#dear moot 🖤
starsarefire824 · 1 year
😶😶😶😶just got done with chap 16 and im gonna reread it later when i processed this. I mean i know why this hits me so hard (dobt worry im not gonna whatthetherapistscall trauma dump here 😗) but that doesnt mean i dont kinda wanna walk into traffic rn
Good job
😭😭 im so sorryyyyy!!!! It truly causes me pain that the particulars of this chapter hit close to home. Ugh, makes me want to cry honestly.
I’m so thankful you have stuck with this one. Maybe just focus on the cute flirting in between aisles of books instead? 🥲
I am so painfully attached/protective over these versions of Will and Mike, especially Mike and I can’t wait for their bond to grow and for Mike to find the strength to speak up for himself and stop letting people abuse his body. I think he has a long way to go? But it’s those tiny glimpses of possibility/ longing for his life to be better and to be loved properly…all those things that Will sees too, that I’m looking forward to exploring as the story goes on! I am going to up the chapter count for this one. X
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panaxe · 9 months
Dear mutuals, Would you beat someone with me if I gently asked?
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aces-and-angels · 2 months
help safaa and abed's family 🖤
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follow @safaabed8 and @abedalazeiz verified by 90-ghost note: safaa + her family has had to make multiple accounts- they have all either been suppressed/terminated (this is also why the verification/reblogs from ibtisams/heba-20 no longer have working links)
dear moots/lovely lurkers,
i am not sure how to start this- what iteration of words will move a kind stranger to action or convince another that this passage is worth the five minutes it'll take to read it
would you be inclined to learn just how a body shuts down after being malnourished for so long? or what lengths families must go to in order to survive? perhaps a retelling of the rising temperatures-- how everything from the contaminated water they drink to the dirty pillows they lay on is hot will be enough
do you need me to lay it out so plainly that your stomachs churn and your eyes well up with tears? are you waiting to feel that pang inside your chest- the one that screams "enough is enough." do you look at safaa's beautiful family and think they deserve more?
would you still feel that way even if i told you nothing at all?
safaa's family has managed to raise just short of 50% of their goal (€24,809 / €50,000)- campaigns require a sustained, collective effort for them to be successful. more importantly, the onus is on the rest of us to uplift stories the world will do anything to suppress. please don't leave them unheard-- donate if you can, share so others may help as well
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Our Liberation Is Bound Together Jehlen Herdman
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pandoraroid · 1 month
AWESOME MOOTS APPRECITATION POST!!!! HEART ATTACK ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🤎🖤🩶🤍🩷💘💓💖💕💗💖💓💘💘💓💙💞💛💝❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🫀🫀🫀🫀
and if i may be sappy for a quick minute: i may not interact with y'all a whole bunch but you are no less dear to me 🫶🫶 uuuhhh i usually just observe from a far in every interest/fandom ive been in before but yeah im glad i took a bit of a jump and logged on here 🫶🫶 yall make it soooo fun and worthwhile 🫶🫶
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purinkiss · 1 month
Hello dear friends!
All the positive words cannot express how generous you are, especially in sharing my posts to inform other donors about the people of Gaza who are still suffering from the terrible conditions caused by the unjust war on Gaza!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support you are giving to help Palestinian families stay safe and alive. ✌✌
We collect such donations to provide the minimum basic needs of life and help find safety and peace for young children who do not deserve to live in such horrific situations. Thanks to your contribution, my family is slowly approaching 1/2 of the way to reach the goal. Every form of your help makes a difference to the free people who have been struggling and paying so much for almost 305 hard days
Please continue to support the most just cause in the world either by donating directly or by sharing the link to let others know. Don't hesitate to help people in difficult and miserable times until the dark days are over.
Hi there, Your words are powerful, and the work you're doing is incredibly important. I'm glad to hear that your efforts are making a difference, and I’ll continue to support and share your cause. Let’s keep spreading the word until brighter days come. 🫂🫂 Stay strong!
Pls help reblog this post and tag your moots!! @yawnznn @i-mmaculatus @heeblurs @boyishdoll @chaeryeos
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theforgottenmcrmy · 10 months
Oaths~ Part 2/3 (Ser Harwin Strong x Reader)
᯽ Please note that this is an overall Part 22 to the series Growing Strong. The masterlist, and part 1, can be found HERE᯽
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Pairing: Ser Harwin Strong x Tyrell! Female Reader
Warnings: GOT typical sexism, canon divergence, mentions of past character death, super mildly suggestive themes
One would be more hard pressed to find two individuals whose styles, both in dress and beyond, contrasted more. To all who were not known to either you or Rhaenyra, it most-assuredly provoked wonder as to how the pair of you had ever taken a liking to one another at all… But, as two women, who had once been but girls, that had been tasked with shouldering the burden of a legacy far grander than themselves, common ground had to have been easier to find than one might initially suspect.
A/N: thank you guys for the love for part 1.🖤 I hope you enjoy part 2. part 3 should be up 11/25
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The Chamber of the Painted Table, like most other rooms in Dragonstone, was large and cavernous. However, one could not say that the architecture of the room failed to impress upon witnesses the grand historic moments that were said to have transpired there.
As Harwin entered the chamber with you by his side, and your sons just a few paces behind, hushed conversations from those already occupying the room bounced off the stone walls and ceiling quickly filled his ears.
Though he had hoped your entrance into the room would go relatively unnoticed, he knew such a wish was moot when he immediately spotted Ser Erryk Cargyll dutifully standing guard beneath the entryway.
“Lord Harwin Strong of Harrenal, and his wife, Lady Y/N Tyrell of Highgarden, High Marshal of the Reach, and Wardeness of the South!”
Ser Erryk’s announcement rang throughout the chamber clear as a bell, and immediately turned most everyone’s attention in the room upon the four of you.
Harwin opted to ignore the curious looks and questioning sidelong glances thrown your way. It was rather easy for him, as he had never given much weight into other’s opinions of him, save the select few that he held most dear.
