#definitely one of my favorite arthur fight scenes
spectators. ya know. spectating.
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queer-ragnelle · 5 months
random question! do you have any recommendations for any Arthurian/knight related horror/vaguely spooky movies?
(i apologize if you have a post like this already, tumblr's lack of functional search engine is really something)
The only Arthurian movie with horror elements throughout would be The Green Knight (2021). From the outset the entire film is shot very dark, the score is eerie and haunting, the color scheme of green life/rot and red blood plays into the horror as well. There's the obvious violence of the beheading of the Green Knight, but even before that, Morgan's spell and the possession of Guinevere to read the Green Knight's letter are pretty scary! One of my favorite scenes in the whole film. Later, Gawain is captured by scavenger bandits and left for dead, he meets a dead woman and retrieves her severed head, and immediately following his consumption of some mushrooms, he hallucinates moss growing on his hands, and then everything from that moment onward gets a little freaky for him. ;^)))))
Next best example would be Excalibur (1981), specifically the Grail Quest portion. It's a solid 20 minutes of non-stop psychological (and occasionally physical) torture. Arthur is the Fisher King here and rotting away, along with his land and people. Percival and all the knights venture out for what appears to be close to 20 years, as Mordred grows to manhood during this time. Percival is slowly debilitated from cold and hunger, assaulted by angry townspeople, psychologically tortured by Morgan with visions of his dead comrades, hung from a tree and left for dead, and even cosmically harassed by a glowing entity bombarding him with questions. There's also one scene in which Lancelot has a nightmare in which he fights his own suit of armor ("himself") which ends with a self-inflicted injury that never heals for the duration of the film, an allegory for his shame. Insanely good stuff.
After that I would suggest Starz Camelot (2011), which is a show. This has aspects of it I would definitely consider horror or at the least spooky. Morgan's storyline especially as she tries to gather magical power to herself and incurs the wrath of some demons. Morgan is also able to shape shift into other people and it's shot like a grotesque and painful experience which results in blood seeping from her eyes, nose, and mouth. Likewise Merlin deals with these same setbacks while using magic and is haunted by the people he's killed which drives him to madness at one point. Stepping away from the supernatural, the deaths in this show are especially gruesome, somewhat like Excalibur as well, but more of them with the longer run time. There's a scene with a character drawing themselves along a spear to finish their opponent (like Mordred at Camlann), beheadings, even a torture scene with a guy impaled on a stake and unable to flee while [redacted] continues to wound him in non-lethal ways to draw information out of him. So a lot to work with here!
The only other option I can think of is a bit of a stretch, but that's Merlin and The Sword (1985). The Knight of the Cart is adapted here, except that Guinevere is taken to the other world which can only be entered by magical means. Lancelot and Gawain venture there to try and rescue her and come across many corpses and skeletons along the way, which they joke about (they're so normal) but ultimately split up and deal with trials along the way. It has an element of unreality to it, as no one is said to return from there, and the fay rules challenge their every move. Lancelot also brutally murders people along the way including choking a guy with the bar of a spear, lifting his feet off the ground while holding the man to his chest. It's overall pretty camp, but if hopeless quests into other worlds is your thing, that movie has it in spades.
Tragically, that's all I got for you. We need more Arthurian horror! Thanks for the ask, I hope this helps.
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hood-ex · 11 months
“But at the same time I don’t want to hear it. I don’t care for you concern” I’m sorry but I laughed out loud when I saw your tags. Lol so true so true. Speaking of which the release of that artwork today for the valentine special… it’s never gonna end. I’m not reading Nightwing right now but what’s going on with Bea? How is she being treated. Honestly the whole pirate queen is kinda weird. I loved her for just being the civilian who helped her community and had a normal job.
😂 Normally I love it when people express concern over my favorite character, but I cannot stand it when Babsgirl does it. I didn't even mind it when Post-Crisis Babs did it after she found out Dick had been abducted. It's literally just N52 and onward Babsgirl who makes me feel like the Grinch when he's trying to convince Cindy Lou that he's a psycho.
But no yeah so we find out that Bea was adopted by the Quartermaster, and the Quartermaster is the captain of a sea crew called The Crossed Keys. Heartless ends up killing the Quartermaster, so Bea ends up taking over as captain of the crew. We also find out that Bea has an asshole brother named Dirk (yes, Dirk, of all names), and her mission is to capture Dirk and incarcerate him in another country so that he doesn't take over The Crossed Keys and turn it into some villainous secret society. The problem is that some people on the crew don't see Bea as the rightful captain because she's adopted, so there are crew members who view Dirk as the rightful captain.
Oh, also, Bea's crew refer to her as Captain Blüd, and we find out that Bludhaven was named after her adopted family (because Blüd's haven), so her family has got roots to the founding of Bludhaven.
I mean, this backstory is absolutely contrived for this particular storyline, and TT could've made an entirely new character for this captain role instead of using Bea, so I don't think this backstory is necessary for Bea, but her involvement does make some kind of sense with the flashback that TT set during the amnesia arc.
I do think it's silly that Dick attributes her ability to own a bar at such a young age and her involvement with the homeless shelters/counsel meetings to her involvement with The Crossed Keys. He also attributes her bravery during the Court of Owls/Joker/KGBeast situations to her involvement with The Crossed Keys. Like... sure... I guess?
I don't know. I just enjoy the thought of her being brave in general and helping the people and community she loves. I don't know if I like that those characteristics and her success as a bar owner are specifically attributed to her work with The Crossed Keys. Of course, it's true that she could've become a more courageous person through her work with The Crossed Keys before she met Dick but ehhh.
All in all, at least Bea is being portrayed as a strong and courageous captain. Although, she does naturally feel a bit different since she's in a leadership role in this story. There's also no sense of jealousy from either Babs or Bea (except Bea definitely feels bitter toward Dick which is understandable), and I've noticed TT seems very careful about that even when writing scenes with both Babs and Kory. Even though I do find TT's lack of conflict between the protagonists to be a bit annoying, I'm grateful there's not some dumb cat fight situation going on like the one from Aquaman where Mera and Dolphin were fighting over Arthur.
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etaindelaserna · 12 days
Hello again....Do you mind if I ask your top 5 (or top 10) favorite moments from any media that you love (can books, anime/manga, tv series, movies, games, etc)? Thanks if you want to answer. Sorry if I ask too much or if I accidentally send this ask twice.....
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Hello! Don't worry! I'm always appreciative when I see one of your asks pop up. So. Here. We. Go. As always in no particular order:
Gandalf talks to Frodo in Moria about Gollum (The Fellowship of the Ring)
There is something about that dialogue that always struck me as true, as something that touches our very essence. Not passing judgment too hastly, but also that our life is full of opportunities and each day we are confronted with the question what to do with this day. Nothing is lost. It just hasn't happened yet. We can choose whether we want to succeed or fail, whether we want to be good or bad.
Naruto confronts Zabuza about Haku (Naruto)
That moment never fails to make me tear up. Until that moment I didn't even consider Zabuza to be capable of having emotions but Naruto tore his armor away and revealed the deep connection he shared with Haku. I felt sad watching them die and yet it taught me and Naruto a lot about the shinobi lifestyle.
