#dark water endo
silverxcristal · 1 year
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Remnant Delivery Crab Island DTIYS 8/10
This is Crab Island, a place with a great atmosphere. The Fazbear Funtime Rental Service rented this private island for their staff so they could take a day off from their daily deliveries. Some could call this a summer vacation.
There is even a poll area! Is not as popular as you would expect but it still has their charm
[Details about the DTIYS on the replies]
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octyfish · 1 year
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This was originally supposed to go in the post about Sweetheart’s friends, but it didn’t quite fit the original post. So take it as it’s own separate thing.
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Tides Of March
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Redraw from a picture last year
Original drawing
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angeliikiit · 9 months
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Darkshadowatercharic [left] // Gender related to Dark Shadow on Water from Warriors
Darkwhiskercharic [middle] // Gender related to Dark Whisker from Warriors
Darkflowercharic [right] // Gender related to Darkflower from Warriors
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Darkfootcharic [left] // Gender related to Darkfoot from Warriors
Darkstarcodecharic [middle] // Gender related to Darkstar [Code of The Clans] from Warriors
Darkstarskycharic [right] // Gender related to Darkstar [Skyclan's Destiny] from Warriors
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Darkstarmaplecharic [left] // Gender related to Darkstar [Mapleshade's Vengence] from Warriors
Darkstripecharic [middle] // Gender related to Darkstripe from Warriors
Darktailcharic [right] // Gender related to Darktail from Warriors
Art by @/cloudtail
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hellodarling1357 · 2 months
Tiny Toes: Part 7 - Cassian x Reader
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Hi! It's been awhile and I'm so so so sorry for not posting anything the past few weeks. I've made this part extra long to make up for the wait but have honestly been feeling a little off with my writing at the moment so bear with me while I get back into it 🥰
Also, writing this while being in the middle of an endo flare up was incredibly therapeutic!
Summary: Reader gets her period + Ottie being a menace + family time + fluffy Cassian/reader moments
Word Count: 4.5k
You can read the previous part here
A sharp, stabbing pain tore you from your sleep and had you quickly sitting up in bed as you let out a quiet cry of pain. “Fuck,” you murmured to yourself as you sluggishly pushed the sheets off your too-hot body, mindful of not disturbing Cassian who was fast asleep and softly snoring beside you.
On shaky legs you managed to get yourself to the bathroom, carefully closing the door before turning to look at yourself in the mirror. Wincing at your reflection, you took in the dark circles under your eyes, the pasty, clammy complexion of your skin as you leant heavily against the counter, suddenly overcome by another shot of pain. Turning on the faucet, you splashed your face with the cool stream of water, a momentary reprieve before that unbearable pain made itself known and you found yourself crumbling to the floor, legs unable to keep you upright. The cold tiles offered some comfort as your curled in on yourself and despite knowing that a hot bath would help with the pain, you couldn’t bring yourself to move.
“Y/N?” The sudden call of your name had you jerking awake and blearily blinking up at the bathroom ceiling. The momentary confusion was swept away by the onset of another throbbing cramp that had you squeezing your eyes tightly shut as you breathed through your nose.
“Y/N? Are you in her– Y/N! What happened? What’s wrong?” The comfort of Cassian kneeling beside you and pulling you into his warm body did little to alleviate the pain coursing through you. You desperately held onto his arms as you leant against him, breathing heavily as you waited for the current cramp to subside. You focused on the soothing rise and fall of his chest and the way his fingers softly caressed over your skin before pulling back slightly to look up at his concerned face and offer a small smile that you were sure was more of a grimace.
“I’m fine,” your voice was hoarse and utterly unconvincing judging by the quirked eyebrow Cassian raised at you. “Really, it’s nothing. Just my cycle…” you trailed off as another wave of pain took over. You slumped against Cassian who let out a tut of concern as his fingers wove through your hair, pushing the strands away from your sweaty forehead.
“What do you need?” Cassian asked after a few moments when he felt your body finally relax against him. Shifting so that your face was buried in the crook of his neck you let out a small sigh, snuggling in closer when you felt the press of his lips against the top of your head.
“To be knocked unconscious for the next week.” Cassian’s huff of a laugh caused a small smile to tug at your lips as you let out another sigh against the pain.
“Well I won’t be helping you with that, so how about I run you a bath instead?”
“Fine,” you grumbled as Cassian helped you to your feet and gently lifted you up to sit on the counter, leaving you with a kiss, before he went about filling the bathtub with hot water and soothing oils.
“There, how’s that?” he asked, guiding you over to the steaming tub and helping you peel off your pyjamas.
“Perfect,” you replied as you let the hot water envelop you, “you’re perfect.” You reached out to grab his hand, pressing a grateful kiss to the back of it as you sunk further into the warmth, breathing in deeply as the smell of the oils filled your senses.
You grinned at the soft tinge of pink that spread over Cassian’s cheeks at your words, but he just shot you a playful look before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your cheek then the top of your head. The moment was short lived, however, as another cramp took hold.
“What else can I do?” Cassian’s words were laced with helplessness as he sat on the edge of the bathtub, staring down at you with worry etched across his face. You remained silent, willing the pain to pass as you held onto his hand like a lifeline and stared into the swirls of the water around you.
“I don’t know. Maybe… maybe just a cup of tea? One of Madja’s teas that helps with the pain? It’s in the cupboard –”
“In the cupboard next to the window, right at the back of the shelf in the brown jar. Don’t worry, I remember from last time. What else?” He asked almost desperately. You blinked up at him, the attentiveness and thoughtfulness of the male in front of you still managed to take your breath away even though it should no longer be a surprise to you.
“Other than joining me?” you gave him a mischievous grin, scrunching your nose up and laughing as he flicked water at you with a smirk. “Honestly though, this is enough. More than enough, thank you.”
“No need to thank me,” he said softly, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips. “I’ll be right back with your tea, okay? Let me sort a few things out for today, then if Ottie is still sleeping, we’ll see about me joining you. Although, with her track record of interrupting us lately, she’ll be awake the second I get in.”
You laughed at the disappointment in his voice; he wasn’t wrong though. Lately Ottie had seemed to pick up the habit of walking in or making herself known just as things were getting heated, luckily, she was too young to understand what was going on and was seemingly oblivious to the two of you spluttering and jumping apart.
But shit. Now that your mind had trailed to the young Illyrian sleeping soundly down the hall, you remembered the plans you had made with her for today and knew you would have to cancel given your current state. Biting your lip in worry, you missed Cassian returning, steaming mug of tea in hand.
“Here you go. Oh, sweetheart…” you looked up at the concern in his voice as he took in your troubled expression. “Drink this, hopefully it kicks in soon and takes away some of the pain.”
“It’s not that,” you explained, gratefully taking the mug from him with a soft smile. “I just remembered, Ottie and I were meant to go into the city today. We’ve had the whole day planned out for weeks.”
“And why wasn’t I invited?” he teasingly quipped, though you knew he was somewhat serious about missing out on time with the two of you. “Or is this a mummy-daughter bonding day?” The grin on his face matched the one that spread across your own at his words; Ottie had been calling you mummy for the better part of three months now and your heart still skipped a beat every single time, Cassian also couldn’t contain his grin and the look of love and adoration that spread across his face whenever he heard it.
“You weren’t invited because you have work today –”
“Had work. I just spoke with Rhys and have the rest of the week off.”
“Don’t tell me I didn’t need to; I wasn’t going to leave you alone like this, love.”
You smiled softly at his words, heart pounding in your chest as you gently cupped his face and pulled him down into a kiss.
“Thank you,” you kissed him once more before letting him sit back up against the edge of the bathtub. “But what I was going to say was, you had work today so we thought it would be the perfect time to go shopping for your birthday next week. No, don’t groan about it. You went all out for my birthday so of course I’m going to do the same.”
Cassian glared down at you, and you stared right back up at him with a smug grin, “I’m over 540 years old, sweetheart, you do know that, right? We really don’t need to be celebrating at this point.”
“Okay, sure. But how many of those birthdays did I have with you? How many did Ottie? Don’t pout over the fact that we love you and want you to feel special.”
“The fact that you both love me is enough–”
“Then consider everything else we have planned for you as a bonus.”
Cassan stared you down, letting out a sigh when he realised there would be no changing your mind. “Fine. But only because I love you.”
Your smile was short lived as another cramp coursed through you, causing your breath to catch as your eyes squeezed tightly shut in response. Cassian ran a tentative hand through your hand, doing his best to sooth you and offer some form of comfort.
“Come on, lean forward and I’ll help you wash your hair, then I’m taking you back to bed so you can sleep.” A hum was the only response you could offer as you did your best to will away the pain by focusing on the feeling of Cassian’s fingers rubbing the lavender scented shampoo through your hair.
“We’ll have a bath later?” you asked in a quiet voice as Cassian finished helping you rinse out the conditioner, hands trailing down to rub soothing circles into the tight muscles along your shoulders and back.
“Anything you want, sweetheart,” he replied, pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder before helping you stand and climb out of the bath, a fresh, fluffy towel at the ready.
Once you had dried off, Cassian helped you into some clean pyjamas then led you back to bed. He climbed in first before gesturing for you to sit between his legs so that he could brush out your hair. The feeling of his body embracing you and with the constant warmth that seemed to radiate from him, you were quick to relax against him, content in having him simply holding you as you drifted back to sleep.
