It just really GRINDS MY GEARS the way Crowley is keeping so much from Aziraphale this season but also I TOTALLY understand why he's doing it
The thing is we saw Aziraphale keep a huge secret from Crowley in season 1 after he got his hands on the Nice and Accurate Prophecies and went to heaven with the information about Adam rather than telling Crowley, but then we saw him grow from that mistake. He realized how wrong a decision that was and that's why he's SO committed to them working as a team in season 2. The way he immediately goes to Crowley when Gabriel shows up and keeps him updated whenever he talks to heaven and even calls from Edinburgh to tell him about the new Clue (and maybe to brag a little because he's feeling proud)
and YEAH Aziraphale lies. I'm not saying he doesn't. He's a liar. Lies to himself, to heaven, to hell, to god's face, and sometimes to Crowley. But in my opinion, the biggest lie he tells Crowley about the occult/ethereal goings-on this season is not telling him about Shax on the drive back to Edinburgh. And I think the reason he doesn't is the same reason he's SO nervous to tell him about Gabriel at first; he's afraid Crowley will overreact - will totally freak out when he realizes Aziraphale is being threatened. Which is, frankly, justified. He would.
But then Crowley is over here lying about SO MUCH all season. And some of the lies are about his own pride (i.e. not telling his self-described bestie that he has been UNHOUSED for YEARS during a GLOBAL PANDEMIC) but mostly he does it because he thinks it is protecting Aziraphale. Because he is so obsessed with saving Aziraphale.
Everyone knows it - Demons are using threats against Aziraphale as a way to intimidate Crowley all over the shop (a good tactic tbf, far more effective than threatening Crowley himself), and Aziraphale openly speaks it.
But the actual reason he does it is because he's so concerned about proving his worth to Aziraphale. We know Crowley has self-esteem issues. He's all smoke and mirrors - not a man (nb) just a flashy jacket wrapped around a bundle of insecurities and anxieties. He still thinks he needs to prove himself to Aziraphale, that he needs to make himself worthy of his partnership. He cognitively knows they should be equals, a team of the two of them on their own side, but he just can't shake the notion that Aziaphale needs a reason to fraternize with a demon.
And of course, Aziraphale doesn't. He loves Crowley as he is and sees just as much worth in the small acts of bringing him chocolates at the bookshop opening or clearing them a table at the Ritz. True, he does love that Crowley loves saving him, but not because he actually needs it, because it's part of the flirty game they play. But he's not honest enough to tell Crowley as much clearly (not that speaking it would solve Crowley's self-worth issues).
The thing is, "Saving me makes him so happy" is so much cuter when you're fully PRETENDING to be stuck in the Bastille and don't know any other way of asking your crush out on a lunch date. Because now the forces of heaven and hell are knocking on THEIR bookshop door and all they have is each other but Crowley hasn't been honest with Aziraphale about the seriousness of this threat and Aziraphale didn't warn him about Shax BECAUSE he knew he would be overprotective. Crowley needs so badly to be the hero he's undermined their power as a team.
And that's the dramatic irony of it all. As an audience, it is spelled out so clearly for us that they are at their best, their most powerful, as a team. They are a whole greater than the sum of its parts. The fact of Crowley's incessant need to prove himself, to be the hero, to "protect" Aziraphale from all this information that he has been choosing to lie about all season - it's just making them weaker.
TLDR; Crowley is lying to Aziraphale to keep him safe because he still feels like he needs to prove himself to be worthy of Aziraphale's partnership but this makes it impossible for them to truly work as a team and is hurting them both
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charliemwrites · 9 months
do you think Captain Daddy would let me bite him? leave marks in his thighs and stomach? i have the deepseeded urge to bite and he seems biteable. but permission and consent first, of course.
