#dare i go to my sketchbook and make bad art
bamboozled-distress · 10 months
finished reading over 200 issues of invincible in the span of six days now what the fuck am i supposed to do with my life
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ssavaart · 9 months
Sometimes You Have to Make 100 BAD Drawings To Get 1 GOOD One
(Earlier this year, a publisher asked me if I'd be interested in writing a book on art. As we discussed it... they asked me to "give it a try" and this is one of two tests I did. I don't consider myself a writer, really, so this is just "in my own voice". I wound up turning down the offer... but would love to know your thoughts on this. Thanks)
Drawing something good. Something you like. It’s… elusive. Especially when you’re just starting out.
But, here’s the thing. You have good art in you. I promise. You just have to get to it and it’s stuck under a bunch of bad art. Really bad art.
When I was younger, I would draw every day. Filling up sketchbooks with doodles and sketches and I hated ALL of them.
Page 01: Crap
Page 02: Crap
Page 03: Crap
Page 04: Worse than Crap
Page 05: What even is that?
Page 06: Ugh
And it was just downhill from there…
But… somewhere around like page 100… I made something that… “wasn’t crap”. I actually didn’t hate it.
And that gave me courage to keep going. That one drawing made it all worth it. I was cured. I was now an expert. All of my art would be great from now on.
Oh… if only.
The next drawing was worse than any other drawing before it.
How??? I just made ART! like 5 minutes before that. I got all the bad drawings out! How did my art just go from Van Gogh to Van NO???
Honestly? I… got lucky. That one good drawing? Total fluke. Dumb luck. Sheer Happenstance.
Doing 100 drawings didn’t suddenly make me an expert. It couldn’t.
Have you ever heard of the saying “If a million monkeys type on a million typewriters for a million years, they’ll eventually write Shakespeare”?
I was those monkeys and that drawing was my Shakespeare.
I just pooped out enough bad art that eventually sheer luck was going to mean I may make something really good.
And I’m TOTALLY okay with that. I was 11. I’m not a prodigy. I don’t have any special gifts. But what I did have was… a taste for how making good art felt.
Seeing that one good drawing made me want more. Like my first time tasting chocolate ice cream. I was hooked.
So, I made 100 more bad drawings. Maybe more. And, guess what? ANOTHER great drawing emerged!
Another Shakespeare from this 11 year old monkey!!!! Huzzah!
From then on… I knew that all I had to do was keep banging away at that typewriter (I’m still on the million monkey thing… bear with me) and I would get rewarded with another masterpiece.
Week after week. Month after month. I would fill up my sketchbooks with the most horrific, amateurish, incomprehensible art… and, sure enough, 1 of every 100 drawings would not suck.
I would show it to my mom and she would say “Oh! That’s wonderful!” and when she tried to turn the pages to see more, I would quickly SNATCH it out of her hands and run back into the shadows like Gollum hiding his “Precious” from prying eyes.
I dare not let her see the monstrosities that came before the work of genius.
And… this went on. For years. Predictably. Rhythmically.
Until, one day… my 75th drawing was really good.
How? It was 25 drawings early! That’s not how it was supposed to work. That wasn’t the plan.
But there it was. A really amazing drawing of a spaceship I came up with out of my head. It had lasers and a cockpit and wings and…It was glorious. And it was totally unexpected.
Maybe NOW I was an expert and I no longer needed to make bad art? Would today be the day I would only make masterpieces?
I quickly turned the page and began to draw what would soon be my second greatest work of art and… NOPE.
Still crap.
Hm. But… something was different. It was still crap. But… it wasn’t as “crappy” as the other crap.
I grabbed my previous sketchbooks and looked at the bad drawings from previous years and… guess what? My older bad drawings were WORSE than my newer bad drawings!
Apparently, the more I drew… the better my BAD drawings got too.   
Okay. So. I drew 75 more “not as crappy” bad drawings and… predictably… I made another great drawing!
This went on for years. I went to high school. Then art school. I hated MOST of my art… but as I practiced… the number of BAD art I had to make to get to the GOOD art got lower and lower. Soon it was 50 bad pieces for 1 good one. Then 25. Then 10.
It took decades when I noticed… I liked my art more often than not.
It was a complete surprise. I was in my 40’s when this happened. I was SO conditioned to just accept I was going to hate my art that I hadn’t noticed that I had made 5 paintings that didn’t suck. IN A ROW!!!
Unheard of!
But, there it was. 5 good paintings. One right after the other.
The 6th one was complete trash. Tossed it in the garbage.
But, the 7th one? I liked. And the 8th. And the 9th.
I’m now 54 and I know I still have SO much bad art in me. I can feel it. Always ready to pop up and ruin my day.
But, I “pooped out” so much bad art over the years that I’m not really worried about those pop up bad art surprises. I know it’s just temporary.
I like my art now. And that’s because I got MOST of the bad art out of me and into those old sketchbooks.
I know it may seem daunting doing 100 bad drawings just to get to 1 good one. But… if you love that feeling of making that one GOOD piece of art… you need to be patient and get the bad ones out. They’re blocking the good ones. Keeping them deep inside you.
So, crack open that sketchbook. Poop out those bad pieces of art and never look back.
You’ll thank me in like 40 years or so. I promise.
(Oh. And sorry for all the poop references. I’m still that 11 year old when it comes to humor)
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clydiepie · 2 years
can I request some hcs of clyde with a reader who loves to draw him? they always doodle him in their sketchbook, in the corner of their notes, etc etc. ty!
Clyde x reader who likes to draw!
Thank you so much to everyone that has sent me requests! I will try to do them as fast as I can! I really liked this one (y'all know I love my Clyde) so I hope you like it! I used she/her pronouns since you didn't specify I hope that's okay!
Clyde Donovan x reader who liked to draw (pre-existing relationship)
She/her pronouns
baby boy clyde<3
cw: none!
Clyde knew you loved to draw
Whenever the two of you were together you normally had your sketchbook in hand
You were always pretty private about what you drew and you never wanted him to see, even though he was so curious
Even in class you constantly doodle on the pages of your notebook not really paying a lot of attention.
Cylde would notice you constantly stealing glances at him during the lecture but he thought it was nothing
At lunch, you sat with Clyde and his friends Craig and Tweek
"Hey babe you seemed a little distracted during class, so I got Kyle to send me a copy of his notes for you." Clyde smiled shoving a forkful of food in his mouth and chewing contently
You blushed remembering what had captured your attention during class
"Oh you didn't have to do that, I appreciate it though" You smile scooting closer to him at the lunch table
Clyde just hummed in contentment as he wrapped a strong arm around your waist
After your last class was done you met Clyde by your locker where he always waited for you
You gathered your things and Clyde wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you both walked toward the front doors
But just before you could reach the door Butters came running around the corner and knocked your books out of your hands making papers fly everywhere.
Butters starts to profusely apologize rambling on about how Cartman needed him quickly for some scheme
You tell him it's no worries as you bend over to collect your things
You look down at the ground to see Clyde has already started to gather the papers that had flown every which way
You see his face turn a dark shade of red as he examines a particular piece of paper. the one you just so happened to be doodling on in class
He looks up at your embarrassed face and asks "Is this me?"
"Ha um yeah.." you explain shyly as you rub the back of your neck
He calmly stands up and folds the paper into a square and sticks it in his pocket
Before you can ask what he was doing he spoke up again
"I'm keeping this, I hope you don't mind." he smiles and hands you all the other paper he gathered
"You don't think it's weird." you laugh
"Not at all, I think it's cute you're obsessed with me." He smirks putting his hands on your waist and drawing you in close
"Don't let this go to your head." you giggle
"Too late." he mumbles before pulling you in for a kiss
I also think after his he would want to look at your art all the time
Like all of it even the stuff not about him or stuff you think is "bad"
He is without a doubt your number 1 fan for sure
I can imagine him standing in a Micheals craft sore for an hour trying to pick out a good gift for you
"Fine tip? what does that even mean?" he would mumble to himself
He also defiantly brags to all his friends about your talent
"Guys Y/N drew this sketch yesterday, isn't she so talented?' he would gush
He is definitely the type to go behind your back and swipe some pieces to put in his locker
In between classes, he liked a little reminder of you to look at (but when you found out he had stolen your art you defiantly let him have it)
One day he was at his locker with the boys and Cartman had dared to make a comment about the goofy sketch you had made for fun taped up in Clyde's locker
"Dude, what is that?" Cartman laughed pointing at the picture
"Y/N drew that for me so shut the fuck me." Clyde barked
On your anniversary Clyde tried his hardest to draw something nice for you, he tried to draw the two of you together on your first date.
"Oh it's so cute...what is it?" you sheepishly laughed
"It's us! can't you tell?" he huffed, his face as red as his coat
"Ohhhh I see it now." you smile at him, taking his hand in yours
After that, he vowed to take an art class next year so maybe one day he could draw you something not so shitty
If any of your art was ever displayed anywhere Clyde would hype you up to no end
"My girlfriend is so talented." he beamed at you with pride looking at a piece you made hung up
"Clyde it's just on your fridge." you laughed
"Hey, that's a place of honor babe."
I hope you liked that! I kinda got carried away but I just liked his prompt so much!!! Have a great day!!!
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daydream-the-demon · 3 months
my 10 year old friend told me I’m useless for not playing with her at the park, I was drawing and she said “ no one’s seeing it, you don’t post it, you don’t sell it so what’s the point” and she’s right I do post my “art” and not sees it cus it doesn’t look good, I have to except that I am talentless 🫠
No girlypop, you do have talent.
Many can't even draw like you. Many don't even dare to do perspectives. Many aren't good at lines or colors like you. You try hard and you put emotion and soul into your work which is better than some. (*AHEM-* AI "ART"-) Sure you have your weaknesses here and there, but many do. I see you're a beginner who has potential.
I am now a, I don't mean to brag, but I'm decent at art.
Look at my old pieces though, way back from 2022:
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Uneven lines and no sense of space. But the colors are good, the concepts are good, the backgrounds aren't bad. You just have to be a little optimistic to find the good.
Now look at where I am now:
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I still messed up. The first one? I didn't even care to draw the background, the hairline was wrong, the hands were weird, the hat has perspective problems. The second one has 3 dimensionality problems with the clothes, the hand is bent wrong, the face is disproportionate, I held the pencil too tightly.
Look at the progress. Mistakes happen, yes, but look. Did I ever back down? No. When I was insulted did I stop? No. Now look. I have more to go, much more, but the progress is there.
Also, you don't have to make art for anyone. That's why you have private sketchbooks, that's why you doodle on the homework you know you'll probably lose or never get back, and you do it for fun. You put in and let out feelings and vibes you have. It can wash away like your emotions at the time, but it never leaves your mind. You felt things and wanted to express them.
I remember I made a book cover for something I was writing. I have no idea where it is, or where it went. I think it ended up getting corrupted. Am I a bit sad? Of course. I'm not mad, though. I remember about it. It was a demon x angel romance, it was one of my sparks into having my obsession with demons and angels.
Now look at me, many of my OCs are angels and demons. Hell, I like Hazbin Hotel!
Art always has an influence. It's yours after all.
One last note. Give this to your "friend":
It's not their job, or anyone's, to put you down like that.
Keep going, I believe in you. Look at what I did, you can also do it. 💋💋💋
You don't need talent either. I have a friend who literally could not write anything without it looking like scribbles. Their art was the same. After practice for months though, their anatomy improved.
There is a reason people say "Practice makes perfect", because it really does. I learned much of my skills from Pinterest, and some from my art tutor. It's possible, I promise.
Make art for yourself, and most importantly have fun with it. It doesn't have to be good. It's just a hobby after all.
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brionysea · 5 months
any characters specifically?? there's so many lol
ooo i was mainly thinking abt (what i call) the gang- Lucas, max, dustin, el, Mike, will etc- and possibly Nancy if that’s okay? im sorry if this is too much to ask of you and I hope you have a great day!!!!! :D
colour - green
deepest fears - ??? idk. assuming this is for a vecna fic or something, i guess play around with whatever's happened at this point in the timeline. seeing max die is a huge one, and all the "being violently targeted by insane white boys for daring to Exist While Black" is bound to have taken a toll on him (not that canon's acknowledged any of it, of course)
aesthetic - uh... basketballs. they look good on the aesthetic moodboard for him in my brain right now
colour - orange and/or rainbow. the first part might just be because i'm obsessed with red hair (hello, childhood obsession with the little mermaid and red-haired!paige from charmed), but max wears a LOT of rainbows
deepest fears - becoming like billy (continuing the cycle of violence) and that her friends (and mother) think she deserves the same fate as him (dying horribly and painfully via the upside down and traumatising someone as she does). season 4 was great for her :)
aesthetic - skateboards
colour - ???? my brain is saying blue but i have no idea. maybe someone in the notes knows?
deepest fears - probably a loss of control. he likes to Be Prepared and Have All The Knowledge. having no idea what's going on and being completely unprepared for any bad things that might pop up is the inverse of that
aesthetic - library books
colour - pink
deepest fears - that she's a monster
aesthetic - she doesn't really know who she is yet, so like... idk, some of those bright oufits she wore in season 3?? there were a LOT of hearts scattered around her bedroom in season 4, she seems to really like those <3
colour - blue. including (but not limited to) a blue so deep that it looks black
deepest fears - being unwanted, being rejected for something he can't change about himself. in essence, that he's inherently unlovable
aesthetic - i went for a bike for my aesthetic mike wheeler playlist picture. wheels, wheeler. you get it
colour - yellow
deepest fears - oh god. i don't think about him enough for this. considering his two biggest breakdowns so far have been about losing mike, i guess that? the whole thing about being a freak, keeping parts of himself secret, being treated like this fragile little baby (when if anything being a survivor makes him the opposite). i'm not the right person to ask about will tbh
aesthetic - art, drawing, sketchbooks. dungeons and dragons, nintendo, wizard imagery
colour - purple/pink
deepest fears - maybe just watch her vecna vision sequence again? lol. she's mostly got survivor's guilt and blames herself for not saving barb. she's scared of that happening again, e.g. when she was the first to dive into the lake after steve, because she refuses to do nothing again like when barb got dragged into steve's pool yelling for nancy's help (which fred dying on her watch was an echo of)
aesthetic - my initial, instinctive thought is "girlboss" lol. guns, notebooks (re: investigative journalism). there's a wall of stuff in her room that el looks at in season 1 which might be helpful (i'm thinking of the little photostrip of nancy and barb messing around and laughing like el and max did in season 3)
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
another request for Gareth! what if artist!reader asks Gareth if they can draw him and he gets all panicky and blushy🥺🥺
(don't you dare worry if I'll like it or not, I know your work is going to be amazing as always and the important people is that you enjoy writing it!)
bane of my existence
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gareth emerson x gn!reader
word count: 622
warnings: swearing, fluff
a/n: hi lovely! this was fun to write. the art kid in me enjoyed it. i hope you like this too!! <333 love you!
You set down the piece of charcoal you’ve been using, start playing with your eraser. You stretch the putty out, trying to get some of the dust off of your fingertips.
“Gare?” You ask, something coming to mind. You’re sick of charcoal for today.
“Hm?” He’s sitting on your bed, raiding your comic book stash.
“Can I draw you?”
Gareth’s fingers freeze where they flip through an issue of Captain America, one with Sam in your favorite red outfit on the cover. The boy feels his face go red. He’s panicking.
Drawing him would mean you’re looking at him intensely for however long—long enough for you to pick on all his flaws.
“Are you sure you wanna do that?”
You nod, patting the eraser over the edge of your desk. There really is charcoal everywhere.
“Yes. You’re the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen. I think you should be documented.”
Gareth shuts the comic and sets it on the bed before running his hands down his face. He’s trying to hide the blush before you see it.
You look up at him. “I have a new pen I want to try too,” you say, but your voice softens even more when you notice his state. “Gareth,” you coo. “Don’t go all shy on me please.”
He puts his hands down and you grin at his reddened cheeks.
“I’m gonna hide again if you don’t stop looking at me like that.”
