#denki x mitsuki
animestsstuff2 · 5 months
A dragons beauty
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Barbarian Katsuki X Reader
Content warning:age gap, forced marriage, bullying (typical Katsuki), dysfunctional family, nudity, teasing.
Part 4
This is kind of long, sorry about that! Anyways I am open to requests to feel free to request any. I do write for other animes than just my hero. Im just a major bakugou fangirl! . I also have an idea for a dabi x water quirk/healing quirk reader if thats interesting to anyone. :)
You groaned, turning over as you reached for your teddy and pulled it into your chest..your hard, warm skin-like teddy. You opened your eyes, rubbing the crusts formed on the corners as you realised it was in fact Bakugous hand that was currently on your chest, hand flat and squeezing your boob slightly. You squealed and jumped up, backing yourself against the wall behind the bed as Bakugou alerted jumped out of the bed and whipped himself round, looking for what made you scream.
He turned back seeing nothing as he found you with the pelt around you pressed against the wall. Your face extremely red as you glanced at him, more so at what hung between his legs and squealed again pulling the pelt over your face.
Bakugou whipped his head around once more wondering what has you acting this way before grumbling, assuming it was just things women from your part did when they woke up. He got back into the bed with you, grabbing the pelt from your hands and snatching it over him. Your face still bright red as you stared wide eyed into his tired ones.
"Y-Your naked!" You stuttered out at him, his brow rose quizzically at your words, trying to remember what they meant. You caught on that he didn't understand and you pointed to your clothed chest and then to his bare one. His brows furrowed further before realising what you meant.
He only rolled his eyes at you, what a prude, was all he could think. You stayed pressed against the wall, face slightly less red. He just scoffed at you and turned over, closing his eyes when his tarp door was pulled open and his friend Kirishima walked in with a toothy grin on display.
"Bakugou! its time to get up. Your father asked that we show your mate around the grounds!" He informed rather chipper, too chipper for Bakugou who only barked something back at the man. You only glanced between them, wishing your father wasn't so piggish and allowed you and Fuyumi to join in your brothers language tutoring.
Bakugou only grumbled under his breath as he whipped the pelt off him and stood up. Your face immediately becoming red again as you caught sight of it between his legs. Kirishima eyes widened as he looked at the both of you, sure you were still dressed but maybe that's what your people slept in and plus your hair was all ruffled. Your eyes widened watching Kirishima wiggle his brows at Bakugou and you quickly waved your hands about, pointing between yourself and Bakugou and shaking your head.
"No! nothing happened" You told him, face red and voice slightly high. Kirishima just tilted his head at your language. He knew even less than Bakugou but understood the word No. He chuckled at your embarrassed expression and looked back at Bakugou who was now changed. Bakugou turned to you, eyes narrowed as he pointed to your trunk on the ground.
"Change and come" he stated sternly and you just nodded. You pulled your trunk up onto the bed, struggling slightly at the weight. You opened it up and thrifted through your belongings, grabbing out a sage green dress with a pleated skirt, folding it onto the bed as you pulled your underwear. You looked over at the two men who stood staring at you and narrowed your eyes which slightly shocked Kirishima, you were so small yet those eyes held much fierceness.
"I can't change with you both in here" You told them and Kirishima almost like a dog tilted his head again at your foreign words. You sighed and pointed at the door making them both turn their head.
"Go out" you told them making a shooing motion with your hands. Kirishima nodded, realising what you meant and quickly excused himself. Bakugou however showed no sign of leaving. You repeated your actions at him but he only crossed his arms and shook his head. He is the chiefs son and this is his home not yours. "I have to get changed, i cant with you here” You told him once more. He only glared at you daring you to tell him what he can and cant do again.
“At least turn around please? Its not proper for a woman to change in front of a man” you asked him softly, sighing at his stubbornness. You realised he wasn’t going to do as you asked and you felt tears prick your eyes great another boarish man to control my life. You reached behind and pulled at the tied ribbon, undoing it as you glanced every so often at him. He only stared at you his gaze never wavering.
This was humiliating and demeaning. You pulled the dress down off you leaving you in your cotton bra and underwear. You looked back up at him, a tear running down your cheek and he rolled his eyes finally turning around. You felt the weight on your chest lift as you quickly wriggled your underwear off and pulled the clean pair on along with the new green dress. It fell just to mid-calf, slipping your short heeled boots on and grabbed your tan cloak, doing the clasp on your collar bone joining it together to wrap around your shoulders.
“Y-You can turn around now” you told him. He turned back around seeing you fully dressed. Your clothing was so different compared to his tribes, moderate and conservative. He turned making a motion with his hand for you to follow as you both exited his home. You met the red head waiting outside and you figured you could at least learn his name.
“Hi, I’m Kya” you told him, he didn’t understand his brows furrowing slightly as he repeated the words, not very well.
“Kya” you pointed to yourself as you repeated your name and then pointed to bakugou.
“Katsuki” you stated and then pointed to him hoping he’d understand which he did. His eyes lit up and he smiled at you.
“Ejiro Kirishima!” You gave him a small smile back and repeated his name slowly hoping to get the pronunciation right, which you think you did since he nodded excitedly.
Bakugou just scoffed at the both of you and barked something at kirishima who began to follow. You quickly stumbled to catch up, looking around at your new..home. The feeling of where you were now settled once more and you felt yourself grow sad over the fact you weren’t at home with Fuyumi watching your brothers play in the courtyard.
This place was so different compared to your castle and village. It was quite big and from what you could see as you walked further from Bakugous tent that he was quite isolated. The further you got the more tents popped up. They were all almost uniformly built in circles of three with a small campfire and boxes in the centre of each of them, the sizes of the tents varied in their circles.
“Where are we going?” You asked, glancing at them both. Kirishima didn’t answer not understanding what you said.
“Out, show you” was all Bakugou said and you nodded. It was good he understood some of your words and could speak your tongue.
You continued walking, in loops and down gravel paths past other tribe members. There was surprisingly a lot to see. They had a very large campfire in the center of this tribe. There was also a market like area at the edge close to the gates. It had a fee stands where you seen cloth being woven, metal welded into armour and swords and some butchery too. The people here bowed as Bakugou walked by before resuming their tasks.
He led you around some more the only conversing was done between him and Kirishima. You distracted by thoughts of missing home gasped as you bumped into his back, stumbling back slightly you opened your mouth to quickly apologise but the hot-headed blonde was already shouting at you in his language. The words along with his accent and the fact he was shouting made you jump and tears prick your eyes as you were reminded of your father. You couldn’t help the facial flinch as your eyes squinted and you turned your head ever so.
“Bakugou! Stop youre scaring her!” Kirishima scolded his friend. Bakugou stopped his shouting acknowledging your form, you looked like you were trying to hide. He rolled his eyes and put his hand out. You flinched slightly before widening your eyes and seeing he wanted you to take it.
You grabbed it and he squeezed yours tightly making your cheeks warm as he stared down at you. His eyes seemingly always narrowed.
“M’sorry” was all he muttered before pulling you inside a large tent. You seen inside it was similar to Bakugous. His mother and father stood in front of you and you watched as Kirishima knelt on one leg bowing, bakugou however made no move to follow. You looked between his parents and upon seeing his mothers red eyes you quickly bowed yourself.
“Son! Did you show Kya around like we asked?” His mother spoke and again you wish you understood them because they were clearly talking about you when she mentioned your name.
“Kya, how has your morning been?” Bakugous father asked and you looked over to him smiling.
“G-Good! Thank you for asking sir” you told him. He gave you a soft smile.
“I have asked our academic Izuku to tutor you in our language and our clans ways. He will collect you tomorrow morning” he informed you and you just nodded, still accepting that this is where you are now.
“I have also organised for some of our females to spend some time with you tomorrow after your time with Izuku. They will get you fitted with our tribal clothes. . .” he continued and you tuned him out as he kept speaking, you finally thought youd come to terms with this but hearing all these things made your stomach queasy and your head sore. You subconsciously squeezing Bakugous hand which made the blonde turn to you cutting his attention from his talking mother.
He stared at you, seeing your eyes were ever so slightly still watery and your chest moving quicker in shorter breaths. You were overwhelmed by his fathers rambling and he snapped at his father to be quiet. His mother only roared at her son for back talking but he ignored them both, taking you and leaving their place. He dragged you along down and out of their walls, pulling you down onto a path through the forest. You suddenly snapped back when your foot caught under a tree root and you tripped into him.
Yous both stumbled, him alerted and half way turning to try and catch you but you were already falling and now so was he. He groaned as the dirt and stones dug into his back harder than usual due to your now added weight on top. You groaned quietly as you rubbed your head and sat up, looking around for the blonde only to hear his voice snap at you from below. Your head snapped down and you blinked dumbly as your brain processed the position you two were in.
You quickly scrambled up and onto your feet, cheeks flushed once again. Bakugou picked himself up and put his hand out once more which you hesitantly took, embarrassed that you were sitting on him!. You both continued the path becoming slightly narrower through the thicket. Your dress kept catching on the brambles and thorns that jutted out. Bakugou growing annoyed at having to keep stopping grabbed a small blade he had holstered in his waistband. Your eyes widened and you shook your head, mind going to the worst thought. This is it. Im dead. Hes going to kill me.
You squeezed your eyes shut only to hear the tearing if fabric which made you reopen them to see he was slicing your dress.
“Hey! This is one of my favourite dresses! Youre ruining it” you swatted his head as you yelled at him, how dare he do this. He snatched the limp fabric, the dress now ending just above mid thigh. Your eyes widened at the amount of skin you were showing, your father would murder you right now! Hell so would your brothers. You glared up at him but he just turned back around and kept walking.
You both eventually reached a clearing and you gasped at the view. A medium lake glistened from the high sun. The water was quiet and still. A large bright green willow tree hung over it and you stepped forward further into the clearing. The mountains had been lacking in anything like this from what you had seen, one side was rocky cliffs and staggering ledges and the other a dense forest which you thought no one could get through but he brought you here.
He watched you as you stepped over to the pond. The green grass soft on your knees as you knelt down and dipped your hands into the water. You looked happy, tranquil even. The blondes face for once sporting the smallest of smiles as he watched you spot the fish giggle at them swishing around. He came to sit beside you, pulling his boots off and slipping his feet into the cold water. A sigh leaving his lips as he leaned back on his hands.
You watched, staring at him longer than you should. He was attractive and you couldn’t deny that, at least your father picked you a handsome husband. His blonde hair messily ruffled on top of his head as your eyes trailed down, to his closed eyes and relaxed face further you went. His chest was broad with lean muscle the whole way down. A large scar stretched from just over his left shoulder down to his chest. You glanced back up at him and seen he was staring at you and your cheeks flushed, embarrassed you were caught ogling him.
“Kya” he started and you turned your head back to him catching his gaze once more. The sun hit your face and highlighted the pale freckles on your skin. Your white hair reflecting the suns rays in a almost halo hue that even Bakugou thought was ethereal.
“What age you?” He asked, his deep voice was soft and raspy. It was different compared to his shouting and roughness. He still wasn’t fluent in your tongue, maybe you could teach him and he could teach you.
“Are. What age are you” you told him and his brow raised slightly before catching on that you were trying to tutor him. He nodded, signalling he understood.
“I am eighteen” you answered. He nodded, turning to face the bond as the water shifted slightly. The fish disturbing the stillness.
“What age are you?” You asked in return. The sun was warm even with the slight breeze and it made you excited for the summer to come.
“Twenty-three soon” he told you and your eyes widened slightly. He was the same age as your brother Shoto and quite older than you. Why isnt he married already? Even your brother is engaged.
The two of you stayed there in the comforting noises of leaves rustling and birds singing. The breeze picking up ever so slightly making you shiver which Bakugou picked up on. He shifted over and put his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest and under his cape. Your face warmed as you sat rigid beside him, never been this close to another man except for family.
He noticed your tenseness and felt himself grow angry. What was it that you didn’t like about him? He brought you somewhere nice, asked you about yourself and didn’t snap when you corrected him. He pulled away slightly to look down at you, seeing your face slightly red.
“Why not like me?” He asked, brows furrowed as his red eyes were narrowed in on your grey ones. Your brows raised at his question, it wasn’t that you didn’t like him; you barely knew him.
“I-I do like you! We just aren’t well acquainted” you told him moving to sit up slightly from his chest. Your thighs still stuck together.
“Why not kiss me?” He retorted and your eyes widened further. He was still mad you didn’t kiss him. You felt yourself grow embarrassed not wanting to reveal the answer.
“I-, I have never kissed anyone before” you whispered, looking away as your fingers plucked at a blade of grass. Bakugou stared at you translating your words before understanding and laughed at you.
His loud laugh made you snap your eyes back up at him. It was your turn to be angry as you shoved him and got up. He sat up still chuckling as he watched you stomp towards the forests edge. He rolled his eyes at your pettiness and pulled his boots on and got up. He followed you seeing you struggling to find the path yous took down.
He grabbed your arm and you yelped, flailing it as you tried to snatch it from him but he only turned you and pressed you against the oak behind you. Your chest heaved, frustrated with the man before you for laughing at you. He held your hands tightly with his own at your side. His face lit with amusement at your scorned one. Your wispy bangs falling over your face. He leaned in closer bringing his head low as your noses just about touched. The idea of you having never kissed anyone had been mulled upon in his brain and awoke something in him. He should have realised youd never been touched before. Your eyes widened as you felt his nose graze yours ever so slightly.
Your lips parted as your tongue darted out to wet them. His eyes flicking down catching the movement before moving back up to meet yours. Your wide innocent doe eyes lit something in his chest as he let go of your wrists, hands falling limply at your side as short shallow breaths left you. His large hand gripped your waist firmly whilst the other tucked your fallen hair behind your ear. The delicate movement making your stomach swirl. His eyes were dark, tempting and almost scary, hooded slightly as he leaned closer. Your breaths mingling as you felt your eyes flutter shut, something in your stomach growing that made your brain want this.
He moved forward slowly. His lips about to touch yours when a twig snapped and a voice shouted from the forest. You jumped startled and he cursed at the recognisable sound of his friends voice. He rested his forehead against yours eyes closed for a moment before he pulled away. He turned to face his friend. His hand moving so you stood behind him, shielding you from prying eyes.
“Baku! What you doing here? We are all up feasting” his blonde friend grinned, lazily making his way over. You stepped out from behind Bakugou and his friends grin dropped as his eyes met yours. You instinctively grabbed Bakugous arm, wrapping your arm in his at the strangers presence.
“This your mate? Shes tiny” he laughed slightly as he looked at you together. Bakugou was a lot larger than you. He stood at around six foot, large shoulders and chest that narrowed into a lean abdomen. His biceps and arms big as well from the hard labour and training hes been through as chiefs son.
“Quiet! Stop looking at her and go back. We will come now Kaminari” he snapped at kaminari who only rolled his eyes at the blonde. Kaminari winked at you before turning and heading back. Bakugou looked down at you seeing your cheeks still dusted with pink.
He thought against trying to kiss you again. The moment was ruined and even so did you even want to kiss him? It didn’t really matter, you were his wife. You would be consummating soon anyways after your initiation into his tribe to make you one of them. He pulled you along as yous headed back to find everyone at the large campfire, logs, tables and wooden benches all pulled around to allow people to sit. Bakugous parents sat at a bench and table together two spaces free beside them.
Bakugou brought you over as yous both sat and began eating, though it wasn’t food you recognised and struggled to eat without cutlery trying not to make a mess as the sun began to descend and the fire flickered into the night. . .
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claimedcrossbows · 2 years
A Bakugou Thanksgiving (One Shot)
Bakugou x Reader
Warnings : Language (From Bakugou of course).
When you originally had the bright idea for you and Katsuki to host thanksgiving this year you had the perfect night planned out.
You see you were American and had moved to Japan back when you were a teenager, but you still loved to celebrate a american traditional thanksgiving.
And this year you had convinced your husband Katsuki to invite his friends and family over so you both could host thanksgiving this year.
“I don’t understand why they have to come.” He mumbled referring to his former classmates.
“Because it’s thanksgiving Kats, and come one, come all.” You smiled stirring some cake mix in a bowl.
Bakugou frowned, “Aren’t the old hag and my dad enough?”
“Kats, stop complaining and open the oven for I can put the cake in.” You instructed.
He mumbled something, but obeyed your command and opened the oven door.
You put the cake in the oven above the roasting turkey.
Everything was shaping up to be really good, you had cooked all of the american dishes and you had Bakugou cook some of the traditional japanese meals and you thought it would be a great melting pot of dishes that everyone could enjoy.
You however frowned at one of the dishes that bakugou had made in particular knowing good and well the only one who was going to be able to consume that was him.
“Really babe, spicy ramen topped with…Oh God is that ghost peppers??” You almost gagged.
“Hey those extras need some spice in their life.” He smirked.
“You trying to send our guest to the hospital?!” You frowned wacking him playfully on the head with the wooden spoon you used to stir the cake batter.
“Ow, Damn woman!” He hissed.
“Put that in the fridge, people can request that on their own if they want it.” You said.
“Fine, God I swear you get more and more like that hag everyday.” He mumbled taking the ramen and putting it in the fridge.
The door bell suddenly rang and you smiled knowing that your first few guests had arrived. You quickly took off your oven mitts and tossed them unbeknownst to you a little to close to the stove.
You raced to the door Bakugou slowly trailing behind you with hands in his pockets.
You opened the door and was immediately greeted by Bakugou’s parents.
“Hi y/n! Oh don’t you look good!” Mitsuki smiled pulling you into a hug.
“Hello Mitsuki, Masaru.” You smiled greeting your in laws.
“We brought some wine.” Mitsuki winked ushering to her husband who was carrying two bottles.
“Great come on in, you can set them on the table here.” You said gesturing to the dining room table.
“Wow it smells delicious in here.” Masaru commented.
“Yes well me and Katsuki have spent all day cooking.” You said taking both of their coats and hanging them up.
“Ah great, put that man to work!” Mitsuki beamed ruffling her sons hair gaining a deep frown from Katsuki.
“Cut it out you hag!” Katsuki spit moving away from her.
“Hey, this is a special day, show your parents some respect!” You frowned.
“God I love your wife!” Mitsuki cried.
Masaru just softly smiled shaking his head.
The door bell suddenly rang again.
“Oh that must be everyone else, Mitsuki, Masaru, please take a seat, dinner should be ready really soon.” You said hurrying to the door. “Babe can you go into the garage and get some ice?” You asked gaining a grunt and a nod from Katuski.
“Least I can avoid those idiots for a few moments.” Katsuki said heading towards the garage.
You shook your head at your husband behavior and quickly went to answer the door.
You opened the door and was greeted with a harmonious “Happy Thanksgiving!” Everyone shouted.
You smiled looking at your Class 1 A friends.
“Hey everyone come on in!” You said widening the door and giving everyone the room to enter.
“Wow it smells so good!” Uraraka beamed.
“Great I didn’t eat particularly for today!” Kaminari boasted.
“Really dude?” Kirishima asked the blonde.
“Okay I might’ve snuck a burger.” Kaminari admitted.
“Try 2 burgers and a fry.” Jirou cut in.
“Babe, you really gonna sell me out like that!?” Kaminari whined looking at his wife Jirou with a look of complete betrayal.
“He’s never had American thanksgiving food, so he wanted to make sure he ate before he came.” Jirou continued.
You laughed, “Well your gonna regret that, because trust me, this food is going to be amazing!” You said proudly.
“I’m sure it’ll be great y/n.” Izuku said smiling bright.
“I brought some jello shots!” Mina said holding up the container they were in.
“Great set it on the dining table.” You said ushering to the dining room.
“I brought ice.” Todoroki said.
“Yes we could always use that, thank you so much Todoroki!” You said, “The garage is right through that door, you can put it in the cooler we have back there.” You said.
Todoroki nodded going to put away the extra ice.
“I brought extra utensils.” Iida said.
“Great those can go in the kitchen.” You smiled.
Iida nodded and went to go set them away while Uraraka Momo, and Mina came up to you smiling.
“So where’s Mr. Hot head?” Mina asked looking around.
You laughed at the nick name Mina still used for him after all these years, Bakugou had calmed down significantly since your high schools days, but the man still of course had his moments.
“He went to go get some ice for our drinks, he’s probably run into Todoroki.” You laughed.
“OI ICY HOT-DON’T SET THAT SHIT THERE!” You could Katsuki yell all the way from the garage.
You, Mina, Uraraka, and Momo all laughed.
Soon Katsuki was storming back inside with Todoroki trailing behind him.
You could see the annoyance all over your husbands face, but you were the only one who knew deep down that your husband really did love his friends.
“I got the ice.” Katsuki said coming up to you.
“Good, now we can get the drinks served, the food should be about ready!” You smiled. “If you all could take your seats in the dining room, Bakugou will get the drinks ready.”
Everyone nodded and made their ways to the dining room with Bakugou’s parents. Everyone was seated and chatting while Katsuki looked as he struggled to open a bottle of champagne.
“Damnit.” Bakugou muttered.
“What’s wrong bakubro?” Kiri said noticing his friends distress.
“Can’t get the damn champagne open.” Bakugou hissed.
“Oh don’t worry, I know a trick!” Kaminari said overhearing the conversation and deciding this was his time to shine.
Kaminari quicked snatched the bottle from Bakugou, tilted the bottle at a 45 degree angle, thumbed the cork handle and immediately trying to open it.
To no avail.
It would not open.
“Damn.” Kaminari hissed struggling.
“See, dunce face.” Bakugou taunted smirking slightly that he wasn’t able to get it either.
“Hang on, I’ll get it!” He grunted trying again.
Next thing everyone knew a loud pop echoed the room, the cork flying immediately out of the champagne bottle at the absolute speed of light.
Before anyone could see where it had went the next thing they heard was a loud..
“Oh my God!” You yelled seeing Iida hunched over grabbing his eye.
You quickly raced over to Iida who was hunched over. He had gotten smacked right in the eye with the cork, luckily he had been wearing contacts so there was no glass shattering in his eyes.
Yet his eye was already beginning to swell.
“Good thing I brought that ice..” Todoroki noted.
“I’ll go grab it.” Mitsuki said springing up from the table in full mom mode.
“Oh Iida are you okay!?” Uraraka said rubbing her friends shoulder.
“I’m fine, i’m fine.” Iida assured.
“I am so sorry man.” Kaminari frowned completely guilt written.
“It’s fine really.” Iida said.
You frowned not liking the way this was starting off at all, you sighed waiting for Mitsuki to come back with the ice for Iida’s eye before you went to check on the turkey and cake.
The food was soon ready and you and Bakugou brought out the main course and the rest of the sides and set everything on the table.
“Wow this looks amazing Y/n!” Kirishima smiled.
“Bakugou did you cook the Japanese foods?” Momo asked.
“Yup, everything else was Y/N.” He said looking over at you with that prideful look that always managed to make your heart skip beats.
“Uhg I wish I could cook like this.” Jirou said.
“Me too.” Kaminari mumbled gaining a hard elbow in the side from Jirou.
Everyone at the table laughed, everyone began passing around dishes to put on their plates when you realized you forgot to take cranberry sauce out of the fridge.
“Oh God, I forgot the cranberry sauce, I'll go get it.” You said about to get up but Kirishima suddenly dropped his fork.
“Ah, don’t worry about it Y/N, I gotta get up anyway to grab another fork, its in the fridge right?” He asked standing up from his chair.
“Yes it’s in a clear dish with aluminum foil on top.” You said.
He nodded going into the kitchen.
Kirishima looks around the kitchen for the extra utensils, he finds them and grabs another fork, he then goes into the fridge and looks for the cranberry sauce, he finds a clear dish with aluminum foil and grabs that. He then notices another full dish of what looks like ramen.
