#honkai impact 3d
kiwicidios · 7 months
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⠀ ⠀𝆬⠀  ۪  secrets i have  ۫  𑄼  
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pavooko · 1 year
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quasi black hole
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roleplayfinder · 4 months
Hi! The name's Hato! Currently 16 and looking for roleplays with people of similar ages.
Haven't done it in a very long time, and never online so please be patient with me if I make any mistakes 😔
Idk playing ocs or cannon characters, or shipping them (as long as it's sfw)
Don't have much preference on the fandom, but here are the ones I'm familiar with:
- Fnaf (favs r sl, sb ruin)
- hollow knight
- undertale/deltarune (I'm a bit behind on them tho)
- genshin
- honkai impact 3rd
- tbhk
I intend on using discord, I'll reply to comments and then contact them on the messages here (sorry im new to tumblr so ill figure it out)
Please ignore this one if you are an adult!!
Thank you for reading.
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prototypelq · 9 months
DMC Questions Anon here!
Create a crossover! What is Devil May Cry crossing over with? How does it work? How do the characters from each world interact with the characters from the other?
Hi Ember, thank you for a very creative ask!
This is simultaneously the easiest and the hardest ask out of all of them for me pfff. I am not really a crossover person, I’m much more an AU person. AUs heavily inspired by other medias or the like can be carefully picked to enhance the specific aspects of existing things in canon to tailor it to your liking. Full on crossovers to me looks more like… mashing dolls together to imitate kissing basically. Weird, forced and doesn’t really work? I’ll try thou
In terms of classic crossover definition the only one I can come up with, and the one that I found art for Right on the day you sent the ask (there are no accidents) – is with Darksiders. You know. Another series of games based on Angelic and Demonic imagery, which thematically hold family in high regard. Though,  DMC doesn’t have Riders of the Apocalypse OR, more importantly, their horses. (I love darksiders for lots and lots of reasons but also like half of them can also be summarized by saying magic horse knights, it’s hard to put into words exactly how majestic powerful and appealing a war horse concept is to me, even more so because I’ve had some experience with them, a war horse is an actual Tank I am not kidding)
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This will mostly work for laughs, because siblings bickering and demon trouble will be familiar to all the characters. I’d love to see them all spar actually, cause if anything can rival overpowered twins of DMC, it would be the Riders of the Apocalypse. Plus they could work as actually really cool bosses (imagine a combination of crazy hitboxes of Maplphas chicken rush attacks, with a finesse and speed of Angelo, and that would probably be the skeleton the Riders will diverge from, and the situation works in reverse, but the Lucifer fight from Darksiders 2 (actually my fav fight in the series gameplay wise) is pretty much already Dante&Vergil movesets combined – incredibly fast teleporting chains of attacks, and an array of ranged options to boot, great fight)
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Actually, If I were to play against those I would probably be scared for my damn life if I saw War&Ruin rushing full speed to my location on screen, no matter how badass the character I play as would be. Have you seen Ruin? That horse is built like a goddamn truck, is just as powerful AND IS FAST. The only way to disrupt this attack would be to like perfect-parry War’s slash and powerful enough to dismount him, or at least dismiss Ruin (who can actually fight on his own too).
Sorry for focusing so much on War&Ruin, it’s just these two are an actual battering ram combined and that’s so cool. I love all the Riders and horses of Darksiders. You could probably see where my headcanons for ‘demonic pets au’ or the like come from. That said this is the only specifically a crossover I can think of.
Now, If I, per chance, were to take some Creative Liberties TM with the ask… and perhaphs add some AU thoughts here… Ooh boy
First of all, the family drama focus of DMC means that, story-wise you can insert them EVERYWHERE.
Pacific Rim copilots au where Vergil went missing during a last-stand kaiju fight and Dante had to operate the jaeger alone, Vergil to be found and rehabilitated by the locals but forgotten and lost to the whole operation, and Dante who managed to pilot the jaeger back to base alone, mourning his brother for the last 20 years, only to find out a nephew in a new pilot candidate? Done.
RDR cowboys on the run from the gang that had personal history with their family, constantly traveling and trying their luck where they can?Maybe with Nero growing up to join the bounty hunters that are looking for the twins? Done. (Rebellion and Yamato as horses...)
