#deadlock x fade
besitobooth · 29 days
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self indulgent drawing
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horuzbit · 2 months
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darthladyofillusions · 10 months
Hello everyone (by everyone I mean the 117 voters) ! Sorry I didn’t write something the day voting ended because midterms are underway and I needed to study🥲. But I finally have some time to myself so I will talk about the poll results before I start writing about the ships. (I am procrastinating) ANYWAY HERE ARE THE POLL RESULTS
In the first place: FADESHOCK (42 Votes, 35,6%)
I don’t think Fadeshock winning first place surprises anyone. I was expecting it when I put it as an option. Since it got first place I will write it first but I need to warn you: Because I am taking only the canon material there isn’t a lot but I will look into the material to try to figure out what their canon relationship is like and what their interactions tell about the characters. (This will be the trend for most ships.)
In the 2nd place: DEADLOCK x FADE (31 Votes, 26,3)
A newer ship, this one quickly became a fan favourite. Just like Fadeshock not much canon material exists for this one as well but I will dissect those three voice lines with everything I have. 😉
And the last one I will write for this batch 3rd place goes to: CYFADE (11 Votes, 9,3%)
Probably going to be the longest of this batch considering the amount of voice lines and interactions these two have. Their canon relationship is pretty solid but I will examine the content regardless.
For these ships I will examine their canon material and how I think their canon (in game) relationship may be like. Then I will give them a non canon dynamic of how I see them (basically fanfic ideas I have about the ship).
Please expect the 1st instalment soon. My asks are open and if you wish to see me write about any particular topic related to VALORANT you can send me an ask. ☺️
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deadlock-maiming · 4 months
deadlock x fade shippers in the trenches trying to figure out if it’s fadelock or fearlock or nightlock or deadfear or
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evalineart · 8 months
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nyctophiliq · 2 months
Wanted to know your take on Valo women reacting to fem reader wearing their clothes! Can be nsfw or sfw! Whatever you’re more comfortable with, was hoping for skye, sage, and fade (anyone else if you’d like)! If that’s too many the first too would be appreciated!
✮ ┆ WEARING THEIR CLOTHES. skye, sage, fade, viper, deadlock
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based on the request above. CONTENT WARNING.           18+ only, minors dni. SUGGESTIVE/SFW CONTENT UNDER THE CUT; female-bodied reader, stealing clothes, suggestive touches/dialogues,  | ~1k words A/N.                   i don’t normally write for skye but writing this might have just made me put her up on the list guys, i love her <3 anyways, hope you guys liked it, and thank you for reading! apologize for the long wait...
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hiking with skye was always something to look forward to, even if one or both of you kept tripping over the fallen branches of the trees. you were waiting for kirra on top of a hill, sitting the the cool grass while keeping your bags safe, waiting for her to get back from whatever it was she wanted to check out at the end of the trail. you felt a shiver run through you, and remembered that you didn’t pack an extra sweater for yourself, you peeked into kirra’s bag to take the one she probably had. you just about pulled it over your figure when you heard skye’s bulky boots approaching. she gaped, her eyes widened and lips parted softly in surprise. “look at you all cozy.” she grinned eagerly, sitting down next to you and taking a good look at you in her sweater. “got a little chilly sitting and waiting, sorry.” you murmur as you lay your head on her shoulder, looping your arm with hers. kirra just chuckles contently, her free hand coming up to caress your cheek while placing a kiss on top of your head. “you look like eye candy, we must pick some more out for you back at base.”
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even the protocol had to have a bouge, fancy, get together sometimes to keep morale up and at least have the sense of a normal life. with some important papers to hand in tonight, you had to be late for the party and in the middle of all of it, you forgot to pick out what to wear. hoping that sage would have some idea what to put on you ran to her room, but there was no sign of her anywhere. looking down at your watch there wasn’t much else for you to do but grab one of her dress shirts and run to the event. sage only notices that you have taken her shirt when some of the other agents point it out. “you’re late, bao bei.” she hums behind her champagne glass, taking a sip out of it and you don’t miss the way her eyes give a quick look over you before she puts the glass down on the counter, her pearly whites visible even in the dim lights. “paperwork kept me busy.” you sigh, watching her glide along the counter, letting little distance between the two of you, and hiding her face in the crook of your neck. “looks like i will be some overtime on you.”
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you knew that fade wasn’t too keen on sharing; she wouldn’t even let you take a sip from her morning coffee when you were too lazy to brew your own cup. which prompted her to when she went out to get a cup for herself, she also got one more for you. you just stepped out of the shower, stuck with the dirty shirt you brought with you or to take something from hazal’s wardrobe. you were gonna take your chances with her clothes and once you finally found a suitable shirt you got back into bed. a couple of seconds ago fade came back, a strange look on her face. “watcha looking at?” you ask, not realizing that her weird expression is all about the shirt- she moves one of her hands in front of her face, trying to hide her blush behind the mug. “doesn’t matter, not important.” she mumbles before climbing into bed next to you, offering you a mug which you gladly took. you feel her hand rest on your hip, fingers clutching the hem of the shirt before leaning to kiss your cheek. “you should keep it…” she hums, voice raspy, and you can feel the smile that pulls on her lips.
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at first, you were scared to take a piece of clothing from sabine’s closet, firstly because you weren’t sure if she’d be okay with it, and secondly because when you first opened her closet the way it was so neat and organized scared you. the moment when she spots you in one of her shirts or cardigans she can hardly fight the smile tugging on the corner of her lips as she walks up to your side. you’re ready for her to complain when you realize, stammering out excuses of why you were wearing what’s hers and you are surprised how she grabs you by the neck of the clothes and pulls you to be face to face with her. “sabine!” you yelp in surprise. “you look… good enough to eat, darling.” she murmurs, in that smooth voice of hers that has your heart to pick up an extra beat, pushing her chest closer to yours. you roll your eyes a little at her words though, your hands climbing onto her shoulder to get a little space but she doesn’t let go so easily. her lips are running along your jaw, down your neck, a single finger pulling on the neck of the shirt you stole from her, and her teeth sink into your skin. “what am i gonna do with you now, hm?”
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that one green shirt that she always wore and loved so much, that was what you eyed yourself in the mirror. you couldn’t help but try it on, you were always curious what she liked so much about this shirt, why she had so many of it and you kind of understood- soft fabric, the nice stitching, and how the temperature felt just right around you. so lost in the technicalities of one shirt, you didn’t notice iselin stepping into the frame behind you. stammering something, you attempt to take the shirt off but the blonde stops you. “no, keep it on.” she hums, settling her around you, letting one finger trace under the fabric of the shirt, running along your tummy before she settles them on your hips, pulling you against herself. her lips brush against your ear, a featherlight kiss behind it before she talks again. “picks up your scent that way, i’d like that.”
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ptanalo · 4 months
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yearning I think
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mezzy-1 · 9 months
Hope you enjoy!
He was finishing recon in a snowy forest late at night and was done for the day.  He outstretched his arm and sent out the Owl Drone
So far, you had been hiking for about 8 hours through frigid woods and gotten lost about 2 hours earlier.  You were trying to make camp for the night but failing to start a fire
You caught a glimpse of Sova’s drone and followed it back to the man, who immediately regarded you with some suspicion but could see you were of his dimension 
Deciding to keep an eye on you, he led you back to his campsite and helped you set up your tent next to his
He was kind, and he quietly offered you a seat next to him by the fire.  Both of you sat awkwardly at first, not quite sure how to handle the silence
“Do you do archery out here?  I noticed the bow and wanted to ask…” you trailed off as he looked at you 
He removed the bow and two arrows from his sling.  “Would you like a look at them?”  You moved closer and inspected them.  The technology was intricate but your eyes wandered over to the man sitting close to you
“What brings you out here?”
