#depending on my motivation i might be able to make mores. about this ship or just anything in general. mm
neurotonic · 6 months
I looove your latest fic... I was rereading it again and it got me thinking about their entire situation. If things didn't escalate the way they did, do you think Prism would have been able to sick her robots on Phoenix after being so up close and personal? Seeing their scars and realizing they're as much of a human as the agents she was trying to save? Sure, Phoenix could have broken out at any time, but would they even need to?
Thank you so much, first of all! ;u; It really means a lot, especially since I don't...really write all that much and this one's a little more self-indulgent wuhjkhrger BUT um. yeah. If you meant without the whole agency 101 seduction stunt I still think Prism wouldn't have been able to find the strength to kill Phoenix, even with her robots. One of my earlier ideas for this had absolutely none of that making out stuff involved, and it still virtually ended the same way. If she was given the chance to really think about it, I don't think she could kill them. A bit more of my thought process under the cut :]
I wanted to toy with the idea that humanizing the legend is enough for Prism to like... doubt what she's really doing here. The proximity I think is something I wanted to keep in mind, because even in the games, she's always somewhere else or there's a barrier in between them that she couldn't interact with Phoenix directly. I could only think of two instances where Prism gets real close to Phoenix before her eventual change of sides: the Robot confrontation in Blind Spot, and the ending of Cold Shoulder (WHICH is what directly preceded her change of heart). I thought to myself mmmmmMaybe there's something I can work with here. Maybe she did have a distorted image of Phoenix in her head that only fueled her frustration and vengeance towards them............... so what if she finally meets them and they're. much realer than she anticipated? so this was born.
I call it kind of self-indulgent because. Well. There was no other reason I added the makeout thing except for me going "AH I just wanted to do it" LMAO!! Half-joking half-serious though, I just think exploring the agent's body was the tipping point for me. There was also one time where I wanted to let them have their fun and finish what they started, but that felt like I was straying a bit too far from what I originally wanted to do. That, and I feel very insecure about writing something That explicit.
.......Well I hope that answered your question KSJDFHS sorry I just used your ask as rambling grounds for this fic. I think the girlies are allowed some more yuri in the tags okay. Okay? Okay. Short answer she would've still released them, in the hopes that the distance between them will make her vengeance return again. It would've been a much shorter fic if that happened.
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sylix-royalty · 5 months
If you’re still taking prompt requests, can I ask for 23 with hotchreid? <3 🥰
Of course! I’m so happy to fill request while I write my next part for my alphabet series, gives me a little motivation! Request as much as you’d like!
Ship: Hotch/Reid, Heid
Prompt: "I'm... lightheaded..."
Type: Fluff
Warnings: Nothing really, just a headache as expected
I made Hotch the Vulnerable one, I couldn’t help it.
Enjoy under the cut!
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Aaron sighed as he sat his bags down. Thankfully they’d finished the case just in time, as tended to happen with them it seemed. Due to inclement weather, they weren’t able to fly out until morning, which the team seemed fine with taking an extra night to sleep and relax. David and Derek had a room, JJ and Emily, leaving Spencer with Aaron. The men would rotate rooms occasionally, but for the most part this is how it ended up, mainly because Aaron stayed up late and Spencer was the least to complain about it (meaning he never did).
Spencer noted the exhaustion as Aaron seemed to collapse into a seated position on his bed. He was worried, but he tried not thinking about it too harshly. This case hadn’t been easy for any of them, least of all Hotch since he helf such a high standard for himself that the rest of the team never truly understood. He took such a pride in himself, but he never really reflected it to the rest of them unless he had to, to get the team kicked more into action than they already would be.
Still, it worried Spencer just how out of it his boss seemed. He couldn’t hold his tongue very long as Aaron held his temples with one hand, covering his eyes. Spencer shut off the overhead lights and decided to stick with the lamps in order to try and help.
“Are you alright?” Spencer asked, not wanting to pry, but at the same time, he wanted answers.
“I’m fine,” Aaron said, still keeping up that demeanor that everything was fine when it most certainly wasn’t.
“Hotch?” Spencer tried pressing gently. He didn’t want to go too far in fear of making Aaron angry at him, but he wasn’t going to give up that easily.
Aaron knew that.
“Yeah…” Aaron sighed, “I’m just… I’ve got a headache, is all,” He mumbled, blinking himself back and not wincing at the dim light, as he glanced at Spencer. His eyes seemed unfocused, and Spencer didn’t like it.
“Are you sure that’s everything?” Spencer asked.
“Yeah, just a headace. I’m gonna shower, the heat and steam will probably help,” Aaron mumbled, standing and grabbing one of the hotel towel’s to bring into the bathroom with him, along with his go bag.
Spencer didn’t say anything else as he watched Aaron disappear into the bathroom. Spencer didn’t tend to calculate how long someone to shower, it really depended on outside factors like cases and how someone was feeling that he didn’t spend his time doing it. However, he knew when it was too long for Aaron. Especially when the shower turned off and Aaron hadn’t emerged after a typical couple of minutes to get dressed.
It took him 9 minutes and 45 seconds to come back out to the main room, and Spencer was fully watching him now. Aaron took hold of the wall to keep steady.
“Hotch?” Spencer asked as he slowly stood.
“I’m… light-lightheaded,” Aaron whispered, and as he tried to take a step, his knees buckled beneath him. Spencer was able to catch him and keep him steady.
“Woah, I gotcha, I gotcha,” Spencer whispered, carefully carrying him to the bed and sitting him down. He pressed the back of his hand against Aaron’s forehead. It wasn’t at all accurate, since the man had just emerged from a hot shower and a steam filled room, but still Spencer didn’t like just how warm Aaron felt.
“You might be running a fever,” Spencer whispered. “I won’t be able to completely tell until you’re body has cooled from the shower.”
“I don’t… feel sick,” Aaron whispered.
“You’re lightheaded enough to lose your footing, that seems sick to me. How much have you slept?”
“This case or in general?” Aaron asked.
“Let’s go with in general,” Spencer said as he stood to grab a washcloth and grabbed the ice bucket.
“I only sleep for about 4 hours a night,” Aaron admitted.
“Not good,” Spencer mumbled. “I’m gonna go grab you some ice. Lay down if you need to.”
Aaron nodded, and Spencer left to do that. When he returned, Aaron was still sitting up, but his hand was back over his eyes, middle finger holding one side of his temple and his thumb holding the other. Spencer filled the washcloth with a bit of ice, not enough to make a huge mess when it melted, but enough to provide a little relief for a headache.
“Do you want some of my over the counter medication?” He asked, carefully placing the washcloth over his neck.
“No, I’m fine,” Aaron whispered shakily.
“We both know you’re not,” Spencer whispered.
“You don’t have to take care of me,” Aaron whispered, dropping his hand to look at Spencer. There was a weakness in his eyes that Spencer had never seen before. Not even after the murder of Haley, this was a different kind of weakness.
“Doesn’t mean I don’t want to,” Spencer whispered. “You’ve taken care of me, right? You don’t always have to be by yourself, Aaron.”
Aaron blinked, clearly exhausted enough not to argue. Spencer watched his reaction, trying to keep his face steady and warm.
“I’ve got you,” Spencer promised. “Lay down, I’ll take care of you.”
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xwyndx · 4 months
20 Questions for Writers!
I wasn't tagged but I wanted to do it. Also, TW: mentions of smut.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 12 on my main account and 2 on my alt account. 
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Around 124k, oh my god. I didn't realize how much I wrote, that's amazing.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I had a really strong hyperfixation with Super Mario and like half my fics are from that fandom. I also have some Spideypool published and some more on my wips. And, lastly, not a fandom but I like publishing original works a lot. 
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A prince to forget a princess (Explicit)
When kidnapping goes very very right (Explicit)
Mario & Luigi: Bodyswap Adventure
Me, myself and Deadpool
So obvious
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, I love doing it! Sometimes anxiety gets in the way and I stop replying, but I usually reply.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't do angst. 
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of my fics have happy endings! 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I got like three comments over the course of two years or so, so not bad. I always remember the one who said I was a poser because my wordbuilding on my horny bowuigi fic wasn't good. I was like bro this is porn lol. 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! I find it so much fun. I usually go for fantasy settings because that gives me an easy excuse to ignore logic or even safety (nothing bad can happen because ✨magic✨). Also I just like fantasy.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No, but not because I don't like them, crossover ideas just don't come to mind idk. I wrote one very long ago, it was so fun, but I stopped at chapter 3 hahaha. It was for Code Lyoko and a cartoon no one even knows about called Magi-Nation that had me obsessed. 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I think not. 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!!! It was so fucking awesome!!! I still smile when remembering it, it's so cool.
(This is the fic and this is the translation.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't. I feel like writing is too personal for me, I wouldn't be able to do this. 
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
It's obviously A prince to forget a princess. My god, I really got obsessed with bowuigi and then the obsession just faded and I lost all my motivation to write that, but I don't want to have unfinished works asadkfjahkjd
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think humor is my thing. I like writing fun stuff, something to put a smile on people's faces and I've been told by people who read me that they laughed, and that's cool. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Following a fucking schedule. Seriously, either I completely obsess with something and write 4 chapters in one day or I lose interest and leave it at chapter 2. And you'd think, well, then post the 4 chapters across two weeks. But no, I have them, so I want to post them! Ugh, I'm annoying.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends. If it makes sense, like someone is speaking English but then turn to someone else and change languages for whatever reason, that's cool. But if they're supposed to be speaking the other language and suddenly there's an amigo or an onii-chan or something like that I scream. 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think Pokemon. But I didn't post it, I didn't even write it on a computer, I wrote on a notebook. I was like 10.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Mmmm tough question but I think my favorite is Me, myself and Deadpool. But it might be because I'm on board of the Spideypool ship right now, and might change when I obsess with something else.
That's everything!! Feel free to copy this if you want to answer it. You can consider yourself tagged by me if you want!
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novella-writers · 2 months
Mercy, pirates and star fleets: a sci-fi story
”When you dare to stare in the eyes of someone whose fate mirrors yours, no one can blame you for wanting to try and change its course.”
Hey there my fellow space exploring pals and writers from previously uncharted worlds! I am once again on the hunt for some sci-fi based goodness intertwined with an overly generous helping of drama, spaceships, lasers, aliens, romantic endeavours, intergalactic sized portions of chaos, moments of tenderness and heartbreaks, more lasers, some cool tech and a story that leaves us hanging on the edge of our seats whilst we eagerly await the next reply with a few unexpected plot related twists and turns thrown in to keep us on our toes.
What I’m looking for right now specifically is an story revolving around two characters, one of whom is a particularly Nefarious and well known space pirate that frequently terrorises anyone who is unfortunate enough to stray too close to uncharted areas of deep space whilst the other is a alliance captain who is widely viewed as a hero for their ability to single-handedly take down and capture some of the galaxies most dangerous criminals with near perfect success every time they’re encountered, that are forced to band together after a intense space battle results in the damaged ship they were duelling on hurtling towards a nearby planet and the decision to flee is made for both of them by the pirate in what can only be described as a unexpected but presumably sinisterly motivated act of mercy on their behalf.
Why does the pirate decide to rescue their enemy instead of just finishing them off and saving themselves? Well dear reader and potential fellow writing partner, that is up to us to figure out and I’m more than happy to hear any ideas or theories you may have. Maybe they were former friends who split after going down different paths in life. Maybe the pirate isn’t as big and bad as the wanted posters or news stories make them out to be. Maybe the captain has something of value to the pirate that they need to be alive for. Anything is possible provided it fits the theme of the story. I am also open to it being the captain who makes the decision to save both themselves and the pirate instead and I have no preference for who plays who, so don’t hesitate to say if there’s one role that you have your eyes set on more than the other and claim it.
-I am looking for someone who can write a minimum of at least three to four properly fleshed out and detailed paragraphs per response in third person past tense as well as a decent grasp on spelling, grammar and punctuation. One liners, single paragraph responses, rushed out replies with frequent spelling mistakes that go uncorrected and constantly swapping between tenses are a no go for me.
-I would like to aim for at least one to two responses per day/every other day, but I am open to planning a schedule with my partners depending on their overall availability so long as there are at least three days of the week where they are able to make a post for the rp and I’m given a heads up about any changes that may need to be made due to life related things outside of our control. I am not open to only receiving one response a week or less than that.
-I am looking for a long term rp partner who is also open to having multiple threads/plots/stories/etc running at the same time or at our leisure. I’m not looking for a short term story that is over and done with in just a couple of days before we part ways and never hear of each other ever again.
-I am in the AEST time zone. Whilst I have no trouble working with people who are in different time zones, please be aware that this might cause a bit of schedule clashing depending on how many hours behind or ahead of you I may be and what times you are available to chat with.
-I am a big fan of ooc chat and love nothing more than opening up discord on my phone to find that I have been flooded with messages containing ideas for the rp, silly little goofy character scenes, memes or even just a funny story about something that happened during the week. As long as I am not being spammed with “you there?” “When will you reply?” “Hello?” Or something similar, you are free to message me at any time even if I am not actively online.
-All writers and characters must be 20+. No exceptions will be made in regards to this rule.
-I only play male characters and they’re all aliens. If you do not like the idea of playing against aliens that may have/has fur, claws, fangs, tails, the ability to walk on ceilings, multiple limbs or just anything that doesn’t look like it could be anything else besides a regular earthborn human and lacks any noticeable features to help distinguish them as another species, then I am not the rper for you. I do not care if you wish to play as a human or alien provided it doesn’t look like a xenomorph or insectoid like alien, isn’t made from slime, doesn’t have magical powers, isn’t telepathic and can function in harsh or combative environments without automatically being severely handicapped in some way because their helmet broke and they can’t survive without it due to being unable to breathe without water or they’re blinded by regular lighting and cannot adapt to it.
-I often incorporate certain themes and topics in my stories which may include, but are not limited to: gore, violence, war, PTSD and how that may affect the way a character interacts with others, disabilites, major injuries or illnesses and how they’re treated, abuse, character loss or death, torture, etc. any and all limits will be discussed prior to the planning stages of the rp itself but please keep in mind that I’m not the kind of person who skimps on the dark and gritty parts of a story (barring a few very specific exceptions) so if you are not comfortable with this, I am not the rper for you.
