#dance instructor!Blaine
klaineccfanficlibrary · 4 months
Hungry Eyes
Author: fablewriter
Rating: T
Status: Completed in March 2014
Word Count: 16,168
Summary: A reluctant Kurt goes to Dalton's Dream Resort with Finn, Puck, Santana and Rachel where he meets the resort's dance instructor, Blaine Anderson and begins to let himself have the time of his life.
Tropes/Genre: Dirty Dancing AU, AU, summer!Klaine, dance instructor!Blaine, Niff, Quick, romance
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gleekto · 2 years
I just spent this weekend reading an apparently old fic that I hadn't read before. It was SO good - so well written, tension perfect, excellent voicing - really a gem.
Maybe you've all ready it but I hadn't:
Here I am, Honey
Summary: Dirty Dancing AU. When Blaine Anderson visits Kellerman's Mountain Home with his family in the summer of 1963, he isn't expecting anything more than days in the sun and games of croquet, but when he and his cousin Rachel meet the staff dance instructors, his plans get thrown for a loop. Blaine's family vacation might just end up being the time of his life. 
It's 62,000 words. Truly well written. Go read!
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endiness · 2 years
i love how before they even got together, kurt was a completely unsupportive friend and a biphobic asshole to blaine when he was struggling with his sexuality. and how in the episode they got together, kurt insulted blaine twice because god fucking forbid blaine be the lead soloist and not kurt. and how kurt cared more about deliberately trying to rile people up with his prom outfit than blaine's fears about attending prom because at the last school dance he attended he had been gay bashed. oh and also how kurt straight up lied when he said that if blaine didn't want to go then they didn't have to but then completely backtracked on that because, again, he cared more about his dumb prom outfit than blaine having been gay bashed and any ptsd from that.
and how kurt lowkey threatened to break up with blaine if blaine wouldn't transfer schools for him and gaslit blaine about how jealous blaine gets when he loses and kurt wins despite how it’s always been the other way around. and then how he tried to skirt all responsibility when blaine transferred by acting like he hadn't been pressuring blaine into doing so. and how he made blaine feel like he couldn't audition for tony because kurt's feelings and his ego must be catered to at all times. and how he cheated on blaine because he was bored then tried to blame blaine for it when he was caught and tried passing off the blame by making blaine feel like shit because god fucking forbid blaine actually be well liked and have solos and kurt have to actually, y'know, support his boyfriend. and how blaine was afraid he'd be abandoned by kurt when he got to new york and wanted to seriously discuss what their relationship would be like when that happened and kurt refused to talk to him about it. and then how kurt completely ignored blaine once he got to new york and made their conversations about himself and didn't care about what was going on in blaine's life at all and blew him off for gossip.
and how kurt tried to shame blaine for his clothing because he seriously cannot stand blaine ever being the center of attention. and how blaine was afraid to tell kurt that he couldn’t come see him and kurt blew up at him for it. and how kurt got mad at blaine because he had the audacity to try and decorate their home but oh wait it's not their home, it's kurt's home and then blaine had to move out because kurt can’t actually compromise. oh and how once again kurt held blaine transferring schools against him even though he was the one who pressured blaine into transferring in the first place. also how kurt tried to act like blaine was being a child and a ‘psycho’ during that whole exchange to invalidate him. and how kurt was mad at blaine because god forbid blaine jack off but not want to have sex. and how blaine repeatedly tried to talk to kurt when they were having problems (like he always does) only to have kurt brush him off each time, tell him they “talk too much”, yet then turn around and gaslight blaine by telling him that blaine should come to him when he has problems (and nevermind in kurt’s exact words a few episodes prior: “calm down, psycho. and stop being so pouty and weird, it’s annoying.”) and how kurt was the aggressor during their fight training and hurting blaine to the point of their instructor calling a time out to ask if blaine was okay only for kurt to later gaslight blaine about it by acting like he was the one who was the aggressor instead. and how kurt encouraged blaine to take on a crash diet and disordered eating behavior to lose weight despite claiming to care oh so much about blaine’s health and that he totally didn’t care about blaine’s recent weight gain at all. and how blaine felt like he had to lie to kurt about his success to protect kurt’s feelings (because virtually every time blaine’s succeeded and kurt hasn’t, kurt’s held it against him—either immediately or long after the fact) and kurt’s response to that was... violence.
and how kurt ruthlessly broke up with blaine. (and how he likely saw blaine dive headfirst into depression at nyada and did nothing to help him. because when has he ever genuinely cared about blaine’s mental health.) and then how when blaine was finally moving on with his life and was happy, kurt showed up months later, ready to win blaine’s heart back... while still never actually apologizing to him at all. (oh and how in general kurt virtually never apologized for any of the times he hurt blaine or was awful to him because the narrative always bent over backwards to never vilify kurt in the situations where he was, actually, the bad guy.)
but blaine's just oh so whiny and needy and insecure and he’s sO jealous and resentful of kurt and all of the problems in their relationship were because of him 🙄
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lizzie-c-bryant · 1 month
Excerpt from current WIP - Harmony of Hearts.
Synopsis -
Bound by a shared love of music, Lacey and Blaine discover an unlikely connection. A talented dancer silenced by deafness and a spirited woman navigating life without sight, their paths intertwine in a world of melody and touch. As they explore the depths of their shared passion, they uncover a love story that transcends the limitations of their senses.
Lacey got into the building without a problem with her dads instructions. Once inside though, she was lost, the building was a labyrinth of echoes. Lacey moved slowly, her hand tracing the cool, smooth surface of the wall. Each step was a tentative exploration, a mapping of an unseen world. The air was thick with the scent of cleaning products and stale air.
Suddenly, she collided with something solid. A startled gasp escaped her lips as she stumbled backward. The wall disappeared from her grasp.
"Watch where you're going!" Lacey snapped, her voice sharp. She steadied herself against the wall, irritation flaring. It was like everyone was conspiring to make her life a living hell. A moment later, she realised the sharpness of her tone and took a deep breath. "Sorry," she mumbled, her voice softer, but the edge still there.
Silence stretched between them, a heavy, suffocating thing. Lacey’s heart pounded in her ears, a drumbeat of frustration. She opened her mouth to speak again, to demand an apology, but no words came out. They were just standing there, two strangers in a silent standoff.
A surge of anger bubbled up inside her. "You could at least pretend to care," she spat out, “Rude.” The words hung in the air, heavy with accusation.
A sharp intake of breath, and then a voice, clear and authoritative. "Lacey Miller?"
“Asshole,” Lacey mutters, finding the voice and walking towards it. “Present.”
“Ah. Hello Lacey. My name is Anya.” There was a beat, and Lacey guessed she had held her hand out to be shook, after an awkward moment she continued. “I’m the dance instructor here. I have made some sheet music in braille for you. Just in case you aren’t familiar with the pieces. Most of them are classical.”
Lacey rolled her eyes. “I played for 15 years. I got it. Just direct me towards a piano and I’ll play what you want.”
“Of course.” Ayna said sounding surprised. Guess no one told her this blind chick was not a ball of sunshine. “Do you want me to lead you?”
“Just give me a direction. I’ll work it out.”
“About 10 foot to your right.” Lacey nodded, walking until she felt the piano in front of her, and sitting down.
Her hands hovered over the keys, hesitant. The piano was a familiar friend, a silent confidant. But it was also a ghost of her past, a reminder of a life before the darkness. Two years. Two endless years without the solace of music.
She took a deep breath, her fingers trembling slightly. The first note was hesitant, a tentative exploration. The sound filled the room, rich and full, a stark contrast to the silence that had enveloped her. With each note, a memory surfaced, a bittersweet echo of a time when music was her everything. But the music was different now. It was raw, filled with a raw emotion she couldn't quite name. It was anger, frustration, and a deep-seated longing for something she couldn't quite define. It didn’t take long, the memory of her muscles working against the keys firing up as she did her warm up, finishing with ease and sitting back and crossing her arms coldly. She refused to be drawn in. She refused to enjoy this punishment.
“Right Class. We are working on our individual pieces today. So step forward, and say your piece of music, so Lacey can play it. The showcase is in 2 months. We have a lot of practise to do. Magda. You first.”
“Chopin's Nocturne in E-flat major, Op. 9, No. 2.”
Lacey snorted, so predictable. Basic. She nodded, beginning to play. Lacey’s fingers danced across the keys, transforming the familiar notes into a haunting melody. But even as her fingers found their rhythm, her mind wandered. Chopin was like an old friend, comfortable and predictable. It was beautiful, yes, but it lacked a certain... edge. Something to ignite the soul.
“Now, Robyn.”
Lacey sighed, out of the 10 songs, she had played, they were all…. Normal. Sure, all beautiful pieces, but there wasn’t anything that stood out. Music was meant to speak to you, and nothing yet had spoken to her.
