#darksiders maker
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Tell Ulthane .....
He is the last hope...
Of an old fool....
For Darksiderstober 2022 Day 29 "Forgiven" After everything that transpired between them, and witnessing the consequence of their actions....both feel a great deal of Guilt. While Azrael has been trapped in a tower with a century to wallow in regret, Ulthane took strides in trying to make amends. Ulthane despite his feelings about causing the apocalypse, knew there was something wrong with the balance, and he was not the maker to turn away a friend in need. I'd imagine after all this, Azrael's only wish is that before he faces the judgement, that Ulthane might be able to forgive him. Hope ya like, prompts are here , and stay tuned!
Art is mine
Azrael and Ulthane belongs to Darksiders universe
Prompts by @another-darksiders-blog
Sponsored by @imagine-darksiders
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lazyroseart · 2 years
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The only child of Hjalmar and Parca.
He's a talented young blacksmith and enchanter able to figure out different enchantments quite easily no matter the weapon type or how well the enchantment was placed.
Aegir actually was one of the makers that follow Ulthane to Earth. Curiosity was what made him go if I had to be honest.
He finds humans very interesting.
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imagine-darksiders · 3 months
I hope the day is just as beautiful as you! 🧡✨
I heard you were taking drawing requests? If still so, I would love to see your take on Ulthane holding a toddler. Especially one who thinks he's the funniest thing ever.
I mean think about it, he's already such a dad with regular-sized humans. Could you imagine the complex existential crisis he would have over a bumbling toddler? One who's still learning their expressions?
I don't know, I just think Ulthane having to come to the stark realization that humans somehow get smaller is a hilarious concept to me.
AnYhOo, this is a request only if you still have the time and energy. If not then no worries and just know you are loved and appreciated!
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Today on 'Things I didn't know I needed until I read this ask.'
Aka; Ulthane meets his match in a human toddler and the other humans find it absolutely hilarious.
They ask if he needs any help looking after her and he's like 'No, no! I'm Ulthane Blackhammer, I can handle a youngling.'
He then proceeds to lose her after looking away for like 0.04 seconds and has a complete meltdown until he spots her curled up in his scarf.
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Angel/Demon:* bully a human *
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darksiders-scenarios · 6 months
The Makers React to Your Sorrow
Some quickies - I've already written Karn's earlier hee
Alya: She immediately sets up an impromptu training session. "Let's sweat out the sadness," she proclaims.
Ulthane: He crafts a melodious wind chime from rare metals. "Hang this near your window," he says gently. "Its song will remind you of the strength within you," believing in the power of sound to heal the heart.
Eideard: The elder senses your melancholy and invites you for a walk under the Tree of Life. With each step, he shares ancient wisdom about the cycles of life and renewal.
Muria: She concocts a special brew, the potion sparkles. "Drink this, child. Let it lift your spirits," she says, her eyes kind, reminding you that healing takes time and care.
Thane: Upon hearing of your sadness, Thane decides it's time for an adventure. "Pack your courage," he declares, leading you on a quest through the wilds. Each step away from your usual confines helps to distance your mind from its troubles.
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functionaldisaster · 1 year
I've read "Old Timer" from @imagine-darksiders, at least 3 months ago. Young Eidard is still living rent free in my brain.
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Thank you Ellie.
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knightgoth · 2 months
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the-makers-daughter · 11 months
I noticed something about the Canon dragons in Darksiders.
Frostbane and the Destroyer. They both move similarly to cats!
It makes me wonder what other feline traits they exhibit when they're not trying to fight the horsemen.
It was a lot of inspiration for me when Nyörun was first in development.
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prototypelq · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
Create a crossover! What is Devil May Cry crossing over with? How does it work? How do the characters from each world interact with the characters from the other?
Hi Ember, thank you for a very creative ask!
