#depending on what happens tonight i will either be very drunk and happy or very drunk and furious/disappointed
singsweetmelodies · 11 months
now on rugby world cup lockdown
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imagine-silk · 1 year
AtSV; Spies having a spy s/o (Peter B[Both ver.], Miguel, Miles, Lyla)
I've never seen Mission Impossible so take that with a grain of salt. I'm losing my mind, I need to get something out for my own sanity.
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Peter B AtSV
Looking at him from the outside you thought he was an idiot. It's very hard to take him seriously. But you learned to know better. You were from opposing companies and the first time you crossed paths he was playing the fool, loud and in everyone's face, not even pretending to be drunk. He had everything and everyone's attention, so much so no one was looking at his hands, not even you. The time you finally met you ended up in the target's room and he talked down the situation. You were after different things so he offered to help you. It was now common place to help each other out if you were looking for separate things. If you need the same thing you rock-paper-scissors for it. It's very overt he's happy to see you. "So what'cha looking for tonight?"
This man never sleeps and it's impossible to know how. You are put in to lighten the load for him because he doesn't seem to stop and people have given up on getting him to just lay down. He has courtesy but will not really stop for you, wait for a bit but not stop. No one really thought you would be able to keep up because first trials typically don't work, you seem to be a unicorn. The sheer amount of times you have almost single-handedly saved his ass is a number he won't forget and a number he will return. You're not unstoppable but something close to it. "Thanks, and good work. But there's no rest for the wicked."
Peter B ItSV
This version of him is just as seasoned as his future self but has less of the concern. He will test limits of what he does and it always works out. You've seen him say he was a spy to someone's face on a one-on-one conversation and that person trusted he wasn't, even after his friend went missing. Again, he did the, "Don't look at the mouth, look at the hands." But this time he comes to you after and offers you a copy. You were tasked with getting the same pocket book from the target's pockets and you didn't even know he grabbed it. He openly claims to you he wants to not have to fight you and he knew what you were looking for. Don't get it twisted, he needs it but you also getting the info is not his problem. "So what are you shopping for?"
He very straight forward and gets the hang of everything very quickly. He messes up quite a bit but he always fixes it before the day is up. But his mess up usually get him to places that have bigger value, if you catch my drift. Info piles, money, imports, names of players and locations. He is both unlucky and completely not. You weren't exactly paged to be on his missions but as luck had it you always crossed paths. Never for too long but you know what they say, "Absence makes the heart grew fonder." He always found a way and reason to leave his post to go looking for you and stumbled his way through excuses. "So do you... come here? Often?"
A huge flirt and does nothing to hide it. She jokes to everyone and has that luxury as the companies best handler but you are the only one she flirts with. What else would you do but flirt back? Everyone deals with you two and you've learned how to deal with things; such as telling her you're on speaker. Miguel's eyes twitch when you do you're thing because she fucks with him and you get the best treatment in the world. Jess either laughs or scoffs depending on what mood she's in. Peter is just as insufferable with his wife. And the younger Spiders are nosy and not at all discrete. People think you've been together but that took a long time to happen. You both are surrounded by cloaks and daggers, the daggers aren't always clean. The love is brought to a boil over and over again before it overflows and puts out the fire. "This is your personal squeeze here to remind you I am left unsatisfied. If only someone could bring me the names of Fisk's bodyguard. I'd be willing to reward them handsomely."
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whiskehorange · 2 years
Uncomfortable Feelings Pt. 1
Pairing: Mark Hoffman x Gender Neutral Reader
Request from @demon09187: A lonely Christmas night with Mark turns into a slow-burn relationship. Enemies to lovers, if you will!
A/n: I had originally written this under the ask itself but I wrote so much that I might have needed to make it in two parts, so I'm making it it's own post!
Warnings: Slight angst, mentions of death & abusive family, cursing
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Mark really couldn't fucking stand you. He couldn't stand any of the other apprentices but he, unfortunately, had to spend a lot of that time with you anyways. Your office was right across from his in the station and the two of you often made weird accidental eye contact through each others open curtains.
He kept it civil of course, he had to be in the station and you did too. You were by far the most professional of the rest of the apprentices but god, he really was not a man to be partnered up. Especially at these office parties. Mark was ready to go home to his lonely abode with his sloppily arranged Christmas décor and call it a night.
You tapped on his door frame on your way out, "Goodnight, Mark. I'm heading off home."
He looked briefly up and nodded, "Mm."
"Don't you think you should head out too? Doesn't look like you're spending too much time socializing anyway, what's the point of being here? Go home and spend it with family," You said as you made your way down the hall and on your way. Mark was never the biggest celebrator anyways, but his sister was always able to bring out such a softer side of him, especially on the holidays.
You hadn't known too much about Mark anyways and he knew that, but the comment struck him aggravatingly always. John really had to kick the bucket and decide to keep you around? Great. He had already decided early on in the night he was just going to go to the warehouse and wallow anyways, he'd be left alone and in silence. Make a few traps here and there, rig a few of them if he felt a little bit quirky.
Which just so happened to be exactly what he did: sat in the warehouse and poked around with metal fragments and sharp objects, a bottle of alcohol right next to his work in progress. Of course he wasn't drunk, yet, but if he was able to wake up in the morning and vaguely remembered what happened tonight that would be good enough for him, no need to dwell on it.
Mark didn't like to think of himself as an alcoholic either, but it was the fastest soother on the holiday's, so he didn't consider it a problem, however if very much was on your side. He was only a few swigs in when he hear the warehouse door swing open and heavy, quick footsteps approach him from the other side of the massive shelving units.
He froze, ready to slink away or attack depending on who it was, but out popped your tense frame, making the two of you jump back in surprise. "What the fuck are you doing here?" The both of you alluded to each other with grim faces, surprised to see the other there. "None of your business," the two of you say right back to each other, Mark narrowing his eyes down at you and you throwing your hands on your hips matter-of-factly at him.
The two of you went back and forth for a bit while assuming your typical positions on the far ends of the table away from each other, but after there was barely any talking between the two of you, not even a glance. How could either of you enjoy a quiet, solo night with the other huffing and puffing across the room? Now it was starting to feel like a regular work day that a woeful night.
You let out a big sigh, rubbing your face with your hands and resting your elbows on the table. "Family can be a pain, you know," you say through your hands into the open air, hoping to lighten a bit of the tension in the room which wasn't making either of your nights better. "Is it hard enough to ask for a little bit of piece and quiet, especially on a fucking holiday? Hmmp." Mark looks over you dismissively, agreeing with you to himself. That's why he was happy by himself in that regard, until you showed up. "I know we don't exactly get along, Mark, but can we make tonight bearable? We can go back to ignoring each other tomorrow.”
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
A werewolf in Roswell (Liz Ortecho x male reader)
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Living in Roswell came with its perks, the main one being the abundance of desert land you had to run around in when you shifted. 
You had been born a werewolf, where the gene came from in your family bloodline was a mystery but unlike those silly stories mundanes had been telling each other for centuries you were in fact not confined to the glow of the full moon however it was much easier to conceal yourself at night where in the darkness you would appear to be like any other wild animal that called the desert its home. 
To the world you were just a normal guy, keeping out of trouble and your head down low, despite your lifelong secrets.
Arturo Ortecho was happy to give you a job as a busboy after high school, you and Liz had been friends since childhood so he already knew you would be a dependable worker and a decade later you were still cleaning off tables at the crashdown Cafe. 
You kept in touch with Liz while she was away at college but drifted apart as sometimes friends do though when she returned to Roswell your friendship started to rebuild. 
A lot of weird things had been going on in Roswell lately, the deaths of Noah Braken and Jesse Manes, the white supremists running around with guns and alien masks supposedly protecting their land, Maria DeLuca going into a mysterious coma and Arturo's niece Rosalinda who looked an awful lot like his daughter Rosa who had died shortly after high school coming to town just to name a few. 
You needed to clear your head so you went outside the city limits and with no one around you shifted into your werewolf form. 
Running around the desert always gave you a certain kind of clarity but tonight was different. 
You accidently stumbled across a couples campsite, the woman screaming in terror and the next thing you hear is a gunshot accompanied by an immense searing pain coursing through your shoulder. 
Liz walks into the cafe, taking a seat at the counter and Rosalinda pouring her a cup of coffee. 
She notices how a lot of the booths are covered with empty plates and coffee mugs from the morning crowd with you nowhere to be seen. 
"Hey where's Y/N?" She asks. 
"I don't know he was supposed to be in three hours ago," Rosalinda replies. 
There's two guys sitting a couple seats down from her at the counter talking very loudly so of course Liz and Rosalinda overhear their conversation. 
"Man did you hear what happened to Billy last night?" One man says. 
"Didn't he and his girl go camping last night? What did the drunk bastard do, fall into the fire pit again?" The other laughs.
"Nah they got attacked by some crazy animal! Billy says it looked like a wolf but was the size of a bear! Says it might have been even wearing pants." 
"Don't be ridiculous, they probably just drank an entire bottle of whisky and were seeing things." 
"Either way Billy said he shot the thing in the shoulder and it ran off, they packed their shit up and got the hell out of there," the first guy says stuffing his face with his pancakes. 
Arturo comes out from the kitchen, tub in hand to collect the dirty dishes himself. 
"I'm worried about Y/N," Arturo states, "it's not like him to not show up to work, in ten years he hasn't so much as even been late for a shift." 
"Let me call him," Liz suggests, taking out her phone and attempting to reach you multiple times with no response, "maybe he just decided to have a little too much to drink at the pony last night and overslept." 
"Can you go check on him Elizabeth, something just feels off," Arturo asks. 
"Of course Papi," Liz says, kissing her father on the cheek before she takes one last drink of her coffee and heads to your place. 
Arturo was right, something was off, Liz spots a trail of blood going to your front door which wasn't even closed all the way.
"Y/N?" She calls out, cautiously stepping inside. 
There's no response so she calls your name out again and this time is met with the sound of a struggled groan coming from your bedroom. 
She finds you on the floor, shirt gone and pants ripped to shreds with blood pooled around you who's barely conscious and what appears to be a gunshot in your shoulder.
"Oh my god Y/N," she says rushing to your side, "you're going to be okay I'm gonna call 911." 
With the little strength you have you grab her arm, "no don't." 
"You've lost a lot of blood, we have to get you to the hospital," Liz replies.
"No hospital, just need to get the bullet out and I'll be fine," you explain.
"That's not how that works Y/N," she says, spotting a pair of pliers covered in blood that you had clearly been using to try to pull the bullet out of yourself with.
"Liz, please just trust me," you beg. 
Against her better judgment Liz grabs the pliers and huffs, "this is really going to hurt." 
"I know, do it, please," you struggle to get out. 
Liz gulps, and sticks the pliers inside your wound, digging around for the bullet. 
You howl in pain but Liz continues until she feels a tap of hard metal.
"I think I got it," she says using her free hand to hold you still as she pulls the bloody bullet from your skin. 
The pain immediately starts to soothe and Liz sees your wound healing itself. 
"What the hell was that," Liz says in shock, "your shoulder, it's like you weren't even shot. Wait, two guys at the crashdown were talking about their friend shooting some wolf bear thing in the shoulder last night." 
"I'm not even going to try to lie to you Liz, I'm a werewolf." 
"Oh… okay… that makes sense," she says oddly calm. 
"You're not freaked out by this? I just said I'm a werewolf," you say confused, your strength starting to return to your body.  
"You being a werewolf is one of the least weirdest thing that has happened to me in the last few years," she tells you.
"What does that mean?" 
"Y/N… do you believe in aliens?"
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massivedrickhead · 3 years
Can you do Kiss for the potentially romantic prompts? Please and thanks 🙂
[ KISS ] : sender kisses receiver in order to protect their identities, but is the kiss completely professional? or is there something else...?
From this list of prompts.
I kinda ended up moving away from the prompt a bit, but I think what I did still counts? Let me know🙈
Read on AO3
Taking advantage of the break in conversation, Chloe turned away from the Bellas, who were squashed into a booth, and back towards the bar.
She felt like Beca had been gone for an eternity, and she’d had to keep fighting the urge to turn around and look for her.
She couldn’t deal with the girls teasing her tonight, and she knew her looking for Beca every five minutes would only add more fuel to that fire.
It took a little longer than it usually would for Chloe to spot her. Normally Chloe’s eyes found Beca before her mind even knew she was looking for her. Normally, Beca stood out like she had a spotlight on her.
But in this overly crowded bar, where somehow everyone was dressed just a little bit like Beca, Chloe was finding it more difficult.
Every flannel shirt was on someone else’s back. Every lock of wavy brown hair wasn’t a lock of Beca’s wavy brown hair.
Every pair of jeans ripped at the knee, or scuffed boot, or scary (sexy) ear-spike, belonged to someone else.
Chloe started to wonder if she was being pranked until she finally spotted Beca at the very end of the bar.
Chloe couldn’t stop the frown that spread across her face, or the way her eyebrows pulled together.
She never was very good at hiding her emotions.
Beca - who was still trying her best to get the bartender’s attention so she could get served - was currently being hit on by a beard in a flannel shirt.
He was smiling, leaning against the bar with his own drink, looking down at her. He was clearly talking about something that he found fascinating, and didn’t seem to be picking up on Beca’s ‘please leave me alone’ face.
Beca turned her head away from him, looking back towards the booth where they were sitting, and seemed to deflate with relief when she saw that Chloe was looking at her.
She gave Chloe a look that said ‘Dude, help me’ and Chloe was only too happy to oblige.
“There you are!” Chloe said, brightly as she got within earshot of Beca and her new friend. She placed a hand on Beca’s back and kissed her lightly on the cheek. “You’ve been gone for hours.” Chloe pouted, her arm draping around Beca’s shoulder now. She felt Beca relax against her, as she reached up to take Chloe’s hand.
“So dramatic, babe,” Beca said, following Chloe’s lead. “Sorry dude,” Beca added, turning back to the guy, “this is my girlfriend Chloe.”
“Girlfriend?” He said, frowning, “you didn’t-”
“Chloe, this is Matt-”
“He’s really into IPAs.”
“Nice to meet you Matt,” Chloe said, brightly. “I hope you weren’t hitting on my girlfriend,” she added with a wink.
“It’s Mark,” he said. “You never said you had a girlfriend.”
“Was I supposed to?”
“I mean… It's only polite. Some guy starts talking to you, you should let him know you aren’t available. Kinda wasted my time,” he said, looking like a kicked puppy.
“Sorry dude, I thought you were just being friendly,” Beca said, with a shrug. She turned back to Chloe. “Can you get this guy to serve me? I never have any luck in this bar.”
“Sure babe,” Chloe said, leaning forward slightly, grinning as the bartender spotted her. She waved him over.
“You know what,” Mark said, looking more annoyed now. “I don’t believe it.”
“Don’t believe what?” Beca asked.
“Don’t believe you two as a couple. I mean she doesn’t exactly look…”
“Look what?” Chloe asked. Her smile was still on her face but there was something dangerous in her eyes now. “Look gay?”
“I just think you guys are doing that thing that girls do when they want a guy to leave them alone,” he said. “And that’s not fair. I’m a nice guy, you should give me a chance.”
Beca rolled her eyes and Chloe focused her attention on the bartender again.
“I dunno what to tell you dude,” Beca said. “Can I get two bottles of Bud Light please and a,” she turned to Chloe, “Vodka and Diet Coke?” Chloe nodded with another smile. “Vodka Diet Coke please.”
“Sure thing,” the bartender said before moving away to get their drinks.
“Look,” Mark said, speaking up again in what was clearly some last ditch attempt. “Prove it to me.”
“What?” Chloe asked.
“If you’re really a couple, prove it. Kiss or something.”
“Dude you’re being gross,” Beca said, shaking her head and turning away from him.
“Come on,” he said. “I think you’re lying.”
“Fine,” Chloe said, her hand coming to rest on Beca’s jaw. “If it’ll make you leave us alone, we’ll kiss.”
