#damn you manipulation for being 65
manamothnoamie · 2 years
I can’t believe I got all the mats I needed for the new crafting gear, sat down to make it and then realized that:
my current gear doesn’t have enough CP to even make the precrafts
i don’t have enough materia atm to fix the problem
some of my crafters still only have their lvl 80 tools (because i am Cringe and Lazy).....
most of my crafters haven’t done a class quest since lvl 30 :’)   
so much for making that gear tonight......
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rametarin · 1 year
Think my younger brother is finally convinced.
Mom is, was, and always has been a plotting, scheming, selfish, narcissistic, mind fucking harpy. And ever since COVID started, she became insufferable.
She's always been the breadwinner, because she's always been the one with the career. Making between 65 and 70 thousand a year, from the 90s to no. That's 90s money. She eventually bounced from actual hospital work to rest home/boarding home work, which paid substantially less but was significantly easier on her aging self.
But whatever job she took, her way of "taking back" what the job took from her was to come home and create Problems(tm) for me, specifically. Because I was the only person she was taking it out on and she always dressed it up as being an "eccentric, strict mom," and motherhood in this society is considered sanctified whether left wing or right wing, she got to be as obnoxious as she possibly could so long as she dressed it up as something else.
Have a problem with that? Then you would be put down and disregarded as bellyaching over something that could not be helped and so wasn't worth bitching about. If you were a man and being antagonized, belittled and abused by your mother, you were called a pussy if you hollered in pain about it. And it didn't matter exactly how she was abusing.
Her favorite way to abuse was to hold something metaphorically over my head, offering it as if I were allowed to have it. Then manipulate circumstances to keep it perpetually out of my reach, but still use that as a carrot on a stick for behavior.
Even when I gave into despair and stopped fighting or struggling or putting up any resistance whatsoever, she'd still be talking my ear off trying to make me WANT things, solely to then pretend circumstances ruined the opportunity when she decided that she didn't actually want me to have the thing. Whether it was ceding any interest in the outcome, or really putting effort into it and forcing her to eventually break down, break character and start screaming about how I wasn't supposed to actally have the thing and now never would, I had her number, and she constantly tried to engage "around it," get me back on that track as if I didn't understand what she was and what she was doing.
She never did this to my younger brother. Typical narcissistic parent bullshit, she made him the Golden Child and played him off of me, letting him be as big a brag as she possibly could. I guess as vicarious revenge against her dad, or mom, for favoring her sisters. Who fucking knows. Point was, she encouraged him to be as big of a loud, obnoxious problem as he could be.
Many the times he'd tear down the living room curtain and just 4 and a half years between us meant it was my obligation to put it back up. But the catch was she wouldn't actually get a better curtain rod or curtain. She'd do that bullshit stalling tactic women do, pretend they forget over and over and over again, when you know if they REALLY wanted the thing and cared so fucking much, they'd go out and buy the god damned curtain and better rods, tomorrow.
The shitty curtain rod prone to malfunction and forcing me to interact with it about 10 times a month, was her idea of an environmental and circumstantial punishment. Something to "keep me busy." She had a million of these things, and it always gave her the opportunity to start demanding/ordering. And if she didn't get a response immediate enough, start threatening and flashing repercussions for non-compliance. She couldn't want to jump to threats and warnings, because that was the whole point. Threaten violence (not necessarily to beat me up. Calling the police, throwing me out, getting my father over here to deal with me were common threats of antagonism)
She had to be in the middle and front of everything, adding or removing something to it, just to make bends and twists and "bark like a dogs" just for the sake of being in my face. Or she'd torpedo the entire thing. It didn't matter what it was. Sucking any and all fun out of a thing, wasting my time listening to her warnings, or rambling "advice," or interrupting what I'm doing like a fucking tutorial character with unskippable cutscenes with the power to give you a GAME OVER if you ignore them.
My younger brother was virtually immune to this behavior. I was her psycho heat-sink. He both didn't care because he wasn't the recipient of her selfish shit, and he benefitted, so he had every reason not to care.
He didn't care when she spent so much of her own money that she put herself a little in the red, then "asked" for a few hundred dollars that I'd saved over actual years of carefully not spending holiday cards from the extended family. He didn't care when I told her no, so she snuck into my bedroom and swiped $300 from my sock drawer and then later bragged she sent my money to some other family she knows to, "give them a merry christmas! ^.^"
When I got mad at her for theft, she turned on the crocodile tears and made the issue about me being selfish in the face of her doing a generous thing, and tried to turn it into a lecture about being stingy on a religious holiday.
The bottom line was she hated me having any savings or money. She hated not having absolute control over my finances. She hated that I wouldn't open a bank account with her and let her have complete access to every dollar I had, while preventing me from being able to access it virtue of not having a car.
Well. Fast forwards about 20 years. My younger brother has to date purchased two cars. She has wound up riding both of them until they collapse.
She was legitimately screamed at by a client and had to quit her job over harassment. But then she decided she was just going to "retire early." And she implied sevely that both her sons, us, were going to have to start paying her bills, since she wasn't going to do that anymore.
I can't work because of some health problems. I can't even afford to get those problems properly diagnosed.
But my younger brother had enjoyed this relationship and been situationally fattened up for exactly this scenario for the last 10 years. Where he wasn't forced to pay rent, was allowed to save all his income from his job, and summarily just pissed and smoked it all away.
Until suddenly he found himself having his savings account being raided by mom whenever she chose to spend her money like an asshole. At times it seemed like she was clearing out his account solely for the sake of having that agency over him, even if she replaced it with money from her pension and social security. She was still just wiping his savings clean because she won't stop wasting cash on garbage and needing, "emergency funds."
Emergency funds that wouldn't need to fucking exist if she wasn't creating problems. But then she wouldn't have the artificial spur to dig into his savings or the whole situation exploding and leaving us all homeless.
So, he's been having a bad few years. Suddenly the hundreds to thousands of dollars in surplus and savings he was enjoying, he's watching her piss away in the form of extra boxes of icecream and frivolous sweets and "kind gestures" at other people outside this house, and the resulting financial insufficiencies that force us to tighten our belts in other ways. Defacto, backdoor "mom gets absolute control of all my money" by manipulating the circumstances and refusing to adjust. Giving everybody stress and insisting, "YOU DON'T TELL ME HOW TO SPEND MY MONEY!"
yeah, welcome to the club, chief. Even if I could hold a job with my health as it is, I wouldn't make that cunt a hundred dollars in a year out of spite. I am so fucking tired of being used and exploited and my time wasted, I'd almost just jump into a bottomless pit if I was sure the chain was wrapped around her neck and she'd starve to death on the drop to hell.
So, he's had a miserable year. His crops in the yard got too much rain and didn't come up, his car finally aged out because mom living like an asshole and clearing his savings meant he couldn't save for a car (and she still expects him to buy THE "family" transportation. Saves her from the expense and gives her more money to lord in other avenues) So he has to pull even deeper.
I'm hoping he finally starts realizing she is the problem, she has always BEEN the problem, and maybe we can get out of here and not wind up stuck sleeping in a fucking ditch and living on a treadmill to stay there. But, not too much.
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swiftdove · 3 years
prompt list
1. “i don’t love you anymore.”
2. “if anyone ever tells you they’re interested in you beyond getting laid, they’re a fucking liar.”
3. “i’m not yours. don’t call me yours.”
4.“you know what? fuck you.”
4. “i cheated. many, many times. and i regret absolutely nothing.”
5. “please, don’t shut me out.”
6. “you’re not okay! stop telling me you’re okay!”
7. “are you bleeding?”
8. “just go.” “but-“ “leave, now!”
9. “did you ever realize that you were hurting me? or did you just not care?”
10. “oh my god, what the hell are you doing here?”
11 “you aren’t the person i fell in love with years ago.”
12. “we should take a break.”
13. “how could anyone ever love you?”
14. “i don’t believe you. not one bit.”
15. “you lying piece of shit!”
16. “what happened to us? really, what the fuck happened?”
17. “they’re dead.”
18. “i want you out of my house. right now.”
19. “i’m exhausted.”
20. “you were supposed to be there for me. and you weren’t. you weren’t there.”
21. “i never wanna see you again.”
22. “if you ever think about calling me again, don’t.”
23. “i’m disappointed. really.”
24. “who? ..wait, you’re talking about [name]? honey, they died a couple months ago.”
25“you’re amazing, really. but i love them. not you.”
26“you are the most inconvenient person ever.”
27“frankly, i don’t give a fuck.”
28“do you have to be such a damn nuisance?”
29“don’t look at me like that.” “like what?” “like you care about me.”
30“it was so incredibly easy to manipulate you.”
31“i always wondered why you chose me.. now, i know. it was all a lie.”
32“no, there is no second chance! you lost every single chance with me when you thought of our relationship as a fucking bet!”
33“don’t think for one second that i ever cared about you. you’d be lying to yourself.”
34“please, even if you’re lying, just tell me you love me.”
35“i’d rather die than look at you for another second.”
36“don’t you have somewhere to be? other people to fuck? or do you only do that when you’re in a relationship—“
37“when will you get the hint? i don’t fucking like you!”
38“you aren’t coming back, are you?”
39“it’s been a year since they died, and it still feels the same. like i’m being suffocated.”
40“god, no wonder your ex-partner left you.”
41“i didn’t think you’d be the one to break my heart.”
42“i’m not the type of person you should fall in love with.”
43“if you walk out of that door, i’ll hate you for as long as i live.”
44“i wonder why people care about you when you’re not worth the stress.”
45“don’t come any closer.”
46“i only have a couple days left.”
47“you didn’t mean that, right? right?”
48“how many times do you expect me to forgive you?”
49“ i wish i'd known when you were born that you were going to betray me like this. ”
50“ i never expected this from you. ”
51“ have you hit your head? ”
52“ are you in your senses? ”
53“ are you doing drugs? ”
54“ what have i done to deserve this? ”
55“ i raised you like my own child and this is how you pay me back? ”
56“ why would you betray us like this? ”
57“ you've disgraced me. ”
58“ our reputation will be ruined. ”
59“ we're going to be the next talk of town. ”
60“ you will make a fool out of us. ”
61“ you have made a fool out of us. ”
62“ have you no respect for us? ”
63“ we expressly forbade you . ”
64“ i'm so disgusted i can't even — ”
65“ you will cut all ties with her . ”
66“ no more. you will stop this now, you will stop meeting with her. ”
67“you don’t have to tell me. but if you do decide you want to, i’ll be here.”
68“you’re being way too nice to me.”
69“relax, i won’t hurt you.”
70“i had to clean up your mess. again.”
71"you can't expect me to apologize."
72“Why can’t you just learn to let the fuck go.”
73“Did it over occur to you that I never wanted this to begin with?”
74“Why can’t you just look at me for one god damn second!”
75“Let go of my hand.”
76“I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
77“Why are you — saying all these things —”
78“You know what? I was wrong. You never really meant anything to me. You’re broken, you’re beyond fixing, you’re not something I want to take the time to handle. Simple as that.”
79“You’re a god damn mistake, that’s what you are.”
80“I never wanted anything to do with you to begin with.”
81“This, us, was a fucking mistake and I should have known the second things went further than planned.”
82“I can’t do this anymore.”
83“I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.”
84“If anything, you were a fucking waste of time.”
85“I just don’t feel anything anymore.”
86“Looking at you I see nothing but something I need to put an end to.”
87“Oh? Really? You thought we had a future? What gave you that idea.”
88“Is this even going anywhere?”
89“Why can’t we just talk about it —”
90“Does it ever occur to you that I am done talking? That I am done with reflecting upon my words and action? Can’t you just take a fucking hint that I’m done with you? I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.”
91“We’re through. I don’t want to do this anymore.”
92“You were broken to begin with.”
93“I don’t need, or want help, what I want is for you to get the fuck away from me.”
94“You’re damaged goods and I can’t find the patience to take on you as a project.”
95“I just wanted you to love me.”
96“Don’t you dare touch me”
97“You let them do this to me!”
98“You don’t deserve this pain”
99“Why don’t you go crying to them then, huh? That’s what you did last time”
100“I can’t kiss you knowing that they kissed you too”
101. “Leave”
102. “I told you to stay away from me”
103. “I can’t believe you forgot”
104. “All you care about is yourself”
105 “I thought I told you to never come back here”
106 “I can’t even look at you”
107 “This is what your selfishness did!”
108 “You are evil, cruel, foul and you break everything you touch”
109 “It’s okay if you don’t blame yourself because I sure do”
110 “Please don’t leave me here”
111 “Every time I try to fix something I just make it worse”
112“I’m not as stupid as you think I am.”
113 “You really don’t get it, do you?”
114 "No! You said you wouldn't do it, and yet here we are!"
115. “tell me, which part of me wasn’t enough?”
116. “their blood’s on your hands, even if you can’t see it. and you can never wash it off.”
117. “i’m sorry i’m not what you signed up for.”
118. “I’m not worth it”
119. "Well done. You've officially pushed away everyone that's ever given a fuck about you."
120. “When did you stop loving me?”
121. “Don’t you think you’ve done enough?”
122. “How did things go so wrong?”
123. “When did things fall apart?”
124. “Which part of me wasn’t enough?”
125. “How do I make you love me again?”
126. “Please answer me.”
127 “Nothing ever goes right!”
128 “Why do you have to ruin everything?!”
129 “Why do you hate me so much?”
130 “Things will be better this way.”
131. “I swear to god if you jump-”
132 “I trusted you.”
133“I never thought this would happen.”
134 “This is all my fault.”
135. “You’re supposed to be yelling at me! And… and hitting me! Why aren’t you doing that?!”
136. “The body is what gets us caught”
137. “I’m not flipping a coin to decide whether or not I go to jail tonight.”
138. “That’s not on me, it’s on you.”
139. “I’m not the person you think I am. And I can’t tell you what that means or what I’ve done.”
140. “What did you do to him?”
141. “And that makes it okay?”
142. “Are you afraid to die?”
143. “What would you do if I didn’t come back?”
144. “I just wanted a family.”
145. “So pick. Who do you hate more? Me or the man who killed your father?”
146. “Can you really blame me?”
147 “How could you do this?”
148 “Can you be the one to do it?”
149. “Does this mean what I think it means?”
150. “Are you leaving?”
151. “How do we fix this?”
152 “Would you hate me?”
153 “Do you want to die?”
154“How many more innocent people have to die?”
155 “Can you promise me no one else has to get hurt?”
156. “ stop doing that— stop trying to hide your emotions from me. ”
157 “ i can’t make you trust me. but i’m gonna stick around long enough for you to realize you can. ”
158 “Don’t just run off like that, you scared me.”
