#death note autism post
riverrunscold · 1 year
Death Note plot really is just an autistic person who's constantly masking vs an autistic person who has never masked in his life
also ryuk's there
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autismswagsummit · 1 year
Wheel of Doom Round 2
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ryuzakjis · 1 year
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no way ryuzakjis post whaaaaaaa
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burn-4u · 2 years
I think the real message of death note is that autism is the only thing standing in the way of evil
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liquidpaperfoundation · 2 months
Just read the one-shot death note manga where Watari talks about what it's like to live with L and the amount of autism mom vibes I get from this are truly staggering
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audhdreviews · 1 year
You ever get so hyperfixated on something you're like "everyone in my life could abandon me and I'd be okay with that. Infact I'm not going to put in any effort to keep people in my life anymore because nothing else is important to me. I'm going to lock myself inside my room and never go outisde again and if anyone tries to interact with me im gonna say i have a headache" or are you normal
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undergoing-mitosis · 5 months
L doodle
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he is too silly for this world
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uselessandgay · 2 months
The L arc of Death Note is just a long-form sapiosexual yaoi between a sociopath and an autistic savant
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matcha-goblin · 1 year
I think Light and L are a decent illustration of why the "high functioning" label doesn't work as a way to categorize autistic people* (with the important caveat that they are fictional characters, neither of which are canonically autistic). Spoilers for Death Note.
Light (operating under the theory that he is autistic) would definitely be labeled as high functioning: he does well in school, could hold down a job, date, live on his own, and most importantly he can Act Normal (aka he masks really well). But the second important reason that he'd fit the label is that he wants to. He tries hard to blend in and be successful and function well according to neurotypical standards. The ability to do this is one thing and willingness to do it is another.**
Enter L. He is highly intelligent, skilled at deception and psychoanalysis, and has an interest in observing other people's behavior. I think that if he wanted to, he could very well pass as neurotypical and therefore earn the label high-functioning (because let's be honest, that's what it really means). But he simply doesn't give a shit. People would call him "noticeably autistic" or "socially impaired" instead. Not because he is necessarily impacted by his autistic traits more, but because he doesn't actively work to hide his autism from others.
This means that Light doesn't get the support he clearly needs for his mental health, is unable to form genuine close relationships, and is bored and unfulfilled by the neurotypical success he chases. It also means that L is underestimated, not taken seriously by co-workers, and babied by his guardian. Making assumptions about people's support needs based on how thoroughly they are masking is harmful. In the case of Death Note, it leads indirectly to mass murder and the untimely death of everyone involved haha.
* If this is the first you've heard of it, I recommend doing some research on the problems with high/low functioning labels elsewhere before worrying about this post, it's kinda a bad first-time explanation haha.
** Important note that inability to mask effectively isn't an indicator of worth, and people who can't pass as neurotypical and/or get labeled as "low functioning" shouldn't be belittled either.
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beatcroc · 2 months
my secret tumblr superpower is i can make+tag one single text post about an anime i watched and then it gets 1k
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toonfinatic · 2 years
The decision to make L Death Note as autistic coded as humanly possible was such a good one. Truly one of the most relatable characters in all of fiction. He just sits weird and eats desserts all day in comfy clothes. Whenever im in social situations i feel like L Death Note
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somerandomdog511 · 3 months
Death Note Notes
I've been watching death note fore a while now and I have many things to say.
Firstly the first intro change in the anime sounds like it's saying the f slur. It's funny to me for no reason whatsoever.
Second, I would be crazily into this if it followed L's pov because I'm kinda tired of Light being so plain. He needs to get his memories back for the sake of my sanity (nevermind he got them back while I wrote this).
Third, I love Ryuk. He's so silly. He may look ugly and scary but I want to give him all the red apples while asking him about the demon realm. I also love L. I used to sit like him a lot when I was younger so the nostalgia really hit me.
Forth, I'm so sick and tired of the way Light treats Misa. Girl you deserve so much better. I know I could treat you better than he can cause any girl like you deserves a gentleman. Anyways she could do so much better and she's a model. You could get yourself a better man just by walking outside.
Lastly, Light has the power of killing someone and all he does is give people heart attacks. If I had that power all of them would be freak accidents. If he did that he could have gotten away with it.
Anyways, if you made it down here have a cookie 🍪 and a pat on the back. Not many can stand my info dumping.
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whibnee · 1 year
haiiii guys :3 i'm whitney welcome to my blog!!!
i am a syshost and schizoaffective, and i have autism and bpd. i will talk about these things occasionally ^-^
i am a genderfluid bungender demigirl!! i use any pronouns and any neos but my favorites are she/bun/pika!!
im gonna post a little bit of everything but my special interests are pokemon, twice (ot8), spongebob, death note, and inuyasha!!
if you wanna read my carrd to see my triggers and a little bit more about me you can read it here!!
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soichirosgayson · 1 year
me after reading death note: wow its crazy that i do so many of the things L does! haha so crazy ! does this mean i could’ve been the worlds greatest detective in an alternate universe ehe;3
my assessor to me a few weeks later: You do meet the diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder :)
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lilypads17 · 1 year
what if death note/yandere sim crossover hmm. what if ryoba's case was a bit of a "guilty pleasure" case for L to sit and rotate in his mind because he FUCKING KNOWS she's responsible he just has no evidence. what if giving👏 taro👏 more👏 trauma!! what if L/info-chan weird ass sibling relationship. hmm. what then
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izzytheace · 1 year
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