“Lastly, Blaine. Oh yes dear. Of course. Blaine’s song is Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2.” Lacey tilted her head, wondering why this Blaine couldn’t speak for himself, but also the choice. Blaine's choice was a bold one. Rachmaninoff's Second Concerto was a behemoth of a piece, demanding both technical brilliance and emotional depth. Lacey's fingers itched to dive into the complexity of it. She smiled for the first time, and straightened her back, she was now comfortable at the piano, almost as if the last two years didn’t happen.
Her fingers found the opening chords of Rachmaninoff's Second Concerto, a tentative exploration into the vast, uncharted territory of the piece. It was a daunting task, but also an exhilarating challenge. As her hands began to dance across the keys, she closed her eyes, imagining the music as a visual landscape.
She imagined what Blaine would dance like, she had no idea what he looked like, but she could almost picture the long graceful shadow of him, moving with the rhythm of the music. They twisted and turned, creating intricate patterns that unfolded before her mind's eye. The music was a symphony of light and darkness, a battle between chaos and order.
The music consumed her, pulling her deeper and deeper into its world. Her fingers flew across the keys, each note a brushstroke on an invisible canvas. The shadows in her mind grew bolder, more defined. They danced with a wild abandon, a reckless freedom that mirrored the music's intensity.
A surge of adrenaline coursed through her veins. This was it. This was the music she had been searching for. The music that spoke to her soul. Her fingers found a new level of dexterity, each note a declaration of her musical prowess. The piano was an extension of herself, her voice given form.
As the piece reached its climax, Lacey felt a sense of euphoria, a liberation she hadn't experienced in years. The music was a tempest, a whirlwind of emotion that swept her away. When the final chords faded, there was a moment of silence, broken only by the rapid pounding of her heart, and the clear vision she had plunged her into darkness once more.
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backslashdelta · 3 years
If performing (acting, singing, dancing, etc) wasn't an option, what professions do you think all the new directioners would be pursuing instead?
Oh anon this is a wonderful question thank you so much for asking it!
Kurt. Definitely fashion. I basically headcanon Kurt as going into fashion over performing anyway, so this is an easy one for me.
Finn. I can't really see him sticking with teaching like he'd planned on doing honestly. I think he'd do it for a bit, and then maybe take over the garage from Burt or something? I could see that.
Rachel. She's the hardest to choose, because I think of everyone she's the one I associate most strongly with performing, for what I think are obvious reasons. So it doesn't feel quite right to picture her doing anything else. I could maybe see her doing like, event organizing/party planning? Like I could see her planning weddings and making sure everything is just right because she's a perfectionist and she wants to make sure the bride feels like the most special person in the works at her wedding. The more I think about it the more right it feels honestly, so yeah, that's what I'm going with.
Mercedes. I could see her going into some kind of charity-related work? I think she'd be good at coordinating and she would love how rewarding it was to help her community. she wouldn't always be on the front lines (though of course she is if needed), but she would do a lot of the behind-the-scenes work to make sure everything runs smoothly and whatever money they raise or donations they collect get to where they need to go.
Tina. Why was my immediate thought a tattoo artist? I don't know but I kind of love that idea for her. It's artsy but kinda alternative and I love the vibe of her owning her own studio.
Artie. I could see him going into computer science maybe? I think he's like the problem solving and I could see him with a really impressive and excessive computer setup with like 3 monitors and a fancy Dvorak keyboard and whatnot.
Quinn. I could see her being a journalist! We know she's smart and reads a lot, and I think it would be a really good fit for her. She'd like the investigative aspects and she'd have a great way with words to make her articles interesting and still get all of her points and facts across really well. And she'd love using her job to expose insutices in the community or broader, or raise awareness about political interests she thinks are important.
Santana. Lawyer. She would be a badass lawyer. She's smart and witty and quick on her feet. She has a drive to win and I think she'd be a first to be reckoned with.
Brittany. I could see her owning a bakery! Making cakes and cupcakes and decorating them in the weirdest of ways but they all just come out looking so amazing because she has such a unique perspective.
Puck. I could see him going into a trade. Maybe construction? I could see plumbing as well. Something very hands-on where he can really see the results of his work.
Mike. I could see him coaching sports?? Or teaching dance of course but maybe that's too close to actually being a dance (since obviously if you teach dance you're a dancer lol) so I'll go with sports. I don't think he'd want to be a school teachers, but I think he'd love teaching them sports. In particular I'm imaging him as a gymnastics instructor, just in a gym full of kids like jumping and tumblr around and he would be living for it. I can see it so clearly. And he'd be so proud anytime his kids did competitions, regardless of how they placed.
Blaine. I love the idea of Blaine as a teacher so I think I'm going with that. I think he'd find it really rewarding, and he's be great with kids. And I think he'd teach middle school, because he remembers how much he struggled at that time in his life and he wants to be there for other kids who might be struggling then too.
Sam. I could see him going into social work. I think he has a really big heart and he'd just want to help people, and he would be so great with kids and helping them feel safe when they're at really rough points in their lives.
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andcrsonn · 2 years
detectiveconnor asked:
"Have you been managing it on your own?"
    eyes stare down at a full plate of food, fingers wrapped loosely around a fork. he hasn’t felt like this in a while. all it took was a comment from one instructor to send him spiraling again — that he needed to work out more and stop indulging so much, that performers that ‘look like him’ don’t make it far. a lot of his body image issues came from within, but hearing it from an external source only solidified it. maybe there is something wrong with his body. 
    connor had invited him out to eat, he’s wondering now if it wasn’t a purposeful CHALLENGE. an experiment, to see first-hand just how bad things really were. and they were bad. a leg bounces underneath the table, everything untouched except for his glass of water. 
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    he and connor had discussed this issue very briefly before. his relationship to food wasn’t always bad. growing up, he had a lot of home cooked meals from his mother. junior high is when things began to get a little more complicated. some friends of his encouraged him to try purging. they’d do it together, even, spend hours at buffets. after the incident at the sadie hawkins’ dance, blaine used food as a coping mechanism. some days he’d binge, and other days he’d fast. the binging got worse when he transferred to dalton, but after meeting kurt he eventually balanced out again. if something was stressing him, it wasn’t rare for him to turn to food again. but his recent weight gain had triggered something inside of him. he’s working out excessively, he’s barely eating, and it shows. his color is more pale. his voice is deeper, sadder. his energy is virtually non-existent, especially after a workout. 
    ❝ i don’t know. ❞ he hasn’t opened up to connor about all this, not really. it hadn’t been an issue until very recently. he wishes he could just pick his fork up, shovel it down his throat and forget about it. and if he’s being honest, he’s starving. he can feel a binge session coming on later. wouldn’t it just be easier to eat now? ❝ i’ve never— seen anyone about it, if that’s what you’re asking. it’s not that big of a deal. i was told i needed to lose weight, so... i’ve obviously got some to spare. ❞ blaine shrinks into the corner of the booth, subconsciously tries to make himself smaller. normally he acted the opposite, especially around other guys, but he felt different. ❝ and i’m just not feeling hungry right now. ❞ it’s a lie, and it isn’t. his empty stomach is twisting around in knots, it’s physically painful. 
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lady-divine-writes · 3 years
Klaine Advent Challenge 2021 - “Break a Leg” (Rated PG)
Summary: When Rachel's daughter breaks a leg in ballet, Kurt wonders if keeping his own daughter in dance is a good idea. (884 words)
Notes: Rachel is Tracy's bio mom. Based on a true story, but with figure skating. Mention of a bad injury, and of Finn, which sounds melancholy, but he’s alive in this story. Written for the @klaineadvent Drabble prompt 'core'
Read on AO3.
"Hey, Rachel! How's Elphaba?" Kurt fusses with the dinner dishes while he talks, drying them and stacking them in the cabinet. Then he polishes the silverware, wipes down the counter, and alphabetizes the spices, needing to give his hands something to do. He nods in response to Rachel's exposition, his phone wedged between his ear and shoulder. "What did the doctor say? ... A-ha... a-ha... oh... oh, that's... that sounds awful. I'm so sorry. Poor thing... "
Blaine looks up when he hears his husband's tone change.
The whole situation is too horrible to think about. 
Kurt and Blaine were both present when the accident happened. From where they were positioned off-stage, waiting for their daughter to come back from the dressing room, they heard the crack when Elphaba landed.
They heard Elphaba scream when the pain registered.
Blaine doesn't have a weak stomach, but it was a scream he never wants to hear again, especially from a child.
The outcome must be worse than they feared because Kurt sounds like his heart is breaking for their daughter's half-sister.
Kurt sits down at the kitchen table in a chair across from Blaine and rests his forehead in his hands. "If there's anything we can do to help, anything at all, please, let us know. Okay? Okay. Love you. Bye."
"How is she?" Blaine asks.
"Good, physically," Kurt says, fidgeting his phone in his hands, still needing to occupy them. "She's out of surgery. It was a clean break. The doctor says she's strong. With time and therapy, she should make a full recovery. But she's pretty depressed. She's out of dance for the rest of the season."
Blaine straightens in his seat in surprise. "So she's going to miss Nutcracker?"
"Looks like it."