But not everyone was as free as Harwin was of such burdens. He felt you squeeze his arm tighter as the pair of you descended down the stairs. In response, Harwin imperceptibly pulled you closer to the side, hoping the subtle action would provide comfort when his words could not.
“Lord Strong!”
Lord Gunthor Darklyn, who was hovering near the bottom of the stairs, called up to him jovially. It was a rather odd spot for Lord Gunthor to choose, particularly when most of his peers made themselves at home in various other places throughout the large chamber. But Harwin suspected Lord Gunthor’s position to be strategic; perhaps he wished to be one of the first to greet the queen personally upon her arrival.
Lord Gunthor was a relatively approachable individual, and even Harwin had to admit that the man had an amicable way about him. He was younger than Harwin would have suspected upon first hearing of him. In fact, back when they had first arrived in Duskendale, and he was greeted inside the castle gates by the man who could not have been any older than five and twenty, Harwin almost mistook him for the current lord’s heir. Lord Gunthor’s dark hair showed no signs of graying, nor his face signs of wrinkles, save the small crinkles by the corners of his lips that had to have been caused by no other means than an abundance of smiling.
Lord Gunthor followed his verbal greeting with a curt nod as the four of you finished your descent of the stairs and came to a halt. “It is good to see you again, My Lord.” Suddenly, his eyes lit up. “Ah! Lady Tyrell! What a pleasure it is to make your acquaintance at last.”
“The pleasure is mine, My Lord.”
“It is a relief to see you safe and well. My Lord Strong was very concerned for you back at Duskendale. I tried to reassure him that your traveling delay might have had innocuous roots, but after so many days, he would no longer hear of it. He insisted on riding out to meet your traveling party himself, and I could not dissuade him… But I trust the journey from King’s Landing was not too strenuous for you in the end?”
Lord Gunthor Darklyn was a kind man, but not even kind men were exempt from having a prying mind. Thankfully, Harwin could always rely on you for a tactful and eloquent response.
“I regret to inform you that the delay was merely due to poor weather. The specific details of it all makes for a rather dull story, I am afraid. All in all, the roads were nothing short of a mess, and nearly untraversable. However, I am glad my husband decided to ride out to meet us. By the time I saw him, I am certain that he was as happy to see me as I was to see him- if only to affirm that we were closer to our destination then from whence we had come.”
“Traveling on land can be quite tedious indeed,” Lord Gunthor agreed vehemently, politely refraining from questioning any further. “I much prefer my travel on the open waters myself. I will admit that I am rather fortunate to have been born the heir to a keep by the sea, than one surrounded by land.”
“I have heard that you were nothing less than an exemplary host to My Lord Husband and our children whilst they stayed in Duskendale. For that, you have my sincerest gratitude, My Lord.”
“‘Twas little effort on my part. Our queen has spoken highly of your family for many years, and I have since learned for myself that her praise was not misplaced. My wife and I have not been blessed with children of our own just yet, but, the Seven willing, they will be half as well-behaved as your three.” Lord Gunthor’s line of sight shifted, fixating on Derrik and Selwin. “My Lords, it is good to see you again as well.”
Derrik and Selwin, having finally been addressed, were all too happy to return the greeting.
“My Lord, would you be so kind as to extend my gratitude to your wife as well?” you requested. “It is my understanding that she kept an eye on our children after Harwin decided to seek out my traveling party, and after you had departed for Dragonstone. I regret not having the opportunity to have spent more time in Duskendale; I would have wished to impart my sentiments to her personally.”
“Of course, My Lady. Lady Meredyth will be pleased to hear from you… Perhaps you and your family might arrange for another visit to Duskendale someday? The Strongs and Tyrells will always be welcomed in my keep, so long as it is under my command.”
“A very generous offer, My Lord,” Harwin conceded. “And one that we shall consider- once things have settled.”
“Yes, yes. Once Her Grace has reclaimed her rightful place on the Iron Throne, we shall all be free to discuss privileges such as leisurely travel once more. Until then, I shall leave you to it.”
You nodded graciously to Lord Gunthor as you and Harwin took your leave.
“Lord Gunthor seems kind,” you noted under your breath, smiling and nodding warmly as additional eyes fell upon you as your family ventured deeper into the room.
Harwin merely hummed in agreement. Lord Gunthor was kind, though perhaps too much so. Whilst he appeared to have nothing but honest intentions with his support of Rhaenyra, Harwin did not have the heart to voice his concern that he suspected Lord Gunthor to lack a firm resolve that might be needed in an actual time of war.
Across the room, Prince Jacaerys and Prince Lucerys were conversing quietly with one another. Prince Joffrey was nowhere to be present. Though he might have been deemed old enough to attend dinner the previous evening, attending a council meeting, and particularly one of such import, might have been viewed as a bit beyond his current capabilities due to his tender age.
Harwin decided to give his sons some reprieve by leading your family over towards the princes. Lucerys was the first to note your approach. His eyes lit up, and he quickly tilted his chin in your direction to alert his elder brother.
Jacerys turned, and though his initial response was one of pleasant surprise, Harwin did not miss the tight lipped smile that was reserved for him alone as the prince made his greetings. However, the gesture was still a significant improvement upon the several somewhat cold and distant interactions Harwin had had with the eldest prince the day before. Harwin was inclined to consider the observation a victory, no matter how small it was.
It seemed Jacaerys was just as eager for the council meeting as Derrik was, though he was a bit more successful in masking it. Regardless, Jacaerys quickly showed both of your sons over to the Painted Table. It came as no surprise to Harwin that both Derrik and Selwin seemed enraptured by it. As Jacerys and Lucerys proceeded to recount a bit of its history, in addition to explaining the meanings of some of the pieces currently placed upon it, you and Harwin lingered a few paces behind for some privacy.
So as not to be overheard, Harwin softly inquired, “What do you make of all this?”
He waited and watched patiently as your eyes flickered about the room, taking in the others present with quick but precise interest. All around you, various lords, and a few ladies, continued their hushed conversations as all waited for the imminent arrival of the queen. A few straying eyes found their way over to the lot of you, and once they did, you nodded and forced a polite smile to your lips.
