#death to nadakhan
localguy2 · 2 years
Currently fucking around, and finding out with my AU.
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Jay and Zane finally reconcile.
You have no idea how excited I am now that I'm finally writing the scene I've been thinking about since like January
Can't wait to share the full chapter with yall
(Context in the tags)
#Hi welcome to the context of this scene let's just start immediately:#Okay so#Zane lashed out in Jay's and Nya's face when he found out about Echo and small bits of Skybound#And Zane doesn't talk to them because of it unless it's for their own survival#Jay and Nya can't look Zane in the eye or even be neat him#They immediately glance away#This goes on for 8 whole days#During which Echo dies#And Zane starts blaming himself for it even tho he couldn't do anything#(even tho he couldn't do anything but old brothers am I right?)#And by this point Zane isn't even mad at Jay and Nya anymore#He's had time to think about *why* they even hid Echo from him#And after he listened in on them explaining the events of Skybound to everyone else while he was busy repairing Echo (before he died)#He suddenly started feeling horrible about himself#He couldn't bring himself to blame Jay and Nya or be mad at them#Because they tried to just forget about Nadakhan and run away from those memories#Something he's all too familiar with#Last time he tried to forget and runaway from trauma#It resulted in the events of Ninjago:Decoded#In which he locked the memory of his death so well#That it evolved to become the Digital Overlord virus again#And it almost cost him his life#But Jay and Nya were there for every step of the way until he regained proper control over himself#And he feels especially bad because Jay and Nya don't have the excuse of being a nindroid#So yeah that's it#ninjago#zane julien#jay walker#nya smith#Chapter 1 of TSP:Hunted is almost done and I can't wait to finish it (currently sitting at 9.7K words and breaking 10K is a guarantee lol)
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kamisama1kiss · 4 months
I got another one for you, how would the ninja react if an enemy insulted their S/O and like calling their partner weak and stuff? To make it more interesting I added a list of villains, you don’t have to do this one with the list but you can if you want to
Lloyd it could be Harumi, for Kai, aspheera, Cole- Vangelis, Jay-nadakah, Zane-Nindroids? (You can change this one) and for Nya, kalmaar
I added the list to like make it their worse enemy so they can get more angry and such, idk if you wanna do this or not but I wanna hear your thoughts on this
Hehe, I love requests, so never stop coming with them 😚🙏
How would they react to their partner being insulted by the enemy in the middle of a battle? {Ninjago Addition}
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~ Lloyd Garmadon ~ {Harumi}
"Your so-called lover happens to be weak and... not much of help, can't we say?" Harumi says with a snarky grin, Lloyd stood grinding his teeth.
He tried to stay calm for the longest as he could, taking a deep breath as the facade cracked, and he lounged at her. Showing the little mercy he had left in him as the ninja he so proudly called himself.
Ways of simply saying it, he could never allow his anyone to talk down the once he cares about, no matter who said it.
~ Kai Smith ~ {Aspheera}
"You've both sssshowned sssuch little ssstrength, even the one without powersss won't reach anywhere in life" She laughed at Kai, finding the both of them weak. His eyes paired red with rage, raging into an aggressive battle of almost death and living.
When someone Nya any words, he gets overprotective but knows she can handle herself, but since his partner does not have this power, his overprotectiveness reaching a new limit none of them knew he had.
~ Jay Walker ~ {Nadakhan}
"They can not do anything right." He told Jay when his partner had been knocked out from Nadakhan himself. His hands became more electrifyingly warm before his attacks became unhumanly fast, as lightning some might say.
Never in his Jay's life would he let someone just simply get away with being negative, his hair even standing up at some point as if he was struck by lightning. It showed how he felt upset without saying so.
~ Cole Brookstone ~ {Vangelis}
We know all know how Cole got his like extra cool power upgrade in his season, yeah? Well, this extra salt in the wound by Vangelis's words made him only crack faster to uphold his potential. "Pathetic being of a human, absolutely astonishing how weak." was screeched by the butcher version of a King to the ninjas lover.
Having already lost someone important to whom he had no control over, feeling so absolutely lost and vulnerable. Clenched hands with a scowl resting on his features, this would definitely not slide by his side.
~ Zane Julian ~ {Nindroids}
"Haha! That was just sad to watch. Even a toddler is more capable of a simple task." The nindroids hollared to themselves. Never once had he felt truly upset for the first time when it had been with you.
Not because of you but rather what someone had told you, yet he lost his cabels and wiring over his own limit. With the collected nindroid, he is. Freezing every last one of them.
