#deception 🎶
blueey-jayzilla · 4 months
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Can u tell I've been watching Jem and the holograms?
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aheathen-conceivably · 5 months
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🎶 Don't you know too much already? I'll only hurt you if you let me 🎶
Giorgio stood in the doorway, watching Josephine unbuckle the bows of her red shoes. There was nothing in life that brought him more joy than seeing her in front of him. She had walked these floors for months, treading on them like a shadow; but it had been as though her footfall made no sound, her face a mask of mere existence rather than life. But now, there she stood, so vivid and alive that he had hope she might be able to be herself again, both for her sake and his own.
When he had written to Antoine, he had never dreamed this place would plunge her into such a state; truthfully he hadn’t even comprehended the depth of his deception. Antoine’s letter had caught him in his own state of immense depression, his failed efforts and isolation sinking him so deep into a hole that he hadn’t seen a way out. Then the letter, like a blinding flash of light that they could be here, that perhaps it would all work out, and he wouldn’t be alone. So he had written back. Must find work. Perhaps he had hoped that it would be enough of a warning. Perhaps he hoped it wouldn’t. 
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But for every stifled apology, he had told himself that admittance would only serve to take the blame off of his guilty conscience. It was the price to pay for his sin, and confession would do no more than further wound her when she was already so broken. Looking at her now, he told himself that the truth would ruin her tenuous reemergence. Then she would slip back, and he would slip back; then maybe they would all slip away, and he’d have nothing again. He’d wake to find her gone, and now she was here, standing in front of him the way he’d imagined every night they were apart.
So he stifled another apologetic admittance, this time telling himself that it would be his last, and walked toward her.
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For the first time in months, she leaned toward him, a movement both of them immediately registered as unspoken longing. Still, she kept her hand on the bow of her shoe and spoke without turning around, “Quite an improvement to how I must have looked all these months, isn’t it?”
He ran his hand up her leg toward her hand, which felt as though it had been waiting there for exactly that, “Jo, you are wonderful to me, always. I don’t care what it is you look like as long as you’re here, as long as you’re happy. I just want you to be happy, okay? I just want to be able to take care of you.”
He had responded so quickly that he hadn't even thought to carefully select his words the way he usually did. Part of him panicked, expecting her to pull away in protest. Instead she stayed locked in his arms, the anticipated rebuff coming in the form of a derisive sigh and retort, “I can take care of myself just fine, Gio.”
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In another life, in another city, her words would have stung. But they were filled with a self aware strength and half hearted mockery that Giorgio hadn’t heard in months; so instead they made him smile. “I know you can, mi raccomando, I know; but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to, to make sure you have the best life I can give you. I just want you to be happy, Josephine. I promise you.”
Finally she turned toward him, angling her face downward and keeping her eyes closed so that she wouldn't have to meet his eyes, “I know. I…I do too. I don’t want to fall back into that hole. I want to be happy here, with you. I’ll try, I promise. I’ll try as much as I can. I have to, for myself, for Lottie.”
He wrapped his arms around her and spoke into the narrowing space between them, “That’s all I can ask you to do.”
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cybertroniannugget · 6 months
Gift Giving Bumblebee x Reader
Dec 6
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Look at that cute face
Fyi, I make sure to always use real lyrics for Bumblebee xD List at the end as proof.
Spotify is my best friend when writing Bumblebee.
As much as I love him, writing the bay version is tough. Always searching for lyrics that fit.
It's a little rushed, but better late than never right?
It's pure fluff
🎶Give it to me baby-Boots with the fur-tonight🎶1
“You want my boots?”
The yellow scout nods, pointing at your shoes.
“I mean sure, but why?”
🎶It's a wonderful surprise🎶2
“But that's no American tradition though.”
🎶Cuz I don't care🎶3
“So you wanna gift me something through St. Nicholas Day?”
🎶I love you, always forever🎶4
“Love you too, Bee. I'll give you my boots later, alright?”
He buzzes excitedly.
“Ey Bee, I need you on patrol with me.”, Jazz talks over the comm link.
Bumblebee’s antannae fold back and he whirrs a little annoyed.
You pat his cheek, smiling.
“I know, we rarely see each other, but this is important. I'll be here for a while.”
