#dash updates
dashofmonsters · 2 months
Writing update
So I've put a lot of thought into it and even talked to a friend about it, but I think I'm going to go back to my old updating style.
For those of you who have been with me since I started, that means I'll be posting random updates from different stories. I have been dying to start on Neon Palace, get back to Masks and Midnight Oceans and start outlining The Fairy Godfather Dilemma and Hot Apple Pie.
What does this mean for any of my current projects? I'll feel less burnt out when working on one story at a time and I'll also feel less obligated to push stuff out for the sake of it (which isn't always good, less quality) and I'll be able to finally scratch that writer's itch.
When will this start? Probably after I post the next Dreamers & Delusions update and work through the notes on my publishing project (yes that's still in the works, just hard to write with a full time job and a baby)
Anyway, please look forward to some more variety this year. Love my mermen but I miss writing about my other guys
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dashathome · 1 year
Blog Clean Up
Cleaning up this blog as I have new plans for it. Homesteading didn't work out due to my busy schedule and health issues I've had to face in the last year. I'm also going to be moving, again.
So I'll be using this blog for more homey stuff like sharing pics of dinners and such I make for my family along with little tidbits of my day to day life for those who are interested.
I'll probably start next week and see where this takes me
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buggachat · 1 year
sobbing crying on the floor grasping for user icons... where are my user icons.... where is the fun.... where is the personality.... my dash is lifeless and confusing and i now have to READ USERNAMES to know who's on my dash?????? you think i know the people i follow by their USERNAME???? you think i have the mental energy for this
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pepperquinnartz · 12 days
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Are Danny Phantom redesigns still cool? Well regardless, here's some edits I made a month or two ago with my own interpretation of some of the characters!
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ganondoodle · 1 year
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madrewrites · 2 years
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what in the otherworldly fuck happened y'all
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infamous-if · 1 year
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✮ CH. 2 PART I ✮ 92k (+86k) -> 178k ✮
It's here! First, sorry for the long wait. Chapter 2 has proven to be a behemoth, and I'd gotten sick this past week, my computer broke, my documents went kaput and I had to do some Frankensteining for the last few pages of this part. I'm not too worried, as Part II update can help smooth out all the kinks. I will definitely be looking for beta testers once chapter 2 is complete ha
Anywho! Enough about my problems. This demo update adds 86k words (86, 818 to be exact) and is the first part of a two part chapter. Which means the narrative in this chapter is not complete, but I kind of closed it off at a pretty satisfying place. As with every Infamous chapter, this is very character driven. So have fun!
What to expect in Chapter Two PART I:
get on the bus & deal with the consequences of your actions lol
arrive to your first tour stop and do your first gig...which might get messy (both literally and figuratively)
hang with a familiar father and daughter duo
have some heart to hearts/ some cheeky little POV passages
meet more BOTB crew and learn exactly what's in store for you this season
get roped in some ValenReign mess !
this chapter has a lot of flavor text, or at least, more than the demo did, so if there are any errors or if there are lines that don't correspond with your choices, please let me know so i can fix that!
you will no longer be forced to write your own lyrics and the update will offer you pre-written lyrics by yours truly. im not t swift so i would advise you not to expect professional level songwriting, but they work well enough lolol
lyrics page is up as well as stats, but i don't really like the system i used to balance it, mostly because new...stat things will be added as the story goes on, so that's still getting reworked. still, good enough for now, as there are some personality stat checks!
Prologue and Chapter 1 errors/typos/grammatical bits fixed. (Wouldn't be surprised if I missed some though...) + variables updated.
Scenes not showing up fixed. hopefully, that huge error in which it throws you back to the fight after returning to the house is fixed (It was a bit wonky for me, hopefully it works for everyone else)
Stat and relationship pages updated ( + lyric page to look back at all your lyrics).
Can choose to be asexual and any sexual scenes will be skipped or replaced with romantic scenes. Flavor text in which MC displays any sort of sexual desire will be skipped. (This option comes up during Dakota's party scene. If not, it will show up when it presents itself again.) (Nothing sexual has come up yet, but if there are any scenes or even lines/ internal thoughts that should be skipped or changed for Asexual MCs, please let me know!)
If there are errors or anything, im always open. I've play tested but you girl is always prone to errors. As always, thank you for your love and enthusiasm! It makes me really happy and motivates me to keep writing ! <3
(Also, if you're thinking "omg amy how did you go from 65k to 86k?!" i don't want to talk about it /j)
See you on tour!
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Open Sea paladins take "open" to mean open shirts
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deadhawke · 10 months
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Finally made the graphic version of the Trigun Stampede timeline! If you would like a more in depth explanation on how I determined certain dates, as well some extra tid bits, you can see this post here.
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colorful-horses · 2 years
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doodle pages
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chaosphil · 5 months
dan pronouns & identity discussions & other dangender moments x x
gotta give credit to @yonpote and @freckliedan for posting most of the clips and having great tagging systems to easily find everything <3
digifest x || podcast x || wad q&a transcript || vidcon post & video || younow
i was hoping to fit everything in one post but tumblr hates me posting videos so i’ll just keep adding to this
part two
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dashofmonsters · 25 days
To the new blogs out there without pics, age and wenwe7788 names, you have until this Friday until I start my purge.
I will block and report you. I don't care if you are liking or reblogging or following me. I will block you and I will report you.
Because you look like a bot, act like a bot, and as far as I know, are a fucking bot.
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monstroso · 1 year
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here you go, remember i love you <3
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the-final-sif · 1 year
By the way, if you're upset with the recent tumblr changes, 1)
Go leave a 1 star review in the app store. Right now. I cannot stress this enough. Tell anyone you know that has tumblr to go leave a 1 star review, write text citing the recent changes. If you don't usually use the tumblr app, download it specifically so you can leave a 1 star review.
Dropping tumblr's rating in the app stores is one of the most impactful things you can do to meaningfully impact them. It's most likely to actually get a response because it's something that hurts them.
Go submit support tickets, either in feedback or bug report, explicitly outlining your issues. This is less likely to be effective, but it is an important metric to focus on.
Websites are legally obligated to comply with the ADA. This includes reasonable accommodations, like, for example, being able to disable autoplay or restrict flashing images.
Now, to be clear, you can only file a complaint if you're a US citizen, you actually have a disability and are being affected, but if you meet all those requirements, you can go file a complaint against tumblr with the DOJ.
The DOJ can force tumblr to comply with disability accessibility requirements, and the more credible complaints they get, the more likely they are to act, and the more seriously they'll take the issue.
All of these are things that you can do to help push for recent changes to be reversed. The biggest impact is likely going to come from app store reviews and complaining directly to the DOJ to force tumblr to stop endangering people.
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purity-town · 3 months
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Every now and then I try that method of bouncing on the Eater of Worlds with the slimy saddle, and every time, I immediately get stuck between it and the roof of a corruption chasm and die. In hindsight, that would probably work better if I were fighting it on the surface...
Also, I'm participating in Art Fight this year under the username ariibees! Not sure how much I'll end up doing, but if other folks have Terraria OCs, drop a link for me!
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doggirlnarcolepsy · 1 year
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Get that shit out of here
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