#demon hierarchy
mask131 · 2 years
Sometimes I see analysis videos for Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, and the demonic hierarchies of Hell... and it kinds of make me laugh to see how people over-analyze obsessively things. Especially by comparing real-life demonology and the worldbuilding of this version of Hell.
In general what I see missing in those analysis post and videos are two basic considerations:
1) Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss are NOT copy-pastes of real-world demonology texts. They merely take inspiration from demonology. It is a unique work that doesn’t try to adapt any old specific grimoire. So yes, they include the Ars Goetia demons, but as seen already they are wildly different from how they are depicted in the old texts - because they are INSPIRED or ADAPTED. To know the Ars Goetia helps understand some subtle jokes and references, yes... but trying to create fake hierarchies, never-confirmed relationships and bizarre family trees out of the ancient demonology treaties is a very shaky and barely working way to go. Don’t try to say that Y has to be X because in the Ars Goetia, it is X,. Things doesn’t work that way Xp
2) These people also tend to forget that demonology isn’t a canon of specific texts like a religion, nor is demonology an exact science. There are TONS of different hierarchies of Hell and demon classifications, coming from many different centuries and many different countries, and they rarely agree with each other - they take inspiration with each other, some do answer one another, but often they disagree or clash wildly. I am getting a bit tired to see people talk of “demonology” as a whole.
Already we see here that the Ars Goetia and the Seven Princes of Hell were included into one cohesive hierarchy... which is already a twist and reimagining of the old texts, because originally the Ars Goetia and the Seven Princes are two very distinct approaches of the hierarchy of Hell, which were not designed to work together. So taking all the info about the Ars Goetia for something granted in the show is doomed to fail, as the original Ars Goetia was already twisted and reshaped to fit with the Seven Princes. 
Basically, demonology is like philosophy. There’s lots of different versions, currents and interpretations that coexist, that were not designed to work together and yet feed of each other and take inspiration from each other. 
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jorrated · 2 months
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when i got the demonology autism instead of being good a math autism
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horygory · 2 months
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The Neon Demon (2016)
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devildom-doll · 1 year
One slip up in the Obey Me timeline and we would have gotten this:
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starryfox0 · 10 months
ok, i really believed in the crowley raphael theory actually. like, it made a lot of sense. but ive looked into angel hierarchy and archangels may be powerful, but they aren’t as high in the hierachy.
muriel said to open that file you‘d have to be a throne or a dominion or above. above throne and dominion are only left cherubim and then seraphim.
only from the descriptions i wouldve said that crowley was a virtue, cause they are most associated with nature and stars and planets and run the operation of movement in the universe. that would fit a lot to what angel crowley did before the beginning, setting the engine into motion.
but he‘s higher ranked cause he can open the file.
i would guess, that crowley was either a dominion, who govern the universe, or a cherubim, and they are assigned to protect special places, maybe the universe or earth.
i still think that the raphael theory makes sense to a certain point and maybe they changed the hierarchy in the series but if they didn’t then i dont think that crowley was raphael/an archangel but rather a higher ranked angel
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pageofheartdj · 3 months
I've been thinking about how potentially Envy and Sloth can look like. And there is a pattern, it's like hellborn come from Sins.
We have Bee and hellhounds. Satan was told to be Impish.
Not all fit with this though. I don't think I saw any demon similar to Ozzie or Mammon.
But anyway. I remember there was goat-like demons and fish/shark-like demons.
So I wonder if Sloth is a fluffy lamb and Envy is a sharp shark.
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lost-tardis-room · 9 months
Angel Crowley
ok so I think I might have figured out Crowley's angelic status (i'm sure it's been done before but haven't seen anything much on it)
so when Muriel is showing him the document on Gabriel, they say you had be a Throne, a Dominion, or higher to open them, which of course Crowley could do. a Dominion is the highest rank of human-shaped angel before they get to eldritch-being-shaped, Thrones just above, and are like rings of eyes type ones. Crowley being so high ranking as to be in charge of literally starting the universe with no one overseeing that moment makes sense if he is one of the higher ranks, and also partially explains why he just got Aziraphale to hold the scroll for him - Aziraphale is a principality, the highest rank of angels that look after earth (which explains his position on earth, and his role in designing people) but still three levels below Dominion.
Dominions are also in charge of 'delivering justice in unjust situations and showing mercy to human beings, and they try to balance love and truth', which Crowley continues to do as a demon. They also guide lower ranking angels and help people learn from their mistakes. Crowley fits this pretty well - he saves Job's kids because they're innocent, sees the injustice of Elsbeth's life, is constantly on the balancing point of love and truth with Aziraphale, not to mention guiding him into seeing injustice, and trying (if slightly in vain) to get him to see his mistakes. and probably more examples i can't think of right now.
and, we know that he Fell because he was asking questions - questioning if it was really fair to end the world and everyone on it just because - he wanted mercy for the people. he was appalled that god was killing everyone in the flood, because he thought they were innocent. he tries over and over again to get Aziraphale to see the nuance in situations and show him that what he is doing is not always just and right just because heaven is doing it - Jobs kids being the prime example, and of course Armageddon, and let's not forget 'when heaven ends life on earth it will be just as dead as is hell ended it'. these fit the characteristics of a Dominion.
