#deh ballet
freakshowtwopointoh · 10 months
might fuck around and add more chapters to the toxic!jordan fic
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namesforwriters · 1 year
Music Inspired Names (fem)
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Aida ~ Arabic, Italian, meaning "reward," "happy."
Aida is the name of a famous, tragic opera composed by Giuseppe Verdi. Set in Ancient Egypt, Aida is an Ethiopian princess who is captured and enslaved by the Egyptians. She and Radamès, an Egyptian military captain, fall in love. pronunciation: ay-ee-da, aid-ah
Allegra ~ Italian, meaning "cheerful," "lively," "playful."
Derived from the musical term "allegro" indicating the tempo, or speed, at which a piece should be played. Allegro usually indicates a lively and fast tempo. pronunciation: ah-leg-grah
Aria ~ Italian, meaning "air."
An aria is a piece of music written for a single voice or singer. Arias are most commonly associated with opera productions and refer to both male and female solos. Arias are usually part of a larger work and can be accompanied by instruments or sung without. pronunciation: ah-ree-ah
Bell ~ Old English, meaning "to roar," "to make loud noise."
Most know this word as the name of an instrument. A bell is used in both music and in other parts of life. Bells are commonly used in Christian churches to signal the beginning of service, and bells are also known to come in many shapes, sizes, and tones. pronunciation: bell
Cadence ~ Latin, meaning "a falling."
The term "cadence" is used, in Western music theory, to describe the end of a musical phrase in which a melody or harmony comes to a resolution. It always feels like closure, like a conclusion. pronunciation: kay-dence
Calliope ~ Greek, meaning "beautiful-voiced."
Calliope, in Greek mythology, is one of the nine Muses; goddesses of the arts and music. Calliope was the leader of the Muses and ruled over epic poetry. pronunciation: cah-lie-ah-pee
Carmen ~ Spanish, Latin, meaning "garden," "song."
Carmen is a French opera composed by Georges Bizet. Set in Spain, the story tells of a soldier, Don José, who abandons his post and sweetheart for the fearless, free-spirited, fiery, Romani girl Carmen. pronunciation: car-men
Carol ~ French, English, meaning "circle dance," "joyful song."
A carol is a type of song that is usually festive and sometimes religious in nature. Originally, many carols were upbeat and easy to dance to. pronunciation: care-ol
Cecilia ~ Latin, meaning "blind," also spelled as "Caecilia."
Cecilia is the Catholic patron saint of music. It is supposed that Cecilia was a Roman noble lady who was forced to marry despite her vow of virginity. At the wedding, Cecilia sang to God in her heart, and later, her husband Valerian promised to respect Cecilia's vow. Both she and her husband experienced Catholic martyrdom. pronunciation: seh-see-lee-ah, kae-kil-ee-ah
Celeste ~ French, meaning "heavenly."
Sometimes called a "celesta," a celeste is a musical instrument similar to a glockenspiel and resembling an upright piano. More tinkling, soft, and bell-like in sound and tone than a piano, the most famous music piece using a celeste is Tchaikovsky's "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy." pronunciation: seh-lest
Chantelle ~ French, meaning "singer."
Derived from the French verb "chanter," meaning "to sing," Chantelle is a wonderful name with a musical meaning. It can also be spelled as Chantel, and Chantal. pronunciation: shawn-tell
Clio ~ Greek, meaning "to recount," "to celebrate."
Clio, in Greek mythology, is one of the Nine muses; goddesses of the arts and music. Clio is mainly the muse of history, but is also occasionally considered the muse of lyre playing. pronunciation: clee-oh, cl-eye-oh
Demi ~ Italian, meaning "half."
In music, "demi" is rarely used on its own. In music theory, demi can sometimes be used to describe half of something. A demi-cadence (a half resolution), or a demisemiquaver note (half of a sixteenth note, so a thirty-second note). pronunciation: deh-mee
Giselle ~ French, meaning "pledge."
Giselle is the name of a popular ballet. It is considered a masterwork in classical ballet, and is not only one of the most-performed, but most challenging productions in the world of ballet. It tells the tragic, romantic story of young Giselle and a disguised noble, Albrecht. pronunciation: jih-zelle
Harmony ~ Greek, meaning "concord," "agreement," "joint."
Harmony is a huge concept and part of Western music, largely relating to the layering of complimentary notes and passages on top of a melody to create chords, textures, tonalities, and unique sounds in music. Harmonies can be both simple and complex. Sometimes the term "harmony" is used to refer to an ensemble line that is not the melody. pronunciation: har-mon-ee
Hilde ~ German, meaning "ready for battle," "battle woman."
Derived from Hildegard, Hildegard von Bingen was a composer, writer, philosopher, visionary, and medical writer from Germany in the Middle Ages. She is one of the best-known composers of sacred Christian music in the world and one of the best-recorded as well. pronunciation: hill-dah, hill-deh-gard
Kassia ~ Greek, Latin, meaning "hollow."
Sometimes seen as Cassia or Kassiani, Kassia was a Byzantine-Greek composer and poet who lived over 1,200 years ago. She is unique for being the sole female composer to exist in Byzantine liturgy with over 50 hymns and over 260 verses attributed to her. pronunciation: kah-see-ah
Lauda ~ Italian, meaning "praise."
A lauda was the singular most important form of sacred music in the late Medieval to Renaissance times in Italy. The lauda is largely considered the precurser to the modern Christmas carol. Laude are characterized by their simple melodies sung in the vernacular, which at the time, was Latin. pronunciation: lau-dah, lah-dah
Lyra ~ Greek, meaning "lyre."