159 “ not everyone is just gonna become another scar. some people will stay, if you let them. ”
160. “ i feel like i’ve been living in a storm for so long, like i’m just drifting from wave or wave hoping i won’t drown. ”
161 “ what happened to you? what made you so scared to stay still long enough to let someone in? ”
162 “ i don’t wanna be scared anymore. ”
163 “Admitting that I’m right is always a good option.”
164 “ even when you smile, your eyes are still sad. ”
165 “ you’re safe with me. you can let go. breathe. ”
166“ every time i touch you, there’s a moment where you look like you think it will hurt. ”
167 “ why aren’t you scared of me? ”
168. “ you’d accept a caress from the same hands that leave you bruised, just to feel warm. ”
169. “ i’ll kill anyone that makes you hurt like that again. i’d kill them just for taking your smile. ”
170. “ i want to keep you all to myself. i don’t want anyone but us to know the things we do in secret. ”
171. “ yes. i killed them— but i did it for you. ”
172.“ i had to do it. no one gets to make you sad and get away with it. ”
173 “It’s too early to get up. Let’s stay a little longer.”
174"Hey wait a minute, is- is that blood?"
175“i think i’m depressed but who knows.”
176 “I thought you were better than this.”
177 “Please come home.”
178 “I wish I didn’t miss you anymore.”
179 “Did you ever really care for me?”
180 “Was there a time when you weren’t laughing at me on the inside? You lied the whole time..”
181 “Liar! How could do you this do me?”
182. “I spent every day thinking about you..”
183. “Did you really have to do that to me?”
184. “How do you expect me to forget what you’ve done!”
185. “You need a break from all that work. Come lay down.”
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habeascorpseus · 3 years
god Fucking Damn It daily reminder #65 that alivebur was never abusive, physical or otherwise, nor was be actively manipulative towards tommy (or dream for that matter if you're one of the fools who tries to pin dream's villainy on wilbur), and was literally suffering from a delusion in pogtopia, (delusion defined as "a fixed belief in something that doesn't line up with reality) that genuinely made him think that he and tommy were the villains in the "story" for trying to ruin a supposedly happy nation. it is not gaslighting/manipulation for a person suffering from a delusion to tell you what they genuinely believe is reality. it is not abusive for a person suffering from a delusion to tell you what they genuinely believe was reality. the most fucked up thing wilbur did in pogtopia was the pit, which was also the fault of techno for enabling him and deciding to fight tommy. near the end of the line wilbur was not someone I would call "good" but at the same time he wasn't an abuser. now that he's back and tommy suddenly very concretely hates him, we need to keep this in mind when analyzing their relationship. and we also need to remember that it is not a bad thing, much less the end of the fucking world, for a previously suicidal person to openly state that they want to live and have a second chance at living. it really can be horrid being a mentally ill person in this fanbase sometimes, and especially right now.
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emo-philosopher · 3 years
The Atlas Six stuff
I read the the atlas six by olivie blake 
This was one of my first dark academia books (or one whose genre I was aware of). I saw this blow up on tiktok and I thought ‘why not?’.
I have like stuff written down (thoughts ig) after around 65% of the book (cause before that it went too slow) so here they are : 
Tristan, Parisa and Libby. Oof
I normally don't like cheating but you'll be an exception Elizabeth
First I just thought Parisa was just your average(idk who in the right mind would call her average but) mean girl buuut I'm actually starting to warm up to her
bro-y issues
That twist tho
I want to be a plant just so I can call Reina mommy
Nico u himbo
Nico and Gideon sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G
shut up atlas I hate u so much shut up
I hate ezra I hate atlas just die pls leave callum alone omg I'm crying
I love these little alcohol talks between tristan and callum
wait what nO HOLD ON NOOOOOO
ok interruption to my panic but “You’re a fire hazard, Rhodes,” he said. “So stop apologizing for the damage and just let the fucker burn.” wOw
libby u pure pure soul
shit shit shit alright fine I thought like it was like Tristan's blood rushing out and then omg oof tnk goodness u dumb idiots I love u both
betrayal yup ezra u bloody fool i will tear u apart limb by limb
no no now boys. Callum, tristan isn't ur adversary. TRISTAN, NO NOBODY IS KILLING ANYBODY SHUT UP
no nico don't be upset iz ok gideon be ok libby be ok don't be sad
reina reina reina ur so smart reina reina
atlas i said shut up
"Ezra Mikhail fowler" ewwww
i knew it i always knew it
ok damn that was beautiful dalton are u high
Ms.Blake. I. Want. Libby. Back.
Yeah so i figured out the ezra twist (partly) 
poor sherlock me
Well, it wasn't as mind-blowing as everyone made it to be but it was fine. Recently, nothing is 'mind-blowing' me so I don't think it's the book's fault. I liked it. 
Around 4 stars if I’m being generous though I think this is one of those books which you ponder over for 2 weeks and then, without your knowledge, you are obsessed. 
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the-fourth-knower · 3 years
Diary of a lost doe, part 1
A short fic where my character Annabelle writes in diaries
Fresh off losing her parents, Annabelle Flaches must contend with trying to fend for herself and her baby sister Angelica. And with Angelica talking to a mysterious green orb when she thinks Annabelle isn’t watching, things are only at the tip of the iceberg.
This is for me and Aquillis’s “half and half” AU, our ‘main’ AU. not to be confused with Aqui’s pack universe which is her underground re-write.
Due to the length I'm splitting this into two parts. This is part 1, part 2 is here!
Diary Enry 1, Day I dunno.
Okay here it is. First diary entry I guess. Gotta keep it brief, writing instruements are hard.
Been a few months since that day. We’re doing fine. Angie started another garden. Moved to a new spot.
Got some new things for the house. Old car door and a tire. Not sure what I’ll do with the tire gonna use the door as part of wall.
Finished roof this morning. Good thing 2, might rain.
Angie still sleps bad if not next to me. Writing while she’s curled up. Wasn’t for scars on ear and having to sleep in same clothes she’d look like we’re still home.
Gotta sleep now.
Diary Entry 2
Maybe got a job. Illegal probs but $ is $
Angelica talked more today. Good sign? Maybe she relapses back into not talking but progress.
I never thought i’d miss her annoying stupid “hey lets go explore a cave and not tell anyone bout what we’ll do” self. Never thought about losing mum and pa ei
Shit crying. Bye.
Diary entry 3
Diary didn’t get too wet yesterday.Don’t think bout mom and pa it ends badly.
I can’t afford to break down even if Angie’s sleeping
If I break down then Angie will get upset
I won’t put her through it
I won’t
Diary entry 54
Had to leave town but am 600 $ richer
Angie’s quiet again. But she didn’t complain bout us leavin
gonna go for a city maybe. more risk but more money and places to live.
Jadetown’s the city. Dunno too much bout it but mum liked it.
Should get there in maybe a cuple weeks or so
Angie’s sound asleep. No kicking or anything so that’s good
Hope the city’s okay. Angie hates crowds.
Need somewhere with not a lot of crowds to live at
Diary Entry 63
Been a hot second. Settling in Jadetown’s pretty hard.
Find a quiet spot in the slums. Pretty shitty now, but the two of us can make it work
Angie still isn’t talking, but she kept close to me while we made our way through the crowds. She seemed fine as long as she held my hand
Lost her a couple times, but not for long. She seemed upset bout it.
Sorry Angie.
I’ll do better. I promise.
Diary Entry 169 (it’s the morning but fuck it)
The nightmare happened again.
Angelica having her ear scared by those monsters. mum and pa being taken away in exchange for us being set loose
Only it loops around and around before it’s just cries and blood and knives and screams and crying and they’re all surrounding me judging me for just failing everyone because you’re a fucking failure
Haven’t had it a while. Don’t upset yourself, Angie needs you.
Diary entry 169? Night
Angelica almost killed some street thugs.
we caught some dumbass looking punks bullying some sort of chao. I think it’s a chao
I ran up to one like an idiot and gout in their face to know what they’re doin, and the things went dark. I got knocked out on my ass, apparenlty the big brute that led them butted me in the head. Asshole didn’t even let me get ready
I came to to Angie trying to shake me awake. When I looked around the punks were gone, there were plant vines all over, and the other kids that had gathered were a mix of crapped their pants and mouths on the floor
I asked angie bout it and she just said she took care of them and that the punks had run off
What the hell did she do? Usually I’m the one saving her? But she was having none of it today.
Oh the chao’s fine, weirdass chao though. Never seen chao that just cause flowers to grow around them or in their footsteps.
Made 30 $
Rib’s hurting and headache, Angie fast asleep. Time for bed.
Diary Entry 170
Chao’s bak.
Visited Angie’s garden for a while watchin me watchin it. It waved and left right around Angie gettin up.
Showed up again when we got back home. Angie hasn’t seen it yet. Good thing, she wanted to bring it with us. We can’t afford three mouths.
I don’t like it. We save its ass and now its stalking us.
Made nothin.
Ribs hurt less. Still a bitch.
Diary entry 171
Angie’s found the “chao”
She talked to it all morning when she thought i was napping. Couldn’t sleep, too afraid of bad dreams.
It doesn’t make chao sounds. Or it does but really weird ones.
Then it turned a green light ball for a bit and back into a chao
Angie liked that.
I don’t trust it. Even less.
Need to watch it.
Angie’s relaxed.
Made 5$.
Diary Entry 172 morn
Nightmare again
Diary Entry 172 night
Angie got excited, claimed that she “found Trevor”
he lived near us back in our old home
Had to tell her no, every red mouse we see is not Trevor.
She says that Trevor and his family were gonna move here, pretty inistent too.
Man she gets caught up on the smallest things
Made 20$
Diary Entry 173
Chao returned while i was working. Left Angie on her own
Shes seemed like she was having a fun time being able to talk with someone
She’s not made friends much. Maybe i’m being too hard on the ‘chao’
Still gotta watch it. It could be manipulating her
Haven’t told her I know bout the chao yet.
Should i?
Not now. Angelica is sleeping.
Made 5$
Diary Entry 174
‘Trevor’ spotting 2. Angie wanted to go bug the person. So we went and sure enough as we got closer Angie changed her mind. It was a rat, not a mouse she said.
How can she tell the difference?
No Angie and chao visit. Unless it was while i slept in. but why would she be secretive bout it?
Saw the punk bitch again today. Looked like he crapped his pants when he saw Angie and she glared at him. That’s my sister.
Made 60$
Diary Entry 364
Got a new diary. Last entry for this one. Things going well. Got a good thing going for myself.
Angie found a new plant today, and now she’s got it in her garden.
Loved the look on her face when I got it for her.
Made 50$
Angelica’s chatted with the Chao again. Sort of like, is her guardian I think. Or is that its name
Guess good bye diary 1. Really weird to do but it feels right.
Angie’s sleeping well enough on her own. She mumbles but that seems it.
Do I do a good job keeping her safe
Diary 2 Entry 1
Managed to find a new diary. Keeping the old one just cause, and because I have the storage. For a couple of street bum does, we’ve got a decent enough house going. Been able to put it together from bits and bobs lying around, Angie even threw in her hat and added her own touches.
Looks ugly as hell with the plants holding things together and it’s all a mish mash of junk and crap I found, but it’s our mishmash of junk and crap.
Also saved up enough and am making enough to afford more than one pen and even some pencils. So I can write more often. Just felt like writing
Angie’s started to get more vocal again. I think she’s catching onto the fact the way I’ve been making money is less than honest a lot of the time.
I’m not going to sell myself for it though. I’m not degrading myself with that and nayone who fucking tries is going to a hospital.
And if any of those freaks dare go near Angie there won’t be enough left for a morgue to pick up.
Oh, and the chao’s still around. I can feel it. Angelica loves it, I think. I don’t trust it entirely, yet. But, it hasn't been a danger for the past months. So I think it’s actually a good thing.. Angie calls it Guardian. Maybe it's our own Guardian Angel.
Made 65$ today.
Good journal entry me. You got talkative. Writative? Whatever.
Diary 2 Entry 23
Got into a fight today, that was fun. The punks from when I helped save Guardian decided to jump me when Angelica was at the house. Guess they figured they could jump me without little sis to back me up. Too bad for them, when I don’t get suckered I’m damn good at defending myself. Sent them packing. Got a bit bruised. Why is it always the ribs with those guys.
Admittedly. I didn’t have to beat the crap out of them. But talk shit get hit, I say. They shouldn’t have been trash talking me when I was walking by.
Angelica was upset when I got back. Should’ve expected that, really. Don’t know why I didn’t think she would notice me being hurt, she’s got a sixth sense for that sort of thing. Always has. Kinda weird.
But, she did try and heal me a bit. Somehow, she’s gotten better at it -Ever since she's met Guardian, she’s gotten more control over that healing ability she has. I just need to make sure she doesn’t overdo herself again.
I don’t know anything much bout healing magic or whatever it is, but I don’t think what Angie has is normal. I think she uses herself for it. Whatever healing she tries to do just eats away at her. And whatever it was was enough to frighten Pa to move us in the first place
I think part of me might blame ANgie for it. For getting us out of the safety of where we lived near Agateton and moving.
But if we didn’t move would we really have been safe still. And it wasn’t Angie’s fault she did what she did, it was Pa who pushed for it and Mum who went with it.
So do I blame them? I don’t want to. The monsters that took them and hurt Angie are the ones to blame.
But they wouldn’t have found us if we didn’t move near that forest. But Mum and Pa couldn’t have seen it coming.
Ugh. brain hurts. Fuck this mind screw bullshite
Spent 123.54$ today. Groceries and supplies. Tampons are stupid expensive but I want to have a decent supply for when we need them. Also some food.
Made 13$. Gonna need to work more to recoup.
No idea if Angie talked with Guardian. She still thinks I don’t know anythin bout it.
At least, I think she doesn’t. She gets defensive and acts like she doesn’t know what I’m talking about.
I wonder why she does that. Wonder if it’s tied with how I react to her saying she’s found Trevor for the umpteenth time.
Maybe I should press her bout it. But I don’t want to get her worked up over nothin.
Okay that’s enough, my mind’s getting wandering now and I stay up if I do that.
Diary 2 Entry 54
Someone showed up with a bunch of robots earlier. Cause quite the commotion, sent people running, the usual.
Apparently he set up shop in the rich quarter and is causing all sorts of troubles. People have been coming to and fro a lot the past few days.
Angie got worried over explosions. Had to calm her down, explain that whatever it was probably wasn’t coming here. She asked me bout the people there and if they needed help - told her that someone would take care of the rich fops. That’s what they do after all. Who gives a shit about two practically orphaned kids.
Not sure if she bought it. Gotta keep an eye on her. Might need to pull an all nighter.
And we don’t have any energy drinks or coffee. I could go grab one, no one is gonna give a shit if I do, not in this current environment.
Gotta stop for now. Gotta focus on Angie not some stupid book.
