#dane ward
whatsjulietslastname · 6 months
Okay, this is random headcanons time (except they gradually get more out of character).
Rachel can sing pretty well. Max too, even though the only one who ever heard her was Lisa. (Have you heard Hannah Telle’s cover of Obstacles omg—)
Chloe loves playing Guitar Hero, and she used to have contests with William and Max when she was a kid.
Warren definitely watched Doctor Who.
Victoria is a canon nerd, so headcanon that she’s secretly into Star Wars.
Chloe kept playing with Steph and Mikey every once in a while until Steph left. And she kept in touch with Steph, so after Max and her left Arcadia Bay, Alex, Steph, Max and Chloe all met and introduced each other.
Dana was a Mean Girls kid (do you see my vision??)
Kate had a tamagotchi as a kid and cried when it died.
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iscahmckrae · 2 years
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Hey, if you're gonna get all Ward Cleaver on me I gotta go call Eddie and Lumpy and tell them I'm gonna be late...
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gospelborn · 2 years
My 10 Favorite Books this Year (2022)
My 10 Favorite Books this Year (2022)
Reading is a sweet gift. And while I always feel like I am in a serious “book debt” (always more books to read than I have time), it is fun to look back and reflect on what my favorite reads were from the last year. These are not limited to books that were published in the last year, but only books I read in the last year. 10. Spark by John J. Ratey Often we hear that we need to exercise to…
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librarycards · 1 month
sry if you've answered this before, but do you have any fave or recommended poems centered around or related to disability?
thanks for your patience, i do! i'm including some of my favorite books below, as well as some individual poems.
i've also written some disability-themed pieces/books. Some pieces I've written that may be of interest include these two and these two in Electric Lit, Diagnostician's Note in Protean, RUNNING in X-RAY Lit, Late Summer Dispatch in Princemere, Headcase! in the New Orleans Review, and to a specified fate) and these two in The Institutionalized Review.
books (all of the authors listed also have individual pieces published that are worth checking out!)
Hannah Emerson, The Kissing of Kissing
Twoey Gray, Electrodaughter
Bhanu Kapil, Schizophrene
Sam Sax, Madness
Bettina Judd, Patient.
Jane Shi, Leaving Chang'e On Read
David Wolach, Occultations
Petra Kuppers & Neil Marcus, Cripple Poetics
Phil Smith, Writhing Writing: Moving Toward a Mad Poetics
Edited Anthology: Beauty is a Verb: The New Poetry of Disability
some poems i love (* marks those I have edited/helped bring into the world!):
Jess Silfa, Keeping Up
Dane Lyn, Stoner Termites*
Andy Jackson, Disfigured Fame
BEE LB, Two poems
torrin a. greathouse, SICK4SICK
Nora Hikari, The Fictive's Address
Matthew Tuckner, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, With Figurative Language
Isaac Pickell, In The Psych Ward*
Zachariah Claypole White, OCD Sonnets
Evan Reynolds, [ABJECTION]*
Jesse Rice-Evans, Snow Moon
hope you find something you like!
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tlkfaerie · 1 year
༺☆༻ Pairing: Sihtric x reader ༺☆༻
Word Count: 4.1k
summary: a celebration in Uhtred's hall leads to a mutual confession in a river.
Author's note: heyyyyy. This is set in my imaginary peacetime lol. I would say end of S2 but also Sihtric's S3 hair because I love mullets.
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MDNI! 18+ -͟͟͞☆ TW! : smut, loss of virginity, mentions of alcohol, slapping, crying, p in v, confessions of love etc
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .       . ✦     ˚
You were Uhtred's ward, so naturally, you followed him wherever he went. He had reluctantly taken you in as an oath after Leofric could no longer look after you. Your ancestry was a shoddy thing - it seemed everyone you had ever met was unaware of your origins. And yet, you had fallen into the care of Leofric, who had begged Uhtred to care for you in his final, forceful moment in battle.
Though you had begun as a pain in his side, he grew to love you deeply. You revelled in the sibling-like bond that the two of you shared, though sometimes it was hard to listen to him when he told you to do certain things. You had become his arseling. You were often confined to your room when thins became heated, hiding with Gisela or forced behind Finan's side, never allowed to be at the forefront of anything important.
You didn't mind entirely, however, because Uhtred's natural urge to provide for you meant that you were safe. And on nights like tonight, you enjoyed yourself the most. Ale was being squandered throughout Coccham's infamous Pagan hall, thrown in goblets and beakers to any man whose eager hands were willing to receive.
Uhtred warned you not to have more than one glass, but as there was no danger, you knew he wouldn't bother to keep an eye on you. He smirked as he had left you, somehow knowing that you would not follow his commands. Gisela, even, did not adopt on the somewhat maternal role she often forced upon you. You loved her as a sister, but tonight you knew you could not bump into her in your state.
After what could only have been your tenth glass, you observed Osferth sitting alone, looking rather sheepish. As someone you considered your greatest confidant, you slumped next to him, entertaining him with slurred conversation that you imagined was perfectly clear. As the two of you laughed, you were unaware of the conversation that had been brewing slowly across the hall.
Finan draped himself across one of the benches as he watched Uhtred turn serious, sniggering slowly at the man's mildly drunken state. He turned to Sihtric, who had been quiet for most of the night. Though he was always somewhat subdued, today seemed to pique a particular silence within him. Uhtred did not fail to notice. He had been observing how Sihtric ogled you for some months now.
"Good men have begun asking about my ward," he begun, taking a great chug from his cup. He could not hide his smile, knowing exactly what he was doing. The Dane immediately turned his absent head towards his Lord, envy filling his chest at the news. Sihtric wasn't surprised, however. He saw how oblivious you were to the stares around you. Though your position with Uhtred was close enough to scare of some men, others had tried to court you.
Your beauty was known throughout the land, praised above even royalty. As a result of this, you caused Uhtred many problems in his dealing and bargaining with other men, though he would never tell you that. He never ceased to remind you that you behaved like a wild pup, and that no man would consider you for marriage with branches in your hair and mud in your hands. He was teasing, of course, but this had urged your sense of independence so much that you hadn't even considered suitors.
None, other than Sihtric. As he did his work for his Lord, fought for him alongside other men, you couldn't help but feel drawn to him. He was a wonder to speak to, incredibly soft yet opinionated and strong. He let you do things like weave flowers into his hair, play with his sword (albeit very, very reluctantly) and helped you with chores. He had been nothing but kind to you, but his conscious prevented him from making any sort of romantic move.
"She is wild, she will need a strong man. A good man," Uhtred continued, eyeing Finan, who quickly chimed in. He knew he spoke slightly too ill of you in this moment, but it was for a greater purpose, and so he allowed himself the indulgence.
"I could happily take on such a task, Lord," the Irishman raised his glass, staring at Sihtric from where he sat at the very edge of his seat, eyes downcast. He felt ridiculous. He was a warrior in every sense of the word, stoic and observant. Why could he not simply find the courage in him to ask for more than your platonic company. He burned for you. For you to be his wife. To claim you as his.
Finally, Sihtric cleared his throat. "Lord, I wish to be with Y/N. I wish for her to be mine." he seemed almost tortured as he said the words, making Finan burst out with laughter. The two were a close pair, but Finan's laughter did not infect Sihtric as it usually did.
"I'd be able to see that even if I was blind, Sihtric," he began, walking over to his good friend, "she is a fine runt, I like her, but she won't stay idle forever, not with that face." Sihtric grinned slightly, reminiscing on the night that Finan had bestowed you with the glorious nickname 'runt'. After you'd confessed that Leofric was only some distant uncle, and that your parents could have been anyone, he'd stuck ale in your hand and branded you the group's pretty runt.
Sihtric laughed, shoving Finan off of his shoulders, telling him to go and find his own woman for the night, "or have you had every woman not claimed here tonight already?"
Without waiting for Finan's reaction, Sihtric returned his gaze to Uhtred and the other men at the table. Uhtred smiled, tearing copious amounts of bread in his hands and shoving them down. Sihtric declared his Lord a pig for the moment, earning him a slap to the back.
"You and Y/N are suited, I would see that she marries for love, not for convenience. You will allow her to be who she needs to be. I trust you, Sihtric." And with that message, he was gone, up to find his woman, and to enjoy the rest of the night with her. In truth, Sihtric had forgotten what they were even celebrating, content to watch you with Osferth, talking in your endearing manner. He decided now that he would have to make his move.
Your cheeks were red at this point, and you had been mindlessly listening to Osferth tell one of his stories, when a tall silhouette, forming into the figure of Sihtric, came and placed his hands on Osferth's shoulders. Delighted to see him, you opened a space for him on the bench, but instead, Osferth stood and left, wishing you goodnight. You hadn't realised just how late it was, but you didn't care - not when one of your favourite people was sat in front of you.
"Y/N, I hope you haven't exceeded Uhtred's ale limit tonight," he spoke sarcastically, tilting his head to meet your somewhat dazed eyes. His gaze alone made you sober up instantly. You felt the urge to pull him closer, to be around him constantly - even if he did call you a pup, and ruffle your hair as if you were truly Uhtred's dog.
"I can see as clearly as a sorcerer with his runes," you declare triumphantly, but no sooner than you lift your arms to prove yourself do you find yourself utterly drenched in ale. Uhtred's ale, to be exact.
"Did you see that coming, lady?" Sihtric swipes your chin with his finger, licking the ale off of his finger. You want to cry as you look at him, knowing he finds this funny but unable to see much of the humour in it. You had wanted to look nice for him tonight.
"Uhtred. . .you bastard turd," you begin, spewing insults at him, not caring that he loved every minute of it. Truly, he had not intended to disturb you and Sihtric, he had just been curious to observe how one of his most trusted men claimed his woman.
"I would have Sihtric wash your mouth for those insults, but I fear he would enjoy it too much." Uhtred spills more ale, holding your neck between his arm and chest, allowing you to heave more insults at him. When he finally lets you go, you glance once more at Sihtric before storming out of the hall altogether.
Gisela tuts at Uhtred, crossing her arms, "I told you that interfering would do nothing. The poor girl is drenched in ale," she exclaims, Uhtred now no longer smiling, pining after his wife as she walked away from him. Ever the patient man, Sihtric simply smiles, undeterred. If anything, your wet hair made him want you even more.
For now, however, he was a little concerned. You had a tendency to believe that you were entirely invincible, which normally he found adorable, but you had walked out of the hall barefoot, and with no furs on. If he did not find you soon, someone less kind would.
After what proved to be a very short search, since you had left all manner of footprints and a trail of the sweetest smell, Sihtric found you. He chuckled to himself, but that quickly stopped when he saw your clothes on the floor, and you in the river, washing your naked body.
He was about to turn around to leave you, but you were quicker. You caught the back of him, calling his name boldly. Part of you didn’t realise what you had just done, seeing as you were fully exposed, your body hidden from Sihtric only thanks to the water. But you felt as though the moments before Uhtred had spoiled your night could be redeemed. You watched the man reluctantly walk over, unable to keep his eyes from your face. You were freezing cold, but welcomed the temperature. It made you feel alive, and encouraged you - although, that might have just been the ale.
“Y/N, you shouldn’t be out here alone. Not like this,” he seemed almost ashamed that he couldn’t look away. You had always noted his polite demeanour, always trailing behind everyone, making sure everything was well. Now, all you could notice was how handsome the man was. How big he was. His hand reached for yours, long fans being, attached to his enormous arms that were oh so unfortunately shielded by his furs. I want him to take those furs off, you thought.
Normally, a scolding from one of the men, Beocca or even Gisela would irk you. You were more than happy to do whatever you pleased on your own, you weren’t so delicate as to need protection wherever you went. But when Sihtric’s stern voice spoke to you, it made you weak at the knees. You quickly realised you’d listen to just about anything he said.
He was so lenient with you. . .so caring and, always there. You were a fool for not asking him about his feelings sooner. You needed to do it now.
“Y/N. . .”
“Sihtric. . .”
You both spoke at the same time, releasing breathy laughs as you stumbled over each other’s words. You wondered what he was going to say, swishing your hand in the water to keep yourself upright. He had kneeled down to your height by now, looking over you in a protective manner, as if shielding you from the real world.
“Y/N, this might be the wrong place to tell you, but I enjoy your company, more than I do anyone else’s,” he began, inhaling deeply before continuing, “and I would like you to be mine, if that is alright with you. I want you to be my lady, and only mine.” He looked you right in the eyes now, eyebrows tilted and mouth slightly open, off his guard entirely as he analysed your face.
