#dear David
fanofspooky · 3 months
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Scream King - Justin Long
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"Dear Giorno" (2023 film)
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ghostlytales · 1 year
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Dear David
This photo was captured by Adam Ellis. He’s a cartoonist from New York and has captivated thousands of Twitter users with his story of Dear David, the spirit that lives at his apartment.
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queerfinalboy · 3 months
I don't remember if I talked about it here but I think Dear David is single-handedly the most homophobic horror movie I've ever seen.
And not even like...intentionally, or at least I don't think so. I think it's some kind of like, directors bias possibly. But also feels like gay people written by straight people.
But the theme of the movie is like the ghost targets the main character because he was a dick online, but both the comments we see him respond to are people being homophobic (someone calling him a fairy and someone else saying something like "homo shit" i think) In addition to that we see a flashback scene of the kid that's supposed to be the ghost showing that he was looking at gay porn and also possibly gore? (its hard to understand what they're trying to convey tbh) and then his dad freaks out on him for watching it and they fightand eventually both die but like...
the ghost also specifically pretends to be the main character on Grindr?
and also at one point MC is trying to jack off and watch gay porn and the ghost turns his camera on?
its just crazy because its like okay so the kid was gay and evil? But he doesn't want the MC responding badly to people being homophobic to him, even though he possibly died because of homophobia?
And that's just going into the homophobia, not talking about the bad acting, the bad plot, the changing of the original Dear David story, the stealing of the story by Buzzfeed, and like all the moral stuff with that.
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its-spooky-bitch · 1 year
Bruh I’m just browsing buzzfeed and there’s an ad for the Dear David movie and it looks bad lmao
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that-horror-girl · 11 months
Short review of Dear David:
It was ok.
We need more gay people writing for horror tbh, there's so much trauma amongst us it could fuel the industry for decades. /half joking
Overall: Cool concept, too much about Adam, not enough focus on David and the emotional impact of being bullied.
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utter-disgrace · 2 months
if I ever write a horror piece where the haunted character miraculously has all of their questions answered by a single internet article ala deus ex machina, just take me out, it’ll be too late for me by that point
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icarusflightplan · 1 year
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Typical homo reaction 🙄
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ladyeckland28 · 3 months
### The Dear David Twitter Thread: A Modern Tale of Haunting
In the digital age, where much of our entertainment comes from screens and social media, Adam Ellis’s "Dear David" Twitter thread in 2017 brought an old genre into a new medium. Ellis, a cartoonist by profession, recounted his haunting experiences with a ghostly child named "Dear David." His narrative, rich with disturbing dreams, eerie photos, and unexplained events, captivated millions and redefined how we consume horror stories.
**A Modern Storyteller’s Medium**
Adam Ellis’s choice of Twitter, a platform known for its brevity and immediacy, was unconventional yet oddly fitting for a ghost story. Each tweet, limited by character count, heightened the suspense and left readers in a state of perpetual anticipation. This fragmented style of storytelling allowed for real-time engagement, making the audience feel as though they were part of the unfolding mystery. As Ellis shared photo evidence of strange occurrences in his apartment and recounted his vivid, unsettling dreams, the threads between reality and fiction blurred.
**The Eerie Allure of Dear David**
The story begins with Ellis dreaming of a young, deformed boy named David who appears at the foot of his bed. In his dreams, David can answer only two questions correctly; any deviation leads to a fatal encounter. These initial details cast a spell on readers, combining the innocence of a child with the terror of the supernatural. As Ellis's dreams become more vivid and his waking life begins to mirror the hauntings, the gripping narrative takes a dark turn. Eerie photographs and videos posted by Ellis show household objects moving on their own, odd shadows, and inexplicable phenomena, compelling readers to question their understanding of the paranormal.
**Crafting Viral Horror**
What sets the "Dear David" thread apart is not just the spine-chilling content, but Ellis’s adept use of social media to craft a viral horror sensation. His updates were strategically timed, creating periods of agonizing suspense between revelations. This method of storytelling transformed the thread into an interactive experience, with followers dissecting every post, analyzing photos, and speculating on upcoming events. The widespread sharing and engagement turned "Dear David" into a communal experience, fostering a shared sense of fear and curiosity.
**The Impact and Legacy**
The "Dear David" thread is more than just a sequence of ghostly events; it is a pioneering effort in the realm of digital storytelling. It underscores the potential of social media platforms to bring traditional genres into new light, offering immersive and interactive experiences. Additionally, the phenomenon reflects modern society’s insatiable appetite for horror, amplified by the internet’s ability to connect and engage audiences worldwide.
In essence, the "Dear David" Twitter thread is a testament to how storytelling has evolved in the digital age. By blending age-old ghost story elements with the immediacy and reach of social media, Adam Ellis created an unforgettable narrative that continues to haunt the imaginations of many. As we move further into the digital future, the legacy of "Dear David" will likely inspire new modes of storytelling that capitalize on the unique features of contemporary platforms.
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Short Story Tournament
DEAR DAVID by Yael van der Wouden (2018) (link) - tw: death mention
What was your aunt’s name, dear? When have you last said her name out loud? Has it been a while? Come, we shall do it together. You shall say hers, and I will say mine. Like so: David! David! David! Yours always, – David
THE YELLOW WALLPAPER by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1887) (link) - tw: depression, insanity
John is so pleased to see me improve! He laughed a little the other day, and said I seem to be flourishing in spite of my wall-paper. I turned it off with a laugh. I had no intentions of telling him it was because of the wall-paper — he would make fun of me. He might even want to take me away.
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anchovy · 1 year
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The new dear David trailer
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Dr. Foster - 2015
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movieposters1 · 10 months
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hey girlie remember Dear David. fucked up arg innit
This is the true end of the world
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frecklesandpoverty · 11 months
31 Nights of Halloween Horror: day 18
My choice for today was: Dear David
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Ok I remember reading the original tweets, and they were so creepy, that's why I'm so disappointed with this movie. I rated this 4/10. It started off fine, had potential, but in the end it just ended up a mess. David wasn't even scary, and the effects they used were laughable. He comes for whoever's rude on the internet, so I guess he'll be coming for me now since I thought his movie sucked lmao. Really really a let down, because I had been so excited for this movie for a while. I have to say I did like the lead actor playing Adam Ellis. He was likeable. Other than that, meh. Meh meh meh.
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reschelle · 2 years
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