“No,” Beca said, sounding disgusted as she turned away to face Mark again. Chloe moved her hand and tried not to let this sudden stab of rejection show on her face. “No, we’re not gonna put on some show for you. We don’t owe you anything. Look, dude, either one of two things is happening. Number 1, you’re harassing a couple and being kinda homophobic in the process-”
“-I didn’t say anything homo-”
“-Or two,” Beca said, cutting him off, “I’m lying to you in order to make you leave me alone. In both of these scenarios, I don’t want to spend any more time with you. If I have to lie about a relationship to get you to leave me alone that should kind of indicate to you that this thing we have might not be going anywhere. So can you, like, fuck off?”
He straightened up. “Fine.” He finished his drink and put his glass back on the bar with a thump. “Bitch.”
“Thanks for that,” Beca said to Chloe once Mark had left.
“No problem,” Chloe said, taking her drink and walking back to the table.
“Wait, dude, are you mad at me?” Beca asked.
“No, of course not,” Chloe said, smiling sweetly. “Babe.” Chloe squeezed herself into the booth again, leaving Beca standing, looking at her in confusion.
“What did I do?”
“Uh oh,” Cynthia-Rose muttered.
“Our Mom’s are fighting again,” Emily said.
“Chloe?” Beca asked, ignoring them.
“You couldn’t have just kissed me? You had to go on a whole tirade and break that guy down because the thought of kissing me was so bad?” Chloe asked.
“Are you serious right now? He was being gross, I’m not putting on a fucking show for him to jerk off to later tonight,” Beca said.
“You were fine with calling me babe and letting me put my arm around you and stuff,” Chloe said.
“That’s different,” Beca said. “Look, can we go outside or something?”
“Because I wanna have an adult conversation with you, and I don’t want Amy live-tweeting it.”
“Fine,” Chloe said, taking a large swallow of her drink before setting the glass down and following Beca out of the bar.
It was cold outside, and Chloe immediately wrapped her arms around herself.
On instinct, Beca pulled off her jacket and wrapped it around Chloe’s shoulders, and Chloe felt herself soften immediately. The scowl in her face disappeared, and she closed her eyes as Beca tugged the jacket so it covered her better.
“What just happened?” Beca asked. “I feel like I missed something.”
“I’m sorry,” Chloe said, softly. “I didn’t mean to snap at you like that in front of the girls.”
“Did I do something?”
“No,” Chloe said. “Not really. It’s just… I guess I got a little caught up in our act. And when you turned away it felt like… it was like the idea of kissing me was so awful that you would rather chew this guy out than do it. And you hate confrontation, so you must have hated the thought of kissing me more. I’m not mad that you didn’t want to kiss me. It’s just… the way you said no. Like… like you’d just tasted something bad. It kinda hurt my feelings.”
“Chlo’,” Beca said, softly, “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come across that way.”
“You don’t need to say sorry,” Chloe said. “You have every right to reject me, I’m just a little drunk and emotional tonight.”
“Chloe, you realise you’re like my favourite person in the whole world, right? There isn’t a universe that exists in which I don’t want to kiss you,” Beca said, holding onto the ends of the jacket around Chloe’s shoulders, pulling her forward slightly. “I just didn’t want our first kiss to be like that. I didn’t want it to be surrounded by people gawking, for the benefit of some lowlife. I want it to be real. I want it to mean something. I don’t want it to be the only one.”
“But you do want it?” Chloe asked, her voice so small and hopeful that it almost broke Beca’s heart.
“Of course I want it. God, you have no idea… you’re everything to me, Chloe Beale. And when we kiss, it’s going to be the start of something amazing,” Beca said, pulling her even closer.
“Sounds like you’ve thought about this,” Chloe said, her eyes inevitably dropping to Beca’s lips.
“I have. A lot. For a long time,” Beca said.
“Why did you wait?”
“Why did you?”
Chloe laughed, and Beca felt it against her lips.
“Is this happening?” Chloe asked, as Beca pulled her a little closer.
“I think so,” Beca said, grinning. “Just promise me that this kiss is the beginning of something, not the end.”
“Hmm. That all depends on how good a kisser you are Mitchell.”
“I guess I’ll let you be the judge of that,” Beca said, before she gave the jacket one final tug and closed the distance between them.
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rebelwrites · 4 years
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Let’s Get Out Of Here (NSFW)
Clay Spenser x Reader
Warnings: I think it’s just unprotected sex
Join The Group Chat Here - If You Want Tagging Manually Let Me Know 🖤
Clay Spenser Masterlist
This Months Writing
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He knew what he was doing when he came strolling into the pub, straight from hitting the gym, wearing that tight shirt. He was playing a game and you were falling for it. Just like you did every single time but things never happened because one or both of you got far too drunk and ended up staggering back home. But not tonight, you were determined to get the taste of the golden boy.
So here you were leaning against the bar chatting to Jase, but got completely distracted as Clay walked in, with that god damn smirk on his face that always made you weak at the knees. And the bastard had the audacity to wink at you, sending your brain into a frenzy.
“Earth to Y/N” Jason laughed waving his hand in front of your face bringing you back to reality. “You back with us, we lost you there for a moment kiddo”
“Yeah, yeah I’m back” you nodded as you looked away from Clay and back to Jase.
That was another reason nothing had happened between you and Clay, you were deemed off limits. The first day you hung around with the guys he made it very clear you were off limits. Which sucked but you knew he was just following your dads wishes and protecting you, but it was a bit of a buzzkill with someone who you saw as an Uncle basically cock blocked you from the start.
“What were you staring at anyway?” He asked standing next to you following your gaze to a certain blonde. “Oh should have known, anything I should be worried about?”
“Nah” you laughed knocking the shot back “Well not yet anyway, just close your eyes, don’t watch me tonight or something. I’m done playing games.
“Wondered when you’d grow some balls kiddo” Jase laughed as he kissed the top of your head “Knew something would happen between you two, I’ve seen it bubbling away for the last few months now”
“So you aren’t gonna go into protective dad mode?” You asked, raising your brow at him.
“Like you said, I just won’t look, can’t do anything if I can’t see” he laughed “Go get him tiger”
You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself as you grabbed the tray of shots and your beer before heading over to the pool table where the rest of the guys were.
“Fear not the life of the party has landed” you grinned, placing the shots down on the pool table.
“But I’m already here Princess” Clay smirked, winking at you again as he reached for his shot.
“Fuck you Blondie” you grinned, knocking the shot back.
“I mean you could but I don’t think you could handle me” he laughed making you roll your eyes.
“More like you couldn’t handle me pretty boy” you winked, slapping his chest before wandering over to Sonny.
You had a plan and it was going to work this time, you were going to tease the fuck out of him until he caved. So you purposely position yourself on the pool table as you racked the balls up, your ass in his eyeline. A small smirk appeared on your face as you heard Brock say something about him staring and having a death wish.
Looking up Sonny shook his head at you laughing. He knew what you were doing, he always knew and loved watching things play out as it meant he had more ammo to throw at Clay.
As the night went on, Clay didn’t take the bait anymore and it was starting to annoy you now so you upped your game as you learn forward to take your shot, looking up from the pool cue, you locked eyes with him, slowly running your tongue over your bottoms lip before pulling it between your teeth. You didn’t know if your eyes were playing tricks on you but you swore his eyes darkened with lust and he gulped but you couldn’t say for sure.
But you weren't giving up, all you had to do was keep giving him the look whilst biting your lip and he would be putty in your hands. It also helped the dirty thoughts you were thinking as you ran your eyes over his body.
Just like you thought, it didn’t take long for him to cave as the moment you had finished the game of pool, he grabbed your wrist pulling you into his body, backing you into the wall behind you. The moment your back hit the wall you heard Sonny wolf whistle but you blocked him out only focusing on the feeling of Clay’s body pressed against you making you bite your lip again.
Your whole body was tingling and felt like it was on fire as he pinned your arms above your head, dropping his face so his lips were only inches away from yours, he was so close you could smell the beer on his breath.
“You’ve been giving me bedroom eyes for the past half an hour, time to tell me what exactly, was on your mind.” He said slowly whilst maintaining eye contact.
“Maybe you will never find out” you giggled.
“You and I both know that I will find out” he hummed as he moved his hips, slowly grinding against you, you couldn’t help but moan at the feeling, making him smirk.
Everything happened so fast, his hands moved from your wrists, running down your body until he was cupping your ass, you got the message loud and clear as you jumped up, wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around his waist, allowing him to get closer to you, his lips connected with yours as he pressed you against the wall.
The kiss was hot, heavy and full of lust. You know you were screwed as just one kiss left you feeling like you were floating so you had a feeling anything more would kill you off but it was a price you were willing to play, especially when he depended the kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth as you said the unspoken words you both had, right there in the pub pinned against the wall.
If you could you would have ripped his clothes off him right then and there but unfortunately that wasn’t an option and neither was taking this any further, especially with Sonny around.
“Oooooh shit” he shouted slamming his hands on the pool table making you and Clay pull away from each other, but maintaining eye contact. “Some babies are being made tonight ladies and gentlemen”
Resting your forehead against Clay’s you let out a breathless laugh. You couldn’t help yourself as you got lost in his eyes. There was no going back now, the line had been crossed.
“Let’s get out of here” he whispered against your lips before stealing another kiss. “Before either of us get to drunk to carry this on”
“Your place is closer” you giggled as he gently set you down on the ground, the moment your feet touched the ground you stole his cap, it just had to be done, something you always did, placing the cap backwards on your head you ran your hand down his chest, linking your fingers with his, guiding him through the crowd with everyone whistling behind you.
The walk to his place didn’t take long but the air around you was different, the banter had turned a lot more flirty and you were both itching to get behind closed doors to finish what you had started.
The moment you walked into his apartment and the door was locked you were dragged to the bedroom, and pushed down onto the bed, and a topless Clay pinned you down with his body, you felt so happy to finally be able to roam his sculpted body with yours hands.
No words were spoken as Clay dipped his head down, brushing your hair off your shoulder, placing hot kisses down your neck, instantly making you feel weak especially when he nipped at your skin. You were under his spell and was loving it, soft moans left your lips as you bucked your hips up against him trying to get some friction.
“You don’t know how many times I’ve dreamt of this moment” you breathed as he repositioned so he could get your shirt off.
“I think I can guess” he hummed as his eyes ran down your body. “Tell me something Y/N did you ever think of me whilst you got yourself off”
“All the damn time” you whispered as you fumbled with the button of his jeans. “I just hope you live up to dream Clay”
“Oh baby it’s gonna be so much better” he smirked as he unfastened your bra, throwing it across the room, taking one of your nipples in his mouth, his tongue moving slowly making you moan.
“Please no more teasing Clay” you moaned “I need you, I need to feel you”
“Mmm now that I can do” he hummed against your skin before gently biting your nipple sending shockwaves through your body. “God you know how to drive me insane” he smirked as he undid your jeans, pulling them down your body before doing the same with your thong.
“Fuck why haven’t we done this sooner” he whispered against your skin, placing soft kisses over your body. “You know this won’t just be a one night thing, I know I’m going to get addicted to feeling you around my cock, hearing you moan my name”
“Oh god Clay please” you whimpered as he ran his finger over your core.
Within seconds he was now naked, and hovering over you, the tip of his cock rubbing against your clit making you dig your nails into his shoulders.
“Tell me if I’m too rough okay” he whispered against your lips before softly kissing you as he pushed himself inside.
A gasp left your lips as the feeling of his stretching you out, you knew he was packing but didn’t know it would feel this good, he started off slow letting you get used to him but soon got the hint by your moans and started to move his hips.
“Fuck Princess” he grunted in your ear “so fucking tight”
You knew you weren't going to last long, as your moans got louder with every thrust, every move sent shockwaves through your body making you claw at Clay’s back, no doubt leaving marks but in the heat of the moment neither of you cared.
“Clay fuck” you moaned burying your face in the crook of his neck as his thumb found your clit, finding the same pace as his hips and that familiar feeling was getting stronger in the pit of your stomach, you were close and knew he knew as he thrusted harder making you bite into his shoulder from the pleasure. “Shit, shit, shit” you panted as he pushed you over the edge of climax.
But he didn’t let off, he was chasing his own high, but he was close as his thrusts were getting slower and he pulled you as close to him as physically possible, you had no time to come down from your first high as another was building, his lips connected with yours as he pushed you down into the bed, both moaning into the kiss as you fell over the edge of ecstasy.
The feeling of him laying on top of you whilst you both came down from your high was one of the best feelings in the world.
“I normally last longer than that” he laughed, nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck.
“I have no doubt in that” you giggled as you stared at the ceiling, “I mean if that was just a quickie then you are gonna put me in an early grave”
“Is that right?” He laughed, propping himself up on his elbow “wanna see how many more rounds we can go?”
“Is that a bet Clay Spenser?” You smirked wrapping yours around around his neck “because if so game on baby”
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@chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi
@everyhowlmarksthedead @talicat713
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toriwakes · 3 years
Pretty Boy 187 [s.r x reader]
summary: reader finds out that her new found tumblr crush is none other than her coworker.
content warnings: she/her!reader, mentions of alcohol
a/n: hi!! i’m so happy to be posting again. i’m really proud of this, so i hope you all like it! as always, let me know if you have any requests!
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convincing spencer to get tumblr was tough. not only did he hate technology, he didn’t like social media either.
“it’s gonna be fun! c’mon, please?” you’ve been bugging him about it for about a week. “spencer, please just download it. if i have to hear (y/n) whine again i’m gonna loose it.” said derek, plopping is papers on his desk. “you like it when i whine.” you teased, causing derek to flash you a toothy grin. “alright! jeez.” you clapped of joy and jumped to help spencer, but he stopped you. “no way, i’m not letting you follow me.” he kept his phone facing away from you, your arms dropping to your sides in defeat. “fine. i’ll find your account somehow.” “we’ll see about that.”
over the next few weeks you acquired a few new followers, only one catching your eye. ‘prettyboy187’ followed you on a quiet friday afternoon. the username caught your attention at first, but when you checked is profile? that’s when you were hooked. half of his pictures were just aesthetically pleasing: outside of his window, his extreme sugary coffee, some books. but others...
it was an excerpt of a poem and his hand was holding back the pages. you doubt he meant to capture it so beautifully. just his hand was godly. you wasted no time dming him.
hey :)
how desperate did you look right now? he followed you barley an hour ago. you cant stop staring at that picture.
he didn’t sound happy. well, he didn’t “sound” anything, you guys were texting. but you could feel his tone through the screen. where you overthinking this too much? you shuffled into your bed, wrapping yourself in the covers as you pondered what to say next.
i just wanted to tell you i really like your account. are you a photographer or something?
no, i’m not. my friend convinced me to get this app and i noticed people post aesthetically pleasing photos on here, so i’m just doing the same haha.
ok, well you don’t post nice pictures. at least, not that type. maybe you’d post a picture of the snow or your bed, but every now and then you’d bless the feed with a picture of you in a swimsuit. it was more for opinions on the suit than anything else.
ohh. maybe i should start doing that.
how do you mean?
that sounded like a very judge-y ‘oh’. your eyes scanned your own profile to see what he could’ve hated. there was you in your favorite red swimsuit, a picture of your computer with netflix on the screen. the rest of the posts were of the same type, so you couldn’t pinpoint what the problem was.
what is it?
no, nothing. your recent picture. that’s a nice swim suit.
oh. that’s what he meant. you practically threw your phone across the room and squealed. thank the universe that he didn’t dislike you already. you shot him another text. just like that, you had your first ever tumblr crush.
