#definitely am doing better but damn there is still ✨problems✨
Y’all ever just postpone something for months and there’s more negative side affects to not doing it, but when you do it it’s actually really easy and hassle free and you are just like damn I really let my anxiety cause problems like that
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♠️ What a day off of games with the aib males can look like. ♠️
A/N: Sorry, I've been absent for two days now, but for good reason. I wasn't feeling too well mentally and needed some time to myself because something happened that put me in quite a hole ... 🥲
Still, I've been thinking about what I could post here next, so I've prepared a few headcanons that define what I think a day off of games with the male characters might look like. 🙈
I hope that some of you are still around and will read through it. Feel free to let me know what you think about it or if you think any of them might have other interests! ✨
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Characters: Aguni, Arisu, Chishiya, Karube & Niragi.
POV: gn!reader
Warnings: Not given.
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A g u n i
It depends on what time we are in.
If the beach still exists, Aguni is often prevented from doing anything with you outside if he already occupies the number one spot.
You would have to live with the fact that you would hardly have any time just for the two of you, because someone from his troupe would always want something from him.
If he realises that this is bothering you - or he is annoyed by it himself - he will turn his boys away and say that they should leave him alone for the next 2 hours as far as possible because he has better things to do.
In general, no matter what time loop we are in, I would say that Aguni would adjust to your needs.
I have the following typical scenario in mind:
Aguni: "So there are no games waiting for us today. Any ideas what you want to do in our day off?" Y/N: "Uhm ..." Aguni: "Come on, you must have been in the mood for something." Y/N: "Yeah, but I really don't know for what I am in the mood for ..."
Nobody said it would be easy with you, but let's be honest: it's the Borderland, what excited yet relaxing things could you do here so far?
If you really don't know what you want to do, he would give some suggestions.
Aguni: "We could go to the pool." Y/N: "Too cloudy for my taste ..." Aguni: "We can do some sports together." Y/N: "Now your expectations are set far too high!" Aguni: "What about fishing?" Y/N: "Can't we just get some fresh air and go for a walk together?" Aguni: "..." Y/N: "..." Aguni: "You knew very well what you wanted to do, didn't you?" Y/N: "Without my lawyer, I won't say anything."
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A r i s u
If you want to do something, then Arisu is definitely the right person.
The boy is always up for a lot of nonsense and fun activities.
This is probably also because he doesn't want to constantly think about the terrible circumstances that are happening here.
He has got used to life here, but living in constant fear doesn't get someone anywhere and only has a negative effect on oneself.
So, if he is being trapped in a world that could take his life sooner or later, he at least wants to live every day as if it were his last.
You will not regret spending time with him.
He comes up with the wildest ideas, starting with taking a closer look into the various broken buildings.
Of course, he would still be cautious of entering any places just like that- not that both of you suddenly find yourself in a game, because that's what you're trying to avoid today.
Y/N: "A-Are you sure we should do this, Arisu?" Arisu: "Nope, but you only live once, so let's check this building out- maybe we'll find some interesting things in here." Y/N: "Would you define 'corpses' as interesting ...?" Arisu: "Wow, you really managed to ruin my fun."
You still wouldn't be able to stop him.
Investigating the building would include lots of laughter and piggybacks when your feet get tired from all the walking over ruins and debris.
Eventually you find out that this building was a former arcade.
You can definitely pass the time well there.
Arisu: "Would you like a game of billiards?" Y/N: "I'm going to rip you off so bad, love."
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C h i s h i y a
Listen, this boy is a damn lazy piece of shit.
When there aren't any duties don't expect him to do something special.
He has no problem putting his feet up for a day and literally doing nothing.
Feel honored if he spends his time with you at all.
No matter where you both would be, he would find ways to just doze off and relax while you - after all - lie in his arms and enjoy his closeness.
It's nice that he can do that, but you can't.
Y/N: "We've been lying around here all day." Chishiya: "Well realised." Y/N: "I'm bored." Chishiya: "Then do something."
He would definitely be a great help to you.
Jokes on you, no, he wouldn't.
Y/N: "But I wanna do something with you today since we have enough time finally." Chishiya: "We do something, darling." Y/N: "Idiot, that's not what I meant!"
Making you pout is one of his favorite things to do.
How could he be bored if you let him get on your nerves so easily?
In contrast to you, he has something to laugh about and something to amuse himself with.
Nevertheless, he would at least agree to a compromise:
Chishiya: "How about this? We'll use the time now to laze around and in the evening we'll take a look at the neighbourhood together and see which places are damned by games this time." Y/N: "We don't take part in any games, our visas count enough days for us." Chishiya: "Who said anything about taking part in a game?" Y/N: "So, if I let you lounge around now, you will promise me to stay up late with me?"
