#day 17: trick or treat
amazingmsme · 2 years
A Trick AND A Treat
AN: More critickle role, my favorite! There can never be enough content for our pathetic lil wizard, he deserves the best. Luckily, Mollymauk agrees! I’m still trying to catch up with tickletober so bear with me!
If Caleb knew anything, it was that Mollymauk was a horrendous tease. The man had a playfully dangerous edge to him, and against his better judgement, Caleb was drawn to it. He knew Molly liked to play tricks, especially on the resident wizard.  But he liked to give him the benefit of the doubt, so when Mollymauk called his name in a lilting voice, he walked right up to him.
"You wanted something?" he asked, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his coat.
"Aye, I did. Come here, I won't bite," Molly coaxed, patting the space on the bedroll next to him. He hesitated, eyeing him carefully.
"Are you sure about that?" Caleb asked, kneeling down next to him as Molly chuckled.
"Pretty sure. You looked lonely over there; thought I'd offer you some company," he said, leaning into Caleb's personal space. “Then you'd think you'd be the one to come over to see me," he teased. Molly scoffed.
"I'm way more comfortable than you were, so it's completely justified," he sassed back. "Just thought I'd be nice and offer you a little treat," he lilted, voice silky smooth and innocent. Caleb didn't trust it one bit.
"Oh really? And what would that be?" he asked, body stiff as a board.
"Special candy I've been saving for a special occasion. You looked particularly glum, so I thought I'd brighten your day," he explained, digging around in his bag, pulling out a few pieces of candy. They were individually wrapped in holographic plastic, each a different color, resting in Molly's palm waiting for him to take.
Caleb was taken aback by the kind gesture, blinking in surprise. "Oh, well thank you, Mr. Mollymauk," he said, accepting the offered candy and standing up.
"Aren't you gonna try some?"
Caleb looked down at his grinning friend, watching his tail wag behind him with pent up mischievous energy. Trouble brewing.
"I'm not going to regret this, am I?" he jokingly asked, popping a piece in his mouth. Mollymauk hummed in lieu of an answer, biting his lip as he looked away.
Caleb sucked on the piece of candy, smacking his lips slightly. "Pretty good. What flavor is that?" he asked, not quite able to discern what it was meant to be.
"Magenta raspberry. Nothing else like it," he answered, leaning back to prop his hands behind his head, stretching his legs in front of him casually.
Caleb felt a strange tingling sensation swirling on his side, subtly twisting away from the feeling as he rubbed the spot. Molly couldn't take his eyes off of him as he walked away.
He bit down on the candy, never having the patience to let it melt all the way. As soon as the hard shell cracked, he stopped in his tracks. He doubled over, arms wrapped around his stomach as he choked back laughter. He looked over his shoulder at Mollymauk, who was looking rather smug at the moment.
He had no idea what was going on, was someone using mage hand to mess with him? It sure felt like it. But when he looked at their resident spell casters, they were engaged in conversation and completely oblivious to his plight. He chewed the candy some more, and that was his first mistake. He spasmed, wrapping his arms around himself as giggles flooded out. Jester and Beauregard stopped talking and stared at him quizzically.
"You okay man?" Beau's raspy voice called as he walked past, turning on his heels and marching right back to Molly.
Or at least, he tried. Instead, he stumbled across the ground in a laughing fit, looking utterly mad.
"So you like to chew up hard candy instead of suck on them. Good to know," Molly purred.
"W-whahat dihihihid you dohoho to mehe?" he asked, squirming in an attempt to alleviate the sensations.
"I generously offered you some candy," he said innocently. Caleb grabbed him by the shirt collar to try and be intimidating, but instead he weakly clung to him as he laughed his head off.
"Whahahat's ihihin ihihit?" he demanded, shrieking when Molly joined in on the fun and dove right for his ribs.
"Not sure, but I got it from a prank store if that's what you're getting at," he answered, drilling his thumbs in the hollows of his underarms, making Caleb screech.
"Y-you trihihicked mehehe!" he whined, yelping when Molly tweaked a particularly sensitive rib.
"Oh please, I could see how upset you were from all the way over here. Now look at you, smiling and chuckling like a fool! A rare sight," he teased, squeezing both hips to make him buck. "You love the attention, so this should be a real treat for you," he taunted further, causing a bright red blush to spread across his face.
The effects of the candy ran it's course, allowing Caleb to catch his breath. He shot Mollymauk a glare and shoved him in the arm, chuckling.
"You're a menace."
"Thanks, I try."
Caleb would rather die than admit it, but he was in a better mood after all. That's okay though, Mollymauk already knew.
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drizzledrawings · 27 days
Do you have a full master post of like your cowgirls lore, how they met, their backgrounds and situations they got in ect. I absolutely am obsessed with them.
Why thank you so so much
I’ve talked so much about them on here, but it’s scattered, and quite a lot of it has evolved lore wise
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So let’s make this that master post:
Basic lore for this universe:
Set in a non specific time of the Wild West (implied to be the tail end of the era)
But with a magical twist. The folklore of things that are not quite human living alongside humanity is real, and they are hunted for their skin. It is a known fact that shapeshifters exist, and they are illegal. Though some peoples “magic blood” don’t always show itself as Shapeshifting, it can also appear as accelerated healing or acute senses. These people are generally referred to as beasts or animals
These transformations are hard on “beasts,” they take up a lot of strength to preform them, and if you’re injured in one form, it can take time before you’re able to switch. If you’re injured enough it can be permanent.
Brunette: Flora Guerra
She was born to an Italian immigrant family with strict parents, as well as the youngest daughter to five other children. When she was 16, her parents arranged a courtship with a much older man. Flora was furious, this rage culminated in her first transformation, unfortunately this happened in front of the man as well as the rest of her family. They immediately turned their backs on her, disgusted with what she was. Terrified, she fled. She hopped on trains and resorted to petty theft to make her way west, to a land she hoped would be freer than the life she left behind!
Her first big brush with the law was when she stole her horse Bandit from a man who was treating him poorly. She fled the scene but only after shooting one officer. (Thus her first ever bounty was for murder)
Her main way of making money was seducing men and robbing them blind while they were distracted by her beauty, unfortunately she picked up the wrong trick one day, a notorious gang leader, who instead of shooting her outright, brought a then 17 year old Flora back to his gang. She became “his girl” and used her looks to help him get what he wanted.
In the gang however there was one man who was like her! He could turn into a wolf, like how she could turn into a jackalope, they formed a bond, and when the gang fell apart, he was the one to get her out safely.
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Ginger: Mattie (Matilda) Hayes
Mattie is the eldest daughter of her odd family. Her father and mother immigrated from Ireland, her mother dying during childbirth of her youngest child, Ben. Because of this, Mattie became the sole caretaker of him, very much raising him herself. The entire family were beasts of some sort.
Mattie could turn into a fox from a young age, her brother as well started to transform around the same time. (Though he was a cougar)
Their father, was also odd, in more ways than just beastly. He was a sour old man with a mean streak, drink had a mighty hold on him. After an incident that broke the camels back, involving hateful words and a smashed beer bottle, Mattie had enough. In a fit of rage she set fire to her father’s barn, in the aftermath She packed her bags and set to leave. She tried to get Ben to come, but he refused and told her to never come back. So she listened.
At 18, her and her horse June travelled the desert, finding odd jobs, pulling off some robberies, and failing at pickpocketing, this left her with quite a price on her head.
After a couple years of travelling by herself, the way she preferred, she ran into Flora for the first time.
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First meeting:
They met as their animals first, Mattie was trying to hunt Flora but got startled by her horns.
Later on, she was trying to rob a man on the side of the road. Only for Flora to swoop in at the last moment and get the trick instead. (By “saving” the man, but picking his wallet a moment later)
That night, Mattie was nursing her hurt ego by drinking her weight at a saloon, but alas she couldn’t even enjoy her whiskey in peace, when the woman who stole her prize sat down at the bar with her.
Pissed off Mattie tried to storm away but bumped into an angry drunk, this turned into a full on bar fight. Which Flora dragged her away from and offered to patch up her wounds
They stuck together after that. But didn’t become lovers till much later
Flora fell first, but Mattie fell harder.
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JESUS this is long I’m sorry
Anyways main plot:
Word gets to Mattie that her father is dead, and her younger brother has resorted to a life crime. He is being set to hang once he’s caught. She sets out to find him.
Flora’s old gang has picked up on her location, and they are hunting her down. Scared for Mattie’s safety she works with her old friend to figure out how to keep them off their trail.
The two of them have also been found out to be beasts by the law, so on top of being wanted because of their crimes, they are also being stalked by beast hunters.
Everything seems to be going okay, Mattie finds Ben, and together her and Flora help him get away from the noose, they look after him and bring them to their camp. They thought they were evading the hunters as well as the gang.
What they didn’t know was that Ben still held a grudge for Mattie leaving. He blames her for their father’s ultimate death.
He rats them out, not only to the hunters, but to Flora’s old gang. He figured that if he gave them their location, the law would let him go. They took the bargain.
The hunters and the gang ambush them, Ben leading the way.
Flora gets injured during the fight in her human form. Ben nearly kills her.
The siblings go head to head in their beastly forms, and against all odds, the fox beats the lion, killing the last remaining member of her family.
Flora, incredibly injured, cannot transform, and for reasons unknown to Mattie, she cannot switch back.
Years pass, Flora has a limp that doesn’t go away. She is never able to be her animal again. And Mattie, well, she didn’t get too injured that day, though it seems like something broke inside because she lost her human form.
They move north together, and live a peaceful life, even though it’s not quite normal. What with Mattie being a fox and all that.
A decade or so after everything, they’ve been out of the life for a long time, is when Mattie finally finds herself again. Though she’s very different to what she used to be, her human form had changed, more fox like and more wild, though still her. She can only take that form for bits at a time, but it’s something. They’re happy
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If you read all of this… damn thank you!!
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spdrwdw · 10 months
♡ Childhood Bestfriend Miguel Headcanons ♡
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6 year old Miguel who was your next door neighbor and would walk with you to the bus stop every morning
7 year old Miguel who would play with you outside during the summer, going to the neighborhood playground with you and the other kids
8 year old Miguel who you would be paired up with in class with for a project, and you would go to each other's houses to work. Your mom's would make you both snacks, and if you were at Miguel's house, you two would take a break and play Mario Cart together, along with Gabriel
9 year old Miguel who invited you to his birthday party at his house, and you would bring him the best gift out of all his friends and he wouldn't stop talking about it for days
10 year old Miguel who you would go trick-or-treating with. He would be dressed as Spider-Man, cuz they were his favorite superhero
11 year old Miguel who gave you a big box of chocolates for Valentine's Day, along with a teddy bear and flowers while looking away in embarrassment, stating that it was his mom's idea
12 year old Miguel who went to your birthday party, despite it being only girls there and it being Barbie themed. Everyone called him Ken that day. He didn’t mind it, cuz that meant he was your Ken for the whole day and got most of your attention
13 year old Miguel who shared his first kiss with you while you two were seated at the back of the school bus
14 year old Miguel who would play video games with you well into the night on a school night and you both had to be quiet as to not wake anyone up
15 year old Miguel who would be in your biology class and you would both always partner up and do science experiments together. One day, the class was dissecting frogs and you hid your face being a notebook while Miguel dissected it
16 year old Miguel who punched the guy you were dating for cheating on you with another girl
17 year old Miguel who took your virginity, and vise versa, during a mutual friend’s birthday party. You two had snuck to an empty room and did it. There was no condom used so you ended up freaking out, but, after taking a couple pregnancy tests, you two were relieved you weren’t pregnant, and Miguel decided to stock up on condoms after that
18 year old Miguel asking you out to prom with a whole mariachi band outside your door (it was Gabriel’s idea). Miguel was very flustered as he held up a sign that read “would you go to prom with me?” Of course, you said yes.