Dishonored AU because I really really want to see the setting of these games more but the story in them is always lacking? Twins trying to out-asassin each other? Or they could be on different sides of the conflict, or Anything it would be very cool!!!
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Hitman games twins insert! The second twin is the bot you play against, and need to eliminate the target faster or prevent each other from achieving their goal. Vergil is the Silent Assassin, perfect eye sniper, Dante is the Master Infiltrator that can and will get past any security right under their noses.
Okay so wild fantasizing almost over, what crossovers/heavy au I can imagine that would benefit DMC?
Bloodborne or ResE, though Blodborne would be my preferred option, and my knowledge on ResE begins and ends with those twins insert skins.
I Love Love Love Love Love the family drama in DMC, but I wish the setting has also got some much, much needed attention, it is severely lacking is every possible area that does not concern the twins. Bloodborne AU fixes that. Suddenly twins are not overpowered to an extreme degree so nothing ever could present a danger to them, and this only adds pressure to the family drama we have going on (which is why ResE would also work). We get info on how other humans deal with the supernatural bullshit around them, background story for the demons and more information on them in general.
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Bloodborne vibe is arguably what DMC5 was, at least partialy inspired by – the blood splashes that remain stuck to the characters, the blood fountain Urizen uses for teleporting around, the illusions the fruit created… Only body horror remains unused, but those Empusas certainly do try. Item descriptions are my least favorite narrative tool out of them all, however I would take even that for DMC, because right now we have bare minimum worldbuilding, which is held up by the fic writers and theories authors (Legends) more than the actual canon.
Gameplay-wise? I think just adding some unique mechanics from other slasher games would work nicely. Vergil could very much do with the slashing mechanics of MGRR, it would probably be the only thing that could make him even cooler than he already is really.
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I would love to get some sort of Hi-Fi Rush or Audiosurf musical mechanic implemented, or add them as additional rhythm challenges. Dante Must Style kind of already does that – the mode forces the player to play not just good, but stylish and be effective about it. I can imagine a challenge mode where you get bonus points for executing certain moves in rhytm with the music. Or, a discount version of this – add Audiosurf algorithm so you could feed the game any song you like and the mod will layer it to work with the style meter. To be honest, I am not sure how coding-wise hard this task would be, but that never stopped modding communities before and I am honestly surprised there aren’t already mods like that.
Another thing DMC5 could benefit from gameplay-wise is additions to V gameplay. I have mentioned Astral Chain before, and I will again (partially because I am a little jealous of people who did play it), somehow Nintendo got their hands on a Platinum game and people are really sleeping on it for some reason (only a million copies or about sold what the hell???).
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Astral Chain is built upon the concept of V – summons combat, and I am sure there are mechanics in that summon-exclusive game that dmc5 would benefit from (sadly I have a harder time pinning them down, but I know there are some parkour moves the player can do witht the help of their summon and there are combo-attacks with the summon so those would be a great start).
I could also add Honkai 3d (also known as the mihoyo anime lovechild, btw look up animatics for music for the game it is SICK, not all seasons of anime can reach this level of quality) to this section, because it has a great mechanic I really missed in my time playing genshin – ultimate attacks leave characters on the battlefield and will allow you to switch to another character without breaking the ultimate. (DMC5 COULD ALSO USE AN ACTUAL COOP)
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This means you can proc BIG DAMAGE animation, enjoy it from the sideline and switch to another character while not losing your momentum and seeing your faves gang up on enemy – I think it’s not hard to see V could have been much more entertaining with this mechanic. This could be expanded into full on combo attacks between your summons (ex. launch enemy with shadow and cast v-lightning to proc a cool double attack move), or combo attacks with V himself. This could be animation heavy though, and might get repetitive to see, but I still think it will be a very solid addition.
