#dark skinned adam and eve
jollmaster · 4 months
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her shield, his pillar
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lackablazeical · 4 months
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Viv when she cant sexualize men and villainize women: 👹👺👺👺👹👹
Okay so this redesign was spurred by my friend who really doesn't like Adam, so I decided to do my spin on him!
First: in the Bible, it is CANON he is made from red soil/clay. Which is dark. He is not white. He is poc. Okay? Cool
Okay so other then that, mostly I just wanted to make him seem much more ethereal. I based his design on clothes the pope wears, like the fuckn. Sash things and stuff. His wings take the place of a sash and while he can use them, rarely does (a reference to his connection to the earth)
I used mostly primary colors for him, kinda nodding to the fact he's like the 'origin' person. Mostly gold tho bc why not (also contrasts the blue of heaven, and its in reference to his greedy need to put his family before god)
But also his robe has red edges like they're stained w/ blood too, and his stomach sash has a similar stain. He has very little blue to show that his true loyalties don't lie with heaven, but with his wife.
And okay, I hate how ppl will use the 'they're in hell! Ofc they curse!" Excuse but also like. Hate that some characters are sexist or whatevs. Like bro. It'd make sense characters are gonna be sexist/ableist/etc etc. Why beef w/ Adam over it. So I kept Adam being sexist, but it's moreso bc he loves his wife so much he refuses to treat any other women well, bc he's so loyal. Type to drop a door on a lady bc it's not his gf yk.
I hc that Eve is buried in pride, and has a tree growing from her body (she's not dead but more in like kinda a limbo), and that's where Heaven stays in Hell. And so Adam goes down there during exterminations to see her tree and talk to her before he has to leave again.
Adam was originally a good person, but bc of his eating of the apple (which stained his teeth), he now can't NOT indulge sin, and most often, he indulges in greed (like only doing things if he thinks he could get eve back), and wrath (the more violent side of the masculine he represents).
Also bc of this, one of his punishments from God is being blinded, unable to see God's holy light or the face of his wife ever again. He also had his wedding band finger cut off as punishment too. The rest of his fingers have golden caps, bc he is dangerous to touch bc yk. How sinful he is from eating the fruit
And the fig leaves are just cus yk. He's associated w/ em. The leaves on his head actually form a shape of ram horns since rams represent devotion to God and Adam fell bc he wasn't devoted enough
Also I will keep that Eve was made from Adam BUT comma, she took not just his rib but his liver, 10 of his fingers (he originally had 20), and his skin. Just cus yeah why not
So yeah. Love this design loads actually LMAO
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threepandas · 2 months
Bad End: Eve
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You know how most Otome games are vaguely historical? Usually some non-specific mishmash of European countries? But fluffier and with more bows? It had once "gotten" to me, I think. I remember looking for outliers. Non-joke ones. Something that wasn't just "but this time with hats!"
I found one.
And now? Now I'm not sure if I curse that day or thank whatever force of nature lead me there. I guess... I guess it depends. Would I still have ended up HERE? If I had not found it? If so, then I genuinely and actually fucking rue it. Like... like actual "you'll rue the day! Bwahaha!" Type rue it. That's me. Ruing.
But? If it was always going to happen?
Then I guess...
I guess I'm weirdly glad. Because at least I have some fucking idea of what's going ON. Terrible, as it all is. Fucked, as the situation is. At least I'm not... not confused. Blind and at the mercy of those around me. Ignorance truely isn't bliss. All it does is leave you to try an fill in the blanks yourself. Usually with something far worse.
Not that the situation could GET much worse, by much.
I was in an Otome game. NOT a flower, high society, and dragons kind either. No. I? Was in a Dark Sci-Fi otome game. "Fate of man" was thrown around a lot. Power of luuuuv~ and such. Also, you know, HORRIFIC ethical violations. Human experimentation. Cataclysmic events and humanity "starting over".
All the high drama sci-fi concepts you could expect. It was a romp. Had good art. I'd had fun! Which is why I remember it so clearly.
Less fun when you're IN IT.
When you AREN'T one of the characters you KNOW will survive.
In fact, are one of the characters you know WON'T fucking survive. And will probably die MESSY. Horribly. Cause see, our BELOVED Harem collecting Protagonist? She? Was AN Eve. "AN".
Take a wild fucking guess what THAT project is about.
Did you say "breeding a better race of humans"? Ding ding ding! With humanity currently fucked, they want to FIX the problem by FIXING humanity. And of course, fuck ethics! Volunteers? Why use those?! Let's horrifically mad scientist our way to atrocity-ville! Make it all the more "God rightfully punishing us for our unforgivable sins" when we get wiped out!
Fffffffuck YOU, plot! I have to live here too!
You may, in fact, be picking up a slight note of stir crazy. A "wow, this lady rambles like a mother fucker" vibe. You would TOO, if you were stuck in a FUCKING TUBE. All I can do, day in and day out? Is wake, think, observe, then go right back to sleep. I can't even eat! I got a TUBE for that!
I... I miss showers.
Everything is GOO.
I'm an Eve. And if it weren't for the air tube controlng my breathing? I'd laughing hysterically until I died. And no, not in the "oh how funny" way. God. Oh... oh god. What a way to die. NONE of the Eves survive "the program".
Those IDIOTS are so OBSESSED with making bigger and bigger, better and better, FUCKING JUGGERNAUTS? That the Adams? Have long since reached the point of "mindless killing machine". UNSTABLE is putting it lightly. There is sexual dimorphism and then there's literal incompatibility.
But GOD FORBID the scientists admit that THEY are the ones with the inferior product.
It... it was even part of the game's plot. The scientist who made "Eve" HID her while HE made an Adam. I do not have that luxury. Somewhere, there is an unstable BESERKER being told I'm his "wife". That we're going to be HAPPY together. That he'll get to put his bruising, blood soaked hands anywhere he WANTS... just after he WINS me from the other Adam's.
Got to prove HE'S the best specimen, after all.
It makes my skin crawl. All I can hope, is that I can either provoke the bastard enough to kill me before they have a chance to stop him, or? I use my own enhanced strength to snap my neck. Maybe bite my tounge. Like HELL am I letting an Adam get near me.
The hiss of laboratory doors.
"Perfection at last..." Comes a relieved sigh. "All those HIDEOUS specimens. Why they make me suffer them, I'll never understand. We should have terminated them months ago. My poor project, they really think they're WORTHY of you..."
There's a derisive laugh. The scientist strolling into the lab I've been developing in, familiar. I watch him casually shrug off his lab coat and dump is bag. Hang his coat over the back of his chair. Turn, as he does each day, to STARE up at me. His eyes are a pale, pale purple the likes of which I've never seen before.
There is almost a red tint to them, though maybe that's the lights. The goo. I can never tell. He always looks ENTRANCED by me. Floating, visored, connected to far too many tubes an' wires. I'd think it was the fact that I was naked if it weren't for the way his gaze doesn't seem to drift lower then my shoulders. Seems more entranced by the way my hair moves, as though under water.
I've never once heard him talk about me lustfully.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't SCARE me.
"Let's begin, shall we? Time for your daily doses, mmm?" He says, voice dangerously affectionate. As though i had CHOSEN to do this to myself. As though he were merely reminding me of my morning medicine and not the hell ahout to come. "Going to be good for me? I know you shall, you always are."
He turned back to his desk, his computer. A few keystrokes... and I could feel the pod above me begin to hum, as it awoke. Oh god. Oh god it never got easier. From the corner of my eyes, bright chemicals slide down thind lines and into my veins. Like lines of lava. Bolts of electricity and pain. It was... AGONY.
My muscles seized. Brain screeched, first to the screaming I wish I could make... then static. With the long practice of daily pain, it took me far away. The click, click, click of keys. The sound of his voice, so terribly PLEASED, as I hung there and just TOOK it. No restraints, no strugging, no damaging myself. Just unbearable fire in my veins and a brain far, far away.
"Good girl~"
Distantly a phone rang. He made an annoyed sound, but picked up regardless.
"What. I'm in the middle of- ...Excuse me? I'm quite sure I did not hear you correctly. I said 'NO'. She's not-....I will NOT BE-...What. Are you out of your god damned MIND? That pile of scraps you call a project is coming NOWHERE near my-! ....you think you're clever, don't you?"
"Fine. You want to TALK? Let's TALK, Anderson. I'll be there in five."
From far away, past the pain, I watched him chance down at something at the screen. Back up to me. He hung up the phone but did not pause the program. Instead, calmly rising from his desk. Shrugging on his lab coat. Rounding the desk and striding towards my bio-tube.
"Hmmm, honestly, it should have been spaced out over a few more days... but you can take it. Endure a bit longer for me, would you, darling? Daddy's going to go deal with something for just a moment, he'll be right back, my perfect girl. Be good."
He leaned forward, pressing his forehead to my tank. One hand splayed next to it like he badly wished he could touch. Could stroke skin. Hold his creation close. It was not the first time he had done this. Small, covetous, little actions like he wanted to crawl inside my skin and STAY there. Like he cursed the glass that separated us.
He pulled back. Shifted to the side and kneeled. He... had hidden something behind my bio-pod? When? Apparently before I had become aware. Because I had not known about it. A black shoe box. I watched him open i-GUN. Thaaaat was a gun! Fuck. Well at least? By the time anyone thinks to look in on me? The overdose will probably have killed me?
There is a cold, terrible smile on his face as he rolls to his face. Tucking the gun into an inner pocket. It has a silencer. He leans forward one last time. Lightly kissing the glass of my pod, as though heading off to work and not to very obviously kill somebody. The pain continues. Builds. I watch him leave.
With nothing to anchor myself on... time blurs.
I think? There are alarms? Red lights flash. Then they stop. There is shouting at one point. But then silence. An explosion? Or am I hallucinating? Pain. My nerves are on fire. I don't want to have SKIN. Please... please make it STOP! Calm foot steps? Come to kill me? Please come to kill me. Make it STOP.
The lights died a... time? Ago? Emergency lights on now. Generators in the room are loud. Why can I still hear the feet? Footses? Words. H..hurts. please.
The pain eases to a stop. Aching but nothing new. Over? Oh, thank god. I can sleep now, right? But... sound? New. At my feet. Gurgling. Wha-? The very top of my head feels cold. Then my forehead. Then my temple's and ears, cheeks, jaw... wait. Is? Is the tube...DRAINING? I open my eyes.
When did I close them?
He's back.
