#darkiplier drabble
otterlyinluv · 3 months
Dark is just a little black cat.
A void with eyes if you will.
Sometimes, you see a vaguely upset shadow on your wall, and because you know the drill by now, you simply reach your arms out.
A few seconds pass.
The shadows stir.
Then, Dark is in your arms, his face in your shoulder. The only thing visible from him is the tuft of black hair and his red-blue aura. Its faint buzz is the only sound in the room as you let him rest.
With the way he's pressed against you, you can literally feel his chest rise and fall ever so slightly slower. Calmer. Maybe even relaxed.
If Dark really was a cat, he would curl up in your lap and start purring.
I saw a post about black cats and thought of the grumpiest one of them all
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cooler-ian · 1 year
"He got that dog in him"
The dog in him:
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yuckie-obsessive · 2 years
Double Trouble
Uh-oh… been thinking about a double possessive x reader 👀
So been thinking about if you got both of the boys in the same room and they only barely tolerate each other because you’re there. I’ll try to make it gn
Tw: brief talk of Anti’s “neck incident” and swearing
Darkiplier x Reader (gender neutral) x Antisepticeye
Set up: you are just chilling with Anti (just imagine a living room) and Dark arrives because he wants to talk with you about something and Anti gets real defensive and clingy.
“They aren’t your prisoner, you know. They can talk with whomever they wish,” Dark was already irritated with Anti’s shenanigans.
“Yeah, well you’re in my home, my fucking territory. You don’t have a fucking say here!” Anti was getting angry a lot faster than the other alter- as per usual. Dark sighed, “Does this really need to be an issue every time I wish to see them? They already stay with you, why do you insist on being selfish?”
“Cause I know what’s safe for them, and they don’t need to be around you or any other insane ego in your little group.”
The iplier egos were never all that harmful towards you, though. Only Dark and Wilford ever seemed to have interest, to which Dark would always ward off Wilford’s more… extreme tendencies.
Dark sneered in response, “You know what’s safe? The one who brought a knife to their own neck for entertainment-?”
Things were growing heated fast. You decided to quietly step away to let them work it out (in their own special way).
“Dollface, hey,” arms wrapped around your torso, making you stop, “where are ya going? I was just messing around…” Anti mumbled as his face brushed up beside yours.
“Just a minor spat is all,” Dark stepped in front of you and took your hand, “takes more than a couple harsh words to send me away.” He placed a soft kiss to your knuckles.
Anti growled and his hold possessively tightened, “would certainly make my life a lot easier… I think they prefer me anyways,” he chuckled a bit and started a trail of kisses along your neck.
Dark’s expression twitched only slightly at this, but remained overall neutral. He brought his free hand to your face and maneuvered yours to rest on his shoulder. “They just need to see what I can offer…” his chest pressed up against yours, now pinning you between the two extremely dangerous beings, “I can entirely rewrite reality at your command.”
His lips connected with yours in a rather soft display of affection, catching you off guard with how gentle he was being. He separated for a breath, “say the word my dear, and I will give you the world.” He captured your lips once again.
Anti huffed. “Darlin’ you already have the world with me,” he whispered into your ear, making you shiver only for Dark to deepen the kiss to bring your attention back to him. “What could he possibly have that I don’t, hm?” Anti placed a small kiss behind your ear.
Dark separated to glare down at him. “Humility and grace certainly comes to mind.”
With that, they were at it again. Attempting to one-up each other for your attention.
You, at their mercy, had one hand clutching at Anti’s arms and the other clawing into Dark’s suit jacket, there was hardly anything you could do to stop them. Your mind, being as flustered as it was, probably wouldn’t let you do much of anything if you could.
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septic-dr-schneep · 8 months
How a Seer could be so oblivious to his own state, Dark would never know. The Host hadn’t taken any time to examine himself before greeting him with a squeeze to the shoulder, leaving inky, bloody smudges on his crisp white suit jacket.
If the Host felt the tendrils of his aura writhing irritably, he didn’t flinch. “Dark will borrow the Host’s coat then,” he announced, a certainty more than an offer, “to maintain his dignity until his property has been returned clean.”
He’d never seen the Host in formal wear, much less in white, Dark realized only after the outerwear exchanged hands. He must have sensed Dark’s surprise, as he smiled slightly, turning this way and that to show it off.
“How does he look?” he prompted, smoothing his hands over the sleek lower panels (creating further smudges, naturally.)
White, red and gold…Bright? Elegant? Timeless?
“It suits you.”