Entry 55
Angie’s missin
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Slasher OC: Decebal Avram Chirilă
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Full Name: Decebal Avram Chirilă
Nickname(s): Dacia, Dece, The Impaler, Vladislav, Tiger, Lynx, Dracula, Casanova
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Nationality: Romanian
Place of Birth: Bucharest, Romania
Current Location: Travels from country to country
Occupation: Former Romanian Soldier; Now Hitman
Languages: Romanian, English, German, French, Italian, Hungarian, Russian, Turkish
Height: 6'8
Weight: 240lbs
Body Type: Middle Bulky and Atheltic
Skin Color: Warm Beige
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Short on the sides and longer on top, wavy
Eye Color: Pale Grey, almost white, giving the impression he is blind
Face Claim: Stephen James
Clothing: He opts for comfortable clothing mostly because of his job as a hitman and because he is always on the run. He mostly goes with black T-shirts or shirts, a khaki army coat with many pockets, along with camo army pants again with many pockets and black combat boots. He has a long black scarf with the colors of the Romanian flag trimmed along that belonged to his father.
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Other features: He has many scars on his broad back and down his arms; his back's scars are covered by tattoos of an eagle and a grim reaper with two swords in an X shape. His has full sleeve tattoos down his arms, picturing all kind of nature scenarios from his country, mountains and wild animals and AK-47's on each forearm. His neck, chest and legs are also covered by tattoos along with his hands. This guy is all inked up. He also has a silver earing on his right ear. He also wears an eyepatch that is covering his scarred eye that he got from a fight with his brother Alexander, the scar mimiking the ones Alexander has, coming from his eyebrow down his eye and over his cheek.
Weapons: Twin Swords, Twin Guns, and throwing knives.
Murderous expertise
Brute strength
Skilled usage of weaponry
Skill in hand-to-hand combat
Cunning Nature
Driving expertise
Master tactician and strategist
Stealth mastery
Symbols: Here is the link to Decebal's symbols
Decebal was named after a Romanian king by his parents, father Apostol Chirilă, and his mother, Maria Stratulat of Moldovic heritage. They were a poor family that lived in Bucharest during the communist times, a hard period for them. Decebal's father, Apostol was one of the rebels that were against this form of a system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.
Because of this Apostol and Maria, along with their three years old son, Decebal, were dragged into the communistic jails where they were tortured in all kinds of ways from whipping to starvation to being chained into coldness.
Decebal tried to protect his parents even though he was a small child and the army warden that took care of the horrific jails was surprised by the child's braveness and he took him away from his parents, not before forcing him to watch how his parents were killed brutally.
During the rest of his childhood and teenage years, Decebal spent most of his life in the dark underground jail, training with the soldiers, doing hard work. Despite that, the warden thought Decebal about all kinds of languages, cultures, and history. 
'Just because you're a stray dog that doesn't mean you cannot learn to bark and bite.'
In his late teenage years as he grew into an adult man, he got more to the light outside, following the warden wherever he went and did was his so-called 'father' figure did; smoke, drink and got laid with all the ladies.
The warden's words during a drunken late-night:
'You know boy, you will do something big, much bigger than you can imagine. I saw how all these sluts looked at you... You make them fall into your arms like they are desperate whores.'
'Use everything you got; charms, brains, muscles. In this world, there are the ones that walk every inch of the ground as they own it and the ones that follow, all chained. Tell me, boy... Which one you are?'
One of the greatest abilities that Decebal earned during years in the darkness was that he got so used to it that now as an adult, he sees perfectly into the darkness, just like cats do. 
Some people called Decebal 'Lynx'; the moniker originates from the fact that Lynx has exceptional night vision, remarkable hearing, and incredible instincts. The spiritual lesson Lynx carries to you is a reminder to partake of quiet observance, remembering there’s more to the world than what’s accessible through the physical eyes and ears alone.
After communism fell down in Romania, Decebal still maintained the attitude he grew up around; being sadistic, cold, and cruel. People weren't too fond of his attitude; his habits including fighting and torturing people that opposed him, getting laid with other men's wives, strolling down the streets like he owned everything.
He disappeared from Romania when there was a reward on his head to be finally executed. The Romanian army was hot on his trail, turning against him, but he simply vanished.
He strolls from country to country, not having a definitive home and working as a rogue hitman to earn money and to survive.
After a brutal fight between him and his twin little brother, Alexander; the two brothers which resulted in both of them almost dead, they get on an agreement of peace between them, with the help of their third part, their little sister Nadia.
Family: His little brother Alexander Chirilă and his little sister Nadia Nikolina Chirilă
His favorite killing style:
He prefers a kill that will put on a good show, he will shot his victims in both their knees, then he will dismember them with his sharp twin swords.
Decebal has two paths of personality; the civilian one and the hitman one, that sometimes cross path depending on the situation at hand. In hi day to day life, he is a charming, handsome man, confident and sure of himself, but also having a modesty edge, just to draw people in closer, because he loves the attention, having a God-like complex.
Despite his childhood, he is a very educated man that speaks many languages, sometimes taking people by surprise, he can even put on fake accents. He also has vast knowledge about other countries history, mostly because that's what his 'father-figure' talked a lot about.
He is a flirt, he simply adores to make women swon by his charming looks and mysterious persona wherever he goes, people always wondering from where he comes. He knows how to sweet-talk people, being extremly manipulative. His looks; big and strong, in his eyes a flaming white glow.
You will rarely see Decebal without his charming smile or dark smirk that makes the ladies sigh and faint. He always puts on a winning attitude, knowing for creating many divorces along his travelings. 
Here goes his saying: 'If the female raised her tail, who I am to deny.'
He has a romantic side, after all he does speaks the romance languages, but it's highly influenced his his Casanova attitude.
He is blunt; this man will tell if you're damn gorgeous or if you're down-right ugly or stupid. He has no problem putting his opinions straight on the table.
His favorite drink: Țuică- is a traditional Romanian spirit that contains ~ 24–65% alcohol by volume (usually 40–55%), prepared only from plums.
His favorite food: Sarma is a dish of vine, cabbage, monk's rhubarb, kale or chard leaves rolled around a filling of grains, like bulgur or rice, minced meat, or both. It is found in the cuisines of the former Ottoman Empire from the Middle East to Southeastern Europe.
His scent: Decebal's scent could be described as a 'game of seduction' with an "exciting rush" of citrus and cool spice top notes. Pungent bergamot "bites" with freshness, revived by cardamom and lavender. Caviar gives a provocative and erotic touch “like a trickle of sweat on a man’s chiseled body.” Masculine and rough notes of tobacco and orris root facilitate the heat of the composition. He has that scent that could be described as smoky confidence irresistible to women.
Other Characteristics:
He is a very good dancer, especially traditional ones and he also knows singing. Attending important parties with his 'father-figure' he learned from the women how to dance and sing. The women basically made him such a charismatic man.
He is a heavy drinker and holds his alcohol like it's water; his moldovic genes showing off. 
He is more of a night person that a day one, mostly because of his very good nocturnal sight.
He is pretty much an Outlaw.
His accent sounds like italian, latin, but with a little bit of russian or another slavic accent. (That's how a Austrian woman described his accent one night)
He is a master at Poker. Another way he earns a lot of money is through poker and plus, he is a master cheater. FUN FACT HERE: He won a man's wife through poker for one night.
He is a sword swallower, bonus he has no gag reflex.
He also loves to smoke from his pipe.
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There lived a certain man in Romania long ago
He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow
Most people look at him with terror and with fear
But to Bucharest chicks he was such a lovely dear
He could preach the Bible like a preacher
Full of ecstasy and fire
But he also was the kind of teacher
Women would desire
Lover of the ROMANIAN queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Romania's greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on
He ruled the Romanian land and never mind the Tsar
But the kazachok he danced really wunderbar
In all affairs of state he was the man to please
But he was real great when he had a girl to squeeze
For the queen he was no wheeler dealer
Though she'd heard the things he'd done
She believed he was a holy healer
Who would heal her son
Lover of the Romanian queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Romania's greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on
(This is an interpretation of the song ‘Rasputin’ by Boney M, mostly because the song inspired me into creating him)
For power became known to more and more people
The demands to do something about this outrageous
Man became louder and louder
"This man's just got to go!" declared his enemies
But the ladies begged "Don't you try to do it, please"
No doubt this Decebal had lots of hidden charms
Though he was a brute they just fell into his arms
Then one night some men of higher standing
Set a trap, they're not to blame
"Come to visit us" they kept demanding
And he really came
Lover of the Romanian queen
They put some poison into his țuică
Romania's greatest love machine
He drank it all and said "I feel fine"
Lover of the Romanian queen
They didn't quit, they wanted his head
Romania's greatest love machine
[Spoken:] Oh, those Romanians...
But when his drinking and lusting and his hunger
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dwestfieldblog · 3 years
Where meditations, rants, reverie and absent seizures cross over... closer to one gun with one bullet, the rose of ruby and the cross of gold...uff, and MENTACIDE IN THE TIME OF MASQUES. Although I have never suffered from the guilty masochistic torture of ‘pleasure anxiety’, Bacchus hath indeed drowned more men than Neptune.  So I stopped drinking for 18 days to fool myself I was doing something positive and threw away enough things to be minimalist again. Arf. Beauty and/or function uber alles.  
Been treading water for three years and trying not to drown...big round of one hand clapping for the former poet. Meanwhile, in this temporary world and perception I have created of it, I am looking at a very possible exile one way or the other...my ‘plan’...a long phased withdrawal or hasty retreat. My wish is to stay, but once I leave, it might well be very hard to return.  Read as many metaphors as you want into that but in spite of my dislike of the conservatively minded Aristotle’s ‘either/or’ nonsense, there do indeed appear to be only two this time. And appear is the operative word. Appearances can be deceptive and emotions (unless raised and focused) cloud over what should be clear. Pain has a tendency to breed worry and fear too but let’s draw a veil over that for now eh? Suppress, suppress, release comes later...breathe deep and try not to cough, onward we go where the game gets rough...Just like Tom Thumbs Blues 65.  
Remember Roman Protasevich...As Lukasenko himself said...‘Belarus stood at the edge of an abyss and I helped it take a step forward’. Look good on your tombstone that will Al. Fecking outrageous the Indian PM only admitted in May that covid was transmitted in the air. He needs removing... as do two thirds of all the other world leaders East and West. Hello Bollsanaro. People are very easy to manipulate when they’re are scared or angry...and right now the world majority are both. But, ‘there is a crack in everything... that’s how the light gets in’... and ‘things could change’, doesn’t have to be for the worse. It can take decades to realise this as actual truth, but still nice to read and try internalise the following last week.’The odds actually favour the optimists, since dissipate structures are more likely to evolve into more information rich (intelligent?) forms than into primitive or chaotic forms.’ All my friends bar my best one are optimists..Hello you:-)
Ever onward deeper downward with Orban in Hungary and his mission of ‘Christian values’, which involves a familiar routine of arresting, beating and disappearing dissenters in the name of Christ and taking over the universities to replace professors with those who understand on which side their bread is buttered. Decent judges long gone. Nice fascist communism...and ex soldiers in France and the Czech republic warning of civil war...
And now spiraling we go into the black hole vortex of Disaster capitalism, ‘Let the bodies pile high’. There’s gold in them thar ills....ISLAND PARANOIA and PERFIDIOUS ALBION! A country which demands a contract, agrees, signs to it and then refuses to honour it. We look worse than ridiculous, we look deceitful. Gentlemen, your places please. Boris Johnson is a clumsy, inept, disgraceful charlatan, con merchant and LIAR. A blustering master bullshit artist, the only decent thing about his recent secret wedding is that now he legally has one less bastard child.  
Recently I read that British people are displaying signs of Stockholm syndrome...in that they dislike those who hold power over them and make the rules but during the time of pandemic, they are the ones who will release the saviour vaccine and get everything moving again. So rather than rocking the boat and daring to express dissent at the DIABOLICAL handling of the last 18 months, they have mostly kept quiet and voted for the same endlessly failing, corrupt and venal politicians who made a bad situation far worse. (That said, it bears repeating that there are a few million in the UK who didn’t quite understand that that the spread of a highly contagious airborne virus can be slowed by the wearing of masks/applying basic hygiene and even took offence at being told what should have made sense to any adult homo SAPIENS half capable of cogitating for themselves. Morons and scum. Same where you are?
By the way BBC...the colossal dearth of stories about the endless government failures in relation to Covid, death, corruption and the NHS...ever since they blackmailed you with threats of revoking the TV licence fee and got you to change Directors has been noted. Long may Have I Got News For You continue the satire and balance needed in a DEMOCRACY. Obey your public servants? Why, when they do not serve few but themselves? Power OF the people? Which ones...the mob? The same bleating pricks who follow populists?
Four eyed beanpole fop Rees Mogg, with his wonderful line that the benefits of Brexit will be seen ‘over the next fifty years’...well yes, that is why most people vote in democratic elections eh?...So they will be dead or ancient before the change they hoped for comes...and the politicians who lead them now, will have all long moved on to revolving door chairman of the board offshore limited liability company paradise. Bread today jam tomorrow fairytales. What I tell you three times is true.  
O, but the English do so love to be told what to do by dumb posh boys who treat them like dirt. Some are forelock tugging and some are self flagellating middle class upper class wannabes who will never get there but still feel proud they are not street level proles. Doby the house elf alien hamster Michael Gove found guilty of breaking the law. Nothing. Internal inquiries run by those connected to the money changing hands find nothing illegal. Corruption for all to see...and ignore. ‘Well, what can we do?’ The uselessly inept serial failure Dido Harding to be in charge of the National Health Service? (she of the collapsed Woolworths, Talk Talk and the 22 BILLION pound loss of the Covid Track and Trace program where non working consultants/insultants, were paid 1000 pounds a day). American style privatisation is coming where only the wealthy or criminal can afford to be repaired and well. Sick.  
Meanwhile, All our imported nurses out, and all the lobster red fat Spanish costa de la sol criminals back in. Great exchange, fair trade and forward thinking. The Kremlin are manipulating/supporting Scottish independence... I read years ago about their base in Edinburgh for Russia Today (the foul insert in The Daily Telegraph) and they were already encouraging it. Rees Smug has accelerated and supported their freedom with his snobbish utterances on countries in the UK other than England and their ‘foreign languages’. With every patronising, arrogant pronouncement, the Eton trifles fuel the fire in Scotland which has a long bitter history of being tortured, murdered and subjugated by their southern masters. Perhaps the chumocracy in Downing Street believe the Celts to be as easily cowed as the middle and working classes down south. Here’s hoping not. ‘Rebellious Scots to crush’? Not this time pal.