“I don’t have to if you’re really not okay with it, Gare.”
He finally makes eye contact with you. “No! No, it’s okay. Do I need to do anything?”
You grin again. “Nope. Just forget I’m here.”
He rolls his eyes. “That’s impossible.”
Now you’re the one blushing.
True to your request, Gareth does his best to relax and go about his business of sorting through your belongings. Your comic book collection is much more extensive than his, and frankly, he’s kind of jealous.
You sit in your desk chair, one knee propped up with your sketchbook resting on it.
You started off using a pencil, sketching the prettiest parts of him—which proved difficult since they’re all the prettiest parts. You decided this would be more fun than a portrait or anything. Portraits stress you out.
Now your page is full of different Gareth features. His nose, his mouth. You’re working on the eyes now, the ink from your pen spreading over the paper to give him the long and unfair lashes he has.
You’ve used the pen to hatch some shadows in the areas that need them, and even if it’s a little messy—and by no means perfect—you’ve had fun drawing him.
You stand, capping your pen. You hand the notebook to Gareth, who looks over it so intently that it makes you nervous.
“Damn,” he says.
“Good ‘damn’ or bad?” You ask tentatively.
“Very good. Although I can tell you spent a little more time on my eyelashes than probably necessary.”
Your face splits in a grin and you take his in your hands. “Your eyelashes are the bane of my existence, Gareth Emerson.”
He laughs heartily. “And your nose,” you start. “And your mouth. And your freckles. Your everything.”
You tilt your head back, mock swooning. Gareth is bright pink, and you soothe your thumbs over the apples of his cheeks. “You really like them though?” You ask, needing reassurance.
His eyes dart to the page in your sketchbook again. You really are talented. Everything is so simple, the lines practiced though messy. “I love them,” he says.
Gareth pauses, looking you over.
“You have charcoal on the side of your neck, honey.”
“Dammit!” You exclaim, releasing him from your hold to examine the crime scene in the mirror.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 2 months
Mamuzzy's Art (2024)
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「They are in love 」 [ART]
18+ ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP |03/01/2024|Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | They want to kiss so bad they look stupid | 
「Deadshot has one of those days again」 [ART]
05/01/2024| OC: Deadshot | Character reacts to post | ith, you managed to get him feel something :DD |
「When your boyfriend is a bookworm」[ART] 
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 10/01/2024| Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Fluff | 
「Erotic Dice Game with the Di’kutla couple」[ART]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 14/01/2024| Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Maze wants to try an erotic game and Ordo is going psycho again | I swear they are in love, they told me!
「Commander Wolffe portrait」 [ART]
16/01/2024 |Commander Wolffe | 104th follower celebration thingy |
「Fives portrait」 [ART]
16/01/2024 |Arc Trooper Fives | Art Request |
「Deadshot reacts to Fives portrait」 [ART]
Fives x Deadshot (OC) CLONESHIP 16/01/2024 | Arc Trooper Fives, OC: Deadshot | Fives exists and Shots is melting |
「Deadshot has one of those days yet again」 [ART]
16/01/2024|OC: Deadshot | Deadshot has one of those days but this time he is pretty
「Sergeant Sinker portrait」 [ART]
17/01/2024 | Clone Trooper Sinker | Art request | I love how this little shit turned out <3
「Warthog & Tracer portrait」 [ART]
17/01/2024| Clone Trooper Warthog, Clone Trooper Tracer | Art Request | How dare you make me invest in cloneboys again just to get my heart broken!!! >:(((( | 
「Big Bad Wolffe」 [ART]
21/01/2024 | Cadet Rex, Cadet Wolffe | Art request | Soft babybabus <3 | 
「The Bad Batch Theory」 [ART]
23/01/2024 |TBB Tech | The Big Bang Theory parody | Hungarian dubbed Tech has the same VA as Sheldon Cooper and I couldn’t ignore this fact.
[Rex with a lightsaber] [ART]
24/01/2024 | Captain Rex | Art request | Let me see what you have! - A lasersword. - NO! |
「Tech wants to help」 [ART]
18+ CLONESHIP mentions 25/01/2024 | TBB Tech | Character reacts to post | Tech can’t rest until he builds a robodick for Echo |
「Lily in the club」 [ART]
28/01/2024 | OC: Lily | Prettiest flower of the 79’s |
「Selfie with Blaze」 [ART] 
28/01/2024 | OC: Lily, OC: Blaze | Companion art for Lily in the Club |
「Glasses make you classy」 [ART]
31/01/2024 | Commander Fox, OC: Headshot | Sketchbook | Headshot wears glasses to look more mature, Fox wears Headshot’s glasses to annoy him | 
「Maze’s fictional crush died :((((((」  [ART]
ORDO X MAZE CLONESHIP 31/01/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Sketchbook | Ordo is a jealous one, jealous even about fictional lovers |
「Dar’ad part II」 [ART] + [AO3]
01/02/2024 | Commander Fox | Febuwhump 2024 Day 1 - Helpless | ART & FIC | Wordcount: 417 | Warning: character's death, execution by injection, open-ending |
「Ordo sketches」 [ART]
01/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata | sketchbook | Some messy Ordo sketches |
「Sketchdump」 [ART]
FIVES x DEADSHOT ECHO x TECH MAZE x BOOKS CLONESHIP 02/02/2024| ARC Trooper Fives, OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Echo, TBB Tech, Alpha-26 Maze | sketchbook | Various sketches about cloneboys + JungleSkirmish!AU lore | 
「Fuck you, Maze」 [COMIC]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 02/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Sketchbook | Ordo is a menace |
「Daddy’s little boy」 [ART] + [AO3]
03/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata | Ordo has an inner conversation with his demon which is more like Ordo is being numb and helpless while the demon talks shit | Word count: 480 | Mentions of sex | 
「Obedience/Devotion」 [ART] + [AO3]
SHEEV x FOX but can be interpreted platonic too 04/02/2024 | Commander Fox, Sheev Palpatine | Febuwhump 2024 day 3 | Toxic relationship, one-sided love…or is it? | Art & Fic | Word count: 300 | 
「You were late, now suffer the consequences」 [COMIC]
18+ ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 04/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | I’m obsessed with juicy alpha-class thighs, your honour | The art goes to an SFW tumblr post so from there you can decide if you want to see Maze’s juicy alpha-class thighs yourself by clicking on the AO3 link |
「I love you」 [ART]
SHEEV x FOX 05/02/2024 | Commander Fox , Sheev Palpatine | Febuwhump 2024 Day 5 | Continuation of “Obedience” | Toxic relationship | 
「You lied to me」 [ART]
06/02/2024 | Darman Skirata, Kal Skirata | Febuwhump 2024 Day 6 | This is the very prompt I even started this challenge and with its upload, I think I finished my goal to participate ^^ | WARNING: Graphical depiction of violence, blood | 
「One of those days」 [ART]
07/02/2024 | OC: Deadshot | BPD art | He is not alright | sketchbook |
「Sad Nikkari is sad」 [ART]
07/02/2024 | Nikkari Aoe | Sketchbook | 
08/02/2024 | Commander Fox | ASDF movie parody | It’s Muffin time! song parody | 
「Blorbo rambling about Nikkari and Ordo」 [ART]
08/02/2024 | Nikkari Aoe, Ordo Skirata, guest star: me | Crossover art | Blorbo rambling | 
「The Art from Blorbo rambling, but Nikkari is a pervert」 [ART]
08/02/2024 | Nikkari Aoe, Ordo Skirata | Crossover art | mentions of daddy kink |
Draw the squad with the ELEG4NT」 [ART]
09/02/2024 | Kasen Kanesada, Nikkari Aoe, Hachisuka Kotetsu, Souza Samonji | ELEG4NT | Draw the squad meme | They are all delicate flowers | 
「Yagen portrait」 [ART]
11/02/2024 | Yagen Toushirou | Screenshot study | I have no idea what I’m doing. |
「Clones in the closet」 [ART]
15/02/2024 | Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives, ARC Trooper Echo, ARC Trooper Jesse, Clone Trooper Tup, Clone Trooper Hardcase | Characters react to post | My brain hurts :DDD |
「City boy gets intimidated by war veteran’s huge equipment」 [ART]
Not a ship art, but I’m a very mature person and the dialogue is purposefully written as cockmeasuring 18/02/2024 | Clone Trooper Kix, OC: Headshot | Kix tries to befriend the corrie medic |
「Life after O66」 [ART]
18/02/2024 | OC: Lily, OC: Blaze, OC: Vorn, OC: Headshot, OC: Pons, OC: Angel, Commander Fox, Commander Thorn, Commander Thire | ARTs and rambling about OC’s and how they life will be after Order 66 | WARNING: Mentions of canon character's deaths, mentions of suicide, actual suicide and visual depiction of it, nudity but genitals are not visible. Coruscant Guard has cultish vibes. 
「Corrie Medical Team」 [ART]
18/02/2024 | OC: Headshot, OC: Pons, OC: Angel | That art about the medical team from Life after O66 post. | It’s just three of them being not alright. | 
「He asked for no onions」 [ART]
Ordo x Maze CLONESHIP 19/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | They are both awkward. Period. | 
「Tactical smooch」 [ART]
19/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Kissing | Mentions of homophobia, mentions of clonecest phobia | This is a companion-art to He Asked for No Onions. When I started to being active, I swore that every anti-cloneship hate post/comment I get, I’ll do kissing clones and tag the haters under it. Ok, I won’t do such things because I don’t want my ship art about boys being soft be tainted with fandombullshit all the time. You don’t mess with Mamuzzy, they are going to cry!!! (and becomes a vengeful spirit, lol) |
「It’s safe under the blanket」 [ART]
Ordo x Maze CLONESHIP 20/02/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Wholesome fluffness I think they pretty much sleep like this~ | 
「O Ordo, Ordo wherefore art thou Ordo」[ART]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 20/02/2024 | Alpha-26 Maze | Maze is daydreaming in the office | Romeo and Juliet parody | 
「Imperial!Lily」 [ART]
21/02/2024| OC: Lily | Basically that art about Lily from the Life after O66 post | He is not alright | 
「Reggest reg ever regged from the reg manual」 [ART]
29/02/2024 | Corrie!Fives, OC: Blaze, ithillia’s OC: Snake | Fives has a rough time adapting to his new environment | 
「They are so stupidly in love I just can’t」 [ART]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP |01/03/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Received a very kind ask <3 | 
「Gems of the Republic」 [FIC]
03/03/2024 | OC: Blaze, OC: Vorn | Ficlet about a little bit of nothing, corrie guard Blaze and Vorn having a lighthearted conversation during patrol, and oh, there is unhealthy amount of mention of piss. Wordcount around 700.
「Corrie Medical Officer Pons」 [ART] 
03/03/2024 | OC: Pons, OC: Angel, OC: Jason, OC: Headshot | Art and lore of Pons |
「Fic compilation for kissing prompts」 [FIC]
FIVES x DEADSHOT ORDO x ECHO CLONESHIP 04/03/2024 | ARC Trooper Fives, OC: Deadshot, Ordo Skirata, ARC Trooper Echo | Kissing prompt | 
「It is not socially acceptable to throw up in the alleys of Coruscant」 [FIC] + [AO3]
ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 08/03/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Kissing prompt | They are drunk as fuck | 
「Just let me boil in my water a little longer」 [FIC]
ORDO X MAZE CLONESHIP 14/03/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Kissing prompt | It’s actually just a post with the AO3 link and I think I will keep this format when uploading fics from now on. |
「Maze, Ordo and books」 [HEADCANON]
ORDO x MAZE MAZE x BOOKS :DDD CLONESHIP 17/03/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Headcanon | Maze is a booklover. | 
「Mereel loves you」 [ART]
28/03/2024 | Mereel Skirata | sketchbook | he is a sweet menace | character reacts to post |
「Mereel loves you part II」 [ART]
28/03/2024 | Mereel Skirata | sketchbook | Character reacts to post |
「Why cat shaped if not a cat?」[COMIC]
29/03/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze, Arligan Zey, Commander Fox | Ordo is cat-coded for me. |
「BOOP!!!! Part I」 [COMIC]
CLONESHIP ORDO x MAZE 12/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Maze uses vile tactics against the Null to deescalate their usual tense encounter |
「Boop.」 [ART]
12/04/2024 | Clone Trooper Dogma and a Tooka | Boop. |
「It's not for customers, I promise!」 [COMIC]
14/04/2024 | Alpha-26 Maze, Kal Skirata, Ordo Skirata, Mereel Skirata, Prudii Skirata | Restaurant!AU | Based on this post. | WARNING: Under the cut there is a comic with cartoon violence, blood and dead body depicted in comically goreish situation. |
「Fallout!Ordo」 [ART]
14/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata | Fallout crossover | Ordo with a sledgehammer in raider sadist outfit from Fallout 3 |
「Your eyes are shit」 [ART]
17/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Wanted to draw something wholesome with them, or at least, something cute-couple thing to do <3 | Also I'll never get bored of Maze having glasses |
「He was supposed to be dead to begin with」 [AO3]
FIVES x DEADSHOT (OC) CLONESHIP 20/04/2024| OC: Deadshot, Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives | Fanfic | Wordcount: 2446 | Mature | Talking about a dead person and grief | Captain Rex had enough with Deadshot's digging into the past and decided it's time to have a conversation neither of them wished to have. | If you perhaps read the older version, this one went through a little editing. |
「50th follower art」 [ART]
20/04/2024 | OC Blaze, OC Lily OC Vorn | Thank your hanging out with me followers and moots <3 |
CLONESHIP ORDO x MAZE 21/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata | Ordo had a few sleepless night after that incident |
「I don't want to go to work, buir!」 [ART]
22/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Kal Skirata | I want to believe that sometimes this certified blanket burrito needs some encouragement to get out of bed, when working in such an overwhelming place like Coruscant |
「OrdoMaze: Rimming」 [ART]
18+ ORDO x MAZE CLONESHIP 23/04/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | The only they don't fight is when they have sex, and Ordo is especially losing any will to bicker when Maze giving him a rimjob |
「Finger-sketches」 [ART]
25/04/2024 | OC: Deadshot, Clone Trooper Tup, Clone Trooper Dogma | Sketchbook app | Quick finger-sketches drawn during empty hours |
「Expectations」 [ANIMATIC]
27/04/2024 | Clone Trooper Tup, ARC Trooper Fives, Clone Trooper Hardcase, Clone Trooper Dogma | JOSHIRAKU x TCW ANIMATIC | When your brothers keep forgetting that you are also a certified murder machine who is perfectly capable of tearing droids and people apart, but somehow you still play along with their bullshit because you love them |
-- MAY --
「Civilians are like tubies」 [ART]
03/05/2024| OC: Sesha, OC: Mog | Mog struggles to understand orginary citizens |
「They are cute and they know it」 [ART]
19/05/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Mereel Skirata, Prudii Skirata, Jaing Skirata, A'den Skirata, Kom'rk Skirata | Clone Cadets | They are precious. They are completely innocent. They can't do wrong. No way. Nah-uh. Nope. How can you say such thing! |
「Kiss while laughing」 [ART]
CLONESHIP FOX x THORN 22/05/2024 | Commander Fox, Commander Thorn | Kiss prompt |
「You vibe on sexy frequency」 [ART]
CLONESHIP TECH x HUNTER 23/05/2024| Tbb Tech, Tbb Hunter | kiss prompt | Drunk kisses |
「Kiss in the dark」 [ART]
CLONESHIP FIVES x DEADSHOT 24/05/2024 | ARC Trooper Fives, OC Deadshot, Clone Trooper Dogma | There is no privacy on a venator |
-- JUNE --
「I'm so fucking done」 [ART]
03/06/2024 | Jiroutachi, Nikkari Aoe, Kousetsu Samonji, Kasen Kanesada, Yagen Toushirou | Expression meme |
「Post-Geonosis Schizoid Man」 [ART] 05/06/2024 | Kal Skirata, Ordo Skirata, Prudii's Skirata, Mereel Skirata, Jaing Skirata, Kom'rk Skirata, A'den Skirata | Saints Row III x Republic Commando crossover | screenshot sketches |
「Hand kiss」 [ART]
03/06/2024 | Commander Mayday, tbb Crosshair | Mayday knows the way how to make the snarky sniper blush | kiss prompt |
「Emotional Support Buir」 [ART]
09/06/2024 | Kal Skirata | I love him so much :< |
「Header image」 [ART]
DARMAN X ETAIN 13/06/2024 | Darman Skirata, Etain Tur-Mukan | I use this as a header for my re-read project
「Kiss against the wall」 [ART]
CLONESHIP FIVES x ECHO 13/06/2024 | ARC Trooper Fives, ARC Trooper Echo | kissing prompts |
「He attacc he protecc but most importantly he stalks」 [ART]
CLONESHIP ORDO x MAZE 15/06/2024 | Captain Maze, Ordo Skirata | Ordo being an adorable little creep but Maze doesn't mind |
「An interactive OrdoMaze story」 [Ficlet]
CLONESHIP ORDO x MAZE 15/06/2024 | Captain Maze, Ordo Skirata | I intend to continue this. | CW: stalking |
「Kiss on the nose」 [ART]
CLONESHIP JESSE x KIX 15/06/2024 | Clone Trooper Kix, ARC Trooper Jesse | Injury always heals better with kisses | Kiss prompts |
「Reggest reg regged from the reg manual: Cody edition」 [ART]
17/06/2024 | TBB Crosshair, TBB Tech, TBB Hunter, Commander Cody | The Bad Batch are the witness to that no, Cody does not have any tattoes at all. |
「Mereel loves you but now in color」 [ART]
24/06/2024 | Mereel Skirata | I wanted to draw a colored picture about him ^^ |
「Anxiety」 [ART]
24/06/2024| Anxiety from Inside out 2 | I really loved this miserable creechur <3 |
-- JULY --
「Two faces of Kal Skirata」 [ART]
01/07/2024 | Kal Skirata, Niner Skirata | I saw a quote in the books and got inspired by it. Also bebeNiner. |
「Gold is the color of revenge」 [ART]
06/07/2024 | Kal Skirata, Ordo Skirata, Mereel Skirata, Prudii Skirata, Jaing Skirata, Kom'rk Skirata, A'den Skirata | Walon Vau was disrespectful and this need counter-measures | Reaction to post |
「Spiteful Kiss」 [ART]
CLONESHIP ORDO x MAZE 14/07/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze, Kal Skirata, Mereel Skirata, Jaing Skirata | Prompt: Spiteful kiss | What is more spiteful than kissing your boyfriends who hides you from his dad and brothers? |
「Who would eat bug?」 [ART] + headcanons about the Nulls
16/07/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Mereel Skirata, and a steelchair | The questions I would like to get I guess |
「Trust」 [ART]
CLONESHIP ORDO x MAZE 20/07/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | Ordo is a jealous person and his intrusive thoughts about killing Maze are not helping | Based on song |
「Lopott könyvek」 [ART]
CLONESHIP ORDO x MAZE 22/07/2024 | Ordo Skirata, Alpha-26 Maze | A song inspired me and had to draw them being softies |
「Mereel x Tomo」 [ART]
18+ CLONESHIP Mereel Skirata x Original Clone OC (not mine) 25/07/2024 | Mereel Skirata, Clone Medic Tomo | CW: Period kink | Tomo would sacrifice senators to the deep gods of Coruscant just to be eaten out while on his period. Luckily for him, there is a Null ARC lieutenant who can be convinced to indulge in his kink and make this fantasy a reality. |
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selene-stories · 3 years
"Are you sketching?"