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creat0r-cat · 2 years
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"Silence, Darling." He murmured, putting a finger to his lips as he grinned. From her position, pinned to the wall, (Y/n) wasn't quite sure what to do. Her friend was acting like he was a different person entirely. "Mark.. What are you-"
He cut her off with a kiss, leaving her breathless as he pulled away moments later. "Shhhh... do not say his name, not when I'm the one making you feel like this." He smiled, getting closer, as if to kiss (Y/n) again, but he stopped just short of her lips.
"Darling, do you really not know who I am?"
"M-mark, this really isn't funny. You're scaring me."
"I am not Mark." The man growled, his voice deep and husky, making (Y/n)'s cheeks flush red. "I.. then who are you?"
"I am the one in control. I am the master." He responded, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her neck as she whimpered in fear. With a soft chuckle, he leaned up again to gaze into her (e/c) eyes. "Do not be afraid, my love, for you and I are finally together and we shall never part again."
"How can I be yours if we've never met?" She said, blushing as she struggled to look away from his hypnotic eyes. "Please, just give me my friend back. Please, bring Mark back"
"You're making a mistake darling. I can give you anything, more than he could ever even offer." He kissed her again, this time, making (Y/n) sleepy with the warmth and comfort of his embrace. "But I don't even.. know who.. you are.." She murmured after he pulled away, somehow finding herself longing for another moment of passion.
"Darkiplier..." he whispered in her ear, his soft voice sending shivers down her spine. She repeated the name, her eyelids beginning to droop with sudden exaustion as he kissed her again. She then fell forward, unable to fight the need for rest. As he carried her away in his strong arms, (Y/n) heard the man's voice one final time before succumbing to the dreamscape.
"Happy Halloween, Darling."
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severeddreamz · 1 year
Until The Party.
chapter 1 sneak peak: 8 days until the party.
cws/tws: blood, hanahaki, self hatred (?)
(can you tell this is my first time submitting fanfiction to the site,,,)
word count: 774
.+*+. .+*+. .+*+. .+*+. .+*+. .+*+. .+*+. .+*+. .+*+.
Pure rage.
Pure Agony.
That’s all that surged through Dark’s veins.
He was filled with disgusting agony, and he was so angry with himself.
How could he let his emotions see the light of day again? He swore to himself he would never let that happen again, and yet, he did.
He looked at himself in the mirror, tears swelling in his eyes. Blood and spit smeared around his lips, staining his beard. A few seeds and petals stuck to his mouth. It felt disturbing against his face, but he couldn’t be bothered to remove it. The numb, agonizing feeling in his arms made it hard for him to want to move them. It was like any movement would make his skin feel thick and heavy against his bones. It was a gross sensation.
Dark’s dull, exhausted eyes began to trail around the room instead of his body. The black, elegant frame of the mirror, the marble counter, the gray, blood-stained floors. Blood. It was hard to try to take his mind off what had just happened when the whole room had evidence of it. The monochrome demon glanced at the gory, white and pink petals that acted like boats on top of the blood he had spit out.
How could he let himself fall in love with him? He was supposed to be a cold, powerful being. He wasn’t supposed to feel these emotions. He felt his face get wet. Fuck, now he was crying. Why was he crying? Slowly, he lifted his hands up to wipe the tears away, the uncomfortable feeling in his arms bouncing back and forth in his skin. It felt so awful. He just wanted to lie down and pray for this to go away, but he knew damn well this wouldn’t just go away in the morning. This would keep growing worse and worse until he died. Why did he have to fall back in love with him? The demon sniffled, his chest stuttering as his breath went shaky and heavy.
The sound of the air from the vent rushing into the room startled him, causing him to flinch. Flinching. He flinched. Fear. He wasn’t allowed to feel that. He wasn’t supposed to be like this. He was supposed to be pow-
“Darkk?? Hellooo?!”
A peppy voice called out from behind the bathroom door, interrupting his thoughts. A soft, candy-like smell wafted in the air. That was always the sign of who was at the door.
The demon glanced over at the closed door, eyes widening. Quickly, he reached for a towel to wash off the blood and saliva from his face and floor. He had to get rid of any evidence as possible.
“What is it, Wilford?”
He asked, trying to keep his voice steady, wanting to avoid sounding weak. The demon didn’t want to cause Wilford to worry about him. He hated it when people worried about him. It felt unnecessary. He peeled off the petals from his face and shoved them into his pants’ pocket and kneeled to the floor to try and remove the mess.
“Oh, well, we haven’t seen you since the afternoon, and it’s already almost midnight!”
Dark held back a sigh, biting his tongue. He squeezed his eyes shut, clutching the towel tighter. Every urge to just demand him to leave bubbled in his chest.
“I’m perfectly fine. There’s no need to worry about me.”
