#define line of best fit
swampjawn · 3 months
Why The Dungeon Meshi Adaptation Worked So Well
The final episode of Dungeon Meshi season 1, (ep. 24) is like if you took all the best parts of the series so far, all the elements that make it what it is, arranged them all into a luscious charcuterie board, and scraped the whole thing into your mouth in one go like the hungry little bastard ye are.
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Series director Yoshihiro Miyajima has shown his dedication to the story and ability to stay true to the source material while enhancing the most important elements and making adjustments when needed to better fit the medium, and that's on full display here with the final two anime original scenes that hint toward the future of the plot and take what would have been a good but not amazing ending for the season and turn it into a great one.
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As well as Nobutoshi Ogura's storyboards, whose symmetry and point-of-view and reflection shots always add a touch of foreboding and personality to what's already there in the manga.
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Or the addition of color to the scene in the tram where the deep green benches and warm orange glow of electric lighting gives it the comforting atmosphere of respite from the hectic action that came before it -- or a calm before the storm (?)...
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But most obvious to me in particular was they carved out a spot for many of the eccentric key animators who have defined the visual style of the show (and who I've pointed out specifically in past episodes of my breakdown series) to go nuts and do what they do best.
Ichigo Kanno's bombastic action with stylized character designs and insanely detailed wrinkles and shadows:
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Atsushi Yoneda's clean line work and uncomfortable realism:
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Haruki's character acting and subtlety:
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Despite the slight awkwardness of having to finish off the changeling plot in the first half, this really is a culmination of everything that's come before and a great end to the season.
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There's a whole lot more where this came from, and I get a lot more into the details of the animation in this video where I broke down the entire episode in detail, so if that's something you're interested in, check it out!
Thank you for reading, and double-dog-thank you if you've been here through this whole series -- I had just started trying to figure out how to use tumblr when I started making these breakdown posts and the response has been amazing both on here and on youtube, so thanks!
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malin-la · 8 months
“I wouldn’t forget a bad bitch like you, it’s why I named you after the best thing ever, Vaggie.”
“Actually it’s pronounced Vaggie”
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It’s such a ridiculous line that’s meant to be taken as a joke but it implies so much about the way heaven operates.
Hell is composed of two large groups: the hell-born, and the sinners. With all the questions posed in episode 6, it’s kind of hard to place how the other side works or how people even get into heaven, but the line above helps place them into one of two systems
1. There are no “heaven-born” angels, there are only those who have been saved after their Earthly death. While this theory seems less likely, it is solidified when Sera calls Adam “the first to enter heaven” and not just “the first man” in the courthouse scene.
If this were the truth, Adam naming Vaggie would have some pretty screwed up implications such as heaven completely stripping human souls of their previous identities to better fit whatever role they need to play “for the greater good of all angels”
2. The second theory is that, much like Hell, Heaven has both earthly souls that have ascended and heaven-born angels that hold higher rank. This theory is also pretty solidified by the presence of a clear defined ranking system in the angels that seems to have more to do with bloodline (Emily and Sera) that with deserved power being passed down.
If this were the truth though, that would mean that some heaven-born angels were created (spawned? born?) simply to serve as exorcists. Kind of like the “guard class” of bees in a hive that are already born with the attack skills and genetics they need to defend their Queen. That would be why Adam named Vaggie, because working as an exorcist would be all she’d ever known at the time.
TLDR: it’s fucked up no matter how you look at it
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wilwheaton · 3 days
So we have two issues we need to examine here. First, the astonishingly offensive remarks Trump made Thursday night about Jews. His Jewish support should start sinking like a stone. But there’s one Jew who clearly loves him, and other events this week have to make us wonder whether Bibi Netanyahu is trying to start a war with Lebanon and maybe Iran to raise gas prices and screw up the economy (right after Jerome Powell made a move to ensure that doesn’t happen) to help Trump win, but that’s another column, if I get around to it. The second issue is one that must remain front and center in the American political media: Trump is really losing his marbles now. Was that statement about the crowd going nuts for him at the debate a normal Trump lie? Or was it a fantasy of which he has convinced himself? If we hooked him up to a polygraph and he repeated that line, would his pulse quicken? Would he change his speech patterns, avert his eyes, cover his mouth? I doubt it. He wouldn’t even think he was lying. The mainstream media still treats comments like this with diffidence: “Oh, that’s Trump.” No. These are defining comments. They tell us about his mental fitness. They matter. They should be covered. I can’t find evidence that The New York Times or The Washington Post covered those remarks. This sanewashing must stop. Voters need to be informed when Trump makes statements with a tenuous connection to reality at best. He’s disqualifying himself from the presidency every day that he opens his mouth, but much of the mainstream media is ignoring the words coming out.
Donald “Blame the Jews” Trump Is Truly Losing His Sh*t Now
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illyrianbitch · 2 months
One Summer — Part Two
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Pairing: Reader x Azriel
Summary: One beach house. One festival. One summer to fall in love.
Warnings: brief mentions of alcohol, cass & mor being bickering siblings, cass with facial hair, modern adaptions of bat wings aka tattoos, sexual n romantic tension, reader has a big fat crush
Word Count: 5.5k
Part One — Series Masterlist — Part Three
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹
“I hate it.”
Though Mor was seated beside you, her voice seemed to reverberate from a great distance, oscillating from one ear to the other. Your attention was not on your two best friends; their conversation filtering through your senses like white noise. Instead, your mind was entirely captivated by the view of the beach you sat on. The sun was setting and a golden hue painted the skies, its final light skittering across the soft waves of the ocean.
This was always one of your favorite times of day.
There was a specific sense of peace that seemed to settle among everyone as the sun gave over to the power of the moon, a peace that almost felt tangible on your skin, like the grains of the warm sand beneath you. You dug your toes further into its warmth as Mor scowled next to you, her gaze stuck on the horizon where Azriel, Cassian, and Rhys currently ran around, attempting to pin one another and throw each other into the waves.
The topic of conversation was what it had been every time Mor complained over the past week: Cassian’s new mustache.
It had grown exponentially over the last week, now fully formed above his top lip. Even from this distance, you could make out its shadow. But, in all honesty, it wasn’t his mustache that you were focusing on. It was his chiseled, bare torso.
The boys were always very fit, sporting defined bodies with even more defined muscles. But you hadn’t seen them like this in a while: shirtless, sun-kissed, tanned skin, and swimming shorts that created sleek, stark tan lines along their hips. Not since way back in the first summer you all shared. Last year’s break was filled with an internship to beef up your resume, moving into your new place with Mor and Feyre, and spending whatever free time you had with Eris and his family— far, far away from Mor.
The boys had grown even bigger since that first summer. Cassian, in particular, had developed noticeable definition, which you attributed to ROTC and his various sports activities. After all, ROTC combined military training with college coursework and demanded a significant amount of time and discipline. Balancing academics, those military duties, and being a student athlete seemed like an overwhelming feat, but Cassian managed it all. His physique was a clear indication of it.
Yet, despite his impressive build, it was Cassian’s face that truly drew attention. His large, beaming grin had a way of captivating anyone who saw it. It seemed to say more about his character than his muscular frame ever could, making it clear that beneath all that strength was someone incredibly approachable and genuinely good-hearted.
Your attention traveled to Rhysand next. Rhysand always held a certain grace to him, a regal essence of someone born to be a leader, to stand out among a crowd. You’d watched him come into his own in the past few years, watched as he fell in love with Feyre and began planning a life for himself outside of the pressures his father had implemented throughout his childhood.
Rhysand’s usually meticulously styled hair now hung in front of his eyes as he dodged Cassian and went under his arm. He was always a bit leaner than Cass, but still very built, with large, defined muscles that Feyre giggled about every girls' night. Rhys knew how to put those muscles to use, Feyre seemed to remind you every time she was three margaritas in. You didn’t doubt it, even if you and Mor groaned and pushed her further off the couch—and watched as she fell to the floor since Feyre’s balance tended to disappear when alcohol was introduced to her nightly diet.
Despite every fiber in your being begging for your gaze to fall to him first, your eyes went to Azriel last. You’d been fighting the urge, telling yourself that if you looked at him last, your eyes could linger just a few seconds longer.
You were currently mesmerized by the tattoo sprawling across his back.
The design was captivating—an elaborate pair of wings stretching gracefully across his shoulder blades, with their apex extending along the sides of his neck. The wings seemed almost alive, their fine details appearing three-dimensional against his golden skin. The spaces around the wings were filled with swirling patterns that looked like shadows, moving fluidly as though they were dancing across his skin.
The wings didn’t stop at his back; they extended over his biceps and down to his elbows. When he moved his arms, it almost seemed as if he was preparing for flight, the tattoo coming to life with every gesture. Cassian’s wings mirrored this design, stretching over his own biceps and elbows in a similar fashion. However, the empty spaces on his arms were adorned with sharp, angular patterns. Where the patterns on Az’s skin were fluid, like smoke and shadow, Cassians were rigid, sharp lines like that of a fierce fight.
Rhysand’s tattoo was distinctively more reserved. His bat-style wings were intricately etched into his back, spanning from his shoulder blades to his lower back, but they remained tightly confined to his torso. Unlike Azriel and Cassian, the design didn’t extend onto his arms. Instead, it was tattooed in a tucked, retracted position. Besides the wings, Rhysand’s collarbone was adorned with an elaborate tattoo of stars and swirling patterns that mimicked the night sky, with galaxies appearing to shimmer and shift across his skin.
Your eyes stuck to Azriel’s moving form— glued to his every gesture, really.
Azriel was always very cute. Handsome and pretty in a way that made chests tighten. But you hadn’t seen it much recently, hadn’t paid attention to anyone besides Eris, really. Now that you were broken up, it was as if you were seeing things in a completely new light, with new glasses that magnified every detail of the males around you. The reality was undeniable: Azriel had gotten more attractive over the past two years.
It was unfair. Completely and utterly unfair.
And you were completely and utterly overwhelmed by it— more so than you’d ever expected. God, you needed to check yourself, to reel in this strange crush that had begun to bloom like a flower in a new spring. You felt feral. It was embarrassing, to say the least, and you were grateful that your friends were often too absorbed in their own lives to notice your lingering glances.
Your fingers itched to trace the intricate ink on Azriel’s skin. You settled for running the pads of your fingers along the bare skin of your knee, mimicking the graceful movements of his tattoos. The act was a poor substitute for the real thing, but it helped channel the sudden urge to connect with the beautiful art that adorned him.
Feyre let out a hum besides Mor. From the corner of your eye you caught sight of her tilting her head in quiet focus. “I don’t know,” she said after a moment, “It’s not that bad.”
Mor whipped her head to the side, her blonde locks cascading across her shoulder like a golden waterfall. She let out a shocked gasp.
“Feyre,” she scolded, “You can’t be serious.”
Feyre raised an eyebrow in response. “I’m serious. I’ve seen worse. It works for him, I think.”
Mor’s attention shifted to you. It took a minute before you were able to tear your gaze away from the view in front of you— the three boys illuminated by the soft glow of sunset; the delicate waves behind them that collected the remaining colors of the sky.
You turned to look at her, taking in her widened eyes and pursed lips. It was an expectant face, one she wore when she was waiting for important news— or in this case, for someone to agree with her. You offered a sheepish smile and shrugged, pulling your knees closer to your chest.
“Sorry girl, it’s kinda growing on me, too.”
Her mouth fell open and another dramatic, shocked gasp left her mouth. She returned her gaze to the view before her.
“It’s like I’m the only one with taste in this entire house.”
You snorted, turning to look as Mor shook her head in disbelief. Your gaze connected with Feyre’s as you leaned over slightly and you watched as her mouth curved into an amused smile, a small laugh leaving her delicate lips.
“You have a completely different taste than both of us, Mor. Maybe that's why you feel so passionate about this topic.”
