little tighter. "I know son, I know."
A miracle.
That was what this was.
The machine that beeped didn't feel as suffocating as it did a few days ago.
All he could look was her sleeping eyes, chest that moved to breathe in and out.
"Nanako will be okay." He watched as Yu grazed his fingers through Nanako's hair softly.
He patted Yu's shoulder, hugging him to his side as they both watched the girl sleep soundly.
"She's so strong." He couldn't help but say.
"Dad. It's like you said. Nanako...She's the strongest so we should believe in her."
"You're right. You're right." As if hearing them speak, her hands clenched back towards his, responding, letting them both know she was still there, fighting.
Nanako slept soundly on Yu's lap, a happy smile. Yu just continued to gently play with her hair.
"She sure enjoyed herself, didn't she?" Ryotaro sat beside him, looking at her with warmth. They were home. They were okay. They made it.
"Definitely." Yu said with a smile. "I did too." Yu leaned towards him, resting his head, closing his eyes with a soft smile. "This was my first Christmas with someone for a while now."
"Oh..." The news brought him happiness and sadness at the same time. He brushed his fingers along Yu's shoulders then towards his hair. It shouldn't be something rare but something normal to celebrate on December.
His thoughts trailed over his sister, his nephew. and the lack of calls or letters.
He stopped himself from thinking where his thoughts were about to go. It wasn't time to deal with those issues.
His eyes trailed over the sleeping Nanako and he felt the relaxed posture of his nephew who seemed to have fallen asleep while he was immersed in his thoughts.
Yup. It was about this.
He had a lot to makeup for. He would make sure to fill those days full of it.
For now, there was one thing he wanted to say.
"Son, Merry Christmas." And he kissed the crown of his head the way he would Nanako's.
It was just one night. Thank God he had the thought to come home. He was never appreciative of his detective hunch as he did then when no one seemed to be answering the phone earlier.
Seeing how badly his kid was right now, he silently thanked the nurse who gave him some medicine on his way out.
Yu was red-faced, puffing, and looking like he was troubled by nightmares if the knot his brows were to go by, a really bad fever hitting him. His temperature was high and showed no sign of going down. Just the face brings back nightmares on how Nanako was back in November.
No. This was just a flu, Ryotaro told himself. The kid must have overestimated himself, exhausted from wandering around in Inaba in cold weather. Winters in Inaba were colder compared to the city. It didn't make the feeling in his chest better. Still, Nanako was being observed at the hospital, healthy and energetic. Yu was the opposite. He's a strong kid. He will be fine.
With Nanako mostly healthy, maybe he can come home to check on Yu from time to time.
And while here, he'd definitely make sure to take care of his son.
He nudged Yu's shoulders a little, but the kid continued to sleep.
"Yu? Yu?" After a few more attempts, the kid's eyes fluttered a little, eyes showing no recognition nor awareness.
He moved Yu's head, his hand carrying most of the weight, put the pill by his mouth, glass of water ready so he could take the medicine. Thankfully, despite groggy, Yu swallowed the medicine.
Ryotaro shhed. "Go to sleep. I'm here."
Not sure if hearing his voice was magic or if his fever overtaking, Yu's eyes just fluttered close, falling asleep just as quick. He gently moved Yu's head back to his pillow, gently fingering his bangs.
Like the cat Yu was responding to a petting, his breathing seemed to go slower, softer, gentler, a more relaxed face as he slept. This kid was such a cat.
Ryotaro moved to fix his comforter, making sure it covered him well before moving to leave the room. Better check on those friends of his downstairs.
Thankfully, one of Yu's friends seemed to be staying with him. Another was visiting?
He noticed the house was cleaner. Not Yu-level though. Or Siblings level. Nanako and Yu always made sure the house was well-taken cared off.
"Dojima-san?" Dojima turned to look at his kid's friends.
What a blessing it was and in turn that extended to him and Nanako too.
"Right." He had the change of clothes he came to pick up. Originally, he was going to ask for Yu's help.
"No need to worry Nana-papa! I'm making sure sensei is well taken-cared off!" Teddie exclaimed with excitement.
He sometimes forgot how rowdy Yu's friends were.
"Shhhh. Try not to be too loud. Yu's sleeping remember?" Yosuke admonished and then turned to look at him a little nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uhhh. No need to worry about Yu. This bear's here to make sure Yu's in good hands." The brunette said.
But also nice and caring kids.
Noticing his own hesitance, Teddie was at it, spoke again. "That's right! I've been doing my best to take care of sensei! I always check his temperature and feed him too! And no need to worry about food, they're not Chie-chan's, Yuki-chan;s nor Rise-chan's! Mama-Hanamura or Kanji's mom always sends food. I think some from the neighbors too. Sensei's so famous, everyone loves him!"
"Everyone's taking turns to visit him daily so Yu's in good hands. You should focus on recovery and Nanako. And if it gets too bad we'll make sure to let you know." Yosuke added.
"Alright, alright. Say no more. I really don't want to leave him alone but it looks like you've got yourselves here to make sure Yu's taken cared off. I'll let you kids handle it. Only...that you kids promise to let me know if it gets worse." Dojima asked.
Both kids eyes looked pleased with his answer.
"You can leave it to us! Yu's always been there for all of us. I think we already speak for half of Inaba. We'll make sure he's okay."
"Nanako's mostly good. I'm there with her mostly to keep her company. I'll still come back here time to time to check on this...kid of mine."
He felt a little guilty leaving Yu in others care but he should still make some time to check on Yu.
"You know uncle- I mean Dad, you've gotten better at coffee. It tastes a little different recently."
"Hahaha. It's a little bit weird to try to correct yourself with March coming soon. You've been calling me Dad all year around. I'm glad that you liked it. I heard a thing or two from our neighbors." Ryotaro laughed as he enjoyed their usually nightly talks.
"To be honest, I don't even know why I started calling you Dad in the first place. It was just a slip up the first few times and then you kept on making this really odd face throughout the day that I couldn't help myself doing it from time to time." Yu admitted, taking another sip.
Ryotaro just laughed at Yu's explanation. It was just so like this son of his, blurting things out just to see how other people would react. Or like him as well? "To be fair, you being here was also an accidental offer I made to your mother. Nonetheless, it's a good type of slip-up for both of us. I never thought I'd get myself a son in the process by doing so."
"I'm going to miss your coffee. This recent blend has been delicious. I guess I'll also miss your interrogation sessions. No Dad interrogates me the way you do."