-Romance is my bread, slow burn is my butter. Together they help create the perfect sandwich that I absolutely adore. Gimme that drama which comes with realising that the guy who was only a few seconds away from shishkabobing you with his cutlass is kinda hot, let them simmer in the tension those feelings cause and stew flusteredly over the little things they both find cute about each other, engage in a bit of insulting (banter) that leaves the characters going “dang….they’re good.”, mercilessly plunge them into the pits of emotional despair when one of them gets hurt, let em see the best and worst sides of each other. Don’t be afraid to sling any ideas that may make it all the more dramatic-er wholesome either! Just don’t get too carried away and let it completely overtake the main story. Pairings wise MxM is what I prefer the most but I’ll also happily indulge in a FxM (with me playing the male character) couple as well. I will not play the role of a female character as part of either a primary or secondary romantic pairing so don’t come to me if you’re looking for someone to do that for you.
-Spice (smut) is a ingredient that I add to all of my rp’s and I don’t like to skimp (fade to black) on when it comes to sprinkling it in amongst the main storyline, but it’s also not something that will come first over anything else either. I like to keep things 50/50 when it comes to having a story to smut ratio and do not wish to have one exceed the other in excessive amounts. I am not a fan of strict dom/sub roles when it comes to bedroom dynamics and will only accept characters who are switches/tops who don’t mind swapping places every now and then, I will not play against submissive bottoms who have no intention of reciprocating or have to be constantly guided on what to do.
-Please keep your time travellers, dimension hoppers, androids, heavily augmented cyborgs,overly emotionally fragile characters, characters who need to be constantly looked after or guided by mine, characters who are blinding rays of sunshine that never feel any negative emotions whatsoever and those who may be more suited to a entirely setting, genre or role at home please.
-I only write on discord due to the ability to make servers so that everything stays neat and organised/easily accessible within its own little category. I will not write on any other platform.
-usual rp etiquette rules such as don’t control my characters,don’t rewrite a whole scene without asking first, don’t overstep any boundaries, let me know if something comes up (if possible), please actively contribute to world building/plotting and have fun also apply.
Still with me? AWESOME! For anyone who is interested in diving headfirst into this interstellar adventure with me please shoot me an introductory dm on discord that has your time zone, your availability, your preferred role and pairing, what you liked about the idea and your favourite food so that I know you read through everything. Anyone who messages me with “rp?” or “hey I’m interested!” will be ignored.
My discord: tiberionwars
Time to fly!
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oathofpromises · 10 months
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name — Stella, or Stels by close friends
pronouns — She/Her or They/Them
preferred comms —I mostly start off on Tumblr, due to the fact that I have had people harass me in the past on Discord. Therefore, I will gauge and see if we click well, and if asked, I will provide my discord. This is just for my comfort. 
name of muse —I'm a multi-muse account, having muses from Ffxiv all the way to Resident Evil. For the moment, my must-active muses are my FFXIV ones, preferably Stella, Hiroto, Hikari, Y'shtola, and G'raha, with other Canon characters too, but those ones are the most loud right now. If anyone is interested in interacting, I did redo my career with all the messages I currently have motivation to write for.
experience in RP —I started RPing when I was 21, I think. It started off mainly in a different app, but due to various reasons, I stopped for a bit before coming back to Twitter. Eventually, this led me to Tumblr, where I have been writing for about 11 years now. Although I have been writing since I was really young, it was not in the RP style. I have been working on writing characters since I was really young.
best experiences — Probably the best experiences that I have had this year have been with these two sweethearts. It’s not often that you find people who actually enjoy hanging out outside of RP. They make the same effort as you to spend time together and genuinely listen to you gush about your characters. They have sincerely made my year a lot better, and I am thankful for them each and every day. The laughter we share brings a much-needed light to a challenging year. I also just feel like being able to focus more on original characters has been so much fun too. In the past, I was mainly getting requests for canon characters only, so it feels nice that people want to interact with characters that I have built so much lore into.
pet peeves / dealbreakers —I think my best pet peeve is people's vague postings. It’s one of my rules that I will soft-block or block if I see people doing this. I also do not appreciate pushing ships. Just because I have a dynamic with a close friend and you might be writing the same character doesn’t mean that you will also get the same dynamic. Each dynamic I have with other people is something I have discussed and worked on. I am a slow-burn type of person, so I want to see those characters relationships develop over time. Keep in mind that I have rules for shipping, which are on my carrd too. 
The last thing I can think of is just guilt-tripping to reply to a certain thread. Sometimes I only have inspiration for certain threads, and that shouldn’t be seen as a problem. This is a place to have fun, not a job. I’ve been made to feel bad about taking too long to reply to threads before, and honestly, being pressured to reply isn’t going to make me answer it sooner.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) —I honestly prefer fluff and angst over anything. Anyone who’s written with me for a bit knows that I love combining the two. Not all the time, of course; a balance is needed, but if I had to pick ones that are more my style and what I prefer to write, it’s those two. Emotions are honestly a huge thing that I try to focus on, and these two are perfect for conveying that. It does take me a bit to reply to more angsty threads, though, depending on the context, because it sometimes takes a lot more energy to respond to them.
plot or memes —I like either one; memes are a great way to let me know you are interested in writing with me. I do enjoy plotting, though, as certain meme starters can eventually lead to developing dynamics between muses. So if you're nervous about talking to me, send in a meme starter from those that I reblogged. Please keep in mind that some are for ship partners only, but I do reblog ones for platonics and such too.
Long or Short replies—I think by now most can see I am a fairly long-reply writer. I don’t mind shorter threads, as long as there is some effort being put in by both of us. I just have had too many experiences in the past where I will put a lot of love into a starter and the person will only reply with a few sentences, which isn’t enough to continue the thread and makes me feel like I need to be the one guiding it along.
But I don’t mind shorter threads; sometimes it’s nice to just have something short and sweet. But all I ask is that some attempt be made to return the effort of writing back.
best time to write —This varies for me, especially since I have a full-time job. I try to work on things throughout the day on my breaks, but most of the time it feels like my best writing is done at night.
are you like your muse —I feel like so many of my muses have parts of me in them. It just helps to develop a character when you know some of the things they are feeling or going through. I experienced bullying for most of my life, which allowed me to understand the challenges Stella faced for years. Stella endured the mistreatment from the tribe and the negative thoughts that can arise when people make her feel a certain way.
Stella is also very forgiving; she cares so much about others. which isn’t a bad thing, but it has led to her giving up a lot to try and be there for them. In the end, I feel like Stella has so much of my love in her as well as Hiroto. The two are honestly combining parts of myself in them a bit; they are of course their own characters, but certain things I do see connecting to them from myself.
Tagged by: @crystalmarred (Thank you hon <3)
Tagging: Anyone that would like to do this that hasn't been tagged. Just mentioned I tagged you <3
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beyyerrr · 1 year
ICT is beneficial and useful. We can quickly communicate with others, conveniently obtain information, and most importantly, we may improve our free time because it expedites the completion of our task. ICT has the added benefit of enabling people to work from home, which has an impact on our society as a whole. People who no longer commute to work would cause less traffic pollution as a result. Another development is the advent of online home shopping. We won't waste our time driving to the neighborhood mall or store to get our necessities. For those who are unable to leave their homes for various reasons, the physically challenged individual who is currently dependent on others to conduct their shopping is the best example. These people might be able to become more autonomous and less dependent on others by using the internet to make purchases.
My chosen track is to become a maritime engineer, so what is ICT's importance in the maritime industry?
on ICT in relation to my chosen career path, Seaman
The information flow between the many participants in the maritime transport chain is automated and streamlined by ICT systems, which enhances their efficiency. Ports are able to make appropriate plans thanks to current ship data. As a result, the skipper learns about port accessibility and may plan his journey more efficiently.
This infographic that we created explain how we promote our strand and how we convince the junior high students to choose the STEM STRAND for their senior high. Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) expertise can be the secret to a prosperous future. Here are some reasons why STEM education is important and some ideas for motivating students to work in the field.
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hi guys!!! My name is Bea Jan Ern S. Colinares you can call me bey. im 16 years old and im turning 17 this year in june 6 and i was born on june 6 2006. i live here in davao which is in sasa landmark 3 portville subdivision. I last studied in balite national high school surigao del norte but now i study in University of Immaculet Conception. i have 7 sibling which is 3 for the first husband of my mom, and 4 sisters in my second husband of my mom. where broken family and im staying with my dad now. my hobbies is singging, draw, craft, sleep hehe. my fav color is sky blue and my fav flower is white roses and sunflower i like to watch barbie and any cartoons thats remind me when i was a kid. I love sweet smells and chocolates. im a lolas girl but now shes not here in earth i feel like i dont have my strenght but im being a independent women right now. And if i complete my study this senior high in college i want to get the course archi or CE cause thats my passion to draw and create. i have a cat and her name is chamcham monmon where i get that name in the movie name Gap The Series.
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motherland · 4 years
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Ship Spotlight: Raylla [Part 1]
Motherland: Fort Salem’s Taylor Hickson and Amalia Holm, sat down with us to chat about their characters, Raelle and Scylla, the Raylla ship, their favorite fan art, moral grey areas, and who else they ship on the show. Check it out:
Do you personally ship Raylla? Why or why not? 
Taylor Hickson: I do! I think Eliot Laurence and his writer's team are giving solid representation to communities, groups and individuals that felt unheard or misunderstood for a long time. I heavily connect with the idea of boundless love. I think to truly care about someone or something, you will face all odds in the way of you and your love. I'm very abstract in what I consider romance, but that is one traditional concept I've adopted and stand by. Love that lasts stems from "us vs. the world" not "us vs each other". I've spent a lot of time in my personal relationships making that discovery. I think that's something we see Raylla challenged with. Something they beautifully represent.
Amalia Holm: In the world of Motherland, I do! The strength they give each other is enough to make them both want to become better people, and I’m weak for that. In the real world, I think it’s hard to know when to let someone go — when the relationship is hurting you more than it is rewarding you. No matter the world, I do believe that people can change for the better.
Who else do you ship on Motherland: Fort Salem? 
AH: I ship Abigail and Adil. Hoping they will have a deep going relationship and teach each other about their two respective worlds. I like that Abigail falls for someone with a completely different world view. Can’t wait to see if Petra Bellweather will approve or not. If Adil continues to fall for Abigail, I wonder how that will be seen upon in his Tarim Cell.
Do you think that Scylla can be redeemed, especially given that she may feel regret for her actions? 
TH: I do! I'm personally a very forgiving individual. I believe that no one is purely good or bad. Our mistakes and choices can help us grow. Especially in our teens, when making discoveries about who we are feels a lot heavier. We're all trying to do the right thing and be the best versions of ourselves. These characters are plunging themselves into morally grey waters. Just like the rest of us.
AH: Tough question. In one way: yes, or I hope so. In another way, her actions have been justified by the war she is fighting and it will all depend on whether or not she will stick to her cause and in what context. Also, if she can find a measure of justice for her murdered parents. 
Do you think that Raelle will be able to forgive Scylla when she finds out the extent of what she’s done? 
TH: I think Raelle is a lot less forgiving than most people. She carries her pain from her past in all the decisions she makes. When she commits to taking someone out of her life, it's very hard to reconcile once she feels she's been betrayed. I'm hoping she can apply what she's learned and keep an open mindedness to other people's motivations and situations. It will be that much stronger to see such a reluctant character overcome her adversities.
AH: Depending on the strength of their connection at the time of Raelle finding out, she might be more or less willing to put her knowledge of Scylla’s heart and vulnerability first and see Scylla’s actions through a forgiving lens. It is in Scylla’s favor that Raelle previously has been such a critic of the military and how it endangers witches. They need to find a common way with much better means. Would love for one of them to run for office!
Can you share your favorite piece of Raylla fan art?
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TH: There are SO many beautiful pieces. There are sooo many talented artists enjoying our show! It's impossible to pick just one. But because I have to, I’m choosing this one [by Ophélie Mähl] because it felt like a poster for their entire relationship.
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AH: It took me forever to choose because I just want to honor them all. The little comics, the posters, the oil paintings...I’m choosing this one [by @runawaybeesh​] for its dreamlike setting where Raylla is spending time together outside of Fort Salem. 
If you were in your character’s shoes, how would you handle the situation that she’s currently in? 
TH: Both Raelle and myself mirror each other in love. We both work hard to maintain stability within our relationships. When that consistency is taken away from us, we get very messy; we feel powerless in our relationships or situations. It often leads to unintentionally hurting others we love while chasing to get that stability back. I see myself very likely reacting the same way.
AH: Right now Scylla is a wreck, having had her love and integrity taken away from her. Being a wreck, I think I too would lick my wounds and become a little morbid before recharging. It would all depend on how tired, hungry and drained I would be. If there is a hint of hope for my future, I hope I would have fought back with whatever I have.
But wait, there’s more! Check out Part 2 here and catch Motherland: Fort Salem Wednesdays at 9pm/8c on Freeform. Next day on Hulu.
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hanazou · 3 years
hello,, I’ve been feeling down lately and a loved one of mine recently has passed away...
if you are comfortable with it may I request a scenario of Atsushi and Chuuya comforting their s/o who were grieving over a death of a loved one? ;0 thank you I love your blog 💖💖
𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙪𝙮𝙖 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙜𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙛
Books : Chuuya | Atsushi
Genre : Comfort, romance
Category : Headcanons, short scenario
Shelves : Hardback | Paperback
Warning : Description of grief
Note : I am deeply sorry for your loss. I can’t do emergency requests but I tried to get this one out as fast as I could. I could only do short scenarios of this so I added headcanons, I hope this is alright. Once again, my condolences and please stay strong.
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Chuuya has to ask you a couple of worried questions before it strikes him what you’re dealing with.
He will be on the verge of panicking when he first hears the bad news, worse if you're the one that has to tell him what happened. He instantly undergoes flashbacks from experiencing something like this himself and he fears that your coping with the grief might harm you.
