#dark katara
geothewriter · 3 months
Dark Revelations
A raucous cacophony crashed overhead as near-constant lightning flashes illuminated the rain-streaked palace windows she left behind. The panes shook with every thunderous rumble. Her entire being relished the energy of the skies as she walked through the downpour.
On any other night, she may have stopped the water from soaking her through. Not tonight. Not at the midnight hour. Torrential as it was, she let the storm in. It made her feel alive. She felt the crackle of the storm’s power, but more; beyond the tempest, above the clouds, the moon hung full, brimming with power just begging to be set free. Who was she to deny it that want?
She entered the massive stone prison fortress with little resistance. The guards who recognized her bowed and immediately stepped aside, while those who didn’t were decidedly dealt with. Not harmed. Not permanently anyway. None would stop her from reaching her goal.
His cell was dark, dingy, and dismal, a desolate place for a man who once sat at the precipice of ruling the world. A fitting place for him to rot. The walls were thick with moisture, seeping in from the storm above. 
Perfect but unnecessary.
The guards posted to this prisoner’s cell were summarily dismissed. She felt their presence would only complicate the matter. This was personal. 
Standing in the barren hall, she felt the latent energy of the full moon still reaching out, still begging to be used, and she did intend to use it, but not just yet. He lay in the cot on the opposite wall, a pathetic example of what he once was, of what he represented. She shook her head, shunting away the tiniest pity that rose within. 
She bowed her head, a mockery of her own position and her own morals, but she wanted this to feel perfect as she softly spoke, “Fire Lord Ozai?”
A shuffle of clothing signaled his consciousness, and she could see in the shadows that he had sat up, eyes of amber shining through the dark. 
He returned her inquiry with graveled words, a sign that he rarely spoke. “You are bold to use such a title here. State your business.”
Pathetic how he thinks he yet holds any power here. He rose from the cot and approached the bars opposite her. 
She keeps her tone even, controlled, and if she were honest, almost dark. “I have learned an interesting tale regarding your son, the former Prince Zuko, and I would know its truth.” 
He seethes through the bars. “You speak from a place of knowledge. It is dangerous for a woman to come alone here and seek its origin; Unless of course, you seek power.” 
Anger roiled and growled within her, but it was not yet the time. She would play with her prey a while longer. “What power could you possibly offer from in there?”
She could feel his eyes narrow from within the cell, the twin coals of amber becoming mere pinpricks. “Who are you that dares disturb the only true Fire Lord of this land?”
She suppresses a smile as she responds, venom seeping from her words, “Tell me, Ozai. Does he visit you? Has your daughter seen the pitiful state you exist in? Do you hear any news in this dismal place?” A pause. “Do you ever see the sun?” 
Silence, broken only by the periodic crash of thunder and the shuddering of the rock walls stretches for minutes. As she stands, a puddle of water has formed at her feet, still dripping from her soaked clothing. 
He scoffed “A waste of my time. You’re nothing. A nobody! Not worth anything.” 
As he turned toward his bed, she replied in a near-whisper laced with conviction, “Is that what you think?”
It was enough to give him pause.
“Three years.” She begins darkly, “Three years ago a young woman came to this land. She learned the customs, the traditions, and forged her path forward. She was named ambassador for her work. The Fire Lord recognized her long before she gained the title. She and your son are now betrothed.” A beat. “Tell me, Ozai. Your son. Fire Lord Zuko. Are you proud of him?” Thunder crashes, shaking the chamber, as if to punctuate her question.
He whipped around and grasped the bars, eyes pressed to the opening, attempting to gain knowledge about the speaker before answering, disgust dripping from his every syllable, “Proud? I’d be proud if he were dead. So what if he tricked some weak simpleton to be his bride. It changes nothing.” 
Bile surged into her throat as she witnessed firsthand his complete disdain for his own son, but they were nearing the end of this conversation. It would not matter much longer how he felt. 
“Your son will be making a waterbender his wife in two months. A waterbender, the Fire Lady.” 
She could see his hands shake against the bars, clenching with what strength he had available. The whites of his teeth shone in the dim light as he gritted them together, then to her surprise, a sickening laugh peeled out from the cell. 