Derived from "Lyre," Lyra is a feminine name related to the Ancient Greek stringed instrument. Lyres were usually played as accompaniment to epic poetry and story telling. The Ancient Greeks tended to strum the stings like a guitar, but other cultures plucked the strings like a harp. pronunciation: lie-ra
Madrigal ~ Latin, meaning "song for unaccompanied voices."
This term has a couple meanings when it comes to music. The earlier type of madrigal was a Medieval, Italian music form composed for two voices. Later, during the Renaissance and Baroque periods, madrigals were secular compositions written for two to eight voices with no instrumental accompaniment. pronunciation: mad-rih-gahl
Melody ~ Greek, meaning "singing," "chanting."
The term melody can describe the main tune of rhythms and pitches that make a song or piece. The foreground of a piece of music, the melody is arguably the most important element of composition. pronunciation: mel-oh-dee
Meret ~ Egyptian, meaning "she who is beloved."
In Ancient Egyptian mythology, Meret is the goddess of music, dancing, singing, and joy. She helps maintain cosmic order through music. She is usually seen with a blue lotus flower or papyrus reed. pronunciation: mehr-eht, mehr-iht
Musette ~ French, meaning "little bagpipe."
Derived from both "Muse," the name for the nine Ancient Greek goddess of music, literature, sciences, and the arts, as well as a type of French bagpipe, Musette is a great music-inspired name. pronunciation: moo-zette, myoo-zette
Octavia ~ Latin, meaning "eighth."
Octavia is a name taken from the Latin octave, meaning "eight." In music, an octave is a range of typically eight notes. The first and eighth note are always the same, with one higher than the other in pitch. pronunciation: oct-ehve
Scheherazade ~ Persian, meaning "exalted one," "noble lineage."
Known best as as the storyteller from the narrative A Thousand and One Nights, Scheherazade is also the name of an orchestral work composed by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, which is acclaimed to have one of the most beautiful violin solos ever written. Scheherezade is not only a beautiful name, but also has nickname potential. pronunciation: sheh-hair-eh-zahd-eh, sheh-hair-eh-zahd-ee, sheh-hair-eh-zahd
Sirena ~ Greek, meaning "enchanter."
In Ancient Greek mythology, sirens were humanlike beings who often took on the appearances of beautiful women. They lived in the seas, singing in alluring voices, and luring men to their deaths. In modern tales, sirens and mermaids are sometimes described as the same creature. Sirena is derived from "siren." pronunciation: sir-een-ah
Symphonia ~ Greek, meaning "agreement."
"Symphonia" was sometimes used to describe various instruments, including bagpipes, drums, and a hurdy-gurdy. In more common knowledge, a "symphony" is an extended musical composition from Western classical music. Some of the most famous symphonies are Beethoven's Fifth, Mozart's 40th, and Dvořák's Ninth. pronunciation: sim-phone-ee-ah
Thalia ~ Greek, meaning "the joyous," "the flourishing."
Thalia, in Greek mythology, is one of the Nine muses; goddesses of the arts and music. Thalia is the muse of comedy, or, stories that have happy endings. She's sometimes portrayed with a horn or trumpet in hand. pronunciation: t-ah-lia, th-al-ia
Viola ~ Latin, Italian, meaning "violet," "of the arm."
The viola is a musical instrument slightly bigger than and lower in pitch than a violin. A traditional string quartet usually has two violins, a viola, and a cello. Overshadowed by the violin, violas are nevertheless beautiful instruments. pronunciation: vie-oh-la, vee-oh-la
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These name lists are intended to help writers and artists. There is no expectation of credit, and these lists aren't meant to be the end-all be-all lists of possible names. There are millions out there, and this is just for fun!
If you have a suggestion for a name list, or want to see something specific, feel free to submit a request!
And if you see something that is wrong (a pronunciation, a meaning, an origin), again, feel free to let me know!
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tuttocenere · 1 year
Don Giovanni flavors
From different Don Giovanni versions I've seen.
The classic
The traditional Don Giovanni carries himself like a ballet dancer and wears a ballet costume too. He's beautiful, he's arrogant, he's childish, and he's a total creep who would never get away with any of those antics if he wasn't so sexy. Best paired with an ugly awkward Leporello. Needs a really specific type of singer, but if that type is available, works every time.
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The business dude
Wears a business suit and a business smile. A fairly straightforward translation of the evil noble to the present day, and especially popular post-metoo. Much like the classic Don Giovanni, he looks so cool that the audience ends up rooting for him in spite of everything.
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The senior citizen
Sometimes an aging male director thinks too hard about this opera, and discovers: it's actually not about an evildoer being punished! It's about a sad old dude confronting his own mortality. Don Giovanni doesn't do anything wrong, and is unfairly murdered by cruel losers in the end. I'm not a fan, except of the Christof Loy version in Frankfurt, where DG is old but still evil.
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The meta-commentary on opera
E.T.A. Hoffmann called Don Giovanni the "opera of operas" and some productions wish to comment on that. Each one takes a bit of a different approach, often involving extreme costume changes, highly symbolic gestures, or stage-on-a-stage scenes. Very high-concept and very conducive to spectacle, so I love it.
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The sad one
This Giovanni has the "I need (women) like the air I breathe" line underlined in red a dozen times and probably circled too. It's not that he likes seducing ladies. But he can't stop, he's addicted, he's doing a public service, it's the only way he can relate to people. He may get wounded in act one and slowly bleed to death over the next hours. He probably cries alone in the darkness during Deh vieni alla finestra. Every good DG has a hint of sadness about him, but taking it too far makes for a whole different opera.