You were beaming. The water no longer seemed quite as cold. Instead, you leapt from your position beneath him, leaning against the grass before kissing him. You were a mess, giving in entirely to him and his mouth. His hands instinctively went around your waist, calloused hands against soft flesh. The softest, he thought. He had become somewhat excited, his hands and lips moving faster. You could scarcely keep up as he took more and more from the deep kiss. Your torso was coming out of the water slowly, freezing cold air meeting your bare skin.
When he stopped for a moment, he realised your situation. He could not help his own smirk, realising his luck at the sight of your nakedness before him. Your hair clung to you, wet and dripping, as was the rest of your form (in more ways that one). But he soon snapped back into a sensible mode of thinking, removing his enormous black furs, letting them swamp your shivering body, holding you tightly to him.
“No other man shall see you the way I see you, if that is what you wish, of course,” he shook his head, realising how quickly he was moving. You revelled in the way his strength wrapped around you, taking the moment to watch his almost childish grin.
“I want only you, Sihtric,” you tilted your head back, sharing his happiness, unbothered by your current situation. Some men lingered, but were too drunk to notice the scene before them. “Please,” whispering into his ear now, you looked at him with adoration. Pure love. He reciprocated, scanning you with his eyes hand his hands, unable to shake the sense of pride that you were so small in his furs, and he, in his leathers, his chest burning for you. You just fitted against him so well.
“Come to my room, now,” he dragged you to his chambers, his hand swamping yours as he gripped tightly, walking faster than you had ever seen him walk. When you arrived in his home, you noted the flower crown you had weaved for him and all of the other men, sat on a nearby shelf. Uhtred had feigned disgust when he saw them, but he too kept his close to his chest when he fought. You had meant it as a silly gesture, but seeing that he had kept the fading flowers made your heart swell.
You soon realised your boldness may had landed you in trouble, as you had never been humped before, and by the looks of it - Sihtric knew exactly what he was doing. You had jokingly called Uhtred and Finan whores several times over the years, but never had you considered Sihtric would be right there beside them during their antics.
“Sihtric - I . . . I haven’t,” you started. Looking rather sheepish as the furs exposed your shoulders, falling down your frame. He came up to you, so close in fact that you felt his warmth, his breath fanning on your lips.
His eyes widened, not from shock, however, but more so from challenge. As if he found the whole thing amusing. “I know, Y/N. I will be gentle, if this is all truly what you want, lady.” The words stung with just a tinge of teasing, but you ignored it, as his eyes grazed over your lips and shoulders. His hands were under your chin, admiring you.
Just as quickly as you had decided, the furs were gone, and you stood entirely naked before him, his own form still fully clothed. The power imbalance felt strange, more apparent, but somehow incredibly arousing. He had full control of you, and you loved it.
“You are perfect, my lady.”
You blushed, feeling the best rising above your neck and into your very mind. Sihtric kissed you again, pulling you towards him. One hand travelled all across your body, landing firmly on your ass, and gripping tightly. You had never known someone so sweet to be so . . . commanding.
“Sihtric,” you moaned feeling his hand brush your inner thigh. It was so sensitive, and he hand evens done anything yet. Finally, his rough fingers padded against your clit, your legs spreading just slightly to accommodate him. He trailed his finger up and down slowly, curling ever so slightly, but stopping as your breath hitched in your throat. A quick kiss to your forehead and his fingers were inside, the distraction lasting no time at all. You felt so unbelievably full.
“Fuck,” he whispered, loving the feel of you. You were so warm, so irresistible. Another hand gripped your breast, his forehead resting against yours. Your eyes were screwed shut, unable to hide your small, constant whimpers. His thumb still remained outside, rubbing all of the right places. He was everywhere all at once.
“Fuck, on the bed,” he started, removing his fingers from you quickly, causing you to jolt. He was tender, but seemed altogether impatient. “Please, Y/N.”
You obeyed him, smiling to yourself as you laid on his sheets, touching your breasts, staring at his as the distance between you gave you the safety to tease. He removed his own clothing, admiring you, muttering things like ‘good’ and ‘beautiful’.
You shut your eyes for a moment, and when you reopened them, he was shirtless, his clothes strewn all over his wooden floor. He stalked towards you, a sweet smile mismatching his predatory gaze. You observed all of his scars, some fresh and some old, against his skin. You could truly think of nothing but him.
“Sihtric please, I need you.” You scrambled, wanting to put so many things into words but unable to, wriggling beneath him.
“There is no rush, Y/N. Relax, my pup.” There was the nickname again. You slapped his arm, knowing it would do absolutely nothing. He laughed, climbing to join you on the bed, intense gaze never wavering.
"Are you comfortable?" He asked, both hands on your hips, holding you like you were weightless. His bare chest was addictive, and you practically clawed to get a feel. All you could do in your desperation was nod.
"Tell me, love." this new term suited him well, causing you to whine louder than normal, not wanting to listen to him but doing so all the same. He was just so sweet. Biting his lip, he refused to do anything until you verbalised your thoughts, prolonging your teasing.
"Yes, Sihtric please, Gods," you moaned, begging for more, which he absolutely loved. He was willing to give you everything. Feeling a sense of enormous pride, he couldn't help the confidence that came over him - he was barely doing anything to you and you were a stuttering mess beneath him.
"No, love, the Gods are not here, it's just me," he stroked your throat, pinching your perky nipples, watching as your skin grew redder from the pressure, "you yield to me so sweetly. So well."
As he adjusted your placement underneath him, his arm muscles moved together, as though they were a flowing pattern, working with one another around him. He had been crafted with the most careful hand. You wanted him to devour you.
"I've wanted this for so long," you exclaim, which seems to catch him off guard, despite his role as a skilled warrior. He beams, his eyes shining as he takes another kiss from you, sloppy and rushed, but filled with passion that had been held back for so long. For years.
Before he speaks, he flips you over, onto your stomach, kneading the skin of your ass with one hand and bringing one of your arms behind your back with the other, restraining you somewhat.
"And I too, Y/N. Now that I have you, I will keep you forever. I truly love you," though he promised to be gentle, he slapped your ass, rubbing the soft flesh soon after, causing your frustration to rise.
"Sihtric, I love you too, but if you do not do something soon, I will have to ask another man to hump me," you groaned, knowing it would hit a nerve. You sensed that Sihtric always felt the need to be a good warrior, a great fighter. You wanted him to let loose entirely - to ravage you.
"Then you would have another man sent to an early grave," he came close to your face, pressed into the pillow. He gave you a quick peck to the chest, another slap to your ass, "perhaps filling you up will be the only way to remind you who you belong to."
And with that, he began to push himself inside of you. The pain was instant, his large cock practically tearing you apart, causing you to wince so hard you started to tear up. But this quickly turned into pleasure once he was fully inside, allowing you time to adjust as he stroked your hair a little.
Sihtric was mesmerised by how you took him. You were so unbelievably tight, clenching and squirming, ever the troublesome ward that he knew you as, though to see you give yourself to him in this moment impressed him. He was stripped from his own thoughts, however, when he heard you snivel, concern immediately telling him to check up on you.
"Y/N, my love, are you alright? Is the pain too much?" His concern made you smile, especially as he began stumbling over his own words, back to the Sihtric you knew. He clumsily leaned over to check your face, sighing as he recognised your smile. Though, he surprised himself a little at how much your wet checks turned him on. Your nose had grown red, drying hair all around your face in a tousled mess, your cheeks and eyes glossy. You looked a beautiful mess. Sihtric deemed you his wife then and there.
His aching cock throbbed inside of you, releasing a lengthy moan as he watched you nod and beg for him to start thrusting through the pain, hands barely fitting around his wrist as you grabbed for him.
"You are so needy," he mused unconsciously, beginning a slow rhythm which had you biting the sheets, "you fit so well underneath me. You were made just for me."
"yes, yes, please Sihtric, more." you yearned for his touch even while it was burning into your skin. He towered over you, feeling love and pleasure in excess as he quickened his pace, feeling you all around him, so tight and so eager. This was not how he thought his night would end, with you whimpering beneath him, begging for him and him alone.
You had not expected this either, to crave him so deeply. "More? Y/N, what has become of you?" He asked, taunting you with a chuckle and a pinch to the cheek. You joined him, but your laughter turned into moaning, as he continued with his words, "Anymore and I should have to lock you up, insatiable brat."
You smiled, the sheer size of him brushing up against you and your clit causing you to near the edge. He felt you clenching harder suddenly, basking in the tight muscle around him. You mumbled a pathetic please, and Sihtric almost retorted with something, but your further sniff reminded him to hold back for now. He would save that treatment for another time.
"Come for me, Y/N," was all he needed to say before you were coming for him, his free hand returning to your clit to guide you through the pleasure. You had truly felt nothing like it, understanding now why all those brutes out there cared so much for whoring and claiming their women. If it felt like this, you didn't know how anyone could leave their bedchambers.
Sihtric came not long after you, pumping you full of himself. You felt the liquid drip from out of you, falling down your thigh and onto his bed. He remained inside of you for some time, helping you breathe as the two of you looked at one another. You truly were grateful for Uhtred practically throwing his ale onto you now. Sihtric was too.
BONUS: ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
The next morning, Gisela and some of the servants brought out generous amounts of food for the burning heads of the men, smiling as she recalled how she had warned her husband not to take it too far. Osferth expected you any moment now, to sit beside him and ramble about something. When you came in, however, it was beside Sihtric, a slight, almost invisible limp to your walk.
Osferth felt a tinge of disappointment when your nonsense didn't attack his ears. Instead, Sihtric seated himself next to Finan, who smiled slyly at him when you placed yourself on Sihtric's lap. You slapped Finan when he proclaimed that Uhtred now owed him silver. And lots of it.
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mommytauriel · 1 year
Sihtric x reader where reader is a ward of Uhtred. Reader is the first person to show Sihtric kindness when he’s captured after the attack in episode 2 season 2 and from then on he’s been smitten. The problem is that King Alfred and Uhtred came to an agreement that reader would be married off to a lord so that way she’s taken care off if something were to happen to Uhtred. I just started watching the show so you can decide the rest.
+ · 。~ promised to another p1
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pairing: sihtric x female! reader | genre: forbidden romance?, angst, fluff | warnings: slight cursing, I think that’s all | wc: 6.4K |
synopsis: You and sihtric just met and yet the feelings you felt for each other were so strong.
request: yes
note: Okay first, thank you for sending in a request! And I’m sorry for how long it’s taken me to get it out! I absolutely love this idea and I still have so many ideas for it, this will be a multiple part series, I am thinking 4 parts? I hope you guys enjoy!
Thank you @underragingwaves for letting me use the lovely gif!
Part one Part two
The weather is hot, the sun beating down on you makes your eyes squint and the sleeves of your dress stick to your skin. You hated it. At least there was the breeze of wind that helped with the heat. Weather like this reminds you of the days you spent with your father, playing in the gardens and fields of your home, your father's estate. 
Your father was an Ealdorman of Wessex, a fierce warrior and a dear friend of the king. He loved nothing more than his family, his home and his King. So, it wasn't the biggest surprise when he died protecting what he loves, his family, his home and his king. You remember the day he left to fight, he came into your room and kissed your forehead. You were still in bed when he promised to return. He never did return, he died in the battle of Edington and a part of you died that day too.  
You didn't stay in your home for long after your father's death, you were outside when it happened. You were sitting under a tree reading one of your father's favorite books when the king came, he crouched in front of you and told you the news. That you would be coming to live with him, and your younger brother would stay and learn to become an Ealdorman. You didn't have much of a choice, so you said your goodbyes and left. 
Your stay at the castle was for several years, after a threat on your life that almost had you killed, King Alfred was filled with guilt and doubt. He couldn't have the only daughter of his late friend killed, killed in his home. So, despite a part of him disagreeing and the anger and shouts of his wife he did what he thought was best, put you in the protection of Uhtred. 
And that brings you to where you are now, standing in a field watching Uhtred train King Guthreds men. You have lost count of the months you have been with Uhtred. Uhtred has been very kind to you, very understanding. He doesn't complain when you take a little longer to get ready or when you have them stop more often so you can bathe. He understands your position, you were raised and lived as a lady…and now you ride with him. It was a very different life. 
You were standing in between Hild and Father Beocca, your fingers playing with your bracelet. You watched with squinted eyes as Uhtred bests Clapa once again. You enjoyed watching Uhtred fight, it reminded you of when you would watch your father train. 