A moment later, the laughter subsided, and he spoke with unexpected joviality. “The news you have for me of my son, is that he picked a weakling pathetic water tribe peasant to be his wife? To rule my nation? You’re joking. The elite will tear him to shreds. What could he possibly see in such an inferior being?” He laughed once more then continued, “They will hang her in the streets and come crawling back to–” 
She interrupts with a fake sweetness in her voice. “Tell me, Ozai, why do you think he belongs to her?”
A glint of light poured through his eyes as realization struck him and he growled, “You… It’s you! You’re her? I should have known he would choose a stupid peasant girl not fit for rule! You're just a cheap whore who doesn't know–”
She smiled as her hands began to curl, “He did not choose me.”
The moon’s power flowed within her, and when she reached for it with impossibly flexed fingers, the liquid in him answered her command. He was frozen in place, unable to speak, unable to move, and for the first time in years, fear welled within him.
“Your son is marrying a waterbender.” She spoke with a scarily even tone. “He is noble, compassionate, and righteous. He is right for our nation.” 
She waited, pausing for a response she knew would not arrive, before continuing, “His bride is like him. She is driven, loving, and cares very deeply for both he and their nation, but I chose to accept his proposal.” 
Lightning flashed once more as he spoke with great effort sputtering through gritted teeth, “Your tricks will not save you. I–”
“I am marrying your son in two months. And tonight, I learned something about his past.” 
Ozai spat toward her, showing his contempt.
She gripped the moisture in the air as it flew toward her, froze it, and smashed it into his chest, leaving a bloody welt in its wake, and the former Fire Lord grimacing in pain. The blow sent him reeling backward, and through an expression of shocked terror sputtered, “What– What are you?!”
She straightened her back and the water that once coated her lifted free of her clothing, levitating in the air before her. The storm crashed with a crescendo of lightning flashes, clearing the air for her to speak. 
“I am retribution.” She paused, letting the water around her swirl momentarily before continuing with all the hatred in her heart. “And I know what you did to him!”
Her fingers curled sickeningly, and his body was suddenly lifted, held aloft in his cell. Wide-eyed, he realized all too late, that he could not scream. 
“My future husband may not forgive it, but he is willing to put what you did to him aside…”
His fingers continued to grasp the bars, even as his body was pulled away, lifted by invisible strings, and suspended in the middle of the cell. 
“I am not so compassionate for those who hurt my loved ones.”
Her hands twitched, and he involuntarily released his hold on the bars. In a moment, his arms were pinned to his sides, and once again, he was brought back before her, but now entirely tensed, unable to move.
“You say my people are weak. When you were powerful, you showed your son just how to treat the weak.” Barely containing her anger, her words seethed through clenched teeth. “You burned him! Permanently scarred him! To what end?!”
A moment passed and she found her calm voice once more, dark and calculated, and no more than a whisper, “I will teach you in the way you taught him. I don't care that you won’t learn, but if power is all that you recognize…Then witness mine.” A few murky laughs escaped her before she continued, “Where there is water, I have all the power in the world, and in your blood, I can feel the water churning. It calls to me.”
The power of the moon rushed through her, pulling his blood through the rivers it flowed, and the now-distant thunderclaps echoed his heartbeat. She gripped at the tendrils of power and twisted.
A deafening scream issued from the cell, heard only by her, so intense was the cacophony of thunder that the sky raised at that very moment. His howls faded into a whimper, and when she was finished, her voice hauntingly whispered into his cell.
“No matter who you tell, it will not matter.” She cooed at the bloodstained former Fire Lord as he lay broken on the cold cell floor. “There will be no trace.” 
At her word, the broken skin began to heal, wounds stitching themselves back together, bones mending, and mangled flesh reforming. In no time, her lesson was no more than a memory. 
His form shuddered at her final words, “There will be more lessons. I have much to teach you about respect.”
As she walked back to the palace, the sky released another torrent of rain. She did nothing to stop its impact; yet this time, the drops dared not touch her.
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broadwaybalogna · 3 months
Was gonna post another prompt but got busy writing the first chapter of the sociopath! Katara AU
Here’s a sneak peak into chapter one! (Yes, it will be multiple chapters!)
“Katara, please!”
“Please what.”
“Just do something- anything! Why don’t you ever care!?”
There was that word again. Care. Katara got that weird feeling inside of herself again. Like that she was missing something that others actually had.
“Mom cared. Mom cared so much. She killed herself for you! She loved you— us! Why can’t you understand that!?”