"That's a shame. The kids look forward to it so much." Blaine shakes his head in disbelief. "I don't understand it. She's landed that leap a hundred times. It's not even hard for her. She can do it in her sleep."
"Yeah," Kurt mumbles, staring at the phone he's rotating in his hands and going quiet. "Yeah, she can."
Blaine watches his husband grow distant, chewing his lower lip as he contemplates Elphaba's predicament. "What're you thinking?"
Kurt doesn't answer right away, grappling with the questions skipping through his brain. Kurt had been the first person to reach Elphaba after she landed, sprawled out on center stage. He had been the first to notice her ankle, twisted at an unnatural angle. He had been the one tasked with trying to soothe the girl while her instructor called 9-1-1 and Blaine called Rachel. Blaine can't imagine how hard that was for him. "Should we let Tracy continue dance?"
"I would say so?" Blaine says. The thought of pulling her out had never once entered his mind. "I don't worry about her. She knows how to land; she knows how to fall."
"So does Elphaba, and look what happened to her."
Blaine reaches across the table and takes his husband's hand in his. "We're not obligated to keep Tracy in dance, but she loves it more than anything. It's literally the core of who she is."
"We should still talk to her about it." Kurt doesn't want to use Elphaba's tragic, but admittedly freak, accident as leverage to get his daughter to give up dance. He'd only make himself feel better in the long run. But why? Did eight-year-old primo danseur Kurt ever consider the dangers of ballet as he grand jete-d across the stage? Of course not. He just remembered feeling like he could fly, like every problem he'd ever faced was miles beneath him. That he could conquer anything. Could he really take that away from his daughter because of the off-chance she could break a leg? Hundreds of dancers jete every day and barely break a nail. "After Elphaba's fall, Tracy has to realize that there are dangers to dance, especially at the level she's at."
"Did she mention anything to you?"
"No," Kurt admits. "She doesn't seem fazed. She's worried about Elphaba, sure, but that's about it."
"Tracy may never hurt herself on stage, but nothing says she won't hurt herself off stage." Blaine grins, thinking of a way to bring a smile back to his worried husband's face. "Take Finn, for example."
And it works. Kurt snorts at the mention of his stepbrother's name. "Oh, God! Finn! That man can fall standing perfectly still."
"Which is how he broke his arm."
"Yup. Not playing football, which he did for years. But... " 
"... waiting in a lunch line, which makes it even more like Finn."
"Lost his balance and went straight down," Kurt recalls with a chuckle. "Went to the hospital covered in spaghetti."
"He broke Rachel's nose dancing, shot himself cleaning his gun... "
"I will forever be surprised he stayed intact long enough to get married and have a child. Elphaba is lucky she has her mother's coordination."
"Maybe this proves she's more like her father than we thought." Blaine cringes the second those words tumble out his mouth. 
The room goes silent.
Kurt stares blankly at his husband. 
Blaine shrinks inside the collar of his shirt. "Too soon?"
Kurt pats Blaine's hand, standing from his chair to put on a pot of coffee. "Too soon."
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kurtanaroyalty · 3 years
If performing (acting, singing, dancing, etc) wasn't an option, what professions do you think all the new directioners would be pursuing instead?
I am responding to this days late so my bad anon!!♥️
Finn: I was overall onboard with the direction his character was going with college and becoming a teacher but I also like the idea of him working with Burt & eventually taking over the business.
Puck: I liked the premise of when he was cleaning pools so I can picture older him owning something like a successful landscaping business.
Kurt: It’s the easy answer but I loved what we got of s4 with him at vogue and wanted to see more. I like the idea of him creating his own unique men’s line.
Santana: Even though it was only in one episode, I love the idea of her going into public relations & think she would be awesome at it! Or mainly cause I am entertained by the thought of it but she would make a great realtor.
Mercedes: She is one where I just can’t see her as anything other than canon & becoming a huge star.. so the cop out answer is her being a successful song writer and/or music producer.. but if I have to pick something away from that then I will say that she has the personality and demeanor to make a very wonderful therapist.
Rachel: She’s the other one that I just can’t picture anything other than canon.. so yeah I could say a vocal coach but if I have to pick something more out there hmmm even though canon could never decide on whether she was good at cooking, the idea of her going into culinary and potentially having her own restaurant is cute. Or idk this is one where I think it could either go extremely well or very poorly but something in politics lol.
Blaine: Definitely a teacher! Either at an elementary or middle school since I love the idea of him working with young children & think he’d be awesome at it. (Random & this is in the realm of performing but I also think he has the personality for making the perfect children’s tv show host haha)
Sam: I am still not over the out of nowhere reveal of him making super intricate macaroni portraits that was never addressed ever again lmao. So on that note, I want him doing something artistic like becoming a comic book artist. Or maybe give me Blam both as teachers with Blaine as the music teacher and Sam as the art teacher!
Tina: I’m feeling her as a makeup artist. I think she could thrive at that. Or maybe now cause I paired up Blaine & Sam, give me Tina & Kurt working together. Especially cause canon gave us Tina being great at costume designing!
Artie: Either a video game designer or an architect.. that’s what came to mind!
Quinn: I like the idea of her having a career in something like publishing. Or I am also feeling the idea of her becoming a photographer.
Brittany: It’s pretty similar to canon but she would 100% be the type of person to have a popular podcast about the most obscure shit or randomly blowup on somewhere like tiktok and be able to make bank. Or without even trying or caring she would somehow become a successful stockbroker lol.
Mike: Hmmm yeah it’s hard to not pick something dance related.. I’m gonna go with him becoming a physical therapist, maybe specifically within sports. Or give me him as a yoga instructor, I like the vibes of that!
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OCCUPATION: owner of a dance studio in NYC & kid instructor
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single, but his parents are trying to marry him off to rich socialites
POSITIVE TRAITS: determined, educated, loyal
NEGATIVE TRAITS: hot headed, competitive, snarky
His family has always been high profile and he’s always felt like he was above other people because of the way he was raised. He got to travel between France and the US, he got to get his education at the fanciest private schools, he got to wear designer clothing and being so well-traveled meant he always sounded so sophisticated, even to himself. His intention was never to become a cocky asshole, but over time it happened anyway and he didn’t even notice. After getting away with everything he did wrong and still being praised because he was charming, handsome, rich, well-connected, and popular it was hard to not get a big head. All it took was the honest truth and he always made people think he was something special, like when he told Blaine about Paris in the Lima Bean on the show. He’s always been able to talk other people into doing things and he always got his way. 
Until he couldn’t live that way blindly anymore. It was hard for him when he almost blinded Blaine, but it wasn’t his place to be having a hard time. He was the villain. And selfishly enough, he couldn’t give it up yet. He was too embarrassed, so he continued and pretended he was fine with what he’d done. Someone was in the hospital because of him though, someone that he had really liked. Then Dave was in the hospital too, and he knew that part of that was his fault too, and enough was enough. His pride wasn’t worth someone else’s vision or someone else’s life. He had to turn over a new leaf, and he tried to do so in the most dignified way. Part of him still feels like he’s a little less than his competitors from McKinley, that always seemed to take the high road while he came out smelling like a shitty person. Still, he tried to keep in contact with everyone after graduation and attended every single alumni event that he was invited to. 
He didn’t necessarily want to be an attorney forever and he didn’t necessarily want to become one in the first place but with his father’s side of the family being who they are, he felt there was no way around it. He didn’t really tell anyone that he wanted to dance, he just went through with law school because it felt like it applied to him. His specialty as a divorce attorney began as a joke because of his open views on relationships but it has soured him a little on the reality of being with another person. There’s a fear there. He doesn’t think anyone will love him like that, he’s always been a little afraid to show his full true self. There’s always a little bit of the charming socialite mask. At least he didn’t have to become an attorney, while thinking back on the life lessons he had learned by almost being the cause of someone else’s death, he decided that life was too short to play things safe or simply go with what was expected of him. He should be happy, or at the very least he should be productive in making others happy. He could do that in law, but it was a less personable approach, it took longer, and it was so much easier to not go the helpful route and instead take on bad habits again that he decided to not be that. To show his parents that he wasn’t just being lazy, he still graduated. He just opened a dance studio while he worked on school, and by the time he could legally work in law, he had a studio ready to open. His studio has competitive dance teams for all ages and dance classes meant to instruct all ages in specific types of dance, but it also has fun classes, not so serious classes, and shorter programs. There are free classes and programs too, and he runs scholarship programs to give opportunities for the classes and teams that otherwise wouldn’t be an option. 
MOTHER: Étiennette Lilou Smythe (French, from France, not royalty but from a socialite family in politics. She ran off the normal path for her family by getting into modeling before she got married and began her own fashion line, which Sebastian modeled for when he was much younger)
FATHER: Frederick Harrison Smythe (American, from the US, similar to Russell Fabray but law centric instead of bible centric. Rich socialites go to him to clean up their messes. He’s the reason Sebastian took on law, Frederick works with and for his own family at his family owned law firm (the Legacy Law Offices of Smythe & Smythe in NYC) that was opened two generations ago and Sebastian should be honored to have a legacy to take on, blah blah blah) Neither parent is abusive or too unhappy with Sebastian for his choices though. His mother is especially soft with him.