Another sad buzz echoes from his vocalizer, before he transforms and drives away.
Later in the evening you receive a message from Bee, asking you to put your boots outside your door.
“Okay, that's actually cute.”, you chuckle while walking outside.
Hearing someone round the corner you quickly walk back inside, leaving your shoes where Bee asked you to put them.
He has been busy lately with training under the new agreements between earth's government.
Daily exercises for the soldiers where they have to learn how to fight Deceptions.
And when he wasn't busy with that, he had to go on routine patrols.
When you wake up the next day, the first thing you do is checking outside to find your boots filled with Christmas chocolate and a note saying ‘I love you my honeybee’
Quick on your way back inside with the shoes in your hand, you put them down onto a chair, admiring what has been put in them.
“Oh, he even bought new headphones.”, you say, holding the packaging.
Taking your phone out of your pant's pocket, you dial the access code for his comm link, holding the device to your ear, waiting for him to respond.
“Bee, that's very cute, but you didn't have to do that..”, you say as he picks up with an excited buzz.
🎶I'm hopelessly devoted to you🎶5
“Where you at right now?”
🎶By the hangar🎶6
“Alright, wait for me there.”
A few minutes later, you walk into the wide open hangar where that yellow Bot you have grown to love stands waiting.
“Hey there, Bee.”, you say smiling.
🎶How was it for you-Christmas present🎶8
“It was so sweet, thank you Bee.”, you say while walking up to him.
The scout crouches down to be more on your level and whirrs happily.
🎶Because I'm happy🎶9
You smile as you stand before him.
“So, gift giving?”
The scout buzzes confused.
“It's your love language.”
His optics widen, antannae standing up now as you said that.
“Don't worry, I love you too Bee. I figured something was up.”
Hugging him, as much as the size difference allowed, you couldn't stop smiling.
🎶You can be my safety zone-Nothing can come between You and I🎶10
You chuckle as you look at him, a hand on his cheek.
🎶You ready?🎶11
“Let's see how the others will react…”
Bee chuckles.
Here's the proof guys:
1 Pretty fly for a white guy-The Offspring
Low-Flo Rida
don't stop me now-Queen (obv)
2 Friday I'm in love-The Cure
3 I don't care- Ed Sheeran&Justin Bieber
4 I love you always forever- Donna Lewis
5 Hopelessly devoted to you- Olivia Newton John
6 Hangar- 8485
7 Hello-Adele
8 How was it for you-James, Christmas present- Doris Day
9 Happy- Pharrell Williams
10 The Ocean-Mike Perry & Shy Martin You and I- One Direction
11 Price Tag- Jessie J & B.o.B
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Finally, it's done! Warrior Nun Season 2 trailer. Non-spoiler (creates as if you've seen the first season but you can also be new to WN), heavier on the Avatrice focus.
I had never actually watched any WN S2 trailers previously, mostly because I was hooked on S1 and went right into S2. But I wanted it to be a fresh take with this score, and editing audio to make it more deceptive to what actually happens in S2 if someone was a first time viewer.
Update: I have since watched official S2 trailers and I was shocked by how much plot they gave away. 😂 So I'd say mine is a pretty opposite: give very basic plot outline, but throw in lots of out of context lines.
🎶 We Run This Town version from the movie 365 Trailer
Highest quality is up on YouTube as an unofficial trailer:
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fever-dreamer97 · 1 year
Izuku: I know you know that I’m not telling the truth. I know, you know…they just don’t have any proof.
Bakugo: Do not start singing Psych-
Izuku: 🎶 Embrace the deception, learn how to bend, Your worst inhibitions tend to psych you out in the end! 🎶
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the-doctor-3000 · 2 years
Imagine. . . Dracula gaining feelings for the 4th Sanderson Sister (You)
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A/n: So, it's spooky season and I thought of writing a crossover between Van Helsing 2004 and Hocus Pocus.
Also, after reading some Hocus Pocus fanfics, I noticed that write the 4th sister aka Sanderson!reader as a good witch and I thought. . . What if this wasn't the case? What if she was like her sisters *after* their death?