Then another word. Love. That was a word few people used around her. She liked that people loved her, it made her feel in control. She overheard the words of others from the tribe, though, “Satan doesn’t love his demons”. Comparing her to a devil always seemed overzealous, she was very clearly a human. But if not even satan himself could love his creations, or at least make it look like he loved them, what was the real difference between the two of them?
That’s when she truly understood there was something fundamentally wrong with her.
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demaparbat-hp · 4 months
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Izumi of Jang Hui died young. She was sixteen and unwed. A kind child, protective and lonely—thus unfit for this world.
Izumi of Jang Hui was murdered. The Painted Lady was born out of hatred and grief. Her skin is painted red with the patterns of her scars. Her home is the river where the Dark Water Spirit dwells—he who found her, drowned and beautiful.
Build shrines by the river and pray for her good will. Harm her land or people and pray for mercy.
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Dark Hands
"So when she practically falls through the doorway in her haste [...] she’s unprepared to find the old man sleeping peacefully and Zuko sitting with his back to her, sunlight dappling his very shirtless torso.
She almost yelps in surprise but manages to pull herself together and scramble out of sight, still standing awkwardly outside the door, before peeking back in."
This is my piece for @zkbigbang 2024!
You want to know what lead to this situation and how it will continue?
Make sure you visit the story Dark Hands on ao3!
It's an alternate time line in which Katara won't be able to heal her burned hands, and so the further story unfolds..
Credits for the story go to the author - The author will be revealed at the end of the event.
Credits for the art to me - Please, reblog, don't repost.
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mugentakeda · 10 months
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kataang redraw 🩵🧡
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daughterofchaosstuff · 4 months
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~Avatar The Last Airbender (Book II: Earth)
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mesencephaleisole · 4 months
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@zutaramonth a prompt clusterdump! Or: zutaramedics catching that sweet break
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wilcze-kudly · 8 months
Of course, the Gaang's beautifully crafted tale of slow burn found family and friendship forged through trauma is exquisite.
But the Krew meeting completely by chance and IMMEDIATELY becoming each other's ride-or-dies does speak to me on a personal level.
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chichichi-blue-blog · 2 months
I think Katara has a type.
It's Azula, period.
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lesbow · 11 months
While the teaser trailer for the live action looks fantastic and the stills released on Twitter look amazing (APPA LOOKS SO GOOD!!!), I just cannot and don’t think I ever will get over Katara and Sokka having immensely lighter skin compared to their animated originals.
I’m not gonna go into the Ian Ousley Situation™️, but just wanted to speak on the colorist choice to cast paler indigenous actors for darker skin roles. This is no hate to the kids, but indigenous peoples (including Asian-based communities) with brown/darker skin do exist and it’s unfortunate that both live action adaptations fail to acknowledge them.
And before my notifications start getting spammed with that SAME picture of Kiawentiio sitting under the warmest toned lighting possible at a convention, the trailer and released stills have now shown us what they will look like in the actual show. Regardless of lighting, Katara and Sokka were very visibly brown and darker than Aang and Zuko in the original show. Not simply one shade tanner, but brown and this is an important distinction.
I make this post just as a reminder that while the trailer looks promising, and it’s good actual Asian and Indigenous actors were cast (mostly), colorism is still a very real problem that shouldn’t be ignored or dismissed.
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avatarfan11 · 4 months
Day 29 Brightest in the dark
Zuko: Here i made you this. *hands over a wrapped gift*
Katara: Thank you so much honey *opens gift and takes out a bracelet with green cryatals*
Katara: Ooohhh Zuko its beautiful.
Zuko: Watch this *turns off the candles*
Katara: *Bracelet glows green in the dark* is that what i think it is.
Zuko: *Smiles and embraces Katara* Love burns brightest in the dark.
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the-badger-mole · 5 months
PLEASE elaborate on dark Aang killing Sokka, I love your ideas
Aang's demonstrated a lack of respect for the SWT customs and culture. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that they are more overtly dependent on hunting than the other nations, but also I think there's not a little bit of classism, too. As they get older, and Aang becomes more insistent that the whole world be more like the Air Nomads, it would become a sticking point between Sokka and Aang. Suki would also not trust Aang blindly, which would influence Sokka, too. The tension between them would grow over the years, not at all helped by Sokka's feelings about how Aang treats Katara and her children.