Bonus: 18 year old Miguel confessing his true feelings for you during your high school graduation ceremony. However, you both were heading to different universities so contact would end up being long-distant and as result, you two would end up dating other people
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gangplanksorenji · 8 months
Kinknuary Day 17: Brat Taming 
Pairing: Choi Yena x Male Reader
Word Count: 5,832
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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You can’t always get what she wants and she can’t always get what she needs—these two clauses never contradict as it's different in each way yet aimed towards the same intent: fulfillment.
Choi Yena is a girl you’d watch yourself into, as she’s the living definition of a brat, in your own words. Not really a specific brat, but she really tends to be selfish all of the time, and that isn’t really ideal considering how you’re always making her change but always ends up defeated and your advances deemed to be useless against her.
She has an iron wall that’s tough to break, but under specific circumstances, there’s always the Achilles’ heel to be used against it.
“Well, this sucks…” Yena chides boredom, sighing deeply as she’s deeply restive within the supposedly delicious food in front of the table and with her discontented countenance, you advance to confront her as you’re confused on why she’s acting like this.
“Don’t like the food, princess?”
“Nu-uh. It’s bland and soggy—look!” Yena grabs a minuscule sample of spaghetti with her fork, presenting how incredibly unacceptable it is on her own perspective as she voices out her frustration with it, and you, absolutely stunned with her complaints as you don’t see anything wrong with the food presented.
“Oh yeah, I forgot—should’ve treated you to eat some gold, huh?” You batted out a joke towards her, in which she took it a little seriously, punching your shoulder playfully as her pouts emanated such strong channels of chagrin, not satisfied with the meal she’s been supposedly enjoying.
“Yah! I’m not like that, but I’d like to eat something way better than this…”
Of course, she’ll be luring you into another set of her tricks, opting for you to fall down of her trap but with two years and a half of being with her, you knew exactly what she’s up to for you to fulfill her wants. You read her mind like a book but of course, you’ll choose to play along with her game to bait her and let her be the victim of her own medicine.
“Like what?” You feign such fake innocence, in which Yena takes as an opportunity to voice out her naughty desires and just like that, she stepped into your trap.
“Like daddy’s—” You tighten the grip of her wrists under the table, making her wince in pain as you stop her from her advances of such dirty talk in public.
“You know what Yena, just eat your goddamn food and we’ll get out of here, okay?” You grew impatient with her own antics, making her opt to the possible endgame before the anticipated climax soon.
“But I don’t like it! I don’t like it!” Yena whimpered as she didn't like the words that came out of your mouth and knowing that you’re setting her up to further make her miserable, she stepped up and voiced out her frustrations towards you and you’re not absolutely having it. “I won’t bother finishing these—”
“Alright then, Yena…” You averted your attention onto finishing the food on your plate as your demeanor became stern and commanding and Yena’s face suddenly feigned fear and anxiety, not wanting what may happen next. “It’s just fair to not reward my princess something if she didn’t finish her food.”
Yes, you read her like a goddamn book and guess what, it’s working more than well. Knowing how insatiable you are for her that can’t bear to not be rewarded with your load for a day says a lot, and she’s willing to do everything just to get that desired prize of hers that you would love to use as an advantage against her—Yena’s kryptonite that will flick a switch inside her, making her reevaluate her own selfish decisions.
“Okay then, daddy…”
Well, if she’s willing to provoke the sleeping beast inside you, then you’ll let her, because at the end of the day, you know that she’ll regret it and will absolutely be damned to be punished and used, like the slutty brat she always became, all for you.
Royalties and class, two things that exude Yena as every movement of hers is either sophisticated, intense disgust or her own primal needs taking over her. Limited choices yet it doesn’t matter, because it will revolved around that and it will never change—maybe when you’ve fucked something out of her, then maybe the stars will re-align but chances would be slim to none.
There’s no fucking chance in this planet she’ll be able to make others bear her bitchy, bratty attitude and you are the only worthy to handle her as you know exactly how to make her be yours and to tame that living beast inside her, even if it means to do the nastiest things to her.
Well, that won’t be the case for now but knowing how she’s luring you into a challenge, really makes everything inside you be in that state of fury as her words captivate you and turn you on, and it’s damn dangerous to be this riled while driving on a high-speed highway.
Guess the feelings are mutual between the both of you; she can pick the locks inside you as much as you can with hers, and it’s not even close to exert much effort.
“Yena, you know we can’t—not here, princess, alright?” You peacefully pointed out how risky and not suitable for you to really do this, let alone doing such a sinful act on a highway even though it’s just the both of you that will be blessed by the sight.
Not really surprised about her responsive actions of your denial, and you’d love to see that knowing how her frustration and the needy sounds she makes sends you into a state of delight. “Come on, daddy! You’re no fun!”
Yena pouts as she faces you, frustrated with your own selfish acts of your definition of fun as she crosses her arms right after, letting you know how she seriously wants this.
“If you want us to crash because of your selfish needs to blow my dick, then sure, Yena.” With your encouraging words with sarcasm laced on it, Yena faced you with a glare as you can see it evident on your peripherals. As much as you don’t want to, you might just give it a shot and to maybe even risk your life in terms of a pleasurable service and to literally just make Yena shut up with your own length inside her bratty mouth.
“You’re just playing with me, daddy—I know you—”
“Do you want to blow my dick or not? ‘Cause I’m getting pretty impatient, Yena.” You stated, your tone demanding and laced with subtle rage as you continue to drive, unfazed with her own presence that will soon draw onto your own treasured prize and given the green light, she acted up immediately and didn’t waste any of your time. Drawing her attention towards your clothed nether region, her hands then hastily finds its way onto the button of your pants while carefully not hitting anything, and with her subtle touch makes you lose a hint of focus yet you fight it as the last thing you would want to see is crashing on a highway. Carefully unbuttoning your pants and bringing them onto your knees, her eyes lit up in excitement as she can see your member getting erected and that’s all because of her.
“Ooh, getting turned on I see, hm, daddy?” Yena delightfully mocks you as steam comes out of your nose, a bit annoyed with her current antics as there’s no in any planet you would deny how it’s not her fault that you’re getting this hard.
“Then do something about it and don’t kill us, Yena.” She then resumes her advances of undressing your final clothed defense, finally freeing your throbbing length from its prison and she is met with your member, her eyes now lit in awe yet a click of your tongue makes her stop. “Five minutes only.”
Yena whimpers as she looks at you deeply with her signature duck pout, making you rethink your decision as she persuades you with all her might. “Please, can it be longer, daddy? Please, please?”
Even if she bats out her hundred of pleas you will just ignore it as a brat doesn't deserve such reward—she should be grateful instead of complaining but you know that girls like her will be rewarded truly if they earned it, and this is probably just one of the few tests you have in plan.
Guess, you’ll be just the judge while your mind’s focused on driving straight for the both of you to not crash and god, you’re really fighting for it.
Maybe you’ll be the one who’s going to be tested as it’s all deteriorating once she laid her soft lips onto the head of your shaft, as you give in the pleasure yet focus on the highway.
Five minutes—five goddamn minutes.
“Kneel down, princess.”
“Yes, daddy…” Yena immediately obliged your command as her face anticipates what you may have in store, her eyes glistening with need and lust that no one can define, maybe not even herself can.
Of course, she won’t be leaving your place without a load dumped inside her or painted on her because of how addicted she is to you and how she’s always a victim of indulging towards her primal desires the second you’re within the vicinity of her sight.
She’s crazy about you as much as you are towards her but Yena’s just on a whole new level—way above the charts of your expectations and it’s not really surprising at this point.
In most terms, she’s always been a pain in the ass the deal with, even with your entire length plunged inside her, she can’t seem to really change her bratty demeanor, like it’s glued onto her by default and it’s bittersweet—bitter in annoyance and sweet because you love taming her, getting the absolute value of each others’ needs.
Even without serving her desired prize on her speedway blowjob earlier, her eyes are still refulgent with anticipation and eagerness—not to mention how she complains so much when her time is up and without a load deep down her throat, completely opposing her current needs for you.
“You better finish what you’ve started earlier alright, princess?” You relax onto the cold, marble wall as Yena nods eagerly, and then advance her way onto your fully-erect length as she eyes it like her favorite meal and with a mischievous smirk planted onto her mouth and her evil eyes, you know exactly how she’ll start this off. You moaned almost inaudibly once her soft, plump lips became in contact with your swollen head and right from the start, her masterclass is absolutely at its peak finest.
Her mouth is one of your treasure features of her, not just by the fact that you could embrace yourself to initiate such a torrid kiss with her but it’s just the fact on how soft they are that it’s just sculpted perfectly to service gratification to you, not even including her sinful gags and the vacuum-like suction that makes up the elements of a mind-boggling blowjob that she always excels at.
Speaking of oral talents, she has it all, and maybe even multiple.
“Keep doing that, princess… Keep t-that mouth all the way in.” Even if it spirals out of control, you’ll be cursed to encourage her ultimately as she takes your whole length slowly, ensuing a leisure bobbing that aims to build up the pleasure and your own libido. 
She didn’t gag, not yet, as she continues to reach new depths, making herself accustomed to your whole length and the inevitable snaps, gagging prematurely as she tried to keep it in without pulling out but was not deemed successful, coughing a little right after her former struggles.
She wouldn’t let herself disappoint you as she grabbed your already saliva-sheathed cock as fast as she could and directed it inside her mouth, blowing you rapidly as her thrusts in quick succession never fails to set yourself on a blissful trance. Her hands find themselves onto the porcelain skin of your thighs, caressing it to voice out how comfortable she is and the other, fondling your sensitive balls in order for better stimulation and better quality of pleasure. Simultaneous gags, drool seeping out of her mouth, tears running down her cheek and her rapid pace lives up tot eh epitome of a blowjob—and she’s cursed to be great at this.cheek and the cherry on top, her rapid pace that adds up to the filthiness of a sinful image she’s been into and god, if you could just take a picture of this, let along record this as a video, you’ll absolutely do it but getting occupied by Yena’s soft lips and tight throat would be just better than anything that can bother you in this world, and you leave it as it is.
Her head frantically bobs like she’s set to hypnotize you as her techniques really live up to her title, every movement she does to stimulate you is making you feel way better than the previous, and it’s really working more than well. She constantly slurps as more drool seeps out of her hungry mouth, also a way to voice out her utter satisfaction with being rewarded with an insatiable candy that she can’t get enough of. Because of her great work between your legs, you dive into the inevitable bliss as your hands find their way to her vibrantly pink locks, grabbing a fistful of it to form a makeshift ponytail in order for you to have such strong leverage to guide her and fight for the utmost gratification.
Of course, she knows what you’ll end up into once she felt your hands on the back of her constantly bobbing head: she could only anticipate it as you hips will gradually thrust into her suffocatingly tight throat, craving for more to the point that you’ll give in and fuck her face rapidly.
She knows you and reads you like a book—again, feelings are mutual, as well as your needs towards each other.
There’s no point in not giving in to using her mouth like a fleshlight, because it’s literally what she’s built for: to take the entirety of your length to the point of no-return and absolutely giving everything you want—what your hips can muster.
“I might need to fuck that bratty mouth of yours princess, you wouldn’t mind it, won’t you?” Your sinister tone makes her apprehensive yet nonetheless, she trusts you with all her might—and you won’t dare to break that—as she nods eagerly, her eyes begging for the absence of your mercy in order to use her mouth with what might you can as she wants it badly. 