SIBLINGS/OTHER IMPORTANT FAMILY: Just his grandparents in France. He used to go see them every Christmas and every summer when he was growing up, then it narrowed to once a year when he got busier and older. They are old money, the kind of people that just feel powerful when you stand near them, but they’re retired and though they live in the city, they all meet at a large cottage in the countryside that the family owns.
Everything canon is canon about him really liking being on top and being a bully. Knocking other people down meant he has someone to stand on to get a little higher himself and he honestly didn’t see it as anything serious until he started really hurting people.
People might not understand how his family could have so much influence on what he does as an adult, even after he moved into his own place as a teenager, this is just how it’s always been for him. They traveled back and forth, hosting and attending events, doing things to perpetuate their status financially and socially, and his parents were always his tour guides. They’ve always told him what to do, in the sense that they’ve always been there to guide him though strange, new lands. But they’re also busy people, so their attention was moderately fleeting and therefore incredibly valuable.
He has a partying habit still. It’s not something that he has had time for in years but he still does it anyway. He’s not an alcoholic, but he’s definitely a sex addict (not in the romanticized way, in the real way) and uses the attention he can get for his body to keep him going. He’s not miserable, and he’s even happy a lot of the time, but this habit still lingers and when he’s upset the very first thing he’ll think to do is go out to a club, party, and have sex. He has slipped a few times and gotten a little sloppy at an event his parents took him to, both as a teenager sneaking alcohol illegally and as a fully legal adult. It’s not enough to have been noticeable, his parents got him out quickly enough to cover it up.
He’s the commander and chief of fake it ‘til you make it.
I’d be willing to potentially take on one or two connections for people his parents were/are trying to set him up with. 
MERCEDES JONES: The two of them bonded when they met up at alumni charity events and performed together, because Dalton and McKinley were combined in the end for their Glee club competitions, they still perform together. They enjoyed each other’s sass, candor, and talents and ended up talking to catch up, curious about where each other was in life. They’ve both since spoken about wanting to move onto the next phase in life, about really wanting a family in whatever form that looks like. They’ve both also admitted to each other that they think the only way they can have that is probably to be single parents and look for donors/surrogacy. 
DAVE KAROFSKY: This man is the single most important person in Sebastian’s development. Even more so than Blaine. After everything that happened, Sebastian was the first person to visit Dave in the hospital. He was there when the other man woke up for the first time. They spoke every day while Dave was in the hospital and that didn’t end when he got out either. Sebastian asked him out and they went on a few dates, with Sebastian doing his absolute best to show Dave the best time and treat him like a Disney Prince. Sebastian had to go to NYC for college though and Dave stayed in Lima. He’s pretty sure that he’s not Dave’s type. 
BLAINE ANDERSON: The one that got away, again and again, until he finally let him go--- for the most part. Sebastian has always thought that Blaine was probably the best human being to ever be born on planet Earth. Not a single thing about this man has ever bothered him in any way, he’s pretty sure Blaine painted the sky himself. He is so very kind, so very compassionate, so very talented, and so very set up to be just like Sebastian but he never soured that way. He stayed kind. He would have done anything to get Blaine’s attention in high school, and he did do the ultimate anything in the end; he helped Blaine propose to someone else and then continued through the years to do his level best to support that marriage and not say a word about how he felt himself. 
HUNTER CLARINGTON: He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t a bit of a simp for the other man, simply because the inner asshole inside of himself appreciates the asshole inside Hunter. This is the person he’ll casually mention a dilemma he’s having as if he doesn’t want advice, knowing that Hunter will give him the advice without solicitation. They probably could have dated, he would have tried in any other circumstance, but he needed a solid friendship that he wasn’t going to ruin with his hormones. 
KURT HUMMEL: He’s honestly not sure where he stands with Kurt. Back in the day, even after he apologized and years after that, Kurt was one of the people that was unsure about him still. When Blaine cheated, the first fear was that it was Sebastian and it was an immediate relief when Blaine said it wasn’t. He had been intending to challenge his way into Kurt’s life with a sort of “I dare you to not like me” moment, but it doesn’t seem necessary or even like it would make sense to do because Kurt has said as much. The slate may be clean, even with a few remarks here and there, but Sebastian is beginning to wonder if Klaine’s marriage is as happy as it seemed to be and he wonders what the truth of that will do to this connection. 
NICK DUVAL: Nick owns a bar and Sebastian likes to drink and party, so you can do the math. 
THE WARBLERS: Once a Warbler, always a Warbler. That’s all I need to say there. 
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Hi! Do you know any fic where it's set in the 60s/70s/80s around that time period?
Here are an assortment from previous asks! ~ Jen
To Be Myself by @wowbright
What if Kurt had been born 25 years earlier? A story about Gen X Kurt Hummel learning about love and, most importantly, learning to be himself, 1976-1985.
It Must Be Love by lovely_sparkle
It’s 1987, and Blaine just wants to fit in with the cool kids at school. So he wears trendy clothes even though they aren’t his style, saves his singing and dancing for his bedroom, and keeps his sexuality a secret by dating a popular cheerleader. But everything changes when teen sensation Kurt Hummel, lead singer of the latest New Wave craze Social Heap, enters his world. And little does Kurt know that his world is about to be turned upside-down, too.
Hummel and Oats by elfinder
Klaine ‘80s AU. Sometimes even potential soulmates can get off on the wrong foot. Enter Kurt, the ballsy co-manager of Dare to Flare, the hottest gay club in the East Village, and Blaine, a newly hired cover band artist at the same club. Right from the start, the boys’ first impressions of one another go astray thanks to some incorrect gossip and an accidentally spilt drink. Can two men who aren’t even on a first name basis ever put their differences aside?
80s Verse by @whenidance
AU set in the 1980s. Dalton doesn’t exist, Blaine transfers to McKinley, and Rachel and Kurt help him figure out who he really is, complete with a cheestastic soundtrack. A season two rewrite with all that in mind.
Can’t take my eyes off you by gleekto
1969 Klaine AU.
Blaine is a gay. He’s known for years and he’s not ashamed. He just wants to be sensible about it as it carries a lot of risks. So he chooses to study Arts at one of the best colleges in the country - Columbia - that makes his parents happy. And it also happens to have the first college sanctioned gay group in the country - the Student Homophile League - for people like him. And that makes him happy. He hopes. He just has to muster up the courage to actually go to one of the League meetings. Instead he wastes his time staring at that icy hippie in his music history class who doesn’t know he exists. He needs to stop pretending people are gay in his head and actually meet some real homosexuals.
Blaine coming of age in 1969. Hippie!Kurt. Elliott and Sebastian as Blaine’s mentor-friends. Unironic use of ‘groovy’. Coming out and fitting in and falling in love.
Gimme Shelterby Kurtswish
On a joyride out with friends, Blaine stumbles upon a man that would change his life forever. It is a time when changes are coming swiftly with Civil Rights laws and Vietnam on the forefront of everyone’s minds. Finding each other and romance should have been the hard part, but what will two young men endure in the time of free love and war. Story is complete.
The Sound Of Silenceby brokenlovesong
It’s 1968 and Blaine runs away from home. He meet a boy different from anyone he’s ever met who changes everything he thought he new about himself and life, and quickly his entire world changes drastically. Strong language, sex, drugs, drinking, violence
Here I Am, Honeyby luckie_dee
When Blaine Anderson visits Kellerman’s Mountain Home with his family in the summer of 1963, he isn’t expecting anything more than days in the sun and games of croquet, but when he and his cousin Rachel meet the staff dance instructors, his plans get thrown for a loop. Blaine’s family vacation might just end up being the time of his life. A Klaine Dirty Dancing AU. Title from Solomon Burke’s “Cry to Me.”
Immutability and Other Sins series by fabfemmeboy (not completed)
This is an AU that spans from the late 1950s to just shy of modern-day. With the exception of the prologue, it goes in order. It begins in the fall of 1959 at Dalton Academy and follows the trajectory of the American gay experience through our not-always-so-happy couple. While the central story series is Klaine, there are some genfic stories on the side, set in the same universe and timeframe. Mostly because, as I planned out the main story, I kept coming back to all the ways in which the members of New Directions would be different 50 years ago, how many ways their worlds would be unfamiliar or more limited than we think of today. For all politicians seem to talk about what a great time the 1950s were, they weren’t for a lot of people.
There will be links periodically to songs involved in the story. Sometimes it’s a big plot point, sometimes the character is singing it, sometimes it’s just what’s on in the background. Think of it like the soundtrack, since it’s not something we can hear in the episode because there is no episode. Or disregard it entirely, that’s up to you.
And if you happen to want a great kind of nonfiction companion reading, check out Making Gay History by Eric Marcus.
HKVoyage’s Note: This series is not completed (last updated in December 2017). However, at 674k words, it is well worth the read, even though you wish there was more. The author has written up to the late 1970s.