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let-hyjinx-ensue · 9 months
Wanted to watch a reupload of James Somerton’s Queer Perfection video to pick it to shreds. Already mentioned this on reddit, but I love Black Swan and it’s one of my favorite movies ever. He fucking pronounces Odile and “Oh-deh-ley”, when it’s supposed to be pronounced “Oh-deel”. Anyone who knows Swan Lake even a little bit would get one of the two only antagonists of the story’s name right. Also, he calls the one of the characters (the ballet director) Jacque. His name is Thomas, I have no idea where he got Jacque from. I don’t even think he watched the fucking movie he made an essay on.
After watching the first section I straight up turned the video off because I couldn’t stand his voice. His reading of his script was serviceable enough for the first part, but after that he was playing up this irritating theatrics to emphasize his words when he had no idea what he’s fucking saying. It just sounded like he was saying word spaghetti at that point.
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yasmijn · 10 months
The refinement of my shopping decision making process
As a Libra I am terribly indecisive (si tiba-tiba astrologi).
Sama mungkin juga karena efek pas masih kecil tuh jarang banget sih momen dibeliin barang sama Mama, mau itu baju atau sepatu atau tas, jadi sekalinya boleh beli dan misalkan cuma beli satu, itu mikirnya bisa lamaaaaaa banget dan biasanya end up dengan opsi yang aku gak suka-suka banget juga. I want them all, but I can't. I want many things, but nothing available really match with what I have in mind.
Terus pas kuliah, tiap hari Jumat itu biasanya w belanja di pasar Jumat depan ITB. Baju-baju bekas impor yang harganya 10-30 ribuan. Karena murah, I didn't really think much. I like the color, I buy it. I like the pattern, I buy it. Belanja baju bekas kayak gitu cukup lama sampe akhirnya menggunung dan sebenernya gak kepake semuanya juga karena, balik lagi, ya ternyata aku gak sesuka itu, gak sebagus itu potongannya, serta beragam alasan lainnya.
Pas mulai kerja di kampus dan lanjut kuliah di Belanda, w mencoba menjadi lebih mindful dalam belanja dan membuat aturan bahwa w akan cuma beli baju yang warnanya hitam, putih, abu, biru dongker, atau beige/khaki/army. Warna-warna netral. I tried coming up with constraints in my decision making. Gak terlalu sukses juga sih sebenernya, karena I ended up with a cupboard full of black clothes that actually look very similar to each other.
Lalu aku memperkenalkan lebih banyak lagi konstrain dalam pengambilan keputusan belanjaku, seperti; atasan harus bisa dipake tanpa pake manset (goodbye atasan-atasan lengan 3/4), gak boleh mirip sama apa yang udah aku punya (ada masanya aku punya 3 ballet flats item yang bentuknya sama persis cuma beda merk aja :(), dan untuk sepatu aku membatasi untuk punya satu warna per satu jenis sepatu.
Pokoknya sekarang itu aku membatasi banget deh waktu yang aku dedikasikan untuk memutuskan akan beli atau nggak. Dan juga berusaha untuk beli barang yang memang aku nggak punya tapi beneran butuh aja.
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Wa terakhir nulis adalah minggu lalu hari Senin pas lagi libur CNY di Indo! Hmm apa ya yang sudah terjadi… Not a lot sih (cek kalender). Hari Rabu minggu lalu makan siang di Popeye Cornmarket street sama Selly dan Aisha (dan Rashid!). Aisha tau dari grup whatsapp Ox Islamic Society kalau Popeye ini ayamnya halal. Dan emang enak sih Popeye tapi ku lebih suka KFC sepertinya. Janjian jam 1 siang lalu ku datang jam 1.30 dan berujung ngobrol sama Aisha sampai jam 15 sepertinya, while Selly pulang duluan. Seru sih, ku sudah lama sekali nggak ngobrol real sama orang kayanya. Jadi beres dari situ sangat meng-evoke my social side (recently lagi introverted banget – in real life ya, not in social media).
Pas diinget-inget lagi ternyata minggu lalu ngerjain lumayan banyak hehe.
Selesai nyuci carius tubes
Masukin 2.5 g samples ke tubes (ini semua selesai di Selasa minggu lalu)
Nulis methods section (ini di hari Rabu)
Terus gara-gara ngerasa udah banyak kerja jadi Kamis sama Jumatnya w haha hihi banget bingung. Pas Rabu malem, ku nonton Evita di Oxford Playhouse sama Diny dan Selly. Sangat bagus! Walaupun nggak se-immersive Frozen secara visual (yaiyalah Non harganya aja udah beda), tapi membuatku appreciate sejarah more. Itu kemarin boleh dapet cuma £13 apa ya, Hamdalah mayan banget kan ya buat nonton play segitu.
Tadi pagi ngobrol sama Kalina katanya lagi ada ballet di New Theatre, dia semalam habis nonton. Ku belum pernah nonton ballet show sih jadi nggak tau if I would like it or not tapi ngga ada salahnya dicoba, cek harganya deh (langsung ngecek tapi mahal, paling murah £34.15 itu pun di pojok banget, skip dulu deh).