“I wanted to do the Blue Lakes trail but I got lost a while back.  I was planning on stargazing at the top but…” you gestured to your compass, “I got lost”
“I leave here tomorrow, and I can show you to the trail if you would like.”  Sova offered
You accepted his offer and both of you went to your tents for the night
Humiliatingly, the trail back was marked but Sova didn’t seem to care that you got lost so easily.  The two of you just chatted about the surroundings while traveling onward
At the trailhead, you had to part ways.  But it didn’t have to be the end, and you made a fast decision and asked to see him again
“I’d love to!  What did you have in mind?”
Sova Date
At the trailhead, you finished tying your boots before a familiar voice called out
“Hello y/n!  Should we start walking?”  Sova had dressed in pants and a blue flannel jacket
Both of you continued up to a clearing in the forest, just as the sun was begging to set
You laid out a large blanket from your pack and set it down.  Sova took out a pair of bags and bottles of water
You hadn’t expected him to bring home cooked food, but you weren’t complaining either
Sova and you made yourselves comfortable, and ate while you waited for the evening to turn to night
Conversing with him was always peaceful.  He listened deeply and always responded with optimism or curiosity
The North Star was the first to appear, followed by a few faint constellations
Within an hour, the sky was overrun with stars.  Each point of light layered on another creating a portrait of the galaxy
Sova and you took turns pointing out constellations, each time trying to remember what each star was named 
Both of you relied on the book of astronomy you brought along to figure out what was in the sky
Sova had an understanding of stars to navigate, and would name stars in Russian or translate what he could
Although you and him were occupied with stargazing, you started to succumb to the cold of the night
“Y/N, are you cold?”
“No, it’s nothing you need to-”
Sova took his jacket off and place it on you.  The lining inside was warm from Sova’s body heat
“Are you still cold?  Come here, and stay close to me.”  Sova gestured for you to join his side
For the rest of the night, you and him stayed in almost constant contact until you both decided to head back
You followed behind Sova, his sense of direction and torch lit the way.  Despite being deep in the wilderness, you felt safe in his presence
When you arrived at the trailhead, Sova said his goodbyes.  He made sure you would arrive home safely before leaving.  His jacket was still on you
“Sova, you forgot this.” you held his jacket out to him.  
“Keep it Y/N, I want you to have it for the next outing.  I hope it brings you much warmth and comfort while I am away.”
“Here’s something to remind you of me.” you gave Sova a kiss
He was a blushing mess, and held you close before departing back to the Valorant HQ
While you traveled back to your home, you ran your fingers over the soft material of Sova’s jacket.  It smelled faintly of him
You were in LA when the Landfall facility erupted and you were caught in the crossfire of Omega and Alpha variants.  A single Shock Arrow went off course and hit you with enough voltage to knock you out
Once you came to, Deadlock had finished performing CPR on you, including mouth to mouth. 
When you came to, your face was covered in blonde locks of hair, gazing into eyes with intense blue irises, and her body pressed against yours
Iselin was red in the face, and so were you.  Perhaps for the same reason…
Other agents were finishing off the Omega team, Iselin didn’t really have anything else to worry about other than stabilizing you
“Can you tell me your name?” she asked, hoping to establish if you were coherent
You replied perfectly, and set her at ease.  Then you had an idea, and asked for her name
“Deadlo- Iselin, my name is Iselin” she responded
Because you managed to get at least a name, you pressed your luck and asked more about her
“That will have to wait, we’re taking you a hospital to make sure you weren’t injured in any other way”
Sage gave you a check up and confirmed you were fine, then hooked up a heart monitor before leaving to inspect other agents
Iselin walked over to see how you were doing, then sat next to your cot.  It was another chance to get to see her and you tried to converse politely with her
As you chatted she kept looking over your shoulder to something, all while still remaining invested in your conversation
“Do I make you nervous?” She asked softly
“What!  No!  Why would you think that?” you quickly answered back
“It’s just that the monitor says you have an elevated heart rate.”
Looking behind you, the screen did show you that weren’t as relaxed 
“Oh!” you exclaimed, “It’s just that, I find you kind of… attractive”
The machine was beeping rapidly now, but not detracting from the silence that swallowed the moment between you and Iselin.  She spoke first
“Would you like to spend some time together then?”  she was blushing as much as you 
As you walked out of the clinic, you made plans to see her again
Deadlock Date
You and Iselin decided to meet at a Valorant safehouse that Cypher had once used.  He promised he removed all the cameras
She had prepared some ingredients for dinner you could cook together.  Cooking was something she did with her old team
Because you were in LA still, she managed to find fresh salmon at a market and decided to cook it
She gutted it in front of you, and taught you how to debone, clean and prepare the fish.  Her skill with the knife was amazing, if not intimidating
You asked a for some help and she took your hand, showing you the right way to cut
The rest of the preparation was easier, requiring less input.  It was during this that you talked to Iselin 
For her, it was refreshing to find someone who didn’t know about her past, the trauma she’d endured, and could let in gradually
You came to understand that she was ex-military but nothing official.  Her main expertise was in tracking and scouting, which you decided to test
You’d ask about urban legends or survival stories and she’d debunk them or let in on a fact about hunting
The incredulous reactions you had managed to coax a smile out of her
As dinner began, you both started sharing more personal stories and began to get more well-acquainted with the other’s background
Iselin bristled when you asked why she was with Valorant, and she decided to say as much as she could stomach
“I had something happen to me and they were there for me.”  Her eyes darted to her prosthetic arm
There was a moment of silence, tension rose 
“I’m glad they were there for you, if they weren’t I don’t think I would have met you.” 
The words touched Iselin deeply, and she could only utter out a phrase
“Tusen takk.” she smiled up at you 
As you finished your dinner you both had easier conversations about personal tastes.  It was here you found that Iselin enjoyed hiking 
“Would you like to go hiking with me?” you asked tentatively
Iselin’s face lit up and she quickly responded with “Ja takk!”
Sadly she had to leave soon and you both exited the safehouse.  Iselin turned to you as you closed the door 
“Y/N, thank you.  It hasn’t been easy to let people get close but you’ve helped me relax a bit.  I won’t forget you y/n.” 
You got the sense Iselin was signaling something, and you leaned in.  She kissed you and held you close, then cautiously let go
She left you the same way she found you: breathless
Your day at work had come to an end, and you stepped off of your bus preparing to walk the rest of the way home
Iso’s had already began, as he was chasing down a member of his past corporation.  He had finished off their friends, now it was time to end them
His target had managed to jump out of the window to avoid capture, but Iso didn’t let up even as their chase took them onto the street
A small commotion occurred as Iso’s prey shoved you to put distance between his assassin 
As they ran past you, one of Iso’s headphones fell out 
Right in front of you as he ran into an alley from your sight
What else were you to do?  Of course you had to return it to him (not because you wanted to get a better look at him)
You began to head towards the alley to see if you could catch Iso in time.  Meanwhile Iso put his abilities into practice
Iso’s target fell right into the Kill Contract, and the assassin stepped into the space disappearing into the Interverse
Of course you didn’t see anything, just a few strange purple particles floating through the air nearby
By the time he stepped out of his Kill Contract he ran right into you and you both fell over
Iso was bewildered and worried a civilian had discovered his secret  
He and you caught a glimpse of each other and stopped struggling
Sheepishly, you handed him back his headphone and he took it back while being careful to hide the pistol he had in his coat
After helping you to your feet, you asked him what he was listening to and his reply of 99 God was a welcome surprise
“Wait, do you like his music too?” you asked
“Of course, I’ve been to some of his shows too.  I have playlists full of him.” 
You just happened to have 2 tickets to a concert of his, and seizing on the opportunity you asked if he would be interested
It was a yes
Iso Date
At the concert, you met Iso at the front before walking in together.  The ticket staff asked if you were a couple while scanning your passes
Iso blushed immediately and you felt your soul vacate your body
“Ye- maybe?”  “Well it wouldn’t be that, b-” “Uh I think so?”