This reply is all over the place, but I hope at least the Darksiders answer remained somewhat on point xD
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harmorii · 6 days
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brush test and also an excuse to draw my girls
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rohansdisciple · 1 year
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summary : a shopping date with welt ends in a night of pleasurable fun.
warnings : romance / smut / nsfw . fem / afab reader . established relationship . pet names used . some tears . marking of you squint . humping if you squint even harder . mutual masturbation . aftercare / cuddles . and i think that’s it ! tell me if i missed something ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ !
word count : about 2.6k * reading time : about 10 minutes *
other : 16+ ** . takes place in the star rail we call know and love , i believe i changed some minor things so the plot makes sense ! i was half asleep every time i sat down to write and edit so this may have some minor grammatical errors && the entire story is written in lower case and the punctuation has double spacing in between the words * .
a/n : alright this is my first time writing smut && i got this idea while i was messing around with welt on character ai ( because i was in my hot older men era ) && listening to music and obviously stuff happened with the ai (*'▽'*) … so this is based off of what happened LMAO .
credits to @ divvision on tumblr and @ eriimyon on twt the dividers !
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it was a beautiful night with stars in the sky in the exalting sanctum shopping center. you and welt were finishing off your shopping trip before heading back to the astral express for the evening. " what's in the bag ? " welt asks you . " it's a surprise , " you tease , " you'll have to wait until we get back on the train to see . " welt chuckles and adds , " okay , if you say so , y / n . "
you and welt eventually board the astral express again . " now that we're back on the train, I suppose I should explain what's in the bag… i bought a dress ; would you like to come to my room so I can try it on and show you… ? " you ask , smiling . " of course , my dear , i'm sure you look lovely in it , " welt replies , looking at you with adoration in his eyes . you take his hand in yours and guide him into your room .
" okay, stay right here , i'll be right back ! " you tell him as you place him on your bed . " take your time , i'll be patiently waiting my love , " he says , smiling sweetly as he watches you leave the room . you emerge from the bathroom after a while and approach welt to show him . welt sees you wearing a short , slightly revealing black dress with stilettos , which causes a subtle pink blush to appear across his face .
" so, what do you think ? , " you ask as you spin around for him . his heart skips a beat and he looks at you with the softest smile on his face . " oh my… you're beautiful…i don't even know where to begin , dear…..you're truly the most beautiful woman i've ever seen , " he says as he gets up from your bed and approaches you . " do you think this color looks good on me ? " you ask, curious about what he has to say . welt's face flushes a bit more as you ask this question . he keeps his eyes locked onto yours for a couple of seconds and he responds to you with his smile remaining as soft as ever , " well you look beautiful in any color , but if I have to give you a proper answer…then i'd say this color suits you ever so well… " he says to you with the blush on his face becoming more visible the longer he looks at you.
you approach him and softly touch his face . " I can see you blushing , i know… " welt's face blushes slightly more as you touch his face . " well , it's difficult not to when I see such a lovely face…you're stunning , you know… " he says softly as he smiles at you. your face begins to heat up from his compliments ; you feel welt hold your waist .
his sudden touch sends chills down your spine . your heart flutters and your face heats up as you feel his touch . he has a warm smile on his face as he draws you closer to him . he keeps his face close to yours, his mouth prepared to kiss you at any moment . " w-welt, what are you doing s-so suddenly.. ?! " you exclaim , now flustered . welt's face flushes even more as he finds your surprised reaction to his unexpected touch very cute . he smiles calmly as he closes the space between your bodies . " i'm kissing you…my love… " he says into your ear . you shudder as he softly whispers in your ear , " g-go ahead then…"
welt nods as he leans in for a kiss . his face is still red as he presses his lips against yours . he sighs as he closes his eyes . he draws you in closer by wrapping his arm around your waist for more support . his lips are warm and gentle on yours as he passionately kisses you . " mmph… , " you moan as the kisses intensify and his grasp on your waist tightens . welt's breathing becomes heavier as the rising heat between you two causes his heart to pound in his chest .
after a few minutes of intense kissing , you two separate , with only a strand of saliva linking you . welt grins and looks at you with lustful eyes before moving to your neck to kiss it . " a-ah, w-welt… " you whimper as he kisses and bites your neck . welt stops for a moment and leans into whispers in your ear , pressing his lips against your ear . " did you like that , my love.. ? your body is telling me you did… , " he says , lifting your dress to feel your soaked panties . as his breath hits your ear , you feel more slick pooling in your panties . " y-yes , i like it… , " you say feeling flustered by it all . welt laughs a little as he goes back to kiss your neck . he continues to softly nibble and suck on your neck , and the sensation of all of his kisses makes you wetter by the second , making your heart race faster .