Upon spotting Hero on the rooftop, Villain had expected to find them going through notes, or even reading a book. But instead they held a sketchbook, delicately tracing lines in patterns that were almost, well...
They were soothing.
"Oh, you came." Calm as ever, Hero put their pens away. "I grew tired of waiting, so I thought i'd kill some time."
Kill some time?
Their sketch didn't even look finished, and it still managed to take Villain's breath away. What would Hero create when they were actually in the mood to draw?
Villain's heart gave an excited flutter.
"Yeah sorry, It was just-- there was traffic," Villain stuttered, trying and failing to seem normal.
"I bet."
Then their rival stood up, stretched and got ready to fight, albeit lazily. It seemed like neither of them wanted to do this, so Villain took a breath and started to carefully close the distance between them.
"Can I, ah..."
All they had to do was ask. How hard could it be?
"Can I see them? The drawings?"
Hero went wide eyed in an instant.
"Absolutely not!"
"No." Hero's cheeks were starting to redden now. "I am not showing you-"
"What if we made a deal then?" Villain heard themself say. They would have taken it back, made a joke out of it, if it wasn't for Hero's expression.
They gave them a couple of minutes to think it over. Trying to contain their nerves, Villain placed weight on their right leg, then on the left, until Hero finally looked at them. Instead of telling them off they asked,
"What do you have in mind?"
Villain's mind raced. What could they possibly have to offer a Hero? They had fame, fans, luxuries. Everyone loved and bowed before them.
It was harder to think of something than they initially thought.
Hero just remained there, standing, the only tell of interest being the curious glint in their eyes.
"I-i can take you on a date," Villain said hopefully.
"So can I," Hero dismissed.
Right. Right, right. Hero could have anyone they possibly wanted, what would they see in Villain?
Wait, no, that wasn't the point.
"So it's a no to riches too?"
Hero smirked, "You know me so well."
Not well enough, it seemed. "What if I promise not to stand in your way for a week?"
Hero was starting to enjoy this, it was plain as day. "Oh, I don't know" they purred as they came closer, "you aren't really as much trouble as you think you are."
"How abouutt" now making circles around Villain they suggested, "You tell me an embarrassing story?"
Villain stared as Hero tried to contain their chuckle-- they were on the job after all. It's just, Villain looked so cute when they were startled.
"I show you my embarrassingly trashy art, you tell me an embarrassing memory. I think it's fair."
"Ah, no it is not?" Villain said, full of attitude. Hero was already rolling their eyes at the other's future mockery, but what came instead was different.
"Your art isn't trashy- it's freaking gorgeous. So don't you dare talk about it that way."
That was Hero's cue to make a witty remark, but it was kinda hard when their brain slowed to a halt.
"How about," Villain started, "I just pay an art teacher to come over, so they can tell you how great your drawings are and that you are stupid?"
They would pay for a teacher? Villain actually thought their art was nice?
"Hey, earth to Hero?" The sound of fingers getting snapped brought Hero to the present. They grinned.
"I have another idea" they said, their soft tone making Villain melt on the inside. "For each drawing I show you, you have to share a memory that first comes to your mind. It doesn't have to be a bad one, it could be anything."
That was... "Is this so you can know my identity?"
Their rival smirked at them, half lidded eyes to go with it and Villain had a thought then; This isn't fair.
"Sure," Hero lied bluntly, "lets go with that."
Villain mulled it over for a bit. Was it really worth it?
When their eyes met, Hero's were deliciously warm. If the deal was made, then the two would get to spend more time together. Without fighting. Just...talking. Villain felt warmer instantly.
And besides, no one said they had to share important memories. It could be anything; It could even be lies.
"Okay" Villain blurted out. "But if anyone asks, i'll tell them you had me at gunpoint."
At that Hero let out a light laugh, making Villain think it might not end so terribly, afterall.
Part 2
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wdwmarveldisney · 2 years
Newsies imagine the reader is an artist and the Newsies find all of their art work of themselves and love the reader's work and what she did for them but having more drawings of Crutchie.
Crutchie x reader
Summary: You get something amazing from something as annoying as your privacy violated.
A/N: Okay so, I don’t think there’s any hint to reader’s gender and this has not been proofread so I do sincerely apologise in advance but nevertheless, for my first time writing for Crutchie, I loved it.
GIF isn’t mine
Tumblr media
You had made friends with the newsies at a young age. You had worked at a factory at first when you were little and a small boy with a crutch used to wave at you everyday at the end of the day. Sometimes he'd have a friend by his side, counting what they had made that day but that didn't stop his small wave. It was you who initiated any kind of talk, saving up so you didn't feel bad about buying a paper after work one day. Not too long after your first encounter with him did you end up finding him one of your closest friends. Then after some unfortunate incident, the factory closed and you were sent to the streets to find work. Immediately Crutchie offered a helping hand into the business of Newsies.
You knew a few from selling with Crutchie and others in passing but there were a few who you’d yet to see. Meeting them was nerve racking after hearing Crutchie go into unreal details about them being his family. You were a little afraid to admit that your friendship with Crutchie had only worked a kindling for set your crush on him ablaze.
It wasn’t long until you fit right in and eventually, you were in a situation where you were living with them. You’d scored a top bunk over one of the younger newsies but every now and then you’d join Jack and Crutchie on the roof. Jack was your best friend. He loved art too, he was always up for a joke, he was kind and caring and he was the only one to clue in on your crush on Crutchie which lead to various teasing comments and stupid dares to ask him out. Usually your response was between a ‘I’m not eight’ and ‘You’se mental’ to which he’d always agree.
Tonight was one of your nights up on the roof, new sketchbook in your lap as you used Jack’s charcoals he’d leant you while you waited for the two boys. There was a commotion from the bunks but that wasn’t out of the blue so you fixated on the current work you were doing. Was it another piece of Crutchie? Yes. Was it really your fault that he was so interesting to draw? Absolutely not. You were about to start on his hair when the commotion got louder and Jack’s booming voice was trying to quieten them down with some speak on privacy. Curiosity got the better of you and you snuck down to see what ridiculous fight was happening now only for your jaw to drop at what was being passed around.
See, you knew that under one of the loose floorboards by your bed wasn’t the best hiding spot for your three full sketchbooks but there wasn’t many other places and you couldn’t find it in you to look for another one. Now your laziness was backfiring as they were being passed around spoke about whilst Jack stopped his speech on respecting boundaries to instead admire a drawing of himself. Crutchie seemed to be the only one who wouldn’t look as he kept saying you hadn’t said they could do they shouldn’t. Your heart swelled, pathetically, and you shoved that feeling away to instead cough to make your presence known. A silence fell over the boys but Jack was quick to talk, “See, what did I tell you’se that these are private-”
All the boys erupted into shouts over one another before silencing at your voice. “Oh, save it Kelly,” you quipped, making him pause before he shrugged and fixed his hat. He took a step back and all the boys broke out into apologies, Race being the only one quiet which was weird because usually you could hear his voice the clearest. You saw Albert shoving the boy who simply glared at him before turning to you, “Why’s are all of these Crutchie?” The boy in question blushed as a heat burned your cheeks and you dived forward to snatch the books. An ‘oooo’ sounded before Jack was shooing them all away and nodding for you to go to the roof before doing the same with Crutchie. Various shouts of, “Thanks for the portrait’ and ‘You’se really good at drawing’ filled the room just before the cold air hit you and you were climbing up the rusty metal to the roof space.
Crutchie followed right behind and you almost walked straight into him as you paced, rushed apologies leaving both of you. It was quiet for a beat and then you couldn’t take it, “I’m sorry, I know it’s probably really weird that I just have a bunch of drawing of you but I swear, it’s just that you’re… interesting to dra- okay that sounds creepier then it did in my head but I mean-” You shut up when his laugh met your ears and his hand was resting over yours that held onto your sketchbook like a lifeline. You stared his crinkled eyes and blinding smile and if it was possible, you think you may have just fallen in love with the boy.
He couldn’t stop smiling apparently, looking at you suddenly sheepishly as he said, “Can I’se look at them?” You froze, mouth agape as you tried to find some sort of composure, the only thing happening being a small nod. You passed the sketchbooks over, falling to sit next to him when he decided to sit in the poorly made up bed of his. He didn’t skip the few pages in between of the others and instead admired every piece he could. The compliments didn’t stop to the point you thought your heart might burst and that heat that invaded your cheeks actually began to make you sweat. He looked so perfect, he was so perfect.
He finished going through one book as you took a deep breath and before he could open the next one, you jumped in, “Um, I’se actually started this other one. I haven’t finished it yet though and it’s not that great but, um, yeah,” he still had the look in his eyes, the amazement he stared at the drawing with now settled on you with another glint in his eyes. It hit you like a bus, breathing suddenly becoming a luxury. “Can I still see?” Crutchie asked and something about his demeanour reminded you of a small kid finding more presents under the Christmas tree. It made your heart swell again and you quickly scrambled to reach for your newest sketch book just a little bit away. You opened it to the page at the back that you had started on for no particular reason whatsoever, showing him the half finished charcoal piece.
Crutchie grinned impossibly wide, “I didn’t know you’se could do this. They’s amazing,” you wrapped your arms around your knees, bashful smile on your lips as your love struck gaze stayed fixed on him and only him. Fixing your hat, you eyes the way he couldn’t stop admiring it. Clearing your throat, you brought his attention back to you and you quickly avoided his gaze. Settling on picking at the ends of your trousers, you asked the question that had began to eat away at you, “You’se, er, you’se don’t think it’s weird or nothing, right?” You glanced up as he frantically shook his head, sketchbook moving to the floor as he kept that impossibly large grin, “No, no. I’se think that, maybe, it means you sees me the way I sees you,”
“Oh,” the boy you loved just hinted at liking you and you say ‘oh’? Really? Mentally kicking yourself, everything in you froze as he held your hand and you struggled to choke a breath when your eyes met. “Can, um, how,” you couldn’t help but mumble nonsense as you tried to find some logic in the chaos in your head. Your voice was nowhere above a whisper and your breath hitched when you realised you speaking had brought his attention to your lips. Now both of you were awkward messes before he seemed to find a surge of confidence and pressed his lips gently to yours.
God, okay, okay. He was kissing you and you were kissing back, that’s a good start. If you knew kissing him would feel this amazing, you’d have shown him those drawings ages ago. It was soft, sweet. He was gentle and slow and yeah, maybe neither of you knew what you were doing but you were definitely loving every second of it. When he finally pulled away, you felt yourself chasing his lips before he laughed. Your eyes finally fluttered open to see his stupidly cute face still so close.
Yeah, no, this was perfect.
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alcinadimitrescuwu · 3 years
The Portrait (An Alcina x Maiden Fanfic)
You walk into the Atelier and find yourself once again gazing at the portrait of the Lady of the Castle, Lady Dimitrescu. She must have commissioned the portrait when she was younger because she looked like she was in her mid-20’s. She stands in an ivory-colored dress with a full skirt, holding a glass of wine. Her face is clear of her laugh lines, under-eye circles, and wrinkles but she is still as elegant and beautiful as ever. You move closer to get a better look and suddenly wonder who might have painted this portrait. Were they close to Lady Dimitrescu?
“Do you like it?”
You whirl around swiftly and find yourself face to face with Alcina Dimitrescu. The corner of her mouth quirks up in an amused grin, making her laugh lines indent into her cheekbones. Her golden eyes are glittering with mischief.
“Well?” she prompts.
You come back to yourself. “I-It’s lovely, my Lady,” you stammer. “Did you commission someone to make it for you?”
Alcina lets out a laugh like tinkling bells. “Why, yes. In fact you could say that the two of us were rather close.” She steps closer to you and the portrait, a knowing smirk on her face. “It was actually me that painted that portrait.”
“You?” you blurt out suddenly. Then you realize how rude you must sound. "Forgive me, my Lady,” you say, ducking your head in apology. “I meant no disrespect. I just didn’t know you were the artistic type.”
“Oh, I’ve dabbled in a lot of different art forms in my life, pet,” she says, and you see her eyes mist over as she reminisces. “I was classically trained in opera, I’ve painted landscapes and portraits, written poetry...I even was a jazz singer for a time. I made that portrait when I was 25. I was a very different woman than the one you see now.” She smiles self-deprecatingly. “Well, aside from the obvious, anyway.”
“It’s exquisite,” you breathe as you lean your head to get a better look at the portrait. You think of something and turn to her. “Do you still paint, my Lady?”