Kamis Jumat literally di rumah (buset). Kamis ngapain ye w… lupa. Jumat pun... Jumat Bu Yani ke rumah ngedrop Ayam Rujak dan Klepon (sangat hepi). Sabtu iceskating sama PPI Oxford dilanjut makan pizza di Buona. Nilta ngajak makan di Franco Manca karena lagi ada promo 1 pan £5 tapi karena kami datang di malam minggu jadi penuh tempatnya dan harus nunggu sejam… Esketing seru, w tapi nggak terlalu enjoy karena RUAME banget. Kalau rame banget gini tuh w anxious karena skill level orang beda-beda kan, bisi ada yang jatuh di depan kita, atau ada yang ngebut-ngebut banget. Akhirnya kayanya w di dalam arena cuma 15menit palingan, ga sampe 4 lap LOL.
Minggu di rumah doang seharian. Senin juga. WOW. Kemarin pengen exercise pake app sebetulnya, tapi entah kenapa mager. OH! Kemarin w bermasalah sama abang DHL- OMGGGGG. Intinya adalah ku dapat email dari VFS Global hari Jumat kalau visa w sudah jadi dan akan dikirim passportnya ke rumah Senin. Terus DHL ngeSMS kalau deliverynya akan sampai antara jam 10.15-12.15 terus w tungguin dah tu, dengan asumsi w bisa ke office after I signed the delivery.
Terus baru datang jam 20pm DONGGGG. Bodoh banget emang kalau service tu di Indonesia udah paling juara deh. Mana harusnya w datang ke receptionnya Saba di Pembroke jam 17pm terus akhirnya ga berangkat karena anxious ni paket kapan datengnya... HADEH... Terus akhirnya ku dapat Schengen visa cuma berapa lama tebak???? 1 bulan!!! Dari 4 April sampai 15 Mei... Which means I will have to make another visa for the conference on July di Lyon (dan Lollapalooza juga – ini ku belum beli tiketnya sih, masih mempertimbangkan financial situation, walaupun sekarang jadi lebih mudah karena visa InsyaAllah dicover research fund).
Hari ini berangkat dari rumah jam 11 siang... Laper jadi langsung ke covered market buat jajan Sasi’s beli Padthai dan Ice Thai Tea (batuk udah sembuh langsung makan es adalah saya). Terus dilanjut mampir ke Blackwells, ada buku judulnya Otherland ku naksir banget tapi masih banyak banget buku di rumah yang belum selesai dibaca AHHHHJKSDHFJKDHKFJDHJF. Sama bukunya Geta Thunberg?? Covernya sangat atraktif it kept calling me. Yaudah Non gapapa diselesein aja itu semua buku yang lagi dibaca plssss.
Ok terus dari Blackwells ke library deh sekarang (ngetik ini posisi lagi di VHL). Sengaja lewat Mansfield Rd karena lagi pengen ganti scenery, terus tiba-tiba ditepok sama Alexa. Btw I ALWAYS felt bad to people who sees me in the road karena I BLAST my headphones really loudly so the chance for me to hear them (if they shouted and called me from far away) is ZERO. Makanya most of the time ppl will chase me dan nepok??? Anyway… iya. Alexa told me she got her visa ALSO until 15 May??? But she’s leaving to NL in 2 weeks (which means she got longer duration of visa).
OMG—SUMPAH ANEH BGT NI HARI. Barusan betul-betul si keyboard tiba-tiba jadi ngetik in Greek (SYOK), hasil googling adalah karena I’ve might accidentally pressed Command+Spacebar yang ternyata akan mengganti bahasa keyboard.
Terus pas lagi jalan itu si Alexa lagi jalan juga sama temannya, ku bilang ku mau ke VHL, “well my department is across the library but I don’t feel like coming to the department, you know see and talk to people” terus si temannya Alexa ini (I’m so sorry I forgot your name huhu) bilang “omg she’s so real for this” LOL tapi iya gaksi. I bet a lot of people can relate??? Kayak.. yaudah mau kerja sih tapi mau skip basa basi sama orang satu kantor aja gitu.
Hhhh buset banyak banget ya yang mau w omongin. BRO??? Capek banget the keyboard kept switching back to Greece everytime I tried to type lagunya DAY6??? Mau bilang let’s love bagus bangettt (kalau kuketik judul koreanya SUMPAH ASLI GA BOHONG akan langsung ngeswitch ke Greece ni keyboard: URI APERO TO SARANGHAJA). OMO sekarang nggak!!!! Anyway mau bahas kenapa judul post ini “Scary” tapi apparently I had SO MANY THINGS TO SAY that I came to this after 11 paragraphs.
Iya.. jadi beberapa waktu lalu ku ketemu Mba Lhuri (ini kayanya pas Pak Desra ke Exeter deh, iya betul). Terus dia yang “wah sibuk apa Non tahun ini? Kan dulu PPI UK, PPI Oxford… kamu mah selalu ada aja ya yang dikerjain”. Terus itu sebetulnya mah ya komen selewat doang but I ended up thinking about it so much? Of course I had non-productive days where I just stay home doing nothing (seperti yang kusampaikan di intro di atas dari Kamis, Jumat, Minggu, dan Senin I literally didn’t go out), tapi sesungguhnya ku anaknya gabisa diem banget. Recently I just registered myself on volunteering in science fair day di Brookes on Feb 18th, terus ini lagi contemplating if I should apply for summer fair Royal Society outreach juga di London in July.