If you can’t afford to talk to him like you usually do, he understands.
He stands/sits next to you, arms crossed, occasionally glancing at you to see if there’s any change in your stance, expression, anything.
He avoids staring at you directly in concern that you'd become pressured by him.
He’s ready to catch you if your legs fail you
Holds the top of your head lightly yet firmly. If you don’t show signs of protesting, he’d slowly pull you closer to his neck.
Getting physically affectionate is his prime card to comfort you, but before anything, he takes off his gloves so he won’t dirty you.
His fingers move kind of unevenly and feel rough, but that’s how you can feel his desire to support you
If you can’t stop crying or on the verge to go on a complete mental breakdown, he immediately collides his body against yours as tight and strong as he could.
If your legs give up, he drops down with you in his arms instead of keeping you standing with his ability and he’ll clutch your face close when you both land on the floor.
If you won’t hug him first, he’ll pull you to him. He forces your face down his shoulder so you’d grieve as much as your heart can empty while his hand brushes your back up and down.
“Cry as long as you need,”
Words, as I’ve once said, isn’t his speciality, but he tries regardless. He wants to make sure that you know you aren’t alone, that you have him with you.
He doesn’t talk as much but his distressed expression stays as long as he’s with you.
“You can take it out on my shoulder, you know,” He hesitates a bit, unsure if he sounds too rough.
If you can’t stop crying, he pats your shoulder, only knowing how to say “There, there” since he thinks it’s better than saying nothing at all. Chuuya thinks you need to hear him being there.
Chuuya squeezes through his tight schedule to make time for you.
He negotiates as best as he could with Mori to give him as much time off as possible.
If it’s impossible to take a week off, he goes full rampage in his job with the thought of you in his head motivating him to finish everything as soon as possible, making a mess where he goes.
If someone gets in his way, Chuuya shouts, "I've got someone more important to see, you punk!" while blasting them away.
He always brings food and drink over and makes sure you eat. He spoon-feeds you if necessary. He isn’t the cleanest but him wiping your face clean makes up for that.
"Come on, babe, you gotta eat," Chuuya says. "They won't like seeing you grieving like this, so eat, yeah? For them?"
If the emotions exhaust you to sleep, he sits against the wall and pulls you to him so you’d sleep against his body, making sure his limbs are around you so you’d never feel the loss of pressure around your body.
If it's cold, he wraps you with a blanket and occasionally touches your fingers to know whether you're staying warm or not.
Since Chuuya’s goal is to make sure you don’t feel alone or abandoned as I’ve mentioned, he does everything to solidify his presence.
He calls often if he has to be away, he sends food delivery, leaves short sticky notes, and sends voice messages.
It’s noticeable he doesn’t know what to say and even more obvious that he wants to keep reaching out to you.
Chuuya tries to strike a light and brief conversation once in a while. He’s disturbed by your uncharacteristic silence, it scares him.
“Do you want some takoyaki?” He’d ask randomly. The anxiety on his face never wavers away.
He does any activity that comes to mind when he stays at your place, but regardless of what he does, he’s never more than three feet away from you.
Always, without fail, kisses you good morning and good night on the forehead regardless he stays at your place or not.
Or if you're not opposed to it, Chuuya wants to take you to his place. He may still have to go to work, but something doesn't feel right about leaving you alone for so long in a place he's not too familiar with. At least in his space, you're constantly reminded you're not alone and that you're there because you're never abandoned.
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Like a strayed ship in a storming ocean, your emotions are the waves storming your damaged vassal of conscience to the point that even looking forward to sunray from the bleak sky of endless cloud sounds mythical, making speaking a heavy chore. You’ve been exhausting yourself to sleep, soaking everything with your tears until it no longer comes out. It’s frustrating, it’s turbulent, so active in making you passive. Your tears run out but not the multiple stabs around your heart. Your voice leaves you but not the intensity or the transparency of hurt on your face.
It feels impossible, fictional, but if it were, then you aren't supposed to have your heart cauterized. It's the reminder of the bitter truth you're grappling against accepting.
If they had to go, why not bring the pain with them? Why do they have to leave you fractured, incomplete, empty, by transcending away while you stay behind, only able to watch them shrink somewhere unreachable?
Why do pieces of you have to be chipped off your already fragile soul, leaving holes in your essence? Why leave many pieces behind, why leave you alone?
“Hey,” A voice zaps your mind back to your head.
You remove your face from your wrinkled, moist, and sweaty palms, everything in front of you foggy from the swelling of your eyes. You still wear your dark clothes, unable to find the heart to change into something new, something brighter, after the sudden tragedy strikes. It was not, and still not is, in your capability to even stand up to eat.
Chuuya’s oddly timid and soft-sounding voice for this week is what makes you feel something other than rocking instability.
Slightly opening your eyes to see him, his figure before you hurts your eyes from how colourful he is. His face appears like a messy mix of vibrant paint, his orange hair, blue eyes and fair skin, and dark clothes sticking out from the stale background behind him.
A pair of silver keys, ones that unlock your door, stand out from his black-gloved hand from beneath his tightened fist. He puts it in his pocket and takes your hands, forcing you to stand and steadies your arms when your knees wobble.
"Have you eaten the lunch I had delivered here?" He pats off the dust from your shoulders and arms, his vibrant face still paining your swollen eyes.
Your eyes roll to the untouched paper bag on the table. You figure Chuuya’s eyes follow because of the stifled sigh he holds in.
"Babe, come on…"
"I can't," is what you try to say, although with your dry throat, it comes out like scorched empty words. "I'm sorry, I know you picked it with great care and thoughts so I'd eat, but I just can't, not when—" You catch a coarse breath. "Not when I'm like this, I can't yet."
"Still don't want to talk about it?" His voice squeezes. "You can't keep it in forever, you know, and you really shouldn't."
With your blurry vision, you figure that his arms extend open. A weak ‘what?’ is all you can hoarsely ask.
“Saying nothing, skipping meals and not drinking.” He says sourly. “Let out your grieve like how it should be done. That's what they'd want too."
Your tears make a reappearance at either a bad or perfect timing, depends on how you tilt your head to see it. They prickle your eyes, some rushing down your face.
“Come here,” Chuuya says, perhaps frowning from the way his voice changed.
Your eyes close slowly before opening again, your puffed eyelids troubling you from keeping your eyes opened. “I don’t think I can,” You sound like an overworked opera singer. “If I hug you, I won’t be able to let go and I might suffocate you without meaning to.”
You think Chuuya makes a sound of annoyance until a force smashes your body forward, lunging your face against him. The brief faint glow of orange earlier helps you process that he used his ability on you to bring you to him. Now his arms trap you in him, your forehead strongly weighted on his shoulder.
“Then suffocate me,” His muffled voice says from behind your head, one of his hands taking your arm to hold his body. “I’m always here.”
Your hands stretch his shirt with your tight clasp as you feel yourself getting lost in the waves. The turbulence crashes out from within you as you incoherently cry on Chuuya’s stable body, him becoming your guaranteer in the midst of the rocking forces that threaten your balance. His rigid arms support your weight as you wail out, ensuring that the waves don’t sweep you away, somewhere unreachable from him. He secures you, letting you explore the storm’s rolling waves while still grounding you safe.
“I’m here,” The soft wind in the storm grazes your ear. “I promise.”
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Atsushi is one of the most sympathetic and empathetic people you could ask for when it comes to comfort you through your grief.
He’s nowhere oblivious to someone who’s hurting. He recognizes what kind of pain you’re going through and it doesn’t take him too long to identify what you’re feeling and the intensity of it although he can’t process it into words.
Atsushi is so worried sick for you that he has trouble thinking straight and his breaths get faster.
He’s really anxious about you feeling left behind or abandoned.
He makes sure that you don’t doubt that your beloved one who has to leave earlier definitely loves you.
It breaks him if you think of things such as disappointing them, unable to fulfil their wishes, etc.
Atsushi can feel your hurt as if it’s his own, and because of his heightened emotional senses, he’s quick to jump in to support you. It’s instinctive.
He’s at first hesitant to touch you, let alone comfort you with his embrace, so he starts with generic sentences like “I’m so sorry” and “You can lean on me” while offering his empty shoulder
It’s challenging for him, but Atsushi is persistent to comfort you with his words before he touches you.
He insists on speaking before holding you around him.
Atsushi validates your feelings by putting his guesses of how you’re currently feeling into words. He’s not the best with words so he’ll struggle to pick his vocabulary, but the things he says are mostly true.
“I’m sorry you have to feel like your heart is becoming stiff,”
“If you feel like everything around you is empty, I’m still here,”
When he does get to the point where he feels that physical touch can help you, Atsushi is very tender.
He starts with wiping your tears away until your cheeks are drier and offers you tissues. He’ll help you blow your nose
He removes the hair sticking to your face and wipes your face until you’re dry
He hugs you like he's the one broken; putting his face on your shoulder, arms hanging from your neck. It's because that he fears that you might get as hopeless as him. He dreads for that for that happen so he holds you with the strongest Affirmation he can give.
"I'm with you, I'll always be," He keeps repeating while he hugs you.
Touches your fingers most of the time and squeezes your hand
Atsushi fights tooth and nail to get several days off to stay with you in your place. He’ll have a whole speech prepared so he can convince Fukuzawa and Kunikida
He’ll spend the morning bargaining with Fukuzawa in his office after giving Kunikida a 15 minute TED talk about how badly he can empathize with your loss and how he’s rock certain you need his company
He asks Kyouka to help him make your food that’s easy to digest for the stomach, like soup and porridge. You can best bet that she’s going to add some tofu to it.
“Kyouka-chan helped me make this fish soup,” Atsushi presents you the bento boxes, unwrapping the cloth. “Let’s eat, okay? You have to keep your stomach filled. I’ll help you.”
If he’s unable to spend the night at your place, Atsushi makes sure to arrive at 6 am sharp every day to check on you, and the earliest he’ll leave is around 8 o’clock
He cleans your place every day diligently and does an excellent job at it. Doing the dishes, cleaning the floor, making sure the sink is clean and ensures the bathroom floor isn’t slippery. He doesn’t want an untaken care living space to worsen your emotional state.
Despite always bringing fresh food, Atsushi makes sure to cook fresh batches of rice to eat with anything he delivers so if you miraculously want to eat something, you’ll have something to consume.
If he has to leave for a while, he surrounds you with plush toys. If you don't have any, he borrows Kyouka's bunny plushies collection and arranges them around you, your pillow, the corner of your bed, and on your blanket.
Atsushi never wants you to forget that your loved one loves you. He does everything in his power to remind you everyday that although they're gone, the love they have for you will eternally stay with you and that nothing can ever change that.
He hugs you while verbally reminding you of that.
His hugs always lasts a long while if you're not uncomfortable with it. He can stay long minutes in that position.
Or he sits/lays down next to you in silence, doing absolutely nothing. He's anxious about the quietness himself so his fingers are always near yours.
Words of affirmation randomly comes out. Sometimes he talks about his personal experience to encourage you that everything will be alright, sometimes he tells you the reasons to his belief why your loved one's love for you preserves through all.
He keeps his talks motivational and faithful for the future. Sometimes he'd quote the things Dazai had said to him, filtering out the nonsense if necessary, or the things he always told himself in hope for a brighter tomorrow.
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A breathing doll has been haunting your room for a week. It blinks, it moves, it can be spoonfed, but nobody at a glance would argue that it lives. It’s a doll. Calling it an undead is more generous than calling it a doll because of the existing needs. A doll sits inanimately, breathes at the bare minimum, and is devoid of wants and needs.
It’s the perfect status to illustrate how corpse-like you’ve been living like for this week. Your stone-cold face, just as cold fingers, eyes that barely shift, dried mouth and chapped lips make it a challenge to have you described as something living. To even use the word ‘live’ to describe you is contradictory and to hear the word ‘live’ suffocates your throat and clamps your once functioning heart. The indescribable pain mutes you, paralyzes you, turning you doll-like.
A broken doll, you are, once full, once living and moving until the one you love had to bid life farewell first without warning.
One tireless and loyal white-haired boy frequents you every day, bearing food and water to make sure the living doll in your room doesn’t fade into the cold. Cobwebs would have formed between your arms and your bed if he didn’t clean you off the filth you don’t bathe away, your nerves have been too dormant for you to feel filthy.
A bright white figure shifts around in front of you like a poltergeist. You pay it no mind. This isn't the first or second time you're seeing things that aren't there, or rather, someone who isn't supposed to be here. Your cluelessness to cope with the grave reality seems to have driven your brain on autopilot, it seems that this time it decides to give you a hallucination so you'd have someone to cling to.
A sudden snap startles your eyes to open wider, albeit without focus. Something black was in front of you, it had five branches and moves so... humanly. Like it's real. You trace it back to the white hallucination in front of you and it takes you a while to realise that you aren't hallucinating. The white haired boy who has been frequenting your place is here again today.
"Atsushi..." His name falls emptily through your teeth.
Atsushi’s mouth opens and his lips move in accordance. His face wrinkles to the centre. The inconsistent pressure he applies around your cold hand before holding you as tight as now tells you of how fragile he knows you are.
His mouth opens again familiarly. You shift your eyes to him without any effort to listen through the incoherent sound.
When his lips move for the third time, you figure out he has been calling your name. You blink twice and his chest deflates with a long exhale.
“You’ll pull through,” His hold around your hand boldens as he grit his teeth. “They had to depart first but they did so while loving you. You're loved, they love you. You can use that to push on, their love for you lives on and so do your memories of them.”
He observes you with high intensity as if expecting you to speak. You notice the disappointment when all your eyes do is gaze hollowly through him. You think he breathes in a sob from the sudden squeak he makes.
Your eyes lazily roll to follow your hand Atsushi lifts to put against his face. “I’m with you, I'll always will be. You’re not alone, you’re not alone, you’re not alone.” He chants. “You’re never alone, you’re never alone.”
He brings your hand down against his chest. Something beats inside to hammer you the reminder that it will never stop thrumming. The warmth reminds your nerves of something. It feels contagious, bringing you recollecting something you used to feel often.