“Lately I’ve taken to sketching. And now that you know my secret,” she says, giving you a conspiratorial wink. “Perhaps I might come in here and do my sketching while you clean.”
You suddenly remember the actual purpose of why you came to this room in the first place. “Right! I need to polish the bells! I’ll just get started on that, then!”
You hear her chuckle low in her throat as you scramble up the ladder, taking out your polish. You look over back at her and she has sat down on the sofa, slipping a pair of pearl chain half-moon spectacles over her nose. She takes out her pens and charcoal, flips to a new page in her sketchbook and bends her dark head down to work.
Soon you and Alcina have a little arrangement going where every time you enter the Atelier to work on your tasks, you know you will soon see Alcina ducking her head under the lintel to work on her sketching. While you are on the ladder, you sneak glances at her every so often. Her lashes kiss the tips of her cheekbones and her brow is furrowed in concentration. Sometimes you will look from her to the portrait and you conclude that if possible, her aging has made her even more beautiful.
You feel a hand on your back and jump making the ladder wobble slightly. The hand braces you against the ladder so you don’t fall and you hear a soft chuckle behind you. “I’m sorry, dear. I suppose I should have announced my presence beforehand. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s not a problem,” you say and you feel color flood your cheeks as you see you are truly face to face with Alcina Dimitrescu. Her face is merely inches from yours. Her golden eyes catch the light from the chandelier and up close you see they are not just golden but with hints of silver around the iris.
“There’s this spot around the gears that doesn’t get enough attention that I’d like to show you,” Alcina hands hover around your waist. “May I?”
You nod your consent and she gently moves you on the ladder until you’re on the other side. She bends down and whispers in your ear. “Just between the cog and the gear. Do you see it?” The smell of her perfume is intoxicating. You nod that you understand and she smiles. “Good! I know you always do a thorough job and I wanted to bring that to your attention.” With that she settles back down and resumes her sketching.
This goes on for a while, you working while Alcina is sketching. Occasionally she will take a break and stand nearby observing you as you work. You find it difficult to concentrate when she is around but she eventually smiles to herself saying, “Yes. Very good,” before returning to her seat. A couple times you are not certain but you think you might have seen a flush creep up her cheekbones before she resumes her sketching.
A couple of weeks of this go by and you notice Alcina is not satisfied with the progress of her drawing. You see that she is erasing more often and often starts from a completely new page in her sketchbook. “No, no, this isn’t right!” you hear her say aloud one day. You chance a look at her as you are on the ladder polishing the candlesticks. She is furiously scribbling on the sketchpad and when a loose lock of her ebony hair falls into her eyes, she pushes it impatiently away. You try to lean down further to get a better look. You’ve seen how talented she is, surely the sketch couldn’t be that bad…
Suddenly you feel the ladder twist from under you as you lose your balance. Your arms pinwheel helplessly in the air as you try to regain your footing but to no avail. You shut your eyes tight as you fall, hoping at the most you’ll just sprain an ankle.
Instead of the hard floor, you fall into something soft. You open your eyes and jolt back as you see Alcina’s aureate eyes staring back into yours. She chuckles. “It appears I cannot do much but startle you these days it seems.” She looks at you with a concerned expression. “Are you all right, dear?”
“Yes, my Lady, I’m fine,” you mumble. You blush scarlet as you are very aware that her gloved hand is on your upper thigh, your skirt riding up in her haste to catch you. She becomes aware of this too and smoothes your skirt down, murmuring an apology, but not before you catch the blush in her cheeks.
She turns her head quickly away to hide it, her hat covering her profile. “Would you like to take a moment and rest, dear? You’ve been working so hard, you deserve a break.”
You nod soundlessly and she takes you over to the sofa where she has been doing her sketching. She closes her sketchbook with a snap before you can get a good look at it.
A maid arrives with Alcina’s afternoon tea. “Set out an extra cup for Y/N, if you please,” she commands the parlor maid. The maid nods and pours you both cups of steaming apple cinnamon tea, perfect for a cold winter’s day.
When the maid bows and leaves, you turn to Lady Dimitrescu. You clear your throat. “Um, my Lady?”
She smiles at you over her teacup. “Yes, pet?”
You can’t help it. You’re positively burning with curiosity at this point. “What have you been drawing?” you ask before you can stop yourself.
Alcina’s cheekbones flood with color. “Oh, it’s nothing special really,” she says hurriedly. “Just some scribbles.”
You can hardly believe it. Was Lady Dimitrescu, usually so full of pride and grace, embarrassed? You see a scrap of paper on the ground near the sofa and pick it up. Alcina tries to stop you but you’ve already turned it over in your hands. You let out a little gasp of surprise as you see what Alcina has been drawing all this time.
There on the paper is a charcoal drawing of you polishing the bells. In the corner of the page is a closeup of you, your face shining in the chandelier light.
You look back at her, your mouth open in shock. When you finally gain the ability to form words, you ask, “Is this what you’ve been working on all this time, my Lady?” you ask quietly, your voice barely more than a whisper.
Alcina nods and opens her sketchbook to show even more pages of you. You staring at her portrait, you reaching up on your toes on the ladder to dust off a high shelf, you pouring her tea. There are pages upon pages of your likeness.
Alcina turns her head to face you. “I must confess that I had been in need of a new muse for my art,” she says. “When I saw you gazing at my portrait, something stirred within me. There is something about you that draws me to you.” She takes your chin gently in her gloved hand.
“Your hair,” she says, and she takes off your cap and settles your unbound hair about your shoulders. “Even pinned under your cap, it cannot conceal its beauty.” She takes your hand in hers. “Your skin,” she murmurs, pressing her lips to the back of your hand, making you feel a pleasant shiver go down your arm. “How it shines under the lamplight. Your eyes.” She is moving ever closer. “The way I could get lost in those fathomless depths. And your lips…”
Her face is so close to yours now, her lips parted. “What about my lips?” you whisper, scarcely daring to breathe.
You are not quite sure who closes the distance between you first, but you are suddenly in Alcina’s arms and you are kissing her fiercely, your hands weaving their way through her ebony locks. Her hands settle themselves around your waist as her tongue gently parts your lips. You lay back on the sofa and bring her head gently down with you. She braces one hand on the side of the couch while the other gently holds the back of your head.
The sound of the clock chiming startles you, making you break apart suddenly. Alcina lets out a girlish giggle. “We simply have to do something about those nerves of yours, draga mea,” she purrs. You smile and lift your head up to receive her kiss again.
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wonderswritings · 2 years
Something More
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Summary: Peter’s always been there. Always. This time he wasn’t, and it slowly leads to new things. Pairings: TASM!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader Warnings: Angst, AU, Slow Burn-ish, Peter’s slightly an ass, Childhood Friends to Lovers, POV Switches, No use of YN Prompt: 11. Two idiots in love Written for @wint3r-h3art 1.2k follower writing challenge Have a lil oneshot while I crawl back into my hole and not update any series🤣
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I jumped when hands covered my eyes, someone leaning down so their head was resting on my shoulder.
“Guess who.”
I grinned, relaxing as I tilted my head to the side.
“Hmm, I don’t know, Jace?”
He gasped, dropping his hands as he stood, turning my head to the side, seeing the flabbergasted look on his face, his hand placed on his chest as he slightly leaned back.
“How dare you.”
I laughed, shaking my head.
“I’m not sorry.”
Peter huffed as he moved to sit next to me, slightly shoving me as I laughed, scooting down the bench.
“Of all the people you could’ve named, you name Jace. Jace.”
“Just because you don’t like him, doesn’t make him a bad guy.”
Peter shook his head, huffing slightly.
“I never said I don’t like him. I just-”
I grinned as he tilted his head to the side, nodding at him as he bit his lip.
Peter huffed, looking over at me.
“Okay, I don’t like him.”
I laughed, shaking my head.
“It’s been how many years now and you’re still not over what happened in second grade?”
“It was my seat and you ignored me the entire day for him!”
 “I did not! I kept trying to talk to you and you kept pouting!”
Peter gasped, turning towards me.
“I do not pout!”
I laughed, nodding.
“You’re doing it right now!”
“Shut up, I am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
He huffed, shaking his head.
“Am not.”
I grinned, nodding.
“Yes you are.”
He turned his head to the side, looking over at me as he grabbed my hand, twiddling with my fingers.
“What are you doing?”
“I am trying to come up with some ideas for my art showing, but I’m stuck.”
Peter nodded, leaning his head on my shoulder.
“What do you have so far?”
I reached for my sketchbook, lifting it up so Peter could see the blank page.
“Nothing, that’s why I’m stuck.”
He nodded, turning my hand in his as I slightly bit my lip.
“You are coming right?”
Peter sat up, his free hand coming towards my face, cupping my jaw as he turned me towards him.
“Of course I’ll be there, bug. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I promise.”
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I looked up when someone called my name, my smile dropping when I saw it wasn’t who I’d hoped it was.
“The exhibit is amazing! You had an excellent turnout for your first showing.”
Slightly shaking my head I offered Ms. Nash a small smile.
“Thank you Ms. Nash. And thank you, for giving me the opportunity to showcase my work.”
Ms. Nash smiled, shaking her head as she placed her hand on my arm.
“No thanks needed dear, you have the talent and you deserve it. Please, stay for as long as you’d like, I’m going to get the stragglers to leave.” 
Ms. Nash patted my arm before she turned, walking towards one of the lingering couples. I pulled out my phone, checking my messages, sighing when I saw no new messages, no matter how many times I refreshed it. I spared a glance around the room, the few people who still lingered slowly making their way out of the gallery as I walked towards the small table that held my things, sitting down on the bar stool, pulling up his contect. I bit my bottom lip as I waited for him to pick up, sighing when I got the voicemail, again.
“Hey Pete, I- I was just calling to see if you were on your way.”
I laughed slightly, shaking my head.
“It’s fine if you aren’t, I’m sure you’re busy-”
I looked around to make sure no one could hear me, lowering my voice.
“With your extracurricular activities. But can you just let me know that you’re okay? Please?”
I hung up the phone, checking my messages once more before I cut my phone off, placing it on the table. I looked up, seeing Ms. Nash leading the last few people towards the door. I stood up, walking towards her as she locked the door, smiling at me when she saw me walking towards her.
“Do you need any help cleaning up Ms. Nash?”
She smiled, shaking her head.
“Traci dear, please. And no, you can head home if you’d like.”
“I can stay-”
She looped her arm with mine, shooting me a grin.
“Nonsense dear, I’ll just have my grandson clean it up. He’s been hiding in the back all night.”
“Are you sure? I really don’t mind-”
She smiled as we walked towards my things, patting my arm.
“I’m sure dear.”
We stopped at the table, Traci turning towards me as she let my arm go.
“Go, go and celebrate with your friends. And then I’ll see you on Monday before opening.”
I made a face, tilting my head to the side.
She placed a key onto the table, sliding it towards me as she nodded.
“The gallery is yours.”
“What? No it’s not, it’s yours.”
She smiled, slightly shaking her head.
“No dear, I’m giving you the gallery.”
“Ms- Traci I- I couldn’t-”
She placed her hand on my arm, cutting off my rambling.
“My daughter loved this place. It was going to be hers when I passed but, you know how that turned out.”
She smiled slightly, shaking her head.
It’s hard, for both me and Max to come here. I’m all Max has, and I need to focus on him.”
“I still don’t-”
“I’ve watched you work hard since your internship and you stepped up when Mareline was sick. You kept this place running when I couldn’t. There’s no one I could think of who deserves this more than you.”
She lifted her hand, shaking her head.
“I won’t hear it, dear. The gallery is yours. We can go over the finer points on Monday.”
She grabbed my things, handing them to me as she picked the key up, placing it in my hand as she led me towards the door.
“Now, go celebrate. We can talk more on Monday.”
I nodded numbly as she gently pushed me out the door, slightly shaking my head as I looked down at the key in my hand.
“Oh my god.”
I looked up at the gallery, gasping softly.
“Oh my god.”
“Go on dear.”
I jumped, looking over at the door, seeing Traci standing there, a soft smile on her face.
“Goodnight dear.”
“Goodnight Traci, I’ll see you Monday.”
She nodded, waving her hand out, causing me to grin as I started to walk down the sidewalk. Instead of taking the road that would lead to my apartment I turned, heading down to the all night cafe that was around the block from my apartment. I stopped in my tracks when I saw the cafe, my eyes widening slightly. Peter was sitting in the cafe with someone, a soft smile on his face. I took a step forward, gasping softly. Gwen was sitting across from him, holding Peter’s hand, the same soft smile on her face. I shook my head when I felt the sting of tears, turning around. 
My vision blurred as I practically ran back to my apartment, taking the steps two at a time before I came to my floor, fishing for my keys. Once I’d managed to unlock the door, I pushed it open, setting my things down on the side table as I slid the latch on the door, locking it. I kicked my shoes off as I made my way to my bedroom, walking towards the window and locking it, pulling the curtains shut. I flopped onto my bed, the tears falling freely. We’d been friends for sixteen years, ever since the first grade and tonight was the first time he’d broken a promise.
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Peter was annoyed. It’d been a month and you were avoiding him and he didn’t know why. And it wasn’t like he could just ask you, given that the few times he’d seen you, you’d practically run the other way. You weren’t even answering your phone, and Peter had a sneaking suspicion that his messages weren’t even going through. Not to mention, you’d locked your window and closed the curtains, something you haven’t done since you found out he was spiderman. 
“Hey, Parker!”
Peter groaned as he looked up, watching as Jace ran towards him. 
Jace grinned as he slapped his hand on Peter’s shoulder, causing Peter to slightly glare at him.
“It’s been a while man, how you’ve been?”
Jace nodded, falling into step beside Peter.
“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask, how’d the art showing go?”
Peter made a face, slightly tilting his head to the side.
Jace stopped, turning towards Peter.
“What do you mean, ‘what?’ The art showing was like four weeks ago. I wasn’t able to go since my holier than thou family was in town.”
Peter shook his head,  huffing.
“The art showing isn’t for another two weeks.”
Jace made a face, shaking his head.
“No, it wasn’t. It was last month, on a Friday.”
Peter’s eyes widened as he took off, ignoring Jace’s calls for him. Slipping into an alley he pulled his clothes off, stuffing them in his bag as he pulled his mask on. He swung to your apartment, landing on the roof, pulling his clothes back on as, walking to the ledge. He made sure it was clear before he started to climb down, landing on your small balcony, pulling his mask off as he knocked on the window, calling your name.
“Please. Open the window, please. I know why you’re upset and I’m sorry, really I am. Just please, open the window.”
Peter’s heart sped up when he saw your shadow, the curtain moving, feeling a small dash of hope, only for it to be crushed when he saw the paper that was pushed against the window. Peter shook his head, huffing.
“I’m not going away. Not until we talk.”
The paper fell, being replaced with another, causing him to clench his jaw.
“Real mature.”
The paper switched back to the one that read go away, this time being taped to the window before the curtains fell closed, your shadow disappearing. Peter’s eyes stung with tears as he leaned forward, resting his forehead against the window, muttering your name.
“Please, bug, open the window.”
Peter sat there for some time, pleading with you to open the window when his spidey senses went off, causing him to stand up, sighing softly.
“I’m coming back, bug, I promise.”
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Weeks later, and Peter was still trying to get you to open the window. He’d tried to get you to open the door, but the doorman refused to let him enter, stopping him at the door before he could even walk up the steps. When he wasn’t out patrolling, he was sitting on your balcony, hoping that you’d at least open the curtains so he could see you. But you still had the note that read ‘go away’ taped to the window, and another that said ‘stop coming here’ just below it. But Peter was determined and stubborn, just like you, and he was determined to get you to talk to him, after he stopped the Rhino. 
He’d managed to escape from prison during a transport, and of course he had to wreck havoc as soon as he’d made it back to Queens. This suit was one of his older suits, the weaponry lagging but still causing damage as Peter swung about, trying to keep the civilians safe and stop the Rhino. It was when he’d just managed to break the left arm’s shooting system down when he saw you, causing his heart to stop. You helping get everyone to safety, occasionally turning and looking in Peter’s direction. And it was that moment of distraction that caused Peter’s heart to come to a crashing halt. 