Ku jadi mikir kan, kenapa ya w anaknya gatel banget selalu pengen ngapa-ngapain. Apparently ini adalah manifestasi dari diriku yang kesepian??? (Ini self-diagnosed sih). Tapi beneran ku menyadari kalau lagi sendirian dan ga ngapa-ngapain (ga KPOP-an, ga ngelukis, ga baca, ga main game, ga nyanyi), otakku bekerja dengan sangat scarily (ngomong apasih Non campur-campur). Iya, tapi beneran ngerasa my brain works super scarily when it’s on idle. I keep being mean to myself and would just say bad things to myself aja gitu: ntar tiba-tiba ngelintas idea “Non, you don’t deserve to be in Oxford, you’re just lucky, you don’t have the capacity to think and write as good as these people around you.” Ya you know the drill lah ya, intinya those dark thoughts yang gave birth to this exact tumblr: I need gratitude journal to be grateful for what I’ve got right now, where I am right now.
Iya… makanya I think: I should always do something. Kayanya dulu jaman S1 nggak pernah ngerasa dan mikir kaya gini samsek… Kenapa ya… Ini mulai sejak di Ox sih. Sejak ku menyadari I SUCK at writing (I used to, sekarang sudah better InsyaAllah). My brain might end up to be the one who kills me kayanya. Yaudah sebetulnya cuma mau ngeluarin unek-unek itu aja sih (tujuan awalnya buka msword dan drafting this post, but it gets too scary that I ended up beating around the bush and not writing it earlier).
Oh iya! Terus ku lagi baca Natasha Lunn’s Conversations on Love. Tbh it’s… ok (?) I guess? It’s not that spectacular and it’s not like you can learn A LOT of new things, tapi lebih ke realisation aja sih kayak: oh iya ya, I have my family around me, my friends, my colleague, my GOD whose love to me means a lot and love doesn’t always have to come from that one man you called soulmate. But it’s a fun read. I recommend.
Dah gitu aja. Buset ini nulis ini doang sampe 2 jam saking bacotnya w. Habis ini mau ngedesign materi buat pelatnas 1 IGEO dan take a walk sambil call Iqbal sepertinya. Nanti malem jam 19.30 ada Jardine’s CNY Dinner di Grand Sichuan. Huf. Btw wishing everyone a great week!
VHL 14:54pm 31/01/2023
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looselipssinkships-x · 3 months
throwback to the deh fanfic i started writing in 2017 with nonbinary ballet dancer evan hansen tap dancer connor murphy doing a spontaneous improv duet to the kids aren't alright by fall out boy
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rarealdcresults · 2 years
Onstage New York, in Pittsburgh (May 12th - 13th, 2007):
Mini Primary Solo:
Sarah Restano - “No One Tells The President What To Do” (Musical Theater) - 1st Place / Reach For The Stars Award / Costume Award / Gold
Kassidy Leon - “Waiting For My Prince” (Open) - Top 10 / Gold
Mini Primary Duet/Trio:
Paige Hyland, Josh Hyland & Chloé Lukasiak - “Mr Touchdown” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Gold
Mini Primary Group / Lines:
“Wikked Lil Girls” (Jazz) [Paige Hyland, Chloé Lukasiak, Nia Frazier, Haley Grieco, Kassidy Leon, Trina Crosby, Shayne Coles, Sarah Canobbio, Sarah Restano, Taylor Reck, Morgan, Amanda, Kailey & Larissa] - Did Not Place / High Silver
Primary Junior Solo:
Gabrielle Casarcia - “Bein’ Green” (Musical Theater) - 4th Place / High Silver
Alysha Matarazzo - “Hot Hot Hot” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / High Silver
Primary Junior Group:
“Fashion Junior High” (Tap) [Janel Moriarty, Micha McGee, Alicia Gelifuss & Rachel Narasimhan] - Did Not Place / Gold
Primary Teen Group:
“Falling Waters” (Lyrical) - 2nd Place / Gold
“Jump N Jive” (Tap) [Brittany Pent, Rebecca Hudek, Chelsea Shott, Alexandra McGee, Olivia Pietrusinski, Lisa Hulker, Erika Maruca, Hollie Brown, Emily Burkhart, Savanna Carrozzi & 2 Others] - 3rd Place / Gold
“Whip It” (Jazz) [Alexi ?, Alexis ?, Allese ?, Alyssa Giugliano, Angela ?, Elissa Berardi, Meghan ?, Michelle ?, Molly ?, Rachel Carretta, Stephanie King] - Did Not Place / High Silver
Advanced Mini Solo:
Brooke Hyland - “Bigger Isn’t Better” (Acrobatic) - 1st Place / Platinum
Jessica Restano - “Dance” (Acrobatic) - 4th Place / Platinum
Taylor Breen - “Old McDonald” (Tap) - Top 10 / Gold
Jordan Thomas - “?” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Showmanship Award / Gold
Olivia Ice - “Put A Lid On It” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Gold
Advanced Mini Duet/Trio:
Katherine Narasimhan, Kassidy Leon & Haley Grieco - “Sleep Tight, Mr Sandman” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Costume Award / Gold
Brandon Pent & Jessica Restano - “You’re The One That I Want” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Gold
Advanced Mini Lines:
“Bug A Boo” (Musical Theater) [Alysha Matarazzo, Brooke Hyland, Claudia Peterman, Gabrielle Casarcia, Haley Grieco, Jordan Thomas, Jessica Restano, Kassidy Leon, Katherine Narasimhan, Natalie Secola, Olivia Ice, Sarah Restano, Taylor Breen, Tiffany Crosby] - 1st Place / Costume Award / Critics Choice Award / Gold