“Oh, so you want it this badly, huh?” With her slow bobs, you groan with the pleasure she’s giving yet time wouldn’t be wasted as you grip her hair and make her look up at you, your tone now laced with the utter need of voicing out her primal desires. “Then say how badly you want this, princess”
With more greedy bobs onto your rock-hard shaft, she immediately pulls out as so, and let her lips release such wanton profanities that absolutely will arouse the living beast inside of you. “I w-want you to ram on m-my slutty throat, daddy—”
“How hard, princess?” It was a sudden response, aiming to mutter up an answer escaping her lips on her possible wants of your treatment towards hers.
“Want you t-to fuck my throat like h-how I deserve it…” She trembles between divisible of her own lustful words, the utter nervousness and adrenaline kicking in as she continues stating her needs. “Want t-to feel daddy’s c-cock ramming on my t-throat because of how m-much of a slut I am.”
Good thing she knows what she is and what she came to, at this moment. Given on how sincere she is in every word she says as her tone really pleads you to service her throat, states on how she badly desires her close-to-an-ultimate prize (punishment on you own perspective) and without wasting any second, you opted to give her what she wants and to full indulge to your own carnal desires.
“Okay, princess, hands behind your back—” You command her as you grow impatient with her lustful talks, wanting to make her struggle in the best way possible—also, you would not want to hurt her in the process—and to build up the rising climax of her anticipation. “—and your head up.” Of course, your hands aren’t idle enough to just appreciate the beauty of her waiting to be ruined, as you hands force its way onto the back of her head again yet this time, you grip onto her semi-disheveled pigtails, wanting to use them as handlebars and a leverage on what you're about to do to her—maybe she purposely tied her hair this way, knowing that she’ll maybe get her mouth fucked half open.
If this is what she wants, then she’ll get it but you should let her know why this all started: it’s all because of aiming to tame her properly and if your words can’t do it, then sure, maybe your cock will do the talking.
You don’t even need to command Yena to open her mouth as she does it involuntarily, begging you for more until it was all unable to beared and contained, letting everything but indulged within and you can just see your whole length being submerged into the depths of her mouth, taking more and fully encouraging you to even go deeper. The incredible suction of her cheeks never fails to bewilder you, let alone diving deeper as every inch of her walls results in marvelous groans of pleasure because of the warmth and the right tightness of it. You gave Yena’s mouth few thrusts to get herself used on your whole length again—in a better view, she doesn’t really need that since she’s sucking and getting her mouth used by you very often that it’s started to molded onto the shape of your cock—wanting her to feel every inch of it brushing down her throat as she gags when it hits the back of her throat. She fights it with all her might this time, and when you notice her gag reflex calming down, now’s the time to use the pliant princess’s heavenly throat like how she deserves it.
How does she deserve it? Well, it’s only a matter of time for her to find out.
With now a better feeling from both parties, your hips now ensued such a breakneck pace, catching her off-guard. Yena almost breaks herself free but knowing that if she does, she will be in big trouble and be prone to a worse punishment in which she wouldn’t want to. With that in mind, she fights herself onto your rapid usage of her whole throat as drool inevitably seeps out of her mouth, coating everything in its vicinity with her saliva that further adds to the lubrication with your ruthless advances. You tighten the grip on her hair, causing to add more mess to her already disheveled locks as you continuously rammed her throat like you want to prove something—you don’t need to prove anything but rather, prove herself worthy of your mercy.
“Is this what you fucking wanted, Yena? Your f-face to be fucked like a-an animal?” It’s a rhetorical question but an evident nod ensued right after, noticing it even with your rapid pace trying to open up Yena’s throat as you could find yourself getting harsher with one goal in mind: to tame her and possibly, fuck that brattiness out of her brat mouth.
You didn’t just mindfully thrust your hips like you’re in autopilot, but rather set series of forceful deepthroats, filling every inch of her slutty throat up to the brim, balls-deep and then resuming back onto thrusting—it repeats like a cycle, and that’s part of the plan: foreplay, to be build the suspense and then suddenly go berserk. You playfully tug her hair in order to force her down and then taking your entire length with thrusts ensued on a quick succession, each oscillation hits her saliva-sheathed chin with your own balls as the audible sounds of such skin clapping is arousing you even further.
“Fuck—this bratty throat feels good—can’t wait to even feel more of you, princess—fuck!” You continue to give her ruthless thrusts, breaking the velocity barrier your hips can muster as you pull out of her mouth and not surprisingly, she gasps for heavy breaths and multiple coughs because of your harshness down her throat.
“G-God, daddy—t-that was s-so good—hah, y-you’re going t-to make my throat sore…” Yena muttered between catching breaths and a broken voice, truly making you admire the masterclass you’ve done that she surely loved.
“Of course—need this fucking throat to teach a lesson.”
“A l-lesson? Am I the n-naughtiest student you’ve ever seen, d-daddy?” Yena seduces you with her vixen capabilities and her honey-laced words dripping with lust, and it forces you to sully her again, specifically her mouth.
“You know the answer to that, princess.” Yena looks up with you with a smirk, her mischievous plan starting to come together as she bites her lips and moaned uncontrollably, your hands finding its way on caressing her perky yet voluptuous mounds as you aimed to weaken her until she’s about to be fully submissive. With her hands still on her back, she can’t help herself to fight the pleasure as she can only just whimper and close her eyes, letting the serotonin course down her veins as every second that passes is fully treasured by the bratty princess in front of you.
“I would have used your throat more harshly but bad brats like you don’t deserve to swallow my cum—not even a single ounce of it.” Your hands then palmed her cheek as your fingers caressed it right after, admiring the sullied countenance of Yena’s face that deserves to be at the hall of fame on how it perfectly depicts the oxymoron, “the ruined goddess”.
“Brats need to be punished for being such a bitch and if my words can’t tame you—” Your suspenseful tone is intimidating her, sending chills down her spine as every word you say is laced with sincerity and full on lust. Her mouth shivers when she feels your hand teasing her cheek with your throbbing length, and it’s just becoming better for now considering how you’re building up such a stupendous anticipation that anyone can hook onto, even the both of you. “—then maybe my cock will.” 
You slap your length onto her cheek, making her yelp a little as you command her to stand up, her immediately obliging to your imperative advances, even with a visible struggle because of her lack of balance. 
“Sit here and wait for me, okay? I’ll get something and don’t you dare move away from this position.” You glared at her as she nodded slowly, her mouth curling up onto a smile as her eyes glistened with her own desires, only thinking further of what you may have in store for her.
“Wear it, Yena.”
“But don’t I look silly, daddy?”
“Just fucking wear it—it’ll be good on you…” You grow impatient with her complaints as she does what she’s requested to do, as she wears the belt-like leather collar around her neck, her hands trembling probably from her nervousness and there’s nothing to worry about it, knowing it’ll fade faster than the speed of light. With her collar now around her neck, you commanded her to go on all her fours on the bed and again, she quickly obliged, not wanting you to wait any further. Greed consumes over you, finding its way to succumb onto your lustful needs as you line your swollen head within the emanating heat of her lower lips as she moans in every tease you do, fueling up each others’ libido. 
As much as you want to tease the living brat out of her, your aim is to fuck it out of her and you’ll do exactly what you need to.
Not wasting any second, the climax of the show starts as you penetrate her with your whole length and in response, she screams in delight because of how big you are inside her, feeling that you may destroy her guts. You easily fill her up to the hilt, burying your entire shaft inside her and then withdrawing to slam back in hard, making her cry for your mercy and to further fuck her like an animal.
The comeuppance starts, and you’re willing to teach her a lesson she wouldn’t forget—you may have done this to her a lot of times but this time, it would hit differently and you would end this session making her know who you really are to mess with.
Grateful to the helping aid of lubrication with her juices coursing down, and around your shaft, you start off with a relentless pace and don't give her time to get used to your length, wanting to make her feel your wrath and how she deserves to be treated. She further moans in every withdrawal you do as the collar helps for a better leverage onto ramming into her tight core repeatedly, and as the cherry on top, you like the muffled sounds of her chokes every time you pull the chain of the collar, you could hear her broken moans and probably, even asphyxiating her—one of her kinks is you choking her, and you’re glad to be innovative and creative on fulfilling that and knowing this, Yena appreciates this truly as she voices out to even ruin her further.
“D-Daddy—r-ruin my slu—slut pussy! I d-deserve t—to be treated l-like this—oh gosh—holy fuck!!”
You continuously do as so, and with her repeated pleas, you grew annoyed with her ebullient noises and stated your frustrations towards her. “Just s-shut the fuck up and take my cock well, princess!”
With your further attempts of silencing her with your ramming clashes against her tight pussy, you vent out your frustrations and channel everything onto your thrusts, causing her to repeatedly plead and moan because of your aggressive actions. She wanted this deserves this, so she just deserves to be fucked like a true animal. Her arms grew weaker, unable to support her upper frame due to the constant overloading of pleasure she’s been feeling and wanting to bury her head with her advances, you won’t let a single trick up her sleeve be deemed successful against you as you pulled the collar towards you, making her compose such broken melodies that reverberated around the room, and around your ears.
You can hear her cries in every thrust you do, as it’s all starting to come to the point where she’ll fully succumb to her needs and submissiveness, which is your goal before this steamy session ends. It wasn't long before you gave her round, bubble buttcheeks the hardest spanks it deserves as it became frequent all of a sudden, making her yelp and cry because of your harsh actions against her constantly-rammed backside. With now your hands fully occupied to treat her like the slut she is and like the brat she deserves, Yena can’t help but just think of your cock ravaging her tight, little cunt rapidly as it clouds her, same repeated, wanton moans are the response of your actions and knowing she wouldn’t last long at this time and with her cunt constantly clenching, you double the efforts on fucking her onto oblivion as the lustful drive in you takes over. 
“You’re about to cum, right, Yena?”
She mutters a stuttered “yes” as she nods frantically before resuming her constant moans of pleasure. “But what if I don’t want my princess to cum? Will she not cum for her daddy or will she be punished for good? Because—” You let go of the tight grip on the chains of the leather collar as you inch closely onto her ear and whispered with venom, “—if you didn’t follow me, there will be serious consequences and you won’t like that, won’t you, Yena?”
Yena’s apologetic cries can be heard laced in her agreement, scared that she may provoke you that will make her needs be deprived. “I w-will do anything f-for you, daddy but p-please—-ahh!”
You kiss her nape, and then her neck, showing your affection towards her as you worship the musky scent of her body emanating sweat, perfume and sex as you respond, “Please what, princess?”
It took seconds for Yena to respond, the gratification becoming too much to handle as she composes herself, and pleads for you. “P-Please let me cum, daddy…”
A side of you is fainthearted: wanting to not make herself be lost and want her to engage on her high as much as possible but she needs to be punished, and your conclusion with that? To fully ruin her.
Thanks to the constant lapping of her juices, it didn’t became a struggle to lubricate her puckered hole as you insert your thumb in it, opting to stimulate her further as you continued to fuck her mercilessly. It wouldn’t take long before she reaches her high with of the kinky stuff and the most stimulating advances being done all in one session as she lets out whimpers, and knowing that her high is near and you know it’ll blast like a volcano, you wouldn’t put her to torture as lean in again to her ear and then whispering again, “Then cum on my cock, princess—let it all out.”
Giving her the final thrusts with her collar as a leverage onto a greater quality of such mindless abomination of fucking, she clenched tightly as you groan because of it and within a second, she’s in her own blissful trance, moaning out your name as she voices out her ecstasy.
“D-Don’t s-stop fucking me, d-daddy—oh fuck—I’m c-cumming so h-hard—fuck!!”