Ryotaro can't help but laugh at that one. His attempts to converse with Yu always had some form of interrogation. It had lessened in time but there a couple of times it happened.
Old habits were hard to break.
"Of course, even if you've grown up, you'll still be my son and Nanako's older brother. I'll always fill that coffee of yours the way you like. This house, your room, it's yours too. So if you want to be here, it's okay." Ryotaro reached his hands, covering Yu's that held his mug of coffee.
Yu tilted his head to one side.
"You're part of the family. You know, there's still time, so anything you decide, it'll be okay. Understand that, Yu?"
Yu bit his lip and stared back at him for a few seconds. Pondering and blinking once, looking at their hands together. As if making a decision, Yu looked back on him.
"Is that... really okay?" Yu asked, sounding a little unsure which was rare. You wouldn't even notice unless you listened carefully. Listen for the barest tilt or pause as Yu often spoke in that mellow honey voice that revealed nothing at first glance. That was Yu for you. He gave everything he got for others but rarely, almost never asked anything for himself. His son wasn't one to express himself as most people did. It was a unique language of his own, one that would only get by understanding and living with him. His eyes spoke sentences as if to make-up for the lack of what he didn't say. If he did show anything, that was intentional after much deliberation on his part.
"It is, Yu. Whether you're half the world away and decide out of the blue, you want to come here, that's okay too. You commit a crime, not that I'm encouraging any antics now, I'll... no... Nanako and I would be there for you. Even when you've gotten married with kids of your own or when I'm old, on a wheelchair, you'll always be family."
Ryotaro made sure to keep his eyes on Yu as he said this. He slowly peeled his hands away, watched as Yu look down on his mug and take another sip.
A blink. Grey eyes looked back at him. A smile that told Dojima a lot of things.
"I know Dad... Afterall, we all share the same matching mugs together." Yu looked thoughtful as he said this, like he did when he was thinking about a recipe he wanted to try out.
"But I wouldn't go as far as committing a crime."
"Tell me that after you got kids of your own."
Ryotaro called it a success when on March 20, a day left before Yu was supposed to leave, bags packed and for the first time around, Yu finally asked. He looked a little tired, but more sure of himself.
"Dad... I want to stay in Inaba. I know it's sort of last minute..." Yu started off and continued. "I was actually partially scared of leaving Inaba but I no longer feel that way. This time, I want to stay because I want to. Also, because I know this is where I want to be." Yu finished looking at him, grey eyes, looking clear as day, like when a storm has ended.
"Of course you can stay." Ryotaro told Yu with a smile.
Yu blinked, as if surprised.
"But my school paperwork? And the train ticket?" Yu asked.
"Why don't you call your Mom to ask?" Ryotaro asked in return, lips quirked in a smile, watching Yu all the while. It was probably the first time Yu lit up in so many emotions.
Yu looked doubtful, staring at him, maybe half hoping he would talk and then looking back at his phone. Ryotaro couldn't help but think how Yu was so much like him. That furrow in his brow when thinking, eyes wavering wanting to make the other person talk when it was obvious something was up. A second passed and Yu must have decided to ask later and dialed his mother's number.
Yu looked a little surprised, mouth opening a little when his sister answered right away. He knew he had Yu where he wanted him to be.
They spoke briefly and Ryotaro watched and watched. He watched him blink in surprise, glance back at him, face a myriad of emotions unnamed, then spoke again to his Mom, voice softer for minutes before briefly ending the call.
Yu closed his eyes, his hands shaking and put his phone on the table. Underneath the table, despite the distance, Ryotaro knew his hands were clenching and unclenching. A few tears escaped his eyes.
"Dad! Are you picking on big bro again?" Nanako asked, a little frown as she brought tea on the table.
This time Ryotaro smiled silently as he picked Nanako who squealed a little, having her sit on his lap. Nanako tilted her head up and then looked at Yu silently.
After a minute or so, Nanako spoke. "You okay big bro? I made tea." she poured one and pushed a cup towards her brother.
Yu smiled in response. He smiled, eyes full of happiness before looking back at Nanako and him. His son coughed a little before speaking. "I'm okay Nanako. I'm great." Yu smiled in response and looked back at him.
"How did you know?"
"We may have known each other close to a year but sometimes, time isn't what measures to become a family. What kind of dad would I be if I didn't know what my son wanted?"
Yu shook his head, smiling to himself. A beat and two passed. "I'm not leaving Inaba?"
"No, you aren't unless you're already sick of our faces." Ryotaro joked.
"So Big bro's not leaving?! He's staying!" Nanako looked confused but her eyes glistered with the same happiness that Yu had.
"No he isn't." Before Ryotaro could say more, Nanako jumped to Yu, hugging him happily. Yu received Nanako naturally, used to her bursts of jump hugs. The two shared a happy laughter, looking and acting like their ages for once.
"I can't believe I'm staying. I mean I thought what mess this would be, mostly impossible and my mom, and the paperwork..." Yu trailed off, still smiling and looking at Ryotaro with his silent question of how and when.
Ryotaro laughed first before answering Yu's question. "It was something I'd been thinking about before the year ended. Then the new year started. You didn't think I was just sitting on my thumbs at the hospital were you?" Ryotaro couldn't help but tease.
He could see the confusion in Yu's face. Yes. Since January. It wasn't easy. It took a lot of phone calls and many long conversations with his sister.
"What if I didn't say anything?" Yu asked.
"You'd ask." Ryotaro said in response. I was just waiting for you to come to me.
"We need a cake!" Nanako piped in.
"A cake?"
"To celebrate. Silly Dad!" Nanako laughed.
"I guess, this counts for celebration." Ryotaro agreed.
Yu didn't even need to make a phone call when no later than 30 minutes, his friends were in the house celebrating him not leaving Inaba.
AN:  This is just how much I love Dojima family dynamic. And when I say Dojima, that means all three of them! I could go on and on and on. I had to stop myself at some point from adding anymore. I love family fics. Yu, Dojima and Nanako are just endearing to me. Like these three were suffering so bad. They were so lonely and so awkward. These three had trouble saying what they want to say so bad. How these three work to express themselves, tried to reach out to one another and just come together, I just melt.