As for the future of Britain? A dystopian open prison where the lower social classes toil only at the pleasure of their masters. The higher caste getting richer and all others cast into a living Hell of debt, crime, and sickness. Serve until you die and be thankful we allow you to exist. Increasing in utter irrelevance to the world, other than as an example of how wrong a former democracy can go. This future started decades ago...its baobab roots truly deep now. Better education and critical thinking for the masses in the UK (or anywhere else) is highly unlikely now. Optimism huh? As long as I am not in England, I will still be able to tap into it, but once enclosed long term in the group mind there...trapped in a grey quagmire. Keep smiling...
Several weeks ago, I watched a video on YT of apparently English protestors running after the police in London, some attacking and throwing things, one pulling off the pandemic mask of an officer and all shouting abuse at the outnumbered cops who had to keep pulling back. As always, to get my caffeine rush of fury going, I read the comments and was surprised to see two or three from Chinese names. Almost all comments were against the government (fair enough) and dumb against the lock down, masks, vaccinations etc. Checking again, I saw the video had been posted by CGTN...a media company owned and run by the communist party in Beijing...and not one author of diatribes had mentioned this, nor speculated with a critical thought as to why such an organisation might enjoy turning people against their own democratically elected government (however mind rippingly foul and corrupt they are).
I copy pasted the Wikipedia paragraph about the company onto the page and hoped someone else would make the connection. I wouldn’t mind so much IF there were a credible and decent alternative other than the diseased populist poison for which the demonstrating goons chant. China really cares about the standard of democracy in Britain eh? Persuade your enemies to weaken themselves. Destroying countries by encouraging their ‘patriots’.
(That was written on the anniversary of Tienanmen Square...a few days later Xi Jinping gave a speech saying ‘...a lovable and respectable’ China must be presented to the world and must ‘expand its circle of friends’. Tell that to your teenage ‘dissidents’, Muslims, Falun Gong and Tibetans being tortured and brainwashed in prisons or being used for organ harvesting. Tell it to Hong Kong and Taiwan.) 
Unholy America...against abortion and the pill, sex education’s not Gods will and in the Name of Christ they kill...if truth be known, we’ve failed the test...but Jesus was a Socialist and Republican conservatives hate them. The founding fathers of America were Very clear about separation of church and state with damn good Reason. Another part time Christian, Mike Pompeo wants to be president. Q Onan deepstorm morons/Kremlin stool pigeons aka POLEZNYYE IDIOTY continue to push for Trump and his Big Lie...He with the brain where ‘In the left, nothing is right and in the right, nothing’s left.’ Arf.
Over the last two decades, the dumb have been finding their voice and are now louder and prouder of their dumbass ignorance. 74 million in the US alone, their egos unable to retreat in the face of endless evidence to the contrary, they all double down. Like children sticking their fingers in their grimy ears sing songing ‘la la la can’t hear you’. 74 million versions of Eric Cartman, loud, proud and wrong. And uuff, Megan Markle,  Majorie Taylor Greene, walking Picasso collage (bad car driver) Caitlin Jenner and Ivana Trump in politics...not exactly holding a proud lantern for women eh? I’d like to buy them for what they are worth and sell them for what they think they are worth. Not very PC?  
That was the point. Could easily been written about all of the men written about here too. Next examples follow...
Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones compete for who can be as mentally ill as trump. The Miami school where the husband and wife directors told teachers not to return if they had HAD their vaccine shots because their proximity to students was interfering with menstrual cycles and uuuufff...The sickness of utter mind buggering stupidity. I had my first shot, now waiting to turn reptilian when the 5G masts triangulate my position. Fnord. Covid appears to be killing more overweight meat eating males than females...perhaps testosterone is not useful for the coming Race of non binary mutant hermaphrodites...and look out for the end of the Y chromosome, coming to a temporary universe near you...in 4.6 million years. Yes, really.  
Glad Netanyahu is out at last, smug corruption is never a good look unless one is a rich criminal. Ha.  The Promised land of Israel...If I was in court for serial murder, breaking, entering and stealing and then defended my actions by saying that God had told me to do it, would the Judge; A. Call for a psychiatric report, B. Disregard the statement as unprovable and pass the appropriate sentence, C, say Ok mate, you’re free to go, good luck to you. ? Moses had a good schtick.
The law is only to punish the poor, do you feel as if you suffer from empathy? Once you know, you no longer need to believe. What does ‘reality’ seem to be? The more certain you are, the stupider you get and belief is the death of intelligence. The machine is running the engineers. What is the definition of rationality...the quality of being based on or in accordance with reason or logic. 
Nothing is, but thinking makes it so. Epicurus.  
The glamour illusion of the mass of pointless hot influencers needs a constant renewing of the Banishing Ritual as much as all the pigslop bile coming from Fox News and Sky. Bloody long haired commie liberal faggot they cry against any not identical to them. Some days I have only flamethrowers of hatred for these idiots. Other days...not exactly self doubt, just questions...most of us seem to believe our opinions are more valid when there are emotions connected to them. Including me. Again, this seems like a very weak version of ‘truth’, unless disciplined, channeled and focused to a certain end.
Life appears to exist in order to become via chaos.
Most of us are working only not to be homeless, some because of the joy in our chosen work regardless of finances. Until ‘reality’ kicks in the door...the bondage gets tighter when you struggle. How much hardship is the individual willing to endure these days by choice? Surrounded by a universe of distraction and destruction, Maya mewling for our attention. Five years of Trump, rampant populism and Brexit doing a Hexagram 23 on democracy, compounded by the pandemic...all on top of ‘normal’ daily life. The ego feeds and the immune system breaks down. Hard to ignore without being on a mountain or in a parallel dimension and emotion free other than compassion. But BY GODDESS IT CAN AND WILL BE DONE. Ladies of Life Nin Khursag, Isis, Kali, Aradia...Love one, Love ALL. At very least have respect for thyself but be not thou proud of thine arrogance nor thy suffering.  
Or just Remember where you came from, what you were, seem to be and will become.
Heal, heal, more work to do, more love to give, more love to feel, Heal. Stay in drugs, eat your school and don’t do vegetables. Impose your own reality upon and through yourself, breathe, exhale, repeat, and continue, LOVE UNDER WILL. Experience and absorb but ‘It’s a house of tricks, ignore the world’’.
Stay well, be seeing you:-)
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nfl2sevensummits · 3 years
Oz Sanchez: American Paralympic Hand-cyclist, Triathlete & former Marine discuss ways in which overcame a spinal cord injury.
Oz Sanchez  
What was it like growing up in Oz Sanchez’s version of Los Angeles as a kid? “My parents were first generation immigrants into the States. Despite having no education, no prior experience wanted to raise their family in a typical American Dream. So, never-the-less, they did the best that they could. But there were a lot of stumbles and falls and what not. My dad worked pretty much seven days a week, 12 hours a day, for a large part of his career while we were growing up.”
On this episode of Finding Your Summit Podcast, we talk with Oz Sanchez who opens up about internal struggles that his mother dealt with. “My mother was a stay-at-home mother. Mother had a lot of childhood trauma. She was severely depressed. I recall she attempted suicide once and I walked in on her while she was bleeding out in the bathtub. I’m somewhere between 8-11 years of age. Much of my childhood, because of this trauma and my mechanisms to survive in this environment, was my blocking out memories all together. So, much of my childhood experience is almost a blank slate unfortunately. But we did the best that we could.”
What You Will Learn:
What was Oz’s relationship with his siblings like? “I have a twin sister and an older brother. My older brother always seemed to have a plan. He executed on that plan. He was gonna get his good grades, go on to college with an alternative path of joining the military, and he did that to the tee. I remember him sharing this with me somewhere when he was 15. He is two years my senior. So I was 12-13. Then myself and my twin sister just kind of go with the flow, product of our environment. Very much one direction to the next was more so to do with who we were hanging out with.” 
Oz describes what his early teen years were like when he was trying to find himself. “We (Oz and his sister) go into using meth when we were 13-14 years of age. We didn’t have a sense of belonging at home, or a community, or a family if you will. So, the brain says, ‘I have to find that somewhere.’ So some of us joined bands. Some of us joined sports. At that age, we sort of joined the gang mentality, and we gravitate towards that. I would say what probably kept me from going off too far on the deep end was that my sort of self-therapeutic mechanism. It was sports, and I leaned into sports. I got into mountain biking really early, I think at 13 years of age.”
What was Oz’s initial introduction to the military? “We grew up in an area where we had an alleyway, me and my brother would skateboard or me and my amigos that we would skateboard with. Around the corner was both the county courthouse and all four branches of military recruiting. So, we were very much imprinted and attracted to the posters and the billboards that were around this recruiting station all of the time. I can remember as far back as being 6-years-old, just always being impressed and being impressed upon by these billboards.” 
How did Oz Sanchez ultimately sign up to become a Marine? “I ended up getting in a situation where we got picked up for looting and I lied to the judge saying I had plans to join the service and if I did any kind of time for looting than I would be ineligible and he doesn’t want to be responsible for ruining my life. Yadda, yadda, yadda. I wasn’t in any way this articulate about it. But he bit off on it. He obviously probably had a better idea what was going on that I did. He said come back here with some documentation and a recruiter possibly, and we will take it from there. So, I went across the street to the recruiter, told him my situation. It is a big sham. I want you to help me out. I don’t want to actually join, and the whole thing backfired in my face, and that is how I ended up in the Marine Corp.” 
Were the rigors of Marine life a difficult transition for Oz Sanchez? “In boot camp, I didn’t really suffer a whole lot because, one I was pretty fit. I had sort of gravitated towards physical fitness. At about 6-7 years of age I remember I would do 100 ab crunches, and sit-ups, and push-ups, before going to sleep damn near every single night. Why was I doing this? I don’t know because nobody in my family prior to my brother and I, or in my generation I should say as well, really worked out. So, where that influence came from I have no idea. But I did have this thing to self-sooth because I was a really angry kid because of what we had going on at home.”
Motorcycle Accident
 How did Oz Sanchez’s past motorcycle accident occur? “Now that I have worked through a lot of emotional stuff, I can say it was much in a large part to my own carelessness, excessive speeding, a lot of it. Sure, there was another car that ran through a stop sign. But if I wasn’t doing 65-70 in a 35-mile-an-hour zone, I probably would have had no problem evading the vehicle. But, since I was speeding, I ended up laying my bike down and having my accident, and breaking my back.” 
Fate vs. Destiny
During this episode of Finding Your Summit Podcast, Oz Sanchez compares fate and destiny and their roles in our lives. “Fate is not something we can influence. But destiny is something we can actually manipulate. The difference is that fate is like if a hurricane comes in or a thunderstorm, or a tidal wave and takes your home or whatever. There is nothing you can do around that. But destiny is a different thing entirely that we have the ability to create and manifest for ourselves.”  
Links to Additional Resources:
Mark Pattison: markpattisonnfl.com
Emilia’s Everest - The Lhotse Challenge: https://www.markpattisonnfl.com/philanthropy/
Know No Limits website: knownolimits.com
Oz Sanchez social media: Instagram Facebook Twitter
Check out this episode!
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andyl394 · 4 years
All 85 questions Im back on my bullshit
1. Are looks important in a relationship?
I don’t think so, but i cant relate bc my gf is hot.
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
3. Are you a virgin?
4. Are you in a relationship?
5. Are you in love?
In a way, I guess every day I fall a bit more.
6. Are you single this year?
7. Can you commit to one person?
8. Describe your crush
Ginger, incredibly sweet and smart, she’s so talented and pretty, she’s so strong and such an empath. 
9. Describe your perfect mate
Read question 8
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
To some extent.
11. Do you ever want to get married?
Heck yes.
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
13. Do you get jealous easily?
It depends.
14. Do you have a crush on anyone?
15. Do you have any piercings?
I got 9, most are on my ears and other two on my nose.
16. Do you have any tattoos?
I got three looking for more.
17. Do you like kissing in public?
I do hehe 
20. Do you shower every day?
At least twice a day.
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
I mean,,,, I hope my girlfriend does.
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
At this moment? Not really.
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
Lmao I can last my entire life and not cheat.
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
I don’t know?
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?
I am in one!
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
Guess I’ve never been that important to someone
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
29. Have you ever cheated on someone?
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
Yeah, and I’m gonna get one, I’ll have to do a breast reduction, not as much because I don’t like my boobies, but because they’re too big for someone my size/height, always gave me back pain too.
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
Lmao yeah.
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
33. Have you ever had sex with a man?
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
Not in a romantic way.
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
41. Have you had sex so far this year?
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
As long as the other person feels comfortable with.
43. How long was your longest relationship?
4 months?
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013?
Don’t remember, probably one?
46. How many times did you have sex last year?
47. How old are you?
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
Depending on the situation, if I told them I liked them and that was their answer, I’d say “sorry, thank you for letting me know.”
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
The way she cares about people and how sweet and gentle she is. Also she’s smoking hot.
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
Yeah, my gf, my friends and my brother.
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
Yes, my parents. Because I learned that although I’m not important for them, I’m important to others and I should put my effort into those who do.
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
55. Share a relationship story.
lmao i was starting to count on one, then i realized it was two, then i REALLY realized it was three. Ok, three exes of mine never broke up with me, they all either stopped talking to me or just showed up dating someone else.
56. State 8 facts about your body
I have big tiddies;
My eyes are not as dark as people would think;
I’m not tall;
I’m flexible;
got big giant hands;
big feet too;
tummy big;
pretty nose.
57. Things you want to say to an ex
sorry you died and I wasn’t near you.
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
Be sweet;
gimme food;
call me petnames;
don’t treat me bad;
don’t be a dick.
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)
I don’t hide it, it’s my profile pic.
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
22 years and that’s called child grooming.
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
Their smile.
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
tug my hair, pull me to them, hug me from behind, whisper in my ear or close to my face.
63. What is your definition of “having sex”?
Trusting someone to see you vulnerable.
64. What is your definition of cheating?
Being romantically/emotionally available to someone else other than the person you committed to, besides the obvious physical one.
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?
66. What is your favourite roleplay?
that’s a secret.
67. What is your idea of the perfect date?
Watch the sunset and kiss under a tree or just cuddle in a lazy cold day.
68. What is your sexual orientation?
69. What turns you off?
being rude.
70. What turns you on?
many things.
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?
I was gonna say but damn i can’t lmao.
72. What words do you like to hear during sex?
Praise words and if I’m being honest,,,, maybe calling me some bad names.
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
Just overall cherish me
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
I can’t think of anything, but probably a pretty smile?
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
My friends got together to buy me gifts before I moved out.
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
I can’t think of anything.
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
I don’t care as long as it isn’t pedophilia.
78. What’s your dirtiest secret?
I have a choking kink.
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
Romantically, when one of my exes manipulated me into believing he was having a relationship with his friend. And jealous overall, when my parents forgot my birthday and spent the whole day with my brother.
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
Can’t remember.