~ Nya Smith ~ {Kalamaar}
Gosh, she adored you as a lover she is. Rather, not surprised when seeing her rather aggressive movements with the sushi look alike strutting around on his tentacles as he talked as if his words meant anything. "Such awful attempts of helping go back to helping the other fishes. At least then you could maybe do something right." He spat.
She stood fiurius, uneasy breathing as she stood up against him. Similarly to Kai, she lost her senses and went to attacking him until someone held her back.
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iloveacronix · 8 months
Of course, there's more deleted concepts, but these are some that I often think about, especially Echo Zane(my precious baby) turning out to be Mr. E(would've been so cool), Lloyd killing the Overlord by himself after Garmadon's death, and Nadakhan coming back. Imagine Jay seeing Nadakhan again? Him having flashbacks would've been lit. I also think about Ronin's daughter- actually, I think I made her design like last year in my mind(since she was never introduced). I'll see if I can re-design her if im in the mood, all I remember is that I made her red head. Red heads are rad. Dunno if I should consider her as an oc, even if Ronin DID mention his family in Way of the Departed, im still not sure if its canon or not.
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spinchip · 11 months
(Memory wipes are temporary death imo. Fake-outs thrown in for fun.)
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vivilingriphyn · 7 months
Hey! I got a question, Whoever tried to attempt to kill Jay or hurt him, what would C!Nadakhan will do or react?
(Omg, I'm already fell in love with your AU already!!! It makes me wanna draw more fanarts for you because of this AU)
To answer your question directly, it very much depends on whether or not Jay is dying or not but here's a lil scene of one of the methods that C!Nadakhan often uses it.
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C!Nadakhan's preferred method is usually changing the enemies appearance into Nadakhan which usually does the trick Jay enough to keep going. It's like putting on a skin on game character(s). And a lil fun fact is that C! Nadakhan those very often even without someone to threaten Jay's life which has its side effects...
But it all honestly jus depends whether it would actually kill Jay or not, if not C!Nadakhan would let Jay's wounds bleed and fester but not to the point of Jay ending up dead, but close enough to death that C!Nadakhan would have to burn Jay's wounds to stop the bleeding. Whether that would mean literally or mentally like say self-hatred, it would redirect Jay's hatred from himself to C!Nadakhan by any means necessary. If that doesn't work C!Nadakhan would have to resort to extreme measures.
Here's a lil thing I wrote that sort of shows C!Nadakhan resorting to this. The Sham | Ch■■ feel free to have a read.
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error501blog · 5 months
I just simulated the Hunger Games Here's the Summary
The Bloodbath No deaths occurred.
Day 1 No deaths occurred.
Night 1 Iron Baron and Morro track down and kill Kai. Cole dies from hunger. Acronix throws a knife into Jay's chest.
Day 2 Pixal and Mr. E fight Morro and Harumi. Pixal and Mr. E survive. Chen shoots a poisonous blow dart into Dareth's neck, slowly killing him.
Night 2 Chen repeatedly stabs Misako to death with sais. Ultra Violet, Pixal, and Skylor get into a fight. Pixal triumphantly kills them both.
Day 3 Master Wu repeatedly stabs Krux to death with sais.
Night 3 Zane falls into a pit and dies.
Day 4 Nadakhan, Mr. E, and Faith unsuccessfully ambush Pixal, Nya, and Lloyd, who kill them instead.
Night 4 No deaths occurred.
Day 5 Nya severely slices Master Wu with a sword. Clouse accidently steps on a landmine. Garmadon kills Iron Baron for his supplies.
Night 5 Acronix kills Chen with a hatchet. Pixal bashes Lloyd's head against a rock several times.
The Feast Nya attacks Cyrus Borg, but Garmadon protects him, killing Nya.
Day 6 Acronix attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death.
Night 6 No deaths occurred.
Day 7 No deaths occurred.
Night 7 Cyrus Borg dies trying to escape the arena.
Day 8 Garmadon falls into a pit and dies. The winner is Pixal from District 6!