The truth about Itachi is revealed (Naruto)
Yeah, that one was a shock. I always wanted to believe that there was more to Itachi's story other than that he killed his whole clan because he "wanted to test his strength". Especially because he always tried to avoid a fight with Konoha shinobis and definitely didn't seem keen on killing them. But that Itachi sacrificed everything except Sasuke for the village -- that was a punch.
Luffy fights Arlong for Nami (One Piece)
Everything came together in that moment. I knew from the moment Nami couldn't let Zoro drown that something was up and when Arlong showed her that he will never ever let her or her village go, her desperation and fragility accumulated into pure epicness: asking Luffy to help her, Luffy trusting her with his hat and the boys just ready to beat the shit out of Arlong and his crew.
Theoden's speech at the Pelennor Fields (Return of the King)
Goosebumps. Every single time. The words. The music. Everything that leads up to it was pure desperation and then the riders arrive and god damn it. They came. They showed up to fight against the evils of Mordor. I was 13 when I saw this scene for the first time and I wanted to ride with them into battle.
Mufasa's ghost (The Lion King)
Mufasa's death must be something that has been ingrained into every millenials DNA. Just thinking about this scene, the music, Mufasa's desperation to save his son, his face when Scar betrays him, Simba's fear and sadness when he discovers that his father is dead ... it's a tragedy that speaks to one of our deepest fears: the loss of a parent or a loved one. And then ... he comes back to guide Simba, to remind him of his responsibility. It hits home.
Jon Snow's resurrection (Game of Thrones)
Jon was easily one of my favourite characters of the show. When he was killed I didn't want to accept it. It just wasn't possible that this was the end. This was all it amounted to: dead, because he did the right thing. Just like Ned and Robb. So when he was brought back to life I felt alive, too. It gave me hope that after all this something good would come out of it ... but yeah, then season 7 and 8 happened.
Vader saves Luke from the Emperor (The Return of the Jedi)
Another moment that just touched something within me. Luke's love for his father made him turn back to the light side. I've known Star Wars since I can remember but it still makes me cheer. It restores hope.
Morgain brings Arthur to Avalon (The Mists of Avalon)
I always felt that Arthur and Morgain were meant to be, but destiny made them half siblings. And when after all their hardships and years of separation, even after Morgain tried to dethrone Arthur and after he killed Mordred, she still seeked him out, only to find him mortally wounded from the battle -- and Arthur accepted her, was glad to see her one last time and asked her to bring him to Avalon. I felt the tragedy and sadness of their story. I also always felt that Arthur truly loved Morgain but knew that it could never be. So her kidness at the end, promising him, that she wasn't going to leave again, was at least some closure for me.
Harry learns the real truth about Sirius (The Prisoner of Azkaban)
This twist, that Sirius wasn't the one who betrayed Liliy and James, was such a surprise. But what sold the moment for me was the relief Harry felt when after years of abuse and neglect by the Dursleys, he would be able to live with Sirius. I loved that moment. It was so easy to imagine how happy Harry must have felt in that moment.
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nasubeenwithcat · 2 years
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notes2(dbc) notes1
Hello!!! It's been a month since my last post! I've put my notes together again and I'll post them here.
warning spoiler:Phantom of the Opera(by Gaston Leroux)/(by McMullan Kate), movie(by Arthur Lubin) contents:blood,swearing,yandere discotrain,mental illness,mind control,death,serious bullying
🎬Near Dead Bird Cinema is Dead Bird Studio. Both of these buildings are under the control of the mafia. The basements of these two buildings are connected and can be accessed through the mirror in the dressing room in the studio and the mirror in the basement of the cinema.
🎬Hat Kid is a detective. The girls live together. Don't expect her to be as good at deducing things as Holmes, but she is good at fighting anyway.
🎬Bow Kid's main job is as a writer. She sometimes translates and writes novels. She helps Hattie with her work. Anyway, the connections she has made for her work will help Hattie.
🎬They are still children who sleep with their dolls at night and love adventure.
🎬If they have hobbies other than mysteries, it would be traveling and shopping. When they get a commission, they rent a house near the crime scene. (Of course they have a spaceship.) They enjoy sightseeing while they work. Bird crimes are rare, so this time they will be excited with the new scenery.
🎬Hattie rented a house in Bird Town and soon found a large teddybird workshop. Bowtie also found an old book district and a cute stationery store. The Bird City has a thriving trade and tourist industry. If they don't get any new clients after the case is solved, they will continue to live in the city for a while.
🎬The owners do not believe in the existence of Phantom. They believe they are a prank by the former owners.
🎬Mustache girl was a well-known film critic. The increasingly intense harassment from Phantom was definitely tiring her out.
🎬The request was to find out the identity of Phantom.
🎬After the request is completed,Mustache girl will ask the detectives force out Phantom or kill him. But,if it's not an investigative job, it's up to them whether they accept the request or not. 'Cause of It is very dangerous.
🎬If the girls do take the request, it will be a very long job. In fact, I think the girls, having found their respective favorite stores in the bird city, would take the request unless they had a very good reason to do so.
🎬The receptionist is a boxkeeper. He follows the orders of Phantom. He has high self-esteem and lashes out when insulted. He dotes on his only daughter.
🎬 Grooves rarely goes home. If he does, it is only to pick up his belongings and he never sleeps in his bed at home. He considers his home to be completely unsafe.
🎬That was due to the trauma of when he was rookie. His mailbox was always full of many fan letters and bug eggs.
🎬His home in the moon was sold off. And it appears that two cats have purchased the land.
🎬He always worked overtime at the studio so that he would not have to go home. The basement of the cinema must have been very appealing to him. Who wouldn't love to have a cozy and loving home right next to their work place?
🎬Christine hates the basement. Grooves, however, is the opposite: as soon as he finishes work, he returns to the basement through a secret passageway of mirrors. That is where he really belongs.
🎬Basement has basic features as well as a screen room for watching movies and some secret rooms. (There are other rooms as well, but we haven't decided on the details yet.)
🎬The Phantom's study is one of the secret rooms. But it is better not to enter. Several diaries on the desk and many notes on the wall will terrify anyone who sees them.
🎬Phantom does not like to have people talk about him. The boxkeeper should know this, but he is so honest and simple that he often inadvertently speaks about Phantom.
🎬Phantom got a job as a freak circus director after suffering burns to his face.
🎬Just as expected,He is a great director. When he started helping direct a circus, it became a household name. He then moved from one circus to another, making various circuses famous.
🎬He stole many skills from the circus performers. That's why he is so good at magic.
🎬After getting the timepiece Phantom discovered the power of the hourglass and studied it thoroughly. It is not over yet.
🎬The relationship between Phantom and Grooves is like a spotlight and a star, so to speak. They are each other's spotlight and star.
🎬There is a slight discrepancy between Phantom's and Grooves' thought patterns; Phantom finally noticed it in the 1024th timeline and decided to match his thought patterns with Grooves'. This is because people like people who are similar to each other.