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majimasleftasscheek · 2 years
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more dadjima from my fic 😩
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dilfkuza · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 龍が如く | Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kiryu Kazuma/Majima Goro, Kiryu Kazuma & Sawamura Haruka, Majima Goro & Sawamura Haruka Characters: Kiryu Kazuma, Majima Goro, Sawamura Haruka Additional Tags: Domestic, Babysitting, Family Drama, Kissing, Sleepy Kisses, Denial of Feelings, Kiryu has trouble being open with people, Majima is Good With Kids, Light Angst Summary:
Kiryu is seriously rethinking his choice of babysitter, but it's not like he has many options. Luckily for him, Majima is a man of many talents.
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ymiwritesstuff · 2 years
Watchful Eye
Dude I had to write for Majima again the brainrot is real LMAO this one I was inspired by one of the substories in 0, the one with the doll girl because AAA that one is so cute and wholesome I love dadjima. Anyway I hope you enjoy!
Yakuza 0
Goro Majima x Single Mom!Reader
Summary: It was but a mere coincidence, he had been at the right place at the right time, and soon he found himself silently watching over a small child who got attached to him quite quickly.
Notes: Fluff, mentions of bullying, DADJIMA
Also posted on AO3!
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It had started out as another of Sotenbori’s random encounters, the ones you’d see on the side of the road, or in secluded alleyways. Mundane and standard for the city. That’s how he would describe it. Majima had seen his fair share of these incidental and banal meetings with the locals, but none had stuck to him as much as this one.
He did not exactly intend to venture to the area next to the small park for a smoke that day, it had just happened while he was buried in his thoughts. Something had weighed heavy in his mind, though he had long forgotten what it was. The only significant thing he remembered from that day was that peculiar encounter.
The little girl had bumped into him suddenly and the collision pulled him away from his thoughts. It had startled him slightly and despite the child obviously not noticing this, she was quick to apologize.
“I’m sorry, Mister.”
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, kiddo.”
He had expected the girl to run along and continue with whatever she was doing but soon noticed her looking up at him, shifting her weight between her feet. That prompted Majima to look around the park, only to find it rather empty.
“Where’s yer mom?”
The girl’s company hadn’t made him uncomfortable per se, he could even say that it alleviated some of the load on his shoulders and mind, but he had also been painfully aware of how he and his rough appearance might have earned him some dirty looks from possible onlookers. A man who looked like a yakuza hanging out with a girl who seemed barely ten years of age? Yeah, he would rather play it safe and avoid conflict.
She hadn’t seemed scared though.
“She’s at work,” She chirped and glanced behind her. “But she should be back soon!”
Majima had given her a hum at that. It was not a terribly unusual occurrence. One could see children by their lonesomes all over the city. Parents worked hard to maintain a stable life and income for the sake of their kids. Still, the sun was steadily disappearing behind the horizon, it would be dark soon.
“Ya got friends around here or somethin’?”
The girl shook her head, eyes falling to the ground beneath her small feet. “All my friends went home after school and I came here to wait for mommy.” Her eyes shifted towards the empty swings and benches, her smile vanishing the tiniest amount. “Usually there are other kids here too...”
Majima sighed softly. So this was a part of her regular daily routine. Poor kid, he had thought. He could only hope that her mother would return soon.
Upon taking another drag on his cigarette, the girl looked up at him again with furrowed brows and a pout upon her lips.
“Mommy says smoking is bad for you…”
Her words had been unexpected, and the bluntness of them caught him off guard as he found himself looking down at the child.
“Ya better listen to your mom then, kid.” He gave the cigarette between his fingers a glance. “She’s right, ya know.”
“Then why do you do it, Mister?”
He turned to the girl once more, her innocent question floating in his head for a bit as he tried to look for an answer that would make sense for a youngster her age. He found none.
“I dunno. Guess it’s just a habit…” Majima twirled the cigarette between his fingers, keeping his attentive eye on it.
His bland reply earned him a huff from the kid who quickly crossed her arms. “You should stop doing that, Mister. It’ll make your lungs as dark as your hair!��
Majima could not help but chuckle, the amusement caused by her scolding lifting his spirits far more than expected. He flicked the half-burnt cigarette away, to which the girl in front of him smiled brightly.
The Lord of the Night quickly dawned an exaggerated expression of shock, one that the child could latch onto and hopefully shift the tone of the conversation to something more lighthearted.
“Say whaaat? But my hair’s kinda cool, don’t ya think?” He ran his palms pompously over his head and neatly tied locks as he spoke. “Would be even cooler if my airbags matched.”
He was fully aware of how ridiculous he must have seemed, but hearing the giggles that flew out of the little girl’s mouth more than made up for that. It was but a small expression of joy, but Majima was happy to see it.
“You are so silly, Mister.”
Majima had been quite surprised at the girl’s friendly nature towards him. He had never expected anyone, let alone children to interact with him so casually. There was no fear or uncertainty in her shining eyes, only curiosity in its purest form one would expect from a child. She wasn’t wary of him, nor did she judge him with her gaze or her words. She must have been raised right.
Both of them looked toward the direction where the unknown voice came from, though it did not take long for either of them to realize the identity of the person standing a few feet away from them.
The girl had begun running towards her mother, only to stop after a few steps to turn back to Majima with the widest smile on her face.
“Bye bye, Mister!!”
She had waved at him and continued her journey into her mother’s welcoming arms. The two adults exchanged brief glances, and Majima was surprised to meet with a neutral gaze, rather than a suspicious one. He had given a nod before leaving the park behind.
“Who was that, sweetie?” You had asked your daughter as she hugged you, the image of the man freshly planted in your mind. His appearance was striking, but he did not seem threatening and your daughter certainly didn’t seem to be frightened by him.
Hinami giggled playfully and looked up at you. “A friend.”
And that’s how it began. Majima found himself returning to the park, or at least the area relatively close to it. It was not completely intentional, the first few times had been a mere coincidence, something work-related, and every time he would catch a glimpse of the girl, sometimes accompanied by her mother. Sometimes the child noticed and waved, other times she was too occupied with playing.
Majima did not go out of his way to talk to her though, despite his short visits to the park becoming somewhat frequent. He still played by his own unwritten rule, one of them being don’t get innocents involved. Majima was constantly watched, and his stay in Sotenbori was so heavily monitored that he did not want to befriend too many locals, lest they get tangled in the predicament he was in.
That however changed one day when the park had been a bit more lively.
Majima had initially thought Hinami had been playing with friends from school, but mere seconds of listening to the harsh voices and laughs was more than enough to tell him what it actually was. The poor girl was getting bullied by her peers.