Peter was yanked off the Rhino’s shoulder, slamming into a building to see you breaking off from the crowd, running towards the kid that was standing on the broken sidewalk, crying. You’d grabbed them, holding them to you as you ran. Peter was in the process of standing up when he heard you scream, his chest heaving as he looked over at you, seeing you lying on the ground, passed out as the Rhino walked towards you. Peter felt his blood grow hot as he clenched his jaw, balling his hands into fists as he ran forward, throwing a web at the Rhino. 
It was over in a couple of minutes, the Rhino’s suit completely demolished, Aleksei webbed to the ground. Peter didn’t bother to wait to make sure that he was taken into custody, running towards you and picking you up, cradling you to his chest as he threw his arm out, throwing a web before he swung off, landing on his balcony. He pushed the window open, carefully climbing in and laying you down on his bed. He pulled his mask off as he rushed to the bathroom, grabbing his first aid kit. He’d managed to change out of his suit before he’d returned to you, laying the kit on the bed next to you. Your forehead was bleeding heavily, so Peter started there, cleaning the blood, sighing softly when he saw the deep gash. It would need stitches, and Peter was glad that you weren’t awake for it. You’d hated having to stitch him up, and Peter hated that he’d come to you when he was too injured to swing to his place. He grabbed what he needed, looking down at you with a slight grimace.
“I’m sorry, bug.” 
He worked as quickly as he could, careful not to pull too tight in case you’d wake up. Once he was done stitching your forehead, he worked on cleaning the rest of the dirt and grime from your face and arms. It looked like the worst was your forehead, save for a couple of bruises that were starting to form. After cleaning everything up he grabbed a chair, pulling it next to the bed. He sat there throughout the night, watching over you.
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Pain was the first thing I felt as I slowly came too. That, and something warm resting against my arm and on my hand. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking away the blurriness as I looked around, my eyes widening slightly when I saw the wall of pictures above me. I turned my head to the side, softly grinning when I saw Peter, his hand collapsed over mine, his head laying on the bed next to my arm as he snored. I managed to wiggle my hand free from his, moving it towards his hair, running my fingers through it.
“Wake up sleepy head.”
Peter groaned, shaking his head.
“Wakey wakey.”
I pulled slightly on his hair, causing him to lift his head, looking over at me.
He laid back down before he jerked, my hand falling to the bed as he sat up, his eyes wide.
“Oh my god, bug!”
He jumped up, leaning down and giving me a hug before he leaned down, looking me over.
“Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Do you need to go to the hospital?”
He shook his head as he stood, turning and pacing his room, yanking at his hair.
“I should’ve just taken you to the hospital. Why didn’t I take her to the hospital?”
 I slowly sat up, wincing as I looked over at Peter.
He continued to pace, mumbling as he shook his head.
I huffed, slightly shaking my head as I yelled his name, causing him to stop pacing, looking over at me, his head tilted to the side.
“I’m fine. I don’t need to go to the hospital.”
He nodded slightly as he walked towards me, grabbing the chair and moving it in front of me, sitting down in it as he took my hands in his, running his thumb over my knuckles.
“I’m glad you’re okay.”
He scooted closer to me, tilting his head to the side as he grinned.
“I’ve missed you.”
I took a deep breath, flashes of that day of him and Gwen appearing as I looked down at him.
“How’s Gwen?”
Peter made a face, slightly shaking his head.
“Gwen? Uh she’s fine I guess. Haven’t seen her in awhile but-”
I nodded, looking down at our hands.
“Good, that’s good.”
Peter huffed slightly as he let one of my hands go, reaching up and cupping my face, gently forcing me to look at him.
“Where’ve you been, bug?”
“Here. I’ve been right here.”
Peter shook his head, clenching his jaw.
“No, you haven’t. You haven’t been here for over a month.”
Tears blurred my vision as I shook my head, glaring at him.
“Yeah well I wonder why that is? Where have you been, huh?!”
Peter jumped up, slightly glaring at me.
“Sitting outside your window every night trying to get you to talk to me!”
“You left first!”
Peter shook his head, muttering my name as I stood up.
“You left! Sixteen years of promises and you broke it!”
I walked towards him, poking my finger into his chest repeatedly, hard.
“You promised you’d be there and you weren’t! I called you every fifteen minutes! I thought you were lying in a ditch somewhere bleeding out!”
I sniffled, tears streaming down my face as I shook my head.
“But instead you were with her! With her at our cafe! You left me, for her.”
Peter made a soft noise, shaking his head as he grabbed my arms, pulling me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me.
“Oh bug, no, no.”
I shook my head as I held onto the back of his shirt, sniffling.
“It was an important night and I couldn’t even share it with you. I couldn’t even tell you that the gallery’s mine now.”
Peter leaned back, a soft smile on his face as he looked down at me.
“What? Bug that’s amazing!”
I nodded, sniffling as Peter’s hands came up to my face, wiping my tears.
“I am so, so sorry that I wasn’t there. I- I had the days mixed up, honestly. And I had ran into her at the cafe and we got to talking and I lost track of time.”
“I called you. I left you messages.”
“I left my phone here. And you know me, I hate phone calls.”
“But you always picked up for me.”
“I’m sorry, bug. Truly.”
I shook my head, taking a deep breath as I looked down at the floor.
“I don’t forgive you.”
Peter nodded, slightly grimacing as pulled me back into his chest.
“I know, bug. But I’ll do whatever it takes until you do.”
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Walking out of the back office, I looked up when I heard the bell ding, smiling when I saw Peter.
He grinned as he walked towards me, leaning down and kissing my forehead as he wrapped his arm around me.
“Hey you.”
“What are you doing here?”
“What? I can’t come and see my girl in her natural habitat?”
I shook my head, looking down at the floor as my face warmed, huffing slightly.
“Shut up, Parker. I’m not your girl.”
Peter gasped, placing his hand on his chest.
“Not my girl? Bug you’ve been my girl since the first grade when you kicked the ball at Flash’s head because he pushed me down.”
“He was an ass.”
I tilted my head to the side, biting my lip.
“Kinda still is, but not as much as he was.”
Peter laughed, shaking his head.
“So see, you’re my girl.”
I huffed, murmuring.
“I wasn’t that night.”
Peter slightly made a face, muttering my name. I shook my head, looking over at him.
“Sorry, sorry I’m over it. I swear. I’ve already forgiven you.”
“It’s okay if you haven’t, bug.”
“I forgave you the night you came and sat on my balcony. I think- I think I forgave you before that though.”
I shook my head, grabbing his hand, pulling him behind me.
“Come on.”
I dragged him to the back, flicking the light on, letting Peter’s hand go. Peter's never been in this room, though every time he passes it, he’d ask about the curtain that covered the back half of the room.
I lifted my finger towards him as I walked towards the wall, grabbing the hook keeping the curtain closed, holding it as I walked towards the other end of the room, pulling the curtain with me. I turned towards Peter, wringing my hands together.
“This was my exhibit, for that night.”
I watched as Peter walked forward, looking between the paintings.
“Bug, this is-”
“You’ve been a major person in my life. In some way or another, you’re in my drawings too. But these, they were more important. It was my first showing, and a part of me wanted others to see how much I loved you, and my art, even if it was subtle.”
Peter looked at the paintings one by one, slowly making his way over to where I stood, placing his hands on my hips, pulling me to him and leaning down, kissing me, causing me to gasp as he leaned back.
“I love them, bug.”
He grinned, tilting his head to the side.
“Almost as much as I love you.”
 I shook my head, my eyes wide as I looked up at him.
“You just kissed me.”
Peter grinned, nodding.
“You said you loved me.”
I made a face, tilting my head to the side.
“Uh, no, no I didn’t.”
Peter grinned, slightly tightening his grip on me.
“Yes you did. You said you wanted others to see how much you loved me.”
“Yeah, but I always say I love you.”
Peter shook his head, smirking as he leaned down so our noses touched, looking into my eyes.
“Uh uh, bug, we’re not doing that. I love you.”
Peter stood up to his full height as he pushed me back, causing me to gasp when I hit the wall.
“I’ve loved you since the first grade. But you were my best friend, my only friend, and I didn’t want to ruin that. But screw it, I’m ruining it. Because you’re it. It’s you bug. It’s been you and it will always be you. You’re it. You’re it and I’m done running from my feelings for you.”
He shook his head, slightly huffing.
“When I saw you the day of Rhino’s attack, I got distracted. I saw you and I froze. And because of that split second, you got injured. I was so scared. I couldn’t think straight. I don’t even remember fighting Rhino, I was so angry. And when I took you home, you weren’t responding. I kept thinking the worst, knowing that it’d be my fault.
“That’s how I feel every time you go out. Because there’s nothing I can do if you get hurt, or worse.”
“Bug, that night was the worst night of my life, right up there with those nights of you avoiding me.”
I grinned, shaking my head as I placed my hand on his chest.
“You deserved it.”
Peter grinned, nodding.
“I did.”
I moved my other hand up his back, stopping at his neck, playing with his hair. I pulled him down to me, leaning up and pressing my lips to his.
“I love you too.”
Peter grinned, stepping closer to me.
I tilted my head to the side, slightly huffing.
“Did the whole, practically a love confession of paintings not prove it? Cause I can-”
Peter cut me off, kissing me.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Peter grinned, slightly shaking his head.
“I finally got the girl of my dreams.”
He tilted his head to the side, slightly nodding.
“You know, I loved you first.”
I laughed, shaking my head.
“Sure you did, lover boy.”
“I did!”
I shook my head, grinning.
“Now why would you think that?”
“Cause I- well I did!”
“Why do you think I kicked the ball at Flash’s head?”
I leaned closer to him, giving him a quick kiss.
“So I think, technically, that means I loved you first.”
“I’ll give it to you.”
“Oh, really now?”
Peter grinned, nodding.
“Yeah, cause I get to say that I said I love you first.”
I laughed as I slightly pushed him back, stepping away from him.
“Actually, I said it first. So everyone else could see how much I loved you.”
Peter’s hands fell to his sides as he gasped, causing me to laugh as I walked towards the door. I gasped when he slammed into me, wrapping his arms around me, burying his head into my shoulder.
“Fine. You said I love you first. But I swear, I’m going to get a first.”
I grinned, turning in his arms, pushing his hair back out of his face as I nodded.
“Yeah? And what would that be?”
Peter grinned, leaning down as he kissed me.
“You’ll see, bug.”
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Want more TASM!Peter Parker? Check out my NWH series~ When Worlds Collide
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kiriiqt · 2 years
xiao modern au profile
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characters: xiao
requested by: myself lol
a/n: this is xiao’s character profile (and voicelines) for my modern au. eventually I'll make a masterlist which will include contextual information about the au too. I might write a full fic at some point, but for now I just have these notes, so I hope you enjoy them! side note: in this scenario the reader (or whoever you want xiao to refer to) is a junior who transferred in the beginning of the school year.
warnings: not fully proofread! parental issues, implied trauma, sleeping issues, smoking mention, cursing, me struggling to write xiao realistically, bad references
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⏳ now loading character profile...⌛️ 
Fun fact; The Whispering Woods is the largest forest near Mondstadt, and was once thought to be haunted by an ancient dragon spirit.
⏳ character profile loaded⌛️
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Name: Xiao
Birthday: 17-04-20XX
Description: Xiao is an 18-year-old senior at Barbatos High with a major case of senioritis. He prefers spending time alone or with his closest friends, away from crowds. You’ll often find him in the arts classroom when it’s not in use. He lives with his older brother Zhongli and younger sister Qiqi, whom he has a soft spot for, near the suburbs. 
Likes: SYML, black coffee, vanitas, almond tofu, gaming, teal, lantern rite, his motorcycle, pop’s tea & shaved ice.
Dislikes: math, hard candy, too many colours, crowds, senioritis, childe.
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Zhongli ✦✦✦✦✦
Qiqi ✦✦✦✦✦
Venti ✦✦✦✦✦
Baizhu ✦✦✦✦✧
Aether ✦✦✦✦✧
Albedo ✦✦✦✦✧
Lumine ✦✦✦✧✧
Ganyu ✦✦✦✧✧
Childe ✦✧✧✧✧
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Friendship level 0
About Qiqi; My lunch? Oh, it was made by my sister, Qiqi. She likes to cook, though her methods can be odd… I don’t think she has really understood the concept of complementing tastes. Throw it out? No, why would I do that? It tastes fine… Why are you smiling at me like that? Quit it!
About Zhongli; I’ll spare you the awkward part. Zhongli is my brother, we don’t see our parents. He’s a professor at the university of Liyue, so you might’ve heard of him before. He’s quite popular in the academic community. I’ll tell you now though, he has the worst dad humor, ever. Like, Erwin Smith from a Slap on Titan level of bad humor. Not even Venti finds it funny… Don’t tell him I said that though, we all laugh at his jokes anyway.
About school; I highly doubt that you haven’t noticed how done I am with this place. I’ll miss the school itself and my friends, but I’m ready to get it over with. I’m excited to be able to draw or read without it being academic. Venti and Albedo keep calling me the CEO of senioritis… I see that look on your face. Don’t you dare.
About hobbies; I don’t do a lot… I guess my most exciting hobby would be my motorcycle. I’m no mechanic, but I know how to maintain it. I like to draw and play videogames too. Which games? Oh, just random ones. Nothing special.
About Venti; You know, people usually ask Venti about me, not the other way around. No, I don't mind, I'm just…surprised? Anyway, he's actually one of the oldest in my class, though he looks a lot younger. Best friend? I mean… sure, I guess you could call him that. We do spend most of our time together. He can be a pain sometimes though.
About Albedo; Yes, Albedo and I are friends. Why is that so surprising? We’ve been in the same advanced art class for years now. He’s actually a really good friend of mine. You didn’t know I liked art that much? Well, I do, and I’d say I’m decent at it. Don’t look at my backpack like that, my sketchbook is in the classroom. Wait, where are you going?
About food; My favorite food? Almond tofu, but vanilla ice cream is pretty good too… There was this one place I went to that had really good shaved ice. Hm? Yeah, I guess I do prefer sweets more… Is that weird? You sound surprised.
Friendship level 2
About crushes; Why are you asking me about… nevermind. No, I don’t ‘fancy’ anyone. What kind of question is that?
About sleep; I noticed you looking at me all worried and shit… I’m fine. I don’t need a lot of sleep to get through the day. The bags under my eyes are genetic, they don’t really go away. No, I’m not lying.
Friendship level 4
About gaming; Venti told you about my what?! Streaming? Why would he… he knows I don’t want people to know about it… just ignore it- why are you laughing? Hey, he’s never done this before, of course I’m freaking out- oh. He never told you? You just…figured it out? Not a word about this to anyone. Also, give me your username, I’m blocking you right now. No, I’m serious! Hey, stop laughing!
Xiao’s troubles; Oh, so you noticed I wasn’t in for the first period? Before you ask, no I wasn’t skipping, I just had a doctor's appointment. My back pain has been acting up again. It’s nothing major, I’m just a dumbass with shitty posture. Can’t say that the amount of crap I carry in my backpack helps either.
About Childe; Hm? The ginger dude? Ignore him, he’s just a random guy who went to one of Zhongli’s lectures and decided to become the real life equivalent of Navi from Legend of Zelda, just ten times more annoying. I swear it’s like he’s obsessed with my brother or something… no shit I don’t like him, how’d you guess?
Friendship level 6
About motorcycles; We’re off at the same time today, right? Meet me by the school entrance. No reason, I just wanted to…hang out with you. And I finally fixed up my bike, so if you wanted to we could go for a ride, I have a spare helmet… only if you want to though, I-I know some people don’t enjoy bikes, so don’t worry too much about it- you want to? Oh, okay, that’s great, awesome, see you then.