“I promise, I promise, I promise,” Atsushi hurriedly says, “I’ll always be here for you.”
Like a mantra, his words deliver the familiar sensation his chest makes you feel to your essence. After your slowed blink, you tilt down your head and tilt back up, repeating that movement until it’s fitted to be called a nod. Atsushi heaves a breath out and pulls your hand to get between his arm and side until your upper body drops against his.
“They watch over you, I promise,” His hand holds your head as you passively breathe on his shirt. "Anytime and anywhere, they're with you, and so am I.” He says airily. "You're never alone and never will be. They're with you and I'm staying forever, you'll never see your side empty, I promise they watch over you, I promise, I promise, I promise,"
Your head tilts to the side, giving more space to breathe. His solid body exudes more of the feeling you don’t realize you crave. It reaches your throat eventually, nourishing you with words you once lost.
"Thank you," You whisper.
A living doll you temporarily are but not forever, and most certainly, a loved human you are for as long as the memory of your beloved and Atsushi keep you close to them.
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© all rights reserved to hanazou. do not repost, modify, or claim any of my works as your own.
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ackerpreach · 3 years
This ending .... I can name 500 reasons and I will name them right now, because I don’t think I’m the only one who is upset with how things turned out. (Also, A positive message for all of you at the end)
Update: after reading more theories from fellow RM bloggers, and sleeping over it one day, this entire chapter might be an april fools... Don't fully lose hope yet beautiful people. It's me just giving a review on a possible fake April fools chapter
After following this franchise since 2013, so nearly a DECADE. this ending is a pure disserve to the entire fandom. I feel like Yams has rushed it just for the sake of being done with the entire manga. So many things are left open, characters and their developemt are reverted back all the way to chapter 1 or are left even worse than that...
Mikasa’s worthless character development/ Aaronmika’s horrible toxic codependent relationship 
Oh honey... Let’s start with how horrible Isayama has treated her. We were all rooting for her, because we all felt like she was so misunderstood. She had a horrible childhood and imprinted on a guy who treated her like trash 99 percent of the story. And then, slowly but surely, she starts to realize she has to stop obsessing over him in the uprising arc with the help of a real man who treats her like a queen, more importantly, he treats her like a real human being. This man sees her for her abilities and that she has the power to be self dependent. She learned parts of herself, that she was able to work together with him like no one else could.  She learned parts of herself she was unable to do so if she kept obsessing about Aaron. All this love, care, mutual understanding and RESPECT these two shared. 
but...NAH FUCK THAT, right Yams?? Throw all this development away, all this bonding. Let’s make the main female lead even more yandere than she already was in the first season. Let her make out with his decapacitated head (like dude, this is also pure disrespect to Aaron’s dead body btw) and let her obsess even more about the guy who has treated her no better than a piece of toilet cloth 99 percent of the time. The guy who was never really appreciative in front of her for saving his ass billions of times, who always pushed her away, who yells at her and snaps at her whenever he can instead of reasoning and talking calmly with her in mature way. (EVEN PARODY YOUTUBE CHANNELS WHO DONT SHIP ANYTHING MAKE IT A TROPE WHERE AARON TELLS MIKASA HE HATES HER GUTS WHENEVER HE CAN) 
Then after all that, suddenly Yams tries to last minute persuade us Aaron’s always been head over heels for her???  He should have build their relationship better which he hasn’t even tried to do so... He must be thinking his fans are stupid for eating this from his hands.    
Like seriously??? What is this??? 
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Isayama is just fully contradicting himself. It’s like someone tipped him off with a buttload of money for him to write Aaron like this to satisfy shipping needs and to cash in those extra money’s from it. Even if he tried to cater to Erem*ika, this is not how you write a loving and caring couple which people will root for. 
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This next two panels just freaking infuriates me to the core of my soul. I can’t even describe how dissapointed I am with Mikasa. 
Why is she clutching that head so obsessively like that?  Why is she walking and turning her back away from her comrades? After everything they have done for her, after all they’ve been through?! After everything Armin has done? Standing up for Mikasa, beating up Aaron for hurting her. I feel like even Jean, Connie and Sasha have cared more for her in a healthy way.  Sure, Aaron cares for her romantically too apparently (What a twist Yams :)), but has he aided her to becoming a mentally healthier individual? Has he aided in her mental stability? The answer is a big fat NO!  All I see between these two after today’s raw Chapter’s are too Yandere obsessed individuals who have no clue on how to maintain a healthy relationship. 
Love should only go as far as the heart can endure and it seems like her character is not willing to be aware of that. Even Armin was able to let go of Aaron in those latest panels. Why does her entire character resolve around this guy??? I really do not understand. Her Ackerbond and her age is not an excuse for her to throw her life away like this. 
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Shonen’s disgusting portrayal of women 
I’ve seen this countless of times in the many years I’ve watched anime. SasuS*ku from Naruto, Ichih*me from Bleach, Shinji and that oranged hair girl from Neon Evangelion.. Why do these women get decreased to simpletons with one single goal? And that is to obsess over a bland male lead who either treats them like trash or doesn’t notice them up until the last last chapter (LITERALLY WHAT YAMS HAS DONE). Some go even as far as the male leading wanting the kill the female love interest and yet the female lead is still in love with them???. It’s disgusting for him to write the MAIN female character this way. 
It’s dissapointing we believed in Isayama doing Mikasa’s character right. That she’s finally being able to let go of her codependency and to live for herself maybe live in Hizuru and find more about her roots???, but every single time she shows some improvement, it’s burried deep in the ground again by the Author. It almost seems like a lowkey kink of some of the male Mangaka’s to write about a girl obsessing over them no matter what. I see this so many times to the point that I truly stand behind it that some of them might have this fantasy. 
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I wished he didn’t portray her last panels like this. Everyone else is living their lives while Mikasa is still grieving about him. I’m not saying she’s not allowed to grieve and everyone takes it at their own pace, but cmon... Show her living her life too. This is too much. Her being next to his grave and grieving him as her last panels just shoves it in our faces that YET AGAIN, BEING OBSESSED WITH AARON IS ALL HER CHARACTER STANDS FOR. 
I truly despise how Isayama handles her grieving, kissing his decapacitated head, carrying it around like some handbag, and her last panels being thissss.
The world leaving Paradis alone miraciously after all that??? 
It’s so weird and out of place with so many political feuds and disagreements between the world and Paradis, the entire Rumbling happening and we can see Mikasa just chilling outside in Paradis with no one bothering them. You can see the rings of the walls in the picture below.  I don’t know the exact reason behind as the manga is still in Korean, but from what I see, the story went the route of: throwing a happy ending without enough proper reason and  it was all fixed just like that in a snap! It doesn’t fit the entire narrative of attack on titan for things to be so peacful out of nowhere. When it comes to the narrative, how things work in that world, how hard it is to achieve peace, everything made somewhat sense up until chapter 138. 139 seems so so out of place...  It’s like I’m reading a chapter from a totally different manga. 
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Aaron Yoghurt got defeated so easily/ Aaron’s character assassination
The build up on the first part of the rumbling was great, those kids carrying coins. You could feel humanity’s fear and Aaron’s hatred in those pages. As if he truly had a goal and he has turned away completely from his comrades and his closest friends with no return. The world seemed truly doomed, but he  got defeated just like that. He was in the nape all this time (because screw the warhammer power of hiding yourself elsewhere in his ginormous titan body). There is no master plan as we all expected, and in the end he just acts all yandere in the paths with Armin and that’s it... They massacared his entire character as well. Many fan theories created a better ending with his character. Him being reincarnated as Historia’s baby would be so much better. For him to still keep on seeking and to strive for power. It has always been his motive. It’s his personality from the start until chapter 138. Even if things are okay, to keep on going and to seek that adventure, but then.. He’s so weak and directionless suddenly.. It’s so weird... This is not Aaron at all???
Using Aaron for him this entire post, because I don’t want others to invade our tags... :)))
Historia’s baby 
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The only panel we got from Historia’s child was this. Just a normal kid, normal life... Why did Isayama put so much effort in highlighting Historia’s pregnancy if it was nothing too spectacular anyway? It seemed he had major plans for this kid and for their development too??? It’s again, big plans, big developments, big relationship dynamic, but all  got thrown out of the window... 
Don’t read the next sentence if you are a minor :’) 
It’s like almost ejaculating, but stopping right before it and repeating that every single Arc.
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My energy when writing about this chapter is the same as Nostalgia Critic and his hatred for atla the live action
In Conclusion...
I know us fans should not be deciding on how this story should end, because this is Isayama’s story after all, but I truly wished for him to wrap up things much more rounded. There are so many unanswered questions... Again, I think for the sake of being done with this manga, he rushed all of it. He’s become a millionaire from this story and now his pockets are jammed full, I guess he doesn’t need to put in any effort anymore, right? Perhaps a controversial opinion, but I really wished he cared for his fans a little bit more with this last chapter by giving some answers that make sense at least. It’s his fans who gave him this platform and the opportunity to tell his story and for him to at least give in a bit of effort especially in the last chapter is the least he can do. Rivamika being canon or not, he truly rushed it without thinking much about the entire story line. He expanded it so much, he didn’t know how to bind it all together.
Even after all this, I’ll still ship them in the headcanon type of way. I do give credit to Isayama for giving us a template for such a beautiful dynamic between Levi and Mikasa. He decides to waste it, but that doesn’t mean we have to.  I want to thank all the people with amazing writing skills, the ones who give us beautiful art like @carmenlee @phit chan @vialesana​ and many more. I want to remind all of you that we can create something beautiful of our own and we don’t neccesarily need canon lore for that. The art I’ve seen, the fanfictions I’ve read have touched me deeper than Isayama ever could at times.The Mikasa in our mind is appreciate of Levi, is mature, classy and has a strong will for herself. They spend their remaining days together peacefully. Keep writing, keep drawing, stay creative. 
I love you all so so much, I’ve only been publicly active since March, but thank you Rivamika fandom for giving me so much joy as a lurker these past 7 years <3
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evilkitten3 · 2 years
Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I've only just discovered your blog. How's the Fairy Tail rewrite coming along/is there anywhere I can read it?
no worries, i'm very botherable! the ftr is still very much going to happen, but i haven't been able to summon up the motivation to get much actual writing done lately, so it's currently not available to read. i know more or less what i want to happen and how i want it to go, but it's a monster of a fic, and i don't want to do that thing i do where i get halfway through a project then abandon it.
so the current plan is to handle it like so: there are several arcs of varying lengths, so i'm going to have multiple arcs finished and ready to go before i start posting. the first two arcs (saving macao + daybreak) are fairly close to canon, so i've compressed them into being two chapters each and i'll probably post all of those fairly close together once they're finished and then start slowing down as things deviate from the original story. i'd like to have everything up through the oracíon seis arc finished before i post anything at all (which sounds like a lot, but that's just the first fourth of the outline. there's a reason i've gotta pace myself here). i'm considering this to be "part one", even though - if my outline holds true - it's nine arcs spread out over eighty-five chapters, and (for ao3) each arc is going to have its own "story" just to make things a little less overwhelming.
"part two" will kick off with the edolas arc and either go through the grand magic games arc or stop just before it, depending on how things go. like i said, it's an absolute monster of a fic (i have been working on this for literal years now jfc), and the outline spans 23 arcs/340 chapters, not counting any "extras" i might decide to do later on. a lot has changed from my original idea of the story, but i really like where it seems to be headed!
(btw, anyone can feel free to ask me any questions they want. i can't promise to answer every single one bc spoilers, but i can promise to do my best. also, sometimes talking to someone helps me spot plotholes or realize there's an opportunity i've missed/something to add, which is really helpful! i'll answer all the asks, even if it's just to say "unfortunately i don't want to spoil anything so i can't tell you yet", but if it's something that won't affect the overarching plot, i might answer. if you have questions about which ships will be happening then that's fine too, but hopefully people will be interested even if their otps don't show up or aren't portrayed quite how they'd prefer. i'd also like to state that some things that may seem similar to canon are intentionally made that way to keep you in suspense as to where i'm deviating and where i'm not. some things will be obviously different, but some things will be a bit sneakier. so be aware ;P)
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cheri-translates · 3 years
Hello cheri! How is your day? Im a fellow gavin stan but recently there is a guy stealing my attention and its shaw hahaha bt i still love gavin my 1st love on game. anyway on your opinion how did mc fell for shaw? And when shaw finds out he likes mc? Thank you ❤
(´・ᴗ・ ` ) Hello Anon! My day is great after receiving this interesting yet challenging question~ The development of a relationship requires the involvement of both parties, so I ended up discussing both questions simultaneously!
Here are the short answers to your questions, but do note that these are just my personal opinions:
1. She uncovered and accepted his complexities
2. Exciting Moment Date
A summary of the Shaw x MC dynamics can be found in these lines from Exciting Moment Date: 
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Let’s dive deeper into each line.
1. “Emboldened by the straightforward response, I couldn’t help but move closer to him.”
For this, we have to chart the development of MC’s impression of Shaw across the dates.
Shaw’s first event (i.e. Night Fire) took place one week after MC entered the Winter World. In a world where nobody else recognised her, it was perfectly natural for MC to gravitate towards Shaw despite not knowing him well:
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At the same time, her instincts cautioned her to stay away from him. After all, how good could a person be if he seemed to dye his hair in a flamboyant colour, wore a riveted jacket, and handed out fake identities like it’s nothing?
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Her instincts also warned her that he was the one who attempted to strike Victor in Ch 10 of the main storyline:
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At this point, she was likely experiencing two conflicting emotions. On one hand, she was very dependent on him and filled with gratitude for the emotional and practical help he gave her. 
In a world where she had no idea how to proceed, Shaw’s straightforwardness and self-assured nature likely provided her a huge sense of comfort.
At the same time, her instincts sounded the alarm bells in her head.
But being the kind and good-natured MC she is, she continued sticking around with Shaw and was even concerned for his well-being. 