Come Alive by delires
1960s NYC: Newly-wed junior advertising exec Blaine Anderson finds a missing piece to his puzzle in the back room of a Manhattan bar. Mad Men era AU.
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wowbright · 4 years
Fic: Courtship Flight
Summary: Preteen Blaine watches So You Think You Can Dance because there are Mormons on it. He keeps watching because one of those Mormons is mesmerizing.
Words: ~2800 words
Notes: Part of the Mormon!Klaine verse, long before Kurt and Blaine meet. See the Mormon!Klaine Master Post for more info and where this story fits in the verse. Thanks to @redheadgleek for cheering me on when I wrote the original draft of this ~4 years ago.
Warning: Sebastian makes an appearance.
Rating: Teen and Up
The summer Blaine was eleven years old, he became addicted to the TV show So You Think You Can Dance. He'd watched a few episodes when the series premiered the previous year, but it wasn't until that second season, when a 22-year-old returned Mormon missionary and dance instructor named Benji Schwimmer became a competitor, that Blaine became hooked.
Every Wednesday and Thursday night he was on his living room floor, a bowl of popcorn in his lap, his eyes glued to the television, waiting for Benji's magic smile and magic feet to appear on the screen. Every dance the choreographers threw at him, he did as if he'd been known it since birth. He did swing and jazz and hip-hop, partner dances and solos, and made audiences swoon. Even Blaine's mom, who wouldn't have usually allowed Blaine to watch television two nights in a row, made an exception for Benji—it was summer, she said, and it was good to support Mormons in the media.
Besides, Benji wasn't the only Mormon competing on the show. His cousin Heidi Groskreutz was on it too, and each week the two of them showed America that you could live a clean life without alcohol or coffee or premarital sex and still cut a spectacular rug on the dance floor. Mormons knew that their bodies were reflections of Heavenly Father’s own body, and so they should be respected, but also celebrated. There was a reason they called their way of life the Plan of Happiness. Knowing and following the divine plan was the only route to joy, and that joy spilled out in dance.
Blaine watched Benji week after week as he climbed to the top of the competition, taken in by Benji's athleticism and his magnetic charm.
Athleticism. Blaine's dad had used that word to describe Benji, and it sounded funny to Blaine at first. Blaine had always thought that word was reserved for a different kind of man, the kind that filled football fields on Monday nights, their glutes and biceps straining against tight uniforms.
Benji was nothing like that. He didn't look strong at first glance. He was slim, almost skinny, without the bulging muscles of football players or the older teen boys Blaine sometimes watched play soccer at the nearby practice field. But looks could be deceiving. When Benji got onto the dance floor, his body emanated power. He was beautiful to Blaine: slender like a saguaro cactus, supple like an agave leaf, strong like the trunk of an acacia tree. Blaine loved watching him move, loved the way his feet flew across the dance floor like two hummingbirds in courtship flight.
Blaine's parents loved Benji for being a Mormon, but Blaine loved Benji for being unlike any of the Mormons he'd ever know— so unlike the young returned missionaries in Blaine's ward, with their neat, bland clothing and jaws so close-shaven and white you could mistake them for the Carrara marble that lined the countertops of his mother's kitchen. When they walked or talked or played basketball on the chapel court, their movements always seemed somehow constrained, imprisoned, like each of them was locked in an invisible box that limited what they could do with their bodies. They reminded Blaine of the cats at the shelter, spending too much of each day in a crate just big enough to turn around in, waiting for someone to come along and liberate them.
Benji didn't have a box. His body was free, kinetic, beautiful. He was a cat unacquainted with cages, a dragonfly skipping across the pond in Blaine's backyard, a ram clambering mountain sides. Hair grew in sideburns so long they reached past his earlobes; it tufted unencumbered on his chin in a scruffy goatee. When he moved, his body undulated so wonderfully—not all smooth and metrical like the brass pendulum on the Anderson's living room clock, but strange and hypnotic like the necks of the ostriches on Rooster Cogburn's ranch in Picacho Peak.
Benji's smile was different from the smiles of the young returned missionaries in Mesa. It was so big and encompassing, always on the edge of turning into laughter. It transformed life into lightness, not a heavy burden to be endured to the end. Mesa was rigid, orderly, rule bound. Life was a test that you either passed or failed. But watching Benji turned life into a gift. It made Blaine's shoulder blades feel looser, more flexible. He wondered if birds got the same feeling when they spread their wings to fly.
Maybe it was because Benji was from California. He had the laid-back surfer influence that was so anathema to Mesa's rigid, orderly way of life. Benji was beaches and surf, and his body moved as supply as water, as powerfully as waves. Blaine was desert, flat and dry.
Blaine wanted oceans.
Blaine wanted to put his hands around Benji's waist, feel the muscles beneath the fabric of Benji's satin dance shirt, let their subtle movements teach Blaine how to dance.
Blaine knew it was silly. Boys didn't dance with boys. Blaine told himself he wanted to be Benji, not dance with him; and often, he managed to convince himself. But sometimes, when he danced alone in the living room on summer mornings trying to imitate the dances he'd seen Benji do the night before, Blaine's guard would slip, and he'd find himself copying the moves of Benji's partner rather than of Benji himself. It would be so nice to have those square, masculine hands to hold onto, those blue eyes to return to after each spin, those deceptively strong arms to lift him into the air.
Blaine's mom signed him up for ballroom dance lessons. Once a week, he went to a strip mall twenty minutes down the highway to learn the waltz and the chacha, the tango and foxtrot. There was never any shortage of girls to dance with; he was one of only three boys in the class. The superfluous girls had to pair up with each other, learning both to lead and to follow. Blaine wished that he could be superfluous, that the class was so overflowing with boys that every once in a while he'd have no choice but to pair up with one. He wanted someone slightly taller than him, whose eyes he could look up into as he followed their lead around the dance floor.
When he tried to parse that longing, he couldn't make sense of it. Half the girls in the class were taller than him as it was. Why wasn't looking up into their eyes satisfaction enough? And it wasn't like he didn't enjoy dancing with them. It was fun to hold hands and twist and shimmy together, to hear a girl laugh when he surprised her with a dip or spin. The girls in his dance classes liked him. They really liked him. They whispered to each other when he walked by. They giggled when he looked at them. He liked the attention. It made him feel important. He couldn't believe they thought he was cute, not him. He was short and dark, with eyebrows as thick as caterpillars and hair that was too kinky.
But those girls thought he was special, and that made him feel special. In high school, show choir replaced dance lessons, and though the genders were more balanced now, his popularity among girls never abated. They sent him red carnations on Valentine's Day, and he sent white carnations back. At Homecoming and Christmas and Easter they swapped candygrams instead. Every girl wanted a candygram from Blaine Anderson, and he did his best to oblige.
When Blaine turned 16, he started going out on dates. He liked that too. Girls loved him because he was always a gentleman and never tried to push them too far. He'd only give them one kiss goodnight—a dry, soft kiss on the lips if their parents allowed such things, or a quick peck on the cheek if their parents didn't.
He liked kissing. He liked the warmth of skin, the feeling of being close to another human being.
And he liked that he never had to feel guilty afterward. In priesthood meetings, they talked about how it was important to never do things with girls that would lead to lustful thoughts. Some of the boys said they couldn't even hold a girl's hand without the threat of an temptation. But it wasn't like that for Blaine. It felt cozy and warm and safe, like being in his mother's arms.
Well, there was that one time in Kerry Dahlin's living room. Kerry was in show choir with Blaine, and he'd taken her to homecoming and the spring stake dance, but they weren't going steady. She dated lots of different boys and he dated lots of different girls, because the Brethren advised against teens getting into serious romantic entanglements that could lead to immorality.
Kerry had a few friends from the ward and show choir over to watch her old tapes of So You Think You Can Dance on her family's new sixty-inch flatscreen TV. Her mom made raspberry-pretzel Jell-O jigglers and mint-frosted brownies for them to eat with their choice of milk, water, or Mountain Dew. Blaine always chose milk when it was offered because he was still short like his mom, and he grabbed on to the hope that the protein would boost him another inch before he stopped growing forever. When Kerry's mom got up from the recliner to return the empty treat pans to the kitchen, Kerry snuck her hand over to Blaine's and slid their palms together.
It felt nice, like it always did. And it felt even nicer when Benji Schwimmer came on the screen, poised on the landing of an open staircase, his backside facing the camera as the opening drums of Wilson Pickett's "Land of a Thousand Dances" rolled out of the speakers, percussing against Blaine's skin. Benji swung his hips to the right, to the left, back and again, his shoulders countering each move, his body becoming a swell on the edge of the ocean.
Wilson Pickett grunted. Benji turned to his side and thrust out his pelvis. Blaine involuntarily squeezed Kerry's hand.
"You know how to feel alright!" Wilson Pickett sang, and it was apparently true of Benji Schwimmer. The look on his face was all confidence, his stance all swagger. He descended into the splits, rose back up like a pogo stick, spun like a top­—and all the while, he smiled like the world was his, a feast to be devoured.