Protective; You okay? Were they bothering you? You’re a really shitty liar, you know… but fine, I’ll leave it for now. Come on. Hm? I’m taking you to that shitty cafe you like so much…no, it’s on me. Stop with the dramatics, money isn’t an issue. Besides, you’ve clearly had a shit day. Oh, and Qiqi’s asking when you’re visiting next, seems like today is perfect for that…and the next time someone bothers you, don’t hesitate to call me.
About Kunikuzushi; Hm? Ask away... oh, you overheard a conversation about...Scara? Ignore it. They’re stupid rumors. He’s coming back from a private boarding school soon, so people have really amped it up. Don’t listen to them unless you want to lose braincells by the second. I, well, I guess by Scara’s standards I am a close friend. We mostly just text and smoke together at parties whenever he’s actually here.
Friendship level 8
About Parents; Don’t…don’t feel bad for asking about my parents. Some people have been much less considerate about it. Short version is, Zhongli is our half brother. He got lucky, his dad was a decent guy, but Qiqi and I have never really had contact with our dad, and our mom has…issues. She kept in contact with Zhongli’s dad for the money. Needless to say, he got custody of Zhongli as soon as possible. It’s uh, it’s a long story, but Zhongli is the primary caretaker of Qiqi and I now, and it’s hopefully going to stay that way. His dad? He’s quite a bit older than our father, he didn’t really step up to take care of us, but I don’t blame him. We were essentially strangers. He tries though. Don’t feel bad for us, Zhongli is really a great brother.
About gaming II; About that… Sorry for overreacting last time you asked about it. I’m not really scared of other people judging me, but I like to fly under the radar at school, so if it gets out that I have a following of sorts, that might change.
About sleep II; I told you not to worry about that. I know, you can’t really help it, but I’m fine. Don’t tell anyone, but Baizhu prescribed me some new medication for it, so I won’t have to wait for my doctors to get their shit together. Hopefully it’ll help…Hey, don’t look so sad. I’m used to it. Besides, it’s been getting a lot better recently…uhh, no, I don’t know why…
Xiao’s troubles; I really don’t like my mom, but part of me wishes that Qiqi would at least get to have a motherly figure. She never talks about life before Zhongli took us in, and I’m scared to bring it up…I still have some good memories of our mom, but I highly doubt Qiqi does. If she even remembers her in the first place. Her memory is abnormally bad for a child, even Baizhu worries about it.
About Baizhu; Baizhu? Oh right, I’ve been mentioning him this entire time without explaining who he is... sorry about that. He’s a doctor, though he’s also worked with universities, which is how we know him. He’s kind of like a second parent. Honestly... Venti and I are convinced he and Zhongli had something going on in the past and never really got over it, it’s kind of sad. I can’t get a word out about it from either of them.
About us; Hey, (name)? I’m here for you if you need anything, remember? No, there’s no particular reason I’m reminding you…I just feel like I don’t say it enough. No, my face is NOT red, shut the hell up!
Friendship level 10
Chats in late spring; Schools over soon… It feels weird. You’ve been here for a while too, now. It’s cliche, but somehow it feels like no time has passed at all since I got to know you. I guess that’s what happens when you ‘click’ with people…I know it’s still a month away, but let’s stay in contact when I graduate, yeah? My siblings would be sad if you stopped coming around… and I guess I would be sad too.
Xiao’s troubles II; Ah, so you noticed? Don’t worry about me, it’s just one of those days…actually, I’d like to…talk about it, I guess. Today is my mom’s birthday. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t miss her, well I miss the good times, but not her. Honestly it’s best if she stays away. But I guess I can’t really stop thinking about her, since I associate today with her... Venti always offers to hang out to distract me, but I usually just drive somewhere by myself. I’m not sad though. Well, maybe I am. Sorry. I never talk about this with anyone... you’re right, one time has to be the first. Shaved ice?..sure, that actually sounds pretty good right now.
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its-monster-mash · 3 years
Marko(Lost Boys) X Frog!Reader Imagines
Gender Neutral Reader
Content Warnings: gun, near death, brief mention of weed
• You spent most of your life on the East Coast, but you had a lot of family out west, including your beloved Grandfather. So when he passed, you dropped everything to attend the funeral
• You didn’t even recognize Edgar and Alan when you showed up at the trailer with your bag; last time you saw them Ed was just learning his first words(“Bullshit”, thanks Uncle Frog), and Al couldn’t even walk yet. Now here they are, a couple of Angsty sullen teenagers
• “You guys used to be so cute, what happened?” “We grew up.” “Oh please, what are you, 12?”
• You decided to stay for a while, help out with the comic book store while your Uncle deals with the legal stuff about your grandfather’s death. Dying sure was a pain in the ass, you guessed
• All things considered, you liked the work. You were a huge comic fan, and the store was slow enough that you had plenty of time to spend working on your own art. You hoped maybe you’d have your own comic some day, if only you could stick to one idea...
• In fact, you were so focused on your art that you forgot to lock up after closing time; so you were more than a little bit started when someone tossed a comic on your desk
• You look up to see a curly-headed blond man, with one of the most beautiful faces you had ever seen, and you can’t help but blush, he smiles at this. “New in town? I think I’d remember seeing you.”
• You notice his friends snicker as they mill around the store. So he IS flirting with you...this does nothing to help your blushing
• You try to collect yourself, ringing up his comic book as you explain your situation; about your grandfather, and how you’re staying with your uncle for a while...how you accidentally kept the shop open way late
• He seems infinitely more interested once he hears that you’re an artist, and absolutely wants to see your work. In fact, he doesn’t even wait for you to respond. “Is that your sketchbook?” Is all the warning you have before he’s snatching it off of your desk and flipping through it
• His jaw all but drops as he appreciates your work. “This is so sick!” Suddenly he’s pushing the sketchbook back to you. “Can you draw me?”
• Normally, you hate that question as much as any other artist, but you’d been dying to draw him since you saw his face, so you absolutely take him up on that
• It doesn’t take you very long to sketch him, and the second you’re finished he snatches it out of your hands, staring at it like he hasn’t seen himself in years
• While he’s busy being in awe, you snatch the sketchbook back from him, much to his surprise, and you hold up a finger to tell him to wait while you scratch your phone number onto the page. You hope he can read your terrible writing
• You tear the page out of the sketchbook, handing it to him. “Here, my phone number...you could call it sometime...if you want to.”
• Your heart flutters when he smiles, and you think you might die when his fingers brush yours when he takes the page. “I want to.”
• His spikyheaded friend nods at him, signaling it’s time for them to leave. “Name’s Marko, I’ll call you!”
• After a couple of late night phone calls, you never leave the shop open late again; Marko never failing to pick you up just after the sun goes down. You tease him about never seeing him in the daylight, like he’s one of those vampires from your cousins’ favorite comic
• “I’ve never seen you in the daylight either.” “Fair enough.”
• Unfortunately, your cousins overhear this little talk just outside of the shop; and one very early morning you notice them sneaking out of the house...you follow of course, you are the adult after all
• Following at a distance, you watch them climb into an old cave...very clearly labeled “Stay Out”. You wonder if maybe they go down there to get stoned with their friends or something...they have friends right? You consider leaving them be...but decide it would be so much funnier to bust them
• Except it isn’t funny at all. By the time you get down there, you hear your cousins’ screams. You frantically follow the sound, and much to your surprise you find Marko, his face distorted monsterously, ready to tear Edgar’s throat out
• You hardly even notice his friends, making a daring slide to pick up the stake Ed had dropped, and grabbing onto Marko. You aren’t strong enough to pry his grip off of your cousin, but the shock of seeing you here causes him to let go anyway. Ed scrambles to Al’s side, terrified under the gaze of the other vampires
• You press the point of the stake to Marko’s chest, and he looks at you with the most devastated expression. “Touch my cousins and he fucking dies.”
• Contempt and fear plays across the faces of the other vampires, guys you thought had become your friends since you started dating Marko; they didn’t know if you could kill him, but they didn’t want to take that chance. David nods for them to part so your cousins can start climbing out of the cave
• Marko...Marko looks at you with his golden eyes full of sorrow and anguish. Seeing him now for the monster he is, you know that the only reason you’re still alive is because he doesn’t want to kill you. You have a stake pressed to his chest, but you both know he could tear your throat out before you ever got the chance to use it
• “(Y/N), please, I-”
• As soon as your cousins reach the safety of daylight, you toss the stake violently to the floor, glaring into Marko’s eyes. You don’t even spare him a final word before you turn and walk away
• Every night, the phone rings; your Uncle doesn’t even bother to tell you anymore, just hanging up the second he hears Marko’s voice. If he knew the truth about what happened that night he’d be terrified, but as it stands he just thinks you had a nasty breakup; and you’re grown...so it’s not his business
• You hate yourself for it, but you miss him...you want to blame it on his Vampiric Charm, but you know in your heart that he never had to manipulate your feelings...they were real
• One night, you just can’t stand lying awake staring at the ceiling anymore. At damn near 3am, you leave quietly so not to awaken your family, and take off for your grandpa’s old shooting range
• Perhaps it was unwise to take yourself to a secluded area so far from any civilization in the dead of night, but you don’t care anymore. You load your grandfather’s old shotgun, the one he taught you to hunt with, and fire at the target
• Eventually, you hear a lone dirtbike pull up the long road behind you; you don’t even turn to look at him. “It’s four AM Marko, what are you doing here?” You fire at the target in the distance
• He walks up behind you, watching you lazily reload. “I could ask you the same thing.”
• “S’my grandpa’s range. I couldn’t sleep so I figured I’d get in some target practice.” *Ting* “You know that’s no good against Vampires, right?” “It’s not for vampires.”
• He can’t help but be frustrated with you; how could you just come out into the open like this? In the middle of the night? Were you stupid or suicidal?
• You don’t need to read minds to know what he’s thinking. He opens his mouth to speak and you cut him off. “If you wanted me dead, I never would have left that cave.”
• “So why didn’t you do it? You know what I am now, so why didn’t you drive that stake through my heart?” “Even if I could have stabbed you faster than you could have killed me, your brothers would have torn me to pieces.”
• “My brothers aren’t here now.”
• You finally turn to look at him, tears welling in your eyes at the sight of him. Your heart tenses at the sight of the sun threatening to rise on the horizon. “If you don’t leave now, I won’t even have to kill you.”
• “No (Y/N).” You can see the tears in his eyes as he shifts into his monstrous form. “No, if you really want me dead, you’re gonna see it.”
• You’re confused at first, until you see the smoke beginning to rise as the first rays of morning light threaten him. “Marko, what are you doing?”
• He lets out an agonized hiss as his skin begins to singe. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
• Tears well in your eyes as you run to him, throwing your jacket over him in an attempt to shield him from the sun. “Knock it off!” You practically drag him into the old gun shack
• He collapses to the floor once you get him inside, too weak to stand. “If I’m gonna die, I want it to be you.” He sounds so raspy and exhausted
• You shake your head, tossing an old blanket over him. “Well too bad. You’re not dying on me today.”
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sturchling · 4 years
Salt-Fic September Day 26: Abandoned
Marinette was numb as she realized what had happened. This was horrible. The class had abandoned her in Gotham, alone. To think everything had been going well. The class had been nicer to her, and Lila wasn’t actively trying to ruin her time on the trip. In retrospect, that should have been Marinette’s first clue that something was wrong. She couldn’t believe this, and it had all happened in the course of two days.
The class was trying to come up with a place to go for the end of the year trip. Lila had become the class representative a few months back, when the class had started to believe the worst in Marinette. Lila had turned this into a class discussion in the guise of including the whole class in the decision. In reality, she didn’t have any good ideas and just wanted to steal someone’s idea to avoid the class’ irritation. But no one in the class had any good ideas either. Marinette sat in the back of the room just listening to the chaos of the class’ discussion.
 While she may not be the class rep anymore, she still doesn’t want her friends to be disappointed by the class trip. She had found an amazing opportunity for the class. The Wayne family was sponsoring a trip to Gotham for the class who submitted the best video essay about their collective accomplishments. Marinette spent several weeks on it, but she was able to submit a video to the contest.
 A few weeks passed and Marinette received an email from the contest. Her submission had won the contest! She was thrilled. She was excited to tell everyone, but then she realized that she shouldn’t. With the way the class thought of her now, they would likely immediately reject the idea purely because she suggested it. Instead she sent the information to Mrs. Bustier and asked her not to say who won the contest. Surprisingly, she agreed to her request and didn’t say anything.
 Lila had no idea who won the contest, but she didn’t care. This was perfect. Lila immediately claimed the credit for winning the contest. “It was hard to write the essay through the pain from my sprained wrist, but I did it for you guys.” The class fawned over Lila, thanking her for her dedication. Meanwhile, Marinette just rolled her eyes. The information Mrs. Bustier sent the class specifically said that it was a video essay contest, not a writing contest. How could the class not realize this was a lie? They had the proof right in front of them. But that wasn’t important, at least the class would have a nice trip.
 That was how the class had ended up in Gotham. The trip had been going surprisingly well. Marinette had expected that Lila would hog all the attention and the class would treat her as coldly as they had back in Paris. But instead, Lila was quieter than normal and the class was chatting with her again. Marinette had hoped that meant that they had realized that Lila was a liar and were willing to be her friends again.
 Marinette was having a great time on the trip, when she met him. He had tan skin and dark hair. He was sitting in one of the halls of the Wayne Enterprises building the class was touring. He was sitting on a bench and reading a book. Marinette had been looking for a quiet place to sketch while the class ate lunch and decided to sit next to him. When she sat down, he gave her an incredulous look, as though he couldn’t believe she sat there. Then he just turned back to his book, and ignored her.
 Time went by, and the two just kept reading and sketching in quiet. Eventually though, the boy’s eyes found Marinette’s sketchbook again. He stared at the sketch which appeared to be an outfit based off Robin’s costume. “Your work is exquisite. Very detailed.” Marinette was startled by the sudden noise. “Thank you. That is kind of you to say.” “Is it based on Robin’s costume? Why did you choose that costume?” Marinette went on to discuss her process for this design. The conversations continued until the end of the lunch for the class. When the class gathered outside of the cafeteria, Marinette had to leave. But before she did, the boy, who she now knew was called Damian, asked her, “I apologize if this is too forward, but would you care to have dinner with me tomorrow night?” Marinette agreed eagerly and was looking forward to seeing Damian again.
 Marinette had no idea who exactly Damian was until later that night while speaking with Alya. “Girl, you scored a date with Damian Wayne. So, its tomorrow night? What time?” The girls spent several hours discussing the date. Alya wanted all the details. It felt like old times, before Lila ever appeared. Marinette enjoyed this time with her best friend. Alya even helped her get ready for the date, choosing an outfit and how she should do her hair and makeup. Marinette had no idea what Alya and the rest of the class was really planning.
 The next night was one of the best nights in Marinette’s life. Damian had arrived early and endured some teasing from Alya and the class as Marinette finished getting ready. They left and had a wonderful dinner. Damian even took Marinette for a walk in a nearby park, while his brothers watched from the roof tops to make sure no rouges got any funny ideas. Marinette had a wonderful time. Damian dropped her off back at the hotel, and even walked her to the door to her room. Marinette was in such a happy mood. That was until she opened the door to her room after Damian left. The room was empty. All of Alya’s things were gone. They had been sharing a room. Marinette’s things were still there, but Alya’s things were gone.
 Marinette searched the whole hotel, but didn’t find anyone from class. She went to the front desk and asked about her class. The person working the desk looked at her in shock. “You are still here? Your class already left, said there was some emergency in Paris.” Marinette panicked, expecting a bad akuma and checked for news on her phone. But there wasn’t anything. Instead, there was an unread text.
You shouldn’t have messed with Lila. Maybe this will teach you a lesson. Have a good time getting home.-Alya
Marinette couldn’t believe it. The class had abandoned her in Gotham.
