#danger days hc
catboytrick · 1 year
kobra kid headcanons <3
Kobra absolutely loves makeup. Glittery eye shadow, bold eyeliner, bright lipstick, anything colourful he loves putting on. Except he’s horrible at putting it on so it’s always either Ghoul or Sandman that helps him. One time he asked Party for help except they ended up getting it everywhere. Never again.
He is the king of the Crash Track. He almost never loses a race, and if he does it’s almost always because a part of his bike was faulty. He’s been the winner sixteen times in a row at this point. His biggest winning streak was twenty-six.
Kobra Kid has an entire Hello Kitty collection. Originally it was just a few pens that he found, and according to him they were only to be used for "special circumstances". Jet, Ghoul, and Party think he doesn't like Hello Kitty, so whenever they go out they search for Hello Kitty-themed items to bring back for him. Secretly though? He loves it.
He's great at fixing vehicles, and is always the one tasked with fixing the trans am if there's something wrong with it, but repairing anything else? He's horrible. Every time he tries to fix the sink in the bathroom he ends up making it way worse. He's learned to leave the plumbing repairs to Ghoul.
His hands are always freezing cold, no matter how hot it is. Almost every day he finds a way to scare someone by putting his freezing cold hands on their skin. Works every time. (Sandman has extremely warm hands, so whenever they're with each other they always hold hands)
Kobra has a lock of his hair dyed black, which is the only part of his hair that isn't bleached blonde. Yes, it's for Sandman.
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redfish-blu · 2 years
Up Killjoys posting after 9pm to push my Weird Girl Jet Star agenda yeah.
Jet was already an influencer in the Zones because he used to work for Dr. D’s radio-dispatch-show (they let him sleep in the garage) and every time he was on Jet would play Party In The U.S.A like he wasn’t the only person in the entire desert who actually enjoyed the song.
People would call in and tell them to turn that shit off but Dr. D refused to fire Jet because he thought it was funny.
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blood-injections · 1 year
I am constantly thinking about food in the zones and going INSANE at the missed opportunities in like 90% of fanfics where they're surviving solely on power pup like. NO. do even five minutes of research I beg you there is SO much food stuff in the desert. I guarantee you no killjoy is eating power pup daily that shit is kept in the cabinet for emergencies and the friendly coyotes that come by every once in a while!! If anything they use it like we use spam.
Realistically killjoys would be out roasting crickets and scorpions and collecting bugs for these super protein rich skillets and catching lizards and snakes and rabbits and birds and rodents and shit! They'd set up traps and go like hunting sometimes. They'd go foraging!! Theres so many edible plants actually cacti is edible! And you can do so much with it!! Theyre gonna be out there grilling it and making soups and salads in shitty old pots and throwing in natural herbs and spices! THEYD TAILGATE!!!! They'd have a shelf dedicated to jars of things you can make tea out of!! At least one member of every crew is practically a five star chef! You can literally make a gourmet meal out of materials found within fifty feet of your home base!
Not to mention there'd definitely be greenhouses scattered around with actual fruits and vegetables and some people would bake bread like even if there isnt power and you dont have like a stove or oven like. its not hard to just make your own. Out of rocks and shit and light a fire under it. And there'd be like a farmers market for all that kind of greenhouse grown stuff.
I just want to see killjoys enjoying zone life and culture and not starving!! Becuase they wouldn't be!! They would not fucking eat the dog food!! The desert provides!!!
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chaoticbuggybitchboy · 2 months
What the hell was party poison doing with their hair. Witch knows they weren’t taking good care of it. That shit faded after 5 days max. Party Poison red my ass they were orange 60% of the time. Minimum. Sources? I get less solar radiation (and general radiation) than they do and actually use colored conditioner and shit and my hair was hesitant alien-ing after like a week and a half. That’s the real reason Kobra’s hair is just bleached. He knows the sun is the enemy and he will not be dying on the hair dye hill. Party is. They are dying and languishing on that hill with their stupid orange hair again every other week. The real reason the Fab Four are eating powerpup is because their food budget got cut so that party could have more hair dye.