Once he sensed that you were asleep, Cassian shifted you both so that you were laying down against the pillows, his arms wrapping around you as he did his best to massage your stomach in hopes of alleviating some of the pain without waking you. He let out a sigh, feeling completely useless as he took note of the slight grimace that tainted your soft features, even as you slept.
Cassian quickly found himself dozing off, the comforting and familiar scent of your shampoo lulling him into an easy, but short lived, sleep. A sudden commotion sounded from down the hall and had Cassian lifting his head, careful not to disturb you as you shifted further into the blankets. He slowly pulled away from you, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead as he quietly walked over to the door, closing it behind him with a soft click.
“Morning, daddy,” Ottie cheerfully called out to him from where she stood by the stairs, “want to see what I’ve been practicing?”
If he hadn’t been so worried about you, Cassian would have taken a second to think about what Ottie could have been practicing by the stairs, what could have caused the commotion he had heard. Instead, with a hesitant glance towards the bedroom door, he absentmindedly answered, “go on then, princess,” and watched in horror as Ottie all but threw herself down the stairs.
Cassian couldn’t remember a time he had moved so fast in his life as he bounded after her. With all the years of standing against multiple enemies, fighting across multiple battlefields, not once had his heart stopped as it did in that moment, utter, undiluted fear coursing through his veins.
But the delighted giggles that sounded from his daughter broke through that fear as he watched from halfway down the stairs as Ottie flung her wings out and landed with a soft thud at the bottom of the stairs.
Cassian stared at her, frozen to the spot before lowering himself down to sit on the steps, his heart hammering rapidly in his chest as he placed his head in his hands and drew in a deep breath.
“Ottie?” he could hear the strain in his voice.
“Yes, daddy?”
“Promise me,” he started, looking at her as she tiled her head to the side in curiosity, “that, under no circumstances, will you ever do that again.”
“But –”
“No buts. You will not do that again.”
“But mummy will like it, she will want to see it.” Ottie stared back at him, a defiant expression on her face as she crossed her arms.
“No, princess, she will not. New rule, no more flying inside, alright? Or there will be no more lessons for the next four weeks. Including lessons from Uncle Rhys and Uncle Az.” He sternly added when she opened her mouth to argue back.
“Fine,” she finally agreed but Cassian could clearly hear the resentment in her tone. “Don’t you have work today? You’re going to be late.”
He raised an eyebrow at his daughter. Was she trying to coax him out of the house?
“I did but I’m staying home today. Mummy isn’t feeling well,” he explained while ushering her into the kitchen to get a start on breakfast.
“Oh,” Ottie climbed up onto one of the bench stools and waited for Cassian to pass her a plate of toast and a glass of orange juice.
“What’s wrong with her?” she asked between a mouthful of food.
Cassian gave her a look, knowing he was in no position to lecture, but nevertheless, “don’t talk with your mouth full, Otts.”
Making a show of swallowing the mouthful of toast she had been talking around, Ottie cleared her throat then repeated, “what’s wrong with mummy? We were meant to go into Velaris to buy you a – we were going to do something today.” Ottie quickly cut herself off, eyes going wide upon realising she had almost ruined the birthday surprise the two of you had planned for him.
“There’s nothing wrong with her, she’s just got her cycle,” you and Cassian had decided to be completely open about these topics whenever they came up, Cassian was just scared he might stumble with this one without you there to help guide it.
“What’s a cycle?”
“A cycle happens every couple of months to grown females, they bleed for a few –”
“Mummy’s bleeding? She’s hurt?” Ottie’s wide eyes stared back and forth between Cassian and the doorway, as though debating whether to run up and check on you herself.
“No, no, no, princess. Mummy isn’t hurt, alright? It’s normal to bleed during your cycle, and it’s only a little bit. It’s the bodies way of getting ready to have a baby if–”
The excited squeal that Ottie let out had Cassian stopping mid-sentence, staring at her intently as he tried to work out what was running through her head.
“So, mummy has a cycle right now?” she clumsily asked. Cassian nodded, taking a sip of juice as he leant against the counter. “So, that means there’s a baby in her tummy?” And the sip of juice Cassian had just taken was now being spluttered across said counter.
“No, Ottie, that’s not what that means. It’s just the bodies way of…” but Cassian could tell Ottie wasn’t hearing a word of it as she kicked her feet excitedly.
“So, I’m going to have a little brother or a little sister?”
“No, Ottie, mummy isn’t pregnant, alright?” The scare you had a few weeks ago, followed up by an appointment with Madja and a stronger contraceptive made sure of that. “There’s no baby in her tummy.”
“Oh,” Cassian couldn’t help the slight ache in his heart at the dejected look that darkened Ottie’s excited expression. “But one day she might be?”
“Maybe…” the two of you hadn’t really spoken about having a child together, but now that the idea had been planted, Cassian couldn’t help but let his mind wander at the thought.
“Good because I want to be like Nyx.”
“What do you mean you want to be like Nyx?”
“You know, with a little brother or a little sister.”
Well, that was news.
“Nyx is going to have a little brother or sister, is he? And how do you know that?”
“Because he told me. He said that he heard his mummy and daddy talking about wanting to have another baby.”
Cassian found himself grinning at the thought, tucking away that snippet of information to share with you once you were awake and for when he next saw Rhys.
“Can I go and see mummy now?” Ottie asked in a tentative tone.
“She’s sleeping at the moment, princess. Let’s let her rest for now, okay? Then later in the day when she’s feeling better we can go up for cuddles.”
You shifted against the plush mattress as a stream of afternoon sunlight snuck through the crack in the curtains, but it was the quiet patter of footsteps that had stirred you from your sleep. Sluggishly, you lifted your head to look towards the bedroom door where a small, winged frame was silhouetted against the light coming in through the hallway.
With a soft smile tugging at your lips, you whispered out into the dark room, “Hi, Ottie.”
“Hi, mummy,” she replied in a hesitant voice. “Daddy said I couldn’t see you until later once you had rested, but it’s been a long time now…”
“Do you want to come up here?” you asked, heart softening at the eager nod you got in return as Ottie scrambled up the bed to snuggle in beside you. “I’ve missed you today. Sorry we couldn’t go into the city to get daddy’s birthday presents.”
“That’s okay. Daddy told me about your cycle…,” she made an effort to really enunciate the word, causing a smile to spread across your face as you held back a laugh, “…and that you’re bleeding and that you’re not having a baby, yet.”
“Well, I’m still sorry we couldn’t have our day out together. I would’ve much preferred that than being stuck in bed all day.” You replied, choosing to actively ignore her comment about not having a baby yet. Ottie hummed in agreement, shifting so that she could curl up against your side, your arm wrapping around her to hold her close as she rested her head against the crook of your neck.
“What did you get up to today?” you asked in a whisper, not wanting to break the silent trance that had fallen over the room.
“I painted like Auntie Feyre showed me. And I helped daddy make lunch and then we played some games. He’s doing some work in his office, so I tip-toed past him because I wanted to see you,” she whispered back, lowering her voice even further as she explained how she managed to deceive Cassian. “Daddy was really worried about you today and kept coming up here to check on you, so I thought I would look after you while he’s busy working.”
“Well, I’m already feeling much better thanks to your cuddles.” Ottie grinned at you in delight, pressing a sloppy kiss to your check before continuing to tell you all about her day.
“Oh,” she exclaimed as though remembering something important, “Daddy also said there’s a new rule: no more flying inside. I don’t think he was very happy with me.” You stifled another laugh at the voice she put on when reciting Cassian’s new rule.
“And why wasn’t he happy with you?”
“I don’t know…”
“Because I jumped down the stairs,” she quickly said, the words muffled against your shoulder as she cuddled even closer to you.
“More like threw yourself down the stairs before catching yourself at the last minute,” Cassian’s stern tone had you both looking up to find him leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. You glanced at Ottie, who was looking at her dad with a guilt-ridden expression, before turning back to Cassian who nodded in confirmation.
“So, the new rule,” he continued, making his way over to the bed and sitting on the edge beside you, “no more flying inside, or else…”
“…or else there will be no flying lessons for four weeks.” Ottie mumbled back.
“Exactly,” he fixed Ottie with a look before his eyes trailed over your face in concern.
“I’m fine, Cass.”
“She is,” Ottie started, speaking up before Cassian could say anything. “She said my cuddles made her feel better. Right, mummy?”
“It’s true,” you smiled, bopping her on the nose as you turned back to face Cassian. “Her cuddles are truly magical.”
“I don’t know how much help I’ll be then if I’m up against magical cuddles, but is there room for one more in there?”
“What do you think, Otts? Should we move over? Make some room for daddy?”
“I don’t know…”
“You don’t know!” Cassian exclaimed in faux offence, leaning across you to tickle Ottie as she tossed against your side to get away from him, fits of her infectious laughter filling the room.
“What about if he comes back with a cup of tea for me? Can he join us then?”
Ottie fixed a contemplative look on her face, struggling to hold back a grin as she eyed Cassian up and down.
“How about, I make mummy a cup of tea that will make her feel better, and throw in two of our special hot chocolates? How does that sound?”
“Deal.” You watched on in amusement as Ottie stretched out her small hand, Cassian taking it in his as they shook in agreement.
“Come on then. I need my chocolate taste tester with me if I’m going to be making special hot chocolates.” Ottie scrambled out of your arms and ran out the bedroom door. Cassian turned to you, looking as though he was about to say something before, “Ottie! Remember to–”
“I know. Walk, don’t fly. You already told me.” Her little voice echoed back, followed by the resounding thump of disgruntled footsteps as she walked down the stairs.