as you and welt end up on your bed from the heat of him kissing your neck , his hands begin to wander under your dress as he rubs the bulge in his pants on your clothed pussy to create friction . he smiles softly as he looks at you , knowing how badly both of your bodies want this . " you know you look stunning in that dress , right ? " he whispers in your ear . you let out a faint , slightly embarrassed whimper in response to his compliment . welt's face blushes slightly as he hears you whimper , and he begins to give you a few little kisses on the cheek . his heartbeat speeds up while he continues , as one of his hands travels to remove the dress you're wearing , not wanting to waste any time in bringing the sensation of absolute ecstasy to your body . he begins to nibble on your neck again , and his body moves closer to yours as you whimper louder . his breathing becomes heavier as the situation heats up , as does yours .
you pull welt into a passionate kiss , and the two of you start undressing one other ; you both desperately want to feel each other's touch . you two continue until there is nothing left on either of you and the clothing is tossed aside , at which point welt begins to kiss and touch you everywhere he can . " welt, mmph… " you moan as you feel him begin to trail soft kisses all over your body . you start stroking your now-exposed pussy on his thigh in an attempt to stimulate your clit , and then welt moves away and pulls you into a kiss .
welt passionately kisses you while holding you close to his body . you badly want to touch him , so you move your hand to touch his face , and your hand accidentally brushes against his twitching cock when you move your hand . " mmh…y / n… " he sighs , letting out a soft moan as your fingertips brush across his leaky tip . welt places one hand on your waist and moves the other closer and closer to your pussy . " may i , darling ? " he says , asking whether he can touch you . " it's okay , you can touch me…go ahead , " you say , your gaze fixed on his .
his face flushes as the sound of your voice creates a feeling of desire within him . " mmh- " he hums as his hand moves to exactly where you let him go . " your so wet for me darling… , " he says as he teases and toys with your already throbbing clit . as he speaks to you , you can hear the lust in his voice growing . " f-feels s'good… , " you manage to say between moans . welt lets out a small chuckle as you tell him how good you feel , and then he pulls you into another intense kiss . his fingers rub your clit faster as you two kiss , making your moans louder and your breathing heavier .
" welt…can i touch you , too ? " you ask, pulling away from the kiss to catch your breath . his cheeks blush slightly as he nods softly . " of course , you can love…take your time… ". from the way he looked at you , it was evident that he wanted this…badly . you reach over to his twitching cock and softly stroke his shaft while rubbing his tip with your other hand . " a-ah darling…a little faster , " he sighs out in pleasure , his face turning a lovely soft pink . " kay… " you say as you quicken your speed . welt's face flushes even more as you speed up , so , in turn , he rubs your clit a little faster , giving him the pleasure of hearing you moan even louder .
welt's face is fully flushed as he continues to let out quiet moans and grunts , and his breath becomes heavier with each passing second . you feel yourself nearing your orgasm , and welt appears to be nearing his as well , but you want to cum around his cock…not his fingers , so you stop touching him . " w-why did you stop , sweetheart ? " he says as he also stops touching you . " welt , please…i need your cock inside of me… i can't take it anymore… " you plead . welt's face flushes bright red at your words . " then i'll give you what you want , dear… , " he adds , laying you on your back and hovering over your body .
" are you ready , sweetheart ? " he asks as he positions his tip near your entrance . " m'ready…go ahead… " you say, touching his face . after you give welt permission , he gently slides his cock inside you , and you let out soft whimpers as welt groans slightly . tears well up in your eyes as he stretches you out ; no matter how many times you two have sex , the size of his cock always perfectly stretches you out . " do you need some time to adjust my love…? " he asks , wiping your tears away . you simply nod as an answer. " i'll wait until you're ready , dear , " he says quietly as he smiles at you .
you feel like you've adjusted after a minute or two , so you tell him , " i've adjusted…you can move now . " " all right , hon , " he says as he begins thrusting into you . welt lets out a quiet groan as he begins to move… you simply feel so tight and warm around his cock…he can't help himself . welt places you on his lap and quickens his thrusts, and the room quickly fills with moans and soft pants .