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Within the span of one day in One-Day Date, she didn’t just move closer to him physically, but also learnt that he’s actually a graduate student in Loveland University who takes his exams seriously. She also learnt that he’s a talented bass player, and also talented in graffiti. 
She learnt that perhaps there’s greater substance to this young man than she originally thought. And this led to her curiosity being aroused - what more could she uncover about this mysterious man?
One glaring commonality in Shaw’s early dates is that MC asks A LOT of questions. Just as Shaw was intrigued by MC, MC was equally intrigued by him, and actually expressed it even more clearly.
There are too many questions to list down, so here are Shaw’s reactions to them instead:
In the Rosa Rubus event:
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In the Genuine or Fake Call from Seeking Date:
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In Exciting Moment Date:
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MC can’t help but draw nearer to him.
2. “The music was being played at a low volume. But because Shaw was wearing only one earphone and the room was quiet, I could still hear the sound of music coming from the other earphone.”
As mentioned at the start, both parties needed to take a step for the relationship to develop successfully. Hence, it didn’t matter if MC barraged Shaw with questions if he wasn’t receptive to them. 
He needed to take the initiative to “wear only one earphone” so that MC was able to understand him through the other. At the same time, MC needed to listen carefully to the “low volume” of Shaw’s genuine feelings.
To elaborate on the above paragraph, we have to understand the way Shaw operates.
In a recent Ask where someone asked about his personality, I mentioned that he’s straightforward like Gavin yet mysterious like Lucien. This might come across strange because how could such a contradiction exist?
But that’s exactly how Shaw is. The reason why Shaw behaves like this is due to a mix of nature and nurture. 
He’s naturally impetuous (e.g. drawn to adrenaline-stirring activities such as skateboarding, performing rock, sneaking into places he shouldn’t be sneaking into). But he was taught by experience and in the study of archaeology to be patient.
Basically, this mixture of nature and nurture results in push-pull dynamics when it comes to Shaw, and a beautifully crafted slow burn where Shaw has to grapple with his feelings for MC. I’ve done a post on his early feelings for MC which you can check out here!
[PUSH] In One-Day Date, he asked her out yet left her to dry:
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[PULL] Afterwards, he invited her to indulge in his hobby, and even asked her keep her art on the wall even though he insulted it 5 seconds ago:
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[PULL] In Exciting Moment Date, he wanted to spend time alone with MC:
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[PUSH] But he didn’t have a concrete plan on what they’d do:
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[PUSH] He made it seem like holding hands wasn’t a big deal:
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[PULL] But he vehemently refused to let go:
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[PUSH] In Exciting Date, he closed himself off:
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[PULL] But relented soon afterwards:
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Remember how I mentioned before that MC tended to barrage Shaw with a ton of questions in his earlier dates? Interestingly, Shaw didn’t actually mind them.
We see this in his Genuine or Fake Call from Seeking Date:
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And also in his Future Bass Call from Exciting Date:
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Deep down, Shaw wants to be understood. He wants to be heard. But he needs someone who’s thick-skinned enough to handle his sharp tongue, and to care enough to understand the hidden meaning behind his words, whether said or unsaid. I’ll return to this point at the end.
And at the same time, MC listens. Aside from asking questions about his present motivations, she also wanted to know about his past, and about him as a person:
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Anger reveals a lot about a person’s true concerns, so let’s break down this particular line when MC went off on a little rant about Shaw:
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In other words, “You’re a contradiction and I can’t comprehend how your mind works. I’m feeling frustrated because I can’t seem to understand your thought process. I wish you would stop disagreeing with me because I want to be on the same wavelength as you are. I really want to understand you."
3. “To my surprise, it was an instrumental - slow, deep, soft, mixed with the sound of rain.”
While Shaw engages in this this pull-push tango with MC while she tries to understand him, she is surprised when she sees that there’s more to Shaw than his bravado.
In One-Day Date, she notices his vulnerability:
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In Seeking Date, she gets a glimpse of -
His seriousness:
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His quietness:
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His kindness in the way he kicked the stone away to prevent others from tripping over it:
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His meticulousness, albeit slightly delayed:
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In Exciting Date (including the prologue), she guesses that there’s more depth to Shaw that she realised:
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She is also a recipient of his kindness:
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Again and again:
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4. “Gingerly, I moved another step toward him for a clearer listen.”
These traits drew her closer to him. She started trusting him without even realising it.
In Seeking Date:
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In the prologue of Exciting Date:
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She also picked up the way he speaks in the Rosa Rubus event and Exciting Date (and even more so in future CN content):
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How did Shaw respond to MC’s incessant drive to know him more? He imbibed the words of his mentor:
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He was very patient.
He tested her tenacity in running errands as his informant. He tested how well she kept to her promises. He tested how much she cared about the Dragonfly Eye bead he gave her. He tested how much she cared about not making a fool of Isolated on stage.
He also took his sweet time grappling with why he was inexplicably drawn to her, which manifested in the form of the push-pull dynamics mentioned earlier in Point 2. 
Was he simply an observer toying with MC? Was he simply deriving amusement from MC’s reactions?
And after all that testing and waiting, he finally knew for sure:
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Shaw not only offered to let MC into his world. 
He also carved out a space in his world for her.
And that’s when the Shaw x MC ship sailed.
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musette22 · 3 years
Hi Minnie! Hope you can help me settle an argument my brother and I are having about EG!Steve. I'd love to hear your thoughts about this with shipping goggles off, looking at it purely in terms of characterization, narrative, and good writing. Better hang on though, it's going to be a long ask! (sorry in advance for spamming you!) 1/7
So my brother and I were watching FatWS and once again got into a debate about whether Steve's last actions were a disservice or in line with his characterization and narrative, given that the Russos confirmed (and therefore it's Word of God/canon, even if it did sound reactionary to the immediate backlash after EG) that Steve created an alternate reality when he went back, and didn't just live in hiding in the past of the OG timeline. 2/7
Because of this, my bro argued that: 1) the total character assassination that is the idea of Steve just sitting back and letting all the shit happen happen is no longer a problem - for all we know, the alternate reality oldman!Steve came from might have become utopic already due to his presence and foresight. He played coy when talking to Sam so we don't know for certain he didn't save Bucky, get rid of Hydra, and enact social reform when he had the chance. 3/7
Likewise, 2) the accusation that Steve would rob Peggy of her husband and children is a non-issue as Steve went back to a time before Peggy and Daniel got together - I argued here that it was still wrong for him to do given that he KNEW for a fact that Peggy lived a happy life, whereas it was a gamble if he could give her the same. My bro shot back when you truly loved someone, you want them to be happy and to have what's best for them. 4/7
So if Steve chose to go back to Peggy, he had to have believed that he could give her the best life. That Steve based that decision purely on his own assessment is pretty in character (e.g. pushing to become a soldier because he thought that was how he could do his part, even though at the time, he'd have just been a danger to himself and other soldiers; not signing the Accords because he believed in his team's judgment in crises above gov't oversight that might be influenced by politics). 5/7
And lastly 3) he might have settled into the past and started to move on, but what was wrong with him choosing to be selfish and going to the past when given a chance? Why was it wrong for him to go back to a time he knew, where he was beloved by both Peggy and the public, and when he could also save Bucky early? In terms of character growth, wouldn't it be fair for him to finally learn he could be a bit selfish and choose happiness, after a lifetime of nearly suicidal selflessness? 6/7
Our debate was based on confirmed canon with shipping put aside. So I put forth the sin of leaving a traumatized Bucky, Sam, and world behind, that Steve's actions were surely the result of a man broken by grief again and again, and that choosing the past was him running away - which, I argued, was a horrible way to end his character arc. But my brother asked me why I thought so, because wasn't this the so-called 'soft epilogue' that Steve deserved, one that was most in line with canon? 7/7
Hey love! Very interesting argument you and your brother are having here… I’m sure he’s a great guy but I have to say that I vehemently disagree with him (as you probably already guessed lol). Soooo many people have done an excellent job at explaining why, shipping aside, Steve’s ending in EG was absolute bollocks, and I’m certain I could never argue this case as well as all of them have. Nevertheless, I’ll do my best to explain why, in my opinion, your brother is wrong :p I’m going to put my reply under the keep reading tag, because it is long.
1.      The Russos and Markus & McFeely (the writers) never managed to agree on whether Steve really did go back to an alternate timeline, and if so, how that would have worked, exactly. When they were asked, after EG had been released, about whether Steve would have just sat back and let everything he knew was happening/going to happen in the decades to come, both to Bucky and to the world at large, they came up with this ‘alternate timeline’ solution, but they kept contradicting each other on the logistics and technicalities of it (like how would old man Steve suddenly be able to jump timelines to come back to give Sam the shield in EG? And how did EG Steve attend Peggy’s funeral, like they also suggested, which would technically have been in a different timeline?). Which makes it pretty clear that this wasn’t something they’d considered beforehand or even all agree on afterwards, and therefore it can’t technically allowed to play a role in judging the rightness of Steve’s ending in EG if we’re looking at it from a ‘the creator’s word is law’ perspective. Moreover, there is nothing to indicate in EG itself that Steve knew he’d be able to create alternate timelines, so that would’ve been a crazy gamble on his part. Also, him ‘playing coy’ in that final scene with Sam really isn’t a convincing indication that he was actually, canonically, talking about anything besides marrying Peggy.
2.      Which bring us to point two: Peggy had literally told Steve she’d lived a happy life with her family, and told him in no uncertain terms to move on. If Steve really loved her, he would have accepted her wishes and allowed her the dignity of her choice (something Peggy herself, in CA:TFA, had told Steve was important to do when you care about someone) to move on from him once she believed him dead. Steve deciding that he would be better for Peggy because he believed was a better man than the person she ended up marrying originally would be the most un-like Steve thing to do, ever. Steve has never once shown that he thinks of himself as the hero or better than other people – he simply wants to do the best he can to help make the world a better place. He would never say “Peggy deserves the best and I believe I am the best, therefore she will have me, regardless of what she thinks or wants.” Steve drinks respect women juice, that’s clear from all of his movies, and deciding the course of her entire life for her, taking away her agency, whether in his own timeline or another, would be utterly disrespectful to Peggy.
3.      As for the next point: of course there’s nothing wrong with Steve being selfish for once – Steve is human, and all humans are selfish sometimes, and that’s okay. But, as Chris Evans already explained multiple times prior to Endgame, Steve had already made selfish decisions in the past, namely when it came to getting Bucky back and keeping him safe. Shipping aside, Bucky was presented in all the Cap movies as Steve’s very best friend, and was even called his ‘soulmate’ (platonically or otherwise) by M&M (the writers). So when, in Civil War, Steve was presented with a choice between duty/what was expected of him by the government versus saving Bucky/keeping Bucky safe, Steve was selfish and chose Bucky. That, canonically, made sense. Peggy being presented as the ultimate love of Steve’s life, who he loved and valued more than anyone or anything else in the world (which is what happened in EG), canonically does not make sense. 
In CA:TWS, Peggy told Steve to move on. When Peggy died, Steve buried her and mourned her, and then not long after, he canonically kissed Peggy’s niece. Then, in Infinity War, Steve saw Bucky turn to dust before his very eyes in the “Blip” (a conscious decision on the writers’/directors’ part to show how Steve once again lost what was most important to him while helplessly standing by) – and the next thing we know, Steve is leading a support group for other people who lost loved ones in the Blip, and starts talking about losing… Peggy? Huh. Also, Steve going back to a time which your brother calls “a time when he was beloved the public” doesn’t add up, either: technically, Steve went back to a time where people loved an idea of him, but also believed him to be dead. So either he would have had to have found a way to convincingly stage his own resurrection (meanwhile possibly leaving the other version to vegetate in the ice..? depending on how this timeline malarkey was supposed to work), or he would have lived his whole life hidden behind some fake persona – which does not sound like Steve at all, does it?
4.      Finally, let’s talk about Bucky some more, because I think we need to to be able to assess the situation properly. I understand that your brother may believe that shippers are often delusional and only see what they want to see etc, but there is ample evidence, canonically, of Bucky being the most important person in Steve’s life – the person he would give up the shield for, the person he would give up his other friendships for, the person he would give up his life for. Peggy may have been a recurring character in character in the three Cap movies, but she was never presented as the principal motivator of his actions, or as the love of Steve’s life. You know who was? Bucky. Sure, that love wasn’t canonically romantic in nature, but there can’t be any doubt that Bucky meant more than anything to Steve. Therefore, Steve choosing to have a ‘soft epilogue’ that entails him spending the rest of his life without Bucky – and, more importantly, Bucky to spend the rest of his life without Steve – contradicts everything we’ve learned about their relationship (platonic or otherwise) in the rest of the movies, does it not? 
Also, the Russos have said something to the effect that Bucky and Steve were now both mentally ‘well enough’ to not ‘need’ each other anymore (because as we all know, that’s exactly how friendships work…), but it’s pretty clear from EG that Steve was still traumatized by everything he’d been through, and going back to the 50s would have meant he would never be able to get proper help with that and in fact could only talk about any of it with Peggy and Peggy alone. Moreover, M&M have literally said in interviews that Bucky wasn’t all that well yet, mentally, and TFAWTS also shows convincingly that Bucky was not actually in a good place when Steve left him. So that would have meant that Steve either did not see this (unlikely, given how close they were) or did not care (unlikely, given how close they were). 
It would have meant that for the first time in all these movies, Steve decided “to hell with Bucky’s needs, I’m gonna just be selfish because I’ve earned it and claim my trophy wife because actually I am the best man for her, despite the fact that she’s already lived a happy life that I will be negating against her wishes, but that’s fine because maybe I’ll be able to create a different timeline, and maybe I’ll be able to save Bucky from all his trauma anyway, but then again maybe not, but that brings me back to my first point of to hell with Bucky’s needs” - which does not make a lot of sense to me, personally. Not to mention that, in exchange for his ‘soft epilogue’, Steve would also leave the world to sort out the post-Blip mess without him, and leave all the other friends he still had left and clearly cared about a lot to boot. I would not call that character growth, I would call that character disintegration. If your brother insists on taking the creator’s word as gospel and that we have to accept that Steve really did do what he did at the end of Endgame, and that wasn’t just a case of bad, lazy writing fuelled by greed, then to make a decision like this, Steve would have been either an asshole in disguise all along, or mentally extremely unstable.
