#dagcup modern au
theroomfloor · 5 months
Fireplace for the SFW card? Absolutely adored the elf one!! It was so cute!! Thank you!
Dagcup Winter Bingo
Prompt: Fireplace
Challenge: There are a total of 7 things that reference HTTYD/RTTE in the drawing. Can you find all of them?
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Ahh thank you! I'm so glad you liked it. I hope you like this one too. I think I got carried away with it, but it was fun.
I'm still accepting requests! Link to the bingo cards!
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violet-moonstone · 6 months
vigdagcup playlist song #6
"Tear You Apart" by She Wants Revenge
This song makes me feral I can't explain it. It reminds me a lot of Closer but with a different sound.
Honestly I see this as more of a dagcup song...specifically for the highschool/college Dagcup AU I made up/was obsessed with last summer - in which Dagur and Hiccup are paired up for a project - Hiccup is not happy about it because Dagur's kind of an asshole and he knows he's going to end up doing all the work. Dagur is conflicted because he has a huge crush on Hiccup but absolutely does not want to acknowledge it at all. He denies his feelings until the bubble bursts and they may or may not end up making out in Dagur or Hiccup's bedroom. (I also imagine a lot of cute bonding moments where they show each other the music and video games they like...and Dagur tries to find as many ways to spend time with Hiccup as possible.)
Dagur makes it clear that it's *only* physical and he definitely does not want a boyfriend - and Hiccup goes along with it because honestly he's surprised that someone is even attracted to him. There's lots of moments where Hiccup will forget the "rules" and hold Dagur's hand in public or look at him in a way that Dagur thinks is too romantic and Dagur keeps telling him to stop.
But Dagur starts to realize oh no he's slowly falling harder and harder for this complete nerd and he has no idea what to do about it.
At some point it ends with Dagur just saying screw it and deciding to be open about his relationship with Hiccup. I think after an argument he might go up to Hiccup in the hallway and take his hand to walk him to class. And Hiccup would ask what about the rules? And Dagur says fuck the rules.
I see this song as Dagur finally working up the courage to either tell Hiccup he's attracted to him or that he has feelings for him
btw this was heavily inspired by long exposure and american shameless
anyway that was a very long intro. lyrics below
Got a big plan, this mindset maybe its right At the right place and right time, maybe tonight And the whisper or handshake sending a sign Wanna make out and kiss hard, wait never mind
Late night, and passing, mention it flipped her Best friend, who knows saying maybe it slipped But the slip turns to terror and a crush to like When she walked in, he froze up, believe its the fright
Its cute in a way, till you cannot speak And you leave to have a cigarette, your knees get weak An escape is just a nod and a casual wave Obsessed about it, heavy for the next two days
It's only just a crush, it'll go away It's just like all the others it'll go away Or maybe this is danger and he just don't know You pray it all away but it continues to grow
I want to hold you close Skin pressed against me tight Lie still, and close your eyes girl So lovely, it feels so right
I want to hold you close Soft breath, beating heart As I whisper in your ear I want to fucking tear you apart
Then he walked up and told her, thinking that he'd passed And they talked and looked away a lot, doing the dance Her hand brushed up against his, she left it there Told him how she felt and then they locked in a stare
They took a step back, thought about it, what should they do 'Cause there's always repercussions when you're dating in school But their lips met, and reservations started to pass Whether this was just an evening or a thing that would last
Either way he wanted her and this was bad He wanted to do things to her it was making him crazy Now a little crush turned into a like And now he wants to grab her by the hair and tell her
I want to hold you close Skin pressed against me tight Lie still, and close your eyes girl So lovely, it feels so right
I want to hold you close Soft breath, beating heart As I whisper in your ear I want to fucking tear you apart
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iswateredible · 8 months
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he has no energy and two very insistent boyfriends
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ivygeorgi · 1 year
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Here's Dagur in a crop top bc I'm sure he would love wearing those on hot summer days (and during club nights with Hiccup hehe)
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honeymilkbubbletea · 1 month
Okay you wanted HTTYD you're getting HTTYD
Anyways, this move got him a date, so I guess begging works 🤷‍♀️
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1 panel:
Dagur: Can I try to rizz you up?
2 panel:
Hiccup: Uh... sure?
3 panel:
Hiccup: Oh that's NOT-...