Blaine didn't notice immediately how most of the blood in his body was rushing to one central point in his body. He was too mesmerized by the way Benji moveds—sliding down the banister, twirling across the polished surface of the stage, his hips full of the confidence of a soldier standing at attention. Benji's right leg rose impossibly above his head, a high kick that should have ripped the center seam of his pants. But it didn't, a fact that was apparent because Blaine was staring right at Benji's pelvis and all it had to offer: its mesmerizing sway, the roundness of its backside, the bulge in front that teased the hidden nooks of Blaine's imagination.
"He's so good!" Kerry said in a half giggle, half shriek, squirming against the couch as if the mere sight of Benji Schwimmer compelled her to move like him. The other kids in the room nodded and hummed their agreement with Kerry's assessment. "Isn't he amazing?" She squeezed Blaine's hand. Her palm was sweatier now—or maybe it was Blaine's palm that was sweating. His armpits certainly were, and the place where his thighs would have touched if he hadn't been wearing shorts. The 24-hour deodorant Blaine applied each morning and evening sent out plumes of fragrance the way it always did when his body heat rose.
"Yeah," Blaine said, or tried to say. It came out strangled, the way words had back when his voice was changing. He sounded like a gagging dog.
He realized, suddenly, that he had an erection.
Kerry turned to Blaine. "What was that?"
Blaine coughed and crossed his legs. "Must have swallowed something the wrong way."
She eyed his glass of milk suspiciously. "That stuff's not good for your vocal cords. Makes them stick together. Want me to get you some Mountain Dew?"
On the screen, Benji turned his behind to the camera and shook it for all it was worth as the song drummed to a close. Blaine crossed his legs and said without thinking (because there was no oxygen in his brain anymore, or even in his lungs; it was all in his groin), "Caffeine's not great for them either."
Blaine heard the words only after he'd spoken them, in the pause when Kerry turned to answer and her face took on that slightly wounded look she sometimes got when their kisses got too long for him to tolerate and he pulled away.  Fudge. He hadn't meant it that way. Caffeine wasn't against the Word of Wisdom per se, but a lot of Mormons acted like it was. Blaine's parents had reiterated to him time and again that, while tea and coffee were forbidden under the Word of Wisdom, the choice whether to consume caffeine in other forms was deeply personal—between a person and God. Blaine hadn't consulted God on his decision to eschew caffeine. He just avoided it because it made him want to dance on ceilings, and most people thought he was too energetic as it was already.
He touched her hand—a preemptive apology. "Actually, I think that's an old wive's tale. If the Word of Wisdom doesn't prohibit it, it can't be that bad. But ... it just makes me feel weird. You know?" He could feel his face scrunching together the way it did when he tried to appease girls: his lips pursing, his nose wrinkling, his eyes going small and making him look more like his mother than he usually did. They seemed to like that face.
The hurt dissippated from Kerry's face, so fast Blaine could hardly be sure he'd seen it at all. She smiled brightly. She never took anything as an affront—not for long. She was the perfect Mormon girl, always cheerful and rarely contrarian unless she meant to help. She would make a good wife to a priesthood holder one day. She hopped off the couch. "I'll get you some water."
"Thanks," Blaine said, pulling the crocheted afghan from the back of the couch onto his lap. He squeezed his legs together in hopes that it would somehow wrench the blood out of his penis and back into the rest of his body.
He looked back at the TV screen. It was a different dancer now, a pretty woman doing a solo swing-style dance. Her footwork was amazing, her legs flying almost independently of her body in helicopters and savoy kicks, and she kept bending forward so that her breasts hung down from her chest and wobbled like the Jell-O jigglers they'd polished off earlier in the afternoon.
Blaine's erection waned.
"You cold?" Kerry said when she returned halfway through the lady's dance. She pointed at the afghan in Blaine's lap as she handed him his glass of ice water. "I can adjust the thermostat."
"No, I'm fine. A blanket's just ... comforting sometimes, you know?"
She squeezed his hand. His palm was drier now than it had been before. Hers was cool from holding the water. "You're so cute, Blaine." She beamed as she said it, the way people did when they looked at puppies or babies or people whom they truly loved. It made Blaine feel vaguely guilty.
"I'm not trying to be."
"I guess it just comes naturally to you."
Someone sitting on the floor turned around and poked Kerry's calf. "Get a room, you two!" It was Sebastian, a non-member from choir—and not just a non-member, but an atheist Episcopalian, two heresies rolled into one.
Blaine cringed. None of Blaine's close friends would seriously consider "getting a room" to be alone with someone they dated. At least, Blaine had never considered it, and since he only had his own experience to go on, he figured it must be the same for every Mormon kid who strove to be righteous.
"Kerry's a daughter of Zion," Blaine snapped back. "Don't impugn her virtue."
Sebastian's eyes rolled to meet Blaine's. They were sharp and green, like that bristly cholla cactus in their front garden whose spines his mother was always warning him against. "Maybe I was impugning yours."
Blaine's erection surged. He readjusted the blanket. "Whatever." Blaine looked back at the TV, but still felt Sebastian's eyes on him, felt each look like a scratch against his skin.
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gorgxoxus · 4 years
Historical!Klaine fic recs:
(Why did I take so long to read this trope? I’ve always loved historical fiction.)
Indiscretions by Shandyall:
As childhood best friends in the 40’s and secret high school sweethearts in the 50’s, Kurt and Blaine never would have guessed they’d both end up married to women in the 60’s. But even when the world they live in keeps them from walking hand in hand, there’s nothing they can’t face side by side.
Hummel and Oates by elfinder:
Klaine ‘80s AU. Sometimes even potential soulmates can get off on the wrong foot. Enter Kurt, the ballsy co-manager of Dare to Flare, the hottest gay club in the East Village, and Blaine, a newly hired cover band artist at the same club. Right from the start, the boys’ first impressions of one another go astray thanks to some incorrect gossip and an accidentally spilt drink. Can two men who aren't even on a first name basis ever put their differences aside?
In my life I love you more by moongirl84:
It’s not easy being secretly in love with your best friend. Especially when your name is Blaine Anderson, the year is 1965 and your best friend is a boy.
Baby boomers Klaine verse by seaouryour (PDF):
Two life-changing events happened to Kurt during the fall of ‘56.
He turned sixteen, and the DeSoto that he had spent a loving year polishing was finally, truly his. He was no longer beholden to where his legs could take him, or where he would admit to his father that he wanted to go. With his driver’s license, Lima seemed to crack open and bleed possibility. He could go anywhere–up to Lima Heights, to see Mercedes, or out to adjacent towns, to riffle through secondhand clothing stores, or, as he had taken to fantasizing, even farther than that. To drive east or west until Lima was nothing more than a bad memory.
The second was freshman McKinley student Blaine Anderson.
Everlasting by missmichellebelle:
For some, time passes slowly. For the Hummels, it doesn’t exist. It is the summer of 1914 and, at the tender age of seventeen, Blaine Anderson is Lima, Ohio’s most eligible bachelor. But for Blaine, one thing is true; the heat of summer is not nearly as stifling as the formality of his life. When Blaine seeks freedom in the forest that has called to him since his childhood, he comes across a boy and a family who are unlike anything he has ever known and the course of his life changes forever.
80s verse by whenidance:
AU set in the 1980s. Dalton doesn’t exist, Blaine transfers to McKinley, and Rachel and Kurt help him figure out who he really is, complete with a cheestastic soundtrack. A season two rewrite with all that in mind.
Here I am, honey by luckie_dee:
When Blaine Anderson visits Kellerman's Mountain Home with his family in the summer of 1963, he isn't expecting anything more than days in the sun and games of croquet, but when he and his cousin Rachel meet the staff dance instructors, his plans get thrown for a loop. Blaine's family vacation might just end up being the time of his life. A Klaine Dirty Dancing AU. Title from Solomon Burke's "Cry to Me."
Gimme shelter by kurtswish:
On a joyride out with friends, Blaine stumbles upon a man that would change his life forever. It is a time when changes are coming swiftly with Civil Rights laws and Vietnam on the forefront of everyone's minds. Finding each other and romance should have been the hard part, but what will two young men endure in the time of free love and war.
How things should be by Imogen_LeFay:
Kurt Hummel's life is comfortable for a peasant with his work in the kitchen of Earl Anderson. It would be more comfortable, if he could rein in his feelings for the Earl's younger son, Blaine. But Kurt knows, life isn't a fairy tale. And lords marry ladies, they don't fall in love with kitchen servants.
Westerville Abbey by HKVoyage:
Blaine is the second son of the earl of Westerville, and is considered the spare heir. After his 18th birthday, he attends the London Season to fulfill his duty of finding a wife. He soon realizes he is more attracted to the new footman. Kurt, who has just arrived at Westerville Abbey to work alongside his father, becomes equally as smitten with the earl’s youngest son. Will Blaine and Kurt be able to overcome their class differences in 1910s England? Will their forbidden love survive WW1? A Downton Abbey inspired historical Klaine AU.