This is simultaneously the easiest and the hardest ask out of all of them for me pfff. I am not really a crossover person, I’m much more an AU person. AUs heavily inspired by other medias or the like can be carefully picked to enhance the specific aspects of existing things in canon to tailor it to your liking. Full on crossovers to me looks more like… mashing dolls together to imitate kissing basically. Weird, forced and doesn’t really work? I’ll try thou
In terms of classic crossover definition the only one I can come up with, and the one that I found art for Right on the day you sent the ask (there are no accidents) – is with Darksiders. You know. Another series of games based on Angelic and Demonic imagery, which thematically hold family in high regard. Though,  DMC doesn’t have Riders of the Apocalypse OR, more importantly, their horses. (I love darksiders for lots and lots of reasons but also like half of them can also be summarized by saying magic horse knights, it’s hard to put into words exactly how majestic powerful and appealing a war horse concept is to me, even more so because I’ve had some experience with them, a war horse is an actual Tank I am not kidding)
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This will mostly work for laughs, because siblings bickering and demon trouble will be familiar to all the characters. I’d love to see them all spar actually, cause if anything can rival overpowered twins of DMC, it would be the Riders of the Apocalypse. Plus they could work as actually really cool bosses (imagine a combination of crazy hitboxes of Maplphas chicken rush attacks, with a finesse and speed of Angelo, and that would probably be the skeleton the Riders will diverge from, and the situation works in reverse, but the Lucifer fight from Darksiders 2 (actually my fav fight in the series gameplay wise) is pretty much already Dante&Vergil movesets combined – incredibly fast teleporting chains of attacks, and an array of ranged options to boot, great fight)
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Actually, If I were to play against those I would probably be scared for my damn life if I saw War&Ruin rushing full speed to my location on screen, no matter how badass the character I play as would be. Have you seen Ruin? That horse is built like a goddamn truck, is just as powerful AND IS FAST. The only way to disrupt this attack would be to like perfect-parry War’s slash and powerful enough to dismount him, or at least dismiss Ruin (who can actually fight on his own too).
Sorry for focusing so much on War&Ruin, it’s just these two are an actual battering ram combined and that’s so cool. I love all the Riders and horses of Darksiders. You could probably see where my headcanons for ‘demonic pets au’ or the like come from. That said this is the only specifically a crossover I can think of.
Now, If I, per chance, were to take some Creative Liberties TM with the ask… and perhaphs add some AU thoughts here… Ooh boy
First of all, the family drama focus of DMC means that, story-wise you can insert them EVERYWHERE.
Pacific Rim copilots au where Vergil went missing during a last-stand kaiju fight and Dante had to operate the jaeger alone, Vergil to be found and rehabilitated by the locals but forgotten and lost to the whole operation, and Dante who managed to pilot the jaeger back to base alone, mourning his brother for the last 20 years, only to find out a nephew in a new pilot candidate? Done.
RDR cowboys on the run from the gang that had personal history with their family, constantly traveling and trying their luck where they can?Maybe with Nero growing up to join the bounty hunters that are looking for the twins? Done. (Rebellion and Yamato as horses...)
Dishonored AU because I really really want to see the setting of these games more but the story in them is always lacking? Twins trying to out-asassin each other? Or they could be on different sides of the conflict, or Anything it would be very cool!!!
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Hitman games twins insert! The second twin is the bot you play against, and need to eliminate the target faster or prevent each other from achieving their goal. Vergil is the Silent Assassin, perfect eye sniper, Dante is the Master Infiltrator that can and will get past any security right under their noses.
Okay so wild fantasizing almost over, what crossovers/heavy au I can imagine that would benefit DMC?
Bloodborne or ResE, though Blodborne would be my preferred option, and my knowledge on ResE begins and ends with those twins insert skins.
I Love Love Love Love Love the family drama in DMC, but I wish the setting has also got some much, much needed attention, it is severely lacking is every possible area that does not concern the twins. Bloodborne AU fixes that. Suddenly twins are not overpowered to an extreme degree so nothing ever could present a danger to them, and this only adds pressure to the family drama we have going on (which is why ResE would also work). We get info on how other humans deal with the supernatural bullshit around them, background story for the demons and more information on them in general.
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Bloodborne vibe is arguably what DMC5 was, at least partialy inspired by – the blood splashes that remain stuck to the characters, the blood fountain Urizen uses for teleporting around, the illusions the fruit created… Only body horror remains unused, but those Empusas certainly do try. Item descriptions are my least favorite narrative tool out of them all, however I would take even that for DMC, because right now we have bare minimum worldbuilding, which is held up by the fic writers and theories authors (Legends) more than the actual canon.
Gameplay-wise? I think just adding some unique mechanics from other slasher games would work nicely. Vergil could very much do with the slashing mechanics of MGRR, it would probably be the only thing that could make him even cooler than he already is really.
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I would love to get some sort of Hi-Fi Rush or Audiosurf musical mechanic implemented, or add them as additional rhythm challenges. Dante Must Style kind of already does that – the mode forces the player to play not just good, but stylish and be effective about it. I can imagine a challenge mode where you get bonus points for executing certain moves in rhytm with the music. Or, a discount version of this – add Audiosurf algorithm so you could feed the game any song you like and the mod will layer it to work with the style meter. To be honest, I am not sure how coding-wise hard this task would be, but that never stopped modding communities before and I am honestly surprised there aren’t already mods like that.