Standing right in front of the tube. Blood staining the hem of his coat, lingering marks of his massacre cleaned but not quite scrubbed from his body. There are little off red stains on his cheek, from what must be blood splatter. They look like tiny freckles.
I'm... I can't...
I reach as the tube down my throat is pulled almost carelessly away by the machine. Choke, suffocate, as the same is done for my air tube. But then it's done... and I can BREATHE under my own power. Gasp and splutter, as the goo sloshes around my knees. Then it's gone. And the tube I've been leaning my weight against is roughly pulled away.
I collapse forward, my muscles having never actually supported me in this life.
Arms catch me. Wrapping me in a possessive hug. A hand immediately burying itself in long uncut hair, even as the other wraps itself around my torso to lean me against his body in a cradle. My face is pressed to his neck by the hand in my hair, cradling my head and neck. I can feel breath against the goo wet crown of my head.
"Finally~" he breaths out, whispering it against me like a sigh. "My beautiful, perfect girl. My darling creation. It took so LONG. Those retrobates interfering at every turn, lusting after you like ANIMALS, trying to keep you from me. Then, worst of all, trying to toss you to some pack of savages? Oh, darling~ Daddy's been so worried for you."
"But we'll be okay now, won't we? I finally have you. All fresh and finally finished. My perfect Eve. You can pick any name you want, of course. You and I will be leaving this ugly little place. Daddy has PLANS. A fresh new world, just for you, sweetheart."
He laughed, his hug tightening in a way that would have left bruises had I been a normal human. Kisses were pressed to my temple. A cheek, rubbed against my hair. He seemed... seemed GIDDY with it. That nothing could stop him now. There was no glass in his way. I could not move yet. My muscles twitched when I tried, but that was it. I wasn't even sure I could talk yet, if I tried.
"Aaah~♡ Welcome to the World, Darling. My Perfection. My Eve. This time no snakes or Adams to tarnish you. To get in your way. Just you and your Father~"
Next: ->
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oneforthemunny · 10 months
don’t talk to me. thinking about rockstar!eddie.
thinking about rockstar!eddie who decided to do a gig in london two days before christmas. you didn’t want him to go. it’s persephone’s first christmas, but he’s adamant he’ll be back.
“babe, i’m taking the red eye back to la. one stop at jfk and i’ll be home. i promise.” he’s so smooth with his words, you believe him.
so you stay home with your baby. wayne flies in, farrah, too. you get the phone call as expected, thinking eddie’s just calling to tell you he’s boarding.
oh, no.
“all of ‘em are grounded, baby. the airports fuckin’ on a lock down.” eddie’s voice is tight and you can picture him. chain smoking, leaned up against a telephone wall, free hand grabbing a his hair. “i’m-i’m doing everything i can. the pilot said as soon as he gets the all clear, we can go, but…”
he can’t bring himself to say it. so you say it for him. “but you’re missing christmas.” your voice wobbles, barely whispering into the phone. “you’re missing sephy’s first christmas.”
“i’m- fuck- i’ll be there, ok?” the crack in his own voice, swallowed with pain, regret- fuck, why did he take this gig? “i’m not going to miss it, baby. i swear to god, i’ll fly this fuckin’ plane myself to get to you.” you know he’s joking, but is he? the sincerity in his voice makes you wonder.
“i’ll be home for christmas. i’m going to be home. just a little later than i thought.”
it’s close- too close for your own comfort. sometime in the early hours of the next night, the early morning of christmas eve, eddie sneaks in beside you. how sephy didn’t hear in her little bassinet beside your bed, you’re not sure, you’d blame the white sound machine.
“you’re home.” you croak, groggy with sleep and emotions, blinking into the dark of the room.
“i’m home.” eddie nods, sinking into the mattress beside you. “told you i’d be home.” he mutters, lips ghosting over the warm, sleep flushed skin of your cheek.
“d’ya fly the plane?” you grin, settling into his grasp, arms tight and secure around you.
“no, they wouldn’t let me. you believe that?” eddie snorted lightly, ringless hand sliding down your hips. “i wouldn’t miss this. you know that. first christmas. you knew i’d be here.”
“yeah.” you hum, lids heavy with sleep. “never doing that again though. tell them to fuck off next time. wanting to have you that close to christmas.” you scoff.
and he does. makes sure his agent puts it in his contract so he can always make sure he’s home for christmas.
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trendywaifus · 6 days
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04 |SCREAMPIED ! — transfem! ghostface! feixiao x fem! reader. there seems to be a second serial killer who has their eyes on you. but it seems like they came for you for a different reason. will they be a failure like the last one was? (10/6) continuation of — i’m like the wind baby !
preview ↳ you angrily picked up your phone for the third time in two hours, draping the towel over your shoulder as you sat down on the sofa. “ this is the third fucking time you called my damn phone, “ you shouted, pausing some cheesy horror movie that you forgot was on while taking a quick shower, “ take a hike you fuckin’ bum! don’t ask me about what my damn favorite scary movie is because i don’t have one! the last one was somehow less annoying than you are! “
there’s a small pause from the other side along with consistent, wet noises of skin slapping against skin. “ . . .fuck, “ the husky voice lets out a strained groan and laughs breathily, “ keep talking, i’m almost finished. mm, you sound so fucking hot when you’re upset, doll face.”
“ what the fuck? are you getting off from my voice, you damn weirdo? fuck off. “
05 |NATURAL PREDATOR ! — serial killer! jane doe x fem! reader. she craves you and the normalcy you bring into her life. it wouldn’t hurt to preserve it by keeping you in her home. don’t worry, she won’t hurt you if you don’t hurt her. rats aren’t natural predators after all, right? (10/19)
preview ↳ you swat the chinese food aside in frustration, jumping up from your seat, and glared at your unamused kidnapper sitting on the other side of the table. “ is this some sick game to you? chasing, kidnapping me—taking me away from my life to satisfy yours? “ you hiccuped, tears swelling in your eyes. “ and why in the actual fuck do you think it’s okay to make me sit down with you and eat some takeout food after you’ve been gone all day? what, you expect me to “gossip” with you after all the shit you’ve done to me? “
hurt flash in her teal eyes before she sighs heavily. “ do we seriously have to keep coming back to that? i understand that you’re upset but you’ll get use to this, to me soon enough. i know that i haven’t been here lately and i’m sorry. i’ll do my best to come home to you as early as i can. here, “ she says apologetically, handing you a napkin across the table with the pointed end of her tail, “ please, sit down, wipe your tears, and eat your food, my dear. unless, you prefer for me to do all of them for you? “ there’s something dark lurking behind her voice as it lowers an octave. a shiver runs down your spine at the hooded look in her narrowed eyes.
06 |ADAM & EVE ! — yandere! robin x gn! reader. all she wanted was to save her brother. even if it meant taking a bite from the forbidden fruit, stripping her away from reason, her purity—what makes her robin; an internal separation from who she used to be. ( 10/25)
preview ↳ robin straddles your lap, her darkened emerald eyes pools into yours, lulling you deeper into a trance-like state. your body feels relaxed and heavy, bones softening like malleable metal. the halovian woman lean close to you with a sickeningly sweet smile on her pale features as she brings the bitten apple to your bruised lips. there’s voices—hushed whispers ringing in your head, commanding you to take a bite of the apple. you don’t fight them back, you can’t. lust, euphoria and her hypnotic tune clouds your judgement.
you bite into the apple and sink further into the abyss, along with the shell of a woman who used to be great.
07 (BONUS?)| WUTIWANT ! — jason! transfem! acheron x fem! reader. i don’t know what i want but i know it’s not this. these words mean nothing once they’ve left my lips. (10/31)
preview ↳ ???
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libby-for-life · 7 months
So, can you do a sick one-shot with Adam and Lucifer? Maybe Adam has a fever and Lucifer reluctantly takes care of him. But then he starts to hallucinate things. Stuff that makes Lucifer question things about what he believes.
Oh? A challenge, hu? Since you didn't specify if this was my version of Adamsapple, I'm just going to assume that this is more traditional Adamsapple and go from there.
Sinner!Adam under contract with Lucifer.
Lucifer stood before Charlie with a sigh, feeling irritated. "Are you telling me that there isn't anyone else who can take care of him? I don't have time to deal with a whiney brat who is probably faking all this just to get attention," he grumbled. The devil was not convinced that Adam was genuinely sick. He wouldn't put it past him to fake it to receive special treatment.
Charlie replied, "Normally, I would take care of it, but I have a lot of paperwork to deal with." She gestured towards her desk, which was piled high with papers, making Lucifer wince. "Vaggie is busy with Niffty, Angel Dust and Husk are working, and Alastor is not an... option."
Lucifer shivered at the thought of Alastor taking care of Adam. The devil was under contract to protect the idiot from harm, but it would end badly for Adam if Alastor was involved. "Alright, I'll do it," he said, resigned.
"Thank you, Dad!" Charlie beamed at him, making him feel a little better. Teleporting to Adam's room, Lucifer hoped to catch him in the act of faking it but found himself in a dark room with the curtains drawn. The only thing he could see was a lump on Adam's bed.
Frustrated, the devil snapped his fingers, and the lights turned on. Adam let out a whimper, making Lucifer roll his eyes. "Oh, stop it. Nobody is buying this pity act," he said sternly.
When he got no reply, he growled again, "The hard way it is then." He stomped over to the sinner's bed and ripped the blankets off him. "Get up now!" Lucifer was done playing games. If Adam was going to continue acting this way, he didn't mind using force to beat some sense into him.
However, to his surprise, Adam didn't yell, swear, or even glare at him. Instead, he let out another whimper. This time, Lucifer actually looked at Adam and saw just how different he looked. His gray skin had an ashy color, his breath was labored, and his shirt was missing, revealing how sweaty he was. It was clear that Adam was genuinely sick.
Lucifer felt slightly guilty for making Adam uncomfortable when it was clear he was miserable with a fever.
Placing a hand on the sinner's forehead, he hissed at the heat. "Oh, you are sick, aren't you?" He murmured. "Alright, let's sit you up."
Soon, Adam was propped up on pillows, wrapped up in comfortable blankets, and looking at Lucifer with dazed eyes. The devil knew that the demon wasn't truly seeing him due to his sickness.
Gently draping a cool cloth onto Adam's forehead, he noticed how the sinner's eyes followed his every move.
"You're so beautiful...." Adam slurred.
Lucifer froze and looked at him confused. "Hu?" He must've been really out of it if he was complimenting him.