Cassian shut his eyes, an exhausted expression taking hold before looking back at you with a soft smile.
“Kids, hey?” you teased, both of you listening to Ottie making the final stomp down the stairs.
“Kids,” he repeated with a shake of his head. “gotta be crazy to want them.”
You hummed in response, the silence settling between you both for a second too long as you nestled back against the pillows.
“You sure you’re feeling alright?” Cassian asked, tucking some stray strands of hair away from your face.
“Yeah, just a bit sore, but not as bad as this morning.”
“Good,” he leant down to press a kiss to your forehead, then your cheek, pulling back a bit to gently cup your face before pressing his lips against yours. “I’ll be back. Do you need anything else while I’m downstairs?”
Shaking your head with a small, content smile, you quickly reach up to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling his face back down to yours for another kiss before whispering, “thank you.”
“I already told you, no need to thank me.” He replied with a wink before making his way out the door.
You let out a sigh as you drag yourself out from underneath the sheets, stretching as you make your way over to the other side of the room to open up the curtains and the window, letting in the fresh afternoon air.
“Ottie,” You stilled as Cassian’s voice echoed up from the kitchen. “What did I say about flying inside?”
“I was helping you! You asked me to get the chocolate, I couldn’t reach it, now I can…” You couldn’t help the laugh you let out as you pictured what was currently happening downstairs.
Ten minutes later Cassian and Ottie returned, one steaming mug of tea and two hot chocolates between them that were all placed carefully against the bedside table. “I’ll be back in a minute,” Ottie exclaimed before racing out of the room.
Cassian sat beside you, hiding his face against your neck with a groan as he mumbled, “she is going to be the death of me.” You stretched your arm up so that your hand could trail through his hair.
“She’s growing up.”
“And she’s already a handful. She’s lucky that I love her…” he joked as Ottie walked back into your bedroom, arms loaded with soft toys and books that were place at the end of your bed.
“These always make me feel better, so I thought they might help you too,” Ottie explained with a shrug as she passed you her favourite teddy bear.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
“Alrighty, now that we’re all here,” Cassian said with a pointed look at Ottie’s pile of toys, causing a giggle to escape her as she settled down beside you. “One tea for you.”
“Thanks, Cass.” You said, taking the mug from him and smiling at the wink he shot your way.
“And one special hot chocolate for you.” He said, carefully handing the mug to Ottie before settling in on your other side and draping the blankets snuggly across the three of you.
“Thanks, Cass.” Ottie copied you with a cheeky grin that looked identical to Cassian’s.
“No, nuh-uh, nope,” Cassian leant forward to round on Ottie who was giggling from the safety that came from you being between them both. “You, missy, you do not call me that.”
“Why not…Cass?” she repeated.
“Because,” he looked at you for backup, eyes widening in betrayal when he found you stifling your own laughter. “Because you’re my little girl, that’s why.”
Before Ottie could jump in again, you cut her off, “I think what your dad is trying to say, is that you calling him by his name, instead of daddy, is making him feel old. He is turning 544 next week, you know.” You teased in a conspiratorial voice, nudging Cassian’s side as he scoffed and leant back against the pillows.
“So much for making me feel loved and special,” he jokingly muttered, referring back to the birthday conversation the two of you had that morning.
With a gentle nudge to Ottie’s side, you gave her a look that had her letting out an over-dramatic sigh, “I’m sorry, daddy. Sorry for making you feel old.” There was no chance of holding back your laugh at her words, especially when Cassian simply shook his head in defeat as he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you tightly against him.
Back in the warmth and comfort of his arms, with Ottie nestled in tight on your other side, you found yourself relaxing further into the mattress as the effects of the tea took hold. The soothing rise and fall of Cassian’s chest from where you rested your head, along with the playful back-and-forth banter and melodic laughter that filled the room made that excruciating pain you had been feeling all day worth it if it meant being able to have a moment like this.
Tag List: @mis-lil-red @sarawritestories @beardburnsupersoldiers @eve175 @blushingfawnsposts @turtleshavesoulmates @slytherinindisguise @sleepylunarwolf @starryhiraeth @tele86 @azrielsmate3 @anuttellaa @purple-haired-faerie @lilac-witch @cassianstannn32 @littlelunatica @nighttimemoonlover @azrielsmate3 @fxckmiup @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @talesofadragon @natashachelsea @jswizzlewrites @lilah-asteria @callsigns-haze @blackgirlmagicforever @crimsonwritings @mp-littlebit @inloveallthetime @captainpineapplesbloguniverse
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urfavoritewriter · 7 months
Hardcore Gym Spotter
A commission for a user here on Tumblr who wishes to remain anonymous. Content: Male Pred, Unspecified Prey, Workout, Gym Vore, Open-Ended (Fatal or Endo, up to the reader.) Oral Vore.
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Zane leaned back against the soft leather of his couch, one muscular arm draped casually across the back, the other hand gently caressing his round belly. Despite his chiseled pecs, strong biceps, and sculpted legs, his midsection had always been a bit softer, a stark contrast to the hard muscles that surrounded it. Now, however, it was protruding even more than usual, swollen with its latest addition.
A wicked grin stretched across Zane's rugged face as he felt the person inside him squirming around. "Mmm, someone's lively in there. You know, I hope you're not too tired," he murmured, pressing down and feeling a distinct push back against his palm. "Because today is leg day. Lots of squats and lunges in our future."
His fingers drifted across the taut surface of his belly, tracing the subtle outlines of the person trapped within. "Can you feel that?" he whispered, his voice dripping with sultry mischief. "Every flex, every movement. And trust me, after today's workout, you're going to feel every contraction and squeeze."
Zane's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Imagine, with each deep squat, my abs pressing tighter and tighter around you. Every lunge, every step on the stairmaster, the rhythm of my body working to its limit while you're just... nestled snugly inside, feeling it all."
He chuckled, the sound low and enticing. "And after the gym? When I'm all sweaty and spent?" Zane continued, leaning down and pressing a teasing kiss to his own distended abdomen. "I'll hit the showers, and you'll feel the heat, the water cascading over us. Bet you never imagined a spa day quite like this."
Drawing in a deep breath, Zane's belly rose and fell dramatically, causing the captive inside to shift and adjust. "You'll have the best seat in the house," he promised with a sly wink. "Every flex, every drop of sweat, every single burn of my muscles. You'll experience it all... up close and personal."
A low, resonant burp rumbled from Zane's throat, a small testament to his recent indulgence. The sound seemed casual, nonchalant even, but its implications were far from ordinary. He smirked, pressing a hand to his belly which rippled in response. The contained person felt it all — the vibrations from the burp, the warmth of his hand, and the incessant motions as Zane went about his routine.
Zane reached for his clothes, laid out in preparation for his gym session. He pulled on a form-fitting charcoal grey tank top that clung to his pecs and biceps, highlighting their sculpted nature. But as the fabric traveled downward, it stretched taut over his distended stomach, the material slightly translucent, emphasizing its swollen state. Each twitch and undulation of the imprisoned person caused the shirt to ripple, offering tantalizing hints of the drama unfolding beneath.
Zane then grabbed his shorts, dark blue and made of that perfect moisture-wicking fabric ideal for a good workout. As he stepped into them, pulling them up, they hugged his sculpted thighs and calves, accentuating every ripple of muscle. The waistband sat just beneath the bulge of his belly, almost as if presenting it proudly.
With his gym bag slung over one shoulder, Zane headed out, making his way to his preferred workout destination. As he entered the gym, the ambient sounds of clanking weights, muffled music, and the distant hum of treadmills greeted him. Those who noticed him, whether envious or admiring, couldn't help but be drawn to the pronounced curve of his midsection, a stark contrast to his otherwise athletic frame.
Each step Zane took caused a slight jiggle to his belly, a sensual dance of flesh and fabric. He made his way to the free weights section, picking up a set of dumbbells. As he began his bicep curls, the muscles in his arms bulged and contracted rhythmically, veins surfacing with each repetition. The tension in his forearms and the slow, deliberate movements exuded raw power.
Moving on to the squat rack, Zane positioned himself, the barbell resting securely on his upper back. As he descended into each squat, his thighs tensed, showcasing their defined musculature. But the real show was his belly. With each squat, it pressed forward, stretching his tank top further, the confined person feeling the increased pressure with every downward movement.
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Positioning himself beneath the squat rack, Zane took a moment to settle, feeling the cool metallic touch of the barbell on the muscular expanse of his upper back. Flexing his hands around the grips, he took a deep, steadying breath, the expanse of his chest heaving. Then, with calculated precision, he pushed upwards, lifting the weight free from its resting pegs.
His first motion was careful, almost delicate, as he adjusted his stance. Feet shoulder-width apart, he directed his gaze forward, allowing a slight arch to his back. And then he began to lower himself, the descent a deliberate ballet of muscle tension and control. As he went down, the captive inside his belly felt a pronounced tightening. This wasn't just the sensation of being pushed and squeezed; this was an intense, all-encompassing pressure.
With the bulge of his belly positioned more prominently between his thighs due to his stance, every descent pressed the trapped person firmly against Zane’s powerful inner thighs. The heat there was more pronounced, and every single muscle contraction resonated through the person within, like waves crashing against a resilient shore.
After completing his reps, Zane took a brief pause, tilting his head back, a sheen of sweat on his brow. He could feel the lively shifting and prodding from his midsection, the protestations of his meal apparent.