Damn, you love the nightlife.
Chishiya: "That's a deal."
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K a r u b e
To me the funniest but most chaotic one.
During the day, at least.
I can well imagine that Karube and you had already planned the day ahead the evening before.
But what would life be like if everything went as planned?
The morning is pleasant. You wake up together and after a intense cuddle-round, you start your routine as usual.
Unfortunately, Karube realizes that he can't find something.
Something very important when it comes to following his routine.
Karube: "Honey, d'you know where my cigarettes are?" Y/N: "I don't know where you put them yesterday after you got ready for bed."
In the end, it all comes down to searching your whole accommodation for his cigarettes.
I mean, when you do smoke yourself, they can be important for you too ...
If not, well, then you are a very nice and good person!
Y/N: "Did you found them?" Karube: "I would have told you when that would be the case." Y/N: "Sure you didn't throw the box away because you smoked you last one yesterday evening?" Karube: "I know my pack of cigarettes inside out, there were at least three more in there."
You can guess where this is going.
You spend the whole forenoon looking for his damn cigarettes.
You turn the whole accommodation upside down.
Both of you look under every stone.
In every room.
Two times- minimum.
Y/N: "Karube, fave it, you don't have any- ... Darling ...? Karube: "What is it?" Y/N: "What's that in your pants pocket ... at the back of your butt?" Karube: "Uh-... Oh!"
Now he remebers ...
Karube: "You found them! That's right, I put them straight in my jeans yesterday so I couldn't forge- hey!" Y/N: "Yeah, I threw your boxer shorts at you!"
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N i r a g i
Oh, my dearest reader-chan, please stay close to him no matter where he goes.
When he has nothing to do, he will go through the city streets looking for people to annoy.
He would look for trouble and find it- even if there's no reason for trouble, he'll just make it happen himself and find his reasons.
I don't know how, but at least you managed to stop him from taking his gun.
That's something you should be very proud of.
However, that doesn't stop him from doing anything and we know that.
So please. Stay. With. Him. Thank you!
In any case, you walk around the area together and check it out a little.
You'll talk about pretty trivial things every now and then, but that's still more pleasant than just talking to each other all the time.
When you meet someone, Niragi is ready to provoke them directly for no reason.
Thank god you had a firm hold on his hand or his arm so you could quickly drag him in another direction to avoid the innocent people.
Y/N: "Oh, look!"
Yes, you also like to pretend to see something that you would find interesting.
… In partially empty shop windows.
Niragi: "What the fuck should I look for?" Y/N: "See the rocks there?" Niragi: "You kidding me, right?"
The nice thing is that he would still look to something you tell him to look at.
There could actually be something interesting there.
Well, most of the times at least.
It's nearly impossible but who know?
Y/N: "OH, SEE WHAT I HAVE FOUND TH-" Niragi: "What is it this time? Another boring and ugly stone you think it's fascinating?" Y/N: "No ..." Niragi: "Oh, what is it this time then?" Y/N: "The tree there."
He will touch his nose and look at you angrily- but not without laughing afterwards at your amiable stupidity.
Damn, he loves you so much for what you are, he can't even be bothered.
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lilyevanstan1325 · 6 months
✨ Astral Lovers ✨
Chapter 4
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Lily POV
A lightning breaks the sky and I am brought back to reality by the rain beating fiercely against my window.
It is still dark outside and another flash illuminates the sky, casting eerie shadows on the walls of my room.
Immediately after, the roar of the shift follows, capable of shaking my soul.
As if I weren't already shaken by myself.
That dream.
For God sake that dream.
I turn abruptly on my left side, grabbing the pillow and then bringing it to my face.
I let out a noise of frustration that is readily absorbed by the pillow itself.
I can not think of anything else.
Steve doesn't exist.
And this thought kills me.
I move the pillow from my face and turn towards the night stand, I notice the time marked on the display of my smartphone.
It's only 3:30 AM and I can definitely say goodbye to sleep.
How can I fall asleep again after what I've experienced?
How can I fall asleep again knowing that I will never see those eyes again?
That I will never see that smile again?
I raise myself leaning on my elbow.
I think about what to do and in the end I decide that maybe it is better to get up.
On tiptoe I go down the stairs, I absolutely do not want my father to wake up.
I don't even know what to tell him.
What would he think if I told him.
"You know dad I can't sleep because I think of a man who doesn't even exist"
Knowing my father, he would have me interned in the first available psychiatric ward.