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angelled-art · 7 months
Modern AU Dagur&Hiccup for my art goddess @ivygeorgi 's birthday🤲💕💜
! The designs are Ivy's and I'm ADORE them:0 !
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Ah 1k word snippet from a 21k fic that I've been fixating on for the past four days now that I'm calling 'The Trapper's Trap'. It's a fic that takes place in a Modern AU and it's kind of a Dagcup.
Right now, this monstrosity is still a one-shot and far from done, but I'll be splitting it up in chapters before I post it. It's going to deal with some heavy stuff. ;)
Warnings: threats of suicide, implied sexual coercion (nothing too nsft in this snippet, though), no editing
“Please baby please”
“Please just give me another chance!”
“Can we at least talk?”
“Please Baby i don’t know what i’m gonna do to myself when you’re gone”
“i need you to come stop me”
Hiccup reads that last text over and over again. These six are the latest in a long string of messages his ex-boyfriend has been sending him ever since he broke things off with him, but it’s those last ones that have him worried.
Dagur has never been the most… stable of people. So when he pleads with him, tells him that he’s going to hurt himself then, well, Hiccup worries.
He stands at the doorstep of his apartment; a three floor building made mostly out of brick and standing in the busiest part of town. It’s about a half hour walk from his own home.
With a nervous heart, Hiccup climbs the two stone steps and finds the intercom. Pressing on Dagur’s apartment- there are two on each floor- he awaits an answer. His arms are crossed, then they’re not. He sways from one foot to the other. Every passing second is torturous.
“Come on, Dagur, come on,” he grows more anxious. Please, don’t tell him he has actually hurt himself?
Finally; a response.
“Hello?” That greeting comes with a strong tone of melancholy, but Hiccup could jump for joy. He’s still okay.
“Dagur, it’s me. I’m… I’m here to talk,” he tells him. When he had shown the messages to Heather, she told him they were lies and he shouldn’t fall for them. He should simply ignore them. Ignore them like she’s been trying to ignore the fact that they both live on the same cramped island.
The buzzer signaling that the door is open sounds and Hiccup enters.
A quick jog up several flights of stairs later- which is, of course, not at all a problem with a prosthetic leg- he’s inside of Dagur’s apartment and sitting on his leather couch.
He’s come here several times in the course of their relationship that barely lasted half a year. He has slept over once or twice, but he can never get used to that smell of cigarettes.
Neither of his parents smoke, Gobber probably has at some point in time. Then he lost two limbs close to on another and circumstances forced him to quit. And yet, he still smells of the damn things to this day.
Just like Dagur’s apartment smells.
Years around dragons and somehow it’s the stench of cigarettes that gets to him.
Hiccup is pulled out of his thoughts when his ex returns and places a can of soda down in front of him on the coffee table, a glass next to it. It’s one of Dagur’s pet peeves that the other always insists on wasting a glass when a can should do. Today, however, he’s not complaining.
The couch groan and squeaks as he sits down. The displacement of air almost knocks Hiccup right off the couch. Tall as he is, he still barely weighs anything.
“You wanted to talk?” Dagur’s words are hopeful, which just pulls on Hiccup’s heartstrings. He doesn’t wish to give him false hope.
“I just…” He starts hesitantly, arms crossing and then uncrossing. He scoots closer to the edge of his seat and pours himself a glass.
He came all this way, but he can’t stop thinking of Heather’s warning. That this is all just a ploy, that his messages really were all a lie. That he was never in any danger.
But what does it matter? How can he possibly get such pleas for help and ignore them?
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” he tells Dagur after a sip and a smile spreads on his latter’s lips.
“You always were so caring,” he claims. “So pure, so innocent. Your heart way too big and good for this world.”
His words make Hiccup uncomfortable, but that is nothing new. He watches him with one raised eyebrow while taking another sip.
Just as Hiccup had promised when he called for Dagur through the intercom, they talk. They talk about the happy times they had, the younger man nodding along as he listened. He could point to each memory and say the fights they had before each one, but he chooses not to. If Dagur’s mental state truly is as fragile as he claims, he would rather not give him any reason to follow through.