"You feel that?" Zane whispered breathlessly, a devilish grin tugging at his lips. "Every time I go down, you're squeezed right there, between muscle and muscle. Tight fit, huh?" The teasing in his voice was palpable, his words dripping with wicked playfulness.
After giving his legs a brief rest, Zane approached the stairmaster. Climbing aboard, he set a moderate pace to start. As he began to ascend the virtual steps, each upward motion created a rhythmic bounce in his belly. The individual inside felt as though they were being lulled and jostled by the movements, a consistent rise and fall, much like the ebb and flow of a tempestuous sea. The relentless motion combined with the already tight confines meant there was no respite from the sensations.
A few minutes into his routine, as Zane felt the burn in his calves and the steady thud of his heart in his chest, he couldn't help but tease his captive companion further.
“Ever been on a roller coaster?” he quipped, smirking as he felt another flurry of movement from within. “This must feel like the wildest ride, huh? Only difference? This ride doesn’t end.” The sly chuckle that followed spoke of a man completely in his element, reveling in the sensations and the wicked game he played.
With sweat forming droplets that ran down the contours of his sculpted chest and neck, Zane decided to challenge himself further. He set his sights on the deadlift platform. The flat, polished surface gleamed under the gym’s overhead lights, and in front of it, a loaded barbell awaited him.
Approaching the platform, Zane bent at the waist, positioning himself. His hands gripped the bar firmly, one in an overhand and the other in an underhand grip. The sheer weight he was attempting, combined with the added mass of his current 'passenger,' made the task all the more daunting. Yet, the spark in his eye was one of sheer determination.
He took a deep breath, bracing himself. With a grunt of exertion, Zane began to lift. As he straightened, the strain evident on his face, his belly shifted. The pressure from inside was immense, the trapped person being compressed between Zane's contracting abs and the weight of the barbell he was lifting.
The ascent was slow, methodical. Every inch Zane raised that bar, his stomach tightened just a bit more around his captive. Once he was fully upright, holding the barbell aloft, he took a moment, basking in the accomplishment.
Feeling the insistent push and prods from within, Zane chuckled, his breath ragged from the exertion. “Hey there,” he panted slightly, “bet you never thought you'd be my personal weighted belt, huh? Gotta admit, you're making these lifts all the more challenging, in the best way." A pause as he set the barbell down with a resounding clang. Wiping his brow, he continued, "You're my ultimate spotter, you know? Making sure I really feel every rep.”
With a sly wink, Zane continued, "Best part? You're the kind of added weight that sticks around." He chuckled, relishing in the casual banter even as he relished the dual strain of workout and digestion. The atmosphere was thick with a mix of hard work, accomplishment, and the intimate, teasing connection between predator and prey.
Post-workout exhaustion settled over Zane, but the adrenaline rush of his intense session still coursed through his veins. In a quiet corner of the gym, away from the primary hustle and bustle, he found a padded bench. He sank down onto it, legs spread wide to accommodate his well-earned muscularity and the notable bulge in his midsection. The weight of his meal settled between his thighs, the form of the person inside him clearly discernible against the tight fabric of his shorts.
Sweat, a testament to the sheer effort of his workout, glistened on Zane's skin. It trickled in rivulets down the contours of his muscles, making his tan skin shine under the fluorescent lights of the gym. He wiped his brow with the back of his forearm, taking a deep breath to steady himself.
Reaching down, Zane's fingers traced the curve of his belly, rubbing gently, feeling the occasional squirm and press from the one inside. It was a sensation unlike any other, a unique mix of dominance, satisfaction, and a twisted sort of intimacy.
Leaning forward slightly, Zane murmured, his voice a low, teasing rumble, "Honestly, I'm impressed. Didn't think you'd hold on for this long after what I put you through. But don't get too cozy. Just because you survived today doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods yet." He smirked, relishing in the power dynamics of the moment. "Who's to say I won’t drag you in here again for another round of heavy lifting? One more gym day inside this belly of mine. Hell, you might just become my permanent workout buddy... from the inside."
His chuckle resonated, the vibrations palpable to his captive, the sentiment clear: their fate was entirely in Zane's hands.
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miasmaghoul · 11 months
Take Your Licks
Rating: E
Pairing: Swiss/Rain
Word Count: ~3.4k
Contains: stoned ghouls, Rain's hardcore oral fixation, lots of tongue kissin', oral, first time rimming, Rain being a pillow princess and Swiss being just fine with that
Summary: Swiss has something new in mind, and Rain isn't sure how to feel about it. He figures it out quick.
A little somethin' for our beloved @endopyre, whose ghoul designs give me heart eyes. Happy birth(yester)day Endo, I hope you like it!
On a chilly fall night, there's nowhere Rain would rather be than right here.
Kicked back on the couch with a belly full of Mountain's spiced cider, his head resting on Swiss's lap while wind rattles the ancient windows and the tv drones on. Everyone else has gone to bed, it's long past midnight, but Rain doesn't feel inclined to retire quite yet. Not while Swiss is massaging his scalp with one hand and feeding him the end of a joint with the other.
They'll get there eventually, though - he can feel Swiss's bulge slowly growing against the back of his neck. Rain chuckles as best he can with the press of Swiss's fingers against his lips, and the other ghoul shoots him a comfortably stoned grin.
"Feelin' good, starfish?" Rain hums through his exhale, offering his own dopey smile as Swiss chases his smoke, biting the air.
"Not as good as you, apparently," Rain teases, the slightest bit slurred. The seated ghoul raises an eyebrow and Rain turns his head, nuzzling his cheek against Swiss's zipper with a pointed look. Swiss snorts, gives a rude roll of his hips, and Rain purrs.
"Listen to you," Swiss coos, ruffling Rain's hair and dropping the burnt end of the joint into his empty water glass. "So noisy over my cock and I haven't even given it to you yet." Rain replies with a nip to the fabric of his fly and Swiss gives him a wink. "When did you become such a slut, huh?"
Rain chitters low in his throat, a pleased sound. His own semi twitches against the seam of his sweatpants, but the dark fabric hides the movement.
"'s that a complaint?" He drags his tongue over the place Swiss's shaft sits, saliva darkening the denim, and Swiss tilts his head.
"Nah," he says, dragging callused fingers along the pointed shell of Rain's ear. "Just surprised it happened so quick."
Honestly, so is Rain. It's only been about six weeks since his summoning, but he's certainly made the rounds.
Aether had been his first, an accidental thing borne of extreme need; a reaction to a full moon that had risen a mere six nights after his arrival on Earth. It had worked him into a frenzy, body and mind stuck at fever pitch, and Aether had been the first one at his door. An encounter filled with overwhelm, fear and a lack of control Rain truly couldn't wrap his head around.
He'd barely had a chance to explore this new body on his own, let alone with someone else while in the throes of the moon's influence. Aether had been as kind and gentle as he could, but Rain couldn't help his panicked reactions. He'd spent hours in Aether's arms once the gnawing need in his guts had dissipated, sobbing into his chest and shaking like a leaf while the other ghoul soothed him.
Something about it, though, had been intoxicating. Once the mental stress had settled, a new ache had flooded his body. Something deep and insistent, focused between his thighs, and the next morning he'd woken Aether up demanding they do it all over again.
He's given everyone a test drive since then, so to speak. They all have their plusses and minuses, their pros and cons.
Save for Swiss.
There's something to be said for every part of Swiss.
The shine of his golden eyes. The strong, angular cut of his jaw and the scratchy salt-and-pepper of his short beard. The breadth of his back and shoulders. The muscular but soft plane of his chest and stomach, all dusted in a delightful layer of very grabbable hair. The sheer size of his hands, of his fingers, and the expert way they move. The curve of his ass, the thickness of his thighs. The way his fat cock hangs between them, the way it flushes so dark when it gets hard.
All of Swiss is immaculate, really. But as far as Rain is concerned, nothing beats his mouth.
(Seriously, it's ranked number one in his little black notebook. The one that lives in his nightstand, right alongside the lube and a handful of vanilla flavored condoms. They're Dew's favorite.)
Rain stares at it while he laves at rough denim, at the plushness of Swiss's lower lip and the way his mouth curls up at the corner. It's open just enough that Rain catches glimpses of fang every few breaths. (Those are nice too, wonderful when dragged over his pulse point and sunk into the meat of his thighs.) Swiss's tongue pokes between them every now and again while Rain laps at his rapidly thickening length, and every time Rain spies that flash of pink his rhythm falters.
Swiss, ever observant, doesn't miss it.
Rain's eyes track every bit of the way Swiss drags his tongue along his bottom lip, entranced by the shine it leaves behind. It's like he's moving in slow motion, dragging it out, but maybe that's just the weed. Impossible to say. Either way, Rain's own tongue has gone useless in his mouth, lolling out the side of his mouth. He's drooling onto Swiss's crotch, but neither of them seem to care.
"You're staring," Swiss murmurs, gently flicking Rain's ear. "'s my tongue really that interesting?"
He knows the answer, but a reminder never hurts.
"Uh huh," he gurgles, pulling back his own tongue and unsubtly palming himself through his sweats. Swiss doesn't miss that either, and Rain shivers a bit at the way his lids go visibly heavier. "Since I know what it can do."
Swiss grins with all his teeth, his eyes flash with mischief, and Rain's stomach does an anticipatory flip.