"Beautiful...so beautiful. I can see why she left me...I didn't stand a chance."
Lucifer grimaced when he realized that Adam must've been talking about Eden. Whether it was Eve or Lilith he was referring to was still being questioned in Lucifer's mind.
"Let's not waste your energy." Lucifer finally said.
Adam whimpered again but he continued talking. "Lilith was beautiful too...but she didn't like me...why did she not like me?"
"Maybe because you were a narcissistic dick who wanted to control her?" Lucifer said with a glare. Any kind of sympathy he had for the sinner was gone. How could Adam even ask that?!
Adam shook his head, clearly too out of it to understand that the devil was insulting him. "That's not what she said..." He slurred out. A look of sadness came over Adam and, to Lucifer's growing discomfort, looked like he was going to cry.
"She told me I was disgusting...that she didn't want to stand next to someone so ugly." Lucifer was too stunned to speak. What?
"She didn't like me talking. I talk too much. She liked to gag me when she couldn't stand the noise. It hurt...." Adam was now crying, big tears rolling down his chubby cheeks.
"Why didn't you fight back?" Lucifer immediately asked. If he hated how Lilith treated him, especially if it hurt, then why didn't he make her stop? Adam certainly never backed down from a fight. In fact, he was usually starting them.
"I wanted her to like me..." Adam replied with a groan. His breathing seemed labored. "If I did what she wanted...then she'll like me....even if it hurt. Even if it made me cry." Adam furrowed his eyebrows, his hazy eyes looking into the distance. "No...she didn't like me crying. She said it was annoying and ugly so I don't do it anymore." It was ironic with the tears streaming down his face.
Adam turned his golden eyes to the devil who flinched at the devastating but resigned look on his face. "I guess I didn't do it good enough...she found someone better...someone smarter...."
A large hand cupped Lucifer's cheek. "Who can compete with angels?" And then he passed out. Lucifer didn't know that he was holding his breath until he started gasping. What the fuck?
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koji-haru · 21 days
Time Travel AU Part: 11
A darkness loomed over Eden. Its once clear bright skies were now replaced with dark clouds that swirled in the gloomy sky. Heaven’s portal opened itself with a thunderous boom that echoed throughout the garden. A blinding light appeared from the centre of the swirling clouds, and dark silhouettes of fast descending angels quickly came into view. Their bodies glowing like freezing fire, their presence cold and far away, and eyes…penetrating eyes that burned through the skin and into one’s bones. The angels were not here for a mere visit.
A flash of white-blue wings pierced through the air and into the scene of the incident. Michael landed in front of Adam and Eve, all six wings widely spread out, halo burning in holy fire. He had felt corruption and evil seep and bury its twisted roots within the garden of Eden, and rushed towards where he felt the source was. For once, he had hoped he was wrong, but half eaten fruit that laid on the ground near the two humans proved him otherwise. 
“W-what happened?,” he asked in disbelief. 
“The second woman, Eve, had ignored her husband’s warning and thus, broken God’s rule,” Sera stated as she landed gracefully beside Michael, looking down on Eve’s trembling form still under Adam’s arms. “She had released evil into the world.”
Michael crouched in front of both Adam and Eve, and softly asked, “Why Eve? How could you do such a thing?”
Just then a struggling Lilith was brought out from the trees, hands held behind her back by an angel. 
“We found her disguised as a snake, running towards the garden entrance.”
Another angel had cast a spell to track Lilith’s partner in this crime. Golden dust quickly spread from the angel and outwards to the rest of the garden. The spell hit something within the branches of the tree of knowledge, and a winged serpent with a silent presence was forcibly returned to its original form, an angel with red and white wings known for their mischievous nature. Lucifer fell to the ground, his disguise ruined.
“Eve had been tricked into eating the fruit by Lucifer,” Adam answered Michael. “Lilith disguised herself as Lucifer to distract and keep me away from Eve as Lucifer tricked her. I tried to stop Eve, but I was too late.” Adam looked at Michael with tearful eyes as he kept his hold on Eve, who remained quiet as she hid in Adam’s comforting embrace, despite trembling himself. 
Lucifer stood up from where he fell, all six wings flaring defensively. “All we tried to do was give her knowledge and free will!” He then turned to Adam, finger accusingly pointing at him. “We only did that because Adam cannot be trusted! He hides it well from the rest of you, but I’ve observed him and he is far from innocent. I’ve seen him teach Eve terrible things such as the killing of animals. We only wanted to save Eve!”. He gasped for breath as his eyes scanned the angels that surrounded him. They remained silent, but their eyes showed a lack of faith. He then turned to Michael. Their personalities were quite different, and they clashed a few times before, but they were brothers and they knew each other well. Michael should know that he wouldn’t lie about things such as this, that this wasn’t another one of his tricks.
“Michael, you’ve spent some time with them. Surely, you’ve noticed Adam’s behaviour too?,” he asked with pleading eyes, hoping that he would believe him.
“You said you’ve observed Adam?,” asked Michael, his tone even.
“Yes? I told you I saw him corrupting Eve’s mind,” Lucifer answered.
“Then that means you were sneaking into the garden all this time despite being banished.” Michael narrowed his eyes at Lucifer, his cold blue gaze freezing him on his spot. “It seems like this was premeditated.”
“What? That’s not the point! I– ack!” Lucifer fell to his knees as chains wrapped around his limbs and his neck, bringing him close to the ground.
“You’ve been sneaking into the garden for an unknown amount of time, cooking up your wicked plans and dragged the first woman to go along with it, and yet, you point your finger towards the first man?,” Michael questioned Lucifer as he stood above his defeated form. How dare Lucifer spread such ridiculous lies about Adam when the man had been nothing but remain obedient towards Heaven? Yes, it was true he had been visiting Eden frequently as of late, and Adam was anything but malicious.
The look on Michael’s face was of anger and disappointment, but mostly anger. Anger at his brother’s audacity and actions. “Wasn’t it enough that you had taken his first wife?,” he continued. “Now, you ruin his second, release evil into the world, and then spread lies about Adam. When is it ever enough, Lucifer? What’s your goal here?”
Hope all but drained from Lucifer’s already pale face. He couldn’t believe it. His straight-laced brother who was always the voice of reason was completely blinded by Adam’s lies and pretend innocence. In the background, he could see Adam’s figure just behind Michael. Their eyes met briefly, no words exchanged between them, but the message was sent. Realisation crashing at him hard like gigantic waves in a stormy ocean. Adam had purposely been appealing to Michael. All those times he had seen him spend time with his brother. It wasn’t just to drive Lucifer away from him, to stop him collecting evidence. It was also his way of slowly securing his spot in Michael’s heart. Lucifer realised too late. He had lost his brother to Adam. He once again did a quick sweep of the angels that surrounded him. This time, he saw it clearly. None of them were on his side. Not even his brother.
“You all have heard Michael,” Sera interrupted. “Your claims are unfounded Lucifer. The results of your actions, however, are very much real.”
A cold heavenly glow then engulfed the seraphim, her tall figure a pillar of absolute authority amongst the crowd. “As High Seraphim of Heaven and by the authority bestowed upon me, Lucifer, I strip you of your status as an angel. Angels are the righteous followers of God, which you clearly are not.” The glow around her shone even brighter, almost blinding. Her six wings spread out magnificently as she brought down judgement, “You will be exiled to the burning pit that you have caused to be formed.” She then turned to Lilith, piercing gaze softening slightly, her wrath simmering a little in consideration of her human nature, but still present. “Lilith, for being his willing accomplice, shall join Lucifer to burn in the dark pit where you can only ever witness the dark side of life that you have released and none of the good that you have betrayed.”
A coldness washed over Lucifer. The reality of the situation dragging him to dark depths he didn’t know even ever existed. Many thoughts and feelings all at once hurled at him, drowning him in a sea of confusion and disbelief. Was this really happening? How was it even possible? He was one of God’s most favoured angels! There was no way this could be real. Snapping out of his shock, Lucifer began to struggle, unwilling to relent to their judgement. They’ve all gone blind. But despite his efforts, the chains remained unyielding and instead became shorter, its grip on him tighter. The chains forced him to fall on the ground, his back exposed to the air. A set of footsteps approached his prone form, and panic swallowed him whole once he heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed in front of him. His struggles intensified, and he could hear Lilith on the side yelling for them to stop. But they weren’t stopping. The presence of the cold blade inched closer and closer.
Someone grasped the base of his wings, holding its trembling and struggles still. “Please don’t make this any harder than it needs to be. It will only hurt more if you struggle.”
With his face pressed to the ground, Lucifer couldn’t see who held the sword to his wings. But that voice. That seemingly apologetic tone belonged to someone who he thought was the voice reason. Someone who was always willing to listen to both sides. But it seemed that Lucifer was mistaken. Michael was just another one of Heaven’s dogs.
With a sharp inhale as his only warning, Lucifer felt the biting pain of his wings being separated from his being one by one. Michael tried to be swift with it, but there was no reducing the anguish of one’s nature being separated from itself. The pain burned through the stubs of what his wings used to be, seeping through his bones and spreading throughout his body, leaving Lucifer gasping and crying helplessly on the ground. There was nothing to catch his fall now.
The angels watched in stunned silence. No one had ever had their wings cut before. It was such an integral part of an angel’s being. Others look on, nodding their heads in agreement, while others look away, unable to bear the sight of their former companion writhing in unimaginable pain. With most of the angels stupefied, Lilith managed to slip free from the grasp of the angel holding her and rushed to her beloved’s side. His robes were stained and soaked golden, his breathing erratic and shallow, but he was alive. Lilith protectively wrapped her arms around Lucifer, careful not to agitate the wounds fresh on his back. 
“You–! How could all of you do this to your kind?!,” she shouted at the angels. “You say humans are perfect, and yet I’ve been banished for my choice. You claimed Lucifer to be one of you, and yet you refuse to entertain anything he says. You’re all just liars, blinded by your own ego! There’s no freedom here. Be it in Eden or Heaven.”
The earth began to rumble, and soon cracks formed on the ground beneath the accused lovers. Heat seeped through the soil as the ground began to soften as it gradually caved down. Lucifer managed to look up, the chains on his limbs no longer holding him down. 
“Michael, please..!,” he sobbed. Tears flowed freely from his eyes as desperation and fear flooded his being. He didn’t know precisely what would happen, but he knew there was no turning back if it did. 