The content look on your face quickly disappears when you see a group of men on horseback approaching. You could tell by their attire that they were Danes. You absentmindedly move closer to Hild. Your eyes scan over the men as they dismount from their horse’s and step closer to Uhtred and King Guthred, one of them; the tall one closer than the others. 
You don't bother paying attention to the conversation they seem to be having, instead your eyes wander to the Danes, scanning over them. Your eyes linger on one of them in particular, he was standing behind the tall one in front, his posture made him seem…nervous as if he didn't want to be there. 
You tilt your head slightly as you look him over, curiosity in your eyes. He looked different from the others, and not in a bad way. His hair was pulled back and to be honest…he was quite pretty. He didn't look like the men you would see growing up is all you could say.
You blink a few times when you realize you have zoned out, you look towards Uhtred to see him leaning back, an unimpressed look on his face. You look back to the pretty Dane, only to see that he was already looking at you. Your eyes widen and you quickly avert your eyes away from him and to Uhtred. 
After a few moments you look back at him and watch as he tilts his head slightly and his eyes rake over your body. His eyes met yours again and this time you weren't the first to look away. You feel a rush or satisfaction when you see his cheeks flush at the fact that you caught him. You look away from him when you feel someone touch your arm.  
“You should join Lady Gisela in her tent and get out of the sun” Hild smiles slightly, patting your arm reassuringly, nodding her head towards Lady Gisela. Who seemed to be waiting for you, a smile on her face as she stood with a few other women. You smile at Hild and whisper your goodbyes to the warrior nun, who has shown you nothing but kindness and love. 
Your hands went to your sides to hold up your dress a little, so you could walk without tripping. You send one more smile to Hild before making your way towards Lady Gisela. You kept your chin up and your shoulders back as you ignored the hungry looks from the Danes you walked past. You stop yourself from looking at the Dane that had caught your attention earlier, but when you feel a hard stare on your back, you can't help but look back, hoping to see the pretty Dane looking at you. 
But instead, you see one of the other Danes staring at you as you walk away, specifically your arse. The look of disgust on your face quickly changes to a look of surprise when the Dane who was staring at you inappropriately, is bumped into causing him to stop looking at you. You felt your heart flutter in appreciation when you saw that it was the pretty Dane who purposely bumped into him. He noticed your stare and gave you a small nod before looking forward and catching an apple from the tall Dane. 
“Lady Y/n are you ready to go?” Lady Gisela asked. You quickly looked away from the Danes and to Lady Gisela, who had taken a few steps to be closer to you. 
“Oh yes I am, my apologies” you apologize with a bashful smile, your hands nervously playing with the fabric of your dress. Lady Gisela was a very kind woman, but she had such a strong presence that you couldn't help but feel a little nervous under her charming eyes. 
“No need to apologize” Lady Gisela says with a knowing smirk. You start to worry that she noticed you staring at the pretty Dane. She doesn't say anything on the matter, she just links her arm in yours and starts to lead you to where her tent was, starting a conversation with one of the women that was joining you. 
You glance behind you one more time to see he was already looking at you. When the two of you lock eyes you give him a small smile, before quickly looking forward before your small exchange would be seen by others. You tried to focus on Lady Gisela’s and the others' conversation, but your mind kept on bringing you back to thoughts of the pretty Dane. I really need to figure out his name, so i can stop calling him pretty Dane you think with a faint smile. 
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Cooling down in Lady Gisela’s tent was nice, you had missed spending time with other women. You of course had Hild, but the two of you were always surrounded by Uhtred and Halig. So, spending time with strictly just women was nice, and very much needed. You spent a few hours with them, eating, talking…well more like gossiping before you went to your own tent. King Guthred had asked for his sister, and you felt more comfortable being in your tent since it was starting to get dark.
You were alone in your tent for a few minutes, just resting on your bed that was covered with many different furs. King Guthred had been very kind and had made sure that your tent was satisfactory for you, and it definitely was. You were reading one of your father's books when Uhtred walked into your tent, sword in hand. You would have been worried that something was wrong if Uhtred didn't smile at you and lift up the sword sharpening stone. 
The worry on your face disappears and you greet him with a smile, you can tell that Uhtred wasn't ready to talk so you go back to reading your book. While Uhtred sits on the wooden stool in your tent and starts sharpening his sword, focusing on his thoughts. This had happened a few times before, Uhtred coming to you to relax and quietly focus on his thoughts. The silence between the two of you was never awkward. You both felt very comfortable in each other's presence. 
It was silent for a few more minutes, the only thing you could hear was the sound of Uhtred sharpening his sword and the faint sound of talking from outside your tent. You were nearing the end of the chapter; the main character was voicing her worries to her mentor about their enemies, and it started to get you thinking. 
“I don't trust them” you say after a few more minutes of silence. Your eyes were trained down at your book, your eyebrows furrowed as you thought more about it. Uhtred stopped sharpening his sword and looked towards you, confused and intrigued. “Who?” 
“The Danes Uhtred, i don't trust them.” 
“You know you will be safe with me” he reassured you when he sensed the worry in your tone. He also had his suspicions about them, but he didn’t like that you worried about them. He wanted you to feel safe with him and not worry about such things. 
“I know that Uhtred, but what if they want to harm you?” 
“Are you worrying about me?” Uhtred wonders with a small smirk. Finding it adorable that you were worrying about him. 
You huff in annoyance and close your book and set it by your side, annoyed that it seemed that he wasn’t taking what you were saying seriously. “Uhtred, I’m serious I can’t exactly protect you.” 
Uhtred laughs warmly and stands up, setting his sword and sharpening stone on the wood table by his stool. Before he comes and crouches in front of you. He reaches for your hands that were in your lap and gives them a reassuring squeeze. “You don’t protect me, I protect you.” 
“Stop worrying little flower” Uhtred smiles at you, squeezing your hands one more time before kissing your forehead and standing up. You return the smile even though you were still worried, you trusted Uhtred with your life, so you trusted his words. 
Uhtred walks back to the table and grabs his sword before turning to look at you with a grin. “Now come join us and eat, Hild is worried you’re not eating enough.” 
“If Hild keeps on feeding me so much I’m going to need new dresses to fit in” you say with another huff and a roll of your eyes. You knew Hild only had good intentions, but there was only so much you could eat. 
“Well, that won’t do, I don’t have enough coin to buy you more of your fancy dresses” Uhtred jokes with a teasing smirk. He laughs loudly and moves to the side, dodging the fancy comb you threw at him. 
“One, please tell Hild I will be staying in my tent and that I’m not hungry. Two, me and my fancy dresses are choosing to ignore what you just said.” 
“Whatever you say princess” Uhtred says with one more last smile before leaving, nodding at your personal guard that stayed outside your tent at all times. Whenever Uhtred wasn’t with you, he made sure that your guard was with you. He never wanted you to be alone and defenseless again. 
You let out a tired sigh once Uhtred had left, the heat from earlier and the long day you had, finally getting to you. You let yourself fall back against your bed and close your eyes. The soft furs of your bed just telling you to go to sleep, you ended up listening to them, and you drifted off in a peaceful sleep. Completely clueless to what was happening in the stables, not too far from you. 
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The next time you saw the pretty Dane was in the morning, and you were thoroughly confused at the sight in front of you. You were already dressed and ready for the day when you stepped out of your tent, you walked around the camp hoping to find Uhtred, Hild, anyone you knew really. 
You stopped dead in your tracks, a look of confusion on your face. The pretty Dane that you couldn’t keep your eyes away from yesterday…was tied to a cart. Why is he tied up? You thought. What have I missed?
“Lady y/n” a voice brings you out of your thoughts. You look away from the tied-up Dane to an approaching Halig. Haligs voice gets the attention of the Dane and he turns his head to see who Halig was talking to, he sits up straight when he sees who it is. It’s you he thought. 
“Hild is in her tent if you need her” Halig continues, he had assumed you were looking for her, like you usually do in the mornings. You give Halig a faint smile before glancing back at the Dane, who quickly avoided eye contact from you. “Oh, I’m alright Halig. Why is he tied up? Where are the other Danes?” 
“Those bastards are dead, we're keeping that one over there as a prisoner” Halig responds with a proud nod, your eyes widened and you step closer to Halig, you really did miss a lot. “What happened?” 
“Oh, right you were sleeping, well those bastards tried to kill Uhtred but- “Halig says as if it was nothing, but you are quick to cut him off, feeling very worried for Uhtred. 
“Is Uhtred okay? Where is he?” You asked Halig anxiously. You were right, those Danes couldn’t be trusted, oh you hope Uhtred is okay. The pretty Dane deflates and looks down at the ground at the way you worry about Uhtred. Of course, a pretty woman like you was taken, and of course it had to be with the man he was sent to help kill, he thought with an annoyed scoff.            
“He's in his tent” Halig tells her first and opens his mouth again to brag about how well he did last night, but you quickly walk past him. One thing on your mind, and that was to make sure Uhtred was okay. Halig just shrugs and walks back to the cart loading it. 
You make your way through the camp and back towards your tent, Uhtred’s tent was close to yours, he didn't want you far from him. You turn the corner of your tent the same time someone else does, you jump back in fright, putting your hand on your chest. Uhtred laughs and holds your arms gently, so you don't trip. “Did I scare you y/n.” 
You ignore his words and throw your arms over his shoulders, closing your eyes and pulling him in for a tight hug. You were so afraid that he was hurt from last night, so you were very happy to see him in front of you, seemingly to be alright. Uhtred’s eyes widen in surprise from your hug, but he's quick to wrap his arms around your waist and hold you to his chest. “Whoa I must've really scared you." 
“Halig said the Danes tried to kill you” You voice out, but it comes out muffled because your face was currently shoved in his chest. Uhtred smiles now understanding, you were still worried for him. Uhtred rubs your back and whispers gently. “I am okay y/n, come on let's get breakfast, I’ll tell you what you have missed.” 
You and Uhtred had gotten some fruit and bread and sat down at a table where Uhtred had explained all that you missed. And let's just say your worry for Uhtred did not lessen. If Kjartan sent men to get Uhtred once, what's stopping him from doing it a second time? You open your mouth to voice your worries but close it when you see Uhtred attention goes to Lady Gisela who’s walking past the two of you. Your eyes widen when Lady Gisela gives Uhtred a shy smile before continuing to walk away. 
Uhtred turns to look at you and you raise your eyebrow, silently questioning what that was. Uhtred rolls his eyes and stands up, making you look up at him. “I have some things to do, Hild should be around here somewhere.” 
“You mean you have someone to do?” You say with a mischievous smile. Uhtred laughs and shakes his head at your response, he truly has been a bad influence on you. He turns to walk away but turns back, forgetting that he has to tell you something. “Y/n, don't go near the prisoner, okay?”
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You of course didn't end up listening to him. It was an hour or so since your conversation with Uhtred and you feared you would die from boredom. Hild was praying, Halig was with Clapa, your guard was training and Uhtred… well you didn't want to know what he was currently doing. Since everyone was busy, that means the prisoner was being guarded by a random man, a random man that you could easily trick. 
If you were going to do this you had to make sure you were doing it the right way, you had no room for mistakes. A mistake in this situation would get you in a lot of trouble, and you really didn't want to be in trouble with Uhtred. Your fear of getting in trouble with Uhtred was calling you to stall and hide behind a tree, and out of sight from the guard and the pretty Dane. 
You weren't scared of Uhtred, you just didn't want to disappoint him by not listening to him. You really did plan on listening to him, but your curiosity had gotten to you, and you spent the last 30 minutes making a plan of action. A plan to talk to the pretty Dane. It definitely wasn't the best plan, to be clear. But with a little luck, you would have your chance to talk to him. 
You didn't understand why this Dane you knew nothing about had captured your attention. You knew he was dangerous and not on your side, was that what attracted you to him? Or was it the way he defended you in a way yesterday? You didn’t know, but you wanted to find out. 
“I’m gonna take a piss, don't move” A voice behind you said, you looked behind the tree to see the guard talking to the Dane. This was your chance; you didn't even have to distract him. The guard snickers and walks backwards “Not like you could move even if you wanted to.” 
You roll your eyes at the guard's remark, you watch as he walks through the trees and far out of sight. You wait a few more moments, just to make sure you would be safe and wouldn't be seen. You let out a nervous breath and step out from behind the tree. The Dane’s back was towards you, so he didn't notice you step out from behind the trees. You took a few steps towards the cart, only to step on a twig; alerting him of your presence. 