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
@binkysteebnpewter, my friend Leticia, Bread, Birb and u.
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
A friend at work.
83. Who was your first kiss with?
A girl from my class when I was young.
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
She died.
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Penny Prompts
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1 “If I take it off, NAME wins.” “Sweetie, every night you don't kill him/her in his/her sleep, he/she wins.”
2 “Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken.” “Yeah, well your Ken can kiss my Barbie.”
3 “NAME, what did we say about being a nicer friend?” “Thank you.” “NAME, what did we say about being a gullible weeny?”
4 “I'm not signing a prenup.” “All right, NAME, listen up! You sign anything he/she puts in front of you, because you are the luckiest man/woman alive. If you let him/her go, there is no way you can find anyone else. Speaking on behalf of all men/women, it is not going to happen, we had a meeting.”
5 “What am I supposed to do?” “Err, keep your mouth off other men/women.”
6 “So you have a song stuck in your head. It happens to everybody.” “Well, I'm not everybody. I have an eidetic memory. I should be able to remember what song this is, but I can't. Something's wrong with me.” “I told you if we were patient, he'd/she’d figure it out for himself/herself.”
7 [Person a knocks on NAME’s door three times] “Who do we love?” “NAME.” [Knocks 3 times] “Who do we love?” “NAME.” [Knocks 3 times] “Who do we love?” “NAME.”
8 “NAME 's mad at me, and I'm not clear why.” “Okay, were you talking before he:she got upset?” “Yes.” “That's probably it.”
9 “Ignore them, NAME. They're just jealous because they'll never have a relationship as good as ours.” “Isn't this when he/she says "bazooka" or something?”
10 [looking at caller ID] “Ooh, looks like I'm gonna have sex tonight.” [answering phone] “Hey, baby...” “His/her right hand is calling him/her?”
11 “Doesn't he/she know you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?” “He/She doesn't have a boyfriend/girlfriend he/she has a NAME.”
12 “What kind of teenager did you think I was?” “Slutty.” “Easy.” “The word is 'popular'.”
13 “Once you open the box it loses its value.” “Yeah, yeah. My mom gave me the same lecture about my virginity. I gotta tell you, it was a lot more fun taking it out and playing with it.”
14 “Is that all you have? Shop-worn tidbits like ‘talk to him/her’ and ‘let it go’? Gee, NAME, life's given me lemons, what should I do?” “Well, you could shove them somewhere.”
15 “More Halloween candy. Didn't you just buy a bunch of it yesterday?” “Oh, yeah. That's gone. It's a rough month when Halloween and PMS hit at the same time.”
16 “I don't believe it. What's gotten into him/her?” “Oh, maybe a couple of virgin Cuba Libres that turned out to be kinda slutty.” “You didn't.” “Hey, you do your experiments, I do mine.”
17 “Come on, we are not old, boring people. We can do better than this.” “That's true. How late did we stay up last night?” “Almost 1 am.” “Damn straight almost 1 am. And we weren't even watching TV, we were watching Netflix like the kids do.” “Yeah. Is it a comedy, is it a drama? Nobody knows!”
18 “You gotta help me get my arm into my sleeve.” [Eyes closed] “Okay!” “Is that my arm?” “It doesn't feel like an arm.” “Then maybe you should let it go.”
19 “Who do I speak to about permanently reserving this table?” “I don't know, a psychiatrist?”
20 “Why would you buy peppermint schnapps?” “Because I like peppermint, and it's fun to say schnapps!”
21 “You wanna turn yourself into some sort of robot?” “Essentially, yes.” “Okay, here's my question: Didn't you already do that?”
22 “I would ask you to find some way to suppress your libido.” “I could think about you.” “Whatever works.”
23 “We cover ourselves in body paint and then we get on this big canvas and do our thing.” “Woah, that's kind of a big step for a guy/girl who only recently agreed to take his/her socks off.”
24 “He’s/She's only been here a day and a half, and I'm seriously considering alcoholism as a new career path.” “Hey, I talked to him/her for five minutes yesterday, and I've been half bombed ever since.”
25 [To NAME’s dog] “Bark once if you need me to call PETA.”
26 “NAME, that's not what boyfriends/girlfriends are for. Although you don't use them for what they're for, so what do I know?”
27 “Don't you dare knock!”
28 “Don't you think if a man/woman was living with me I'd be the first one to know about it?” “Oh, sweetie, you'd be the last one to know about it.”
29 “Good morning, slut!” “What?” “Oh, please! I recognise the walk of shame when I see it. All you're missing is a little smeared mascara and a purse with panties wadded up in it!”
30 “They're gonna get beaten up at that club.” “They're gonna get beaten up at Walgreens.”
31 “Holy crap on a cracker!”
32 “And then you put it back, compromising the rest of the onion rings.” “Aw honey, the buses don't go where you live do they?”
33 “What's up, buttercup?”
34 “And what kind of doctor removes shoes from asses?”
35 “Really still can't talk to me?”
36 “This is banana bread.” “This is a door knob.”
37 “Oh, I don't know. I don't want to manipulate him/her with sex.” “Oh, sweetie, that's what sex is for.”
38 “I'm a little low on cash.” “How much you got?” “Nothing.” “How can you walk around with no money?” “I'm cute, I get by.”
39 “And this is also not the right time. Do not propose.” “What?!” “I know that face. That's your proposed face.”
40 “Don't come to the hospital. We're headed home.” “Oh, that was fast. Did she sneeze the baby out?”
41 “NAME, will you marry me?” “Oh my god, yes!”
42 “Is this the stuff you want me to try on?” “No this is the stuff I want you to throw out. Seriously, don't even give it to charity. You won't be helping anyone.”
43 “If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?” “Well, not to steal from the bible, but turning water into wine sounds pretty good.”
44 “Oh, my God, you’re about to jibber jabber about jibber jabber.”
45 “I love him, but if he's broken, let's not get a new one.”
46 “We can't keep explaining everything. Read that book we gave you.”
47 “You know deep down inside, NAME’s a nice guy.” “The problem isn't what's on the inside. It's the creepy candy coating.”
48 “Um, you know it's kinda early. Do you wanna maybe come in for some coffee or something?” “Oh gee, its a little late for coffee isn't it?” “Aw, you think coffee means coffee. That is so sweet.”
49 “The thing about tomatoes, I think you will really enjoy this, is that they are shelved with the vegetables but they are technically a fruit.” “Interesting.” “Isn't it!” “No, I mean what you find enjoyable.”
50 “Do or do not do there is no try.” “Did you just quote Star Wars?” “I believe I quoted The Empire Strikes Back.”
51 “You can't let him/her get into your head.” “It's too late for me, my head is his/her summer house.”
52 “Well, while they're acting like teenagers we could do something grown up.” “Ooh, you mean like a museum?” “Yes, like a museum but anything else!”
53 “NAME’s being reasonable.” “Yeah, it's freaking me out. I'm gonna go.”
54 “Oh, my God, he/she won't stop.” “How does he/she keep coming up with new ways to be annoying?” “Nobody knows. That's why he’s/she's number one.”
55 “I love you.” “Who cares?”
56 “You're okay with an experiment where you have to answer awkward questions about your innermost feelings?” “Yes.” “Please can I do it with him/her, please.”
57 “Don't be like that. You two need to talk this out.” “Yeah, because you sound really funny.”
58 “I really thought he/she was going to say ‘let it go’.”
59 “Honey, you don't have to thank me every time we have sex, sweetie.”
60 “I finally realize I don't need to be famous or have some big career to be happy.” “Well what do you need?” “You, you stupid Poptart.”
61 “What are you saying? That I'm using my body to get dinner? That I'm some sort of Chinese food prostitute?”
62 “I was unstoppable. I was on fire. It was like my mind and my body were totally connected, like athletes must feel when they're in the zone.” “Again, it was miniature golf.” “Admit it, you're a little turned on.” “You can't be this proud.” “Why not?” “Because I beat you.”
63 “How do you not know how to use glue? Did you ditch pre-school?” “Yeah, but only because I was dating a second-grader.”
64 “Come on. How can you be sad when you're going home with all five foot six of this?” “You think you're five foot six? That's funny.”
65 “Look, I'm telling you I've done it. I clearly remember the cow standing up and then a cow on its side.” “Were you drunk?” “I was sixteen and in Nebraska, what do you think?” “I think you're the one who fell over.” “Well that would explain why the sky was also on its side.”
66 “I need to go back to dating dumb guys/girls from the gym.”
67 “We'll take you to the mall to get it done.” “Why? I can do it right here.” “Really? You have a piercing gun?” “No. All you need is a needle and an ice cube. I've done it, like, a dozen times.” “Oh, I don't know.” “Oh, come on. I'll be gentle. Let me take your ear virginity.” “This party's weird.”
68 “So is that it? Are we engaged?” “Yeah, I think so.” “All right.” “What's wrong?” “I'm not sure. It just feels a little anti-climactic.” “Yeah, it kinda does, doesn't it?”
69 “I promise next time I get married, it won't be a joke. It will be for love ... or money.”
70 “I don't understand, exactly how did he/she get any friends in the first place?” “We liked NAME.”
71 “Here, have some pizza, sweetie.” “You know I'm lactose intolerant.” “I know; I just need you to stop talking.”
72 “So, what do you think?” “I thought it would be a little more ... just more.” “I'm not even sure why we were out of breath.”
73 “I mean I was on fire. I was in the zone like an athlete.” “Sweetie, I beat you at this, too.”
74 “Well, I can't eat like a ten-year-old all the time.” “You're dating somebody! Who is it?” “What? What are you talking about?” “You only watch what you eat when you're afraid you might have to take your shirt off.”
75 “So I'm like a bran muffin?” “What? No, that's not what I'm saying.” “No, that's exactly what you're saying. I'm the boring thing you're choosing because I'm good for you.” “What does it matter? I'm choosing you.” “It matters a lot. I don't want to be a bran muffin. I want to be a cinnabon, a strawberry pop tart. Something you're excited about, even if it could give you diabetes.” “Sweetie, you can be any pastry you want.”
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tillman · 6 years
hi i ranked every single dark souls 1 character by who i think is the most kissable . its 79 characters all with a description of why theyre at the place theyre at with images for reference :-) its all under cut for u to enjoy.. thank u
this is all my opinion cus hehe im making the list but also im god so this is fact now . 
counting down because u know what ! buildup is fun and i have to start off with everyones most favorite:
GWYN - 79
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im kidding. fuck gwyn and everything he stands for. he wouldnt even be a good kisser he doesnt have FUCKING LIPS
SEATH - 78
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oh you really wanna kiss the incel dragon who kidnaps ladies for his weird experiements?? yeah?? who are you, big hat logan?
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heres one i wont get hate for: this fucking asshole . die bastard . he cant even kiss his face is all infected and gross!
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he sucks.
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not only is he too big to kiss! hes a cannibal!! hed eat you!!!! thats no kiss i want!
MANUS - 74
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listen i know yall love daddies and all that but hes manipulative and not a nice person so id watch out. i GUESS hes kissable as he was a human before but def not a good kiss
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its just some vines that sometimes set on fire!! If it were still the witch of izalith she would be probally in the 20s as shes a good person who tried very hard to help the world but in this state... u cant even kiss her!
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better than kaathe but the whole no lips and being a manipulative snake monster really throws me off and shoves him down at the bottom
(mentioned character - no image sorry :-( )
Listen as much as im all for love, this is love u dont want ! just trust me dont be lautrec dont do it you dont want to kiss fina listen to me. please dont kiss fina.
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way of the white members are NOTABLY unkissable but these guys. are just so boring. theyll be your white bread boyfriend as neil would say... bad kissers and bad people!
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aw fuck wait can i make another character 69 he doesnt deserve it. anyways not only is he not over his ex (fina) hed probally gut you and steal your lunch money half way through the kiss anyways so whats the point . thats not how u treat a lover idiot
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it eats your face and you die. next pleaaase
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another way of the white cleric. he at least starts off nice and he says fuck rich people but also he let that happen to rhea and i fucking hate his guts so no.
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out of all the way of the white idiots hes the best in that he wears armor and seems cool but its the way of the white man.  i cant get past that. sorry leeroy at least your armor is cool. he probably hasnt kissed someone in hundreds of years anyways 
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delicate ... but beautiful! i dunno how to smooch it but i def would if i could ! i dont think it can kiss back but, o well! we all have flaws
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it cant kiss back but its COOL and can throw me like a javelin so like . yeehaw id smooch its little face place 
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between moss and yulia i think they got enough on their plates! plus since theyre so hollowed, i dont think they have any lips to kiss back with! 
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hes not like . bad persay but also i dont trust him after he helped with new londo. cool design tho. i wanna kiss that bird beak mask
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was a bullfrog, and never took off his crown long enough to kiss another person...... i feel like if he did though! oh boy!!!
Asylum Demon + Demon Firesage + Stray Demon - 60
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more kissable than some bosses, but still not the greatest lips. good butts though on all of them.... so i guess thats fr u kinky people 
(no image shes a crow) 
please stop drawing her as an anime girl shes literally just a grow that likes warm things oh my god you freaks be nice to her
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hes hard to kiss around the hat! and on that note hes pretty much taken with his obsession with seath. good luck! hes nice though so better than most of this list so far
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ranked so high because past its giant underbelly of teeth and destruction is this very tiny head which i think is so funny i cant help but want to kiss its little snoot.... hehe baby
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oh now were actually getting into kissable range! ricard is a prince (maybe even of astora... kissability increase.) so his high ranking might get you some kissability points, but the hollowing is gonna lower that. 4/10 no kissable lips!
4 KINGS - 55
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whats better than a prince..... a king... whats better than a king..................  4 KINGS! just watch out for their overly anime spiky armor and the fact their in a never ending void nightmare but they do have faces so thats points above the rest!
(mentioned character only! sorry!)
hmmmm we dont learn much about him other than he was close with quelana and he was ............ hot!  hes a pyromancer.  being of the great swamp pushes him down a bit because he prolly smells like his name sake but u know what ! maybe hes cute! we cant be sure! hes in the running at least!
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hmm... bad lover.... good kisser................................................... the things i do for big beefy demon love.
GOUGH - 52
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While you cant kiss gough cus all the sap in his helmet i cant bare to put him lower than he is hes just so sweet. a kiss on his helmet because i love him so much
NITO - 51
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while he cant kiss back, nito deserves a kiss or two! plus he has a lot of hands so u can hold his hands and be hugged at the same time and u know what that might be just as good as a nice kiss. good on you nito!
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again a non kisser........ damn beaks! the stone dragon does need a kiss though. they havent seen another living soul in years down in ash lake! so im giving them points on that alone.