“Y/N must’ve forgot this too.” He says taking the dish out too.
Kirishima comes back to the table and places the cranberry sauce and ramen down unbeknowst to Y/N who was in a deep conversation with Uraraka and Deku’s about his sudden proposal a few months back.
“I know I was so stunned, I’ll send you the details when I figure out what kind of bridesmaid dresses I wants all you ladies to wear.” Uraraka assured while Deku sat next to her blushing.
“About time you proposed you damn nerd.” Bakugou laughed. “Thought round cheeks was about to do it for you.”
Deku awkwardly laughed, scratching the back of his head, “Y/N this food is delicious, what do you call this?” He asked pointing to the stuffing.
“Ah that’s good ol stuffing, no Turkey dinner is complete without it, it’s a must in a traditional thanksgiving.” You said brightly.
“It’s so good!” Midoriya smiled eating another spoonful.
You smiled happy that everyone seemed to be enjoying the meal.
“Midoriya is absolutely right Y/N this Turkey is delicious, i’ve only ever eaten it once when I was at a fashion banquet in the states.” Mitsuki said.
“I’m so glad you like it.” You smiled.
Everyone was eating and chatting and you thought that despite the rough beginning maybe everything would turn out okay, that was until all of a sudden you saw Midoriya’s face begin to turn red.
“Honey, are you alright?” Uraraka said looking over at her fiance who had tears in his eyes as he began coughing.
“I-It’s -cough- v-very- cough- spicy!!” Midoriya said between coughing and tears.
“What? I didn’t have anything spicy on the table Midoriya.” You said immediately getting up and looking at his plate only for your eyes to widen in shock.
Bakugou immediately dropped his fork at the sound of your angry tone that he often found secretly attractive, yet this time the look you were giving with that voice was sending actual chills through his body.
“I didn’t!” He argued.
“Then why is it on the table!?” You said gesturing to the dish.
Next thing you knew most of your guest were at the table coughing and choking.
“Oh-Oh my God, Water!” Kirishima gagged.
“W-w-cough- where’s the ice!?” Jirou choked out.
“Good thing I brought that ice.” Todoroki noted.
‘BAKUGOU KATSUKI, GO GET THE ICE!” You yelled angrily as you watched your husband trying to suppress his laughter at the sight of Deku’s red face brimming with tears as Uraraka quickly handed him her drink and rubbed his back in comfort.
“Son tell me you don’t - cough- eat this everyday!” Masaru choked.
“Uhg it’s not even that spicy you wimps!” He groaned getting up from the table to get the ice and some cups to put them in.
You heard the doorbell ring as you assured your coughing and choking guest that Bakugou would be back with the ice soon.
You answered the door in a sheer panic completely devastated with the way this night was going.
You opened the door the find Aizawa and Eri.
“Happy Thanksgiving!!” A now teenage Eri shouted as she then turned to her adoptive father Aizawa. “Did I get it right this time?”
Aizawa simply gave her a small smile and a thumbs up.
“Thank you Eri.” You said.
“Sorry we’re late.” Aizawa said. “ We didn’t know what to bring.” He said holding up some fresh bread from the local bakery.
“It’s wonderful thanks.” You said taking the bread trying to ignore the coughs and hacking behind you.
You could instantly see the look of complete shock as they began to look past you and into the dining room. Where by this time Kaminari was completely on the floor in a fetal position, and Todoroki was about 2 seconds away from using his quirk and shoving hand down Kaminari’s throat.
“Is that a thanksgiving tradition?” Eri asked beginning to fake cough and gag.
You immediately face palmed looking at the sheer irritated look on you former teachers face.
“No. It’s not at all.” You admitted. “There was a little mix up with the food, and they ate something too spicy.” You said.
‘OH STOP CRYING YOU BIG BABY!” Katsuki growled at Kirishima who at this time had taken off his shirt and was fanning himself with a napkin.
“Oh my God the ice is making it worse!” Mina cried.
You were completely embarrassed at this point and you honestly didn’t know what to say, this night was shaping up to be a complete disaster. The only thing that could save you now was maybe the cake you had made.
You guided Eri and Aizawa to the dining table as everyone tried to cool their tongues off and continued eating. You went to go grab the cake and searched through your freezer for some ice cream to help cool them off just a little bit.
You only had half a carton of ice cream left so you scooped everybody and little glass cup full and ushered that out with the cake.
Everyone immediately began digging into the small amount of ice cream that you served them along with the cake and you sighed happy that the night was just about over until-
“Do you smell something burning?” Momo said.
You and Katsuki both sniffed the air until you both realized it was coming from the kitchen, you both shot up out of your chairs to the kitchen only to see that your entire kitchen was up in flames.
“OH MY GOD!” You cried in horror.
“Shit!” Katsuki cursed looking around for some water only to find nothing that’s when he immediately yelled for Todoroki.
“TODOROKI GET YOUR ICY HOT ASS IN HERE AND PUT OUT OUR KITCHEN!” Bakugou yelled watching as you tried to fan the flames down but it was way too much.
Todoroki along with everyone else entered the kitchen and immediately coughed taking in the black smoke.
“Oh my goodness!” Uraraka cried.
“Stand back everyone!” Todoroki calmly said.
You and Bakugou immediately backed up with everyone else as Todoroki immediately used his ice powers and slowly began to put out the flames.
Once he was done the kitchen was frozen and burnt and everyone was completely silent as you stepped forward looking at the remains of what was once your kitchen.
"Good thing I'm literally ice." Todoroki noted.
“Y/n.” Bakugou said softly knowing exactly what was going through your head.
You shook your head, running a shaky hand through your hair, as you tried to contain your emotions.
“Sweetie.” Mitsuki said stepping closer to you.
You shook your head and turned around to face everyone, you immediately bowed your head and said.
“I’m sorry I ruined thanksgiving, thank you all for coming, good night.” You said shakily as you immediately ran out the kitchen and upstairs to your bedroom slamming the door behind you.
You immediately flopped on the bed and began crying. All of your hard work, all of the planning, had completely gone down the drain. You had never celebrated thanksgiving with your friends or Bakugou’s family and this was going to be the night you all laughed, ate, and drank and overall had a good time. But that was impossible now. Iida had gotten a black eye, half of your guest nearly died of extreme heat, and to top it off your kitchen had caught on fire.
No one was ever going to want to try thanksgiving ever again.
You heard a soft knock outside the door and you already knew who it would be so you didn’t bother saying anything, he was coming in anyway.
“Babe, you alright?" His voice was concerned.
You said nothing.
He sighed shutting the door behind him and making the way you the two of you’s shared bed.
You felt his warm hands caress your back and that only made you cry harder.
“I wanted this night to be perfect suki.” You cried.
“It’s not your fault hon’ if anyone’s to blame for this, it’s probably me.” He said catching you completely off guard.
You looked up from you pillow and you saw his eyes flicker with guilt at the sight of your tear stained face, smudged with eyeliner and mascara.
“Why?” You asked.
“I mean I didn’t exactly make this easy for you, I basically complained the whole night and then I made that really kick ass ramen dish that only the toughest people can withstand.” He said in that usual cocky tone that you’d grown to love over time. But you could tell he was also genuinely apologizing for his behavior.
“It’s not your fault.” You sighed sitting up and directly facing him. “I guess i’m just not all that good at throwing thanksgiving parties.” You frowned.
“Hon’ you didn’t do anything wrong, matter of fact, you did everything right, the old hag and my dad couldn’t stop talking about how good the Turkey was, dunce face loved the cake, Kirishima and Deku both got seconds and thirds of the stuffing, and i’m pretty sure none of those mashed potatoes are left.” He said.
“Really?” You smiled happy to hear they enjoyed the food.
“Really.” He assured.
He sighed, “Look y/n you just wanted everyone to come together and have a good time, I should’ve been more understanding of that, you haven’t celebrated a thanksgiving since your parents died a few years back and I should’ve done more to make sure this went off without a hitch, I know how important those american holidays still are to you.” He said squeezing your hand.
“I used to fly back to America every thanksgiving Suki, it was the one time I could really see all my family, now that their gone, I wanted to keep that sentiment going you know?” You explained smiling sadly.
“I know babe, i’m sorry.” He said giving your hand another squeeze as he smiled at you softly.
You loved his smile, he didn’t do it much, but when he did. You swear that smile could light up the entire world if needed.
“It’s okay.” You assured.
“Well, you ready to come back downstairs, everyone is still here.” He said.
You were surprised, “Really they didn’t leave?” You asked.
“No, they were worried about you, plus I think dunce face and shitty hair had something to say to you.” He said.
You cocked an eye brow in confusion but got up and went down stairs anyway.
When you came downstairs everyone was indeed still there chatting quietly among themselves in hushed tones until you finally caught their attention.
“Y/n.” Deku said worriedly.
“Are you okay sweetie?” Mitsuki said.
“Uhg, look you made her cry.” Jirou angrily said at her husband.
Kaminari frowned looking at you sadly, Kirishima didn’t look that happy either as his face looked just as guilt stricken.
“Y/n, this is all our fault.” Kirishima started.
“Yeah, I was the one who hit Iida in the eye with a cork.” Kaminari said looking over at Iida who still had a bag of ice on his eye. “Sorry bro.” Kaminari said to Iida.
“I’ll live.” Iida said dismissing him.
“And I was the one who took that spicy ramen dish out the fridge, I thought you forgot to set it out.” Kirishima admitted.
“So that’s how it got set out, sorry Kats I thought it was you.” You said apologizing to your husband.
“I shouldn’t have made it to begin with.” He said shrugging it off as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“Okay, but how did the kitchen catch on fire?” Eri asked.
“It looks like this caused it.” Todoroki said holding up a complete torched oven mitt. “I found it by the stove, it must’ve caught on fire since the burner was left on.” He said.
Your eyes widened and soon you felt your face heat in embarrassment, “Looks like that was actually my fault, I was so excited to greet you guys I carelessly tossed my mitts to close to the stove without turning it off.” You admitted.
“Good thing we got that insurance last month.” Katsuki mumbled.
You nodded and then sighed, “I’m really sorry about all of this you guys.” You apologized looking at your friends and family.
“Don’t be, the food was absolutely delicious!” Momo said. “Me and Todoroki were gonna fix some plates to go if that’s okay?” She asked.
“Really, but i’m sure you have amazing food already at your house with your cooks and all.” You said taken aback.
“Not like this.” Momo assured.
“She’s right Y/n, we truly all had a good time really.” Uraraka said smiling.
“Who say’s the parties over? Isn’t their usually games at holiday parties?” Eri asked.
“Please don’t encourage them.” Aizawa groaned knowing where this was headed.
“OH SHE’S RIGHT!! LET’S PLAY CHARADES!” Kaminari yelled. “Eri who am I?”
Kaminari immediately grabbed a blanket that was on the couch and wrapped it around his neck and then held his hair up with his hands as he glared diretly at Eri with wild eyes.
“Aizawa!” Eri exclaimed.
Aizawa groaned and rolled his eyes, these kids were full adults and yet they still acted like children.
“Right!” Kaminari laughed.
You laughed as well as everyone suddenly joined in on the game much to Aizawa and Katsuki’s chagrin.
As you all sat on the couch watching Kirishima rolled around on the floor imitating his best impersonation of what you thought could only be a dog as Mina laughed uncontrollably, you felt red eyes staring at you. You smiled at Katsuki shooting him a thumbs up, thinking that maybe this wasn’t such a bad thanksgiving after all.
Hey you guy’s happy thanksgiving!! Decided to do a cute little imagine, I don’t really know if they do thanksgiving in other parts of the world, like their own version or not? So I just assumed they probably didn’t know what traditional American thanksgiving food tasted like, so I incorporated that into this fic. Anyway I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you all have a great thanksgiving!
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azzo0 · 6 months
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Summary: Time and time again, Bakugo swears on every fiber of his being, you're the most beautiful woman to walk this planet.
Pairing: Bakugo x f!chubby!reader
cw's: fluff with nsfw themes, reader has long hair styled into curls, feel free to lmk more in tags
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The first time he met you was at Kirishima's housewarming party. He didn't really want to be there when he could be deep asleep in his bed at home after a nice meal and a long, warm bath. He stood by the window alone, sipping on his drink from the plastic cup. He saw a few faces he didn't recognise. Probably one of Pinky's or Shitty Hair's friends, he told himself.
Crimson eyes shifted to the window, tuning out Denki's annoying playlist as he stared at a random spot and zoned out. He snapped back to reality when someone bumped into him, causing him to spill his drink over his new button-up. Lips curled in a scowl, he turned around to tell the stranger to open their eyes and watch where they were going. His words never got to leave his mouth when he laid his eyes on the woman in front of him.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" She apologised, grabbing a box of tissues from the little table by the window. She handed it to him, but he was too busy trying not to blush as he admired the woman. She took his lack of response as a sign of annoyance, took out a few tissues from the box and wiped them over his chest as she profusely apologised. 
Bakugo watched the way her loose curls bounced over her shoulders, some falling over her ample breasts. His eyes trailed down the little red dress onto her beautiful curves and the soft roll of her tummy, a gentle whisper of feminity and warmth.
"Er- are you alright?" Your voice brought his eyes up to your face again, wild crimson the same shade as his eyes, dusting his cheeks at being caught staring. 
"I'm fine," he replied gruffly, "Just watch where yer goin' next time." 
"I'm sorry," You smiled. That damn smile that woke up butterflies in his chest, "It's a little hard to walk in these."
"Whatever," He tried looking anywhere but at you unless he wanted to stare again. He couldn't help it. Something about you drew him in like a moth to a flame. He could tell you were shifting awkwardly as you still stood in front of him. 
He watched you make a move to leave, his jaw clenching. Out of all his friends, he was the only one left single, something that worried Mitsuki and his friends a lot. He'd gone on dates set up by Mina and Mitsuki, but it never went past the first date. How could he continue something that had no spark in the first place? 
But this. This was different. 
Something told him it'd be a waste to let you go without another word, "Are you one of Alien's friends?" He blurted, internally cringing. 
"Alien? Is that a nickname for Mina?" you grinned at him, unaware of the effect it was having on him, "Yeah, I'm a friend of hers."
"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you." You smiled, extending your hand. 
"Katsuki." He shook your hand after a moment of hesitation. 
Thinking on it years later, he was glad he made a move to talk to you back then. Because now here he is, with you in his arms, with someone to call his. 
Over the past few years, he's made it clear how much he loves you and how obsessed he is with every inch of you. He's said it in between sweet kisses, steamy makeouts and long nights making love. 
He loves buying you skimpy and expensive dresses that show off your soft, velvety thighs that his hand keep latching onto whenever he sits next to you. You've told him to stop buying you these because they always end up getting burnt or torn when he gets too impatient, but no. He'll keep buying you these over and over again. It's his money; he buys you whatever the fuck he wants.
He loves the squishiness of your breasts, groping them from the back with a sly grin. He could knead them on and on forever if you don't swat his hands away.
He loves the softness of your tummy, where he often rests his head after a tiring day. He loves your gentle voice, lulling him to sleep with your fingers dancing in his hair. He feels at home with his head on your stomach and hand in his hair. 
Of course, he loves you from head to toe, but, oh, god, he loves your thighs. It drives him insane when you wear his boxers. He loves how the stretchy fabric clings to your ass and thighs, inviting him to drag you over to the couch so he can press soft kisses and bites to the insides of your thighs. He gives you the most mind-blowing head just so he can hear you scream his name and squish his head in between your thighs. 
Most of all, he loves it when you're safe and sound asleep in his arms with your head on his chest. He still feels butterflies the same way he did when he first met you. Looking down at your serene, moonlit features, he moves some hair away from your face, tracing your cheek with the pad of his thumb. As he strokes your hair, he swears on every fiber of his being that you're the most beautiful woman to walk this planet.
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mintmatcha · 6 months
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Inevitable Things: chapter two
aizawa x reader fic
cw: aizawa x reader, cisfem reader, office AU, no quirks. no porn in first two chapters, sorry gang :)
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When you arrive at 8:35, all of the lights in the building are already on, a warm, yellow hued light against the stormy sky. The exterior almost melts into the overcast; it makes you think of that ‘bye-bye blue' that Disney coined for its buildings, only much more depressing. Sometimes you look at this build and think about the hours of your life that it’s stolen, but not today. No, for once, you decide to have a good day. 
It’s your birthday, after all.
The dash across the parking lot is a bit wobbly, your heels catching the gravel and potholes. Mic had texted you last night to remind you to wear something special, since he and a couple other office friends were taking you out, so you had dawned the only pair of heels you actually liked: a red pair you found at a thrift shop years ago. The stilettos are a bit high and much too sexy for your taste, but there’s an unknowable something about them that you love. 
You did, however, forget your umbrella.
One of the interns is by the door, jacket pulled over his head to protect himself and his cigarette from the rain. Izuku, chubby cheeked and doe eyed, is shorter than most of his peers, with thick green curls that puff up and frizz in the humidity. For his stature, he’s surprisingly built; he and his boyfriend -no, fiance now- go to the gym together every morning and the hard work shows. You can’t help but notice the curve of bicep that flexes as he moves his arm back to his face.
“Good morning!” you call out. The weather is cool, so you wrap both hands around your special little birthday latte. Izuku seems unphased by the weather; he sniffles a bit as he pulls another drag, freckled nose wrinkling. The red stained rims of his eyes are stark against his tan skin. 
“Yeah.” He sucks in a breath, trying to keep his voice light and failing. His Southern draw sits heavy on his tongue. “Not quite.”
“Oh no, what happened?” Rain drives a shiver up your spine and so does the look in his eyes.
 “Like, okay, it was so-” He takes another thick pull and exhales it too quickly, coughing a bit as he talks. His ideas come faster than his mouth can handle. “First thing this morning-- well, actually, Ka-chan and I got here before anybody, so it wasn’t, like, first thing-first thing, you know? Anyway, like- thirty minutes after the first thing, when Mr. Aizawa arrived, he like, didn’t even set his stuff down before he told me to get into the conference room, which is crazy because he usually won’t do anything until you’re here and-”
“Izuku, focus.”
“I am focused-- these are important details! Mr. Aizawa pulled me into a conference room this morning and reamed me out. Incompetent: he called me lazy and incompetent, which is crazy because I do so much in this department! You wouldn’t believe it! And you know what Ka did? Laughed. He could hear it from the cubicle and he laughed, isn’t that awful? We’re getting married and yet he thinks it's okay to laugh at my misfortun-?”
“Wait, slow down,” you say. “Why were you yelled at?”
Izuku takes a dramatic gulp of air to slow himself, but it clearly does nothing. His finger twiddle the cigarette back and forth, ash falling to the puddle at his feet.. “He told me the work I turned in yesterday wasn't acceptable.”
It couldn't be the things you did. There’s no way; you’re smart -- well, okay, maybe not. You’re competent at least-- competent enough that you’ve done the reports previously without any complaints. 
“It's my fault.” Izuku continues. His accent gets thicker when it’s holding worry, clipping words and rounding out other sounds. “I should have finished them myself, but Denki offered to help me out-- and I had a meeting with the wedding planner yesterday so I had to leave early; if i was late again I would have upset Mitsuki and I couldn’t upset Mitsuki again because she’s intense, like, way more intense that Katsuki ever is, so I’m a little terrified of her-”
Fuck. You can’t listen- you’re trying to focus on keeping your breakfast down. That was your work. You’re the one that made Izuku and Denki look bad.
“-Biomedical engineering. Why did I pick biomedical engineering? I should have chosen law school like Iida. That would have been a better career path.”
“What about Denki?” You interrupt his rambling and he seems to snap out of his panic loop. For once, he’s quiet. “What about Denki, Izuku?”
“Oh.” Izuku says. “Yeah. Well.”
He places the cigarette between his teeth and goes to suck, only to realize he’s hit the filter. With a tsk, he smashes the embers against the concrete side of the building, but doesn’t drop the butt, instead holding it in his palm. A trickle of rain runs down your cheek, just enough to make you shiver.
“Allegedly,” Now, he speaks too slowly, chewing on every word. “HR is working on his off boarding.”
Your body forgets how to breathe. The interns are all part of a specific college program- if they aren’t working, they don’t get credit towards their summer graduation. Because of you, Denki will not be graduating this spring-- in fact, he’s going to have to wait another full school year until he can apply for graduating again. Your head is spinning from the lack of oxygen and you have to manually force yourself to suck in a breath.
“He’s fired?” you ask, stupidly. 
“I’m not surprised, to be honest.” Izuku says. His pretty little curls are flattened now, heavy with wet. “This was his fifth big mistake and Mr. Aizawa is, well… he’s Mr. Aizawa. He doesn’t pull any punches.”  
“Oh, geez.” You want to barf. “Oh, no, oh, geez.” 
You’re ruining someone's life. One mistake and  you’ve fucked everything up. Tears prickle hot behind your eyes as you think; what are your options here? You can’t just let this happen. Your job is to fix things-- that’s the only thing you’re good for. Discussing this with Aizawa would be a dead end; he’d probably just fire you too. You need to go above him. 
“I’ll fix this,” you say, mostly to reassure yourself. You turn on your heel and march inside, a plan already forming in your mind. “Don’t worry.”
“Fix what?” Izuku calls after you. “Denki getting fired?”
You flash the security officer your badge, not bothering to turn around. There’s no time for that. The head of HR is usually punctual, so you only have a couple minutes before he arrives and sees the termination paperwork. It’ll take time to process, of course, but you’d rather fix this before it’s even reached that point.  You scramble to your desk and don’t bother to sit down before you’re picking up your phone and dialing. The number is posted on a little sticky note, right under ‘emergencies only’ written in big red letters. This… counts, right? This is an emergency in its own regard.
The line rings once, then twice. Then, it clicks. 
“Good morning.” The voice on the other side is unusually smooth, a clear timbre despite it all. In between words he takes long, drawing breaths, pulling through his nasal cannula. “Is my company? On fire?”
You laugh at that and you aren’t sure why. Maybe it’s the trill of fear in your gut, burrowing its way out anyway it can. “Good morning, sir. No, the building is still standing, luckily.”
“Please,"  he says, and you understand immediately.
“Yagi.” The informality of it all feels weird, even after all this time. He's the CEO and he wants you to address him like a friend. It’s been that way since you first started, but it still feels undeserved. “How are you?”
“I’m well.” Behind him you can hear the mumble of the television: a children’s show, you think. “My niece is visiting. So, I’ve been. Spending a lot of time. By the pond, feeding the ducks.”
He mentioned once that he had wanted children, but the company had taken up too much of his time. That memory makes your gut twist in a different way as you remember just how finite his time really is. 
“That sounds lovely.”
“It is lovely.” He pauses. Then, clears his throat. “Not that I’m. Not happy to hear from you, but… why are you calling?”
“Well, I-” You’re not sure where to start. You shift your weight from one foot to the other, swaying like you have to pee. “I made a mistake.”
“What kind of mistake?”  
“Not a company ruining one, but…” Oh, geez. Maybe you'll end up being the one without a job today.  “I finalized some work for the engineering department interns and it wasn’t up to standard. And the manager-”
 “Yes, uh. Aizawa. He wasn’t aware of that fact and he fired the intern for work that I did.”
There's a pause.
“Are you sure?” He sniffles a bit. You can picture how he itches his nose with the back of his hand. He hates that tube. “I know he isn’t. The warmest man, but Aizawa. Isn’t one to fire. An employee without. Apt reason. Have you tried. Speaking to him?”
You can’t. The idea of confrontation makes your skin itch. Besides, you can’t just look him in the eyes and admit you fucked up-- he’d lose his mind. 
“I just can’t let Kaminari get in trouble for my work.”
Yagi hums a low tone.