🎬I had studied just a little bit about the love psychology, but I still don't understand it well. Anyway, if Phantom applies them, he will never deny Grooves and will always try to phrase them positively. He has rewound time thousands of times, so he knows all about Grooves, but he dares not openly admit it. He will produce his weak side so that Grooves can feel superior to the Phantom.
🎬Why is Phantom so obsessed with one bird? He has moved from job to job: conductor, filmmaker, director, architect. Now that he is a monster, all he wants is to make movies again. ...... But to make a movie, he needs more birds. Phantom decided to find a director who would help him. A bird who is not attached to awards, who is dreamer and competent. And he found Grooves.
🎬In the beginning, Phantom only wanted Grooves to make his own films. For that, Phantom might have forced him to do some very harsh work. But at some point, Phantom began to take an interest in his collaborator. That was the very first romance.
🎬Would the same kind of romance still be going on today? I don't think so. Romances that have been repeated too many times have become messy, twisted and distorted.
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roundtabletea · 10 months
Disney Villains as Arthurian Characters
We compiled a list of our favorite Arthurian villains, and compared them to some of our favorite Disney villains. Surprisingly, there’s a LOT of similarities; whether it’s motives, gender expression, or character traits, there are some great, classic Disney counterparts to traditional Arthurian villains.
Morgan le Fay as Maleficent
This one is a bit self-explanatory; “evil sorceress obsessed with killing a certain member of a royal family” is a category that both Morgan le Fay and Maleficent fall neatly into. In Arthurian legend, Morgan le Fay does whatever it takes to kill King Arthur, her brother. She’s portrayed as vengeful and cunning; definitely not a good character. Likewise, in the 1959 Disney film Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent curses Princess Aurora to die and spends sixteen years trying to make this happen! She devotes her life to revenge against the king by cursing his daughter, and her scary presence makes for one of the most iconic Disney villains ever. This is just the most obvious similarity between the two, though; when you look deeper into it, they’re really very alike!
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One of the biggest similarities between the two characters is their ability to shapeshift. If you read “Aftir Thes Questis” in Le Morte D’Arthur, you’ll remember when Morgan le Fay transforms herself into a rock while Arthur is chasing her. Because of this, she’s able to get away—she even boasts about it later, saying that she’s not afraid of Arthur since she can do magic and shapeshift whenever she wants! Her kinda-bravado is a notable aspect of her character and shows how capable she is with magic—she can’t fight with a sword and shield like the male characters, so she turns to magic to keep herself squarely in the game. Honestly, it makes her so much more interesting than Arthur; her motives are confusing and, while we know we should be on Arthur’s side, we want to see what she does next!
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In Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent has a similar shape shifting moment of her own. Near the climax of the film, Prince Philip breaks free of the dungeon Maleficent had imprisoned him in. While he’s on his way to save Aurora, Maleficent transforms into a terrifying, purple dragon in order to stop him. This was honestly such a scary scene to watch as a kid and it still holds a lot of authority; it’s the classic hero vs. villain end-scene battle, and is the ultimate expression of Maleficent’s power. Can Prince Philip shapeshift??? I don’t think so. Even though she loses the battle because the story needs a happy Disney ending, it’s still an iconic scene; we remember Maleficent as the terrifyingly interesting sorceress, not just the loser of the battle. She’s such an interesting character because of her wickedness (which is a lot like Morgan le Fay…); I rest my case on the fact that she got her own film series with Angelina Jolie.
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What really brings these two characters together, at least for me, is that I still end up liking them even though they’re villains. Their feminine characteristics are so fleshed out, they possess insane magical powers, and they devote their whole lives to revenge—they’re way more memorable than boring Prince Phillip and do-nothing King Arthur! They’re the real stars of the stories they’re in.
Image one credit: Sleeping Beauty, 1959, Walt Disney Productions
Image two credit: Morgan le Fay, 1862, Edward Burne-Jones 
Image three credit: Sleeping Beauty, 1959, Walt Disney Productions
Guenevere's mom as Ursula
Surprisingly, Queen Guenevere’s mom from The Awntyrs Off Arthure is very similar to the one of the most beloved (or feared, depending how you look at it) Disney villain, Ursula from The Little Mermaid. Despite the obvious differences due to both the time periods, existence and the settings, the way they embody their femininity is one and the same.
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Both are portrayed/described as hideous and powerful characters. Ursula uses her power to control Ariel and in turn King Triton, similarly Guenevere’s mom uses her ghostly state to scare the men into changing the way they portray their masculinity. Their power caused them to be feared by the characters in the stories. Ursula was shown as a manipulative con-women and Guenevere’s mom was described as a spiteful ghost condemned for being too prideful and as an adulterer.  Guenevere’s mom is also fairly manipulative, for example, she uses christianity’s hell to scare Guenevere into praying for her soul and the future death of Arthur to scare Gawain into changing the way he portrays his masculinity.
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I think we can all agree that this powerful portrayal of femininity is what makes them such great villains, as it challenges gender norms and threatens masculinity. Who doesn’t love that? Strong female characters are personally my favorite villains or not.
Image 1; “Ursula the Sea Witch Animation Cel”, Smithsonian’s National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute, 1998
Image 2: “Ghosts in Medieval Literature” Medievalist.net, Lady Guenevere, Howard Pyle, 1903
Mordred as Jafar
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One thing that both Mordred and Jafar have in common is betrayal. Mordred betrayed King Arthur by usurping him (also playing a key role in the downfall of Camelot (and himself)), while Jafar betrayed Amara by turning her into a serpent. Both characters sought to gain more power and authority at the expense of others; both wanted to gain control of a kingdom. And, in the end, both characters’ lust for power and control ended in their downfall—Mordred ended up dying while battling Arthur, while Jafar ended up dying after his lamp was destroyed by Iago. Traditionally, Mordred embodies a more toxic masculinity, driven by things like ambition and, once again, a desire for power, just like Jafar.
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While both characters embody these particular power-hungry toxic traits, it’s important to note that these portrayals are dated and don’t align with today’s values of masculinity.
Image 1: Mordred, 1907, Howard PyleImage 2: Aladdin, 1992, Walt Disney Productions
Lancelot as Hans
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Now, don’t get me wrong. There are a lot of differences between Lancelot and Hans. One is the greatest hero of Arthurian Legend and one is the twist villain of one of the highest grossing animated movies of all time in 2013’s Frozen. But at the end of the day, there are quite a few similarities as well. Both are love interests to a female member of a royal family, with Lancelot pining for Guinevere and Hans and Anna establishing a rapid connection with one another (I mean, they sing a song about their love for one another, so you know it’s important to Anna at least; after learning Hans’ plan, the song kind of loses its umph, though). They both also are seen loyally serving the one they are romantically attached to without question, as Lancelot is constantly saving Guinevere from danger and obeys all of her commands and Hans takes over the kingdom in Anna’s absence while she tries to save Elsa because she tells him to.