VAMOS - 49
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like the last two.... no lips! vamos though makes up for it in his charm and wit, and his exceptional skill in smithing! so even without lips to kiss, you still should kiss vamos! hes a good friend
(mentioned !)
wow... a painter! and a skilled one at that! this man created the painted world used to keep priscilla safe and that is so noble it gives him points right off the bat! i feel like though, as an artist, he might be a bit weird about it. so watch out and be safe, but in the end, get free art and some free smooches out of him!
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thats my mom ... of course she gets a good cheek smooch for all her hard work keeping dusk safe!
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i love domhnall hes a good guy whos trying his best but also his mask is so fucking goofy i dunno if i can do it .
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as much as i think rickert would be a good kiss (hes smart, cute, and skilled!) he is trapped behind some bars willingly and probably wont let you in. i can dream though!
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if theres any boss that NEEDS a kiss its him. poor dude lost all his family and was turned into this laughing stock of a creature. youd probably burn your lips but .... please just be nice to him :-(
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ooo a strong yet silent type.... hes even cute under his mask! good kiss, but i feel like he might just care more about his actual job than a kiss ! hes dedicated !
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putting aside me knowing shed be a good kisser, i just understand she probably doesnt want a kiss right now, shes grieving over the loss of her friend and i respect her comfort. maybe a good pat on the shoulder and a cup of nice tea with her would be nice though! 
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may seem like a weird choice to put a necromancer up so high on the list but.... honestly pinwheel needs some love. dude lost his whole family and in trying to revive them accidentally fused them to himself. while he might not be the best kisser, i honestly just wanna tell him everythings gonna be ok.
KIRK - 40
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ok if you know me you KNOW how much it pains me to put kirk so low but. hes a busy guy! not only is he doing so much work to help out where he can with the fair lady, but you might just get pricked by his spiky armor while youre going in for the smooch! so, as much as he deserves a kiss for all his hard work, maybe pass until another time!
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were getting there! she is just so strong... and so brave........ she may not even be undead! sieglinde is so strong and wonderful doing all that just to deliver a message to her unruly father, she deserves so many kisses! Shes got a lot on her plate though so please respect her......
(just mentioned!)
implied to be a huge strong knight who made it to even sens fortress! yes please ! 
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hmmmmm,.......... if u can get past the whole lighting your face on fire, these are two loyal gargoyles! that seems pretty good to me!
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a wonderful helpful witch friend! she is so nice to help you defeat flying bosses with her magic!! i love her so much! shes even cute to boot! 
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HE HELP ANYTIME................... I HAVE TO GIVE HIM A KISS FOR ALL HIS HARD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEGALLY I HAVE TO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RHEA - 34
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putting aside my hatred of the way of white.... rhea really is just a babey.... shes adorable and kind and just wants everyone to be ok so im won over. maybe a little forehead smooch for being such a good person!
OSCAR - 33
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oh oscar. a noble, heroic, and cute knight but in the end. would he be a good kisser........ i feel yes, but maybe not so much so! hes busy focusing on being a hero you know! hes a good friend and i cant help but fall in love with nice guys
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she deserves the entire world and all i can give her is my humanity and a kiss........... sobs. i wish i could do more to ease her pain but she is so strong and wonderful! please give her a nice smooch! 
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i didnt wanna separate them ........ her wonderful sister! who even taught humans pyromancies! shes smart and nice, and honestly probably needs a kiss. 
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uh my notes from last night are just
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so yeah! thats mildred!
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hes sad as fuck but also... kinda handsome! he was a knight of berenike and made it almost all of the way through sens fortress showing how skilled he is! a strong man like this (inspired by maybe the best kisser in demons souls, boirr) has to be a good kiss!
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hes going through a lot right now but... how could u not think siegmeyer is kissable. thats on you man. thats your own character flaw.
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ok this might be slightly controversial but i feel like oswald would be a good kisser. if you got past his slightly weird love for velka who well get to (thats just carimites (carimians? carimfolk???)) hes nice and kind and maybe the funkiest character in dark souls
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another cant kiss you but.... kalameet is just so cool ! very shadow the hedgehog and u know what that is NOT a bad thing. you might have a rough time trying to get there, but..... aww whos a good dragon.....
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alright the final stretch! the darkmoon knightess is the anor londo firekeeper, and a friend of gwyndolin! shes supposed to be “ugly and shit” (real quote. i would never lie to you) but her model is so cute! defiantly kissable as fuck!
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DUSK - 22
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oh yes!! the princess of a lost land...... will you be her knight in shining armor.......... oh i just love her so much. shes sweet and nice and cute and deserves a kiss or two!! please be nice to my daughter!
SHIVA - 21
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hottie with cool armor and a cooler sword. since they cut his whole sidequest i can with all certianty say YES he is super kissable and is probably a great kisser 
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im putting griggs so high cus hes kissable in a factor unseen before...... baby factor. hes soft and nice and is just trying to find his dad! just tuck him into bed and kiss him goodnight! its what he deserves! 
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everyone already KNOWS why artorias is a good kisser. hes nice, strong, brave, and most importantly. cool as FUCKING HELL ! HE DOES SICK ANIME FLIPS!! if you can look past the abyss slowly taking him over, youll find a good good boy who deserves a good kiss.
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the good firekeeper who we spend most of our time with in 1! YES of COURSE Shes kissable. she deserves SO MANY kisses for all of her hard work in keeping the firekeep shrine lit! good job anastacia im sorry lautrec is like that
(just mentioned!)
if her title alone doesnt bring you in, youll be pleased to know shes implied to help watch over priscilla (who well get to hold your horses) and keep the poor girl safe! a strong sense of justice and a love of crows, shes probably an amazing kiss if you can find her! 
ANDRE - 15
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were closing in on #1 and i just have to throw andre in here. hes so nice and strong! just . please kiss andre! he deserves some he does so much work! 
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poor priscilla. called a monstrous crossbreed and has to hide in a painted world to stay safe from those who would hurt her. including the internet! leave her alone you freaks shes not your fetish fuel!!! she deserves a good kiss on the cheek and a hug for all she has to put up with
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its my list i get to put the crestfallen warrior where i want. and u know what? he would honestly be a good kiss. hes kind and helpful and never once wishes you harm, he just needs to be held tightly and kissed passionately and u know what. dont we all. 
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she is beautiful but .... 1 shes married and 2 shes not even real! whatever. her husband the flame god flann is at least.......... hot! haahgdaefshdfcdhswfe im so fucking funny
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listen i see a big beefy dude i go “hey thats hot please kiss me” so of course tarkus is this high up hes the beefiest dude around.... right?? anyways all knights of berenike are kissable hes just the MOST kissable of the 3 named ones!
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this dude kisses the son of gwyn you KNOW hes a good kiss. the golden lion armor just helps so much. we love you ornstein .....
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HERE HE IS ... THE BEEFIEST GUY AROUND ... this bitch uses a DRAGONS TOOTH as a huge club to bash people with if that isnt big dick energy i dont know what is. armor made of stone. heart made of gold. havel the rock please god kiss me passionately under the moonlight .
SIF - 8
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oghfoghfohg puppey..................................... SMOOCHIE THE PUPPY>...........
(hes just mentioned in ds1!!) 
I KNOW HES A DS3 BOSS BUT LISTEN TO ME THEY TALK ABOUT HIM SO MUCH IM ALLOWING THIS.  he defected from his awful dads team to go help the DRAGONS!! thats so cool hes so kissable. would be more kissable if he wasnt kissing ornstein but thats ok . i respect them both.
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this MAY just because i have a huge crush on him but also here are some good kissable things about him: his fasion, his voice that sounds like a purr, his laugh, his malice, his funny mask, him. thank you for your time.
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FINAL FIVE! heres gwyndolin. the most kissable of all of gwyns children for the sheer fact of how much work they put in to making sure people stay safe and happy. they are so kind and wonderful they deserve SO MANY kisses! good on you gwyndolin....
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now heres a fun one! laurentius is one of the nicest guys u will EVER meet in any souls game. he genuinely cares about you, he loves and respects u even if u dont respect him or his skills, hes nice cute and above all: i love him . please kiss laurentius he is a nice guy who just wants the best for u..... dont be mean to him.....................
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the highest one that cant kiss back and thats for the capra demons SHEER HORNY ENERGIES. this is a demon you can fuck! thats it i have nothing else to say i just think the capra demon is funny
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do i seriously have to explain why solaire is so high up. not only is he nice and cares about you, hes handsome, passionate, and just a good fucking person. he is hands down one of the most kissable characters in any souls game ever! fuck yeah! go off you funky little lover boy! 
and finally.
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its patches.
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yanderemommabean · 6 years
Anon post so as not to confuse! Tentative Yandere Dark Brotherhood Ideas
Hey momma bean, how are you? I hope you feel better soon, that you take care, and that the detritus that is those pathetic anons giving you hate, all catch herpes. The oral or genital kind.
Just popping in for two things.
Sending it as a submission instead of an ask because I don’t really see it as an ask even if it’s not worthy of submission (and I’m sure you’re busy enough with asks as it is. And because it’s about to get loooonnng and I don’t want to end up sending it in different asks where it will get lost and eaten.  
So (1) I love and adore this blog, it contributes to at least 65% of the air I breathe.  
Great, got the most important point out of the way. :D
Am currently on another Skyrim binge as a Dunmer. Useful against dragons and 90% of mages, they’re an interesting race with a long, fascinating history, their association with the Daedra and worship, their exotic looks, unique culture, made all the more interesting with the addition of Solstheim. Many notable figures in the game and in the Elder Scrolls’ history have been Dunmer; Queen Barenziah, Karliah, Lord Nerevar, the Tribunal, etc. The Night Mother was a Dunmer too, which leads to 2) a scenario, the Dark Brotherhood kind. 
Imagine the whole Brotherhood going yandere (platonic or romantic for those who may be squeamish about gender, race, age, etc., soft yandere, hardcore yandere, obsessive yandere, sadistic, manipulative, anything goes here.) for the new Dragonborn initiate.
This is all set before progressing too far in the Dark Brotherhood questline, specifically; To Kill an Empire, for the obvious and terrible reason.
When I say the whole Brotherhood, I mean all of it. From the Unholy Matron herself, to the spectre of Lucien Lachance, to Cicero (who we all know is obsessed), to Astrid herself.
I know I’m not the only one who’s thought about it.
From Cicero who we need not elaborate on, to Nazir who I accurately quote as saying; “I’ll follow you til I’m dust on the breeze. You do realise that?” It all creeps in for them at different stages and they all handle it differently. Maybe things still go on as per canon or perhaps things get altered.
I’ve got ideas on all of them but I just thought I’d send in some headcanons about how it starts for Astrid and the Night Mother. Hope ya like them. 
Astrid: the seductive femme fatale assassin. Used to getting her own way, used to being the one with power and control and not at all eager for that to change. It all accelerates pretty quickly with her. 
Astrid stalks the Dragonborn relentlessly before kidnapping them and taking them to that shack. She gets to know them in that time; learns their habits and idiosyncrasies, admires how they spill blood, finds herself taking little peeks at them in their more…intimate moments.
She starts feeling oddly irritated at those who take their attention away and make it harder for her to stay close to her future initiate. And they WILL be her Initiate. By the time it comes for her to bring them to the Abandoned Shack, she knows they’ll be joining her; the alternative doesn’t even bear thinking about but thankfully it doesn’t come to that. 
She welcomes them joyfully into their new Family. Delighted to see them settling in, in how right they look in her home, amongst her subordinates and wearing the Dark Brotherhood regalia.
The imminent arrival of the Night Mother and the Keeper are a little blip on the radar; nothing for her to be concerned over. She’s pleased by the DB’s progress as they complete their contracts, they truly belong to her Sanctuary. 
Of course, after the Night Mother arrives things get difficult.
Astrid despises the little jester. The idea that he could be plotting with a member of the Sanctuary to usurp her authority through the use of that decrepit, old, corpse is infuriating.
It’s discomforting for Astrid to send her beloved protégé to spy on the secret meeting (the way that fool’s been looking at them makes her want to pluck his crazy little eyes out herself) but who else could she trust with this?
When she hears the murderous lunatic shrieking from outside the room, she’s horrified. She’ll skin the jester herself if he’s done anything to her dear brother/sister, her only thought is saving them and disposing of the traitor.  
The revelation that they are the new Listener shakes her to the core. Everything is wrong. Although it pains her to send them away, it’s all she can so to try and regroup her thoughts and plan from there.
That her Family in general reaffirm their loyalty to her despite this revelation is touching, but she already knows how some of them secretly (or blatantly) feel about the Old Ways. Now that there’s finally a Listener, that the Night Mother herself had finally intervened and spoken to someone that wasn’t Astrid; well who could blame her for getting a little paranoid about her postition.
And of course, that damned Cicero bouncing around the place, more obsessed with her assassin than ever was a thorn that woudnn’t stop burrowing into her skull, the way he eyed her triumphantly as if she’s already been usurped does little to help her temperament.
(I’ll leave the rest of it open to interpretation.)
The Night Mother; (I fail to see this as anything other than platonic, just putting that out there now.)
A mother loves her children; she can’t help it and though she tries to love them all equally that cannot be the case all the time, we all love whom we love.
The Night Mother had waited so long for her Listener. So very long. A silent, voiceless witness to the Dark Brotherhood’s decline. Watching helplessly as it withered away, losing Family, respect, loyalty and their very purpose in the world. The Unholy Matron had nothing no one left to rely on but her unwavering faith in the Dread Father and her humble Keeper.
Then the silence is broken. A young initiate appears in the most endearing fashion; carefully slipping in to share her iron tomb and warm her ancient bones, and she knows that this one, is the one she’s been waiting for. 
Is it so odd that she feels a tad protective of them?
The Dark Brotherhood is on the brink of extinction, it’s only natural to have the Listener spend more time with her, to hear the will of the Void of course.
They are the future and saviour of the Dark Brotherhood, it’s entirely sensible of the Night Mother to not want them leaving the Sanctuary. Anything could happen to them out there. That’s what the other assassins, Silencers and even Speakers were made for.
The souls of assassins long past from the world swore to serve the will of Sithis in life and in death. Why shouldn’t she send them to watch over her Listener? How does that not serve the Brotherhood? The Listener being placed in danger serves no purpose while the Brotherhood requires their leadership.
She can wait for them. Her dear child’s soul is bound to the Void, she can wait for them to join her and her other beloved children.
(However difficult it may be not to simply give into the urge to send her precious Listener out alone on a contract that will finally bring their soul to her loving embrace at last, never to leave it again). 
I have some ideas about the others but I’m still roughing it out. Thoughts? Contributions? Disagreements?
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acetrainerjen · 5 years
3 11 15 16 49 61 65 72 87 98 99 191 214 216 -M 🏳️‍🌈☺️🙃🏳️‍🌈
Thank you girl!!! (this is going under a Read More bc it’s gonna get long as hell but I definitely appreciate the questions!!!!