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i was fixing my tags and while going through all the posts, i’ve noticed a bunch of my muses that had like less than five text posts in their tags. so, below the cut you’ll find a rather large list of my muses with some brief info included about them. i want to write some starters for them and get some threads going, so please comment on this post with any muses you’d be interested in getting a starter from. there’s really no limit. 
alexander beckett / outcast prince / pansexual / fc: will tudor 
frances ‘baby’ houseman / canon divergent baby from dirty dancing / bisexual / fc: zoey deutch 
connor beckett / heir of his father’s company who is kind of an alcoholic / bisexual / fc: armie hammer
florence beckett / princess & aspiring ballet dancer / bisexual / fc: liana liberato 
jarrod beckett / prince & broadway actor / homosexual / fc: axel auriant 
lawrence cohen / based on chunk from the goonies / pansexual / fc: ansel elgort
marnie piper / canon divergent marnie from halloweentown / pansexual / fc: lana condor
mike wheeler / older mike from stranger things / bisexual / fc: timothee chalamet
milly michaelson / innocent daydreamer / pansexual / fc: natalia dyer
tiffany beckett / queen with a heart of ice / bisexual / fc: emilia clarke 
violet sanford / works as a bartender - living a double life / bisexual / fc: danielle rose russell
wesley james / college student by day - call boy by night / heterosexual / fc: michael b. jordan 
augustus waters / canon divergent gus from tfios / pansexual / fc: ansel elgort
jamila el dine / conspiracy blogger and researcher / pansexual / fc: jade thirlwall 
john torres / warlock cursed with nine lives / pansexual / fc: diego tinoco
lamont warrick / scam artist who owns a curio shop / pansexual / fc: keith powers
nancy drew / amateur dectective / pansexual / fc: kat mcnamara
nigel mookerjee / historian / heterosexual / fc: dev patel 
luna santoro / fashion designer / bisexual / fc: sofia carson 
star rhee / works at a planetarium & super down to earth / homosexual / fc: laura harrier
thomas blake / charming demon / homosexual / fc: daniel sharman 
yumi shimizu / works at a bento box stand / bisexual / fc: sana minatozaki 
blaine o’callaghan / drug dealer turned kingsman agent / pansexual / fc: lee taeyong
cady heron / canon divergent cady from mean girls / bisexual / fc: maia mitchell 
chandler yoo / maid and nanny - based on cinderella / pansexual / fc: yoon jeonghan
elton grady / kingsman agent with sociopathic tendencies / bisexual / fc: jamie dornan
jackie kelly / struggling artist with wanderlust / homosexual / fc: anna kendrick 
jeremy heere / awkward nobody who wants to be popular / bisexual / fc: timothee chalamet
reese george / cisbent regina george from mean girls / bisexual / fc: park jimin 
vivian edwards / head of the kingsman agency / bisexual / fc: daisy ridley
amber kang / med student and prodigy / pansexual / fc: jeon heejin 
blue o’sullivan / well known lgbt*a activist / pansexual / fc: saoirse ronan 
cheri kim / shallow aspiring model / pansexual / fc: ha sooyoung
emerald greenblatt / environmental activist who owns her own 0 waste clothing company / pansexual / fc: hailee steinfeld 
fitz bennett / head of his own social networking company & single father / pansexual / fc: henry golding 
geoff princeton / star baseball player / heterosexual / fc: chance perdomo 
lila hernandez / nanny who wants to be a novelist / pansexual / fc: selena gomez
olly turner / youtuber who runs a channel similar to shane dawson featuring conspiracy theories, etc. / bisexual / fc: calum hood 
onyx wright / lead singer of a band & apathetic asshole / pansexual / fc: alex fitzalan 
perrie huang / embodiment of sunshine who works at a daycare / bisexual / fc: viian wong 
pippa jamil / food network star / homosexual / fc: jameela jamil 
silvia martinez / high end escort & daddy’s girl / pansexual / fc: bruna marquezine
tinsley bell / works at disneyland as the face character of tinkerbell & super confident / pansexual / fc: hunter schafer
violet zhang / works at hot topic & ur hot goth gf / pansexual / fc: natasha liu bordizzo
wyatt parker / everyone thinks he’s this playboy heir to his father’s company but he’s a soft boi / bisexual / fc: xavier serrano 
theo decker / canon theo from the goldfinch / bisexual / fc: ansel elgort
ajay ghale / drug dealer / homosexual / fc: park chanyeol 
alex yoon / film student who likes working on independent projects - super needy / homosexual / fc: felix lee 
anya romanov / canon divergent anastasia / heterosexual / fc: abigail cowen
april williams / aspiring model who works at lush / pansexual / fc: maggie lindemann
autumn rossi / a witch who owns a bookstore / pansexual / fc: kiernan shipka
brett utonium / gang member / pansexual / fc: jordan connor 
bryan utonium / sugar baby / bisexual with a preference for females / feminine aligned individuals / fc: lucas wong
grainger / club owner & single father / bisexual with a female lean / fc: tom ellis 
park jinhwan / dancer & ulzzang / pansexual / fc: park seonghwa 
na jisoo / dancer & personal stylist / homosexual / fc: kim chungha 
johnny kim / ex-dancer and now solo artist / homosexual / fc: park junhee 
na jonghyun / dancer who owns his own studio / bisexual / fc: han jisung 
maddy perez / canon maddy from euphoria / pansexual / fc: alexa demie 
luke hemmings / fictional portrayal 
meg murry / student who picks too many fights / pansexual / fc: vanessa morgan 
miranda priestly / intern at a fashion magazine & aspiring designer / pansexual / fc: barbara palvin 
peter pan / canon divergent portrayal / pansexual / fc: kj apa 
ponyboy curtis / from the outsiders / aspiring writer / bisexual / fc: harry styles
summer somchai / works at an aquarium & surfer / pansexual / fc: lalisa manoban 
winnie santos / ice skater & instructor / bisexual / fc: camila mendes
ellie cullen / hybrid cutiepie - vampire & human / pansexual / fc: kathryn newton 
lana jackson / burlesque dancer / pansexual / fc: indya moore
valeria sousa / camgirl & cosplayer / pansexual / fc: barbie ferreira
stacy harrington / cousin to steve harrington & works at scoops ahoy / homosexual / fc: diana silvers 
freyja whelan / deaf education major / bisexual / fc: florence pugh
edythe cullen / edythe from life and death / bisexual / fc: josephine langford
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comradesklaine · 5 years
★★★ Here I Am, Honey by luckie_dee When Blaine Anderson visits Kellerman's Mountain Home with his family in the summer of 1963, he isn't expecting anything more than days in the sun and games of croquet, but when he and his cousin Rachel meet the staff dance instructors, his plans get thrown for a loop. Blaine's family vacation might just end up being the time of his life. A Klaine Dirty Dancing AU. 
Another Life by wintercreek It’s a typical Wednesday. Except for the part where Kurt’s in a suit, wearing the glasses he got last spring but usually only wears just before bed and in extreme contact solution shortages, and miming some sort of imperious dialog with an empty chair.
you go to my head by regala_electra Cuddly tipsy friends celebrating and enjoying inappropriate times together.
life tearing at the seams by regala_electra It’s amazing how the right distressed designer wear can be mistaken for something one of the dangerous kids would wear. Kurt Hummel, one of the outcasts of McKinley High, dreams of leaving Lima behind. Then Blaine Anderson transfers during Kurt's senior year.
Pavlovian by rospeaks Kurt uses kisses as positive reinforcement without even realizing it. This is very detrimental in the kitchen, unfortunately.
Somebody Kind by robotsfighting Kurt is sick; Blaine is very insistently helpful.
To the Moon and Back by idoltina Blaine Anderson is four when he decides he wants to be an astronaut.
Since The Day We Found You by robotsfighting The Hummel-Hudson house feels like home to Blaine, in a way that his own house never has.
education in harmony by blackmustache Blaine doesn't meet Kurt during his sophomore year at Dalton - but fate intervenes and makes sure they still cross paths a little later in their lives.
Lamb in The Wood by idoltina Six years after New Directions graduates from William McKinley High School, Kurt and Blaine share an apartment in New York. In the early hours of the morning, a phone call from Quinn rocks their world. • warning for character death (artie)
Intertwined and Overrun by idoltina Blaine is nineteen and home for the summer, a newly minted college sophomore. The hospital lights are blindingly bright, but the world has never been darker.
Let it Snow by santaklaine Kurt pinpoints the very moment his heart stops while on vacation at a ski resort with Blaine over the holidays. The vacation gets better after that.
Life and Times of Author B.A. Dalton by oncetwiceforevr Blaine Anderson (aka B.A. Dalton) is a writer from Los Angeles. Kurt Hummel changes him. 
The Boy on The Seesaw by regala_electra He’s gay. It’s not the end of the world. He’s pretty sure of that, at least he thinks so, and he’s trying to figure it out, but deep down he always knew, even before he had a real word to put there, pinning over his heart three letters gay and the world’s changed forever. Blaine Anderson's life as seen through several memorable summers and a conversation before his 16th summer vacation.