He assured with slight urgency in his voice. He picked up the remaining petals, placed them in his pocket, and threw the bloodied towel into the hamper that rested right next to the sink. He arranged a few clothes and towels to bury it. His hands began to shake slightly, a tight, twisting feeling within his chest springing to life. The demon had no idea what was going on with him. What was his body reacting like this? He hated it.
“Are you sure? You sound a little off!”
Dark bit back a sharp remark. He couldn’t reveal to the man on the other side of the door that he wasn’t alright.
“Wilford, please. I’m completely okay.”
An annoyed sigh came from the other side of the door. Dark could hear the man lean against the door, the new weight pressing the closed door as far as it could go.
“..Will you at least pay a visit downstairs? We’re worried abo-“
Silence filled the air. For what felt like hours, yet was only about a minute, the two didn’t speak to each other. Wilford eventually was the first to speak up.
“…We’ll be downstairs if you’d like to join us.”
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gaymingwriter · 7 months
Valentine’s Day Headcanon/Drabbles
I’m very slow with requests but I’m currently working on them! I just wanted to write something for Valentine’s Day. Also I don’t usually write Date Mark but since it’s Valentine’s Day I think it fits
Characters in Order: Darkiplier, Damien, Googleplier, Date Mark, Illinois, Eric Derekson, Jameson Jackson
Category: Fluff
Pronouns: They/Them, not used directly
Warnings: Writer’s favorites are obvious, swearing, somewhat spicy reference in Illinois’s but it’s not much
- This is one of the only holidays he actually plans for and looks forward to
- He actually takes the day off for once to spend time with you
- Would wake you up with your favorite breakfast in bed
- After you’re done eating he cuddles you for a while
- Then he takes you shopping. He’ll buy you pretty much anything you want
- (He’d think it’s really sweet if you got him something too though, so you should do that. It doesn’t have to be expensive)
- Takes you to your favorite restaurant for lunch
- Y’all go for a walk and go to the library/zoo/aquarium (or whatever you prefer)
- He takes you to a fancy restaurant for dinner
- Y’all cuddle and watch movies when you get home <3
- Y’all stay in for the most part
- Cuddling and movies all day
- He got you flowers and a small gift
- He’d be happy with anything you got him <3
- Makes breakfast and lunch for you
- (Though he will love it if you both cooked together)
- Took you to a nice restaurant for dinner
- He didn’t really understand Valentine’s Day?
- He does his research though
- Goes probably too hard with it
- Ends up planning way too much
- When he wakes you up, he excitedly tells you about everything he planned
- …you very gently let him know that all of his plans would be incredibly stressful
- He’s a little sad at first, but he doesn’t want to stress you out, so he changes his plans to be a couple things
- You get each other some gifts
- You go out to your favorite restaurant for lunch
- Y’all spend the rest of the day cuddling
- Takeout for dinner
- He’s honestly really flustered the whole time
- Even if it isn’t exactly as he planned, he’s still really happy with how everything went <3
Date Mark
- This fucker lives for Valentine’s Day
- The whole speech he gave during ISWM about all the things he planned for the date?
- Yeah, since that didn’t happen, he saved it for today
- He’s actually a real sweetheart when Actor isn’t using him as a character
- Gets you a bouquet of roses, a teddy bear, a box of your favorite kind of chocolate, one of those heart lockets with a picture of both of you in it, and a little heart that he knitted for you
- He sobs of joy and appreciation when you get him something, no matter how small it is
- He takes you to dinner, the fair, and a movie
- And you both hold hands <33
- Y’all binge watch shows and cuddle for the rest of the night
- He may be a flirty bastard
- That’s it that’s the sentence
- He does plan an adventure for the day!
- …y’all don’t really leave bed for a while though
- Most of it is cuddling!
- He ends up just taking you to the zoo or aquarium
- He almost cries in public when you get him a gift at the gift shop
- Dinner at the zoo/aquarium food court isn’t the most glamorous, but it was perfect for both of you
- Afterwards you watch cheesy romantic movies until you fall asleep
Eric Derekson
- He made plans! He’s just incredibly nervous to tell you!