As requested by her, you continue ramming her pussy as she climaxes beautifully, voicing out series of ecstatic moans as she forms a rivulet around your shaft, dripping it all over her thighs, your balls and some even on the bed sheets which soon will be changed because of how filthy and messy it would be after the both of you are done. You continue oscillating at such an incredible pace that you didn’t mind making her recover on her high, making her yell in pleasure and utmost sensitivity. With a ruthless pace, of course, you didn’t ignore the chains as you pulled
“Are y-you close, daddy? Please c-cum inside m-me—fuck, p-please, daddy—ahh—mmfh-ahh!”
“Don’t tell me what to do, slut!” Of course, after her ephemeral orgasm, you resume onto your harshness, spanking and fondling her mounds as you draw circles down her taut buds, making her whimper because of the pleasure and sensitivity. You grew frustrated and enough of her bratty actions of eternal need as you choke her a little with the collar, further ramming into her tight cunt repeatedly as her thighs now quiver, her limbs growing weaker and letting herself succumb onto your own spell, hypnotizing her with the rapid sounds of bodies clashing together that adds up to the sea of sinful sounds that’s been kept inside this puny room right from the start.
Now chasing your own orgasm and to further commit onto fucking that living brat out of her body, you gave in to your primal desires, fucking each other like animals as within a few thrusts or seconds from now, it won’t be long until you meet yourself onto the promised land—in the possibly eternal state of bliss.
Now, having enough of the collar, you pull her hair as you draw yourself closer to your own orgasm, wanting to make sure that you’ll have one hell of a climax. You repeatedly spank her to further arouse yourself onto the hypnotizing jiggles of that porcelain flesh, making you indulge and draw yourself onto the red and soon enough, it wouldn’t be that long to meet it.
“I’m going to fucking c-cum in this tight, slutty, bratty pussy, alright, princess? Be sure to take it all because fuck—t-this pussy is literally the best!”
“Yes, da—daddy! Please c-cum in me—finally, p-please—ahh—mmfhh!” You continue your rapid thrusts as your fingers coursed its way onto her mouth, making her suck it as she wantonly savors your fingers like it’s your beloved shaft, sensually licking every inch clean as you buried your whole length in her, unable to pull back but just give in.
Series of thick shots flooded her velvety walls, causing her to moan on your fingers as she can feel the warmth of your semen coating each inch of her flesh white and god, she’s also in a state of bliss on how well she is filled by you. She continues sucking and you continue depositing, even thrusting slowly to extend your orgasm further and as it dies down, you leisurely pulled out—and of course, Yena whimpered because she feels empty without your whole length ravaging inside her—of the tightness of her core, a little exhausted because of your harsh work against her sopping wet cunt and what an incredible sight it bestowed you: her freshly-fucked folds full of your cum, some of it even leaking out of her due to the stupendous amount of volume deposited in it.
Guess her highfalutin came down on a sullied conclusion; it was an incredible display of a steamy session, much likely to be cherished as the once boisterous, sex-filled room has now toned down onto tranquil and silence—mostly just heavy breaths can be heard but it is close on silence.
Yena falls limp onto the bed, her back rests as her lips tremble within her voice, “Y-you c-came so much, daddy—i-it’s so thick a-and warm—hah…”
“Now, are you satisfied, princess?”
“More than t-that, daddy…” Yena voices out her utter satisfaction as her needs are now fulfilled by you and right after, she beams a bright smile onto you which makes you faintly grin in response due to her contagious happiness. 
“Also, I’m s-sorry about acting like that earlier, daddy…” You know her apologies aren’t sincere but at the same time, they are—it’s not sincere in a way that she’ll act like a spoiled brat again someday, but now, you’re glad that you’ve fucked your way to teach her a lesson—living the new, ephemeral disposition of hers that’s down-to-earth. You would treasure this truly, but Yena, on the other hand, isn’t in the same shoes with you.
“I want some more, daddy—we can experiment on anything we want, tonight because—” Yena’s hands averted onto your jaw, making you face her as she continues, “—I’m all yours, daddy.”
Seems like she needed more than what you’ve given her and with that, you’re giving her anything to the point of no-return.
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pupkashi · 10 months
gojo satoru masterlist !
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* fluff ^ angst
— all for my angel boy <3
main masterlist
* boyfriend!gojo hcs
* rainy evenings
in which gojo gets himself caught in the rain
* christmas cuddles
gojo finds his place in the universe
* arcades
arcades are scams, he knows, but dammit gojo will win you that prize
* flowers
gojo is a self-certified flower enthusiast
* periods
gojo is an angel on earth when you get your period
* sugar rush ride
gojo loves sugar, and you’re too sweet to resist
* priorities
gojo has his priorities straight: you’ll always be the most important
* rough day
gojo will always cheer you up after a rough day
* mornings
satoru loves mornings with you
* egg hunting
gojo’s never been easter egg hunting, you decide it’s time for the famous bunny to pay him a visit
* sunday love
sundays with gojo are slow and sweet
* grocery shopping headcanons
*^ jealousy, jealousy
the worst part of dating gojo? how often he gets hit on
* movie night
satoru gojo has developed a new weakness: romcoms
* migraine
gojo helps ease the pain of your migraine
* picnics
in which mother nature decides picnics are no good without a little rain
* after like
you and satoru say the L word
* my you
gojo learns he loves stargazing
* titles
in which gojo realizes you truly see him
* going to an observatory
* costume parties
* a scenic drive with him
* time
gojo will always make sure you’re taken care of
*^ hugs
“can i hug you? you look like you could do with it”
* sweet nothing
gojo always finds himself running home to you
* clean linen
gojo’s second favorite smell is your laundry detergent
* untitled
the last person you expect to patch you up is gojo satoru, so why are you knocking on his door?
* azul
when you think of love, you think of the color blue
* oranges
gojo knows how to peel oranges
* pretty boy
gojo has to let you know how much you mean to him
* sick
gojo’s favorite hobby is being your personal nurse
* scrapbooks
satoru isn’t a sentimental person, until he is
*^ nightmares
satoru has nightmares, but also long as you’re by his side he knows he’ll be okay
* easy
loving is easy when it’s gojo satoru
*^ scars
gojo learns to love the scars on his body
*^ arguments
arguments are never nice, but at least they help you grow
* birthmarks
even in his past lives, satoru was always loved
* pizza time!
or the one time satoru tries to make pizza from scratch and is effectively banned from ever trying again
* mistletoe-go
satoru comes up with a new Christmas tradition
* new year, new superstition
whoever said wearing red on new years brought love was onto something
* kisses
satoru always makes sure your lips are well kissed
* volví a nacer
gojo feels life start anew now that you’re by his side
* f1 racer!satoru hc’s
* to love is to linger
* cereal, soup and other deep questions
* “what do you think you’d be doing if we never met?”
* “you’re bleeding!” “I was trying to cut the tomatoes!”
* “i have a meeting in an hour! get out of the bathroom!”
* “you’re my everything”
* "what do you mean you've never gone trick-or-treating?!"
* going to the fair hcs
* collegebf!satoru
* study buddy!satoru
* birthday special <3
* satoru loves yapping [to you]
* drabble #1
* drabble #2
* drabble #3
* drabble #4
* drabble #5
* drabble #6
* drabble #7
* drabble #8
* drabble #9
* drabble #10
* drabble #11
* drabble #13
* drabble #14
* drabble #15
* drabble #16
* drabble #17
* drabble #18
* drabble #19
* drabble #20
* drabble #21
* drabble #22
* drabble #23
* drabble #24
* drabble #25
* drabble #26
* drabble #27
* drabble #28
* drabble #29
* drabble #30
* drabble #31
* drabble #32
* drabble #33
* drabble #34
* drabble #35
* drabble #36
* drabble #37
* drabble #38
* drabble #39
* drabble #40
* drabble #41
* drabble #42
* drabble #43
* drabble #44
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pretzel-box · 4 days
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"This is a side note from Professor Doctor XXXX from the research department to the person in charge of the archive in the basement level.
We have found a curious file among our stash, no name or serial number marked, and would like to know if it accidentally slipped among the requested research material from last week.
Multiple assets are found in the said file.
Please page me or leave a note if you find out more. I leave the keycard to retrieve the file at the front desk.
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Day 1: Arrival
Day 2: Bad Omen
Day 3: In the Black
Day 4: Dying Lights
Day 5: False Friends
Day 6: Wrong Rooms
Day 7: Loose Assets
Day 8: Ventilations
Day 9: Suprise Guests
Day 10: Faces in the dark
Day 11: Unspoken Crimes
Day 12: A warm thought
Day 13: Drowning
Day 14: Hide and Seek
Day 15: Dehydration
Day 16: Stocking Up
Day 17: Wrong turn
Day 18: Meeting with Death
Day 19: Three Eyes
Day 20: An Easter Egg
Day 21: Items of Interest
Day 22: A cup of Tea
Day 23: Campfire Story
Day 24: Pumpkin Collection
Day 25: Ghost Hunt
Day 26: A spooky decoration
Day 27: Your favorite monster
Day 28: Costume Parade
Day 29: Summoning Circles
Day 30: Stormy Blackout
Day 31: Trick Or Treat
And with that, welcome to Pretzels October Prompt Challenge, totally selfmade by Pretzel herself. It's a selection of 31 prompts which I will turn into short stories and dabbles.
Of course, others can participate too! It doesn't have to be fanfiction. You can make art or write poems too. Anything is allowed, and you don't even have to do every single day. It's a fun little opportunity to be creative once you feel like it.
I will post the short stories all with the #OctoberPressurePrompts !
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rosemarymonths · 7 days
Introducing Rosemary Month 2024 !
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All throughout the month of October!
Tag your submissions with #rosemarymonth2024 or #rosemarymonth
Any form of media welcome!
Day 1: Kiss Marks
Self-explanatory. Maybe even a little vampire bite.
Day 2: Morning Routine
What do you think Rose and Kanaya’s mornings are like together?
Day 3: Cultural Differences
Explore the troll-human differences!! Cultural sensitivity sure is hard!
Day 4: Alchemy
What kind of awesome shit are Rose and Kanaya making together??
Day 5: Aspects / Planets
Wouldn’t it be so sweet if Rose and Kanaya showed each other around on their planets? Or maybe you’re more interested in aspects?
Day 6: Fashionstuck
Rosemary + Fashion, pretty simple.
Day 7: Rushed Date
Late to a date or an incredibly rushed date?? You decide!
Day 8: Cultural Wear
Draw (or write/cosplay!) Rose and Kanaya in your culture’s traditional clothing!
Day 9: Guardians
Anything to do with Maryam and Lalonde guardians!
Day 10: Rainbow Drinker / Grimdark
The parallels….. a staple theme.
Day 11: Late Night Snack Run
Rosemary at Circle K at 3am, what will they get??
Day 12: Wizard Fanfiction
Remember that one time Kanaya said she’d like to look over Lalondian wizard fanfiction?
Day 13: Motherhood
A staple theme in rosemary. Maybe about the matriorb? Maybe about Roxy? Maybe Rose and Kanaya as parents?
Day 14: In-Laws
Rose meeting her monster-in-law or Kanaya interacting with the strilondes, you decide!
Day 15: Injuries
Rose and Kanaya’s famous wounds, go crazy!!
Day 16: Pumpkin Patch
It’s Fall fun time!! Or however you wish to interpret this prompt!
Day 17: Godstuck
Day 18: Laundry Day
Time to get some nasty domesticity on.
Day 19: Dashcon
Exactly what it says on the tin. Thank you Dashcon for the sponsor.
Day 20: Squids & Moths
Self-explanatory. Fuzzy bugs and creepy cephalopods.
Day 21: Dreambubbles
Rosemary dreambubble shenanigans… are they dead? Alive?