Side note: The mc has the same powers as Winifred (hypnotic voice, spell casting, magic, potion brewing, bibliomancy etc) but she also has the ability to see the future (that kinda explains the spell she will do)
The year was 1693 and y/n Sanderson had escaped from the execution. Her sisters, though, weren't that fortunate. But for her sisters' death- she too did a spell. Ensuring that if her sisters failed the first time, to be able to be ressuructed once again. Making sure that Salem would never find peace and all the people there, no matter the time, would pay.
Currently, she found residence in a small cottage into the forest beside a Transylvanian village which was ruled by the Valerious. What the family and the villagers didn't know, was that she would cause them even more despair.
At day time, she appeared to be an innocent woman who wanted to help people but this facade would always fall by night.
She was wearing black garments and a cloak which covered her entire face. Like the thief in the night, she wandered the village and that's when the singing begun.
🎶Come, little children, I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment.
Come, little children, the time's come to play,
Here in my garden of shadows.
Children started walking out of their homes, wearing their nightgowns, looking as if they were in a some sort of trance. Y/n smirked wickedly.
Follow, sweet children, I'll show thee the way,
Through all the pain and the sorrows.
Weep not, poor children, for life is this way,
Murdering beauty and passions.
The kids followed her.
Hush now, dear children, it must be this way,
To weary of life and deceptions.
Rest now, my children, for soon we'll away,
Into the calm and the quiet.
She reached her cottage, the children walked inside one by one as y/n continued the spell and the potion was ready.
Come, little children, I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment.
Come, little children, the time's come to play,
Here in my garden of shadows.🎶
When the last one walked inside, she closed the door. After minutes, a bright light came out of her window and the children were nowhere to be found. Only she was there. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and she was young.
Before her sisters' execution, she was against the idea of taking the life force of innocent children. The first one was a girl named Emily Binx. Poor thing, y/n thought. But after what they stripped her sisters away from her- she grew bitter and hated humanity.
Taking the children and their life force was one of her many ways, and the most cruel one, of revenge. To show everyone how you felt.
Thay day- when y/n took the younglings, she thought no one was watching. Until a quite handsome man dressed in black clothing and his hair were pulled back in a ponytail appeared in her doorstep.
She straightened her back, her chin raised high proudly, and went to address him, "Now that is a surpise. What brings thee, a vampire, here?"
"Ah, so you know what I am." he spoke, his Transylvanian accent visible "But I am not just any vampire. I am Vladislaus III Dracula."
The woman laughed, "I know who thou are, dear, I am a witch. I know things but I simply don't care." she sighed as she finally calmed down "Now, what do you want, Impaler? Ypu should know better than coming to a witch's home uninvited."
"I've noticed your method of gaining enternal youth."
"Here to gawk? If you came here for a tittle-tattle then you may as well leave cause I have better things to do." she smiled a fake smile "Bye-bye!" as she closed the door but Dracula placed his foot and walked in forcefully.
"I'm not here for chatting."
"Then what do I own this outrageous visit?"
"I am in need of your aid. ."
"Go on."
"I need your help to bring life to my children."
She raised an amused brow, "Oh? Necromancy then." she tapped her chin in feign thought "Hm. No. That would cause the end of humanity."
"Isn't this what you want? Avenge your sisters' death?"
"I want them to beg for death to come to them." she barked at him, her eyes gleaming dangerously "Killing them will be far too kind. No. I want to torture them. Slowly and painfully. I want them to lose everything they loved, to feel like I felt." she turned away from him "As for my vengeance, I already planned something special but it is for the future." she glanced at Dracula as she magically opened the door "I'm sorry but you came here for nothing. You better leave before sunrise."
There was something in her. That hate. That fire. Her behaviour. Dracula couldn't help but feel attracted to it. No one had ever spoken to him as such, others would be too scared to do so.
"Not completely for nothing." he spoke smoothly, he walked up to her and kissed the back of her hand gently in goodbye "May we see each other soon."
Before she could question what did he mean, he had already disappeared.
"What just happened?" y/n said to herself, her cheeks red
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
Welcome the New Arrivals!!
I know all of them have been floating around on dash but I just finished their profiles and wanting to officially introduce them and their faceclaims~
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❣️: I’m so tired…long shoot day *pouts*
Introducing Eros, Greek God of Love, Desire and Sex!!