Once in the kitchen I fill a glass with water.
And God help me but I still feel the taste of that beer on my lips.
I have to stop.
And also quickly.
My life is already a disaster and another problem, if I can call it that, I don't want that.
I drink all the water with a few sips and then I open the cupboard upwards and take the jar of Nutella that is inside it.
I head towards the stairs that would have brought me back to my room but not before having taken a spoon from the drawer positioned under the hob.
I go up the stairs with my survival kit, as I like to call it, and finally I return in my room.
Once inside I pass the bed and head towards the window where, with some blankets and an undefined amount of pillows, I have created a small alcove all for myself.
I squat bringing my legs under my ass and I sit down.
I bring a generous spoonful of Nutella to my lips as I watch the rain pouring down.
The moment my tongue comes into contact with that sweet cream, I moan with satisfaction.
Who knows what it would be like to moan because of Steve's lips on my body.
Or what it would be like to lick Nutella directly from his skin.
Yet another thunder brings me back to reality and I mentally curse myself for letting my fantasy wander at full speed.
I have to cut this fantasy out.
Another flash illuminates the sky and I see his face reflected in the window.
His eyes.
I don't know how to deal with this.
The only sensible thing I feel like doing is trying to think calmly, reasonably and clearly. So I lick the spoon well and close the jar again.
I head to my desk and turn on my MacBook.
While the PC comes to life I try to calm my heartbeat and think clearly about my dream.
Surely my dream is the oneiric manifestation of the shortcomings in my life.
Of the lack of love.
Not having anyone who cares about me, I will have led me to project everything I need into Steve.
I need someone who loves me and listens to what I have to say.
What I feel.
That all of this manifested itself through a damn sexy man is another story.
As soon as the PC is operational I already know what to type in the search bar.
Lucid dream.
I scroll through the first search results and then click on one at random.
I read it all avidly.
"By lucid dreaming we mean that dream had in consciousness of the fact of being asleep.With the ability to move deliberately.With practice, the lucid dreamer can get to explore and modify the dream to his liking"
Maybe this last part I shouldn't go into.
I do not want to.
I continue with my reading.
"The focus of the experience is realizing that you are dreaming.Such dreams are described as experiences of remarkable perceptual quality"
That's why it all felt so real.
Colors, smells, flavors.
I turn off the PC angrily.
I don't understand where this anger is coming from now.
I should be glad to know that there is a logical explanation for this night's events.
Yet I am disappointed.
And above all, I feel stupid.
Wishing him is real is stupid.
I agree to the corridor light on, which means it's 5:00 AM and my dad is about to leave for work.
Caught by a moment of madness, I head to the door and go down to the kitchen, where I already know that I will find him fully dressed with his inevitable cup of coffee in his hands.
I stop on the threshold of the door and he is sitting there at the table leafing through some files.
As soon as he perceives my presence he looks up and immediately brings it back to his work.
"What are you doing awake?it's really early.Don't you have an afternoon shift at the bar today?"
"Yes dad, it's just that I couldn't sleep.You know...the thunders"
"Mmh mmh" he murmurs without looking up from his papers.
"I can sit here?With you?" I ask him.
He finally looks up and for a moment I can see the confusion in his eyes.
Feeling that the haste vanishes.
He answers me with an austere nod of the head.
I sit down and with my heart in my mouth I begin to speak.
"You know dad, I thought I could go to New York this weekend.Just to visit it and have some fun...Jhon said I have 3 days off this month and I thought I'd spend it like that"
His head jerks up.
He looks at me as he would look at a stain of grease on his favorite tie.
Looking back at his stupid files, he replies with an angry voice "Why the hell are you coming up with this nonsense.We've already talked about it.You don't need to travel.Here you already have everything you need. Museums, shops, green spaces"
"Actually you talked about it.I just listened and obeyed"
I reply in a much more poisonous way than I thought.
"Elisabeth please don't start...not again!"
I hate it when he uses my full name.
It usually means shut up and do what I say.
I get up badly, rubbing the chair on the parquet and walk out of the kitchen stamping my feet like a whimsical child.
But as soon as I arrive in front of the door I stop and just turning my head back I exclaim
"I hate this place.I hate this life.I hate you.I wish mom had never died"
He does not reply and I return in tears to my room.
Steve POV
Five days.
Five days have passed and there are no trace of her.
As if she didn't exist.
That night at the bar I waited for 10 minutes for her to come back and then, worried, I headed to the bathroom to make sure she was okay.
But she wasn't there.
I looked inside the bar.
Out on the street.
But nothing.
She was already gone.