Mor shook her head again, waving the comment off with an elegant hand— long red painted nails on every finger except for two: her ring and middle finger. The same style was mirrored on her other hand, currently at her side and playing with the sand.
“Actually,” Mor started, and you rolled your eyes at the tone of her voice, a smile tugging stronger at your lips. “It’s because I’m into girls that my opinion here matters the most.”
Your attention drifted back to the boys who had finally ceased their game. They were catching their breath, hunched over and panting, before gradually making their way back.
Cassian reached you guys first, his steps falling from a jog into a soft walk before he came to a complete stop. He brought his hands to his head, smoothing down the top of his pulled back hair and readjusting his bun. Then, he placed his hands on his hips as a grin broke out on his face, eyes trailing between you, Mor, and Feyre.
“Whatcha ladies gossiping about?”
His voice was still ragged from the running, coming out in a long breath and followed by a deep one. Mor frowned at him, crinkling her nose as she scanned his appearance.
“We’re talking about that disgusting caterpillar of facial hair you’ve forced us to endure the sight of.”
Cassian’s grin faltered. “Excuse me?”
Mor only raised a brow in response— a challenge. Cassian accepted wordlessly, crossing his arms across his bare chest and jutting his chin out defiantly.
“Don’t be a hater, Mor.”
She scoffed. “Hater is my middle name. Consider this a reality check: Shave.”
Cassian considered her response for a moment, lips pursing in feign contemplation. Nope,” he said, a hand caressing his mustache. “You’re just too stubborn to admit you might actually like it.”
Another scoff. Offended and insulted all at once, the presence of those emotions fully present in the sound as it left her lips. “There are many words to describe the way I feel about that monstrosity you’re touching. ‘Like’ is certainly not one of them.”
You tossed a glance over at Feyre. She caught your gaze, eyes glistening with a quiet amusement as she tugged her legs to her chest, her sitting stance mirroring yours. She placed her chin on her knee, eyes drifting back towards the two bickering adults.
“You’re so dramatic. This ‘stache isn’t for you, anyways. You’re not the population I’m aiming for.”
“And who, pray tell, is the target audience? Divorcees in soon-to-be foreclosed homes?” A raised brow. “Republicans?”
This conversation was one you’d heard almost every day since Cass had decided to grow his ‘stache out, opting to only shave his beard. The argument held the same structure everytime. Mor would complain that it was gross and an eyesore, offer a new metaphor to describe it, and insist that Cassian shave it off. Cass would wave it off, act offended, and explain his reasonings once more to her deaf ears. It’s for the indie girls at the festival, Mor, Cassian had whined two days prior, They’ll go crazy for a pornstache. It’s a trend now. Mor only complained more in response, groaning in disgust and telling him she was going to shave it in his sleep.
As the argument continued, Azriel and Rhysand finally approached. Rhys raised an eyebrow at the bickering duo, a knowing smirk spreading across his face. He flashed you a grin before flopping down next to Feyre. With a playful shake of his head, reminiscent of a wet dog, he sent droplets of water flying. Feyre let out a startled shriek and pushed him away, her eyes sparkling with annoyance as Rhysand’s laughter filled the air.
Meanwhile, Azriel approached slowly, the last rays of the setting sun casting a faint glow on his figure. As he neared, Cassian turned his attention to him, desperation evident in his eyes.
“Hey, man, help me out here,” he called, a hand extended in Az’s direction. “Tell her it works. Back me up.”
Azriel gave him a steady look before shaking his head. “I’m not going to do that.”
Mor let out a triumphant laugh. “Aha!” Her eyes glimmered in satisfaction. “Even Azriel agrees with me!”
Cass kicked a spray of sand towards her in response. It scattered in all directions and you sputtered, grimacing as the gritty texture found its way into your mouth and eyes. With a groan, you brushed it off, watching as Cassian’s face dropped and concern flashed across his widened eyes.
Both him and Azriel muttered curses under their breath, the two starting to move towards you. But Cassian was faster. With a swift motion, he plopped down beside you, arm reaching out to pull you into his side.
“My bad, my bad,” He said, his voice laced with sincerity as he tucked you against him, his damp arm warm around you. He gave you a reassuring squeeze, though you still felt the remnants of sand clinging to your skin.
You squirmed a bit, trying to escape his sweaty embrace, but Cassian held you close. Over your hunched back, he shot a glare at Mor. “See what you made me do?”
She squeaked. “What I made you do?”
“Yes you.”
Your cheek pressed against his chest, squished near the area where his arms met his torso.
“I didn’t force you to kick sand at me with your big ass feet,” she huffed.
A new argument arose, Cassian leaning further over your back to bicker with Mor face to face. The more enthusiastic he became, the farther he seemed to shove you into his form. You looked up and managed to meet Azriel’s gaze, widening your eyes in a plea for help.
He understood the look immediately. The corners of his lips twitched upwards in amusement as he stepped forward, knocking Cassian’s muscled calf with his foot.
“Cass,” Azriel said, “You’re suffocating her.”
It took him a moment to register the words. But when they finally hit, Cass sprung back, holding you out with his arms in a movement so swift you blinked to reorient yourself. He examined you with the same observant eye as a parent, looking over your exposed skin as if he was searching for any open wounds or deformities.
“My bad,” he repeated. He gave you a guilty grin as brought his hands to smooth down your hair. His large hazel eyes met yours, widened and soft like that of a puppy. “All better.”
You gave him a look— brows raised and scrunched, a deep crease forming in the middle of them.
“Get outta here,” you muttered, pushing his warm body away from you. But despite yourself, a small grin hung on the corners of your lips.
You still felt Azriel’s eyes on you— that faint warm sensation that filtered through your skin. You met his gaze momentarily, watching as his eyes bounced between all of you. He settled back on the large teddy bear next to you.
“Help me start the fire,” Az said, calling Cassian’s attention back to him. Azriel looked at Mor next, gesturing towards her with his chin. “You too, judgy.”
“What?” Mor paused, hands freezing mid motion of wiping sand off her thighs. “Why me?”
“Because you’re mean,” Cassian said, bringing a hand to stroke his mustache. “And mean people do labor.”
Rhysand snorted. You had almost forgotten Rhys and Feyre were sitting there, quietly in their own world until Rhys leaned back on his hands with a grin, obviously enjoying the argument.
Azriel rolled his eyes. “Get up, c’mon.” He gestured with his hands, herding them both like sheep. Mor let out a grumble but began to push herself up nonetheless.
“I’m getting up because I want to. Not because you told me.”
Cassian was in front of her before she managed, offering a large hand out. “Yeah, yeah,” he said. “Let's go.”
She threw him a scowl, but the act had no malice behind it. Taking his hand, she muttered, “This would be much sweeter if you didn’t look like my creepy uncle Chris.”
Cassian just groaned.
Thank you, you mouthed when Azriel met your eyes once more. The corner of his eyes crinkled as he gave you a soft smile. Something deep within your chest flickered, like a candle being lit aflame. He dipped his head in acknowledgement before trailing after the two.
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹
Forty five minutes later, you found yourself seated around a crackling fire, the sound of Rhysand's offhand joke eliciting laughter from everyone.The night had fully descended and the sky above was dotted with dim, flickering stars. You’d all discussed the summer, the festival, and your plans for the month. It was a summer of living, you’d told them. A summer to sit back and let life do with you what it may—and hope that meant all good things.
The stretch of beach was empty except for your group. Whether Rhysand and Mor’s family owned this area or the rest of the world had simply decided to stay in, you weren’t sure. Either way, you were appreciative.
Cassian was beside you, but your attention was solely on Azriel, who sat next to him. The firelight played upon his skin, casting a warm glow that accentuated the sharp lines of his face. The embers illuminated his hazel eyes with a brilliance that made your breath catch every time he laughed.
Azriel met your gaze, his features softened by the dancing flames, and your heart skipped a beat. His mouth moved, forming words, and it took a moment for you to realize he was speaking to you. You blinked, the spell breaking, and slowly forced yourself to focus, bringing yourself down from the reverie you had drifted into.
“Are you cold?”
Azriel’s voice rolled over you like a small wave and you shivered at the sensation. You looked down at yourself and realized, for the first time, how the night’s chill had settled in. Goosebumps had risen on your skin, more pronounced than you had initially thought.
“Just a little,” you admitted, running your hands along your arms in a vain attempt to generate warmth. The friction offered little relief and you exhaled softly. “I can just move closer to the fire.”
You repositioned yourself, moving to scooch closer to the fire that illuminated your faces.
“Nah, don’t do that.” Cassian said. You turned to find him watching you, his gaze steady, shadows of flames flickering on his features. He gestured back towards the house with his chin. "I have a hoodie in the living room if you want to grab it."
You considered his idea for a moment, then nodded in agreement. It was a sensible suggestion. Placing a gentle hand on Mor’s shoulder, you let her know you’d be right back. She smiled in response, her eyes warm in the flickering firelight.
You brushed off your pants and walked towards the house, your feet sinking slightly into the still-warm sand with each step. The contrast of the cool night air and the lingering warmth of the sand created a soothing, almost nostalgic sensation as you made your way to the living room.
The dimly lit interior welcomed you with a cozy, muted glow and your gaze fell on the kitchen counter. There, amid Azriel’s keys and a variety of Rhysand’s rings, rested a camera.
You took a moment to examine it—a digital model. While you weren’t particularly knowledgeable about cameras, this one was nice; reminiscent of a simpler time. You weren’t exactly sure if it was the design that made you feel that way or the person that owned it: Azriel.
You knew without a doubt that it was his. You could also assume, with a fair degree of confidence, that the camera could beautifully simulate the look of film.
Azriel had mentioned his burgeoning passion for photography two years ago, expressing a particular fondness for the aesthetic of film. He’d said that a true film camera was beyond his budget at the time, but a digital model with film simulation would be an ideal compromise. Rhysand and Cassian had gifted him this very camera the following Christmas. From what Mor had told you, Az never felt comfortable enough to pick up the passion— kept telling her that he hadn’t found his muse yet.
Despite how soft the voice was, you still jumped, placing the camera back down on the counter as you turned to face Azriel. He always had an uncanny ability to move silently, almost as if he emerged from the shadows themselves. It was unnerving at first, but there was a certain comfort found in his stealth now. His presence wasn't loud. You appreciated it.
"Hi, Az." You smiled sheepishly. "You're so quiet. It's crazy."
The corners of his lips twitched upwards. Azriel’s gaze softened slightly, his hazel eyes now glowing with a gentle amusement.
“Sorry,” he said, accompanied by a small laugh. He moved around you and made his way to the fridge. It opened with a small clatter, the glass bottles stacked on the door moving with the movement. He pulled out a few bottles of beers.
“You agreed to be the errand boy?” you asked, a hint of playful reproach in your voice.
Usually, the boys argued over every action; who would grab the next drink, who would drive while the others drank— the options were endless. It was often settled with a game of rock, paper, scissors, or a classic nose-goes. Azriel always seemed to come out on top.
He glanced back over his shoulder, a casual shrug punctuating his response. “If I didn’t, no one would.”
His voice was quiet– steady. You studied his movements, taking in the details of his tattooed back that were too small to appreciate from a distance. He turned around, walking forward to place the bottles on the kitchen counter across from you.
"You could be a spy, y'know."
Azriel raised an eyebrow skeptically, his eyes crinkling at the corners in a way that suggested he was both amused and intrigued. You returned the gesture, leaning forward on your forearms. The kitchen counter was cold against your skin and you felt a slight chill run through your body.
“You don’t agree?” you asked.
He met your gaze through his lashes and shook his head, a lopsided smile playing on his lips. The curls otop of his head bounced with the subtle movement and the warmth in his eyes reflected the gentle glow of the dim kitchen light.
“Nah,” he responded. He popped the caps off the bottles. “Don’t know if that fits me.”
“I think it does. You’re an observer.”
“Careful,” Azriel warned with a playful edge. His voice was smooth in a way that made you clench, tone low and unintendedly seductive. “Don’t make me sound like a creep.”