Another thing DMC5 could benefit from gameplay-wise is additions to V gameplay. I have mentioned Astral Chain before, and I will again (partially because I am a little jealous of people who did play it), somehow Nintendo got their hands on a Platinum game and people are really sleeping on it for some reason (only a million copies or about sold what the hell???).
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Astral Chain is built upon the concept of V – summons combat, and I am sure there are mechanics in that summon-exclusive game that dmc5 would benefit from (sadly I have a harder time pinning them down, but I know there are some parkour moves the player can do witht the help of their summon and there are combo-attacks with the summon so those would be a great start).
I could also add Honkai 3d (also known as the mihoyo anime lovechild, btw look up animatics for music for the game it is SICK, not all seasons of anime can reach this level of quality) to this section, because it has a great mechanic I really missed in my time playing genshin – ultimate attacks leave characters on the battlefield and will allow you to switch to another character without breaking the ultimate. (DMC5 COULD ALSO USE AN ACTUAL COOP)
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This means you can proc BIG DAMAGE animation, enjoy it from the sideline and switch to another character while not losing your momentum and seeing your faves gang up on enemy – I think it’s not hard to see V could have been much more entertaining with this mechanic. This could be expanded into full on combo attacks between your summons (ex. launch enemy with shadow and cast v-lightning to proc a cool double attack move), or combo attacks with V himself. This could be animation heavy though, and might get repetitive to see, but I still think it will be a very solid addition.
This reply is all over the place, but I hope at least the Darksiders answer remained somewhat on point xD
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askthedarksidersfam · 11 months
Personal post but
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I forged this rune pendant with the help of blacksmiths today while at ren faire! I also added the textures!
And a quick vid of me scribing the rune
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robotdragonfanatic · 2 years
We’ve all accepted Ulthane as the overprotective dad of pretty much every human that comes within a million miles of Haven but...
I can’t accept that we’ve all collectively ignored that THERE’S AN ACTIVE FLOW OF LAVA IN HAVEN
Look me in the eye and tell me the Makers didn’t all get a head (and beard) full of grey hairs after constantly pulling their charges from sticking their little hands in the glowy gooey auch syrup
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mellz117 · 1 year
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lazyroseart · 2 years
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Parca's son Aegir!
He's is quite talented in smithing and enchanting both weapons and armor.
Aegir is actually smaller than other makers due to him only being half maker and his young age.
He REALLY wants to study the horsemens weapons due to how unique and one of kind they are.
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imagine-darksiders · 11 months
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Inktober day 5 - Horde
Ulthane gets taken out by a horde of humans, can't stop laughing even though he's meant to be dead.
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Ulthane:*see Angel for the first time*
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darksiders-scenarios · 6 months
The Makers Headcanons
A/N: Um... my feeble attempt at exploring the Makers' culture...
The Dreamweaver Makers: They are part of a mystical sect, serving as guardians of the ethereal pathways that connect the world of the waking to the realm of dreams. These Makers excel in the art of creating enchanted textiles, garments, and weapons that are highly sought after across Creation, prized not just for their ability to shield and protect but also for their capacity to inspire profound dreams and visions. Beyond their craftsmanship, the Dreamweavers hold revered positions as seers and sages, possessing deep insights into the mysteries of the cosmos.
The Bard Makers: Their artistry in music and storytelling transcends mere performance - they are the voice of the Makers' soul. With instruments crafted from elemental ores and woods that resonate with the foundational tones of creation, the Bard Makers carry stories across the realms, ensuring the legacy of the Makers is never forgotten, even as worlds change and fade.
The Scribe Makers: They have a pivotal role of recording history, crafting laws and preserving the wisdom of their people. They work closely with figures like Eideard in documenting insights and oral histories passed down through generations. They are the weavers of history and the keepers of the Creation's deepest secrets. Their work align with the Bard Makers.
The Brewmaster Makers: They are celebrated for their mastery over the alchemical arts of brewing potent concoctions, their recipes protected secrets passed down through generations. Here, water, infused with the essence of the Forge Lands, melds with enchanted herbs, fermenting under carefully controlled spells to produce elixirs that can heal, invigorate, or protect, while a specially crafted mead could facilitate communion with the spiritual realms. The Brewmasters' role aids the Dreamweavers and Scribes in their work.
The Greenwarden Makers: They are vital to the ecological and spiritual health of the Forge Lands. Their sacred gardens do not simply serve as sources of medicinal herbs and plants used by the Brewmasters, but also serve as sacred connection to the natural world. The Greenwarden Makers work in harmony with the Dreamweaver Makers, making sure the Makers' deep bond with creation is continually nurtured.
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