“I’ll bring it. To Shouta’s attention.” You almost jump for joy at that. “And I’ll let HR. Know.”
“Oh, thank you.” You’re physically bouncing. “I felt so guilty.”
“That’s under. Standable.” he says. “Maybe we. Have the engineers. Do their own work from now on, okay?”
“I know, I know, I just--” Can’t say no? “I like to be useful.”
“You’re more than useful.” His voice is warm, almost paternal. “I’m being told that I have an episode of Bluey to watch, so…”
“Goodbye, have fun, thank you, thank you, thank you.”
You hang up, then wait a couple beats before sighing with relief. Crisis avoided! Happy birthday to you! Maybe, against all odds, this will be a good day. 
You drop into your seat and let it spin. Your latte isn’t hot anymore, but even lukewarm it’s still pretty damn good. After it boots up, your computer notifications are alight with companies wishing you a happy day and a merry 30% off. There’s a couple of DMs from coworkers that you haven’t opened yet as well and the attention makes you glitter.You almost forget that Touya still hasn't read your messages. It's not a surprise; he always forgets your birthday. It shouldn’t upset you at this point.
The workday official starts and, for once, it’s calm. There’s time to organize your desk and check on your facebook. Maybe, just maybe, the universe has decided to be kind to you. Yagi sounded better than he usually does, if not a bit winded.
You’re thirty, but you don’t feel older. 18 feels like last week, 25 is still your friend. Being this old almost feels like a joke-- especially being this old and single, with a job you’re not passionate about. You thought, maybe, that things would be okay by now. You’d be successful, with more than a couple hundred in your checking account, and a husband that could return a fucking text. Life, of course, had other plans.
It’s not that you don’t love Touya. You do. You really do. You just wish that you didn’t. It's easier to love someone like Hizashi or a boring man from R&D, but being with him feels like running on sand as it sinks down an hourglass. You're too far gone already, too intertwined with him; fate has linked you to a man that will inevitably break your heart, over and over again.
You almost don’t notice the stomp of boots down the hallway until it’s too late. You’ve been eclipsed.
Aizawa turns the corner so quickly that you jump and spill your coffee. His brow furrowed so deeply that his ‘11’ lines have gained an extra 1, and extra wrinkles have puckered around his straight drawn mouth. When he speaks, his lips curl up in one corner in revulsion, giving you a hint of canine. Someone from marketing walks down the hall,  meets your eyes, then turns back around, fleeing it away from this situation. You wish you could do the same.
 His hands press flat against your desk. The space he takes up alone makes you wilt, drawing back into your chair. Oh, he's pissed. Beyond pissed. His hair is down for once, falling in front of his face as he talks, and his hoodie sleeves are pushed to his elbows, revealing the punched, tense muscle underneath. The finer hairs on his arms are raised up into goosebumps, standing straight like pins.
“If you have a problem with the way I run my department,” Aizawa seethes. “At least have the balls to say it to my face.” 
The air in your lungs turns icy. You’re frozen there, hands hovering above your keyboard, unsure if you should even pick up your drink. 
“On what planet is it acceptable to tattle on me to the CEO?” His voice carries down the hall as he growls at you, the low, rolling tone of his voice somehow more terrifying than actual yelling. He reminds you of a wild dog, ears pinned back and ready to bite. And you’re just the poor rabbit in his path. “And to HR? Are you fucking kidding? You’re better than this.”
Oh, this is the type of interaction you were trying to avoid. Heat flares across your cheeks as you sputter and you frantically look anywhere else to avoid the burn. “I-- uh--”
“Did the interns come crying to you again?” Aizawa continues. “Did you let them walk all over you again?”
He leans in even closer.
“You are not their mother or their friend. They are adults. With jobs. And they do not need the secretary saving them from work they are paid to do-- especially Kaminari, who regularly abuses your good faith.”
Your shoes. You focus on those. Your pretty, candy red heels with the delicate strap, the ones Touya always compliments and the ones that make you feel beautiful. 
“Calling Toshinori? May I remind you that he is actively dying? May I remind you that you are actively wasting his time with this?"
Shoes, look at your shoes.
"I also don’t have the fucking time for this. We are a business in a time crunch-- I don’t have the energy or brain power or man power to be dragging around dead weight," he says. "If I decide someone isn't fit enough to work here, they are not fit to work here. Do you understand that?”
Oh. A sudden, horrible realization hits you. All of the weeks of stress and loneliness and heartbreak and other random bullshit that’s built up in your life is hitting all at once and, despite how hard you’re trying not to, you are going to cry. Tears are prickling hot against the corners of your eyes, burning to come out, and you know there’s only second before they spill over-
“Do you understand that?”
You look up. He looks down. Your lip quivers. 
Aizawa immediately draws back, eyes widening with realization. He opens his mouth, then closes it, then opens it again, drawing in a short breath. His brows are pinched together differently now; if he was anyone else, you’d assume he was sorry. If he was anyone else, you might care.
“I didn’t mean to…” he tries.
“You’re-” You want to scream and fight and curse, but all you can say is: “I hate you.”
It’s incredibly juvenile, but saying it feels good. With all of the fury you can muster, you stand, chair bouncing back against the wall behind you, and march out of there and straight into the women’s bathroom. You hold your chin high until the door slams behind you. 
Then, you sob. It’s loud enough that you know it can be heard in the hall, wet enough that all of your make-up ends on the back of your hands, hard enough that you lose one of your contacts, but you just can’t stop. It comes in a torrent, one that doesn’t stop until you’re all blurry eyed and swollen and absolutely, positively destroyed.  
Fucking astrology. Fucking Aizawa. Fucking work. Fucking Touya. Fucking turning thirty.
Your heels look stupid against the blue and white linoleum. The faux leather no longer looks convincing, but like cheap, normal plastic. Your cellphone is still on your desk and covered in an 8 dollar latte, so there's nothing to distract you from your own downward spiral. You want to be helpful. You want to be a good person, but nothing seems to work out that way. 
By the time you manage to peel yourself out of the bathroom stall, the world has started to turn again. Someone’s at the coffee station, stirring in way too many sugars, someone else is taking on the phone just out of earshot. Aizawa is thankfully gone. You’re not sure you could have handled more of that.
Frankly, you’re not sure you can handle more of anything. You strip your other contact from your eye and throw on your only other option: the emergency glasses you have stashed in your desk. Great, as if you didn't feel bad enough already, now you feel ugly too. 
A ping comes through from HR, letting you know that you have sick time available 'if need be.’ For once, the office gossip works in your favor. You shoot off a quick reply, confirming that you're going to head out, then grab your phone. It's sticky and wet, but it still works.
do you want to leave work early and go get drunk?<-
Hizashi’s response is almost immediate.
->leave work early????? who is this and what have you done with my babygirl?????
-is that a no? ): <-
->are you kidding?????? I’ll be at your desk in 15
You are going to get drunk. Very. Very. Drunk.
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linphd · 2 years
Hey so I've never sent a request before, but could you do a Bakugou x reader where Mitsuki and Masaru catch them in Katsuki's room? I really enjoyed your oneshot where Kirishima caught them, but you can write NSFW or fluff, it doesn't matter to me, I just love your pieces!
Getting caught cuddling | Headcanons
gender neutral
-> While spending some time cuddling with your boyfriend, someone catches the both of you by surprise.
-> Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari.
Katsuki Bakugou
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Sure, it was Mitsuki’s mistake to enter her son’s room like that. But why didn’t he even tell them he had their partner coming over ? You were so lucky being asleep when this happened. « Ahah, you can’t yell at us, or they’ll wake up ! » she giggled at her son, who was fuming with anger.
Katsuki had invited you over for a presentation you had to work on, and you had gladly accepted. « Stop cheering, you won’t meet my parents, they won’t be there. » he had told you. Indeed, as his partner, you had always wanted to finally meet them.
At some point, you ordered a little break as you were going insane -you being super annoying when overworking helped you. As soon as he agreed, you laid on Katsuki, who made tiny explosions to warm you up a bit… which made you fall asleep rather quickly.
He had allowed you to take a little nap, as you had been training a lot nowadays, and here come his parents barging in his room ! « Sorry, we thought you weren’t home. » his father apologized. « Who is that ? Your partner ? » he had asked immediately after his son nod at his apology.
« Shut up ! Don’t wake them up ! It’ll be embarrassing for all of us ! » Too late. You were awake, and he was a liar ; you immediately gasped, happy to finally meet them. And maybe (un)luckily for the blonde, it ended up with you eating dinner at his place and a sleepover.
Shoto Todoroki
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It was at the dorms. After a tiring training, you had decided to go to his room instead, so he could cool you down a bit. So tiring actually that you fell asleep without even noticing, and Shoto didn’t have the heart to wake you up. Hence your situation.
It was Denki who had burst in his room, excited to call him for a boys game night. Obviously, he caught everyone’s attention with his super loud gasps and his several « it makes sense ! it makes so much sense ! ». You woke up, and you both replied to your friends’ interrogations.
« How long have you been dating ? », « Hm, only like a few weeks, we were waiting a bit to be sure before telling you guys. », « So that’s why Todoroki caught fire when he saw you at the hot springs ! Because he had a crush on you ! », « … Yes, that’s why, actually. » you barely awake.
Well, it was now official. « So… for the boys night… » Shoto started, but got interrupted by the blonde. « Oh noooooo, no no noooo, stay with your partner man, don’t worry about us ! » he said, before shooing everyone away and leaving the room. « …. I actually wanted to go. » Shoto confessed, making you laugh.
« You can go, you know. » you said. « It was cute, you were overheating a bit at their reaction. » you said, stretching a bit. « Didn’t expect to get caught. » he replied. « Are you coming with me ? » he asked, but you said no. « Still tired from training. » So, Shoto kissed your forehead and let you fall back asleep in his room.
Denki Kaminari
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The thing with Denki and you is that you were a somewhat Bakugou person. Yelled a lot, terrifying to your classmates, already intimidating quirk to begin with. So even for you, how you ended up with Denki was a mystery. Well, even he found it surprising, enough to agree not to tell others -at least not yet.
After a long day of training with Aizawa, full of failed attempts at a new skill you were supposed to have learned, you had decided to find some comfort in his room. He was so excited that he forgot to actually lock his room, and only jumped on his bed to cuddle with you.
And here you were, Kirishima and Sero gasping at the sight of the boy laying on top of you, his head against your chest while you played with his hair. He immediately straightened up, gasping as well. « Close the door ! Don’t tell ! No- » he panicked.
He decided to act like he had turned dumb, and you could only laugh at his attempt to save whatever situation you were in. « It’s okay, Denki. I thought you would have accidentally told everyone weeks ago. » you confessed.
The boy only gasped loudly at this statement. « You don’t trust me, (Y/N) ?! » making his friends laugh as well. « But I’m happy you don’t want to hide it anymore. Now I can grab you whenever I want. » he said, wiggling -maybe doing a little dance ? « … Sure, you can do that. » you replied, a bit scared of what he meant by « grab ».
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lowkeyremi · 5 months
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pairing: k. bakugo x fem!reader summary: Your man's birthday is coming up! Time to set up the venue for the birthday boy! Uh oh... gotta keep it on the low, I think he might be on to you. content: fluff, established relationship, bakugo is nosy, little bit of swearing, mention of other characters (his friend group) (you can find the rest of the series here!) wc: 1k
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"Shhhh!! Hurry up and bring the rest of the stuff out to the car." Kirishima and Kaminari can't seem to keep quiet while loading the rest of the supplies into the car for Katsuki's party. The two keep giggling and messing around.
"Sorry [name]! We'll be quieter!!" You highly doubt that because they said that the last two trips and if anything they've gotten louder. "Come on guys, we don't wanna give it away. You know how hard it is to actually surprise Katsuki." The boys know how much you've wanted to do this, so they quiet down and quickly take the rest of the party supplies to your car.
At this point it's almost like a challenge; to see if you can surprise him. His last two birthday parties you've tried to plan out were a major fail because Todoroki didn't understand the element of surprise and said, "Oh yeah, we're just getting everything ready for your party." and the other year he had threatened Mineta into telling him what you were plotting.
So, this year in order to keep it an actual secret, you had told very few people (kirishima, mina, sero, denki, and midoriya.) and sent Katsuki off to his parents to "enjoy his birthday with his family." His birthday isn't until a few more days but his parents were able to tire him out enough to keep him from asking questions or bothering you guys. he's currently in his room napping at 7pm.
"Alright, Sero, Can you read through the checklist once more to make sure we have everything?" Sero's quiet helpful, he'll be hanging up a lot of the decorations and what not. You had momo make a bunch of cool decorations yesterday while Katsuki was out with his parents and then sato baked a cake, that resides in the teacher's lounge thanks to Aizawa Sensei. You had also gotten the decorations that you and Mitsuki went out and bought a little while ago. She is such a big help and a huge part of why this whole plan is working.
Sero reads though the checklist and you give him a small "yeah" each time you see an item on the list.
"Okay I think that's everything let's go!"
In all honesty, Gym Gamma isn't that far away from the dorms, but carrying all of that stuff would have been a huge pain, which is why you're taking your car, with special permission from Aizawa of course.
When the six of your arrived at the gym you took charge of making sure the door was open for everyone to load everything in, and locking it behind you when everyone was inside.
Your teachers had already come up with some kind of white lie saying they were using the gym for some kind of new practice when in reality you're just setting up Katsuki's party.
So far everything's going according to plan, since Kirishima is probably the strongest one there he helps with setting up tables and moving them. While Denki sets up all the music equipment. (he, jiro, tokoyami and momo are going to play music)
Mina, being a natural leader is telling people where to put things, how high to hang up decorations and what not. She's really damn good at it too.
While you're in the trance your phone buzzes in your pocket and you hear the familiar ring tone of fireworks. When you and Katsuki started dating you set his ringtone to fireworks just to piss him off, and at first it did, but now he's just used to it.
"Hello?" In response you here a loud shuffling noise and a small grunt.
"Where the fuck are ya? Your location's off." If it were anyone else on the phone with him they probably would have thought Katsuki was being rude, but this is just how he is.
"Are you sure? I'm like 100% sure it's on." It's not. You know it's not. You aren't completely sure if he knows the gym is "off limits" because he crashed as soon as he got back. There's no way you're gonna risk it though because if he does know about the gym not being available he'll get suspicious of you being there.
"I'll check again, but I'm pretty sure it's off." His voice is groggy with sleep and he goes quiet while checking to see if you're location is on. While he's doing that you quickly mute your phone and yell out, "WHO'S NOT DOING ANYTHING RIGHT NOW?"
Midoriya is the first to respond, he runs right over to you ready to help.
"Listen, Izuku. I'm about to tell 'tsuki that i'm headed to my favorite book store on campus. I need you to take my phone and just kinda hang out there and if something goes wrong, like he tries to call just call one of the others so you can let me know, okay?" The green haired boy shakes his head furiously fast.
"I CAN DO IT!!" Even though you're slightly exhausted, Midoriya's energetic attitude does hype you up a bit.
You quickly unmute your phone, "Hey baby, I'm going down to the book store for a little while. I need to get this one book."
His bed creaks, indicating that he's just finally sat up in bed, "Alright, I'll meet ya there."
"I just need some time alone, please don't come by." You try your best to sound like you need space, because you know your boyfriend respects you and your space.
"Oh.. alright. If you want me to come get ya I will." Guilt slowly trickles through your stomach when you hear his voice drop into disappointment but you know it will all be worth it in the end.
"Love you Kats, I'll see you in a bit." The blond hums quietly in contentment.
"I love you too, be safe." With that he hangs up the phone.
Izuku quickly leaves with your phone to the book store and you + the others get back to work on decorating and making sure everything is organized.
"Okay guys! I think if we keep working at this pace we'll be done in thirty minutes or so." Everyone whoops in excitement.
It turns out you aren't the only one who wants to surprise Katsuki Bakugo.
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day 1: you make a birthday gift for katsuki - @zanarkandskylines
day 2: you invite all of class 1-A to the party - @xbabyd0lli3x
day 3: shopping for decorations- @angels-fantasy
day 4: You make a present plan 2.0! - @starieq
💖 day 5: Decorating the venue for his birthday party ! @lowkeyremi
day 6: Baking the cake for his party - @queenpiranhadon
day 7: you and your classmates surprise him ! - @cashmoneyyysstuff
tag list: @gina239 @mystic60 @meowze4r @icedemon1314 @bigsimpo343 @ah-mya @whezdostuff @berry-vioo @seonne @slayfics @food8me @katsuisbaby @azzo0 @kit-katsukii @stoned-anime-babe @kukikoooo
orange = can't be tagged
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©𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐊𝐄𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈 All works are written by me! Please do not copy, translate, or upload onto other sites thanks!
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justatypicalwizard · 4 months
Weave your own web, my prince
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BNHA royal au x reader ❥⋰ Another marital season bears down Katsuki's shoulders. His mother tortures him with a new guard - one that will follow each and every step the prince takes. Soon Katsuki decides, it's time to act on his responsibilities and decides his target will be the guard. Tons of royals flush the corridors of the Bakugo castle, among others Shoto - the Todoroki prince on the make. What will come out of their rivalry? Will Katsuki be able to break out of his mothers web of plans and schemes? Will he be able to claim what he desires or will it run through his fingers? ❥⋰ Reader is referred to as Cat. Word count: 16k ❥⋰ I just want to say I had so much fun writing this piece. I really tried to elevate my language and make something fun. I hope you find it entertaining!
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Katsuki hated Spring with all of his heart. He loved the new life peeking out of every corner, he loved the birds that came from far lands with new stories to croak about, he loved the fresh air saturated with the scent of juicy grass and wildflowers. Katsuki hated Spring because Spring meant courting season, the awful marital hunt.
The young, and only, son of queen Mitsuki and king Masaru attained a position on the grand bachelor and maiden list as soon as his 15th Spring approached and has been on it since. Despite the weight of the crown bearing hard on the prince’s temples he refused to find a wife each and every year. The queen was on the verge of forcing someone on him. On March nights Mitsuki cursed at her son’s undeniable masculinity. It would be easier if he was a girl.
The martial aspect of Spring pricked at his side like a thorn but there were other nuisances. It was a time when not only did you have to stand up to your enemies, you also had to let them into your home. Trains of carriages and caravans climb up the steep hill road leading into the Bakugo lands. The castle swole with lace, silk, gossip and scheme. It was full of two-faced ministers, greedy lords, gasping matrons and pale princesses.
Katsuki wondered whether he preferred to travel abroad for courting or let that multitude inside his own stone and gem walls. At least the army was here, some units preparing as if for war. Units like his mothers personal guards.
Day and night, Summer or Winter these soldiers run at top speed, and at top secrecy. They were always in the corner, lingering to the queen like a shadow, flat and easy to miss. Katsuki was supposed to build his own unit such as this, pull it together, brick by brick from desperate, lonely and crazy, ones that would sacrifice their life in the name of loyalty and gratitude. Ones that would sparkle at his side like gems in his crown. Ones that would slice throats without even a blink at his single word. That was, of course, a massive exaggeration but the queen made sure to give him this lecture every time a new rumour could be heard about the assassin known as Denki flirting with a cook or when the archiver and historian girl Mina messed up a few very important dates in the chronicle of Katsuki’s life. At least Kirishima was reliable.
Katsuki stomped towards his mother’s writing room in her open-for-guests chambers. The guests took off and it was once more high time to try to persuade him. Names and oil paintings were hung up in the representative corridors leading to the ballroom. Small noses, corseted waists and absent eyes that gazed up into the sky peeking out through the grand windows. All of these seasons maidens presented like cattle on a Sunday village market. Soon bachelors would accompany the lonely girls on the other side of the hallway.
The angry boy slowed down, his boots finally giving the echo of the corridor a break. Slick black hair pulled into a tight ponytail. Diamonds scattering the crown of her head, packed onto a delicate silver web, signalling her worth but also painfully reminding of the lack of a real queens’ crown. At least it matched her eyes.
Yaoyorozu was one of the candidates for Katsuki. Despite her mathematical calmness and chin raised to touch the sky, she fumed every time she saw him. The Yaoyorozu family lacked a crow but swam in wealth. Their banks held and operated on the riches of the neighbourhood kingdom making them important players on the royal courts.
Lord Yaoyorozu tried his luck with the family of his own king but with poor results. Many princes adorned the king’s right hand but none of them would marry with someone of a lower status. At least that’s what they officially said. Next on the list was Katsuki who also refused to take Momo Yaoyorozu. The girl was beautiful, smart and wealthy, but it all meant nothing as her father’s ambitions were too high for her crystal-heel-clad feet.
Another portrait that stung Katsuki’s eyes was yet to be hung. He huffed, a short pathetic laugh. What an irony that the cheeky round face that poked through the messily scattered cloth lay beneath Momo. Someone should quickly gather this portrait or else whatever commoner left this will be punished for offence to a highborn.
Uraraka, a princess well known for Katsuki, smiled cheekily from the frame. Another candidate, this time a real princess. Such a pity her royal family had less funds than the Yaoyorozu. A pity for her, a blessing for Katsuki. She was being held as an option courtesy of friendship rather than position.
Leaving the lifeless faces Katsuki wondered which girl had it worse, which was scattered around more. The wealthy but unprivileged lady or the poor but accepted princess. One thing he knew, he would pick none of them.
Three knocks were enough to be welcomed by his mother. She seemed to be alone in the room. Bookshelves that once were mighty oaks bent under the weight of thousands of books, chronicles and registers. Rugs secured the stone floor giving the room a warmer touch, just as Mitsuki liked. Despite a rather early hour candle flames glistered and twitched around the desk, trapped in glass lanterns. Little daylight was allowed through the narrow windows, always leaving the room in a state of half-shadow.
Katsuki knew that in these elaborately planned out shadows figures lingered in defence of his mother. The prince felt the presence right now but he knew better than to comment on it. Those ears will hear everything but speak of nothing.
“So glad you made it that quick.” The queen turned slightly in her rich chair to face him. The old and well-used wood cracked slightly, though the quiet of the room made it seem like thunder.
“Stop tip-toeing around it and tell me what you have to, old hag.” Katsuki knew what this conversation would be about, he guessed what the bulky volumes in front of his mother were - genealogical trees of high families. It was the same every year.
“Fine. I command you to pick a wife this season. You know the old candidates but there are a few new ones worth taking a look at.” She proceeded to open the book but her son’s harsh voice left her only grazing the cover.
“You can command your little chess pieces of soldiers around, not me. I will not take any of these fake, trained pushovers.” His resistance was hardy.
“You know your responsibilities as a male, and only, heir to the throne. It gets more dangerous each year.” Always the same. Katsuki had enough of it.
“You and dad don’t look like you’re gonna drop dead any moment, which is a pity.” He snarled at his mother like a kid throwing a tantrum - which in fact he was. “I will secure the family line just-” The fierceness of his voice lost its momentum. “Just when I find the right person.”
Did he just admit to his mother that he believed in love? Did he believe in love? He thought about it every Spring, what was it that he was looking for. The princesses were obviously not a match for him because they were all a lifeless mass of similar faces, similar gowns, similar smiles. They were taught to be interested in you, to abide by every need and want, to not ask questions but at the same time to demand the best, tastiest, wealthiest and most luxurious. Katsuki did not wish to play this game. Was he really looking for someone who will make his heart skip a beat? Might as well try.
“Anything else?” He walked around the room grabbing objects and examining them, anything to look away from the disappointed mother in the centre. She sighed.
“Yes. Because of the situation at Todoroki’s I decided to have two of my personal guards watching over you. They have a schedule and will follow your steps for the next months, as long as this farce will take.” Now this, this was new.