”Okay, what would you like me to say instead?”
He contemplated. “I just like to people-watch.”
You had to stifle a chuckle, finding his self-description almost endearing in its simplicity. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that actually sounded worse— at least to you. Instead, you reached to the side, grabbing the camera that had been in your hands a few moments prior. "This kind of people watching?"
For a moment, you both stood in silence as you stared at the camera in your hands. When you looked up, you focused on Azriel’s face. His eyes traveled from the camera to your eyes, and in that moment, there was something alive in his gaze—an intensity that seemed to make the room itself disappear. Something warm and comforting.
“I remember you talking about wanting to get into photography,” you said, your voice softening with genuine warmth. With a smile, you extended the camera toward him. “I’m glad to see you’re pursuing it. At least for the summer.”
Azriel’s smile widened slightly as he reached out and took it from your hands, the brush of his fingers against your skin sending a pleasant shiver through you. Your smile grew deeper into your cheeks, pulled at the edges by his very touch.
But when the camera was finally in his hold, something seemed to change in his gaze, as if the weight of the it in his palm was transferred to a weight on his chest. He let out a small sigh.
"Don't get your hopes up,” he murmured, “I haven't taken any pictures yet."
He placed the camera back onto the counter with a slight thud, the sound echoing softly in the quiet kitchen. You gave him a face.
“It’s barely been a week,” you said, trying to keep your tone light. “Six days to be exact.”
“That’s already a week behind.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, a small laugh leaving your lips. Azriel seemed to lock onto the sound, eyes glittering as his hand found the beer bottle again.
“Seriously?” You leaned against the counter, crossing your arms in a playful gesture of mock indignation. “It’s been six days and you’re already considering yourself behind schedule?”
He gave a soft chuckle, shaking his head. “It’s not just about having the camera. It’s about actually using it. I had high hopes for this week.”
“Sometimes its okay to just enjoy the moment, Az.”
He leaned in slightly, his eyes twinkling with playful intensity. You felt a catch in your breath at the way his expression shifted. It was enough to remind you that Az wasn’t just kind and attractive; he was a suave college boy when needed.
“Ah, but the burden of my artistic aspirations are too great,” he said, his voice low and playful, “How will I ever manage without my schedule?”
A comedian, truly. You raised an amused eyebrow. “And I’m the Type A one?”
"You are." He grinned. "Who counts the days they've been on vacation for, anyways?"
"Okay that's not fair."
Azriel chuckled and walked over to a vase on the counter. The vase, a clear, simple one that had come with a bouquet of flowers for Rhys’s mother, was part of a collection Azriel started—a small yet meaningful tradition of saving bottle caps from vacation. You took the opportunity to glance at his back again, taking in the intricate tattoos that adorned his shoulder blades. The designs seemed to pulse with life against his skin when they caught the light.
“It’s cool seeing all of the details in your tattoos. I never really noticed them before.”
Azriel turned slightly, his gaze meeting yours as he considered your observation. “Is this you admitting that you’re staring at my naked back?”
“Do you want me to be staring at your naked back?”
Azriel dropped the caps into the vase and walked back towards you. He gave you a nonchalant shrug, his mischievous smile lingering slightly on his lips, casual and knowing.
“It’s hard not to stare,” you added, tracing idle patterns onto the counter, unaware of how the motions mimicked the swirls on Az’s skin. “You, Cass, and Rhys have the most ink out of everyone I know. My eyes naturally gravitate.”
“And here I thought my back was special.”
You felt a flush rise to your cheeks and you quickly looked down at the counter, hoping it would hide the color spreading across your face. Your smile was so wide it almost hurt. You met his eyes once more. They were already on you.
“I will tell you that your wings seem a bit bigger than Cass or Rhys’s.”
Azriel’s grin widened at your response. He leaned forward, resting on the counter and lowering his gaze to meet yours. “Don’t tell them that.”
He took a swig of his drink. You watched the path of the liquid down his throat, tracing it to his Adam’s apple as he swallowed. You cleared your throat, laughing softly. “Never.”
He looked at you for a moment, gaze soft and contemplative. A thoughtful glaze found his eyes, as if he were lost in deep reflection.
Your voice came out meeker than intended.
“I’m just really glad you’re here.” Azriel said. His voice was sincere, carrying with it a weight that made you pause.
You sucked in a breath. “Me too. It’s nice to be around you guys. All of you.”
“Would I be a dick if I said that I’m glad you and Eris broke up?” Azriel paused. “Because now you can be here with us.”
You bit back a smile, your cheeks warming slightly. “Maybe just a tiny bit.”
But the corners of your lips still twitched upwards, forming a lopsided smile.
He shrugged, a casual grin returning to his lips. “In that case, consider it thought, not said.”
You smiled at him, feeling a nervous flutter in your chest. The dim light of the kitchen seemed to cast a warm glow around him, making his features appear even more inviting than usual. He looked soft now, and you found yourself struggling to understood why, at one point, you were unbelievably intimidated by him.
Freshman year you would be having a heart attack now, truly. You could still feel her deep down in your mind, beginning to hyperventilate with excitement.
You looked down shyly, trying to steady your racing heart, and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before pointing at the beers.
“Do you need help with those?”
“Sure,” he replied with a grin, pushing one towards you. “I can never say no to you.” His words sent a rush of warmth through you, and you bit your lip to prevent your smile from growing even more. Forget alcohol— subtlety is what you needed more of. He rounded the kitchen counter.
As he neared you, he paused, his eyes flicking to your forehead. Placing the beers back down, he reached out, his fingers hovering inches from your skin. You scrunched your brows in confusion, blinking rapidly as his face came closer to yours. His touch was feather-light, so soft it was almost imperceptible, yet it sent a shiver down your spine all the same.
“What—” you began, but the words caught in your throat.
“There,” he murmured, his voice low and soothing. He brushed something from your temple, his fingers lingering for a heartbeat longer than necessary. You felt your cheeks heat up, a growing blush spreading like wildfire.
You couldn’t help but imagine how Azriel must be with those he loved beyond friendship—how his gentle gestures must perfectly soothe the hearts of those he held dear. The soft touches, the attentiveness, the small actions that made Azriel so uniquely himself. The thought lingered as he pulled away, rubbing his fingers with a small, smile.
“Some sand,” he said, his voice casual, but the warmth in his eyes gave it a softer edge.
You managed to breathe out a thank you, the breath escaping you in a soft rush. Another shiver ran through you, not just from the chill, but from the unexpected intimacy of his touch. You stared at the counter, hoping it would hide the flush on your cheeks and the way your smile made your cheeks ache.
Azriel seemed to have a sudden realization. “Aaand,” he said, turning on his heel and walking briskly into the living room. Moments later, he returned with a small jog, tossing you a hoodie. “It’s mine, not Cass’s, but hopefully it’ll work.”
The hoodie smelled faintly of him—an understated blend of his personal scent that made you feel a little warmer. You took it from him, the fabric soft and reassuring against your fingers.
“Thanks,” you said, smiling as you pulled the hoodie on.
“Ready?” he asked, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer before he grabbed the remaining beers.
You nodded, following him back outside. As you stepped into the night, you couldn’t shake the lingering warmth on your temple. It felt as if the very spot on your head held an imprint of his touch, a marker of his fingerprints.
You smiled for the rest of the night.
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹
Part Three
authors note: this series is the only thing keeping me going rn, just two sweethearts with crushes on each other and a lovely beach….and cass with a pornstache 😏
permanent tag list 🫶🏻: 
@rhysandorian @itsswritten @milswrites @lilah-asteria @georgiadixon
@glam-targaryen @cheneyq @darkbloodsly @pit-and-the-pen @azrielsbbg
@evergreenlark @marina468 @azriels-human @panther-girl-124 @bubybubsters 
@starswholistenanddreamsanswered @feyretopia  @ninthcircleofprythian @velariscalling @azrielrot
@justyouraveragekleemain @marigold-morelli @mrsjna @anarchiii @alittlelostalittlefound
@melissat1254 @m4tthewmurd0ck @beardburnsupersoldiers
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charlesoberonn · 9 months
"Equality of Opportunity vs. Equality of Outcome" is a false dichotomy. Life isn't a segmented line with a clear beginning (opportunity) and end (outcome). Life is ongoing, everything is both an outcome of previous events and conditions and an opportunity for events and conditions to come.
And even if you accept the notion of "equality of opportunity, not outcome" then you have to define what counts as equal opportunity. I personally like the example of the bicycle race.
Which is fairer, a bicycle race where every cyclist gets the exact same bike no matter their body type or condition, or a race where each cyclist gets the bicycle that best fits them?
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astrxealis · 2 years
tbh i kinda think ffxiv is worth playing even for drk quests alone. but no bcs the whole game is amazing ofc yes and i love shb/enw/everything so damn much but also bcs drk quests are really good esp bcs of all that the story of ffxiv is
^^ or rather, the ffxiv free trial! ffxiv really is so huge after all >___< (and i love all of it. most of it. but a lot of it yes)
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#⋯ ꒰ა ffxiv ໒꒱ *·˚#the way drk quests connect to the main story is literally the best. it is so good#i've talked about this before but the way it builds the character of someone who is essentially played by all players#bcs. you don't have defined backstories. outside of your starter city state which barely has an impact on anything other than the first#few hours or so tbh! and ofc if you give your character/s backstories that's a whole other thing but. basically. yeah#the main story is pretty much That by which i mean it'll go a certain way. without a doubt#and you can have your own headcanons but often in cutscenes your dislike/like of a character is made obvious#and in early game you don't have that much dialogue choices. or any choice at all. drk expands on that#who do you fight for? what would you do if (insert)? it really is just so. ehgbah. i think philosophical is a right word#it gives so much character to someone who is essentially supposed to be like. say. link. or byleth. but unique to each player#bcs it is an mmo! and idk but FR. drk quests are just so good i love them so much even if tanking is my least fav role#i especially love the ones for stormblood bcs everything with myste is just. so good. so deep. but it makes so much sense#idk man i ehbshjbgbdhbghs drk quests my beloved ....................#it's all about love and forgiveness! self-love. guilt. morality. those kinda stuff.#i joked around a bit and sang that line from the song yeah? 'and that's the power of love' or. smth really like that#but fr it is just. so beautiful. so full of love. and the way drk's don't use shields... the lore behind it#i think hw quests were great bcs it was so drk fitting but in the context of heavensward? yeah? also LOVE the moogles <3#i think sid's character development is really lovely and also reminds me of thancred if he and ryne were more uh. aggressive?#i forgot what is the max tags but this is now 20 and i took 15 minutes writing all this. GOOD NIGHT (maybe. idk anymore)
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ghelgheli · 6 months
Afab people can also develop a gendered subjectivity in response to transmisogyny, whether they've been victims of it or not, just as amab people can develop it as a result of misogyny. So, if transfemininity is also defined by this characteristic, afab transfem also fit into it. Your objection to this fact is just a bias based, at best, on ignorance.