“what’s up with you pretty girl?” derek asked when you walked into work. you supposed you still had the blush on your face when pretty boy wished you a good morning and day at work. “nothing!” you said, obviously it being something. as if on cue, spencer walked in behind you also giddy. “what, you’re both sweet on someone now?” when neither of you responded, derek laughed. “what?” emily inquired, taking her seat. “spencer and (y/n) both have a crush.” emily’s jaw dropped. “spencer has a crush?” everyone broke into laughter, jj overhearing and almost dropping her files. “why is that so surprising?” spencer defended himself, derek giving him a ‘you know the answer to that’ look. “well?what’re their names?” he pushed. you bit your tongue. you didn’t even know his name. yikes. “let’s start.” aaron called. saved by hotch. thank goodness. “this ain’t over.” derek warned the two of you. yes it was. by the end of the day morgan would’ve forgotten all about this.
you were right like always. morgan didn’t ask anymore about it, instead offering to get drinks. you turned it down, desperate to get home and text your boy. and you did, only at 11pm.
hey, sorry it’s so late. had a long day at work.
no worries, so did i. listen, i have a question.
this boy only sent messages that would make your heart drop. with a pacing heart, you texted back.
his ‘online’ button flashes on. then he was typing. then he was deleting. it seemed like hours before he responded.
what’s your name?
godamnit. you didnt have a display name because you didn’t want anyone you knew finding your account. what’s a fake name you can use? maybe...
why did you pick spencer’s ex’s name? you don’t know. you remember being insanely jealous of her because she got to kiss spencer in the pool while you were posted outside. your crush on spencer was still very much alive, but not as much as it was with pretty boy.
that’s a pretty name.
thanks. now you have to tell me yours ;)
you’ve never been so nervous for a text conversation in your life. for some reason, the back of your head wondered what it would be like if you were texting spencer. it was just a thought, though. spencer would never say half of this stuff.
call me morgan.
oh NO. please no... you stalked his profile again, terrified that you’ve been flirting with your coworker this past month. alas, your eye caught another body picture- this time of his arm. no tattoos like derek. not to mention he was much smaller. not that that’s a bad thing. you don’t think you’d ever be able to handle derek...
you arrived at work yet again with a blushing face. “come on, you can’t keep hiding this from me! tell me something at least!” derek whined. “okay! his name is morgan. and i know what you’re thinking, and no, it’s not you, my boy is much more attractive.” derek’s mouth formed into an ‘O’ shape in fake offense. “that’s damn near impossible. ain’t nobody prettier than derek morgan.” spencer walked in now, again with a dorky smile on his face. “spencer. (y/n)’s got a crush on-“ you jumped to cover his mouth, the sound of your crush’s name muffled. “what- hey! no fair! derek gets to know but i cant?” spencer whined. derek held his hands up and sat back down, not wanting to get you mad. smart. “three can’t keep a secret.” was all you said before sitting down to clean your workspace.
the new highlight of your day was texting morgan. you learned several things about him; he has a job he can’t specify for personal reasons, he really wants a dog but he feels like animals hate him. you told him about your cat joel, and how they could absolutely love him. he appreciated that.
if i tell you something, do you promise not to freak out?
depends. are you about to tell me you’re a serial killer?
you giggled to yourself at your humor.
i wanna meet you.
you promised not to freak out, but you were freaking out. it was just now setting in that you didn’t know this man at all. where he lived, how old he was, even what he looked like. you took a few deep breaths and asked a question.
where do you live?
quantico virginia.
no hesitation on that one. he lived in the same town as you? you didn’t know how you’d be able to turn this down...
shit, me too. let’s meet up then.
i’ll send you a good place to get drinks.
“every time you walk in here, you’re blushing. now so are your ears.” you beamed at derek, sitting at your desk before spilling. “i’m gonna meet him.” “wait what? are you sure that’s safe?” you rolled your eyes. “i’m an fbi agent. i’m not scared of a little danger.” you playfully winked and derek blew out a huff of air. “if anything happens, you know you can call me.” you pouted at your friend and nodded, appreciating his concern. spencer was spinning in his seat. “you happy too?” you asked. he only nodded and didn’t elaborate. you we’re going to press on, but hotch called you all in and you lost your chance.
on rare occasions, the bau got tough cases with very happy endings. this was one of those cases. the plane ride home was extremely joyous and derek offered to get drinks again. this time, everyone accepted (all except hotch). you texted morgan telling him you were going out tonight and you wouldn’t be back till late. you laughed to yourself. it was like he was your boyfriend.
the night was young and you were fairly tipsy. ok that’s generous, you were drunk. you were spending most of your time with penelope and it took you a minute to remember spencer. “ohmygosh! spence!” he was startled at your presence but he gave you that flat mouthed smile of his. “how are you! you’re my favorite scorpio.” you nodded as you said it, as if trying to convince him it was true. “thanks? i’m good. you’re drunk.” he pointed out. “no shit. hey!!! you never showed me your tumblr user! you gotta show me that girl you like, bet you she’s really sexy.” you didn’t even know what you were saying at this point, whipping out your phone and snapping a picture with spencer. “what are you doing?” he asked, watching you type. “posting this on tumblr! i want everyone to know you’re my favorite in the world.” he wanted to ask favorite what, but a ping on his phone distracted him. lila posted. he smiled and checked her page.
holy fuck.
“(y/n)?” he asked, not looking away from his phone. “yess?” you responded. “what’s your tumblr?” what is your tumblr? “uhhh..i don’t know, check.” you tossed him your open phone, and his eyes only grew wider. “you’re lila?” the words rang through your ears like a siren. “what?” the word was breathy, you couldn’t add stability to what you said. spencer showed you his phone, ‘prettyboy187’ on the screen. “you’re morgan?” still no confidence in your voice whatsoever. your feelings were supposed to change, you weren’t supposed to like that morgan was spencer. but they didn’t. you didn’t even think about the fact he saw your swimsuit photos. you loved that morgan was spencer, and you still wanted to see him on the weekend. “are you mad?” you asked, not being able to stop yourself from sipping from your glass. “no. should i be?” you smiled. “no. do you still wanna meet up this weekend?” “yes. but i don’t wanna get drinks.” he wasn’t even drinking, why is he complaining. “where should we go then?” “my house.”
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strawberrynamjoon · 4 years
wine bottles & pizza boxes
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– genre: delivery boy!namjoon & lovesick!reader
– word count: 17k
– summary: while desperately trying to get over your heartbreak the cute new delivery boy made it to his personal mission to make you smile whenever you were drunk and lonely. luckily, your mutual friend hoseok was more than willing to set the two of you up.
or: namjoon fell in love with you, no matter if you had a pretty dress on or a wine bottle in your hand and a puzzle piece in your hair.
– warnings: reader gets drunk a lot and is kinda an emotional mess lol, humour and crack, sope being couple of the year, whipped namjoon, kinda slow burn
– note: i finally finished this wip of mine and i hope you guys like it as much as i do. like always, this is not proofread yet, i’ll get to it soon! <3
If anyone were to see you right now, you were sure they would think you’re a complete mess, almost pathetic even and, to be quite honest, they wouldn't be wrong. 
The way you were spread out on your couch, not having moved for hours, in your oversized hoodie and sweatpants, sipping the cheapest wine you could find straight out of the bottle while rewatching Gilmore Girls for the hundredth time truly wasn’t your proudest moment. 
But you felt hurt and you convinced yourself that bathing in some self-pity was the only possible solution for you to get over this stupid, aching heartbreak. If any of your friends would see you like this they would surely disagree with your chosen method but you couldn’t care less. They say time heals all the wounds but for now, wine would have to do the job.
Checking your phone for how much longer your pizza will take to arrive, you noticed a text from your best friend, once again begging you to pay attention to him.
[ Yoongi: It’s been a month since he ghosted you, stop being a crybaby and come to Guk’s party tonight. I’ll even pick you up. ]
A mocking scoff escaped your lips, rolling your eyes way back into your skull. As much as you loved him, you just felt the need to be dramatic in peace – and knowing Yoongi he would never let that happen.
Deciding to leave him on read for now, you heard the doorbell ring and the excitement rushing over you was almost embarrassing, considering the fact that your pizza arriving probably would be the highlight of your whole week.
Instantly regretting checking yourself in the mirror when you realized just how terrible you looked like you tried not to think about it too much, Antonio wouldn’t care either way. You looked disgusting in the truest definition of the word – your messy bun was an actual mess, not in the cute Instagram-model-kinda-way, no. There were big strands of hair falling out of it in the back and it floppily laid on the side of your head instead of the top. Your face was swollen from the crying and the alcohol and there were three fat, red pimples growing on your cheeks.
Luckily, you and Antonio, your standard delivery guy, by now were over having to impress each other. He has seen you in that state more often than your actual friends at this point and he didn’t have to act all nice in front of you anymore, your nagging banter the only social interactions you sometimes had for weeks. Thinking about it for a second it was almost pitiful that your closest friend was a man in his mid fifties who was supplying you with greasy food but you didn’t care, at least Antonio would never ghost you out of nowhere.
More relationships should be like yours and Antonios: Both of you did not annoy the other one, just exchanged a polite smile and some snarky comments every now and then and that was it.
Opening the door, you felt a genuine smile on your face, excited for the pizza you were about to eat, “Antonio, I was never happier to see –”
But before you could end your sentence you were surprised by a new face, a more handsome and younger face than Antonio’s wide and round face and grey hair. The young man in front of you had glowing, tan skin, plump lips and was not only tall but also equally broad. 
Looking at such a handsome man your own age, you became awfully aware of how you looked right now, feeling terribly hideous.
“You’re not Antonio,” the disappointment in your voice was hard to go miss.
The man in front of you started to chuckle and you were met with two deep and extraordinary cute dimples that made him look much nicer. Before you saw them he seemed kind of intimidating but as soon as he smiled there was not a single intimidating thing left about him.
“Believe it or not, I’m very well aware of that,” his deep voice sent shivers down your spine, “I’m Namjoon. And I’m very sorry to disappoint you, but at least I still have the pizza you ordered.”
He pointed to the pizza box on the ground and you just wanted him to leave as soon as possible, not wanting him to have to look at the misery you were for any second longer.
“Well, you’re just as good as Antonio then,” you stated, flashing him a bright smile.
“If that’s all it takes to make you happy your boyfriend must be living a happy life,” he mumbled under his breath without looking at you as he got the pizza box out of his carrier. His standards must be very low if he was flirting with you even in your current state but at least he managed to boost your self esteem a little bit.
You already pictured the little scenarios coming into your mind with the man you just met a few seconds ago and you hated yourself for how easy it is for you to fall in love with a complete stranger. But if all it took to distract yourself from the heartbreak you were going through was a handsome pizza delivery guy you would most definitely take that.
Handing you the box he gave you yet another one of those dimpled smiles and you wished you could take a picture of it, “I hope you can still enjoy it even if Antonio is gone now.”
Now you furrowed your eyebrows, “What do you mean he’s gone? Like, forever? I assumed he just has a day off.”
“Oh no, he actually got fired,” he answered with a shrug. 
“Wow first I got ghosted and now Antonio left me too, I thought at least he would stay,” a playful pout formed on your lips.
The delivery boy, or Namjoon as he introduced himself to you, seemed to be amused by your dramatic acting, joining in immediately, “He has a wife and children. You should’ve known better than to get attached.”
With a smile on your lips, you crossed your arms in front of your chest, “I know but he always brought me free sauce even though I didn’t order it and I just fell in love with his kind actions.”
“That’s absolutely against the policy,” Namjoon stated amused, “and probably the reason he got fired.”
The smile was still sitting on your lips as you nodded to him, ready to go back inside, “See you tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” Namjoon asked with a confused expression on his face, wondering what exactly would happen tomorrow.
“Yes, tomorrow,” you simply stated without any further explanation as you shut your door and walked back to the living room.
You immediately smiled as you replayed the previous encounter in your head. He didn’t even really flirt with you but just the fact that a good looking man stood in front of your door was enough to make you smitten at this point. God, Yoongi was right, you truly were lonely.
Just as you were thinking of the devil your phone vibrated, his name on the screen as he was calling you.
“Whats up? You’re crying or what?” you heard your closest friend on the other line of the phone. To others, the way you and Yoongi talked to each other might seem a bit harsh or cold but in reality, you were as close as two people could be even though none of you would ever admit it out loud.
“I fell in love,” you started and immediately got interrupted.
“I already pity the new man. Who is he?” Yoongi asked, the surroundings loud and you were sure he was on the way to a party.
“You’ll only make fun of me if I tell you,” you pouted, knowing the teasing will never stop if you tell your best friend about your newest crush.
“Me? Making fun of you? Never!” the sarcasm in his voice was thick and you could hear his stupid grin through the phone.
“It’s the delivery guy,” you tried to sound as unbothered as possible but because Yoongi knew you like the back of his hand it was pointless.
“(Y/n) –” he started, taking in a deep breath, “I know you’re lonely but Antonio? Isn’t that a bit extreme?”
You laughed, realizing that maybe you should’ve stated your words differently, “Antonio got replaced by a handsome, tall guy. don’t worry, I am not that desperate yet.”
“What do you mean Antonio got replaced? Does this mean we actually have to buy the dip now whenever we order?” Yoongi seemed to be genuinely upset about the fact that he might pay a buck more from now on.
“I’m afraid we have to but at least we can look at a cute buy and talk about how cute he is whenever we do order,” you joked.
“I don’t think we should do that in front of Hoseok, he’s crazy and might kill the delivery guy if he hears me talking about a cute guy,” Yoongi chuckled like he always did when he talked about Hoseok and you rolled your eyes, those goddamn couples all around you making you feel awfully single, “Anyway, we’re celebrating at our place on saturday, you have to come. No excuses accepted, I don’t care if you cry in the bathroom because you’re a sad bitch, you’re still coming.”
“Great, I’ll hate it,” you let out a sigh before hanging up.
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Despite threatening your best friend that you’d rather kill yourself than attend a party in your current emotional state, you somehow still found yourself at Hoseok’s and Yoongi’s dorm, getting drunk at their stupid party. You should have known better, in the end he always annoys you until you gave in, it would’ve spared you a lot of discussions.
“Hey Hoseok,” you greeted tonight’s host and good friend with a hug and he gave you a low whistle as he saw you all dressed up. Hoseok was, next to Yoongi, one of the people you could always depend on. When Yoongi introduced his boyfriend to you many years ago you first weren’t sure if their relationship had a real chance since Hoseok seemed to be the complete opposite of Yoongi but by now it was almost impossible to imagine one without the other.
“I didn’t think that I would see you here,” he gave you an appreciating and welcoming smile and you immediately felt at home – Hoseok had this power, always making you feel comfortable, “We missed you. Yoongi wouldn’t admit it, but he did too.”
And so did you – you were aware that ghosting the majority of your friends wasn’t the nicest thing you could’ve done but you were feeling blue, not wanting to talk to anyone else than your neighbor’s cat and the moon.
A small apologetic pout formed on your lips, “Missed you too. I promise I’ll come around more often again.”
On your way to the living room, you studied the people around you – most of them you knew but a few of them you never saw before. It still amazes you how, even after several years of being friends, you still didn’t know all of Hoseok’s friends. This man was like a puppy on the loose, making friends and fans everywhere he’d go.
A few people were busy playing beer pong, Jeongguk and Taehyung had the most concentrated expression you had ever seen on their faces and you wished they would’ve taken your many group projects back in college as serious as this match. Another few familiar faces were chatting and smoking in the kitchen, all of them sitting on the ground. Yoongi sat right in front of the fridge that was probably filled with nothing but a few beers, knowing that’s the typical lifestyle Yoongi and Hoseok had going on.
One could argue that after graduating and finding real jobs their need to party every weekend would vanish but no, they still were the exact same.
You felt a bit lost, not knowing where to go. As you arrived the party was already in full swing, everyone had their spot and you felt almost left out for a second, wondering who you should hold onto for the night.
After grabbing a bottle of cheap champagne from the kitchen, you decided to check out the living room – much to your luck, you found an empty space between Hoseok and Jimin on the couch, gladly getting comfortable between the two friends who were currently discussing which Team would win.
“It’ll be Jeongguk’s for sure,” you threw your thoughts into the conversation, “Come on, it’s Jeongguk. He never loses, we all know that.”
Jimin nodded his head eagerly, agreeing with you, “That’s what I am saying too! It’s two versus one now.”
Hoseok, who didn’t even look at you because he was so invested in watching Taehyung’s every move shook his head, “Tae trained a lot and got so good at it. I think he might stand a chance.”
Just as you clinked your cups with Jimin, ready to get tipsy, Jeongguk noticed you and his smile went wide, reaching his eyes.
“(Y/N),” he shouted over the music from the corner of the living room, “Join us. We’re missing one team member anyways.”
“I hate beer,” you yelled back, “I’d rather die than drink this cold piss.”