He had been quick to step in, his stern scowl being all it took for the boys surrounding the defenseless girl to go running off, fearful exclamations flying from their mouths. After muttering something under his breath, he turned to Hinami.
“Ya okay, kiddo?”
“I am. Thank you, Mister!”
After that, he returned often, even telling you about the bullying incident when he got the chance. You had been grateful that he had intervened and given him your thanks. You worked late and often worried for your daughter. Hinami was smart and independent for her age, but at the cost of you not being able to be there for her when she might have needed it. In that regard, someone like him was a blessing.
You began seeing him more and more often when you went to pick up your girl. He sat on one of the benches, keeping his watchful eye on Hinami. It brought you relief, knowing that someone was watching over her whilst you were gone, and as time went on, you got to know him a bit better.
Despite what his outward appearance would suggest, you soon found out just how gentle of a man lay behind it. From his eye that was softly framed whenever he looked out for your daughter to the way he would kindly greet you when you arrived and promptly excuse himself soon after, all of it told gave you a good idea of what kind of a person he was. 
He never stayed for too much chitchat, you knew his name, but not much else. You were sure he had his reasons, but a part of you could not help but be curious. He got along with Hinami unbelievably well, and she seemed to like him. It warmed your heart.
“Can I really have this???” Hinami asked, eyes sparkling in awe as she held the stuffed toy in her hands.
“Of course, ya can. I got it for you specifically,” Majima replied, recalling his haphazard visit to the arcade. He had wanted to try his luck with one of those cursed claw machines and managed to win a plushie after a few dozen tries. His wallet was scarred, but the girl was smiling.
“I hope your mom don’t mind the new friend ya got, though,” he muttered as Hinami sat next to him on the bench, holding the stuffed animal in a firm embrace. Truthfully, ever since he had won the silly game he wondered if he was close to stepping over a line that would get himself too involved in their life.
“Don’t worry, Mister.” Hinami turned to him, that bright smile of hers more apparent than ever. “I got it from you!”
Majima quirked an eyebrow at that.
“Hey, hey. What’s that s’posed to mean, Hinami-chan?”
His inquiry was not a serious one, but once he heard the impish giggles that bubbled from her and the way she excitedly kicked her feet, he felt something on his side. Now he was curious.
“Well… Don’t tell mommy I told you this but,” With her hand, she motioned for him to bring his head lower so he could hear her secretive whispers.
“She thinks you’re really handsome.”
As soon as the words left her mouth, Majima’s chest tightened and his remaining eye widened. For a brief second, he wasn’t certain he had heard the girl correctly. 
“Huuh?? Whaddya mean, Hinami-chan??”
She giggled once more and hopped off the bench, strutting in front of the slightly flustered man, clutching her new toy. “She said so! I heard her! Mommy has also been smiling a lot recently.”
Majima could only blink silently as he listened to her, still somewhat shocked at the words he was hearing. Even a damn idiot could understand the meaning behind them, and immediately some logical part of him wondered if the line of privacy he had been so careful of had been rudely crossed, but that thought did not linger for long. Not when he looked at the overjoyed girl in front of him. He let out a laugh.
“That so?” Hinami nodded enthusiastically.
“Yep!” Her expression quickly abandoned all of its brightness and became deadly serious, it was almost frightening. “But you absolutely cannot tell her that I told you!!”
The young girl's stare was so intense that the pledge left his mouth almost too fast.
“Alright, alright. I won’t tell a soul, okay?”
Hinami, seemingly not satisfied with mere words, then lifted her pinky up and brought her hand to him. After a moment of silence, she spoke:
“You have to promise, Mister. Otherwise, it doesn’t count!” She announced curtly.
Shaking his head out of sheer amusement, he chuckled and leaned forward, gingerly wrapping his pinky around her tiny one.
“I promise ya, Hinami-chan. It’ll be our secret, all right?”
The girl gave him a single nod as she retreated her hand, before running off to the swings with her plush toy. Majima kept his eye on her and leaned back lazily, lightly smiling to himself as the routine that he had gotten fairly used to continued its course.
Majima’s sharp ears caught the approaching footsteps when you finally arrived, but your daughter was too occupied with playing to notice you stepping behind the bench on which the man that had kept your child company these past weeks sat. Your eyes met, and you gave him a smile.
“She looks quite busy,” you commented, pointing to the direction of your daughter with your gaze, which made Majima let out a short chuckle.
“That she is. Hope ya don’t mind the little present I gave her.” He turned his head to look at you, only to be met with an expression that to him looked peaceful, content with the present moment.
“Not at all. She clearly loves her new friend.” Majima hummed in agreement. Even from far away, he could see the cheerful grin on her face and it coated his insides in a warm radiance he rarely felt. She resembled you, something he had noticed the more time had gone by. He was certain Hinami had inherited your smile.
Your eyes wandered to the mysterious man you know so little about, and once again, curiosity poked at you. He did so much for you only by keeping your young child company when you couldn’t. It was out of the goodness of his heart, something you never would have guessed had you met under different circumstances. 
You recalled the times Hinami would ask if the nice man with the eyepatch would be waiting for her after school, and each time you replied that you didn’t know. Yet he had been there, every time since the bullying incident. 
And you had never managed to thank him properly.
“I better get goin’,” he suddenly said and stood up. You immediately knew what it meant, it was all too familiar. This time though, you stopped him from leaving prematurely, not before giving him your gratitude.
“Majima-san,” you called out, which stopped him in his tracks. He turned to you, a puzzled look upon his tired face for you had never delayed his departure. In truth, you had never been fast or brave enough.
“I… I just wanted to thank you. For everything.” The way your words came out was far from effortless, they almost got stuck in your throat. Had you been more astute, you may have noticed your increasing heart rate.
Majima turned to you fully, staying silent as you continued.
“Hinami talks about you every day, and to be completely honest,” you gave your precious daughter a glance, your heart fluttering at the sight of her, lost in her own little world. With a sigh, you looked at Majima once more.
“She needs someone like you.”
Majima’s eye softened. He immediately understood what your words were insinuating. Perhaps he had subconsciously always known it. You were always the one to pick her up, and Hinami only ever talked about ‘mommy’, it did not take a genius to put the pieces together. Though Majima himself never saw himself as the fatherly type, he was glad he was able to bring some joy into your daughter’s life.
“She’s a joy to be around,” he admitted in a low voice while turning his head toward her. “A real ray of sunshine, that one.” His words warmed your heart, but his gaze hardened and his eyebrows frowned.