“I Love Piano” (Tap) [Brooke Hyland, Claudia Peterman, Gabrielle Casarcia, Haley Grieco, Jordan Thomas, Kassidy Leon, Katherine Narasimhan, Maddie Brown, Natalie Secola, Paige Neid, Sarah Restano, Taylor Breen & Tiffany Crosby] - 2nd Place / Gold
Advanced Junior Solo:
Josh Ice - “Top Hat, White Tie And Tails” (Tap) - 1st Place / Style Award / Platinum
Nina Linhart - “Show Off” (Musical Theater) - 3rd Place / Technique Award / Platinum
Brittany Pent - “I’m More Than What I Seem” (Lyrical) - Top 10 / Platinum
Stephanie Pittman - “Kali” (Ballet) - Top 10 / Gold
Janel Moriarty - “Any Place I Hang My Hat Is Home” (Musical Theater) - Top 10 / Gold
Jazmine Phillips-Acie - “Birdland” (Jazz) - Top 10 / Gold
Michelle Nejak - “?” (?) - Did Not Place / Gold
Alicia Gelifuss “?” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Gold
Brittany Pent - “?” (Vocal) - Did Not Place / Gold
Elissa Berardi - “There’s A Sucker Born Every Minute” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Gold
Claudia Peterman - “Special Corner” (Contemporary) - Did Not Place / Gold
Advanced Junior Group:
“Beep” (Hip Hop) [Alysha Matarazzo, Avery Coles, Brandon Pent, Jazmine Phillips-Acie, Jessica Restano, Katherine Narasimhan, Olivia Ice, Taylor Breen] - Did Not Place / Gold
“Eye Deh A Mi Knee” (Open) [Alicia Gelifuss, Brittany Pent, Izumi Presberry, Janel Moriarty, Micha McGee, Rachel Narasimhan & Stephanie Pittman] - Did Not Place / Gold
“Save A Horse” (Jazz) [Chelsea Shott, Emily Burkhart, Natalee Bailey, Alexandra McGee, Savanna Carrozzi, Nina Linhart, Rebecca Hudek, Janel Moriarty, Vikki Robb, Brittany, Jazmine Phillips-Acie, Micha McGee, Avery Coles, Alicia Gelifuss, Olivia Pietrusinski, Jesse Johnson, Katherine Narasimhan, Rachel Narasimhan, Stephanie Pittman, Chelsea Zimmer, Stephanie Pittman, Erika Maruca & Hollie Brown] - Did amor Place / Gold
Advanced Teen Solo:
Kaitlyn Reiser - “Bang Bang” (Lyrical) - 2nd Place / Technique Award / Platinum
Miranda Maleski - “Falling” (Lyrical) - 3rd Place / Technique Award / Control Award / Platinum
John Michael Fiumara - “Got My Own Thing Now” (Tap) - 4th Place / Style Award / Platinum
Jesse Johnson - “Amazing Grace” (Lyrical) - Top Ten / Spirit Award / Platinum
Savanna Carrozzi - “Peel Me A Grape” (Acrobatic) - Top Ten / Concept Award / Platinum
Jessica Ice - “Don’t Tell Mama” (Musical Theater) - Top Ten / Platinum
Olivia Pietrusinski - “Why Do We Call It Love” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Technique Award / Concept Award / Gold
Erika Maruca - “Red Football” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Gold
Alexandra McGee - “Don Juan” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Shining Star Award / Gold
Cydney Miller - “Wicked Kate” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Gold
Rebecca Hudek - “?” (?) - Did Not Place / Gold
Lisa Hulker - “Here” (Lyrical) - Did Not Place / Gold
Chelsea Zimmer - “Wicked Kate” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Gold
Rachel Narasimhan - “Some Cats Know” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Gold
Natalee Bailey - “Bad Bad Thing” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Gold
Emily Burkhart - “Black Horse And A Cherry Tree” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Gold
Chelsea Shott - “Do What You Have To Do” (Lyrical) - Did Not Place / Gold
Micha McGee - “Sailor” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Gold
Vikki Robb - “Beautiful Energy” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Gold
Hollie Brown - “What If” (Lyrical) - Did Not Place / Gold
Advanced Teen Duet/Trio:
Miranda Maleski, Jessica Ice & Leah Pivorotto - “Cold Hearted Snake” (Jazz) - 1st Place / Precision Award / Platinum
Hannah Opalko & Stephanie Pittman - “Lullaby In The Storm” (Acrobatic) - 2nd Place / Platinum
Natalee Bailey & Elise Deming - “Dr Bones” (Tap) - 3rd Place / Platinum
Marissa Mchling & Jesse Johnson - “Color Blind” (Lyrical) - 4th Place / Gold
Alexandra McGee, Erika Maruca & Chelsea Shott - “Ladies Room” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Gold
Chelsea Zimmer & Lisa Hulker - “Side By Side” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Gold
Advanced Teen Group/Lines:
“Voodoo And The Dolls” (Tap) -[Elise Deming, John Fiumara, Natalee Bailey, Nina Linhart, Stephanie Pittman] - 1st Place / Technique Award / Exceptional Energy Award / Critics Choice Award / Platinum
“Lladros” (Acrobatic) [Hollie Brown, Savanna Carrozzi, Stephanie Pittman, Hannah Opalko, Erika Maruca, Jessica Ice, Micha McGee & Cassidy Gusallus] - 2nd Place / Platinum
“Cannonball” (Lyrical) [Chelsea Shott, Hannah Opalko, Hollie Brown, Jessica Ice, Nina Linhart, Savanna Carrozzi] - 3rd Place / Technique Award / Platinum