There you have it, my two cents! I hope this helps a little in settling the argument with your brother, anon! Lots of love ❤️
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whitleyschn33 · 4 years
Not Everything Can Be Wiped Away With A Hug
Or why I’m not happy with Weiss and Whitley’s reconciliation. 
Whitley and Weiss haven’t had a great relationship. From the first time we see him, the two are shown to not be comfortable with each other. Weiss’ tone when they meet is one of dismissiveness and wariness, even if the conversation ends on a technically hopeful note. As the show goes on, every interaction the two have is riddled with tension. Weiss accuses him of wanting her loss of status, Whitley gets angry and bites back. Whitley stops by her room to ask if she wants anything and twist the knife, Weiss asks if he’s jealous and slams the door in his face. When Weiss comes back at the party, she does everything she can to brush him off, clearly annoyed, while Whitley talks about what he’s been up to since she’s been gone. Weiss laughs when Whitley gets splashed with wine, Whitley storms off in a huff. Then Weiss comes back during the... siege(? I don’t know what to call this failed attempted at a Fall), commanders the house, shoves a weapon in Whitley’s face, sends him to his room like he’s a child, and then doesn’t acknowledge him again until he calls Klein. At which point she hugs him and all tensions disappears from their relationship. 
See what’s missing here? We have point A of massive hostility between the two with both parties having grievances with the other and point B of both parties having found a balance in their relationship. What’s missing is a strong connection between those two points. What’s missing is the meat of the actual arc, something between set up and pay off, and that’s ultimately the problem with their reconciliation. It wasn’t worked for, at least on Weiss’s end. There was no effort for any of their grievances to be addressed, talked about, and worked through. There was no point where they took the grievances that had been brought up and had the characters discuss or react to them in any meaningful way. It just fell into their laps - or rather, it fell mostly into Weiss’s lap. That’s the short version, anyway. Let’s discuss the long version.
In Volume 7, Weiss and Whitley’s relationship is tense, Weiss clearly annoyed and dismissive of her brother for being a snot towards her, and Whitley angry that Weiss ignores him and abandoned him to their neglectful/abusive parents. In episode 7, though, Willow flat out tells Weiss why Whitley acts the way he does to her. Willow gives us Whitley’s motivations - that he’s hurt and resentful towards Weiss. This is the set up for a reconciliation; Weiss has been given insight into Whitley’s point of view (had it literally shoved in her face), and has the chance to contemplate it so as to be able to find common ground later. 
Plot stuff happens, and the two are separated as Weiss deals with all that until Weiss needs a place to lay low. Armed with new information on Whitley’s disposition, Weiss... 
Whitley: Oh, you’ve picked a fine time to--
Weiss interrupts by pointing Myrtenaster at him, and he looks at the blade in fright.
Weiss: Not. Another. Word. We’re coming in.
Whitley steps aside and groans as Ruby’s group walks into the manor.
...threatens him after saying 7 words. Not even words of “you can’t come in” or anything to suggest he won’t let them in but, “oh great, this is a wonderful~ time to drop by”, venting frustration. Weiss doesn’t try anything else before shoving a weapon in his face (the face of an unarmed, defenseless, civilian minor that physically can’t stop her from coming in anyway) and forcing her way inside. 
Whitley: Things are already bad enough after what you did to father, now you want us to harbor fugitives too? Our family has a reputation.
He crosses his arms in annoyance. Blake, having set Nora down on the floor, looks at him.
Blake: That’s what you’re worried about? Your reputation?
Whitley: I’m just saying that we’ve already lost all the house staff, and Mother locked herself in her room.
Weiss: Maybe you haven’t figured out what’s going on, Whitley, but we’re busy trying to save Atlas.
Whitley continues to vent his frustration. Jacques, Whitley’s only source of familial attention, has been taken away by Weiss (”what you did to Father”), the staff has all vacated the estate (most likely a combination of their employer being carted away in the back of a military truck and then all hell breaking loose in Mantle and Atlas airspace), and Willow, the only other human being in the mansion, has locked herself in her room for several hours, up to almost 24 hours (I’m honestly lost on the timeline of this volume with how much it flip-flops between night and day, and I can’t be bothered to rewatch these episodes). 
Whitley has been left completely and utterly alone, and Weiss comes back not for him, but to use his resources to hide herself and her friends, all of which are wanted by the military. I don’t know what Atlesian policy is, but harboring fugitives is a crime punishable with prison sentences in the US, dependent on what the fugitive is charged with. She’s forcing him to risk being arrested and imprisoned for her crimes, after destroying his family’s reputation with Jacques’ arrest and causing everyone to vacate the manor and leaving him utterly alone (the way he follows up Blake’s response with “I’m just saying we’ve already lost all the house staff” makes me think he’s tying those two things together. With Jacques’s arrest, their reputation is falling, and everyone’s jumping ship, starting with the house staff. Any other family allies the Schnees might have legally and politically are likely to follow suit to save their own skin (ah, societal politics of the rich). Harboring fugitives and Whitley and possibly Willow arrested as well? The Schnees are sunk, dead in the water. They’re not getting out of that, they’ll be left to the dogs.). And how does Weiss respond?
Weiss: Maybe you haven’t figured out what’s going on, Whitley, but we’re busy trying to save Atlas. 
How in the absolute hell is he supposed to come to this conclusion? No, really, tell me. He knows two things: one, he knows there’s some kind of Grimm threat in the heatless Mantle and hovering around Atlas based on the news - maybe; we don’t know how much the news has reported about how bad it is outside of that one Mantle broadcast and how much Whitley has kept up with the news (he seems the type to absorb in as much information as possible, but he may not have been watching every waking second) - and two, he knows his sister and her friends have pissed off the military and are marked as fugitives. There is no way for him to know that the group of fugitives are doing anything to help Atlas, especially when he has no way to know what’s going on and what Weiss+co are up to. Weiss’ comment does nothing but imply that he’s too wrapped up in his own stuff to see the big picture, when he doesn’t have the knowledge that there’s even a big picture to look at. Rather than trying to reach out and reason with Whitley, Weiss snaps at him and treats him like he’s being self absorbed and shallow. His life is falling apart, he’s been left behind again by staff and his mother, and Weiss doesn’t just not respond to it, she gets mad at him for it. It’s Ruby that has to step up and tell him that they just need a place for their friend to heal and then they’ll leave (which turns out to be a bold-faced lie, but that’s another post). 
Whitley relents then, and asks what they want him to do. Weiss then tells him to “go to his room”. Let’s set this up - we don’t know how old Whitley is, but we can guess based on Weiss’s age. Weiss is 19, and Whitley is likely 2 to 3 years younger, as he seems a bit older than Oscar but most likely more than a year younger than Weiss. That makes Whitley at least 16 years old, possibly 17. Whitley is either just a year younger or the same age as Ruby, the girl Weiss is blindly following as a leader. Whitley is not a child. A minor, probably, but not a child (I consider “child” to be 12 and under, and minor to be 13 - 16/17 (depending on what the age of maturity is in Remnant, which I’ve always considered to be 17 based on Beacon admission ages) btw to clarify). Yet, Weiss tells the boy that she has no legal or emotional authority over that’s about the same age as her leader to go to his room, treating him like he’s a petulant child. She doesn’t want to have to deal with him, so she shunts him aside - makes it clear that she’s not going to break his isolation, she wants him out of her way. Alone.
The relationship between Weiss and Whitley was already tense and hostile, but this pushes that to the next level. Before, it was hurt feelings and snipping - valid hurt feelings on both sides - but this has escalated it. Physical threats of violence, forcing him into committing a possible felony, and then dismissing him like he’s a child shows a lack of respect for Whitley, and is the exact opposite of working towards reconciliation. I wouldn’t be surprised if Whitley’s anger and resentment towards his sister grew after this; that would be my reaction. 
“But wait!” You might be thinking. “That’s not really fair to Weiss - she’s worried about Nora who’s possibly dying and about being followed by Atlas’ military. She just wants to get under cover as fast as possible and then get to helping Nora! She’s stressed and tense, it makes sense that she’d be brusque to Whitley; we shouldn’t judge her so harshly.” To which I say - character is the choices you make under pressure, not when everything is just fine. Weiss resorting to the threat of violence immediately against someone she knows is no threat when faced with a tense situation where some diplomacy and respect would go a long way, it’s not a good look for who she is as a person. But alright, let’s play that game. Weiss is too worried about Nora to deal with Whitley at the moment. She gets Nora to bed, starts treating her as best she can, and then... 
Nothing. Weiss doesn’t speak to Whitley again until he calls Klein for Nora, presumably a day later (once again, I’m not entirely sure. They arrive at what I believe is sunset, Amity happening that night, then the sun rising or setting in Midnight (?) and in War it’s night again as Klein arrives, so I think that this has  to be the next night but it’s extremely difficult to tell and causes a crap ton of plot holes, thanks a lot CRWBY (I might skim through each episode to put together just how broken the timeline is)). That’s 24 hours where Weiss didn’t decide to ask Ruby or Blake (who I would have thought would be the one to have the most first aid knowledge of the three with her militia group experience) to watch over Nora for a few minutes while she seeks out Whitley to talk to him. 24 hours where she didn’t choose to apologize for threatening him, or go to talk to him about what’s going on, or follow up on Willow’s request, or ask if their mother is even alive still if she’s been locked up drinking for over a day, probably 2 (again, the timeline is fucked up). That’s not “I’m rushing and being harsher than I normally would out of concern for my friend”, that’s “I don’t regret or care about how I’ve treated my brother; I don’t see any reason to reach out to him” (And as side note - if Weiss had gone to see Whitley earlier, letting him know just how bad of shape Nora was in, Whitley might have called Klein earlier. By talking to her brother, Weiss could have gotten Nora the help she needed sooner, but she didn’t).
This is the next conversation Weiss and Whitley have after she threatens him and sends him to his room. I know I spent far too long breaking it down, but that was just one incident, the only one between  between Willow telling Weiss to not forget Whitley and their hug.
Weiss: You called Klein?
Whitley: That girl needs a doctor. (turns away from Weiss) I didn’t do it for you.
Weiss: I know. That’s why it means so much to me.
Whitely gasps as Weiss steps forward to hug him. After some hesitation, he sighs and embraces her back. Weiss gasps when she and the others hear an explosion from outside.
That’s it. That’s their reconciliation. After this point, Whitley shows no anger towards Weiss or brings up his issues with her, so we’re meant to think that this is it, the Weiss-Whitley reconciliation is over.
Now, on Weiss’s side, I could see this putting Whitley in her good graces (maybe). Weiss’ grievances with Whitley boil down to hurt feelings over him being a snot about her loss of inheritance and being annoying. Whitley was being a jerk about it when he came around in V4E9 to twist the knife, but we know why he did that (he was pushing his own situation in Weiss’s face, a “see how you like it, being stuck here alone like I was” type thing), Weiss does get an explanation for it later from Willow, and at the end of the day, that’s all he did. He didn’t betray her, act against her, try and get her in trouble with Jacques - he didn’t do anything to her. Gloating at the role reversal is petty, yes, but it’s not like Weiss doesn’t attempt to fire right back, and it’s not like she wasn’t plenty rude to him when accusing him of wanting it to happen. Weiss mentions “you never liked me” in V4E7, but we never get anything more specific than that, and implies that he was just bitter and snippy with her like he is in V4E9. Theoretically he could have been an absolute terror before, but since we’re never shown any of this or given any examples, it’s difficult to factor in anything Whitley may have done before V4 as a piece of Weiss’ attitude towards him. Point is, since I’m starting to ramble, is that ultimately Whitley hasn’t done anything but hurt Weiss’s feelings, and him calling a doctor for Nora purely because Nora needs one feels like it might be enough to put Whitley in Weiss’ good graces, even if it raises some uncomfortable implications - that Weiss only extends her love and affection when Whitley does something she likes and can revoke it if he does something she doesn’t (like make a light joke).
On Whitley’s end, though, this scene is an absolute mess of an ending. At the end of Volume 7, Whitley is angry and resentful towards Weiss (and Winter) for abandoning him to abusive and neglectful parents, and then arresting Jacques, taking away his only source of attention and dealing a huge blow to their family’s status. In Volume 8, Weiss comes back, threatens him physically, dismisses his concerns, treats him like a child by sending him to his room, and leaves him alone again until he does something she likes. At no point does Weiss do anything that would make his attitude towards her shift to the better; in fact, she does things that should only further alienate him. Why is Whitley no longer mad at her? Because she gave him a hug? That doesn’t change that she still (from his point of view) abandoned him without a second thought, blamed him for things he didn’t do, threatened him with a weapon, forced him to harbor them, and then talked down to him and pushed him aside when she didn’t want to deal with him - abandoning him again. Weiss has done nothing to make Whitley any less resentful. She hasn’t acknowledged how she’s hurt him, they haven’t discussed why he was so hurt by her leaving, there’s been no attempt for the rift between them to be mended. Weiss just hugs him, and somehow that makes everything better. I didn’t realize that Whitley was so completely starved for affection that a hug makes him forget everything leading up to it - a hug that he initially backed away from.
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He has his hands raised defensively, he starts backing away, and his expression is completely shocked. His posture is completely stiff, his arms falling to his side and hands clenching into fists. He’s clearly not comfortable with this initially, before giving in with a sigh and hugging Weiss back - giving in and giving Weiss what she wants. 
Weiss is happy with him now, so Whitley can’t be upset. Weiss gives her approval, Whitley has been useful to her, so Whitley is “redeemed” in the eyes of the characters and the audience. What Whitley wants, what Whitley feels, what motivates Whitley? They don’t matter now that Weiss cares about him again. They aren’t discussed, they don’t continue to effect how Whitley acts and views Weiss, Weiss has forgiven him, so Whitley isn’t allowed to still be pissed with Weiss. Weiss didn’t have to do anything to reconcile with her brother, she doesn’t have to be humbled or acknowledge her own role in this dysfunctional relationship. She got to treat him with violence and like a child, and then hug him and act like everything is forgiven when by all reasonable logic, Whitley should be pushing her away, repeating that he didn’t do this for her and to back off.