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💘: I haven’t put my makeup on yet but I couldn’t miss out on golden hour 🥰
Introducing Cupid, the Roman God of Lust, Love, Desire and Sex!!
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🪦: I feel so pretty today *giggles happily*
Introducing Hel, Norse Goddess of Death and Ruler of the Underworld
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🔮: *shy smile and bow* h-hello
Introducing Hecate, Greek Goddess of Magic, Witchcraft, the Night, Light, Ghosts, Necromancy and the Moon!!
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🐍: Look at this pretty necklace someone gave me 🥰
💘: You stole it-
🐍: *hisses* anywaysss~ I’m off to cause a little chaos here and there~
Lastly introducing Loki, the Norse God of Mischief, Trickery and Deception
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I need school to end-
possible new residents: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤] @faywithlove @theinvitation-bot @badbf-cb @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️] @clubwnderland  @supernaturalcb  @domxbot @fantasyaespa [💚🐈 && 💎☀️] @thepatchedpaw @dawnswonderland-entertainment @k-dislyte​  @chooseyourboycb [🔪❤️‍🩹] @divineblood-cb @urtwice @welcometosector1​ @mxthxbot @lunaaofthemoon @littleboywooyoungie @musiclovermino  [🎶💛] @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @kq-rescuecenter @multi-joong [🌧️🧡] @reve-rv @k-half-blood @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @kingtaythecute [🥧💗] @cheerxcaptainxhongjoong @logan-oc-cb @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥] @3rachabot @kingdom-of-dicentra @namiras-rose-tattoos @glamrockpop-cb @beaconhillsxbot @thenine-cb @screamcb @hoteldelluna-rp @eclipseclubocs @league-of-assassins​ @dreampodcast​ @the-family-business-cb​ @lunarcoven​ @enhanced-cb​ [DM + / -]
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lokidokieokie · 1 year
Hey! Below the cut are my somewhat decent fanfic writings. Enjoy :)
Last Updated: 28/05
KEY: 🎶 = Songfic | 💔 = angst | 💚 = fluff | 🌶 = kinda spicy | 🤗 = comfort
Loki Laufeyson
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Mischief & Trickery (ON HOLD) 💚
Medea Daegandottir, the Goddess of Trickery, loves spicing things up in the Asgardian palace. Adding her best friend Loki into the mix could only bring more chaos. What could possibly go wrong? The answer, many things
Debt Paid (ONGOING) 💔
A mortal woman’s debt to the Grim Reaper, Loki, is paid in a deal that could cost her everything.
Into the MCU (COMPLETE) 💚
As an inventor, you try to create a device that allows you to shift realities. What happens when you land into the MCU?
The Price of Deception (ONGOING) 💔
After discovering Loki’s failed attempt at taking over Earth, his family confronts him and he must earn their forgiveness.
The Seduction Game (ONGOING) 🌶
As two deadly assassins, you and Loki are hired to kill each other. However, when you meet, you can’t resist using your seductive tactics on each other, leading to a dangerous game of desire and deception.
Three Words; Fifteen Letters; One Expletive 💔💚
You're Stuck With Me Now 💚
Drunken Words 💚
You Tell Her, Or I Will 💚
Accidental Confessions 💚
Close Quarters 💚
His Protector 💚
Heat Wave 💔
The Space Between 💚
Love's Debut 💚
Fortune Favours the Mischievous 💚
Love on the Line 💚
Shattered Dreams 💔
By Your Side 💚
Avengers Assemble...to Deal with Lokitty! 💚
Drunk and In Love 💚
Captive Hearts 💚
Healing the Enemy 🤗
Tom Hiddleston
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Fanfiction 💚🌶
Almost too Late! 💚
I've Got You 💔🤗
Ever the Gentleman 💚🤗
Friends with the Green-Eyed Monster 💔
James Conrad
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Campfire Confessions 💚
Benedict Cumberbatch
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The "L" Word 💚
Doctor Strange
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Beyond the Pages (ONGOING) 💚
It was just your weekly trip to the comic-book store. While looking for a comic for your collection, you stumble upon an old-looking book, with an odd combination of symbols on the cover. You, being drawn to the weirdness of it, pick it up and open the cover. A strange force surrounded your person; and the next thing you knew, you were waking up on the steps of what looked to be 177A Bleecker Street. What had you gotten yourself into?