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montypng · 1 year
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poison gets to know their crew’s new mechanic

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highendphasrs · 11 months
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been thinking about the sixteen candles mv recently
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kobracola · 5 months
you know what actually. jet star wouldn’t use labels. desertborn resident sandpup jet star would not use labels. he doesn’t understand them. to people like party and ghoul, labels are important, and for their sake jet tries to understand why. he thinks maybe after all those years in the city and on the pills, living under bli’s thumb, they need to take back whatever parts of themselves they can. maybe that’s their way of reclaiming and reinventing themselves fully. after all, he grew up watching the endless streams of runaways trickling out from the city. he knows by this time that there is no greater joy for a debut album than relishing in the discovery of themselves- and this, the act of creation, is often their first act of rebellion. for them, knowing what you are and owning it is rebellion unto itself, and people like party and ghoul are no different. but jet star doesn’t need a label to know himself, and he doesn’t think he ever will. he doesn’t conform to any box or binary. he knows himself- he always has, no matter how much it changes- and that’s enough for him. he is “queer as in fuck you” incarnate.
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fab four headcanons lets go!
ghoul has a shit ton of scars. i mean, they all do, but ghoul has the most.
transfem jet star 🤝 transmasc kobra kid
party is the designated chef. they’re really good at cooking with like. feeling. you know? like how much salt? dc. just chuck some in. which therefore means:
kobra is a really really bad chef, because it’s not an exact science!!!! what is he supposed to do!!!
speaking of kobra! autism!!!!!!!! AUTISM!!!!!!
none of them are NT but. kobra is SOOOOsuperdupermega autism. if you even care.
ghoul loves those cringy ass shirts and stuff with sayings. like live laugh love. sunshine on the mind. he has a kiss the cook apron for when he makes bombs. you decide whether its ironic or not.
ghoul is also hard of hearing because i said so
the four have one big huge shared wardrobe that they all use, if stuff fits. like jet has a cool t-shirt that party steals, puts a funky belt on and wears as a dress. leather jackets and stuff are all communal. party and ghoul share the most, cause they're the closest in size.
kobra loves those silent cartoons, like tom and jerry, looney tunes, all that stuff, and he watches them with the girl all the time
while girlie's here, all of the four carry her differently. she sits on party's shoulders, jet puts her on their hip, kobra does piggybacks and ghoul will either scoop her up bridal style or firemans lift.
funkobra are in love by the way and they're t4t and autism4autism
this is random and not really in universe but kobra kid would LOVE rhythm games. like project sekai and bandori and stuff like that.
ghoul bites
^ that was going to be ghoul bites the skin around his nails but also. no he just bites.
he also has heterochromia
jet is the assigned medic of the gang and she's also the sharpshooter
speaking of which, jet star did kobra's top surgery
ghoul and kobra got drunk married one time and then didn't bother to fix it so they were married before they actually dated
ghoul has like. three shirts. and one pair of pants. that he never washes. and the other three hate it SO much. they're all begging him to get new clothes or at the very least fix the holes in the ones he has but he doesn't budge
ghoul sings the girl lullabyes
party can sew really well and makes clothes and stuff
jet loves dangly earrings and big clunky grandma bracelets, she has a whole jewellery box that party made for her and it's dark blue with light blue stars stuck onto it
anyway 👍 im normal about them
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obligatory marauders halloween post
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chemevan · 1 year
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it's them it's the gay california desert pew pew people
also for their pronouns and shit:
Party Poison: they/them non binary transfem, 19
Kobra Kid: he/they transmasc, 17
Jet Star: any pronouns transfem, 20
Fun Ghoul: she/her cis boy, 16
also bonus transparent version down below
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bunn-iiii · 7 months
I don't think Dr D ever wanted to be a symbol of the revolution, nor did he ever really want to be "the voice of the Zones". He only fought in the helium wars because he was protecting his family. Which at the time was Show Pony, his nephew that was entrusted with him just before the wars started, and the hope that Show Pony's parents, Dr D's brother and sister-in-law, would live to see their child again. But they didn't. And the wars ended. And what was he to do? The only thing he did before the wars was play silly songs and tell stories over his radio broadcast. Show had just 13 and he knew they knew that their parents weren't coming back. So now he had a mourning teenager and the difficulties of living in the middle of a desert where killjoy society was just barely forming, not to mention getting used to being in a wheelchair. What was he to do besides turn back to what he did before? He flicked on all the switches, plugged in the microphone, and had Show start up the generator he managed to save. And thus the WKIL 109 FMX or 109 radio station was born. Out of grief. Out fo struggle. Out of need for something from before everything went to shit. And soon word spread all over the newly forming "Zones" of this man called Doctor Death Defying that would come on over the radio and talk about stories, tell words of encouragement, and even share songs made by the rebellion. Over the years as this became a sort of routine for him and Pony he took on new people, helping them get their start or pulling them out of horrible situations. And it was through this music and Cherri's poetry and pure word of mouth from Killjoy to Killjoy that he became the voice of the Zones. Even after his death you can sometimes still hear recordings of him speaking if you tune into the radio at the right times. Some killjoys say it's because Show still plays them sometimes, it's like Dr D always said, "Even if you're dusted, you may be gone, but out here in the desert your shadow lives on without you."