Weiss didn’t work for this; Weiss didn’t earn this. Whitley’s own emotions and motivations were stripped away to let her get her brother on her side without her having to confront her own mistakes, because RWBY refuses to let its main girls make mistakes.
This isn’t the first time this has happened in RWBY, far from it. This isn’t even the only example of this happening with Whitley. Next episode and a few later, they do the exact same thing with Whitley and Willow! Whitley starts episode 8 rightfully pissed at his mother; she’s left him completely alone for two days straight to drink in her room, being less than useless, straight up neglectful. This anger carries on when she tries to call him, him turning to the door as the Hound approaches with anger. During the Hound attack, Willow grabs onto him, and he lets him. That makes sense, both of them were extremely frightened by this Grimm unlike anything they’d ever seen. What doesn’t make sense is that in episodes 11 and 12, Willow is still hanging onto him. I haven’t watched episode 11 for personal reasons (RWBY’s pissed me off), but I’ve seen the screenshots.
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Willow’s holding onto him like she’s showing him off with pride. It’s a cute image - but why is Whitley allowing it? Why is Whitley not pulling away? Whitley was rightfully angry at his mother for neglecting him, for leaving him emotionally and mentally, right up until the Hound attack. Now, I know what you’re thinking; Willow saved his life. They killed the Hound together. Something like that, it can being people together. I agree - and I would even buy that being the spark for Whitley giving his mother another chance if there had been any kind of scene or even conversation on screen where we get to see this transition from rightfully anger at a drunk neglectful mother to a son giving a proud mother another chance at being his mother. It would have been incredibly easy to slip in, too! Like, and I’m just spitballing here -
Willow after the Hound is killed: Are you alright, Whitley?
Whitley: Oh, so you suddenly care. That’s nice to know.
Willow: I have always cared -
Whitley: Then you haven’t ever shown it! Whitley gets visibly angry. You’ve done nothing but leave me alone in this house with him while you drown yourself in your wine. You haven’t cared about me since I was 7 years old! Stop acting like you’re my mother! Whitley starts walking off. 
Willow: Whitley - ! Willow reaches out for Whitley and stops him I - she deflates - You’re right. I have been a horrible mother. I’ve left you alone, all this time, and if I had been even slightly more drunk tonight, you might have been killed.  ...I might have lost you for good, and it would have been my own fault. I’m sorry...
Whitley: He pauses, and falls silent. 
Willow: ...Please. I almost lost you tonight, and I don’t want to lose you to something I can fix. Is there anything I can do? Can I... Can I get a chance?
Whitley: .....he turns back to Willow, taking a deep breath, and looks up at her. ...One chance. You can’t - You can’t fix all of this, but... Whitley looks away ...I’ve wanted you back for 9 years. I don’t want to lose you either if I might get you back.
Willow: Willow looks surprised, before giving him a weak smile and pulling him into a hug. Thank you, Whitley. And I am so, so proud of you.
Whitley: Whitley stiffens with surprise, looking at his mother with shock, but returns the shaky smile and hugs her back.
One minute for this conversation, and I would be completely on board with Whitley and Willow seeming to reconcile as well. The same goes with Weiss, except a longer conversation.
If Weiss and Whitley had had even one talk where they both admit their faults and failings, apologize to each other, and agree to try again, I would be all on board with this Schnee family reconciliation. As it is now, though, with how it’s been written in the show, neither Weiss nor Willow have had to work to repair their relationships with Whitley; Whitley’s anger has just been wiped away. They set up the potential for reconciliation between Weiss and Whitley, between Willow and Whitley, acknowledging why Whitley is angry with both of them, but rather than have any of the characters take that knowledge and use it to reach out to Whitley, the writers skip all of that and let the characters treat Whitley however they want until they end up reconciled with one act. A single summon is treated like it makes up for years of neglect. A single hug because Whitley was useful to Weiss is treated like it makes up for abandonment, disrespect, and threats of violence. They don’t, and the lack of respect the writers’ have for the emotions of a male abuse victim sickens me.
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captainkurosolaire · 3 years
~ Mass Update ~
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Mainly going into future plans and intents alongside ideas below cut.
Ton's of things I've in store this will prove difficult to vent it all out. But here we go... First off rehashing and appropriately learning to tag and organize things better on my blog. Each category will have their own corresponding content, I seek to bring or share. [Tales of Goldbrand] -- I intend this to carry a Compendium of all my writes soon that'll have everything neatly in-order including a glossary, so it'll have highlights of stories that even matter or the best stuff. I've written here for a very, long time, there's been many shifts. I want to make it more accessible. While coloring what matters for people who want to learn Captain or his Crew with less chapters. While also giving choice to find it all easily. This is essentially a step-above master-lists. I'll be doing that after the Saga I have going on, right now is done. [Captain] -- Will provide you strictly with Captain screenshots, gifs, photo-sets. This is still his blog despite the Crew thing's will sort of make this a scuffed Multi-Muse blog. I've few more things to edit and tag fix to get all his stuff though. [The Wild Crew] -- Afterwards this story is done Immortal Age Saga, It's something that I mainly wrote as a passion project within three days to get my warm-up process fixed. It's to allow me to get a feel for all his Crewmates and casts, in combat, in-general, to feel their presences. While also giving a bit of their backstories. At any point, I can go back and polish or tweak things in. They're NPC's but... not entirely. All will have their own 'Dreams' and their own 'Disapproval's' they have their own missions even. These things will factor eventually, they might set seeds, to betray or disagree with something, but that's all angst and more stories to be created, but overall, they'll probably always be Crew, eventually. -- I plan on making character-profile sheets of them and putting them in this Tab, it'll have their screenshots, their likes/dislikes. Some RP partners or people can also be shipped with them, but they'll all be monogamous and originally start off probably Pan. This allows them to figure out what they like on their own stories. I've always been someone who likes organic-flow. Although this one story contain all 16 characters or more, the rest will probably be shortened to a Squad of 4 and dispersed when on adventuring missions. Until I do a War Arc, that's my main goal to build too. [Roster] -- Will contain this Crew in just screen-sets dedicated to them, I'll probably randomly produce those. I've PC players among this Crew too. I may not be done either adding more, but this Crew is mainly built around Quality. Most pirate crew's mainly, have hundreds, thousands. Even Fleets. This Crew has personalities, monsters, people who are living life's that exist with piracy. He's an particular leader that had PC players the same way, he's had split-personality serial killers aboard, tribal chieftains, succubus, all sorts of various people once on a Crew. It's often an outcast style, pirates default are chaotic in nature, so this really isn't any different, it's a Fantasy version of it. There's humanization characters aboard too though, so this cast is really decked, everything and person is vital, they matter because they remind or covet something that others can draw upon. If ever played (Three Houses or Mass Effect / Dragon Age Origins) A lot of things like that are relatable too this structure and format. Which, Is something I want to be able to give when RPing. I want a genuine feel of this new world someone else's muse will be the main-character too. Depending on what's interacting everything they'll be scale appropriately to follow the genre they're in and environment even. [Aesthetics] -- Already explainable what you'll find here. [Asks] -- Same thing. [Prompts] -- Trivial things I was tagged too, I plan on compiling later. [Writing] -- Another alternatively to randomly go-down and it works right now. [Logs] -- Will have more individualistic master-lists and posts there, my poems from Sheik Sphere the Bard, etc.
Things of that nature, I'll probably add still. It's where a lot of my creative writing is summed. [Gems of Hydaelyn] -- My main #tag for other characters and artists, creationist. Lot of amazing people easily to find their zones or follow them optionally if you like. Ton's I intend to support and bolster, be a lot less unspoken. I'm never the type who's been strictly inclusive. But I'll do that when I've time to even explore the dash, I'm always still planning ahead with things and projects. [CKS] My original character-sheet it's outdated on something's but not too terrible. I'll give him polishing someday, I swear? [21+F-List] -- Just purely degenerate stuff of Captain. I'm a pirate blog. I will represent that with openness and furthermore. I'm never projecting you some false-image. I started off a smut-writer by stripping that, I no-longer represent the same aura and identity. But those are strictly his stuff and kinks, I'm effective in executing them but they're not all relatable to me OOC. This blog will always be 18+ containing crude or dark material sometimes, romantic things, this Captain is blunt, will literally put his cock on the table in conversations. Swearing and being censored would be too uncommon and displace most of him, but there's more about him then all this. [Other] -- I pay homage to a lot of characters, I originally am a Concept Designer. Which mean's I make characters and ideas like my addiction. Bad characters / villains or other little things I like to share in designs, I'll put there. Some villains might get little photo-sets, even if they died. Just cause I like their design, or maybe I'll give them an AU, where they won. When I've wrapped up things. [Collabs + Ships] -- Is a new project idea. This isn't going to be something limited too romantic only ships. It'll contain, platonic, romantic, friendships, rivals, frenemies, family, PC Crew, all ships. I am desperately working on improving my gif, screenshot, posing game so I can supply 'Screen Stories' this is not only a way to RP that's accessible with even people who are upon time-crunches from work, It gives visual-representation. To impactful stories shared with others and establish bonds. That are all-valid and impactful matter. Lot of people take a lot of their characters attributes into them and are them dialed up, I work with that and bit more, differently. I'm disconnected from my characters and they'll get hurt and injured and killed by me, that's my duty as their Author to give them conflicts and struggles. I'm their major antagonist, but that doesn't mean at-all, it's always SET that way. The characters I like to make have their own life, they live in this setting and are abide by it, they're often nothing, nobodies, and by the interacting with others, they slowly gradually building, more... Through emotional impacts, they alter, these are REAL people by all their beliefs. Each person they come in-contact with are legitimate and treated like that too. They've always impacted or given them insights to grow, or represent more. Otherwise it'd be criminally disrespectful if I allowed any emotional I felt OOC be the grudge to something IC. Captain in-particular is set on defying me. I cannot have that. ...But I can't stop him. He's met and encountered so many people and lived so many scenarios based on the actions of others, he's giving a chance right now to actually do things a lot further than impossible. The more people he meets and encounters, experiences, the more I lose. These stories are emotionally interactive where everything is a factor and adds to the dice, where the other people are the one who get to roll the dice for him, not me. That's something I want to color in. People range in emotions, they have their down's, ups, their own wholesome-grounding people, spending time with your favorite people, there's nothing more cherishing than that, being in your own comfort-zone or 'safe-space' these are all treasures that we live under, today. Contrary if what people assume of me, I'm not another 'blogger' that's came
before, who's wanting to force a harem, then constantly is bewildered when that falls to pieces cause of selfishness or a lack of communication, or the skeletons they have in their closets and beliefs they hid behind and swindled fooled everyone. I'm not looking to be popular or anything really, I just create stories and want to share in those, and I want to also boost others included, upward with me, especially those who make me. There's no ego in anything I do, this is purely love. I've never cared about being replicated or duplicated, I've had stalkers, I've gone through more then anyone would imagine, I've been used OOC and abused, just for my writing and cold-harshly told, i'd never amount to anything other then that or vice-versa. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Passion. That's all I got and am anymore. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Passion is the hardest thing to keep. It's something that can be stolen, quite effortlessly. Few words of discouragement, a bad negative representation, a lack of confidence, or small amount of time, there's many thing's that can put that flame out. Once you lose it. The difficulty to reattain is hundred-times harder than climbing any mountain for real. I've watched the greatest creators crumble from under the pressure, from beaten down by others. I watched many of them do it to themselves because they put a grand vision of needing validation of another and once lost, felt uncompelling to press onward. But passion also can be given BACK and drawn. It can be shown and encourage others, with a soft-triggering, that pushes them. That motivates, that constantly sticks to it. There are many that fuel me. If I ever quit, I let them down, I spit in the faces of people who're better than me in every-way. Or people who've came and given me their precious Time. That have given their character's or dedication to the abundant stories and community-driven things I've done. There's ONLY things you can do, create, give and provide. It cannot ever come to life without YOU. This is a fact. ...I swear, If you let your creativity soar, you'll be amazed by the heights you get. Constantly polish and learn and hone the best you, challenge yourself day after painstaking day, to draw better improvement on something, no matter how trivial or unfamiliar you are. You'll find a confidence only you can give yourself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Future Plans --------------------------------------------------------------------- For me, I've got so much more stories to give and also explore, I might be taking up soon some other artists and more skilled people from community and hire them for some of my future writes, to up my game or cause something thing's can't be done in-game cause no background carries it. I also got a lot of-set up things and more angst stuff I want to practice, plus I'm adamantly on that grind to produce screen-sets with the intent's to some sort of improving daily. Additionally more people I'll be reaching out too soon for these collab's ideas and things. I look forward to shaking your hands, giving some hugs, show you my respect and admiration, then creating some enchanting stories and giving plots light. Feel free to reach out to me, I get scattered-brain but I'm working on getting better about it. Eventually will get to you though, my goals, if uninterested just say so when I poke, no bites, unless you kinky. Anyways, cheers hearties.
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qwanderer · 3 years
What makes a Loki a Loki?
Loki is called upon to be a lot of different people. He’s been raised on Asgard, and that’s formed some of the more basic aspects of his personality and values, but at the same time he has attributes that have been consistently discouraged and pushed down by that culture, and we can see them step forward as he moves into situations where they are encouraged.
Throughout the canons, there are a lot of Lokis. Siege Loki, Lady Loki, Kid Loki and his murderer, Ikol, King Loki, and the God/Goddess of Stories. The earlier aspects I know only by secondhand information, but I’m very familiar with Loki from Young Avengers and Agent of Asgard, some of my favorite comics of all time. But I know some basic facts - the way the earliest Loki was a quintessential comic book villain full of pure simple theatrical mischief and ridiculous schemes, the fact that Lady Loki was a somewhat more sinister appropriator of bodies for her own use.
In my view, MCU!Loki has, at the very least, the same capacity to shift personalities depending on the circumstances, and I haven’t yet seen anything in the Loki show that’s thrown my suspension of disbelief with regards to his characterization.