He rolled his eyes, not taking a no as an answer. “I’ll drink it for you, I just need someone who actually can aim, unlike this idiot here,” his voice was frustrated while pointing to Seokjn.
“Respect your elders,” Seokjin started scolding as he was aiming to throw the ball in his hand - and then, just like expected, he missed the cup completely.
“See, please, you have to save us,” Jeongguk came over to you, extending his hand to help you up from the couch and you decided to join him before he and Seokjin would start fighting. It’s been quite some time since you played beer pong with your friends but back then, you always did quite a decent job at it.
Before it was your turn, Jeongguk and Taehyung both scored another goal, gulping down their cups within seconds. There were four full cups of beer left in front of you and you prayed that you wouldn’t have to drink one of them. Why couldn’t they play this stupid game with something that actually tasted alright?
Glancing up, ready to shoot your shot your breath stopped for a second as you saw your opponent – Taehyung just recruited a new member for his team from the kitchen because he claimed that if Jeongguk could add a player midgame so could he. But you didn’t expect to be the new member of his team someone you’ve seen before, in a different situation.
“Pizza girl,” Namjoon exclaimed amused, his dimples seemed to be even deeper than you remembered them and he seemed to be pretty tipsy already judging by his pronunciation, “you look different.”
His relaxed aura immediately made you relax too, not even questioning for a second as to where in the world he knew Yoongi and/or Hoseok from. You did make a mental note to check with your friends about that later though.
“The power of make-up and a shower,” you shrug while throwing your ball and – the ball landed right inside of it, Namjoon chuckling as he gave you a thumbs up.
Jeongguk gave you a high five and ruffled your hair a bit, something he always did when he got drunk. Quite funny to compare this Jeongguk with the shy boy you met in the beginning of college but you were happy that he opened up to all of your friends and became a part of your group.
“Where do you know each other from?” Taehyung asked Namjoon, curiousity sparkling in his eyes.
“He stole Antonio’s job,” you sighed dramatically before Namjoon could answer, still not over your favorite delivery man being gone forever.
Taehyung playfully shook his head in disappointment, “You stole his job? not cool, man. Antonio was like our hero in bad, hungry times.”
“Always made sure we’re not starving,” Jeongguk joined the conversation.
“Also, he was kind of sexy, not going to lie,” Jimin joked from the couch, making you laugh a bit and Hoseok gag.
Namjoon threw his hands into the air as if he’s giving up a fight he didn’t even participate in. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he sounded defeated, playing along with your shenanigans, “I understand I’ll never be him but I’m trying my best.”
Just in that moment Yoongi walked into the living room. His arm wrapping around your shoulder, the unexpected touch instantly letting you know that he was drunk because otherwise, he wouldn’t put his arm around you. Not that you minded, it was just something unusual for Yoongi.
“What’s going on here?” he asked, confusion written all over his face, “Who is Namjoon trying to compete with?”
“Apparently he took over Antonio's job,” Hoseok informed his boyfriend amused, “And now we’re mourning over the loss of our beloved Antonio.”
Yoongi knew that Namjoon just started a new job as a delivery guy and he also heard that Antonio got fired before, wondering where he knew that from. As he studied your face, you could see his brain working, putting one and one together.
He knew about Antonio from you. The memory of your conversation came back to his slightly intoxicated mind – you told him about Antonio being fired, but more importantly, you told him about your newest addition to the many men that you crushed on. No one else than the man who replaced Antonio. Which also meant, no one else than Namjoon.
His eyes widened and stared a hole into your soul. After being friends for so many years you two mastered the art of communicating with nothing but glances and his current face was asking you if you were actually talking about his friend on the phone a few days ago.
As you wondered where Yoongi knew that guy from and how in the world you never met him before, not even heard his name, you gave him a small, embarrassed nod followed by a slightly pleading glance back, begging him not to tell anyone.
You could tell he was trying not to burst out into laughter at the situation – of course, out of all the people in the world it had to be someone he knew. But at least he gave you an approving smile afterwards, almost as if to give you his blessing, something very rare. Most of the time Yoongi wasn’t a big fan of your crushes, not only because he knew you fell in love with a different stranger every other week but also because, in his opinion, you had a terrible taste when it came to men.
“Guys, (y/n) and Yoongi are doing their weird talking without talking thing again,” Jeongguk’s voice almost sounded annoyed, scrunching his nose a bit.
For a second you didn’t realize the tall figure that came over to you and Yoongi, his hands buried in the kangaroo pocket of his grey oversized hoodie in which you’d look very adorable, just saying.
Namjoon startled you a bit and you tried not to choke on your own spit as you noticed him.
“(Y/N), huh? Nice to meet you again, officially this time,” he gave you a soft smile and you felt pathetic for wanting to stare at him smiling forever, wondering how many girls were in love with him you bet he could have almost every girl looking like that.
Flashing him a cheeky smile, you nodded, “Nice to meet you too again, officially. I had no idea you know my friends.”
Hoseok stood up from the couch and interrupted the two of you, teasing you a bit, “Better get used to her. She doesn’t know how to cook, you’ll see her daily from now on.”
Scoffing, Yoongi shook his head, “Honestly, Namjoon might be an even worse cook than she is.”
Namjoon chuckled and in your mind you already knew once you were drunk enough and gathered enough confidence you had to poke your fingers in them.
“I have your number on speed dial,” you joked, a grin on your face.
“Living the unhealthy lifestyle I see,” Namjoon answered amused, “I can identify myself with that.”
Before you could continue talking to Namjoon, Jeongguk grew impatient beside you. He almost pouted while he dragged you back to the table, “We have a match to win, get your head in the game.”
And about twenty minutes later, you, Seokjin and Jeongguk were loudly celebrating victory with high-fives and hugs while Taehyung’s team was mourning over their loss.
“Next round!” Jeongguk annouced solemnly, “That is if you can handle another loss, Taehyung?”
Taehyung scoffed between his laughter, “I’ll crush you, Jeon Jeongguk, you just wait.”
“Your team has no chance against us,” Jeongguk laughed while refilling the empty cups with beer.
“You have to do without (y/n) though,” Hoseok announced from his space from the couch, “We have to snatch her away for a bit.”
Apologizing to a grumpy Jeongguk, you made your way to your two favorite people in the world, sitting down right beside Yoongi and Hoseok.
The shit-eating grin on both of their faces already gave them away and you knew exactly why they wanted to talk to you. Hoseok handed you a drink and you took it, knowing that you needed a bit more alcohol in your system for the upcoming teasing.
“So, you have your eyes on Namjoon I heard,” Hoseok giggled joyfully.
Glaring at Yoongi, you rolled your eyes, “I wonder who told you about that.”
Yoongi shrugged, with the same grin plastered on his face, “He’s a good guy, I know it doesn’t matter because you’re emotionally unable to have a real relationship but I would still support it.”
Hoseok hit Yoongi’s chest lightly, almost as if he was telling him not to be too mean to you even though everyone knew that you’d never talk without thick sarcasm to each other. Turning back to you, he raised his eyebrow before proposing, “I could easily set you up. I already have a plan in my head.”
You shook your head heavily, a short laugh escaping from you, “No, don’t worry. I don’t even know him, let me talk to him in peace first. I might come back to it though.”
Hoseok was known to be the matchmaker of your group – by now he must have tried to set up almost everyone of his friends with a pretty good success rate. But you prefered to take things into your own hands and he always respected that.
“So, are you over Jay?” Yoongi asked in a careful and caring tone, knowing it was still a sensitive topic.
And for a second the question caught you off guard. You weren’t over him yet, no, but you were at least wanting to get over it. That was at least something, right? 
“Not really yet,” letting out a deep sigh, you pressed your lips together a bit, “I’m working on it I guess.”
His eyes narrowed a bit as he was trying to figure out how you actually were doing, “And with that you mean you’re actually working on it or do you mean you’re getting drunk and eat too much junk food all the time?”
Despite you being reminded about your heartbreak you managed to crack a smile, “I don’t see any difference in those methods.”
“Namjoon,” before Yoongi could scold you, Hoseok suddenly started yelling, “Come over here for a second, will you?”
Panicking, your eyes widened, “What in the world do you think you’re doing?”
He gave you an amused glance, “God’s work.”
And within seconds, Namjoon was standing right in front of you, “Hi guys, what’s up?”
Hoseok gestured for him to sit down next to you on the small space left on the couch and he did as he was told, “Since you’re our pizza expert from now on we need you to help us resolve a burning question we have been discussing about for forever.”
Laughing, Namjoon’s attention was fully diverted to the three of you, “I wouldn’t call myself a pizza expert but I hope I can mediate.”
You rubbed your forehead, knowing exactly what Hoseok was on about, “Hoseok, don’t make him go through –“
He shushed you lovingly before you could finish, “Our little (y/n) right here claims that pineapple pizza is ordered as often as the classics just like peperoni pizza or ham pizza. And I say that’s bullshit. Pineapple pizza is not as popular as the classics, right?”
“To my defence,” you started, turning to Namjoon to tell him your point of view, “I never said that it deserves to be a classic. But I do believe that there’s a reason for the whole pineapple on pizza discussion and I think that reason is that a lot more people than you’d think actually enjoy it and they started fighting for pineapple on pizza rights.”
Yoongi was rubbing his temple in frustration, butting in, “They have fighting about this for two years now. Two whole years
Namjoon cackled at the heated discussion in front of him, before trying to put on a serious face, “Okay, I think I am the answer to your question. I definitely deliver as many pineapple pizzas as I deliver peperoni or ham pizzas. The only one that beats those three is a good old margherita.”
“HA! I told you so,” you teased Hoseok whose mouth stood wide open at the betrayal of his friend, “When will you learn that I am always right?”
Standing up, Hoseok chuckled while he shook his head in disbelief, “If you’d excuse me, I need a stronger drink to deal with this information.”
“You’re just a bad loser,” you yelled after him, celebrating your victory once again.
“Now I have to deal with his whiny ass, thank you very much,” Yoongi chuckled half-jokingly, half serious, “Good job, Namjoon. I better go after him.”
“I didn’t know that it was such a sensitive topic,” Namjoon laughed, almost feeling bad. You couldn’t help but notice how close he was sitting to you still. Yoongi and Hoseok for sure know how to set someone up even though you told them not to get involved, “Funny to see that Hobi is still bad at losing.”
“Hobi?” you asked curious, “I never heard someone calling him that before. Where does that come from?”
Namjoon was taking a sip of his drink before his eyes widened a bit, “I forgot that people don’t use that nickname for him anymore. We used to call him Hobi in middle school.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize you’re a high school friend of his,” your face brightened, “Tell me what he was like in high school. I bet he was a handful.”
The boy beside you scrunched his face for a second and you made sure to save as much as you could to your mind, “He was just as happy and bright as today. We used to be super close but I left home when we went to college and yeah, now after graduating, I came back home.”
“Welcome back then,” you threw him a warm smile before holding up your cup, “Cheers to a new friend in the group.”
Both of you took a sip of your drink before Namjoon got a bit more comfortable on the couch, his back now resting against the pillows behind him and naturally manspreading a bit, enough to make you go insane inside.
Mirroring his actions, you leaned back too, tilting your body a bit towards his, body language making sure that no one got the idea to interrupt your conversation.
“How do you know Hobi?” Namjoon asked with curiousity in his eyes. It might be a thing he does with everyone but his attention seemed to be laying completely on you as you were talking, holding eye contact constantly.
“Yoongi and I have been best friends since our childhood and one day he introduced me to Hoseok with the words ‘This is my boyfriend. Oh, and also I’m bisexual’, I will never forget that,” you laughed, “Ever since then Hoseok and I became friends. He’s too good for Yoongi if you ask me.”
Namjoon seemed to be interested in whatever you were saying, even though you didn’t really say anything interesting. The two of you were talking about everything, your college degrees, he told you he is working as a delivery guy for now to take a break and next year he’ll start to work, you talked about the town and the people attending the party – it was easy talking to him but that might have been thanks to the alcohol.
The rest of the night was rather calm much to your liking, you spent some more time with Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon before you and Jeongguk decided to go home together because you lived in the same apartment complex.
You couldn’t help but think of Namjoon’s kind eyes all the way home, almost not listening to Jeongguk rambling about the boy was into (he wouldn’t say his name but all of your friends knew he was talking about Taehyung) because your mind was full of Hoseok’s best friend from high school.
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Yoongi said that lately, you’ve been drinking alone a bit too often and you knew he was right – so once again, you were sitting on your couch but tonight, you didn’t feel half as sad as usually. The prosecco you were drinking made you feel giddy as you actually took care of yourself for once instead of crying your eyes out.
You almost felt good with the face mask sitting on your face for way longer than was recommended, your hair up in curlers as you were wearing your favorite pajama. The bedsheets you stole from your bedroom to cover you on the couch were freshly changed, your favorite playlist was blasting from the speakers and while cleaning earlier you found an old puzzle you were currently trying to finish.
And, on top of that, your favorite pizza was on its way, brought to you by no one else than the man that could possibly be the cure for your heartbreak.
You were surprised that you were in such a good mood. There were two possibilities: Either you were slowly going insane or you actually were getting better. Fingers crossed it was the second one.
As you were waiting for the pizza to arrive you finished the whole bottle of prosecco and you could feel the alcohol running through your veins when you got up after the door rang.
Taking step after step slowly, afraid you’d fall, you giggled to yourself. The way you were walking looked ridiculous, enough to make your drunk self laugh.
Opening the door, your smile grew as wide as it could when you saw Namjoon in front of you, his expression mirroring your own.
“Happy to see me?” he asked you, arching an eyebrow.
Nodding, you felt a hiccup coming up your throat, almost embarrassed when it came out but Namjoon’s chuckle told you that he found it rather cute.
“You always make my days better,” you sing-sang happily.
He was clearly amused by the state you were in, getting out the pizza for you, “Are you sure it’s me who makes them better or is it only the cause of my visits?”
You shrugged playfully, “It’s a mixture of both. But mainly, you’re right, it’s the greasy gift of god your visits are connected with.”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a second, staring at your hair before another amused chuckle escaped his lips, shaking his head amused, “There’s a puzzle piece in your hair.”
Before you could do it, his hand was in your hair, fiddling with it a bit to free the piece out of it. Handing it to you, he let out a laugh – and you already thought his small chuckles were cute but the laugh of this man was on yet another level.
“Once again, you’re my knight in shining amour,” you smirked, the playful banter just adding to your positive mood, “I was looking for that, I was already frustrated because I was missing one piece.”
Namjoon’s eyes grew wide, a bit surprised, “You’re actually puzzling?”
“Well, where do you think that piece came from?”
Somehow, you noticed, Namjoon always had a soft expression on his face, as if he was admiring everything around him. It would be a privilege to be the one who gets to wake up next to that face.
“You’ve got a point there,” he nodded, “I just haven’t seen anyone puzzling in probably fifteen years.”
“What a shame, you should try it,” you told him, “I promise it’s fun.”
“So, you’re alone, drunk and puzzling all by yourself?” Namjoon seemed to be amused, “I can’t tell if that is the saddest or cutest thing I’ve seen in a while.”
You raised your eyebrow while biting down your lip in order not to laugh at his attempt of flirting and he panicked as soon as he realized what he just said, mumbling fastly, “I mean, I definitely have to try it again. I will for sure soon. You got me hooked on the idea now.”
Now you couldn’t help it but let a small chuckle escape, nodding your head, “I surely still have a few old puzzles lying around here somewhere. Why don’t you just text me and I’ll tell you when I found them. I’ll hand them down to you.”
Namjoon’s hand was nervously playing with the nape of his hair on his neck and you made a note in your head that apparently drunk and sober Namjoon were two completely different people. “I don’t have your number though.”
Still chuckling, you took out your pizza out of the delivery box yourself because Namjoon seemed to be too starstruck to do so, “You do. It’s on the delivery note.”
Embarrassed, he now let out a laugh too, “Oh, you’re right. Well, I’ll definitely make use of that then.”
Nodding, you started to close the door, “I sure hope so. Have a quiet and relaxing night, Namjoon.”
“You too,” he managed to say before you closed the door, “Enjoy your pizza.”