“But I can’t be doin’ this forever, as fun as it is.” Majima hated to say those words, but he also could not deny the fact that he would not be staying in Sotenbori any longer than he had to. The city was his cage, a reminder of his mistakes, and anyone who got too close to him could be in danger. It was the last thing he wanted.
You gave him an understanding nod, noting the way his tense shoulders seemed to relax at your gesture. “And I won’t ask you to. I just wanted to let you know how much this all means to her and me. So, truly,” you bowed down slightly.
“Thank you, Majima-san.”
Majima noticed how soft your voice had become as you expressed your gratitude. It gave him an uncomfortable tingle in his core. He hadn’t expected his actions to be this meaningful to someone. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
“It’s nothin’, really. Your little girl’s been great company, ya raised her well.”
You muttered a quick thank you once more as you straightened yourself. Majima looked at you fondly, his kind stare washing away all the stress you may have felt from work. There was a comfortable silence as the two of you silently looked at each other. For the first time, you noticed the small details of his face, from his faint dark circles to his cleanly shaved chin.
You wondered how he lost his eye, where he worked, and how he managed to keep his raven locks in such a neat ponytail. The mystery surrounding the man was killing you and the thoughts that roamed in your head gave you the courage to open your mouth.
“Still, I want to thank you properly, Majima-san,” you began, taking a few steps toward him. You took a breath to calm your nerves.
“Would you join me for dinner sometime?” Once the question was launched into the air, you immediately felt like a weight had disappeared from your shoulders, though you would still need to wait for his answer.
The proposal drifted in his mind for a moment and he thought back to the words spoken to him earlier by Hinami. Ones he had sworn to keep a secret. Though he had initially thought they were a product of her imagination, the way you carefully voiced your question made him doubt it. Whether it was only a way for you to express your appreciation, or something more, he was intrigued and found it difficult to refuse.
“Sure thing. That sure seems like good compensation for lookin’ out for the little rascal,” he joked, which eased some of the tension in your being and prompted you to laugh slightly.
“Sounds great.”
Your smile lingered as Hinami finally noticed you and began to run toward you as she always did, eager to show off her new toy given to him by the kind one-eyed man.
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yakuzacanons · 11 months
Alright, here goes.
HCs for how Majima would treat a young (18-20 y/o), short, chubby, nerd that really looks up to him.
Maybe they met at an arcade or something lol.
Things like Majima calling him "kid," "kiddo," or "buddy." And Majima patting him on the head and messing up his hair.
I need me some Dadjima/Big Brother Majima vibes rn
Awww I love platonic friendly Majima vibes. This is a relatively short one since I’m still on vacay but wanted to tackle at least one ask today.
Also if you submitted Ishin asks, I WILL get to them when I get home as I need to remember all the alternative names for the characters.
Majima is relatively friendly with strangers, it’s just that strangers are usually intimidated by him. It’s a little surprising for someone to approach HIM at the arcade but he welcomes the interaction.
What Majima does not understand is why this kid looks up to him. Majima enjoys the arcade games but didn’t realize gaming was a community. He’s just not caught up with the gamer times.
Majima is kind of surprised that someone is asking him to play games with them or asking for gaming tips. It’s a cute moment for him to feel like “Waitta second… they really value my opinion? Whoa.”
The kid isn’t really a kid, in fact they’re legally an adult but Majima defaults to calling them “Kiddo” as a nickname. Majima kind of savors the whole older brother role he’s fallen into.
Majima also welcomes having someone to spar with in fighting games or to compete for best score in solo player games. Friendly competition is such a relief from the normal stresses in Majima’s life and is a good outlet.
When the kid wins for the first time against Majima, he’s really excited because it took him quite a bit of effort as Majima isn’t one to go down without a fight. Majima will pat the kid on the head, fussing with his hair, and say something like “Ya got me good, kiddo. I’ll have to step my game up!”
Totally gets drinks and snacks at Watami after a gaming session. The kid can’t hold his liquor but Majima will insist on a couple of beers before the night ends, the two drunkenly bumbling down the Kamurocho streets before bidding each other good night.
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snuggetfish · 3 years
Do you have any majima relationship headcanons or dadjima headcanons that you've never shared with us before? We always send our requests to you, but what about situations you think about with majima/dadjima and how you'd think he'd be in them?
Mmm had to sit on this one for quite a while to gather my thoughts. I tend to also insert a lot of little personal headcanons in my requests, but under the cut are some I haven’t talked about yet! 👀
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I’ll start off mildly spicy by saying that Majima probably sleeps naked or almost naked most nights. Well, most nights where he actually manages to get some sleep. He’s usually exhausted enough to want to crash as soon as possible, so after he strips, he really can’t be bothered with pyjamas or house clothes. I’m doubtful he even owns any, since he anyway spends almost no time in his apartment... 
But, because Majima’s so fond of being nude, once he gets a partner, cuddles feel all the more intimate. He can mould his entire body around them, using the warmth of full skin contact as a means of falling sound asleep 💙 During the night though, expect him to gravitate towards his “natural” sleeping position: the T-pose. Best for snoring as well.
For his mourning routine, there’s nothing like that first cigarette of the day. Paired with coffee only if his partner is awake before him and can tempt him with a cup. Otherwise he’s got a stash of energy drinks at the office that’ll keep him going throughout most of the day.
When it comes to food, Majima doesn’t strike me as a picky eater. He maybe has one or two ingredients he doesn’t care for, but if they’re tossed inside a warm, generally tasty dish, he won’t complain. In fact, he’s actually more than a little moved every time someone cooks for him. Just knowing that they care, that they’re willing to share their home, their food and a fundamental human bonding moment - meal time - with a man most people would never consider having over for dinner... it chips off a bit of that hardened shell he’s made around the marshmallow he calls a heart. 
Add this to Majima’s natural curious streak and I think he’d be the kind of boyfriend and husband who always enthusiastically praises his partner’s cooking and, if let’s say they’re from a non-Japanese background, encourages them to show him also some traditional dishes from their culture. Though don’t rely on him too much when it comes to helping with the preparation. He can follow instructions, sure, but he gets too easily distracted and tends to be a serial snacker. If there are edible things lying around waiting to be thrown in the pot... he’ll sneakily “sample” them when his partner’s not looking.