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ghostlysundae · 5 months
How Seabound both succeeds but ultimately fails at conveying its themes of sacrifice:
Getting this out of the way first, I love seabound, I firmly believe its one of the better written and most beautifully animated seasons. However there are flaws in its writing that tend to bug me upon each viewing, and that's its handling of Nya's character arc regarding sacrifice. There are definitely things that Seabound does right but there's also a lot it does wrong; most of the flaws coming from one character in particular: Maya
Maya, as charming as her character can come off, represents a fundamental misunderstanding of Nya's character. If any character is gonna understand sacrifice and what it means its gonna be her. It's frustrating watching Maya assume Nya's never had to make a big sacrifice and be portrayed as right about it when she simply just isn't. Over the course of the show Nya has always been greatly aware of sacrifice and what it means. She watched Zane die to defeat the overlord Rebooted, gave up samurai x in Possession, and in Skybound she gave up her safety so Jay could do what he needed to do to save everyone which ended up leading to her death. A death in which she was willing to allow if it meant Nadakhan would be stopped. Nya understands what happens when there's no good choices, and there's not really any strong evidence to suggest she wouldn't. This shows how little the writers actually pay attention to her, and its honestly pretty disappointing given this was her first and only focus season.
Now of course this isn't to say that the the seasons themes don't work, they do their job and tell a good story, there are just places where the story could definitely improve. Like, the narrative somehow acknowledging everything Nya's sacrificed rather than acting like Maya's right in assuming she's never had to in the first place. Also, I personally would have liked it more if they had put more focus on her relationships outside Jay and her biological family; something the show rarely gives us. I honestly have more to say when it comes to Maya, as well as Ray, but all that deserves its own post and has more to do with season 7 and ninjago's tendency to overuse storylines so I'm going to just end this here.
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Can you tell me more about your bad endings au? Like, from where in the timeline are each of them? Cole is probably either from the day of the departed or that fall from season 10 but I don't know about the others lol
dlfahslhfjhkehjkhldfds yes! and you're absolutely right about where Cole's timline split lol
Cole - during DotD, the ninja forget about him as in canon, but he doesn't go after Yang. this means they don't get attacked by any of their past villains, but Cole also doesn't go through the rift because it's never opened in the first place. so he spends a few years wandering around ninjago forgotten, until he finally snaps and goes after Yang. the details after that are a bit blurry, but he uses dark magic to become human again and "kill" Yang. after that he goes after the ninja and becomes one of their enemies, though they still can't remember him
Kai - his timeline splits the earliest out of all the ninja, meaning that he is the baby of the group. during the volcano scene in s1, where he would have saved Lloyd and gained his true potential, he doesn't. he went after the fangblade instead, but that meant his version of Lloyd died. they still manage to defeat Pythor and the Great Devourer, after that the ninja basically shun/reject him because of what happened to Lloyd. he ends up running away and becomes this lone vigilante-type figure who stops crime in hopes of "atoning" for Lloyd's death
Nya - during s6, Nadakhan kills Jay. she ends up going through through the rest of the season alone as the rest of the group are picked off until she's the only one left. she doesn't go to the lighthouse or gather up people to help her though, and goes after Nadakhan on her own. she pretends to be his bride and kills him at the wedding with the venom. then she escapes, or maybe sinks the ship and kills the rest of the crew. either way, she continues being the last remaining ninja, since the rest of them were in the sword when the ship sank, and is still doing that when multiverse shenanigans happen
Jay - also from a s6 timeline! the season goes exactly as it did in canon, but he doesn't use his final wish to reverse the timeline. he uses it to wish he was far away from Nadakhan. so he gets his wish and immediately regrets it because the rest of the ninja are still with Nadakhan. when he finally finds his way back to the ship he learns that the rest of the ninja are also dead. he tries to start a resistance to stop Nadakhan but fails and ends up doing it on his own. he's still trying and failing when the time twins arrive, who cause the entirety of ninjago to go to ruin, which is also about the time he'd meet the rest of the alternate ninja
Zane - the ninja don't go after him in s4. they assume it was a prank or joke. so Chen's plan fails and he keeps being held prisoner for years. eventually he escapes, somehow, kills Chen, and gets off the island. at that point the oni trilogy has passed and he realises how long it's been. he becomes really bitter towards the ninja for not even trying to find out if he was alive and actually starts to hate them, though he can't force himself to become a villain, so he just. doesn't let them know he's alive. he doesn't go to the monastery or help behind the scenes, he just goes back to his father's old workshop and lives there. he probably got a decently happy ending compared to the others actually
Lloyd - Garmadon actually succeeds in killing the ninja when he destroys the Bounty, so the earlier parts of the season just play out as in canon. they gather up a resistance and try to fight back against him, but then Nya gets executed and he's the last remaining ninja. he continues with the resistance, and when he finds the remains of the Bounty also finds that his brothers are dead rather than evidence that they're alive. this doesn't go well, obviously, and he starts bordering on insanity and vowing to kill Garmadon. he shuts out Misako and the rest of the resistance and is just about to go after Garmadon when he gets pulled into the multiverse
and now we arrive at when these versions of the ninja would meet each other. I'm still not sure on the details, but they end up in some sort of multiverse in-between space and attempt murder on each other before they sort everything out. none of them particularly want to stick together, but Lloyd convinces them. they figure out a way to go to different universes/timelines together and try to find one to live in, as well as going back to some of their original universes to cause chaos
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Unforgettable past part 1
Summary: Jay destroying himself more and more after skybound
!!! WARNINGS !!!