They talk about the things they have in common, like the games they like the play or the movies they like to watch. Or Dagur lists them and Hiccup doesn’t tell him that these are his interests and Hiccup was just following along. Dagur has no one else in his life. Both his parents are dead, he has no friends, his sister wants nothing to do with him. He has no one to share his interests with and that’s why Hiccup decided to give him someone to share them with.
They talk about the hot love they made. Their first together, Hiccup’s first overall. He introduced him to a lot of firsts. And at least in that regard, he can’t argue with him. The sex was great.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Huh?” Hiccup stares at him in shock. Holding his glass, there is only a little bit of soda on the bottom left. The can itself is empty.
“Can I kiss you? Just… Just this one last time?” Dagur’s request seems genuine, there’s pain in his eyes.
“For… what?” he asks, confused. Technically, they had their last kiss. Why would he want another?
“Because, I had no idea that our last kiss would be our last, so… I can’t remember it.”
“Well, gee, thank you for that,” is what Hiccup finds himself thinking, but he doesn’t say it. He simply finishes his drink.
“I want to remember it, Hiccup,” Dagur continues on with a well-placed speech and his sad little voice. “I don’t think I can move on without it.”
There are no lies in his eyes or in his words, he seems genuine to Hiccup. And it’s because he seems so genuine that it makes it hard to ignore his request. Could a kiss really fix everything? If he gives him this one last thing, will he be okay? Will he finally leave him alone?
“Just one?” Hiccup asks to make sure he heard right.
“Just one final kiss,” Dagur scoots closer to him, their knees touching, an arm wrapping itself around his shoulder on the back of the couch.
Hiccup looks away in thought, but he’s already making his move. He comes forward, his lips press against his and catches him off guard. Hiccup doesn’t know what else to do but to return the kiss. His moan of surprise is mistaken as one of desire and Dagur sits even closer. His arm has a firm grip on him now, his free hand finds his stomach, where it rests before he takes his waist.
The kiss becomes deeper, Hiccup’s hands still don’t know what to do. He can feel his ex’s tongue asking for permission on his bottom lip and he gives it to him. Despite his rotten personality, he’s an excellent kisser. There’s such passion in his every move.
Before he knows it, this make-out session as Hiccup on his back with Dagur on top. Nestled between his thighs, he’s grinding into him, working up an appetite in both of them.
Gasping for air, Hiccup looks the other way.
“Just this once?”
“Just one last time.”
“You’re wearing a condom,” there’s no room for argument in Hiccup’s demand. Either he wears it or there will be no last time.
“Of course, wouldn’t dream of not wearing one,” Dagur vows to him and then leaves to grab one from his special stash in the bedroom.
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evilwriter37 · 2 months
Title: Training Starts Now
Pairing: Dagur/Hiccup
Rating: explicit
Word Count: 946
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, torture, implied/referenced rape/noncon, noncon kissing, mentions of human trafficking
Summary: Hiccup wakes to a familiar face, but an unfamiliar situation. Dagur has taken a lucrative opportunity to hold him captive, and Hiccup doesn't know what he has in store for him.
Created for @anyfandomdarkbingo
Square Filled: Shock Collar
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Okay so Uhm. Anyways. 2nd times the charm ig:)
Hi, I’m Maea, if you haven’t seen me before, hello, welcome! I’m always looking for roleplay partners! But, anyways.
Once you’ve read through everything you can either reblog this and I will message you, or you can message me!
I have a few rules!
- I will only play Krogan in rp.
- I am okay with CCxCC and OCxCC ships, but please note that Krogan is going to take a while to warm up to any character. MxM ships are preferred, however if the concept of of a MxF rp is interesting enough to me I will do so!
- Please be at least semi literate, however I would prefer a partner who can write as much as me. I can write up to over the 2K character limit on Discord, and can sometimes go over that limit, so if I am going to do as such, I would like my partner to be able to do the same. If you can’t be as literate that day let me know and I can take it easy on you:)
- I am okay with NSFW, but I would prefer if that were a thing that doesn’t focus on the entirety of the plot, since that gets kind of boring. If you are going to want NSFW you MUST BE OVER THE AGE OF 18. ‼️‼️NO EXCEPTIONS FROM THIS RULE. ‼️‼️
- would prefer to rp on discord because of the ability to pin messages. I am very sporadic and tend to jump from idea to idea so this is a vital feature on me if we are going to be roleplaying on discord. It makes it easier for the both of us if we can pin messages and I can pin something so we can come back to the idea at some point.