Many, if not all, of the lords and ladies present were from noble houses of the Crownlands. Though many known supporters of Queen Rhaenyra lived beyond the region’s borders, not enough time had passed for any of them to have rallied troops or begun their marches towards King’s Landing, let alone set sail to Dragonstone. As from the Reach and Riverlands respectively, you and Harwin were somewhat akin to outcasts among the other nobility in the room. In addition to the cultural differences, which were certain to exist, your physical differences were marked not only by your physical features, but by your state of dress, and the manner in which you carried yourselves.
It was not at all difficult to believe that at least a few of the lords and ladies present would not immediately warm to your presence. Lord Darklyn was a credit to his kind, to be sure.
“There may be a few amongst us who are here for intentions less noble than upholding a sworn oath,” you speculated thoughtfully. “But Her Grace the Queen has clearly placed faith in the loyalty of all present… ‘Tis doubtful Prince Daemon would have let any of them step foot on the island otherwise.”
“He is notably absent,” Harwin pointed out, unable and unwilling to disguise the wariness he felt at the realization. “I do hope Prince Daemon does not intend to make a show of his late arrival. Again.”
Though no one was close enough to the two of you to have overheard, you shushed Harwin quickly. The playful glimmer in your eyes betrayed any malice your action might have conveyed. “The Rogue Prince is bold, but he is not unwise. A dinner is one matter, but he would know better than to interrupt a council meeting called by the queen.”
Harwin sincerely hoped you were right. But if there was one thing he had learned about the Rogue Prince’s behavior over their acquaintanceship of many years, the best way to prepare oneself was to expect the unexpected.
The sound of clinking armor and pounding footsteps suddenly reverberated into the room, silently announcing the arrival of additional members of the Queen’s Guard.
Ser Erryk Cargyll stood to attention.
“Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm!”
The queen was dressed in a simple, though elegant, black gown, embellished with a red collar. Though her sheer station alone would have demanded it, Harwin suspected that Rhaenyra would have had the ability to command the attention of a room without her title. After all, she had once been hailed as the Realm’s Delight. Such a title had not been given to any other Targaryen princess before her, no matter how lovely they might have been. Rhaenyra had always had a way of captivating the focus and demanding the attention of others, even when she did not wish for such things. As the physical epitome of House Targaryen, it was little wonder that there had once been hundreds of lords, knights, and even a few particularly brave common folk alive who had vied for her hand. In another lifetime, Harwin might have been one of them.
But, for as lovely as Rhaenyra Targaryen was, she was not you. From the very first day Harwin saw you, all those many years ago, he was not only taken with your beauty, but he was also enraptured with your spirit. And since that day, and for each and every single day since, Harwin knew beyond a shadow of doubt that no other woman, in the Seven Kingdoms and beyond, would ever, or could ever, compare.
As the queen descended the stairs, Harwin stole a glance at you, as he so often found himself doing. As his eyes flickered back to Queen Rhaenyra, and then back to you once more, he made a rather interesting observation. You had donned one of your very best gowns, one of hold. Still a color of House Tyrell, but indisputably more appropriate than green at the given moment.  It was intentionally chosen, that much Harwin was sure. You looked refined, and even a little imposing; both of which were well within your rights.
But the flowing cloth that draped freely over you in a very complimentary fashion contrasted harshly with constructed and unwavering black fabric of the queen’s gown. The vision you presented was something like water- ebbing and flowing over the obstacles that presented themselves, but always moving ahead. More aptly, Rhaenyra was like fire- forging forward, compelling everything in her path to yield.
One would be more hard pressed to find two individuals whose styles, both in dress and beyond, contrasted more. To all who were not known to either you or Rhaenyra, it most-assuredly provoked wonder as to how the pair of you had ever taken a liking to one another at all… But, as two women, who had once been but girls, that had been tasked with shouldering the burden of a legacy far grander than themselves, common ground had to have been easier to find than one might initially suspect.
Lord Gunthor bowed deeply before the queen as she passed him. “Good morrow, Your Grace.”
Rhaenyra acknowledged his greeting with a small nod. This was more than sufficient for Lord Gunthor, who rose with a near giddy grin upon his face.
Everyone in the room greeted the queen as she crossed before them, right up until she reached the Painted Table, when the room went eerily still. Though the princes remained where they stood, Derrik and Selwin slowly backed away as Rhaenyra placed her hands upon the surface, her palms digging into the stone. Her chin tilted upwards, and her violet eyes calculatingly scanned up the expanse of the Seven Kingdoms before her. Her kingdoms.
The occupants in the room, you and Harwin chief among them, watched in a curious silence as the queen gathered her thoughts. Then, Rhaenyra’s head snapped back downwards, her attention shifting the many faces surrounding her, as though seeking something, or someone.
“Maester Gerardys?”
The maester in question stepped forward without delay, coming to a stop near Lannisport. “Yes, My Queen?”
“What news of Lord Grover?”
“We have not received word from Lord Grover as of this morning, Your Grace. But it is my understanding that Prince Daemon still intends to treat with him personally. I believe the Prince is with Caraxes now, ensuring that his mount will be fit for the journey at a moment’s notice.”
“Take care to remind Prince Daemon that he is not to leave for the Riverlands without my command.”
“Of course, Your Grace.”
The Rogue Prince and Caraxes, flying over the Riverlands. Harwin nearly shuddered at the thought of what might occur should Lord Grover give Daemon even the slightest difficulty in securing his allegiance to the queen. The entire realm still whispered of what had happened in the Stepstones, and that had been a great many years ago. The thought of his homeland sharing a similar fate left Harwin feeling extremely wary at best, and absolutely dreadful at worst.
As Maester Gerardys bowed and withdrew from the Painted Table, Rhaenyra called out to another.
“Lord Bartimos?”
Lord Bartimos Celtigar emerged from the periphery of spectators, approaching the table with a similar haste to Maester Gerardys. The goblet in his hand hovered over his home of Claw Isle as he came to a halt to the queen’s right.
“Your Grace?”