Day 22: D&D
Rosemary game night! Anybody else remember Soul Fraying Games?
Day 23: Meteorstuck
Typical rosemary Meteorstuck shenanigans, a staple trope.
Day 24: Earth C Living
Explore Rose and Kanaya’s interactions on Earth C!
Day 25: Wedding
Rosemary wedding!! A classic!
Day 26: Hurt / Comfort
Day 27: Long Distance
What if they were online girlfriends? Or maybe something more metaphorical and pretty?
Day 28: Kidswap / Bloodswap
Classic AU, go wild with any swaps you wanna do! Rose Harley and Kanaya Vantas? So neat.
Day 29: Crossover
Cross Rose and Kanaya over with any of your other interests!!
Day 30: Vampire Hunter
Vampire Hunter rosemary AU, go wild.
Day 31: Tricks / Treats
What’s it gonna be? Tricks or treats?
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ckret2 · 1 year
✨⚠️ Wasting Away Again in the Goldilocks Zone ⚠️✨
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If you're new here, this is one of those "human Bill in the Mystery Shack" redemption fics, you know the drill: Bill illegally escapes death via reincarnation; the Shack crew imprisons him til they can figure out how to kill him; but they won't, because Bill's gonna make friends with them and literally everybody else in town. Whether they like it or not.
Featuring!! The slowest redemption arc you've ever read; "human" Bill that doesn't decide being trapped in an alien body is fine; show-style episodic plot structure; individual plot arcs for characters you've never even cared about; so canon compatible we even include the dang coloring book; and so TBOB-compatible over a year before TBOB came out that I'm considering taking up a position as the Oracle of Delphi just so Apollo stops barraging me with dodgeballs.
New chapter every Friday, 5pm CST! Yes, that includes this Friday!
For art, doodles, upcoming scene excerpts, and posts about characterization & plot plans, see my #bill goldilocks cipher tag. For the fic itself, the first few chapters are on AO3, but tumblr's 60 chapters ahead:
⛓️ 1 Part 1. Bill returns, in a bedsheet toga.
⛓️ 1 Part 2. Bill tries to murder the Stans & Soos (with time travel).
⛓️ 2. Dipper and Mabel save the day (with time travel).
⛓️ 3. A tense evening as the Pines prepare to get rid of Bill.
⛓️ 4. Plot twist: the Pines physically can't get rid of Bill.
⛓️ 5. The gang goes to a diner at 3 a.m. for hostage negotiations.
⛓️ 6. Bill escapes from Theraprism. [NEW!!!]
⛓️ 7. "How'd Bill get here" flashback; plus, entering his new prison.
💇‍♀️ 8. Bill gives himself a haircut and depression.
💇‍♀️ 9. Bill & Ford grudgingly have a sincere conversation; regret it.
📓🔺📓 TBOB BOUNDARY: Everything above this line has been edited for 100% compatibility with The Book Of Bill and posted to AO3! Everything after this line has not been edited... so it's only 98% TBOB compatible. 📓🔺📓
💇‍♀️ 10. The kids decide Bill won't ruin their summer. Also: Pacifica!
🧚 11. Mabel gives Bill the most beautiful makeover ever. (It's not.)
🧚 12. Pacifica advertises Harry's Hairy Fairy Formula. Bill wants it.
🧚 13. Pacifica refuses to share; the twins discover its side effects.
🧚 14. Mabel wins Bill's eternal friendship with arts & crafts.
💭 15. Bill, Ford, and Dipper have nightmares that are Bill's fault.
💎 16. Ford has a fun day with Mabel but everything goes wrong.
💎 17. The day goes right again thanks to healthy communication.
🎥 18. Mabel's Guide To Local Animals, co-starring Bill Cipher.
🧊 19. Wendy snoops into the weird things happening in the shack.
🧊 20. Wendy meets the weird thing (it's Bill).
🎂 21. Stan & Ford's birthday party! Bill gives evil gifts.
💭 22. Bill "helps" Dipper's nightmares; no one knows his motive.
👁️ 23. Bill's ex is back in town and nobody's happy about it.
👁️ 24. Everyone's even less happy to learn Bill has a sex life.
🧿 25. Mabel and Bill make friendship bracelets! :)
🧿 26. The Pines take Bill to the mall. He wears terrible things.
🧿 27. Bill breaks Mabel's heart (and panics to fix it).
🏳️‍🌈 28. Bill talks his way into going with Wendy to Rainbow Club.
🎃 29. Bill contacts the Henchmaniacs on Summerween morning.
🎃 30. Costume making. Mabel pries into Bill's past, with crayons.
🎃 31. The Trickster's pals trick-or-treat; and Bill terrifies Dipper.
🪮 32. Dipper & Mabel make a poppet to control Bill.
🦷 33. Stan takes Bill to the dentist. In handcuffs.
🦷 34. Dentist & tooth fairy attack. Stan & Bill are still handcuffed.
🦷 35. Bill & Stan reach a painful understanding and stop the fairy.
🛁 36. Anime night; and Mabel makes Bill do community service.
🛁 37. Bill plots escape and runs into Wendy. Dipper panics.
🛁 38. Bill has the worst and stupidest day of his afterlife.
🌅 39. A cultist finds Bill; Bill tries to re-recruit Ford.
🚙 40. Gideon broadcasts car commercials; invokes Bill's wrath.
🚙 41. Bill apologizes for bullying Gideon. lol no he blackmails him.
🌕 42. Bill tells Dipper secrets of the universe; predicts an eclipse.
🌖 43. Gravity is disappearing; Ford and Fiddleford investigate.
🌗 44. Ford & Dipper drag Bill hiking; Bill faces his death.
🌘 45. Ford demands answers Bill can't give as totality looms.
🌑 46. Totality. Bill decides whether Ford lives or dies.
🌒 47. Bill feels rotten but finally explains the eclipse.
🌓 48. Bill has a complete mental breakdown.
🌔 49. The gang limps home. (Plus: a second dimensional eclipse.)
💿 50. Bill finally processes that mental breakdown.
💿 51. Dipper and Mabel try to remember the Axolotl's poem.
📖 52. The gang reads Flatworld. Bill isn't thrilled.
📖 53. Mabel tries to get Bill to talk about his home world.
⚛️ 54. Dipper, Ford, and Fiddleford do paradox physics.
📖 55. Mabel learns college-level geometry.
📖 56. Mabel & Bill have fun; Dipper & Ford prepare for murder.
💀 57. The execution of Bill Cipher.
💀 58. Everything you wondered about how Bill escaped.
💀 59. Everything you didn't wonder about how Bill escaped.
💀 60. Everything you never imagined about how Bill escaped.
📙 62. Soos vacuums the attic (wow exciting)
📙 63. Soos decides how he feels about Bill's treatment.
📙 64. Fixin it with Soos: home redecorating!
⛓️ 6. If you read ch 6 before TBOB, go read it again because I wrote a new ch 6!
🎥 65. The gang makes plans for the night.
🎥 66. Dipper's Guide to the Fremont Nightwigglers
🎥 67. Mabel's Guide to Secret Sleepovers
🎥 68. The aftermath of everybody pulling all-nighters.
🏖️ 69. Beach episode! The Pines fish! Bill tans!
🏖️ 70. Bigfoot, Agent Powers, and the cool teen gang.
🪐 61. The Axolotl Finds The Second Dimension's Corpse.
This post was last updated September 22, 2024! If you're seeing this post as a reblog and it's been a while since then, check back on the original post to see if more's been added!
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just-a-creep-babe · 11 months
A Demon’s Ache — Part 18
Eyeless Jack x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Commissioned by @cookiereblogss — thank you so so much for your patience and kindness and support, I really hope you enjoy! ^^ 💝💖💗
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
Masterlist: x
He should leave
He should get the fuck out of your room so that he can actually think straight and figure out what to do
But he just can’t
You look so peaceful in his embrace, so sweet and innocent
He can’t bring himself to just abandon you
His thoughts are racing a mile a minute as he tries to figure things out
He’s not the most knowledgeable about demon marks and what they mean, but he knows enough to understand that they’re serious
His first order of business, he realizes, should be research
If there’s any way to undo them, or at least minimize the effects, he should give it a shot
And the sooner he does it, the higher chance he has to fix this
Which brings him all the way back to square one; he should leave
He looks down at you
Your eyes are closed, brows relaxed, lips parted just the slightest bit as you breathe in slow, long breaths
He can practically feel the blood running through your veins, hear the way it pumps to your organs by the steady rhythm of your heart
Ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump
He swallows thickly, his mouth watering at the temptation of your flesh
He’s fucking salivating
He has to leave—now
But right as he shifts beneath you, you murmur something in your sleep and he freezes in place
He woke you up
He woke you up and now you’re going to see the mark and you’re going to loathe him for doing this to you
He flinches, bracing himself for the worst possible outcome
But all you do is nuzzle deeper into him, still half-asleep, and relief like no other washes over him
He can’t leave, he realizes
He should be there when you discover the mark
Even if it scares him—even if it absolutely terrifies him—he shouldn’t avoid this
He’s the one who created this mess; he has to be the one who deals with it too
He buries his face into your hair and breathes in deeply
Your scent is as soothing as always
He’ll figure it out, everything’s going to be ok
As long as he has you, everything’s going to be alright
It takes a short while, but eventually, you slowly start stirring awake
You mumble his name, pressing your face into the crook of his neck to avoid the glare of the sunlight, and he hums in response
Don’t think about the mark, don’t panic, don’t make it obvious something’s wrong
Part of him wants to outright blurt it out, but another part of him, a more dominant part of him, wants to savour every second he can before admitting to it
And it’s wrong
And he knows it’s wrong to withhold this kind of information from you, but fuck, how can he resist the temptation of your ignorance for just a moment longer?
You stretch your stiff limbs out, eyelashes tickling his jawline as you blink away the sleep clouding your mind
You hum peacefully, as if waking up next to him is nothing short of blissful, and that knot of guilt tightens in his stomach
Reaching up from under the comforter, your fingertips trace over Jack’s chest, moving all the way up his collarbone to his neck, and finally, over his Adam’s apple
He has to resist the urge to swallow down his heartache out of fear you might somehow feel it
But even then, even despite everything, your touch is so gentle, so soft
He can’t remember the last time anyone treated him with so much warmth, so much kindness
His eyelids instinctively flutter close over the messy black tar dripping from his sockets
And as he does, it’s like he can almost trick himself into believing things are different
He can almost pretend you’re both human, and you’re waking up in your shared bedroom in the apartment you both picked out together
He can act like it’s a quiet Saturday morning, and it’s a sunny day outside, and the birds are chirping and neither of you have anything planned
You’re both free to relax, to spend as much time in bed as the both of you want, and any minute now, he’s going to get up to make you breakfast while you prepare the coffee
“Come shower with me”
He’s brought back to reality by the sound of your voice, still gravelly and laced with sleep
When he reopens his eyes, he finds you smiling, still evidently sleepy, and the sight makes his heart flutter in his chest
“Mmh,” he makes a noise of agreement in his throat, and your smile grows
How’re you so effortlessly gorgeous?
You sit up, lazily stretching your arms over your head, and the motion causes the sheets to fall from your form, exposing the entirety of your naked back to him
He’s at a loss for words
The way your skin stretches over your curves, the way the morning light dances over your body—you look ethereal
He wants to reach out, wants to touch every inch of your skin—he wants to worship you
But then you roll your neck out to ease the stiffness in your muscles, and in doing so, it reveals that deep blemish on your skin once more
It’s all it takes for his perfect moments to fall apart, crumbling like ashes in the breeze
What the fuck kind of mess did he get the both of you into?
Completely oblivious to his dilemma, to the pained mix of emotions blooming in his chest, you turn to him with that gentle smile on your face
“You coming?”