Uhm... We have lots of things here. We have mentions of emotional and physical abuse, self harm, sexual harassment, panic attacks, traumatic moments, self hate thoughts, thoughts of suicide, anger, bad language and curse words, smoking, heavy drinking, mentions of one night stands and abusive sex. I think that's all but tell me if i forgot anything.
You have been warned so don't read this if you are uncomfortable with those things. Now the responsibility is yours.
Writer: So, i wanted to write this thing from winter... It's summer here... I don't even know why it took me so long. Anyway, it's finally ready now. It's the dark fic i was talking about in this poll for anyone who doesn't remember or for people who didn't know about it.
Also it's the story i was referring to in this recent post:
**After Skybound**
As we all know, after Jay's last wish, Nadakhan returned to Tyrahn's tea pot and everything went back to normal. Ninjago citizens forgot everything and they just continued living normally, like nothing ever happened. No one remembered a thing, except Nya and Jay.
Nya had nightmares every night but she decided to ask for help for once. She isn't a person who likes asking for help, she mostly does things alone but she knew that she had no other choice this time. Going to therapy was a healthy thing to do, she didn't want to use other coping mechanisms. She even started talking to Kai. She didn't tell him everything about Skybound but still it was something. Nya was strong enough to realise and finally admit that she needed help. If she learnt something during possession and skybound it's that she doesn't always have to do everything alone and letting someone help her isn't a bad thing. At least she learnt her lesson after all the stuff she'd been through.
With Master Wu, Kai and her therapist's help and support she managed to remain sane. She even did the first small steps into becoming healthy again. It took time, lots of effort and it was very hard for her but success doesn't come for free, it needs hard work and Nya knew that very well.
Jay on the other hand.... He did the opposite thing. Jay found the opportunity to destroy himself completely. Why? No one knew, no one remembered. He didn't want to talk to anyone. Not even to his friends, neither to his... family,
nor to Kai.
Kai, his best friend since forever, had never seem him in such a state before! And he was worried. Nya didn't know what happened to Jay in Nadakhan's ship... No one knew because Jay never told them, no matter how many times they tried to approach him and talk with him. He was becoming distant, building his walls.
His usual happy and cheerful self was gone. He was like a different person! He even asked Nya to give him a break. A break from a relationship that had barely started. A break from a relationship that Jay wanted this whole time. He didn't even want to hear Wu's advices. Cole and Zane had no chance with him. Neither Lloyd could find out what was the problem.
They knew that Jay had been a prisoner in Nadakhan's ship because Nya told them. But no one knew what actually happened there. Only Jay remembered those moments and he could never forget them.
Nadakhan broke Jay completely and took away his happiness. Poor Jay was so close to give up. He didn't actually believe that he could survive in this life for any longer. He lost all hope. That's how his cigarettes became his "friends". He first started smoking after Zane's "death" at s3 but now he started doing it uncontrollably. Kai even found an empty bottle of alcohol under his bed once.
This was the current situation:
Jay doesn't listen to Wu, he avoids and ignores his friends, he pushes everyone away, and Nya? Once she finally decided to give him the love he desperately wanted for so long... He doesn't want it anymore. He doesn't deserve it, no. He knew that he lost himself and this new Jay would hurt everyone around him. Mostly the old Jay who was still somewhere deep inside his heart but too deep for him to reach.
Jay thought that he was stuck in a loop-like situation. He still desperately wanted to feel loved and desirable and special and cared for by someone... But he thought he couldn't...
Someone who doesn't love himself can't be loved by others.
Nobody actually cares about you.
Who would ever love someone as pathetic as you?
You are useless. Only a burden for those who pretend to care about you just because they pity you!
You're not worthy of my pity... You're not worthy of anyone's love...
That's all that Jay knew and all he could think about 24 hours per day. That's what he kept saying to him and what Jay's mind repeats, day and night, since then.