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The main crux of their connection is the trust they gather before their betrayal. Hans knows exactly what he is doing and has been trying to gain Anna’s trust from the very beginning and yet plans to betray her when the time is right. He is thirteenth in line for a crown he will likely never get, so he goes to Arendelle to take that crown instead. Meanwhile, Lancelot betrays Arthur not because he wants to, but because his love for Guinevere was too strong to ignore. One feels no love for their supposed romantic partner and one feels such strong love that it causes problems. When it comes to Hans and Lancelot, it is more of the idea of the betrayal that connects them over any other aspect, as they are mostly polar opposites otherwise. However, behind the scenes, they have another connection. Lancelot is a later addition to the Arthurian Canon and, similarly, Hans is one of Disney’s more recent animated villains in their own “canon”. And yet, everyone agrees that Lancelot is essential to the Arthurian Canon and many people, including myself, see Hans as one of the more recognizable and important villains in Disney’s vast library of such villains. But really, Lancelot. You could have avoided the whole betrayal problem if you could keep your hands to yourself for five minutes…
Image 1: Frozen, 2013, Walt Disney Productions Image 2: Sir Lancelot du Lake, 1907, Howard Pyle
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zaharya · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Thank you so much for the tag @spiritofcamelot! 🥰 let's get into it then!
Horizons Over Battlegrounds — BBC Merlin, 14.5k Honestly, if someone only ever reads one thing of mine, I hope it's this one. It's a canon era fic, specifically based on that scene in s4 where the knights prank Merlin by pretending they didn't leave any food for him. I always hated this scene, it felt so utterly wrong that they would treat Merlin so terribly — this fic is my fix-it for that atrocity. It's also just some of the best writing I ever produced, and I never felt like I reached that standard again since. So yeah, this one is my pride and joy.
I wish I'd known then — BBC Merlin, 7.5k (WIP) Merthur watches Heartstopper, my beloved. Yes, this is a WIP, but it’s one of my favourite things I ever started. It was supposed to be a quick, fluffy Drabble for Dopamine, but has grown far far beyond that; it’s probably the most detailed character study I’ve ever done of Arthur — and also Nick and Charlie from Heartstopper 😅 Writing it is definitely a challenge, especially the pacing, but it’s very rewarding too when I figure out how to do a certain part. (Spoiler warnings for HS season 1!)
Get Him Back — BBC Merlin; Loaded March (by Footloose) spin-off, 14.6k If you know me at all, you know I love fight scenes, but because most my fics are short, I rarely get to write them properly. This one finally gave me the opportunity, and these scenes are among my favourite fights I’ve written, ever, and it makes me sad that only so few people will ever see them. I mean i get it, it's a spin-off but I’m sad anyway (maybe a bit less now that I have another fic with fight scenes; A Faire Fight).
Blackout Beaming Gold — BBC Merlin, 18.7k Steampunk AU my beloved! Originally written for Whumptober 2021, this one got a bit out of hand as well. I keep thinking that I wanna write a sequel, but I never find the energy to work it out in my head. My dear friend Sunfall also made amazing art for this, and it was such a joy to do this together. Featuring MurderFeline!Aithusa, low-key soulmates Merthur, pretty magic, and some quick fight scenes even.
My Breath In Your Lungs — BBC Merlin, 6.5k Another Whumptober fic, my Merman!Merlin AU; featuring a trapped Merlin, Arthur coming to rescue him, and one of my favourite not-quite-kiss scenes. I even commissioned art for it, and the lovely Miralya did an absolutely stellar job of it!
I know it says five favourite fics, but I have to give Mine To Protect an honourable mention, otherwise this just feels wrong. This is the first fic I ever published, and the older parts are honestly not up to my improved writing standards — hence why it didn't make the top 5 — but i’m still proud of having written something as big as this (213k WIP).
Tagging (without pressure of course) @tyalangand, @merlinlikethebird, @ask-geralt, @fabledfrog, @multishipperpirateking, @excited-insomniac and anyone else who feels like participating!
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
Thought One:
I've heard from other blogs that George that prefers his s/o to be completely waxed which got me thinking which of the subs would go completely hairless/want you to be as well and which wouldn't care? Which subs do you think would get waxed when they're big so they are hairless for playtime (with max, Pierre, Charles, Mick, lando, George, alex, seb, Arthur and whoever else you want to do) Please ignore If you don't feel comfortable with this one
Thought two: Do you think there's any specific ritual that the subs (whoever you would like to do) have to go into subspace like a certain song/playlist or taking a bath, etc
Thought Three: which of the littles do you think would get really into Christmas; like making a gingerbread house, decorating the house, wearing a ugly sweaters on Christmas day, snowball fights, making snowman and what their favorite gift from you was (sorry I know it's a little late for Christmas asks but couldn't get this idea out of my head after I saw Charles family picture with the ugly sweaters)
(sorry I just kind of started rambling)
And if I could claim the emoji 🌺 please
Firstly, of course you can claim that emoji!! I'll add to the claimed list, and welcome to the emoji anons!!! Welcome welcome!!! These thoughts are all fucking incredible. This is an amazing way to start your emoji anon career holy fuck!!! We're gonna talk a little bit about each one :))
I definitely think George would be waxed all over. He prides himself in it as well. You dont particularly care if he's a few days late on his waxing schedule, but he does. He must be perfectly waxed.
Charles waxes his legs and chest, because he loves them being hairless. He also waxes his ass. He used to painstakingly shave his pubic hair and he HATED it. He always cut himself and got ingrown hair and he often ended up in tears trying to do it. (Maybe he had an old dom who insisted he was clean shaven down there) You see his struggles and voice to him one day that if he's only shaving for you, he can stop. Now he just trims his pubic hair and he's SO much happier.
Pierre is not waxed or shaved. He trims his pubic hair, but that's it. He loves how he feels when he's not trying to relentlessly control all his body hair, and he looks damn good too.
I think that Carlos, Arthur and Marcus would all want you to choose what they do with this body hair? What will make them happier is doing whatever you want them to, knowing that you're happy with them. Sometimes you'll make them change it up just so that they have to put more effort in and feel like very good boys.
As for Max and Mick, I think they've both always wanted to wax or shave everything? Except, they've felt like they shouldn't? Like they'd be less manly if they did. So they didn't. Until you came along and made them feel so safe and comfortable, safe enough to voice their desires and have you help them.
Some subs (ahem, Charles), can slip into subspace at the drop of a hat once they're comfortable with you. One moment they're cuddling with you and the next their head is all fuzzy and they can't speak anymore. Sometimes, Arthur and Lando can do the same, but they're not as quick with it as Charles.
However, I think max really struggles to get into subspace sometimes. And you have to be very careful about how you handle it because max can get VERY upset and frustrated about it. All he wants is to enter subspace and relax, but he just can't. So you start having a routine with him. He always takes a bath in the same bubble bath and then gets a massage. Having a routine like that, something that brings him into a calmer, steadier headspace, is exactly what he needs.
I think that Mick and Esteban also enjoy a routine, despite not actually needing one? Kneeling with some praise and cuddles or simply just beginning the scene could get them to subspace. But they both LOVE having a routine, love having a set of things they must do.
Little!Charles definitely loves Christmas! He doesnt really enjoy all the activities, because a lot of them are loud or messy, neither of which he likes. However, he loves decorating and watching Christmas movies and wearing Christmas jumpers!! And of course he loves giving all his friends and family gifts.