He can’t keep his hands off you in the shower
It’s hot and steamy, and the space is just small enough to give him an excuse to press up so wonderfully close to you
Warm water glides off your body, outlining every dip and curve of your form, and he finds himself tracing over it, almost absent-minded, like he’s under a spell
You’ve bewitched him
You stand on the tip of your toes, and he almost thinks you’re about to kiss him, but all you do is reach behind him for the soap, and he has to hide his disappointment
“Let me help you,” you murmur
He nods, and then you’re lathering up his skin and touching him all over
You start at his chest, fingers dancing over both his pecs and in the valley of his hard muscles
You follow an invisible path over both his shoulders, feeling the broad expanse of them at the same time, and then move all the way down to his biceps
He wonders what’s going through your mind
All he can think about is, again, how no one else has ever been so loving with his body—especially not after his transformation
He wonders if, despite your kindness, some part of you wishes his skin was a normal human colour, or a normal human firmness
He wonders if you would’ve maybe agreed to officially date him if he wasn’t what he is
You move down to his forearms, then trace all the way back up his shoulders and down his chest until the whole top portion of his body’s clean
You seem to inhale sharply as you continue down to his torso
Down his stomach, your fingertips smooth over the ridges of his muscles before reaching his V-line
There’s no hiding it any longer, no hiding his desire for you
He’s worried it’ll put you off, but then he smells your arousal even through the soap’s perfume, and he realizes it’s mutual
Either way, you still don’t make any moves to initiate anything, so neither does he
He simply lets you clean him, lets you touch his body to your heart’s content until you’re reaching down to his calves and the next thing he knows, you’re kneeling before him and his dick is inches from your face
You bite your lip, glancing up at him, and that look in your eyes has him twitching right in front of you
You don’t have to do this, he wants to say, he appreciates it and everything but it’s really not necessary
But then you lean up and press a kiss to his tip and god, he wants to throat-fuck you so fucking badly
Your lips are perfectly soft as you kiss him again, and then you part your mouth open to stick your tongue out and lap at the precum dribbling from his slit
“Fuck, (y/n)”
He groans out a gravelly curse, throwing his head back as his hips jut forward in search of more
When you roll your tongue over his tip, lavishing the most sensitive part of his cock with attention, he has to grind his teeth together to prevent a snarl from rippling out
He snaps a hand out to tangle into your hair because he needs something to stabilize himself
And at the same time, it provides the perfect opportunity to drag you forwards, pressing you closer up against his cock so you’ve almost no choice but to swallow him down
You whimper around him, and feeling you do so drives him wild
He tries to let you suck him off at your own pace, he really does
But he just can’t resist impatiently pushing and pulling at your hair, all while his hips instinctively jerk forward, trying to cram more of himself down your throat, trying to feel more of you around him
And he feels bad for making you gag around him, but at the same time, fuck if it isn’t the hottest thing ever
He growls your name, bringing his other hand up to your hair, and when you look up at him, your eyes all watery and pleading, he slowly but surely feels his grasp on his self-control slipping
How can he resist face-fucking such a pretty little thing like you?
You almost seem to want it as much as he does, too
Squeezing your eyes shut with your brows furrowing in concentration, you slacken your jaw and stick your tongue out, creating just the perfect entrance for him to fuck however he pleases
Your lips stretch out around his thick cock, your cute little muffled whimpers making him pulse on your tongue with every thrust
He should be ashamed of the way he’s using you—but you just feel so fucking good
Watching you struggle to choke down his length is almost just as satisfying as the way your throat keeps tightening around him
Combined with the way your arousal’s filling the air—it’s bliss
He snarls something indistinct, thrusting hard and fast enough to make his balls slap against your chin every time he reaches the very back of your throat
And the combination of it all has his stomach tightening, but it’s just not enough to cum
No—he wants to save that to breed you
A few more seconds of enjoyment is all he allows himself before he pulls you off of him
He’s panting, chest heaving as he takes a moment to recover from the euphoria of your mouth
His cock is aching for more
“C’mere,” he says, and there’s that demonic lilt to his voice he can’t always control as he helps you back up again, “s’my turn to clean you”
Even though it’s hard to focus, even though all he can think about is bending you over and screwing your pretty little brains out, he tries his best to be as caring and considerate as you’d been with him
He lathers you up with soap, using it as an excuse to touch you even more, to massage every inch of your body
His hands savour the curves of your sides, from your chest to your waist, down to your hips and thighs, and then all the way back up to your chest again
He doesn’t fail to notice the way your breath hitches when his touch grazes over your tits—of course he doesn’t, he never doesn’t notice—so he allows himself the indulgence of squeezing them
They fit wonderfully in his palms, even as he grabs and toys with them at his leisure
You arch your back up, trying to push more of your chest into his hands, and if he wasn’t so turned on right now, he might chuckle at how needy you’re being
He tugs and pinches at your nipples, and when you make a breathy little whimper, it has him throbbing
“So good, little one, you’re doing so fucking good for me”
He’s so fucking horny
He drags his fingers along the inner flesh of your thighs, teasing at your sensitive skin
“You want it, little morsel, you want this?”
It’s not like he doesn’t know the answer, it’s not like he can’t tell how desperate you are when you nudge your legs further apart for him
But he wants to hear you say it
“Y-yes, Jack—please. Please, I want you~”
A slave to your every whim and desire as always, he pushes his fingers between your folds, and the both of you groan in unison as he stretches you out
He can just imagine you clenching around his cock instead of his digits
When he curls his finger just the right way, a moan bubbles from your parted lips and you stumble in place, like you almost can’t handle just how good he feels
With his free hand, he lifts your leg up, hooking it around his hip and pressing your back to the shower wall
You’ve nowhere to squirm, nowhere to escape
All you can do is take it
In and out, he pumps his fingers into your velvety walls until your thighs are shaking and your mewls are getting louder than the sound of the water hitting the tiles
Your shaky hands reach out to dig crescents into his skin, and the pain mixing in with his insatiable lust is such a wonderfully heady combination
When you moan his name again, he realizes he can’t wait any longer
He pulls his fingers out, lifts you up and presses your back to the shower wall so you're completely trapped against his muscular build
And then he aligns himself to your entrance, his thick tip catching at the edges of your entrance before finally, finally, he sinks all the way in
It's heaven
The way you suck him in, the way your walls flutter around him—you're divine
You shift in his hold, like you're trying to accommodate to the sheer size of him, and it has the plush flesh of your ass grinding right against his balls
He tries to hold back a moan, but part of it escapes him in a gravelly rumble, and you seem to tense around him when it does
With you clinging onto him like this, he doesn't even need to move his hips to fuck himself into you
All he does is lift you up and lower you back down, using your own weight as momentum, and the simple motion already has you whimpering and gushing around his cock
"Fuck, morsel~"
You're making his head spin
He's dizzy, already drunk off your sex
Up and down, up and down, he uses you like a toy, barely flinching from your weight even despite how much you keep squirming
The way you keep jutting your hips against him—like you're either trying to help or just too fucking horny to stay still—is so fucking adorable
Saliva filling his mouth at the temptation of it all—at the temptation of you and those little sounds you keep making and the smell of your arousal and god, just everything that makes you so infuriatingly irresistible—he presses his head into the crook of your neck, trying to hide the fact that he's very much so on the verge of drooling over you
But then he sees it again—sees that mark he left on your skin with his teeth, claiming you as his mate, and even though he should be fucking disgusted that he gave it to you without your consent, it instead has the opposite effect and it makes him snap
You're his—it's physically undeniable
It's like the realization really sinks in during the heat of the moment, now that he's too sex-drunk and shameless to care, and something about his instincts and his possessiveness just completely takes over
Animalistically fast and deliciously hard, he fucks into you like an animal in heat
With every thrust, he slams you down onto his cock and jerks his hips up into you, making the flesh of your thighs jiggle from the rush of actions as the smacking of his pelvis against yours fills the room
He's not entirely sure if he's hitting your cervix or your g-spot, too dazed in his fervor to care, but he knows he must be hitting something good because you're screaming for him
And it doesn't take long for your muscles to seize and your body to start shaking uncontrollably, and it's hard to tell because of all the water from the shower, but you're either squirting all over him or just getting really, really messy all of a sudden
His cock pulses and twitches between clenching walls, and you're squeezing him so hard it's almost painful but fuck if the pain doesn't feel good
Your body is so small and so delicate compared to his, but he can't bring himself to have the restraint he normally has
He's done controlling himself—he wants to wreck you
It all gets a bit blurry like it normally does when he loses himself to his instincts
The next thing he knows, he has you bent over the bathroom sink in front of the mirror, and the both of you are still dripping from the shower, which is still running in the background, but he couldn't care less
All he cares about is breeding you
He's never felt such a powerful urge to do so like this before
Your shaky hands claw helplessly at the ceramic of the sink, as if that could help you get a grip, but it's no use because he won't stop until he's ruined you
When he looks at your reflection, he finds that your eyes have rolled back and your mouth is parted in a mix of silent screams, broken gasps and dumb babbles of his cock splitting you in half, but that's not what he wants
He wants you to look at him when he pumps the entirety of his load inside you
Which is why, with one hand bruising your thigh to force you in place, force you still for him fuck you open, the other reaches out to grab a fistful of your hair and yank your gaze up
"Look at me, little whore—look at me when I fill you up, when I breed that perfect cunt and make you all mine"
It's like he doesn't have control of his actions or his words because even he barely recognizes that demonic snarl lacing his tone
It almost sounds like he’s threatening you
"Beg, my little bitch, beg for your mate's cum"
It's hard to distinguish any coherent words in your desperate babbling, and even in the unfocused reflection of your eyes, he can tell you're overstimulated, overwhelmed, struggling to accept every inch of his cock brutally pounding into your walls
But watching you struggle to obey him and feeling you struggle around him like writhing prey turns him on so fucking badly
He wants to give it all to you—you deserve to take it all
Which is why, with one final resounding thrust, he sheathes himself all the way inside you, sealing his hips into yours so that his cock is as deep as it'll go
You're on the very tip of your toes, the whole weight of your body supported almost solely by his pelvis in order to dig his cock into you
And with an inhuman sound, he finally cums
It feels good
It feels so, so good; better than any other orgasm he's ever experienced
It's like his whole body is alive, thrumming with a rush of adrenaline as ecstasy floods his veins
His body lurches forwards, jaw flexing shut as he somehow manages to resist sinking his teeth into your shoulder blade
And your little whimpers and gasps are just as fucking cute as ever
His orgasm is long and hard, and even after his high has reached its peak, he stays sheathed inside you
He's thoroughly wrecked your body; he can tell by how limp you've gone, letting yourself be held up only by him and the counter and nothing else
And he realizes he should pull out, give you a moment to rest and offer any and all aftercare you might need
But he doesn't want his cum to spill out of you
He wants to stay connected to you for as long as possible
And after all, why shouldn't he?
You're his mate
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ja3hwa · 1 year
Can we please see the full list of who’s on what day for kinktober?