I saw another post theorising that he was a Virtue, who are in charge of the natural world (stars, making *sudden rainstorms* etc), but those are below Dominion so he wouldn't have been able to open the file, but that post did have a good point of, maybe the miracle he and Aziraphale did together was not only powerful because they did it together, but also because as an occult (or ethereal) being, Crowley is just quite powerful. he literally drove his Bentley flaming with hellfire for few hundred miles with the sheer force of his imagination.
that's my take on it anyways. i'm still not over how happy he looked creating the stars ahhhhhh it's going to be so tragic when we see his fall, especially if they show it through the lens of Aziraphale finding out about it.
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unlimitedartblock · 5 months
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in honor of bendy having a movie adaptation….. have some hanamai
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seylaaurora · 10 months
I was initially feeling a little miffed about them abandoning the premise of Crowley and Aziraphale being 'just some guy' in heaven and hell's hierarchies to imply that Crowley used to be a high-ranking angel before his fall, but the more I think about it, the more I think it's for them to still be equals in season 3
Aziraphale will be the supreme archangel and Crowley will be ... whatever powerful being he is
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Enn:Es na ayer Abaddon avage
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Other names:Appolyon, Apollyon, Appolion, Abbadan, Abbaton, Abadon
Originally, Abaddon was a place and not an angel or being. In rabbinic writings and the Old Testament, Abaddon is primarily a place of destruction and a name for one of the regions of Gehenna (see Hell). The term occurs six times in the Old Testament. In Proverbs 15:11 and 27:20, it is named with Sheol as a region of the underworld. In Psalm 88:11, Abaddon is associated with the grave and the underworld.
Abaddon (Apollyon) is the angel of death, destruction, and the netherworld. The name Abaddon is derived from the Hebrew term for “to destroy” and means “place of destruction.” Apollyon is the Greek name.
In magic Abaddon is often equated with Satan and Samael. His name is evoked in conjuring spells for malicious deeds. Abaddon is the prince who rules the seventh hierarchy of demons, the Erinyes, or Furies, who govern powers of, discord, war, and devastation.
In Job 26:6, Abaddon is associated with Sheol. Later, Job 28:22 names Abaddon and Death together, implying personified beings. In Revelation 9:10, Abaddon is personified as the king of the abyss, the bottomless pit of hell. Revelation also cites the Greek version of the name, Apollyon, probably a reference to Apollo, Greek god of pestilence and destruction.
Abaddon destroys false illusions and masks, however once the truth is revealed the foundation of truth is planted. He transforms the energy and core power can rise from the depth of our soul. Abaddon reveals the practitioners core power just as he crushes and destroys. The practitioners courage comes out a destroys the illusions. He is a powerful guide and imitates the journey through the depth of darkness. The journey of the abyss is one of countless trials and lessons. Abaddon is one is an incredible teacher and Advisor and reveals the truth of the dark depth within.
Call upon Abaddon for
⬩Destroy false illusions
⬩Destroy masks
⬩Truth within even ones we don't wish to hear
⬩Ask him what else he will work with you on⬩
⊱•━━━━━━⊰In Ritual⊱━━━━━•⊰
Enn:Es na ayer Abaddon avage
Sigil:Posted above
Plant:Chamomile, Calendula, Aloe, Elder, Tillandsia Xerographica, African Blackwood, Walnut, Eucalyptus
Incense:Black Copal, Benzoin, Dragons Blood, Labdanum, Opoponax
⬩Red, black, purple, metallic grey, silver candles or objects
⬩Ask Abaddon what he likes⬩
⬩It is important to learn protections before trying to work with any spirits. You can get tricksters and parasites if you don't.
Cleansings- cleaning your space of negative energies. You can burn herbs or incense for this.
Banishings- forcing negative energies out of your space. The lesser banishing ritual is one of the most commonly used.
Warding- wards keep negative energy out of your space. Amulets, sigils and talismans do this.