Little!Mick, on the other hand, loves ALL the activities! He wants to play in the snow and build gingerbread houses and go gift shopping! He has the best time.
I was thinking about little!George, and honestly I think he might not like Christmas? Cause he doesnt like change, or crowds, or having lots of people over. Sure the Christmas tree is pretty, but when he's very little, it's scary! It's something he didnt expect to be in his safe space. And having so many people over all the time is overwhelming!!! He wants to curl up with you.
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scarlethoodi · 2 years
Finally read Bloodmarked so it’s time to fully enter my Legendborn Cycle obsession era
Bree Matthew , daughter of sons, the girl that you. Let’s put a pause on the love triangle business and discuss the plot cause whew shit just be happening but if there’s one thing about her, no matter the cost she’s getting shit done (though she’s a bit unserious). Idk which moments were my favorite in how action packed and/or shocking they were: her putting a hole through Volition as she screamed after Vera, her and Sel witnessing Nick behead that one guy, Arthur taking over her body, her in Arthur’s dreamscape and entering that dragon form, etc. Honestly she’s going through too much
I enjoyed the group that we followed. Let it be known that Alice Chen is thee best friend of all times. I just loved her and Bree’s friendship-she learned how to do Bree’s hair 🥺 that’s a real one right there. And I really loved William, he’s such a sensible and empathetic guy. Especially his relationship with Bree, the way he called her out for thinking they only cared about saving her because of the order- he’s a healer and knight which will always be a great combo and you can just feel how much he loves Bree- so big brother coded. And if Alice doesn’t wake up I’ll march into that book and start fighting people myself- 3rd book she’ll be Legendborn huh? Anyone???
The love triangle was good, like idk maybe the trope isn’t that bad. And I like that Bree was able to have these emotions and romantic interactions. Her and Sel’s interactions would have me either screaming in frustration or giggling, so yeah the kiss scene was great. But never mind that cause Nick Davis you will always be famous. The first time she did her memory walk through Arthur’s memories and pulled him in as Lancelot- two kisses and god they’re so in love. And I know Sel says he doesn’t still have feelings for Nick but idk there’s something there. The way they both love Bree how she loves them both.
I loved the new characters, especially Valec the most. The way his character circled back to Bree’s first memory walk where she saw the enslaved woman who was impregnated by the Crossroads man. I think Larc was a pretty good addition too. And more importantly I loved the community of black women Bree is gaining around her. Like I think her Root powers were more interesting in general because there was always so much to be learned about it. The Regents made me uncomfortable. Those racist old white people just trying to trap Bree. And I don’t know or care how it happens but I need someone to beat Tor’s ass. The lead up to them getting Briana out of that place, those 5 minutes had me holding my breath but when she jumped into Alice’s arms in the car I pumped my fist up in celebration.
There’s a lot I want to say and gush about this series and I definitely want to start making fanart for it. Like this series and world is just so interesting to me, so I can’t wait to see how the author follows up in the future.
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galacticwildfire · 8 months
Damn Olivia Cooke does look so much like Natalie Portman, it's unreal. Just popping in to say I hope your day is good and also I was struck with some curiosity and was wondering what songs you associate with Hope (or/and Hope & Poe)? ← endlessly curious bc putting music to my ocs and pairings is maybe my favorite part of the process
Hi, thank you for the ask and I hope you're day's good as well! And yesss, I absolutely love putting music to my oc's. It's literally the first thing I do when I start writing a story. I have a whole second spotify account with my playlists for them here. I'm the type who puts like 80 songs in a playlist and I need to cut them down but I've got a couple I listen to on repeat. I have three separate playlists for the story, one for hope, one for her and Poe, and then one for the solo family.
With Hope I've got a lot of Halsey/Marina on there. A couple songs for Hope that I'd play the most would be;
Nightmare - Halsey
Devil in me - Halsey
Seventeen - Marina & the Diamonds
You asked for this - Halsey (heavy on this one)
Who am I living for - Katy Perry
This is me trying - Taylor Swift
The Family Jewels - Marina & the Diamonds
Crossfire - Stephen
Which Witch - Florence and the Machine
Burned - Grace Vanderwaal
Animal - MISSIO
The Tradition - Halsey
Then I've got quite a few for her and Poe as well. With their relationship I'm going to put it through a bit of hell. With the Oddy arc there'll be some mistrust and major fights there when Poe worries that she might be being blackmailed into spying, and then there'll be a tough period between them realising their feelings and actually getting together before she'll be taken captive and brainwashed by the First Order. So there's a mix of really upbeat songs and then downright tragic ones.
The entirety of Taylor Swifts Reputation album but in particular
Call it what you want (heavy on this one)
Getaway Car
Fransesca - Hozier (this one is definitely their relationship after she's imprisoned and the lengths Poe goes to to get her back)
Drive - Halsey
Maroon - Taylor Swift
Look after you - The Fray
The Reflection - The Neighbourhood
Renegades - X Ambassadors
Starman - David Bowie (I'm making David Bowie exist within SW specifically so they can drunkenly sing this)
Dangerous - David Guetta
Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift
Powerful - Major Lazer
Mirrors - Justin Timberlake
My Tears Ricochet - Taylor Swift
Friends - Chase Atlantic
Fire Meet Gasoline - Sia
The Chain - Fleetwood Mac
Young Gods - Halsey
Out of the woods - Taylor Swift
Flawless - The Neighbourhood
False God - Taylor Swift
Lovers on the sun - David Guetta
Leaving tonight - The Neighbourhod
Train Wreck - James Arthur
Hold on - Chord Overstreet
Just give me a reason - Pink
I'm finishing up the final chapter of the prequel atm before I really get back into the main story, I have a lot written for it but it's editing and getting from point a to b. They're relationship for the next few chapters will be going pretty strong, then there'll be the oddy arc and it's going to be pretty messy for a while but with the two of them the constant thing is that no matter how mad they are with each other they just can't hate each other because they really do accidentally become best friends (who keep accidentally flirting with each other in front of everyone.) It's essentially going to end up a very dramatic slowburn situationship until they blurt out that they're in love mid fight.
I have one scene coming up where her and Poe have a major major blow up after she disobeys orders to save his life in a dogfight since she still feels pretty safe in the assumption that the first order won't kill her whilst everyone else just thinks she's genuinely delusional. Poe's convinced she's actually insane which she kind of is but she wasn't wrong. It's going to be during that spy arc and they both genuinely go a little insane during that fight, so she takes off and goes to lay low with Lando for a while and he gets the whole earful, only for Poe to show up at his door the next day to bring her back and Lando is just in stitches over it. "Hope, there's a handsome resistance commander here to see you" and she's just dumbfounded that he had the guts to come after her (and falls a little in love).
But in the next chapter I'm writing atm they're going to be pretty cute. Poe being her willing assistant as she compiles their intel into a motion for the senate, bringing her caf and gossiping when she catches Snap leaving Karé's room at like six in the morning and Poe being offended he wasn't the first to know, running to wish her luck as she goes to leave and then bailing her out of jail the next day. When they're a mess they're a mess but when they're cute they're insufferable to everyone around them.