The Dane's head swiftly snaps to look at you, as soon as he hears the sound of the twig snapping under your foot. You smile shyly when the two of you lock eyes, taking a few more steps to now stand in front of him. The Dane just looks up at you, confusion in his eyes, he didn't understand why you out of all the people were here…right in front of him. 
“Here” You began as you crouched down in front of him, holding out a red apple for him; a gentle smile on your face, hoping that it would hide your nervousness. “I noticed you haven't eaten yet” You continued. 
The Dane hesitantly takes the apple from her hands. He wasn't going to at first, but the warmness he felt from your smile and eyes told him that it's okay. You looked into his eyes, and you couldn't help but be surprised at the sight, he had two different colored eyes, one blue and one brown. How peculiar, but beautiful you thought with a smile. You spoke with a soft tone “I’m Y/n, what's your name?” 
“I’m Sihtric” He tells you quickly, also looking into your eyes. You were so close to him, and he just wanted to memorize everything about you. His eyes widen when he realizes his mistake on the way he addressed you. “My Lady” he told you quickly and nervously. 
“You can just call me Y/n” You smile widely, you find his nervousness adorable. You didn't expect a ‘murderous and dangerous Dane’ to get so nervous and shy in front of you. Halig had told you earlier that he's a ‘murderous and dangerous Dane’ but he didn't seem like that in front of you.
 It was quiet for a few moments besides the sound of sihtric biting into the apple and the faint sound of birds in the distance, you didn't have much time you had to tell him. 
“Thank you Sihtric” 
“Shouldn't I be the one thanking you?” He says confused, motioning towards the almost finished apple that he scarfed down, maybe later he would feel a little embarrassed for eating in such a way in front of a lady, you really didn't care though. 
“I mean for yesterday” You clarified, your smile still on your face. 
“It's no problem my lady” He tells you, returning the smile with one of his own. You go to tell him that he didn't have to call you that but you close your mouth and look behind you when you hear footsteps. You sigh, you wanted more time with him. 
“I should go, Bye sihtric” You give him a faint smile before standing up, ignoring the small ache you felt in your legs from crouching for so long. You grab onto your dress and rush off before you could be seen and before sihtric could respond to you. 
“Bye Y/n” Sihtric whispered to himself as he turned his head to watch you rush off, a small smile forming on his face when you almost trip over the bottom of your dress. He watches until he can't see you anymore, he sighs and turns back around leaning back against the cart and hiding the finished apple behind the wheel. He missed you already, this isn't good he thought to himself. 
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You weren't present when Sihtric held a sword to Halig’s throat and swore his sword and loyalty to Uhtred. You were at a table reading and eating some fruit, let's just say you were very surprised when you saw  sihtric walk past the table you were sitting at, following an annoyed Halig. Why am I always missing everything you thought with a huff. 
You were watching Halig and sihtric walk away when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You flinch and quickly turn around to see who it was, you let out a breath of relief when you see it's a smiling Uhtred and not some creep trying to cop a feel. Why did he always have to scare you! “Uhtred!” 
“I didn't mean to scare you, come on King Guthred wants us to join them to eat” Uhtred laughs we really need to work on her not being so jumpy Uhtred thinks. You really wanted to refuse but you knew you couldn't, it wouldn't be ladylike of you if you did. So, you sighed and stood up, holding your closed book to your chest. Uhtred smiles and wraps his arm around your shoulder and leads you to where King Guthred was sitting, Lady Gisela sitting next to him. 
You had left the table a few moments after Uhtred did, claiming that you were going to your tent to cool down from the beating sun. Lady Gisela who had noticed your discomfort earlier on was quick to say her goodbyes with a knowing smile. You were grateful to have her in your life. You glance at Clapa fighting as you walk past the group of men cheering for him. 
You sigh and hold your hands in front of you as you walk towards your tent, trying to ignore your guards' eyes that were on your back. He followed you almost everywhere if you weren't with Uhtred, he made sure not to stay too close to you, he knew you liked your privacy. You could see your tent in the distance, and you wanted to smile in relief, knowing that you could have some quiet and alone time in your tent. You pull back the flap of your tent and go to step in but stop in your tracks at the sound of someone calling for you. 
“Lady Y/n” Sihtric Greets as he walks towards you, only to step back and raise his hands in surrender when your guard steps closer to him and pulls out his sword telling sihtric to stay back. Your eyes widen and you step closer to them. “It's alright Matthew, you can leave us.” 
“My lady?” Matthew looks back at you with a confused look, his sword still pointing at sihtric. 
“I will be fine Matthew” You reassure him with a small nod. Matthew looks back at you one more time, before setting his gaze on sihtric and giving him, a glare and he slowly lowers his sword. Matthew doesn't break eye contact with sihtric as he steps back and takes his usual position at the side of your tent. Sihtric gulps feeling slightly intimidated by your guard. You smile at the slight fear in sihtric’s eyes, little did he know how much of a softie Matthew truly is. 
“Sihtric, we can talk inside” You smile motioning towards your tent, it would be nice to talk to him privately. Sihtric spares a glance towards your guard, before stepping forward and following you into your tent. Neither of them noticed a man hiding behind another tent watching the exchange, he didn't stay long before he rushed to tell what he saw to a certain Abbot. 
Sihtric's eyes widen when he steps into your tent, and he takes in the sight. He had briefly seen the inside of Halig’s tent when he was showing him around earlier, and it was no way near as nice as yours was. Sihtric wipes his hands on his pants trying to show you that he was nervous, and to be fair, he wasn't the only one freaking out about him being in your tent. You were too.
It is highly inappropriate to be alone in your tent, if only your mother could see you now. She's definitely turning in her grave at your unladylike ness. You ignore your nervousness and walk over to the table that has a jug of water and a few cups, you fill two cups of water up and turn around, holding a cup out for him. “Here” 
“Thank you, y/n,” Sihtric smiles as he steps closer to you, when he takes the cup in his grasp his hand brushes against yours, he's alarmed at how much your soft touch affected him, that's never happened before. 
“I missed a lot in a short amount of time, you aren't Uhtred's prisoner anymore?” You question him even though you already know the answer. You move to sit on your bed, the soft furs comforting you. You take a sip of your water while your other hand plays with the soft fur. 
“No, I swore my loyalty to him,” Sihtric said as his eyes followed every move of yours. He slowly took a sip of his water, cooling his dry throat. Sihtric stands still in his spot near the front of your tent. 
“So, I shouldn't be worried about you killing me then? Or Uhtred?” You smile teasingly as you lean back on your palm. Your eyes not leaving his as you tilt your head slightly. Sihtric feels his heart start to beat faster at the sight in front of him, you looked so beautiful, the teasing smile and look in your eyes was making him feel things he shouldn't feel. 
“Lady, I would never! I won't harm you or your husband.” 
“My husband?” You laugh out with a confused smile. I don't have a husband? 
“Uhtred is your husband, isn't he?” Sihtric questions, you find the way he tilted his head slightly as he asked adorable. 
“No no no, Uhtred is like a brother to me” You stumble over your words as you try to get them out as quickly as you can. You and Uhtred? No way. Why would he think that? You stop leaning back and sit straight as you look up at him. 
Sihtric licks his lips and tries to ignore the burst of relief he felt at your words. There was still a chance you were married; I hope you're not sihtric thinks. “Do…Do you have a husband?” 
“No i don't” You smile thankfully, you definitely weren't ready for marriage. You look down at your cup of water, why was he asking? You look up from your cup and to his eyes he is very handsome and asking if I am married, why is this making me so flustered “Do you have a wife?” 
“No lady, i don't” When sihtric says those words it's like music to your ears. Sihtric noticed the way your eyes lit up at his answer and he had to hide his smile from seeing your reaction. The tension was thick as the two of you stared into each other's eyes, neither of you wanting to break eye contact and neither of you knowing what to say. 
“Why did you swear your loyalty to uhtred?” You wondered aloud, finally breaking the silence. Sihtrics eyes widen, and he falters a little, as if he didn't expect you to ask him that. You lean back on your palm and take a sip of your water that you had forgotten was in your hand, you were too distracted by his beautiful eyes, but then again who wouldn't be. God he's so pretty.
“A lot of reasons really” He cleared his throat and took another sip of his water. You could see a lot of emotions in his eyes as he thought about your question. You scooted over on your bed and patted the spot next to you. If he did feel comfortable telling you those reasons you wanted him to be comfortable physically, not standing on the other side of the tent looking at you as if you were going to pounce on him any second. 
He hesitates but when you give him a comforting smile, he walks across the tent and sits next to you. Not to close, but close enough that had both of you feeling flustered. You noticed he seemed a little apprehensive as you playfully bumped your shoulder into his and offered him a kind smile. “We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, i know we met not to long ag-” 
“My Father is Kjartan, and my mother was a slave” He cuts you off. You closed your mouth and made sure that you kept your face neutral at his confession. You definitely didn't expect that, and you didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable by your shock. Sihtric looked down at his knees as he added “Kjartan showed me no love or care, I know what type of man he is, he's a terrible man. A man that I don't want to serve.” 
“Lord Uhtred, He's a good man. I want to serve a man like Uhtred, not my father” Sihtric finally gets the courage to look at you, readying himself to see anger or disappointment in your eyes at the fact that he's Kjartans bastard son. But he just sees your kind eyes. 
“Uhtred is a good man and he's lucky to have you. '' you tell him with a smile, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly. Sihtric looks down at your hand on your shoulder before quickly looking back at you, giving you a smile of his own. “I think I'm the lucky one.” 
“How so?” You voice out with a shy giggle, feeling very flustered under his gaze. His eyes were staring into yours, only breaking the flirty eye contact to glance down at your lips. Both of you absentmindedly leaning closer, you found yourself looking down at his lips before looking back up to his eyes. You were so close you could feel each other's breath on your face, but still not close enough, your fingers were just itching to pull him closer.  
“Lady y/n, Lady Gisela requests your presence” Matthew called from the outside of your tent, causing you and sihtric to jump apart. The annoyed curse you mutter under your breath causes sihtric to smirk. I did not expect that from a lady sihtric thought, but then again, he also didn't expect a lady to invite him in her tent. You were full of surprises. 
“I should go” you tell him with a nod, but your eyes tell him that you want to stay. Sihtric notices the look in your eyes and doesn’t stop the cocky smile to appear on his face. He stands up and holds his hand out for you so he could help you up. You take his hand and let him help you up, your hands still interlocked as he spoke “Of course My lady.” 
“Goodbye Sihtric” You smile up at him, you sadly let go of his hand. You liked the way his hand fit perfectly with yours, but you needed to go. Hopefully I can hold his hand another time you think happily. Sihtric leans down and takes you by surprise when his warm lips kiss your cheek. Just as soon as it happened it was over, sihtric steps back and gives you a cheeky smile, saying one last thing before leaving. “Goodbye y/n” 
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Over the next few days, a lot happened, not to you…but a lot happened. Uhtred had made sure to keep you away and safe from everything that was happening. So, you spent most of your time with Lady Gisela and Hild and of course Matthew. You were surprised how much you had missed sihtric over the few days, there weren't a lot of chances the two of you could talk. Both Uhtred and Matthew were tense about everything that was going on so that had made them even more protective than usual. 
So that left you and sihtric to longing glances, small greetings through the day whenever you had the chance to, which was rare. Sihtric had started to miss you so much he even thought about sneaking into your tent at night to see you…he didn't think about it much. He knew Matthew wouldn't hesitate to stab his sharp impressive sword through his throat. 
The first time you had a chance to really talk to sihtric again was when you were walking towards your horse. Everyone was getting ready for the journey to Eoferwic, Matthew was with Hild helping her with getting her things, he was reluctant to leave you at first, but you had convinced him to go help Hild, saying something about how she wanted his help…it wasn't too hard to convince him after you said that. 
You were petting your horse when you heard the sound of footsteps, you quickly turned your head; the nervous look on your face turned to a smile when you saw who it was. Sihtric smiles and steps to your side, bringing his hand up to pet your horse's mane. You smiled back and looked back at your horse before saying “Would it be weird if I said I have missed you?” 
Sihtric grins and chuckles and looks at you, admiring your side profile. Your words made him happier than he thought they would you are really do something to me “I guess we're both weird because i have missed you to my lady.” 
“I have said several times that you don't have to call me that.” You scrunch your nose before trying your best to glare at him, but the laugh that slips past his lips causes you to smile and laugh as well. You were slightly out in the open, so in the back of your head you were a little worried that the two of you being seen laughing and close would cause some problems, but his next words made you forget your worries. 