“As mentioned the day before last, until I am able to access the royal treasury, it is likely that I shall be in need of some assistance with financial endeavors. Is House Celtigar prepared to assist the Crown in this manner?”
Lord Bartimos nodded curtly. “House Celtigar is more than willing to supply Your Grace with as much gold as can be spared. Which, as the Seven have long since smiled upon my house and my predecessors, is gold of a significant amount, I am pleased to report.”
“Once I reclaim the Iron Throne, I shall reward House Celtigar’s generosity by promptly repaying any loan that the Crown may incur. With interest.”
Lord Bartimos took Rhaenyra’s promise as his dismissal. He bowed, and stepped back.
The queen took a moment to analyze the map of the Seven Kingdoms before her. Her eyes scrunched scrutinizingly as she thought of her next move.
“Lord Massey?
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Over the next hour, Queen Rhaenyra called upon what seemed to be most everyone present. She made various inquiries about a great number of things, but based on the conversations that were had, many of the issues had been previously touched upon in the initial council meeting two days past.
You stood beside Harwin patiently, diligently taking in as much information as you could from what was being discussed- and whom it was being discussed with. As time drew on, a few notable moments stood out in your memory.
The young Lord Gormon Massey of Stonedance, who could not have been much older than Derrik, or Prince Jacaerys, and Lord Rydan Bar Emmon of Sharp Point, a copper haired man of about Harwin’s age, were questioned about their ability to garrison the Gullet from ships incoming from the South. Though it was questionable how effective such a defense could be, you had to admire Rhaenyra’s thoroughness. Though the Sea Snake had supposedly arrived in Dragonstone, he had yet to be seen. Furthermore, he had yet to make any formal declaration of support, as the queen often reminded her counselors. There was simply no guarantee that the ships hailing from Driftmark and commanded by the Lord of the Tides would act if called upon.
Both Lord Simon Staunton of Rook’s Rest and Lord Gunthor Darklyn of Duskendale were asked about how many swords they could have at the ready. They were small numbers, in comparison to what the Hightowers might have been able to muster in and near Oldtown. But both Rook’s Rest and Duskendale were far closer to King’s Landing, which alone was an advantage that could not be disputed.
The information exchanged throughout the council meeting was undoubtedly vital, and you strove to commit as much of it to memory as you could. However, it was more than a fair share of information one could reasonably expect to recall. By the time Queen Rhaenyra beckoned Harwin to the forefront, it took you a moment to realize he had been summoned at all.
Sparing you the smallest of glances, but what was reassuring nonetheless, Harwin removed himself from your side, and broke through the line of nobles lining the periphery of the room. He came to a stop at the edge of the table, no more than a pace away from the Eyrie, looked over to the queen, and bowed his head.
“At your service, Your Grace.”
His show of respect earned him a small smile from Rhaenyra. But, just as quickly as it had come, the queen’s pleasure faded as she visibly refocused.
“Lord Harwin, it is no secret that all present, myself included, have received proposed concessions in exchange for abandoning our cause, laying down our swords, dismounting our dragons, and swearing before my half-brother as the one, true king of the Seven Kingdoms. And yet, we have all chosen to waive any bribes or offerings in pursuit of upholding sworn oaths, and righting the grave injustice that has been done to me and my heirs… Am I able to take yours and Lady Y/N’s presence at this meeting as reaffirmation that you have rebuked the Greens’ offer, and that both of your houses will align with mine and my sworn allies in reclaiming my birthright?”
All eyes, yours included, flickered over to Harwin. Your husband contemplated his response for a few moments longer than what you would have preferred. But when Harwin finally spoke, the weight his words carried caused your brief uncomfortableness to be forgotten at once.
“I would not speak for my wife on this matter, Your Grace. In all the years we have shared, I have never spoken for her, nor do I ever intend to. She is a titled lady in her own right, with a name all her own. A name, as many in the realm would agree, that carries far more weight than that of Strong.”
Immediately, many pairs of eyes in the room fell upon you. You would not meet any of their gazes, as your focus was solely upon Harwin. You fought to keep your composure, but hoped that Harwin could sense the appreciation threatening to burst from within you.
“But as for myself, Lord Harwin Strong of Harrenhal, I will swear before you, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, First of Her Name, and all other princes, lords, and ladies present, that I will not be breaking faith today. You shall have the full support of House Strong, Your Grace, as I, and my father before me, have sworn and vowed to you and your father, King Viserys. Gods rest his soul.”
Hushed murmurings of “gods rest his soul” echoed throughout the chamber.
You dared to look at the queen, who gave no visible indication of how she felt in response to your husband’s proclamation.
“I must admit, I am touched by your words, My Lord. And your unyielding loyalty. My father always thought your father to be an honorable man- as did I. I am pleased to see that you truly are your father’s son.”
Harwin bowed his head once more, but this time, it was in gratitude. You knew that Harwin was likely to take Rhaenyra’s commendation as one of the highest compliments he had ever received. A favorable comparison to the late Lord Lyonel was nothing to scoff at, least of all to his eldest son.
Rhaenyra continued. “You say you will not speak for Lady Y/N, and I can respect that. Instead, I shall ask you about matters you can speak to. As Maester Gerardys has informed me, Lord Grover Tully’s true allegiance remains unknown. So I ask you, Lord Harwin- what say you if Lord Grover declares to support my half-brother as king? Are you willing to go against your liege? Would you ride into battle, knowing you may face Lord Grover on the other side of it?”
The queen’s question, while direct enough, was still a difficult one posed. You did not wish to believe that she had knowingly laid some sort of trap for your husband… But was Rhaenyra truly asking Harwin to publicly admit willingness to break the oath to his liege?
Once more, Harwin allowed himself several moments to ponder how best to answer. You were almost certain the passing time could not truly have been as slow as it felt to you, but you were still eager for his response nonetheless.