I'd love to see what playlists you have as well <3 because honestly making playlists for oc's is one of my favourite parts of writing!
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thunderberryart · 1 year
Maybe I'm alone on this, but I do feel like Arthur's plot importance tends to be very...underplayed? He's definitely acknowledged as being important to RF4's plot, but his role tends to get watered down to "The guy who officially makes you the acting prince(ss) of Selphia and occasionally offers helpful advice" when he does much more than that. Like, A LOT more. Among major things he does:
Is the one to track down and identify Barrett when everyone is looking for a way to get Frey/Lest from the Forest of Beginnings (with a little help from Illuminata and Xiao Pai.)
Uses his connections as a prince to gather the resources Selphia needs to defend itself from Ethelberd; also takes over running the town while Frey/Lest is going into Sechs territory (not that it affects gameplay.)
Escorts Frey/Lest to the Floating Empire aboard the airship; later provides support during the final battle against Ethelberd, although he and Doug are nearly killed when Ethelberd attacks the airship after fusing with Ventuswill.
Does research with Kiel on how to open the door to the Forest of Beginnings at Leon Karnak and provides the Rune Sphere that will serve as Ventuswill's new vessel.
Plus he has a number of touching interactions with the protagonist throughout the story so, you know, regardless of whether you view them through a platonic or romantic pair of lenses, he's clearly an important relationship for Frey/Lest and provides a lot of support both as their advisor/confidant and friend. One of my favorite story scenes with him is right after the Terraclone fight in Idra Cave, which is noteworthy in that if he's in Frey/Lest's party during the fight, the scene is altered to reflect that he was there versus having to come and find them himself.
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Seriously, considering this man's issues revolve around him refusing to open up to others, him openly admitting during this scene that he was panicking when Selphia got attacked is HUGE.
tl;dr Arthur's actions during the main plot deserve a lot more recognition.
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roosterbox · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday 4/28/23
Title: Next Big Thing
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Inception (2010)
Relationship: Arthur/Eames (Inception)
Characters: Arthur (Inception), Eames (Inception)
Additional Tags: HGTV
Summary: Eames is certain that they will excel at being celebrity judges.
Arthur is not so sure.
But then, that's usually how their relationship goes.
This rec. Hooboy, this rec. I had to re-read this fic to insure that, yes, it really is still just as good as it was in 2015. I was absolutely correct.
First, don’t be intimidated by the length. It’s 231 chapters, but every single one of them moves so quick, you’ll have it halfway done before you realize. Easy breezy beautiful Covergirl.
Second, the best single thing about NBT might be the Original Characters. There are a lot of them - befitting a fic about a reality competition show! - and every single one is interesting. Even the ones who are jerks (*coughcoughAlec*). I dare you to read this and not fall at least a tiny bit in love with Sunny or Gon or Julia or Misty Rainbow. Speaking of Ms. Rainbow, there is a scene in this story that, when I first read it eight years ago, affected me so much, I had to put my phone down and pace around my room for like five minutes. So good that I remembered it word for word. You’ll be happy to know that The Scene is still incredible, even now. The unquestionable high point of the story for me, though everything around it is also amazing.
Another aspect I appreciate (and did back then too!) is how the Drama(tm) is never about risking Arthur and Eames’ relationship. Never once did I fear that there would be a big fight or a breakup or something. Which is very soothing to know - that while all this nonsense swirls around them, our boys are always together and in love. That constant is like the calm eye of the reality TV storm.
Overall, this one comes very very highly recommended. I know I say that a lot, but seriously, if you call yourself a fan of inception fics and haven’t read this one? Please do!
Next Week: Time for some Hannigram again! This one is one of my favorite one-shot AUs. Built around a simple premise: what if Will’s dad (and, naturally, Will too) lived/worked at the Lecter household in Lithuania? What if Will and Hannibal grew up together? Definitely intriguing.
See you next time!
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
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I posted 1,869 times in 2022
That's 132 more posts than 2021!
817 posts created (44%)
1,052 posts reblogged (56%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,070 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#the owl house - 373 posts
#reblogged - 273 posts
#not mine - 266 posts
#luz noceda - 177 posts
#asks - 137 posts
#send asks if you want - 137 posts
#ask me anything - 137 posts
#eda clawthorne - 113 posts
#toh hunter - 100 posts
#the golden guard - 98 posts
Longest Tag: 112 characters
#i will always remember him as the guy who yelled at the aliens to piss off when invading his planet on christmas
My Top Posts in 2022:
Quick Thoughts on “The Tomb” from Moon Knight
“The Tomb” might just be my favorite episode. Why? Let me count the ways.
The many great interactions between Marc and Steven. They’re fun and even heartwarming at one point. Plus, Marc punching Steven in the face is pretty funny, I won’t lie.
Steven trying to prove himself as someone useful. Maybe not in a fight, but definitely in a chance to solve a mystery or figure out what everyone needs to do.
Layla. Layla is the stand-out star in this, having moments that proves how badass she can be, as well as this realistic reaction to something heartbreaking.
Arthur Harrow is selling himself as one of my favorite MCU villains. The way he twists characters minds is top notch. He doesn’t lie and doesn’t entirely manipulate. In actuality, all he does is tell them truths. Truths that hurt the characters and make them do...occasionally stupid things. And that’s great. I love a villain who wins his fights through his words rather than actions.
This episode is one third archeological adventure, one third horror story, and one third psychological thriller. And I was invested through all of it, especially that final scene. I won’t give away how, but it really makes you question EVERYTHING you’ve seen in the show so far. And, yeah, that last zing got a chuckle out of me. Well done.
So, yeah. “The Tomb” is a great episode. It was a ton of fun and, with how things left off, it makes me excited for more. Much like every episode before it, but...this one did it better.
628 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
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This happened.
And all of our souls felt a little lighter because of it--DOES AMITY KICK UP HER LEFT LEG?!
Aw, that’s cute...
915 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
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Why do I love this expression?
Because I can easily see this in a 2D cartoon. Somewhere in the vein of Steven Universe or maybe even The Owl House. Like, if Turning Red was hand drawn, this expression would have been made in no time flat. But the animators worked extra hard in making this movie look like a 2D film with a 3D makeover. And that type of dedication earns so much of my respect.
926 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
Please watch Wendell & Wild.
Not just because it's a Halloween classic in the making.
Not just because it has a unique art style.
Not just because it has decent trans rep (which is cool to see it get more attention in recent years).
And not just because it has Key and Peele playing the best characters in the movie.
Watch Wendell & Wild to prove that animation can cater to more than just kids. This movie is PG-13 (but a 90s PG), meaning it's more for older audiences without relying on constant cursing, grotesque violence, and ludicrous amounts of sex and drugs. Instead, it uses creativity and genuinely good writing to tell a story that, while not really too intense for kids, it's at least a lot more advanced for them. And that's great. I want more animation that appeals to a vast majority of audiences of many ages and proves that type of animated content can be successful so people can stop saying animation is just for kids. But it's not. Anybody of any age should be able to enjoy animation and all its strengths, and the best way to do that is to give movies like Wendell & Wild a shot.