- For this reason, you made sure he knew that you’d prioritize any plans he had, but you still had your own ideas
- He shyly brought up that he wanted to have a picnic
- You loved the idea, and your lunch was spent on a blanket in the park <3
- You got him a gift and it made him feel so loved it was great
- He got you some flowers and something you’d had on a gift wishlist
- He was so afraid you wouldn’t like it but he was reassured when you hugged him
- The rest of the day was just the two of you being sweet and romantic with each other
Jameson Jackson
- Gentleman of the year, honestly
- He crocheted some hearts and a little plushie for you
- Turned on some music and danced with you for a while <3
- He made you breakfast, and you make him lunch
- Y’all watched some of yours and his favorite movies for a while
- You gave him some flowers and chocolates
- He loves the classic gifts <3
- You order from y’all’s favorite restaurant for dinner
- The rest of the night is spent chatting and watching movies
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───── ❝ multifandom masterlist ❞ ─────
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supernatural drabbles -> link
(requests closed: dean, sam, castiel, gabriel, crowley, lucifer)
gorillaz drabbles -> link
(requests closed: murdoc, 2D, noodle, russel)
the umbrella academy drabbles -> link
(requests closed: luther, diego, allison, klaus, five, ben, viktor)
the outsiders drabbles -> link
(requests closed: dallas winston, two-bit matthews, sodapop curtis, ponyboy curtis, darey curtis, johnny cade)
xmen drabbles -> link
(requests closed: charles xavier, erik lehnsherr, peter maximoff, nightcrawler, hank mcoy, logan howlett, marie lebeau, raven)
the boys drabbles -> link
(requests closed: butcher, hughie, soldier boy, frenchie, kimiko, mothers milk, starlight, homelander)
ghostbusters drabbles -> link
(requests closed: lars pinfield, egon spengler, winston zeddemore, peter venkman, dana barrymore, ray stanz)
tf2 drabbles -> link
(requests closed: scout, spy, sniper, medic, heavy, demoman, soldier, pyro, engineer, saxton hale, miss pauling)
total drama drabbles -> link
(requests closed: mike, mal, manitoba, vito, svetlana, zoey, alejandro, duncan, gwen, heather, cody)
the walking dead drabbles -> link
(requests closed: daryl, glenn, rick, michonne)
community drabbles -> link
(requests closed: abed, troy, ian duncan)
gotham drabbles -> link
(requests closed: edward nygma/the riddler)
tmmt drabbles -> link
(requests closed: rottmnt, 2012 tmnt, bayverse turtles, donnie, leo, mikey, raph, casey, april)
dc drabbles -> link
(requests closed: battinson, dano!riddler, cillian!jonathan crane, catwoman)
doctor who drabbles -> link
(requests closed: the tenth doctor, rose)
hazbin hotel drabbles -> link
(requests closed: alastor)
good omens drabbles -> link
(requests closed: crowley, azriaphale)
spiderverse drabbles -> link
(requests closed: miguel, hobie, miles, gwen, pavitr)
buzzfeed unsolved/watcher drabbles -> link
(requests closed: shane, ryan, cc. tinsley, ricky goldsworth)
slimecicle cinematic universe drabbles -> link
(requests closed: charlie, jschlatt, tommy/zommy, the bachelor (wilbur), the bachelor of blood (quackity), florida man, mad scientist, ronald, and the wizard)
chuckle sandwich drabbles -> link
(requests closed: jschlatt, charlie slimecicle, ted nivison)
dsmp/mcyt drabbles -> link
(requests: closed: see list of people i write for in pinned post)
daredevil drabbles -> link
(requests closed: matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page, frank castle)
the mandalorian drabbles -> link
(requests closed: din darjin/the mandalorian)
potc drabbles -> link
(requests closed: jack sparrow, william turner, elizabeth swann)
bullet train drabbles -> link
(requests closed: tangerine, lemon, ladybug, maria, carver, the prince, the hornet)
suicide squad one & two drabbles -> link
(requests closed: harley quinn, captian boomerang, katana, june moon, the enchantress, the joker, el diablo, cleo cazo, abner krill)
breaking bad drabbles -> link
(requests closed: jesse, badger, skinny pete, jane, saul, gus)
better call saul drabbles -> link
(requests closed: lalo, nacho, saul/jimmy, domingo/krazy 8, howard, gus)
what we do in the shadows drabbles -> link
(requests closed: guillermo, laszlo, nadja, nandor)
star wars drabbles -> link
(requests closed: obi wan kenobi, ashoka, anakin skywalker, padame, lea skywalker, luke skywalker, han solo)
markiplier drabbles -> link
(requests closed: markiplier, darkiplier, wilford, yancy, actor, night, google, host, engineer, pornipliers, damien, eric)
jacksepticeye drabbles -> link
(requests closed: jacksepticeye, anti, henrik, marvin, chase, jj, robbie, greg)
sally face drabbles -> link
(requests closed: sal, larry, ash)
★ > ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ < ★
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
Markiplier Egos Masterlist
I have too many links on my main masterlist lol
Main Masterlist
Request Rules
Tag List Form
The Host
Please Stay - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, lots of blood, wound descriptions, implied self-h*rm, awkwardness, just sorta the beginning stages of a crush so it's really cute
Help - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, depression, intrusive thoughts
Friendship - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Cuddles - The Host x gn!reader (platonic)
Warnings: swearing, anxiety, awkwardness
“Did you sleep well?” Headcanons - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Wilford Warfstache