Michael was angry at both Lucifer and Lilith, sure, but that didn’t mean he wanted this to happen to them. To see his own brother broken like this, and done so by his own two hands, it hurt and filled him with guilt, but Lucifer and Lilith’s actions were not something that could be forgiven. To disrespect God in such a way was an unforgivable sin. So, he turned his head away from them, unable to look at them anymore for it would burn him up. 
“I’m sorry Lucifer, but Heaven is done being lenient with you.”
The ground caved in even more, slowly sinking further in heated depths. Lilith held onto Lucifer, heartbroken by his brother’s betrayal. Fear settled in both of their hearts, grasping it and choking it, intending to leave a permanent scar. For a brief moment Lucifer locked eyes with Adam, who was still seated on the ground with Eve in his arms. Molten gold eyes that seemed to melt through his very being, threatening to swallow him whole. Adam tilted his head towards Eve’s enacting a loving embrace. His smirk all but gleeful at Lucifer’s imminent downfall. Deja vu struck Lucifer. It was just like back then, at the gates of Eden. Adam acted all smug, no signs of fear or confusion on his face as if he knew what would happen all along. 
Adam mouthed silently at Lucifer, “I guess you lose. Again.”
Before Lucifer could fully register his words, a great rumbling shook Eden once more and the ground beneath both him and Lilith opened up devouring the two of them towards their hellish fate. Their screams filled the air and echoed in the burning abyss down below until the ground closed up, sealing the two lover’s fate. 
“Now, Eve.”
[Future chapters will be even slower from now on since I'm starting my masters degree this monday 🫠. But I'm committed to this, so it won't be abandoned!]
Part 10
Part 12
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passionateseadruid · 6 months
when he walks in…
A few things… there is some Lucifer slander but that should be expected as he is the devil from da bible.
Also a few references to Paradise Lost. How can you write bible fanfics (or anything about Luci) without referencing the OG bible fanfic.
Sera is also a big part of this but I want to think that she was kind before the exterminations.
Also my interpretation of eve.
And Adam is so Ooc but there is still bits and pieces. I definitely headcanon that he wasn’t always a misogynistic prick but was spoiled because he never ate the apple.
And finally (Y/n) is used to refer to reader but it’s completely gender neutral.
Your purpose was to keep Lucifer busy so that he wouldn’t go out seeking Lilith.
The first memory you had was blurry and the conversation you overheard was fuzzy but you’re sure it was about you.
“I don’t want an angel I want the human woman.” A man shouted.
“You don’t want an angel, fine!” A woman replied as if trying to calm a toddler throwing a tantrum. A slight sting came from your back, feathers flew around you.
“Oh really? How’re they going to get around without wigs, Sera?” There was a triumphant tone in the man’s voice. “Face it, they can’t live here if they’re human but they can’t be down there because it’s supposed to be just a single man and a single woman, and if they have wings they’re an angel so I don’t want THEM!!”
“Fine!! You know what!! They’ll bleed red like the humans do but I’ll give them the wings of an insect. They’ll be like nothing or no one else. Will that make you happy. A being not quite human but most definitely not an angel.” You felt your skin contort and mutate as Sera molded and shifted your flesh.
“You want me to be with some hideous monster? No. Sera, no! I love Lilith. She’s just the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
“Lucifer stop! She is Adam’s wife. You can have my new creation.” Sera pushed you forward and the first thing that properly came into your vision was the short man with blond hair and rosy cheeks.
“Get that freak away from me!” He shouted and ran off.
“Did I come out wrong?” Sera’s heart almost broke as you said those words.
“No Darling. You’re perfect. Just give him time.”
He never came back after that. News that he had taken Lilith away swept the city behind the pearly gates.
“Did I do something wrong Sera?”
“No darling. He never gave you a chance. Come on now. We should get back to work.”
“is that all I’m good for? Work work work! I have to run around maintaining balance for people who don’t even care about me, and all because Lucifer didn’t choose me. Where’s my choice?”
“What do you want to do then?” She groaned.
“I heard that a new bride was made for Adam. He named her Eve. I also heard that Raphael was going to visit them, can I go with? Please?” Sera smiled at you.
Sera nodded. “If you want to oversee the garden you may.”
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!!”
“Go get ready, it’s quite muddy down there so you should probably change out of your white clothes!”
It was so green down there. “Hi! I’m (Y/n). Sera made me.”
“Who’s Sera?” A beautiful girl with dark brown hair and tan skin asked. She had big brown eyes and was of shorter stature.
“Doesn’t matter right now. Who are you?” You said with curiosity. A taller man wrapped his arms around the woman.
“Back off! I already had one angel steal my first wife. I’m not letting Eve slip away so easily.”
“Yes that’s actually what we came to talk about.” Raphael had said.
After explaining what had happened with Lucifer to the humans Raphael had left. Eve wandered off halfway through the story leaving you with Adam.
“So…” he started, leaning back on his hands.
“I have so many things I want to ask you! First off, what was Lilith like?” You sat next to him, your knees against your chest.
“Prideful and lazy. I told her over and over again that we needed to grow food for keep the lions from killing the lambs but all she wanted to do was lounge on the beach.”
“Next question. What’s life like down here?”
“It’s… great actually. Other than the slight of having Lilith taken. Eve’s just fantastic though, she listens to everything I ask of her. I always got the feeling that Lilith hated being made for me and she wanted to be her own person. So her leaving is whatever. I wouldn’t want to be told that my only purpose was to be made for someone else’s sake.”
“I was made for someone else and I was fine with it.”
“I feel like Eve’s like that. She was made from my rib ya know. I let her do whatever she wants when she feels like it so she doesn’t get suffocated and leave me too. I love her so fucking much. Trust me, when she gets back I’ll ask her to tell you about all her favorite fruits. You’ll love her as much as I do.”
“What is freedom like? What is it like to live for yourself? You and Eve get to don’t you?”
“Yeah. We still have our duties in the garden but she’s always so excited to help. Do you not have freedom?”
“Not particularly. Sera keeps me pretty busy. I live her her rules, her will alone.”
“Was she the one who you were made for?”
You look away bashfully. “No, I was made for Lucifer so he could stop obsessing over Lilith.”
“Well, thanks for failing. I wouldn’t have Eve if he gave up on Lilith.”
“That actually makes me feel a little better.”
“Hey are you always so obedient to that Sera chick?”
“I have to be. She created me and I must honor her rules and orders above all else.”
“You seem tense. How many rules do you have?”
“Too many to count.”
“We only have one rule here.”
“Don’t eat the apple from the forbidden tree.” You and him say in unison.
“I know.” You look away. “Adam. Promise me one thing.” You look back at him with a desperate look in your eyes. “No matter what you do you have to follow that one rule okay? No matter if you’re starving, no matter if Eve is being threatened. You can never break that rule. Not even if Eve does. Tell her too, okay. Not if she’s starving. Not if you’re being threatened. I already lost my purpose in life because the man I was made for broke the rules and got kicked out. Promise me that you will never break this one simple rule.”
“Okay! Geez, you’re kinda dramatic. I’ll go tell Eve.” He stood up and walked away.
“You’re purpose in life huh? Don’t be so dramatic!” A voice from behind you called out.
“You can’t be here! HE forbid it.”
“HE can’t tell me what to do anymore.”
“HE still loves you. Just apologize for what you did and we can go home.”
“I’m never going back. And I’m never going to be with you! So just take your disgusting SELF AND GO AWAY!!”
“Am I not good enough?”
“Adam!?” You called out to him surprised at his sudden outburst.
“Eve!” Lucifer shouted worriedly as you both rushed to where the cry came from.
“WHAT DID YOU DO!! (Y/N)!! HELP!! We can fix this… WE CAN FIX THIS RIGHT??!!”
“What happened?” You asked trying to calm Adam down.
“I’m sorry. They said I didn’t know what I was doing. They said I was ignorant. I was. I was so stupid.”
“…What did you do Lucifer?”
“I showed her the truth. The truth that all of you were trying to hide.” He smirked triumphantly. However his smile faded as lightning struck behind him. The winds picked up. The sky darkened with rain clouds rolling in.
“Eve just apologize. Just say you made a mistake. HE is very forgiving. Please.”
“But it’s their fault! They tricked me! I’m not the one to blame! It was them! It was him!” She tried to reason.
“No no no! Just apologize! Eve just apologize! You won’t be in trouble. Just own up to your mistakes and ask for forgiveness!” You tried to persuade.
“Eve just do it!” Adam demanded.
“You eat it. We can do this together.” She pleaded.
“I… I can’t.”
“What’s the big deal? It’s just a stupid apple. Now she can be more informed about her own life.” Lucifer shouted.
“it was their one rule! Why couldn’t you just mind your own FUCKING business!” You shouted at him. “I wasn’t good enough so you had to have Lilith! I thought maybe, just maybe, now that he’s happy I could move on! I was ecstatic when I saw them! I thought overseeing them would bring me a sense of purpose! But no! You had to mess that up for me too!”
“Do you honestly think that I give a shit about you?! That for one moment I thought about YOU!?” Lucifer laughed in your face. “That’s utterly pathetic!! YOU’RE pathetic!!”
“You shut up! They’re great! They’re kind and they actually want to protect us!!” Adam yelled as he held Eve.
No matter what kind word he said, Lucifer’s words stung like nothing else. Tears flowed from your eyes.
“You know what? Fuck you Lucifer!” You shouted and ran away.
You hadn’t thought about that for nearly 5 decades. Then a certain brunette walked up behind Sera. He was rounder and dressed in white and gold robes. “Little darling. I’d like you to meet Adam, the first man.”
“We’ve met. Hi!” You waved.
“Hey teeny.” He smiled.
“Hey! I’m not short! You grew since the last time I saw you! I wasn’t this small when I-” You cut yourself off.
“When we first met, I know.” He smiled softly. But his smile drop as he spoke next. “She’s gone. He succeeded in taking her away from me. I thought you’d like to know.”
“Adam, I’m sorry. I should’ve-”
“Hey. I’m here because of you. You saved me. You tried to save her.” He cut you off and wrapped you in a hug. “Sorry. I just need this.”
“Take as long as you need.” You hugged him back.
“Ugh! Those dumb fucking whores!” Adam shouted.
“What’s wrong now?” You groaned. Adam had gotten an attitude after he made it into Heaven.
“It’s that short fucking clown and the whore he left you for! Those skanks had a baby! She was such a lazy prude when she was with me but apparently she couldn’t keep her fucking legs closed and put out for that ugly little shit!”