“I know, but I like the way your nose scrunches up when I call you that. It's cute” Sihtric tells you after he stops laughing. Your eyes widen and you shyly look back at your horse. 
“What?” Sihtric asks when he notices the look on your face. Did he overstep? The last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable. You saw the panic in his eyes, so you stepped closer to him and placed your hand on his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I've been called many things, but never cute.” 
“Now that's weird” Sihtric flirts and tries to not make it obvious that he was looking at you up and down, admiring you. You had caught his eyes and felt a boost of confidence but before you could do anything the sounds of footsteps alerted you. Halig steps closer to the two of you, giving you a smile and nod before giving sihtric a heated glare. “Lord Uhtred needs you.” 
“Goodbye Lady y/n” Sihtric said to you, making sure to emphasize the lady. You nod and mumble your goodbyes, watching as he takes a few steps backwards before turning around and walking off to where you assumed Uhtred was. You hoped you hid your disappointment well, and that Halig didn't notice. 
Halig looks at you and asks, “Was he bothering you?” 
“No Halig, he wasn't bothering me” you tell him with a reassuring nod. Halig nods and gives you one more look before walking off. When you make sure he can't see you, your lips spread into a smile as you think more about the pretty dane. 
He definitely wasn't bothering me… 
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note: Hii! I’m back!! I feel like it’s been sooo long since I posted a fic! I have missed you all <;3
So this is the first part in my ‘promised to another’ short series. When I got this request I fell in love and so many ideas for it so I decided to make it into a short series! (The rest that was suggested in the request will take place in part two and then the other parts will a surprise on what happens 😉)
So there was actually more to this first part, I was at around 10.5k words and I wasn’t even done yet. So I decided to cut the first part into 2! The next part should be up next week idk!
Feel free to send some asks about this series. I would love to talk to you guys about it! ☺️
Please comment if you would like to be added to the taglist for this series or my tlk taglist in general!
So I have been pretty busy lately, but besides this short series and my WIP’s I have also started on another project!
I’m super excited about this! I have a series for osferth in the works! I cant wait to get the teaser out for you guys!
Please comment and tell me what you guys think about this! I would love to read all your thoughts!
Comments, likes and reblogs are very much appreciated!
Taglist: @clairacassidy @mads-weasley @haikyusfics
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copyright ©️ 2023, all rights reserved. you can't copy, translate, reproduce, repost my fic, use my plot or layout. 
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ofwinterandspring · 6 months
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When Segal Moriel heard of his sister's demise at the hands of Levanmount, he knew he would do anything to protect and avenge the Moriel family name. And he did. He made waste of the Levan royal bloodline and forced its people under Aesian rule. That was ten years ago. Still, the Levan's want their sovereign, but how safe can it be to crown the Heir when he's spent those same ten years fighting insurrections.
charismatic ✘ shrewd ✘ proud ✘ trustful ✘ resentful
Although Rochlin Moriel's father preferred he'd locked himself in his lab than make a mockery of their family name. His father's disdain has not stopped the Heir from granting him all their support. With the looming war and stories of a deadly prophecy soon to unfold, he's ding all he can short of taking the throne, to help the Heir see another day.
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Yardane Zered, better known as Dane, had barely been twenty-seven when he made an oath that if anything should happen to Aerben, his best friend and captain, he would take on the responsibility as legal guardian of Aerben's child. Dane never got to ask why Aerben thought him capable of raising a child. Or why Aerben had chosen to go on a trip that he'd never return from. All Dane knew was that he had a promise to keep and a child to raise and protect.
cynical ✘ stubborn ✘ diligent ✘ wise ✘ gentle
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Santana Dur, a charming and witty barmaid most days. No one would guess that she was the same assassin many believed to be the demon from the woods. And she would have kept her anonymity had she not attempted to rob a curious and heavily disguised Heir out of sheer boredom. So maybe she gains a secret she can leverage at any moment's notice, but what good would it be when the Heir offers her gold and silver in exchange for her services.
unpredictable ✘ secretive ✘ fearless ✘ arrogant ✘ blunt
The inside joke between the Riders is that Aymel and Lyron Dur must have shared a womb and have been lied to by their mothers. Because no matter what, it seems that the two can never be separated from each other for very long. Where they find one, the other is not far behind. Unfortunately, meeting the two can only mean one thing and that's imminent death. As guards to the Heir, they take their job seriously. Now, if anyone cares to even whisper of the things these two get up to at night rest assure that they will cease to exist.
intelligent ✘ daring ✘ flirtatious ✘ mischievous ✘ dramatic personable ✘ reliable ✘ genial ✘ charitable ✘ thorough
No one seems to know much about Zephan Caeth, the bard who loitered Aesian roads and caught the sights of their Heir, earning themselves the official title of Storykeeper of the Lands. All anyone knows is that whenever they play their oud, a truth is unveiled and little can be done to anticipate the lies it will break. They're a menace to all who wish to be ignorant and it's no surprise why the Aesian's are taken to them.
insightful ✘ artistic ✘ guarded ✘ diplomatic ✘ skeptical
In what seemed to be a matter of seconds, Vyath Lya and their ward were stripped from their title and escorted to the borders of their city with no chance of return. Having pledged an oath should have saved them both. But, their friend refused to be silenced. So they followed their friend into the brume knowing that they would never find their way back. And what did it matter? All Vyath cared about was figuring out how they'd be allowed back in.
strong-willed ✘ loyal ✘ confident ✘ stubborn ✘ rational
As one of the few Master Blacksmiths of Nerillis, Ivar Gailion knew he would never see the world outside the great caves. With responsibilities like keeping the Eternal fires from burning out, an honor bestowed on few, he should have lived his Immortal life passing on his gift to his apprentice. And somehow by doing just that, he finds himself leaving the caves behind, headed on a nameless journey with his closest friends— the ungifted apprentice who came to them several years ago.
compassionate ✘ dependable ✘ patient ✘ hearty ✘ tactful
Fievel Ro, wasn't in a place to question Ro's plan. If Ro thought that they best served as the Regent's hired protection, than they'd do just that. And, what was there to question when they were paid handsomely for it? Everything they ever wanted was at the tips of their fingers. So why was it that despite Ro's strict orders to stay away from the Heir, they couldn't stay away?
clever ✘ seductive ✘ self-indulgent ✘ reserved ✘ unreliable
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halfmylife · 2 years
Sihtric x reader that takes place in episode 2 season 2. Reader is Uhtred’s ward and someone he’s very protective of. He tried leaving reader in King Alfred’s guardian ship and become a personal friend of Aethelflaed but she sneaks away and joins Uhtred. After Sihtric agrees to serve Uhtred he is also assigned to guard the outside tent of readers alongside another guard. One night reader gets into a fight with Uhtred and storms back to her tent, and as she passes Sihtric she says “you,boy,brush my hair.”
Sihtric is taken back and looks at the other guard, confused before reader storms back outside and says “can you not hear? brush my hair.” She shoved her brush into Sihtric hand before grabbing the other hand and dragging him inside her tent to brush her hair. She begins to talk about Uhtred and how he can over react the most with her and how she’s not a little girl and all that other stuff. You can decide the rest.
Brush My Hair
Pairing Sihtric x Reader
Warnings none just fluff
A/N ahh absolutely loved this request! Hope this is ok!💖
“My word is final.” Uhtred’s tone was harsh as the words came out. It would not be final, not for you. You would not even consider backing down without a fight.
“I won’t go back.” Your voice was sharp, your face hard as you stared him down. “I didn’t come all this way just for you to turn me away. I want to be here, with you. I want to fight and you know I can.” he spun back around, his face the very image of fury.
“I cannot protect you out there.” He shouted back, motioning to outside the tents. Had you not made it all this way without protection? Had you not gotten this far without a scratch?
“I don’t need your protection.” You argued. It was true. Uhtred had trained you like you were his own blood and spent hours helping you perfect your skills and yet he still saw you as helpless and in need of his protection.
“I will not argue anymore.” He lowered his voice, which over time you had come to fear far more than when he shouted. “Tomorrow you shall return to Alfred.” He turned away from you then, putting some space between the two of you.
“Uhtred, please,” you begged, trying not to sound desperate as you pleaded for him to listen if even for a moment longer.
“No, that is the last I will hear of it.” You could not bare to argue any longer nor stay in his presence more than you needed to.
Instead your feet turned you away from him, storming out of his tent and through the camp. You kept your head down as eyes followed you, some even called your name but you dared not answer. You wanted the confines of your own tent. You wanted to scream and shout.
Then you saw them. The two guards that sat outside your tent as usual, waiting patiently for you to return. They seemed very disinterested in the world around them, but their eyes darted everywhere. One in particular seemed more alert than the other. The dane.
A part of you took over. Something from within held the reigns and you found yourself marching over to where they were sat.
“You, brush my hair.” You didn’t wait for a reply as you ducked into the tent. A moment passed and he had not followed you in. With a sigh, you spun around, searching for him once more. He sat in stunned silence staring at the opening of the tent, watching you carefully. “Did you not hear me? Brush my hair.”
“Um.” Was all he said before you grabbed ahold of his hand, practically dragging him inside. He stumbled forward open mouthed as he watched you. You sat cross legged on a small pile of pillows and blankets before reaching across for something.
“You might need this.” You waved the brush in the air. Reluctantly he took it, though he did take some time to inspect it as though it were some foreign weapon you might use against him.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to fetch a woman for this?” He asked uncertain. Sihtric could not even bring himself to get too close to you out of fear of what Uhtred might say and yet here you were, asking for him to help you with such a menial task that he wondered if you even needed help with.
“I do believe I asked you.” You snapped a little too harshly. As soon as you were flooded with the realisation of the way you had spoken to him, treated him your whole body deflated, a loud exhale leaving your lips. “Forgive me I am being brash and unreasonable.” You couldn’t face him, feeling hot from embarrassment.
There was nothing that could’ve surprised you more than the fact that he actually started to brush your hair. He had knelt down behind you, the warmth of his body radiating against your back as his fingers trailed long your back, gently grabbing at strands of your hair as he began brushing down.
“There is nothing to forgive.” His voice was soft and comforting and you almost believed him. Perhaps it was not so out of character for you to snap at him, yet you still wanted nothing more than to apologise.
“You haven’t served him long, have you? Uhtred, I mean.” Sihtric fell into a rhythm as he brushed, focusing on the ends of each section before moving up, being as gentle as he possibly could.
“No, I haven’t.” You hummed against his touch, each graze setting a fire within you.
“You will fair far better than I have.” You kept your voice low. “For as long as I’ve known him, he has always had a protective nature but this goes beyond that, he wishes to control me.”
“Control you?” Sihtric asked, pausing slightly as he peeked around your shoulder to look at you a little. Perhaps he was trying to gauge you a little better.
“He thinks that because I am a woman I cannot remain here that I must return to Alfred.” A horrid thought. Remaining with Aethelflaed would not be so awful but being apart from family would hurt more than anything imaginable. The last words came out as a little more than a mutter. “I’m not the little girl he thinks I am.”
“No you’re not.” Sihtric seemed confident in himself as he spoke. Though you couldn’t quite catch his undertone. There was some semblance of reassurance that much was true but there was something else, something more. You cared little for dissecting his every word as opposed to the gentle touch of his hands and the way his fingers felt against you.
“You know you’re quite good at that.” You smiled as the brush ran through your hair with ease.
“I’m trying not to hurt you.” He spoke with a stiff smile but all of his concentration was on the locks in front of him. They shone in what little light you had but to him it was mesmerising. Still Sihtric could not forget your conversation. “As is Lord Uhtred.”
“Pushing me away hurts more than any scar a blade might leave.” Sihtric was right, Uhtred did not wish to see you hurt and yet this hurt still. “I am of use here, I can help. Back at Winchester I am nothing.”
“I am sure he wants your help but he does not wish to lose you.” Every time Sihtric spoke it was as though he could read you perfectly. Still he continued to brush your hair like it was no bother at all. “I would do the same.”
You finally turned and Sihtric froze, the brush still clutched in his hand. Neither of you looked the other in the eye as your fingers trailed over his hand to take the brush from him.
“Thank you.” You whispered. He took that as his sign to leave. Nodding before taking his leave. Though he only made it to the edge of the tent before he turned back for a split second.
“You know if you want to talk to someone you need only ask.” Before you could even say anything, he’d darted from your tent leaving you sat alone, still feeling the touch of his fingers against your skin.