Blanket Thief - Wilford x gn!reader
Warnings: none, just pure fluff
Scary Movie Night - Wilford x gn!reader
Warnings: broken glass, panic attack, swearing, hurt/comfort but mostly fluff
Wilf Welcoming You Back Home Headcanons - Wilford x gn!reader
Warnings: mentions of food and drink
Pet - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing, reader is angy, bad accents
Parole - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: cat
My Handsome Guy - trans!Yancy x transmasc!reader
Warnings: dysphoria (not explicit), Yancy calls you “doll” in a gender neutral way, period stuff
Breakfast - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing, slight paranoia (?), slight abandonment issues
Star-gazing - Yancy x gn!reader x Illinois
Warnings: none
Solitary - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: panic attack, claustrophobia, swearing, hurt/comfort
Hyperfixations - Yancy x autistic!gn!reader x Illinois
Warnings: slight swearing???, fluff
Just a Little Dark Drabble - Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: none
A Thousand Awful Days - Dark x transmasc!reader
Warnings: dysphoria, swearing, fluff
Overwhelmed - Part 2 - Dark x (implied) autistic!gn!reader
Warnings: overstimulation/sensory overload, being nonverbal, zoning out, swearing, can be read as platonic
Damien and Dark ramble - Damien x gn!reader, Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Grief - Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: grieving, depression, loss of a pet
Period Pains - Dark x AFAB!reader
Warnings: talk of period stuff that may cause dysphoria
Trauma (Songfic) - Dark x DA!reader, Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: angst
Birthday Wishes - Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: mentions of purgatory, fire/matches and a knife
Dark Drabble - Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: none
Just A Child - Dark & teenage!gn!reader (platonic)
Warnings: Actor is a creep (implied), hurt/comfort themes
Panic Attack Comfort Headcanons - Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: panic attack (obvi), mostly fluff
Pretty Boy - King!Dark x masc!reader
Warnings: things get a little spicy 😳
Gone, I’m Gone (Songfic) - Dark/Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: explicit descriptions of blood, broken bones, starvation and dehydration, swearing, manipulation, extreme angst
Papers (Songfic) - Dark/Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: Actor is an asshole, angst, hurt/no comfort, mentions of some events from WKM
Of Cowboys, Cave Ins, and Crushes - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: being trapped in a small area, death, minor injuries that are not explicitly described
Partner - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Free of Charge - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: illness, swearing, hurt/comfort
Reckless - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: death, blood, injury, swearing, ANGST
Family Reunion - Illinois, no reader
Warnings: none
Stay Safe - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing
Star-gazing - Illinois x gn!reader x Yancy
Warnings: none
Careful Not To Fall In Love - Illinois & Indiana Jones
Warnings: none
Hyperfixations - Illinois x autistic!gn!reader x Yancy
Warnings, slight swearing??, fluff
Midnight, The Stars and You (Songfic Kinda) - Damien x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Damien and Dark ramble - Damien x gn!reader, Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Trauma (Songfic) - Dark x DA!reader, Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: angst
Gone, I’m Gone (Songfic) - Damien/Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: explicit descriptions of blood, broken bones, starvation and dehydration, swearing, manipulation, extreme angst
Sodomy - Damien x male!DA!reader
Warnings: internalized homophobia, religious trauma, hinted emotionally abusive parents, sodomy laws
Papers (Songfic) - Damien/Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: Actor is an asshole, angst, hurt/no comfort, mentions of some events from WKM
Hug - Google x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Reader Who Can’t Spell Headcanons - Google x gn!reader
Warnings: none
First Kiss Headcanons - Google x gn!reader
Warnings: none
You’re Not The Captain AU
One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Ficlet
You’re Another Engineer AU
Captain’s Log - Ficlet - Addition
Dogs in Space Headcanons - ISWM Crew + Captain!reader (Slight Captaineer)
Engineer Mark
Kiss It Better - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: minor injury, but mostly just fluff
Captain, My Captain - Engineer Mark x AFAB!reader
Warnings: period fic, cramps, swearing
In My Solitude (Songfic) - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: loneliness, depression, possible su*c*dal thought (written in red text just in case), death, heavy angst, maybe a little fluffy at the end but like a sad fluffy
I Missed You - Engineer Mark x transmasc!reader
Warnings: being (unintentionally) misgendered
#1 Captain - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort
Your Captain - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, loss of identity, overworking
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spicy-moths · 11 months
You may know me from my SFW blog @mothgodofchaos. Here is an adult space where anyone with no age/underage in their bio will be blocked. If you want SFW content, go to my other blog.