“Hypocrite. You‘ve been having sex with pretty much anything that moves.”
“Okay but the difference is that I actually populated the earth like I was suppose to. She was created to be the mother of all humans yet she goes off and makes hell-spawn instead.”
“Are you feeling insecure?” You teased.
“No! Fuck you, bitch!” You giggled as he pouted.
“Hey! I just had an idea how we can get back at them.”
“We get married.”
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” He blushed. “We can’t do that!”
“Why not? If you’re not into me or you don’t want to give up sleeping around then you can just say so. But it would say to the brat downstairs that he isn’t the only one who can swoop in and steal away someone else’s lady. And it would prove to our Ex that we aren’t still thinking about each other.”
“But we are.”
“They don’t have to know that.”
“If we do this you’re taking my awesome dick every night.”
“Deal, you big horny crybaby.” You kissed the tip of his nose.
The news of the spur wedding rocked the pearly gates and all seven rings of Hell. All except the palace of the pride ring. They all couldn’t care less.
It’s been a few months since you two got married. You sat brushing your husbands wings.
“Hey babe?” He turned to you slightly.
“…do you think that I’m a good person?”
“Why do you ask?”
“…I feel like everyone always pities me because of my exes. They always say how I’m so good for listening. Does that make me a good person?”
“Sometimes you can be a bit misogynistic.”
“You get paid more than me! Why do I always have to pay for supper!?”
“Because you barely ever let me choose where we eat.” You tease.
“Spicy food makes me sick! I don’t want to be stuck on the toilet for three hours just because of your freakishly high tolerance.” He pouts.
“It’s also gentlemanly to pay. Besides you insist on getting burritos from that one place twice a month. …why do you ask anyway?”
“Sera’s got this dumb idea. It’s got me thinking about what makes a good person.”
“I wouldn’t know, I was created to follow rules. If I didn’t, I’d fall like Lucifer.”
“We had one rule. Then everything changed when Kane killed Able. I don’t even know if I’m a good person.”
“I think killing is back, harming children is also bad, sexual abuse is also bad. All these things are very purposeful though. People like that don’t change, but you changed. You used to sleep around and now you’re committed to me and you seem much happier.
“Can sinners change?”
“Not all obviously, but if they wanted to maybe.”
“I love you.” He whispered.
“I love you too baby.” When he walks in I am loved… I am loved.
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Eve and the Snake
Requested: No
Warnings: Fem!Reader, Nudist!Reader, Patient!Reader, ✨spice✨, choking (not in the sexy way), being restrained to a bed (also not in the sexy way), general thoughts of violence
Summary: Eddie Gluskin would always take care of you, despite your strange habit of never wearing clothes.
Eddie could remember the day he met you like it was yesterday.
It was a spring day, perhaps a tad nippier than he would have liked but what he liked never mattered to the attendants that were watching him and the others in the common room.
And then, you were there. Somehow having managed to escape from your keepers in the female ward and then wandering into the male wing. But what had caught his, and everyone else’s, attention was your nakedness. Not a single cloth in sight to conceal your rounded breasts or the thatch of curls between your legs.
Eddie was immediately captivated. To him, you looked like something from the myths that held his fancy as a young boy. A mountain nymph bathing in the scarce sunlight streaming in from the windows. Or perhaps you were more like Eve in her garden. No shame or sense of modesty, completely unaware of what the sight of your nude body did to the sons of Adam. Oblivious to how they wanted to bury themselves in those curls and plant seed deep inside of your womb.
Eddie clenched his fists, already starting to stand from his seat when a guard approached you, yelling at you for both your lack of clothing and for escaping your keepers. Eddie felt himself grow hot with rage, lips curling over his teeth in a snarl as you grew teary eyed and started whimpering. He didn’t want to see you upset. Couldn’t the guards see that you were a lady? To be treated gently and kindly. Meant for soft words and touches, not his harsh grip on your wrists, sure to bruise. How dare they make you feel fear?
Red took over his vision, his hands wrapping around the guard’s neck before he even realized he had lunged forward. He heard something soft, a gasp, your gasp but he didn’t register it as you. Nor did he see the way your hands came up to cover your mouth, eyes wide as he choked the man. Shaking his head back and forth, his eyes bulging out of his head, face turning purple before something struck the back of his head and his vision went dark.
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Eddie woke up in the middle of the night the very next day, cuffed onto one of the nurse’s station beds, growling with frustration when he couldn’t escape, no matter how hard he tried. He couldn’t quite remember how he’d gotten here. He remembered being angry, something about a guard-
Yes, he remembered you. He’d never be able to forget you, for as long as he lived. Your beautiful skin and how it shone under the hospital lights, your lack of shame in your own body, your beautiful eyes. Eyes he could stare into for eternity, til his body withered away and turned to dust.
Of course there were….other parts of you he’d never be able to forget as well. But he was trying not to be crass. Trying to turn his mind away from the thought of those curls between your legs, how nice it would be to bury his face in them….
He shook his head, taking a deep breath, face flushed a soft pink. It wouldn’t do to be thinking such things right now. He was getting too ahead of himself. He didn’t even know your name yet. But he wanted to. Did you even remember it? Most people here didn’t. That was okay though. If you didn’t then he was perfectly happy to just call you his perfect Eve for as long as you both lived. He wasn’t an Adam but….but he wanted to cherish you all the same. Love you and hold you and kiss you. And if you’d let him, pleasure you.
The curtain to his left shifted, bare feet padding on the floor, shifting into his makeshift ‘room’. He didn’t look, figuring it was just a nurse or perhaps an orderly come to take him back to his room.
“Um…” You started quietly, tapping your feet against the floor. “I uh-I wanted to thank you. For helping me.” You said quietly and Eddie immediately whipped his head around, his eyes wide as he looked at you. You were dressed now but you looked so uncomfortable, one hand scratching at your opposite wrist. The other holding….a cup of pudding? “So I-I brought you this. I saved it from lunch time. I can’t really give you anything else and everyone likes these so I figured maybe you would too…..” Your voice trailed off, uncomfortable with his silence as he just continued to lok. at you.
“…….Thank you.” He finally said, feeling his chest light up with warmth when your eyes locked with his. “But I’m afraid I can’t eat it. I’m a little tied up at the moment.” He told you, shaking his binds for emphasis.
“I’ll feed it to you!” You said immediately, a big smile counting onto your face and he felt like his heart might burst from how full it was in this moment.
“I’d like that.” He tells you, knowing that he was well and truly in love with you now.
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Things between you and Eddie only grew from there. Guards always tried to separate you both but he would always fight them off, hissing and scratching and biting like some sort of feral alley cat. Eventually everyone just started letting it happen. It kept you both placated and quiet, too busy with each other to kick up any kind of fuss when it came time for medicine or showers. They even let you both share a room just because they didn’t want to hear either of you whining for the other.
And oh did Eddie love it. Especially when you would fling off your clothing the second the door closed behind you, finally seeming to be fully yourself for the first time all day. You’d tried to describe it to him once, why you couldn’t stand them. You told him how they felt wrong. How it made you feel like there were bugs crawling under your skin when the fabric would touch you. He cooed in sympathy and tucked you close to his chest, running his hands down your back soothingly. He told you how you never had to wear them with him if you didn’t want to. So you didn’t!
Which was beneficial for him too. Getting to see all of you, every inch of you bared to his eyes. The first time you bent over the bed in front of him he’d almost passed out because he could see everything. The sight of your pretty cunt on display for him made his cock twitch every time he so much as glimpsed at the curls between your legs. He wanted to look closer but he couldn’t. Not yet. Things were sweeter when you had to wait for them, or so he told himself. He needed to make an honest woman of you first, put a ring on your finger before he could take you.
Or do he would like to do, if only the priest would actually allow it. But alas, he denied Eddie at every turn. He had to grit his teeth and walk away at the end of every confrontation, afraid that he would kill the father and be put in solitary. Perhaps the priest wanted you for himself? Yes, yes that had to be it. That filthy old man wanted to run his hands down your curves, open up your lower lips and peek at your wetness. A place more holy and beautiful than Heaven. Eddie wouldn’t allow it.
Unfortunately, he didn’t get to plan much before he was dragged from you kicking and screaming, watching you cry as one of the guards locked you into the room. He didn’t know where he was going but he could guess. That place. The place where no one ever returned from. They were taking you from him. Killing him so they could have you for themselves.
He wouldn’t allow it he wouldn’t allow it he wouldn’t allow it he wouldn’t allow it
You where his
Even if he was only the snake in his Eve’s garden
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jollmaster · 4 months
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Adam and Eve, parents of humanity
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lasarusbird · 28 days
Like The Dawn by The Oh Hellos is Jonathan seeing Mina again at the hospital after months of brain delirium to get married. To me. I know it's about Adam and Eve but they can coexist
And like the dawn you broke the dark and my whole earth shook I was sleeping in the garden when I saw you At last, at last Bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh, at last You were the brightest shade of sun I had ever seen Your skin was gilded with the gold of the richest kings And like the dawn you woke the world inside of me You were the brightest shade of sun when I saw you And you will surely be the death of me But how could I have known?
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piniatafullofblood · 2 months
little GO drabble I’ll probably never finish
The lamplight of the bookshop is yellow in the darkness of the long faded sun, and it falls across Aziraphale’s hair and makes it look like it’s on fire. Crowley watches him watch out the window at the dark night, pondering something. They had been talking, but as the buzz of the alcohol sets in, the two of them were content to sit in comfortable silence.
Crowley can feel a pleasant buzz warm under his skin, the haze at the edges of his vision muddling up the world beautifully. He feels light.
Aziraphale looks away, as if considering something. The light shifts on his hair, lining his face in bright gold. He speaks, his tone quiet and contemplative, but not regretful. “I ate one, you know.”
Crowley mouth falls open. The haze recedes from the edges of his vision like that, something sharp and surprised replacing it. He sits up from where he was lounging on the couch they were sharing, their legs entangled. He pulls himself up, resting his elbows on his thighs and giving Aziraphale his undivided attention. This is important.
Internally, he’s reeling. He can’t mean-? He must have misheard him. Or- surely he misunderstood? “What?” Crowley’s words came out more of a croak, disbelieving.
Aziraphale looks back at him, the golden light shifting again. He smiles softly, almost fondly. There’s no regret when he says quietly but assured; “One of the apples.”