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bignaz8 · 1 year
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On September 13, 1969, the first episode of SCOOBY DOO, WHERE ARE YOU? premiered on CBS Television and changed the lives of thousands of kids who'd grow up wishing for their own version of the Mystery Machine.
The series was created for Hanna-Barbera Productions by Joe Ruby and Ken Spears, loosely basing the original episodes on the old "I Love A Mystery" radio show. The Saturday morning cartoon show featured four teenagers—Fred Jones, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, and Norville "Shaggy" Rogers (based on beatnik Maynard G. Krebs from "Dobie Gillis")—and their talking Great Dane named Scooby-Doo, who solved what seemed to be supernatural mysteries through a series of mishaps. In the end, they always found out that the real monsters were people, which is a statement on society that hasn't really changed in 50 years.
Those "meddling kids" became a huge success and the show featured guest voices that ranged from Batman and Robin (Adam West and Burt Ward), Vincent Price, Sandy Duncan, the Addams Family, Phyllis Diller, Don Knotts, and "Mama" Cass Elliot. It would later change networks, change formats, and become feature films.
The characters have become a part of America's cultural history and, to this day, are more believable than any of the other ghost hunters that have appeared on our TV screens.
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leftsidebonfire · 10 months
Steven John Ward (OPLA Mihawk) was just live on Tiktok and he responded to my questions 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
He said that he would want to get a Great Dane dog because he loves large dog breeds, and that his favorite One Piece character is Mihawk (because he's a little biased.) 🖤🖤🖤
OH AND THEN he said he took inspiration for Mihawks voice from Scar from Lion King/Jeremy Irons and when I said I could hear the Scar inspiration HE STARTED SINGING BE PREPARED.
He's got me blushing rn he's got such a sweet deep voice :3
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puppiesandnightlock · 11 months
Link: Mission ImPAWsible
Super Sons Week 2023 Day Three: Animal Lovers
Titus and Krypto love their boys, but sometimes they need a little push.
i.e. Jon makes Damian happy, everyone sees it, and then they get into a fight and its up to their loving guardians aka Titus and Krypto to fix them, because as much as they love them, the bois are a lil stupid.
can be read as romantic or platonic!
Humans were stupid. Tiredly so. 
They were incapable of expressing complex emotions, or letting things go. They were hurt easily and held onto things for years, preferring to stay alone and undisturbed. Like cats. 
Or that’s what Titus saw of his ward. 
The smaller human had much pain, often waiting and keeping it under wraps until a safe distance away from the other humans, even the clingy one, preferring to wait until the only other living being was Titus, or the cat referred to as Alfred. It was an unpleasant feeling to know he could do nothing to ease the pain, or protect him from it, as it was horribly invisible. 
It was a dark cloud that he carried around, and despite his best efforts, Titus would only ever lighten it slightly. 
There were others who could as well, the oldest one of the children in the house, the quiet girl who would slip in and out, the other animals that paraded around the large house, but none could ever dissipate it completely.
Not until he met Krypto’s boy, the living ball of sunshine who could make the pain lift off of the smaller boy’s shoulders until the cloudy pain was nearly invisible. He tried to keep up the same indifferent attitude, but Titus knew his ward well. 
It was quite frankly a relief for him to be able to not fear for him so much, to share the weight with someone who was much more capable.
When they went to visit the farm that the Kents frequented, Damian was left alone with his thoughts on top of the water tower. The guardians watched as Jon swooped into the air to come up behind him, the darkness surrounding him blown out like a candle.
Your boy is sad, Krypto noted. Many things have come before him that should not have.
Titus made a noise like a small sigh. Yes, I’ve tried my best to keep him in better spirits. However, your boy has been a very big help.
Jon is a good boy. He will stay with your Damian for a very long time.
They watched as the boys laughed, Jon scooping Damian up in his arms to carry him back to the ground. The shorter boy flailed in his grip, mumbling obscenities without any real malice to them.
The bond grew stronger, Titus was pleased to realize. Damian was better at communication, more light and childlike. When the cloud returned at night, and the pain was released in the water streaming down his face, Titus crept over to lick them off and nuzzle him as usual. He was stopped by an unknown presence at the window.
Jon stumbled through, murmurs of “ Your heartbeat sped up. Are you okay?”, before he pulled Damian into his arms, the shorter boy relaxing and sniffling into his chest.
He made eye contact with the great dane, as if to say “I’ve got it from here.”
Satisfied, Titus moved to the foot of the bed, waiting for further instruction. 
Soon, the pain happened less, the dark cloud lightning until it seemed only a dim cape that darkened ever so slightly. It could never go away fully, but it was somewhat of a peace of mind for everyone that Damian was finally doing well. 
It was said that nothing good stayed forever, and everyone in the house cursed the truth in it as Damian came into the manor, a storm raging on his face and the dark clouds returned in full force. 
Titus, faithful as always, followed behind him, only to be stopped by his ward.
The boy crouched down, allowing himself to be nuzzled and Titus to lick the tears that had begun leaking from his eyes. 
“Titus, guard the door. I don’t want them to follow.”
His instinct said to disobey and follow into the room, but not one to defy orders, sat straight in front as the door shut with a click.
“Heeey buddy. Can I be let through for a minute?” Dick was the first and most persistent, Titus forced to nip at him as he tried to place a hand on the doorknob.
Tim walked by as they did this, wincing. “If he’s sicced Titus on you, he’s not letting any of us in. Call Jon?”
“ DO NOT CALL JONATHAN!”  Damian’s voice screeched, muffled by the door and weighed by the hoarseness of his voice.
“Must have finally gotten tired of the assholery.” Jason snorted. 
“Jason!” Dick narrowed his eyes as the man passed to get to the staircase. “He’s been getting so much better because of him and you know it.”
Titus was conflicted, there was such sadness flooding out from under the door, and apparently Krypto’s boy had had something to do with it.
After the majority had stopped trying, he slunk out the door to the stable that held the various other animals Damian had liberated. He barked once, waiting for the white dot in the distance. 
My boy has been affected as well. He insists he is at fault. It is troubling to see them both in such pain. Krypto moved his head towards the deck where Damian's room was.
  They will not do it easily. I adore them but adolescent humans are very bad at speaking properly. 
This would mean we must take up matters ourselves again.
I suppose so.
Jon’s day was slowly going to -mind his language- absolute dumpster fire heck. It was already bad ‘cause he felt awful over Damian from two days before. He missed his partner so badly. He’d never seen him cry before, and he never wanted to see it again.
 Then he messed up on his chores and accidentally lasered a support beam in the barn, and now his dad left him with Krypto, who was running off into the cornfield.
And now he had to chase him through the air, because for a higher intelligence than the average dog, Krypto was being incredibly stupid.
He grimaced as he saw the fog of Gotham, Krypto leaning towards the more uppity area.
Why, you stupid dog, why would you take me here?
“KRYPTO!” He screeched as he dived downwards towards the dog, failing to notice that his surroundings were none other than the forest behind the Manor.
Wayne Manor.
Titus placed an item in his owner's lap for the third time that day, and frankly, it was getting quite annoying. 
Damian was being as stubborn as possible, as he often was when he was upset. First it was the squeaky toy, then it was a ball. At one point he’d even dropped Alfred the Cat into this.
“For the last time, I don’t feel like play-” He took notice of the leash in his hand. “Oh.”
Dragging his free hand down his face and inhaling deeply, he looked up and then at his dog.
“I suppose a walk would do us well. Fresh air, if you will.” Clipping the lead onto Titus’ collar, he let Alfred the human know that he was taking his dog on a walk and would return before the sun set.
It was the perfect way to clear his mind of that infuriating kryptonian. Or so he thought. 
Plummeting out of the sky were two dots, one pure white and another larger of a mix of colors. 
It screeched in an unholy manner, “KRYPTO!”, before slamming into Damian, knocking him over. 
The culprits of this sat on the side, wagging their tails as they saw Damian on the ground with Jon draped over his stomach, panting heavily.
“ Stupid…dog.. ” His words came in breaths, before scrambling up as a pained order came from below him.
“Get off me, Kent!”
“Oh, Rao, Dami, I’m sorry!” He offered a hand, only to have it be bat away.
“Are you though?” The shorter boy glared at him, brushing the dirt off his clothes. “Why are you even here? I thought you didn’t want to see me.”
The younger’s face fell. “Please, can we talk about this?” 
“I’m here, you’re here.  You have five minutes, starting now.”
A few weeks later, it was pleasing to see all was right with the world, and laying in the back of the red pickup truck in the middle of the Kent’s cornfield, they sat stargazing, the peacemakers sitting beneath the bed of the truck.
Mission complete.
I was very confident in our success. 
for @super-sons-week-2023
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Because I love too many characters named Luke. What is this magic?
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watashime-ciel · 3 months
insomnia may be strong but i'm stronger. so here are the Just Dane dances and coaches i'm assigning to my rhythm heaven scrunklies because nobody asked but i want to post this anyways for science purposes
starting with the holy lemon, DJ Yellow:
definitely, his favourite dances are the three hatsune miku ones, but besides that, he's probably going with a good old jason derulo dance or Get Ugly, as his first option to warm up. Circus extreme version, Hey Mama and Daddy are probably his next options
now, a coach thats perfect for him is P3 from All About Us in JD17
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they radiate they/them queer vibes AND the colours are literally Yellow idc hes dressing with those colours and slaying in the process
for Blue i'll go with something more simple, but at the same time groovy. and whats more groovy that Groove by Jack & Jack
he's not the one that likes to play JD, but he enjoys watching the videos like a toddler watching five little monkies jumping on the bed. Groove is the only one that he might dance. but other songs he enjoys are Rave in the Grave, Tumbum, Leila, Instruction, Spectronizer and Built For This, all because of the colours
and the coach i'm assigning is the Instruction teacher from JD18
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the colours are vibrant, and the clothing quite simple but attractive. perfect for an artist's eye like Blue's
oh boy for J.J i got very creative
that was sarcasm
did you know JD added Bring Me To Life to one of the latest games? i literally just found out while playing JDNow lol. definitely his favourite to dance with Cecil, even if the move in "Save me!" is impossible for them two. theeeey need a bit more of movement
J.J would also like whatever avril lavigne song there is in the game. idk if theres more, but Girlfriend is his jam so don't bother him for the next 3 minutes while he dances
for the coach, i mean literally Blake and Liv from the BMTL fit him. you tell me why
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just like me, Cecil can't let go of his childhood favourite song, and that's Spectronizer. little Cecil would enjoy jumping around pretending to be a power ranger or something. and his favourire coach is the one i am assigning to him
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literally perfect. live laugh love yellow ranger
with Connie i have a problem called "she fits most of the songs i like so this is going to be endless". but i am mainly assigning Tumbum for the second coach and her "protagonist" role, Smile by IOWA for the clothing and energy, and Adeyyo for the clothing aswell. literally all outfits from these would look good on her-
but here are two specific coaches that are literally her
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the Smile coach is literally her but in purple and blue, and the Adeyyo coach because IH MY GOD... /pos
Jenna is simple. she also loves miku, one of the favourite songs is Love Ward, its on JD18, so what else could she ask for?
to be Love Ward JD Miku of course
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i promise you im drawing her like that
Debbie is the kind that dances to everything she possibly can, and enjoys it more when its some stupid dance like Daddy, Dragostea Din Tei, Juju on The Beat, Sayonara, Chiwawa... i could go on. she also enjoys overly happy or active coaches, always being the first one to get a star and the crown
theres no other coach more perfect for her than Suzuka from Atarashii Gakko
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Christmas' over, that means that Halloween is near for Mako. she adores all Halloween related dances; Ghost In The Keys, Time Warp, Rave In The Grave, Magic Halloween, you name it and she loves it, having a specific coach she always wants to be
but her favourite coach and therefore the one i am assigning is the Magic Halloween witch
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also the colours are some i believe she would use for a Halloween outfit, and she loves stars so the skirt was what got her for sure
surprisingly, So'ra can stand up from that pink car and can also dance. she likes something... uh. i. dont know the exact word. but not so much to follow, or maybe a lot but the background helps and doesnt makes it hard. Hey Mama, Black Widow, Circus extreme version, Gibberish and others, in that order, is her dance list
the coach i decide to assign is the Black Widow
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the dance gives a bit mysterious vibe, and the moves are fast enough to be in perfect sync with the beat. its perfect
do you ever wonder if someone could have some sort of crush in a JD coach? ask Peach, as she fell in love with the P2 in Tumbum. its not that in assigning her to Peach, but rather making a connection?