You were a smiling mess as you made your way back to the living room where the intro of the next episode of Gilmore Girls was playing and the next bottle of prosecco was waiting for you.
In your head you were replaying the little encounter, getting your pizza out of the plastic bag it was in – only to see yet another thing that made your heart melt.
On top of the box were two dips, one of them had a little sticky note attached to it.
[ Only an amateur like Antonio would put one extra dip. Real guys like me put two. Enjoy your meal, (y/n) :) ]
You giggled while taking a picture of the note and sending it to Yoongi in an instant to keep him updated.
Just as you hit the send button another message came in from an unknown number – Namjoon didn’t wait to text you and you thought that was very cute, you hated nothing more than guys thinking it’s cool to let someone wait for days before they texted.
[ Namjoon: What kind of puzzles do you have? I want a cool one with a Star Wars picture on it or something like that. P.s.: I hope I chose the right dips, if not let me know which ones you prefer.]
If you weren’t whipped for him yet now you surely were. He most likely didn’t care about puzzles one bit and had no actual desire to puzzle but if it was a good enough reason to keep up a conversation with him you would talk to him about puzzles for weeks.
[ You: I can offer you cute baby cats in a cup or one of those sunflower babys. I might have a Disney one somewhere but it had 2000 pieces.]
Not even three minutes later, Namjoon texted you back – making you wonder how in the world he was able to text you during work but you wouldn’t question it any further.
[ Namjoon: So what you’re saying is you don’t think I can handle 2000 pieces? Challenge accepted. And if I am not able to do it in the end I always can ask you for help right?]
If anyone told you that you and your delivery guy would be flirting while talking about puzzles together a few weeks ago you wouldn’t have believed them but you most definitely weren’t complaining – what an interesting guy.
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“Happy birthday my baby,” Hoseok said as he hugged you tight. Right after that, Yoongi did the same, even giving you a pat on your head – you knew it was a special day when Yoongi showed you physical affection.
“Yeah, happy birthday you annoying angel,” Yoongi smirked, “I hope we’re the last ones to arrive.”
Of course they were. No matter where you were going, Yoongi was always the last person to arrive. He said it’s because it’s his ‘branding’ but you were pretty sure it was just him not being able to time anything right.
Everyone was already there – not that you invited a lot, just Jeongguk and Taehyung, Seokjin and his lovely girlfriend Mina, Jimin, your best friend Norah and last and also latest, Yoongi and Hoseok.
You wanted nothing more for your special day than just a small gathering with a bit of alcohol and a lot of fun, just talking and playing Mario Kart all night long like you all did back in college.
“Open our present,” Hoseok insisted while hanging up his and his boyfriend’s coat and you wouldn’t let him tell you twice.
Opening the envelope Yoongi unlovingly pressed into your hands when he entered your eyes went wide, a small gasp escaping your lips.
“No way,” you were more than surprised as you were holding four tickets to your favorite musical, “how did you convince Yoongi to agree?”
Shrugging, Hoseok send you a mysterious smile, “I have my ways. I can’t wait to go, we wanted to go for such a long time.”
Hugging both of them tightly, you even managed to press a kiss to Yoongi’s cheek, “Who’s the fourth ticket for though?”
“Up to you, it’s a double date, you’ll find some guy,” Yoongi shrugged before a mischievious spark found its way into his eyes, “Maybe you can return the favor to a certain someone who nowadays risks his jobs to sneak extra dips into your order?”
“Wait, what did I miss?” Hoseok asked you with wide eyes before turning to his boyfriend, “Are you keeping important information from me?”
You shook your head, immediately disagreeing, “It’s nothing. Namjoon just gave me extra dips when I ordered a few days ago, it’s no big deal.”
“No big deal?” Hoseok gasped, in his head he was already planning your wedding, “That’s so romantic. He kept in mind that Antonio always did it for you and now he’s doing the same for you. I never knew Namjoon could be such a romantic dude.”
You let out a laugh, amused by Hoseok’s reaction, “It’s just dip, Hoseok. We’re not getting married.”
“They are texting though,” Yoongi added fuel to the fire, “She sent me screenshots. He even used emojis.”
The grin on Hoseok’s face was now manifested as you were slowly making your way to the living room where the music was coming from and the others were already playing drinking games, “He never once used emojis with me.”
“Young love must be so beautiful,” Yoongi teased you as he was letting himself fall down on his usual spot on the couch. Sometimes you wondered why out of all the people he was destined to be your best friend.
Knowing how nosy your friends are, all of them were immediately bombading you with questions.
“Who is in love?” Jeongguk’s eyes darted up from the cards he was holding on his hand, panic in his eyes visible. Surely, he thought it was about him and Taehyung – it was an open secret that they had a thing for each other.
“Soon, it won’t be me if this loser right here keeps on losing at this game,” Seokjin nagged his girlfriend, giving her thigh a small squeeze.
Before you could say anything, Norah joined the others, “I can’t believe you’re in love and didn’t tell me anything about it. Finally over Jaehyun, thank god.”
Ouch. While you were doing better day by day you still didn’t have to be reminded of the guy who ghosted you recently on your birthday.
“Guys, our little (y/n) will soon be off the market,” Hoseok announced happily, “She and Namjoon are going straight towards the dating stage.”
You facepalmed yourself, shaking your head, “That is an absolute lie, guys. Don’t believe anything Hoseok says. I am very single right now and will continue to be in the future.”
“Sure,” Yoongi scoffed, filling an empty glass with some liquor that was standing around, “As if Hoseok will let that happen. Once his mind is set it’s over for you anyways. That’s how he got me too.”
“It would be very nice if stopped talking about my love life for now,” you playfully warned them with killing glances, “It’s my birthday, you have to listen to me after all.”
Jeongguk raised his glass, gesturing for everyone to do the same, “To our beloved (y/n). May the new year of her life be filled with fun, love and more sex than the last one.”
“God knows she needs it,” Seokjin yelled as all of your glasses clinked and you were gulping down the bitter liquor in your cup.
The night went by much to your liking: Filled with laughter, reminicising old memories, one of them including that one time Yoongi yeeted a full water bottle against your temple, drinking and the feeling of being together, right where you belonged.
Of course, Hoseok out of all people brought up the brilliant idea to order some pizza – not going to lie, despite the ulterior motive Hoseok definitely had, it would not have been a normal night if you didn’t get pizza at one point.
You were sure that everytime your friends were over at your place you ordered pizza, it was the most normal thing but with Hoseok’s sheepish grin as he ordered you suddenly felt like it wasn’t the best idea.
Seeing Namjoon in combination of him bringing something as delicious as pizza was a birthday present in itself but you just had a bad feeling about Hoseok already plotting something you couldn’t see coming right now in the back of his mind.
The door bell rang around 10.45, the evening just getting started and you were unable to open it, due to you being entangled between Seokjin’s and Norah’s limbs in a heated game of Twister that you were not willing to lose.
“Ask him to come too after his shift is over,” you ordered Hoseok as he was jumping up from his space on the couch to open it for you, “It would be rude not to ask.”
Hoseok scoffed, shaking his head, “You really think I wouldn’t have done that anyway?”
Namjoon was rather surprised to see Hoseok open the door but he figured out that there was a small gathering going on as soon as he heard the screams from the living room – luckily he wasn’t around to see you sandwiched between your friends after Seokjin decided he had enough of you two and just let himself fall on top of you with his whole weight crushing you.
“I was already worried as to why (Y/N) ordered seven pizzas tonight,” Namjoon let out a laugh as he greeted Hoseok with a fast handshake.
Hoseok knew that he couldn’t be too obvious with Namjoon about his plans – he was sure that he could get it to work between the two of you but he knew his oldest friend, he might be smart but he also was the clumsiest guy on earth, especially when it came to girls.
He chuckled, “It’s her birthday today, we’re celebrating in a small round.”
Namjoon’s eyes widened, instantly feeling bad for not knowing that today was your special day, “You should’ve told me. I would’ve texted her about it earlier then. Now it’s almost too late.”
Hoseok nodded, a suspicious smile on his lips, “I would have if you wouldn’t have kept it a secret from me that you’re talking to her in the first place.”
He offered Hoseok a helpless smile, almost apologetic, “Sorry, I forgot to mention it. We’re not even really talking. She just orders pizza a lot and I got her number from the delivery note.”
“Sure, sure,” Hoseok answered, making sure Namjoon knew that he didn’t believe him a single word, “No need to make excuses. She’s cute, I’m not blind. When do you get off today?”
Checking his watch for a second he didn’t notice you coming around the corner, “In fifteen minutes. You’re my last delivery, just have to bring back the car after this.”
“You should come over after,” his voice made him look up, almost seeming surprised to see you at your own home, “You can’t say no, it’s my birthday.”
He broke into a smile, nodding instantly, “Happy birthday, (y/n). I’ll see you in twenty, alright?”
“Don’t let me wait too long,” you almost sing-sang as you took a few of the pizza cartons from his hand, turning your back to him and Hoseok again as you walked to the living room.
Namjoon let out a frustrated sigh after you were gone when he saw the teasing glance of his friend.
“You’re whipped already dude,” Hoseok let out a laugh as he took the other pizzas, “See you in a few minutes. Be fast, I’ll make sure that she’s drunk when you arrive. She gets even chattier when she’s under the influence. I can’t wait for my newest project.”
As he came back and all of you sat around your living room table, ready to eat and chat and taking a break of the games you were playing you felt excited. It was embarrassing and probably childish but the thought of Namjoon coming over later made you feel almost giggly.
When the doorbell rang again you were quick to get up and make sure you were the one opening it.
You were still pretty sober and a part of you wanted it to stay that way just so you could take in Namjoon sober, not influenced by anything else.
But as you opened the door, you instantly knew that you actually might need more alcohol tonight than ever before.
“Jay,” your voice was thin and you had to clear your throat in order for it to come back, “What are you doing here?”
Instead of Namjoon’s face you were greeted with his and not only did you not want to see him, you also didn’t want to be reminded of him at all.
“It’s your birthday and I know it was mean of me to –” he started to explain, flowers and chocolate in his hand but you had to interrupt him. You just had to stop him from talking before you could allow him to hurt you again.
You might play around with Yoongi and claim you’re falling in love with every second pretty face you meet but the truth is that you barely ever let anyone in and Jay once again was the living proof on why you should keep it that way.
You liked him, you truly did – you could see yourself with him, in a serious and loving relationship. Jay and you had good sex, you could easily have a serious conversation with him in one second and then almost die of laughter in the next, you talked every single day, he called you before going to bed and everything seemed perfect.
Until one day, it didn’t. It all went down really fast – first he didn’t call anymore, the next day he barely responded to your texts, a few days later he didn’t even talk to you at all anymore.
You remember calling him drunk one night and he actually picked up for once only to tell you that you needed to respect his opinion. And you wanted to – you were the last one to run after a guy but the way he ghosted you just seemed unfair to you.
“Stop it, please,” you let out a long sigh, eyelids closing as you were trying to control the anger building in your stomach, “You have to leave right now.”
But you knew Jay and his stubborn self, he wouldn’t leave easily, “You don’t have to invite me in but please let me explain.”
Rubbing your temple in distress you almost considered hearing him out, almost got weak for a second. But then you thought about all the times you cried your eyes out over him, you got drunk and ate like shit and didn’t take care of yourself anymore, you were so lovesick you even skipped your friends’ parties and on the worst days you didn’t even have the energy to answer their texts.
You were still hurting, still wondering about why you weren’t good enough and how he could leave so easily when you were having such a hard time to get over him but that didn’t mean you were weak.
Just because it still hurt didn’t mean you had to hear him out.
Wrinkles formed on Jaehyun’s forehead as he desperately tried to get your attention, “Give me one more chance.”
Luckily, the anger overpowered the sadness inside of you as you heard those words out of his mouth. For weeks you were longing to hear those words and go back to normal but that was no more.
“Are you completely insane?” your eyes widened furiously, your nails lightly pressing itself into the palm of your hands, “How dare you come here on my birthday and act like this? After all you’ve done.”
Jay nodded, his hand trying to get ahold of your shoulder to make you look at him but you didn’t let him touch you. “I know I sound insane but I can’t be without you.”
A scoff was all you could offer him as an answer, not believing that he had the balls to say stuff like that, “Go get some help, Jay.”
Before he could say anything, you heard Yoongi’s sarcastic chuckle from behind you, also not believing his eyes, “Everything okay (Y/N)?”
“Yoongi,” Jay almost sounded relieved to see him, “Help me out here. I’m trying to own up to my mistakes.”
Yoongi shook his head in disbelief. He didn’t seem to be as mad as you but he clearly was taking your side, “Dude, you have to let it go. You can’t just come here and make a scene.”
As if the situation at hand wasn’t bad enough, Hoseok came up from behind you at the same time Namjoon was walking to your door behind Jay.
With each passing second everything just seemed to become messier. Hoseok didn’t hate Jay, you were sure Hoseok was not even able to feel hate towards someone, but after all he did to you he certainly wasn’t very fond of him.
And what he disliked even more was someone putting stones in his way as he was trying to set you up with someone who he was sure would treat you way better than Jay ever could.
“Namjoon, thank god you’re here,” Hoseok’s voice sounded hopeful, “Jay, it’s time to leave. As you can see, you’re not needed anymore. Goodbye.”
Namjoon clearly was beyond perplexed as to what was going on – it was like he walked straight into a battlefield. He didn’t know you very well but you were clearly angry, the unfamiliar guy standing in the doorframe next to him the reason for it.
Putting one and one together fast, Namjoon understood what Hoseok meant.
“Hello,” with a fake smile, he greeted the stranger next to him, “I have no idea who you are but judging the glances (Y/N) is throwing you you’re not very welcomed.”
You were thankful that Namjoon came to your rescue – Jaehyun would not have shut up if Yoongi or Hoseok told him to but a complete new face telling him that he better should leave had an impact on him.
Stepping past him and inside Namjoon wrapped his arm around your shoulder as an obvious statement towards Jay and threw you a small, reassuring smile, “Happy birthday once again, should we go inside and have a nice evening now? Or do you still want to talk to him?”
You made a note in the back of your mind, making sure to thank Namjoon for saving you later. Who knows what the outcome would have been if he didn’t play along?
“No, let’s go,” you nodded as the four of you were turning around to leave Jay at the doorstep.
“(Y/N), you know I love you right?” you heard Jay yell after you as a last try to make you change your mind but Yoongi was quick to shut the door behind him, not having Jay’s shit anymore.
You came to a halt in your hall as Namjoon’s arm left your shoulder – you didn’t want to cry but you could feel your nose tingling and hot tears coming to you eyes as you heard him say those three words.
For a second you were unable to move, in complete shock and before you knew it, some of the tears were rolling down your face. It wasn’t like you were crying heavily, you just spilled some tears and you promised yourself right then and there that those tears would be last ones you ever cry for him.
“I’m sorry,” you managed to say with a shaking voice.
“Sorry for what?” Yoongi chuckled, wiping the tears out of your face, “For wasting so much time on a jerk like him? It’s okay, we forgive you.”
You let out a small laughter through the tears, followed by a deep breath before turning to Namjoon. What bugged you the most was that he had to witness all of that.
“Thank you for having my back there,” you told him and only saw Yoongi and Hoseok sneaking away in the corner of your eyes to once again leave you two to talk alone, “I feel a bit embarrassed to be honest.”
Namjoon shook his head reassuringly, his hand on your arm as an offer of comfort, “Nothing to be ashamed of. Whoever that guy was, and I am assuming he is or was more than a friend to you, he seemed like an asshole.”
“Was,” you informed him immediately, “Was more than a friend. The only thing he is, present tense, is just another regret of mine.”
Nodding, Namjoon looked into your eyes and offered you a smile, “Are you okay?”
“A bit hurt and agitated but more than ready to move on,” you answered him, the corners of your mouth turning into a smile.
“Good,” he chuckled before pulling you into a hug, “I didn’t get to properly congratulate you yet. You could’ve told me your birthday was coming up, now I had no time to think of a present for you.”
Waving him off, you were about to assure him that he didn’t need to get you anything at all but before you could he was already getting a small package out of his bag.