Crowley can’t help it. His jaw falls open. He gapes at him. Aziraphale chuckles when he sees his response. “Well, I don’t know.” He goes to defend himself, something sheepish in his eyes. “It’s just that- I was guarding the tree, and- and one of them fell.”
He smiles, taking another drink. Crowley is just staring at him. Forget blasphemous, he absolutely should have fell for that. He winces internally at the thought, but it is true. As far as Crowley knows, no one but Adam and Eve ever ate the apple. Well-
The words are falling out of his mouth before he can stop them. “I did too.” Aziraphale jolts, something concerned overwhelming his eyes. “What?! Crowley!” He scolds.
Crowley scoffs sarcastically, with no bite. “Oh, what, you’re the only one allowed to risk your existence for answers?” Aziraphale sighs, annoyed. “You could have been killed.” He reprimands. Crowley shrugs. “Yeah, well, I wasn’t.”
Aziraphale lets out an incredulous laugh. He runs his hands down his face. “Fuck, Crowley.”
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kittenfangirl20 · 2 months
I was thinking of a cool AU that is a crossover with Hazbin Hotel and MHA. It is Applepie where Adam, Lucifer, and Eve are top three heroes in training in their class of their hero training school. They are sent to Japan to help the heroes there against the League of Villains. Adam is the top of his class with Lucifer as the second and Eve as third. Here is some info about them.
Name: Adam Kadmon
Hero Name: Exorcist
Quirk: Able to shoot powerful beams of light from his hands and flight.
Unique Feature: A pair of gold wings that grew when he was a child and his quirk developed.
Hero Uniform: Black leather jacket with gold spikes on it, black leather pants, dark blue shirt with the gold A design his robes have, black combat boots with gold spikes on them, and the horned helmet/mask combo he wears in Hazbin Hotel.
Name: Lucifer Morningstar
Hero Name: Morningstar
Quirk: Can shapeshift into pretty much any animal, it can only be an animal that exists so he can’t turn into something like a dragon or griffin. He can modify his shapeshifting so he just takes on only the features he wants like growing wings.
Unique Feature: White skin with red circles on his cheeks and fangs for teeth. His feet are hooves and parts of his body have fur on them under his clothes.
Hero Uniform: He wears the white and red suit with knee high black boots with heels like his Hazbin Hotel counterpart does. But he doesn’t wear a top hat like his Hazbin Hotel counterpart does.
Name: Eve Barlow (last name I chose for her)
Hero Name: Lady Eden
Quirk: Plant manipulation and plant creation, can make weapons from the plants. Is also immune to any poisons created from plants.
Unique Feature: Flowers grow in her hair.
Hero Uniform: A short dress with long billowing sleeves made from vines that she can use to fight with. Wears knee high combat boots with flowers on them.
I can see Adam in this AU really getting along with Katsuki Bakugo and the rest of Class 1-A going “Oh no, there are two of them” when they see Adam hanging out with Katsuki.
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villainsimpqueen · 6 months
Echos in Paradise Lost
Adam X reader X Eve.
Reader is intersex.
(My fics are 18+)
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Chapter 8
By the birth of their second son Abel, Adam had made sure he did not leave Eve's side not wanting to leave her and give birth alone like she had for their first son Cain.
He had made changes in the cave with her, no longer did their bed of furrs lay on the ground of the cave floor but he had raised it up by building earth's first bed.
Cain was not able to get in the way because Adam with Eve's input had built the first kids pen to place his young adventurous son into.
Building had become a new discovery that Adam found himself enjoying, one that Eve liked to challenge seeing as the longer she kept Adam busy the better his moods became. He was eager to be of use to their small family and was even more so to provide so when she made a comment about wishing to stop beating the furrs of their bed out before they lay down to get any insects that found way into their cave home, he built it off the ground. When she commented about Cain being too quick for her to stop her wifely tasks to catch him each time, Adam provided an area of the Cain that had small fences made of cut logs and vines keeping their son safe in an area while Eve did her work.
She never commented on how he made the bed big, bigger than two full grown adults.
Now she was grateful for that space as she screamed, able to clutch the beds sides anywhere she needed to as she stood, labor pains ripping through her as she tried birthing their second son.
Cain had come out with ease, so why was her second child so difficult?
Hard labor breaths left her as pain wracked her body. She could feel cold presses of a damp cloth pressed to her temple, Her hair being pulled from sticking to her back and hips. Adam retwisting it and tying it back above her shoulders.
There wasn't much he could do but feeling him wipe her clean of sweat, keeping her hair from being covered in blood that pushed out between her thighs while going to tend to their already wailing toddler, that was all she could ever ask of him, He tended to her and their son making sure both were fed and while he neglected cain of his comfort and time they could forgive him as he focused all of it on her. Helping her up and down the bed, cleaning her skin from sweat and rubbing up and down her back providing her soft praises.Ones she did not know of how highly he saw of her.
"Thou art more splendid than thy maker, for they know not the toil to bestow true life.” He had softly whispered in her ear before placing a kiss on her temple.
She had felt strength fill her as she screamed out another contraction.
It had taken a full day and half a night before she finally was able to rest upon in their bed, small wails cried and she opened her tired eyes to see Adam standing at the end of the bed, a fur blanket wrapped around the small bundle that she did not feel was small minutes ago.
She took in how soft his golden eyes were as he stared down to the bundle with adoration.
His eyes moved to look at her in pride and adoration.
"His eyes bear thine own reflection.” He tells her a gentle smile on his face as he nears her side of the bed carefully placing their second son in her arms, Eve looked at their son's gentle features, his hair dark like Adams, his skin tone a mix of them both but bright honey eyes looked up at her. She cooed at their little one moving her lips to his crying head kissing his little temple.
"He doth embody perfection.” She softly mummed as she held their second son closely. Adam had smiled but it fell when he heard the wails of his first son, he scrambled from the bed heading back to Cain.
Picking up his first son holding him tightly, he whispered soft apologies for his attention not being provided as he carried his son to where his mother and brother rested, sitting beside Eve he held Cain in his lap to see his brother.
"This, thy brother Cain, anon shalt thou findeth a companion for mirth.” He softly told his young son as he looked towards his second born in Eve's arms. Cain let out soft small words as he was just starting to learn them as he reached his small hands out towards his brother too quickly.
Eve had jerked her arms away from Cain holding their second son closely to her chest.
"He shall inflict harm upon him.” She had protested and Adam frowned, shaking his head as he moved Cain to settle on his lap before moving an arm to take his second son from her, bringing him carefully to his chest.
“He shall not. He's only eager.” He said sternly as he let Cain look at his younger brother, his other hand stopping his first born from snatching ahold of his second born with gentle scolding, taking Cains hand with his own and carefully placing it on his second son.
"gentle son, he is but small as thou once wert, thou must handle him tenderly.” Adam softly whispered, allowing his sons to meet each other under his supervision.
Eve had watched, watched her boys together with a smile before she allowed sleep to fill her, exhausted from the long hours of labor.
Her eyes opened to a familiar place, one she hadn't been in for so long. Sweet smells of flora hitting her nose as the bright perfect sun landed on fields of flowers.
The meadows she adored.
Soft squeals of children echoing in the field and she felt a hand squeeze her own making her turn to see you. You were staring out to the fields where she followed your gaze to see Adam playing with her sons. Cain chased his legs in the flowers with their little son tied to his back in leather swaddling softly cooing and letting kut shrills of his own.
"Fair wife, they are exquisite to behold.” Your voice softly hit her ears making her heart swell as she looked at you squeezing your hand.
"I do yearn for thy presence amongst us.” Eve spoke, watching how your face frowned and turned to look at her squeezing her hand so tightly. Grasping as if she would disappear, as the world around the both of you started to go quiet.
"In thy presence I stand, by thy side... behold?” Your words spoke quickly, almost pleading.
a sense of panic filled her and she quickly spoke
“Of course!” The drumming sounds of Cains and Adams laughter and the gentle wind with the tall grass of wildflowers grew once more. You haven't smiled at her simply squeezing her hand as you turn to watch them, she did not miss how your eyes looked dewy.
She thought of her words carefully.
"Art thou secure? As the fields doth oft wither come season's end.” She speaks while watching her children and shared husband play.
A soft squeeze on her hand, the feeling of trembling fingers.
"I am no flower, but a bear in slumber 'near the first snow. Yet vigilant as a rabbit, shedding its coat, and in some way, my mind doth soar through thine like an owl in the night.” You softly whispered turning to her showing tears leaving the wondrous eyes Cain's mimicked.
Eve went to say something to comfort you, her hands finding a way to your face to wipe away tears but your hands cupped her own.
"I am burdened with the task of never unveiling my eyes, my mind tethered to two yet distant as the mist. And when one of these two minds doth find its way back to me, it must deem it as the capricious winds. And when they depart from me once more, 'tis as if the moments together were of fleeting snow.”
your tears warm under her fingertips as she stared at you, your warm hands squeezing her own.
She wished she could say more,
but all she could do was stare into your E/c eyes as everything faded away.
As did her memory of the spoken words between you two.
The boys grew up quickly, Eve could not believe how fast the years went by. She remembers Cain's first steps so clearly then his first words, Abels first little walks with shrills of delight as he learned to chase his older brother.
She smiled as grabbed a clay pot down from a ledge Adam built in their cave, bringing it down to a table. She moved her hand inside pulling out strips of dried dehydrated meat from a sandy powdery substance.
Salt. Adam had so cleverly named it.
She moved a blade through it cutting through the toughen meat into shorter chunks before placing them into a clean clay bowl, reaching up to the ledge she grabbed another clay pot she brought down pouring water into the meat chunks, she then gathered smaller clay pots to drop in plants and herbs she had collected, allowing the mixture to sit she washed her hands and moved out of the cave that was her and her families home.
The bright sun greeted her and so did the laughter of her boys as she focused her honey eyes to the side of the clearance of the cave house. Cain and Abel ran around chasing each other, both their hands digging into woven bags she had made to throw handfuls of seeds at each other, squealing as the seeds would hit them.
Her husband not far from them, his spear long changed into a hoe, rising above his head to be plunged into the ground, ripping away weeds and roots out of the soil he churned. Sweat moving down from her husband's temple and neck, his robes lower to his hips leaving his skin exposed to the sun to burn and darken as he created row after row of piled fresh exposed soil and tumbled seeds thrown around by their sons.
She neared his starting cropping area watching how he turned his head to her, a smile forming on his face as he leaned into his new tool, the sweat coating him shining.