“Aye, I have sworn my loyalty to Lord Grover as my liege.” Harwin tilted his head thoughtfully, and his eyes fell downwards upon the Painted Table- towards Riverrun, you assumed, based on his line of sight. Then, his focus shot upwards, and he locked eyes with Rhaenyra. A firm look of resolve settled onto the handsome features of his face. “But I have also sworn to you, My Queen. And as the liege of my liege, I believe the loyalty of House Strong is ultimately owed to you. Lord Grover’s failure to uphold the oath he made does not liberate me from the responsibility of upholding the one I have made myself. Regardless of whom Lord Grover declares for, you shall have the support of House Strong, Your Grace.”
Visibly reassured, Rhaenyra's steely composure had finally begun to crack.  “I am grateful for your support, My Lord. Now that we have established where you and House Strong stand, there is another matter I wished to discuss with you. Though Lord Grover has yet to speak for himself, Prince Daemon insists that I have other allies that may yet be found in the Riverlands.”
At this, Harwin stood taller, his interest piqued. Then, he said words you had never dreamed you would ever hear from your husband’s mouth.
“I am inclined to agree with Prince Daemon, Your Grace. My mother was a Darry, my grandmother a Blackwood. I have written to both my uncle and cousin. Though I am awaiting their responses, I see no reason to believe that both House Darry and House Blackwood remain loyal to you.”
“If House Blackwood declares for our Queen, House Bracken will most certainly declare for the Usurper,” Lord Bartimos Celtigar chimed in.
“Let them,” Rhaenyra challenged, unbothered. “They will be dealt with in the same manner as all the other oathbreakers.”
“The point still stands.” Harwin redirected, “Like House Strong, regardless of Lord Grover’s decision, I truly believe you still have friends in the Riverlands, Your Grace.”
Jacaerys stepped up to the Painted Table. A small box placed aside of the map- covering a significant portion of the Blackwater Bay- was to his immediate right. He withdrew several pawns from the box before purposefully adding the new figures among the map. A pawn of deep black was placed upon Harrenhal, and pawns of gold were placed upon both Castle Darry and Raventree Hall.
As your eyes lingered upon the new pawns, and their position relative to among the other pawns already placed upon the Painted Table, Rhaenyra continued to address your husband.
“If we are headed for war, the Riverlands will be essential territory, Lord Harwin. If there are allies to be found there, it is apparent that not all of them have shown their true colors yet. They will need a safe place where forces can gather, a toehold on the mainland large enough to house a sizable host, and strong enough to hold against whatever forces the Greens might set against it.”
… Oh no.
“Prince Daemon has made the suggestion that Harrenhal would be the most suitable location for this purpose.”
Prince Daemon Targaryen volunteering Harwin’s ancestral home as a gathering point for the queen’s army, all while Harwin was not even present, sounded typical. Predictable, even. But as much as it bothered you, you were forced to admit that the idea had some merit. You had been to Harrenhal, you had seen the scorched towers and massive grounds with your own eyes. The keep alone was expansive, the neighboring fields perhaps even more so. Harrenhal would be more than fit to serve the purpose of hosting a great deal of men.
Perhaps what irritated you the most was that Harwin had been stripped of the opportunity to suggest the idea himself.
You suspected Harwin would have agreed to it anyway. But now that Prince Daemon’s suggestion had been laid before not only the queen, but the entirety of her council, Harwin had no choice but to accept.
“If that is your will, Harrenhal shall be at your service, Your Grace.” After a moment, Harwin added, “I only ask that you give me leave to return to Harrenhal, so that I may oversee the efforts myself.”
You did not know if Harwin meant for you to join him in Harrenhal. The idea of being separated from him for a long period of time was a rather bleak one. But if you were to be even remotely nearby any active fighting, you did not imagine that would sit very well with Harwin either.
“I will take that into consideration, My Lord. If a mustering of swords in the Riverlands becomes necessary, we shall discuss this further.”
“Of course, My Queen.”
“Lady Y/N Tyrell?”
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Harwin managed to catch your eye as you passed one another. As your shoulder leveled with his, he gave you what he hoped was a reassuring look.
He could sense you were still a little uneasy about the decision the two of you had made. He did not believe you had any sincere reservations about supporting Rhaenyra. But, and as obvious of a notion as it might have been, war did have risks. If war was truly what was to come- and if Harwin had gained anything at all from the council meeting thus far, it was that war was becoming an increasingly probable outcome- it would only be natural for you to want to be absolutely certain of your footing.
After you had brushed by him, Harwin gave a placating nod to Derrik and Selwin, who had begun to look a bit antsy themselves. Whether it was due to the length of the meeting, which Harwin felt confident his sons had not entirely considered in their haste to be treated as young men and demand to be able to attend, or by the fact that the focus in the room had shifted to their parents, Harwin did not know.
Harwin resumed his previous spot in the room just as Rhaenyra began her next line of questioning. From his position, his view was limited mostly to the back of your head. But every now and then, when you’d turn to address the queen face to face, he was able to catch a sliver of your profile. Despite the limited view, it was relatively easy for him to imagine the various looks upon your face by your choice of words and tone alone.
“Lady Y/N, as I have asked Lord Harwin, so too shall I ask you. Who does House Tyrell believe is the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms? Will you keep the oath that you, your brother, and your father have all made to me, or shall you break faith, and support my half-brother Aegon instead?”
“Usurper,” someone within Harwin’s earshot hissed venomously.
Harwin watched as you visibly stiffened. Pulling yourself up to your full height, you pressed on with a firm edge to your voice. “Like House Strong, House Tyrell will not break faith this day. House Tyrell has always been and shall always remain loyal to you, Your Grace. You are the realm’s rightful queen. Whatever you may require of my house, be it gold, grain, or men- you need only ask.”
To say Rhaenyra looked pleased, and even a bit relieved, would have been an understatement. Thankfully, only a few present might have been able to discern the relief on her face in the first place; Harwin’s ability to do so was a mere caveat of him having known the princess, and now queen, for many years. Regardless, the queen’s favorable reaction to your public proclamation of support gave Harwin cause to believe that you were not the only one who had had some doubts over the past few days.
“I am grateful to have the continued support of House Tyrell. Your father served as my father’s Warden of the South for many years. I hope you will be willing to serve as my Wardeness of the South for even more years to come.” 