It is almost the sunset and an orange light enters from the large windows that surround the training room.
Out of the corner of my eye I see a metal hand directed towards my jaw, I dodge it at the last moment but obviously I'm not focused enough because Bucky uses the other dwarf to hit me on the left side, due to the blow I lean forward and he takes advantage of it to go behind me and give me a kick behind the knees.
The blow knocks me off balance and my back hits the ground violently.
The impact blows all the air out of my lungs with a hiss.
I rest on the ground with my eyes closed, my chest rising and falling in search of as much air as I can breathe in.
I open my eyes after a few moments and find two blue eyes that stare at me between amused and worried.
"What's up buddy?Where are you today?"
He holds out his hand in vibranium and he grunts as he struggles to help me to my feet.
"It's ok man, don't worry"
"Bullshit, you know I know you too well and you can't expect me to let it go this things so easily!"
We head to the bench where we sit and I see him hand me a bottle of water.
We drink in silence.
After a few minutes I decide to speak.
"I met a girl a few nights ago.Very beautiful, smart and nice.I'm sure you would have liked her without a shadow of a doubt"
"Ok, and what would be the problem?"
My best friend asks me with sincere curiosity.
"She's gone.Literally"
"Maybe you made one of your stupid jokes and she ran away" Bucky replies back with a mocking smile.
"Really Buck?" I reply raising an eyebrow.
We smile at each other.
"Seriously man.One moment she was there with me.We were laughing, there was a connection.An absurd attraction.The next moment she runs to the bathroom and disappears.I don't even have her number.I barely know her name"
Bucky watches me for a moment.
He leans his hand of flesh on my shoulder, giving me a few consoling pat.
"Listen man if she's really interested she'll come back.She knows where to find you.C'mon, you're Captain America, it's impossible not to find you"
He smiles at me.
"But if she doesn't come back, well it better this way!She doesn't know what she's missing.And let me tell you that someone who treats you like this doesn't even deserve you"
I look him in the eye.
I know he is honest.
He has always been with me.
I know he understands what I feel.
For a moment, I feel like the old Steve again.
The sick and pathetic kid who needs help and comfort.
"I really hope she comes back..."
Yes, I'm pathetic.
Please comment, share and rate ❤️
🔥 Masterlist 🔥
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Happy STS Morri!!! I hope you are having a good day/night!
@ink-fireplace-coffee here, so get ready to answer some questions if you don't mind me asking...
If you could only eat one (1) dish or food from All the Queen's Horses, which one and (if its a dish) what is it made of? why would you choose that one?
Do you have any alternative titles for ATQH??? Were you deciding in between more options?
Is there a favorite deleted scene you can show us?
Tells us about a time when you were proud of yourself bc of your writing
Give us 3 (or more) songs that you associate with Duncan
If Nora was a color/place/object/food/element, she would be...?
If you could insert any of your characters in any other universe (think books, series, movies, whatever) which character would you choose, in which universe and, would they be happy there?
tell us about the Moment (tm) when you decided to start writing! Not just this wip but ✨writing✨
Oooh, okay!!! This is fun!! Thank you so much for all the questions, Carmen!!
If you could only eat one (1) dish or food from All the Queen's Horses, which one and (if its a dish) what is it made of? why would you choose that one?
Hmmm... I honestly have no idea. There's these straberry jam pastries that Fallon loves, but doesn't eat much because they remind her of her mom, but the problem is...... I don't like strawberries. So, maybe I'd just want some very fresh hommemade bread, because I fucking love bread.
the rest under the cut!
2. Do you have any alternative titles for ATQH??? Were you deciding in between more options?
I am 100% sold on the title ATQH. I'm never going back. But, when I started writing it, it had a horrible, horrible temporary title that was abbreviated RTQ. (Romancing the Queen) I only even named it that temporarily because I needed to call it something other than "that story in my head", and all I knew was it was going to be a romance. Although I very quickly stopped thinking of it as anything other than RTQ, and sometimes I forget that RTQ actually stood for something, ajsda.
3. Is there a favorite deleted scene you can show us?
Not a deleted scene, but oneshots that take place in the wrong timeframe to be included! I actually have two!! HERE and HERE.
4. Tells us about a time when you were proud of yourself bc of your writing.
There was this short story that I wrote in 9th grade that I entered into a short story contest. My teacher (who was a harsh critic) said it should be in the top 10 for the contest. It didn't make it, but I'm still pretty damn proud of it! Maybe I should revisit it and post it on here... It was a really kind of strange experimental short story about aliens finding Earth, but all the humans are gone, and what they assume about us based on what we left behind.
