#darth maul hc
noesqape · 11 months
idc if it goes against logic, i am choosing to believe that obi wan gave maul a jedi's funeral
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nightbrothers · 8 days
I love imagining an afternoon, right after having some tea… Maul gently rests his head on your lap… And your hands slowly caress his beautiful horns.
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passionesolja · 1 year
I feel like Star Wars missed the opportunity to make Darth Maul and Count Dooku beef. Like all there’s this conversation about Maul and Kenobi’s relationship but imagine being Count Dooku and you gotta live with the fact that the mf who killed your Padawan (one of the events that ended up making you align yourself with the Sith) is alive and living his best life. I would be so pissed. Sidious had to tell Count Dooku not to fuck with Maul bc I refuse that Dooku had no want to slide for Qui Gon Jinn
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saglovesu · 1 year
Star Wars Villains and their obsession with Obi-Wan: The Kenobi Effect ™
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circle-around-again · 6 months
"Maul crashed through the ice and sank, his heavy clothes and boots pulling him down. As the freezing water bit into his face and chilled his blood, he feared he would die. And then his Master's words came to him... Turn your fear into anger." (Windham, 86).
Maul may have been conditioned to express his fear in fight mode, and to call it rage.
If that is the case, then throughout Maul's entire life, fear may have been the real source of his power and choices.
It brings things into a new light: his "hatred" of the jedi, of Kenobi, and of himself are symptoms of something deeper, something that he cannot articulate.
I invite people to explore what these fears may be.
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xstarkillerx · 1 year
Maul in the Jedi Temple (drabble)
I don’t know how much sense this is gonna make because it’s been a vague idea in my head for weeks, but if you’re a maul lover like me, do yourself a favour and (don’t) play the TFU Jedi Temple DLC wearing the Maul skin. It absolutely will make you confront the idea of Maul, years after the Clone Wars, seeking out the Temple Ruins for... something. He doesn’t quite know why he’s there, but he feels as though the front gate itself might smite him for daring to look upon it, even when it lets him in with ease.
He spends some time exploring the ruins, most of it untraversable now, but still grand, still teeming with light and remnants of a dead religion. The force feels different here. When he crushes the statues in the hall, or lifts the giant globe off the ground, it's not a destructive act, it's almost playful, a back and forth between him and the energy that flows through the building.
Something calls him to the heart of the temple, a dark hall with a Holocron at the end of it. Blue and holy and inviting it bursts to life without his having to touch it, putting forth a towering projection of a man, a Jedi, in a hood.
"My son..." It booms and what a novel concept, Maul thinks, a Jedi bearing children. " you now control your own destiny. The dark side is strong in you," Maul feels small, infantile, voyeuristic, dwarfed by the projection with the warm voice whose message is clearly not for him." but you can still be saved.” It says. “The blood of a true Jedi, my blood, flows through you but you must complete the trials..." He tunes the rest out. It isn't long before he is blinded and dropped in the middle of a stone abyss.
Menial challenges are set before him, the fabled Jedi trials, child’s fodder honestly, but he proceeds. Maul is led to a stone platform. From the dark emerges something that makes him want to vomit, a red zabrak with black markings, silent, stoic, no older than 22 years old. He sees it now, he was truly a frightening presence at that age. Darth circles him on hunter’s feet, never making so much as an audible scuff on the stone floor. Maul flexes his left foot, a new habit garnered by a tight joint he hasn’t had the spare part to fix yet. He knows himself, knows that Darth will attack swiftly, so he takes what milliseconds he has to try to remember how he would have fought when his body was complete. He'd be faster, lighter, more agile, but more cocky, a warrior who hasn't tasted the sour of loss; loss of limb, loss of life, of status, of sanity.
The duel is bloody, a flurry of red light. Maul hasn't thrown himself into battle like this since he was a young man, thirsty for purpose and proof that his existence is not a mistake. Maul reigns victorious in the end. He slices Darth in half and pierces him through the heart with his saber, a sickening thing to watch from this new perspective after playing in his head over and over again those long years he spent in the madness and filth. He kicks Darth’s body off the ledge into the seeming endless abyss. A guttural scream erupts from his chest and he falls to his knees. It stings his eyes and scratches away at the walls of tight throat, the urge to cry like a babe. 