Mother was letting two of her dogs off leash. Both excited and annoyed, Katsuki gave her a questioning look. He moved towards her desk, and pushing his abdomen hard into the edge he looked down on his mother. Or so he thought.
“Don’t try to order them around, they already know what to do and they will not abide by a single need of yours.” Though sitting lower she was still looming over him, her shadow longer than his, extended by two additional people.
Finally, he got why she decided such a thing. It was not to keep him safe, it was to make him miserable, push him to his limit and make him succumb to her wants. Who knows what these people will do or how much they will foist themselves on him. Katsuki felt a hand creep up on his throat and ball into a vice grip, suffocating him. He also knew that he will peel those fingers off one by one.
“Meet your daytime guard. Then leave.” Mitsuki gestured to a woman who grew out of the shadow behind her chair.
Katsuki looked the intruder in the eye and let out a short huff, turning on his heel and leaving the writing room in a sour mood.
A few mornings and evenings later Katsuki figured out a bit more about the strange duo following him around. The woman was there during the day while the bulky man with dark wavy hair and a scar on his face guarded his person at nightime. They changed in the evening and morning without much talk.
Those past days the young prince tried to ignore the presence but it became overwhelming, always hearing additional steps behind you. This and the preparation for hosting the ass clapping festival as Katsuki liked to title it.
The castle changed into a busy anthill with servants-ants running back and forth, carrying anything from bouquets to wooden tables all around the place. The prince was needed here and there for very important business such as fitting fancy costumes, giving his opinion on a flower arrangement or signing fifty greeting letters that will be left on the nightstands of the guests’ beds. In simple words, Katsuki had enough.
“Your highness, you are needed in the fitting room.” Shall the white, laced blouses be damned.
Maids jumped around his partially undressed form as they tried to baste a rich red robe around his torso. The loose scraps of material and pins scratched at his skin leaving red marks and giving Katsuki a scowl. The air in the room was stiff and seemed to lack oxygen. The blonde was getting dizzy with all the heavy perfume and powder dancing around in the light of the candles.
“Give me more pins, I need to tighten it here.” One of the seamstresses squeaked.
“Take them yourself, I can’t move right now.” The other one argued
His head slumped down and a deep sigh escaped his lips. How much longer will this take?
“Excuse me. The prince is needed for his evening duties.” A new voice made an interruption.
“We were promised the price will be available today. This fitting was due for a few days.” One of the working women bickered while resting hands on her hips.
“Well, your time has passed.”
The half finished robe was pulled down Katsuki’s arms and shoved into a terrified maid's hands. The prince felt a small hand on the back of his arm. The fingers were so tiny, yet they quickly clasped down in a vice grip, pulling him out of the stuffy fitting room and out into the cold corridor.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do now?” He did not even mind who forced him outside. The preparations, the long days of doing absolute shit, the constant feeling of being watched even in his sleep, Katsuki was too fed up to care.
“Nothing. Or maybe a walk outside would be refreshing if you ask me.”
The prince finally looked up at his companion. It was no one other than the guard woman following him around. She was propped up the corridor wall, arms crossed on her chest, looking out of the window on the ground below.
“Is there something wrong, your highness? Do you wish to go back to the fitting room? You looked rather displeased there and the seamstresses did take their time, didn’t they?” The girl asked with a raised brow.
“Did you really just pull me out of there and lie to them?”
“Are you unhappy with that?”
“Not even a bit. Let’s go outside.”
The evening breeze was refreshing, like a cold shower after a good workout. Katsuki and the guard strolled the park outside of the castle. It was a maze of high hedges, fancy bushes and ponds. The long path led to the grand lake far at the back. The further they got from the castle, the easier it was to mistake the small lights in the windows with stars in the sky. It was peaceful here, sleepy.
“If you wish to know, the name is Cat, my prince.” The guard, Cat, opened her mouth without warning, breaking the melodic tune of night critters.
“Cat is your real name?” He questioned with a brow raised over a scowl. His companion only laughed softly, speaking up no more. Of course it isn’t her name. Of course he would never learn it.
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Moonlight shone down on the rich overseas rug giving the warm colours a cold tune. Gold thread twisted and turned forming seemingly endless patterns. Katsuki also twisted in his fur bed sheets, unable to fall asleep. Sweat clung to his overheated body like a second skin. He has to ask for summer sheets, thin like his patience with the restless night.
Pouring himself a goblet of lukewarm water he cursed, exhaustion weighing his shoulders down. Nonetheless, he slipped a soft cotton shirt over his head, pulled on the trousers he left forgotten in the corner and took off in search of some peace in the sleeping castle. The nightguard stalking his every step.
Not finding any relief in his own chambers, Katsuki turned his steps towards his mother’s private rooms and squares. The crushing difference between what was Katsuki’s and what Mitsuki owned was a demonstration of power. Everywhere she could, the queen reminded her son that he was her property. Everywhere he was able to, Katsuki pushed back.
Right now his strategy for enraging the woman was strolling through her chambers at times he shouldn’t. He should be asleep, redying himself for a day packed to the brim with responsibilities. Instead, he opted for passing the scarce guards in silence, looking for a place that would put his nerves at ease.
Far off in the quiet wing of the castle he fished out a familiar figure.
“The fuck you doing there, sneaking around?” He calls out, his voice too loud, cutting through the quiet night like thunder.
There’s a shuffle and Cat turns around to face him fully just as Katsuki enters the square. The smell of flowers is heavy in the air, the queen’s private fruit garden oversaturated with the sweetness of spring life. Katsuki thinks, just for a second, that there’s a glimmer of panic in the guards eye, but her usual polite-jaded expression overtakes her face instantly.
“I am enjoying free time, my prince.” She bows slightly upon his arrival.
“Free time.” The blonde weighs the word on his tongue like a caramel drop. “Sounds exotic.”
“Is there anything you need, my prince?” No response, just blind civility. Noone in this castle, in this world, talked with Katsuki. They obeyed, listened and answered by not one person ever held a conversation with him. Maybe not counting the deliberately selected group of idiots that he called his party. But they are gone now, always seemingly busy during spring. The queen just wanted them away from him, so as not to give him any ideas. Friends were forbidden for a prince.
I need you to shut the fuck up and stop rubbing your free-will into my face. He wanted to shout but the memory of the fitting room, how she freed him of the constricting hands of seamstresses brought Katsuki to a halt. She had more freedom than him, she could do as she pleased when her duty hours were off. Maybe he could use it.
“I need you to speak to me as equals.” He stated, taking a step closer, entering the moonlight square.
“I don’t think this is a good idea, my prince.”
“I don’t want you to suddenly call me by my name, I just want - just talk to me for fuck’s sake.” This is embarrassing. Katsuki cursed the moon’s silver dick for shining so finely today. The pink tinting his cheeks must have been in plain sight. Something shifted in Cat’s expression, relaxation passed over her features, mingling with the usual disinterest.
“Fine.” Her steps were silent as she proceeded to a bench carved out in marble. “I’m listening then.”
“I promise this will stay between us.” The prince dropped down bluntly next to her, swinging his arm over the cool backrest of the uncomfortable bench, his other playing with the loose strings of his cotton shirt, untied, letting his chest breathe fresh night air.
“There is no such thing as a promise here, on court.”
His head whipped her way only to be met with a small smirk. So the woman could speak her mind when she wanted to.
A rich, plump flower sat next to Cat’s head. More of them scattered around the bush leaning on the marble. The one that seemed to nearly graze her cheek was big and flashy, oozing with juices that threatened to spill if you touched it ever so slightly. Katsuki found it repulsive, his mind suddenly drifting off to the thought of wetness.
He looked back, straight ahead to free himself from the shameless flower. His mother tortured him with bees and flower analogies, how he would have to find his flower someday to bear a fruit. It was one of these bushes she made him observe to understand his duty.
Katsuki shook off the nasty feeling.
“So, what do you usually do in your free time?”
“I sleep.”
From the corner of his eye the blonde followed Cat’s movement. She was interested in the flower, poking at it only to get her fingers sticky. Her displeased expression amused him.
“You’re not sleeping now.”
“That’s true.” She stood up and wandered the little maze of flowerbeds and dwarfed trees to find the fountain in the centre. Katsuki following her steps.
A figure appeared in the shadow, leaning on a pillar, watching his every move. The beast of a man, his night time guard, too loud for his own good. A string of curses left Katsuki’s lips. He wasn’t allowed any privacy.
“Cat.” She focused on him, shaking her palm, droplets of water flying in the air. “Switch with the other guy for the night. I want you to guard me.”
It took her a few blinks to think through his order. “And what would I have from it? I would have to be up all night.”
“The next day off. He will take your shift.” The blonde shrugged, as if it was nothing, a mere proposition of business partners too wealthy to mind a single thing. “Besides, if you really care about your rest you would be sleeping right now.” A chuckle left Cat’s lips and Katsuki felt like smiling himself. He did not succumb to the temptation.
“Well, I could use a day off. Have business to take care of.” She came closer and the prince once again thought about the flower. “Did you hear Hound? What do you think about it?”
Hound, the man with messy hair and a messy beard, messy uniform and a crystal clear, sharp look to his eyes stepped onto the square. To Katsuki, he seemed to utterly despise his position, impatience and anger dripping from his face.
“Fine by me.”
“Goodnight then.” Hound huffed at the politeness, turning his back to Katsuki after a short and forced bow, disappearing into the darkness.
“Don’t mind him, my prince, he doesn’t like anyone beside the queen.” Despite Hound’s posture the queen was the real beast here, making a person so blindly loyal.
At once Katsuki felt at ease, alone. He looked up into the sky speckled with stars so very prominent in the moon’s silvery hue. His body felt dry, the sweat of his restless tossing evaporated into the quiet night. He felt fresh and lulled, as if he could fall asleep on the uncomfortable marble bench, his guard sitting on the other side, gazing at the obnoxious flower. He would feel like a still life that hung in the dining room, unmoving and eternal. His life would be still for once, peaceful and silent.
All of it a dream that would never come true.
“What business do you have for tomorrow?” He asked as he sat on the flat surface of the fountain. Every time the light breeze flew by it scooped loose droplets from the fountain, lifting them into the air, letting them dance in the moonlight. It was one of Katsuki’s favourite places to sit as a child, the drops of water hitting his back on hot summer days.
“If I can speak to you as equal for the time being then my business is none of yours, my prince.” Harsh, he thought. He didn’t mind.
“Keep your secrets then.” He scoffed, letting one of his hands dip into the water. It was cool and for a second Katsuki craved nothing more but to tear off his clothes and sink, letting his ears fill up, muffling the sounds of the unbearable world around him. But instead he said. “Just wait until you ask me for something.”
“I would never.” Annoyance forced a scrunch on the bridge of his nose, his pretty face going all ugly. Why didn’t she want to lean on him? He was her ruler. “I would never put more burden on your shoulders, my prince.”
My prince, he was hers but she was not his. She didn’t abide by his needs because she was told to refuse. She was a soldier, a sword in his mothers long-reaching hands that would never be held by him. Her presence reminded Katsuki that he is watched, controlled. Her sharp edge was just underneath his neck, forcing him to hold his chin high, like a prince, and to always look forward, like a future king.
“Why do you have more freedom than I do, huh?” The ugliness never left his face.
“Because I'm nobody.”
“You don’t seem sad about being nobody.”
“Because I’m not.”
Anger bubbled in Katsuki’s veins, promising a night robbed of sleep, one spent twirling in his sheets, gritting his teeth together. Why was this lowborn, this nobody so very free. Why was a capitan, a special guard whose whole existence was dedicated to one painfully narrow task so full of life, so nonchalant. Why did she get to take deep breaths while he was bound to huffs and silent screams. She would never be genuine with him, she did not hold the conversation, she did not answer the questions. She did not talk to him like he wanted, needed. This was a mistake, no longer did he care if it was Hound or Cat at his door tonight. He returned to square one. 
Without another word, Katsuki stood up and left for his chambers. This time the steps following him were silent. The exotic flower leaked its juice onto the marble bench, the sweet stickiness running down to pool at the stone path. It cried silently.
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Salty water kissed the shore, although it was running away. The sea wanted to override from the adorned tents and sparkish servants littering the beach. Katsuki’s brows were arched in a nasty frown as he gazed into the endless green and blue and foam, sympathising with it. He would also rather be somewhere else.
While in the castle, the whole party seemed quite peaceful, reserved, safe for a few shallow friendships that were now being brought back to life. The closer they got to the shore, the louder the multitude got. Further away from hawk-like eyes of chaperones and scrutinising queens, the youthful spirit flourished.
Looking to the right Katsuki fished out Ochaco’s round face. She was seemingly discussing some matter with a well known klutz. Oh, how Katsuki despised Midoriya. As much as Ochaco’s dusty wardrobe reminded of her rather pitiful standing in regards to wealth, Midoriya was the embodiment of her kingdom’s woes. The greenish boy was a historian, respected astronomer, mathematician was he also? Katsuki was not interested in what he was seemingly good at. His wandering eyes, never bold enough to look anyone in the face, shaking hands that drop anything they hold, stuttering voice that can’t produce one legible sentence. All that Midoriya was Katsuki hated. If not for the fact that Ochaco’s outright crush on her kingdom’s scholar kept her far from him, maybe he would even mock them.
“If you consider princess Ochaco a valuable cover for your marital affairs, my prince, I’d suggest you tell her not to touch her dear servant’s hand that often.” Capitan cat did not budge a muscle, gazing straight into the sea.
“Half of these people already know. They don’t mind ‘cause she’s not a real player anyway.” Katsuki answered, also keeping his gaze steady. He felt as if they were two predators, wild cats still in tall grass, awaiting prey on the horizon.
At the back of the tent Yaoyorozu burned holes in the back of Katsuki’s head. She sat straight like a stick. No need to hold that head up so high, no one's gonna put a crown on it either way. After a few nasty fights Katsuki knew better than to start with the queen-wannabe. It was enough that he called her princess in front of everyone.
To Momo’s right, drinking the same tea from a finely painted porcelain, sat Jiro. Katsuki pitied the dark haired girl. If not for being Momo’s personal maid, she would be a nice companion. Unfortunately, she had to listen to her lady’s venomous whispering, while also sending Katsuki glances, hers apologetic.
“The Yaoyorozu ladies must have received your letter, my prince.” Cat stated disinterested.
“Glad to hear that.” Katsuki made sure to welcome Momo with a letter clarifying that she is not on his personal list of candidates. This way he saved both of them unnecessary troubles.
Wind blew salt from over the sea, slapping the blonde’s pale cheeks. A gasp and commotion could be heard at the back of the party. A maid of honour slipped on a lace and fell face-flat onto the sand. Despite no harm caused she needed fanning, a chair and at least three people ensuring her safety.
At that moment Katsuki agreed with his mother. This didn’t happen a lot but as he looked his companion up and down he did admit, through gritted teeth, that his mother at least had taste. Cat was dressed in black. Her boots reached her lower thigh, she must have at least a few knives up there. Simple trousers with horse ride edging in the inside on her legs. A jacket, not too official, nothing that would catch unwanted attention. Under the fine, black material a white sheer blouse peaked out.
Katsuki caught her gaze, she was looking at him from the corner of her vigilant eye.
“Is everything alright, my prince.” Her stance was fine, elegant even, with knees together, head high and hands behind a straight back. She did not look like she sported a stick in her butt like Momo, but rather, like she was born to look down on others, despite being shorter than him.
Suddenly, Katsuki wanted to see her in that white blouse. The delicate material would surely dance in the breeze, as if someone draped bed sheets over a statue. Would she look less sharp without the black jacket widening her shoulders.
“Aren’t you hot in that?” It was indeed a hot, spring day.
“I am.” Cat answered with a lazy blink.
“Then take it off, the jacket.”
And she did, and Katsuki, for a moment, felt as excited, as if she was stripping naked in front of him. He was wrong and right. The material was indeed soft and loose around her, dancing in the light breeze, catching salt to scrub out later. Yet, she did not look even a slight bit softer. Her strange pupils were still in the corner of her eyes.
“Thank you, my prince, this does feel better.”
In comparison to all of the clownish servants and maids behind her back, Cat looked like an empress inspecting the sea as if it washed the shore only for her.
“Oh, Captain!” Giggles erupted behind Katsuki and the corner of his red eyes caught an intruder.
In between colourful dresses another gem in the Todoroki’s crown entertained the maids with cheap tricks. Their restless feet tiptoed to see him better. They couldn’t decide whether to look at his handsome face or glamorous crimson wings. The hybrid, the mutant, the eyes and ears of Todoroki, Capitan Hawks. Katsuki wondered how many of those drooling maids with hungry eyes knew what the man really did for a living. Behind the adorned misfit a shadow of a man, a certain Shinso.
“I’ve never seen this… maid with you before.” If not for the proximity of the man, his voice would die out in the salty wind. The Todoroki prince grew out of thin air in front of Katsuki.
Of course Shoto wouldn’t bother with a greeting, how could the ethereal prince mind something as mundane. Right now the blonde didn’t know whether he’d rather look at Hawk’s stupid tricks or at Shoto’s stoic face. Neither, if he could choose. Those two rarely came in pairs.
“Cat’s not a maid, she’s a guard.” Although he would rather sit quietly through the fact that for the last weeks he moved around with a babysitter, Katsuki felt that his captain’s rank should be highlighted in front of the Todoroki prince. If he had to move around with a her he’d at least show her off, make it seem as if she was a precious and deadly decoration, a blade fastened to his hip.
“Oh yes, my brother’s emerging a few months ago has everyone alert.” Shoto sighed as if he was talking about an unfavourable score in a knight tournament, not about a serial killer stalking the highbourns. A serial killer who came from his own royal family. “Nothing I can do about it right now.” The half and half prince looked into the sea.
You could evaporate from the world and that would surely make that psycho of a brother happy. Katsuki thought but couldn’t really say anything, shouldn’t. Talking about the missing brother in broad daylight was taboo. Cat also seemed to know that.
“Beautiful day for some recreation on the beach, your highness.” Her strange pupils, now more round and relaxed, locked on Shoto. “Are you feeling well, is there anything you would fancy?” Suddenly, Katsuki felt as if Cat was a bit too hospitable.
“Hm, I do maybe feel a little bit bored.” If that was true, Shoto’s plain face hid all of his emotions.
“Is there anything we can do to change that, your highness?” We? Of course, Katsuki should be the one asking that and walking around entertaining the guests. “Maybe a horse ride?” The stoic prince perked up for a moment, nodding his head lightly. “Very well, I will send for steed.”
Soon three sizable horses were brought over, stablemen with bowed heads passing the reins into royal hands. Before they took off Shoto gestured for his captain to come over. Nestled in the saddle, he spoke in a disinterested tone. “We’re going off for a ride, I will be in the Bakugo captain’s care.”
“Do you wish for me to fly over you, your highness?” Katsuki swore he heard a few gasps upon the word fly. It was not an everyday view to see the captain use his wings for something else than showing off. Katsuki was certain the blonde mutant was a creature of the night.
“No need Hawks.” Without another word Shoto dug the heels of his boots into the horse’s side.
It wasn’t long before Katsuki felt left out. He rode slowly behind his two companions, comparing their stances and words. They both seemed rather stiff. Cat’s hips swayed with the horse’s movement, similar to his, but her shoulders were tense, hands gripping the rein with a strange focus to it. Shoto looked like he mounted a horse for the first time. Sure, he kept in the saddle but his body lacked the natural movement. Katsuki was sure his ass would hurt in the evening.
Despite their weird riding, the two managed to uphold a shallow conversation. The blonde deemed the words that left their mouth absolute rubbish, but at the same time he couldn’t find a moment to butt in. Cat and Shoto created an awkward but sturdy combination.
“I find it a day too beautiful to talk about my work.” Cat’s voice was soft, as if she was talking to a child.
“You simply can’t talk about it.” Shoto learned no new boundaries since they saw each other last time, still speaking whatever came to his mind.
“I’m content you understand, your highness.” There was no sense for Katsuki to feel threatened by Shoto’s shallow discovery. Everyone on the court had their secrets and no person yielding a sword was without sins. Every guard, especially the one designated to a prince, was there for a reason no ears should ever catch. The same went for Hawks, who was left far behind in the avalanche of satin and lace, Katsuki knew the man did some shady business but what kind exactly, no clue.
“But the day indeed is beautiful.” Shoto was a poor rider and the fact was painfully visible. The Todoroki prince wasn’t looking ahead of him and if not for the slow pace of their ride, he would surely divert off the route. His eyes were locked on Cat who guided the small group.
Katsuki wanted her to put on the coat once again and shield her chest chiselled in stone. The white blouse, swept by the wind, seemed too vague, to see-through for her. Shoto was looking at his mighty guard and she presented herself in a blouse suitable for a lady in distress, who wandered off too far in her nightgown. Cat’s high-waisted trousers hugged her form accentuating the movement of her hips and Shoto was looking.
“Yes, the weather is warm, very warm in fact.” The prince breathed out and let the rein loose. His horse started to turn the moment it felt a lack of a humans’ hand but Cat was quick to bend down and put it in its track.
“Your highness, you shouldn’t let it loose. The Bakugo horses are known for being feisty.” She scolded him softly.
“Oh, sorry, I just got a bit hot.” Shoto answered, no emotions lacing his tone, as he shrugged off his rich coat. How can he feel at ease after just being scolded by a guard. He tucked the garment around his saddle and kept on with his poor ride, taking back the rein from Cat. Now, both of them were only in white, cotton blouses and Katsuki felt it was too intimate for his liking. Kicking his horse, he jammed between the two.
“I was fucking bored back at the picnic but now it’s even worse.” The blonde brute eyed Shoto who looked back at him with a slightly shocked expression. The fuck you staring at.
“What would make you feel better, my prince?” Cat still looked ahead of herself, disregarding the disruption to her conversation.
“Some action.” He grunted in response. “Like a race.”
Oh, how his blood started to rush in his veins at the thought of challenging his guard. What if he could make her sweat and gasp? Would she fight for her breath, biting her lips while trying to win? Was she even competitive?
“To the southern beach gate.” Katsuki grinned, snaring her into a battle. He also wished to get rid of Shoto, leaving him behind in his poor attempts to catch up.
“Okay.” Cat answered, looking at him from the corner of her eye, unfazed.
Digging his heels hard into the horse’s sides the blonde rushed forward, forcing a canter. He lay low, nearly hugging the massive neck of his steed, gripping the rein hard enough to leave marks on his palms. The horse cut through the sweeping shore line, water splashing from under its hooves. Without looking behind, Katsuki pulled the rein, forcing the animal to turn, guiding it towards a more grassy ground. As soon as his steed felt soil instead of sand it rushed forward with confidence, making Katsuki’s golden hair dishelve in the wind.
The prince reached the gate in master time. He raced the beach since he was six or seven. Gasping, he turned the horse around, combing his now unkempt hair back with his hand. Neither Cat nor Shoto showed up from behind the tall cliffs that hugged the beach from one side. Katsuki relaxed in the saddle, unclipping his own coat and taking it off to feel the breeze hit his softly clothed skin. The prince couldn’t wait to see the look of defeat on Cat’s face.
Soon the two figures turned and came in view, but despite starting with two horses they only came back with one. They neared him and Katsuki felt as if he lost, despite winning the short race. Shoto sat behind his captain, due to the slow pace at the finishing line he wasn’t hugging her tightly, rather his hands sat loosely in her tights. He was flushed tightly against her back, the saddle too small for two people to feel comfortable. As Cat guided the horse close to him, she made it stand side-to-side so that they all could look at each other. Katsuki had a perfect view of how Shoto’s crotch pushed into Cat’s butt, the saddle still too small despite Katsuki’s displeased look.
“Congratulations, my prince, you won.” Cat said without a hint of discomfort.