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catboytrick · 1 year
fun ghoul hcs <3
xey/xem pronouns xey/xem pronouns xey/xem pronouns
Amazing at mechanics, second only to Kobra Kid
Loves bombs. And setting shit on fire.
Stitches most of xeir injuries xemself, except for the ones xey can't get to. Jet does those.
On that note, xey are pretty rough with xeir stitches. So if xey're ever stitching someone else up, xey usually get kicked or hit.
In charge of fixing any plumbing in the Diner. Since in xeir opinion everyone else sucks at it. One time xey had to fix the bathroom sink three times in a week. It was Kobra's fault.
Doesn't know how to treat kids. Xey weren't treated like a kid for most of xeir life, so xey don't know how to treat kids like kids.
Is the one who stays at the Diner the most, though usually, xey aren't in the Diner, but in the Bar near it. It has a pool table, that's reason enough for xem.
Born and raised in the Zones, the only time xey've been to Battery City is when xey snuck in to see what it was like when xey were 15.
Is currently looking for a Hello Kitty blanket to give to Kobra Kid
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redfish-blu · 1 year
Cherri and Kobra’s dynamic is so interesting.
Cherri wanted to meet him sooo bad but Party was like “No Way bro you’ll turn him into a serial killer”, but they meet eventually and Cherri is like OMG…
Kobra is very suspicious of them at first but finds out Cherri is also a Mad Gear fan even though they’re “like a thousand years old”. And they become a weird duo that others refer to as the babysitter’s club because Kobra is this stringy ten year old following Cold Blooded Killer Cherri Cola around (who is like nineteen or twenty) and it’s just kind of funny. Also they might be able to read each other’s minds.
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blood-injections · 11 months
Currently thinking some thoughts about the Jet Star and the Kobra Kid traffic report and how ‘killjoys never die’ and how there’s canonical powers. The killjoy’s different powers in national anthem, the girls power, the energy in the desert that Cherri does his weird focus thing with to never miss a shot that he tells her about. If they all have powers, why can’t the Fab Four? Maybe their power is that they never die.
They don’t know it yet, though. Maybe Doctor D does, maybe that’s why he drilled that phrase into their brains, maybe that’s why he always tells them that they can end this war, maybe that’s why he entrusted the girl to them, because he knows that they all have something magical in common.
But they don’t know it yet, if he knows he hasn’t told them, none of them have figured it out despite the weird close calls they all seem to have had, like when Fun Ghoul was young in battery city and woke up fine from an overdose that should’ve killed him or when Jet Star was bitten by that rattlesnake when she was a pup and got really sick and swore they couldn’t breathe. She says she must have passed out, because when Doctor D found her out back she was just waking back up and healthy as could be.
And then it happens. Kobra and Jet went on a supply run and didn't come back. Back in the diner, the radio was playing. Party was drawing lazily and Ghoul was fiddling with Kobra’s power glove that had been a bit on the fritz lately while they waited for the pair to return. Instead the song on the radio fizzes out, replaced by static and then Doctor Death’s pebbly voice.