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3. Zodiac sign?
Cancer! (also I know the whole thing about zodiac signs being bullshit but honestly I am really sensitive so Cancer is a perfect zodiac sign for me)
11. Favorite song?
FUCK. Uhhhhhhh... I’ve been really digging this song Rich Love by One Republic (link below!!) for the past 6 months or so, so I’m going with it. (the last week it’s been Paper Rings by T Swift though!)
15. Last song I listened to.
Last of the American Girls by Green Day, since I’m listening to it literally as I type this sentence lol)
16. TV show I always recommend?
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD if I know the person I’m talking to likes superhero shows. If not, my go to is Leverage!
49. Superpower I wish I could have?
OK so it’s either superspeed or aerokinesis (wind manipulation) because there was a very specific X-Men comic run I read that had a mutant whose codename was Wind Dancer and had aerokinesis as a power and if you don’t think that’s the coolest shit you’ve ever heard then get out of my face.
61. What was the last concert I went to see?
5 Seconds of Summer in Seattle! (shameless self promo for my Instagram post about it: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bopgb3hBvix/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)
65. What fictional universe would I like to be a part of?
UHHHHHHH my knee jerk reaction is the MCU but like... so much shit happens there and also there’s no way I could date my faves so I’ll go Young Justice cartoon universe bc that’s a little bit lighter in tone and also Tim Drake is cute as fuck in that show.
72. If I won the lottery, what would I do?
First thing is go the fuck to Disneyland and take my best friends with me. After that I’d pay off people’s GoFundMes and shit. And then if I have money left over I’m sitting courtside for a Blazers game because that’s like a once in a lifetime experience. (I would say Thorns seats as close to the field as possible but that’s not that actually expensive and being so close to Emily Sonnett/Tobin Heath would cause me to pass out)
87. Favorite comic book character?
DC: Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Oliver Queen, Dinah Laurel Lance, Jon Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Cissie King-Jones, Bart Allen, Roy Harper, Koriander, Garfield Logan, Diana Prince. 
Marvel: Carol Danvers, Riri Williams, Gwen Stacy (Ghost Spider), Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, Jane Foster Thor, Squirrel Girl, Miles Morales, Karolina Dean, Nico Minoru, Chase Stein, Molly Hayes, Daisy Johnson, Kate Bishop, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Jessica Jones, Betsy Braddock.
98. 3 things I love?
The back to back World Cup winning US Women’s National Soccer Team, the Pokémon franchise, and Achievement Hunter.
99. 3 things I hate?
The erasure of asexual and aromantic identities as a legitimate sexual/romantic orientation, when I get infected mosquito bites on my ankles that hurt so bad I can’t walk, and when none of my family besides my mom ever ask me about my interests so I feel isolated and detached from my own family.
191. What makes me the happiest?
I’m well aware of how cliche and privileged this sounds but it honestly just is being in Disneyland.
214. What TV character am I most like?
Honestly I’ve never truly been connected to a TV character. I guess I’ll go with Stiles from like season 1 of Teen Wolf because we’re both painfully awkward and bi as hell but can’t spit it out. I literally can’t think of anyone else because I always contradict myself.
216. Favorite fictional character?
Since I couldn’t say her for the comics thing (as she’s not technically a comic book character but she’s heavily inspired by them and I love her so much I have to bring her up), I’m going with Thea Queen from the Arrow series because she’s so strong to survive all the bullshit she’s been through and I LOVE AND MISS HER DEARLY ON THE SHOW.
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synshubblog · 5 years
Kinky with Mortal!Dagon
Wheel of Kink turn turn turn, tell me the weird shit to write out.
65. Our muses have sex after an argument.
Dagon had had angry sex before. It was usually the best kind. The kind where all parties threw away any decency or morals and just went at it like feral beasts. He’d woken up looking like he’d been mauled by a herd of tigers more than once and it was so worth it.
He hadn’t intended to provoke Harmony like this, but it had turned out so well. It was a minor argument anyway, he killed someone who deserved it and she thought the law should handle things. Typical couple stuff.
Fuelled by anger, she disregard any of the things she knew about his comfort. She touched him, bit him, hell she even hit him a few times and called him a shitty fuck. Theatrics, but it did the job.
Let her, it made things all the wilder. He had a hunch if either of them could manipulate fire, then they would be fucking in an inferno. Now there was a fun image. He likewise abandoned any restraints he had. He was rough, he marked her up good, and her being angry added a really great spice to her taste.
She was a bit like a mood ring, if they were edible and changed flavours on one’s mood anyway. Angry like this, she tasted like a finely seasoned and marinaded steak. Spicy, but you wanted more. And with how much she was holding his head against her womanhood, she wanted him to take that more.
She was gripping and even ripping out bits of his hair. He might look a bit bald tomorrow but he didn’t care. The pain just added to it all, made him devour her more. Her thighs squeezed tight around his head as she came, teeth clenched and cries of him being an asshole hissing through. 
He only smirked at her, saying he’d taste that part of her next if she was going to be such a bitch. He’d rimmed people before, and he’d fucked her ass before now as well. She wasn’t pleased about the soreness the next day, but being treated like a queen had at least made some amends. 
She only glared at him, even as a grin broke out on her flushed face. “Not on your life.” She says.
“Good thing I’ve had a few.” He says, and promptly pushes her on her back. He’s on her before she can budge, holding her wrists down as he crushes his lips to hers. He silences her for a while before pulling back to continue speaking. “I am going to fuck your ass again and you are going to roll over, lift your ass in the air, and welcome me in.”
The same kind of take-no-bullshit tone he used on others when he had to. Oh she would be furious at him once the rage and lust faded, but who cared now. She merely huffed, but did as he asked when he released her. No way would she have been so willing otherwise.
“Can’t satisfy me from one so you have to try the other huh? I understand…Old Man.” A shit eating grin on her face, that smug look of self-righteousness.
 Oh he was going to fuck that right off her.
But he had enough control over his anger to lube up first at least. No lingering damage, the one rule for this whole round. She’d scratched him up a lot and yanked out some hair, but he’d live. Wouldn’t hold it against her.
Still a tight squeeze, but the anger was fading as he took his time. It would either come back or they’d just focus on having some good sex. It worked out either way. But little by little, he pushed his way in. When he was buried to the hilt inside her, he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
Fuck. She was tight. Squeezing him so much it felt like a boa constrictor was around his dick. He could see her face from her, teeth digging into her lip and hands tight on the bedsheets. He waited, feeling the room cool down without the fire so prevalent. She nodded, and he kept it slow. 
That was still an uncomfortable 9 inches in her, sliding in and out here. Being careful would only do so much. That paid off in due time with her quietly asking for him to go faster. And he did. She asked for faster again, and he did. And so on and so forth. 
Soon it was just the sound of hips slapping, loud moaning, and grunts of exertion as they fucked on. His hands were digging into her hips, he could already see bruises forming. Her body had finally reached the ‘welcoming him in’ stage. Things got easier, things felt much better for both.
Then a mutual spasm as their orgasms came. He jerked his hips in her, pumping his seed into her body as sputtered out groans. They were panting heavily by the end of it, him barely keeping himself standing while he was still in her. He could feel himself softening, and he carefully pulled out to flop on the bed next to her.
Her legs finally gave out and she just laid there with him. They caught their breath, looked at each other, and she flicked him on the nose. Too tired to do any more.
“You’re such an asshole.”
He simply grinned, pulling her close for a cuddle. Cuddling was good.
“Damn right.”
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK Chapter 108 Poll Results
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The poll closed with 1,200 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,159 Responses
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While 4’s outnumbered the 5’s for only the second time in a year, 85% rated this chapter good to excellent. The average score for this chapter was 4.08 out of 5.
dude the art in this chapter!!! i said it once i'll say it again, totally unreal. The art was on point, and just overall this was a breath of fresh air after the head swirling exposition flashback-extravaganza that 107 was.
So many things are going to happen and this chapter was not the calm before the storm but maybe like the storm before the hurricane.
Isayama binging Game of Thrones is paying off. This set of conspiracies on top of conspiracies, with so many parties involved, is just building up to an explosive finale.
First chapter since the suicide charge that’s made me cry.
Great chapter with misleading hints on the upcoming horror that awaits Paradis
It was a very great chapter that combined events from numerous sides perfectly. Wasn't too rushed or too slow either. Although the 104th development is very depressing…
As usual, another chapter with lots of answers and yet I feel like I'm more in the dark than ever. Damn, Isayama sure has a way to keep the questions burning and the plot twists coming!
Why can't answers ever be answers in this series?
Got me shooketh. Eren bb what u doin?
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The 104th flashback was the favorite fandom moment! The crew blushing at each other got almost a quarter of the vote followed by the “who takes the titan” love fight. “All of the above except Zevi” came in a respectable third.
Christ Gabi's so gonna be mindfucked if she hears DauperGirl's backstory about how Sasha saved her and also Dark fucking Connie I asked for some relevant screentime for him but come on Yams nOT LIKE THIS
I didn't know I could love Jean more, but boy I was wrong
I'm just glad Sasha isn't forgotten, we always have flashbacks of her and now that Gabi and the girl Sasha had saved stumbled upon each other... Well i just hope that if someone gets killed in the woods it isn't one of Sasha's family
let me tell you how absolutely thrilled I am to see Armin driving that train. I am always into watching this boy devour new knowledge and apply that shit. Both his engineer parents would be so proud if they weren't, you know, dead and all.
Armin driving, the Springles dumbception, Mikasa carrying like six or eight times my weight's worth of railroad spikes, Mikasa's ponytail, Mikasa blushing!!
Levi pointing out his team-mates height was kinda funny.
The GabixFalco moment is all I live for
Why weren’t the guys all shirtless while working on the railroad?
Levi was holding a mug normally. unacceptable.
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30% of respondents got the warm fuzzy feelings over everyone’s interactions with each other in the flashback. 17% loved seeing the 104th protecting each other from inheriting Eren’s titan, and at a near tie, Springles arguing about who’s a bigger idiot and Eremika’s blushy glance came in third.
Eren confessing his love and being a cutie pie
Jean immediately settling down after Armin gives an explanation. LET ME LOVE MY JEARMIN MOMENT TOO OK
Eren telling everyone he doesn't want them inheriting the titan so they can live long lives
Don’t really care too much about it.
The glorious foreshadowing of commander Kirstein
I really loved the sweet blush moment between Eren and Mikasa. I thought that everything was lost and Eremika was only an annoying ship created by WiT. Now  Isayama decided to give Eren and Mikasa a little more light. I doubt something will happen between them because of Eren's action, but I see that Mikasa is very important to him.
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Almost half of respondents speculate that the wine has some of Zeke’s spinal fluid in it, with about a third believing that it’s poisoned. If anything, most of the fandom agrees that something is fishy with that bottle...
Oh, right. The poison. The poison for the MP, the poison chosen especially to titanize the MP so Zeke can play his 4d chess game, the MP's poison. That poison?
As much as I want to say "it contains shifter spinal fluid," wouldn't the shifter spinal fluid disappear when it makes contact with the air like other Titan spinal fluids? Yeah, I feel a bit skeptical to see the wine is poisoned with titan spinal fluid, but I can see why fans are speculating it in light of the recent events.
I didn't think anything was up with the wine at the time I read it, but I've seen all these cool spinal fluid theories drifting around and now I want in on that.
Nicolo spit in it.
its filled with the tears of the fandom
IS THE PREGNANCY A FAKE? 1,166 Responses
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“Fake idk, but all this is fishy as hell” sums up a lot of responses. Close to 60% of the fandom thinks the pregnancy is authentic, 8% believe it is a fake, 30% are unsure.
She may be pregnant, but obviously not in love with the guy
I wish it were, but I'm sensing strong "Ymir reborn" vibes from all this mess so I dunno.
Pregnancy fake? Nah. Daddy reveal fake? I think so!
I'm starting to think it was Eren who suggested it, but because he needed to extend Zeke's lifetime (I'm still convinced the jaegerbros have something wild up their sleeve).
We don't really have enough real information yet to understand her motivations. There is definately something fishy going on though because I just can't see Historia doing something like this out of nowhere. Giving birth puts her at risk of dying, thus leaving Paradis without a queen. Also surely she has not forgotten Ymir and the promise she made to live her own life. If the pregnancy is indeed real then I hope we get real answers soon because I am so confused right now...:/
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Almost 1 out of every 2 people think Eren had a hand in Historia becoming pregnant. Nearly a quarter of all respondents think Yelena worked her voodoo magic and basically forced Historia to become pregnant to prolong Zeke’s life. 1/6th thinks Historia left the Greek isle of Lesbos and actually wanted to have a mini-me with farmer-kun. An even smaller part thinks she’s not even pregnant at all.
Eren doesn't want her to become a titan at all as it would pretty much repeat the entire thing that the Reiss family used to do with passing down the Founding Titan every 13 years, I think Eren wants to protect Historia from becoming a titan at all
Eren used the power of the Founding Titan to manipulate Historia to have a baby for an unknown reason.
I think *she* doesn't want to become a titan, ever, so she's using this as a delay until Eren can do something.
I'd say politics and delaying the inevitable.
She wants to be a hero of the Eldians and be remembered as someone who sacrificed herself for them
Imma be real with you chief... I can't say yet. Too many conflicting options, considering the possibility of a fake pregnancy
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With nearly 65% of the votes, most people do think Historia is using farmer boi, while around a fifth of all respondents thinks they are in fact working together and the pregnancy is just a ruse. A mere 10% thinks they are actually in love.
As much as I wished that they had at least become friends and agreed on the pregnancy for some secret reason, what we saw so far of Historia makes it look like it's much more likely that she is indeed using him.
He's a willing conspirator due to his old guilt, regardless of the status of the pregnancy
I don't think she is using him, but she is not in love either.
It's complicated
She is using him to hide that Ereh is the dad.
The only person Historia loved and felt strong bond with was Ymir. She may like the farm boy but I highly doubt she is in love with him.
these questions are hard.
Wouldn't that be the twist no one is expecting?  Someone in AoT actually fell in love and started a family?
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Half of respondents believe that Eren was the hooded figure who approached Historia. 33% believe Rogue’s theory that it was Yelena. A small percentage believe that it could have been Hange. Armin, Levi, and Floch were also popular write-ins! Quite a few people are also hopeful the ghost of Ymir came to have a chat with her.
I have no clue, tbh. But I think it's someone we don't expect yet.
Creeper in the bushes!  Red herring!
idk honestly. Probably a random MP spy we will never see again.
I have a feeling the cloaked figure is a red herring, maybe just a random person working at the orphanage.
I like the idea of Armin being the cloaked figure but idk what to think at this point, we really need Historia's POV.