 She didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know how to get home. She didn’t have money to get a plane ticket, and the class must have done something to her original ticket. She called her parents and they got her a ticket for the first available flight, which wouldn’t be until tomorrow evening. Marinette spoke with the hotel staff member at the desk, to see about staying in her room one more night. But they told her that someone else had already checked into the room for the night. Her stuff was brought to her from the room and she didn’t know what to do now. She had no where to stay for the night.
 Marinette realized she had only one option. She gathered her stuff and went to the Wayne Manor. When she arrived, she was greeted by an older man who stared at her inquisitively. “Good evening. I was having dinner with Damian earlier tonight. Something has happened and I didn’t know where else to go, may I please speak with him?” The butler looked at her warily, but did let her in the manor. He led her to a parlor and went to fetch Damian.
 A few minutes passed and he returned with Damian following with a confused look on his face. “Marinette? What happened? Why are you here?” Marinette explained everything that had happened since Damian dropped her off. “So, they just abandoned me here. I already have a flight booked for tomorrow night thanks to my parents. But I don’t have anywhere to stay tonight. I’m sorry to impose, but I didn’t have anywhere else to turn.” Damian was furious. How dare the class do this to her?
 Alfred had gone to get Bruce and fill him in on the situation. Bruce came into the parlor as well, to see Damian comforting an upset Marinette. Bruce approached the young couple, “Of course you may stay here tonight Marinette. After all, my family sponsored your class’ trip. That makes you my responsibility until you return to Paris. Make yourself at home. Now, I think I will go call your parents and tell them you are staying here with me.”  Marinette felt at ease, knowing that things were being handled.
 Marinette was returned to Paris in the morning, but she never returned to Francois Dupont. Her parents pulled her out of that school immediately after they learned their daughter had been left behind. She was now enrolled in an arts school that Chloe and Adrien had transferred to before everything in Gotham had happened. She also spent a lot of time in Gotham when she was on a break from school. She had to visit her boyfriend obviously. While Damian wished she had transferred to Gotham, he was happy that Marinette was in a better school. Marinette was happier than she had been in a long time.
  Lila ended up being exposed a few months after the Gotham incident. Marinette never got the details of how it happened, she only found out because the class showed up to try and apologize to her. Marinette stopped them, “I accept your apology, but I can’t fully forgive you. You abandoned me in one of the most dangerous cities in the world. You didn’t care at all what happened to me. I had no where to stay that night and no way home. I could have been really hurt. I’m sorry but we can’t be friends anymore, I can’t be friends with people that would do that to me.” The class didn’t like it, but they accepted it. They knew what they did was unforgiveable.
 While Marinette had been beyond hurt by what the class had done, she wouldn’t have changed anything about the trip. She learned who her true friends were and who wasn’t. She had also met Damian, who she had grown much closer to over the months after the trip. She was the happiest she had ever been and was glad that everything had happened the way it did. She was living an amazing life, with friends and family that cared for her and a boyfriend who truly loved her.
Hope you guys liked it! @maribat-central-official
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intomymindspace · 4 years
Just One Day ✰ Ushijima Wakatoshi
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Just One Day by BTS
ushijima wakatoshi x gn!reader
Through the Summer and the Fall // Haikyuu!! Songfic Series
a/n: hi everyone, I'm sorry for falling off the map for a bit. I was feeling really just overwhelmed and burnt out, but also disheartened because of my fics not showing up in tags and stuff. oh well. I also started another semester of college... and on the first day, I found out that my ex had cheated on me 🤡 n e ways,,,, this fic is heavily influenced by that. thank you for reading my stuff and sticking with me. I just wanna be loved sometimes, yanno?
Word Count: almost 5k?
Warnings: none, just Oikawa mentioned as being a bad ex bf for unknown reasons. this is also probably unedited, so I am so sorry if there are any mistakes
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If I have just one day I'd like to fall asleep with your scent If I have time on a tight schedule I'd like to soak myself in your warm, deep eyes
If Ushijima Wakatoshi could be with you for just one day, he would take you to Tsutsujigaoka Park. He would hope it was near the end of March, so he could take you for a walk while the cherry and plum blossom trees were blooming. Regardless of the season, he would make sure to prepare a blanket and two bentos, and maybe even a sketchbook or two. The two of you would talk, and walk in a comfortable silence as you viewed the nature around. If any food stalls were open, Wakatoshi would make sure to bring extra pocket money to buy you something you wanted. His hand would completely engulf yours if he held it, and as he walked you back to your dorm room, he would even dare to ask permission to kiss you.
Tendou watched his best friend fondly, smiling as he recognized the faraway look in Wakatoshi's eyes. The ace was thinking about you. Tendou saw this look quite often, whenever Wakatoshi needed to calm down during a match, when he needed a break from studying, and even when you visited to coordinate cheers for upcoming matches. The olive-haired boy had never said anything about you, but this was one thing that Tendou was always able to read.
As the cheer captain of Shiratorizawa, it had always been a little tough for you. While coming up with cheers and leading the school to rally during games was easy, being in a relationship with Oikawa Tooru was the unsolvable variable in that equation. Wakatoshi had only wished the best for the both of you, as much as he pined from afar. You were happy, right? Did Oikawa make you happy?
There were many times where he had seen your puffy eyes, your cheeks rubbed raw, your voice not as loud as usual. It was never his business to ask - you were his rival's partner after all (or recent ex-parter, he had later discovered), and he was sure that Oikawa had given you a nasty impression of the ace.
He wondered if he could still have you, even if it was just for one day. Wakatoshi knew better, however. He knew the last thing you wanted was another man in your life. You didn't need someone who always reminded you of the boy who never prioritized you, who never shut down his fangirls and always left you insecure. Wakatoshi always felt guilty, even though he knew it was for no reason. Maybe if he had built up the courage to talk to you during first year homeroom, things would be different.
Even if it was for just one day, Ushijima Wakatoshi could've taken care of you. He could've balanced his priorities, appreciated your support, and crushed your insecurities. He could've been everything Oikawa wasn't. Wakatoshi was not a man of many words, but he knew the ones he could have spoken would have counted for something. He was never a man of empty promises, empty ambitions, and empty dreams. As the buzzer went off, Wakatoshi was brought back to the reality of the current game.
It was a shame, he thought, that Karasuno had beaten Aoba Johsai. He would've liked to put Oikawa in his place one last time.
As he stood back up with the rest of his team, he made his way over to the edge of the court. He breathed in and out, hearing your voice ring loud and clear. Your voice parted the crowd, and his heart couldn't help but flutter.
"Ushijima! Ushijima!"
You were cheering for him after all, right?
He bounced the ball, hitting it against the ground to make sure it felt right. As he heard the referee blow the whistle, he thought about what your face would look like when he served. Would you be ecstatic? Would your eyes widen in shock? Would he scare you, as he does so many others?
As the volleyball slammed into Karasuno's court, the crowd went wild. Wakatoshi glanced into the bleachers, already knowing where you were standing. The look of awe on your face was evident, Wakatoshi thought. He would certainly make the next serve if it meant seeing you smile again - even if it was for just one day.
Your voice when you call my name I want to be sunk with that voice and swim I want to know you more I am an adventurer who explores an unknown forest called "you"
If Ushijima Wakatoshi could be with you for just one day, he would take you to the Sendai Uminomori Aquarium. He would stare at you under the black lights as you admired the jellyfish, floating in their tanks, their tendrils extending and waving to say hello. He’d catch himself in the reflection of the glass, his lips in a rare, soft smile as he’d watch you press your hands gently against the divider. He could imagine the look on your face - would you smile at him the way you used to smile for Oikawa? Would you finally have the sparkle in your eyes that had left? Wakatoshi hated that he would compare himself to the setter... but how could he not?  
Would you enjoy the opposite of Oikawa?
He pondered this as he sat during the graduation ceremony. You were sitting a few rows up with your class, and he was placed next to Tendou, Semi on the opposite side of the red-haired blocker.
The chances of him ever seeing you again were very low. He would be playing with the Japan National under-19 volleyball team until his birthday, and from then he’d be trying out for the division one teams. Wakatoshi wasn’t sure what you would be doing - Tendou had told him that you had mentioned you’d be going to Tohoku University.
Wakatoshi’s biggest regret was never talking to you. He knew he had a multitude of opportunities, whether it be communicating on cheers, or simply just joining in on the conversations you’d have with Tendou and Yamagata. He knew it wasn’t his place, to try to replace the remnants of Oikawa in your heart with himself. But he would make sure that his last day with you wouldn’t be for nothing.
He found himself being dragged into pictures upon pictures - not that he minded, of course. He would make sure to ask for copies to keep as memories. He would need them for the documentary Tendou insisted he’d have. He couldn’t help but look at the smile on your face as you held up peace signs with Goshiki and Shirabu. You had gotten closer to the team during your third year, something Wakatoshi was forever thankful for. Tendou smiled, gently nudging the ace.
“Wakatoshi-kun, won’t you say something?” His olive eyes met Tendou’s crimson ones. Most would take Wakatoshi’s silence as indifference, but Tendou of all people knew better than that.
“Ah, you already have something in mind, don’t you?” Wakatoshi nodded.
“Will you go through with it?”
“Yes. I think I will.”
You had been comforting Goshiki through his tears and sniffles, promising to keep in contact with your precious kouhai. Once again, a rare, small smile curled Wakatoshi’s lips. You were still so caring, even when you’d been treated badly.
“May I speak with you for a moment?” You seemed surprised by Wakatoshi’s inquiry, but nodded nevertheless. Giving Goshiki one last pat on the head, you followed Wakatoshi as he lead you away from his and your teammates.
“What was it that you wanted, Ushijima-san?” Wakatoshi took the time to memorize the way your hair was lightly rustled by the breeze.
“Hold on, wait!” Tendou jogged up to the two of you, camera in hand. “Gotta take a photo of our two favorite captains!”
You leaned into Wakatoshi, your diploma in one hand and a peace sign in the other. Your smile was radiant, and Wakatoshi gingerly wrapped a loose arm around your shoulders. He didn’t even realize Tendou had counted down the seconds until the flash appeared, for he was too focused on looking down at your shining face. His best friend left as quickly as he appeared, shouting promises to send copies later. You turned back around, an expectant look on your face. Wakatoshi’s heart was fluttering in his chest, but his mind felt an odd sense of calm.
“We do not have military style uniforms, but I understand that it is common for boys to give the our second button to the one we cherish most.” He paid attention to every detail he could - the way your breath hitched in your chest, the flush in your cheeks, and your wide eyes. Without much effort, he ripped the second button off his suit jacket and presented it to you.
“Will you please accept it?”
Wakatoshi couldn’t help but wish you all the luck and happiness in the world. Even if it was for just one day, he was glad to see you one last time.
I appreciate a masterpiece, "you" Because your existence is an art Every day I imagine like this all night long Because you are nothing more than just a dream to me
If Ushijima Wakatoshi could be with you for just one day, he’d take you to Universal Hollywood. He was never one for thrill rides, but Wakatoshi wouldn’t mind riding on the Hulk if it meant holding your hand as you screamed for your dear life. He would make sure to treated you to a nice, iced butterbeer and matching Harry Potter gear. Granted, he also wasn’t much of a fan, but he would be more than willing for you. He’d stand with you in the shade as the two of you sipped on the cold drink, the bustling life of Diagonal Alley creating the illusion of escapism. He’d remember to post a picture or two for Instagram, since Tendou always bugged him about starting a public social media.
Did Oikawa ever post photos of the two of you? Wakatoshi wondered if the setter had ever cared to do so. It had been nearly two years since he had gifted the button on his uniform to you - and he often found himself going back into his camera roll to find the photo Tendou took after graduation.
You had accepted it with a blushing face, not knowing what to say. Wakatoshi didn’t need an answer from you. He was more than content with the thought of you. He hoped you were doing well in college.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Wakatoshi heard a familiar voice say. The ace turned around to find Iwaizumi, Oikawa’s ace, standing in front of his very eyes.
“Iwaizumi-san, it is good to see you again.”
“Same goes to you, Ushijima-san. What are you doing here?” Ah, Wakatoshi thought, he must be referring to why I’m in this unbearable heat.
“My father is holding a training camp on campus, and invited me to attend before division one tryouts.” Iwaizumi’s eyes widened in surprise.
“You’re Utsui-san’s son?” Wakatoshi nodded.
“What are you here for?”
“I’m majoring sports science, and well, I was kinda hoping to meet your father while studying abroad to see if I could intern with him after graduating.” Wakatoshi nodded politely.
“I am on my way to see him right now. I would not mind introducing you to him, I am sure he would be more than willing to speak with you.” Iwaizumi thanked him profusely, falling in step beside his previous opponent as Wakatoshi began walking again.
"What teams are you hoping to tryout for?" Iwaizumi asked.
"I would like to play for the Schweiden Adlers."
"Ah, I'm sure they'll want you. Any division one team is probably dying for you to choose them."
"Thank you. Are you not pursuing volleyball?" Iwaizumi shook his head.
"Nah. I love the sport, but I think I'd rather train or coach players." Wakatoshi nodded.
"Though, Stupidkawa still is, obviously. He's been in Argentina for a while now." Iwaizumi noticed the slight furrowing in Wakatoshi's eyebrows, his face seeming forever etched into a frown, and he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Sorry from bringing him up like that." Wakatoshi merely brought his hand up to wave away Iwaizumi's worries.
"What's funny is I actually go to college with his ex - they were at Shiratorizawa with you, right?" Wakatoshi couldn't help the way his eyes widened at Iwaizumi's mention of you.
"I have not spoken to them in a while. How are they?" He asked, keeping his olive eyes in front of him. Iwaizumi only smiled.
"We've actually gotten pretty close. I wound up in a bio lab with them in our first semester, and it turns out they're majoring in nutritional sciences."
"Is that so? How does Oikawa feel about that?" The brunette beside him knew better. After all, the two of you had become close friends. You had told him about Wakatoshi's confession.
"Shittykawa is pouty as always. He knows what he did wrong, though, so he doesn't complain." Iwaizumi looked up at Wakatoshi. "He's actually thinking of trying things again the next time he visits Japan." Wakatoshi tried his best to hide the disdain in his reply. Surely, you wouldn't want to retry being in a relationship with the setter, right?
"I did not think he would have the time." To Wakatoshi's surprise, Iwaizumi barked out a laugh.
"I don't think they'll accept any of his new advances. They've been focused on themselves and getting their degree for the most part." Wakatoshi wanted to ask what the ace meant by 'for the most part,' but his lips remained shut.
"That is good to hear." Iwaizumi smirked.
"I'm sure it is, Ushijima-san. After all, they did keep your button."
Maybe, Wakatoshi thought, just one day was not enough.
If I can be with you just one day If I can hold your hands just one day If I can be with you just one day Just one day If you and I can be together just one day
If Ushijima Wakatoshi could be with you for just one day, he would make sure you had his undivided attention. He was fairly good at time management - knew when to start tasks, and he knew when to stop them. He could easily devote time for you while still being a pro-volleyball player. He would spend the day doing whatever you would want - whether it be going shopping (and holding your bags), taking a hike (he would pack extra snacks just for you), or simply staying in for a day of relaxation (he'd even make you your favorite dish, but Wakatoshi wouldn't be able to guarantee how good it would end up tasting). He'd make sure you felt loved and cared for, returning the same affection and effort that you gave to him.
He had been playing for the Adlers for almost a year now, the newest addition being Kageyama Tobio. Oikawa's disciple, he used to call the black-haired setter. To be honest, he quite liked Kageyama. Wakatoshi was just surprised that the orange-haired crow didn't follow him.
As Wakatoshi took his duffle bag and clothes from his locker, he found himself staring at some of the photographs he had printed out and taped to the inside of his locker. There was one of the Shiratorizawa team, used as a roster in his third year. He looked the just the same, in his opinion. The next one was of him and Tendou at the airport. The redhead had shaved his long locks, but the delighted look in his eyes was still present. Wakatoshi would make sure to call him on Friday, just like they did every week. They were best friends, after all.
The last photo was the one Tendou had snapped the day of graduation. Wakatoshi found himself always looking at it. The smile on your face would ground him before practice, before games. Whenever he closed his eyes, he could still hear your cheers in the stands. He would open his eyes, serve, and think of the same smile he always sought out in the crowd.