“My sun.” He greeted her with a pull of his lips growing. “Come to bless me?” a light tease coming from him causing her to smile, his eyes moving from her to their sons a sigh leaving him knowing he would have to go find more seeds from the meadows making her giggle.
"I have arrived to witness what new endeavor thou art embarking upon, my dear husband.” She tells him as she turns to watch their sons play in their glee.
"To summon the Gathering to our humble abode, wherein thou mayst cultivate thy desires, my dearest... That is, if any seeds doth take root and flourish.” Adam explained as he watched their sons, shaking his head as he watched Abel chunk a handful of seeds at Cain's face making his first born sputter before lurching at Abel tackling his younger brother into the soil where both boys laughed at each other and tumbled each other through the soil not at all caring if they ruined their fathers straight rows.
"Aye, cease thy antics, ye mischievous scoundrels! The garden does not serve as thy playground. Take thy frolics to the creek or the meadows, anywhere but amongst the sacred blooms!” Adam scolded their sons, his words being met with their childish laughter being utterly ignored making his brows furrow before he looked at eve.
“Verily, 'tis as if their birth hath forsaken them the gift of hearing.” Her husband huffs, making Eve's shoulders shake as she covers her lips with her hand, not so silent giggles leaving her as she moves her other hand to his arm.
"Observe and glean wisdom, my dearest husband.” She softly tells him before she moves her hands on her hips letting a noise leave her lips that caused both boys to freeze at their mothers scolding noise.
"Begone, depart, leave thy father's labor untouched, for thou shalt return ere the sun fades to night.” She scolded them moving a hand to shoo the boys away, and to Adams squinting eyes at how fast both boys scrambled up seeming intentional kicking more of his straight tilled lines apart as they took off giggling down the trails to the creek where they would play in for hours until dinner was served by their mothers hand.
His wife had only laughed at his temporary misfortune before kissing the bittersweetness away and headed back to the cave, with a glance back eyes slanted in a tease as she vanished behind the door into the cave.
Making him freeze side eyeing his new made tool before back to the door of the cave before he headed to the cave leaving the Hoe laid against a tree trunk.
A hard working man deserved a break, after all.
By the time the boys were young teens, their home was transfixed and they were given work by their father to help around the house.
Cain was entrusted with a portion of his fathers fields, which had grown far larger than the gardens when he and Abel were in boyhood.
Cain had enjoyed the work, he liked tending to the plants and keeping pests away from the crop that would feed his family. He believed he had the most important task, tending to the crops with his Father and helping his Mother harvest only the best and ripe to be served on their clay dinner plates.
What was work in the sun surrounded by the freshest air compared to working at cleaning animal dung like his younger brother?
Cain grinned with pride as he filled two baskets of only the best fruits and vegetables. One to bring to their home for his mother to use for supper and the morrows break fast. The other he would take to the place his father would provide sacrifices to the heavens in good faith and hopes that their family would continue to be good.
He headed to the sacrificial stone, first setting the basket on it. He got to his knees holding his hands together to pray the words his father had taught him, but the words did not come from his lips.
His Mother Eve had told him that the heavens do not always listen.
And he sometimes wondered if that was true because he never felt like his Fathers words that he was taught to say ever felt true. They did not fill him like it seems to with his Father and Brother. Cain opened his eyes to the basket on the stone before at the bright sunny and cloudy skies.
The young teen thought for a moment before tipping his head back down in respect, his eyes closing.
He would not praise the heavens in his prayer.
Instead he would pray for a new meaning, a request that he hoped for his hard working Father and gentle ever loving mother would come true.
Perhaps it was selfish to request heavens instead of praising it like his Father Adam had always done.
"Oh, merciful heavens, I offer not this humble basket in mere praise of thy blessings. Today, I beseech thee to return unto my father and mother, my missing parent. If thy love, as my father still fervently believes, be as boundless as the sea, then I implore thee, release my parents Y/n back into their loving embrace... May our family be whole once more.” The words fell from his lips and once they finished leaving him he opened his eyes looking up at the fluffy clouded sky in hope before crossing his hands against his chest and head like Adam had shown him and Abel in their boyhood before he pushed himself up from his knees bowing his head once more before turning carrying the second basket back home eager to give his mother the basket.
Surely the heavens would be touched by his humble request for his parents to be reunited that it couldn't be ignored.
Abel groaned as he dug his shovel into piles of sheep dung, moving it to an area where he would later cover with the sheeps leftover uneaten straw, where it would all break down for Cain to use on his crops.
Abel had been tasked with aid in tending to his Fathers flock, mostly in feeding them, and cleaning up after them and carrying their waste to the pit where it will break down into a rich soil folder to be used on Cains and Fathers fields.
He huffed as he dragged a basket of freshly cut meadow grass his father had harvested in the early morning and spread it around the pin that held the flock. His work was filthy work and it always sent him to the creek to deeply clean himself and scrub away at the robes he wore now coated in straw bits and what he liked to think was mud and not the other brown substances he moved back and forth with the shovel crafted by his fathers hand.
"Thou dost appear most unsightly.” a teasing tone called from the pin making Abel snap his head to meet the e/c eyes of his older brother with his own honey ones. A huff left him too quickly as he stared at Cain.
"Thou art most gracious in thy compliments, elder sibling.” Abel answered back, his eyes rolling as he shoved the shovel back into the piles grunting as he lifted and carried it to the pit just outside the fence to drop the load into.
He heard the creaking of the wooden pen first making him turn his head watching with honey eyes as his eldest brother climbed into the pen moving towards him rolling his sleeves up his arms as he held a hand out for the shovel.
"Relinquish it swiftly, for thou tarriest overlong, and I have no desire to sup late due to thy tardiness.” Cain spoke with a tease in his tone but also with a firmness that made Abel most eager to hand the shovel to his older brother who took it and began to carry out his given task.
Abel let out a sigh as he leaned against the fence watching his older brother work.
"Pray, why dost thou always conclude with such haste?”Abel asks his brother, making Cain chuckle as he carries a loaded shovel to the pit.
"I doth awaken with father were the dawn's first light, unlike thee, who rouses with mother mere hours before noon's zenith.” his older brother tells him before tilting the shovel letting the flocks dung fall into the pit and he turns to look at him.
"Hadst thou risen earlier, brother, thou wouldst find thy tasks completed ere the sun's descent, thy ablutions done ere the sky's first blush, and thy supplications to the heavens concluded ere mother's call to supper.” Cain tells him, before moving back to shovel more of the flock's waste.
Abel had fallen silent before he moved forwards to take his shovel from his older brother, a determined look on his face.
"I shall strive to prove my worthiness, to demonstrate that I am indeed capable.” Abel said strongly, earning his brother chuckles and hand ruffling his hair.
"Thou art already capable, dear sibling, merely lacking in swiftness.” Cain teased instead before taking his leave to go to the creek to wash himself and the harvest clean before returning to the cave where he helped his mother with the cooking.
Abel had approached the offering area covered in mess but he looked at the heavens painted skies with gentle loving eyes as he got down his eyes, holding his hands over the stone and tipping his head.
"I may not have earned the honor of presenting thee a lamb, as father does, yet I humbly offer my praises and gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon my family. May thy divine light illuminate the morrow's sun.” Able softly whispers to the great heavens before looking up at the gorgeous painted skies of the sun set and moves his hands across his chest and head before rising from his knees and head to the creek to wash himself before heading home in time for supper before his mother calls.
Time moved fast and the young boys had gone from boys to young teens and from young teens to merely the starts of men.
Both brothers worked hard on their given jobs, providing for their family in different ways, and while Cain did aid in providing the family with the bests harvests, his work began to be overshadowed by his youngers brothers brilliance of tending to the Flocks and having them produce many lambs in the fresh spring, which meat was able to butchered and salted stored away for the upcoming winters. The fresh sweet milk from the sheep collected and turned into a new delicious treat that was thicken cream on their tongues.
His younger brothers praise clearly being more thickly than the praise he got on his own.
Cain tried to feel pride for his younger brother Abel, but what could he create that was new with simple plants when his brother could do so much with the flock?
And while his own work did not go unnoticed by his Father Adam, as his father would always place a hand on his shoulder or ruffle his hair speaking highly of him, and how his Mother Eve always seemed delighted in using his harvests for their nightly and daily meals.
It was the heavens that made him feel so inadequate, unworthy. For his request to have all his parents to be in each other's arms did not seem like it would ever be granted. He had been begging the heavens for such an event for so long.
Why was it so unattainable to have all of his parents?
Cain wanted to meet the parent his mother and father said that would and had been loving him for so long. He did not understand why they all could not be a family.
It also strung a ravenous sting when he had sat in the meadows one day with his younger son talking of their prayers and hearing of what his younger brother had prayed for and had it granted.
"The heavens have ever bestowed their blessings upon me and heeded my prayers.” Abel told his brother as he rose to his feet to gather at some of the tall grass wispy grains playing with them, it made Cain feel a bitterness in his chest.
"It appears the heavens turn a deaf ear to my entreaties.” Cain let out a huff, Perhaps his mother was true in her words.
Heaven ignores them, it's merely luck when one's prayer is answered.
Yet it still stung him so deeply.
"Perchance they find favor in me more than in thee, simple though it may be.” His brother's teasing words hit his ears hard.
And Cain felt something scorching burn through him as his eyes darted to the back of his youngest brother's head harshly. Moving to his feet the feeling grew heavily, as he hissed a noise he had never made before causing his brother's head to turn to look at him with wide honeyed eyes.
Blacken claws gripping his younger brother's robes as he yanked him towards the slitted yellow eyes that burned out from his head as he snarled at his younger brother.
"Who thou art to presume to speak on behalf of the heavens?!” Cain hissed at his brother, two fanged teeth enlarged from his jaw as they bared at his brother in that scorching feeling of his chest.
“Cain- '' Abel sputtered his tone wavering as a fear blossomed in his eyes as he took in his brother's sudden appearance, his chest shook with the urge to flee and he struggled in his brother's grasp to get away from the thing that had taken his brother's voice.
"Why do thy foolish desires find favor in their sight, whilst mine pleas for our family's wholeness are disregarded and callously cast aside?” Cain yelled at his brother, his hands shaking in his brother's robes before he shoved him backwards watching Abel fall to the ground, a small cry leaving his brother as Cain snarled glaring to the sky.
Abel fell his body colliding to the meadows ground harshly his back eating the dirt and his head coming down upon rocks hidden by the tall grass, his vision blurred from the awful thing that had took his brothers place from.the blurring of the sky before it spiked with n arrangement of colors as his head bounced from the rocks to land back down on a sharp edge.