Oh he’d absolutely adore the bites. Would encourage you to bite harder, saying “give me something to show off”. If you get his arms, shoulders, neck you know he’s showing off in a t-shirt at training the next day. Even goes out of his way to encourage you to bite, pressing your face against muscle and saying “go on, baby, I know you want to”
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chainsawprophecy · 4 months
you know what i'll say it. hating kipperlilly copperkettle is a sign of deepseeded misogyny.
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sar-per · 3 months
Retelling the plot of IWTV entirely based off of posts on my dash courtesy of @monsterboyfriend
Love (?) square (??) around four vampires (I'm pretty sure the old one (Daniel? He'll be Daniel for this) just got turned?
I think Amand? did it?
He also has? Had? Something with Louis (or Lou? Some L french name) who before had something with Lestat
Amand has Deepseeded issues with turning people and finds it unethical
Lestat is the dude who turned him (Louis) some? Time back?
Pretty sure Amand didn't get turned by any of them? He just..appeared in the plot I think
Claudia (? I'm like. 99% sure there) was Lestat and Louis kid who stayed like kid sized
She was in a very happy relationship I think and then..got burned at some trial for..crimes? I suppose? Pretty sure she wore a yellow dress
Lestat didn't take her death well? Neither did Louis?
Daniel has a young version in the flashbacks I think? And he seems horney for vampire
He's also..the one holding the interview? And got turned by one of the interviewee? Doesn't seem like a deteched interview to me but to each their own
There was some fluff scenes with coffins?
A lot of scenes happen in a fancy appartment? And in each of them Amand just seem..super chill but like he would drop kick you with words in a second
Is this whole series just. People being in love and immortal and messy relationships being dragged out over centuries and later one dude collecting all the info on it all and then deciding "being a vampire sounded sexy in my 20s. Now in my 60s it comes with the bonus of no backpain"?
Oh also. Everyone is at one point covered in blood but I'm like 99% sure it's rarely their own?
The beginning was a romcom with blood where Louis and Claudia teased Lestat until I think Claudia wanted to kill Lestate?
Sorta lost the plot between that and her being in a happy relationship and then. Burning. Something something
Also I remember that there was a female name but I have no clue what it was or who she is. Read about her opinion on turning other people, I think?
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masteri110 · 4 months
Idk if you remember but I was that anon who talked about his bf not being kinky at all and that really messing with me. Update, we talked (several times) and uncovered a lot of deepseeded stuff that mostly comes from him being raised strictly baptist lmao. Anyway turns out he does have kinks he was just deeply ashamed of them and we've been exploring them more! He apparently loves doing some pct but he always thought my reaction to it meant i didn't want it. Had to explain to him that me whimpering and trying to get away does not always mean I'm not into it, and in fact often means I'm VERY into it. We've since established a safe word and he knows he's good to go as long as I don't say it, but he hasn't really pushed the boundaries very far (which I am totally ok with). He also admitted that he loves when I randomly start rubbing my face on his junk when we're at home together. Like when we're watching tv or he's reading or whatever, which is incredible to me because he NEVER let me do that before. Turns out embarrassment and religious shame is a hell of a drug and we're slowly breaking him out of that shell. Anyway, just thought I'd update! Thanks for the advice, I think I already knew to just talk to him but I just needed a push from an objective source. Thanks for being that for me! Forever grateful ❤️
I'm very happy to hear that!! I have thought about what happened after your last ask and was hoping it would work out. I understand that religious trauma and embarrassment make these things almost impossible but I am incredibly happy to hear it is working for yall now! If you ever need my help again just ask! Have fun being kinky 💛
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frigid666 · 1 year
is the “amber + johnny” tag on that post with the two shirts referring to amber heard and johnny depp ?
yup. amber was the substance of their relationship + johnny was an abusive vampire.