It's is a bioessentialist prescription because you're adopting a conception of transfemininity that dictates that to be transfeminine, you have to fulfil to expectation of being male assignment at birth. this is no different from someone who uses the bioessentialist conception of womanhood which require female assignement at birth. Both are form bioessentialism that we should not perpetuate at our level, but rather we should re-thinking these gender categories in a way that doesn't align with bioessetialist conceptions
whoops! you caught me out aha. I forgot that afab trans people have subjectivities shaped by transmisogyny. I also forgot that cis womanhood is defined in large part thru transmisogyny: the fear of being clocky, constant affirmation by distancing from the tranny-object except when it's hot to have a bit of a jawline now, palatability as opposition to the monstrosity of being the shemale. I guess cis women are transfeminine too!
let's remember, while we're at it, that transmisogyny is the spectre that haunts the subject of the cis man. the gendered border policing lest one take a step too close to sissification, the prohibition on behaviour that could threaten to make him a girl—oh! cis men are transfeminine too!
in fact, we're all transfeminine! transmisogyny, as the recognition and attempted correction of the tranny-glitch that undoes the threads of gender, asserts itself against all of us. it is impossible to be a gendered subject without having contours shaped by the domineering pressures of transmisogyny, because that is what demands we all fall in line to the gendered nightmare. oops! all transfem!
but wait. a certain group, deprived now of unique identification, has just lost the ability to describe its gendered situation. it has been swallowed up by the seas of inclusive thinking or whatever. I guess that's okay :) I guess we'll drop our complaints :) we were a nuisance in the first place, weren't we? sorry. so sorry for existing this way.
listen to me. listen to me not as your fucking ephemeral gender oracle telling you what you want to hear before being thrown away, not as your bullshit mouthpiece granting you entrance to this mystical domain you want to claim for yourself, but as a god damn person for once—an impossible thing to ask of the transmisogynistic tranny wannabe, I know, but try!
you cannot escape hegemonic gender and its violent devices with flaccid platitudes about "re-thinking these gender categories" as though by changing the names of things you can change the things themselves. transmisogyny is the bioessentialism, and transmisogyny is why I am a failed man—the faggot embodied—something less than both man and woman—a gender traitor specifically against my assignment itself. and if you cannot recognize the unique ways that transmisogyny is deployed unrelentingly and irrevocably against the ones who will never be able to resort to birth assignment as a defense—against the ones who cannot throw their hands up and say, "I was never supposed to be a man in the first place!"—you have not understood the first thing about the root source of transmisogyny, and it is no surprise to me that you have no sense of transfemininity as a political category, a(n un)gendered class.
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hoe4sports · 2 months
Pretty girl
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Leah Williamson x reader
A note from the author: Tihi, just a short lil cutie fic from my cuties. Not too happy with this one :/ Intuition p2 and How this ends p2 will be out this weekend; planning to finish them on the plane.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Reader is pregnant and has her hands full, before a mysterious girl offers to carry her stuff to her car.
You found yourself in the middle of an isle in the cutest little baby boutique you had ever laid your hands on. The boutique was rather high end, but you didn't mind. All of the clothes were adorable and it felt like for each item you looked at; it was getting even cuter. Music was beaming in your ears and the cooling sensation from the air condition felt good on your body. It was fairly hot in England, and you were just wearing your bright pink summer dress. Your hands roamed through the materials on the shelf. The need to nest had crept up on you a few weeks ago which led you to hire people to do the nursery.
Life had been picture perfect; a good paying job, a blooming career, a hot fiance, a newly purchased dream house, the kindest golden retriever and your new Lexus made life seem like it was a bliss. You thought that life couldn't get any better until you one morning watched two little lines appear on a pregnancy test. From this moment, life was perfect. It was even more perfect when you got told that you were carrying a little baby girl around with you. But that was when your world came crashing down. Your fiancé had decided that he wasn't ready for a child, funny enough just when you were told that it was a girl. Perhaps it was the fear of being a girl dad that scared him, and you honestly didn’t blame him. It was scary to have a child, but you would rather have a child alone than a child that wasn’t gonna feel love from both parents. The instant he left, you decided that you were still going to make the best out of it. You made a promise to love your little girl enough for the both of you.
Your hand reached for a pink little onesie with pink lacing around the neck. It was an adorable and you immediately decided that you needed the piece of clothing. The next thing you grabbed was a little pink skirt before adding another onesie with some flowers on it. The basket quickly filled up before you got an employee to help you with deciding on a crib. You ended up with a white crib with soft paintings of roses next to it. It fit the aesthetic of the room perfectly. You were a girly girl through and through. Then you headed towards the register, paying for all the clothes and the crib before you got the girl to bring out your pre ordered car seat. It was a cybex car seat with a 360 turn and a stroller attachment. It felt good to know that you had everything taken care of. You wanted everything to be perfect for her. Anything for your little girl.
«Alright Miss, that comes up to 478.90 p, cash or card?» the cashier says as she smiles towards you. She looked young, not older than 20, but she was for sure good at her job.” Card, please» you confirmed as you pulled out your Amex.
Once you had paid, the girl had bagged everything up for you. You placed the rather large bag in the baby seat and carried the box with your other hand. It was a struggle and you mentally cursed yourself for not bringing help.
«Please, let me help you with that! »
A girl’s voice calls from behind you. You turn around still holding on to both the box with the crib, the car seat and the paper bags of clothes for your baby. Your gaze meets the girl’s worried gaze. You smile gratefully at her while handing over the bag. Unexpectedly, she grabs everything from your hands. It makes you blush slightly, and you tuck your hair behind your ear.
“You didn’t have to, thank you so much! I should probably have parked closer to the store” you say with a little giggle at the end of the sentence. The girl smiles in return, and you catch a glimpse of her defined arms while she walks infront of you to the car. The sight makes you feel warm thought your body. Wow, you think to yourself. People are still good.
You pressed your key making the car beep and the lights blink. The girl immediately goes towards the correct car and gives you a nod of approval. «Rad looking car, i love a good blackout window» she compliments which causes you to instantly smile. You both stop behind the car before you press the booth waiting for the electric door to open.
When you stand there, you see the girls sunglasses slipping off and you instinctively push them carefully back up. The girl gives you a charming smile before placing your boxes inside the car. She presses the button on the trunk which makes it shut itself close, and you place your handbag in the passenger seat.
“Thank you so much, uhm, what was your name again?”
“I didn’t say my name”
“What is your name?”
“It’s a secret”
“Hm, keep being stubborn, you look like a Anya. So Anya it is!” You tease while crossing your arms before an unexpected silence wraps around your conversation. Anya, as you have decided to call her, smiles at you while shaking her head lightly. She doesn’t say anything which makes you feel uncomfortable. You love to talk, and your parents always said that your talent was that you could find something to talk about in any situation. But this situation was different, you felt at loss for words. You decided to go the safe route and be polite again.
“Again thank you so much, Anya! Could I offer you anything? A coffee and a pastry, maybe?” you suggest, mostly out of courtesy not really think much of it ready to hop into your car.
“Actually, I would love that” she smiles back. You look gobsmacked for a second making her face frown a little. “Oh,Sorry, I just assumed you didn’t want to, but let’s go. I know the perfect place!” you cheer trying to stop the situation from escalating making your face light up. She smiles from your enthusiasm.
“Alright, Mrs. Whe-“
You interrupt her while pointing demonstrably to your finger without a ring, but a clear tan line from where your engagement ring once sat. “It’s Miss”
She smiles cheekily before nodding in approval.
“Miss, where do you wanna go?”
“I know the perfect place. It’s just around the corner, walk with me.” You say as you grab your purse and close the door of your car. The stroll to the cafe isn’t too long, just a good 7 minute walk. You don’t really say much on your way there, because you don’t know what to say. It’s uncomfortable for you, because you always know what to talk about. You stop at the cafe and enter it while the smell of cinnamon rolls is welcoming you.
“Cute place, didn’t know this place even existed” Anya says as she scans the room looking over her sunglasses.
“It’s my indefinite favourite, I used to come here all the time. They have the best service and the best coffee, I promise” you say as the barista comes to the register.
“Y/N! Hiya! My favourite customer. The usual for you today?” She says as she smiles. It’s the owner of the cafe, Tiana, she was the first person you got to know once you moved to the city. “You know it Ti” you say as you smile before you look over at the blonde you brought with you.
“What about you Miss, what can I offer you today?” Tiana asked as she looked over at the blonde. She scans the menu quickly, and looks at you. “Make that a double.” She says making you blush. You look down at your shoes confused. Oh, how you loved a pretty face and Anya was a sight for sore eyes.
“Alright, that gets you to 5.99, cash or card?” Tiana asked looking at you. “Card” you repeate while roaming through you bag to find your card. Once you find it, you look over at the blonde who has her card over the terminal just as the terminal beeps before confirming that the payment went through. You look at her as you cross your arms. “I was supposed to get that!” You complain as you frown.
“I always pay on the first date” she says. The statement makes your mind go crazy. You felt like a thousand butterflies were rushing through your belly and you instinctively rest a hand on your bump. Did she really say that? you think. You settle on the assumption that she probably said something else, but you just misheard what she said.
You head over to a table with a view of the nearby park, perfect for people watching. Your iced mocha with a pump of vanilla and cinnamon rolls comes to your table. Tiana smiles at you before placing it down. “Enjoy your little…” she says before leaning in. “Date” she whispers which causes you to blush instantly. The blonde just looks at you while smiling before she sips the drink.
“Tell me what you think! Isn’t it just glorious?" you ask before taking a sip of your own.
"It sure is good, you really were right about that one" she says before placing it down and picking up her cinnamon roll.
"So, Y/N, tell me more about yourself" she suggest before digging into her roll.
You clear your throat as you try to think of what to say.
"Well, im 25 and i work as a lawyer for this international company which is also why i moved to this city. I am currently pregnant, which you probably figured anyway. My ex fiance left me a few months ago, and since then; it has only been me, little girly inside here and our-, my golden retriever, Tucker" you realise you are rambling, making you feel slighly embarassed over your excitement. You pop a piece of the cinnamon roll in your mouth to make you shut up.
“Interesting, sounds like he was an ass. Sorry about him” she says as she straightens up her posture.
“Oh, don’t be! I’d rather have him out now than when she gets here. Wouldn’t want to get too used to having a pair of extra hands when it was just gonna be me. Besides, my sisters are more than happy to help so I will be lucky if I can have my hands on her”
You joke, feeling embarrassed again.
“Sorry, sorry, I tend to ramble. Please feel free to tell me to shut up” you mumble as your cheeks blush.
“I don’t mind at all. Strong and independent” She smiles before taking another sip of her coffee. Her eyes meets yours and you finally notice how blue her eyes are. Crystal clear blue.
“Tell me more about you, please?” You ask before shoving another piece of pastry down your throat. The comfort from her made you feel better about yourself. It was rare that people understood your rambling, but she really didn’t seem to mind.
“Well, my name is Leah, I am 27 and I work in sports. I don’t have a dog or a cat, which I probably should, seems like it is good company, yeah?” she says while smiling at you.
“Definitely! I love tucker, he has been such a good help when it comes to getting past my ex and everything. It made it feel much smoother and I was forced to get fresh air when I was at my lowest, he really is the bestest boy.” You exclaim while pulling up your phone to flash Leah your screen, a picture of Tucker with a scrunchie holding his ears on the top of his head while he has an attitude on his face. Leah giggles when she sees the picture which makes you feel good. “Wow, he really looks like an absolute sweetheart.” She says before the conversation flows through topics like food, goals, hobbies and motivation.
And before m you know it, she is finishing her drink up. She places the cup firmly on the table making it cling. “I need to get going to work, walk with me?” She askes before pushing her chair out. “Of course, it would be an honour” you state before mentally facepalming yourself to the moon. But Leah dosent seem to care, she seems to finds it sweet.
When you eventually get back to the parking lot, she follows you back to your car before opening the door for you. You giggle at her before jumping in. She leans towards the roof of your car while shading her face from the sun by putting her hand up, once again showing off her toned arms.
“Thank you again, Leah. For carrying my stuff and the coffee. I wish you would’ve let me paid. Can I transfer you?” You suggest pulling up your phone expecting her banking details.
She shooks her head before smirking.
“I know what you can do to show your appreciation”
“What? I’d do anything”
“You are single, right?”
“Uh, I..”
“Oh, man, I’m sorry fo-“
“No, no! I’m single, just caught off guard. Is there a blind date you want to set me up with? Like with your brother?”
“God, no. How about a date with me? You put on a nice dress and i’ll make a reservation for us for Saturday?”
You become too stunned to speak. Not finding your words. Your thoughts are going at 100 miles per hour and you couldn’t separate your head from your ass if you tried.