The dark side is strong in you but... echoes in his ears. Maul thinks about whoever's wretched son that Holocron was meant for, what special purpose he must have to be seen as redeemable in the eyes of the pious Jedi.  
  The dark side is strong in you but... Maul covers his ears, a futile action in the in the bellowing silence of the stone abyss, but it lets him hear his own heart rate as it slows in the comedown from adrenaline. 
The dark side is strong in you but... He thinks about his own miserable little life. He thinks of parenthood, of those precious few moments his mother held him before damning her runt. 
 The dark side is strong in you but... He thinks of Sith, of Jedi, of the force that binds the two. What would he have been if they had found the runt first, those so-called keepers of peace. If they raised him in the light, would they have adorned his horns in silly beads, given him sandy coloured robes, condemned him to life lacking in riches and sex and... would they have abandoned him too?
“but you can still be saved.”  Maul retches at the thought. The Jedi failed that runt, as they failed the Galaxy those many years ago. The Jedi failed him, it was never his choice to make an enemy of them. And yet...
 Maul absentmindedly flexes his left foot and adjusts his position on the floor, folding his metal legs under himself as best he can. The thought does cross his mind that somehow he’s found himself on the winning end of their trial, their test of worthiness, at the heart of their temple. He chooses not to linger on it. Maul finds himself occupied with the lively silence of the temple instead, a warm breeze of energy passing through his body like a sheet of linen.
 Somewhere, floating in that space in time, he realizes his lightsaber went over the ledge with Darth, buried in the young man’s chest. 
Somehow it’s not a discomforting thought.
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"canon bottom surgery and for what" - Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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The practice of making the ascent to the cave beneath the Witch's Horn fell out of use after 10 BBY. The lair, once the roost of the chirodactyl called Gorgara, retains hydraatis acid markings left by former Nightbrothers who made the journey up the peak.
Startling examples of early offerings have been preserved in the cave: tokens for the chirodactyl made in exchange for the health and protection of the brothers, suggesting a practice in sympathetic magic, or that there was a shared belief that the chirodactyl — one of the oldest of its species on Dathomir — may have possessed magical powers.
Several of the pictographs have been smeared with mushling inks to simulate Nightbrother markings, and many have faded paints in place to suggest variations of goldenrod, brown, butter yellow, and crimson skin. The most daring and elaborate pictographs must have taken hours to etch, the risk to self less than the dangers presented to those Nightbrothers requiring supernatural aid.
Dathomir's "brotherhood", it seems, extends beyond concern for the individual, often petitioning the creature to grant favour to those in need: wellness, good fortune, safe keeping for the smallest and most vulnerable of the Nightbrother warriors subject to the dangers of their world.
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
Yandere platonic Ashoka vs Yandere platonic Darth maul hcs with a Jedi reader who was close to Ashoka till reader left to work with Maul instead.
Sure! Kept the idea general so there may be some spoilers but I don't entirely focus on specific plot points if that makes sense?
Yandere! Platonic! Ahsoka vs Yandere! Platonic! Darth Maul with Jedi! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Angst, Rivalry, Violence, Potential murder, Dubious companionship.
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The idea of you and Ahsoka being friends as Padawans only for you to turn to the Dark Side is the idea that came to me for this.
For some reason she noticed changes in you... right up until you disappear.
What happened to you? Well, you found a new master.
Darth Maul.
Darth Maul has been shown to have a lonely life.
For the most part he just cares about vengeance against Darth Sidious and Obi-Wan.
This is the primary reason he is searching for an apprentice.
Which is when he eventually finds you... a disillusioned Jedi.
Once Maul gets his hands on you he cultivates hate and anger within you... making you his to teach and control.
But let's talk about you and Ahsoka first.
You and Ahsoka knew each other for months as Jedi in training.
You had your own master and was well acquainted with Ahsoka and Anakin.
Being Jedi you naturally grew close as allies and even friends.
On missions you often met up to provide aid.
Since Jedi are unable to have close attachments, Ahsoka is the closest you have.
You're friends... protective of one another.
Things most likely don't go downhill until something tragic happens to you.
Maybe your master died?
Even worse, Darth Sidious had them killed or something similar to that.
Somehow an event strong enough to shake your faith occurs and you begin to feel... different.
If we're going based off the idea your master died, maybe you blame The Order for it.
Honestly... you could blame a lot for your tragedy.
Ahsoka most likely notices a change in your aura.
After all, you're close friends!