If Historia truly is pregnant, I think the cloaked figure is just Rogue's imagination. If she is faking pregnancy, I think the figure is Eren.
Ymir's ghost
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We’re happy to report that more than 50% selected “Bless this man for existing” when Nile stood up in defense of Historia.
Nile Dawk is underrated
Rogue is a dick
It was nice to see Nile again :D
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We’re a pessimistic bunch. 64.2 % believed war was inevitable, but the many of the write-ins expressed that the attack on Liberio was not inevitable and probably made a bad situation worse.
How can you go for the diplomatic route when you're too underexploited to be either steamrolled by Marley or colonized by Hizuru?
I think conflict would be inevitable but diplomacy would've mitigated the damage dealt. It would've sparked off but I think in a different manner.
I think war was inevitable and the strike was necessary but I don’t feel great about Eren’s unilateral actions.
Invitable or not choosing the war path before anything else is never and will never be the right way
Liberio may not have happened, but the world was never going to accept paradis anyway and would have eventually attacked
My heart bleeds bc I think Eren done fucked up but a tiny voice in the back of my head is like 'what if eren and zeke really have the One True Master Plan after all and just can't/won't share any of it to take the burden themselves h ah ah pain one can really know war is inevitable until it breaks out.
Probably. If War still happened after a surprise peaceful meeting, they may have gotten sympathy from the public.
There has to be some universe in which war is not inevitable. Nothing controlled by people should be considered inevitable until it's happened.
War was sadly inevitable, but the attack was not.
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“They are only in it for themselves” is the strong fandom consensus with nearly 70% believing Hizuru has no interest in genuinely helping Paradis. 28.8% believe there may be be a little sincerity in their offer of help.
Hizuru's to-get list: resources, rumbling, Mikasa.
We don't know her real motives but there must be something she's hiding or something she wants for her people in all of this. Everything comes at a price, maybe she'll ask something horrible in exchange for her help.
I think there's still more to Hizuru's intentions that we have not been shown. I still think Kruger and Kiyomi are somehow connected.
This is Kiyomi helping Paradis in the name of Hizuru behind the actual nation ruler. She has her Seacret plan.
They are in it mostly for themselves and I personnaly think that Mikasa is the only reason they don't sell them out
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Jean’s convincing arguments resonated with most respondents, with 54.8% choosing him. Armin was a close second, with folks wanting him to take on the quadrupel duty of holding 4 titans at once.
Eren cared, but he changed a lot... and that is here the possibility of someone eating him really soon ( i mean they gave us a flashback entirely focused on who will eat him, this is just a huge death flag to me).
I was honestly confused why Armin wasn't considered an option to inherit the titan, since Erens main concern is not shortening anybody's lifespan but Armin doesn't have to worry about that....
Depending on how the story develops, I think Eren would choose either Floch or Falco as the successor of the Attack-Founder Titan. Doubtful that he'll actually pass it on, though.
Theory: Eren doesn't want anyone to inherit his titan, he wants to get this whole war business over before his time runs out
Jean confessing that he'd eat Eren gave me life
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Nearly half of voters enjoyed Jean calling Eren out for making the atmosphere awkward with his confession all the while blushing himself. 28% of respondents appreciated Mikasa’s knowing smile and blush.
Eren is wholesome. He and his squadmates are precious. I wish eternal happiness for them (Sasha in food heaven).
All good. All also gay. (especially the Erejean)
Eremika and Springles on one page oh my fucking god
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The responses are fairly evenly divided on this question, with slightly more than half saying the flashback was to show Eren still cares about his friends and reinforce his humanity. The other half consisted of those saying Eren changed, and a good portion of write-ins that felt the flashback fulfilled both purposes.
Both to show how much he changed, and to prove he still cares for his friends
To convey how serious the situations become that it's bringing if he cares or not into question
To. Make. Us. Cry. By drowning us in angst.
To show that Eren's not fully in control of his own mind. The WH and the Founder worked together to through Paradis under the bus 100+ years ago and now BOTH are in his head messing him up through P A T H S.
Both. Neither. I don't even have a red sunset as an excuse for my red cheeks. That entire scene was so adorable!
I think it was to show how much their whole situation has changed. It was also probably Yams adding some more salt to the wound. It'd be nice if he were less of a sadist.
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78% of voters total believe that Eren still prioritizes his friends, however 41% of the total votes believe that it’s not with the same intensity as it was in the flashback. 15% of voters think Eren is no longer the Eren we knew and does not care for his friends anymore.
Not enough information to say one way or the other. Liberio indicates complexity in how Eren shows he cares
He cares about them as much as he did before and so he's willing to sacrifice everything for that sake, including their trust.
Yes, but he isn't the person he was, so his prioritizing will look different.
As already said, I think he is convinced he does, but loses the sight of the greater good.
Eren is a lost cause.
He cares about them even more than before. His time's running out, he sees them about to return to the old cycle, and he wants to settle things while he still can
I think *Eren* still prioritizes his friends.  How much of Eren is still in there.... that I'm not so sure of.
He might still be doing it all to protect those he cares about, but he's now willing to put their life in jeopardy to accomplish his goals if he has to.
I Think he prioritises his goals but based on his reaction to Sasha’s death, I think he still cares for them but he is clouded by whatever his end-goal is.
yes...as sacrifices
i think he's being driven to madness. he's pressuring himself to a huge extent to keep everyone he cared so much about safe and out of harm, and it's literally driving him insane. i  think he laughed at sasha's death simply because the pressure is making him crack to the point where he can't even cry about it anymore. he's become so desensitized to losing after a short period of victory at the start that it just seemed inevitable. of course he lost someone, of course he failed, he's going to die anyway what's it going to matter? we only hear from connie that he laughed as a response, so we don't know what was going through his mind at the time, but the long and short of it would be that yes, i do think eren still prioritizes his friends. however, he's lost his belief in himself to keep them safe and may have given up on their happy ending long ago now.
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Most believed there was a lot truth in the 104th conversation. The two options most people found fault with where “Eren is responsible for Sasha’s death” and “If Eren is against them, he should be replaced”.
Eren is on side that has the best chances of his friends ending alive, but that isn't his friends' side.
I'd rephrase two of those options. I believe Armin DOES want to save Eren, but unlike Mikasa, he has a contingency plan -replace Eren if he refuses to cooperate. I think Armin would keep that as the last option, and would only go for it if there literally isn't any other choice. So yes, he *is* trying to save Eren, because that option hasn't been barred yet. I also think Eren *thinks* he's on their side, whether or not everyone else thinks so or not.
Eren is so f*cked up cuz he has 3 titans. Being one of them the founder Titan complicates things.
I think Eren is & isn’t on their side. One of his goals is to protect them at all costs, but he may have to do some things they are against in order to achieve those goals.
Eren was willing to sacrifice his humanity for the lives of his friends
Eren is plotting a Zero Requiem and is willing to distance himself
I am neutral Switzerland.
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Nearly 50% of the people who answered this question refused to see anything phallic in this panel, and decided to call us perverts instead. To that we say: a dirty mind is a joy forever ;) Over 30% just had one question: But why? To the remaining 20%: you are our people. Thank you!
You polls people are perverted and I'm here for that.
Erenstans can suck my 3DMG 2.0
The new 3D gear is clearly a reference to the acclaimed Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon.
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32% of respondents just want someone to give Eren a reason to smile again, 30% are uneasy about Eren’s stare and believe he is no longer on Paradis’ side. 23% of voters would love to be mean-mugged by Eren all day and 13% of voters wished he would have been given shoes instead of a shirt.
Blushing Young Eren: A blushing baby who I want to adopt! Mean staring Adult Eren: Holy Bloody Mary on a pogo stick, he's making ME blush!
Is Eren wearing the same shirt as when he was a kid? Was he wearing it all the time?
Eren's prison bed is way too long
i'm tired of Eren's angry stare, I want to find out what's his deal, and him to go out from that prison, I swear to God, he spends like 30% of this manga either kidnapped or in prison, he is 19 and was 3 times arrested and 3 times held against his will by various captors.
I just hope that Eren can prove that he is on their side because I know he will always care about his friends.
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Reiner’s burst of motivation and drive has you all split - either for Reiner to go rescue the kids or for him to stay away from Paradis for good! (PS all of you that didn’t answer Pound Me are lying to yourselves)
All aboard the Paradis Feels Train, next stop Reiner's Suffering.
Reiner is a sexi boi
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The vast majority thinks Reiner’s main motivation is rescuing the two little rascals, but 27% thinks he wants to face Eren one last time. A small part also thinks Reiner will live up to his role a traitor and will switch sides again. Then there’s the folks that believe Reiner stopped being suicidal. If only everyone would have such optimism.
His hands are overflowed with strength, his eyes are filled with resolve and will to live - what a great timing for Isayama to make a new round of suffering for Papa Braun
Reiner wants to return to paradis because it is a suicide mission.
I hope that this time Reiner is not going to cause more problems and fight to Eren and SC. I hope he has learnt something, understood his mistakes and is going to walk on the right path.
I can't wait to see Reiner becoming Helos
I really want a reunion of Reiner and the 104th kids ok
I wouldn’t be surprised if Reiner’s main motivation for returning to Paradis so quickly is to save Gabi and Falco, but then...I’m tempted to believe there’s more to it than that, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there IS more to it either. Maybe he still wants Eren to kill him, or maybe he suddenly feels that he has to die on Paradis and he wants to get it over with quickly, or maybe there’s just some other shit on his mind that might surprise us at least a lil bit, I don’t know.
Papa Reiner just wants to save his children. He has no alignments anymore. He just wants to keep his kids safe and die already. I'm crying over mY SON REINER JUST LET HIM BE HAPPY.
Reiner please stop scarring yourself by putting yourself at war with paradis consistently omg
Reiner just wants to suffer
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Most people who took this poll primarily discuss the chapter contents on Reddit, while around 1 out of every five people roams on Tumblr, with Discord taking a distant third place. From now on we’re only going to allow one choice for this question, to see if we can find some major differences between platforms. Thank you for your cooperation!
bitccchhh where do i even start
Really great chapter, felt like one of those that needs to happen so that you get everyone's perspective before something major happens.
No one knows what's going on except those damn Jaeger Bros.
Armin said Zeke and Eren had a jaegertalk but nobody knows what they talked about....so....that can't lead anywhere good
Save Gabi from Paradis? Please. More like save Paradis from Gabi, amirite?
Good chapter, I just wish it was longer. So far we've had every chapter consist of a mix between flashback and present time. While I appreciate the flashbacks, I hope we get back to more present time soon so the story can move forward at a quicker pace. I really wanna know the full details of Historia's situation and also when tf is Annie coming back for real it's been 4 stinking years…
It was absolutely great. The juxtaposition of the sweet moments the 104th cadets used to have just one year ago with the atmosphere of hatred and distrut towards Eren that dominates now is heart-breaking. Other than that, the father story is really fishy, especially because it was told from an outsider's perspective. as opposed to say, Historia's. I honestly believe the father is someone else and farmer-kun is just a cover up.
(About Eren's panel) he has been wearing the same shirt since he was 10
Loving the Paradis flashbacks after a year of being willing to sell my soul for them.
I feel it's a bit ridiculous to say that none of Eren is left in there. My interpretation of his character post-basement thus far hasn't been that far from his post uprising personality. The difference is that he seems more at a loss for alternatives and even more determined to finish things by any means necessary (if that's even possible). But, I do think he's got some secrets to rival zeke's.
I have high expectation on Gabi. Her arc began from a rather generic/metaphorical one yet it's become more and more emotionally relatable and unpredictable. I once thought Falco was the core of Marley arc but now it looks like he might be the one who is more of the story tool among them.
I cannot believe that something that happened like 70+ chapters ago (Sasha saving that little girl) will be pivotal for the ending. Sasha truly was the real MVP.
104th don't know that real meetings are done with chairs, not couches and armchairs!! Kids, that's not how you were thought to do things.
It was an interesting chapter. We had more explanation, but even more questions to ask: why is Historia's  pregnancy fishy, who suggested her to do it, why did Eren attack Marley, what happened that made him even more angry, and turned him into a mass murderer, what is going to happen in sasha's house and how is Marley going to counterattack.(and where is floch) It's getting even more interesting, and I really can't wait to see how Isa is going to explain and unfold all this
I liked the Connie dark moment. He finally got some attention from Isayama. I thought that he was totally forgotten. I wish Connie shown his other sides more often. He is way too good, calm and pure.
I have my doubts about Armin's theory that "when Zeke and Eren activate the Coordinate, Eren will be the one in control," because unlike Smiling Titan who was mindless, Zeke is a Titan Shifter.
Really bummed with Historia's story right now. Why not have Zeke bang a ton of women instead?
Eren brought this on himself. Getting devoured is only facing the consequences of his actions. I hope Mikasa is the one that kills him in the end.
Eren is not father, but cloaked figure is definitely him.
Everyone in this chapter is precious and people can fight me on this. And I'm looking forward to what Hottie Eren bun has to say!
Honestly, I feel like we as readers are still quite in the dark on character motivations, like Eren and Zeke's so a lot of these questions I am conflicted on. I mean that in a good way.
We still haven't heard a lot from Zeke and Levi present day, I really hope it's coming soon. And someone needs to go and talk to Eren! (other than Hanji)
I’ve already called it, but I’m calling it again for record keeping purposes: Historia is going to die in childbirth.
I'm very, very glad that some members of the SC and 104th are starting to wake up and realize that Eren isn't in control of himself and therefore dangerous.  I'm fascinated to see which path this takes them down.
I think at this point, Eren is simply fighting for what he thinks is correct, period. It's black and white. Eren probably doesn't see them as right and if they aren't, they are obstacles to overcome. If that is the case, Paradis cannot continue to cling to him. Hence why I can understand Armin saying the things he did.
I honestly don't think Gabi and Falco's lunch will be focused on Gabi suddenly feeling sorry for Sasha after a sad story. After all, she has her own grudge (Zofia -who has the same hair than the girl-, Udo, the gatekeepers...). If anything, this dinner party is here to tell us how Ragako was titanized, and how Zeke intends to spread the virus through food. Enjoy your meal!
Still hoping to see Levi knee Zeke in the face
Isayama is trying to kill me. The eremin/ema talk next chapter, if we really get one, is going to kill me. I will be dead. By isayama's hand. Killed.
I'm betting my pizza, my cat, whatever that this freaking monkey is pulling a ragako 2.0!
One of the best moments was when Gabi asked Falco why he’s following her because HE doesn’t have to die. She genuinely cares about him.
Jean leaning back was the best panel ever drawn
Mikasa in the little ponytail reminded me about how gay I was
can Levi kill Zeke already?
Where is Floch???
All of the above except Zevi
That’s all for this month! Thanks again to everyone who participated. We’ll see you again for chapter 109!
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