5. Give us 3 (or more) songs that you associate with Duncan
Oh god, I don't know. I actually don't have a single song I associate with him. It's sad, but I'm really picky about my songs. They have to be spot on perfect or else I won't associate them to anything. I have songs for Fallon and Kris, and for the whole story/certain scenes, but none for Duncan. Which is TRAGIC. I love Duncan. He deserves better.
6. If Nora was a color/place/object/food/element, she would be...?
Nora is definitely purple. I associate her very vividly with the color purple. All of my characters have A Color, and hers is purple, adsjak. As for an element, I'm thinking water, since yk, she's a pirate, and also because water can look calm on the surface, but have very strong currents.
7. If you could insert any of your characters in any other universe (think books, series, movies, whatever) which character would you choose, in which universe and, would they be happy there?
Can I say our universe?? I really just want to bring Kris here and give him a hug, or Fallon and have her be my badass older cousin. Fallon would absolutely rock a pantsuit, btw. I think if she were here, it would be very freeing for her to not have the weight of being Queen on her shoulders. She'd find a way to make herself be able to do something though. Maybe she'd run for office, maybe she'd be a businesswoman, maybe she'd start a charity, I don't know. But she would do something, because she can't do nothing. And Kris would just be happy to be where Fallon is, and also he'd be happy to be out of Oryn.
8. tell us about the Moment (tm) when you decided to start writing! Not just this wip but ✨writing✨
Carmen, I'm going to be honest and say I don't remember. I've been writng my whole life. When I was in 3rd grade, I wrote 42 pages about the Titanic. When I was in 7th grade, I wrote an epilogue to a book we read in class and successfully predicted the plots of the next two books in the seires. When I was in 9th grade, I wrote that short story. But I was never able to get more than a few pages into something until ATQH. Before ATQH the only projects I had ever finished were short stories that were for class. Because I never was this invested. I don't remember learning to read (I taught myself and was reading road signs by 3.), and I don't remember starting to write. I've always done it, even if it was just making up random stuff in my head. When I was a kid, all my toys had to have plots. The lego girls knew a secret portal into the dinosaur world. The little animal figurines had very complicated politics. Everything had a story, I just didn't write them down.
Thank you so much for the ask!! And I'm sorry I don't have good answers for some of these.
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genshinimpactkin · 3 years
Hello! :D
I saw that you can request kin matchups and that's pretty much just what I needed, considering how I always have a lot of trouble thinking about stuff like this- I don't really mind which mod's gonna be doing this by the way! I'm indecisive anyway haha
So, starting off with my MBTI and tritype!
I'm an ISFP-T 962!
And now onto the actual description:
I'd say it depends on where I am. If I'm out, near people IRL and all, I tend to be rather shy, quiet and I'm more of a loner. I don't really like interacting with others because of how awkward I usually am, so I'd prefer staying off to the side. If I do have to interact, I will try to be as polite as possible.
Well, on the topic of being around others, that's pretty much only when I'm forced to go out, since I'd rather stay inside.
Now, with that outta the way, lemme describe how I'm around friends and online pretty much!
I'm a lot more open and comfortable! I love to talk a lot, though I do hurt myself in the process because talking a lot hurts my throat-
Anyway, I'm rather chaotic and like to joke around and tease my friends a lot. If I see that they seem uncomfortable or they tell me to stop, I will of course! Though, sometimes I might miss the cue to do so if I understand how they wrote it as playful,,
Of course, I'll definitely apologize if that's the case! That won't really stop my crippling guilt problems from sneaking up for me though and I'd need a lot of encouragement and assurance that it's gonna be ok!
Ah yeah, I'm also really really caring! To a fault, even, as I will take drastic measures to make sure my friends are healthy. Though as it has caused conflict in the past I'm working on being a bit easier on that! I think it's been going well too :>
Just quick mentions are that I have anger issues and I act pretty impulsive. But I'm also working on that! The only thing I haven't been working on was my bad impulsive spending and gambling addiction- damn those casino Minigames put into children's games-
Other than that I give off lots of behaviour of ADD, but I haven't been diagnosed just yet with the situation going on worldwide, so it's been hard to contact my therapist again for a response to help me with the diagnosis.
And now the hobbies!
I don't have too many since I don't like being outside, but there still are some!
I love to draw and have been drawing for almost 11 years when my birthday comes up soon! I'm self taught.
I also absolutely love to listen to music, it's been just something super comforting to me even if the genre is a bit intense- It helps me to focus! My favourite genres are Jazz, swing and overall just videogame music! I'm not the biggest fan of techno though..