- Mature topics such as abuse, murder, death, and other things like gore may come up in the roleplay. Self harm and other topics are a part of my lore for Krogan, so while the may not be an entirely large part of Krogan’s place in the roleplay, IT WILL BE THERE OR POSSIBLY HINTED. If you’re not comfortable with that then this is not for you.
- I will not portray Krogan as abusive or violent against his significant other (or towards anyone else, for that matter.)
My Triggers:
- Mpreg/Pregnancy (It makes me feel icky to have it a major staple, and I have a history with this issue that averted me away from roleplaying it.)
- Zoophilia, pedophilic or incestuous relationships. No. Just no. Anything that sexualized animals, children, or siblings in a relationship is a no go.
- If you’re racist, homophobic, transphobic, TERF, ablism etc. I shouldn’t have to say this but get the fuck off my blog. You aren’t welcome here.
- I will not roleplay Dagcup or Vigcup. I don’t play either Dagur, Viggo, or Hiccup. I play Krogan. Don’t even ask. This includes Hiccstrid, or any other ship that doesn’t have Krogan.
I have plenty of AUs and can come up with plots as needed. I will rp with characters outside of the httyd fandom as Krogan by putting him into the fandom. If you’re wanting to do that, just let me know and I can do a bit of reading and research in case I don!t know the lore. :)
As an Eye Catcher; Here is some of my aus:)
Modern!Krogan is the first, the second is chunky!Krogan, and the third is a lycanwing!Krogan!
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baisleyarts · 4 years
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i only hope to spread some serotonin via dagcup 😘
commission | twitter | ko-fi
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theroomfloor · 5 months
Mistletoe for the SFW card? I really love your art!
Dagcup Winter Bingo
Prompt: Mistletoe
Ahhh thank you! This makes me sooo happy <333
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I know it's simpler than the other drawings, but I wanted to try something different, painting without lineart. I thought it was so cute.
At first I was going to draw Dagur chasing Hiccup with a mistletoe, something kind of funny. But I ended up going for something more adorable. Someday I will do this idea.
I'm still accepting requests! Link to the bingo cards!
Modern AU = I'm too lazy to draw Dagur's scars and battle marks and Hiccup's braids
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violet-moonstone · 9 months
more vigdagcup ideas because it's all I can think about!
My conditions for shipping these three are very specific - it's in a modern AU where Viggo and Hiccup start as a couple and Dagur joins them afterwards.
Dagur and Hiccup used to be involved, but Dagur wanted to stay casual meanwhile Hiccup fell in love with him and broke things off because they both wanted different things.
Then after Viggo and Hiccup get together, they consider trying a threesome - cue Dagur. And again, Dagur's like yeah this is casual, but eventually realizes that he does in fact have feelings for Hiccup, which complicates things with Viggo, who doesn't know how he feels about the threesome if Hiccup still has feelings for Dagur too.
Viggo is absolutely infuriated by the fact that he's attracted to Dagur, because Dagur annoys the shit out of him. Like every time he sees him he doesn't know if he wants to rip his head off or his clothes off more. Dagur flirts with him incessantly and Hiccup thinks this is hilarious.
Eventually, Viggo gets to know Dagur better and realizes that there's more to him than his cocky behaviour and he is actually a golden retriever in the inside. I think bonding scenes between them would be great because Dagur's extremely affectionate and will go in for hugs and cuddles and Viggo just sighs and accepts it. Viggo doesn't necessarily fall in love with Dagur the way he does with Hiccup, but he ends up caring for him quite a lot.
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iswateredible · 8 months
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sketches I was gonna turn into a comic
Tennage Dagur keeps flirting with Hiccup and sending surprisingly well taken outfit pictures
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ivygeorgi · 1 year
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What started as a sketch of Dagur bonding with cat Toothless soon developed into a series of sketches featuring more of cat Toothless. Enjoy ✨
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chernov · 5 years
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hi, @whyischatnoirxhiccupnotaship, it is becaus of you!! I think about it since you started following me lmao. And now Chat Noir x Hiccup is officially a ship! 