You both hurried in to the concert and got over the shock
“That was kind of awkward right?  Who even asks that kind of question?”  Iso broke the tension
“I don’t understand people sometimes.” you replied
Eventually that faded into background as the music started, it was a something else to focus on
You and Iso joined the crowd in excitement, dancing and singing to the music that leapt from the speakers
The opening set was absolutely worth the ticket cost
“THIS IS AMAZING!” you cried out.  Iso agreed emphatically
Lost in the moment, you watched Iso feeling the rhythm as purple lights from a nearby projector shown on the crowd
You gazed at him in awe as violet lasers ran over both of your faces, he stared back with equal entrancement
Deciding to embrace the moment, you both stole a quick kiss when smoke machines shrouded the crowd and the show ended
On your way out, Iso and you both talked about your favorite songs, the performance, and the special effects
“This was a great night y/n, we should do something like this again.”
Barely holding back your excitement, you kissed him again before heading home
Iso walked back home listening to a track titled “Songs for Y/N”  
Being a hitman was a lonely job, and even since he had joined Valorant he still lacked closeness.  Luckily, he had found you
Thrash had gotten away from him while he was out running a few errands, and he was worrying at this point
He heard the sound of the creature knocking over cans and moving around the isles.  He dashed over to see her pouncing from a shelf into a cart
Your cart
She didn’t revert to a globule, but instead curled up into the cart along with your groceries.  Gekko was beyond panicked at this point
You cautiously reached down and tapped on the critter, and when it nuzzled your hand you started to pet it
Gekko was astounded by Thrash getting along with someone, and stood there in awe as you picked her up and continued to scratch her belly
You noticed him staring at you with his jaw hanging open
“Uh, is this yours?” you asked while handing Thrash over to him.  She flew into Gekko’s satchel excitedly
“Uh, yeah, thanks for catching her.  I never see her get along with other people so it’s kind of weird to see her like this.  The rest of my crew is a lot more chill.” 
“The rest of your crew?” you asked.  Gekko realized he said too much at that point
“Well I’m not supposed to talk about it but…a no la importa ahorita.”  he summoned Wingman and placed him in your hands
You saw your chance and took it
“I’d love to get to them and you too if you wanted to do something some time.”
Gekko went red, then smiled 
“Meet me tomorrow evening at the Kingdom train depot, past the security fence.”
It was a date, one you were eager for but slightly worried about
Gekko Date
Following Gekko’s instructions was easy enough, getting into the trainyard was easy but the fear of being caught was palpable
It was kind of a rush though, sneaking by all of the cameras and guards.  You knelt down behind some crates and let out a sigh
A finger tapped on your shoulder and you twisted around in fear
“Oye, calma!” Gekko whispered.  “It’s me, you can chill.”  He smiled at you and gestured to a bag you carried
It was filled with spray paints of different colors rattled around inside.  Gekko walked you over to a train car he had already covered in stencils
He grabbed 2 cans gleefully and shook them together.  He tossed the other to you and grinned.  “Lista?  Let’s do this.”
You both got to work, assisted by Wingman to keep watch and hand paint cans.  Deep blues and electric greens covered the car at first, followed by pastel violets.  
Cans of paint traded hands, fingers brushing near but never touching.  Until Gekko looked up at the top stencil and had an idea
He hoisted you up on his shoulders and had you paint it.  Wobbling back and forth, you sprayed the last parts of the design before he cautiously let you down
“Ok, I want you to close your eyes alright?” Gekko pleaded. “Wait up, okay 3. 2. 1”
Your eyes opened and saw the beauty you and him created together
It was a scene of a jungle at night, navy blue foliage covering up most of it while neon green fireflies dotted the mural.  In the middle was a prowling jaguar with a cub between its front legs
“It’s beautiful…” you whispered
“you are too” whispered Gekko.  Wingman abruptly pushed you both together and you met each other’s gaze
Both of you kissed each other quickly before blushing and quickly breaking down into embarrassed apologies
“You, I.  We should, do this more right?”
“Yeah, por supuesto”
Wingman lived up to his name that night
You’d met at after a charity dinner hosted by Kingdom, and it was the most boring thing you’d ever attended
It was a show of corporate goodwill but mainly to placate the public.  The only reason you showed up is because the donations went straight to your city
Plus free wine, which you had taken and were drinking on a balcony that gave you some space from everyone else
“Fait froid non?”
You turned to see a tall man dressed in a fine suit and prismatic tie, his hand extended in greeting
“Vincent Fabron, enchante”
He took your hand, refraining from kissing it and instead shooting you a flirtatious grin
He made small talk with you about the event, and brought up that he had been with Kingdom as a guest.  Both of you started talking about each other's lives
Fabron asked if you had a partner
You blushed a bit and replied “no,” to which he responded “Tres bien, then would you be free for dinner sometime this week?”
You were taken aback by how forward he was, but then again he was a gentleman and quite handsome
A digital chime broke the silence and Fabron checked his wristwatch.  An alert was going off, accompanied by some V-shaped sign
“I look forward to meeting you once more,” he gestured to his watch, “but I am afraid I have some responsibilities to tend to.  Au revoir”
He waved at you as he went back inside and disappeared
In your hands was the card, which had the address of a high end restaurant and a time written on it.  The other side was the business card of Vincent ‘Chamber’ Fabron
Chamber Date
Dressed in your finest clothing, you waited outside of the restaurant building but were unsure where Chamber was
You pulled out the card to see if you had made a mistake and noticed a colorful glow coming from it
In a flash of radiant energy you were teleported, right into a private room with Vincent waiting
“Bonne nuit, I hope the teleportation was comfortable.  Let me get your seat.”  
Vincent had finished lighting candles, setting plates, and took your coat before seating you across from him
You sat down to a prepared dinner of salad, coq au vin, and fresh bread
Vincent pressed something on his watch, then teleported a bottle of red wine to his hand and opened it.  He poured your glass and sat down as he poured his own 
He began asking more about your life, interests, and even a few intimate questions
You naturally responded with your own questions, learning about his time at Kingdom and even a little about his time with Valorant
He asked about your life some more, not forgetting any of the details you told him the first time you met
By the time you both had finished the wine, it felt as if you knew the other as lifelong partners.  Vincent was listening to you explain something, but you became nervous
“Am I boring you?  I didn’t mean to-”
“I assure you, nothing you do could ever be boring.  There’s nobody more invested in you than me, Y/N.”
You were taken aback, and felt a spark of something.  On an impulse you leaned in 
Chambers' lips met yours and both of you kissed, he had found a private room so the moment you both shared was only yours to know
When you finished, Vincent sat back confidently with a somewhat knowing, if not smug, look on his face
“I’ve been waiting for you to do that all night” 
Istanbul is a lively city, so the few places that offered a bit of peace were an oasis.  One such oasis was a bookstore in Kadikoy
You had paged through books but hadn’t really found anything that piqued your interest yet.  The saturation of supernatural romances and dystopian teen novels wasn’t helping
A woman with dark hair was also reading through another book, but unlike you was invested.  She sat at a table with a glass of warm tea
Her hands obscured the title, but you wanted to know if it was worth reading
Not like you had other reasons
“Uhh hi, what are you reading?”
You came face to face with mismatched eyes and a curious stare
“Dune,” she moved her hand to let you see the cover, “I’ve had it recommended to me by friends.  It’s quite good.”
You instinctively replied, “I know right, especially when Paul-” you cut yourself off before spoiling the book
Fade wasn’t normally in a mood to talk with strangers, but something about you was different to her
Normally she could feel fear emanate from people near her, however she didn’t get any sense you held fear
Of course this intrigued her
“Do you come to this store often?  I come here often but I haven’t seen you here before.”
You told her you were visiting for the first time but often went to another store that closed
“So you read often, what genre is your favorite?” she had set down her book
“I prefer science fiction, but I’ll read anything with good characters.” you replied. “What do you prefer?”