“Why the fuck are you on one horse? This idiot has his own.” The blonde spoke but his gaze was locked onto where their bodies connected.
“It would be an utmost disrespect of my if I left prince Todoroki alone, my highness, as price Todoroki cannot race.” Katsuki felt a dissonance. With the delicate highborn strapped onto her back, she looked like Todoroki's guard rather than Bakugo’s and such sharing did not fit into his mind. Now, the blonde wished for Hawks who could assist his damned useless prince, to set his Cat free. “The third horse should follow us.” But of course, the damn thing didn’t.
After a while they decided to head back, Cat and Shoto even closer than before. Katsuki didn’t know if he preferred to ride behind them to keep watch over Shoto’s hands or rather in front to save himself the sight of their phantom hugging. As soon as they wandered back to the multitude, which didn’t ignore Shoto’s position, Katsuki jumped off the horse shooting the two a hateful glare. Cat slid off of the horse first and lent a hand to Shoto who gracefully accepted it. They looked like a lady and knight but reversed. The blonde scoffed and threw Cat’s jacket into her hands after grabbing it from her saddle. He draped his coat back over his shoulders and his captain followed, without a word.
“My prince.” Hawks seemed to catch interest in the strange situation. Shoto stood there, between the massive horses in his cotton undershirt only, like a lost child. Of course he forgot his coat as it stayed on the steed that wandered off. “What happened?”
“We raced.” The half and half answered his concerned guard. “Cat offered to take me on her horse to ensure my safety.” He began picking at the hem of his sleeves, as if only now realising his attire.
“Captain.” Hawks bowed his head slightly to Cat in a silent ‘thank you’ which she seemed to ignore. “Did you like it, my prince?”
Shoto looked up slightly. The sky reflected in one of his eyes. “No.” He breathed out after a second of silence.
“Gather yourself, we’re heading inside.” Katsuki scoffed having heard enough of this nonsense. Few heads turned his way, displeased frowns springing on their faces.
He felt immense anger burning in his inside and bubbling up in his veins. The blonde was helpless despite his raging. Nothing he did, no action he undertook today went out as planned. Everywhere he went, the captain’s attitude reminded him that he did not rule over her, every move she made screamed of his mother’s doing. She was perfect in every ounce. Steady, royal and polite. Reserved but at the same time sweet and somehow caring for the ones she had to be, to the tip of her fingers that grazed Shoto’s as he slid off of the horse. Katsuki had enough of this court coded, pompous bullshit. Cat still had plenty of hours of her duty, following his steps wherever he went, entering every room he went into in spite of his curses. So he will head back into the castle, back into his chambers. He will close the door behind them and show her that even though she is under his mothers rule, he will be the one holding her lead. She is stuck with him just as much as he is stuck with her and he will prove to her that there is not one person in this kingdom that doesn’t do as he pleases.
One thing that day went as he planned so far as tiny raindrops fell from the sky bringing the picnic to an end.
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“I want you to guard me tonight.”
“As you wish, my prince.”
Katsuki’s attitude was visible in plain sight, his boot clad feet stomping angrily on the paved floor of the castle grounds. A pair of silent steps following his every turn. The rain was hammering down by the time the whole multitude reached safety under a roof and it swept up the dust in corridors, barging in through arched doorways. As he passed down his mother’s fruit garden, Katsuki spotted the obnoxiously rich flowers being tossed around, their soft and fleshy petals torn off clean, revealing a juicy weeping core.
Serves them right, die. He thought as a chill crept up his spine. The flowers and bees will haunt him till the end of his days.
Laundry girls and guards jumped off of his route, as the angry prince stormed through corridors. Just a second longer, a few passageways and he will be safe and sound in his chambers, by the fireplace devouring on its warmth. And then… then what?
“Stop right there, brat.” A voice, harsh like the upcoming thunder, made him halt. Not her, not at this moment! “In, now.” She looked down on him, a frown passing through her features, a hand rich in golden rings holding the door open for him. “Alone.” She spat, looking at the guard behind his back.
With a heart full of hate and stomach bursting with anger Katsuki entered one of the endless rooms of the queen’s. Half-shadow seemed to stick to her butt, the places she spent her time in never lit properly. Was it her preference, safety precautions, or was it simply her ruthlessness oozing out, never letting her taste brightness.
Rulers pay high prices for their power. She used to say, Katsuki barely old enough to reach her knee, as he gripped the silky fabric of her dress, the two of them strolling through parks.
Did it backlash, mother? All the years you spent moulding me in the shape you wanted hitting you back with twice the strength. Katsuki will never be the same as her, he will not let her rule over this kingdom, through his hands, after she closes her eyes for the last time.
“What is it this time, you old hag?” The prince didn’t even bother stepping inside the room, opting for standing in the doorway, his back pressing into the oak.
“I’ve heard you’re overusing one of the guards.” So she took an interest in his little nightly escapades with Cat. Look how caring she could be when it came to her own pawns, merely the second night and she already went into action. “I don’t care how many kitchen girls, maids of honour of even stable boys you fuck, but listen to me carefully here.” The queen’s accusation finger darted his way. “Don’t you dare touch that guard, she has her own duties to fulfil.”
A few painfully long seconds passed by as Katsuki mulled over her words. He had no such intentions in the first place. Sure, a foggy image of putting the stubborn and nonchalant capitan in her place played on repeat in his brain, but he never even thought it through. There was no plan, no certainty in his actions, just plain and primal instincts telling him to assess his superiority. God, did her lessons get to me finally?
And then it clicked. What better place for the one who held her chin so high, the one who shone like a finely polished blade in his mother’s secret box of knives, the one that treated him with so little respect, what better place than under him? Your own games will eat you up, mother. He thought, as a grin crept up his poorly lit face. Once again he reached for the scarce reserves of self-discipline and fought off the smile.
“If you’re really interested in my bedding so much then remember this: I’m not a whore.” He spat, turning to grab the handle, nearly shaking with excitement.
“She’s to be conferred a title of nobility. Don’t you dare destroy it!” But he was no longer listening, the heavy doors swinging open to reveal the disinterested capitan.
Mitsuki was left in silence and darkness, free to contemplate and place the conversation deep within her web. He may not listen, that idiot, but she surely will. Out of all, this outcome was one she didn’t think about earlier, but all is not lost. An easy way out of this mess popped up in her head and let her back rest deep within the cushions of her seating. If he does something stupid, she strikes. If he reflects on his actions and takes the right path, she may see it as a small parenting victory. Plans inside plan, Katsuki. You still know so little.
Inside his chambers, Katsuki sat in front of the fireplace. Patting the place next to his, he gestured for Cat to sit. With curiosity written all over her face, she entered the dimly lit room and sat, legs crossed.
“Speak with me, Cat.” He said, no doubt she knew what he wanted. In the fruit garden, Katsuki felt the need to have her be true to him. Now, it was only a game. He didn’t care whether she was forcing, lying or spitting facts about herself, all he needed was for her to feel safe. Could he fool her, lure her like a moth to light, or will he just have to take her by force?
He slowly got why they called her Cat. The captain was agile and quick, silent and with a certain liquid-like laziness to her. Cats’ had claws, sure, but they would not stand a chance in front of a lion.
“So, you’re gonna become a nobility? How generous of my mother.” The blonde nearly laughed. So very generous to me.
“My task requires me to attain that title, yes.” She was looking around the room, from the fur draped bed in the far back, through the windows now obliterated with heavy covers, to the fireplace that cast a warm hue on her features.
“If I was you, I’d rather stay a nobody.” A slight scrunch to her nose and Katsuki knew she wanted to say something but her lips remained a straight line. “Not spilling your secrets, huh?”
“You’re not spilling yours, my prince.” Her turn of tables was sudden, she seemed a master at guiding a conversation away from herself.
“What secrets do I have? There is no such thing as privacy for a prince.” His eyes wandered to her crossed legs, just for a second, not to draw unwanted attention from the vigilant, strange eyes. Will she fight? Will she tear her claws into his back or will she succumb, like a cute little kitten?
“Everyone has secrets.”
“And my mother has the most.”
Cat let out a small, genuine laugh. It was like a warm breeze from over the beach on a spring day that you don’t expect, one that has you thinking about the beauty of summer, glistering water and hot days. One that puts a smile on your face. For a second Katsuki thought that making her hate him could hurt. But then, she rested her hands on the floor behind her, her chest stretching, the adorned buttons reflecting the light of the fireplace, the crest of his royal family. His thought was gone, like a single strand of silk that snaps. It was replaced with the need to tear those buttons, one by one, showing her how deep in his ass he had her duty.
“When will you get the title?”
“In a month.” Her eyes never really landed on him since she entered the room.
“So simultaneously with the first engagements.” He stated, matter-of-factly.
There was a shuffle and one of the covers moved as if a strong wind smacked the side of the castle. In an instant Cat went from relaxed and lazy to high alert. It made Katsuki second guess his strength over her.
“Stay put, my prince, I will check this.” With a knife steady in her hand, the captain crept up to the window, her steps silent as ever. After peaking out her head slowly she let her shoulders slump back. “It’s just a fat owl.”
Cat took her place back beside him, hiding the knife away. Just how many did she hold?
“Speaking of engagements.” Something shifted in the way she was looking at him, from under her lashes, her pupils strangely small. Suddenly, Katsuki felt like a prey. “How is your wife hunt going?”
So he wasn’t the only one titling the whole farce a hunt. Nonetheless, the question took him off guard and the blonde promised himself to punish her for each and every time she’d done that so far.
“Like each year. I’m sending hateful letters and pretending not to see Ochaco’s tries to get pregnant with that useless scholar of hers.” He had to take it slow, getting closer inch by inch.
Cat hummed in response, seemingly falling in deep thought. Turning, she lay down, her cheeks facing the fireplace to catch more of the delicious warmth. “Your mother seems to be displeased with your doings, my prince.”
“Nothing I do ever pleases her.” He scoffed, drinking in her vulnerable position, with hands under her head, one leg propped up.
“That’s because you’re acting like a pawn, not like a player.” The punishment of hers will be severe. “Instead of breaking her rules, challenge them. Make your own plans and put them into action, let them collide with hers to see who can weave a better web.” Cat looked him straight in the eye and what Katsuki saw was some kind of amusement, as if the woman was a spectator in a theatre, watching the play unfold before her.
Once again Katsuki felt like he realised something too late.
“Do you want to be a nobility?” He asked, his voice shaky with excitement and unease.
“I’ve already told you, I was fine as a nobody but my task requires me to be elevated.” Her voice was utterly disinterested, as if she was talking about someone else.
She was forced into things just as much as he was. She was a pawn and how could she not be exasperated with his doings. He was indeed acting like the little chess piece in his mothers arms, able to move only one square each side on his own. All the while he had the potential to become a player. Don’t worry my dear, I will answer your silent prayer. With the way she spoke to him, to the best of her ability given her position, the way she moved, the way she looked at him. It was all a quiet ask for him to use the given situation.
Katsuki didn’t know the details of this supposed mission of hers, why she had to become a nobility, but what he knew, finally caught, was that she looked for a way to wiggle out of it. He was the way.
On all fours, the prince crept up to his capitan. She was just about to question what is it that you need, my prince but he silenced her ask with his lips.
His hands roamed the thick black jacket, tearing the upper buttons just as he wished to, lips clasped tightly around hers, tongue exploring the bratty, nonchalant mouth. As he tore down the jacket and blouse from one of her shoulders, revealing her soft skin and one of her breasts, he spotted little scars scattered every now and then. Without second thought he began marking the uneven skin from the crook of her neck to the soft mound. Katsuki felt the need to grind on her tight, his excitement growing at the taste of her cleavage and then he received a hard kick to his abdomen.
He felt the heat of her body slip from under him as he fell forward, cheek hitting the place where she was just a second ago, the prickly rug damaging the side of his face. A weight on his back forced him down, a dull pain spreading from under one of his shoulder blades. The prince wanted to gasp but there was no air in his lungs, his throat constricted by a tiny hand with nails way too sharp.
“What is it that you’re doing, my prince?” Her voice was venomous, like she wanted to spit on him. Her hand grabbed his fair hair, letting him take in a shaky breath. He was forced to look at her from the corner of his eye, his scalp burning with the way she tugged his strands.
Her jacket and blouse were still undone, now both of her breasts spilling out, revealing a set of marks twin to the one he just gave her. Katsuki started to laugh.
“So you’re allowed to sleep around with others but I’m not good enough for you, huh?” The blonde didn’t know what hurt more, the grip on his hair, the knee in his shoulder blade or the rejection and lack of willpower to throw her off.
“You’re my prince, I could not possibly sleep with you.” She spat.
“Prince this, prince that. Fuck you.” He bared his teeth at her, but all that it gave him was dust in his mouth. “I’m too much of a price to get to dick you down but not prince enough to not treat me like a peasant thief! Let go of me, posing danger to your crown is punished by death.”
“I’m not posing any danger to you, my prince. Just keeping you on the right track. My ass is not beside it.”
“Everyone gets to tell me what to do. Get the hell off of me and fuck off, you and everyone!” His trashing built up. The prince tried to surpass the pain in his back but the more he moved, the harder she pushed. Her knee slid dangerously to his spine and dug in, earning a cry from him.
“Then stop fucking around and start acting. Stop pushing your nose in other peoples’ games and start playing your own, my prince.” With that she let go.
As soon as he felt relief in his back, Katsuki jumped to his knees with a hiss, the bruised muscles burning. He swung around drawing a knife of his own but the captain was already at the door. She pulled the loose material of her blouse making her breasts jiggle and fall back into their constricts. Katsuki wished to grab them as hard as her throat to choke all of her curses right out, fuck her until she couldn’t think of any more.
A look of disgust, one of hatred, fear or at least hurt, anything would be better than the expression she held. Her eyes were focused, crazed, corners of her lips turned upwards in a grin, the overall look apologetic. She traced the hickeys on her neck with a finger before letting her arm loose.
Cat pushed the door open and disappeared into the night. Mere seconds after the knife dug into the wood just where her forehead was. Katsuki stood alone in the dimly lit room unable to throw the look of her face out of his head. Once again he felt like his actions were not his own, like he was a puppet with millions of strings pulled by everyone.
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The golden prince asking for a private audience with the queen was nearly as rare as getting struck by lightning twice, or shitting out a diamond. Yet, here he was, opening the door to her sombre writing room, the lowlife soldiers and gardeners whispering behind his back.
Yesterday night had him thinking hard, hard enough to cause a persistent headache. He didn’t give a shit about Cat’s rejection. Truth be told, he did not need overflowing affection to force her into a relationship, which is what he demanded right now.
Katsuki has been beaten in training, thousands of bruises littering his skin after every match with Kirishima. The prince was berated for his attitude by scholars and other hotshots of this kingdom. He was feared and despised by damsels who faked their interest, performing the never ending ritual of fluttering their eyelashes and sparing him glances appropriate for virgins. Katsuki was many things and beard even more every day on the court, but never has he felt as used as he does now.
Stop pushing your nose in other peoples’ games and start playing your own, my prince.
He wished never to play any games, he desired nothing more but a truthful life and even more clear ruling. He promised himself that he would never be like his mother. He was supposed to be a lion, a dragon, not a spider sitting in the dark, weaving never ending strings of lies and deception. Katsuki will achieve what he wants, and he will force the woman that used him so badly last night to finally see with her own eyes that a crystal clear world is possible, under his watchful eye.
She will watch and she will gape in awe. Then, she will thank me.
Was it a simple demonstration of power that he wanted? Did he feel the need to snatch one of his mother’s toys for his own use to anger her? Did he want Cat to sob, kneeling and clutching his cloak, thanking him for breaking her out from the web. Did he want to break her out? Was he seeing a reflection of himself in her so very strange eyes, what he could have been if he let his mother toss him around? Or maybe he simply wanted to silence her, show her that at the end of the day he’s the one dealing the cards of their fate.
Katsuki was not sure what his intentions were. What he did plan though, all night long, was his next step.
“Listen closely ‘cause I’ll only say it once.” The blonde shut the heavy door, leaving all of the whispers and commotion outside. The smell of parchment and ink was heavy in the dusty air.
“What do you want from me today, brat?” Mitsuki sighed.
“I decided on my bride. I want -”
The queen started silencing him, waving a ring-heavy hand in front of her face. This indeed was a strange day because Katsuki listened.
“Let me savour this moment, son.” Son. The word left her lips so rarely it sounded exotic. The queen stood up, shoving the dark adorned chair and straightening her dress. She circled the desk, reached for two goblets and poured wine for both of them, blood red wine. “So, who’s the unlucky one?”.
“Cat, in a month. When she will become a nobility.” The vessel felt odd in his hand. Katsuki never really drank with his mother on other occasions than representative ones. This intimate moment, the two of them sharing good wine, discussing the future, and coming to an agreement, Katsuki could almost get fooled. Almost.
“Not a chance.” She threw disinterested, not interrupting her savouring of the wine.
“One scandal is all I need to make the girl utterly worthless, the only option she - the both of you will have is either give her away to me or have her disgraced for life.” The bloody liquid shook in his golden goblet.
“As if you would be able to corner her.” The queen laughed, a venomous, derogatory snicker. “Don’t even get started. I already know about everything from yesterday.”
Katsuki scoffed. So she did run back to her torturer and spill out everything, just as she promised she wouldn’t.
There is no such thing as a promise here, on court.
Of course, she never even promised anything in the first place.
“And here I was, thinking you got smarter over the night.” The queen sat down by the desk, getting back to her initial position and attitude, cold, closed, and angry.
“What is your problem? Why can’t I get her? She’s strong and seems rather clever, knows a lot about the court and will be free of any family baggage.” Katsuki put the wine on his mother’s desk, restraining himself from dousing her mocking face in it.
“The girl has other duties.” Dipping a long quill in ink, she began to write, not sparing her son even a glance.
“Ones that she doesn’t want.”
“Did she tell you that?”
“No. But-”
“Then that is not true.” When Mitsuki finally turned towards Katsuki, her gaze was stern and utterly disappointed. A grimace twisted her face, one that often blemished his. They were so similar. “Make a smart choice, take Ochaco. Her family is too poor to pose any political danger to us and they will gladly agree to whatever we say. If you despise her that much you can beget a son with any whore in this kingdom and we will simply make Ochoco pretend it’s hers. From what it looks like the princess already has a sweetheart so as long as you let her keep that boy in her chambers, you won’t have to even look at her a second time.”
Katsuki gritted his teeth until his jaw cried out in pain.
“Is this the life you want for me?” He asked with unconcealed anger oozing out of every pore in his body.
“That’s a life I don’t want for anyone.” She shoved the quill down the long inkpot and looked at her prince. “But you’re a future king, you don’t get the courtesy of doing what you like or want. You do what’s best for the nation, for all of your people.”
Thousands of thoughts spiralled in Katsuki’s aching head, none of which showed him a route to victory in this war. Either way he will lose something. Now, he has to pick how much damage he will inflict on himself in order to please everybody else, to secure the nation, to become a king.
“And what if I give you a compromise, mother.” Without a doubt the name took her by surprise. For a second she saw her little boy, the fair haired ball of anger, clinging to the hem of her dress, shouting and cursing into the air. Mitsuki knew that time was long gone. If she kept treating him like a child, like a son, she would lose her priorities, their shared priorities - the lineage, the court, the kingdom.
“What compromise would it be?”
“I take Ochaco and you give me Cat as a mother of my children. Ochaco will pretend it’s hers in front of the whole damn world. Inside my chambers I get to savour my real family.”
There was a long while of utter silence. No scolding, snickering or curses left the queen’s lips, much to Katsuki’s surprise. Fear and excitement started to sink into his bones, fear for rejection, excitement for the time glimmer of hope that the silence lit.
“I will think about it. That is-” A long sigh, biting her lower lip and looking at the narrow window. “That’s not the best option but it also ain’t the worst one.”
Their gaze met for the last time this day. Her eyes were distant, calculating something in her head, weighing the options and fitting them into her web.
“I will think about it. For now, Cat is withdrawn from your side due to your abuse. The last outbreak of the Todoroki eldest forces me to strengthen their garda with my own forces. I do not wish to put more of my soldiers into broad daylight than I have to, therefore Cat will be appointed as another guard for Todoroki. Kirishima, who I will bring back, and Hound will guard your side in the daytime. For the night, a new guard will be appointed but do care to keep him out of the picture as much as you can.”
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“Did you know that our families would already be connected if not for my sister's holy order?”
“Everyone has their duties.”
The lukewarm conversation between Shoto and his newly appointed babysitter made Katsuki nauseous. They were discussing everything and nothing at the same time. How the weather was nice, who would likely get engaged this year, what tea is the most refreshing for the upcoming summer, how buffed sleeves are going into fashion.
“That’s true, but it would be nice to have Katsuki and my sister married.” Saying this the half and half prince looked at his blonde companion. Biting his tongue, Katsuki forced himself to look away. The Todoroki princess was not needed in this conversation. “We did not suppose that Queen Bakugo would only bear one child. That’s a pity but we are still looking for a way to connect our bloodlines.”
We. Shoto was speaking as if he had a say in his fathers plans. The thought of the ethereal prince having more power in his kingdom than Katsuki had in his angered him further. Kirishima huffed quietly as he always did when his golden bastard of a prince became moody. Hound seemed to be sleeping in the back of the open sun terrace where a small social gathering was being held. Supposedly courtesy of Katsuki, truthly his mother's.
“Creating an alliance between the two neighbourhood kingdoms would be a powerful move, your highness.”
“It would. Do you want to try?” Despite a few wide-eyed stares, Shoto grabbed a golden plate with rich chocolate pralines and offered it to Cat.
“I must refuse, your highness.�� With a polite face and a tiny smile, the capitan shook her head.
“Such a pity. You don’t like sweets?”
“I do. I just simply don’t have the appetite right now.” Of course she couldn’t scold him by telling the prince that offering what should be for the royals to a mere guard is a faux pas. Katsuki snickered, catching Cat’s gaze, savouring it as long as she spared it.
“Hawks also likse sweets, don’t you?” The centre of all female attention of the room (maybe beside Ochaco) nodded his head. “You two have something in common. That and the fact that you’re both called with animal names.”
The two guards looked at each other. Hawks flashed his signature grin while Cat answered with lack of interest, looking up into the sky .The warm breeze made loose strands of her hair dance. Katsuki wished to comb his fingers in them and grip tight.
“That’s funny. Birds and cats don’t usually go together.” Shoto laughed and a few other people decided it would be a good idea to accompany, even if the joke was lame.
“It’s just a pseudonym, your highness.”
“Oh, so you do have a name? Hawks also has one.” A few interested heads turned their way. “But sadly I don’t know it. And even if I would, I couldn't really tell you.”
“Likewise, your highness.”
Never in his life has Katsuki experienced such a talkative Shoto. The blonde honestly thought that the lack of expression on the stone-like face of the half and half prince connected with his utter silence was the bane of his existence. A chirping Shoto came out to be even worse.
“Now that you’re in my party-” Katsuki hated the sound of those words. “I should have Hawks take you for a flight. The sea looks magnificent from that height.”
Cat clicked her tongue but shut her mouth, opting for a smile only.
“It would be an honour.” The winged man butted in. “Unless you’re scared of heights.”
“I am not, thank you very much.” The civil smile that Cat graced Shoto with turned ironic when she faced Hawks. Katsuki guessed cats and birds indeed don’t go well together, as the two seemed to hold some kind of grudge.
“You should try now! I want to see Hawks fly. The terrace is a perfect spot to take off.” Shoto pointed at the dead drop that fanned out on the other side of the railing. “Believe me it’s fun.”