"Speaking of," Swiss rumbles, relaxing back into the couch, "there's a certain tongue-related activity I've had in mind for you for a while now." A large hand comes to rest on his stomach and Rain groans when it slips beneath his t-shirt, warm against his skin. "You up for somethin' new, tadpole?"
Rain's head feels delightfully hollow. He isn't sure he's heard half of Swiss's words, the pressure behind his eyes stealing his focus, but the drag of rough fingertips along his waistband helps to ground him. His eyes follow Swiss's tongue once again, currently swiping over his fangs.
"Mmm," he hums with a nod, "sure, but can we do something I want first?"
"What would that be?"
"Gimme that fuckin' tongue," Rain demands, reaching up to grab the other ghoul by the back of the neck. Swiss's smile widens, and he doesn't fight when Rain drags him into a lazy, filthy kiss.
He refuses to let Swiss's tongue leave his mouth - licking at it, sucking it, giving it sharp little nips that tinge the kiss with copper. Distantly, Rain feels himself being moved, lifted, but he really can't be bothered to open his eyes and see what's happening. He's far too busy trying to eat Swiss alive.
"Easy," Swiss pants, voice thick, "let a guy breathe, we don't all have gills."
Rain chirps, burying his face in Swiss's throat instead. The spell of his tongue seems to be breakable by lack of sight and contact, and Rain comes back to himself enough to realize he's being carried. His arms slung over broad shoulders, long legs around narrow hips, Swiss strides down the hall towards his room. Rain feels his cheeks heat. He must have been really out of it to let someone carry him this far without realizing it.
"Let me down," he mumbles, lips rasping against Swiss's stubble. "I can walk, you don't -"
Swiss shushes him, kisses his horn.
"Nah," he sounds so pleased, "you're indulgin' me, I can let you play princess tonight."
Swiss's hands squeeze his ass and Rain's cock throbs, trapped between their stomachs. He gives his hips a wriggle, chasing stimulation, and Swiss gives one of his cheeks a slap instead.
"Stay still," he says, firm. A tone Rain rarely hears, but goes straight to his balls every time. He repeats his little grind anyway, and his reward is Swiss grunting and getting a solid grip on his slender waist. "Rain," he rumbles, and Rain's head swims, "patience. I don't want to trip and fall on top of you."
"m sorry," Rain mumbles, not sorry at all, "can't help it. You feel so nice." He rocks again and Swiss sighs.
"Look at me, Rain."
It's an order, and Rain thinks they won't get very far tonight if Swiss keeps sounding so authoritative. It's doing funny things to places he's still learning about, and he can feel where his dick has started to get his pants wet. Still, though, he meets Swiss's piercing gaze. The sparkle there betrays his calm demeanor. He opens his mouth and Rain immediately zeroes in again.
So much fang.
So much tongue.
Rain's jaw drops and Swiss catches him in a wet, nasty kiss that serves to switch Rain's brain right off. All that matters is Swiss invading his mouth, the warmth of it sensual in the best way. He tastes like weed, like cider, like whisky and black pepper, and Rain has the sudden desire to taste nothing else ever again. Nothing but Swiss.
He doesn't come back to himself so easily this time, not even when Swiss pulls away for air. The other ghouls makes sure their tongues stay in contact always, and something in Rain's chest burns with it. But soon enough their lips meet again and Rain loses it all again, content to float in a space not quite anywhere. The breaks start to get longer, but Rain only notices in the most cursory way.
He doesn't come back in any meaningful way until Swiss's mouth disappears from his for minutes, and as the cobwebs filling his skull begin to fall away several things become apparent.
One, he's on a bed. Whose bed? Swiss's probably. It smells more like him. Either way, not important.
Two, he's naked as the day he was summoned. On his back, blinking at a dimly lit ceiling. He moves his legs only to realize they're folded, his feet planted on the mattress an his thighs spread. He can't get them to close, something's in the way. Which brings him to,
Three, there is something warm and wet and the juncture of his hip and thigh. Sucking pressure, it makes his bones vibrate. There are whiny, feminine sounds bouncing off the walls. Are they coming from him? Rain shakes his head in an effort to return to his body, managing at length to lift his head. It still takes a moment for him to focus enough to make out Swiss's prone form.
He's between Rain's newly marked thighs, shoulders pinning them open while he mouths at a twitching muscle in Rain's groin. There are bites all over - his chest, his thighs, his hips - in a dozen shades of purple, and he doesn't remember getting a single one. Fuck, how out of it was he? The thought makes his cock throb so hard he grunts, and Rain watches the blurt of pre it spits join a not-small puddle on his belly.
"So whaddaya say, sweetheart," Swiss sounds like he's far away, but the words feel familiar. Like this isn't the first time he's heard them. "You ready for somethin' new?"
"Yeah," Rain rasps, and his own voice surprises him. "Show me." It feels like he's been talking for a while, his throat feels sore, but he can't recall. What has he agreed to? Swiss purrs, low and lustful, and Rain thinks it may be the best sound he's ever heard.
"Good boy," he murmurs, licking his lips. That fucking tongue again. Rain blinks away the encroaching haze, forces himself to at least try to pay attention. Swiss shifts enough to get those large fingers on his thighs, patting them. "Gonna open you up now, okay?"
Rain blinks, nods without really meaning to, and Swiss gives him another wink. Before he knows what's happening those hands are at the backs of his knees, and Rain gasps when his legs are pushed apart and up towards his chest. It shocks something in him, and snippets of conversation come with it.
"You want to what?"
"Lick you out," Swiss's phantom voice echoes through his memory. "Get the tongue you're so obsessed with on you and make you sing real sweet."
Rain wonders if his stomach swooped like this the first time they had that exchange. The memory perks him up enough to catch his breath, caged by his own legs and Swiss's strong arms. Swiss gazes at him past the flushed, slick length of his cock, bobbing rigid over the flat plane of his stomach, and Rain flinches when he feels warm air ghost over his very exposed hole.
"You're so pink here," Swiss coos, "Pink and wet. All for me? I think it is." He shimmies down the bed - if Rain were able to focus on anything, he wouldn't have missed Swiss grinding into the mattress along the way - placing a wet kiss on each of Rain's balls along the way. Each one has him gasping, but the more he remembers about the things he's forgotten tonight, the clearer his head gets.
"You're gonna lick me...there?"
"Only if you want me to," Swiss had said with a shrug. Casual. "Think you'll really like it."
"Does it go...like..." Rain had made a middle school gesture, one finger stuck through a ring of two others. "In...inside?"
The sudden flash of a fox-like grin has Rain's eyelids fluttering, even just as a memory.
"Only if you ask very nicely."
The press of warm lips against his taint snaps him back to the present.
"S-Swiss," Rain hisses, grabbing on instinct for his wagging cock, achy and purpled. "W-wait, wait -"
The words are little more than a whisper, and Rain is somehow completely unprepared for the hot slide of that tongue over his slick, twitching hole.
Rain gasps, loud and shocked, as Swiss licks up to his balls and back again, pausing to circle that tight pucker. The feel of it is singular, electric jolts up his spine and deep in his pelvis. Every slow, wicked pass of that rough tongue rips utterly involuntary sounds from his throat. Quicker than he can make sense of, the hesitance and reluctance simmering at the back of his mind evaporate.
It's good.
"Oh, fuck."
It's...it's so good.
He's being so loud all of a sudden. He knows it, his own yelps and whines echo around him, broken up only by the filthy sound of Swiss licking at him with what can only be called perverse reverence. Their eyes remain locked through it all, hazy cerulean with sparkling gold. Swiss looks amused, the corners of his eyes crinkles and his lips curved. Maybe more smug than amused, but Rain doesn't really care right now.
"Like it?" Swiss asks, his voice low and dark.
"Uh huh," Rain nods, breathless. He moves his leg and - oh, when had he started holding them? Had Swiss asked? "Keep going, please keep - oh."
It's faster now, just a little, but rougher too. Swiss punctuates his licks with full, messy kisses right on his hole. Every one has Rain's cock kicking and pouring pre, his skin slick and shiny with it. He can't look at it any longer, has to let his head thump back against the mattress so he can loose the deeply pained groan caught between his lungs.
"Knew you would," Swiss breathes, dragging careful fingertips along quivering thighs. He brushes soft knuckles over Rain's tight sack, and it draws all of Rain's attention back to the righteous ache between his legs.
"Fuck, touch me," he spits between grit teeth, drowning in the way Swiss worships him. His cock pulses in time with his racing heart, sways in the air. "Please, please touch it Swiss, please - fuck!"
Rain's tight pleas melt into high, hurt cries when Swiss does just what he asked. Wraps a large hand around Rain's straining shaft, grips it at the bottom and gives it a nice shake.
Swiss gives him a single stroke, a firm lick, and Rain's eyes roll back in his skull.
"Oh fuck," he gasps, "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck -"
He's chanting it, a pained mantra pouring from between kiss swollen lips as though he can't believe any of this. He's sweaty at his hairline, and the more Swiss works him the more he shakes. He laps away like a thirsty dog, milking pre and slick and pleasure from him with each swipe. He twists his wrist just so, rubs his thumb over the frenulum, and Rain's whole being goes tense.
"Oh fuck," he squeaks, tight and almost panicky. He knows Swiss can feel the way he gets harder between his fingers, his abdomen going taut and his back bowing off the bed.
Swiss nudges at his pucker, twists his wrist, and it spells Rain's end.
He cums with a stuttering, breathy groan, spilling hot and heavy over his own chest and belly, coating his marked skin with stripes of pearly white. Swiss tugs him through the whole thing, milks him with short strokes and soft licks.