Instead of getting the love and affection he wanted, he got the complete opposite. So, after that, he started having meaningless one night stands with just... Whoever wanted him. He chose this way to feel some temporal "love". This wasn't love... This was just lust. It meant nothing. It was just cold, rough, painful, almost abusive sex. Jay got used to that pain. Even a little addicted. Addicted to this feeling of humiliation, pain and torture.
A part of him wanted to quit and try to become healthy again. But he didn't feel like he could do it. He didn't even know if he had the choice anymore. He just continued falling in the arms of any man who wanted him. And who could say anything since is was his own choice? Jay just kept breaking his own heart more than it was already broken.
During most of those times he was kinda drunk. It felt somewhat good since he wasn't thinking clearly. But the next morning when he was sober again... When he found himself naked, cold and alone? He hated himself! He wanted to rip his own skin! The self-harm scars on his body forced him to use tones of makeup to be able to hide them.
And the same scene was repeating itself over and over again. Jay, laying on a huge empty bed, alone, cold, naked, shivering and crying... He just lost count of all the times he returned home late at night, dizzy, hurt and broken. His already revealing clothes ripped from his own anger and bursting.
What kind of person was he now? He said that he had no idea. Oh, but he knew... He just didn't want to admit it.
He blamed himself for everything. He didn't think that he deserved to be a ninja anymore.
Kai's heart was breaking more and more every single day. He couldn't stand watching his precious best friend like that anymore. He hated all the times he had to hear Jay's footsteps at 3 am. He knew that his friend was going down the wrong path.
He desperately wanted to help Jay get out of this madness. He just didn't know what to do. While he was her "personal therapist at home", Nya told him all that she knew about Jay during skybound but it wasn't enough. Something extremely bad had happened in that ship but he didn't know what. He had no idea what made Jay's heart break like that. His mind though of every possibility. Just not of the one that actually happened. No, it couldn't be... right?
Kai definitely wasn't an idiot. He wasn't naive either. He wasn't delusional. Kai knew how cruel this world could be. He knew how much darkness was out there. He knew how unfair and painful life could become sometimes. He just didn't expect that his beloved Jay had to go through something like that. No, this was too much for him to even think about it.
He promised one thing though. He would find out the truth behind Jay's current behaviour. In a period where everyone was mad at his friend, he would find out what happened in that ship. He wouldn't leave his friend's side no matter what. Never. Especially now that Jay needed him the most.
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master-jarrus · 12 days
I made a mistake-!
I listen to Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack while thinking about ninjago
I know I won't write it though
Someone take it from me
Kai and Skylor and Will and Elizabeth in the first movie
I mean he's literally a black smith
And her dad literally runs an island
Garmadon is Jack but he is looking for his son and wife who disappeared
Of course they disappeared after Wu thought in his defense against Garmadon's fits he killed his brother
But he didn't know his brother had intentionally gotten himself cursed so he was undead
Idk much past that for Curse of the Black Pearl
For Dead Man's Chest and At World's End
Roles change a bit
Jay would be Will and Nya would be Elizabeth and Calypso
Nadakhan would be Davey Jones
Delara became one with the sea as a sacrifice to give Nadakhan control of Wojira and her death binds Nadakhan to the sea and wojira
Delara is the sea though and was always with him
But in her binding wojira she cause Nyad to be reborn as Nya
If you seen the movies you can guess where this is going
I actually haven't gotten to watch On Stranger Tides and forward but I know the gist
Lloyd would be Jack Sparrow
Harumi would be Angelica (or whatever Black Beard's daughter's name was in the franchise)
As for Black Beard I think I would do Garmadon possessed by the Overlord but I know I won't actually write this
I know they find the fountain of youth but like in order for one to live forever someone else mist die and I am sure Lloyd would canonically pick Harumi to live forever over his dad especially after Crystalized even if it was the possessed version of his dad
Dead Men Tell No Tales I don't have enough info for so I really can't say what I think would happen and how it would work
It would probably involve Garmadon or Morro though
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amour393 · 2 years
see after scrolling through the beloved jay walker tag I'm now thinking of the bad!skybound ending where nadakhan wins and everything is terrible, in which
Instead of the whole "I wish this never happened" shtick, jay wishes for nya to be healed. he can't risk losing her
Naturally, though nya is healed, nadakhan twists it so it doesn't lift the delaara curse
Nadakhan takes over and fixes up djinnjago to be his palace and stuff, fixing the ninja as his centerpieces
I feel like he wouldn't kill jay though
At first, he wants to
Wants delaara to kill him