As of right now, I have no intention on doing requests on here. If you don't have a way to contact me that isn't through here, you don't have the right to make a request. I will do whatever sin comes to mind, and it's probably going to be targeted at a specific person. However, you are still welcome to send in thoughts or ideas you've been rotating, and I may answer them with a little drabble. That is to my discretion.
Additionally, as is with my SFW blog, I do not do RP content of any type, especially not through Tumblr.
DNI if you don't have the ability to treat someone with kindness regardless of their ability, race, sexuality, gender, etc. Or are a minor.
All kinks and such will be in the warnings. Pay attention to what is there, and simply do not read something if you're not into it. It's not that deep.
Shit I will not write: underage, preg/childbirth, age play, bestiality, SH, incest, WS/scat, hard pet play, rape
Consent is sexy, y'all.
Masterlist Headcanons Recommendations Tags below:
Actor: #sassy snakelet Darkiplier: #monochromatic master Google: #sixteen wires Heehoo: #fifteen foot hunter Illinois: #crass cave explorer Murdoch: #meat sword stabber Necromancer: #mystic crystal cuffs Yancy: #restraint repurposer
Antisepticeye: #kinky knifey boy Marvin: #magic finger man
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otterlyinluv · 11 months
A day in the life of a Darkiplier
A/N: A little drabble I did during Creative Writing when we were supposed to write a diary entry of a character, and I chose Dark! (Who's thinking of the DA as usual)
October 18th, 20XX
Today was a day like any other. The weather matched my dull mood with its grey skies and light rain. It reminded me of them...
I spent the day cooped up in my office dealing with research as usual, hearing the other ego's escapades when I took a break from staring at the computer for too long.
Wilford did try to persuade me to eat something for lunch, but I refused, as always. After about 10 minutes, I heard a knock at the door. Not bothering to look up from my computer, I heard soft, tentative steps and a tray of food put on my table. I looked up only when they were about to leave. A small smile, and then they closed the door. I ate the food. Maybe I was actually hungry... but maybe it was because of them.
I spent the rest of the day working, and I couldn't help but smile when I looked at the empty plate once in a while.
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mane--attraction · 2 years
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Ah yes, my very late "year in review post" whoops lol (MINORS DNI)
I posted 25 times in 2022
That's 13 more posts than 2021!
18 posts created (72%)
7 posts reblogged (28%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 25 of my posts in 2022
#gender neutral reader - 9 posts
#mun speaks - 8 posts
#lemon - 8 posts
#x reader - 8 posts
#minors dni - 6 posts
#gn reader - 4 posts
#murdock x reader - 4 posts
#lemonish - 3 posts
#darkiplier x reader - 3 posts
#mun answers - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#okay after thinking about it you may have mentioned the idea as a fic at one point (cuz i know it was brought up for rp) but still
My Top Posts in 2022:
Murderplier/Murdoch spicy headcanons - MINORS DNI
A/N I’ve been holding onto these since... May 5th? Damn lol forgot about them until literally today when I’m making this post. >:P Under read more just in case. 
CW: knifes, murder mention, blood mention, gender neutral but there is a period mention (if I need more warnings, let me know)
(read more at the link below)
58 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
A/N: I wrote this at 3am don't look at me
Murdock has a habit.
(read more at the link below)
58 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
"Perhaps you are tired of me repeating myself over..."
One spank. You yelp with a jolt.
"...and over..."
Another spank, another cry from you. You swear that slap was harder.
"...and over again," he growls into your ear as he gives one more and you hiss in pain, even as a shudder runs down your spine.
(read more at the link below)
79 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
(A/N: This has been languishing for a while cuz despite being a drabble I got stuck really quickly; I couldn’t figure out how to make what I wrote mesh with the idea of “someone comes to the door” without it feeling unnecessary. Ah well, another time, mayhaps. Anyway, enjoy~)
(minors dni)
Technically, the head engineer should bunk near the engines, in case of an issue. Technically, in addition to being closer to the bridge, the captain's quarters only have room for one.
(read more at the link below)
147 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
How they would react to you tying yourself up in ribbon as a gift for them: Actor and Dark
(click the link below to view the headcanons)
157 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
(posts edited down for length and also to hide most of the naughty stuff lol. also for some reason this recap post removed the read more from everything so the entire post was slapped in there)
What a year! I know I'm (very) late with posting this, but I only refound this recap thing in the last few days of 2022 and then I got busy. My most popular post was the one towards the beginning of the year, and I actually reblogged stuff to this blog that wasn't just that one gifset! Whodathunk! The top five has a pretty good range, which I'm happy about. Thank you to everyone in particular who reblogged stuff and added tags, I appreciate those notes the most. And also those asks, hehe. I live for the yelling at me in my inbox and the tags. Who knows what this year will bring~~ >:3
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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yuckie-obsessive · 2 years
I keep hitting you guys with drabbles but I’M NOT SORRY
Was thinking of the door video and the whole meme about “it says dark too many times for it to not be a coincidence” so there’s the initial prompt.