She couldn't imagine her life without you!
That's why when she notices you feel... darker, she's concerned.
Being her usual kind self she tries to ask you about it.
She fears your actions will turn dark and she'll lose you.
She really doesn't want her best friend to become her enemy.
You try to tell her not to worry about you but she keeps pressing.
She can tell you no longer believe in the Jedi... perhaps even deciding to pursue vengeance and anger.
Ahsoka doesn't want to leave you alone, she wants to convince you not to do what you're about to do.
But eventually a mission will drag her away from you.
Something she regrets deeply... as when she goes to find you, you're gone.
Ahsoka most likely blames herself for your actions.
She has no idea where you went and wonders if she ever could help you.
She doesn't give up on the idea of finding you and making things right... but that brings us to Darth Maul.
Your encounter with Darth Maul was willing.
While he looked for someone to help him with revenge, he met you.
He could even sense the craving for vengeance and rage laying dormant within you... yet traces of it were evident.
As a result... he offers you to join him.
He promises to give you the power you need to soothe your inner torment.
He promises if you help him... you'll be happy.
In the end... you accept.
You become Darth Maul's apprentice.
Originally he plans to just use you to get revenge against his old master and Kenobi by feeding into your hate.
He convinces you the Jedi are useless now and that he can only change things if he has you.
He needs to get rid of his master, his master's puppet, and the one who ruined him.
But he soon realizes he doesn't need you just to obtain his goal.
He appreciates the company you provide.
Your thoughts are similar to one another, allowing you to bond over shared hate.
He manipulates your dark side... making you someone new.
He trains you and learns about you.
Through you he most likely learns about your past friendship with Ahsoka.
He can tell you still care about your fellow Padawan.
Yet why should you?
You should just care about your new master and the new role given to you.
He fears Ahsoka will try to purify your darkness... that she'll take you from him.
So he'll do everything in his power to prevent that.
Ahsoka only gets to meet you again when she has her final confrontation with Maul.
She has never met Maul, only heard of him from Obi-Wan.
Which makes it a big shocker when she meets Maul... and you beside him, clothed in black.
Oh her heart aches.
This is where you went!
You really have given up your role as Jedi.
She can't blame you, by this point she left The Order too.
She understands your pain and betrayal.
But now you've hurt her.
She no doubt tries to get you back, a desperate attempt to convince you to change.
Maul no doubt has the fear of losing you bubble in him again and tells you not to listen.
Ahsoka just wants her friend back, while Maul wants to keep his new apprentice to change fate... neither wants to be alone again.
This final confrontation has different motives than the original in Clone Wars.
This one is about preventing loneliness.
A fight to see who keeps their companion... one whose now torn on who to be with.
You care for Ahsoka as a dear friend... you care for Maul as your master and yet another friend.
You worry you'll lose one of them.
In fact you worry mostly for Maul killing Ahsoka.
You know Ahsoka would never murder... but that look in her eyes scares you.
By the end of this long battle... one of them will have you in the end.
You quickly begin to dread the outcome.
Maybe if you never left Ahsoka... you wouldn't have to see them fight over you.
Or maybe this was your fate all along no matter what you did?
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yandere-wishes · 1 month
ᰔᩚYandere Drabblesᰔᩚ
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.•*•.✰I think you forgot how much I love you;.•*•.