“The same, although I’ll read anything when I have the chance.” she took a sip from her glass
Just as she finished, one of Istanbul’s many cats entered the store.  A calico covered in large orange spots and one giant black spot across its back
It came up to you and began rubbing against your legs.  Then it came over to Fade and did the same
“She seems to like you,” you mentioned before Fade took the calico and fed it something from her bag.  She held it in her lap as it chewed on whatever it was eating
“Come, she is friendly.”  Fade invited you next to her.  Obliging, you sat down and started petting the cat
“What is your name?”
“And you are?”
“Y/N,” you took your chance, “Would you want to get khave some time and talk a bit more?”
“Evet, that sounds lovely”
Fade Date
The neighborhood of Moda provided the perfect place to reacquaint yourself with Hazal
Naturally as you were on your way over, Hazal found you first.  The woman is a bounty hunter after all
“Merhaba!” Hazal surprised you and led you into a small cafe.  There were only a few other customers, leaving you and her mostly alone
She ordered khave, and you ordered the same.  The Turkish coffee brought to you was the first you ever had
It was like drinking coffee grounds and pure caffeine in a cup.  It was an acquired taste but very easy to acquire
Hazal and you talked about books you had read recently.  You compared some of the adaptations you both saw in theaters, agreeing mostly that the books were better
The conversation moved to life, and you asked about what Hazal did.  She mentioned that she did ‘private investigation’ but now works with a private security organization
It was a secretive topic, but you were fine with her answer.  It was more important to focus on the future
“Y/N, have you ever had your fortune read?” Hazal asked
“Not really, do you know how to tell the future?” you replied, you were curious at this point
Hazal pointed to your empty cup
You passed it over to her and she looked it over.  She searched it over and then set it in the middle of the table
“I see in your future…a deep unrest and sudden death.”  She turned up to you with a dire look in her eyes
“I’m going to die?” you asked.  Hazal’s facade broke and she laughed a bit
“Hayir, relax, it is only a joke.  In fact you’ll like the reading better now.”
You calmed a bit, and laughed a bit at how she managed to mess with you
“It seems like you’re going to go through some change, brought on by things beyond your control.”  she paused to look over the coffee cup, “But something will bring you great solace during this.”
“I wish I knew what that something was.  Do you see anything else about it?” you asked  
“Well I have one theory,” Hazal pointed to herself, “It could be someone, not something.”
You decided to flirt a bit more, “And who could that be?” 
“Someone close, someone mysterious maybe?  They could even be right here.”
“I’d bet they’d even go for a kiss if given the chance,” you caught Hazal leaning in as you said it
You shared a kiss with her, the first of many 
She rarely ventured outside of her lab and between running Valorant and missions, she had to keep her time off brief and tended to try keep a low profile
Her time outside of the HQ was generally spent visiting parts of the world and visiting art museums
Viper had a particular love of the arts, and museums were often silent so there was little interference from other people 
Except for you
She was observing Goya’s Black Paintings, specifically Saturn Devouring His Son.  It’s savagery was overwhelming and therefore intrigued her
You sat down on a bench to observe it as well, and maybe the other person in here with you.  The grotesque painting was enthralling, if not disturbing to think about
Then she sat down next to you, and you tried to keep your eyes on the painting.  It was impossible not to dart your eyes over to her
“Why do you keep looking at me?” Viper spoke in a bitter tone
Thinking as fast as you could you explained that you weren’t looking at her per say, rather just the…painting behind her.  You were looking over at Duelo a Garrotazos
She raised an eyebrow and sighed, “That’s an awful lie.”
To prove your innocence you went into detail about what you knew about the painting:  History, interpretation, value, and origin.  
Sabine’s suspicion turned to interest
“You know art quite well, is it a passion of yours or a profession?”
“Just a passion, and I wasn’t trying to stare at you.”
“I’m not as concerned with that anymore, what I am curious about is what brings you here.”
“Just wanted to look at the collection.  By the way, I never got your name.”
“Sabine, and yours is?”
“Have you ever painted before Y/N?  Or are you mostly a critic?”  Sabine’s intense green eyes studied your reaction
“Only a little bit, but I enjoy it when I have the chance.”
“Would you be interested in joining me at a studio sometime this week?  I rented a space.”
Caught off guard, you quickly asked if she was trying to ask you out.  She was less interrogative now, and being genuine in her offer
“I would love to.” you answered. 
An alert from Sabine’s phone broke the moment.  Her face contorted into exasperation, and she quickly texted something back.
“It appears I have something to attend to Y/N.  We should discuss this later.”
Sabine handed you a page from a pocket book with her number, and after she took one last look at the gallery, left the museum
As she left, you heard her mutter something about her lab and ‘Phoenix,’ whatever that meant
Her leaving was a bit abrupt, but you would be seeing her again and you could hardly wait
Viper Date
Viper didn’t tell anyone about your date except for Brimstone
In her space she had assembled what she could for a still life: a few beakers and a collection of poisonous flowers like Oleandar, Belladonna, and Hemlock
Her arrangement was of flowers sticking out of scientific glasses.  It wasn’t the most ornate but it did offer plenty to paint
Knocking several times, you waited outside for Sabine to let you in.  She greeted you with a softer tone than at the museum
You began assembling your palette with Sabine.  You went for realistic colors, she went for darker variants
Each of you took a couple of brushes, dipped them in a glob of paint, and began your still-lifes
As you painted, you started discussing what each of you did for work, then chatted about art and world events
Both of you blamed Kingdom for much of the world’s current issues, and Sabine shared stories from when she worked for them 
Some of them were definitely a little worrying, considering she had not only slightly poisoned coworkers but avoided being fired in doing so
Her understanding of chemistry was incredible to listen too, she had a clear passion for it
“Why do you like working with poison so much?”
“I’m good at it, there’s not much more to it,” she paused, assessing her answer, 
“But I guess I enjoy what they mean to us.  We fear them because we don’t understand them, but once we do they control life and death.  I like that, the power they give to those willing to take it.”
“So you think of what you do as a way to help people, but using something that people don’t trust.”
“I suppose so.”
“Do you ever feel alone then?”  Sabine paused mid brushstroke, “It must be difficult having interests people are afraid of.”
“It can be Y/N, but I’ve found it isn’t as bad anymore.  Poisons have their place in my life, people are earning theirs.”  She went back to her palette
You added in more pastels to make the flowers stand out against the background
Once you were done, you shared the results with one another.  Yours was more bright, and had heavier detail.  Sabine’s was more abstract, focusing on brush strokes and tone
At the end, you both exchanged the paintings as a parting gift
Sabine cautiously asked if you would like to have dinner some time.  She picked at one of her nails waiting for a response
“Of course!” you replied.  Then leaned in and gave a Sabine a quick peck on the cheek
She could hardly get a word out
You and her left the studio planning on dinner and more art nights in the future.  You had settled on portraits next
Sabine later thought about asking you pose nude for a portrait but dismissed the thought
Normally, you tried to stay away from explosions, gunfire, and energy blasts.  While slipping away you were caught in a leftover trip wire you didn’t see
The wire had tangled your legs, and forced you on the ground 
You were frantically struggling against the wires when you heard footsteps 
“Well, well, it appears a fly has gotten caught in my web.  Let’s see who it is.” a voice coldly whispered 
A man in a white coat and hat stepped from behind the corner with a gun drawn.  His eyes were hidden by a dark mask, mechanical blue eyes took their place.  Unfeeling
At least until he saw you.  Despite the mask you saw the shock take hold immediately
“Oh, apologies,” he reached his hand out and retrieved the wire, “I wasn’t expecting others to get caught”
The initial fear you had turned to confusion
“Who are you?” you asked
“I prefer people I don’t know to call me Cypher.  Allow me to lead you out of here.”
His offer seemed genuine and you didn’t have any other choice but to follow him into a hidden room where he sat you down
“I didn’t mean to catch you, I hope it was not uncomfortable.”  he sounded regretful, and seemed to truly care about you
“Here,” he handed you your phone, “you dropped this while you were struggling.”