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shes like Blue, watches JD dances like a visual stimulation thingie. and when she watched Tumbum, inmediatly focused on the P2. how. i mean, you cant see their faces yet. oh well-
okay guys insomnia is winning okay i promise i am also normal about just dance !!
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motorsportverso · 5 months
12h Sebring 2024
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Que foi a estreia do Lamborghini SC63 na GTP no IMSA
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Na largada o Cadillac V Series R #31 se manteve na frente com Pipo Derani
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Na largada na GTD Pró e GTD
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E teve uma confusão entre os GTS , envolvendo a  Ferrari #62 da Risi Competizone
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A rodada do Oreca #88 da AF Corse
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A batida do Cadillac #31 com Pipo Derani causada por um toque com a Ferrari da Triarse Competizone  , que alias foi no mesmo ponto em que o Argentino José Maria Lopez bateu nas 1000 Milhas de Sebring em 2022 com Toyota Hypercar.
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Momento da batida do Acura NSX GT3 da equipe Gradiant Racing  , que colocou bandeira amarela na pista inteira.
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Momento em que o Acura #40 passava o Cadillac #01 da Cadillac Racing\Chip Ganassi e assumia a liderança no final da corrida.
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 A vitória ficou o Acura ARX06 #40 da WTTR Andretti , a primeira do segundo carro da equipe
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O Lexus RC F GT3 da Vasser Sullivan Racing na GTD Pró , na LMP2, a vencedora foi a Era Motorsport.
1-40-Jordam Taylor\Colton Herta\Louis Deletraz-Acura ARX06-WTTR Andretti-333 Laps
2-01-Scott Dixon\Range Van Der Zande\Sebastien Bordais-Cadillac V Series R-Cadillac Racing\Chip Ganassi
3-7-Felipe Nasr\Matt Campbell\Dane Cameron-Porsche 963-Porsche Penske Motorsport
4-25-Dris Vanthorn\Connor De Philippe\Maxime Martin-BMW M LMDH V8-BMW Team RLL
5-10-Filipi Albuquerque\Brandon Hartley\Ricky Taylor-Acura ARX06-WTTR Andretti
6- 24-Philip Eng\Augusto Farfus\Jesse Khron-BMW M LMDH V8-BMW Team RLL
7-63-Matteo Cairoli\Romain Grosjean\Andrea Calderelli-Lamborghini SC63-Lamborghini Iron Lynx
8-5-Julian Andlauer \Gian Maria Bruni-Porsche 963-Mustang Simpling Racing-Proton
9-6-Nick Tandy\Frederick Makowickie\Mathieu Jaminet-Porsche 963-Porsche Penske Motorsport  +1 Lap
1-18-Ryan Dalziel\Connor Zilisch\Dwight Merriman-Oreca 7-Era Motorsport-330 Laps
2-11-Miken Jensen\Steven Thomas\Hunter McElrea-Oreca 7-TDS Racing
3-22-Paul Di Resta\Bijoy Garg\Dan Goldburg-Oreca 7-United Autoesports
1-14-Ben Bernicoat\Kyle Kirkwood\Jack Hawkshorth-Lexus RC F GT3-Vasser Sullivan-316 Laps
2-62-David Rigon\James Calado\Daniel Serra-Ferrari 296 GT3-Risi Competizone
3-19-Mirko Bortolotti\Jordan Pepper\Franck Pereira-Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo 2-Iron Lynx
4-1-Bryan Sellers\Madison Snow\Neil Verghagen-BMW M4 GT3-Paul Miller Racing
5-23-Alex Riberas\Ross Gun\Mario Farnbacher-Aston Martin Vantage GT3 Evo-Heart Of Racing
GTD-Top 5
1-57-Russel Ward\Phillip Ellis\Indy Dontje-Mercedes-AMG GT3-Winward Racing-314 Laps
2-47-Antonio Fuoco\Roberto Lacorte\Giorgio Sergionatto-Ferrari 296 GT3-Cetilar Racing
3-120-Adam Adelson\Jan Haylen\Eliott Skeer-Porsche 992 GT3 R-Wright Motorsport
4-27-Roman de Angelis\Ian James\Zacharie Robichon-Aston Martin Vantage GT3 Evo-Heart Of Racing
5- 78-Loris Spinelli\Devlin Defrancesco\Misha Goikhberg-Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo 2-Forte Racing
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anglophiletraveler · 5 months
And Baby Makes...Eight?
This little fic was written for the Deano Bingo, unfortunately, I didn’t get it done by the end of April, but I’m putting it out there anyway.  For clarification, I refer to Mitchell in this story most of the time as John, because Anders calls him John, but the rest of the family still call him Mitchell.  I hope you like this little fic that turned out way longer than I first anticipated it would be, and has not been seen by a beta.  
The scene looked like it was something from a Lucille Ball movie - a waiting room in a maternity ward of a nondescript hospital with the typical baby colours and decorations and signs giving advice to new parents.  Various chairs are arranged along the walls of the room with white cubes in the middle of the room holding various magazines such as ‘Parent Life,’ ‘First Time Parents,’ ‘Working Mother,’ ‘Autism Parenting,’ and ‘Green Parenting’.  Along one wall was a large coffee maker to assist in those long nights of labour.  
On this particular day, the waiting room started out quiet and empty. The nursing staff was enjoying a slow day. But soon the Johnson family would be descending upon the room like a battalion storming the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. There were going to be various uncles pacing the waiting room like the expectant fathers they weren’t.  
Ty and Dawn had waited to start a family until the Norse gods had ascended from their human vessels, leaving them behind to lead normal human lives, whatever that may be. To Mitchell’s surprise, Bragi had granted Anders' wish of John becoming a mortal once again.  The former vampire could now see his reflection in mirrors, and his eyes no longer turned black and he could now have a normal toothache without fangs!  So the Kiwi and the Irishman had taken the plunge and married in a nice civil ceremony at the courthouse.  After John had graduated from nursing school and was now working as an RN at the hospital, the couple had finally left Anders’s bachelor flat and bought a home with a large back garden where their two rescue dogs ran around.  They weren’t sure of their breeds but the small grey one looked like the combination of a weiner dog and a poodle, so of course they named him Tank, and the larger brown and black dog could have been a mix between a great dane and a labrador retriever. So his name had to be Tiny. 
Throughout Dawn’s pregnancy, Anders always put on the cocky front that this was going to be an ugly baby just like the billion other babies out in the world.  But of course when nobody was watching, he doted on Dawn in the office whenever he could.  He often made her recline on the sofa and put her feet up on pillows.  
John was thrilled about Dawn’s pregnancy.  He had always wanted to be a father, but his previous circumstance of being a vampire had snuffed out that dream.  For the most part, Anders had gone along with John’s constant talk about babies, but occasionally felt he had to reign John in a wee bit.  He really didn’t want to hear about his sister-in-law’s birth canal and the stages that it went through, sore nipples, nor did he care to hear about something called a placenta.  John started reading baby books and whenever he found something that he thought Ty and Dawn should know, he immediately called them or went over to their home to tell them about it.  It really was quite sweet, and secretly Dawn enjoyed all of the attention.  Ty hadn’t minded it until the day after Mitchell had read the chapter on breastfeeding.   It was on that day that Anders and Mitchell had actually showed up at their house with multiple nursing bras, nursing nightgowns, a breast pump and various essentials including breast pump wipes, hot and cold breast pads, nipple shields, and of course nipple cream.  At first Ty thought they had brought all of this over as a joke, until Dawn pulled him aside and explained to him that it was done out of love.
So it was no surprise that Anders and John had been the first uncles to show up at the waiting room after Ty called them at 8 o’clock in the evening with the news that Dawn was having contractions and they were on their way!  The couple had tried to wait at home for news from Ty, but after they had both bitten off all their fingernails, they grabbed the hospital bag that they had packed for themselves (uncles need their own hospital bag?) and headed to the hospital.  Once they had arrived at the waiting room, they had set up camp in the corner of the waiting room closest to the coffee maker.  For a while they kept their wits about them, watching the staff go about their duties.  Every once in a while a nurse that John knew, would stop and chat with him.  
One nurse that John had gotten to know from his clinicals in the labour and delivery unit tried to talk him into coming to work for the labour and delivery department, “John, I was really surprised that you didn’t try for a position here.  You were such a natural during your clinicals, and worked really well with the moms.”  Anders watched John closely when she mentioned this.
John shook his head, “Aw, Julie you’re sweet.  Have you met my husband Anders?  Anders this is Julie, she’s the charge nurse for labour and delivery.”  Julie and Anders exchanged pleasantries.  Anders was impressed that this nurse was so impressed by John’s skills and spoke so highly of him.  He hadn’t met very many of John’s coworkers so he enjoyed this exchange.  John had his trademark smile on his face, “I did enjoy working here, but I think that it would be really hard working here and not being able to have one of my own.”
“I get it.  Well you and Anders could always hire a surrogate or adopt!  Where there’s a will there’s a way!  Well, I better get going.  It was nice seeing you again.”
Anders noticed the large sigh that John let out as Julie walked away, and the smile disappeared.  “Um, I’ll be right back, going to the loo,” Mitchell mumbled as he left Anders behind.  It broke Anders’ heart a little to see John's gorgeous smile disappear.  He knew how much he wanted children.  Anders had always discouraged the idea because he knew he would be a shit dad. As much as they loved their dogs, sometimes it didn’t seem like quite enough for John.
At one point Ty took a break from the birthing room and came out for a cup of coffee and some reassurance from his brother and brother-in-law.  
Anders noticed that his brother looked worn out, “Ty, are you alright?  Would you like one of us to go in with Dawn for a while?”
Mitchell and Ty both looked shocked at what Anders was offering.  
“I appreciate that Anders, but I don’t think you realise what goes on in that room.  And I don’t know if Dawn would want you in there, no offence.”
“None taken.  Well, if you change your mind, the offer still stands.”
Mitchell was interested in how the new mother was doing, “So Ty, how’s Dawn doing?  How far is she dilated?”
Ty sighed, “She’s tired, but she’s doing really well.  I’m so amazed by her strength.  She’s still dilated at six, so hopefully she starts progressing soon.”
Mitchell was shaking his head in agreement, “She will mate, don’t worry.  Don’t forget that since this is her first bairn, the labour can take longer.”
Ty finished his coffee, “I’ll keep that in mind.  I better get back in there.  Thanks for being here guys.”
Anders and John got up to give Ty a big hug.  With tears in his eyes, Anders clasped Ty’s face, “We’re here for you baby brother.”  
After Ty left the waiting room, Mitchell looked at Anders, “You know, I’m totally shocked that you offered to go into the birthing room to help Dawn out.  I’m actually pretty impressed, Anders.”
“Nah, I care about Dawn.  I’ve seen her at her worst, and she’s seen me at mine.  What’s a few contractions between friends?  People forget that I’ve known Dawn longer than Ty has.”
Mitchell smiled at Anders and gave him a quick kiss.
Later on, Mike, Michelle and Axl carrying an extremely large teddy bear, came strolling in at just about the time Dawn’s screams went up a decibel or two.
Axl was standing around with his hands in his pockets while the rest of the Johnsons were chatting.  Finally he asks, “Who is that screaming?”  They all stop talking and turn around and look at Axl in disbelief and yell, “Dawn!”
Axl came to the realization, “Are you fucking kidding me?  That’s Dawn screaming?  Holy shit!”
“Axl! If you get us kicked out of here, I’m going to shove that bear up your arse!” Anders threatened his brother.  John put his hand on Anders’s shoulder to try to calm him down, “C’mon love, lets go sit down.”  The other three followed suit and sat down.
Mike looked at his watch, “So Anders, how long has Dawn been screaming like that?”
Anders looked at John, “I don’t know, what do you think John? About a half hour?”
“Yeah, her contractions have really started getting closer and harder.  I’m sure that Ty’s losing the feeling in his hands by now,” John replied.
“Better him than me!” Michelle was her typical supportive self.  
Axl was holding the teddy bear looking pale, “I thought that was only in the movies that women screamed like that when having babies.”
Mitchell smiled at his young brother-in-law, “Every mum is different, Axl. And it also depends on if it’s the mum’s first bairn or not.”  
Axl nodded his head like he understood what Mitchell just said.  
There were the typical overhead pages for a hospital going off.  Mitchell and Michelle listened to them instinctually but didn’t react to them since they weren’t working.  At one point there was a Code Blue called that raised Mitchell’s attention.  Anders looked at Mitchell, “Isn’t that where you work, babe?”  Mitchell nodded his head, “Yep, sure is.  I don’t know who it would be though, there wasn’t a patient in that bed yesterday when I worked.”