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⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.( :̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:★:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.⋆˚。
𖦹 Yandere Spaceport
The feminine urge~◇
Sumeru travel mechanics MY LOVE
I love you in the dark
𖦹 Chaos Thoughts
𖦹 Marvel
Domestic Yandere HC (Deadpool and Wolverine)
Yandere HC (Tony Stark and Ultron)
𖦹 Genshin Impact
↬ Diluc
Darknight x Knight! Darling
↬ Kaeya
↬ Alhaitham
↬ Neuvillette
Yandere! Neuvillette x Yandere!Dragon Neuvillette
↬ Capitano
Capitano w/ a lover who doesn't mind him being a yandere
Capitano w/ a sick darling
𖦹 Honkai Star Rail
↬ Boothill
↬ Sunday
𖦹 Zenless Zone Zero
↬ Billy Kidd
𖦹 Star Wars
↬ Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
Darth Vader x Acolyte! Darling
↬ Darth Maul
Yandere Darth Maul x reader: Darkness
↬ Qimir
↬ Torbin
Yandere Torbin HC
𖦹 Dune
↬ Paul Atreides
↬ Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
𖦹 Twisted Wonderland
↬ leona Kingscholar
↬ Idia Shroud
↬ Vil Schoenheit
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kaezerdoodles · 10 months
Wholesome Dan Phantom HCs
(You may or may not agree- questions and discussions are welcomed. These are post-AGIT)
Dan likes Star Wars- mainly to be different from Danny but also because of the themes of Dark and Light (His fav characters are probably Darth Maul, Count Dooku, Anakin/Vader and maybe even Kylo Ren- Def Anakin and Maul tho)
He adores being Dani’s “older brother” and loves Dani and Jazz dearly. It’d take him a while but I feel he’d warm up to Danny too
When he wants to he can be very intelligent and has a knack for engineering- specifically aerospace- and physics- especially Astrophysics
Dan listens to Metal (I’m talking FFDP and Bad Omens) mainly but also Hard Rock, Punk Rock, Rap Rock and Industrial Metal but his secret pleasure is new age orchestral- like Audiomachine and Two Steps From Hell (and maybe some pop- you can’t tell me he wouldn’t vibe with Lady Gaga)
He cusses- Vlad hates it. So he does it more
Dan picks up playing guitar- specifically electric or bass guitar. And maybe the piano but like hell would he let anyone know about it
He watches Bluey with Dani- it’s healing for the both of them
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noesqape · 11 months
Savage: Good morning brother!
Maul: The horrors persist.
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nightbrothers · 20 days
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Okay, I know everyone here dreams of licking Maul's tattoos (including me). But how about licking that earring of his? Am I the only one with that dream?
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passionesolja · 1 year
The dark side ending In The Force Unleashed imo is confirmed proof that Sidious’ other hobby outside being a politician is coming up with potential cybernetic designs for his apprentices like he probably be intentionally putting them in harm’s way so he can bring his whacky designs to life. Like I’m sorry but there ain’t no mf way Darth Vader’s suit wasnt pre-made and ready to go just in case some nonsense happened.
That probably why he laid the beats down on Maul when he got to Mandalore, he was mad that Maul didn’t let him use one of his lil cybernetic designs on him
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greenandsorrow · 5 months
Hello everybody💖
I have an important announcement to make and I know you're not gonna like it but I hope you can understand... HIATUS ALERT 🤭🎉🎉
I'll be answering comments and asks. I'll also ✨indulge✨ if you want to have a little chit chat, but I won't be posting anything. *inactivity intensifies*
I'll come back stronger so don't worry. It's probably gonna be for a month or so. And I'm still gonna write all the stuff I have talked about.
Upcoming fics!
requested deaf!reader x the Hazbin gang hc
The price for misbehaving - rut!Alastor (the continuation of it)
The fox - Alastor (the final part)
requested nun!Alastor oneshot
more Angel Dust & Alastor content in general
Hazbin AU that follows the events of the show (pilot included) x OC
What once was - tsh Henry Winter x OC multi chap
After Dark - Officer K multi chap
That Court Gentry oneshot I had talked about moons ago
I can fix him - William Afton multi chap
Pennywise multi chap
Hello my old heart - Thorin x faerie!reader multi chap
Ledger!Joker oneshot
Matrix fic
David 8 content in general
Strangers things multi chap (Billy x reader)
Darth Maul and Mando content
Also some BBC Sherlock but probably in the far away future
Too many fandoms, I know it's confusing... but you can always ask to be tagged to any of the multi chaps, or even to the unreleased oneshots.
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circle-around-again · 6 months
"He had just completed a series of exercises that had him running up sheer, icy slopes and then coming down as fast as he could. He knew he had performed well, and he'd hoped that his Master might praise him. Instead, his Master raised a hand and used the Force to lift Maul's small body, tossing him into the middle of the lake." (Windham, 86).
A good example of how Maul basically lives on praise at this point. It seems to be the only reward he longs for, and the only reward he is given. Only sometimes, though. As seen here.
I assume that no health and safety requirements were built into Maul's training. I doubt Sidious even taught him how to safely scale these slopes.
It's odd that Sidious always chooses a 'sink or swim' approach to his apprentices, given the incredible value and rarity of force sensitives under his complete control.
Perhaps this is a flaw? A type of arrogance, believing that his spiritual progeny can survive and overcome any wound.
He isn't wrong.
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