Of course, I've also latched onto playing a lot of video games. Mostly single player though, since multiplayer without friends stresses me out..
I'm also a huge fan of horror Games! While I don't get scared by them easily and prefer to make fun of the situation, I still love having to decide what to do! It helps to go against my bad indecisiveness too!
I hope this is all, I'm super sorry for making this so long, I got carried away aaaa ;;
Please take your time on this! I also apologize if the grammar was weird sometimes. English isn't my first language! And I'm writing this at midnight, oopsies..
I wish all the mods on this blog a lovely day and hope that everyone will stay safe! ✨💕
Hello. (I'm a fast reader; also, your grammar is perfectly fine. The more you include, the better assign I can give. :)
I assign... Hu Tao 👻
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I know some of these things weren't inherently mentioned, but I feel like there's a quirky and endearing silly side to you.
Hu Tao is known for liking to pull pranks, but she also isn't popping in everywhere. In fact, spends her time in areas that are seen as odd. But necessary and important.
She enjoys making people happy, but she is also to herself. She thinks a lot, questions many things that others don't even begin to consider.
I feel in the depths of my core that Hu Tao fits you perfectly.
If you'd like me to reassign you, feel free to send another ask.
- Zhongli
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izubabes · 4 years
So my test came back positive for COVID-19 I’d be lying If I said I wasn’t scared but as you might remember I have twin daughters both 2 months old and I still breastfeed but my family watches them for me while I’m in quarantine.I need some fluffy Enji x young wife reader who decorate the house for Spooky season.Enji leaves to grab some paperwork from the agency,but really he stops by Starbee’s to get some drinks and comes home to the twins dressed in they’re costumes.✨🕸🍂🎃
I am sending positive thoughts your way, my dear. I genuinely hope this brings you some comfort while you recover. Get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids, feel better soon. You got this, love! 💓
I understand the anxious feeling, my own test results came back positive two days ago… :(
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“Honey!” you called out, attempting hang up some faerie lights on the walls. It was a task easier said than done. You just needed to reach a little bit higher. “Please don’t touch the pumpkins yet, we’re carving them later. Actually, bring them over here!”
The Number One Hero has never carved a jack-o-lantern before. 
Enji had first told you about his ‘little secret’ while you were both out grocery shopping and he watched you gush about decorating the house. You had suggested placing jack-o-lanterns on the front doorstep which is when the question arose about what you were talking about.
I mean he must have celebrated Halloween as a child, right?
“You’ve never carved a pumpkin before? You’ve got to be kidding me!”
“I don’t find it funny, Y/N.”
“Oh my gosh, you’re serious.”
However, you remembered your husband wasn’t one to joke around and his silence only added onto his annoyed expression.
It’s a complicated but funny memory .
Currently, both of you were sprucing up your home for Halloween or ‘Spooky Season’ as you like to call it, he thinks it’s cute, since your husband had never gone full out festive before. Several lit cinnamon apple candles gave the interior of the house the perfect autumnal scent and a cozy atmosphere. Quiet music hummed in the living room, courtesy of your Spotify playlist.
“Just so you know, I’m done with the outside of the house.”
He walked towards the living room, a pumpkin in each of his arms. “I wasn’t touching the pumpkins,” Enji, somewhat embarrassed he had been caught, attempting to put down the cursed objects and stared it down menacingly, aware of its threat to his pride. 
At least, until he dropped them.
“Damn,” He was busy trailing behind them in an effort to stop their mischief but stopped short when he saw you struggling. “Y/N,” he warned you with a concerned tone, “if you’re not careful, you’ll definitely fall.”
“Hold on, darling. I can do it,” You brushed off your doubting husband in order to prove him wrong. He watched you try to make yourself taller, standing up on your tiptoes while on the highest step of the ladder.
Enji watched you try to make yourself taller, standing up on your tiptoes while on the highest step of the ladder. His taller figure stood behind yours, providing support in case you miscalculated and slipped. “There we go!”
As if on cue, both of your little ones started crying for some attention. They had likely woken up from their naps and wanted to be held by their parents for a bit. You needed a decorating break anyways, but being a full-time mama is a 24/7 job.
“Darling,” you sighed, handing him a bag of fake spiderwebs. He noticed your hesitation as you stood in place and glared at him. “Can I trust you to put these up on the walls while I check on the girls?”
“Of course,” he affirmed, slightly offended that you thought he couldn’t handle it, “what’s the problem?”
You gave a weak smile in return and reminded him of last year’s events of when he accidentally set the webs on fire because they had gotten tangled up. The fire department had to be called and the media published a news story with the burnt front lawn on the front page. Endeavor’s PR team had fun week coming up with an reasonable explanation.