One change that occurs in his preferences once he enters a stable relationship is that he goes from being a strict shower-only guy to the more typical “nightly soak in the tub” kinda ojisan. As far as I understand it’s pretty common among Japanese to bathe every evening, just stewing away all the day’s worries. And I think for Majima this would be even more cathartic with a partner. 
His bathtub is a spacious, top-of-the-line appliance that only existed to gather dust before he realized the potential of underwater cuddles. It takes him a while to discover all its nifty functions (because... ojisan) but once he does, bath time becomes almost a ritual. Now, you’re technically supposed to wash outside the tub, but if it’s just the two of them... he gets to run his hands all over his beloved’s body and get pampered in return, with soapy scrubs and a nice scalp massage while they wash his hair. And maybe a pair of foam boobs while they’re at it.
Ok, onto the Dadjima ones 💖
We all know Majima has a soft spot for little girls so of course if he had a daughter it would be his ultimate dream come true. He’d treat her not just like a princess, but a queen! 👑 Right but maybe... that’s precisely the point where he’d run into issues, when his daughter turns out to be quite the tomboy. He wants to be the best dad he can be of course, but like most people of his generation, he’s still shaped by society’s gender roles. His “Kodak moment” daydreams probably go a bit like this: with a son he’d play Godzilla to his lego city and arm wrestle him at least once a year to gauge how strong he’s grown... and with daughter he’d put together a whole wardrobe of cute dresses and bring Goromi out to attend her plushie tea parties.
He means well, but there’s inevitably going to be a moment where he realizes that his fantasies do not overlap with reality. His daughter’s much more drawn to the toys that aren’t all “girly girl”, same for her outfits and play activities... This undoubtedly would disappoint Majima at first, but it would also give him a valuable opportunity to reflect on why he feels disappointed. Reanalyze his biases and maybe conclude that a guy like him whose whole life has been about rebelling from what’s seen as “normal” has no business forcing his own kids into the boxes he considers normal.
But here’s a thought that just occurred to me: if his daughter was into princesses and especially drawing them... what if every single princess she draws sports very elaborate, very large tattoos? Listen, princesses are pretty. Daddy has tattoos. Goromi is the prettiest princess she knows so... Connect the dots 😌 Teachers who happen to see these drawings would have a bit of a shock though, as it dawns on them that the tattoo isn’t just flowers, it’s also snakes... and demon ladies!
This is a sweet image I sometimes think about: Majima taking his kids to festivals. The munchkins looking cute in their little yukatas, pleading with dad for a bite of every single enticing festival food (taiyaki in particular being a big fave) and of course trying their skills at the various games. And although festivals usually bring out Majima’s competitive side, it seems he’s “inexplicably” losing to his young opponents every single time... 🤔
Saejima would probably tag along to these events too. He’s there to keep an extra eye on the kids as they could easily get lost in the crowd, but for his troubles is rewarded with the role of... bag and coat carrier. He gets his revenge at some point though, when Majima’s kids bluntly declare they like hanging out at the Saejima family office a lot more than at dad’s. The reason is simple: kitties. Lots and lots of kitties.
Back to Majima though 👀 Why does a guy who doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth always order himself a dessert when going out for family meals? It couldn’t be that a good 2/3rds of that dessert always ends up surrendered to a very eager kid... Sugar isn’t the best thing to get them hooked on, but Majima considers it compensation for all the days he makes a mental note to bring back ice cream before coming home, but... forgets, because that’s just how he is.
And finally, a scenario for when Majima’s kid gets older.
What if one day he comes home a little early and stumbles upon his daughter, already in her late teens, sneaking a cigarette out on the balcony? Yeah it’s a good hiding place, but the outside noise means she also can’t hear her dad coming in... However Majima is less concerned with how he’s technically just caught her doing something “bad” and more struck by her image: long, silky black hair swept into a ponytail, looking at the city below, through the haze of bluish smoke. It’s like an old snapshot, like he's somehow looking at himself from all those years ago. Except, unlike the Lord of the Night was at the time... she's free.
The comparison to his younger self is even more poignant when he joins her and lights his own smoke, much to her surprise and panic. But as it becomes clear he’s not there to scold her, the moment is one of silent, tender closeness. Majima might note with a chuckle that, just like him when he was a little yakuza runt, she doesn’t seem to enjoy the nicotine taste much. 
Because really I think teen Maji was bursting into coughing fits after every single drag if no one he particularly cared about impressing was looking. Only once he got out of the Hole and was thrust into the high stress environment at the Grand did he get properly addicted, using cigs as both stress-relievers and meal replacements...
In the end, Majima’s not going to forbid it or punish her. All he hopes is that her life ends up filled with distractions much more pleasant than smoking, so she never has to follow in his footsteps 💙
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machinegunkissu · 3 years
Damn Im low key in love with ur writing????🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✨🥺🥺😳😳 Can I request Majima with a tomboyish s/o 🥺 or like with a tomboyish daughter (I really want to see dad Majima content; ;)
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Oh this man is excited. He is mmPH!! So pumped. He was expecting a prim and proper, dress loving, traditional girly girl; and do not get me wrong. He would have doted on her and adored that. But a tomboy you say? Man goes buck wild teaching her to fight similarly to him
🥺Daddy Daughter Batting Cage Days🥺
It really is nothing new to him. He tracks mud into home himself. He pigs out while eating. He just kinda has a mini him following him around.
Buuutttttt don’t get it twisted. He never allows his daughter, no matter how old she is, to get into a yakuza fight on his watch. He tries his best to keep her out of trouble. Majima really does care for his daughter with his whole heart and would not be able to live with himself should she get injured because of yakuza affairs
He tries super hard to keep it professional if she got into trouble or a fight at school. He’d promise to repremend her when they got home but as soon as they are in that door, he’s like “did you win?”
He may not be a picture perfect dad but please know he cares and is trying his best at all times
One time, when she was young, he had to bring her by the clan headquarters and everyone was just doting on her. He warned them that she bites. And within five minutes of the warning, his daughter bit someone’s finger, called a newbie icky, and stomped on another guy’s foot. When Majima asked why, she said she’d asked him to back up and he didn’t. Majima couldn’t really argue that. He just shrugged at the guy and was like ‘i mean, she did say back up.’