A sickening cracking echoed.
Cain found himself freezing as he heard a shuttering gasp leave Abels lips before his slitted eyes moved from the heavens to the ground where his brother had landed, Ables neck snapped at an angle and golden blood seeped from his head, Abels honey eyes still wide open as his body shook.
Cain let a breathless strangled noise from his throat as he rushed to his brother's side grabbing at Abel a surge of panic coming from him.
"Brother, Brother, forgive me! I shall mend this rift... I shall bring healing unto thee.” Cain sputtered as he pressed a hand to his bleeding head. Watching how Abels eyes were unmoving, Cain moved his brother's neck back from a strange angle; another sickening cracking noise that made his stomach sink came from doing such action.
Cain ripped at his own robes tying the long strips around his brother's head before pulling away with trembling hands.
"There, there, all is restored, brother…” Cain spoke to the limp body of his brother, his body shaking with each second Abels unblinking eyes stared through him, to the sky above, the gloss in them fading.
“Brother, thou art healed now... Abel... Abel, speak to me!”
Cain shook his brother, his eyes burning with tears as he did not understand why Abel was unmoving. They both had been hurt before and had healed quickly. Surely his brother was playing a nasty trick on him and Cain shook at him.
"You win, thou cursed trickster of thine! I yield, but prithee, speak to me!” Cain begged a wail leaving him as the tears began to fall as his brother did not move an inch. Worry Settler in his stomach as well as something else he did not know off, Cain had risen to his feet and ran through the tall wisps of grass into the overgrowth of trees until rocks ate at his feet and larger ones slicked with green that nearly made him fall.
The soft serine trickle so rushing water hitting his ears as his cupped hands dipped harshly into cool waters scaring away the aquatic life there before his rose them, droplets dripping as he ran back through the rocky trails until soft grassed and dirt kicked from his pace, until tall wispy grasses slapped against the hips of his robes as he found his brother still unmoving. Cain wheezed and heaved as he moved his trembling cupped hands to give the little water that managed to stay in them to his brother's lips, filling his mouth full of the cold refreshing water of the small stream.
Cain could only watch helplessly as his brother's lips were filled to the top with water and it dribbled out from the corners of Abels mouth and a choking sob left Cain as he threw himself onto his brother's chest clinging to the fabrics of his younger brother's robes sobbing.
“ABEL!” his screaming voice echoed through the silent meadows.
When the sun had begun to reach its setting peak and A few yells from Eve outside the cave, It was only a worried look his wife gave him before Adam was on his feet, grabbing a spear and heading out to find his sons.
"Bringeth them back to me safely.” Eve had called to him softly by the door as he exited, Adam did not reply but he did spare his wife a gentle gaze before he left.
He did not tell her that he had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
He started on the field's, and the pens, seeing if his sons had merely gotten busy in helping each other with their workload, but he found them empty as he headed towards the creek.
Perhaps he would find them wrestling each other in the cool waters, he had hoped so, but when he came upon the cool peaceful scene of an untouched creek the pit of dread started to consume him more as he rushed towards the meadows that lead to the beaches.
He called for his sons by name, waiting to hear them call back or their laughter.
He only heard his eldest screams of panic from his brother's name.
Worry and relief filled him as he rushed through the tall wispy grass not caring if they hit and stained his robing as he neared his eldest screaming.
“CAIN! ABEL!” he called out for them both, hearing a silent form before his eldest screamed a retching while calling him.
“FATHER! "FATHER! FATHER, COME NEAR! FAST!” Cain had wailed, hope filled him immediately when he heard his father, Adam's voice. His dad could fix anything, he's seen him fix and build so much in his whole lifetime. Cain just knew that his father could fix Abel and that they could all go home and eat the supper his mother made them and tomorrow will be a new dawn. He had expected to be comforted by his father, then to be teasingly ridiculed for playing too rough and he fixed his little brother as if none had ever happened.
He had only felt the harsh shove from his fathers hands and watched as his father grabbed Abel's head watching how it rolled back to the harsh angle with a much more dull sickening sound. His fathers chest moved quickly as he moved his hand from Abels locs to be coated in gold.
"What hast thou wrought?!” His fathers voice had trembled with fear, rage, and agony.
"I... He... He mocked me, and I nudged him; 'twas not with much force! He fell to the earth and hath not stirred since... Yet, thou canst mend him, father... Thou canst mend him... Canst thou not?” Cain explained himself, tried justifying his actions, his voice had been stronger but it began to waver and leave him as he saw the haunting face of his father who stared at his unmoving little brother.
"Mend him...?... How can I mend one who is DECEASED! He's DEAD, Cain!” Adam screamed, pulling his dead boy's face to his chest, his hand gathering into his dead second born's hair, the other gathering the robes on his back that his mother mended him. His scorching eyes raging as he stared at his first born with scorn and pain.
Watching how yellow and red eyes watered, no longer playing into the lies of mimicking a false sire. No longer the wondrous E/c that you and only you possessed.
No because one that committed such a thing could never have your eyes.
Nor could bare any reflecting light of your image.
So here he kneeled holding the dead corpse of his second born, whose body had grown cold and starting to stiffen in his arms, whose golden blood seeped into his robes staring into the eyes of his wifes bastard who killed his real first born.
Listening to how the snake bastard cried and pleaded for forgiveness, to Him, to the heavens even to his dead Abel's body to come back.
But Adam did not blame Cain.
For Cain was simply a byproduct of his true sires darkness.
No, Adam blamed himself for ever believing a deceiver, a sinner, could be trusted with the safety of his family.
His eyes unmoving from him, kneeled down weeping, his once child, the spear across his back heavy as he laid Abels body down and grabbed it standing to his feet.
Cain reached for his fathers feet, his anguished wails increasing as a small terror formed from the silence his father permitted, his head not moving from facing the ground where his tears fell nourishing the greedy weeds that had already spoken in the gold from his brother's veins.
Adam felt the spear heavy in his hold, his hand trembling as he stared down at the one he raised.
And when the deceiver he raised looked back at him with his yellow and red eyes swirling into the false dull, no longer as bright and vibrant e/c. A choke swelled in his throat as he lowered the spear with shaking hands.
Because how could he strike his boy?
The little boy he held and cried for the day of his birth?
The little lad who squealed in delight and took his first steps to follow him.
Like a true father?
How could he bring pain to his son?
But what of his other boy?
The one he failed to protect because he took a sinner under his arms.
Killed by the one Adam had told him was his brother.
Murdered by one Adam said he could trust and love as kin, regardless if it was an accident or not.
How could he trust a deceivers words when his first act from birth was to trick one's mind?
How could he ignore such an atrocious act?
When the cold body of his only blooded son slowly rots behind his feet?
“Father-” Cain's words were cut short as Adam brought down the spear, strong as his own will, but true to his heart as it plunged into the ground beside Cain's frame.
"Thou shalt depart. Take this spear for thy protection and one of the laden baskets at the altar, then depart.” Adam words shaken with his emotions but he steeled his eyes to not give such as he glared down at Cain. Ignoring how the tears stained his once son's face or how his eyes trembled with emotions.
"Thou shalt depart, and returneth not. Go far, yea, farther still, for thou canst not flee far enough. Thou art no more my son, and should I chance upon thee again, thou shalt not be the lad I raised, but the demon that slew my sons.” Adam growled slowly watching how the other flinched backwards and stumbled.
But Adam did not give the sinner any more attention than that, he turned on his heels to gather his dead boy in his arms and carry him past the one who cried meaningless words of forgiveness.
Words could not bring back his son.
Words that could not bring back both his sons nor the illusion he allowed to trick him.
Adam left the meadow, tears falling down his cheek.
For he had lost two sons this day.
chp 9
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sociallyrepressed · 2 months
Oscar feels the irrational need to lock Lando in a gilded cage and let the sole key hang threaded around his neck. He wants to break him, rearrange his cells in a way that leaves an Oscar-shaped molding. He wants to consume Lando until they are one and the same down to their very essence. He knows Lando wants the same with the way he reaches for Oscar, offering himself mind and body. The way he’s laid bare underneath Oscar; he’s long since been boneless, breathy whines and the shifting of hips the only signs of consciousness.
Oscar can’t be bothered to pull away and study his face, not when he’s desperately taking everything he’s given. Vampires are selfish, needy, greedy creatures, and who is Oscar to deny that part of himself. Not when it can be gratified so sweetly by such an enthusiastic participant. Lando’s veins sing beneath his skin. His blood is warm and thick and steady from where it seeps out the pinpricks just above the hollow of his throat. There’re dark smudges all across his neck, a mix of smeared blood and teasing bruises.
Oscar feels insane. He needs to ruin Lando; to peel back his skin and shred his muscles and pick apart his ribs until he can hold his beating heart in the palm of his hands.
Long ago, when he experienced life with his own hot blood and warm skin, his pastor stood before the church and said: “will you have the faith in Our Lord to be able to stand on the mountain’s peak before the storming clouds with their angry winds and say calm. Will you be able to stand at the cliff’s edge before the raging sea with her mighty strength and say be still? Do you have the faith to stand before an oasis in the desert and deny it because the Lord has forbidden temptation?” Oscar used to think he could, but now he thinks of Lando. Thinks how Lando stood before him and demanded to have Oscar as Oscar is. He thinks of Adam and Eve unable to deny the temptations of a forbidden fruit. If man cannot endure temptation whilst in a utopia, how could Oscar have ever stood a chance at denying himself Lando.
A trembling hand grasps the back of his neck, scruffing him as his sire had back when he couldn’t control his urges. Unlike his sire, Lando pulls him ever closer, as if he could seep through their skin contact and be joined as one. Oscar’s mouthing lazily at his neck, popping blood vessels and pulling another purple bruise to the top of his skin. They’re connected at every point. Oscar can feel Lando’s heartbeat pulsing, reverberating in his own empty chest cavity. It’s not enough to tamp down his desire of mutual destruction, but it does soothe the jagged ache. He’ll take Lando however he can.
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
I think my favourite design of Adam and Lilith isn't the canon HH one but a fan made one : Someone based them on old clay dolls made since prehistory so as characters, their skin ranged from dark to light brown with even reddish hues in there... Because they were supposed to be made from soil, dust and dirt
The only one who was pale was Eve because she was made from a rib bone
Ooh, that's a neat twist! I like it!
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