“As do I, Your Grace.”
Prince Jacaerys reached in the box, withdrawing another black pawn. It most likely went unnoticed by others, but Harwin did not miss the way your focus seemed to linger- rather longingly, if he dared to assume- on Highgarden as the eldest prince marked it on the map as another of the Queen’s trusted allies.
“Now, Lady Tyrell,” the Queen redirected, “As Lady Paramount of the Reach, a great deal of lords and ladies of the South have sworn to follow you as their liege. And, as you have not broken faith today, I must ask- can we expect the rest of the Reach to follow your lead, and support in my effort to reclaim the Iron Throne?”
 Your head swiveled slightly, your chin lowering as you took in the entirety of the Reach’s representation upon the Painted Table.
“I wish I could guarantee such a thing, Your Grace. Though it is the duty of House Tyrell to keep the Reach united under your rule, it does not make the reality of the situation any less true. The Reach is not likely to unite under the banner of one ruler at all- not the Usurper, nor you, Your Grace. Old feuds and bitter blood run deep among those even in the land known for its chivalry. Should war come, the Reach will be divided.” “‘Tis hardly surprising, though no less disappointing, to hear,” the queen acknowledged. “Let us address the threats first- what houses of the Reach do you suspect will deflect and pledge their support to my half-brother?”
“There is the obvious,” you began, your voice softer. “House Hightower.”
Harwin could feel the entire focus of the room- his own included- channel upon Oldtown. If fifty pairs of narrowed eyes could have burned through its image, or perhaps razed the actual city itself, to the ground, such would have been done in that moment.
“House Hightower’s influence is too powerful over the region to be ignored. Unless they have formally declared otherwise to you in writing, I advise you to consider all other houses within ten or so leagues of Oldtown as supporting the Usurper, Your Grace.”
“Perhaps,” Rhaenyra conceded. “And what houses beyond the lands surrounding Oldtown?”
“There is also House Florent to consider. They have feuded with House Tyrell for centuries. Any cause my house openly supports is not likely to earn their favor. Like the Hightowers, they too hold sway over other noble houses closest to Brightwater Keep.”
House Florent would deflect and support the Usurper if only to spite you, Harwin mused to himself half-heartedly.
“There is also another, more personal, matter to consider,” you redirected. “In addition to House Hightower, House Florent, and all the other smaller houses in their proximity, I suspect I will be unable to call upon my cousin, Lord Garrett Redwyne, to uphold his vow. Not only is the Arbor relatively close to the Hightower stronghold of Oldtown, I also have cause to believe the Usurper has offered my cousin many favors in exchange for support of the Redwyne fleet.”
“It is alarming to hear of so many houses willing to turn against their sworn liege, but I appreciate your opinion and advice on the subject regardless. Tell me, Lady Y/N- all of these houses have sworn their fealty to you, and yet you believe a fair number will disagree with your decision to support my claim to the Iron Throne. These are lords and ladies you have known for years, and your own blood is amongst some of them. If there was to be war, and they are on the opposing side of the field, what would you have done with them?”
“‘Tis difficult to give a precise answer, Your Grace.”
“I beseech you to try. Tell me- when fires are reduced to sizzling embers, and when the smoke and dust has settled- what would you do with these would-be traitors to the Crown? You are their liege, regardless of whom they support as ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. ‘Tis not unlikely at all that you would have to pass judgment upon them for their crimes… How would you decide their fates?”
Harwin watched you with great interest, as did the rest of the room. The queen had posed him a few difficult, though entirely fair, questions when she addressed him earlier. Harwin should have known that you were not exempt from a similar treatment.
To your credit, and Harwin’s pride, you had a particular knack and skill for maneuvering through even the most difficult topics of conversation.
“It is the way of the South for all accused of a crime to have the right to a fair trial. I alone would not make a decision best left to the gods. But should those trials prove any of the lords and ladies, my own kin among them, to be traitors to the Crown, I sincerely hope that they would all receive a traitor’s fate.”
Harwin did not envy you having to carry out such a judgment- particularly when there was a significant chance he would be chosen as your acting sword in said proceedings- but such was the responsibility and duty of your position.
There was a look in Rhaenyra’s eye that Harwin couldn’t quite place. “Well put, Lady Tyrell…. But by now, we’ve more then enough talk of traitors for the day.” A few nearby quiet mumblings of ascent filled Harwin’s ears. “What other houses of the Reach can be counted on for support?”
You looked most pleased by the change of topic, Harwin observed. “I have written to my uncle and steward, Lord Elwood Meadows, to inquire further into this matter. I anticipate receiving word back from him by this time on the morrow. At  present, I can only speak truthfully to House Tyrell and House Meadows, both of which have already declared their support for you, Your Grace. And, while we have yet to receive any formal declarations from other houses, I believe we can anticipate the support of House Leygood. My good sister, Lady Lilyan, is the wife of Lord Cerran. As she too was once in your service as your lady, I believe she remains loyal to you still, Your Grace. And with Lady Lilyan’s support, should come that of her husband’s. In addition to House Leygood, I am well aware that House Beesbury - despite their closeness to Oldtown- and House Casewell have always voiced their support of your ascension to the throne.
A queer look flashed across the queen’s face. It was one that struck her so suddenly, she did not have a moment to adequately mask it.
You faltered, your enthusiasm deflating upon noticing your queen’s hesitation. “Does something ail you, Your Grace?”
“Aside from the obvious?” she jested bitterly, earning a few uneasy chuckles from nearby observers. Clearing her throat, she recomposed herself. “You have brought to my mind another matter I wished to discuss with you, Lady Y/N. While we do not have many eyes within the Red Keep who actively vye for my return, there are a few… We have already received several intelligence reports concerning the happenings within.”
You remained still, though Harwin could see the concentration plainly upon your face. You clung on to her every word, determined to try and detect what point Rhaenyra was trying to make.
The queen’s jaw tightened, her eyes narrowed as she came outright with the information she was clearly reluctant to share. “I have received several reports that lords and ladies, Lord Beesbury and Lord Caswell among them, have already been named as supposed traitors to the Usurper. It is said that they have been executed.”