Without an appropriate option to say no, Cat was left nearing the edge of the sun terrace, looking over into the ground down below. Every head was turned her way, some glances jealous as the winged capitan’s hands snaked around her waist. She twisted in his grab, placing her arms around his neck.
“Should you feel scared, don’t hesitate to use your legs as well.” A grin sprung on his handsome face and a maid sitting behind Katsuki started to fan herself. Katsuki wished for nothing more than to rip the sticky hands of the capitan away from Cat but any outburst could blow his cover. Shoto looked as pleased as punch.
“Thank you, I’ll see how it goes.” At least Cat’s face made Katsuki less angry as she held a slightly disgusted grimace, looking over her shoulder at the drop. Maybe it could be fun, hearing her bloody scream as they take off.
Nothing like that happened. One second Hawks was standing on the railing, with the captain in his hands, the next they were gone. He fell face-forward into the air and a couple of loud flirts later they were both far away, heading for the sea.
Few girls ran to the edge of the terrace, squinting their eyes in the sun, trying to make out the shrinking figures. Hound puffed out air through his nose, standing up from his sitting point, taking the place of the now gone guards beside Shoto’s back.
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“Young prince.”
Young prince. The adjective must have tasted like a well aged wine on the tongue of King Todoroki. He savoured every second of diminishing Katsuki. This, the aggression, dominance, and ruthlessness was a game the golden prince knew how to play, and he was more than happy to compete.
“You are not needed in this conversation.” His mother graced him with a pale cheek and a side eyed look. There was no need for her to go to the extent of turning to face him fully, for he was barely a prince.
“Why so? As a future king he may want to bear witness to changes.” Spite as sweet as sun kissed strawberries.
The Queen sent a dirty look towards King Todoroki, but abided by his unusual invitation. As Katsuki took a step inside the darkened room his gaze met Shoto. Changes? What changes were they talking about?
Suddenly Katsuki was back to his youth. Mitsuki dragged him by the shoulder that stretched painfully with every insistent tug. They nearly ran, passing monumental columns and soaring windows. The small, maybe ten years old Katsuki was thrown into a room, the doors shutting behind them as darkness enveloped his boyish figure.
“You are not to play a king when you are not one!”
She yelled, gritting her teeth. All the young prince did was slam through the door to a council meeting, shouting his ideas to the thousand-year-old ministers, just like his mother did every time she felt the need to be heard.
Was he being stuffed in a costume, with a fake crown and staff just now? Were they going to burst in laughter straight to his face? Were they, once again, leaving him behind, deciding what’s the best for him without bothering to ask the object’s opinion? Was this even going to be about him? With two Todoroki members present nothing was certain.
“What are you discussing?” Katsuki knew better than to allow them such games.
“The possibility of connecting our bloodlines.” The Todoroki King outran Mitsuki in his explanation.
“Have you kept a daughter in hiding all these years?” Katsuki snickered, spreading out in the richly padded chair, the soft cushions embracing his tired back.
“It shall not be a true blood connection but one that will be politically accurate.” His mother swished yet another blood red wine around a crystal glass. Some wondered whether she ever drank them or simply held them as decoration.
“And one that will please Shoto.” Since when did the King care for his childrens’ pleasure?
The ethereal prince kept his cool, the porcelain mask that he seemed to have been born with secured his face, declining Katsuki any chance at guessing what hid under the facade. If anything lay there at all.
Weave your own web.
He will not, Katsuki will stand up to any fight thrown his way. He will clash, head straight, with anything that stands in his way. If he is to become the king he wishes to be, he needs to target the right opponent, one that will one day bear the twin seat of kingship.
“So are you finally getting some bitches, half n’ half?”
“I would certainly not call her that.” Shoto looked down to the floor. He seemed to be tracing the hewed lines of the stone, peaking out of the opulent rugs, as if he longed for their cold in this castle burning with hatred.
“Then what would you?”
“I would like to know if she finally decided to give out her name.”
That sickly sweet, hazy gaze, his ring heavy fingers rubbing mindless circles into the chair’s armrest, the lightness of his shoulders. Shoto, despite being the least persistent, the most insular, the quietest and the most delicate looked like a captor in this very moment. He didn’t even spare Katsuki a glance. Why would he? Shoto already got what Katsuki couldn’t have.
There was always the possibility of a misunderstanding. It couldn’t be the enigmatic Cat he was talking about. As much as the golden prince fought with the idea, his instincts told him otherwise. What other nameless woman caught Shoto’s scarce interest? Who else was soon to bear a political position.
The Queen gazed upon a window, a small one embedded into the sloping ceiling, where the moon showed its palace cheek. It was shamelessly bright this might, no clouds obscuring the view. Katsuki wondered whether his mother was a werewolf or a witch, looking so intensely into the silvery disc, not sparing her son even one glance.
Later that night, away in his chambers Katsuki sought the centre of this labyrinth. He was forcefully removed from the small meeting held between the monarchs, as he started an argument that is and would always be out of his power, his mother’s words.
Was it all planned? Was Cat meant for Shoto from the very beginning? It that why she was getting the title? Was she supposed to get closer to the half and half prince by Katsuki’s means?
That would be pointless. She could just be admitted to the Todoroki prince from the beginning. Katsuki’s involvement in this operation didn’t make sense. He was an additional piece that didn’t fit anywhere. And his mother never used to be futile in her resources.
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Ever since Katsuki was fifteen, he was forced into every marital council meeting. They were held in a rather grand room, seating kings and queens, their ministers and right-hands. Servants run round with bowed heads pouring wine to goblets that never seemed to be resting on the table, rather the content was being poured down thirsty throats. The chatter was loud, the whole room buzzing like a bees nest. Or more like hornets with how sharp these peoples’ claws were.
The golden prince paced around the castle looking for such a meeting. Sure as hell he should hear them from one of many open doors, he should smell the rich appetisers resting on the long table, he should get a damned invitation to take part! Just as he got one every year, one that was laced with his mother’s threats. If you don’t come I will kill you. Not this year.
As much as the guards and servants tried to dodge his questions, running away in the halls, hiding in chambers, pretending to be busy, all it took was one, too squeaky, cook’s helper. Katsuki learned the meeting was already being held. His mother sure as hell tried to keep him out of this one.
As he stormed the hallways towards the grand room with the painfully long table he gathered his thoughts. Of course he would burst with his decision - he will be with Cat. Katsuki never before wanted any particular wife, he was never interested in any woman like that. Suddenly, in a matter of a few months, one has given him several reasons to claim her.
Of course it would never be love that would be the thing, the force that pushed him towards someone. Katsuki was not sure whether he even knew what love tasted like. But the thought of taking away one of his mother’s swords excited him as if he was a young boy on his first horse ride. The prince would take the guard, a person so very intimate to his mother, and show her how much better he is. Without the web, the schemes, the grand plans and dirty business, without all this gruesome fakeness she will have the opportunity to be free. And he will savour her freedom as if it was his own. He will hold the decision of her title, he will make her stay a nobody - a sweet, safe and secured nobody.
Together the two of them will rub what best they hold on one another. Her confidence, high held chin and perfect stance, will be the best decoration for his crown, one that she will be in his private chambers - a queen worth her place. Then, Katsuki will grace her with all the time, resources and freedom she will want. Of course as long as she fulfils her duties in the keeping of the lineage, but that is a price she will surely be able to pay. That woman is not stupid.
The golden prince, the golden king will make her pleased and he will spread out a new and better world in front of her - one ruled by lions and cats, not by spiders.
Katsuki will beat Shoto in this game. He will never let the ethereal, thin as air and nonexistent in his own way, take away such a precious gem, one pulsing with life that will surely die out in the cold hands of the Todoroki. He will not let her be taken away from the kingdom she is accustomed to.
Cat will be sharp and nonchalant, lazy and harsh, smiling and teasing all for Katsuki, never for Shoto nor for anyone else.
Was it a pathetic feeling of, once in his life, being phantom close to someone? Was his conqueror nature building up in his veins, ready to overflow any given second? Was it resistance or maybe simply a caprice? With all due respect, Katsuki did not care which he chose to side with, the only thing he was certain as he pushed the door to the meeting room was that he would walk out of here with Cat in hand.
To his utter surprise there were no servants moving around in a mismatched pattern around the room. Wine was scarce as everyone, bunched around the far end of the long table, preferred to keep a sober mind. All the heads darted his way as Katsuki strolled closer to them, hiding his shock at the unusual scene.
“I honestly thought younge prince would be absent today.” King Todoroki laughed shortly, propping both of his elbows on the table, observing Katsuki like a predator.
“How could I miss the council meeting where I announce my bride.”
Despite the king being decision making here, the blonde spoke his words to Shoto. They held a short and intense stare - Katsuki fierce, Shoto not seemingly comprehending.
“And who would that be?” Lord Yaoyorozu peaked from behind the King, his gaze held hope, or rather despair.
“That will be…” For a split second Katsuki looked at his mother. He screamed inside, his ego trashing in the golden cage it was kept hostage. Why from all moments did he have to instinctively look at her? It was his decision, his statement, his milestone and step to take. Why did his gaze wander to her face, and more importantly, why was she nodding? “That will be princess Ochaco.”
Murmurs spread through the small gathering. Someone seemed to pat king Uraraka for he perked up suddenly, whispering prayers.
“That girl is disgraced!” Yaoyorozu seemed too enraged with his defeat, spitting venom on the poor princess. “I want her dignity checked!”
“First of all, her ass is no business of yours, Lord.” As much as he hated himself for this, Katsuki mimicked the manner in which King Todoroki diminished him, piercing the red-faced man with undeniable truth - difference in positions. “Second, I’ve known her for the longest time. That green-haired idiot does not interest me, she can keep him or kill him for all I care. I just want you all off my back and my heir on the way.”
Once again Katsuki mindlessly strayed towards his mother’s gaze. She was eying him intensely, her palms gripping the armrests of her throne. A smirk grazed her sharp features. She threw a quick order at the Yaoyorozu Lord sitting next to her and soon the whole row changed seats, allowing for Katsuki to take place by her side.
“We will play this out just as you wanted.” She whispered when he came close to her and a shiver went up his spine. We, as you wanted. She accepted his compromise. Katsuki came out with a proposition and she heard him, thought it through and let it pass. They were playing on the same side. The prince didn’t know what thrilled him more, the idea of his plan working out or the feeling of having one of the most powerful people next to him, with him for once.
“Very well. Now let’s get back to the matter we were discussing before someone decided it was his turn to speak.” Katsuki remembered, it was the Todoroki King who laughed at his mother hard enough, at the counsil meeting, to make her punish her own son so hard. He started to understand Shoto a bit more - if he had a father like this he would also detach himself from reality.
“I ask for the hand of a lady from your kingdom, your highness.” The prince, delicate as a flower, bowed his head slightly, but it quickly sprung up towards the Bakugo Queen. He looked like a kid waiting for a response, whether he can go play outside or not.
“With all due respect, I must decline your offer for now.”
It was the second time this day when the small gathering went rampage with whispers. The men in the room looked around each other in disbelief. The show certainly didn’t go along with the script.
With a hard tug of his father’s hand, Shoto was pushed back into the seat from his standing position. The now disorientated prince looked around the room, at the Queen’s face and finally at Katsuki who was now grinning wide. Something flicked behind his glassy eyes, something like understanding.
“And why is that, your highness?” King Todoroki seemed to send the deadliest looks of them all. At first they were directed at the Queen but soon, he caught Katsuki’s unpleasant smile. “So that’s how you’re playing it out.”
He must have caught the act quickly. The night of Katsuki’s bursting in during the small gathering the four of them held, it gave him out. But it didn’t matter, it had already been decided and no amount of the King’s trashing could override his mother’s words. After all, Cat was a property of the Bakugo’s.
“Bring the girl here.” The King demanded.
“There’s no need for that.”
“If we are to decide on an agreement tonight, the girl will come here. I find it obvious that you suddenly decide to gatekeep a thing that, one way or another, was supposed to connect our kingdoms. I want to, at least, hear the girl say it. I want her to pick!” This time it was the King speaking to Katsuki and not his mother. His nails would surely leave bloody marks with how hard the young prince was digging them into his own palms - all out of excitement. “I want her to come here, look at you, and tell us all she picks you.”
Cold sweat seemed to grow on Katsuki’s skin. One look at his mother and she knew he didn’t talk to the very girl. Yet, he was sure she would pick him over Shoto.
“What is going on, who are you talking about?” King Uraraka seemed as lost as the rest of the people, save for the Bakugos and Todorokis. “Weren’t you just talking about marrying Ochaco, prince?”
“And I will. I will make her my wife and then both of us can go back to our own… picks.”
Finally, the Uraraka king seemed to understand. His gaze lowered slightly as his back plopped against the chair. Despite the rather pitiful look of a man who knew his worthlessness, he did not oppose a single word. Maybe he knew what Katsuki was offering was honestly the best option for his daughter. Even though their royal family would most likely be a mixture of green, blonde and god knows what else.
“Fine. Go get the girl.”
A few long minutes passed in silence. The only sound in the room was the cracking of wood in the big fireplace. The air seemed to buzz with anticipation and unease. No one dared to look at each other. No one except for Katsuki drilling holes in Shoto’s mismatched head.
When the doors opened to reveal Cat all faced her way. She stood by the large, wooden wings.
“Come.” The Queen ordered.
Cat looked into the hallway she just came through as if someone would be there. After a second she came closer, with a few long strides, and was now standing with her hands behind a straight back, waiting for more orders. Despite her confident face she was looking upwards.
“Due to a misunderstanding we wish to ask you something.” The Queen turned directly to her guard and Katsuki followed her gaze. Cat was standing just behind his shoulder. If he reached out his hand he could grab her, touch her, signal to her to give the damn right answer to the upcoming question. But she was looking upwards, avoiding even his mother’s gaze, like a good soldier. “Do you wish to attain a title of nobility and be honoured with the possibility of connecting the Bakugos to the Todorokis in a political agreement, or do you wish to stay lowborned and help to elongate the Bakugo lineage.”
Silence fell upon the room as all awaited for an answer, one that could change the political stability of millions of square kilometres. Some feared, some sought possibilities, others clenched their jaws or bore their eyes into the guard, standing alone like a single strand of grass in a thunderstorm.
Cat took in a sharp breath and for the first time, she looked down on the Queen. At that moment Katsuki knew his world was about to fall apart once again. She never would and never will talk to him, with him, as he needs it.
Slowly, the woman went lower and lower, bending her knees, her back, her neck. She dropped onto the floor silently which made her voice contrast even more. She spoke with reserve and power.
“If I may beg you, your highnesses, I wish to finish the original plan.” I pick Shoto, I wish to be a nobility, I hate you. Katsuki braced himself for one of these, what other reason would she have for not looking at him as she made her decision? Cat picked her head up from next to her knee and looked straight at the Queen. “I missed four breaks in my service.”
The Queen gasped. It was short and unexpected, only for Katsuki and Cat to see. She blinked a few times as if trying to get rid of the shock from her features before she faced the other way, back to the awaiting group.
“Enji, I think we might have overdone ourselves this time.” Both Todorokis turned abruptly towards the Queen. Shoto was shell shocked from hearing his fathers name fall out of the queen's lips. The King looked stunned as his son.
“The original plan.” He muttered.
“What the fuck is the original plan? What break in service?” Katsuki cried out like a madman for truthly, he felt mad. Plans in plans in plans.
“Everyone out!” The Queen rising to her feet was all that it took for the rest of the men to usher out of the room. All they did was look back behind the shoulders and whisper. Weak.
It was only the five of them left and the room felt like a gruesome overkill. Without much comprehension Katsuki switched between looking at his mother and Cat, both of whom didn't spare him a single glance since the enigmatic words. King Todoroki was still seated in his original place, with his face in his palms, calculating something meticulously in his head. Shoto looked as disorientated as he was at the beginning, failing to grasp even a strand of understanding in this strange situation. Now, he opted to look at his father’s cheek, awaiting an explanation.
“What is the original plan?” Katsuki hated the need to repeat himself.
“The original plan can come in, I think.” The Queen sighed, gulping down wine that she greedily clawed at the moment she sat back in her spacious throne. Soon, she repeated the same but this time she was shouting.
The doors began to open slowly, as if someone was testing the waters before jumping into the whirlpool before him. A crimson wing was first to enter, then a halo of golden hair and strange marked eyes that quickly fished out his target in the group. Hawks came to a stop just behind his king, mimicking the way in which Cat was holding herself.
“Did the two of you… proceed with the plan?” Enji Todoroki broke the silence first.
“Yes, my king.” Hawks answered for them both.
“First thing when we came here, around four months ago.” Hawks looked somewhere far, into a memory maybe, one that was not brought back to life, wrestled out of the nooks and crannies of his privacy. “We did not expect… such obstacles.”
“Because there shouldn’t have been any obstacles in the first place.” The Queen was looking down, on the table, her eyes darkened. “We got caught up in our sons’ stupid games, Enji.” The king's name felt oddly at home on her tongue. The third person she used, how she removed both of the princes from the conversation. Thai was not meant for their ears, they were only unlocking this secret because someone, by mistake, pushed the keys into their hands in a hurry. They stood in the right place at the right time.
“Then we shall proceed with the plan.” The Todoroki King finally looked up and turned towards Hawks. His ever-scolding gaze felt light right now, like he was testing something, looking for a sign on his guard's face.
“I will ask for the last time…” Katsuki desperately tried to earn some attention, to finally know what the whole farce was about.
“What you will do is shut up and listen, for I will only tell it once.” His mother’s words were sharp but her gaze was apologising when she looked at him. As if she was silently trying to tell him, I’m sorry. And Katsuki will understand her, because in the end even she was stripped down from the possibility of choosing who really dealt the cards.
“The original plan, one that has been going on for years now, was to breed, create two strong people - a man and a woman. Many were tested, many like the ones that consist of my or the King’s personal guards.” Katsuki knew who she meant, not the regular soldiers but the ones like Cat and Hound. “When we found two that would perfectly match each other we were supposed to title them nobility and marry them together to produce even better offspring. Children that would join the two kingdoms with a tie so strong that no one would have the guts to attack and expose oneself to the power.”
“And these people are…” Shoto finally mustered the strength to mutter.
“At this point there is no denying that the plan will succeed. There is no chance Shoto will have Cat and neither can Katsuki. Both of you could ruin the royal lineage if your supposed firstborn came out with red wings.”
From the very beginning, from the moment Katsuki wandered his mother’s garden at night and found Cat shuffling around the bush, she already weaved her web. They already weaved their web. The business she had to take care of at free days, the hickeys he found under her collar, around her breast, maybe even further. The fat owl who sat that night on the windowsill. It was him, him all along, everywhere behind her, inside her, with her.
Her strange pupils that now, finally, found a place in Katsuki’s mind. A cat, elongated and extremely sensitive to light and relaxation. Maybe she didn’t have such grand evidence of her animal nature like Hawks but sure as hell she acted on her instincts.
“We need to arrange the wedding quickly or else you will miraculously bear a child in three months.” The Queen sighed.
“Best to do it next week, as an opening of the season.” The King answered.
Katsuki lacked the willpower to fight anymore. How could he win her over when he already lost at the beginning. Soon, he will have a seat in the first row to see Cat take the hand of a different man. In a matter of months he will be able to look at the fruit of their… what was it between them? Nature, instincts, orders, loyalty or love? Maybe he would ask her. Maybe she will tell him what’s it like?
As Katsuki looked at Cat, she was already gazing into him, through him. For the first time since he met her she looked taken aback. Her plan worked and all that will have to settle into her brain. Apart from the trouble on her face there was also regret, her eyes spoke a silent apology. Not for Shoto, not for the Queen but for him. She used everyone she could. From the moment she realised Katsuki was after her, she led him to inappropriate actions and ran off to Shoto. Then, the half and half also started to pose as an obstacle, like he always does. But somehow, in this enormous whirlwind of schemes and lies, they found the way to each other.
What else could push people to do things that crazy if not love? And when she could finally face him, face Hawks, Katsuki saw one of the most beautiful smiles he would ever experience in his life. And as the two could finally close into an embrace, Hawks ever so attentive of her abdomen, and seal their feelings with a kiss, Katsuki couldn't look away, no matter how hard he tried.
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Thank you so much for reading! I'm thinking about a small continuation of how Katsuki's and everyone's life is after the wedding, but that's a matter for another day.
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YN Bakugo: Big Sister
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Bakugo featuring Class 1-A and various cameos x female! Yn Bakugo (she/her pronouns)
Warnings:light swearing, 99% fluff with mild angst, Bakugo being soft 🥹
AN: This is an anon request!
Ahh good ole UA high
A wonderful place for training up the future hero’s of the world
It also happens to be the home to our resident boom boom boi, Katsuki Bakugo 🥰
Ahh how we adore this little fire ball
Katsuki might be rough around the edges, but deep down inside we all know he has a soft side
And you know who knows that better than anyone?
That’s right, his lovely sister, YN Bakugo
Now, looking at you, one would never guess that you were related to Katsuki
Why you might ask? 👀
It’s definitely because you look and act just like your father, Masaru Bakugo
Your calm, cool and collected
While your brother and your mom, Mitsuki Bakugo, are more outgoing and loud
You prefer to keep a level head, especially in high pressure situations
You got along well with your parents, unlike your brother who was more arrogant and self-centered
“Katsuki you should act more like Yn! She’s an amazing hero!” Your mother would say
“The queen of the nerds? I will absolutely NOT be like YN!” Katsuki would argue back
You and your dad simply ignored them at this point
You quirk and calm ability helped you in everyday life
Which is perfect because like Katsuki, you followed down the path of becoming a hero
While you were a few years older than Katsuki, you still made a name for yourself
However Katsuki did his part to distance himself from you
“Bakugo, how is Yn doing?” Aizawa would ask after class
“No clue who you’re referring too,” he’d say, walking out
You were essentially the nerdiest of the nerds
And while Bakugō did love you, in his own Bakugo way
He also didn’t talk about you
He liked that his family life was separate than his school life
However that was all about to change 🙃
Now Katsuki knew Sibling Day was coming up but he simply chose to ignore it
He managed to intercept all of the flyers that were going to be sent to your parents home
He made sure that there was absolutely NO WAY you could find out
The last thing he wanted was for you to show up
Thank god a certain noisy someone would never tell you 😅
“Hey YN, did you hear about the sibling even at U.A. this weekend?” Hawks asked you on one of your nightly patrols
“No, I had no idea! Katsuki didn’t mention it,” you said, figuring your brother probably didn’t want you to go
“You should definitely go YN! It would be cool for all the kiddos to see your quirk and stuff. I’m going to be there because it’s open to all pros,” Hawks said as you nodded
The night came and everyone was dressed and ready to mingle
A bunch of Bakugo’s classmates siblings showed up
Some of them were hero’s, others weren’t
It was really a great opportunity to get to know everyone
“Hey Kacchan!” Midoriya said : D
“What do you want nerd!” Bakugo responded
“I figured since neither of us have siblings, we could hang out!” Midoriya : D
“Like I’d ever hang out with you Deku!” Bakugo scoffed as he turned, stopping in his tracks when he saw you
Bakugo 👉🏻😠😐😳
You 👉🏻😁👋🏻
Bakugo 👉🏻😐😠😡
You 👉🏻😌🥰
“YN what the hell are you doing here?!?” Katsuki growled as you went in to hug him 🫂
“Suki it’s so good to see you! I missed you!” You said hugging your brother as he stood there, stiff as a pole
Everyone around you started murmuring
“Hey that’s Yn! She’s a huge pro!” Mina gushed
“She’s gorgeous and super popular,” Denki added
“Is anyone wondering why she’s hugging Bakubro?” Kirishima asked
Everyone 👉🏻😐🤨
“Ahh YN! It’s good to see you again!” Aizawa came up, giving you a small hug
“Erased, great to see you! I’m so glad I get to be here!” You say 😊
“I’m surprised your here Yn, I was sure Katsuki would have tried to stop you,” Aizawa said
“Oh I’m sure he did but hawks told me!” You said
Bakugo looking at Hawks rn 👇🏻
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“Well I’m glad you could come!” He says as Bakugo stands there, glaring at you
“Did you ever think maybe there was a reason I didn’t want you to come?” Katsuki says as you stare at home
You 👉🏻 Nope : D
“Bakugobro whats up?” Kirishima says and him, Denki, Sero, Mina and Midoriya approach
Bakugo rn 👉🏻😐🤦🏼 why me
“Omg hi!! You must be Katsuki’s friends! I’m Yn Bakugo, his big sister!” You smile
“His… SISTER?!?!?” They all shout as you just smile and wave
Sero looks at you both, so confused, “umm I don’t get it. You two look and act nothing alike.”