Wants him to watch as it's nya's hands, but not her eyes that finally end him
But then he decides against it
Jay has caused so much trouble for him, caused the destruction of his realm, the betrayal of his crew- death would be far too merciful, he decides
I think he would reinstate jay to his status when he was prisoner aboard the misfortune's keep, except I think nadakhan would make him serve delaara
At first jay isn't too extremely opposed, at least initially
At least he still gets to be around nya, he figures
Maybe he can save her, remind her of who she really is
he soon learns it's far worse being around her when its not her, when shes nothing but a shell, than it ever could be without her
Delaara is cruel- I mean, she likes nadakhan, she has to be, and she knows how to hurt jay
The third time he tries to save nya, to remind her of who she is, she plays along, and when he finds out it was all fake, losing that hope hurts worse than he ever thought it could
Jay only tried to escape once, and when he failed, nadkhan brought Ed and Edna before jay and turned them into statues
Guys that was not in the original plan this just gets more and more depressing
one day there was a rescue mission launched to save jay
It's a combination of the elemental masters, old friends and allies-
It fails miserably, and nadakhan turns them into statues before Jay's eyes
Jay likes to pride himself on optimism, but that's the day he lost the last of his hope
He stopped hoping people would save him- he couldn't take seeing anyone else he knew frozen before his eyes
Eventually he starts to think he deserves it all
It's his fault anyway, right? He made the first wishes. He kept the secrets. He couldn't save nya then and he certainly can't now
So eventually Jay's resigned. This is his life until nadakhan and delaara get bored of him and finally put him out of his misery
Ok ok so I have this headcanon/theory that delaara possessing nya is exactly that- a possession. It looks exactly like when bansha briefly possesses misako in grave danger- and I feel like it's the same thing
One day jay trips (because he's exhausted and overworked and broken) and he spills water all over delaara
It's not enough to fully break the curse, but it's enough that the green eyes flicker and when jay looks at delaara it's nya who looks back, her eyes warm and brown and scared, he's never seen her this terrified
She manages to unlock his chains and choke out a gasping "run, jay, please run, I cant- I can't- jay, help-"
Not to make this feel like a fic but GUYS I CAN FEEL IT I CAN FEEL THE-
She hissed, recoiling at the water, Jay already gasping his apology, daring to glance up at her-
But it's not Delaara. It's not. He knows those eyes, he does, FSM, he thought he'd never see them again but-
"Jay," she shudders out, Nya shudders out, falling to her knees and wrestling Delaara's keys into the vengestone locks. "Jay, run, please, I-" she gasped, fingers curling in against the wooden floor. "I can't- she's too strong, Jay, I can't-"
Running is the last thing on his mind, as he rushes forward and he grasps her hands and tears burn his eyes and her lifts her head but she pushes him away because "I can't stop her, Jay, get away from me, you need to go, please run, RUN-"
He falls back and Nadakhan appears as Delaara wrestles back into control
Anyway anyway ANYWAY WHAT IM SAYING is that now he can't leave. He can't even try. Nya is in there somewhere and he can't leave her. He can't
The scarse times that Jay gets water are now only when he's far away from delaara
And this is all a prison for nya too because she's locked in her own head, watching as Jay- sweet, dorky, anxious wreck with a sharp tongue and a heart bigger than she's ever seen Jay- is forced to live in absolute misery, as he's hurt, as he's cut off from his power, as he watches his loved ones fade and fall one by one, as he looks up at her with so much hurt
They're sixteen. Sixteen
Anyway. I don't know how this ends its too sad to think about. Yeah
Give jay a hug
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enavstars · 2 years
Hello! I've been following your blog for a bit and I was wondering what exactly Lloyd in Siren and Pirates AU looks like compared to the two siblings? Does he have any other differences compared to normal sirens or any immediate telltale signs that he's a hybrid? Also are there any other characters like Skylor, Ronin, or even the Overlord? I can imagine Ronin potentially being a side threat as a siren hunter or something, but the roles could still be different too. Speaking of which what exactly are Wu and Garmadon doing since Misako's dead?
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Lloyd is mostly human and his features are noticeable but he can hide them easily, people just tend to think he has a weird illness. The reason they don't think he's a hybrid is because humans can't reproduce with sirens, but Wu and Garmadon , being demigods , can shapeshift, that's why Lloyd is the only hybrid in the world.
After Misako's death, Wu and Garmadon kept doing what they always had, travelling around the world watching it change along the creatures in it, always without being seen themselves. Wu is curious about humans and is usually near them while Garmadon sticks next to the sea life. Garmadon also often visits Lloyd.
They are considered Sea gods by humans and each town worships one of them, the "good" one (the other sibling is considered the "evil" one).