“I can’t believe you still got me something,” you lectured him but he shushed you immediately.
“Just take it and open it. It’s just something very small but I saw it at the gas station on my way here and just had to get it for you.”
You could feel your heart melting already as he gave you the present but when you opened it and realized what it was, you swear your heart was melting away like butter in the sun.
A genuine laugh bursted out from you, “A puzzle and a bottle of wine. You just gifted me a perfect evening.”
You hugged him once again, thanking him for the present. It might have been something small but the meaning behind it was big. It was thoughtful, clever, cute and actually useful. Maybe even your favorite present of the evening, right after Yoongi’s and Hoseok’s that is.
“I got the biggest one they had so if you need help with it you just have to text me,” his voice was nothing more than a mumble as he was still embracing you. Well played, Kim Namjoon.
“Oh, believe me, I will.”
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No matter how much you promised yourself not to let it get to you, Jay was not giving up. Calls, texts, flowers delivered to your door. He was putting in effort and even though you appreciated it, you told him more than once that you’ll not come back.
It’s been like this ever since your birthday five days ago. A part of you was curious as to what changed in his mind for him to go back and fight for you now but you knew as soon as you let him explain you would let him in again – and letting him in again was something you desperately wanted, and needed to avoid.
So, you fell down your hole again – it was exhausting and draining to act like everything was fine when you felt confused and hurt inside.
“Don’t cry too much, will you promise me?” Yoongi asked you from the other side of the phone.
You let out a sad chuckle, “I won’t promise. I’ll bawl my eyes out tonight. I’m in the mood for crying.”
Your best friend wasn’t very quiet about how much he hated seeing you like this. It was his way of showing you he cares. He checked in with you and told you you’re a helpless mess, trying to cheer you up in his own way, “Well, then you go and be a crybaby over a guy that doesn’t even deserve you. I tried.”
You laughed at his salty words, knowing he didn’t mean them, “Why am I even friends with you?”
“Been asking myself the same question for years,” he nagged you, “I have to go now. Stop sulking, get over that loser and then distract yourself with that cute delivery guy you always talk about. Bye.”
You haven’t seen Namjoon ever since your birthday but you were texting each other every now and then. Namjoon wasn’t stupid though, he knew you were having your own problems to deal with right now, not even trying to flirt with you as long as you were struggling.
There you were, sitting in your flat all alone, not knowing what to do with yourself. The most likely option was going to bed, crying your eyes out and craving for someone to hold you. That also was the most pathetic option but you stopped caring a long time ago.
Just as you were washing your face and brushing your teeth to get ready to go to bed, even though it wasn’t even that late yet, you heard the door bell ring, ignoring it. You weren’t expecting anyone and the possibility of Jay standing outside was way too high.
What you didn’t expect was another familiar voice yelling for you, “Delivery for (y/n). I know you’re home. Your light is on, idiot.”
You fastly walked over to the door and were surprised to see Namjoon in front of you, a pitying smile on his face. It was a terrible thought for him to see you like that.
By now you knew Namjoon well enough to know that he was the last one to judge you for going through a hard time but you still hated that he probably thought you were an emotional wreck (didn’t matter that he was very right with that).
“I didn’t order anything,” you said a bit startled, not knowing what was going on.
Shrugging, he handed you a paper bag, “I know but that’s the perk of being friends with a delivery guy. Surprise deliveries.”
You almost pouted because you were so touched by Namjoon taking care of you, “You really didn’t have to.”
A grin appeared on his face, the beautiful sight of his dimples making your chest hurt a bit. Namjoon seemed to be the perfect guy, right in front of you, but you couldn’t stop mourning over some idiot, “I wanted to. Plus, I missed you.”
What pissed you off the most was that you were doing better without Jay and then he had to show up and make you fall back to square one.
You smiled at Namjoon, a genuine smile, not one of the many fake ones you had to pull off over the last few days, “You’re too good to me.”
Namjoon would be willing to do almost anything to just get a genuine smile from you. He talked to Hoseok about it a few days ago and realized that his friend was right – for whatever reason, he was more than interested in the human form of a walking disaster that stood in front of him.
A part of him knew from the beginning but the more he got to know you, the more he got to appreciate your little quirks and flaws.
As you thanked him once again after a bit of small talk you let him go back to work and sat down on the bed to see what Namjoon brought you - your stomach was growling like crazy, you didn’t even realize how hungry you were. Thank god you have a Namjoon to take care of you.
The bag had a whole pot of ice-cream, two bottles of wine and a little note in it.
[ Cry it all out & cheer up soon. Until then, here’s some comfort in the form of food and alcohol for you. ]
Your stomach was tingling reading the little message – a small pout appeared on your lips, feeling both touched by Namjoon’s cute gesture and also miserable because you wanted to over Jay already.
Not only did you want to forget Jay, even more you wanted to completely fall in love with Namjoon. You wanted to experience what kissing him would be like and being held by him at night and also waking up next to him in the morning.
And with that mindset, you swallowed down your tears, shook any thought regarding Jay out of your mind and finally blocked his number. It was about time to do that. If only Yoongi was here to witness that moment, he sure would have been proud.
It was only 11.25 p.m. – you swore it felt like the middle of the night as you checked your phone, slightly annoyed.
But after turning around in your bed for several hours, you gave up on the idea of sleep. You weren’t even tired in the first place, you just wanted this miserable day to end.
If you couldn’t fall asleep you at least could waste your time with something more fun than staring at the ceiling and overthinking every single thing you have ever done in your life.
And oh, what a peaceful night this could’ve been, full of sleep and nice dreams – if only you didn’t decide to start the puzzle Namjoon gifted to you.
This man really bought the most complicated one he could’ve found, about seventy percent of it consisting of very dark to black pieces.
Puzzling was supposed to be a stress reliever but right then you just wanted to throw it against the nearest wall, not even nearly finished with the frame even after two hours.
Getting your phone out of your pocket, you opened your messages with Namjoon.
[ You: Kim Namjoon, I am goin to kill you fr. ]
[ Namjoon: OH? What did I do now? ]
[ You: This puzzle is making me go insane, you better get your ass over here and help me with it just like you promised. ]
[ Namjoon: Won’t let you tell me twice, give me twenty minutes and don’t be mad at me, we’ll finish this together ♥ ]
You had no idea what came over you, inviting Namjoon to spend some time with you alone wasn’t something you planned on doing this soon but the texts were sent before you could think about them twice.
A mixture of nervousness and excitement formed in the pit of your stomach, almost regretting inviting him over.
But not even an hour later all the nervousness vanished and was replaced with something you haven’t felt in a long time – genuine fun with a guy you liked.
“Are you blind?” you asked laughing, “You can’t just press a piece in if it doesn’t fit, that’s not how it works.”
Namjoon was laughing too now, rubbing his temple in pain, “Didn’t you say puzzling was fun and relaxing? This is one of the worst things I did in a long time.”
“I promise, it’s fun usually. You just happened to gift me the hardest puzzle to exist,” you teased him, loving how easy talking to Namjoon was. This was the first time you two were together alone and still there was no sign of it being awkward or uncomfortable.
The two of you were joking around, the TV playing in the background but both of you were too concentrated on the puzzle, and also each other to even pay attention to it.
“I’m hungry,” you almost sounded whiny as you were looking for a specific piece you swear you saw just a minute ago, “Let’s order something from Piero’s pizza.”
A small gasp came out of Namjoon’s mouth, “You actually like our pizza? I always thought you’re just ordering that often because you wanted to see me.”
“You’re confident I see,” as a small laughter escaped your lips as you shook your head, “But I have to dissapoint you. Piero’s pizza is the best pizza in town.”
“You have terrible taste,” Namjoon was clearly not agreeing with you, his eyebrows narrowed, “I knew even someone like you has to have a flaw.”
Laughing at his cheesy remark, you decided to still order from his workplace, no matter what he said - this was your house and in that house you love and support Piero’s pizza place.
It was around one in the morning when your and Namjoon’s heartfelt laughter while eating pizza and talking about just anything that came to your mind was interrupted by the loud and annoying sound of your doorbell. By now you were close to just turning it off so you wouldn’t have to deal with Jay’s attempts anymore.
Expecting the worst, you shook your head in disbelief and mumbled, “This guy really has some nerves, showing up in the middle of the night.”
Namjoon’s eyebrows knitted together, instantly understanding who was on the other side of the door. He felt a weird feeling of being uncomfortable rushing over him.
Not because he actually felt uncomfortable with you, no, he loved every second you spend together – the thought of you maybe giving in to Jay again after all was what caused the turmoil in his stomach.
He knew it wasn’t right to feel like this, some might even say he was jealous but he couldn’t help it. Of course, he himself was aware that the two of you were nowhere near being more than friends, you barely even were friends in the first place. Namjoon was sure that to you, he was nothing more than a friend of a friend and per chance also the delivery guy of your go-to pizza place.
But Namjoon wanted it to be more so bad – he could barely explain why he had this strong urge to make you like him, why he was so interested in you in the first place. It was like an instinct of his body to try to keep you as close as possible, as if something inside of him was screaming at him to make you his.
“Should I open it?” he suggested and you looked at him with curiousity in your eyes, “Maybe if he thinks you have a new guy he’ll stop bugging you.”
You considered his offer for a second but you knew Jay well enough – Jay was too stubborn to give up and also too clever to not see right through it.
Declining his offer you pressed your lips into a thin line, “That’s very nice of you but as long as you’re not opening the door with messy hair and in boxershorts I doubt he’ll buy it. It’s 1 A.M. and a boyfriend wouldn’t wear perfectly styled hair or nice tight jeans.”
Namjoon let out a laugh, agreeing with what you said – if he was more than a friend the two of you certainly wouldn’t be dressed and sitting on the couch while puzzling at this ungodly hour.
As the doorbell rang again, you took a deep breath before yelling towards the door, “Just a second.”
Just as you were about to get up and face the idiot on the other side of the door, Namjoon stopped you.
“Just how much does this guy bug you?” he asked you.
Rubbing your temple, you let out a sigh, “I wish he would just finally stop trying. I don’t know what else I should tell him to make him stop.”
“Got you,” he then said, getting up from the couch. You weren’t sure what to expect but it certainly was nowhere near what Namjoon had in mind.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” he almost sounded embarrassed, ears bright red as he pulled his hoodie over his head, a white basic shirt underneath it. Next he started to open his belt, making your eyes grew wide, “Please act like this never happened afterwards okay?”
Namjoon was stripping down his pants in front of you and it was hard to say which one of the two of you had redder cheeks. A part of you wanted to look away, the other one wanted to stare and save every second of it in the back of your mind for lonelier days. His thighs looked stone hard and your mind was filled with unholy things.
You couldn’t help but laugh lightly when his pants dropped down to the floor, in front of you a Namjoon only in boxershorts and a shirt, “I absolutely owe you one.”
He waved you off, shaking his head, “Don’t worry. I just wouldn’t have thought you’d see me only in my boxershorts tonight.”
As he was walking to the door and out of sight, the smile on your face grew wider and wider. The inappropiate thoughts rushing through your mind not helping the adrenaline in your body to calm down very soon.
You almost felt like a giddy teenager again who was about to experience her first kiss. Except for that you were an adult and you were nowhere near getting kissed - you were most likely just reading too much into the situation but you still allowed your mind to do so.
“Namjoon?” you heard a familiar voice, one that definitely was not Jaehyun’s from the door, sounding more than confused.
“Oh god,” you then heard Namjoon mumble under his breath, getting up fastly to see what kind of scenario was going down on your front door.
You were surprised with two pair of eyes, wide wide open, looking at you and Namjoon. The little smirk on Yoongi’s lips gave away that he was enjoying the awkward moment a bit too much and Hoseok’s laughter a few moments later made you let out a breathe you didn’t know you were holding.
“This is absolutely not what it looks like,” you promised, now standing next to Namjoon, “What are you even doing here?”
“We wanted to accompany your depressed ass,” Yoongi said with the widest gummy smile of him you’ve seen in a long time, “But I see you’re doing just fine without us.”
Namjoon closed his eyes in frustration, knowing exactly that the two of them will never let you live this moment down, “Why don’t you come in?”
Hoseok’s voice was higher than usual, a teasing tone in it, “You sure we’re not disturbing anything? We can leave you two lovebirds alone.”
Now also frustrated, you threw your head back, shaking your head, “Stop being a pain in the ass and come inside.”
So, there you were a few moments later, Yoongi and Hoseok sitting on your couch opposite of you and a still half naked Namjoon. It almost felt like your parents caught you with a boy in the house and now made you have the most awkward talk you probably could have.
Breaking the silence, Yoongi raised his eyebrow at you, “Glad you’re getting laid again.”
In an instant you threw him a warning glance, shushing him, “I’m going to kill you if you don’t shut the fuck up.”
“Why are you so tense about it?” Hoseok asked curious yet the smile never left his lips, “We were rooting for you anyways.”
“We weren’t having sex or anything like that,” Namjoon started to explain to his friends what happened. He told them that the two of you texted each other every now and then, about the food he brought you earlier, you asking him to come over, the two of you just puzzling and drinking wine up to the point where you thought Jaehyun was on the other side of the door.
“That’s all that happened,” you hold your hands up as if you were pleading not guilty, “No sex, no making out, not even holding hands.”
Your friends looked at each other, still with suspicious smiles and mischief in their eyes.
“What is there to smirk about now?” you almost whined, not wanting to discuss this awkward situation any longer.
As much as you loved your friends, you just wanted them to leave again. Namjoon and you were just getting to know each other and god knows how much teasing from these two he could take.
The evening was so much fun and you were sure that Namjoon and you could go into the direction you wanted to, if only your friends didn’t decide to cockblock you.
“Nothing, nothing,” Hoseok assured you, shrugging lightly, “But just so I got this right: The two of you were hanging out alone, in your apartment, late in the evening, drinking wine together, right?”
“That’s a date,” Yoongi finished what Hoseok was trying to say, “Maybe not an intentional one but surely you wouldn’t just do that with any other guy.”
Protesting, you pointed your finger at the couple in front of you, “You’re wrong. I would certainly love to spend a wine night with you alone. Or Hoseok.”
Hoseok let out a laugh, shaking his head, “But we’re both in a relationship. A homosexual one, that is.”
“Just saying,” Yoongi shrugged, already knowing that he was right, “You wouldn’t spend your evening like this with Jeongguk or Jimin. But with our Namjoon here things are different, right?”
You wanted to disagree, wanted to put him in his place and make him lose this argument. You wanted to discuss this with him until you swiped off that shit-eating grin of his face so bad. But you couldn’t.
Not a single good response came to your mind to disprove him and instead, you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks.
Hoseok let out an excited shriek of joy, nodding heavily, “You’re speechless! Speechless because Yoongi is right.”
“Guys, why don’t we just –” Namjoon started, trying to de-escalate the situation like the peacemaker he was but he had no choice, Hoseok interrupting him only a second after he opened his mouth.
“Don’t you even think we’ll be only picking on (Y/N),” he started, making himself more comfortable on the couch as a sign of him not planning to leave before he enjoyed every single moment of this situation, “Let’s talk about you then, Namjoon.”
“I’d rather not,” he mumbled under his breath before sighing. He knew just as good as you that once Hoseok started to tease, he won’t stop until he wanted to.
“We’ve known each other for so many years,” Hoseok was clearly enjoying this way too much, the amusement and sarcasm in his voice thick, “Yet not once have I seen you do something you’re not allowed to, just like taking a detour to deliver food to a girl’s house for example.”
“You’re cruel,” Namjoon stated in response, knowing there was nothing he could say.
Both of you were just enduring right then, hoping it won’t become awkward between you two after the others are gone again.
“I’m just saying it’s cute that the two of you are getting closer,” Hoseok pouted, acting like the angel he sometimes can be, “You look good together. You obviously are attracted to each other and you’re getting closer, we all know which direction this is going and I think that’s great. Our (Y/N) only had bad luck with guys but you’re a good guy, I know you’d treat her right because I’ve known you for years but have never seen you look at someone the way you look at her.”
Yoongi chuckled as his glance met yours, the expression on your face clearly begging him to set an end to this because if anyone can stop Hoseok it would be him.