“You realise that I’m pregnant, right? Like, about to have a baby in some months?” You ask slightly embarrassed, but not wanting to trap her or lure her into something when you are pregnant. It is a lot to deal with when it comes to dating someone pregnant.
“Yes?” She bluntly asked with a confused look on her face while she ruffles her hair back.
“Oh, are you sure? You can always change your mind, I wouldn’t blame you at all. Taking someone on a date is tough, but a pregnant woman? Gosh, that is probably terrifying.” You ramble on feeling slightly anxious. It isn’t that you don’t want to date her, but you are scared that she is getting herself into something that she will struggle getting out off.
“I honestly don’t mind, you have a good heart and a pretty face. You are an exceptional talker, and you are intelligent. Being pregnant is a situation in your life, it’s not your personality. I don’t mind that, or kids, or fur kids at all. So, what do you say?”
You sit there, absolutely gobsmacked for the third time within the hours.
“Okay, okay if you really want to. Then yes, I’ll go on a date with you, but remember that you can always say no”
“Alright pretty girl, pop your number into my phone and I’ll text you the details, yeah?”
You nod while grabbing her phone putting your number in under your name before handing it back over.
“I guess I’ll see you soon?”
“I promise that you will, now take care of both you, little miss inside of you and Tucker!” She says before winking as she closes your door carefully and turns to walk to her car. You sit in the car speechless. You don’t even understand what just happened. What just spun out over the last hour. You have so many feelings at once that you feel a tear drop to your lap. Damn you hormones, you say before drying your eyes making you giggle over your own silliness. She was just such a good woman.
You pull out of the parking lot listening to Taylor Swift bopping along to the music. The beaming streets passing as your car you drive. When you eventually pull up to your home, you look at your phone. To your surprise, you see a text from a new number.
“Pretty girl, be ready on Saturday at 19. I’ll pick you up. Leah xx”
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venjras · 1 month
just a simple prompt because i was bored and had this idea in my head way too much lately. was thinking about making it a series, what do y’all think? ( wrote it in a rush, so excuse my grammar )
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it's been a lifetime since you've started hearing about gojo, the family friend of endless qualities. but punctually there was never a chance to actually meet him, like a curse that brought both to diametrically different places whenever there was an opportunity for a possible clash. you heard about it at family dinners, during the update phone calls with your brother, there were even his t-shirts in the laundry basket every time you came home for spring breaks.
and it was about damn time, today was the day.
right now you were floating on the crystal clear surface of the pool water, enjoying the warm contrast that the sun's rays of that day of mid-august brought. with your eyes closed, you almost felt like you were levitating and as if everything around you was just the result of your imagination, so heavenly. the head inevitably went back to the night before, to the club where you were with your friends to celebrate the graduation. you had lost them after an hour from the arrival, they probably were with some guy and with the certainty that for that evening you weren’t going to see them again.
in fact, you found yourself alone, sitting at the bar counter turning the ice of your cocktail around with the deafening music that rumbled in your ears. a little puff came out of your lips, you didn't even realise the bulky presence next to you, imposing and massive, that would have no problem towering over your little frame. at some point you see the bartender replace your drink with a new one, gesture that makes you frown and finally get the first glance of that white haired boy and crystalline look that had long been resting on your face.
“i thought you'd use some company.” his deep voice resounded in your whole body, almost overcoming the loud speakers. your gaze slowly slid along his figure, muscular torso and perfectly fitted by a white shirt, unbuttoned and specially tighter to show the well-defined lines of his biceps, same for the jeans that left very little to no imagination. final touch given by that breathtaking face, well-marked jaw. he seemed almost sculpted by the gods and you were sure he knew. a wave of heat invaded the lower part of your body. you saw his lips hunch into a smile and that's where you realised you didn't answer him yet.
what happened in the next hour was too fast to even realise it, the last thing you knew was that you were locked between the wall and his body. his mouth was devouring yours, tongues looking for each other in a desperate dance, drinking you up completely. fingers pulling hard on his locks, legs wrapped around his waist, panties pulled to the side.
his cum already dripping down your shivering legs, what was his name again?
your nipples got hard and an annoying heat took possession of your lower belly at the mere memory, forced to go with your head under water. you had to recover, you didn't have time for these things. in less than an hour the family friend would arrive and finding you all frustrated was not the best idea. at the time you were only wearing a white bikini, you had just a couple of minutes to change into something more appropriate since, as much as that was your favourite piece, it was definitely too revealing.
and the heat too insistent, annoying, to the point that little by little it could have given you to the head. you came out of the water and pulled yourself up from the edge, too late to realise that two pairs of eyes were already looking at you. in particular one of them. “hey sis, have you met gojo yet?”
fuck, that's what his name was.
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part two.
©️ venjras.
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xmalereader · 2 months
— Endless Pt. 1 —
Bruce Wayne x Endless! Male Reader
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SUMMARY: The endless family is made up of 7 children, so why is their an 8th? Reader is the black sheep of the family with no purpose to fulfill the human realm. He spends his days locked away in the Dreaming where he stays under his brothers watch. It wasn’t until one of Dreams new nightmares escapes the realm and starts causing problems in the Waking, giving reader a chance to show that he can be helpful in his family by tracking down his brothers nightmare, not knowing what awaits him.
WARNINGS/CONTENT: Angst, slow burn, MDNI 18+, language, endless family, dream trying to be a good brother, mentions of abuse, black sheep, self esteem problems, mentions of death, family secrets, friends to lovers, post riddler chaos, mentions of new villains, foreshadowing, reader and Bruce balancing each other out, Gotham is shit, slight kissing, trauma mentioned, OC nightmare, non-canon works.
WC: 5k
TAGS: @circusdexxter @lordzachariah0-0 @apolo1808 @i-cant-sleep615 @kayden1 @boylicious143 @h-ib @kik1010 @toxic90sboy @multifandomsimp69 @moththesadmage @stalker0
NOTES: Finally! After a very long break I’m finally getting back into writing again! I will mainly be focusing on my series that I’ve been planning for quiet awhile and really want to focus on this Endless series that I’ve had in mind for months. I’ll try my best to update as much as possible since each chapter will be between 5k-8k words or longer in order to have fewer chapters, but other than that, here is the first part and thank you for being patient on my writing!
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Blinding - Florence And The Machine
The Endless had 8 children, each with a purpose in life.
Destiny with the purpose of defining all that is, Death was destined to put the universe to rest, Dream with the creation of stories and imagination, Destruction with the power of not only destroying but of making and producing, Desire with the purpose of wanting and lust along with their twin Despair who is the personification of despair and hope, and Delirium who can create realities and manipulate the human mind.
They all had an important purpose.
All but one.
The eighth child was the youngest of them all, having been born eons later after Delirium resulting in the last sibling of the Endless family. His siblings figured that he would have a purpose just like them only to have none. The last sibling wasn’t special nor was he given a proper name that would fit his so called ‘purpose’ instead both Father Time and Mother Night left their last child in the hands of their other children.
He expected his brothers and sisters to help him find a purpose that brought balance to the human realm, but neither sibling was much help. The twins simply teased him, mocking his existence while the others grew to busy in their own duties to give him the attention he needs, a few of his other siblings were busy searching for the ‘Prodigal’ who had left his duty many years ago and was being searched in order to restore balance again.
The youngest Endless could only watch from the sidelines holding onto hope that he too, would have a purpose of his own.
As he was passed around from sibling to sibling he spent most of his time in their realms watching their work and staying in line from overstepping into their duties. He spent most of his time in Dreams realm feeling his heart warm in joy when he walked through his brothers creation. The creation of stories and imagination was a powerful thing for many humans something that his brother found joy in doing.
There were times that he spent his time in his brothers library, hidden behind many rows of books, watching from the corners as his brother speaks with Lucian and Marvin. No matter how long he spends in this dreaming he never had the chance to actually create a bond with his brother, growing afraid each time he approached him when returning a book or when trying to ask a simple question about his creations.
Delirium was technically the baby in the family before he came into the picture and Dream already struggled with creating a bond with his sister and he didn’t want to get in the way of their bond. He spent years without knowing his duty that he’s grown used to being an outsider from his siblings, spending his ‘family’ dinners alone in Dreams realm, trying to stay out of their business as much as possible.
Even if his sister, Death, tired to convince him to join them for dinner he’d refuse and continue on with his day. What was the purpose of him being there? He can’t stand their whispers of pity, so why even bother.
He felt like a burden to his own family, so instead of trying to fit in he’d slowly pushed himself out of the picture and allowing them to have the spotlight while he stood out the frame. There were times that wished to disappear like his brother, Destruction. He didn’t know much about him and the others didn’t talk about him, not because they hated him, but because of the pain it brought them when reminded of their brother leaving without a word, abandoning his duty and hiding from the world.
When wandering around Dreams library he had found a book hidden deep in the shelves that contained a photo of his brother, Destruction. He looked older than the others and with a rugged expression on his face, having facial hair on his face and perhaps a grumpy like exterior. He kept the image of his brother in mind before putting the book back where it belongs in order to keep his brother, Dream from knowing his findings.
“A nightmare has escaped.”
He was doing his usual routine, hiding in the library and nose buried in a book before his ears perk at the sound of the ravens worried tone when landing near Lucians desk and letting her know about the situation.
“Does Lord Morpheus know about this?” Lucian had asked while she looked through the new plans of the realm, showing very little interest towards the situation since she had no control over dreams and nightmares.
The raven, Matthew tilts his head to the side. “He does—“
“Then I don’t see what this has to do with me.”
“It’s that new nightmare.” Said Matthew, voice laced with worry and concern.
His words causes Y/n to look up from his book, eyes widening when hearing Matthew. He knew what nightmare he was referring to and knew how messy the situation can turn out if a nightmare were to abandon its duties. Dream always kept an eye on his dreams and nightmares and had been making changes in his realm, more like improvements. He had been changing his nightmares into dreams and leaving him with time to make new nightmares for the dreamers, having created one that lurks on your deepest fears named Pitch.
Y/n never liked the nightmare when first meeting him, his tall structure and sharp yellow eyes always made him shiver and whenever he was alone the nightmare always found him.
“Pitch is nothing but problems.” Sighed Lucian while removing her glasses.
Matthew lets out a small sound of understanding. “He reminds me of the Corinthian in some way.”
The name was familiar to Y/n, having heard about him and the troubles he’s brought into Dreams realm the nightmare was so bad that Dream had to destroy his creation and store him away. His brother had claimed that he will restore the Corinthian again, one day when he deemed the time right.
Y/n doesn’t stay longer to listen to their conversation and closes his book, leaving it on the table and standing from where he sat. He doesn’t spare the librarian and raven a glance, having grown used to their silent glances when his presence is made known, leaving the library and making his way towards his brothers chambers where he finds him pacing around the room while reading a book in hand. He’s noticed the stack of books scattered on the floor with different names from many dreamers.
He can’t help but raise a brow at his brothers mess, but doesn’t point it out when approaching him.
“I suppose you are busy?”
Dream doesn’t look away from his book and keeps pacing. “I am always busy.” His voice echos back before stopping mid pace to look over to Y/n who stood a good distance from the other Endless. Dream looks at him up and down before asking. “Is there something you need?” He’d usually brush off anyone’s needs and focus on himself, but after his imprisonment of 100 years and spending more time around humans he’s grown to change.
Showing some compassion for once.
The younger endless stares at Dream and then down at the books that surround them both. He wants to jump in and help his brother with finding his missing nightmare to be able to do something for once. “I heard that Pitch left the realm.” He starts, noticing the slight frown appear on his brothers face which makes him bite the inside of his cheek in a nervous manner.
“I can help with finding him?” He finally asks.
Dream shuts his book which causes Y/n to flinch and avoid his brothers eyes, looking away nervously after asking. He would expect his brother to be upset for wanting to step in and provide assistance to his mistake when it was his duty to fix the problem and not Y/n’s.
But his brothers words surprise him. “I’d appreciate the help.”