I’ve seen some people rebel at the idea of Loki gleeful over the destruction of Pompeii and the causing of chaos it allowed, but it reminds me of some meta I wrote very early on in my years of meta-writing in the MCU. The values Loki was raised with, Asgardian values, sometimes treat death very lightly, especially death in battle, especially human or otherwise non-Aesir death. In the Aesir context, at least to a certain extent and certainly in terms of what we’ve seen Odin teach his sons onscreen, violence is honorable, fighting is an adventure, lives are cheap and Valhalla is the ultimate goal.
I think a lot of the central conflict of Loki’s character is that he follows some of these principles to their logical conclusions in situations that Aesir values never meant them to cover. If life is unimportant, then it won’t be so bad if I tell Thor that Odin is dead. If the throne of Asgard has dominion over all the Nine Realms, then why shouldn’t I rule Midgard?
But he also shifts the way he acts to suit the situation. He is a shifter, it’s what he does. On Asgard, he is expected to be a warrior, a dignified prince, a companion and support for his brother. The values are bravery and dignity, and so a lot of what he projects there is bravado and elegance, which are close enough for him to get by.
When he is taken by Thanos, the only things Thanos wants and values are power and death. So Loki becomes an avatar of power and death. He carries that with him to Earth, because he is still very much under the jurisdiction of Thanos. But he very quickly learns how to use and manipulate Earth values, like wit and pathos. They seem to fit him better than the others, and he carries them through the other movies and the different frameworks he finds himself in.
He also tends to carry Asgard with him, the knowledge that he’s a prince, destined to be a king, that he needs to carry himself a certain way, with that elegance, dignity and bravado.
When I see Loki in the first episode of the show, I recognize him as some of the deepest, most quintessential parts of Loki that have only been allowed to peek out on occasion before. And that is due to manipulation on Mobius’s part - Mobius makes it very clear what he expects of Loki. To get down to the very basic levels of him and find out his motivations, what makes him fundamentally himself - “What makes Loki tick?” There’s a quiet void there, and the only thing that’s being asked of Loki, for once, is that he sit down and fill that void with words - the truest and most sincere words possible.
There’s a clear and interesting divide between that phase for Loki, and the phase we see in episode two - Mobius has stopped providing that space, and in the interim, he’s made it very clear what he expects Loki to be like, what mold he’d prefer the trickster to fit into.
The hard-working, lovable scamp.
Loki is hiding his deepest self again, which we all do most of the time. Loki can’t feel that deeply and express that freely all the time. Because of the environment he’s in - which may not be any more or less free than any of the other environments he’s experienced - he expresses himself in a particular way. He is the hard-working, mischievous scamp Mobius has been pushing him to be.
I don’t think he’s any more or less himself than he’s ever been - he’s simply responding to different pressures. And the pressures of this episode press him very hard into the Neal Caffrey mold. Which is an interesting mold in itself - when I was writing White Collar fic, I made a point to distinguish who Neal was when he was with Peter and who he was under different circumstances - prison, witness protection, with Mozzie, with Kate. (I wrote an autistic Kate, and had him most freely himself when he was with her.)
Like Neal Caffrey, the Episode 2 Loki is treading a line between behaviors that will get him things because he’s useful and compliant, behaviors that will demonstrate that he’s into minor trickery for fun now and might not be getting up to anything bigger, and those bigger tricks that are definitely still running in the background. It’s the obvious balance for a trickster on a leash with an indulgent bureaucrat.
You can see that it’s a facade in the way that he is near tears when he sees the Ragnarok paperwork, but when he brings it to Mobius’s attention and Mobius expresses his sympathies, Loki says “Yes, very sad,” and then dismisses it in favor of moving on to his mischievous enthusiasm over the resulting theory he’s had.
Like all good lies, it’s built out of truth, so when I see this Loki, I see pieces of the Loki I know, just put together a little differently, which is how Loki seems to do it.
Although he’s not free as he might hope to be, and in fact threading a narrow path between a very constricting set of pressures, I do still think he’s enjoying the dropped expectations of dignity and elegance. I think he’s enjoying being in a culture that encourages him to be a geek. To go on about the things he’s passionate about and his areas of expertise. And I think that’s a lot of what unsettles people about this Loki, because that elegance and dignity have carried everywhere else with him. And I’m not going to argue that the TVA are doing anything nice for him - quite the contrary - but I still do enjoy seeing him able to be the geek he’s always had the inclination to be, in the right circumstances.
It makes me wonder, a little, how much his mother is on his mind right now, after the first episode, because if I had a guess, the last time he’s felt free to be this enthusiastic and expressive about his interests is in magic lessons with her as a child.
So. The other variant.
We know from the Lady Loki comics arc that Loki can possess other people’s bodies over the long term, and we know from kid!Loki and his murderer interacting in YA that the original occupant of a body can sometimes hang around and talk back, if only as a figment of his imagination. We know from most incarnations that Loki can go to a lot of dark places if the circumstances push him to it.
As I’ve said before, I’m intrigued by the question the difference between the two variants poses - how much different can two Lokis be before they are no longer meaningfully the same person?
We’ve got clues on both sides, of course - our scamp on a leash saying “I wouldn’t do this to myself” on the side of them being not the same person, and the vengeful goddess he’s chasing saying “I was afraid they’d found a better version of me” on the side of them being the same person.
The more I think about it, the more I’m willing to predict that this vengeful goddess is, in some way, an incarnation of Loki. But (be warned, I’m going to reference Stephenie Meyer now) it could be in as small a way as something out of The Host - a stolen body’s original personality fighting dirty against the invading spirit.
If this is something based on the character of Sylvie from the comics, it could still be anything from a person - human or Asgardian - chosen and manipulated by Loki to do his bidding, to a full-on possession, or even a body constructed for a specific purpose but developing its own personality traits.
We know this variant is a body hopper, and Mobius’s briefing mentioned that it’s an inherent ability of most Lokis to shapeshift, so there are a lot of potential explanations for this unfamiliar shape.
But the differences between the variants could also stem mostly from different experiences.
The only thing I’m at all sure of is that this variant has also been tortured by Thanos. It’s possible that she branched earlier - that the wild desperation of having freshly escaped Thanos translated into being dragged into the TVA like a cornered wildcat, on the raggedy edge and desperate enough to go all-out to get out of the collar while still in the custody of the minute men. Then, as she became familiar with the TVA in concept and execution, developed opinions and built a personality around taking them down, taking them apart the way she wished she could do to Thanos, the way Thanos did to her.
But she could also have branched later - after the destruction of Asgard, or when Thanos appeared on the refugee ship. After the worst has happened to her people. With some preexisting notion that time could have gone differently, that some things that had happened should not be allowed to happen.
I have a weak spot for interactions between incarnations of Loki in the comics, so I am incredibly eager to see the MCU’s take on this.
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frobin · 3 years
Hi! Ok, I know it isn't very related to Frobin (except if you decide to mention them in the answer), but I am curious about your opionion on this thing. If the end of One Piece have someone of the Straw Hat crew that can die, who can be? OBVIOUSLY I hope nobody, that this thing doesn't happen, but never say never. There're people who say Luffy to recreate Roger's connection. Someone else Usop (but I miss the reason). Or Jinbe, who has also some problems and enemies from previous experiences?
Hey there anon!
No worries about asking questions. This is a FRobin blog but it's also a One Piece blog so it's fine to ask all kind of questions about One Piece. Even though I wouldn't consider myself much of an *expert* so everything I write is very much influenced by my own impressions.
But you're asking for my opinion anyway so that disclaimer is not necessary in this case. XD
Okay, first of all: I'm no fan of death flags. I never see them and when I read about them I feel like people pull them out of nowhere.
So I don't think any of the Strawhats will die before or even while the big end fight. Also it's not like they will reach their goal and then just drop dead (don't forget the dream are very different too but more about that later). Like what kind of life would that be?
Also we can't forget that Oda still believes he is writing this story for 14 year old boys. So, even though death is and will be a theme I don't think he will kill off the main crew.
That would not be very clever story wise and is not how to tell a story about adventure and fulfilling dreams for young boys.
Right now it's very "fashionable" to let characters die for shock value. But the more it's done the more annoying it becomes and less of a shock and Oda won't stoop so low to use this kind of element. Why do I think that?
So far we had three deaths in OP and they all shocked us a lot. But they were also used as motivator for other characters. Whitebeards death was a motivator for a whole new Generation of pirates, as well as his crew to try to save Ace and his little brother. Ace's death was a launch of character development for Luffy, Sabo, Garp and even Sengoku and probably more. Pedros death was a motivator for Carrot and other Minks. (Even the fake death of Pell was a huge motivator for Vivi. Interestingly compared to other deaths his sacrifice did not stop the war, which would have been an adequate impact. So him coming back alive actually makes sense.)
But look how few and far between they are. Of course there was more death but the important ones are kept as those.
Why am I talking about that? Who would benefit from a Strawhats death?
Literally no one. They are all already motivated to go until the end for each other. It's more likely that a death would cause Luffy to just give up, him becoming catatonic again.
Who would Luffy fight for if he even loses one of his crew mates? Or maybe two?
If I were a Marine I would try to make Luffy think that his friends are dead and then catch him but that is beside the point.
But for One Piece, a Strawhat death it would not move the story further. There is no additional motivator needed and that would be the only reason to kill one of the crew.
Killing a Strawhat makes no sense in my opinion.
A death would only make sense after they reached their goal.
So it is possible that we see the Strawhats die but long after the story came to an end, them reaching Laugh Tale (if that is the end). And yes, I think all of them will die of natural causes and/or sickness. Most of them at an old age. I think Luffy, Zoro or Usopp being the firsts because of the trauma their bodies had endured would make most sense.
I hope that answered your question anon... and anyone who does not want to read even more about my nonsense can stop here.
But let me break down why I think that all Strawhats have plot armor against death flags, behind the read-more.
-> It is very important that I think the huge clash with the Blackbeard Pirates, which will be the end fight, will happen right before Laugh Tale. And Laugh Tale is the end-goal and the end of the main story. (I MIGHT BE WRONG!!!)<-
Everyones own story can only end after they reached their goal so let's look why I think that these dreams give the Strawhats Plot Armor.
Luffy: Become the king of the pirates. That means he has to reach Laugh Tale. I often hear that Luffy will die early because of the parallel to Roger. That does not mean he won't reach his 40s or 50s. Even after reaching Laugh Tale Roger lived a bit longer and even had time to "make a child" so, killing off Luffy in the end fight makes no sense. So maybe dying after the fight, on Laugh Tale? That could happen and would be the earliest death of any Strawhat imo.
Zoro: Become the strongest sword fighter. That means he still has to kill Mihawk. I don't think Mihawk will go and look for Zoro. So, Zoro has to survive and then return to Mihawk and have his duel. No sense in killing off Zoro. I am 100% sure that he will survive until then.
Nami: Drawing a world map. For that Nami has to travel the world many times more. After they reached Laugh Tale, Nami has only finished part of her dream. She has to visit all of the Blues, travel the Grand Line and the New world multiple times. Drawing a Map of the world will take a lifetime. Her dream will take the longest to be fulfilled.
Usopp: Become the great warrior of the sea. Now here we have a dream that is not really tangible. Usopp will be a great warrior as soon as he realises that he is one. In my opinion he already managed to become a great warrior. Time and time again he has shown how amazing he is but this is all about his own self image and so hard to grasp. This actually makes Usopp the most likely to have a death flag BUT we can't forget that he still has to return home and tell his stories to Kaya and the Usopp pirates. It's part of a promise that is only secondary but for me it's enough to think Usopp too is safe until he did that.
Sanji: To find the All Blue. Sanji thinks that the All Blue is something physical. We can't know that and if it is physical we can consider that it's maybe a part of the New World near the Red Line where all seas somehow come together. So again, until Sanji found that place he hasn't fulfilled his dream. And since I think that would be BEHIND Laugh Tale, again I think Sanji is safe. Alternatively the All Blue is just a metaphor for something completely different but I can't hink about what.
Chopper: To cure all illness. Here too, this is something that takes time. Chopper is still only at the beginning of his career of being a doctor. Finding a magical cure for every illness that exists is not something that just happens. Logically he would need to talk with many other medical experts and together they might be able to find it. When and how and if that happens is impossible to say but again that would be something that would fit best in the time after reaching Laugh Tale.
Robin: To find the truth of the void century. Right now we figure that she will find that at the end of their travel, on Laugh Tale. Maybe it will happen earlier in case the Strawhats storm the World Government. Either way she will learn the truth. But that will not be the end to her. After learning the truth it's up to Robin to bring it to the world, to write it down, to teach, to make people understand that they can't erase history and that they have to learn from it. Again, that is something that takes time and so, truly fulfilling her dream.
Franky: To travel the world in the ship of his dreams. Again that is a vague dream. But it would mean to at least return to Water Seven, so that Sunny has traveled the world once. But even then it's only been a small part of the world and traveling the world would mean to visit at least every of the seas. So far, Sunny had been in two to four, depending on how much you take the movies into account. But to fulfill Franky's dream he needs to survive a bit longer and so does Sunny.
Brook: To meet Laboon again. This is simple. But for that Brook has to reach the end of the New World and then get over the Red Line again. What he will do after that is hard to tell. But again, the Red Line is behind Laugh Tale and so I'm sure Brook too, has to survive... even though he is already dead YOHOHO!
Jinbe: Equality between merfolk and humans. Again this is something that is no easy feat and will probably take more than one generation. Also it is not only up to him and more to Shirahoshi and the World Government. This dream is about teamwork too, but who could be a better ambassador for the merfolk than him? Losing Jinbe would be a huge backfire for the cause. Jinbe too is safe in my opinion. If you have reached the end of the post, let me tell you again my headcanon about FRobin: After the main adventure Franky and Robin return to Water Seven where Franky helps to turn W7 into a boat and after that is done, they travel to the island where Ohara used to be and there they rebuild the island. More people return and it again becomes a hub for scholars and history.
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