“I think we caused enough trouble,” Yoongi told his boyfriend, taking his hand in his own before gesturing towards the floor with his head, “Let’s let them have their date in peace, what do you think?”
Hoseok’s bright and shining smile turned into a soft one as soon as he felt Yoongi’s hand on his, the excited idiot becoming the loving boyfriend he is around Yoongi immediately.
No matter how much you wanted to kill Hoseok, it always made your heart melt to see the two of them like this. Their behavior towards each other was so full of love, the vitamin and the grumpy old man in front of you were still as smitten for each other as they have been since the start. If you ever would feel like this towards someone, you surely won in life.
As he got up and walked towards the door he couldn’t help but tease his friend one last time, knowing very well himself just how much he annoyed the two of you, “Stay in boxershorts, I know our (Y/N), it’ll make her go crazy – she loves thighs.”
Namjoon let out a laugh in the same moment you threw a pillow towards him, Hoseok’s fast reflexes making him duck in an instant so the pillow didn’t hit him but the plant behind him.
“Out!” you yelled at your friend but a small chuckle still escaped from you – it was almost maniac, “You terrible human being.”
As soon as you heard the door close behind them shortly after, you felt your tense body finally relax again, letting yourself fall down on the couch behind you, your eyes fixated on the ceiling, “I’m so sorry you had to go through this.”
Namjoon didn’t seem to mind all that much. He mirrored your actions, allowing his back to rest against your couch, in the space right next to you.
You could feel him shrug beside you without having to look at him, his broad shoulders only slightly brushing yours as he did so, “They weren’t completely wrong.”
No, they really weren’t. Actually, they were spot on – at least with the things they said about you. You would even go as far as saying they might have opened your eyes a little bit more.
While you were aware before that you thought of Namjoon as someone rather attractive, someone you definitely could fall for at one time in your life you didn’t realize how fast you let him in already, despite only knowing him for a short time.
Every single word Yoongi said was true and you hated how well he knew you.
The anxiety you felt during the conversation with your friends was completely gone when you realized how relaxed Namjoon was beside you. You feared he would start to feel uncomfortable, maybe even want to leave because of it but there you were, both of you drained from Hoseok’s teasing but at least without a weird tension between the two of you.
Namjoon letting out a scoff made you divert your attention from the ceiling to the man beside you - it was near shocking to see how close he was lying next to you, his face only centimeters away from your own, “What’s so funny?”
His glance shifted towards you, a smile that one could describe as almost silly-looking on his face, “Seems like we’re having a date, huh?”
“Seems like we are,” immediately you started smiliing widely, nodding your head, “Without us even knowing.”
Namjoon started to move around to lay on his side, his head propped on one elbow so he could look at you better, his whole attention on you, “If I’d ask you out on a real date, would you say yes?”
“Well, that depends on what a date with Kim Namjoon involves,” you arched an eyebrow, the playful tone in your voice making you sound way more relaxed than you were actually feeling inside.No, you were not feeling calm or cool, you felt your stomach tingling and your heart beating. The side effects of being next to Namjoon.
“Definitely not Pizza from Piero’s,” he laughed, making you do the same.
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The annual campfire party of your friendgroup was the highlight of every year. It all started around four years ago when Hoseok first invited your group of friends to camp in his parents yard - back then you all were wondering why you should camp in a simple backyard but as soon as you first arrived you knew exactly why.
Not only did Hoseok’s parents have a massive yard, it also looked like the biggest cottagecore inspired movie scene you’ve ever seen with big, tall trees everywhere, wildflowers decorating the whole place and the coziest fireplace right next to an old shed, used to store tools and, once a year used for someone to make out in it while the rest of you were living your best camplife.
Ever since then you loved Hoseok’s campfire parties and this year you were even more excited because you had high hopes of ending up in Namjoon’s tent tonight.
“Turn left right there,” you navigated Namjoon who was kind enough to pick you up, “We’re almost there.”
“I know where Hoseok’s parents live, you don’t have to tell me,” Namjoon chuckled, clearly amused by your excitement, “How many people are coming?”
“Not that many,” you informed him, “Just the usual guys from our squad, their girlfriends and dates. No outsiders.”
“Leaves me wondering if I am part of the squad now or just your date,” he joked around.
Shrugging, you threw him a cheeky smile, “Depends on which one you prefer.”
He threw his head back while laughing, his dimple popping and you swore that you could never get enough of this view. By now you were whipped for Kim Namjoon and the two of you haven’t even kissed yet - it was almost scary to think how weak he could make you once you pass the flirting stage.
“I hope to be a bit of both,” he shyly admitted, making you smile instantly, “But you know, it takes two to be on a date. What do you think?”
“A date it is then,” you proudly said as he was parking the car.
As soon as you stepped out of the car you heard Jeongguk’s loud laugh alongside the music that was blasting from the backyard. Namjoon insisted on carrying not only his tent but also yours, being the stubborn gentleman he was.
“Oh, look who’s coming,” Hoseok annouced with his cup raised as he spotted the two of you, “Our two lovebirds.”
“Ay ay, such a pretty couple,” Jeongguk yelled and you wondered how he already managed to sound tipsy despite the evening just starting.
“You all have to shut your big mouthes,” you laughed as you approached your friends, all of them already sitting around the big fire in the middle on their camping stools, “Always making a big deal out of nothing.”
But once again they weren’t too wrong, were they? You noticed the way he sat down right next to you, a bit closer than he needed to be, the way he moved as soon as you moved, tense around each other, not because it was awkward but because both of you wanted to be ready for the other one.
It was already starting to get dark outside when finally everyone invited was there, everyone busy with something. A few people were setting up the tents, you and Seokjin's girlfriend were busy preparing some food while Namjoon and Yoongi tried to set up the big fire in the middle of the garden, tons of camping chairs gathered around it.
"So, how are things going between the two of you?" She asked you, not able to contain her big grin, "Are you still in denial about the fact that you're into each other?"
Throwing your head back, frustration was written all over your face, "I don't even know anymore. We're always flirting and like each other obviously but I think he doesn't want to pressure me because of the whole Jay dilemma."
"Well, I see how that can be frustrating but on the other hand that is very considerate of him, isn't it?" She had a point, you knew she does. He just wanted to be sure you're ready and you're comfortable but how in the world could you signal him that you were indeed more than ready?
As you stepped outside again, Namjoon was greeting you with a wide smile, gesturing you to sit down next to him. Jeongguk and Taehyung already had taped cans of beer to their hand and the music was playing loudly in the background as a few people of the group were talking about old memories from college.
Like every time, the atmosphere was cozy - the fire was keeping you warm and the stars were twinkling bright as you looked up. You loved those moments, they always made you feel peaceful. Seeing all of your dear ones together, having fun without a worry in the world warmed up your heart, you knew in the moment that you were making memories. Not to mention the special feeling of having someone next to you who you liked so much, he made your heart beat faster.
"Are you okay?" Namjoon whispered for only you to hear and you saw how for a second his hand was hovering just above your knee but he stopped himself - you wish he didn't, "You're unusually quiet."
Not thinking about it you put your hand on top of his, making his own hand rest on your thigh. It felt surprisingly easy and right to have it there, as if it belonged there.
Looking over to him, you leaned closer to reassure him, "I'm just enjoying the moment. It's nice to be here, with you."
He didn't have to say anything for you to know that he was feeling the same - the soft and calm smile was reassuring enough.
The party was in full swing when you decided to leave it for a bit, walking over to the part in the back of Hoseok’s garden, where everything was quiet, the only sounds coming from your friends that were playing games behind the tents but they were too far away for you to understand what they were talking about.
You didn’t have to turn around to know that the audible footsteps approaching you belonged to Namjoon; who else would come looking for you while there was a party going on only a few meters away?
He sat down beside you, his green oversized hoodie in combination with the grey beanie he was wearing were making him look so soft you wanted to bury your face in the soft fabric of the hoodie.
The dimpled smile he gave you even more managed to make your heart skip a beat and you were sure your knees would become weak if you weren’t sitting already.
“Is the party boring to you or why did you decide to flee?” he asked you, his legs crossed beside you as both of you were sitting a little bit too close to each other on Hoseok’s lawn, away from the middle of the party. For the first time in the evening it was just you and Namjoon, the rest of your friend hidden behind the many tents that were your home for the night. You wanted to be alone with him more than anything.
“No, that’s not it,” you reassured him as your eyes met and you almost felt shy, “I hoped for a certain someone to follow me so we could have some time to talk alone, away from all those drunk idiots.”
“Oh, should I tell Yoongi to come over then?” He joked, obviously knowing that you had no desire at all to talk to Yoongi right now – by now Namjoon knew that you enjoyed his company just as much as he enjoyed yours and even though you still were very careful about stepping out of the friendzone, you felt like you were slowly walking towards the dating-zone.
You playfully hit his chest as you laughed, “Don’t you dare to leave. I won’t let you.”
“What are you gonna do?” he scoffed, teasing you in the most playful way possible, “Run after me? Tackle me? You think you have a chance against me?”
“Probably not,” you agreed with him, “But I could always make you stay with a woman’s weapon.”
“Well, good for me that I didn’t plan on leaving again anyways,” he chuckled, the situation a tiny bit awkward because there you were – just you and Namjoon, all alone, alcohol in your veins and an obvious attraction towards each other.
By now it was safe to say that you liked Namjoon a little bit more than you would’ve expected but how couldn’t you fall for the pretty boy with a soft and kind heart?
You realized a while ago that Namjoon was the full package – he was funny and kind and cared about you, he checked in with you whenever you felt like shit and he even dealt with Hoseok’s constant bickering and teasing about the two of you. He helped you when Jay was bothering you, he listened to the small things you told him and remembered them, all in all he seemed to be the closest to a perfect human being you’ve ever met.
It was almost too good to be true but there he was, right beside you, eyes on you and you only.
“Can I sleep with you tonight?” you asked him a bit shy, knowing that you had to ask him sooner or later, “I’m actually afraid of the dark.”
“Are you sure that’s the reason why?” Namjoon chuckled, “Not because you want to share the night with me?”
You rolled your eyes, acting offended, “Don’t think too highly of yourself. If you’re acting like this I’m gonna go and sleep in Jeongguk’s tent again, let me just ask him real quick.”
As you tried to get up Namjoon wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you right back in with full power, making you fall into his arms. “Smooth,” you smiled up at him before daring to lay your head down in his lap.
“If you think I’m gonna let you sleep in Jeongguk’s tent you’re insane,” he chuckled as he was looking down to where you were laying, his hand carefully stroking your hair out of your face, “You’re not going anywhere.”
“I was hoping you’d say that,” you softly answer, a grin on your face. Of course, Namjoon was right  –  you wanted nothing more than to spend the night with him, god knows you wanted that since forever but you also weren’t lying when you said you were afraid of the dark.
“(Y/N)?”, Namjoon’s voice went quiet and he looked a bit worried, wrinkels appearing on his forehead, “Since we agreed that this is bascially a date I need to ask you a question.”
You just nodded, wondering what was heavy on his mind.
“This Jay guy,” he started and you felt your whole body tense up at the mention of his name, “Do you still have feelings for him?”
A sigh escaped your lips, meaning every word you were about to say, “Not at all. I don’t have feelings for any guy except maybe the cute delivery guy with the dimpled smile that always gives me an extra dip.”
Namjoon’s worried expression was washed away in a second, a laughter escaping his lips, “I sure hope you are not talking about Antonio.”
Both of you were laughing now as you were getting up from Namjoon’s lap again to sit beside him, your face facing his.
“I truly do like you (Y/N). I think I knew from the first time you opened the door, drunk and with mascara running down your face.”
You chuckled, nodding, “It’s not fair, you’ve seen me at my worst and I’ve only ever seen you at your best. Do you not have any bad days, Kim Namjoon?”
“Well, I was in a pretty bad mood when I thought you might go back to that jerk but besides that, I think I’m always close to perfect,” he teased you, his fingers busy with putting a stand of your hair behind your ear.
And there it was, the moment before. Both of you were thinking the same, your faces too close to each other and his hand on your cheek to obvious to deny it, and even if that wasn’t obvious enough, Namjoon’s glance down to your lips said it all.
It was the perfect moment, the weather was fine, Namjoon looked and smelled as good as ever, you were both a little tipsy with a full party going on in the back that you ditched – but all of those things didn’t even matter anymore as soon as you felt Namjoon’s lips on yours, the warm feeling of it rushing through your whole body.
His hand was holding the side of your neck, his fingers tangled in your hair as the soft kiss between the two of you felt addicting and you wouldn’t mind if this never ended.
It didn’t take long until your kiss turned into a full make out session, you on top of his lap as he held you close,
“Namjoon,” you softly interrupted him between the kisses but he didn’t care, he just wanted to kiss you for the next hour or two.
“Namjoon,” you once again interrupted him even though you didn’t want to, making him stop the kiss and rest his forehead against yours.
“Mhh?” he asked you with his eyes closed, enjoying the moment, “What’s wrong?”
“Hoseok and Yoongi are watching us.”
Only a second later you heard the two of them screaming and hollering, making Namjoon groan in frustration.
“Get the fuck away,” he yelled over to the tents where the two of them were standing, big grins on their faces, “You’re being the biggest cockblocks.”
“Excuse me?” Yoongi screamed, clearly amused, “If I remember it right we were the ones who set you up.”
“Good for you though!” Hoseok reassured you, “Use protection. You have thirty minutes before we start roasting marshmallows but I know Namjoon won’t need that long!”
Before Namjoon could say anything else the couple turned their back towards you, walking back to the party.
You snickered, “I don’t think they’ll ever let us live.”
Namjoon agreed as he realized you were still sitting on top of his lap, his hand found your thigh, drawing small circles in the inside of it.
“You’re so pretty,” he started kissing your cheek, “You’re pretty when you’re wearing a dress, make-up and with your hair all done,” another kiss on your jawline, “Pretty when you’re drunk and crying alone at home but still give me a smile when you open the door,” the next kiss right under your ear,  “Even pretty with a puzzle piece in your hair,”  a kiss right on your neck, making you shiver in anticipation, “And especially pretty when you’re sitting on top of me,” this time the kiss was planted on your collarbone.
“Just wait until you see me naked then,” you joked and held his head in your hands, kissing his lips softly.
Namjoon chuckled, his head in the crook of your neck, “I don’t think I’ll be able to survive that view.”
“I know CPR, don’t worry,” you joked and he gave you another kiss, happiness written all over your face, “Should we go back?”
“Wait a second,” he took your hand in his, “I just – I need to tell you that I do want to take you out on that date we talked about when we puzzled on your place that one night. And I want to take you on so many more. I’ll go to this musical with you and Yoongi and Hoseok even though I have no idea what it’s about and I want to kiss you so many more times.”
“I think all of that sounds just perfect, Joonie.”
Pressing a kiss to your hand, he took a deep breath before his eyes met yours, “Let me call you my girlfriend from now on, okay?”
The smile on your face grew wider than ever before, nodding instantly, “That sounds nice. Yoongi and Hoseok will be euphoric.”
Namjoon laughed, pulling you close to give you another kiss – it felt even better when you thought of him as your boyfriend.
“Somewhere between all the wine bottles and pizza boxes you stole my heart,” Namjoon’s voice was soft, “Let’s go tell them, I want everyone to know.”
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The Clark Kent Effect
Part One
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AN: So this is meant to be the beginning of a (semi short) series, depending on how well it’s received. Feedback is therefore more than appreciated and always remember I love reading tags. Feel free to message me or send me anons as well, every interaction makes my day :) 
To all my American followers: please go vote tomorrow, I don’t even live there but I still know how important it is.
Word Count: 2.9k (short boi)
Warnings: alcohol and one swear word maybe? 
Part Two
My other writing can be found here
While your costume had seemed like a great idea two days ago you now thought differently.
Technically it was a great costume, but only because you hadn’t exactly planned on needing to step out of the club to make an angry phone call. Alas here you were, legs shaking and teeth clattering because of your stupidly short dress, this situation the last nail in the coffin that would finally pronounce your disaster with Colin dead for good. You weren’t sad about it in the least, only cold. If only you’d thought of grabbing your jacket on your way outside this wouldn’t be as bad, it was the end of October and you were in New York after all, but you’d been so angry to see his caller ID on your screen that you’d stormed out without thinking, which you now deeply regretted.