his clear jealousy of her as a rising star is not something ive seen many ppl discuss. a lot of the insults he directed at her career were something to the effect of "i can't wait till ur washed up + ugly/old + nobody cares abt u anymore." he clearly resented that his star was dwindling after having spent decades as a popular heart throb and was projecting his own deepseeded insecurities. he was past his prime already at that point, she was just getting started. for her, rum diaries was a starter movie, for him, it was a sign he would not longer be landing only A-list movies anymore. he anticipated a time where she would be irrelevant, which is really petty + mean, and definitely not something u say to someone u really love.
he tried to sabotage her career by isolating her and terrorizing her whenever she attended meetings with producers/her agent to try to wear her down until she gave up on her acting, and even complained to several ppl when she persisted.
he was insanely jealous whenever she starrred alongside actors younger + better looking than himself (like james franco), and frequently accused her of cheating on him with her co stars. there's been no credible evidence she was ever unfaithful to him, but the same can't be said about himself.
johnny depp seemed to believe that her increasing celebrity status would only open more doors to her and grant her access to potentially wealthier, more relevant men, whom she would replace him with. bc johnny depp only seems to value the women he courts for superficial reasons (i.e. youth, beauty; see: his dating pattern), this jealousy is likely the result of him once again projecting his own intentions onto amber.
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rigginsstreet · 2 years
who is the sexy gay metalhead that bullied the duffers + the stranger things fandom so hard that theyve developed these deepseeded complexes that force them to take everything bad in their life out on billy hargrove?
i wanna party with that guy he sounds like a fucking blast
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fairytaleendingss · 2 years
My “Maruaders Era” Remus Lupin Headcanons
(a/n: Hi! So I haven’t posted anything on here in literal years but recently I’ve began regressing back to my 2019 Marauder’s era phase and I have been seeing a lot of Remus Lupin headcanons on my socials and I wanted to have my say haha. I have thought about this a lot and I’ve landed on a combination of headcanons that I’ve seen online and that come from my own head but I’ve also tried really hard to make it fit in with the adult Remus that we see in Harry Potter so that he feels accurate to his canon self if that makes sense. So if anyone even bothers reading all of this, enjoy.)
- So contrary to some people’s opinions, I genuinely believe young Remus was a sweetheart. 
- But this doesn’t mean I think he was perfect or never did anything wrong. I truely think he was a flawed character with a lot of deepseeded self worth issues and mental illness. I think there’s a lot more depth behind his personality and behaviour than many “soft Remus” stans give him credit for. 
- But nonetheless, I feel like he always tried to be a kind person and never purposely tried to start conflict with others. 
- Like, he never actively bullied Snape but he never stopped his friend’s from doing it either.
- I feel like he was extremely insecure within himself and this manifested as him being quite shy and reserved. 
- I firmly believe this man has social anxiety and it takes a while for him to open up to people. 
- But once he does he’s actually really funny and has a very blunt and sarcastic sense of humour. 
- I also see him as extremely polite and respectful to everyone. 
- This is part of the reason teachers like him so much.
- He’s by far the most mature and level headed of the group. 
- He likes to think things through but at the same time is a HUGE overthinker. 
- He gets caught in his head a lot and worries about EVERYTHING but luckily his friends are always there when he begins to spiral. 
- He gains a lot of confidence through being part of the marauders as he finally feels like he belongs somewhere. 
- Despite this, he still often worries about being a burden to people, especially his friends (which they obviously assure him he’s not).
- He’s the best listener and advice giver. If you are upset and need someone to talk to, he’s always there. Even if you don’t want to talk and just need someone to keep you company, he’ll sit there right beside you for as long as you need. 
- I feel like due to all his stress and injuries, he often gets sick, especially leading up to the full moon. 
- Because of this, in Winter he’s always bundled up in lots of layers of winter clothes with his scarf wrapped up high enough that just his little red nose is peaking out over the top. 
- You know this man is hella tall but has the worst posture of all time. 
- He’s always hunched over which makes him look much shorter than he is but in reality he’s like 6′3. 