I could go on for a while im afraid so i must stop it here for now. But single dad dadjima 🥺🥺 he own my heart
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yusuke-of-valla · 2 years
Honestly I think both the Niijimas have intense daddy issues. Like 85% of my reading of Sae is “she resents her dad for dying and her desire to Win is at least in part a desire to succeed where he failed because he was too idealistic and left them behind”
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dojiba · 2 years
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@arcanalight​​ said: “You can come down here and hold me in your arms.” (nanako @ dojima)
meme: [Iconic Court Scripts]
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    ❝ what’s wrong, sweetie? ❞
 not to say that dojima wasn’t concerned for his daughter before the events of the previous winter, but it had certainly put him more on-edge.
   ❝ do you not feel good? are you sad? what is it? ❞
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deusexmajima · 3 years
Thoughts on Majima having a kid :< I think he would be an OK papa
i Love dadjima 🥺🥺 he would be so protective tho and that kid would never be allowed out of his sight (especially if he had a daughter hello 👁👁)
also i love the idea of majima having to go to a tojo meeting or something and assigning nishida and/or minami to watch over the kid for the day and all the trouble the three of them get into
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majimasleftasscheek · 11 months
Have you played Yakuza 6 yet? If so ya got any kazumaji head canons based off the events of the game?
I absolutely love your ideas for them and I am beyond upset that Majima was barley in the game. Or even mentioned that much.
They did the boi dirty in this game, I swear.
*clenches my ass hard enough to shit diamonds*
oh I have OPINIONS about 6 I'll tell you that but it is good fodder for the kazumaji agenda 👀 I'mma be kinda rambly in this but I promise it all ties together kdjfjkldfkldf
so we all know Kiryu goes off to find Haruka and because I'm a big fan of dadjima, I can only imagine Kiryu lets him know while he's stuck in jail and Majima's just like WHAT
so Kiryu does a lot of self reflection but acting upon it is another matter. I can see Majima chastising him, saying she ran away cuz that's all Kiryu ever does (part of him is still pissy about him leaving in y3) and she's never had a healthy role model other than the king of hypocrisy. Kiryu would go on about how it's just to protect people yada yada but Majima would be like my guy, you left a bunch of kids in the care of your daughter who should not be parenting for you. you refuse any and all help because you think you can do it all on your own. you left me with Daigo who you said I wouldn't be babysitting AND YET—
I just want Majima to absolutely rail into him about how self serving he's acted despite better intentions. like of course Haruka ran away, look how much pressure she was under, what she went through in the idol bizz (maybe I'm a loser but I did not like Haruka's part in y5 that shit icked me), what you (Kiryu) do every time you feel like a burden to people. how naïve it was to think any part of Kiryu's past would leave him behind just because he wanted it to. how his lone wolf thing impedes on everybody else. how in 5 he literally says he needs to stop running from his past and he does it anyway. this game FRUSTRATES ME rrhrrhhrhrr KIRYU FRUSTRATES ME ACK. but also I have a thing for Majima just being angry at him, to actually lash out and spew all those feelings of being left behind or being refused to let help because Kiryu's stubborn. how he let himself be used all those years to help Kiryu out just because he asked and now once again Kiryu's off on his own, never changing his tune about how he doesn't wanna rely on people. Majima's not perfect either and frankly he communicates like shit too but I just want that RAGE to get out and explore how Kiryu would hear him but never listen. makes it all the more tragic when he finds out Kiryu "died."
*tho I must note, as much as it does irritate me, 6 makes sense entirely for Kiryu's character lol. nothing he does in it surprises me in the slightest so while I'm not a fan of the story, it's pretty fitting for him since he's the downfall of his own story half the time. and it's not so simple as just saying Kiryu's to blame. he's constantly forced to deal with shit just as much as he wants to be left alone. he struggles and he tries hard I'll give him that. I don't think he's a bad person for what he aimed to do in 6 but he's not infallible either. and sometimes it's just par for the course. like how he makes the compromise at the end of the game to disappear so his family can be at peace all the while in his history, he's had major problems doing what he's told - never truly disappearing anyway, going about whatever's gonna happen in gaiden. could you imagine if Haruka caught wind that some resting bitch face motherfucker is beating the shit outta armies somewhere? could you imagine her finding out that Kiryu left again?
honestly I think his character is really interesting cuz of this. he has good intentions and I feel like to him there's some expectation that people should understand this, that people should accept his choices. I think it's fun to explore how others react to that - how it's in a way offensive, that Kiryu thinks he knows what's best and how to handle it as if he has all the power and say. how pissed people feel about him shoving them away for the sake of their safety, etc. I don't think he'd listen to Majima tbh but I think it's important that someone unafraid of Kiryu's dumbassery would lay it out how it is to him in a way that cuts, more so than Haruka, Date or like Akiyama could.
ANYWAY, Majima's mad at him lol but can't really do anything atm due to the surrounding circumstances. I like to think he's got some of the Majima family watching out for Kiryu and Haruka if they happened to see them. Nishida at least cuz ain't no one gonna arrest a cutie patootie like him. it's not much but it's a little peace of mind. Majima knows Kiryu's reckless as all hell so he's worried and doubly annoyed that Kiryu doesn't care (about his own safety or that other people are concerned for him).
so since Majima has a fat 5 minutes in the whole game, there's not much to say about his involvement overall (other than oopsie stuck in jail) but I've had some thoughts about what all the jimas³ are doing in the meantime.
all the jimas are grouped together because I said so even tho realistically they'd prolly be separated lol. Daigo and Saejima are handling things well enough but Majima's bouncing off the walls in boredom and nothing irks him more than being stuck in one spot while Kiryu's out probably getting hit over the head with a stop sign and refusing medical attention. Daigo's losing his mind but he can agree Kiryu's bullheaded and talking about that keeps Majima distracted. Saejima does his part in trying to get Majima's mind off things now that they have all the time in the world to catch up on whatever.
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time passes and I'm rewriting the part in 6 where they show up at the end cuz I live in a fantasy world.