“The Stone” (Contemporary) [Natalee Bailey, Emily Burkhart, Jazmine Phillips-Acie, Erika Maruca, Stephanie Pittman, Janel Moriarty & Rachel Narasimhan] - 4th Place / Gold
“All Night Long” (Jazz) [Alexandra McGee, Alicia Geilfuss, Brandon Pent, Brittany Pent, Chelsea Shott, Chelsea Zimmer, Emily Burkhart, Erika Maruca, Hollie Brown, Izumi Presberry, Janel Moriarty, Jesse Johnson, Jessica Ice, John Fiumara, Josh Ice, Lisa Hulker, Micha McGee, Natalee Bailey, Nina Linhart, Rachel Narasimhan, Olivia Pietrusinski, Rebecca Hudek, Savanna Carrozzi, Stephanie Pittman, Viki Robb] - Top Ten / Exceptional Energy Award / Gold
“Workin’” (Musical Theater) [Viki Robb, Olivia Pietrusinski, Jazmine Phillips-Acie, Chelsea Zimmer, Jesse Johnson, Lisa Hulker, Alicia Gelifuss, Rebecca Hudek, Janel Moriarty, Chelsea Shott, Stephanie Pittman, Hollie Brown, Alexandra McGee, Elissa Berardi, Savanna Carrozzi, John Michael Fiumara, Josh Ice, Brittany Pent, Emily Burkhart, Rachel Narasimhan, Micha McGee, Michelle Nejak, Nina Linhart, Izumi Presberry, Natalee Bailey & Erika Maruca] - Top 10 / Gold
“Dust In The Wind” (Contemporary) [Chelsea Zimmer, Erika Maruca, Natalee Bailey, Savanna Carrozzi, Chelsea Shott, Alicia Gelifuss, John Michael Fiumara, Nina Linhart, Rachel Narasimhan, Jazmine Phillips-Acie, Hollie Brown, Jesse Johnson, Josh Ice, Lisa Hulker, Brittany Pent, Stephanie Pittman, Olivia Pietrusinski, Janel Moriarty, Alexandra McGee, Rebecca Hudek, Micha McGee, Emily Burkhat & Vikki Robb] - Top 10 / Concept Award / Gold
“Eragon” (Contemporary) [Olivia Pietrusinski, Rebecca Hudek, Michelle Nejak, Brittany Tague, Brittany, Vikki Robb, Sydney Shoff, Chelsea Zimmer & Lisa Hulker] - Did Not Place / Gold
Advanced Senior Solo:
Amanda Stelluto - “Ain’t No Sunshine” (Lyrical) - 2nd Place / Technique Award / Platinum
Leah Pivorotto - “I Don’t Need A Man” (Jazz) - 4th Place / Platinum
Hannah Opalko - “The Stage Is Bare” (Acrobatic) - Top 10 / Platinum
Alexandra Salerno - “Inch” (Contemporary) - Top 10 / Gold
Alyssa Giugliano - “?” (?) - Top 10 / Gold
Gianna Martello - “Pour Some Sugar On Me” (Lyrical) - Top 10 / Stage Presence Award / Gold
Marissa Mchling - “?” (?) - Did Not Place / Smile Award / Gold
Gabi Flora - “?” (Lyrical) - Did Not Place / Precision Award / Gold
Brittany Tague - “?” (?) - Did Not Place / Gold
Alivia Shoop - “Boys Night Out” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Gold
Sydney Shoff - “Simply” (Ballet) - Did Not Place / Gold
Samantha Mendez - “La Vie En Rose” (Contemporary) - Did Not Place / Gold
Senior Group / Lines:
“P.S Take Care Of My Baby” (Lyrical) [Amanda Stelluto, Crystal Jennings, Gianna Martello, Kaitlyn Reiser, Leah Pivirotto, Miranda Maleski] - 1st Place / Staging Award / Critics Choice Award / Platinum
“Son Of A Preacher Man” (Musical Theater) [Alexandra Salerno, Alivia Shoop, Amanda Stelluto, Crystal Jennings, Cydney Miller, Gabi Flora, Gianna Martello, Jessica Ice, Kaitlyn Reiser, Leah Pivorotto, Marissa Mchling, Miranda Maleski, Romana Henson & Sydney Shoff] - 2nd Place
“Simply Irresistible” (Jazz) [Alexandra McGee, Alexandra Salerno, Alivia Shoop, Amanda Stelluto, Brittany Tague, Chelsea Shott, Crystal Jennings, Cydney Miller, Gabi Flora, Gianna Martello, Hannah Opalko, Jessica Ice, Kaitlyn Reiser, Leah Pivirotto, Marissa Mechling, Miranda Maleski, Romana Henson, Sydney Shoff] - 4th Place / Gold
“A Woman Walk” (?) - Top 10 / Gold
Regional Mini Miss:
Brooke Hyland - “Bigger Isn’t Better” (Acrobatic) - 1st Place (Title Winner) / Platinum
Regional Junior Mr:
Brandon Pent - “I’m Still Here” (Jazz) - 1st Place (Title Winner) / Technique Award / Gold
Regional Teen Mr:
John Michael Fiumara - “Got My Own Thing Now” (Tap) - 1st Place (Title Winner) / Platinum
Regional Senior Miss:
Gianna Martello - “Pour Some Sugar On Me” (Lyrical) - 1st Place (Title Winner) / Gold
Unknown Division Routines:
“Ugly Coyote” - Did Not Place / High Silver
“Lucky Lady” - Did Not Place / Silver
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miltondeh-blog · 2 years
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#Repost @anacaciadedanca with @use.repost ・・・ Milton Deh Lazari @miltondeh é mais um talento que estará conosco no 11º Curso de Férias da Anacã Companhia de Dança 2023 – Emoção em Movimento. Bailarino, Professor e Coreógrafo Formado pelo Centro de Artes Lilian Gumeiro de Suzano/SP também estudou em Vancouver, Canadá na RNB Dance Arts com Mônica Proença e na PDA Pacific Dance Arts. Atuou como bailarino no Royal City Your Ballet - Canadá e na Raça Cia de Dança de São Paulo sob direção de Edy Wilson. Premiado como Bailarino e Coreógrafo em renomados Festivais de dança do Brasil e exterior. Hoje ministra cursos e aulas em escolas na Grande São Paulo e suas aulas também seguem a metodologia de aquecimentos coreografados para desenvolvimento e aprimoramento físico, técnico e artístico dos alunos. Uma grande honra tê-lo conosco! Art Designer Ariadna Caetano @ariadnacaetano #cursodedança #dança #danca #ballet #dancacontemporanea #dançacontemporânea #dancajazz #dançajazz #bailarinosbrasileiros #dancers #dancersworld #sobailarinos #jazzfunk #jazzfunkdance #jazzfunkclass #jazzdancers #jazzdanceclass #cursodedanca #contemporarydancers #contemporarydance #contemporarydanceclass #baléclássico #dance #dancemales #jazzdancebrasil ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CkQ35qOLmWp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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freyajosephine · 2 years