Rain barely feels any of it, at least at first. His mind has gone to soup, liquidized and useless, lost to pleasure and overwhelm. He doesn't feel it until he really feels it, sudden overstimulation that has hip dropping his shaking legs and grabbing for Swiss's horns, his hair, anything.
Swiss pulls back on his own, though. Releases Rain's slowly softening cock and presses soothing kisses to his thigh. Swiss smiles up at him, deceptively sweet.
"So, whaddaya think?"
Rain wants to tell him several things. Wants to say how good it was, but how overwhelming. So much pleasure being derived from an act he had never considered until maybe twenty minutes ago. One he had nearly panicked over when realization hit. He still has no idea how much time he lost when he was hypnotized by Swiss's tongue.
He wants to, but then Swiss licks his lips. He licks his lips and Rain notices that he's wet from nose to chin. It's a sight he's only been privy to on the few occasions they've shared Dew; Swiss always insists on burying as much of his face in the little ghoul's cunt as he can, until he's drenched and sated.
To see the same look on his face, the same wetness, just from licking him...it's enough to have Rain's body buzzing all over again.
"Again," he slurs, tucking his hands behind his thighs and folding himself. Exposing himself. "Do...do that again."
Swiss gives him a cheshire grin, nods, and for some reason Rain's fried brain has trouble processing why Swiss is hovering higher instead of slipping back down. Why he's moving to run that impossibly perfect tongue over his still-twitching abdomen. He doesn't quite manage to put it together, though.
So imagine his surprise when Swiss ducks between his cheeks, spits Rain's own mess onto his already slippery hole and dives in for seconds.
"Swiss," he chokes out, once his own stunned shout fades from his ears, "I - I want -" Rain's chest heaves, the attention being paid to his most sensitive spot hurtling him straight back into the realm of overstimulation. "Need...need - fuck!"
Swiss stares up at him, gaze heavy with pleasure, and Rain's soft cock gives a valiant twitch. He swallows hard, clenches around nothing, and forces the words to come.
"Stick it in," he demands, breathy. "Gimme your tongue. Put it - Lucifer - push it in and...and fuck me with it."
The last words are breathless and whiny, and Swiss huffs out a laugh. It blows cool against his heated rim, and Swiss pulls back just enough for Rain to catch sight of his tongue.
"Whatever you want, baby."
Rain's tired eyes go wide as he watches Swiss's tongue bifurcate and extend, the other ghoul dropping the slightest hint of his glamour. Goosebumps rocket up all over his trembling body, that flexible appendage slips inside his winking hole, and Rain keens.
It's going to be a long night.
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starscatteredsky · 10 months
Vampire/Vampyr suggestions and tips!!
remember these are just suggestions, pick and choose what feels best to you!
wear dark, long clothing to protect your skin from the sun
enjoy some time at night- the moonlight or even a dark cloudy night are a vampires best friend!
drinking red liquids- koolaid, cranberry juice, strawberry juice, blueberry tea, whatever fits your fancy and satisfies that bloody craving!
keeping some kind of journal is a great idea! it’s an often seen image, the brooding vampyr and their leather bound journal with quill pen. perhaps inky sketches, or even some kind of written account of things you learn about your vampire kintype/source!
try out some vampire themed neopronouns that give you euphoria!
teefs!! there’s lots of places to buy/order vampire teeth moulds, especially this time of year!
learn more about animals associated with vampyrs- bats, cats, black wolves, spiders, etc!
avoid running water, garlicky foods, and other things vampires are adverse to!
always get verbal permission before entering someone’s home, a vampyr must be welcomed into a space before they can enter!
old myths say vampyrs liked counting, perhaps get a counting app or something similar!
try out a dark academia style!
dark goth looks are also often associated with vampyrs, try looking into goth culture and learning more about the subcultures within!
good luck vampire friends!! we have a vampire in our system who uses some of these tips! -mod 👾
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[image description:
a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end description]
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ricky-tiki-tah · 4 months
Glamrock Freddy Through The Ball Pit Part 1
(These aren’t particularly chapters, but each post is numbered and tagged ‘#gfttbp au fic’ so it’s easier to get to them)
“Disassemble Freddy!” Vanny screeched, her wide crazed red eyes zeroing in on the bear.
“Gregory, run!” Freddy called out, giving the boy a soft push in the direction he needed to go before taking off towards the many employee hallways to lose the staff bots. “I’ll distract them!”
Gregory gave a determined nod and continued on his way.
Freddy ran as fast as he was able, finding a nearly empty storage room to barricade himself in, tumbling staff bots as he went.
That was a mistake.
It appeared that the staff bots weren’t working alone. The spare endoskeletons had joined in the hunt and started to bang on the door Freddy had hurriedly closed. He looked around in case there was anything helpful in the room.
There, a crowbar! After a moment’s contemplation, Freddy jumped away from the door, racing towards the opposite side of the room, past the abandoned ball pit that seemed to be the only other thing in the room.
He didn’t make it. The staff bots swarmed him and the much stronger endos started tearing into his outer shell.
The bots ripped him apart, pieces flying everywhere. Freddy had barely enough time to hope Gregory would make it out of the pizzaplex safely before one of the bots tore out something he needed to function, and everything went black.
It was the housing for Freddy’s AI coding. The ending that had ripped it out, tossing the bits of metal and wires aside to continue wreaking havoc on the animatronic bear.
No one noticed that the small bit of Freddy that made him who he was landed in the ball pit.
Michael was playing hide and seek. Or more accurately, he was hiding in the Fazbear Diner’s ball pit, laying in wait for his little brother, planning to jump out and scare the nearly seven year old.
“Ouch!” Something poked his leg, and Michael put a hand down to feel around for whatever the thing was. It wasn’t safe to leave pokey things where little kids played.
After waving through the colorful plastic balls for a long moment, Mike’s hand closed around something small and slightly rubbery. Confused he surfaced and pulled the thing up to look at it.
The small object appeared to be some sort of charm, missing its chain. It was a light blue, rubbery plastic, lightning bolt. It looked cool.
Michael completely forgot his previous mission of scaring Evan and instead went searching for something to string through the small circle at the top of the pendant. He planned to wear it, declaring in his mind that it was something a cool rockstar would wear.
It wasn’t long before he found a bit of balloon ribbon and had strung the pendant around his neck. He planned to switch the ribbon out for a bit of twine when he went home later that evening.
Speaking of going home…
“Mikey, let’s go! Daddy says we’re leaving!” Elizabeth called out, running past him to join their father and little brother at the entrance.
Freddy didn’t think he would wake up. Not that the animatronics really slept, but they did rest occasionally. This felt different. Like he was under water or behind a curtain. He couldn’t quite see anything clearly yet, but he heared one voice very clearly.
“Now I look like a superstar!”
He wondered where the voice came from. It sounded excited, and Freddy realized he was excited for the voice as well, despite not knowing who it belonged to. Everyone deserved to be a superstar.
Freddy blinked and everything got a tiny bit clearer. Just enough that he could make out vague shapes around him, but not enough to understand where he was.
“Wait until I show my friends!” The voice squealed and Freddy smiled softly before everything fell dark again.
Over time, though Freddy was unsure how much time, he was able to see much clearer, and what he saw greatly shocked and confused the poor bear.
He wasn’t in any sort of machine, be it endoskeleton or computer. He actually appeared to be riding along in a young boy’s head.
He couldn’t do much about this fact, unable to actually move on his own or even speak aloud. He did learn however, over the course of a day or so after the world finally cleared up, that the boy seemed to be able to hear him, at least a small amount. Pausing as if considering Freddy’s commentary at some points.
Freddy learned that the boy’s name was Michael and that he was thirteen years old. He has shaggy brown hair, grey-blue eyes, and a bright smile that lights up his brown, freckle covered face. Michael also has two younger siblings, Elizabeth and Evan. They live with their father, and visit a diner that he owns nearly every day.
Freddy also learns that Michael has three friends. The strange part, he thinks, is that each of them have a mask depicting much older versions of his friends, and even himself.
It’s with these three friends that Freddy finds himself most vocal, quietly scolding when the four boys pick on younger children at school or even Michael’s own brother. He doesn’t know why they do so, but he intends to make Michael aware that it is unkind.
Mike is fairly certain he’s going insane.
He keeps hearing a voice at the back of his mind, asking random questions, noting something he might have missed in schoolwork, and even scolding him for his actions. He wonders if his conscience woke up and gained a voice.
It’s very strange, he thinks, to have a proud voice say ‘well done, Superstar!’ after he’s completed a task, but he smiles at the praise nonetheless.
Lizzie keeps looking at him strangely when he suddenly starts grinning like a loon after washing the dishes. He’s not sure how to explain that the voice in his head is proud of him for doing something so simple as his chores without looking like a nutcase so he stays quiet. It’s not like she needs to know anyway.
Instead, Mike plots his surprise for Evan’s birthday at the end of the week.