Hello sweet thing. So i won't be revealing the whole list as some days are surprises. But here are the requested days completed. (I will be posting the full list on the 30th of September, though) ♡♡♡
Day 1: Car Sex - Yunho
Day 2: voyeurism/Sunshine Au - Hongjoong
Day 3: Shower Sex - Wooyoung
Day 4: Food Play - Seonghwa
Day 5: Exhibitionism - Wooyoung
Day 6: Rough/Possessive - San
Day 7: Thigh riding/dry humping - Mingi
Day 8: Sensory Deprivation - Yeosang
Day 9: Cock Warming - Jongho
Day 10: Bondage - Yeosang
Day 11: Bike Sex - Yeosang
Day 12: Size Kink/Size Difference - Yungi
Day 13: Breath Play - San
Day 14: Marking/Biting - Mingi
Day 15: Dumbification/Corruption - Hongjoong
Day 16: Spit Play - Seonghwa
Day 17: Fingering/Squirting - Seonghwa
Day 18: Toys/Mirror sex - Hongjoong
Day 19: Dacryphillia - Mingi
Day 20: Sex pollen - Jongho
Day 21: Temperature Play - Yeosang
Day 22: Double Penetration - 2hos
Day 23: Praise/Body Worship - Jongho
Day 24: Cum eating overstim - Wooyoung
Day 25: Caught in the act - Mingi
Day 26: Sir Kink/Mafia - Matz
Day 27: Succubus/incubus - San
Day 28: Tentacles - Yunho
Day 29: Monster Fuckers - ??
Day 30: Werewolf On Heat/Breeding - ??
Day 31: Trick or Treat - ??
Also, if you want to be tagged to my kinktober tag list or my permanent tag list. Comment/dm/or ask, please ♡♡♡
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juuuulez · 22 days
bearblr promptober + kinktober 2024
this october i’ll be doing half of each! on alternating days, i’ll be posting the corresponding bearblr prompt (created by the almighty @carmenberzattosgf), and then a kinktober drabble of my own choosing.
here’s the lineup, fics will be updated and linked next month! kinktober is (obviously) smut, and prompts marked with 🍂 indicate non-smut/fluff.
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🍂 bearblr #1: scary movie -> sydney adamu
💌 incomplete
kinktober #2: nipple play -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #3: apple picking -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #4: throat fucking -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
bearblr #5: vampire -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
kinktober #6: cockwarming + under the desk -> keys mckey
💌 incomplete
bearblr #7: orgasm control -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #8: hate fuck + semi-public sex -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
kinktober #9: body worship + on film -> veronica fisher
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #10: rain soaked -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
kinktober #11: spanking -> lip gallagher
💌 incomplete
kinktober #12: subspace -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #13: hot cocoa + baking -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
bearblr #14: somnophilia -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
kinktober #15: edging -> keys mckey
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #16: bonfire -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
bearblr #17: dumbification -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #18: candlelight -> michael berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #19: possessed -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #20: slow morning -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #21: orgasm denial -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
kinktober #22: squirting + competitive -> lip + carmy
💌 incomplete
bearblr #23: dacryphillia -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #24: haunted house -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
bearblr #25: size kink -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #26: breeding + overstim -> lip gallagher
💌 incomplete
kinktober #27: wet dream -> carmen berzatto (solo)
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #28: sick day -> michael berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #29: dry humping + high sex -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #30: sweaters (sharing clothes) -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #31: trick or treat -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
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richonneevents · 9 days
Richonne Fictober 2024 Rules, Guidelines, & Calendar
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Richonne Fictober 2024 is a 31 day challenge for fanfiction writers/creators to write/create and publish a Richonne-centric story or related content everyday for the month of October.
Fics should be between 100 and 5,000 words. Rick and Michonne must be the main pairing. Richonne is an interracial pairing, so be mindful of tropes and language that perpetuates racism and misogynoir. Rick is a canonically disabled character, so be mindful of using tropes and language that is ableist. Fanartists should be mindful of not whitewashing Michonne, Andre, and RJ in their pieces.
Please tag @richonneevents and use the tag: #richonnefictober24
Be sure to tag your prompt and which day you are filling.
In addition to Richonne-centric fanfiction, creators are encouraged to make fanart; playlists; edits; moodboards; rec lists; graphics; podfics; gifsets; photo sets; fanvids etc.
Day 1: Making Caramel / Candy Apples
Day 2: Seasonal Shopping (Clothes, decor, etc.)
Day 3: “The leaves are changing!”
Day 4: “Pumpkin spice...what?!”
Day 5: Autumn Breeze
Day 6: Overcast Morning
Day 7: Bobbing for Apples
Day 8: Pumpkin Patch Visit
Day 9: Rainy Day
Day 10: Scarecrow
Day 11: Haunted Hayride / Haunted House
Day 12: Horror Movie Marathon
Day 13: Jumping in A Leaf Pile
Day 14: Warm Apple Cider / Hot Chocolate etc
Day 15: Corn Maze
Day 16: By The Fire(place)
Day 17: Candles 
Day 18: Flannel
Day 19: Nestled Under Blankets
Day 20: Festival 
Day 21: First Frost
Day 22: Kissing In The Rain
Day 23: Baking Pies
Day 24: Cemetery Stakeout 
Day 25: Black Cat
Day 26: Dead-End
Day 27: Underneath The Sky
Day 28: Full Moon
Day 29: Carving Jack o’ Lanterns
Day 30: Costume Party
Day 31: Trick or Treat
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𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓹𝓸𝓸𝓴𝔂 𝓗𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓽𝓼
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Hello and Welcome to Raven Cincaide's ' A Sweet and Spooky' Halloween & Love inspired prompts for Oktober 2024
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Day 1. First Kiss | Campus Crush | Costume Shopping 
Day 2. Cuddling | Best Friends | Halloween Decor  
Day 3. Distance | Ex- lover | Pumpkin Carving
Day 4. Lying | Rockstar | “What ARE You Wearing?” 
Day 5. Love Language | Plushies | Horror Movies
Day 6. Fight/Altercation | Newcomer | Corn Maze
Day 7. Compromise | Soul Mates| Halloween Party
Day 8. Forgiveness | Arranged Marriage | Farmers Market
Day 9. Praise | Status Gap | Pumpkin Spiced Latte 
Day 10. Little Touches | One Night Stand | Haunted House
Day 11. Lack Of Effort | Amnesia| Graveyard Dare
Day 12. Talking | Holiday Fling | Carnival
Day 13. Neglect | Forbidden Love | Ghosts
Day 14. Kisses | Trapped | Amusement Park
Day 15. Pressure | Enemies To Lovers | Black Cat
Day 16. Massage | Age Gap | Matching Costumes
Day 17. No reply | Second Chances | Halloween Candy
Day 18. Stepping Out | Oblivious Love | Nightmares
Day 19. Quality Time | Rivals | Trick Or Treat
Day 20. Nights out | Injury | Hunting Someone
Day 21. Anniversary | Rejected | Superstitions
Day 22. Teasing/Banter | Redemption | Horror Books
Day 23. Standoffishness | Different Worlds| Fears
Day 24. Hugs | Dude In Distress | Halloween Cooking
Day 25. Silence | Colleagues| Strange Noise
Day 26. Gifts | Sworn Off Relationships | Rituals
Day 27. Cute Nicknames | Jealousy | Halloween Night
Day 28. Physical Touch |Secret Identity | Ouija Board
Day 29. Little ‘Love you’s’ | Lost Heir| Summon a Demon
Day 30. Patting Back | Pen Pals | Cast a Curse
Day 31. Pick and Mix 
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I am so excited to share this list with you! It’s a mix of Love/ Angst, Common Romance Tropes and of course Halloween themes! These were originally created with SFW content in mind but it's easy to use them for some NSFW creations as well ;)
After all these are only suggestions but I hope they inspire you to create something this fall season. You’re more than welcome to share, move around or come up with your own prompts based on these. And of course you’re welcome to use the banner if you’d like :)
Also, if you do decide to create something based on these prompts, please tag me (here or @raven-cincaide) so I have a ton of goodies to read while under the blanket with my tea. 
So pick a day/ a prompt and lets get writing!
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mcytblrsource · 23 days
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Jun 1-Aug 31: Niki Nihachu Summer hosted by @niki-nihachu-summer
Aug 5-11: Felpac week hosted by @felpacweek
Aug 16: Dream SMP Sixteenth Day Event: Crack Month hosted by @sixteenth-day-event
Aug 11-17: Skizzleman Week hosted by @skizzlemanweek
Aug 12-18: Hypnotizd Ship Week hosted by @hermitrarepairevent
Aug 5: Chronicles: A QSMP Egg Zine preorders open until Sep 8 @qsmpzine
Aug 10: MCYT Sapphic Zine releases @mcytsapphiczine
Aug 23: Empiropedia releases @empiropediazine
Aug 25: Hotguy Comics Zine releases @hotguycomiczine
Aug 31: Hermitzine 9: H is for Hermitcraft releases @hermitzine
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Jun 1-Sep 30: MCYT Omegaverse Month (18+) hosted by @mcyt-month-of-omegaverse
Aug 4-Sep 21: QSMP Month(s) hosted by @qsmp-month
Sep 1-30: Your Cubito, Your Culture hosted by @yourcubitoyourculture
Sep 16: Dream SMP Sixteenth Day Event: Places Month hosted by @sixteenth-day-event
Sep 22-Oct 5: MCYT Non-POV hosted by @mcyt-nonpovs
Oct 1-30: [There are no real deadlines] QSMP Halloween Fanworks Event hosted by @atthebell
Oct 20-26: Spiderbit/Guapduo Fluff or Fright hosted by @atthebell
Oct 21-27: Scarian Autumn Smooch Fest hosted by @scarian-smooch-fest
Oct 25-31: HideDuo Trick or Treat Week hosted by @iridescentpull
Oct 25-31: fWhimmy Week hosted by @fwhimmy-week
Dec 1-7: QPR Kersuma Week hosted by @qpr-kersuma-week
MCYT WIP Purge: @multidimensionbb closes Sep 3
MCYT Trick-or-Treat: @mcyt-trick-or-treat closes Sep 8
Technoblade Cookbook - MODERATORS: @technobladecookbook closes Sep 11
HermitPost Zine: @hermitpostzine closes Sep 12
MCYT Halloween Exchange: @mcyt-halloween closes Sep 23
MCYT Jukebox Bonanza Event: @mcyt-jukebox-bonanza closes Sep 30
C!Dream Zine: @cdreamzine closes Sep 30
MCYT Couture Zine: @mcyt-couture-zine closes Sep 30
Technoblade Cookbook - RECIPE SUBMISSION: @technobladecookbook closes Oct 14
Lay all you love on me - Desert Duo MAP: @oinkable closes when all parts claimed
MCYT RPF Kink Meme - @mcytrpfkinkmeme open until collection reaches 100 works
Colourful Crafters Colouring Book: @colourfulcrafterscolouringbook closes undetermined
Technoblade Cookbook - ARTISTS AND WRITERS: @technobladecookbook Oct 20-31
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alneedssleep · 1 month
Headcannons about Apollo pt.1 
PSA: This is mythology Apollo stuff but most of this applies to Percy Jackson Apollo as well. 
Apollo loves no sibling more than Artemis, but he is closer to Athena. They bonded over being the favourite siblings, gods of knowledge/wisdom and the fact Athena was somewhat in charge of teaching/raising him when he first came to Olympus. 
Apollo is the only other god besides Zeus to have the epithet ‘Moiragetes’ meaning ‘Leader of the Fates’. There are also only two moments of fate being averted in the entire mythos – once when Zeus swallows Metis and then again when Apollo tricks/convinces the Fates to extend Admetus’s lifespan. I imagine this means they are both capable of altering fate, it is just usually not worth the trouble. 
Adding on to the previous hc, I also imagine Apollo has pure white eyes. As in, no pupils or irises. This is a trait I imagine the Fates share as well. Zeus would as well if he had gift of prophecy, but he doesn’t. 
Apollo has the epithet ‘Lycegenes’ meaning ‘born of wolf’ or ‘born of Lycia’. Both work since his mother spent some time in a form of a wolf while pregnant in some versions and she is also a prominent goddess in Lycia. Lycia is in modern day Turkey, so I imagine Leto, Apollo and Artemis have some Turkish features. Specifically, they all have an aquiline nose (though you also see that in Greece), darker skin and (in the PJ universe aka the modern day) all three occasionally wear head scarfs. Not hijabs obviously since those are religious, but sheer fabric with a bunch of different designs relating to their sacred symbols wrapped around their head and hair. 