The Great Escape (COMPLETE) 💔
Based upon a request
A Love Torn Asunder (COMPLETE) 💔 can be 💚
Y/n becomes pregnant with Doctor Strange’s baby, but Stephen is uncertain about their future together and leaves the reader with a hard decision to make.
A Spoonful of Sugar (ONGOING) 💚
Once, after a battle, you visited Stephen with some of your delicious home-made pastries to help him feel better. Eventually that became a ritual. 
You've Been Here All This Time? 💚
Oops...? 💚
Sleepy Realisations 💚
Tony Was Wrong. 💚
Practice Makes Perfect 💚
Bloodied and Bruised 💔
The Strange Approach 💚
The Ghost of Kamar-Taj 💚
Knight in a Sentient Cloak 💚
I'm Here, Whenever You're Ready 🤗
From the Pages of History 💚
Undercover Rhythm 🎶
Shattered Sanctum 💔
Forever; Endlessly 💔
Beyond the Broken Hands 💚
The Healing Touch 💚
An Apprenticeship with a Twist 💚
The Blip's Silver Lining 💚
A Clumsy Pursuit 💚
Sherlock Holmes
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Under the Lamppost 💚
The Case of the Broken Hearted Stranger 💚
A Love that Defies Conventions 💚
The Second Anderson 💚
Crime and Chemistry 💚
Navigating the Grey Area 💚
Bucky Barnes
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Healing Hearts 💚
Betrayal in the Shadows 💔
The Calm After the Storm 🤗
Rupert Giles
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Threads of Redemption 💔💚
Accidental Slumber 💚
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The Dance of the Shadows 💚
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lysspossum · 2 months
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🎵evil as plain as the scar on his face🎵
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heymacy · 1 year
hello @galladrabbles ✨ this week’s installment of the concert meet-sexy is inspired by the prompt “i’d rather have you, cursed or not” by @chicanomick - Mickey POV part 3! 🔥
previous | all | playlist (updates every week)
🎶 • 🎶 • 🎶
He can feel him; his presence. Warmth radiating outwards. Heat. He turns, movements slow. Steady.
He’s taller up close. Brighter, somehow. Behind a sultry, desiring look a pair of puppy dog eyes that send Mickey’s heart into his throat.
Shit. Was this a mistake?
No. It’s not. It can’t be. The electricity sizzling between them has to mean something. Not a bad omen. Not a curse. Something else. Something good.
He eyes the man up and down, doing his best to maintain his erotic facade.
“Hey,” he says, tone deceptively calm.
And then, in a voice that melts him:
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annemarieyeretzian · 4 months
travis singing 🎶 “unstoppable, unstoppable!” 🎶 as laura rolls a 28 deception check,,, once again, maybe some straights do have rights
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icantalk710 · 3 months
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"The art of deception is a combat sport" 🎶
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epickiya722 · 11 months
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razorblade180 · 1 year
OC Test: Pokémon pt2
Part 1
Nick:*holding Jirachi*
Valerie:You are so lucky the both of you are deceptively cute.
Nick:You should go next.
Valerie: What the hell? Sure. To be honest, I can’t begin to imagine who my new friend is about to be.
She grabs her Pokéball and before she can even throw it, it bursts opens to reveal a very happy Goodra that’s ready for a hug. Val was taken aback at first but began to laugh as she embraced the hug.
Valerie:H-Hello. Aren’t you sweet?
Eliza:(She got a pseudo…? What are my odds then?)
Summer:So I’m willing to bet I get an ice type or a music related Pokémon. Question is…which one?
Nick:I am going to guess Noivern.
Summer:Damnit, now I have expectations! I would love them. Let’s see what happens.
For a little luck, Summer hums the classic theme in an attempt to avoid an ice type. She tosses her pokéball out and is greeted with music playing back at her. The light vanishes and the sight of a shiny Meloetta flies towards her.
Summer:Yeeeeaaaah! 🎶Hello~🎶
Sparrow:So not only did the twins get mythical Pokémon, but dual type psychic mythical Pokémon. I’ve seen it all.