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A/N: Thank you for reading🖤 part 3 should be up on 11/25.
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sunnysunnatko · 1 month
Hello dear friends! ❤🤍🖤💚
🍉I am Mahmoud Ayyad, a Palestinian from the besieged and destroyed Gaza 😭😭, coming from an extended family of young children, women and elderly people ❤❤ who have been suffering😭😭 for 300 difficult days from an aggressive war.
Our lives are harsh because we lack all the basic necessities of life. Everything has become scarce and unattainable. There is no food, no water, no medicine.
So, I ask you to help me keep my family safe and alive, especially after we had lost all our sources of livelihood.Please do not leave my family to struggle and suffer these difficult days alone. You can support my campaign by donating whatever you can or by sharing my posts to reach others who can help us survive the war to safety and peace. You are helping the lives of many people with your small contribution. Every donation makes a difference in our very difficult lives. But this is a legitimate campaign and has been checked by 90-ghost.
Mahmoud, thank you so much for reaching out to me.❤️
I sadly cannot donate, but i can spread this around and find people who are able to.
Moots and others, please boost this to help!🍉 Please reblog and get this to asi much people as you can
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starsarefire824 · 11 months
Ask for demons fic! I really hope Mike can learn to open up more about his trauma especially since in the latest chapter he slipped into his disassociate mode when with Will and kudos for Will seeing something was wrong. Also nice parallel of the byler scene low-key mirroring the madwheeler scene when Max clued in Mike was switched into a diff mindset.
Hope Troy is able to get the help he needs or maybe even pays Richards a not so friendly visit since he finally faced/stood up to his dad. Cuz if it wasn't for Troy's dad being an unsafe adult then Troy could've had a smidgen of the support Will has in regards to his pain.
I love Will being patient with Mike even though he's jealous and for Mike to loudly express that despite his bond with Troy, Mike actively chooses Will to be with in the end and how excited he was that Will trusts to be more intimate with Mike. You really write Mike all adorably cute which shows even more the tragedy of his past/current self. The "could have been should have been" had Richards not got to him.
NYC is proving to be good for the boys and I can't wait to see Byler literally aid out all their demons but I enjoy the process of taking baby steps as opposed to rushing all in. Mike actually is taking his time and reflecting and Will isn't freaking out and navigating cuz he's been through it before. So sad to see its almost over 😭
I agree! I think Mike has made some headway, especially with finally being able to open to Will and clue him in to the actual truth. But yes! I think he still has some things he’ll need to tell Will and also, just for himself too so that he can break out of some of his bad habits, not hurt Will in the same way he hurts Troy, and also learn to not degrade himself because it’s what he was told was his worth by an abuser. At least, I think in the latest chapter, it felt like he’s willing to take the first step, which can be the hardest.
We’ll have to see where that goes once he and Will spend more time together.
Oh God, what I would pay for Troy to give Richards a not so friendly visit!!! Could you imagine? I have to say, your absolute disdain for Richards really is so lovable. We could think of all the horrible things he deserves. I am not sure if things are going the way they expect or not, but I hope they like the outcome! 🤞🏼🤞🏼
Im so fucking stoked you think this Mike is adorable??? That makes me thrilled and yesssss I think Mike choosing Will, making that decision, is so important for him.
I think babysteps is right for them. Everything has been so intense between them since the beginning but i think they both realized somewhere along the way that they both have their issues and desperately want things to work out with each other so they are both choosing to be patient and take their time with each other in a lot of ways which im not sure is either of their, especially Mike’s, normal state.
I am so sad this one is coming to an end too! I think it might be one of my byler fics i am most proud of, and it feels good that some people have also been enjoying and have stuck with me until the end!
Thanks Lex always for your kind and thoughtful comments/insight! I always look forward to it and deeply appreciate it.
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aces-and-angels · 2 months
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artwork by raghad qanou follow: @rhq2744 verified ✔: no. 221 on el-shab-hussein/nabulsi's sheet
dear moots/lovely lurkers- please read 🖤
raghad has finally reached the very first milestone in her fundraiser! that's right gang, thanks to the continuous support of friends/strangers alike, raghad's family has raised a whopping ✨£5,095✨as promised, here is another beautiful original by miss raghad herself 🖤
for those who haven't gotten a chance to meet her yet, please allow raghad to introduce herself in her own words:
Hello everyone, I am Raghad Qanou, a second-year human medicine student at Al-Azhar University in Gaza, or rather, I was like that, before I lost everything, literally everything... Before the 7th of October, me and my family [8 members] were living in our cute house in the Shujaiya neighborhood in Gaza, after huge suffering to repair it and return to living in it after it was destroyed in the 2014 war on Gaza. My family and I were forced to leave our home and forcibly move under fire 7 times so far! All this to escape death and hold on to the last shred of hope for a decent life! excerpt from raghad's gfm campaign page (read full story here)
i first met raghad sometime in june after she messaged me here on tumblr. one of the first things she shared with me (besides her name lol) was this piece:
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title: waiting for a ceasefire "only hope and art keep us alive here in gaza ...." -raghad qanou
since then, we've been able to chat a handful of times-- i told her how much i loved her artwork and she excitedly shared even more of her work with me
raghad is a talented artist- a loving sister- a diligent student- a wonderful daughter- and someone who deserves a chance to live a life worth living. her whole family does
they continue to suffer through horrific living conditions and rely on y'all to help carry their burden. to reveal yourself so vulnerably to the world is far from easy. so often, we are told to grit our teeth and push through whatever ails us in silence. but this is a type of pain that cannot and should not be felt alone. and it will take everyone to band together so we can begin to heal
raghad's campaign still has a long way to go. to help things move along, i am proposing another art reveal ✨
if we can get raghad to £15K- i will unveil another beautiful piece from her collection of artwork!