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deuynndoodles · 7 months
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[id: a banner including an icon of catori to the left, and to the right, text reading out the op's username, which is deuynndoodles (pronounced dune-doodles). catori is a small, blue, star-themed raccoon with a red ribbon tied around her neck. she is sticking out her tongue happily. end id]
kofi ★ commissions (open)
ao3 ★ discord ★ spotify ★ sideblog
hi there, i'm dey and i'm an artist! use whatever pronouns you'd like. i mainly do visual illustrations, comics, and doodles, but i dabble in animation, poetry, and writing on occasion.
cheers! ✌💫
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[id: a colored, digital meet the artist. the artist, named dey, is young and feminine presenting. they have warm, light skin, brown eyes, various moles and freckles, and their wavy, scruffy brown hair is in a high ponytail. they have a tail and pointed ears. they wear a t-shirt dress, a hoodie around their waist, ripped jeans, sneakers, and most notably, a key necklace. dey waves at the viewer with a grin and a wink. an arrow points to them, saying "my sona".
catori, a small, slight blue raccoon, slinks around dey's shoulders. she has stars peppered throughout the dark of her fur and wears a ribbon around her neck. an arrow points to her and says her name.
dey is gesturing to some text and flags in the upper corner. it says dey is an adult, uses any/mirror pronouns, and their birthday is june 15th. they are agender and aroace, american, and autistic.
in another section, their likes are listed out. they enjoy loz (legend of zelda) and danny phantom. their favorite animals are raccoons and they enjoy spending their time watching cartoons, learning, and making art.
in the last section, their daily essentials are drawn. they include, from left to right: a phone, a water bottle, a wallet, keys, a usb c charger, bluetooth headphones, a tablet, and a pen and stylus. end id]
beliefs and faq under the cut!
my beliefs
anti racism. i acknowledge i am on stolen land.
pro queer rights. that said, i support any good faith identity (and yes, that includes masc lesbians etc.)
pro choice. give people the support and medical care they need.
pro disabled rights. self dx is valid. fakeclaiming is always bad. all people own their bodies, no one else, and reserve the right to do whatever they'd like.
pro endo. plurality is already stimatized enough, no infighting.
neither proship or antiship, but a secret third thing (wants people to touch grass). tag appropriately and we won't have problems.
fiction influences reality, and vice versa. they are not 1:1 but affect each other. ensuring media comprehension and literacy is important so we don't get things mixed up.
atheist. i do my best to support, but there are some things i simply can't wrap my head around. apologies in advance.
anti ai. as it is now, most ais are built off stolen work and scraped databases. legal protections must be set up.
honesty is the best policy. i tend to be blunt and straightforward, simply because i dislike playing the game of social norms. i never mean to offend: i will tell you directly if something offends me.
note that this is not a dni. i would, instead, prefer people to keep these in mind when interacting. i reserve the right to block.
if i ever do something offensive and/or juxtaposes with something above, please let me know in a private space.
q: what do you use to draw?
a: i use a samsung galaxy tab s8 and draw in ibispaint.
q: what are mirror pronouns?
a: i borrow your pronouns—hence the phrase 'mirror'. when you refer to me, use your own pronoun set. (ex: if you use she/they, when you refer to me, also use she/they.)
q: what are the dates in the tags of your posts for?
a: i buffer my posts in case i go through an art block phase. the date represents the day i finished work on the file (in mm/dd/yy format).
q: can i make something based on a thing of yours?
a: of course! just @ me in the post + give credit if it's specific enough :]
q: may i use your art as a pfp/phone background/etc?
a: i'm perfectly fine with personal use. just link back to my account if others will see it. if you are profiting off my art, however, that is a whole 'nother conversation we should have in dms.
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silverxcristal · 2 years
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Rent the endo, It dont bite
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bhaalitsm · 1 year
intro post. . .
❛ 🥩。 七情 Lumenwood Kins
⊂ dikke⠀manto₂ . she/he
; 9teen⠀. genderfluid lesbian
⠀⠀⠀⠀ freq. ! 🛢
⠀⠀ →⠀⠀⠀[O1] [O2] [O3] ◞
⠀⠀ !🪳⠀⠀⠀[O4] [O5] [O6]◞
🥀 wasian jew manhater 🏚️
╰⭔ . rentry. carrd . . 🪓
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀🚬( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
𐚁̸⠀⠀⠀ girlfriend . . . < 3
front :: ꩜ꖛ⏤͟͟͞͞★⤵
⠀ -fiction is my primary coping outlet, I have lots introjects or alters who appear physically as characters
discord :: umayon (just lmk ur from tumblr)
instagram :: umayoning
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interests :: | red = special interest |
MOVIES spiderverse, Avatar, Avatar: The Way of Water, Us, Nope, Nightmare on elm street, Texas chainsaw massacre, the Saw franchise, Hellraiser, Killer Klowns from Outerspace, Bottoms, Get Out, Scream, basically all horror
SHOWS Skylanders, Game of Thrones, House of the dragon, ANY GORDON RAMSEY SHOW J LOVE GORDON RAMSEY I WATHC ALL HIS SHOWS, The Boys >>>>>
MUSIC The living tombstone, tryhardninja, jtmachinma, Reol, Walküre, Uma musume pretty derby, Dagames, Ado, most fnaf and vocaloid music, fish inside a birdcage, Atarashii Gakko,
ANIMES HxH, Chainsaw man, Uma musume pretty derby, Naruto, Macross Delta, School Live Club, Corpse Party, Ao Oni, Demon Slayer, JJBA
GAMES Uma Museum Pretty Derby, Skylanders, Puppet Combo, Bloodborne, Darkest Dungeon, Elden Ring, Dark Deception, The Quarry, Ark Survival Evolved, DBD, IDV, League of Legends, Call of Duty, Red Dead Redemption, Apex Legends, Borderlands, FNAF, Don't Starve, Pokemon, God of War, Resident Evil, Splatoon, tealerland, ao oni, My singing monsters, Attack on Time, Baldurs Gate 3, Fear and Hunger, Splatoon
YOUTUBERS CORYXKENSHIN IM HIS BIGGEST FAN IVE BEEN WITH HIM SINCE 4k SUBS!!! Manlybadasshero, astralspiff, superhorrorbro, fusionZgamer, Charborg, Bedbannanas, Lore Lodge
OTHERS Creepypasta, Missing 411, Dyatlov Pass, Korovina Group Incident, Horses, My job (haunted house,) Dinosaurs, Junji Ito, Keychains, Collecting, M&Ms, Шайлушай
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變 : not really interested in engaging with syscourse though I might occasionally, I am mostly anti-endo (pro conversation), though the majority of that is due to co-opting of terminology, cultural appropriation, spreading of misinformation, overall attitude towards systems, and general redirection of resources away from trauma victims : neutrals feel free to interact, pro-endos can as well if you aren’t obnoxious about it 💊
𖧧 : endos who do not do any of the following feel free to int:: you do not use any medical system terms, do not use the word “sysmed”, are not appropriating or in support of appropriating cultures (tulpas), do not spread misinformation about DID/OSDD research, are educated on the DID/OSDD diagnostic criteria, and do not actively take sources away from trauma victims 🥩 my stance is that you do not need trauma to be plural, but you do need trauma to be a system. Me being anti-endo isn’t saying I don’t think you exist, I’m saying your plurality is not systemhood and you need to stop forcing yourselves into our spaces.
♡ Don’t call me plural, do not use plural pronouns, don’t call my alters headmates⚡️ not listing triggers, mutuals tag aggressive yelling, dog fights, and “as long as it’s consensual” phrase thank you
- Did not think I’d need to say this but proshippers dnfi, if you comment on any of my posts you’re asking for an IP reveal
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Tides Of March
Tbh I'm a little late to this event but who cares also
Happy TransVisibilityDay
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Sunken TB is Transfem (She/Her), Piranha Plushtrap is Transmasc,Agender (He/They/It), Dark Water Bare Endo is Transmasc (He/Him/They/Them)
Speed Paint under cut
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daybreakxfamily · 2 years
Late Night Wishes
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Inspired by a song from Hamilton. 
I feel like Yuri would be a hella simp for his s/o, loving them more then most people. Excluding his sister, he holds his sister to higher regard but the kinda love he has with his wife would be different from the love he has for his sister.
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tw: none
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In the early morning night, you wake up to an empty bed, though reaching out you could feel the faintest traces of warmth. Confused, the clock on the table only read 5:46, almost 6 in the morning. Where was Yuri? Your husband. Slowly but surely, you get up and peer out the room with tired eyes, crust forming as you feel the cool night air from an open window. Who would leave windows open at this time? ‘Probably yuri… must have been why I woke up.’
Roaming the hall in just a thin nightgown, your feet tipped toed into a side office, one belonged to the ravenette she dearly loved. The man hunched over a desk, scribbling down notes over a burning metal lamp. Rubbing your eyes, you knock on the door frame, startling him a bit. “Yuri, come back to sleep”
“I have an early meeting out of town,” brushing it off, he continues his work. Needing this report ready before he enters work today, as it is critical to his promotion. 
“It's still dark outside.” You slump over to him, squinting at the bright light before gently wrapping your thin arms around his shoulders, leaning over his head to take a peek of what he was working one. But the words were all muddled together and her eyes watered easily. She was still tired and just wanted to go back to bed with her husband. 
“I know… I just need to write something down”
“Why do you write like you're running out of time?” Kissing his head, Yuri smirked at his wife’s antics, seeing just how tired she really was. Rubbing her arms with his hand, he tries to finish up what he’s doing to maybe have a little more time to cuddle before work. But seeing as he left it all for the last minute, he doubts that. But he can only stay hopeful. 
“Come back to bed. That would be enough.” Kissing his cheek, you rub his chest before seeing that he will not budge.