“I’m only kidding, honey,” you giggled, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. “I’ll be right back, okay?”
Enji could tell right away that the house had a completely different vibe than before, it was unfamiliar to him but he found it comforting. All of the hard work you had put into the decorations paid off since everything looked perfect. Now, he wanted to do something special for you in return.
“All right, here’s Haruhi!” You gushed, gently cradling your baby girl in the secured tandem wrap on your chest as she wiggled and squeaked with joy. “Do you want Daddy to hold you?”
The first time your husband ever heard of baby wrapping, he was absolutely horrified. Was it safe? Yes. Was it helpful? Yes. Would he be scared every time you did it in front of him? Of course.
“Come here, sweet girl,” Enji felt his heart swell with love as soon as he was able to hold his daughter and stare at her soft features. It had been a while since he had last held a baby of his own but nonetheless he was overwhelmed with pride.
“Who’s my cute little Hanami?” You bonded with your other infant, giving her gentle kisses while she cooed in response. Chubby little hands gripped your shirt while you whispered loving words to your baby. “My twin flames!”
Hanami and Haruhi were the two beautiful twin daughters you had been blessed with after marrying Enji. He fawns over them any chance he gets. While pregnant, you had everything you needed, on top of being treated like royalty, provided by your doting husband. It was such a drastic personality change, soft and gentle with you, but stern and bold when compared to his engagement with the public.
Being married to a pro-hero made life difficult in terms of being able to maintain personal privacy, however your does all he can to keep you happy and safe. Enji shows his love through gifts and he loves spoiling you any chance he gets. Therefore, he would go get you one of your many favorite things in the world. 
He needed to find a decent excuse, fast. Scrolling through his work emails would be a good cover. “Sweetheart, I received a message from the office. I need to pick up a report one of the interns processed.”
“Right now?” The cheery expression on your face quickly fell into a upset frown, he almost backed out on his choice. “Could Shouto come drop it off instead?”
“I’d rather not bother him right now,” Enji explained, hoping you’d drop the matter, “he has remedial classes.”
“Shouto?” You chuckled in disbelief, not believing your husband although it was the truth. He watched you pull out your phone, surely in an attempt to text his son, “Remedial classes? There is no way, he’s too smart.”
Before you could send the text message, your twins both projectile vomited onto your chest and themselves. It was to be expected and was normal to you but your normally level-headed husband thought otherwise. 
“Oh my god, are they okay!?” Enji panicked, forgetting his teachings from the online parenting classes he paid for. “Are you okay?”
“Honey, they’re fine,” you calmly reassured, although the expression on your face didn’t match your current mood. “Put Haruhi in here. I had to give the girls a bath either way, go ahead and run to the office.” 
Enji shook his head, worried to step foot outside the house after the incident. “I can’t leave you here alone covered in... uh...”
“Baby vomit?” You finshed, pushing him towards the front door. “Enji, I’ve dealt with worse. I went through labor. I can handle it.”
“But Y/N—!”
He watched as you eagerly waved from the doorstep, unaware he was out of the house. The twins were secured in their baby wrap, arms waving around with your help. “Come back soon, honey!”
Autumn had arrived much sooner than expected and Enji was secretly glad you had forced him to buy a trench coat when you went shopping last weekend. He was unused to the feeling of being taken care of, he was hero, it was his job to care for others. It was quite interesting to find a spark in life again, he hasn’t felt so validated in a long time.
*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
“Y/N, are we making jack-o-lanterns? Or are you just torturing that pumpkin?”
Pieces of the giant fruit were flung across the table while you wrestled the carving knife into its flesh for the millionth time. Todoroki could only watch in disbelief at the effort you put into attempting to create a face. So far so good, right?
“Ha!” You squealed, pulling the sharp object out and flinging it around. Todoroki managed to safely get it out your grasp before you stabbed him. “I got the little sucker out of there. Check out my masterpiece.”
“Of course,” he played along, hiding his urge to laugh at the pumpkin, “that’s a nice cat.”
“It’s supposed to be a face…” you sighed, wiping your hands off on your apron. Todoroki watched you reached for a platter on the countertop, “Oh well, do you want a slice of pumpkin bread?”
“I’d love some, thank you,” he accepted, taking a seat at the table.
At first, when Enji had remarried he was surprised at how close you and Shouto had become. His relationship with his children was still recovering but he was happy you were able to connect to them.
You sat across from him and smiled before asking the fatal question, “Enji told me you had remedial classes, is that true?”