Bad news from the zones, tumbleweeds…
They're frozen in shock but they quickly scramble to their feet, terrified and in denial. Poison makes a beeline for Kobra’s bike and Ghoul can’t make himself speak, a lump of horror lodged in his throat. It’s a silent, terrified ride down route guano for the two of them, keeping their eyes peeled for signs of a fight.
It isn’t hard to spot the bodybags.
They’re a startling black and white contrasting to the orange-brown tones of the desert sand. And there’s two of them.
When they’re unzipped, two familiar faces are revealed, their skin off-coloured, pale and lifeless. Poison shatters and Ghoul tries hard to keep it together for the one friend he has left
They take the bodies up to that one vista that Kobra loved because he could see all around for miles and keep watch over the desert and that Jet loved because it was the best spot to stargaze. The sun is nearing the horizon when they start digging. They work in silence and it isn’t hard to hear when the movement starts.
At first it’s a shifting of fabric that goes unnoticed, then it’s perplexed mumbles and then it’s a zipper sliding open. Poison and Ghoul have both stopped digging to stare at the body bag thats now open and the person that’s sitting up.
“What the fuck.” Jet Star says, looking from the two of them armed with their shovels and then down at themself. She looks at her hands and then at her stomach, where her shirt is matted with dried blood. Her hands press at where she can remember there being a wound but where there’s now no pain, no fresh blood, no nothing.
The other body bag wiggles, muffled curses sounding. All the killjoys turn to stare at it. Poison rushes over, unzipping it and pulling their somehow alive brother up into their arms.
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vinyls-and-valentines · 8 months
There are whispers of things before Battery City.
Of stubby buildings not unlike the skyscrapers modern citizens proudly call home and safety, but adorned with flimsy wood and glass cut-outs, or plaster casts that range from vain to downright obscene. Of wilderness, untamed, smothering clean and orderly neighbourhoods in an onslaught of burrowing roots, web-woven branches, and leaves serving as nothing more than breeding grounds for pests.
The bones of what once were giants now rest on the outskirts of town, hollowed and forgotten, like stalwart reminders of hardship overcome through ambition and human ingenuity. Yet, if one were to take a closer look at these remains, they would find little to no proof of any of the above: no scars left in the pavement or shattered stone ornaments— only scortched earth, shattered glass tinted by years of grime and canned paints amongst pieces of plastic all strewn about and shriveled up in shame.
Instead, the truth lives in glimpses caught between the pages of tattered journals, lost family albums, and long-overdue history books. There once were museums where Battery City now stands. Churches, libraries, and synagogues. Broadcast stations and astronomical observatories. There were post offices and schools, and houses older than the ages of everyone you've known combined, none of which still standing in the age of Progress and Valor (or more aptly known as the Danger Days).
What remains of the past now rests alone and dejected, a warning lost beneath the waves: Make yourself insignificant enough, and maybe one day you'll get yourself to believe comformity will lead you to survival.
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ymbly · 1 year
random danger days hcs since my dd autism has returned
-none of the fab 4 are cis
-everybody thinks ghoul was zoneborn because Look At Him but he’s just like that (it doesn’t help that they spent a lot of time in zones 6 and 7)
-Do Not let cherri drive he has crashed too many times to count
-jet is the only one who doesn’t dye their hair. ghoul is the total opposite, very few people know his natural hair color cuz it’s always dyed and fried
-jet’s the only one at first who has any idea how to take care of the girl. The age gap between party and kobra is too small for party to remember how to take care of a young kid and ghoul was an only child
-party has POTS but always goes ‘yeah i can handle this’ before promptly collapsing. she will never learn
-ghoul has by far the most scars out of the fab 4. it’s in the dozens at this point
-jet knows his age pretty closely thanks to keeping track of the seasons, kobra and party have good estimates, and ghoul stopped keeping track a long time ago
-battery city has almost no color it’s kinda freaky. new zonerunners often get overwhelmed when seeing how bright everything is
-kobra and party chose their killjoy names on the spot, jet spent a lot of time thinking about hers, and ghoul just thought his sounded cool
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