Y/n’s eyebrows raise in surprise when he’s accepted to help, nodding slowly as he takes a few steps closer and a bit hesitant on what to do. “What are you looking for in these books?” He asks and bends down to pick one up, reading the name of the dreamer before flipping it open and skimming through the pages.
“Pitch lurks on fear. Since I no longer have my ruby, I am unable to find my nightmares and must doing things a bit differently.” Dream being to explain as he walks over to the other side of the room to toss the book he was currently reading on top of another pile. Y/n guessed that it’s the finished books he’s read. “If I wish to find Pitch I have to find out which dreamers are most likely to be targeted by him.”
Y/n looks back at the stack of books with wide eyes. “You’re trying to locate a dreamer who could possibly lure Pitch in?” He says in disbelief and turns back to Dream. “That could take hours or days, all dreamers have nightmares so Pitch could be going after anyone.” He sets the book down and steps back to stare at the different piles, reading off names and trying to figure out his brothers outrageous system of locating his missing nightmare.
Dream lets out a dry chuckle when hearing his little brothers worries and shakes his head. “Then,” he walks over to Y/n and hands him a book. “Lets get started.” The little Endless can only mentally groan as he takes the thick book in hand and watched Dream get back to his own reading.
The room falls into a comfortable silence as the two read for what felt like hours. The sound of flipping pages echoed in the throne room and the placement thud of the book beings piled up as the continued their reading. As much as he enjoyed spending time in his brothers library he was slowly growing tired of reading dreamers lives and how they spent their time in the dreaming realm when sleeping. Even though he doesn’t have a purpose he’s starting to realize that being a Dream lord wouldn’t be for him.
It wasn’t until he breaks out into a yawn that it gets the Dream lords attention, eyes glancing up from his book and towards his brother who was half asleep at this point. Dream sighs through his nose and closed his book, setting it aside from where he sat on the steps. “You're tired, get some sleep.”
Y/n snaps his head up and shakes his head at Dreams words. “I’m fine I can keep going.” He waves him off and tries to concentrate on the book o his lap, but Dream had quickly taken the book from him and closed it. “I can tell when someone doesn’t sleep.” His voice is low as he towers over Y/n who sits on the floor and sighs to himself, rubbing his eyes and nodding his head slowly. “Okay, I’ll get some sleep.” He mumbled in return as he stands from where he sat.
Even though he wanted to help Dream in finding Pitch he’d need to get some rest if he wishes to keep going. When letting Dream know that he will head off to his room and get some proper rest for the night he makes sure to sneak at least one book back to his bedroom in order to keep helping out of his brother sight and not get into any trouble.
He holds the book against his chest when leaving his throne room and down a different hall in his castle. He yawns again when reaching his own bedroom, its big and spacious when entering a few books are on the shelf and small little valuables are sitting near the balcony not having a lot since he spent most of his time in the Dreaming with his brother.
He tossed the book on his bed and falls face first into his pillow, moaning tiredly and closing his eyes for a few seconds, letting his body relax against the soft blankets and pillows. The silence wakes him back up, opening his eyes and glancing over to the book he had snuck into his room.
It was surprisingly thin and the binding is all black, getting his attention as he sits up and turns around to lie on his back. He grabs the book and holds it up, reading the name on the front cover.
“Bruce Wayne…” He whispers the name to himself and flips the cover open, starting at the beginning like every other book he’s read. He knows he’s suppose to be sleeping or else his brother will use his sand on him, but he can’t help but grow eager to continue helping his brother, to be able to do something for once as he reads the book in hand.
He’s nodding off little by little and trying to concentrate on the words on the pages, shaking the sleep away and sighing as he adjusts his sleeping position and groans before flipping to the next page only to freeze, his eyes full of confusion as he sits up, fully awake as he stares down at blank pages. He’s never seen something like this in the books, finding half of the pages blank.
The mans life ends in nightmares, but the blank pages had to mean something. He quickly pulls the blankets back and slips out of bed, rushing out of his room and holding the book in hand as he heads back to his brothers throne room to ask him about the strange book.
“Aren’t you suppose to be sleeping?” Dream cuts in and slams his book shut, setting it aside onto a pile. The time that Y/n spent reading had resulted in the shift of books, having less around the throne room since his brother had finished reading a few on his own. Before Y/n can ask about the blank pages in the book his brother had approached him and takes his wrist in hand, dragging him back to his room.
“I’ve told you many times that you are to be asleep, unlike me you need the rest since your body isn’t adjusted to the dreaming realm quiet yet.” He began to explain, disregarding Y/n’s protests as he’s dragged back to his room. “But Dream—!?”
“Enough talk.” They make it back to his room where Dream shoves him back into bed and takes the book from his grip, setting it aside and ignoring the title of the book since he was focused on Y/n.
“But the book!” said Y/n as he reached out to grab it only for Dream to push him back into bed.
“You can tell me about it tomorrow, now you sleep.” He doesn’t give Y/n the chance to speak again as he uses his sand on his little brother, watching as he yawns and his eyes slowly flutter closed.
Y/n doesn’t dream.
He knows that his own brother does since its apart of him, but Y/n never had dreams or nightmares. He always wondered if it was because he wasn’t an Endless like his siblings with a purpose in the human realm. His siblings had dreams, but never spoke about them. Dream had their books with their dreams and nightmares written locked away from prying hands, he never read their books in order to keep the privacy and respect, never lurking in their dreams to see what they think of when sleeping. He made a rule to never do such thing, but Dream was surprised when his little brothers book wasn’t on the shelf.
He had given it time since he was still young, but after eons, nothing.
That’s why Y/n had woken up without feeling anything, falling asleep in darkness and waking up as if nothing ever happened. He’d stare at the ceiling of his room, quiet and still as he thinks about last nights discoveries. He turns to his left where his brother had left the book. He would have expected Dream to take it back instead of leaving it in his room.
He takes the book into his hands again and reads the name to himself once more. His fingers opening the book as he flips through the empty pages in hopes of finding new words only to find nothing, ending in the same way as last night.
“You can’t be dead.” He says to himself when closing the book, he’s seen how their story is written before death comes for them. It always ends with a dream before their story reaches an end, but Bruce’s didn’t have that and it made him question it.
He holds the book in hand when leaving his room, heading off to see his brother only to find the throne room empty when arriving. The books that were scattered around were gone, leaving the place empty and clean. He decides to check the library, perhaps he could find his brother there if the books were all cleaned up.
Only, he doesn’t find his brother there other than Lucian.
“Lucian, have you seen Dream?” He speaks up softly towards the librarian as she organized a few books and puts them in their designated space in the shelves. She looks up from her work and sighs. “Lord Morpheus had to attend a family dinner.” She responds back which makes Y/n’s heart race at the statement, forgetting that family dinners were every few years.
He was always invited but rarely went since he didn’t want to deal with the usual conversations.
“Found your purpose yet?”
“Still staying with Dream?”
“Why even have another endless when you can’t figure out why you are here.”
The past conversation makes him shudder, hating the feeling of being different.
Lucian can easily see the sadness hidden behind Y/n’s eyes as if showing that he’s fine when deep down inside he was hurting.
“I was curious about something,” He began to say, holding the book under his arm. “have you ever dealt with a dreamers dreams not showing in their books?”
Lucian raises a brow at his question. “Lack of dreams?”
Y/n shakes his head. “More like, disappearing from the human realm when they aren’t really dead?” He winced at his own question, unsure if he was making sense towards the librarian.
“Oh,” Lucian gives him a look of surprise. “Well, we once dealt with a boy who went missing in the dreaming. We couldn’t find him in his books and it looked like he had disappeared from the world.” She explains while shelving books. “Turns out that a nightmare was keeping him hidden, using their power and work to hide the boy from the real world. A way of escaping reality and hiding in the dreaming.”
Y/n takes in her words, glancing down at the book he had. Thinking that perhaps this Bruce is suffering from nightmares, making him easy bait for Pitch. He isn’t sure if he’s right or wrong, but he knows he should let his brother know since its an urgent matter due to pitch leaving his duties and causing a problem to his brother.
“Thank you, Lucian.” He leaves the book on the table and quickly leaves the library. He doesn’t usually attend family dinners, but perhaps this once he can make an appearance only to let Dream know about his discoveries and then leave. His siblings always took turns in hosting dinners, sharing each others realms for a short period of time together.
Last dinner took place in Deaths realm, today it’s Destiny’s.
In order to enter his brothers realm he’d have to ask permission, but since its a family dinner he doesn’t need to ask. He’s only been in Destiny’s realm a few times, liking his garden that he walked through in order to make it to the clear opening where a dining table is set and finds his siblings conversing amongst each other.
He always felt nervous around his other siblings. He’s known them for eons, but he didn’t really know them. He only saw them as his siblings who took care of him when he was a child, but as time went by and he continued to age things had changed between them.
“Look who decided to join us.”
Desires voice floats through the air as he looks over to his sibling, giving them a small nod of acknowledgment. “Desire.”
“Endless.” They said back.
Y/n mentally flinched at the name. He’s Endless, but Endless of what?
“That’s a surprise, you usually don’t come to these dinners.” They continued on, taunting him with a sly grin on their face. “Oh!” They gasp out. “Are you here to tell us that you’ve finally found a purpose or did you just come to ruin the dinner?” They and Despair laugh at their comment which leaves Y/n quiet.
“That’s enough.” Dream cuts in, stopping his siblings mocking. Desire clicks their tongue and rolls their eyes when their fun is ruined.
Dream looks over to Y/n. “Are you here to join us?”
He doesn’t know what to say, his mind feels fuzzy and can hear his heart racing in his ears. His eyes glancing over to the twins who murmured to each other, his eyes then shift over to Death who looks at him with eyes full of pity and concern—he hated that look. His brother Destiny didn’t even look at him and and Delirium was lost in her own world.
It wasn’t until his eyes land on the empty chair across from Dream. He’s confused at first, asking himself why they would have a chair for him. “Oh…”
There was 7 seats, one for each sibling.
The seventh wasn’t for him. It was for his missing brother, Destruction.
He’s now realized had he’s never had a seat amongst them.
Dreams voice pulls him out of his thoughts, looking back at his brother and noticed the small hint of concern in his voice.
“Is something wrong?”
Y/n gives his brother a fake smile. “It’s nothing.”
He doesn’t stay much longer and turns his back, leaving his brothers garden and heading back to the Dreaming where he belonged. Did he really belong to the dreaming? Dream was only being a kind brother and letting him stay in his realm until he’s found his purpose but its been eons and he still hasn’t figured out what kind of endless he is. Thinking about it makes him feel like a burden, having bothered his brother for years not asking himself if Dream has perhaps grown tired of having him around.
He found beauty in his brothers work always amazed by his creations and ideas that he can’t help but think that he’s a mistake wandering around his brothers creation.
“You are just Endless.”
Dream of the Endless.
Death of the Endless.
Desire of the Endless.
They all had a name, but him.
“How can I know who I am…” He whispers in the emptiness of his room, staring at the pile of books that he had left forgotten in his room only to remember last nights book.
“Bruce Wayne.”
He may not be someone who can lead him to Pitch, but he could be a start. He’s curious to know why his book ended in blank pages, waiting to be filled with words. Even if he was wrong at least it was an excuse for him to leave the realm to perhaps find himself something out in the Waking.
Y/n had seen the Waking and had very little interactions with mortals, but perhaps he’ll get the chance to know them at a better level. There isn’t much for him to take other than a notebook with notes regarding his brothers dreams and nightmares and his time here in the dreaming. His room never had anything valuable only a simple bed and a few books, nothing else.
He flips the book open and reads his last page.
“Gotham City.”
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remuslupinslittleslut · 10 months
Amy's Kinkmas Day Ten
Size Kink - Remus Lupin x Reader
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Standing on your tippy toes, you reach up to kiss your boyfriend. As Remus is much taller than you, he has to lean down to meet your lips.
"You're so tiny", he chuckles, resting his chin on your head.