Lloyd gets to have a normal, calm life in this AU because he deserves it!
As for other characters, I decided that captain Soto is going to be the Bounty's old captain that's going to be kicked out eventually.
Other pirates are Nadakhan (he's human in the AU), Chen and Iron Baron.
Nadakhan is a really smart and manipulative pirate that, despite having only one ship, is very powerful and feared.
Chen is trying to build the biggest army and already has a lot of ships under his command. He's a potential threat but the emperor won't do anything against him yet. Skylor is with him until she joins the Bounty's crew after Chen's defeat.
Iron Baron is a pirate but his crew focuses on hunting sea monsters, including sirens.
I like the idea of Ronin being a siren hunter and I thought that the people of the town of Stixx are also siren hunters because they live in siren territory. Stixx also produces the best sea monster hunting technology.
Said sirens are the ghosts of season 5 (they're alive of course). The preeminent is an abnormally big siren (twice the size a normal one). Morro is also a siren and he is obsessed with finding the legendary siren Wu.
Harumi is the princess of the biggest kingdom in Ninjago (the other one being Shintaro) and she wants to get rid of the pirates because pirates killed her biological parents. She also wants to kill all sea monsters and hires hunters without the emperor's knowledge.
Lastly, Echo is a noble like his older brother Zane who ran away from home shortly after him to find him.
The Overlord can be a sea monster ig
That's all extra characters I have for now.
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ninjago-sideblog · 1 year
Skybound had so many good ideas and concepts that I really like the season for. On the other hand, it fumbled like 80% of those ideas soooo hard that makes me want to cry.
(suuuper long indulgent rant about Skybound underneath cut read at your own risk)
Nadakhan is my favorite villain in a bubble. He’s this disgraced djinn prince who runs away from his home realm to become one of the most feared pirate captains in Ninjago and when he tries to return home, it’s all crumbling. He then exacts revenge on those who destroyed his home by manipulating them and toying with them psychologically, eventually trapping their souls in a sword? Badass, right?
Except that all of this cool characterization is contradicted and bastardized left and right. The season dumbs down the ninja instead of making Nadakhan smarter so he can win. When he gains the ability to make his own wishes, he resorts to immediately killing everyone. His obsession with Nya is really weird considering that she was the one who CAUSED Djinnjago to get destroyed.
Jay and Nya’s character arcs are really interesting too. In a bubble. Jay has to step up as a leader after all his friends were taken by this guy, who he has to face after he kidnapped and tortured him. He fucked around and found out the hard way and has to make up for it. Nya continues to struggle with her identity and coming into her own as a ninja and not having Samurai X to latch onto. They both have to fight to keep each other safe and make sacrifices and fall back in love.
Once again though, this is all fumbled and explored in a way that makes me tear my hair out. Jay is a selfish obsessive whiny asshole who’s pining for Nya is super uncomfortable and annoying to watch instead of cute or relatable. Nya is an even bigger asshole than he is. She lets Clouse get away in the beginning to throw a tantrum on Jay, which causes Nadakhan to be freed in the first place. She causes Jay to nearly get killed by the Tiger Widow and then get kidnapped/tortured, all because she was mad at him.
So many other plot points and character choices make me so upset it really detracts from the season as a whole. To name some:
Kai’s ultra inflated ego/obsession with social media and girls
Forcefully inserted misogyny
All of the prison arc. All of it.
Ronin betraying the ninja for the police. I get he likes money, but the ninja saved his ass and he is a known criminal. Just a weird place to take his character.
The ninja turning on Jay immediately and effectively sacrificing him to the ultra deadly giant spider
Cole and Lloyd being unceremoniously/anti-climatically removed from the season so Jay and Nya could be alone
Marriage plot (specifically Delara and the marriage plot only ever being used as an excuse for Nadakhan to fight with Jay over Nya which is really gross)
I wish Delara was explored more and was not a creepy Nya clone for Nadakhan to drool over, ew
Cole, Lloyd, and Nya using up their wishes immediately in really stupid ways
Tonal whiplash from the goofy lighthearted first half of the season to the dark hopeless second half
Echo Zane (before the Echo fans come after me, I like his character, but he just introduces a lot of plot implications that are never resolved or addressed for a character who has like 10 minutes of screen time max and never gets to come back)
We never learn why Cliff and ‘Libber’ abandoned Jay with the Walkers. Cliff obviously cared about his son, he made a shrine for him in his dressing room, so why did he never contact him before his death? What happened to Jay’s mom? Did Wu know? It’s annoying to have this plot point, only for it to never be explored in the whole show besides a line about being adopted in Prime Empire. Maybe we’ll get some context in Dragons Rising, but I doubt it.