As you checked your phone over, you noticed the screen was glitching out.  It was randomly receiving and exporting data
Your savior/captor was entering something into a desktop set up in the room.  He was typing up something while you scrutinized your phone
Cypher turned back to you, and you caught a glance of a computer screen.  It read: SECURED DATA
“So, Y/N.  What brought you out here?  I know you aren’t a threat, but I’m still going to make sure you don’t reveal anything to someone else.”
“How did you know my name?” Cypher pointed at your glitching phone.  “You hacked my phone?”
“No, I bugged it.  Check the back, I planted it there when I handed it to you.  I wanted to make sure you weren’t spying.”
A small silver disc clung to the back of your phone.  You struggled to pull it off, so Cypher offered to help
“You don’t need to worry about me holding onto any of your secrets, I cleared the data once I was done.”
“Do you always hack people's phones when you meet them?”
“Yes.”  Cypher’s answer was completely serious, not a hint of sarcasm
You asked more questions, getting a better idea of who this mysterious man was.  It was difficult to get clear answers
“Y/N, I trade secrets for a living.  Give me something and I’ll give you something.”
You thought intensely, then it hit you
“I’ll tell you anything about me you want, but on one condition.”
Cypher’s interest piqued.  He leaned in to meet your gaze
“If you take me somewhere that means something to you, you can interrogate me as much as you want.”
His mask stretched in brief surprise, then slyly relaxed as he sat back in his seat.  He clasped his hands together
“You surprised me with that Y/N.  It’s hard to surprise me, so I’ll take you up on your little interrogation.”
Cypher Date
Cypher’s coordinates and description were slightly difficult to follow, but regardless you managed to get there on time
You asked for the second floor room in the tea shop, and were led up some stairs into a room with cushions, drawn shades, and hanging lamps
The entire room was bathed in dim colorful light and smelled faintly of mint
Next to the table was Cypher, his mask undone but eyes covered with glasses
“Ah, Y/N!  Have a seat, the tea was just brought up.” he gestured to a silver tea pot
You placed yourself across from him and watched as he poured a cup of tea, taking care to stretch his arm upwards to let the tea cool as it fell
He passed the cup to you and motioned for you to drink.  You took a small sip from the steaming broth
It was the best thing you had ever tasted.  It was sweet like honey but had a distinct taste of mint.  Moroccan tea was your new favorite drink to say the least
Cypher enjoyed it with you
“So, even though I may have researched you for security I sadly didn’t get to know you that well.  Tell me more about you.”
You told him about what you did for work, and the places you had traveled to.  Cypher probably knew about it but was still invested
He had his fair share of stories too.  A life of information brokering and spying left him with some incredible tales
His ability to make you hang on every word was unlike anything you had heard before.  The man was a natural storyteller, and invested you quickly
By the time you and Cypher had finished most of the tea, it was getting late and you were beginning to learn more about Cypher’s personal life
“Can I trust you with something Y/N?” Cypher removed his glasses to look at you clearly.  His eyes were a deep shade of mahogany
“Sure, I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to.”
“My name, my real name, is Amir.  People who are close to me know it, I believe you should know who I am too.”
“Amir,” you said while getting closer, “that’s a beautiful name.  I’m glad you trust me with it.”  
Amir and you said your goodbyes outside of the tea shop, using his alias of course
“Cypher, before you leave again I wanted to thank you for saving me.”
“It was no-”
You kissed him while you had the chance.  You did want to thank him after all
Amir was more than receptive to it, and you eventually had to break it off.  Glasses hid his eyes, but not his excitement
You had captured him this time
You heard the sound of something falling over and metallic components spilling everywhere
Readying a baseball bat, you flung the door open and prepared to swing 
Instead of a thief or even an animal, you were face to face with an oni.  Spectral blue energy spilled from the out from the portal it was clawing its way out of
Its bright blue eyes glowed with power, and it stepped through the portal towards you 
In your panic you swung and hit him in the ribs
On closer inspection, the ‘oni’ from before was a man in a bike jacket and wearing a mask.  It didn’t change the fact he was in your garage
“Who are you and why are you in my garage?”  You readied another swing
“Yoru, and I just teleported here because I was making an escape.  I didn’t think anyone was home.”
After a few seconds, Yoru tried to get back up but stumbled.  A red stain on his shirt gave away why
“Did you get shot?”
“What of it?  You hit me with a bat so I don’t get why you give a shit.”
You realized that not only was Yoru wounded, he was also unarmed too.  He had nothing aside from the mask he wore
“Stay here, I’m gonna get you some bandages and gauze.”
“I don’t need that.  I’ll manage without you, plus I don’t think you know what you’re doing.  No offense but I’m not gonna take help from-”
Yoru winced as you applied rubbing alcohol to the wound.  He inhaled sharply as you cleaned the bullet hole and applied aid
Once you had patched him up, he sat in the garage across from you
“So what’s your name?”
“Do you always beat your patients before helping them out?  Or are you that bad at first aid?”
“You wear that mask because you got a messed up face?” you weren’t about to take insults from Yoru after you saved him
He removed the mask, and to your shock he was quite good looking.  He continued to scowl at you between sarcastic comments
He noticed the motorcycle in the garage, and gestured to it
“Oi Y/N.  That yours?”
“Yes, why are you asking?”
“I ride too,” Yoru adjusted his bandage before standing up, “looks like yours has got a bit damage.”
It was true, the motorcycle needed repairs and it was a chore to look up videos and learn to fix it.  It was good to learn, but time consuming
“I could look it over,” Yoru smirked at you, “but I’m not feeling so grateful right now.”
“Then you can come back later as thanks for me patching that hole in your stomach.  Sound good?”
Yoru was surprised at the offer, and despite his outward personality did retain a sense of politeness from his time as a yakuza
“I could come by again.   If I teleport in, you better not lose your mind again and hit me.  That pissed me off last time.”
“I’ll get it out if you forget to come by.”
“You’ve got a deal, Y/N.”
Yoru Date
Yoru teleported into the garage later than when he said he would.  A blue flash alerted you to his arrival
He went over to your toolbox, taking wrenches out and checking the sizes of bolts.  He also removed his jacket, placing it nearby
“Start it up, I wanna hear the engine.”  Yoru tossed you the keys.  The sputtering of the engine was not a great sign
“It’s the carburetor,” Yoru was absolutely certain in his voice
You and him got to work taking apart the bike and getting into the engine.  It was an older model of motorcycle, but Yoru seemed to know exactly what to take apart
Both of you finally got to the engine, and removed part of the engine block to get to the carburetor
“We need to replace it.  Give me a second, don’t touch anything else.”  Yoru disappeared into a portal
In the minute he was gone, the engine began to ooze black fluid.  You rolled your sleeves up and started to remove the engine block to keep it from leaking more
Yoru stepped back, holding a replacement carburetor
“What are you doing?”  
“The engine is leaking oil, I took it out so nothing else gets oil on it.”  
He got down to look at engine you removed, his disapproval turning to satisfaction.  He picked up a wrench and handed it to you
“Take the rest of it apart, we’re fixing the whole block.  After that, we’re gonna do everything else.”
After a few hours, the bike engine, tires, and suspension were replaced with new versions.  Yoru even stole some paint and redid the color on the bike
He got on the bike and started it.  A smooth growl came from the new engine
“Hop on, Y/N.  You and I are gonna make sure nothing’s wrong with the bike.” you both grabbed helmets
You got behind Yoru and held yourself close to his back.  Your hands were firmly around his torso
He revved the engine and peeled out of the garage.  Yoru sped towards the highway and weaved between cars
Street lights and vehicles blurred around you as the motorcycle rushed past them all.  Yoru’s driving was precise, but he was pushing the engine to the limit any chance he got
Cold wind forced you to hold Yoru tighter for warmth.  Even through the jacket, he kept you from freezing
Yoru’s driving had attracted some police cars, to which Yoru decided to let chase him.  He began the chase by popping a wheelie and tearing ahead
The cruisers tried to keep pace with him, but couldn’t match his speed.  Yoru flipped them off as he escaped
Suddenly a blockade appeared on your horizon.  Yoru seemed to smile through his helmet.  “Keep holding on.” he commanded
He drifted the bike into the blockade as he activated his mask.  You and him rode the bike into the rift
Your escape led you right into the garage, where Yoru skidded to a halt.  He hopped off the bike and smirked at you
“So, how do you like my driving Y/N?”