Over time, Aang's support for the soft colonization of the NWT of the SWT would become too much, and Sokka would demand that any NWT transplants are subject to the SWT's laws and customs just like they would be if they immigrated anywhere else. Aang would argue that the more "sophisticated" NWT was having an enlightening effect on the rustic SWT. His thinking is that the NWT's influence would bring the SWT closer in line with Air Nomad philosophies, or at least the philosophies as he understands them. Sokka's not having it, though. One day Aang goes too far and supports what is essentially a coup that would leave Sokka as chief in name only so the the NWT can set up an annex government. Of course Sokka will not stand for that. At this point, the rest of Aang's friends see the problem, too and go to support Sokka. There is a skirmish between the NWT colonial forces and Sokka's warriors. Aang goes into the Avatar State, trying to end the conflict, but he attacks the SWT forces, who are being led by Sokka. Sokka takes a hit and he dies. It's too fast for Katara to even attempt to heal him.
When Aang comes back, he sees the death and destruction he's caused. Sokka  is among the dead, and Aang is at a crossroads. He can either realize that he has failed as the Avatar and become the very thing he was supposed to protect the world against, or he can retreat further into his selfish denial and lament what he was forced to do.
Sokka's death has a ripple effect. Fire Lord Zuko officially voices his dissent of the NWT's occupation of the SWT. Katara takes her brother's place as leader of the SWT, and she leaves Aang, taking her children with her, including Tenzin. With Toph's influence, Gaoling and Omashu both unite with the Fire Nation against the NWT and Aang. Something like the Equalist movement takes shape in the SWT and the Earth Kingdom, and Aang finds himself facing backlash. The people of the world begin to question the actual duty of the Avatar, and how much say he should have in any of the world's conflicts.
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book4air · 6 months
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Art by our co-head art director - Melissa Palacios. Follow her on Twitter @palaciospage
Thank you everyone!
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daughterofchaosstuff · 4 months
I just realised that all you have to do is watch Avatar: The Last Airbender to make you feel your life has meaning and it's beautiful and that you are loved.
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thewokewordsmith · 4 months
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Love Is Brightest
A lord of fire and a princess of night.
Once lost in the dark together found light
Two hearts once broken by war's cruel hand,
Find solace in feelings neither one planned.
His gaze like embers warm and bright
Her eyes like a tranquil sea at night.
Eternally they dance in a harmonious blend
FIre and water a perfect circle without end.
She tames his flames with her gentle coy touch,
He melts the ice around her with unwavering trust.
With the rising sun their deepest secret unfolds,
Under moonlight they formed a love that's so bold.
From icy winds through fiery lands,
Together they fall together they stand.
In each other’s arms they found their place,
An unspoken bond time cannot erase.
A watery blue dusk fades into a fiery red dawn
And still the two lovers go on and on.
Enemies to soulmates ignited by a mere spark.
Proving that love is brightest in the dark.
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wilcze-kudly · 2 months
While I enjoy the Southern Raiders tremendously as an episode, particularly loving the focus on Katara and her trauma, I always hated that at the core, it was essentially a fetchquest for Zuko to "gain Katara's allegiance."
Look, there's characters organically bonding over one character's trauma. That's not happening here. This is a clumsy attempt at tying up a loose end and continuing the pattern of Zuko's life changing fieldtrips with Sokka and Aang.
Aang and Sokka's "field trip destinatons" come up rather organically, for Aang it's the necessity of learning firebending and for Sokka, it was a very fresh, even current worry for his father's safety.
While Katara and Zuko's bonding (if you can even call it that, they don't really bond, just go on a murder road trip and barely speak lol) in Southern Raiders feels very... forced.
As much as I love the Southern Raiders, I think Zuko and Katara's relationship was done dirty in it. Their relationship is fascinating because they're very similar people, pushed apart by a ton of animosity and age old hurt.
And then all this is just resolved as if someone were checking a box off a list.
Essentially Zuko in the Southern Raiders episode is me in Skyrim playing through a fetch quest so I can unlock a follower lol
Also if we're being honest the episode kinda made Zuko super unlikeable with the whole "digging up a girls tragic backstory from her brother in order to use it to get her to like you" and the dismissive shitty comment about Aang's culture.
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