" w-welt , please f-faster… , " you say , wrapping your arms around his neck and riding him . as you make this request , his face goes red . " yes , love , of course…anything for you… " he replies as he thrusts up inside you faster . the sounds of skin smacking together and dirty moans fill the room as welt's and your gasping and groans grow louder . as the two of you lose yourselves to the pleasure…and desperately cling to one other , the sounds in the room are almost deafening . " y-you feel so good…i never want to let you go . " he says in your ear as you feel his thrusts becoming sloppy…you know he's going to cum soon , and so are you .
" w-welt , i'm gonna cum…please don't stop…! " you say in a slurred-out moan. he nods his head and lets out a soft groan at how adorable your voice sounds to him . " d-don't worry sweetheart…i wouldn't stop…not when you're feeling this good love , " he says as he thrusts up inside you sloppily . " a-are you gonna cum too ? " you manage to stammer between moans . " o-of course , darling…you keep squeezing me so tightly…how can i not be close ? " he replies to you , softly moaning . he breathes heavily as he pounds up into you , trying to get both of you to your orgasms .
you can feel the knot in your stomach releasing…" f-fuck m'cumming…! " you moan loudly . welt feels the knot in his stomach unraveling as soon as you cum and your walls tighten around him . " g-good…s-so good… " welt mumbles as he cums, little whimpers and gasps escaping his mouth . as he pulls himself out of you , he notices his seed dripping out of your hole and grabs some tissues from your nightstand to clean it off .
when welt has finished wiping you two off with tissues , you both fall back onto the bed and lay there for a moment to catch your breath and come down from your highs . " that was amazing , sweetheart… " he adds as he moves your hair away from your face . " yeah , it was… , " you answer , still dazed by it all . " you were so good for me dear…you took it so well… " he says , kissing your cheek . " would you like to cuddle ? " you ask , sleepily . he nods his head slowly with a slight smile on his face . " of course i do hon… " . he extends his arms for you to lie in , " let me hold you… " he mumbles as you switch off the lamp so the room is dark .
you sigh contentedly as you lay in his arms , " so warm … " you mutter as you begin to relax. welt laughs softly , " so are you darling … " he says as he tenderly runs his hand down your back . " you know , i hope we can share many more moments like this… , " he says as you close your eyes . " mhm , i hope so as well , " you respond , half asleep . he laughs quietly as he notices you starting to fall asleep ; he likes seeing how content and peaceful you look in his arms . " sleep well , dear… " he says as he plants a light kiss on your forehead as gives you a soft and caring look . he cradles you in his arms , closing his eyes and falling asleep alongside you .
.... 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 ☆ !
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glazierpops · 13 days
Wuthering Waves: First Thoughts
First thoughts of this game it’s definitely heavily relying on Genshin impact fan base and mechanics. Though it does make itself feel a bit distinct and its mechanics. And overtime I feel if they are willing, they can make this distinctness an even bigger gap between it and Genshin. 
While the style is similar to Genshin, (though all anime games, feel a little similar) it’s distinctive enough with its landscapes.
It does have a little bit of rendering issues with faces kind of blending out from further distances. I have so far enjoyed monster and character designs. Nothing immediately has stood out, but overall, I find it very pleasant.
The way it mixes styles, with what I feel is some kind of Chinese traditional fantasy, with fantasy Tech. Very interesting take on fantasy a little bit, feels a little bit like honkie, but still distinctive.
Story wise I was immediately hooked. I think it has a really good opening that catches the viewers attention and I do feel it does waiver a bit and it’s beginning opening dialogue. Jumping right into the action does help keep the viewer and continue playing.
Also, the story has what I feel is a more interesting MC as there is a lot to figure out about them and definitely feels a lot different from Genshin so I’m excited to see how their story plays out.
One big point I wanna praise on the story is making it feel like our voice dialogue options have weight. I really hope going for this game continues to put in the time to make the main characters in point matter unlike other anime Gacha games ( Genshin ).
Play Feel
Once again, I feel this game does rely pretty heavily on the base mechanics from Genshin and other Gacha games. I wouldn’t say that is a take away. I feel it would be hard for beginners to play this game. The fighting style is pretty fast-paced and requires a lot of timing. I think it’s a great jumping off point in making it its own game making it feel different from other Gacha games.
What I want to see change
I think this game has a lot of potential to be its own standalone Gacha game, not being influenced by other games. It’s got a great backbone, but it definitely does need some improvements.