So, please, watch it.
2,602 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“Animation is just for kids!”
...Ok...Ok...Let’s take a look at some of that animation that’s “Just for kids,” shall we?
Adventure Time is a series that touches a lot on philosophical questions and theories, with one episode having one character ask “If just being born is the greatest act of creation then what are you supposed to do after that?”
Avatar: The Last Airbender dives deep into having characters question what is right and wrong when dealing with a horrible evil. Like, is it better to harm anybody, even the most innocent old man, just because their society is run by fascists? Should we torture those who tortured us? And should we really kill someone just because they are irredeemable? All hard questions, each with uneasy answers.
The Owl House has a powerful antagonist whose goal is to commit genocide on an entire race of innocent people due to being raced to believe that said people are evil, thus stating that the most dangerous people are the ones who are prejudiced and ignorant.
Centaurworld  has a scene where a man tries to drown an elk. No, I’m not kidding. That happened. It was on screen and everything.
Encanto teaches a lesson on generational trauma, the pressures of living up to expectations, and stating that the best gift is being alive and having those around you.
And do I even have to say ANYTHING about Pixar?! The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Up, Inside Out, Soul, and even Toy Story all have themes and morals that can speak to adults while also being simple enough for kids to understand.
But that’s just animation for kids. Let’s talk about animation for ADULTS, shall we?
South Park takes a comedic view of our society, poking fun in the many ways it’s broken.
The Breadwinner is a tense movie of a young, Afghan girl disguising herself as a boy so she can go out and make money so her family can survive.
Invincible has some of the most brutal scenes I’ve seen from a superhero series, including this moment with a train (you’ll know it when you see it) that was so horrific that, when it cut to black for a second, I saw the look of pure shock and terror of my face reflected onto my laptop.
And Bojack Horseman is the best adult-animated series I’ve ever seen because it tackles issues made for adults. Things like opium addiction, depression, the struggles of being asexual in a sex-driven world, and telling one truth that most adults need to hear. The truth that, in this life, you can’t live happily ever after. You’re alive, always have another problem to deal with, and then you’re dead. There’s no point, in this plane of existence, when you’re happy forever and ever. Because life’s a show, and when everybody’s happy, then there can’t be a show anymore.
Animation. Is not. For kids.
Animation is a medium that is often geared towards kids. And the reason why people keep saying it’s for kids is because they focus on the kids stuff and refuse to look at how mature some animated movies and shows can be.
5,942 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.46--Episodes 5-6
I have watched through S5E6; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for those further behind than I am.
—Before we started episode 5, my mom and I were discussing (I say discussing, but it was more like a collective brain-crash) which was our favorite character and which was the one we most vibe with. Neither of us came up with a vibe, although I’m sure I could and would end up very annoyed with myself for the result, but her favorite is Regina and mine is Rumple. These two episodes have only cemented it. He’s just so terribly well-written that I can’t help adoring him. I’d love to know other people’s opinions on either of those, but with my usual caveat: if it involves spoilers for future seasons, I’d still be happy to hear it, but only after I’ve gotten past that point myself.
—That faceless Dark One was a bomb-ass design. That mask was amazing.
—Merlin is gorgeous. I was expecting some old beardy guy, but I much prefer the Sorcerer who actually showed up. And his cloak is awesome. I’m a sucker for cool embroidery.
—Speaking of good clothes and gorgeous people, Regina got a new red dress in Camelot that I am absolutely loving. It’s a different fabric, the shade of red is different (I actually think it’s a shade that’s better suited to her skin tone), and the embellishments are laid out differently. She’s fr not my type in Storybrooke or in any Evil Queen clothes except the outstanding riding habits, but in Camelot she just hits different.
—When Henry set up that date with Violet at Granny’s, I spent the scene thinking about how good her costuming is. My mom’s main takeaway was, ‘if he really liked her, he would’ve poured her Coke instead of Pepsi.’ Which is true. Ain’t no soda like a classic Coke.
—At the midpoint of…episode 5, I think? I thought Henry and Violet were going to be a cool example of how different circumstances could inspire different relationships between the same people—but no, it was so much worse. I’m still waiting to find out what Emma’s motives or goals are, but if she’s justifying hurting Henry for them, she’s definitely up to no good.
—Swaggy that the Charmings know not to trust Arthur in Storybrooke. I was starting to get worried about how long they would be ignorant.
—Also, at this point the Charmings may from time to time include Regina (and Robin; she gets a plus-one) and Hook.
—Emma’s dreamcatcher garage is a scary place.
—When Rumple was reunited with Belle, that stuff he said really got to me. This is legitimately beyond words for me, but suffice it to say I do believe one person can be enough to keep you in the world. Whoever wrote what Rumple said about not letting go because he heard Belle’s voice must believe that too, because you can’t write words that real without one or both of experience and belief.
—Merida. Honey. Sweetheart. Light of my life. That splitting the arrow trick is cool, but you can’t reuse those. Conserve your ammo.
—Okay, so there’s some new backstory for Merida that works better than just the other clans not wanting a queen. Having her fight in a war alongside her father is a cool story bit, and the fact that her aim wavering on the battlefield is what led to the other clans doubting her is a stronger concept.
—She should’ve been a ginger bear. ✨for the vibes✨
—Kinda sad that the teacup is broken. That thing’s been important to me almost as long as it’s been important to Rumple and Belle.
—You know what, Belle has gotten mighty picky. She doesn’t like Rumple when he’s the Dark One, she doesn’t like Rumple when he’s his natural self, and yet around other people she goes on and on about how she’s not giving up on him. Yes, he’s probably his best self now that he’s faced up to his fears, but at some point Belle might want to consider that she doesn’t truly love him. Barely any version of him is good enough for her, which I think says more about her feelings about him than it does about those other versions of him.
—For a while I’ve been debating with myself about whether I’ve wanted Rumple to change so he could be with Belle (which you’ve seen some of the results of already in this review), and I’ve finally reached my major conclusion. I want Rumple to change for himself—not because I particularly dislike him one way or the other or because I don’t think he’s good enough in my opinion or someone else’s—but because I want him to be a person that *he* can be proud of. I want Rumple to be able to look himself in the mirror and like that man. That’s why this personal journey is so satisfying; I’m invested in him for his sake, not for the sake of the people around him.
—I got so many goosebumps when Rumple pulled Excalibur! 😍 *weeps with joy* And I think the best part is that he made a deal with Emma for someone else. Instead of just pulling Excalibur, or refusing to pull it, he only did it in exchange for Merida’s freedom. That is a beautiful counterpoint to the Dark One he used to be and I am entirely here for it.
—Y’all, I think this might be the version of Rumple I’ve wanted to see since the fourth season. He fierce.
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luxflora · 1 year
Malevolent audio edits I want to put together:
Compilations of the various instances of the 3(?) primary score tracks I've noted that aren't on bandcamp. I'm currently making myself dizzy going between e18, e20, e24, and e28 trying to match tracks without actually writing anything down lmao
Compilation of John talking Arthur down from panicking
Compilation of... I'm thinking all of Kayne's scenes? At the very least I'm going to end up with a reference folder that has all of his dialogue, so we'll see how the numbers come up.