I’m also very mad that I decided to post this and not edit like I’m zooted, my apologies
Darkiplier x Reader (gender neutral)
Set up: the nightly tapping from your closet door has finally driven you insane. Previously, every time you opened it you only saw the normal inner closet. Tonight was going to be different. A voice accompanied the tapping.
“Hey there… I’m sorry it’s been a rough couple of nights, but would you please open the door for me?”
You really weren’t expecting a voice. You wanted so desperately to chalk it up to just something in your walls. But what the heck do you do now? There’s a person in your closet.
“I realize the ridiculousness of all of this, but I would really appreciate it if you let me in.”
Something about that last part gave you chills. Shock was keeping you rooted to your bed.
“Hello? (Y/n)… I know you’re there… please open the door.”
How the hell did they know your name? The knob shook, but reacted as if it was locked. It was all the more terrifying that you could physically see it reacting to an unseen force.
“Nothing bad will happen, I promise. In fact, there’s a lot I can give you… if you open this door.”
The knob jiggled again.
“I can make your wildest dreams come true. Anything your heart desires, name it and I can provide. All I ask in return is to Let. Me. In. Simple as that.”
If fear didn’t drive you, then it was the overwhelming feeling of curiosity that moved you from your bed.
“Please… I’m really not asking for much.”
Your feet softly padded across the floor as you neared your closet. This was insane. Why were you even struggling to decide on this? You should’ve run out of the room by now. But you were still here, now standing in front of it.
“I’m not a scary guy, honest! You can trust me… after all, you are the only one who can open this door here,” he demonstrated by once again jiggling the knob. “You have total power. I’m just politely asking that you open it… please.”
Your shaky hand hesitated on the knob, then grasped it to turn it completely. There was a moment of silent pause. You let the door slowly swing open to find a wall of darkness. You took a step back in surprise.
Suddenly a pair of arms shot out and grabbed ahold of you and pulled you in, causing you to crash against something solid. The door slammed behind you and the darkness overwhelmed your vision. You tried desperately to free yourself of the hold you were in. A low chuckle next to your ear made you freeze.
“I can’t believe that worked.”
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septic-dr-schneep · 5 months
@whumpril Day 24: No Time to Rest
“Predictions for the conversation ahead of us, Host?” Dark prompted, arms folded, aura lashing expectantly.
Pressing the heels of stiff hands into his old bandages, the Host sighed. The air smacked of dried blood and stale coffee. “Dark will sardonically ask if the Host plans to sleep anytime within the week. The Host will retort that his visions cannot be postponed.”
“Recordkeeping can.”
“If the Host was confident of that, he would have retired of his own volition forty-eight hours ago. Dark, however, feels some measure of responsibility and control over his friend, and is capable of…more manipulative methods to put him down without resistance.”
“Is that a request?”
“…An observation.” His head was already so heavy with the pressure of future flashes, Dark’s intrusion sounded soothing by comparison.
“Well, then…” Dark’s whisper was suddenly, startlingly close, his hand already kneading at a knot in the Host’s drooping shoulder. “Observe.”
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What’s up? I’m 21, autistic, biromantic-demisexual, and use She/Her pronouns. Storytelling is really important to me, and the stuff I make is almost always dark, unhinged, and macabre.
This is a list of all the stories I’ve written so far (and I’ll be making updates in time with future stories). The characters I mainly write for are YouTuber Egos; those of Nathan Sharp/NateWantsToBattle, Markiplier, MatPat, Thomas Sanders, etc.
(You can also find all of these stories here, if you prefer AO3.)
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The Pentas Family Encyclopedia
(Goretober 2022) Day 2: Cannibalism (Caliban, Murdock, The Newcomer)
Running on Empty (Caliban, Murdock)
God, Being an Accessory to Murder is Exhausting (Sam, Murdock, Caliban)
What’s That Saying About Cinnamon Rolls. . ? (Azalea, Caliban)
Update the Letter Board! (Azalea, Murdock)
Toxic Tutorials (Azalea, The Newcomer)
 (ꝀɨnđȺ-SøɍŧȺ?) ØɍɨǥɨnȺł ȻħȺɍȺȼŧɇɍs/Ɇǥøs
Characters and Headcanons and References, Oh My!