We were robbed from a rematch between Captain Soto and Nadakhan
I honestly wouldn’t mind the ending, if it wasn’t for the fact that the writers can’t decide wether everyone remembers the alternate timeline or not. That and it’s seems like the events of Skybound don’t effect Jay and Nya in later seasons like at all besides a wink and a nudge at the viewer. Once again, Jay was kidnapped and physically/psychologically abused and tortured, and Nya straight up died. They are the only people who (completely) remember and gained what should be a massive amount of trauma but nope! Lloyd has more on-screen/canon trauma over Harumi than Nya does about DYING or Jay does about TORTURE. Again, I don’t think that Dragons Rising will explore this to any extent either.
I also don’t mind the whole trapping the ninja in the Djinnblade thing, I just wish the ninja could have had more screen time. Either by keeping them around longer before trapping them, or showing what inside the sword was like idk
Nadakhan and Jay are kinda weird because I’m not sure why he singled him out out of all of the ninja. I know the Doylist answer is that Jay is the focus character for the season, but I find it weird that instead of getting the other ninja while he could, he wasted a lot of his time toying with Jay on Misfortunes Keep. Why didn’t he just kidnap all of the ninja on Tiger Widow Island instead of giving them a chance of escape. His obsession with Jay could have been easily explained or explored it it never is?
TL;DR, Skybound is a mess of really good and really bad ideas Frankensteined together in the messiest, laziest way they could. I still like it quite a bit, but I would be lying if I said it didn’t frustrate the hell out of me.
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delara25 · 9 months
Nadakhan and Jay cursing at each other be like:
Cw: cursing and inappropriate language
Nadakhan: You are the most annoying creature I have ever met in my entire excistance!
Jay: Can day the same about you. 1800s called and they want your hairstyle back.
Nadakhan: At least I don’t look like a fucking loser like you, you fucking ginger!
Jay: listen up you orange djinn! Your skin is like the color of orange and it looks ugly as hell!
Nadakhan: At last I can pull up a beautiful girl, what can you pull?!
Jay: Your Mother!
Nadakhan: Mu mother is death you intoralente piece of shit! Also your bio parents are death too!
Jay: Wt…. I though only my father was death….
Nadakhan: She died cause of your ugliness.
Jay: You son of a bitch! At least my girlfriend hasn’t died like yours!!
Nadakhan: I’m gonna fucking end you, you junkyard boy!!!
Jay: Someone has been a bit of a drama queen.
Wanna part 2?!?
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ashersdestiny · 1 year
Tumblr media
HIIIII IM BACKKKKKKKK!!! so I'm probably gonna do these shoulder arts for the main ninjas but I don't really know, maybe when Im bored I'll probably do these but not the mains but who knows, but anyways JAY WALKERRR my baby boy that I wanna kil- I mean love, my favorite boy
Lloyd's next >:D
So so, headcanons;
¹. Heterochromia, blue eyes are eyes when he posses his elemental, and the other one is blurry for him because of what happened, which makes him half-blind
². The earring; at first it was supposed to be Nya's gift before her death, it is shaped as a tear drop to represent Nya's elemental power. Because of the grief, not only he got closer to water, he wears it so if nya somewhere can see it; nya and jay wear the same earrings, Jay's on his right and Nya's on her left ear
³. The gold clip is a gift from cole for his birthday present that jay till this day cherish
snake scales from his transformation didn't completely remove all snake features
⁴. Lichtenberg scars from using his elemental power
⁵. Clips on his shirt so it doesn't slip during battles because he doesn't want the others to see his scars from Nadakhan's torture
⁶. Eyes glows because of his element
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vivilingriphyn · 7 months
Since C!Nadakhan and Nadakhan are different from each other. Does C!Nadakhan has a different personality? Does C!Nadakhan Invincible towards others, except for Jay?
Honestly there are a lot of Differences between C!Nadakhan and Nadakhan but if it's about their personalities, I would say they're the same but C!Nadakhan is worse than Nadakhan by 10-100 depending on how much it wanna fuck with Jay especially on his appearance, and C!Nadakhan's fear of death is amplified as well, since it’s sentient and self-aware enough that if Jay dies, it would die too. And since it's sentient then there is potential that its personality can develop beyond just being a more terrifying, horror version of Nadakhan. And unfortunately no one else can see C!Nadakhan except for Jay… For now that is.
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