And my biggest change I want to see immediately is the jumping animation. It looks and feels horrible in game though it does rely heavily with fighting. I think it just looks horrible and takes away a lot from the immersion in the game itself.
Another thing I wanna see change is the option to fully opt out of camera lock. I like my sensitivity really high so I can move the camera at my own free camera really makes it harder for players like me to play. Maybe for PC players this is a better idea but for mobile players camera lock is not helpful. 
Also characters dialogue seems to fade out randomly at some points. Not sure if this is on purpose but I think it’s unnecessary and I’d rather them just say they’re full line.
I’d like to see is better rendering times and lighting while overall these are not a huge issue. Just there is some issues with rendering times for all of the assets in a certain level and sometimes the shadow is not high enough and things just look super washed out or overexposed.
Overall, I’m pretty excited to see where this game is gonna end up in a year or two I hope it continues to grow and actively keeps getting updates and being worked on. I hope it just isn’t an immediate cash grab though all got games usually are. So I can’t hit it too hard on that.
Good luck to wuthering waves as it grows!!
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mistymohloh · 2 months
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Made in archicad+lumion
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sapphirehesus · 2 years
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[Blender] Yatta! It's 23:55... IDK what I'm doing anymore, Imma just head off to bed now
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freak726 · 1 year
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This is another anonymous commissions featuring the twins from Honkai Impact! Enjoy ^^
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helixcraft · 2 years
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boooboobba day
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sleepyminty · 8 months
Started playing punishing grey raven
I like bianca abystigma new frame, might pull her tho im still new here, wonder what’s her new frame backstory?
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nekoashiii · 2 years
Sagau reader teaching dottore how to create a god temekdifjwhsjajdjdbehfhbrainrot
Ok so.
Im going to take this as a request for my brainrot last night. This post
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I do believe that reader is actually a part of mihoyos staff, and works on genshin and other games like honkai impact and tears of Themis,
And, They know how to 3D model and code. So it will be an interesting thing to teach Dottore how to make someone under him
It's like, making Dottore the god, but if he wants to make a god then sure, you will teach him how to make a god in a universe
It will definitely amuse Dottore, he really enjoys making 3d models, and since he is smart it will get him no time to learn how to code
Other than that, if the game that Dottore created became self aware, then you will be called the Gods of gods and Dottore as their god
It is just...confusing..?
Other than that you better hope you aren't giving him too much attention or others are going to drag you away from him
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"Truely Fascinating your grace, the power that this device holds is..amazing.."Dottore said while kissing the back of your hand
"Haha yeah it is interesting, the program you are using is named blender"
"Blender you say?"
"Correct, now use the code that I wrote on the paper so you can Run the world"
"I do not mean to insult you in anyways but, Running a world? What is that supposed to mean exactly?"
"I mean play test it"
"I see, so with this placed here it shoul-"
"Creatoooorrr" the children of the game ran in the room,
"Can you please teach us how to use your stuff as well? Pleaseee" klee said
Huffing in annoyance Dottore said "Don't interrupt us you little brats, get out"
"hey dont be rude to kids Dottore.",
Taken back by your words he quickly bowed his head a apologized
But eh he really didn't mean it he just didn't want you to be mad at him, so when you turnd your back at him the frown on his showed, giving the kids a sign to leave or their ass is grass
"ok back on teaching you-"
"You see this tool right there, use that to add dots and make them a curvy object"
"Aaaaaahh" a whiny venti entered the room, "Creator, please take a break it's been 20 minutes." Raiden said
"Just get out, Creator will rest whenever they want, you aren't the boss of them, archon."
"And you aren't someone higher than us archons so."
"Just stop, let's go take a break, I will teach you how to make them walk later"
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rohansdisciple · 1 year
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updates about it in the re-blogs !
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valperkm · 3 months
Raiden M(Ei) x Bronya
I combined the Genshin, Honkai Star Rail and Honkai Impact 3d in one meme.
(Don't take it seriously)
Raiden and Bronya (from Honkai Impact) agreed to meet in another universe after the end of the main plot, but it seems they got lost.
Bronya - HSR + HI3d
Raiden - Genshin + HI3d
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Mobius - Honkai Impact 3rd
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