What’s This? Natemare is EVOLVING!
Matt and Ro are Soul-Siblings, So. . .(But It’s Kinda Dark This Time)
ȻȺsᵾȺł Fɨȼs 
From Candygram to Requiem (Noah Walker and the Paranormal Investigators from Random Encounter’s Phasmophobia The Musical)
What’s a Detective Without a Case? (Noir!Engineer Mark, Noir!Mack, Noir!Captain)
Nobody Likes Rude Clients (Patty, Delux/Porniplier)
Caught Between a Monstrosity and An Abomination  (EldritchPlier, LeviathanPat, The Reader)
Sɇɍɨɇs Fɨȼs 
A Week of Goretober 2022
Day 1: Voodoo Doll (Phantom, Bones)
Day 2: Cannibalism (Caliban, Murdock, The Newcomer)
Day 3: Broken Glass (Damien, Celine, The District Attorney, Darkiplier)
Day 4: Suffocation (The Captain, Head Engineer Mark)
Day 5: Revenge (Natemare, FNAF’s Missing Children, Purple Guy/Afton/Springtrap)
Day 6: Specimen Preservation (Phantom, Anti-Matter)
Day 7: Lyric Inspired (The Reader, Scaredy/SCARED-E)
Gifts for a Bat (an ongoing saga of snippets based off of @that-bat’s awesome Resident Evil: Village AU, where the mutated personifications of Nate, Mark and Matt are Lords serving under Mother Miranda and Ethan Nestor/CrankGamePlays is playing the role of Ethan Winters.)
Part 1: A Spider-Human Monster and A Necromancer Walk Into a Bar. . .  (Nate/Lord Ophio, Matt/Lord Loxosceles)
Part 2: Chaos, Compromises, and Meal-Prep (Ethan Nestor-Winters, Matt/Lord Loxosceles, Mark/Lord Isurus)
Part 3: A New Face In Town (Nate/Lord Ophio, Hunter/The Baron)
The Sides of A Nightmare (short drabbles inspired by @fangirltothefullest’s amazing Sanders Sides Little Nightmares AU)
The Actor (Creativity “Roman” Sanders/Red, Character!Thomas Sanders)
The Professor (Logic “Logan” Sanders/Indigo, Creativity “Roman” Sanders/Red, Character!Thomas Sanders)
ɌȺnđøm Ɉᵾnꝁ 
Incorrect Quotes: ISWM (Parts 1 and 2) Edition
Incorrect Quotes: ISWM Edition (The Second One)
How Mack Snapped and Became the Way He Is in Part Two
ISWM Meets Pokemon
Matt and Ro are Soul-Siblings, So. . .
Headcanons for Phantom and Monarch Being Allies(?) Since Nate and Amanda Are Friends
RE8 AU Incorrect Quotes
How a Lot of My Followers Probably Reacted to My Hyperfixation on Caliban
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skiiesofray · 13 days
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"Hello, are you expecting the end as well?"
✧ Jay, 22 years old, English is not my native language
✧ he/they
✧ trans & demisexual
✧ a reminder!! my creative wave aren't as.. stable so expect me to be gone at random times
"Don't expect me to talk with those people."
✧ this is a 18+ account so MINORS FOR FUCK SAKE DNI
✧ fem-aligned/ageless/blank accounts DNI
✧ racists, homophobic, transphobic, and overall just dirtbags DNI
"Now we got to know each other, some advice."
✧ you can request, I can write smut & fluffs
✧ but bare with me as I don't have any beta readers
✧ that aside, I won't write: scat, noncon, anything to do with incest (whether stepfamily or cousins even), forced fem (consent is important!) bloodplay, or knifeplay
✧ im pretty much okay with anything else, and if there's a request that is to my dislike, I will ignore
"These are my favourite, what do you think?"
✧ COD: John Price, Simon Ghost Riley, Soap McTavish, Kyle Gaz Garrick, König, Phillips Graves, Alejandro, Rodolfo Parras
✧ MCU: Head Engineer Mark, Actor Mark, Illinois, Darkiplier
✧ Ghostbusters: Ray Stantz, Peter Venkman, Egon Spengler, Winston Zeddmore
✧ Marvel: Tony Stark, Wolverine/Logan Howlett, Deadpool
✧ The Boys: Homelander, Soldier Boy, A-Train, The Deep
✧ Will add on in the future!!
"Where's the knife? Oh, it's in the second pocket in the bag."
✧ colourswrites - requested fics | colourstalk - drabbles/spitballs | coloursthought - ideas on a topic | wherecolours - answers anon |
"I have some goods, you wanna look?"
✧ Masterlist coming soon!!
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"I hope you and I will survive the world, have hope."
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