Eliza:I should’ve went first…
Sparrow:Mind if I go next?
Eliza:Fuck it, be my guest. Pray you don’t get a literal Sparrow.
Sparrow:I got faith.
He gives an enthusiastic thumbs up and grabs a pokéball. He rubs it on his shirt to make it shine before launching it; revealing a huge and powerful Garchomp. Eliza is slightly mortified while Sparrow had never felt more validated.
Sparrow:Let’s goooo!
Eliza:All I know is fear.
Veronica:Don’t worry. I’ll bring us back to the norm.
Eliza:Veronica, you dress like you’re a main character in a book.
Veronica:And you dress like a witch. I’m just hoping I don’t get a cat. Nick, toss me a pokéball!
He tosses it over his shoulder and Veronica catches it before immediately doing an underhand throw. Thankfully she dodged the main character allegations, but not by much. Hopping into her arms was an Alolan Raichu.
Veronica:Awww, hey buddy. Wasn’t expecting a surfing partner. *nuzzles gently* See? Nothing wrong with a chill buddy.
Eliza:Okay, that does actually help. I guess I’m fine with anything that’s cuddly or magical.
Nick:*whispers* This goes one of two ways, right?
Summer:Oh absolutely.
Eliza takes off her cap and spins it on her finger as she approaches a pokéball. After a moment of deciding, she finally picks one. The sky darkness the moment she does and the orb floats. The brightest light shines and takes the form of Arceus as choir chants and it looks down upon the mortal.
Nick:So did you forget being the first human in ages to be born with magic kinda makes you god’s favorite?
Eliza:This is way too much responsibility.
Arceus floats high into the sky until he’s no longer visible. Confused by the turn of events, a smaller ball of light gently falls into Eliza’s hands and becomes an Eevee.
Summer:Hey look, it went both ways!
Nick:I don’t know what’s more concerning. The implication that Eevee is strangely close to essentially God, or if that Eevee faints then God shall intervene and fight for Eliza.
Eliza:*cradles it* I’m fine with either as long as I keep this little angel.
Carmine:So who’s next?
She turns around to the remaining people still shaking in fear from witnessing the divine.
Carmine:Fair enough. Guess we’ll take another break then….
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cleolinda · 1 year
Weekend links: April 8, 2023
My posts:
Varney the Vampire: Chapter 8: “Vampire hunting is harrrrrrd. I want to go hoooooome.”
Varney the Vampire: Chapter 9: Someone did something!
Next week: That's the end of the LJ recaps, so it's all fresh from here on out. I only read halfway through back in the day, so all I know is that [REDACTED] and then [REDACTED].
Perfume: Honey in perfume feat. Bee (Zoologist, 2019)
I left the house and took some pictures at the garden shop
Why was I so anxious late last year about saying I was bi and autistic?
Reblogs of interest:
Posted about three seconds after last week's weekend links went up: Mystery Files, Watcher's successor in spirit to Buzzfeed Unsolved: True Crime, premieres May 19. Other Watcher content I consumed this week includes the Weird Wonderful World Montana special and Survival Mode: Dark Deception.
Will you be visited by the Easter Wolf?
Techno without a computer
How D&D classes use a bow
The pillow is round
Three good creatures this week
The green dragon from the hole in the sun
🎶I pushed you down, accidentally I swear🎶
Personal tag of the week: Twitter, which has gone to the doges.
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intofaerun · 8 days
ooo can i ask about truba?? whats my girl's deal i LOVE her hair colour
YIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 kissing you for this
Truba (short for Trubadora) is a bard 🎻🎶 well she plays the flute but the emoji for it looks weird
She's a liar and a schemer and given the option despite having higher persuasion she will almost always chose intimidation or deception <3 she can't lift things to save her life her strength is so bad. BUT because she's a bard and is a storyteller she has metatextual awarness just not always the wisdom to not still make the wrong decision
Right now she pretty much only started romancing both Gale and Karlach so we'll see what happens next 👀 Shadowheart hates her btw. I think Sayeret and her would nottt get along Sayeret is all about the outdoors Truba is a city girl for sure. She's a terrible gossip
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