Compilation of the "good boy"s and "you did it"s et cetera
I may do something with the "Oh, Arthur"s? I know someone else has done something along those lines already, so we'll see.
Kinda want to track instances of call and response communication. The "John?" "Arthur!" type things, and the "Well." "Well."s.
If somebody hasn't done it yet I WILL feel obligated to do an expressions of shock and disgust compilation. "Jesus christ!" "Oh my god!" You get the picture. Not sure how much of the accompanying descriptions I'll include - maybe a version with and a version without?
Compilation of my personal favorite Kayne highlights, of course
I'm going to smack some Kayne dialogue over like, jazz music maybe. Haven't put a lot of thought into what exactly I'm going to go for on this. I have some different ideas so I'll probably just focus on clipping first and THEN experiment with layering. I may make a playlist specifically for him that's intended for me to draw from for this.
Might overlay Kayne's listing off the contents of Arthur's bag with the music of the witch's shopping list in Into the Woods? Probably not gonna do this one but meh
John and Arthur bickering (NOT any of the serious fights. I'm too sensitive) overlaid with various songs from my Gay Divorce playlist
Mostly unrelated but I was trying to figure out why I'd put Kesha's "Cannibal" on my Malevolent playlist And Then I Remembered
Chase scenes over K.Flay's Run For Your Life or woodkid's Run Boy Run? Ngl the chase music kind is kind of unpleasant to my ears (it's good chase music, definitely gives that anxiety/fear feeling! Just kind of painful) so I may not do this
I think that's everything I had in mind, at least that I can think of right off-hand or articulate properly, and then some. If I think of anything else I'll probably try to use this post for organization. Might also create a tag for my notes on the music of Malevolent? We'll see. I got all of what's currently out downloaded & organized this morning so I'm pleased with that ^^
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deke-rivers-1957 · 2 years
Elvis Ask Game
This is a part of the original thread by @aconflagrationofmyown. I made it separate to make it easier to read since I'm deciding to answer a lot of these lol. Thank you @lindszeppelin and @ash-omalley for tagging me.
•When and what was your first exposure to Elvis Presley?
I don't remember when I first watched this film, but my first exposure to Elvis was watching Lilo and Stitch.
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I was only 2 or so when the movie came out so I think I saw it later on when I was like 5 or 6 years old so like maybe 2005/2006.
•And what was your first impression?
I didn't understand who Elvis was other than oh he's the guy Lilo likes so much because of her parents. I didn't think much of him until I was older.
•Lace shirts or jumpsuits?
Lace shirts since I like that era of Elvis better. The jumpsuits are very hit or miss with me and the idea of how much he suffered in that era keeps me from truly enjoying that era.
•You can steal one of Elvis/Austin’s outfits, what’s it going to be?
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I love this so much because it just summarizes what Elvis represented during the 1950s. He has a combination of masculine and feminine features. This is stylized as men's clothing but the floral patter on the shirt feminizes it.
•C’mon, we know you’ve been watching/reading old interviews and random footage of the man, so what’s your favorite random Elvis quote?
From Elvis' concert in Elvis That's the Way It Is: "So those you who've never seen me before will realize tonight that I'm totally insane and I have been for a number of years". It just describes literally everything he did and how self aware he was.
•What’s an aspect of Elvis’ character you wish more people appreciated?
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Elvis loved kids and treated them with respect. He also loved black people and also treated them with respect. In a time which segregation was legal, Elvis consistently showed that he was color blind, yet understood how he was treated differently because he was white. People who claim he stole from black people understood nothing about Elvis. So many black artists and celebrities praise this man for showing them respect and outright stating that he loved Fats Dominoes and Arthur Crudup's music. James Brown and Muhammed Ali were the definition of black pride and were great friends with Elvis, going as far to go his funeral and visit his grave. This needs to be talked about more and at least the movie attempted to do that.
•You meet Col. Tom Parker for the first time, forewarned with the knowledge of what a scumbag he is, what do you do?: A. nothing, you’re a coward who doesn’t care about abused golden-hearted men B. you give the Colonel a stern telling off C. you encourage Elvis to leave him and break the contract E. you slap a legal document against that fat suit and declare “Mrs. Claus is bringing you a lawsuit” F. you waste no time with formalities, it’s a letter opener to the juggler for that piece of trash
Assuming there's no witnesses or consequences for me, choice F. The amount of anger in just being near him would make verbal options impossible. I would feel satisfied in doing that.
•You can choose only one song or piece of media to convince someone to become an Elvis fan, what is it going to be?
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This record shows both sides of Elvis' songs. He was the precursor to all rock artists and also did a lot of ballads.
•Where are you hanging out with EP, his bedroom with the teddy bears, Club Handy, his private jet or Graceland?
•What is the peak Elvis era? warning, this says an awful lot about you…
Very hard question but...
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I know this was very short lived but I love how Elvis exists in this film. Toby is one of his best characters and I honestly think this was Elvis at his healthiest. He wasn't taking diet pills until after this era because he was told he was overweight. That's just not true since in Kid Galahad he had defined muscles and in this film, he's carrying people around like it's nothing. He just looks so strong here that I can believe his fight scenes. Toby can legitimately win a real fight and Elvis actually looks the part because of his karate and boxing training.
•Pick your poison in the fan-fiction realm: angst, fluff, smut, fluffy smut, angsty fluff, angsty smut?…or is reading about Elvis Presley an acknowledged health hazard?
I can handle angst, fluff, and fluffy smut. I feel uncomfortable with smut because a lot of it is just Elvis being so dominant that it reminds me of why I don't like a lot of his characters. I just can't handle guys that are that rough with other women even when it's consensual. I need it to be soft or Elvis be in a more submissive role.
•What are your odds for besting this man at karate?
I feel like Elvis might let me win one match since given the sheer experience and size advantage he would have. I'm only 5' 3" and am not athletic in anyway. Elvis would probably be worried about hurting me so we just would only do that one match and not do it again.
•If you could meet Elvis and have enough composure to tell him something, what would it be?
Don't let your sense of self worth be determined by other people's happiness. You have done more than enough for people that your mama and Jesse would be proud of you. They would want you to take the time to love yourself. Your fans would want that too because we all love you, Elvis.
•If you could spare him one tragedy what would it be?
Letting Jesse live. If you read the Inner Elvis, you would know how much trauma he experienced just by not having his twin. It's part of why he was so close to Gladys. He didn't have anything else to fill in that hole that losing Jesse created. He obviously had no memories of Jesse but subconsciously he was aware that he needed Jesse in his life. Not having him made Elvis so vulnerable to the outside world including the Colonel. If he had his older brother, he might have actually had the chance to live longer.
•If you’ve got a favorite gif or photo insert it here and bless us all
Sorry for the sadness. Here's a picture of Elvis with his dear puppy, Sweet Pea.
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A reminder that despite media showing Elvis as a dominant man that could have his way with women, he was also a little boy that would just melt around dogs.
I'm now tagging @skinnypantsmcgee and @cheesy-cryptid for this game. I really like the art you two make.
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