Wakatoshi had always wondered how you were doing - he thought about you everyday. He knew he could easily give into Tendou and Hoshiumi's pleas for him to create at least a Facebook page, or ask Iwaizumi for your number. But, it wasn't as simple as that, at least in his mind. You wouldn't want him anyways, would you? Not when Oikawa still seemed like such a big wall, at least in his mind.
He could still remember that day like the back of his left hand. He still remembered the way you smiled as you hugged Goshiki through his tears, and he still remembered the look in your eyes when he asked if you would accept his affections, without a need for them to ever be returned?
Wakatoshi questioned why he limited himself to being with you for just one day. Was he being patient, waiting for a day that would never come? Why was it that he convinced himself that the only way he'd ever see you again was when he dreamed?
"Ushijima-san?" It was Kageyama that pulled him out of his thoughts.
"Yes?" The setter merely frowned, holding his phone out for Wakatoshi to look at the screen.
"TOBIO-KUN!!!" It was a text from Hinata Shouyou. "LOOK WHO I FOUND IN RIO!!!" Below it was a picture of Hinata, his tongue out, the Rio sun setting behind him. Next to him was no one other that Oikawa Tooru, his tongue out as well. Wakatoshi's eyebrows furrowed immensely, his lips frowning.
"TOORU-KUN SAYS HI!!!" The situation alone was already jarring enough. Wakatoshi looked back up at Kageyama, to find the same look on the setter's face. Was Oikawa taunting him? Had Oikawa visited Japan before Rio? Had he bothered you? Wakatoshi had assumed that you still lived in Miyagi - you were almost done with your degree, if he counted the years correctly. What would you do after you graduated? Would you go back to Oikawa? Forgive him for all the things he had done? Or, would you find someone else? Would you move on (or, had you already moved on? Wakatoshi wondered this frequently) and find someone who would give you everything Oikawa couldn't, and everything Wakatoshi could?
He remembered the tears when you had gotten the call during a joint practice. Would he remind you of those painful times?
For just one day, Wakatoshi wished he could take all your troubles away, as old or as new as they were.
You will blame me a little, or a lot maybe I know I couldn't see you more because of my dream Then please give me one day, even one day in dreams is fine All the words I couldn't say, making an excuse that its reality
If Ushijima Wakatoshi could be with you for just one day, he take you to Zuiganji Temple. It was nearly Christmastime, which meant the new year was just around the corner. On the first day of January, he would go with you to pray at the temple. He would stroll with you, hand-in-hand, as you admired the nature that surrounded the temple. The two of you would give offerings to the kami, clap your hands together in prayer, and receive good fortunes. Wakatoshi would make sure to pray for many more New Years with you.
The old Sendai City Gymnasium, now the Kamei Arena Sendai, sent him back to high school. They were even playing the MSBY Black Jackals. He remembered how you cheered for him in the stands, voice loud and smile bright as your pom-poms waved in your hands. He would most certainly imagine you in the crowd - he always did.
As the starting lineups are announced, Wakatoshi finds himself thinking about how the different the members of MSBY Black Jackals are. He would remind himself to go say hello to Sakusa and Hinata after the match. Out of the corner of his eye, Wakatoshi swears that he saw a glimpse of your hair. No, he thinks to himself. You were studying nutrition in college, so why would you be on the court? He didn't know if you'd be in the stands - would you? After all, Semi and Reon did come to watch the match.
He peers over to the opposite side of the court once more. He didn't know that the MSBY Black Jackals had a manager. His eyes must have been messing with him. Imagining you cheering him on had never been a distraction until now. Had he eaten something unusual this morning? Were the chia seeds in his overnight oatmeal expired? Wakatoshi thinks that it couldn't possibly be you. You weren't the person standing in a black and gold jacket on the opposite side of the course - they just had similar hair.
Bokuto Koutarou, as always, makes a scene as he leaps across the court during his introduction. Hinata and Miya Atsumu are yelling and laughing wildly, and the crowd goes crazy. The silver haired wing spiker then runs back to his team, giving them all enthusiastic high fives as he goes down the line. As he arrives at the end, he spins the manager around before picking them up, hugging them affectionately as he lifts and spins them around.
Wakatoshi's eyes widen as he finally sees the manager's face - and its you. It was really you. His breath seems caught in his throat. His chest is tightening like crazy, and he knows the exact reason why. He knows he had never stopped loving you - and now that he was seeing you again for the first time in years, his heart can't handle itself.
"Ushi-kun, are you okay?" It was Hoshiumi who pulled him away from his thoughts this time. The white-haired man was staring up at him with wide, concerned eyes. His eyes followed Wakatoshi's gaze, which lead straight to you.
"Is that the person in the picture that you always stare at in your locker?" Wakatoshi hears Kageyama sputtering, nearly choking on his water.
"Senpai is here?" Kageyama's eyes are wide as he looks across the court as well. Once he spots you, he frowns. "Stupid Hinata. Didn't even think to tell me that they were on the team. Their manager and nutritionist, no less."
Wakatoshi remembers when Kageyama first saw the photo in his locker.
"That's Oikawa-san's ex, right? I forgot they had gone to Shiratorizawa with you." Kageyama was peering into Wakatoshi's locker, forgetting personal space. The wing spiker nodded.
"Yes, they were the captain of the cheerleading squad." Kageyama nodded.
"They actually went to Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High. They always tutored me throughout junior andante high school and always bought me snacks, even after Oikawa-san - " Kageyama cut himself off. "Senpai was always very kind to me."
Wakatoshi nodded at the setter. "Yes, they have always been kind."
"Were you close to them? Ushijima-san?" For a few moments, Wakatoshi simply stared in silence at the photo.
"No, I would not have considered us close." He allowed himself to smile. "But, they are very dear to me."
Wakatoshi would've been more bothered by the Adlers' loss if it weren't for the fact that you were there. Seeing you there, smiling as you congratulated your team was more than enough to keep him at bay. However, he would make sure to beat the Black Jackals next time.
Wakatoshi had approached, almost with caution, as he trailed behind Kageyama and Hoshiumi. What should he say? Did you even want to talk to him? You looked really close to Bokuto and Atsumu (in fact, you seemed close with most of the team in general). Would you remember him? (That was a stupid question, he then decided.)
As he stood awkwardly behind the reunion, he continued to stare at you. You were laughing along with something Meian had said, and judging by Atsumu's face, the captain had made fun of him. His phone kept on buzzing, and he finally checked it only to find that it was the old Shiratorizawa groupchat.
"Look at this idiot" texted Reon, attached with a photo that must have been taken barely a minute ago. It was zoomed in and a bit grainy, but it revealed Wakatoshi staring at you. Yamagata had replied with an emoji of two eyes looking off to the side.
"Wakatoshi-kun" Tendou had texted, "If you don't go up to them right now / I will personally fly all the way to Japan / to kick your ass"
"OMG IS THT SENPAI / TELL THEM I SAID HIII / AND THAT THEY LOOK GORGOUS TODAY" Goshiki spammed, making Wakatoshi sigh. He looked back up, only to make eye contact with you - immediately, his breath felt as if it was lodged in his throat once more. A smile graced your lips, and you began to walk over. Wakatoshi could only stand there as you approached him.
"You were amazing today, Ushijima-san. I'm glad I got to watch you play in person again." You looked just as beautiful (or perhaps, even more than so) as you did all those years ago. Before Wakatoshi could even reply, you began speaking again.
"If you're free sometime this week, before you go back to Tokyo, I would love to catch up with you." You were playing with your fingers (a nervous habit, he had realized while in high school). If it weren't for his complete focus on you, he would've noticed both teams smirking and giggling like schoolgirls at the two of you.
Maybe, Wakatoshi thought, he could finally be with you for just one day.
I want to say at least one word right among them I didn't think it would be easy to forget you Am I selfish if I wish you won't forget me so easily? You're standing in the middle of me
If Ushijima Wakatoshi could be with you for just one day, he would make sure to perfect his vows. He would rehearse them over and over again to Tendou as his best friend (and man) made sure Wakatoshi looked perfect. Wakatoshi would already have memorized everything by heart, but Tendou would insist on him having a copy in his pocket, just in case. He would let you choose whatever decorations and colors you liked, and he would make sure to spare no expense if it meant seeing you smile. Wakatoshi was an Olympian, after all.
What would Oikawa's vows sound like? Would the setter charm you with sweet words and promises of love, like he had once done? He knew Oikawa did not matter anymore - he no longer questioned if you still loved the setter, or if you were still healing from the breakup (even if it was already so many years ago, Wakatoshi just wanted to make sure). He no longer compared himself to Oikawa, but he still wondered what it would be like if Oikawa were in his position.
"Thank you once again for designing and creating our outfits, Azumane-san." The long haired man smiled, placing the finishing touches on Wakatoshi's custom suit.
"It is my pleasure, Ushijima-san." The designer cracked a smile. "After all, you did pay me."
"Are you nervous, Wakatoshi-kun?" Tendou asked. The short-haired man was smiling at Wakatoshi.
"Should I be, Tendou-kun?" Wakatoshi truly did wonder this. Should he be feeling nervous? Because truth told, he wasn't. Wakatoshi couldn't feel a single nervous bone in his body, and Tendou only laughed.
"If you are, I wouldn't blame you. You're getting married, after all." Iwaizumi barged into the room as he fastened the cuff links. 
"Are you ready, Ushijima-san?" He felt Tendou pat his shoulder.
"Yes, I am."
How could Wakatoshi be nervous for a day he had only ever dreamed of?
He stood at the end of the aisle, as patient as ever. It was a medium-sized wedding, as close family and friends from high school and beyond were invited. Tendou stood just off to the side, followed Iwaizumi, Kageyama, Semi, and Bokuto. As the music began to play, Wakatoshi readied himself. For obvious reasons, he hadn't seen what you looked like - and Azumane made sure to keep the design of your outfit "top secret."
He inhaled deeply, paused, and then exhaled. As his olive eyes traced your approaching figure, Wakatoshi found himself just as breathless as he was, all those years ago. You were shining just as bright. Wakatoshi didn't cry - he didn't need to in order to express how he felt at that moment. He was calm and happy. Your hands were cold in his much larger, much warmer ones. Wakatoshi took them both as you stepped up to the platform. Had his eyes always been this soft, this fond? The smile on his face was evident - and he could care less if anyone were to be surprised by a break in his often stoic face.
Wakatoshi never needed to wish for just one day with you. Not anymore, at least. He could take care of you, and be with you for the rest of his days. He realized this as he saw the tears well up in your eyes as he finished his vows. The were no longer any reasons for him to compare himself to Oikawa. Not when you were standing before him, wedding ring slipped around your ring finger. He could prioritize you, praise you, and love you the way he had always wanted to.
"For so long, I had so deeply desired to spend even just one day with you. I am forever grateful that you would choose to spend more than one with me."
If I can be with you just one day If I can hold your hands just one day If I can be with you just one day Just one day If you and I can be together just one day
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thank you for reading!! once again... please do like AND reblog if possible. and let me know what you think. I crave validation and attention. I'm so lonely its unreal.
- Crystal
through the summer and the fall masterlist
blog masterlist
my ko-fi (but only if you can and want to!)
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101 notes · View notes
depths-of-your-soul · 4 years
Hiii! I saw that requests are open so how about artist S/O? Like the reader would be very bored in class and they just, doodle todoroki, bakugou, and tamaki from afar with little notes beside the doodles like "i can't do his hair wtf is this" "why is he so adorable" "stOP MOVING I CANT GET YOUR HANDS RIGHT" and then one day they just saw the little doodles? Idk the thought of it makes soft- unless you already did something similar then I'm stoopid dhxbhxhd.
#Artist!S/o who doodles them during class
Pairs: Katsuki bakugou x reader, Shouto Todoroki x reader, Tamaki Amajiki x reader
Notes: I can personally relate with this s/o HAHAHA I always get annoyed whenever my subject moves around so much that it messes with the anatomy of the previous pose and I would ALWAYS get so irritated that I give up
A reminder that request is open y'all!! :D
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Katsuki Bakugou
• Katsuki with his resting face is simply angelic
• You wouldn't think that such a person would cause such havoc around him
• And one of the few places where he has his guard down would be during class
• So naturally, you cry internally trying to draw his unnecessarily spikey hair because IT'S JUST ALL OVER THE PLACE  H E L P
• Where in the world does his hair even come from? It's just a bunch of spikes
• Does it hurt to touch? òmó
• Anyways, you just find his resting face so precious that before you knew it, you had 5 pages dedicated to just him
• And him alone
• Little did you know, Katsuki has been feeling your intense stares throughout the lessons
• 'What are you doing???'
• 'Stop staring at me stupid'
• Those were all in his head
• To be fair, you were being blatantly obvious
• So after class, he couldn't take it and went right to you with his iconic "ònó" face
• Swoopty Doodle Doo you have achieved "Bakuhoe fanclub prez"
• Seriously. That is embarrassing. Not for you but for him
• Everyone knows Katsuki has an 'above average' face (we all know he be hot)
• Expect curses and new found words to be thrown at you while everyone around hears of a daring fan who came out of the closet and presented their fanart to thy lord explosion murder
• It's not the drawings that made him embarrassed
• Oh no dear it's not
• It's the fact that YOU drew him when you could've just asked him in your free time at his dorm
• Truth be told, he might shout at you, but he never raises his fists against you when neither are sparring
• God please stop being oblivious
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Shouto Todoroki
• Alright simps, let's get down to simping
• His face, oh so perfect
• Every nook and cranny, it's so beautiful that we cannot explain it in words
• His scar? Merely an addition to his hot and cool nickname
• Those red burns in contrast to his beautiful arctic coloured eyes tells a story that made him for who he is
• Such fine hair strands that flows oh so serene against the gentle breeze that flew great lengths to bless him with their cool element
• Okay I'll stop-
• Shouto is simply a living statue, it's in his genes
• He knows he doesn't look bad but that doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate compliments
• Drawing him will literally be a blessing in and of itself
• Such art should be loved by all forms
• Unlike Bakugou, he won't pretend to not feel your gazes
• He will make eye contact with you at some point and smile at you as a form of greeting
• Being so pretty is a sin
• After class, he would go up to you and ask what you are doing
• After you tell him and apologize, he will assure you that he doesn't mind and that he appreciates it
• He will however ask that you let him see it afterwards
• Of course, that is only because he wants to spend time with you
• This mochi is so cute I love him uwu
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Tamaki Amajiki
• Don't lie to me
• I know you can see how cute and adorable he is
• His elven ear is his icon
• Your sketches have certain details that never fails to be missed - it's those blush at his ears and the way his mouth seem to always be pursed
• But then again, throughout your sketches, you would constantly go "OMAGAD STOO BEING SO CUTE I CANT HANDLE THIS CUTENESS OVERLOAD" and "Babey I love you but PLEASE stop moving"
• Those frustrations are worth it though, you know love it
• The way he stares off into space at times are the best times to sketch those details
• He may accidentally see you looking at him while he tries to glance at you from time to time
• But that doesn't really do anything except for the fact that his face will burn and he might cover his face out of embarrassment
• To be fair, you know you love seeing that side of him
• It just makes anyone go \(>w<)/
• Honestly, his movements are joy in and off itself
• This babey elf does enjoy the fact that you, too, glances at him
• Though he will admit, the attention does get a bit too much at times
• He won't go up to you after class though, he will instead hide in the comfort of Mirio's presence seeing as he might melt if you stare at him too much
• How did he find out you ask? Well, simple
• It's the cliche bumbparoo. But not with Tamaki oh no my dear not with this elven baby
• Mirio was too busy laughing and accidentally bumped into you... And voila you sketchbook went flying to the wall and opened at one of the countless pages of Tamaki
• Of course he saw, my dear. But... He may or may not have fainted from the affection
• Go talk to him! He may be shy, but he will be so glad that you even look at him
• I love this elf uwu
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