Apollo was less of an older brother and more of a parent to Hermes, Dionysus and even Hebe when they were young. It was only once they were much older that Apollo started treating than more like siblings but will occasionally fall back into old habits. 
Hera and Apollo have a better relationship than expected. They, along with Athena, mostly bonded over their shared woes of dealing with Zeus (who is not as bad as PJ Zeus but is still, you know, a king. And kings are rarely great.) 
Apollo is the most all-knowing of the non-primordial gods. He has the domains of truth, prophecy and knowledge and, once he gains the sun in roman times, can also see anything that happens during the day. This makes him stupidly well informed. Even his cousin Hecate, Aunt Asteria, Grandmother Phoebe and Grandfather Koios are not as well informed since they only have the domain of prophecy and, even then, only have a specific kind while Apollo, seemingly, has access to every kind of prophecy. 
Apollo (and Artemis) are Gods of Youth and, in Apollo’s case, he even has an epithet explicitly denoting him as an eternal child: ‘Acersecomes’ meaning one with unshorn hair. Boys in ancient Greece grew out their hair and generally cut and dedicated their hair to Apollo after reaching adulthood. As a result, Apollo not only has long curly golden hair, but is also unable to age any older than 15 since 16 was the age of adulthood back then. I imagine this would be the same for Artemis as well. (If we are including the PJ universe here, then they would be able to age up to 17). 
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siriusleee · 10 months
i. hidden caches
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Zombie Apocalypse AU | SIMON RILEY x f!READER
↳ SUMMARY: The world is trying to knit itself back together after fracturing apart. You're trying to put yourself back together with it; Simon Riley is just trying to stay alive. ↳ WORD COUNT: 2.2K ↳ TAGS: mentions of cannibalism, mentions of shooting things, mentions of dying. smut to come. canon typical violence to come. additional tags to come as the story progresses. female reader. no mentions of "your name". reader is given a nickname later on. nc-17. ↳ AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks to the lovely anon who asked for a scene from an apocalypse au, and this idea was born. If you'd like to donate to my Ko-Fi (my bed frame broke this week and a new one was $200 I didn't have), I would appreciate it. ↳ TAG LIST: There will not be a tag list for this story, as Tumblr has issues with letting me tag people. To get notifications of updates, please subscribe on AO3 or turn on notifications for my blog.
additional chapters | ao3
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The ending had come quicker than anyone expected. The epidemics and endemics and pandemics of the years past had given false confidence to everyone. We survived the last thing, the news reporters had said, gray building beneath their eyes, and we can survive this. Behind them images of towns being devoured played. 
Bodies can decompose in as little as nine days. The first to go is the soft tissue: the eyes, the tongue, the soft flesh of the cheeks. When bacteria and insects are introduced, the flesh breaks down faster. Bones take longer - sometimes years to fully wear away into the dust that collects underfoot. But these things - whatever turned them kept them covered in a thin layer of adipocere to protect them from the elements. They kept shuffling along long past the time when they should have reverted back to a primordial soup where they lay.
But they still decomposed. The trick was to stay ahead of them, away from the gnashing teeth that transmitted the virus, away from the hands and feet that never seemed to tire. So few people could. Whole towns and cities were decimated, felled beneath the hordes of horror that ambled slowly past, swallowed up by the feet that didn’t stop moving until they wore themselves down to stubs, which were them pulled forward by hands and knees that never tired. 
But yours did. The familiar path towards the north was more overgrown this year than in the past. For a few years, there had been wary companions, eyes that lingered until the snow and frost rolled in to freeze the Biters where they stood. But as the years wanned on the crowd grew smaller and smaller until you only caught hints of others moving north: horse prints, trash left behind, the occasional Biter left decomposing in the bushes. 
This year there was nothing. Either you had moved too early or there was no one left. The latter is too terrifying, so you push it away and think about whatever groups may wander through here after you.
The woods loom tall above you, the snow that fell earlier in the morning just barely dusting the branches above your head. None of it had reached the leaves that are too waterlogged from recent rains to crunch beneath your feet. A blister is rubbing itself raw at your ankle; you know that if you don’t stop to treat it, it will be unbearable tomorrow, but you brush the thought off. You need to reach the marker before nightfall.
The markers had appeared between one trip north and your trip back down. 
West Village - 20km
The first year it had appeared left the group you were with in a tizzy. The group had fractured down the middle. If all of you found each other, how hard was it to think that a larger group had finally banned together? Civilization needed to rebuild eventually.
You didn’t trust the shaky scrawl that printed the words, so you had been with the group that refused to go. The next year there was another marker tacked to the first.
Body snatchers. Beware.
It was amazing to you: how well rumors could start and spread without phones or the internet. For months, every person you and your group came across would give the same warning, and ask you all the same questions. Have you seen the body snatchers? Are you the body snatchers?
Humans turned cannabolids. Farms where people were forced to reproduce. Spits with babies roasting above the fire. You wanted to think that it was the stuff of fiction.
In the third year, there was another argument. The group cleaved in half again when the promise of civilization reared its head. Your group had divided again at the markers, disappearing into the thick woods. 
Almost no one survived the winter that year. You’d held the hands of all the dying and covered them under a thick blanket of snow before dividing their possessions up between the remainder of the group. In the end, there were just three of you. And when the winter rolled away you all broke apart, whatever ties that held you all together broken by the cold. 
The next year you were the only one in your camp. 
The markers had become a sort of prayer to you, that one day you’d meet someone else on the road - some scream and shout that there were others out there even if you were too wary to speak to them.
But it’s been two years - the crude paint of the West Village sign fading, the body snatchers warning falling to the earth unceremoniously. The wood started to rot. 
And you were utterly alone. Around you, the sound of nature getting ready for the winter fills in the ever-present silence that usually surrounds you. It’s been weeks since you’d last seen a person: a lone traveler moving in the opposite direction as you. And you’d hid from them, worried that they were the sort of feral people turned into when they were alone for too long - a body snatcher. Worried that you were that kind of feral. 
You know the markers when you approach them like your body’s memorized the number of steps it takes to reach them. Your chest thumps as you approach the spot where they should be nailed to a tree, growing taller into the air each year. Your boots falter against the wet leaves as you approach the place. 
The markers have been repainted. Or at least the West Village one has. This time it’s nailed to a post in the ground; you bend down to inspect the dirt around the post. It’s packed underneath a thick layer of loam - whoever put it up must have put it up much earlier in the year. The thought sends a shiver down your spine. You wonder if any members of your former group are still there. 
For half a second, you think about following the arrow, but before the thought can fully form in your head, you let your feet carry you forward on the path. Just ahead is the rest area you’ve always used. Your tree, one with branches high enough that the only things who can see you are the birds whose nests you disturb, erupts from the ground ahead of you.
You climb up like you were taught; throwing your rope onto the first branch you can physically reach and lash it to yourself. It’s more difficult to climb the tree with your pack and bow, but you don’t want to risk leaving it behind for anyone who may come through after you. When you reach the point where the rope reaches the tree, you pull yourself onto the branch. The blister on your ankle is screaming, but you don’t pause until your hammock is secure and your harness is wrapped around you. The cool wind cuts through the thin fabric of the hammock, but it’s not too cold as you peel back your socks to reveal an angry raw spot crawling across your ankle.
Too tired to do much more, you slide your other boot off, tying them together and then to your pack. The gentle sway of the trees makes your eyelids heavy, and you let yourself drift off into the first good night's sleep you’ve had in a while. 
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The bitter cold wakes you up, the wind moving your hammock back and forth gently. The darkness spins above you, clouds backlit by the moon. Not for the first time you think about how easy it used to be, curled up with another warm body beneath the thick blankets - how easy it was to switch on the percolator in the morning and wrap your hands around a warm cup of coffee, how easy -
You press the heel of your hands into your eyes and try to press away the thoughts that are racing through your brain. Remembering the before drives people crazy; you’ve seen how it can eat people up and you refuse to let it eat at you. So you pull your thermal blanket closer around yourself and try to get some sleep.
But the sun rises earlier than you expected and extra sleep never comes. 
It doesn’t take long for you to pack what little you have back in your pack and descend back down. At the bottom you dig out the little bit of jerky you still have saved from the summer months; it’s disgusting, but it’s enough to push you forward to the next place. 
You walk the entire time with your bow in your hand, waiting for some animal to run out in front of you and meet its mark, but the forest is silent today as you push towards the next stop in your journey north, a small nameless village secluded away from the rest of civilization - just good enough to sleep in for the night. 
The sun has just started to sink below the treeline when the village finally springs into view. The blister on your ankle has popped, and you think you can feel blood rushing into your sock, but you don’t dare stop and check; you don’t want the scent of fresh blood to attract any Biters that may be hidden away for now. Your fingers cramp around the bow and your stomach growls. You’d picked a smooth rock up from the ground hours earlier and popped it into your mouth to try and trick yourself into thinking you were eating something, but it hadn’t worked. If anything it made your hunger worse.
There was salvation coming - on your second year coming through here you’d snuck off from the group and buried a cache. Each year you did your best not to touch it unless it was to refill something inside of it, but this year you knew you’d have to empty it. 
You crunch over tire tracks that crisscross over each other on the main road into the village; they’re dry enough that you know whoever managed to scrape up enough gas to drive in and out was gone, but the thought of someone driving up on you made you nervous, and make your steps quicken. If people were driving through here then you needed to be gone before sunlight tomorrow. 
Weary, you push yourself towards the back half of the village to a little two-story you know well. It had been the same house your group, and then yourself, slept in each year on your way to the north camp; in the back, beneath an overturned chair that was slowly rotting with time, your little cache was stored. 
You shoulder your way through the half-rotted back gate and freeze. The chair is tossed to the side, rusted parts puzzle pieced across the ground. And directly where your cache had been buried is a hole, smoothed over from time and rain. 
You could cry if you had any water left in you to cry. So instead you walk numbly into the house - habit making you click the lock on the door even though it’s long since stopped working. The same thick dust that was here last year is still across the floor, so thick your steps don’t even disturb it. You pass through the living area and up the steps. On the landing, you don’t pause - to the left of you is the nursery that’s always been empty. The first few times you’d stopped here the sight of the broken-down white crib and sage walls made something ache inside of you, and you’d learned not to look. It’s better to just let things alone and try to stifle your imagination.
The attic ladder swings down with ease and you test your weight on the rungs before climbing up - any broken bones and you may as well just shoot yourself where you lay. It creaks ominously beneath you but keeps as you clamber through the hole. You let yourself collapse on the floor beside the ladder after pulling it up, and wrapping a rope around the ladder to keep anyone from pulling it down in the night. All at once, hunger and exhaustion pull you down towards the floor. 
You’ll have to shoot something tomorrow and check the well for fresh water. There are still to many miles before you make it north enough to be safe for the winter, and you won’t make it without water and food. 
You try to distract yourself from the cramping of hunger and how little water is left in your jug by peeling your boots off. As you’d thought, the blister had split and bled, but thankfully your sock had caught most of it. 
You clean up the best you can in the dusty light filtering in from the little window that looks out the back garden and wonder who could have known the cache was there. An old group member who spotted you checking it in the past? Or was it a lucky guess, someone who came through after you and spotted the freshly disturbed dirt and came to the right inference?
You try to tell yourself it doesn’t matter as you pull your thermal blanket from your pack and lay down, but you can’t quite convince yourself of that lie. 
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