“I know right? But it’s true, we are brother and sister,” you say, hugging Katsuki who is totally stiff as a board
You 👉🏻🥰🥰🥰
Katsuki 👉🏻😐🙄
“I gotta say, this is super weird,” Denki commented
“Try being related to her,” Bakugo adds
“Awe Katsuki, you know you love your big sister! Now come on, say it!” You sing
“Absolutely not,” he says
“Come on,” you say : D
“No,” Katsuki 😐
Suddenly, you hear an explosion happen right outside
The entire hall rocks with the aftermath of the loud boom
“Shit!” Katsuki yelled as everyone tried to get their footing
“YN let’s go!” Hawks yelled
“Katsuki, stay here and protect everyone! Leave it to your big sister to handle this!” You said, taking off before he even got to respond
“Alright nerds! Everyone stay put!” He screamed
“Uhh Kacchan, I don’t think calling everyone a ‘nerd’ is super reassuring,” Midoriya adds
“Well it got everyone to shut up didn’t it?” Katsuki shouted back
Midoriya 👉🏻 noted 📝
Meanwhile, you were outside, fighting off the criminals who caused the explosion
“YN look out!” Hawks shouted as suddenly your works went black
“Holy crow YN got hurt!” Someone shouted as Katsuki turned and ran towards the window
“What happened?” Mina asked
“She was fighting when someone threw a car at her!” Someone answered
Katsuki’s blood ran cold, he had to get to his sister
“Move nerds! Kirishima, make sure nobody leaves and protect everyone!” He shouted as he took off towards you
When he entered the steer, he saw you weren’t moving
He needed to get to you
“Bakugo no! We don’t need you to get hurt too!” Aizawa said as Katsuki watched hero’s race in to help
Someon grabbed you, quickly whisking you to an ambulance and taking you to the hospital
“Get out of my way!” Katsuki said before blasting off into the air and heading towards the hospital
Your parents were there, waiting when he arrived
“YN’s ok right?” He shouted
“Katsuki this is a hospital! Will you keep it down?” Your mother whisper yelled
“They are looking her over now Katsuki, but the hero that brought her in said she was conscious,” your dad said as Katsuku let out a breathe he didn’t know he was holding
Later, your parents went in to see you
You were pretty battered up but thankfully, you were able to protect yourself from any major damage
Katsuki stood by the doorway as your mother fawned over you
“Katsuki! I’m so sorry I ruined your night with your friends!” You cried
“Yeah whatever nerd, im just glade your ok,” he scoffed
You 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
“Katsuki got here as fast as he could Yn! Aizawa said he tried to get to you while uou were still knocked out!” Your mom said
“Mom will you be quiet!” Katsuki growled
You 👉🏻😐🥹
“Get over here and give me a hug?” You shouted as Katsuki looked at you like you had two heads
��I don’t do hugs nerd!” He said as you wiggled your fingers
“Come on, bring it in!” You said, still extending your arms
Katsuki 👉🏻😐🙄 fine!
He came over, giving you the worst most lack luster hug ever
But it didn’t matter, you knew your brother loved you ♥️
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adabird · 2 months
Hi! I was wondering if u can do mirio (from mha) dating a fem!reader who’s in class 1a who’s quirk is like zatannas and has the personality of mitsuki from demon slayer? (But readers like a year younger than he is dw) I’m sorry if this doesn’t make that much sense u can ignore this if u want 🫶
absolutely!!! I love love this idea
this passage may contain PROGRESSIVE or NSFW moments!
I believe you wanted this in headcannon form? I apologize if I am wrong! But I will try my best!
I think you meant Mitsuri? and not bakugo’s mom? correct me if i’m wrong!
Zantanna (A character from DC comics, her power can allow her to recite spells and can “invoke” anything her imagination wills!)
ALSO! sorry for the late response, I keep forgetting to where the request thing is if you know what I mean. Anywho!
Characters aged up! Y/N one year younger then Mirio and is in class 2-A
-Mirio is known to be bubbly and very cheerful, however after the war he became a little more muted.. That was until he met you! After seeing you in action, defeating a 8ft tall demon, he realized how strong you were. As you were apart of class 2-A, everyone knows you as a protective and bubbly person..You’re also a lot like Mina, with the ways you cheer on and cheer up people when need be!
-You had met Mirio previously, but that was when you had first started training so you were really quiet, and tried really hard to keep yourself on the down low.. But you soon broke out of your shell!
-You were also the charmer, much like Denki, you had a flirty personality.. So even when you weren’t trying to flirt, you would end up accidentally doing so.. However! this is what started yours and Mirio’s bond together.
-After you had mastered your quirk, people were a little iffy-about you.. Some even going to the extent on calling you a monster or a villain, becuase of your dark demeanor. But that did change after you became more popular and open with social media, and fans!
-You had formally met Mirio when you were having trouble studying.. Now, you were a very set person when it can to your studies, but you did get overwhelmed really easily.. And with hero training, skipping lunch, and have 18 pages of homework needing to get done.. Forgetting how to set up a math equation you started to cry.. But not becuase you were upset, but becuase you were overwhelmed and overworked.. And that’s when Mirio phased through the wall to help you out..
-Mirio had ended up being a big person in your life. He influenced you to try new foods, to add onto your hero costume, and also helped you create your ‘signature’ smile..
- He’s surprisingly good at math. And he feels comfortable crying around you too whenever he gets into his deep thoughts..He also definitely wears reading glasses, like ones that frame his face perfectly and sit opon his nose smoothly..
-You guys are like the power duo when it comes to training.. People either want to train with you two or watch the two of you train.. it’s as if you both have chemistry on and off the field.. You are very fierce and competitive, and that’s what gets him turned up!!
-When you meet his friends, they immediately like you.. And the more you hang out with tamaki the more he becomes open.. You’re like a goth Mirio, and that’s always an interesting sight
-You get people telling you your pretty, and hot constantly.. And Mirio isn’t the jealous type, however if it someone from his grade or someone that knows your dating he’ll go crazy..But in a low-key sereat way.. you feel me..
-He loves admiring you and watching you as you openly choose his only black, and dark blue hoodies.. He also likes to mess around with your signature top-hat, that’s used in your hero costume outfits.. He acts like he’s a magician constantly..
-At one point you end up surpassing him when it comes to strength..As well as mussel mass.. Because of your quirk you can also change the mass of your body weight, making yourself almost impossible to lift up.. Which makes him work even longer while building and working on his mussle mass..
-You’re really good with Eri, you take her under your wing and make sure she’s loved.. It also helps that your best friends with Shinso, so she was more comfortable with you from the start.. But I definitely think having Y/N being good with kids is a turn on for Mirio..(like makes him want to give you his kids-in case that sounded wrong)..
-Alaways hypes you up and lets you know, you’re the apple of his eye.. He loves it whenever you play with his hair, while lovingly babble on about your day.. And the two of you can’t be away form each other for very long, or else the two of you will start acting up..
Y/N, come get your man 🎀
I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to request any kind of headcannon or preferences that you would like for an MHA character! No judgment!
you can message, comment, or request! the ideas are needed 🙏
#Onie out!
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emmaelix · 2 years
MHA Boys + Men When You're on Your Period Headcanons
I'm on my period and my boyfriend is on a work trip. And so, I have turned to my magical and animated boyfriends. Slight Spy X Family spoilers, plus some really stupid Naruto references because I think Anime-ception is a thing.
And also I just started watching Spy X Family and holy cow! Why did no one recommend this to me sooner?
Boom Boom Boy: AKA Katsuki Bakugo
Let's get one thing straight. Mitsuki taught this boy well. He knows how everything down there works, and he knows how pads and tampons work. Hell, he even knows about period cups.
He does not, however, know how to use this knowledge in a public setting. His mother, also, did not have bad mood swings during her period. You, on the other hand...
"Damn you! What's wrong with you Loid?!" You yell as you throw the empty wrapper of your favorite candy. Suddenly tears start to flow down your cheeks. "He does care!"
Bakugo is standing there, watching you, trying to figure out what to do. Mina, or mom? Mina, or mom? As he stares at his phone he realizes Mina is probably the better option. "Hello?" Mina answers, surprisingly energetic for the late time.
"Help," is all Bakugo says. Twenty minutes later Mina is knocking on his apartment door, Jirou, Denki, and Kirishima in tow.
"I brought her favorites. Along with these," Mina says, allowing her three companions to step inside. Each held one to two shopping bags.
An hour later and Bakugo has been debriefed. He's as grumpy as you, but at least now he knows why. I mean, what man - actual father or not - lets his wife and daughter be treated like that? Shame on you, Loid Forger.
Mind Control Man: AKA Hitoshi Shinsou
Hitoshi, unlike Bakugo, is not the most well-versed in women. Or people in general, for that matter. He'll be supportive, but he'll be shit at it at first.
Mood swings? He thinks you hate him. Hormonal acne? He offers you a facial. Not wearing white? He tells you you look great in white. Not sitting down? He tells you, "Your feet'll get tired."
He's trying, though. He'll even ask Aizawa for help. I personally headcanon Aizawa keeps period stuff in his desk for the girls.
If you do tell Shinsou you're on your period he's going to be googling until three in the morning. He's going to help you out. He'll even get pads and tampons. By asking Aizawa.
"Here you go, Hitoshi," Aizawa says, handing Shinsou a small box of things. Denki, who was also in the room runs up.
"What was that?" He asks, looking at Shinsou's retreating frame. "I want one!"
Denki now keeps pads and tampons in his dorm room.
If you two stay together and have kids he'll definitely teach them about periods. Male or female, so his kids don't go through what he did when trying to figure out how to help.
Bird Brain: AKA Keigo Takami
Keigo's an adult man, he has female co-workers. He knows how periods work. He also knows how to be a little shit any day of the week, but when he forgets you're on your period and tries to do something annoying, let's just say he sleeps at the office for a while.
Picture the scene. You're watching Naruto in bed, eating a chocolate bar when Hawks comes in. You're on your period, and he would know that if he looked at the red dot on today's date on the calendar. But he doesn't, and that's where his problem arises.
Because you're about to lose what sanity you have left over anime, and Hawks wants to have fun. So as you're diligently watching your computer, cozy on your bed with your favorite blanket, Hawks decides what to do.
"Honey, I have a meeting. You need to come, and since it's Halloween soon it's a costume party. I'm going to dress up as my amazing self."
You knew the bull he was trying to pull. "I'll wear my devil costume," you say, walking over to your closet and pulling out a red and black body con dress, red heels, and horns.
While not comfortable, it was nice to see the bird brain dumbfounded for once as you pulled off your horns before walking into the room, stealing the eyes of all his male (and a few of his female) colleagues.
IcyThot on Thursdays: AKA Shoto Todoroki
Last, but if you say he's the least I'll throw you to Endeavor. Or the Dekusquad/Mina, whoever's closer. :)
This boy has had a very... traumatic life. Suffice it to say periods are not something Endeavor thought Wonder Boy needed to know about.
BUT, he has Mina, possibly Jirou, definitely Momo, and their respective boyfriends to turn to. And turn he does, a full 180º.
He's sweet, hot, and portable. The perfect ice/hot pack. There's a reason he's called IcyThot. Whoops, that's hot, isn't it?
Jokes aside, however, he also has his sister, who I'm sure was able to say something to him at some point. Maybe.
Anyway, he's gonna be cuddling you whenever you want. And tracking your cycle.
So that's my headcanons before I run back to my recluse din to work on the next fic. Until next time, my dear simpers, Au Revoir, Arrividerci, and Auf Wiedersehen.
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xkaidaxxxx · 5 months
Eligible Bakugou x Eligible Reader
2.6k words pt.1
“ Go on and mingle sweetie.” Your mother said to fix your sleeve. Your father gave you a look that said behave for you need a suitor. You nodded and ran along. As soon as you were about to have a cup of tea a man went up to you. “Hello beautiful maiden. I’m Eijiro Kirishima.” he pressed a peck on your soft hand. “ I’m Ms. Y/n L/n. It’s a pleasure to meet you sir.” you replied with a pretty smile. “ Hello, I see Kirishima beat me to it. I’m Denki Kaminari.” he introduced himself by pecking your hand as well. You giggled. - he's so cute- you thought. “ Would you like to dance with me?” Kirishima asked you, which was Denki’s que to leave. “ Of course.” you replied and as you started dancing you noticed many other men were watching. “ “They had every right to do so””  after all you were beautiful, young, and single. Oh and on top of that your family was the most wealthy. You were the only daughter as well. “You’re a lovely dancer. We’d dance everyday if you’d be mine. I promise. I’m the best suitor for you darling. I’d like to speak with your father.” he said. “You’re not suitable for me. You’re so full of yourself if you think you're what’s best for me. Now excuse me sir.” you replied leaving the dance floor. Minutes later your best friend walked over to you. “Oh thank goodness you’re here.” you said giving her a hug which she returned. “ Oh god whatever you do avoid the blondie. His name is Aoyama. 2 o clock He’s so in love with himself you’d be the 2nd best.” Mina said. You turned to see him then looked back at her. “5 o’clock Ida. He’s the most strict and boring person. Not your type.” she said. Mina knew everything about you and vice versa. “ What about denki? Have you talked with him enough? He seems like such a kind man.” you said, taking him into consideration. “ He is a good man. He seems like he has no care in the world but the truth is, he's very smart and strong. He is someone you should try getting to know more. Plus you’re already interested.” she replied, fixing your hair. “ I have to go. I need a break so I’m going back to my parents.” Mina said leaving you. 
“ Ms. L/n. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Izuku Midoriya.” He said bowing. “ You better go introduce yourself , Katsuki. I won’t take no for an answer. Do you understand?” Katsuki's mother ordered him. “ Yes ma'am,” he replied. He looked over at you with Deku. “ You look tired and irritated. How about I set up a date with permission from your father, If you’d like?” He asked sweetly. You were impressed he cared enough to set up a meeting and take your feelings into consideration. “ Yes sir. I’ll be on my way.” You smiled leaving. “ Go on now, Katsuki.” Mitsuki said. He nodded, walking over grabbing a glass of champagne for you both. “ You played with your dress.
 “ Ms. Y/n L/n. How are you doing tonight?” Katsuki asked. You turned around. “Ah Mr. Bakugou. It’s so nice to meet you sir.” you said smiling. You’ve heard of Katsuki Bakugou from your girlfriends and your father finds him good to make business with, however he never told you about him. Not for being your husband. You saw a glimpse of him entering your fathers office once. “I’m doing well tonight although speaking to eligible suitors is tiring.” you replied, taking your glass of champagne and drinking a slip. “ I should go. I don’t want to make your night exhausting.” he said. You grabbed his arm and said desperately, “N-No. You’re okay sir.” You immediately let go of his arm not wanting to cause any type of drama. “ Good to know. I am sorry I didn’t introduce myself sooner, as you know I’ve gone to speak business with your father.” he replied. “ Yeah I um saw you once but by that time I should’ve been asleep. I had a big day the next morning.” You replied. “Your birthday, He invited me but I had promised my mother I’d have a relaxing day with her.” he replied smiling. Katsuki Bakugou smiled and hasn’t exploded yet. “ It’s sad you couldn’t make it, sir.” you said. He placed out his hand and you gladly grabbed it. He led you outside to the garden, you guys crossed a beautiful bridge. You were confused on how he knew where he was going. You reached the gazebo. “ It’s nice and quiet. I figured you’d need it with all the mingling and music going off.” he said. You blushed. 
Mina gasped, “ Momo, Jiro, Kagakure. I saw her walking outside with Mr.Bakugou. She’s in trouble. Formation B, No No, Formation C.” She said, “ I’ve heard he has a shitty personality. Always exploding at his parents and even his employees.” Momo said, worried about you. “ Thank you for being considerate. I know you’re being kind due to wanting to marry Mr.L/n’s only daughter. Interest is all this is about.” you said being honest. His face went red. “Look, my mother sent me over, which is stupid! She didn’t tell me to be nice, you idiot! I know what it’s like to be bombarded with stupid shit coming your way. I’m genuinely being a nice person! I’d like to take you on a date…dumbass. I’ll get permission from your dad and then show up with stupid cliche roses and a necklace on our date. Yes or No?” he asked. You were shocked, struggling to understand if he was being an asshole or not. “Today Y/n.” he said snapping his finger at your face brings you back from your thoughts. “U-Uh? Um? Okay yes I’d like to go on a date with you. Dumbass?” you replied trying to match his energy. “ HUH!? You’re the dumbass you asshole. Let’s go back inside.” he said. As you walked inside the party was ending and more than half of the guests were gone. 
You looked around for your girlfriends. You had dropped your drink as you dumped into a man with red and white hair. He also accidentally spilled his drink on you. “ Oh god. I am sorry.” He apologized, taking out his handkerchief quickly. You knew this man. He came over for dinner a few times. You were caught staring at him and your brother would kick you under the table and tease you about it once Shoto had left.“ Mr.Todoroki it’s alright. Only an accident.” you replied. He wiped some of the drink off your dress. Shoto was a strong, powerful, and smart man. Also one of Bakugou’s frenemies. He was insecure about many things. He doesn’t know how to be social unless it's about his job, he found his eyes odd just as some people, he also disliked his hair. “ Your dress.” he replied, handing you this handkerchief. You grabbed it, cleaning your hands . “ It’s a dress, nothing more.” you replied. He took off his blazer and covered you up. Katsuki moved the few strands of hair that bothered you out of the way. You were blushing like crazy.  You crossed off  Denki and Deku out of your list and now you’re struggling on how you are supposed to choose between Bakugou and Shoto. 
The following day your father called you to his office. “ Am I in trouble? I swear I didn’t mean to explode the tree outback.” you said hoping he’d let you off on it. “ Now that I’m aware of it, we will talk about it later. You’ve got 6 requests last night. I’m glad you behaved yourself. Kirishima, Denki, Midoriya, Bakugou, Shoto and Shinso.” he said. “ Forget about Kirishima, Denki, Deku, and Shinso.” you said crossing your arms. “ I expect you to meet with them.” your father said sternly. “No! I want Bakugou and Shoto! End of story!” you yelled and stomped your foot like a child, but you knew you’d get whatever you wanted after that stomp. You aren’t a spoiled brat but when you needed or wanted something so desperately it helped. “Alright sweetie. I’ll send out emails to them. Now about the tree. It will be removed but you will plant a new one.” he said. You nodded and finally left his office. Your brother was waiting outside. “Katsuki Bakugou and Shoto Todoroki. You’re a smart little sister.” Kousuke said, patting your head. “ What the heck is that supposed to mean?” you asked, smacking his hand away. “ They’re both very wealthy right behind dad. Choose carefully. Marriage isn’t easy. It’s not always about love. Some people get lucky. Like me.” he said. Kousuke is one of the older brothers you have that teases you the most but he cares just as much as the others. You nodded and hurried on to help your mother wash her paint brushes. 
“ Katsuki, she's a smart, passionate young lady and so she won’t just choose immediately regardless of what she told you yesterday.” Mitsuki said, turning off the tv. Katsuki let out small explosions from his hand. “ You think I don't know that you hag!?” he yelled in response. “  Then stop being impatient and pacing back and forth like an idiot!”she said, smacking his head hard. 
Shoto put on a beanie as he went to visit his mother. The words she said when he was a kid never go away. “ Hey mom.” he smiled, closing the door behind him. “ Hi my little Shoto.” she replied sitting up. “ so..remember how Mr.L/n has invited me to have dinner with him and his family. Well I’ve asked if I can take his daughter out on a date.” he said playing with a bracelet he had on. “ Wow you have a crush. I hope everything goes well for you.” “Yeah I’m eager for a response soon. It’s killing me to be waiting this long. I’m hoping it happens..although I did spill my drink on her and hers along with it.” he replied a bit bummed out. His mother giggled covering her mouth. “ Hey, I'm serious,” he said. He spent time with her for the rest of the afternoon. 
Yesterday they received their email from your father. “ ALRIGHT LET'S GO!!!! I’M A TOTAL BADASS!!!!” Bakugou yelled. He won a date with a gorgeous and lovely young lady. “ Yes! I need to plan it out already.” shoto said. Those two opposite men replied within an hour on all the details they had planned out for the date. When your father told you the news you tired to compose yourself but fuck it. “ They're so blessed to have a chance with me.” you said with a smirk. “ Oh shut up y/n. You were so shy at the party. It took mom and dad to tell you to mingle.” Kaiji said smacking your head, ruining your hair. “Shut up I pulled 6 men in one night. You only got 4 women from the party. I win, sucker!” you replied. “ Don’t rub it in.” he replied smacking your head again. 
The following week Bakugou showed up at your doorstep and instead of roses and a necklace, he was holding Taylor swift Vinyls and Cassette. “ How do you know?” you asked to take the gifts he bought for you. “ After the party..you took out your phone. I saw your wallpaper, roses die within days and a necklace only fits some outfits. I'd rather buy you something you’d really like so here I am with merchandise.” he replied with a blush on his cheeks. He helped you set them on the table. “ I love it. It’s perfect.” you replied. - Yes. Hell yes. Nailed it.- he thought. He took you out to dinner. It was the best. Private rooms= eat however the hell you want and in comfort. “ You do eat a lot..” he said with his cheeks stained. You giggled and nodded pointing at his face. He was well aware his face was messy. “ You’re a messy eater.” you said. “ Yeah, well so are you dumb ass!.” he replied in anger. You both felt comfy. Normal. You guys can just be comfortable without judging each other. Once dinner was over you made sure your face and chest was clean. “ mhm your nose.” he told you and then cleaned it for you. You thought the day was over for you. Dinner was the only thing planned but what would you like to do?” he asked, turning on the car. “ There’s…an adoption center for animals about an hour away. They close late there.” you replied and he took the back roads to get there quickly. “ Do you like animals? Which ones?” he asked, making conversation. “ I love cats and snakes. They’re so adorable.I donate money every month to many adoption centers,people who need money for their sick pets and I visit a lot.” you replied. He smiled. You’re passionate about something and he liked that. “ I think that’s wonderful of you. I’d like to visit with you whenever I have the time. Is that alright?” he asked. “Yes. I’d love that Bakugou.” you replied leaning over as he pulled over and pecked his cheek. “Thank you for that gift,” he said. The time went on so fast that you arrived late. “ I said. 11pm. Not 2:34am.” your father told Bakugou sternly. “ Don’t dad. It’s my fault. I wa-” Bakugou cut you off. “ Yes sir, we got carried away, I’m sorry. I should’ve brought her home on time. I couldn't because she was so happy and so was I. I promise it won’t happen again.” he replied not really feeling sorry. “ 1st warning.” he replied walking back to his room with your mother. Kaiji, Kousuke,Kenshin and Kazuma were watching silently and discreetly from upstairs. Your brothers are stupid for doing that. “ You’re definitely planning our next day. I had so much fun where you wanted to go.” he said putting his number in your contact list. “ I had a great time with you Baku-” “ No. Katsuki.” he said. “ I had a great time with you Katsuki.” you said. He knew your older brothers were watching but he didn’t care if they were going to see what he’s about to do. He leaned in, taking a hold of your waist and kissed you. This is your very first kiss. You just relaxed yourself and followed him. Making out with him was sweet. He hummed as he pulled away. You giggled seeing your lipstick stain on him. “ Bye Beautiful. Sleep well.” he replied. “ Goodnight Katsuki. Sweet dreams.” you said. You closed the door and locked it. “ I cannot believe you made out with him on the 1st date!?” Kenshin said. “You guys saw that!!?” you asked loudly. “What about your other prince charming?” Kazuma  asked, crossing his arms. “ After the conversations in the car and at the beach..it's him. He’s the one.” you replied. “Oh please after one date.” Kaiji said, rolling his eyes. Kousuke the eldest and only married on understood. He saw the look in your eyes and the softness in your words. “Leave her alone and everyone go to bed.” Kousuke ordered. The rest of the brothers stayed silent. Kousuke is basically always teasing you so defending you like this is rare, so they took it into consideration that Bakugou is the one for you. 