“That was insane.  I loved it!”
“You’ll like this too then.”
Yoru grabbed you and kissed you.  It lasted for a second but the moment seemed longer than that
When the initial shock wore off, you turned to a slightly blushing Yoru
“We should go for a joyride more often.” you muttered with what little sense you had
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floralflytrap · 22 days
Can I please get Valorant women reacting to Photographer S/O? Like Fade, Sage, Deadlock, and maybe Viper?
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Fade, Sage, Deadlock and Viper with Photographer S/O | HEADCANONS
Word Count: 500+ Hi hi anon! Thank you for finding and supporting my little blog, I can absolutely do this for you :)
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Fade didn’t initially notice that you were a photographer, not paying much notice to the fact that you’d take a lot of photos when you’d hang out together
She only realised you were serious about it when you went through photos with her where you showed her a bunch of high quality photos that you had finally transferred from your camera
Fade was very surprised, and was initially hesitant when you asked if she’d like to be photographed one time, but eventually she allowed you to.
She loved the way that you tried to capture her heterochromia, noticing a direct emphasis on her eyes with each photo you took and proudly showed her
Eventually she asked if you could print out the photos, to which you obliged
Next time you were in her room after that, she had a wall decorated with all of your photos
Your favourite photo of her is one where she is peacefully stirring a cup of coffee, her eyes trained softly on the stirring motion, the henna on her hand visible in the photograph
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Sage was quite attentive and noticed quite quickly that you had a particular passion for photography, seeing how your eyes lit up when you took a nice photo and the way that your lip would quirk up with giddiness
She tried to indirectly ask to see the photos, trying to not pressure you (she’s so sweet)
One time the two of you sat down comfortably on a couch and went through the photos together. You appreciated all of Sage’s praises as she gazed at the photos with awe
When you asked if Sage would like her photo taken one time, she gently accepted the offer (she contained her extreme excitement secretly)
Sage helped you scrapbook when you got into printing out the photos, and she even gifted you a bunch of scrapbooking material that was soft and nature themed (lace, pressed flowers, pastel scrapbook paper, etc.)
Your favourite photo of Sage is one where she went on a walk with you through nature, the wind blowing her hair magically, her face graced with a pure smile
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Deadlock was quietly attentive, so she immediately put two and two together.
She was very blunt with asking about it when she saw your professional camera for the first time, and was quick to ask if she could see some photos.
However, she didn’t realise that you managed to capture photos of her without her realising.
Deadlock was hesitant about the photos you took of her, worrying that she looked too brooding to be a “pretty” subject matter.
You reassured her that she was gorgeous in your eyes and that she had nothing to worry over. You even asked if you could photograph her with her knowledge to prove that she had nothing to fear.
When you guys first started taking photos, Deadlock was tense underneath the lens, but after time and coaxing from you, she eased up and ended the photo session with a soft smile.
Your favourite photo of her was during that photography session, when the sun peeked through some clouds to gently shine down on her, highlighting her smile and slightly closed eyes. 
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Viper didn’t enjoy the camera. She also noticed every time you pointed it in her direction.
“Y/n, put that away.”
She’d grumble every time at first, but one day her opinion changed as she peeked over your shoulder one time and saw you looking through the photos
At first she assumed that the images were just meant to be jokes, but she realised that you were serious about it and, in fact, had a great eye for photography
After that day, she complained less often whenever you’d raise the camera in her direction and would even shake her head with a half-hearted eye roll, trying to hide the smile peeking through on her face.
You never realised that she knew the photos you took, only silently leaving a stack of photos on her work bench while she was away, with a small letter resting on top of the stack
When Viper looked through the stack of photos, she had a small smile as she appreciated each and every shot that you took, especially pausing on the ones where you captured her work.
Your favourite photo of Viper was one where she was in the lab, taking her time to be precise as she mixed together different substances, the photo focusing on her attention to detail.
Thank you so much for reading <3
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unidot · 6 months
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Nightlock stuff
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illubean · 8 months
omg!! you’re doing valorant 👀
Can i ask you’re thoughts (head cannons) on how the agents would be around children? (who would hate them, tolerate, love, be extremely confused what to do)
Valorant Protocol with Kids
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Characters: Valorant Protocol except for a few of them Type: Headcanons
Warnings: none
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❥ They're practically still a kid themselves! Needless to say, they get along great with children and there's never a dull moment with them. They come up with countless games to play, getting the children tired enough by their bedtimes just because of all the fun they had.
-Gekko, Jett, Neon, Phoenix, Raze
❥ These agents are great with kids but don't relate with them on a personal level like some of the others. They're responsible and relyable if you ask them to babysit, making sure that the kids are safe and entertained. Maybe they can't come up with a million games to play, but they manage by letting the kid come up with a fun activity.
-Brimstone, Harbor, Sage, Skye, Sova
❥ Oh god why would you make them be around kids! They have no clue what they're doing and are so awkward, especially if the kids don't understand their adult language. Jeez, why can't these things just come built in with big words? The kids probably think these agents are boring or are afraid of them.
- Cypher, Deadlock, Fade, Iso, Killjoy, Reyna, Omen
❥ They don't necessarily like kids but make great babysitters none the less. They really rather not be bothered, but if they have to they're making sure to follow all of the babysitting instructions to a T. They're strict on bedtimes and will not negotiate if the kid asks for extra candy after dinner. They are always sure that the kids are fed, bathed with their teeth brushed and off to bed no later than 9pm!
-Chamber, Viper, Yoru
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jesjokes · 6 months
My agent head canons :3
Brimstone: he’s such a supportive dad but also I could see him being a bear
Phoenix: Bisexual trans man
Sage: probably bisexual definitely a woman liker and trans fem
Sova: Trans man and mlm (hes so in love with harbor t4t)
Viper: Lesbian. No other way around that
Cypher: demiboy and 100% pan he doesn’t care and maybe poly
Rayna: bi and Demi girl
Killjoy: in lesbians with Raze 😻/ref also agender
Breach: trans bear 🙏 bi
Omen: aroace and agender, even pre accident he doesn’t seem like he’d be into anyone that and prefer platonic relationships and doesn’t fuck with gender
Jett: she likes women there’s no way (also trans fem)
Raze: lesbian
Skye: definitely Bi
Yoru: trans masc nb and mlm
Astra: non binary and pan
Kay/O: robot :3 (hes supportive and maybe a little fruity)
Chamber: token straight/J (hes the gayest of them all 🇫🇷) no but Fr he’s probably bi and a trans man
Neon: pan and non binary
Fade: butch lesbian (please save me 🙏)
Harbor: bi and leans towards men also trans man
Gekko: 100% trans masc nb and gay (hes so nb4nb with Iso)
Deadlock: Butch agender lesbian (again PLEASE save meee 🙏🙏🙏😋😋)
Iso: trans masc non-binary aroaceflux
Clove: amab Non binary and pan
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zaewriteshere · 8 months
Late Night Confessions
AO3 Link
“Fade, if you ever run out of nightmares, seek me out. I will gladly share mine.”
Deadlock’s words kept on being repeated over and over in the dream seeker’s mind.
It wasn’t often that somebody offered their own suffering and trauma to Fade, much less eagerly or even so nonchalantly.
It took her off guard.
She didn’t expect to take her on the offer as well.
When Fade joined the Protocol, while she knew and was warned that it would take a while for her to gain the trust of the agents, she didn’t imagine just how hard it would be to even have a singular person she could consider a friend.
Sure, she was certainly in Omen and Cypher’s good books, as far as she could tell, but besides them… Nobody was very much willing to be close to her. 