"'M not", you huff, leaning your head back to look up at him.
His hands around your waist squeeze, almost lifting you of your feet. He walks you backwards to stand in front of the mirror, spinning you around.
He's right, in front of him, you do look tiny. Your arms cross over your chest, "I'm not tiny."
His hand comes up to wrap lightly around your throat, "don't start a fight you can't finish", Remus says.
Your eyes roll back, not in the mood of being told that you're tiny. This, apprently, was not the best move, Remus, in one smooth movement lift you up, pushing you onto the bed and climbing on top of you, his whole body wrapped around you.
"What was that, huh?" He's leaning on his lower arms, planted on either side of your head, his hips rolling once, to push his groin against you.
In this position you feel very small, his strong arms encircling you, broad shoulders covering your line of vision, heavy body against yours, "'s nothing."
He tsks, rolling his hips once more, head leaning down to kiss you again, "baby, you're so small, if i layed down I'd cover all of you", his lips kiss your nose, "it's truly amazing you even fit m'cock in you".
At the mention of his cock, you instinctively let out a whimper, it's so big, stretching you so good.
"Please", you whine, "I can take it, please."
He laughs, kissing along your jaw, "nah, baby, you're so little, gonna have to stretch you first."
This is necessarily true, but you're not going to object to his fingers filling you up. Kissing down your body, his fingers slip beneath your skirt, pulling your panties down, "there's m'pretty girl", he speaks lowly, directly into your core. Kissing your clit, his fingers start playing around your hole, circling the opening and lightly pushing the tip of his finger in.
Your hand reached down into his hair, pulling his head closer, making him moan against your sensitive bud.
He's eating like a starved man, licking, slurping, kissing. His fingers take their time in opening your hole, one finger slowly entering as his tongue licks around it. It doesn't take him many minutes before a second finger joins in, moving at a fast pace, making your back arch, moans slipping from your lips.
His lips pull away, eyes moving to your face, gauging your reaction as a third finger slips in. The stretch feels nice, it's nothing against his cock but it's definately a change from just the two.
"Go on love, let go, come for me", as his fingers plunge in and out of you, his mouth leaves small kisses along your tummy. Your fingers tense in his hair as your legs start shaking, your orgasm washing over you.
His fingers finally pull out, and he licks them clean, you know he doesn't want to waste your taste.
"Think you're ready for my cock now, little love?" He asks, dry hand pushing hair out of your face, as he kissing your forehead.
You nod, "yeah, please Remmy, so ready."
He pulls his cock free, giving it a few tugs, before lining up with your opening. His lips connect with yours, kissing you as he pushes in.
He fits, for sure, but it is a stretch, walls opening up to take him. It almost hurts, but he's used to you and knows you need the warm up, always having lube on hand in case you need it.
Your hands wrap around him, one arm around his back and one around his neck, holding him close to you. His upper body completely covers you, making him a human weighted blanket.
"Fuck, baby, you're so tight", he moans, hips moving back and forth, "feel so good around me."
You love it when he tells you things like this, your walls clamping down even harder when he tells you filthy words.
"You're so small, so tiny, could probably break you in two, split you on m'cock", his control over the movement of his hips is staggering, the rhytm falling as he's chasing his high.
"Not gonna last babe, shit, so good for me", you love this, love making him feel so big and strong and sexy, love having him fill you almost the second he fills you up. You love knowing how sexy he finds you, knowing that you make him feel this good.
His hips move against yours in a final, hard thrust, before stilling as his cock almost vibrates in emtying his seed inside you, white spurts painting your walls, filling your little cunt not only with cock. This is what gets you, feeling him come inside you, and you shudder as a second, weaker, orgasm washes over you.
Remus collapsed over you, and as the intensity of your orgasm wavers you push on him, "Remmy get off, you know I'm too small for this."
Kinkmas taglist: @alexxander-arcturus-black-lupin @hearts4court @delulu4marauders @remussbitch
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felassan · 3 months
Snippets. 🐺💜
The Game Informer article approximately covered the first 4 hours of the game. [source]
Twitter user: "Please please please let me make a feminine shaped body with no chest, begging for non-binary to be something I can present not just a pronoun slap" Saira: "this will be entirely possible with the body sliders!" [source]
''the characters you don’t romance WILL romance each other which can showcase different straight and queer relationships.'' [source] (So it's not only Harding/Taash, but more companion-companion pairings will be possible, and these will be diverse? ^^)
the game will have Brazilian Portuguese subtitles [source].
the community Council, which had long-term fans of the series on it, also had folks on it who had never played a DA game before [source] (this is good! a good mix)
another detail was that they ranged in age from 20s-40s, unfortunately I can't recall the source for this rn but yea.
"Last names are based on your faction. You can customize your first name, however." [source: the BioWare Discord]
"In-world - Rook is a nickname you're given before the events of the game, and it's what everyone refers to you as. It allows for other characters to refer to you in dialogue without awkwardly having to write around not having a defined title, while still allowing for name customization." Also, in the game, it is explained why we got the nickname Rook in the past. [source: the BioWare Discord]
"There are specific lines and dialogue options for different lineages, as well as different backgrounds, and classes, including at least a handful that are unique to lineage/background combinations. No specifics but we wanted to make sure the game felt reactive to the choices you made in creating your Rook." [source: the BioWare Discord] (lineage as in: human, elf, dwarf, qunari)
A user asked whether elven Rook is Dalish or City. Answer: "It'll depend on your background. As mentioned previously, certain lineages will have variations of that background that go into more detail where appropriate." [source: the BioWare Discord]
"Every faction is, ultimately, made up of people. Some good, some bad, and some trying (and failing) to do their best. So it's fair to say that different people in the world might have a different perspective on how the various factions fit in and what they're trying to do." [source: the BioWare Discord]
"Without getting into spoiler territory - Rook's a hero because they chose to be, not because they were chosen. Your choice of background fills in some of the details - and you get opportunities to define it further - but some things we leave up to you to fill in." [source: the BioWare Discord]
A user asked "In what capacity is the Inquisitor going to return? Can we expect something similar to Hawke’s return in Inquisition?" Answer: "This one you'll just have to wait and see as this is well into serious spoiler territory. But more generally, as I said in the Q&A - the Inquisitor's been part of this story all along, and it would be very strange for them to suddenly fall out of it."
"Much of what would have been abilities or “spells” in the past are now accessed in real-time from the core buttons on the controller! Mana Shield, Mage Beam, Bolts, Magical Blasts, Orb Toss, and Elemental Bomb. Not to mention the elemental types change depending on your weapon. It very much feels like casting spells, but don’t just take my word for it. I’m excited to show more Mage gameplay as we get closer to launch." [source] There will be quick buttons on the keyboard for PC people too. [source]
The Veil Ranger spec can be built around charged ranged attacks, lightning damage, and stagger [source]
Many builds are possible in the game and this is highly variable with gear and companion-set up [source]
At some point this summer, they will be showing more of the skill trees [source]
The music score has variation, flourishes, and great tavern songs [source]
Corinne: "everyone at EA has been incredible in their support for the game and commitment to quality. Hopefully we’ll have a chance to do it [Discord Q&A] again. In the meantime I watch the Discord comments fairly regularly, even if I don’t respond often." [source]
A user asked about cameos of previous characters. "Seeing the surprise appearances for the first time is half the fun! There are some good ones, but I’ll leave the discoveries to you all" [source]
On a post of the table team gathering picture - Corinne: "The moments where you gather the whole team like this are some of my favorites." [source]
When Solas shot Bianca during the prologue during SGF, "Some of the journalists in the live demo audibly gasped!" [source]
In combat there are primers and detonators [source]
Lots of beloved elements from previous DA games inspired the combat of DA:TV [source]
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
Midnight craving
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synopsis-> you’re pregnant and suddenly crave for salmon in the middle of the night
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A silvery shaft of moonlight sliced in through the sheer curtain panels draping over your bedroom window, casting everything in muted shades of blue and shadow.
You blinked blearily against the dimness surrounding you, willing your eyes to adjust as you carefully extricated yourself from the tangle of sheets twisted all around your legs.
Glancing over your shoulder, the gentle swell of Kento's bare chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm of deep sleep undisturbed.
You couldn't resist the tender smile tugging at your lips while drinking in the peaceful expression painted across his features.
Light lashes fanning out in delicate crescent moons over those high cheekbones you adored peppering with butterfly kisses.
Kento's head lolled slightly to one side, prominent jaw shadowed by the faintest traces of stubble leaving you longing to trace the defined line with idle fingertips.
Powerful arms splayed out carelessly at his sides as if instinctively reaching for you before you'd slipped away from their protective circle.
Your heart swelled fit to bursting with the overwhelming surge of adoration pulsing through you at simply watching your husband sleep so serenely.
How you ever got so ridiculously lucky to have this man as your partner- your best friend, your teammate, your everything- still felt surreal most days.
And soon he'll be a father too...to our little bun in the oven, you mused dreamily, one hand straying in an absent caress down the rounded swell of your protruding belly.
That single thought alone never failed to spark fresh embers of joy kindling themselves alight in your chest.
Right on cue, a sudden fierce craving for something hot, savory and protein-rich overwhelmed you from out of nowhere.
Your pregnancy appetite could strike with zero warning like a Category 5 hurricane lately.
Nodding to yourself in resolve, you carefully pushed upright to arch your spine backwards in a satisfying full body stretch before tip-toeing barefoot out of the bedroom.
No sense in accidentally rousing the love of your life from his well-earned slumber when a simple midnight snack would sate the two of you.
The pale blue glow from the refrigerator flooded your dim kitchen as the heavy door creaked open.
Rummaging through stray tupperware and discarded takeout boxes, you eventually extracted the container from yesterday's fresh market salmon steaks.
Fingers already tugging eagerly at the clinging plastic wrap, you shuffled over to lean your lower back against the counter's edge while inhaling that delicious fresh scent wafting up in enticing tendrils.
Before you even realized it, more than half the juicy pink fish filet was devoured. Juice dribbled past the corners of your mouth, prompting you to lick away the lingering salty brine across your lips while humming in blissful satisfaction.
"Well well...looks like our little troublemaker was up wandering around and getting into all sorts of mischief again, hm?"
Kento's sleep-roughened timbre floated towards you, prompting you to freeze mid-bite.
Your gaze swiveled towards the kitchen entryway where your handsome husband now lounged with bare sculpted chest glistening in the fridge's bluish light.
Deep umber eyes still slightly glazed over from interrupted slumber roamed freely over your guilty expression while the corner of that sinfully full mouth gradually quirked upwards in a knowing smirk.
"I'm so sorry, honey" you whispered contritely, quickly polishing off the rest of the midnight snack still clutched in your fingers before moving to meet him halfway.
"I tried my best not to wake you up but apparently this little stinker inside wanted salmon."
Your hushed explanations dissolved into a breathy giggle as Kento engulfed your smaller frame in his arms, one large palm splaying protectively across the dome of your belly.
Rasping his dexterous fingertips across the taut skin there elicited a firm kick or two from within in response.
"Yeah,...I get it, love" he murmured down at the source of that restless fidgeting with his irresistible bedroom-rasp.
"Just don't give mommy too hard a time with all those wild midnight cravings of yours, alright ? Daddy's gotta make sure to spoil you both plenty."
The molten intensity of his gaze searing straight through you sent shockwaves rippling outwards from your very core.
As if reading your mind, Kento swiftly leveraged his grip beneath your thighs to hoist you clean up into his arms in one effortless glide.
You released a breathless giggle while automatically twining both limbs around his trim waist, allowing him to swiftly navigate that solid triple-threat combination of martial artist, sorcerer and husband grace straight back to the bedroom.
His lips crashed hungrily against yours the second your shoulder blades hit the mattress - swallowing down the remainder of your elated laughter.
Kento's heavy torso bracketed your hips on either side, leaving his palms free to roam every curve and swell below in a worshipful glide.