Set up a your space and do a cleanse and banishing. Have wards up in your home. Meditation is to calm yourself and get your mind ready. The sigil (symbol) is what you draw on paper. The enn is what you chant or say to call forth the spirit.⬩
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cypriathus · 10 months
The Lorvaztekiphus
Lorvaztekiphus (name meaning: disgusting wreath or below the hated earth):
These hellish creatures came into fruition after the first war in heaven and a mass exodus of Äylcephomus who fell from grace. The species name, Lorvaztekiphus, is used to refer to all fallen angels, devils (or archdemons), demons, imps (or fiends), and sinners. Lorvaztekiphus derives from their god, Lorvazhektindus, and the angels believe that they’re responsible for putting the seed of corruption into those who were still a part of their holy race. They’re the clear antithesis to the strictly moral and justifiably sacred nature of the Äylcephomus. They aim to cause mischief and eternal agony amongst those they specifically target. On that note, each member of the Lorvaztekiphus is divided into types, a more “traditional” hierarchy, and breeds associated with each of the 9 circles. Like Äylcephomus, most infernal subspecies have different forms. These forms consist of their normal appearance, a true manifestation, and a humanoid and/or animal disguise. They can possess certain objects, humans, Ufrajozlens, and specific Æylphitus in order to cause problems and have fun. Their skin colours widely vary amongst each Lorvaztekiphus member and those who have wings will most likely possess somewhat porous bones. They have a split from the back of where their tongue begins to the lower lip that snakes down to the middle of their collarbone. This split opens their lower jaw in two, revealing their secret canine teeth, and a hyperflexible opening between the oral cavity and oropharynx. Their oral cavity and oropharynx is covered in microscopic spiked feelers that help to have a better grip on food and the faces of their victims. Due to its hyperflexibility, they can fit the entire head of most prey in order to ensure that the soul-sucking process is successful. They can replenish their lifeforce, gain more strength, and satisfy their hunger by absorbing the souls of humans, Ufrajozlens, and even Æylphitus through physical touch. They're immune to normal and hellish fire, cold and warm temperatures, ice, and low level heavenly abilities. Similar to heaven, their abode has 9 circles that descend deeper into the underworld. They also have control over the 7 terraces of purgatory, but they are only responsible for ensuring that the trials run smoothly and that the leaders are performing their duties properly.
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tswwwit · 2 years
Thinking about Dipper and how he fucked his way to the top like a real bitch
And we're all very proud of him. 😌
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debtsunpaid · 5 months
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quick chatter about jallakuntilliokan's role in canon + what i'm integrating into my portrayal, bc my hellblazer pre-order still isn't here yet and i'm going berserk re-reading the comics to pass the time:
jallakuntilliokan is one half of a twin god called "the god of all gods" and described as "the dragon", described in the comics as the masculine principle animus to the feminine principle anima; essentially, the earth as a god. as described by zed: "the god of all gods is the earth, on whom we live. the earth is a living body. the power of life flows through it — male and female. god is the harmonic force." this is, of course, a very binary explanation in terms of gender and i will probably be recategorizing & tweaking this as i develop jalla & klavi, since nature can require symbiosis in other ways than gender-stereotypical principles. potentially jalla represents the oft-destructive refinement of natural processes/animal consciousness while its counterpart represents the maintaining & sustaining of pre-existing systems?? processes of decay VS new growth??? i'm working on it.
as described by constantine: "the god that we're dealing with is an archetype of human consciousness. it's a response to an emotional stimulus — a memory of a time when our brains worked differently — a time when gods were real because we lived more on the creative right side of our brains than in the "rational" universe of the left." this is why i've decided that jalla is also tied to the Dreaming, since it's linked to creativity + consciousness.
jallakuntilliokan draws its power from two primary sources: ley lines and the human consciousness, including dreams, nightmares, and the imagination. a partial way to hurt/diminish jallakuntilliokan's powers is by disrupting the ley system, cutting it off from its power source. in the comics, they did this by "earthing" ley energy, driving copper stakes into ancient stone-circles.
constantine described the process of its summoning as "they're using blood and sacrifice and terror to feed the male principle and raise it in the universal mind — using the breaking of taboo to realize a force of primal creation." the magus at geotroniks was letting a terror-thing created by traumatized psychics run rampant through the system of ley lines across the earth to revive jallakuntilliokan's energy. this is why the version of jalla i'm writing is tied so tightly to fear: it's been revived on, fed on, and saturated with human terror.
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downtofragglerock · 8 months
I'm thinking about the brotherhood of makuta again, and I'm just wondering
What was their hierarchal structure like?
They had to have had one, it wouldn't really make sense if they didn't, but what was it like?
I proposition that it worked like on a circle or rung system, so the innermost circle has teridax and antroz and the like, while the outermost circle has like, spiriah
Maybe it also split along the lines of the whole warrior/ruler/scientist dichotomy I've noticed going on with them
I think it's just an interesting idea to explore
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hattiestgal · 6 months
Got a basic idea on the demon's whole "deal"? Considering that they are, well, a demon, it wouldn't surprise me if they are aware of or even have met Kiera themself, and it'd be very interesting to speculate the relationship between the two!
Oh, yeah they've totally met Kiera before, they're a thorn in her side actually, as well as everyone else's. I wasn't lying when I said they're a demon of mischief. Riley's got nothing on the stunts this fella has pulled, all with their ever smug face. They say they can't control themselves, but I'm not sure how trustworthy they are...
Oh, also they really like eating souls
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fellamarsh · 1 year
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Posted about HotU on a local FB group and am loving the adjustments FB automatically made to the post
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