During missions, the other agents would not lose too much time during communications, and that was probably the only time they spoke to her. 
She wasn’t going to lie, it stung. She was aware that what she had done was wrong, but she also didn’t know any better. Now she did, and was willing to do anything and everything to make it up to those she wronged.
The other agents were not as eager as the dream seer however. So, when new agents came after her arrival, she started to gain hope.
Unfortunately for her, her introverted nature and her resting bitch face didn't play in her favour most of the time. 
She did manage to make a neutral acquaintance out of Harbor, since she was working for Realm as well before joining the Protocol. They managed to bond over it, and for a while, it was enough for her. 
When Gekko came around, she thought she could bond with him and his little critters, just as she did with the newest addition to the controllers. 
Unfortunately, Fade wasn't right. The newest initiator was immediately told about the nature of her powers, and that was enough for him to be weary about her. 
It kind of aggravated her, this tendency that the other agents had with her. Maybe it was coming from a place of care, but she felt truly isolated, more so now than ever.
Her frequent nightmares certainly didn't help her situation, forcing her to stay awake for longer and longer as she consumed more and more coffee each day. 
Of course this behaviour didn't go unnoticed by Cypher, and most importantly Sage. The latter immediately pulled her aside as she started to question the dream seer about her lack of sleep and addiction to caffeine. 
So, Fade had to put all of her cards on the table and be honest about what exactly was the price for her to commune with nightmares. Empathetic, the healer offered her help in those sleepless nights, or to be there to assist in case she couldn't stay awake any longer.
Fade simply shrugged at the offer, not truly believing the Chinese agent's words. She was used to empty words and promises about her situation, after all.
It was too much to ask.
It was always too much.
She didn't hold it against anyone, however.
It was often too much even for her, so could she really blame anyone but her ?
When the new agent, Deadlock, joined Valorant… Well, Fade and her didn't really interact with each other much, if at all. She heard rumours about her upbringing, and there was always… 
This shadow looming around the sentinel. 
The dream seer knew what it was.
The newest agent was filled with nightmares, just like her. 
It made her wonder what her bad dreams looked like.
Unfortunately for her, she was too introverted to ask. It was also hard to tell if this question would be taken well or not ; even though the Norwegian agent was blunt and didn't mince her words, Fade wasn't really wanting to ruin her chances with someone so soon. 
By a stroke of luck, Deadlock's first missions always included the dream seer as well, and they got to know each other through them. 
Once back from the third mission, Deadlock finally spoke to her for the first time since she became a member as she was about to go out of the Falcon : 
“Fade, if you ever run out of nightmares, seek me out. I will gladly share mine.”
She didn't even get the chance to reply before the sentinel exited the aircraft to go to who knew where. 
To say that she wasn't expecting the offer would be an understatement. 
She didn't think that anybody else offered this since she joined the Protocol all those months ago. 
It intrigued her. What did Deadlock see in her ? Or was it just in the hopes of getting rid of what haunted her ?
Either way, she kept the offer in mind. 
So much so, in fact, that Fade regularly found herself thinking about those same words, and stealing glances at the new agent.
She thought – and hoped – that she was being sneaky about this change of behaviour.
Unfortunately for her, Cypher noticed.
“My, my little dream seer, you seem to have taken an interest in our newest addition, hm ?” He observed, his tone teasing, a laugh in his voice. She tensed, then forced herself to relax, knowing very well she wouldn’t be able to hide anything from the spy.
“I’m just curious, that’s all,” She answered, not meeting his gaze. She heard him hum in contemplation, before he seemingly dropped the subject.
He probably knew that he wouldn’t get anything out of her that easily.
She sighed to herself, shaking her gently. 
She would need to either be more stealthy in her staring, or come up with a reason satisfying enough for the sentinel to not continue poking at her motivations.
One evening, the dream seeker was just walking around the base, bored out of her mind, when she heard a muffled scream coming from one of the rooms. 
Worried about a colleague being in a state of danger, she rushed to the source of the noise. 
Slamming the door open, she quickly scanned the room, fist clenched and ready for a fight.
When she saw nothing out of the ordinary, she looked around for her colleague.
Finally, Fade noticed a figure curled up beside the bed, shaking as she heard quiet sobs. 
She would recognise this blond hair anywhere.
The fact that Deadlock hadn't taken note of her arrival until now was alarming to the dream seer.
“Deadlock ?” She hesitantly called out, slowly inching closer. She didn’t see any change in behaviour.
So she repeated herself once again, louder this time while trying her best to not startle the Norwegian woman. 
It wasn’t until she slowly and gently put her hand on the sentinel’s shoulder once she sat down that she finally took notice.
She gasped, startled, as she was trying desperately to wipe her tears away. 
They both knew that the initiator saw them, however.
The blond probably just wanted to save what remained of her dignity.
Wordlessly, the brunette assessed the situation of the woman in front of her.
She seemed shaken up, her lips still trembling and her eyes still watery. Shaking from head to toe, it was obvious what had happened.
Despite being someone who was used to communing with nightmares, Fade wasn’t someone who knew how to comfort someone after a nightmare. 
Not knowing what to say, she stayed quiet, staring into blue eyes.
“Did I wake you up ?” Awkwardly asked Deadlock, finally tearing her gaze away from hers.
“I don’t tend to sleep very often, don’t worry,” She replied, trying to sound reassuring. Realising that she didn’t give a clear answer, she quickly added : “And no, you didn’t wake me up. I was already awake when I heard your scream.”
Her interlocutor winced, curling up on herself tighter. 
Alarmed at such different behaviour than she’s used to seeing in the woman next to her, the dream seer felt herself panic internally.
So, she decided to try and help the way she knew how : 
“Want me to try to commune with it ?” She enquired hesitantly. 
She didn’t answer immediately. 
“What would it do ?” She retorted, glancing back at her.
“Sometimes it can help to face your biggest fears, or nightmares, in a controlled environment,” Fade answered, trying to appear nonchalant. 
She wouldn’t want to admit it, but seeing the sentinel so vulnerable and scared did something to her.
She didn’t like the sight.
The woman took a moment to consider it, alternating between looking at the initiator and the void.
After a while, she slowly nodded, hesitance clear in her eyes but determination written on her face. 
“Alright, let’s do this,” She announced, trying to sound confident.
“I have to warn you, it is intense. We’re going to go deep. It isn’t for everyone,” She replied, her tone serious.
Deadlock paused.
“Do you think I’ll be able to handle it ?” She questioned, searching for something in her mismatched eyes. 
She took her time to consider her answer.
She could be truthful, and say that she didn’t know. 
No one could, after all.
But telling her that she knew the Norwegian was strong would not be a lie, either. 
She decided to play cards on the table.
“I don’t know. It depends for everyone, and making assumptions will be detrimental,” She saw the hesitance in the sentinel’s gaze. “What I do know is that you are strong.”
“I just hope that I’ll be strong enough,” The woman muttered, looking away from Fade.
“If you don’t feel ready, or in the right mental state… Hell, even if you don’t want to, just tell me. It’s okay, since there’s no time limit for it,” She finally stated, trying to sound empathetic.
It was not like she wasn’t empathetic, she had just a very hard time expressing herself as well as her emotions. 
Nodding, Deadlock didn’t immediately give her answer.
The dream seer could feel her weighing the options presented for her.
After another minute of silence, she locked gaze once again.
The hesitance in her eyes was gone, replaced by a determination and sense of will at its purest.
There it was, she could finally see the sentinel she grew attached to and respected.
Nodding as she let a small smile creep up on her lips while she gestured the sentinel to lay down on her bed. 
Doing as told, the Norwegian was clearly very stiff and tense. 
“I’ll need you to go to sleep, so please relax and close your eyes,” The initiator said as gently as she could.
“Will you be there ?” She immediately asked, panic clear in her eyes.
That was new.
Never before had someone asked if the dream seer would be present to help them through their subconscious struggles.