It’s Only Time by warble_on The summer before Kurt is to leave for college in New York, he creates a way to keep close to Blaine when they’re apart. 
Runner!Klaine verse by YourFairyGodfather Kurt is running his very first marathon for Reasons (and they're really good ones. Probably). Blaine is a marathon junkie with a total disregard for how good looking he is at seven in the morning (or in spandex pants). It's a good thing they're made for each other, because there are 26 more miles to the finish line.
In the Haze by oncetwiceforevr Blaine Anderson is a firefighter in NYC. One day, he meets Kurt Hummel. This is their story.
One’s Impossible, Two is Dreary by Lokei Kurt’s voice in his ear is warm and evens out all of the jagged edges on Blaine’s insides. “I’m back early from Callbacks and wanted to make sure to respond to you before it got too late. Care to explain this text?”
In Sickness and in... by flaming_muse There’s just Blaine, his hot pillow, and the heavy winter clouds pressing down on his chest. Futurefic.
Not The Boy Next Door by wordplay Blaine Anderson is a struggling musician with a new job. This is the story of everything he finds there. • fic is kinda incomplete without the images but they’re still within the pdf/epub, *here*
One Foot In Front Of The Other by apropensityforcharm 6x11 reaction. In which Blaine’s first day at NYU isn’t too great, until Elliott shows up. 
History Books Forgot About Us by apropensityforcharm 6x05 reaction. Ten teeny tiny moments of beautiful, ordinary love between Kurt and Blaine. Inspired by the Heads Up game in the elevator. 
★★★  Stunning and Cadaverous by rm (arem) AU. Blaine's back home in Lima because his father is dying. He meets Kurt for the first time in the Lima Bean when he accidentally spills coffee all over him. Turns out Kurt's a funeral director. But that's not really the strangest thing about either of them.
Eventually I’ll Get the Guy by mailroomorder When Blaine goes to college and moves into the dorms, there are a few things that are more difficult than expected; it's hard to jerk off when you're living in a dorm surrounded by people, and it's even more frustrating when the person you're fantasizing about is your roommate.
Extended Families by imaginentertain Blaine has an interesting relationship with his boyfriend's father
that was then; he is now by villiageidiot Now that there's Blaine, everything's different.
Ink verse by orphan_account Meet cute AU: Blaine is a florist and Kurt is a tattoo artist from the shop next door.
To Shake the Pride of Angels by Cimmerians Kurt and Blaine have never met. Until they do.
Puppy Kisses by hdarchive He’s determined to be the most romantic husband in the entire world, chocolates and roses and puppies included.
unexpected by klaineanummel Blaine Anderson was just about the last thing Professor Kurt Hummel expected out of a TA. • one of the softest blaines written i wanna cry just thinking about him
TattooArtists!Klaine verse by alilactree
On My Way (To You) by MakerOfAnarchy Blaine pines after Kurt Hummel for an entire year before fate steps in and gives him just the nudge he needed.
Encounters by orphan_account Kurt and Blaine have a one night stand at a club. Then they start to see each other randomly around the city as if some strange force keeps trying to bring them together.
The Littlest Vows by rainjoyswriting Blaine is afraid of spiders. Kurt helps.
Cooper Anderson, D.D.S. by luckie_dee Blaine has a loose tooth, and Cooper plans to use it to further his future career as an actor.
Someone Marches Brave by Lexie The aftermath of multiple elections isn't easy to handle.
Starcrossed by thefatesallow (orphan_account) It is the Fourth Quarter Quell. Kurt, the Victor of the 98th Hunger Games, is braced to return for his second year as a mentor. All he hopes for is a quick Games so he can return home and battle his nightmares until the next year. But then Blaine Anderson is reaped.
The Sky Could Be Blue by JudeAraya Relationships with the Winged are as close to illegal as can be, but when Kurt Hummel hires Blaine Anderson to walk in his runway show, neither can deny their instant chemistry.
Testers by gleeficarchivepseud (andyetilienot) Kurt and Blaine find a new way to make money on the side.
(We’ve Got) Obsessions by gleeficarchivepseud (andyetilienot) “Tested” reaction fic.
A Mild Case of Vampirism by icedwhitemocha sometimes a teddy bear is just a teddy bear. this is not one of those times.
What They Say About The Third Time by a_simple_rainbow Blaine is a cinematography student who agrees to help some classmates out with their end of semester project. Kurt is a fashion student who agrees to help his high school friend, Artie Abrams.
Hate On Me Hater by rospeaks Kurt and Blaine are fashion critics in competition with each other. • p much just pwp lmaooo
Mistaken Identity by kurtiepie "How do you accidentally do something like that?" After a long day, Blaine comes home to find that his friend and roommate Sam has accidentally set him up on a blind date. 
The Tune Without The Words by FyrMaiden It's not Blaine's wings which make him special.
Down To The River by FyrMaiden Faith is an important part of Blaine's life, and he doesn't want to lose it.
Fire Forged Friends by kurtiepie "This is the worst bitter rivalry Kurt has ever been a part of." After coming to the conclusion that she would rather be fear than play nice, Rachel corrals the New Directions into a fiercely competitive new mindset. Kurt doubts her methods, but goes along with them -- until the Warbler's leading man sends him a message, telling him it's 'crucial' that he sees him.
Soothe by Ladylywrites Blaine has a nightmare and calls Kurt.
All Your Curves And Edges by Ladylywrites Set after 'Tested'; Blaine opens up a little more about his feelings in the after glow of making up.
Blaine Anderson, Guerrilla Knitter at Large by madamemonday Blaine knits!!
Nine in the Afternoon by hedgerose Growing up and growing together.
Clandestine ‘verse by DasWarSchonKaputt The first words Kurt Hummel ever says to Blaine are, “Take the shot.” (spy!klaine)
All My Numbers by sweetiejelly Eight years later, at the urging of their friends, Kurt and Blaine try speed dating. It doesn't work. Until it does spectacularly.
We Should Be Woo’d by flowerfan Sam turns to Blaine for advice on how to help Spencer woo Alistair, but Blaine and Kurt are a little busy…
want to be wanted by sxndazed "What are you afraid of?" He looks up and meets her eyes. She'll prod until he answers, but she wants him to answer without having her do so. He sighs. "I'm afraid of not being enough."
Under Your Spell(ing) by notthetoothfairy Emotionally isolated skank!Kurt approaches Blaine at a church youth group meeting, and somehow ends up with more feelings than he can handle.
And now here they are by tinysocieties “I can’t wait to read it,” Blaine says, his expression open and sincere. Kurt feels fond all of a sudden. He can already tell it’s going to be a problem.
Emotions in Limine by whenidance Lawyer!Kurt, Paralegal!Blaine
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klaineencyclopedia · 8 years
The Dance Teacher by lady–divine
Blaine has a crush on his dance teacher, which is turning out to be problematic.
About 3,000 words, 2 chapters, low rating, complete. On AO3 (fhartz91) and Tumblr.
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lady-divine-writes · 3 years
“Tell me you’re handsome.” “I’m …” Blaine leaps to obey, but his mouth pinches shut around the words, and he subconsciously shakes his head. “Do it, pet, or accept punishment. And this time, it won’t be a spanking. I’ll wash your mouth out with soap until you learn to repeat what I tell you.” “Yes, Sir. I … I’m sorry, Sir … I …” “Tell me you’re handsome.” Blaine swallows, forces his mouth open, and makes himself speak without thinking too hard about the words. “I’m handsome, Sir.” “Tell me you’re talented.” “I’m talented, Sir.” “Tell me that you deserve all of the wonderful things that are coming your way.” Blaine sniffs in, works his tongue inside his mouth to clear away the last two statements in preparation for this one. “I deserve all of the wonderful things that are coming my way, Sir.” Kurt looks in his sub’s eyes as Blaine’s gaze returns, by default, to the floor. “You know, pet, most of the time you are an amazing actor. One of the best I’ve ever seen.” He sighs. “But not this time.” “I’m sorry, Sir,” Blaine says with a crack in his words, assuming punishment will follow. And that punishment promises to be extremely unpleasant if Kurt is planning on washing his mouth out with soap. Blaine understands why he would – to clean away the lies Kurt feels that Blaine tells himself so he can replace them with these words that are so damned difficult for Blaine to say. “No, I’m sorry,” Kurt says, drying Blaine’s hands on a dish towel, then wrapping his arms around him, “because you don’t see what I see. You don’t seem to believe the things that are so obvious to everyone else – your agent, your vocal coach, your dance instructor, me.” “I’m sorry, Sir,” Blaine repeats because what else is there for him to say? It would be so easy to just recite what Kurt tells him to, like a parrot. But Blaine knows that when they perform this exercise that Kurt expects Blaine to believe the things he’s saying. And he doesn’t. Not yet. “I don’t know how to fix it, Sir.” “We’ll fix it together, the way we fix everything,” Kurt reassures him. “I will teach … and you will learn. And you will do fabulously, the way you always do.”
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