Kiryu "dies" and suddenly the three of them are released early, no doubt knowing his death had something to do with it. Daigo gets Kiryu's letter and Majima makes some joke about Kiryu's literacy but a quick scan of the letter makes Daigo's face drop. he reads it and Majima doesn't think it's real. he doesn't know how to feel. even Saejima is in disbelief. but the letter is vague. it's conjecture written by Kiryu of his own death so there's a chance he's fine. Kiryu's fine, he's always fine. he's been shot and stabbed a million times, he's fine.
but it's not long till it's confirmed by Date. Daigo's skeptical cuz his inner punkass doesn't trust cops. Saejima's on the same page but Majima's in full denial whilst also believing it to be true. his reaction is immediate and violent. he wants something to be done, he wants revenge but Daigo wants to follow Kiryu's wish to avoid war. Majima's so outraged he frankly couldn't give less of a shit about Kiryu's wishes so it's up to Saejima to wrangle him back *insert a dramatic fight here.* Majima gets his ass beat and he's just a mess. things move fast though - the fate of the clan is up in the air and he just couldn't care. but Daigo needs him and for that he pulls it together, just barely.
fast forward to when the jimas go into hiding. they get set up in a lil safehouse via Nick Ogata. I like to see it as a basic bitch type of place, very out of the way, very ignorable but the inside is nice enough. they have to stay cooped up as much as possible and it drives Majima insane. he's fidgety, always pacing. Saejima tries to calm him down and it works for a time until Majima falls into another slump and repeats.
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they took a few things with them that they could, mostly small stuff, some clothes and the like. Majima brought along a few of Kiryu's things, namely some pocket cars and a shirt. he wears it often, being very against washing it. Daigo's too stressed to notice but Saejima watches Majima just break down into someone he doesn't know. he's tired, closed off, guilt ridden. Saejima starts to think this is who Majima was after getting out of the Hole. a shell of a person taking blame for things out of his control. losing the will to care for himself as some sort of self imposed punishment for not doing more. seething in silence in the powerlessness.
his beard grows scraggly, his hair is unkept and the circles under his eye grows darker everyday. his behavior mimics his Sotenbori days where everything was for Saejima, all he could think about was Saejima, how he failed him, how if he tried hard enough he could see him again. it's not the case with Kiryu though. he didn't even get to see the body himself.
he's always on his phone reliving memories through photos and conversations. he freaks out when anyone touches the pocket cars and eventually the shirt gets worn out. he's spiraling while the others look on, unsure how to deal with someone whose entire personality revolves around having a fake one.
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Saejima takes initiative. maybe he's seen Majima like this before or maybe he hasn't. doesn't matter because he gives Majima a bit of tough love, telling him to get a grip. telling him that Kiryu wouldn't want to see him like this and, under his breath, he needs him in better shape so they can beat the shit outta whoever was responsible. it's not easy of course. it takes Majima awhile to learn how to live again and frankly he doesn't want to talk about Kiryu but Saejima forces him to - to get comfortable with mentioning him, enjoying the memories they had. letting him know it's okay to be vulnerable. it's not a kind or pleasant recovery but it's there. it's helping.
and perhaps some time under supervision, he goes to see Haruka and meets Haruto for the first time. he tries to keep a strong façade for her but she can see right through him and gets one of those rare moments where he's just quiet. where he's real. she catches him up on things and it's a rough one for the both of them, especially since he has to keep the visit short. she doesn't bother asking him where he's going afterward but he promises to keep in touch and that he does. she sends him a lot of photos and videos of the family and he backseat-parents Yuta whenever possible. Haruka's never been a fan of always having Kiryu at arms length but this arrangement helps her deal with the long distance since there's effort on both ends to stay close.
Majima's not used to having others around to help him cope but he eases into it decently enough without the Tojo Clan on his shoulders. he even gets along better with Daigo who has time now to focus more on himself and the grunge within his soul. he's a silly lil dork and that charm reminds him of Kiryu but in a way that doesn't send him spiraling. he starts to see all reminders of Kiryu in a more hopeful light, one that brings back his energy. for most of their home confinement, Majima wouldn't even go out as Goromi since half his confidence came from Kiryu's support. but now and then, with Saejima and Daigo backing him, he can tiptoe a bit back into his fav dresses, ones that Kiryu gave him, ones that hurt to put on because of the baggage they carry. he doesn't even have his wigs anymore so he assembles what he can, how he can into something he knows Kiryu would have called pretty regardless. it stills hurts but it helps.
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but, he'll always dip back into the pain of it all. missing intimacy and things taken for granted. he regrets his last words with Kiryu were criticisms knowing he's not perfect himself. maybe he's faced with realizations that he can't survive without certain people, that his attachment issues are brought to the forefront for everyone to see. it's ugly and embarrassing and for the first time in a long time he feels very seen. death's always been a reality for him and he's never cared much for it in regards to himself but losing someone so close, so suddenly? without closure or goodbyes? he's forced to deal with the frailty and mortality of someone he thought was invincible.
and it scares him.
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innosen · 4 years
who is ur muse like in spirited away ? / accepting
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ymiwritesstuff · 17 days
Goro Majima - Masterlist
Dangerous Dance- During Yakuza 0, suggestive themes, usage of alcohol, mild swearing
Tainted by Crimson - During Yakuza 0, Angst, fluff, mentions of violence, swearing, injury, blood
Watchful Eye - During Yakuza 0, Fluff, Single mom reader, dadjima
Lipstick - During Yakuza 0, Hostess reader, no spoilers
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thejunesprince-blog · 5 years
     Rain poured down over Inaba, dark and cold and soaking him to the bone. Though the night was still early, only just after dark, it felt as though it had stretched for ages. Each minute was a personal torture, a punishment for every breath he had ever taken, and as he stepped out into the storm he felt as though his entire identity was being washed away. If only that much were true; his parents might have welcomed him back with open arms if he turned out to be the son they had always wanted.
     When Yosuke had left he hadn’t had the time to grab everything he needed--an umbrella was hardly the most important thing when your father was threatening you and complaining about how his only child was broken. His mother hadn’t come to his defense, either, watching in silence and holding back tears. It was clear she thought it was also just a phase, and that with a little bit of ‘help’ he’d be walking the straight and narrow path once again.
     Scared and sick to his stomach, Yosuke had grabbed whatever he could carry and left before anyone could get physical. His father had never struck him before, but he had also never said so many hurtful things. He had never had that look his eyes, and Yosuke couldn’t bear to stay under their roof another minute. Not when they were denying his very existence. Someone would put him up for the night, or he’d find somewhere else to sleep--it didn’t matter. He’d feel safer, and that was all he cared about.
     Unfortunately Yosuke didn’t make it far before the rain soaked through the paper Junes bag, causing it to split and spill its contents into the street. Feeling tears threatening, Yosuke cursed out loud, hardly even mindful about where he was or who might be around. Honestly fuck everyone else; his life was literally falling apart in front of him, and he couldn’t be bothered to care anymore.
     “Shit..because I really need this too...”
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