Text Message
Y/n : Hey it's y/n. Thanks for tonight. You have your own ways of being such a kind, considerate, sweet man. Do you want to go on a date tomorrow? Well today?” 
Kats: Whatever…and yes I'll pick you up at 12pm. We will have more time to do anything. Now Sweet dreams.
Y/n: Sweet dreams. Ps. That was my 1st kiss/ Make out session. <3
Kats: glad to be your first. 
Lights out.
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rengokuswif3 · 1 year
Katsuki Bakugo x Pacifist! Reader
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You joined the hero course because you just wanted peace in the world! You hated fighting with anyone, but would if they were hurting others. Your reason for wanting to become a hero was selfless and honorable…unlike your boyfriends reason-
“Katsuki! What kind of reasoning is that?!”
The two of you tend to be polar opposites, which confuses your classmates at times. When he goes to smack Sero and Denji for playing a prank on him, you quickly grab his wrist and calmly tell him to “use your words, not your fists”, and when he actually listens to you, YOU KNOW SERO AND DENKI IMMEDIATELY CALL HIM A SIMP
You’d be good friends with the Dekusquad, much to Bakugo’s dismay. So whenever Katsuki starts a fight with Deku or Iida, you have to break it up and drag him away. But you and Tsuyu are good friends, your reasonings and morals are very pure and genuine
God, Aizawa would have a headache dealing with you. During training and sparring against another student, you’re all “Why must I hurt them when they’ve done nothing wrong?”
“It’s training, L/N. To get better.”
“But I don’t want to hurt them! Violence is not always the best teaching method in this case, Mr. Aizawa.”
“Bakugo, be quiet. L/N, do you want to remain in this class or not?”
Everyone may question why you would date someone so violent, but the two of you just work. In private, he’s very gentle and sweet to you, even if it’s passive aggressive. He doesn’t want to seem so sappy, okay?
And you bring a sense of calm to him, and he encourages you to get your hands dirty when needed. When you don’t want to hurt someone, he assures you it’s for the greater good and you’re doing the right thing. When he tries to start fights with others, you reel him in and tell him to think before he acts so quickly next time
HIS DAD WOULD ADORE YOU. While Katsuki is fighting with Mitsuki, you’re drinking tea with Masaru and having a nice conversation. Then when it’s time to break the two of them up, you go to Katsuki while he goes to Mitsuki
He reserves his softness and sweetness for you and only you. He’s still his brash and loud self around his friends, but when he’s with you he relaxes and for once doesn’t feel the need to punch something
Kaminari and Sero definitely still mess with him and make memes of pictures of the two of you with Katsuki being nice and even smiling at you, but he doesn’t attack them immediately when you’re there; he saves that for later-
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yourstrulyaiko · 2 years
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╰┈➤ featuring; boku no hero academia! drummer! bakugou katsuki! x lead singer! fem! reader  
જ about; Heartbreaks. Aches. Dreams shattered. You feel like there was no bridging between you and your goal as an artist. Especially since the bridge that connected you that was your ex-boyfriend, Shindo, who you met at club. Now, that you’re separated. You thought, that was it. No more. Well, you thought wrong.
જ contents and warning; profanity cause bakugou is on it, asshole bakugou, cigarettes, smoking, angst, drummer bakugou, band au, fluff, romance, drama, paparazzi, cheating, break ups, toxic relationships, getting physical (the bad kind) and many more that I have definitely missed.
જ author's note; I actually have a lots and lots of chapter about band au which needs to be revised and re-written. unedited. THIS IS GOING TO BE A DARK ONE. Please proceed with caution as this portrays ab£s3 and toxic relationship in general. If you’re ever in a similar situation. Please. Seek help. Immediately.  Bakugou’s reaction is an effect of being in a toxic relationship, you tend to push people around you. So, if you are in this kind of ‘relationship’. LEAVE. YOU DO NOT DESERVE THIS. I will defo write this as an entire series in more detail cause I acc like it lololol.
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So, Bakugou plays drum really well.
He was planning to go to University and work his mother and father’s company.
But, Kirishima was the person who brought up the fact that they’re forming a band and invited Bakugou along.
He was pretty excited.
Not he’s going to tell anyone that.
They were constantly practicing and juggling their part time jobs.
Once, they’re off rushing to Bakugou’s garage practicing.
Bakugou worked at a music shop.
He started working there at the age of 17.
The band formed when they were 16.
They were still little scrawny kids trying to navigate what they wanted to do
They were working hard to achieve their dreams.
Denki eventually introduced Jirou 
She started composing songs for them to play.
They were having so much fun.
Mitsuki would always bring them snacks and drinks too
Not too long after that, Mina was introduced into the group.
She was the one who kick started them into playing in clubs.
Because she work at that very club.
They were playing simple tunes and rhythms that everyone dances too.
These guys are amateurs but the practice and dedication they have for this band 
The club owner would pay them a huge amount of money 
They brought in a lot of customers because people heard about this amazing club with the live band.
Now the problem is, what do they call themselves?
They were throwing around random names.
King Explosion band suggested Bakugou
Ladies Magnet says Denki
Definitely a nope.
Then Sero,
“How about Tokyo Lights? I mean, we live in Tokyo and there’s a lot of fluorescent lights here.”
“That sounds dumb.” Bakugou snorts.
“I mean, it’s better than King Explosion Band.” Kirishima pats him on the back.
It was fucking perfect.
With the money from gigs and part time jobs,
Mitsuki and Masaru didn’t have to worry about their little boy anymore.
His part time job also heard about him playing for a club so, his boss paid gave away a drum set.
A much better kit than his current one.
This gave him the opportunity to start saving up for his first tattoo.
At 18, he did manage to.
It was the big red dragon one.
He has been wanting one for a long time and he had it all planned out.
So, when he finally got it.
His confidence and ego shot up a ten fold.
This only led caused a snowball effect of Bakugou wanting to get next one already.
Instead he got his tongue pierced instead.
Needless to say, his friends wanted to get piercing and tattoos too!
As their band grew and grew more popularity. They were all 18-19 at this point,
They’re asking when they were going to get a singer for their band.
This is how Bakugou and Camie met.
After they played for the club.
Camie approached Bakugou offering to buy him a drink.
Started talking and they found Camie could sing.
They offered for her to join the band.
That’s the start of skyrocketing to fame. People started talking about this little band
Tokyo Lights
Not too long after that Camie and Bakugou started dating.
It wasn’t open out there in public but their friends knew.
They continued to climb up in fame. They started getting inviting to bigger events.
This was it, they needed to record their song.
No, fuck that let’s go for a debut album.
Thankfully, Jirou was there and her parents are musician.
So, they all had the equipment they needed.
They took a break from playing at the club. 
They quit their jobs.
They focused on being a band.
Then, their debut album was published.
It was amazing
They were having a great time and celebrating.
They were on cloud 9 
Katsuki especially since he was living his best life, on the path of his dreams and has a great girlfriend.
The band also gets to be a open up for much bigger singers and bands.
This skyrocketed them even more.
They bought an office and recording studio
The happiness wouldn’t last for long.
Camie was starting to act weird.
The fame was getting to her head.
She wanted the upmost perfection. Unrealistic even.
How bad was it getting?
Well, any single error? That would get you Camie screaming your ear off
For, “Being fucking dumb”, “How can you be a professional fucking musician and be this fucking dumb?”, “I don’t know what’s worse you guys claiming to be this big thing and still slow. Oh wait- Nothing could be worse than that.”
That just didn’t stop from her degrading the other band mates.
That extended to her boyfriend, Bakugou.
“What the fuck was that?”
“It’s the beat for-”
“No, the fuck is not. Get it the fuck together or do you want me to do your job for you?”
It’s even worse because-
Camie would get mad at something out of their control and her own mistake.
When Denki’s bass guitar string snapped, Sero forgot to plug his keyboard and was about to, Kirishima electric guitar wasn’t plugged to a amplifier, Mina got the wrong size for her top for their upcoming show and Jirou accidentally playing the wrong melody when it comes to recording.
It’s bad.
Bakugou wouldn’t say anything.
He just follows along and nods.
But, he’s weirdly quiet about the whole thing.
While that’s happening? Camie was whispering all kinds of things to his ear.
“They’re pretty shit, aren’t they?” Camie blows smoke into the air and hugs him from behind, “Why not just kick them all out? Tokyo Lights would be better with just the two of us.”
“I don’t get why you formed a band with these people.”
“I think everyone knows, I made this band anyways.”
“I think everyone knows, I made this band anyways.”
“Quit it.” Bakugou growls.
Camie pretends to be confused and she didn’t say anything wrong,
“What? I don’t know what you’re getting mad. I’m only helping you.” “You can’t be wasting your talent. I care about you.”
She wasn’t hiding her thoughts.
Camie publicly said it too. This band wouldn’t be where it would be if she didn’t join.
It was terrible. She always found ways to tear people around her and put herself up.
Bakugou was being drained by this.
But, he didn’t know how to go about it.
Bakugou still remembers the first time it happened.
He was 23.
Camie struck him across the face.
Right, in front of everyone.
That was it.
“Get out.”
Camie looked at him in disbelief,
“Are you fucking serious?” She’s jabbing her finger on his chest, “You’re nothing and fucking worthless without me. Now, you’re telling to get out.”
It was a never ending cycle.
A push and tug situation.
Camie would manage to convince Bakugou to let her back in.
Then, she would end up hurting him. Mentally.
Sometimes, physically.
And, Camie would pull some shit.
Like, “You know, I would never hurt you.”, “I didn’t mean to do that.”, “But, you just push me to the edge.”
She always made it seem like he was at fault.
Kirishima had to pull him aside and tell him this isn’t right.
It’s not good for him at all.
Listen, it isn’t easy leaving a toxic relationship or friendship.
Sometimes, friends and family will be the one encouraging you to do it.
Bakugou was facing a lot of dilemma because yes, it ain’t good for him but, he knows his attitude.
He can be brash.
He feels like no one can love him the way Camie does.
As she said, “Who would love you if I wasn’t here?”, “A lot of women would find you so annoying and wouldn’t be able to stand you, that’s why I’m here.”, “I’m the only one who could ever love you.”
I mean, he’s very self aware that some people will never get along with him.
Bakugou doesn’t know how to control his emotion.
So, he stays. Cause deep down he was right.
Even if, he’s working on himself. Everyday.
When they finally broke up and she is set to leave the band
He remembers what she said to them,
“They were no good for her.”
The years of pulling and pushing accumulated.
Bakugou was lost.
It’s like he didn’t know how to live.
For him, leaving this toxic relationship felt as if he was lonely.
Bakugou starts to question whether what Camie was telling him was true.
There’s no one that is going to love him like Camie does.
He still clings onto the thought of her coming back.
Work things out.
Then, you came along.
You who is going to take her place. You who was the reason for Camie will never come back.
To him, you are barrier between Camie and himself.
He was slowly destroying himself and his friends.
He goes out drinking often. 
Smokes so much more now too.
That’s why Kirishima was always telling him to go to therapy.
Because he will regret the road he’s go down in.
He did.
It was a lot.
Extremely uncomfortable.
He didn’t understand why Camie was at fault.
To him, he was always at fault. Camie had enough if him.
That’s why she left.
“This is your your way of not opening that space in the hopes that Camie comes back.” His therapist Hayakawa, “This is what a lot of-”
“I don’t want to talk about this, right now.” Bakugou stood up quickly.
“That’s fine. Do note, after your first therapy session. It can be extremely overwhelmed. So take a walk by yourself and digest everything we discussed today.”
He leaves and kept what his therapist said,
Bakugou pulls his hoodie up and wears his mask to conceal his identity,
He walks around the city thinking about what his therapist said to him.
He’s so confused.
Was it really Camie’s fault all this time? 
The next week, he appears back at his therapist office.
He spots you.
Just staring off into space.
The hell are you doing here?
“Oi!” He barks, “The fuck do you think are you doing here?”
“Well, what the fuck do you think I’m here for? A tea party?” You scoff.
@xviternity @bluebreadenthusiast​ @to the anon who left an anon message! <3 @chuugarettes​
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tickle-page · 2 years
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I’ve been requested to do this. You can totally request more fics for me to do. Anyways, this means completed, and this means in the fritz.
Tickle Prompts:
Christmas Starters
Regular sentence starters
Fandom List (updated)
Trauma dump under the cut
Domestic Ships
Get to know me tag game
Problem solved
The Abyss chapter 11 tickle scene
Affectionately- Chapter 1 Tickle scene
Affectionately- Chapter 9 Tickle Scene
Affectionately- Smthing random tickle(?)
Affectionately- Chapter 30 Tickle Scene
Encirclement Love- Chapter 6 Tickle Scene
Between the Stars- Chapter 58 Tickle Scene
Between the stars: Chapter 44
Twisted Wonderland Tickle Hcs:
School Staff(?)
Rapunzel Tangled Adventure’s: Season 3 (Kings and Queens of Hearts)
Riversxcameron (tiktok)
School for little vampires: Season 1 Episode 25
Airrack: You scream You lose, IRL: Tickletoberday 11
Sturniolo Triplets Tickle
Team Edge Tickle
The rise of the TMNT:
“Being smart is a curse” Lee: Donnie Lers: Mikey, Raph, Leo, and brief April
“Donatello’s much needed revenge on a blue ninja Turtle” Tickletober day 7 Lee: Leo Ler: Donnie
Donatello’s revenge Part 2 Tickletober day 8 Lee: Raph, Ler: Donnie
Donatello’s revenge Part 3 Tickletober day 9 Lee: Mikey Ler: Donnie
Tickletober day 22: Skeleton Lee: Mikey Lers: Donnie and Leo
Teenage mutant ninja Turtle Tickle Headcanons
Assassination Classroom:
“Teasing” Tickletober Day 1: Lee: Karma Lers: Nagisa and Terasaka
Lee: Isogai Ler: Sugino
Lee: China Ler: Yuzuki
Lee: Itona Lers: Terasaka, Takuya, Taisei, Kirara
Boy tickle hcs: Part 1, part 2, part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Saiki K:
“Come back here” Tickletober Day 2 Lee: Kaidou Ler: Nendou
Lee: Saiki Lers: Kaidou and Nendou
Saiki k tickle Headcanons
Hunter x Hunter:
“Just do it” Tickletober day 3 Lee: Killua Ler: Gon
“Killua’s revenge” Lee: Gon Ler Killua
Lee: Kurapika Ler: Leorio (ship post(?))
Tickle Headcanons
“Tickle and Ladders” Tickletober day 4 Lee: Inojin Lers: Boruto, Shikadai, Mitsuki, Iwabae, Denki, and brief Metal Lee
Tickle Headcanons part 1 and part 2
“Hide or get tickled” Tickletober day 6 Lee: Megumi Lers: Nobara and Itadori
Tickle Headcanons
“Tell us” Tickletober day 10 Lee: Dabi Lers: Aizawa, Present Mic, and Hawks
Using her quirk to good use Tickletober day 12 Lee: Rody, Bakugo, and Shinsou Ler: Hagakure
Tickle Headcanons part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Conquering your fears Tickletober day 13 Lee: Nishinoya Ler: Asahi
Tickle Headcanons part 1, part 2, part 3
Demon Slayer:
The itsy bitsy spider Tickletober day 15 Lee: Zenitsu Ler: Inosuke
Tickle Headcanons Hashiras, Demon Slayers, Demons
Ghost tickles Tickletober day 16 Lee: Kou Ler: Hanako-kun
Tickle Headcanons
Tickletober day 18: Nightmares Lee: Their son, Keith Ler: Keith and Lance (KeithxLance)
Tickletober day 20: Cirrcus Lee: Tom Ler: Marco
Obey Me:
Tickletober day 21-Surrender Lee: Beezlebub Ler: Lucifer, Mammon, and Belphegor
Teen titans go:
“Beastboy doesn’t like tickling?” Lee: Beastboy Lers: Robin and Starfire
Tickle headcanons
Truth or Dare Lee: Koga Lers: Tatsumi, Aira, Hiro, and Mayoi
Endurance training Ler: Kuro Lers: Chiaki, Madara, Tetora, and Hiro
Part 2 to Truth or Dare: Lee: Koga Lers: Karou, Adonis, Tatsumi, and Rei(?)
Feathery Touch Lee: Souma Ler: Adonis
“Enjoy your vacay” Lee: Male producer Lers: Hokuto and Hiro
“Cheer up Tickles” Lee: Male producer Ler(s): Hokuto, Hiro, and Chiaki.
“Jealousy” Lee: Male producer, Tomoya, breif Hokuto Ler: Male producer, Hokuto, brief Tomoya
Total Dramarama:
Lee: Duncan
Lee: Jude
Lee: Noah
Tickle Headcanons
Lee: Boys Ler: Girls
Camp Camp:
Tickle Headcanons
Lee Max, Ler(s): Niki and Neil
Ticklish Max: Lee: Max Ler: David
Lee: Neil Ler(s) Niki, Max(?)
Lee: Harrison Ler: Nerris
Strange World
Ticklish little Ethan: Lee: Ethan Ler: Diazo
Tickle Headcanons: (Part 1) (Part2)
Total Drama Island
How long can ya last Lee: Noah,
South Park
Domestic ships (Creek)
Bunny Tickle Fic
Main 4 Tickle Headcanons
Craigs team Tickle Headcanons
Big Mouth
Domestic Ships (Jatthew)
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me-like-sonic · 2 months
Denki gallery | Special Edition: Team 5! | Part 2
Episode 91 | Ohnoki's Will
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ft. Mitsuki!
another shot with this pale beauty ♥
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insanesanitysparks · 11 months
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Thankfully Together MHA Ships/Writing Sparks for Nov.
I usually write character x reader plots, but I wanted to do some short posts for character x character pairings (that I ship). I'm going to attempt to do a different ship every day for the entire month of November (30 ships at the least though I may do more if I finish early). I'm currently short 3 ships.
I'd also be really interested in hearing what MxF character ships you guys would like to see, especially since I'm short 3 ships. If I get the time, or maybe for December, I'll focus on other people's ships.
If you want to use my list, by all means go ahead! Just send me the link(s) to whatever you write because I definitely want to read what you do with it! ^^
And without further adieu, my ships...adding links to this as I finish the one-shots, so this will be a sort of masterlist. Male x Female Ship Ship Name Prompt Idea
Izuku Midoriya (Deku) x Ochaco Uraraka (Uravity) Izuco - I think this sounds adorable Super sweet vanilla, first time shenanigans, cuteness overload.
Eijiro Kirishima (Red Riot) x Mina Ashido (Pinky) Eishido or Eijido - kind of sounds like a martial arts name Feigning bravery, energetic, positive, partner oriented.
Mashirao Ojiro (Tailman) x Toru Hagakure (Invisible Girl) Mashiru or Toro Kind of shy but definitely curious.
Denki Kaminari (Chargebolt) x Kyoka Jiro (Earphone Jack) Deka or Kyoki They strive to please each other but also battle for dominance.
Shoto Todoroki (Shoto) x Momo Yaoyorozu (Creati) Shomo - sho mo of those cute ships lol Traditional courtship to formal proposal and marriage.
Hanta Sero (Cellophane) x Mina Ashido (Pinky) Hanna or Mita Party kids, kind of chaotic and wild without breaking rules.
Yuga Aoyama (Can't Stop Twinkling) x Toru Hagakure (Invisible GIrl) Yuru or To...ga - Yu ru the world Toga! xD Self doubt and insecurities. I want a blindfold.
Tenya Iida (Ingenium) x Mei Hatsume Tenei or Meiya Partners in profession and life.
Neito Monoma (Phantom Thief) x Itsuka Kendo (Battle Fist) Neika or Itsuto She fell in love while keeping him in line.
Fumikage Tokoyami (Tsukuyomi) x Ibara Shiozaki (Vine) Fumira or Ibakage - personally like Fumira Mutual corruption. She saves, he curses.
Katsuki Bakugo (Dynamight) x Setsuna Tokage (Lizardy) Katsuna or Setsuki Two powerful people get horny basically.
Mezo Shoji (Tentacole) x Pony Tsunotori (Rocketti) Meny or Pozo - Meny reasons to love this ship Size difference and cute cuddles.
Koji Koda (Anima) x Kinoko Komori (Shemage) Koko Animals eat mushrooms and Kinoko likes being appreciated.
Rikido Sato (Sugarman) x Reiko Yanagi (Emily) Rikiko Baking together, more than just bread. ;P
Enji Todoroki (Endeavor) x Rei Todoroki Enei - enabling...? Enji gives Rei control for a night.
Keigo Takami (Hawks) x Fuyumi Todoroki Keimi He was spying on Endeavor, she was silently rebelling.
Natsuo Todoroki x Melissa Shield Natssa - kind of makes me think of Natasha Romanov He's a programmer who foes to work with a machine specialist.
Kosei Tsuburaba (Tsuburaba) x Tsuyu Asui (Froppy) Koyu or Tsusei - Tsu sei call her Tsu x'D He's not sure how to feel about that tongue.
Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi x Shino Sosaki (Mandalay) Naono Two leaders who relax with each other.
Shota Aizawa (Eraser Head) x Ryuko Tsuchikawa (Pixie-Bob) Shoko or Ryuta Her clock is ticking and he likes desperate women...and cats.
Shinji Nishiya (Kamui Woods) x Yu Takeyama (Mountain Lady) Shiyu or Yuji She gets on his nerves but he loves her. They support each other.
Masaru Bakugo x Mitsuki Bakugo Maki or Mitsuru - I like them both Twist on traditional male/female household.
Hizashi Nishiya (Present Mic) x Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke) Hizami or Emishi Similar chaotic energies. No wall is thick enough for these two.
Yagi Toshinori (All Might) x Inko Midoriya Yako or Ingi He's like a father figure to Izuku and she loves that.
Sekijiro Kan (Vlad King) x Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) Sekimuri or Nejiro Kinky pair, blood and whips...they get it on.
Mirai Sasaki (Sir Nighteye) x Kaoruko Awata (Bubble Girl) Miruko or Kaorai Behind closed doors she's serious and he's hilarious.
Danjiro Tobita (Gentle Criminal) x Manami Aiba (La Brava) Danami or Manajiro Little bit of an age gap, they found love in a hopeless place.
All for One (Original Shigaraki) x Inko Midoriya Shigariya He uses her for an experiment, plays 'god' with their child.
Ken Takagi (Rock Lock) x Mrs. Takagi No couple name, 'cause I can't find her name A devoted working father and his loving stay-at-home wife that he can't live without.
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