- Many people see him as the “Cassinova of Gryffindor Tower,” however, I feel like his insecurities don’t allow for this. Instead, I see him as the kind of person not to even be able to tell if someone liked him. And if someone asked him out, he’d just assume it was to hang out as friends. 
- He’s the mastermind behind all of the Marauder’s pranks but not becuse he enjoys the act of pranking per say but because he enjoys how much James and Sirius enjoy it and he likes to feel needed and like he’s part of the group. 
- Despite being a man of few words he’s actually really well spoken when he wants to be and everything he does say is usually either quite witty or profound and wise (he’s such a smart bean). 
- This also helps occasionally in getting himself and the other Marauder’s out of trouble. He knows what to say to the teachers and is sometimes able to talk his way out of trouble. 
- I stand by the theory that this man loved chocolate. I really see him as having a sweet tooth. 
- I also think that chocolate is his comfort food and makes him feel just a little bit better after the trauma of the full moon. 
- He will always help out the younger students if they need it. From things like homework, to helping them find their class. It makes him feel good about himself, like he’s doing something good despite his condition. 
- This is probably why he loved being a prefect and definitely why he chose to become a teacher. 
- I feel like he has a lot of anxiety and PTSD from being a werewolf and sometimes the common room is just to loud overwhelming for him so hides away in the quiet of the library. 
- This is honestly how he and Lily probably became friends. I can imagine them running into each other in the library on a weekend night when they both needed to get away from the chaos of the common room. 
- It probably just started with them studying together in silence but eventually they began talking and it developed into a friendship.
-  He’s pretty calm and level headed most of the time but that’s for sure because he just bottles up all of his emotions as he doesn’t want to draw attention to himself or make a scene. 
- However, in saying this, he’s easily irritated, especially in the lead up to the full moon and sometimes during these periods it’ll build up and he’ll snap at the other Marauder’s and storm away when they’re getting on his nerves. 
- They understand though. They know it’s all part of the full moon phase he goes through.
- Athough he always seems quite stoic and mature, he’s actually very sensitive deep down but doesn’t often show it except to those he really really trusts. 
- I imagine he would’ve opened up a lot to Lily about his insecurities.
- He’s also fiercly loyal towards the people who are important to him, however, he’s more subtle in his reactions most of the time than James or Sirius.
- He’s a bit of a scatterbrain and is often caught up in his own world. 
- He ALWAYS has his nose in a book and often finds himself getting caught up and being late to classes and meals because of this. 
- I also imagine him to always be wearing odd socks, solely because of the fact that he was running late to get ready and didn’t have time to find a pair. 
- I also feel like his space is full of clutter and he’s always losing stuff in the mess. 
- He also has extremely messy handwriting and he writes really fast to make sure he gets down everything he thinks of. 
- For some reason I just feel like he’s always warm. 
- Like this man is a human heater, he just radiates heat. 
- He’s not particularly affectionate, especially compared to his friends who are always hugging and wrestling touching each other in some way. But when he does occasionally give you a hug, they are the biggest, warmest nicest hugs that you’ll ever encounter. 
- I also feel like he’s a really heavy sleeper. Maybe just from the sheer stress of his life and his condition. Remus Lupin is just always tired. 
- Overall, he’s an introverted, insecure bean who just wants to help people and who is always willing to offer some advice or some chocolate. He’s extremely kind and also extremely anxious but he’ll always be there for someone who needs him.
(a/n: So there you have it. This is how I imagine Marauders Era Remus to be. Let me know if you want any other headcanons for any of the other characters because making this was really fun. Have a good day, and thanks for coming to my TED talk.)
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
deepseeded insecurity about my writing skills I CANNOT HANDLE YOU RIGHT NOW. COME BACK AT A LATER TIME. 
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sewerfight · 2 years
Yoda voice: within her, awoken a deepseeded pessimism has
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petalilly · 5 days
"What do you mean there are deepseeded problems that get people to commit suicide? All you have to do is force people to stop saying commit. Trust me I watched a Tedx Talk" - some dumbass I assume
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splendidbadger · 3 months
TFP Starscream for the ask game!