“Well, do we know if this new Johnson is a boy or a girl?” Michelle asked.  
Anders chuckled at Michelle’s coldness when asking about the baby, “No we don’t know.  Ty and Dawn decided not to tell anyone the sex of the baby.  Michelle, weren’t you there at the baby shower?”
“God no.  I can’t stand those things and all of those stupid games they play.  And then some mother starts talking about how long her contractions were when they were in labour and where she was when her waters broke.”
Some more screaming came from the birthing room, which made Michelle clinch her legs together.  
Axl stood up all of a sudden, “Oh shit, more screaming!”
Michelle stood up now, “Of course she’s screaming Axl, she’s pushing a watermelon through her vagina!”
Anders huffed at Michelle, “Well Michelle, nobody can accuse you of being overly maternal.”
Mike stood up and steered Axl away from Michelle, “Why don’t you just have a seat Axl, this could take a long time.”
The main doors to the unit opened and everyone looked to see who it was.  It turned out to be someone from environmental services riding the floor cleaner that looked like a little zamboni.  
“Jeezus, the fumes that thing leaves behind is almost as bad as a real zamboni,” Mike observed.
John looked at his watch and got up and made more coffee for everyone since it seemed like it could be a long night ahead.  He was starting to feel a little nervous on the inside but he didn’t let anyone else know how he was feeling.  It had been five hours since he and Anders had arrived at the hospital, and another six or seven hours that Dawn had contractions while at home, and while 10-12 hours wasn’t a horribly long time for labour, it was enough that it was making him nervous.  The nurse in him wished that he was in the birthing room and knew how dilated Dawn was and what the baby’s heart rate was.  He found himself staring out a window at the dark night and the street lights lighting the way for those drivers who happened to be out at this time of night.  He heard a voice beside him, “She’s going to be fine.” John turned his head to find Michelle standing next to him.  “Sometimes being a nurse or a doctor is harder when you know what can go wrong in a situation.  But she’ll be fine,” John was surprised by Michelle’s soothing voice.
He let out a big sigh, “Yeah, I just wish that I was in there and knew what was going on.  I don’t like being on this side of the waiting room.”  John turned around and noticed that Mike and Anders were pacing, and Axl was pouting in the corner holding on to the large bear with a face like a little boy. The scene made Mitchell smile.  
The double doors to the birthing rooms opened causing everyone to turn and see Ty come through wearing scrubs.  He sat down exhausted rubbing his face with his hands, “The nurses are changing Dawn’s bed so I came out here for a break.”
Everyone spoke at once asking for the latest news on Baby Johnson.  Ty raised his hands to get them to quiet down, “The nurses say they don’t think it will be much longer, maybe another hour or so.  I feel so bad for her.  She’s getting tired.  I wish that I could take the pain away from her.”
John sat down next to Ty and put his hand on his shoulder, “Aw, it’ll be over soon, mate.  Just keep rubbin’ her back for her.”
“I feel so helpless, like I’m not doing enough for her…”
Michelle interjected, “I’m sure you’re doing everything you can Ty.  Mitchell’s right, just keep rubbing her back.  Fall back on what you learned in the birthing classes.”
One of the ward nurses came back out to get Ty, so he went back in with Dawn.  
Michelle’s personality changed as soon as he walked out of the room.  She turned and looked at Mike, “Don’t ever think of getting me pregnant!”  Mike’s eyes got big as saucers and raised his hands to let her pass through.
Two pots of coffee and two hours later, the Johnson brigade was back to pacing in the waiting room, although Axl had managed to fall asleep in his chair still holding the gargantuan teddy bear.  Throughout the night the brothers had managed to move the teddy bear in different poses and took several pictures of Axl holding it!  
Mitchell suddenly noticed the nurses in the nursing station got busier and left the station to go back towards the birthing rooms. Then the scream from Dawn got lower. John turned to look at Michelle but she was already looking at him.  
Then there was silence and everyone stopped in their tracks.
Then there was a tiny cry!  Everyone let out a sigh of relief and laughter.  One of the nurses that Mitchell knew came back out quickly and gave a thumbs up to the family and went back in. That was a huge relief to everyone, in particular to John.  Anders looked for his husband and finally found him sitting on a chair with his face in his hands crying.  Anders kneeled in front of him and put his hands on John’s, “Hey Babe, it’s okay.  It’s over… Love?” He moved to sit in the chair next to him and started running his hand through John’s hair to try and comfort him.  Anders let John take a moment to get himself together.  When John dried his eyes he raised his head and Anders gave him a big hug and kiss.  He placed his hands on Mitchell’s face, “I’ve been watching you all night.  You’ve been worried about Dawn this whole time, haven’t ya?”
John had a few tears roll down his face  and nodded his head, “Yes, I have to admit it.  I’ve been worried off and on.  I’ve been going nutter not being in there to make sure Dawn was alright.”  Anders gave John another hug.  
“What the hell is going on?” Axl’s voice coming from the corner.  Everyone looked at him and laughed.
As soon as Dawn was cleaned up and moved to her room, and all of the measurements of the newborn were done, four uncles, one aunt and one bear were gowned and allowed to go meet the newest Johnson.  The door slowly opened and three heads stuck through the door to find a pink cheeked Dawn sitting up in bed holding a bundle of joy with Ty standing next to her with the biggest smile anyone has ever seen on his face!
A smiling Ty waved everyone in, “Come on in, come in!” And they all pushed through, including the giant bear.
Dawn was laughing at all of the family, and everyone was asking “What is it!  Is it a boy or a girl” 
Dawn couldn’t stop smiling, “Look what we made!  This is Miss Johnson!”
Everyone was oohing and aahing at finally having a baby girl in the family to spoil!  Even Mike was smiling at the baby.
“Dawn, you look amazing!  How do you feel?” Michelle asked the new mother.
“I feel great! Kind of numb, but very happy!  Mike, would you like to hold her first?” Dawn asked the eldest brother.
Mike looked shocked, “Me! Why me?”
Anders laughed at his brother, “Because you’re the old man, bro!”
Ty gingerly handed the baby to Mike, “It’s been a long time since anyone in this family has held a baby.”  Mike started cooing at her and looking at her tiny hand.  “She’s so tiny! Aren’t you a beauty!  You like your mum, thank goodness!”  Everyone chuckled at that.  Mike looked up at Axl, “Axl do you want to hold her?”
Axl looked pensive at the thought and rubbed his hands on his pants.  He looked at Dawn, “I don’t know how, I don’t want to drop her.”
Ty looked at his baby brother, “Go ahead Axl, you’ll be fine.”  Mike carefully handed her to Axl and showed him how to support her head.  Axl got a grin on his face and just stared at her for a moment, and then she fussed a bit, “Here you better take her back Mike.”
“Hang on you egg, it’s my turn,” Anders walked over to Axl and took the baby from him like an old pro.  “I used to hold you when you were this young Axl.  Look at you gorgeous!  Look at that beautiful blonde hair just like your favourite uncle’s.  You are certainly a beauty, and we are going to beat off any man that looks at you twice.”
Mitchell stood behind Anders with his hands on his arms while he held their new niece.  He had tears in his eyes watching Anders hold their new niece.  He was definitely a natural at it.  Anders looked up at Michell, “Are you crying again?  You are such a sap!”
Mitchell shrugged his shoulders, “I can’t help it!  I love babies, especially this one.  Here, hand her over to me now.”  Mitchell took her from Anders.  Instead of holding her in his arms like everyone else did, he held her up close to his shoulder so he could smell her.  “I love that new baby smell.  Dawn and Ty looked at each other briefly and then smiled at Mitchell.  He lowered her to his arms so that he could stare at her some more.
Michelle spoke up, “So you never said…what did you name her?”
“Well, it was a hard decision.  We couldn’t agree on a name that we both liked,” Dawn said.
“So then we thought of family names…” Ty said with an unsure voice.
Mike cringed, “Oh don’t tell me that you named her Agnetha.”
Dawn was still smiling, “No of course not.  Well none of us have mothers that we loved enough that we would want to name her after except… Mitchell!”  Mitchell was still in awe of the baby and didn’t catch on to what was being said around him.  “Mitchell loved his mother very much, so we named her Mary Elizabeth.”   Finally Mitchell heard something to make him pay attention, “What?  You named her after… my mum?!”
Dawn looked at Mitchell a little more seriously, “Is that alright?  I know we didn’t ask you.  If you don’t want us to, we can always change it.”
Anders was watching the shocked look on John’s face, “Oh fuck he’s going to start crying again!”
“I can’t believe that you… what an honour.  Thank you so much!  That means the world to me!”  Mitchell leaned down to kiss Mary Elizabeth on the head.  Anders wrapped an arm around John’s waist and leaned in to his husband, and smiled.
Anders cleared his throat and looked at the new parents, “That’s really lovely.  Thank you.”
The door opened and a nurse stepped in the room, “Alright everyone.  It’s late and this new mum and babe need their rest.  You can visit them tomorrow.”
Mike spoke up, “Alright guys, you all heard the lovely lady, time to go.  Congratulations Ty and Dawn, you have a beautiful daughter.”  They all said their goodbyes to the baby still in Mitchell’s arms on their way out the door.  Anders and John were still standing, staring at Mary Elizabeth.  
“Babe, I think it’s time to go,” Anders patted John on the shoulder.
“I guess,” John walked over to give the baby back to Dawn, “Here ya go all safe and sound.  Thank you so much for naming her for my mum.  It’s really special for me.”
“You’re welcome, Mitchell,” Dawn said.
Anders and John shuffled into their house dead tired.  It had been a long night at the hospital and they were just ready to go to bed but Tank and Tiny came running over to greet their parents with a high pitch, yappy bark and a deep ferocious bark.  If one didn’t really know Tiny’s personality, you would think he was going to swallow you whole, but he was just a teddy bear.
"Oh fuck I forgot about you two,” Mitchell’s voice was tired and a little hoarse.  “Come on you two wankers, I’ll let you outside.”  This was one of the times that he was very grateful that the back garden was fenced in and all they had to do was open the back door to let the beasts out.
Anders had already started to strip, “John do you want anything to drink or eat?”
John sat at the kitchen table waiting for the dogs to come back inside, “Something cold.  Do we have any bottled water in the icebox?”
Anders smiled at John calling it an icebox, a reference to his childhood days in Ireland.  He opened the fridge door, “Uh yes, yes we do.  You want that?”
“Yes please.  I can’t believe how exhausted I am.  I’m more tired than if I had worked a normal 12 hour shift,” John saw that the dogs were just playing around now so he whistled for them to come inside.  He followed Anders’s lead and started taking his clothes off. He chugged one bottle of water down right away and grabbed another to take upstairs.  
Anders wrapped his arm around John’s naked waist and kissed his neck, “C’mon babe, let’s go to bed.”  He locked the back door and turned off the kitchen light and pulled John to go upstairs with him, the dogs following right behind them.
Tank and Tiny jumped up on the king-size bed and took their place waiting for their masters.  Anders had tried to train them to not sleep on the bed, but eventually gave up when he caught John several times allowing the dogs on the bed.
“Are you going into the office tomorrow?” 
Anders sighed, “Fuck no, at least not right away.  I do have some afternoon appointments that I have to attend to.  What about you?”  Anders finished stripping and climbed into bed.
“Umm what’s today?”
Anders looked at his phone, “It is now officially Thursday the 10th.”
John looked at his work scheduled on his phone, “I guess I’m off today.  Well, Miss Mary Elizabeth has great timing!” The smile had returned to John’s face as he crawled into Anders’s arms.
“Yes, I guess she does!  She’s such a beautiful baby isn’t she?”
John raised up, “Wait a minute, I thought you said that all babies are ugly?”
“Well, all babies are ugly except for Mary Elizabeth.  No other baby can compare to her.” 
John gave Anders a long kiss, “Mmm I agree, love.  I still can’t get over that they named her after my mum.  I didn’t want to give her back to Dawn.  And YOU mister ‘I don’t want to have any kids’… YOU were a natural when you were holding her!”
“Hold on, hold on, you’re forgetting that I helped raise Ty and Axl from when they were born.  Holding a baby doesn’t scare me, being a father scares me.  And can we please stop talking so you can start kissing me!”
Mitchell’s laugh lit up his face, “I love you Anders Mitchell-Johnson.”
“I love you too John Mitchell-Johnson.”
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doriandane · 8 months
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Photo by Chad Michael Ward for Endless Night Vampire Ball (2018)
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