Taken aback, she studied Deadlock’s expression carefully.
She could see worry, fear… But also desperation, as if she was terrified of going to sleep alone.
Considering her options, she took a moment to think.
Fade technically could be present in the dream, but if she wasn’t used to it and could easily get overwhelmed by the intensity of the host – in this case, Deadlock – if she wasn’t careful. 
“I’ll be there if things go south. I’ll always be watching over you though, promise,” She replied, trying to sound confident and reassuring.
She felt like she was doing a very poor job at that, but she decided to ignore that feeling.
The sentinel smiled weakly, before slowly relaxing onto the soft bed and evening her breath as the initiator watched quietly. 
Once asleep, she didn’t make a move immediately, simply watching over the agent peacefully sleep.
It was dreamless – she could feel it – but there was something about it that she couldn’t quite pinpoint. 
“Nightmare,” She called out with a whisper as now she could feel their presence in the room. “I’ll need your help.”
“Like you always do, dear host,” They giggled while Fade could feel their presence wrapping around her body.
She suppressed a shiver.
“Go on, touch her. I’ll help you, like I always do,” She could hear the smile in their voice, but she complied despite uneasiness.
It didn’t take long for the demon to take action upon Deadlock’s dreamless slumber. 
Slowly, the dark room changed form, morphing into a familiar area ; the Valorant Protocol HQ. 
The sleeping sentinel wasn’t alone in her dream as the dream seer heard the familiar but alien noises of Gekko’s critters. 
She expected to see the cute and goofy looking little friends, but when the initiator looked over the direction of the noise, she felt her eyes widen.
That wasn’t what Wingman normally looked like. 
His appearance was now pure nightmare fuel, his then tiny cute claws were ginormous, and he all but looked like a monster. 
Was this the host’s vision of the little Wingman ?
Speaking of which, she was staring in disarray and horror at the monstrous form, terrified out of her mind.
Was this always what she dreamt about ? 
Wingman being the monster that she always thought he was ?
What a saddening sight.
Fade heard gunshots, and some grunts of pain.
Deadlock was shooting at the monstrous form, and the dream seer could tell it wasn’t what she was supposed to do.
But she guessed that it was a reflex, how she’s always dealt with it, how she was coping with her nightmares.
She thought about how to proceed and communicate that violence wasn’t the answer in this case without disturbing the natural course of actions.
“Deadlock, you have to stop shooting, you’re only making things worse,” She tried, unconfident in her communication.
“I’d like to see you face something like this,” She immediately replied, shooting her last bullets in her panic.
She then braced for impact as the monstrous version of Wingman leaped on her, sensing her fear and aggression.
She was screaming in pain and in rage, and Fade knew that she wouldn’t get through to her like this.
Deciding to take a physical form, she appeared next to the two of them.
They both barely paid her any mind at all, too engrossed in their fight. 
She took a while to gather her bearings, the fear and anger overwhelming her for a minute or two.
She needed to focus.
“Deadlock,” She started as they both froze, slowly looking at her in sync. Ignoring the weirdness of the movement, she continued, trying to hit at the solution. “With aggression you are just going to repeat what always happens. Try something else.”
“I’d like to see you try with this creature trying to eat you alive,” She muttered, wincing when Wingman bit down more on her arm.
“Look at him. He’s just as scared as you are,” The initiator continued, gesturing vaguely to the beast.
After a while of staring at each other, it finally seemed to click for Deadlock as she understood what she was supposed to do. 
She slowly relaxed onto the hard concrete floor, and as if on cue, the monster changed appearances, morphing into the wingman Fade was used to seeing.
Now on her belly, the little critter looked up at the host curiously, as if assessing her once again. 
She could tell she was doing the same to him. 
Slowly, the radiant creature presented his hand to her, as if he wanted her to shake it.
Hesitantly, the sentinel did so, and the dream seer could tell the dream was ending as Deadlock was awakening. 
When they both opened their eyes, she immediately locked gaze with the Norwegian agent, a small smile on her lips.
“How do you feel ?” She asked after a minute of staring.
She didn’t get an answer right away as the woman looked lost in thoughts, assessing her state.
“I’m… Okay. Better,” She finally replied after a while. 
“Good, good,” She nodded, about to leave her side to let her sleep, but she was stopped as her hand got grabbed.
“Will you stay ?” The new sentinel asked, a hint of desperation in her voice.
She didn’t answer immediately, weighing her options.
She could accept and risk having a bad dream if she fell asleep – which she did not want to happen – or she could leave and risk Deadlock having another nightmare.
While the chances of the latter happening were slim to none after this small session, she knew that the woman wasn’t asking her for reassurance, but mayhaps company.
She shrugged in acceptance, laying on the bed next to the blond. 
Keeping her distance, she gasped softly when the other immediately wrapped her strong arms around her and nuzzled her nose into the crook of her neck. 
“Thanks for helping me today,” She said, sleepily.
“No worries,” She replied after a hot minute, not knowing what to do with herself.
She relaxed a bit when she could feel the other agent sleeping peacefully, and resigned herself to just watch her sleep as she could feel Nightmare’s presence in the room.
Fade didn’t know how this relationship would blossom, and frankly, she didn’t really care.
All she knew was that she probably got herself a good friend that night.
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cutiewutiepatootie · 5 months
I decided that I am confident enough in my writing to start writing my own fics so here’s a little bit about myself, what I will and won’t do, and the characters and fandoms I will write from. ENJOYYY
intro: Hello, my name is Emma and I’m a lesbian from the USA. A little bit about me is that I love resident evil, I love kpop and collecting kpop albums. I love twice, loona, childish Gambino, laufey, and a lot more!!…like seriously…I like way more artists than that. Not only do I enjoy to write but I also have a very deep passion for art (although I do get mad when my art doesn’t run out how envisioned it in my head…😣). That’s enough about me let’s get on to my info for fics
for fics I really won’t do multi chapter five as I just don’t have the time for it. I mostly enjoy doing drabbles, head cannons, and fics that are sort of lengthy if it’s a prompt I like.
what I 100% will write: fluffy stuff, angst, serious topics (as long as they aren’t too icky but if it’s like let’s say just for example somebody requests the reader/character has problems with their body image I will do that),character x character (depends if I like the ship or not tbh… but I probably will in most cases), wlw, afab reader(x reader is mostly what I’m specializing in🙏), and really anything unless it’s not on my ‘what I won’t write’ list but if you request something that has a certain prompt/though that isn’t on any of these lists but I don’t like it, just remember I’m allowed to freely decline;)
what I 100% won’t write: pregnancy (sorry….), smut, HEAVY angst, anything like at all that has to do with body fluids that aren’t blood (I know this one mostly dabbles into the smut topic but the people on this app seriously can have some peculiar ideas so I just felt the need to incorporate it🤷‍♀️), amab reader, trans reader (I know this can be taken the wrong way but I’m a fully cis person so if I were to write a trans character or reader the amount of times I’d probably say something that doesn’t make sense for the person being trans would get me deleted off the surface of the earth out of embarrassment 🧍‍♀️), mlm(again, can be taken wrongly, but I really just want to do wlw stuff😣😭), mlw (again, I really only want to do wlw stuff please don’t come for me…),any sort on non-con (I know it’s a serious topic and it also dabbles into the whole smut thing…which it really shouldn’t…that’s just like one of the only serious things that I’m not comfortable with writing)
Ok the moment you have been waiting for…what characters I right for!!
resident evil
Helena harper
Ada Wong
Claire Redfield
Jill Valentine
Ashley Graham
Sheva Alomar
Lara Croft
Samantha Nishimura
Ellie Williams
My inbox is fully open for requests and I currently have no ideas for fics so do what you can with that my lovelies <3
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calamitous-magpie · 7 months
girl help i keep not finishing my valorant fics
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evalineart · 2 months
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Сделали совместный комикс 🤍 @anthracite-unicorn написала небольшую зарисовку по Фейд и Дедлок, а я её проиллюстрировала!
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