How I feel about this character
Prime Star was my first Star so I tend to like him over other's. I always found him deeply fascinating. If you go by novel canon while yes he's not a good person he truly wanted a better Cybertron and I think that's adrimable. I absolutely hate his ending though, I hate Megatron go away and Starscream got nearly killed off. Worst part is I hate Rid15 so I can't admire him there LMAO. But it's fine the butchering of Stars character led to my current fanfic. I love Starscream a lot because there are parts of him I deeply relate to. I personally view him as psychotic because I myself have undiagnosed psychosis and I see my symptoms in him!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
None really? Not canon wise. I mean if Jetfire were there absolutely.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Do OCs count. If so my oc Deadzone/Skyline. Otherwise Knockout
My unpopular opinion about this character
Starscream isn't some poor little uwu baby. He's a grown ass adult man with deepseeded trauma. While yes he suffers horribly some things he does just cuz he's power hungry. He's a morally dark character whose capable of being good and merciful but can be equally horrible.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Retcon everything during the movie lmao. 💜
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nerdby · 4 months
So in case it wasn't obvious by now, I am reading the book Communion which is based on an allegedly true story by an alien abductee. I have been hyperfixated on aliens, UFO, ghosts, cryptids, whatever since I was like nine years old. I am still very sad that Nessie is not real -- or potentially extinct since archeologists have discovered fossilized plesiosaur remains near the UK. I like to think the legend was born from that -- look it up.
I'm also kinda sad and relieved that the majority of hauntings are just bullshit caused by lead poisoning and asbestos and fuck knows what else. I personally believe that hauntings do exist, but they are incredibly rare and don't ever come to me for advice on the subject cause I am a skeptical believer. So if you just wanna be told, yes, your house is ABSOLUTELY haunted and that orb is more than just a bug or a speck of dust don't come to me on the subject, alright?
Because you won't like what I have to say. Which is that you should probably check to see if there's any lead paint in your home and maybe fuck around with an EMF detector cause EMF waves -- naturally occurring low levels of radiation -- are pretty interesting and can also fuck you up mentally if you're sensitive to them. Holy fuck, I've gone off topic.
But my point is you're gonna have to listen to me rambling like this for a few days. Because when I say hyperfixation what I really mean is a deepseeded phobia of most of this stuff. Which I attempted to resolve as a child by trying to learn to understand it and that plan backfired spectacularly. Now, rambling about it helps me cope. And I HAVE TO finish this book because it is Goodreads list of Most Disturbing Books Ever Written, and I am trying to read my way through the list.
So I am facing my fears and definitely not crying.
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3knecrotic · 6 months
Yall niggas ever have a 6 month social regression because you found someone super cool and sweet and fun and got closer to them, only to realize they're your Narrative Mirror Character for Every Single Negative Trait you possibly harbor within you, both surface level and deepseeded. So much so, that it forces all of your fucked up urges and thoughts and rationales Beyond your body in this self-justified indulgence of baseline wants and instincts, and thrusts you tits-deep into a situation neither you, nor the mirror, should have ever been in?
Nah? Just me and one other nigga? Okay. Damn. Feels bad man.
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meatgrundergoblin · 2 years
ever have the deepseeded urge to do something despite knowing you can't do that without bringing harm to yourself?
man i want to eat a fucking flower
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ripplesworld · 4 years
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Hide your eyes darling, people can read your soul through them. About secrets that are deeper and darker than the mysterious sea. #ripplesofrage #eyes #secretiveeyes #deepseeded #expression #inspiration #poetry #secrets #mysterious #sea #life #illusion #motives #lifepurpose #potrait #writting #feelings #wordsofwisdom (at Lost in This World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEeZ0FknBep/?igshid=bnpzwpqvciwr
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