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as of posting, raghad's family has raised £5,095 / £55,000.
for those able, please consider donating by clicking the link below + share this post so others may get the chance to help out too 🖤
tags for reach below cut (note: sorry gang, ik we're not really moots. if you're here- it's cause i pulled people from a post that promoted a gfm in the past. please let me know if you do not wish to be tagged in future posts. no hard feelings, truly 🖤)
@juneybug @kodigobacktosleep @apocalyptic-dancehall @imnotthepersonyouseek @toonirl 
@kingofthebookcase @kazehita @yonch @pinkdreamscape1 
@king-dail @caseys-soup-corner @shoogachi @killy @missusmousse 
@j0ckhead @whoopsiedaisy20 @squidie-tittie @dreamingamongthestars @trexpel 
@mischief16 @foulharbor @draginfyre16 @tangerinesteve @3amsnow 
@fruitpuddle @wallsong @selkiesmile @suzakus-canon-wife @turquoisewavesstitch
@loutrem @thatlethalsoul @visemes @orange-coloredsky @dweamdoodles
@just-a-girl-0001 @samrobotize @aunty-matter @gamelpar 
@roachie-paradise @queruloustea @ehjane @firebird963 @butchdykekondraki 
@dinofur @cthulhu-with-a-fez @purplenickel @ysngie @paper-mario-wiki
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bughazard · 1 month
Making my own post for this since the original is super long--
I'm supporting this Palestinian fundraiser! Please view the above post for more info and proof that its real!
Donate HERE! -> https://www.gofundme.com/f/qanoufam
Send me proof that you have donated at least 5 pounds and I will send you a sticker of choice from my shop! 10 pounds gets you two stickers, etc!
(stickers are sent via USPS with stamps and untracked, international addresses are fine!!)
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jaysng · 8 days
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out🖤
To my dear eunnie, thank you for being the kindest person ever. Cheering me up when i was struggling in school. Giving me advice, and being my first ever moot<3
I hope we can continue to grow our friendship and get closer in the upcoming future!! Ily pretty angel💗🫶🏻😔
omg yall 🥹🥹🥹 i love her sm man. 🫶🏻🫶🏻😖😖
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steph-schuyler · 2 months
Hello dear friends!
All the positive words cannot express how generous you are, especially in sharing my posts to inform other donors about the people of Gaza who are still suffering from the terrible conditions caused by the unjust war on Gaza!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support you are giving to help Palestinian families stay safe and alive. ✌✌
We collect such donations to provide the minimum basic needs of life and help find safety and peace for young children who do not deserve to live in such horrific situations. Thanks to your contribution, my family is slowly approaching 1/2 of the way to reach the goal. Every form of your help makes a difference to the free people who have been struggling and paying so much for almost 305 hard days
Please continue to support the most just cause in the world either by donating directly or by sharing the link to let others know. Don't hesitate to help people in difficult and miserable times until the dark days are over.
whos your favourite fictional character?tell me in the comments!
@mythologicalreader @ahappygiftedbabybee @sonni-the-silly @andpeggyschuyler-blog @conequette @constant-bi-panic @k-is-for-potassium @schnitzelsemmerl
@ all my moots
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starsarefire824 · 1 year
Oh shit!!! So excited you’re liking it!!!! 👀👀🖤🖤
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tiny-sorceress-madz · 2 months
Hi Madz! Just passing by to check on you. I miss you so much❤️ I hope you’re doing alright and you’re having a great time with your family and friends. How is the pregnancy going?
Love you😚
Hi love bug!! I miss you and all my moots tons! 🖤 I’ve been lovely just super busy :) the pregnancy is going amazing, I’ve got 15 weeks left until my due date so somewhere in between 12-16 weeks until I have him! I’ve been working full time still and that’s been incredibly hectic but I love my coworkers thankfully. I’m also in the middle of moving into my new home so that just adds the cherry on top but I’m so excited to get it all prepped for my little one to get here 🥰 I hope you’ve been doing good! Feel free to message me any time I’ll always reply as soon as I can 🥺🖤 love you too dear!!!
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aces-and-angels · 3 months
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verification source | verification source follow hamza: @hamzaahmed21
dear hamza + family,
thank you for sending me this message:
hamzaahmed21 asked: Donate or Share 💙 https://www.tumblr.com /hamzaahmed21/754246009111117824 /hello-my-name-is-hamza-al-absi-a-32 -year-old?source=share Verified by nabulsi @/nabulsi and @/90-ghost
i appreciate you taking the time to reach out to me! may this post help out you and your loved ones so you that can all get to safety 🖤
everyone, for those who haven't gotten a chance to meet him yet- this is hamza! i will allow him to introduce himself with his own words:
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"Hello, my name is Hamza Al-Absi, a 32-year-old from Gaza. I am a husband and a father of three children. Well, there were three, but I lost my eldest son, Osama, two years ago to leukemia (blood cancer). He deserved treatment for a year and a half, took his chemotherapy, fought the disease, and had a recovery period, but the disease returned, he had a strong relapse, and passed away. I couldn’t treat him again due to the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip, which even affected patients with urgent, serious conditions. They refused to treat him, and he died in the hands of his mother and beside his younger brother, Saif. My son could have been treated, but when his turn came to get the treatment, it was too late. I cannot express the pain of losing an eldest son, and my wife still cries for him every day. It’s a continuous pain that never leaves us."
hamza has put a lot of care/effort to share his message with us- please show him your support by reblogging his full story here. i strongly encourage my moots/lurkers alike to check his gfm page as he has written an update for us on june 25th -> his family's situation has gotten more dire after being displaced for the 6th time. please allow him to tell you his story himself by visiting his donation page
for those able- please consider donating. hamza's family is still very low in funds (€1,683/€21,000; ~8%) and he has already had to use some of those donations to cover the cost of living- which has gotten to be very expensive/unaffordable
to help boost visibility- here is a poll. do not vote until AFTER you share this + follow hamza!
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angelbambifemme · 2 months
HELLO!! HI!! How are you today? Sorry to bother you but i'm searching for sapphic moots and friends and i looove your blog and aesthetic, would you mind if i talk with you? ^^🖤
Hi there dear! Of course, I love making new mutuals and talking to them.
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