“What?” He choked on his bread before answering, “Of course the Old Man told you.”
“I was just worried about you,” you reassured, chuckling in order to ease the tension. He was about to explain himself but your babies’ cries cut him short. “Hold that thought, I have to check on the girls. Wanna come see them?”
“Uhm sure,” Todoroki followed you into the twins’ nursery and awkwardly stood there while he watched you check on the girls. “Hi, my loves! Shouto is here to visit.”
You secured them into their baby wrap and motioned for him to come closer, bringing attention to the items in your hands. “I bought these off of Amazon,” you squealed, shaking the packages. You handed one over while you dressed Hanami. “Aren’t they super cute?”
Shouto softly smiled as he took a look, “Adorable, the twins will look good in them.”
Baby onesies made to look like Endeavor’s hero costume and your own when you were active. He wouldn’t admit it but his father’s merchandise was pretty cool.
“Thank you! I should get some that match your hero costume–!”
“–Is it fun being a mom?”
“I love it!” You answered, buttoning your baby’s shirt. Shouto watched as your infant became fussy. “Haruhi, come on,” You playfully wrestled with your daughter for the eighth time in order to get her to listen, “Daddy will be home any minute, be a good girl.”
“Let me try,” Shouto suggested, gently sliding the onesie on the baby. Haruhi’s hands reached upwards, eagerly wanting to touch his face.
You heard keys jingling at the front door, signaling your husband was home. The baby costumes were supposed to be a surprise so you knew you had to act fast.
“Shouto, can you–?”
“I’m on it.”
You dashed down the hallway to the door in order to stall your husband. Enji knew something was up as soon as he noticed your disheveled state. “Are you alright, Y/N?”
“I have a surprise for you, but you have to close your eyes!” You smiled eagerly, jumping up and down.
“Okay…” he gave you a confused expression, before motioning to the beverages in his hands. “I have one for you too.”
A warm feeling in your chest made you absolutely ecstatic. He had gone out to buy Starbucks for you? Heart eyes for days but you knew you had a better surprise in store for him.
“Thank you, Enji!” You placed a sweet kiss on his cheek before heading back to the nursery. He set the drinks down on the living room table, listening to your voice echo the house, “Wait here and close your eyes.”
“Here,” Enji could hear the smile in your voice but was quickly confused as he heard you address someone else, “hold Hanami and I’ll go get Haruhi. Or hand her off to Enji.”
He was surprised to see his teenage son standing there with his other baby. Their eyes locked before Enji spoke up, “It’s been a while, Shouto...”
“I was just here to see the twins,” he replied curtly, stepping close to the door. He spared you one last glance and a gentle wave, “I’ll be leaving now, Y/N. Thank you.”
“Thank you for the help, Shouto!” You beamed, waving back, “if your friends want to come visit, they’re welcome anytime.”
Enji peered down at his little girl, who was staring his face, before bursting into an innocent smile. He noticed the material of her clothes appeared familiar before the realization hit him completely.
“Is this…?” He whispered, too overwhelmed to finish the question.
“It gets better!” You gushed, sitting next to him and showing him your other daughter’s outfit.
“Those are my girls,” he replied smugly, before leaning his head on your shoulder. “Thank you, Y/N.”
“For what, Enji?” You glanced over at his proud face.
Enji is known not to be the most patient man in the world but he would do anything to keep his sweet wife happy. Even if it means going along with her giddy antics. You had brought back a fiery light into his life that he didn’t know he ever lost. He felt like a changed man and he was, Enji would go to extreme lengths just to keep his precious family safe and well.
“I love you, Enji.”
“I love you too, Y/N.”
*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
Scrolling through Twitter that night, a specific hashtag caught your eye. You had to read it again in order to make sure it was real.
Trending #1 in Japan: #DomesticEndeavor
A video of your husband at a Starbucks was uploaded while he ordered the drinks from earlier in the day.
“Venti Very Berry Hibiscus Lemonade and Venti Iced Peach Tea Lemonade,” Enji answered, avoiding eye contact with the barista in hopes of keeping his cover.
“YOU CAN HAVE THEM FOR FREE!” The baristas in the background shouted in unison, star struck faces while they rushed to prepare his order.
“Endeavor maybe a pro-hero but he’s a normal man after all, huh?” The person recording the video giggled, “this is going viral.”
Enji was embarrassed at the fact that more people were whispering about him at the coffee shop and zoomed out there as soon as possible.
The video ended with the employees fangirling and shouting, “HE TIPPED ME FIFTY DOLLARS! ENDEAVOR FOR LIFE!”
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