Hooded midnight eyes smoldered in tenderness while ghosting featherlight kisses down the elegant column of your throat before eventually nestling against the resounding heartbeat beneath your sternum.
Each measured breath he exhaled in tandem with your synchronized pulses cascaded over your sensitized skin in a torrent of rapturous tingles.
One of his large splayed hands never ceased those rhythmic, soothing caresses against your rounded tummy all the while.
As if he subconsciously sought to impart his own transfixion upon the wriggling new life within your womb through sheer willpower alone.
"Get some rest now, my darlings."
Kento commanded thickly against the swells of your breasts although you knew he was only putting on a stern facade for show.
The adoration gleaming incandescent from his liquid umber gaze as his cheek nestled closer betrayed the raw, all-consuming emotion swirling within.
"Tomorrow's gonna be yet another wild day full of new chapters just waiting to kick off this incredible adventure the three of us have stumbled into together."
Still practically delirious from the heady swirl of hormones and euphoria residing bone-deep, you smiled radiantly while sinking your fingertips into his blond messy locks.
"I can't wait to raise our baby together, ken." you murmured fervently against his brow.
Kento's eyes slipped shut in answer, only the serenely content quirk of his kiss-swollen lips giving away his silent response before snuggling flush against you once more.
With a profound inner peace you'd never experienced before seeping in, both lovers gradually succumbed to dreamless slumber swaddled within each other's warmth.
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janmisali · 1 year
the "what number comes next?" problem
here's a sequence of numbers:
3198, 11, 734, 11, 1115, 11, 1440...
can you guess what number comes next?
that's right, it's another eleven! but what comes after that?
well, in this case it happens to be 1936. can you figure out the pattern? how far into the sequence could you predict?
this is a pretty hard problem, and in the most general form (I give you any sequence of numbers and ask you what number comes next) there's literally no way to solve it perfectly. the possibilities are endless!
but just because something is impossible to do perfectly doesn't mean you can't try. in the sequence at the start of the post, even though there was no guarantee that there's another eleven next, there's a sense in which that's the most "sensible" continuation, the one that follows the pattern most closely.
here's another sequence:
24794, 24794, 24794, 24794, 24794, 24794...
wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that the next number is another 24794? you might even be able to use some fancy statistical model to specify exactly how confident you are that the next number is another 24794.
but of course, without knowing the underlying meta-pattern that generates these patterns, there's no real reason to assume that any one pattern will be more likely than another.
so what if instead of just showing you one sequence of numbers, I showed you a lot of sequences of numbers? is there is a method of discovering this meta-pattern, assuming one exists?
the answer is, sorta! it depends on how many examples you're given and on how chaotic the underlying meta-pattern is.
so, you know how when you have a bunch of data plotted on a graph you can find the "best-fit line"? the closer the data is to being a line in the first place, the better this approximation will work.
defining a line only uses two parameters (mx+b), but the thing is that if you make a more complicated function with more parameters to play around with (as long as you're clever about it), you can define a relatively-simple mathematical equation that gets arbitrarily close to any data, no matter how messy that data is! you can just keep adding more parameters until you have enough to model the complexity of the given data.
now, the more parameters you have the more expensive it is computationally to find what configuration of all the parameters gets your fancy approximation as close to the data as possible (there are some linear algebra and calculus tricks that help!), but depending on the application, you can use this sort of method to get good-enough approximations to whatever data it is that you want to model!
however, this doesn't mean you've actually found the underlying meta-pattern. it's just a fancier version of looking at data you've already seen and drawing lines between points to interpolate between things. any approximation made this way will be in a sense "smoother" than what it's modeling, always predicting (for this application) that the next number in the sequence is the "average" in some sense of all the things that could come next, gravitating towards the most default and "boring" patterns.
anyway that's how chatgpt works
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 9 months
Cheol struggling to relinquish control after leading on tour so you offer to take one thing off his mind (read: tying cheol to his bed because I wanna hear him whine and see his cute eyebrows while he tries not to come xx)
tw: sub!seungcheol, soft dom!reader (fem), bondage, marking, nipple play, praise, body worship, established relationship, mentions of unprotected sex (pls stay safe) - minors dni.
happy birthday @delicatewerewolfsoul ilysm🥰
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"Is it really necessary to do that?"
"Yes. Otherwise you'll try to think of a million ways to turn things to your advantage." You tighten the cuffs around your boyfriend's wrists, mentally thanking yourself for buying a bed with metal bedframe instead of a wooden one.
"But you like it when I take care of you!" Seungcheol pouts, testing the endurance of the handcuffs. "Damn, these are stronger than I thought."
"Babe, I know you're a person fit to lead people, but I want to take care of you as well." You shush him with your pointer finger on his lips. "Now lay back and let go of your worries, okay?"
He gulps heavily and nods affirmatively, his torso relaxing on the bed.
You were smart enough to get rid of his t-shirt during your earlier make out session, otherwise it would have gotten in the way with his hands tied to the headboard.
You climb over him and flash a sickeningly sweet smile before leaning down to press a slow peck on his lips. Seungcheol lifts his head to chase your lips, but you softly push him back.
"I know you can behave, Cheol. So please, for your own sake," you ghost your lips over his jawline, "Behave."
"F-Fine." He grits his teeth to suppress a moan when he feels your mouth nipping at the skin right between the column of his neck and his jaw, knowing he'll wake up the next day with raging red marks.
You continue descending your mouth over his neck, licking and sucking on his skin until you hear your boyfriend whine.
"Never thought you were able to make a sound like that." You raise your head, chuckling at his neediness.
"Stop it." Seungcheol pouts and turns his head away from embarrassment.
"Hmm, I don't think I will." You giggle and lick your thumbs, placing them over his nipples to rub them in slow circles.
"Oh fuck," he rolls his head back on the pillow, his cock twitching under your stomach.
"Already so worked up, baby? That's cute."
"Y/N, please, don't stop touching me, fuck."
You smirk and let your fingers dance over his taut abs, tracing every ridge and curve of the well-defined muscles. You can feel them contracting with every touch you deliver and it only gets more intense the lower you get.
You decide to put your boyfriend out of his misery and strip him of his sweats and boxers in one go, gasping when his cock slaps against his stomach, rock hard and dripping precum.
"Oh, you poor thing."
"I said stop mocking me!" Seungcheol whines even louder, his body thrashing forward.
"I'm not! I didn't know how bad you had it until now!" You defend yourself, feigning innocence.
"I've created a monster, haven't I?"
"Perhaps." You grin and hook your fingers on the elastic band of your panties, sliding them down your legs and throwing them away somewhere in the room.
You take his cock in your hand, giving it a few pumps before lining it with your soaked entrance. You slowly lower yourself on his shaft, letting out a long drawn moan when you fully sheathe yourself, your walls clenching around his thickness.
"Mmm, God really gave you the best dick in the world." You drag your nails over his lower stomach.
"And He gave you the best pussy in the world, fuck." Seungcheol moans, his gaze heavy with lust, only for you.
"Good thing you're dating me then."
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thebunnednun · 4 months
Good neighbors Farmer! Bakugou Katsuki x Reader (Part 1)
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AHHHH! Special thanks to @bakugotrashpanda for the prompt/drabble. Freaking love their works!
Okay, fangirling done.
Art is done by: This lovely user here!
I made the Reader come off as so thirsty in this.
Every morning, without fail, Farmer Bakugou stops by your cottage with a basket of fresh produce or a dozen eggs in hand. He strides up the path, his rugged frame silhouetted against the morning sun, the muscles in his arms and chest flexing with every step. His voice is a low, familiar rumble as he hands over the goods. "Had too many," he grumbles, his tone almost gruff. "What’s a single guy like me going to do with that much food?"
You smile, accepting the gift with a grateful nod. "Thank you, Bakugou. You're too kind." As you speak, your eyes can't help but linger on his sun-kissed skin, admiring the way it glows under the morning light. His hair, tousled and wild, adds to his rugged charm, and you find yourself looking forward to these visits more than you'd care to admit.
"Hmph," he mutters, looking away slightly as if embarrassed by your gratitude. "Just don't let it go to waste, alright?"
The best part of your morning routine, however, comes later. After he leaves, you settle into your favorite chair by the window, sipping on a cup of tea as you watch Bakugou get to work in the fields. He moves with a confident, easy grace, each action purposeful and efficient.
Every now and then, he pauses to wipe the sweat from his brow, using the bottom of his shirt. The fabric lifts, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of his chiseled abs, and you feel your heart skip a beat.
When the sun is high and the heat becomes almost unbearable, you decide it’s time to bring him some lemonade. You carefully prepare a pitcher of the cool, refreshing drink, knowing that Bakugou will appreciate it.
As you approach him, you notice that his shirt has come off entirely, his bare torso glistening with sweat. The sight of his broad shoulders and well-defined muscles highlighted by the sunlight makes your breath catch in your throat.
"Hey, Bakugou," you call out, trying to keep your voice steady. "I brought you some lemonade."
He turns, a soft smirk tugging at his lips as he sees you. "Thanks," he says, taking the glass you offer. His fingers brush yours, sending a jolt of electricity through you. As he drinks, you can't help but admire the way his throat works, the strong lines of his jaw and neck, the way his chest rises and falls with each breath.
"You’re always so thoughtful," he says, setting the glass down. His voice is softer now, almost tender. "I don’t know what I’d do without you."
You feel a blush creeping up your cheeks at his words. "Just returning the favor. You’re always bringing me fresh produce, after all."
Bakugou chuckles, a deep, rich sound that sends shivers down your spine. "Guess we make a good team, then."
As you stand there, sharing a moment of quiet companionship in the middle of the sunlit fields, you can’t help but wonder if there might be something more to your relationship than just neighborly kindness. The way his eyes linger on you, the way his smile softens when he looks your way—there’s a warmth there, a connection that goes beyond words.
"How's the farm been treating you?" you ask, breaking the comfortable silence.
"Busy, as always," he replies, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. "But I don't mind. It's good, honest work. Keeps me fit."
You glance at his well-toned physique, unable to disagree. "Well, if you ever need an extra hand, you know where to find me."
Bakugou's eyes light up with amusement. "You? In the fields? I'd pay to see that."
You laugh, feeling a flutter in your chest at his playful teasing. "Hey, I can be tough when I need to be."
"I don’t doubt it," he says, his voice serious again. "You're tougher than you look. And smarter too. That shitty garden of yours would've died by now, otherwise."
The awkward compliment catches you off guard, and you find yourself looking away, suddenly shy. "Thanks, Bakugou."
"Anytime," he replies, his voice soft and sincere. "And I mean that."
As you stand there, the sun beating down and the cicadas buzzing in the distance, you realize that these quiet moments with Bakugou are what you cherish most about your day. There’s a comfort in his presence, a sense of belonging that you’ve never felt before. you know its crazy, but you can’t help but hope that he feels the same way.
Bakugou notices your lingering gaze and, for once, doesn't bark at you to stop staring. Instead, he shifts closer, his usual scowl softening just a touch. "You know," he begins, his voice lower, more intimate, "if you ever get tired of being cooped up in that cottage of yours, you're always welcome to come by the farm. Could use someone to keep me company."
Your heart skips a beat at his words. "I might just take you up on that," you reply, a shy smile tugging at your lips.
He nods, satisfied with your answer. "Good. Just don’t expect me to go easy on you," he adds, his smirk returning.
"I wouldn’t dream of it," you say, laughing softly.
Bakugou gives you one last look, his eyes warm and intense. "Take care of yourself, alright? Don’t want you getting sick or something."
"I will," you promise, touched by his concern.
With that, he turns back to his work, and you head back to your cottage, a newfound warmth in your chest. As you glance back one last time, you see him watching you, a small, secret smile playing on his lips. There’s a comfort in his presence, and for now, you're content with this little exchange you've developed.
Okay, that was my first mha fanfic! Lemme know what y'all think!
Part 2: Link here
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