“I'll be back before you know I'm gone.” Returning the favor, he kisses her lips lightly which leave her flushed, heart beating as he stared deeply in her eyes. Almost as if he was seeing into her soul, tingly pins pricking her feet before he breaks the contact and clears up his desk. Packing his satchel, he sighs as it was already 6:15, needing to leave now or he might end up late. 
Gently, he takes her arm and leads her back to the room. He might as well take you back to bed and make sure you get a full night's rest while he’s out. But once Yuri leads the tired woman to her bedroom, she stops him to pull him into a deep kiss. A knot forms in his stomach from her needy antics, holding her waist as she grips his white-t, swaying as they stand in the early night. 
Leaning up, she whispers quietly, whining as she holds him close to her chest. “Come back to sleep.” 
“This meeting's at dawn,” voice low, reverting against her skin and sending chills down her spine. But she was tired and if he wasn’t going to sleep with her, then she might as well go to bed now and cuddle with his pillow for comfort. Letting go, she signs in defeat before teasingly kissing his nose, smiling softly at his caring gaze. “Well, I'm going back to sleep.”
Patting his shoulder, she waddles back to bed and flops down. Ignoring his chuckling and the feeling of a blanket covering her in, she is quick to pass out with the blessing of a goodnight kiss upon her temple. Her husband’s loving gaze leaves her feeling protected, not really hearing what he said before he left the room. 
“Best of wives and best of women.”
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SpyxFamily and the Characters belong to Tatsuya Endo*  
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chthonicophanim · 28 days
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[PT: Sorrowfilled]
A gender that is filled with sorrow/sadness.
[ID: two flags for sorrowfilled, each with 11 horizontal stripes of varying widths. the outer stripes on the left flag are bumpy, while the inner stripes and the stripes on the right flag are straight. the outer stripes are shades of medium and dark blue, while the inner stripes are different shades of light blue. end ID]
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[PT: Ragefilled]
A gender that is filled with rage/anger.
[ID: two flags for ragefilled, each with 11 horizontal stripes of varying widths. the outer stripes on the left flag are bumpy, while the inner stripes and the stripes on the right flag are straight. the outer stripes are shades of medium-dark and dark red, while the inner stripes are brighter shades of red. end ID]
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[PT: Forestperspesque]
A gender related to wanting forests to be deeply intertwined with how others perceive you.
[ID: two flags for forestperspesque. the left flag has nine stripes which emanate out like rays from a point on the left. the right flag has nine horizontal stripes, with thicker stripes on the outer edges and the centre, with thinner stripes between them.
from top to bottom, the stripes are off-black, dark green, medium green, gray green, light green, gray green, medium green, dark green, and off-black. end ID]
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[PT: Forestnympesque]
A gender related to wanting forest nymphs to be deeply intertwined with how others perceive you.
[ID: two flags for forestnympesque. the left flag has nine stripes which emanate out like rays from a point on the left. the right flag has nine horizontal stripes, with thicker stripes on the outer edges and the centre, with thinner stripes between them.
from top to bottom, the stripes are medium green, lightish-medium green, moss green, gray green, light green, gray green, moss green, lightish-medium green, and medium green. end ID]
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[PT: Waternympesque]
A gender related to wanting water nymphs to be deeply intertwined with how others perceive you.
[ID: two flags for waternympesque. the left flag has nine stripes which emanate out like rays from a point on the left. the right flag has nine horizontal stripes, with thicker stripes on the outer edges and the centre, with thinner stripes between them.
from top to bottom on the left flag, the stripes are medium-dark blue, grayish blue, blue, dull blue, tealish blue, dull blue, blue, grayish blue, and medium-dark blue. end ID]
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[PT: Rageperspesque]
A gender related to wanting rage/anger to be deeply intertwined with how others perceive you.
[ID: two flags for rageperspesque. the left flag has nine stripes which emanate out like rays from a point on the left. the right flag has nine horizontal stripes, with thicker stripes on the outer edges and the centre, with thinner stripes between them.
from top to bottom, the stripes are dark red, dull red, medium-dark red, red, lighter red, red, medium-dark red, dull red, and dark red. end ID]
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[PT: Merspesque]
A gender related to wanting mermaids/mermen/merpeople to be deeply intertwined with how others perceive you.
[ID: two flags for merpesque. the left flag has nine stripes which emanate out like rays from a point on the left. the right flag has nine horizontal stripes, with thicker stripes on the outer edges and the centre, with thinner stripes between them. from top to bottom, the stripes are dull pink, dull purple, dull periwinkle, blue, light blue, blue, dull periwinkle, dull purple, and dull pink. end ID]
IDs courtesy of @radiomogai
DNI: bigots, radinclus, radexclus, pro-endo, if you’re going to try and argue with me on any of these points, if you demonise mental illness, pro-transid (eg; transabled, transage, transrace, etc), proshippers/anti-anti, MAPS/NOMAPS/necro/zoo (full DNI in pinned)
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o-craven-canto · 1 year
Ea, Our Second Chance (10b)
10b. Eucytobionta (part 2/3, unicellular diversity)
(Index) (< 10a. Eucytobionta, cell structure) (> 10c. Eucytobionta, biotechnology)
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(original link)
« The diversity of microscopic life was, and still is, overwhelming: from day one, each drop of water and grain of sand revealed a bewildering variety of forms. No more than on Earth, of course; don't think for one moment that we fully understood the complexity of our mother world when we left it. We're still making new discoveries from the few experimental models we brought over. Nevertheless, this represented the perfect opportunity to test out the new kind of science we were going to build. » – dean Sofia Torres, Tabula Rasa
I. Kingdom Monokarya (etym. "one kernel"). Unicellular, never colonial. Usually very small (<20 μm); only protonucleus (almost certainly secondary loss of paranuclei; polynucleate kingdoms do not form a clade). Usually flagellate, at least at one stage. Mostly endoparasites, within fluids of multicellular organisms (lymph, hydromuscular liquid); a few intracellular species. Outside of hosts they form capsules highly resistant to dehydration, heat, and radiations. Representative genera: Ankylococcus, Myoecia, Nesokaryon.
II. Kingdom Pogonocyta (etym. "bearded cell"). Unicellular, frequently colonial. Usually have superficial cilia or flagella. Often have two protonuclei, which they exchange in a form of sexuality not synchronous with reproduction (which occurs by fission or sequential fragmentation). Often very large species (commonly >0.1 mm with >20 paranuclei, Titanopogon reaches 8 mm in length); may have structures such as ciliate wheels, funnels, traps, stylets, articulated "jaws", etc. to feed on smaller cells, as well as visual organs and permanent digestive vesicles. Eyespots may have developed from endo-symbiotic unicellular algae. Smaller species may form clonal colonies via incomplete fragmentation, e.g. Petrovella. A few aerial species are known (most within genus Uranocyton). Representative genera: Hekatokaryon, Hylonectes, Nanognathus, Petrovella.
III. Kingdom Ostracophyta (etym. "tile-plant"). Unicellular, rarely colonial. Rigid polyhedral shell, apparently formed by crystalline sulfonamide impregnating the cell net; pseudopodia emerge from gaps, usually regularly placed, sometimes at the vertices of the shell. Macroscopic needleweed ("Hyalophyta", e.g. Arslanophyton). In the colonial forms (e.g. Endolithus), the shells may fuse and trap sediment forming stromatolite-like structures, pseudopodia may connect cell bodies. Usually phototrophs or mixotrophs (= energy from both sunlight and organic matter). All major forms of frostblight (white, purple, mealy, etc.) are ectoparasitic Ostracophyta with invasive root-like pseudopodia, but do not form a single clade. Representative genera: Arslanophyton, Astrapocyton, Endolithus, Phytopachne.
IV. Kingdom Colloplasmi (etym. "glue-form"). Unicellular, almost (?) exclusively colonial. Lobate cells, able to move by circulating cytosol through the lobes. Adhesive cell envelope, apparently rich in glycosyl-sulfonamides, which may form a common matrix for colonies. Sometimes mineral particles are incorporated (origin of Lithobionta?); mushroom-like, coral-like, or grass-like colonies both in water and on land, with specialized fruiting bodies. Often the colonies liquefy or "evaporate" when disturbed or damaged (special toxic cell morph in Ceratoides). Saprotrophs, herbivores, carnivores; unconfirmed case of a Cordyceps-like neural parasite. Representative genera: Ceratoides, Danaë, Eidocarpus, Xanthoplasma.
V. Kingdom Lithobionta (etym. "stone-life"). Multicellular. Forming pumice-like porous mineral structures; "living boulders". Representative genera: Lithobius, Pliniella.
VI. Kingdom Haematophyta* (etym. "blood-plants"). Multicellular. Photosynthetic organisms with zinc-based pigments; "red plants". Representative genera: Corynetes, Hypogaea, Tomophylla, Tribaculum.
VII. Kingdom Fuscophyta (etym. "dark plants"). Multicellular. Photosynthetic organisms, methanogens; "black plants". Representative genera: Cystophyton, Dendrocystis, Nepheloecia.
VIII. Kingdom Enantiozoa (etym. "mirror-animals"). Multicellular. Mostly motile chemoheterotrophs; Ean "animals". Representative genera: Akkadia, Dendrocephalus, Prosopogyrus, Semaphorus.
* Named "Erythrophyta" in other publications. The two names are to be considered synonymous, when defined as "the most exclusive clade including both Maurophytum purpureum and Corynetes corynetes".
– Vikram Jariwala et al., "Preliminary notes on Ean "eukaryote" diversity", Xenobiology Review, 14 (38 AL)
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