But now Adrien has some problems…
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tysonrunningfox · 5 years
27 hiccstrid!! pretty please
27. we had one-night stands with roommates and sneak out of the house at the same time 
Meet Uglies 
Going home with Dagur “the Deranged” Berserker was not one of Hiccup’s brightest moments. Falling asleep at Dagur “the Deranged” Berserker’s apartment was even less bright, considering the now looming probability of having to face this bad decision in the light of day.  His head throbs at even the suggestion of that light and he cradles his head as he perches on the edge of Dagur’s bed to gather his clothes and leg and whatever is left of his dignity.  
Not much on the dignity front.  
The clothes front isn’t looking great either, given that he calls his missing underwear a lost cause and shimmies as silently as he can into his jeans, grimacing at the cold zipper.  At least Heather wasn’t around last night, so the walk of shame should be enough punishment for his horrible decisions.  No audience, no evidence.  It’s not like anyone listens to what Dagur has to say anyway, chances are Hiccup can just pretend last night never happened and no one will be the wiser.  
He double checks his keys and wallet, mentally flogging himself when he sees just how little cash is left in the second.  So his punishment will be a chafing walk of shame and a week living off of ramen and the charity of others.  Fair enough, it fits the crime.  
He tiptoes to Dagur’s bedroom door and slowly pushes it open, wincing at every creak and the way it drags across the carpet.  Dagur snores and Hiccup pauses, holding his breath as the other man fidgets under the sheets.  
The door on Hiccup’s right opens suddenly and a blonde steps into the hallway, closing the door quickly and silently behind her before leaning back against it, eyes squinted shut.  Her hair is a tangled mess and there’s mascara smeared across her cheek and for a second, Hiccup forgets where he is or what he’s doing.  She opens her eyes slowly and stares at the other side of the hallway for a second before noticing him, at which point her face instantly contorts into a snarl.  
“Who are you? What are you doing here?”  
“Shhh!” He holds a hand out, hoping she’ll stay still, and pushes Dagur’s door closed as quickly as he can, flinching when it latches shut like it’s announcing itself.  
“Again, who are you?”  She whispers, taking a barefoot step towards him and drawing his attention to the shoes in her hand and her skirt, which appears to be on backwards.  “And what are you doing here?”  
“I’m sneaking out of Dagur’s room, who are you?”  
“Oh,” she seems convinced he’s not going to rob her and her posture falters to something stubborn and awkward, all set jaw and curled shoulders, “I’m sneaking out too.”
“Oh,” his eyes widen, and he looks at her backwards skirt again.  
“Well, come on,” she marches past him, silent as she grabs his elbow and drags him away from Dagur’s door.  He stumbles to catch his balance and she glares back at him, “are you trying to wake them up?”  
“Absolutely not,” he shakes her grip off with some effort and runs his hand through his hair, not quite sure why he suddenly cares what it looks like.  
Or ok, he knows why he cares, but literally the only way he can think of to make this situation worse is to get caught flirting with Heather’s apparent girlfriend while sneaking out of Dagur’s room after an impromptu sleepover.  
“Ok then, let’s go.”  She waves him after her, walking carefully through the living room and to the front door. It opens more easily than the bedroom doors and they breathe twin sighs of relief as she shuts the door behind them.
The hallway light is brighter than the apartment and as much as it hurts Hiccup’s head, he can’t help but look a little more closely at the girl he snuck out with. Seeing someone else’s morning after when he wasn’t there for the night before is weirdly intimate, uniquely uncomfortable, and made worse by the fact that she’s pretty and rumpled and sporting a barely purple hickey under her jaw.  
He clears his throat, opening his mouth to say something normal, if there’s even anything normal to say in this situation, but before he can mess it up, the alarm inside Dagur and Heather’s apartment goes off.  
“They have an alarm?”  She hisses, grabbing his wrist again and running towards the stairwell, “why didn’t I notice the alarm?”  
“I didn’t either,” he trips when she yanks him too fast around the second floor landing, barely catching himself on the railing, “for the record.”  
“Record?” She snorts, dropping his arm and shaking her head, “there is no record.  You didn’t see me, I didn’t see you.  There’s no reason to ever see each other or talk about this again.”  She raises an eyebrow, obviously waiting for an answer and Hiccup swallows hard, trying to remember how to lie.  “Got it?”  
Nodding is the best he can do.  
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