Freya Josephine Emerson
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Lahir tanggal empat Juli 2001 di Jakarta. Sejak kecil hidup gue nomaden. Lahir di Jakarta, tapi aslinya orang Bekasi. Pindah ke Surabaya sampai SMP. Pernah juga tinggal di Sydney selama seminggu. Iya, cuma liburan doang. Kelas dua SMA akhirnya kembali lagi ke planet Bekasi tercinta sampai lulus.
Orang Bekasi kenapa lahiran di Jakarta? Kalau kata mami biar keren aja di akta kelahiran gue nantinya. Sampai sekarang gue masih nggak tau mami bercanda apa enggak. Sekarang tau lah, kalau gue nggak jelas keturunan siapa. Cita-cita gue waktu kecil adalah jadi ballerina, gara-gara keseringan nonton Barbie. Umur enam tahun maksa mami mau ikut kelas ballet. Emang dasar bocah nggak bisa diem, baru tiga bulan ikut kelas udah bikin onar. Saking semangat nari nggak sengaja nabok muka temen gue sampai biru.
Say goodbye deh, sama ballerina.
Dari kecil emang sukanya nyusahin orang tua (sampai sekarang, sih). Rumah gue di Surabaya punya dua lantai. Kamar tidur dan kamar mandi gue ada di lantai dua. Suatu hari nyalain air buat ngisi bathtub, eh, nungguin penuh sampai ketiduran. Alhasil kebanjiran sampai lantai satu. Salah siapa? Salah gue, lah.
Gue bersyukur banget punya mami papi yang super sabar sama anak cewek satu-satunya yang kelakuannya bikin ngelus dada ini.
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tiredorion · 6 years
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yea i may draw connor too much but we all need a ballet au
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I just started listening to Nutcracker for the first time this season and immediately the desire to add something to my DEH Ballet!AU became so strong WTF
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erosonline · 5 years
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The full photo!!! I finished The Dear Evan Hansen Au drawing for my friend and ahhhh I truly love it!!! 
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absolutely no one was in the building but me so i sang along to bops super unrestrained loud. dunno when in recent memory or if i’ve ever gone ahead and been that loud, even on roller coasters and concerts where i yell at the parts ur supposed to yell at to be fun
like i was just thinking abt how its hard for me to sing b/c you have to be loud b/c chest voice and putting ur damn breath into it = Volume. so yknow i was like, i like music and i like to sing, lemme take this chance to try to go ahead and be as loud as i fuckin want about it. i had some fun. im neither that good nor that bad a singer but who cares? some ppl, but not me. shame the world is denied my amazing input on all possible fronts, right. anyways i put so much on being quiet and i dont like ppl talking too loud around me and i sure dont ever elevate my voice and its fun to hit a pitch and volume that normal i have to associate with a negative survival-mode adrenal response, and that isnt supposed to be available/allowed to me
god knows i forget the podcast and the specifics of the subject but i remember hearing abt some project where ppl put on a musical but everyone involved is in the homeless community. i’ll go and be like “oh i don’t like this musical” and leave and die. fr i’m just more and more believing that what’s left for me is to finagle my way to a large city with enough homeless ppl to have subsets, like gay/trans pockets. and maybe i’ll make a friend or two and then go ahead and die.
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thewickedverkaiking · 6 years
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“Are people born wicked? Or do they have wickedness thrust upon them?”
Connor wasn’t always angry. There used to be a time when he was just a little kid who loved playing dress up with Zoe, watching Star Wars with Larry, and baking with Cynthia.
He was just a hurting boy who got lost along the way…
CHAPTER 29: Boulevard of Broken Dreams Summary: In which society does not take kindly to the fact that Connor dances ballet
(AO3) (FF.net)
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someone-online · 7 years
It's gotten to the point where one of my friends is actually terrified when I tell her, "Wanna hear a song?"
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