Stepping back inside was like heaven and running into a wall at the same time, if said wall was made out of hot air and the smell of sweat, hairspray and alcohol. You really shouldn’t be happy about stuffy air, but at least you weren’t shivering anymore so you were going to mark it down as a success in your books. Since the restrooms were close to your right you made a quick detour, checking if everything was still where it was supposed to be.
At least your boobs hadn’t fallen out yet and you dismissed the judgy stares in the restroom as you readjusted your cleavage and reapplied your bold red lipstick. Normally you’d stare as well, not judging but usually intrigued by women who portrayed such confidence but tonight you were one of these women and you wouldn’t let anyone else ruin it. You’d earned a good night out after finally escaping Colin’s manipulative fuckboy ways and telling him to get lost for good.
So with your chin up and your shoulders straight you stepped out of the restroom, determined to find your group of friends again so you could get drunk and finally have a good time. It took a bit longer than you’d like to admit, your heels only barely giving your tiny frame a height advantage but then you finally spotted the fluffy halo of your best friend. After making sure that it was really her – there were enough angels in this room to make any priest happy after all – you quickly made your way over to her.
Or at least you tried.
You’d only gotten a few steps in when your heel got caught in the costume of a guy dressed up as mummy – which really only consisted of his regular clothes and what you estimated to be about three rolls of toilet paper – and you stumbled. You could already see yourself in the emergency room of the closest hospital with a broken nose from crashing to the ground, blood running down your face and staining your already red dress. Perhaps you could play it off as a part of your costume but it’d still hurt and your night would definitely be over.
But none of that happened because you were saved by a very handsome Superman. He’d stood with his back to you, you’d definitely spotted his broad shoulders underneath the stretched blue fabric earlier, but he’d turned in your direction right before gravity had decided to take its toll on you. Apparently his costume was justified though, because he caught you with cat-like reflexes, wrapping his hands around your arms and pulling you back towards an upright position before anything damaging could happen.
He was a lot taller than you so the first thing you really noticed of him was his throat and perhaps you really should’ve dressed up as a vampire because you noticed that he had a very sexy throat, if that was even a thing. Your weird thoughts were interrupted by him chuckling though and your gaze quickly snapped up to meet his and you really weren’t sure if you should congratulate or scold yourself for how you’d managed to end up in his arms.
The handsome stranger was wearing glasses in true Clark Kent fashion and his hair was better than any DC artist could have dreamed of, perfectly tousled in the way that showed that he liked to run his hands through it and you’d be lying if you said that you weren’t tempted to do the same. In the dim lighting of the club you couldn’t make out the color of his eyes behind his glasses but they could honestly be yellow and he’d still be hot as fuck.
Sometime during your almost-fall your hands had ended up on his chest and you really should be embarrassed about the fact that you were practically feeling him up but somehow you couldn’t find yourself to care enough to let go. You relaxed your hands from the tight grasp they had on his shirt and instead carefully splayed them out on his chest as if you were going to push yourself off of him but not really doing so. With how you were pressed against him you could feel the heat radiating through his shirt and how firm his body was, his muscular built more and more evident with every passing second. His hands had started to wander as well, moving up from the side of your arms towards the top of your shoulders, the size of them burning itself into your mind as you just stared at each other.
If one were to ask you what day it was right this moment, you honestly wouldn’t be able to answer them despite everyone in this club dressed in Halloween costumes. Mozart himself could have returned from the dead to perform “Eine kleine Nachtmusik” with a string quartett in the middle of this dancefloor and you probably wouldn’t have noticed right now, too caught up in the eyes of this handsome stranger.
When he reached up with one of his hands to adjust the little devil’s horns on top of your head you blinked in surprise, finally snapping out of your daze.
“Oh my God I’m so sorry, I totally didn’t mean to crash into you but my heel got caught and-“, you began to ramble, your sense of common decency finally kicking in but he only laughed and since neither of you had taken a step backwards yet you could feel it rumbling through his chest.
“Don’t worry about it, I don’t mind having beautiful girls quite literally falling for me”, he joked and if he were any other guy you probably would’ve scoffed at his choice of words but somehow the boyish charm worked well for him and you found yourself grinning as you came up with a response.
“Mmm let’s hope this isn’t a normal occurrence for you because I’m not a fan of getting caught in traffic.” You finally found the strength to take a, very reluctant, step back, untangling yourself from his grasp and dropping your hands but still smiling up at him. He definitely had the potential to be your catch for the night. You could really use the distraction after all.
Your blissful thoughts were interrupted by someone tugging at your arm though, a look over your shoulder revealing a pouting angel dressed in white and with a bouncing halo. It seemed like Emily had found you instead after you’d gotten distracted by your hero.
“There you are! I’ve been looking all over the place for you”, she whined and you could tell by her slurred words that she’d gotten quite the head start while you were outside on your phone as she was well on her way to get plastered. Otherwise she never would’ve interrupted a conversation with a hot guy either, it was an unspoken wingwoman rule after all.      
“Come on, Dana just brought a new round of shots and you need to catch up!” And with that she tightened her grip on your wrist and pulled you away. You barely managed to tell the handsome stranger to come find you later before he disappeared between the writhing bodies and was out of your sight.
Way too many shots later you found yourself on the dance floor, intoxicated and having a great time.
Your thoughts hadn’t wandered to Superman in quite a while, too consumed by alcohol and the thumping beat of the music, until you spotted him leaning against the banister of the top floor, drink in one hand and definitely watching you. Again, this would be creepy if he were anyone else but in this case it only made you appreciate the current sensual song even more, your eyes never leaving his as you moved your body to the beat. You were planning on going home with him later either way, you could tease him a little more before then, show him what he could have if he played his cards right.
He was still watching you a couple of songs later when your throat had gotten dry and your heels were starting to grow uncomfortable. In need of a break you pointed towards the bar, hoping that he’d understand and when he nodded you smiled brightly, excusing yourself from your group of friends so you could grab some water. You were done drinking for tonight, much more exciting things laying ahead of you and you wanted to be sober for them.
Water was apparently a welcome change from the regular orders the bartenders got because you were served immediately, a cool bottle set in front of you seconds later. You checked over your shoulder before taking a sip, spotting your Superman as he made his way towards you with a smile, one you returned before turning back around to climb on the stool that had just freed up so you could give your feet a well-deserved break.
When you felt a tap on your shoulder you fully expected it to be the hot guy, your most dazzling smile instantly on your lips as you turned around but it quickly fell off your face as you realized who it really was.
When you were younger you’d often imagined yourself in this moment, thought of what you’d say when you’d finally see him again after all this time apart. A small part of you had pined after him for years and fantasies of how your eyes would meet from across the room and how everything else would stop mattering had filled your daydreams once upon a time. But as you looked at him now there were no butterflies, no fireworks and you could still hear some remix of “Monster Mash” blaring over the speakers, the world was definitely still turning.
Perhaps you’d built up what had been between the two of you in your mind in the years of his absence, put him on a pedestal – he deserved to be one though because through everything he had been nothing short of a great guy – but as you looked at him you realized that all that was in the past. There was just a warm afterglow of what once was. As you looked at him now, there was absolutely no doubt that you didn’t love Anthony Beauvillier anymore.
“I wasn’t sure if it was really you, but wow Y/N you look great”, his familiar voice met your ears and it took you a second to realize that he’d slipped into French, the way the two of you had done countless times as teenagers.
You probably resembled a fish with the way you were opening and closing your mouth without saying anything but you couldn’t help yourself. Seeing Tito in this club had hit you like a fright train and you hadn’t expected it at all, which only made it worse.
Almost 20 Million people lived in New York State and over 8.3 Million in New York City alone. Brooklyn housed well over 500.000 people as well and yet you still managed to run into your ex in this club, despite the both of you growing up in Québec. If you were any good at math you would calculate the probability of this happening but you’d always sucked at it and it really wouldn’t help your situation either. You reminded yourself that you both worked here now but that was absolutely beside the point.
Before you managed to embarrass yourself even further you shook your head to clear your thoughts, smiling at the guy who had once held your heart before making the break into the NHL. He was dressed as a boy scout, with medals pinned to his shirt, the scarf thingy and everything and the costume was so incredibly him that you immediately felt catapulted back into your teenage years. It was easy to fall back into your old routine then.
“Oh yeah, do you think your Mom would still speak so highly of me if she saw me dressed as a slutty devil?”, you joked and he threw his head back in laughter, taking you even more by surprise when he threw his arms around you in a hug. It was a bit awkward with you sitting on the bar stool and all and it made you realize that he himself didn’t even feel the same anymore, his career of being a professional athlete shaping his body into a much more bulkier version of the one you were used to.
As you looked over his shoulder you caught the gaze of your Superman and your thoughts immediately returned to him. What must he be thinking of you hugging another stranger at the bar after telling him to come see you? The confusion was evident of his face, a crease between his eyebrows giving his thoughts away and you noticed how he scrunched up his nose in a very cute way so you immediately pulled back from Tito, reaching up to adjust your horns as a disguise for your sudden movement.
“So, did you finally manage to make your dreams of living and working in New York City come true?”, he asked as he took a step closer to let someone else pass by and you nodded, amazed that he still remembered after all these years. He really was one of the good guys.
“Yep, I finally made it, although it’s not as glamorous as I thought it would be. But maybe that’s only us working class people, I’m sure it’s a lot different in your line of work.” Thankfully he picked up on your teasing and wasn’t insulted, only laughing even more as he finally had the space to move next to you so he could look at the crowd as well.
“Speaking of work..”, he trailed off as he switched back to English and to your utter disbelief he waved your Superman over. Superman was reluctant to move at first, that much you could tell by looking at him, and since you watched him extra closely you were probably the only one to catch him flinching a little as Tito threw his arm around his shoulders but his confused expression was obvious as he looked between the two of you.
“Y/N, this is my teammate and best friend Mat, I’m sure you’ve heard of him. Mat, this is my ex Y/N. You’ve also heard of her.”
Of course you’d heard of Mathew Barzal, last year’s Calder winner and rising star among the NHL’s elite players but it seemed like you were a victim of the Clark Kent Effect because you hadn’t recognized him at all with the glasses on.
Now your Superman had a name but the only thing you could focus on were the words “best friend”. No matter how hot Mat was and how much you’d wanted him before, very much imagining him helping you out of your tight dress, you couldn’t do that to Tito.
Mat seemed to come to the same realization as you because he plastered what could only be described as a business smile on his face, extending his hand for you to shake. You took it, relishing in the way his warm palm felt against yours and allowing yourself to enjoy his touch one last time before letting go and smiling at him with sad eyes as you introduced yourself.
Tito stayed to order a drink, pulling Mat and you into a conversation and therefore preventing your escape and while that was already bad enough in itself, he unknowingly took your breath away when he asked Mat:
“Hey, did you ever find that hot klutz you told me about? The one that fell into your arms earlier?”
Tito had his back towards the both of you so he didn’t see the way Mat looked down at you with sad eyes as well before pulling himself together and responding:
“Yeah, but turns out she’s not available after all.”
The rest of the night passed in a blur, you’d returned to alcohol after saying goodbye to Tito and Mat and promising Tito to stay in touch, so you barely remembered climbing into an uber hours later and only really came to your senses when you chugged a water bottle in your kitchen.
“Wait, weren’t you planning on going home with that hot Superman you mentioned earlier? What happened to him?”, Emily asked from her spot on the couch, her usual spot after a night out since your apartment was closer.
“I guess he left”, you answered, not really willing to go into any details right now.
“Aw, I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, me too.”
And wasn’t that the truth.
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marvelsimp · 3 years
The New Kid: Now or Later
Ch. 7
The New Kid Masterlist
My Masterlist
Genre: fluff, angst
Pairing: Peter & Lesbian!reader, Avengers & Reader, Wanda x Reader, side Steve x Bucky,
Warnings: Panic, panic attack
Description: Reader goes to her first Stark party.
Reader’s Powers: Healer, telepath, and empath.
Word Count: 1538
Tonight is one of Tony Stark’s infamous parties. You, Wanda, and Peter were all invited but you were all threatened for what would happen if you drank. The bartenders even had pictures of all three of you so that you couldn’t trick them.
A few weeks before this Peter, Wanda, and Nat took you shopping to update your closet and more importantly to get you outfits for parties and formal events. You got many beautiful outfits for future events but since this was your first Stark party you decided to get a custom suit. The final price was way beyond what you could ever afford by yourself so you double-checked with Tony. He laughed at you, head tilt and all, saying, “That cheap? I have t-shirts more expensive than that!”
“No! That is not what happened!” You threw chips at your best friend who just told a story. That has many ridiculous additions.
He looked at you with that stupid, goofy grin that’s almost always on his face. “That’s what I remember!”
“You can exaggerate the story a little bit… but that… was NOT a little bit!”
You were hanging out in one of the many rooms on the “Party Floor” with several of the avengers. The party had technically started but not many people were there yet. Peter was telling the story of you getting lost in Queens, aka when he gave you simple directions and you somehow ended up in Times Square.
“Okay! Hush you two!” Sam finally yelled over the teenage bickering. “I still do not understand how the hell you walked to Times Square from Queens in half an hour.”
“Yeah, I don’t get it either,” Said Steve, who looked very concerned and most of all lost himself.
“I don’t get it either!” This caused a few snorts and short laughs from the group.
“Ok, but how did you not get caught? That is some spy shit.”
Wanda giggled at your question. “When I was little I thought I was just ‘lucky’ or ‘skilled’ or something but now I’m pretty sure it was a probability spell,” She explained as if it was something so casual. She deemed it as the naivety of a child instead of just the fact that most people at that point in time didn’t believe in spells or witches. “So, моя любовь, what do you want to eat?” She grinned, her nose crinkled like it always did when she teased.
Before you could question the name you heard a cackle across the room. It was terrifying, mainly because it was Nat’s but also because of how sudden and loud it was to hear. Joy. You looked at the woman with bright red hair who had her head tipped back and looked like she couldn’t breathe. “Ok… umm what does that mean? Because now I’m concerned..”
“Come on Nat you’re supposed to be the best spy on the planet!”
“Universe!” Tony corrected. He looked just as confused as you felt.
You could see Bucky smiling and whispering in Steve’s ear. Something that translated from Sokovian to Russian pretty easily, unless they both knew Sokovian which would not be surprising. “Helpful,” you stared at the Bucky who had his arm on the couch back behind Steve, who was now grinning, too. Bucky just winked in response.
Great. You could feel the happiness coming from them but you couldn’t tell because it was funny or cute. Was it because Wanda just insulted you or because she called you something sweet?
You turned back to Wanda who was giving you a mischievous grin. “Don’t make that face.” You grinned back. “I’ll take whatever you said as a compliment. Thank you very much,” you said with a twinge of bitterness but you both knew that it had no real value.
More and more people started arriving, you haven’t been around this many people since before you got your powers. It was starting to overwhelm you. In. One. Two. Three. Four. Out. One. Two. Three. Four. Breathe. Breathe.
You continued the night pretty normally but every once in a while you would pause and take a deep breath. It wasn’t until people started to get drunk that it became a problem.
You were sitting with Peter and Wanda who were retelling their versions of the Sokovia Accords and that whole mess. You were trying so hard to pay attention to listen but you couldn’t. It was finally overwhelming, everyone’s voices, everyone’s thoughts and feelings it was completely overwhelming. You’d basically stopped breathing and all that you wanted to do now was to leave.
It wasn’t until there was a tap on your shoulder that you realized that Wanda had been talking to you. “Y/n/n, are you okay?” Her face, voice, and even her emotions were full of concern. She was worried and she had every right because your breathlessness was turning into hyperventilation. You tried to focus just on her but ever that, she was overwhelming.
You shook your head.
Peter’s attention had turned to you too, “What’s wrong?” He was the same as Wanda, overwhelmingly concerned.
It was hard to even understand him, much less talk. You reached toward him and touched him, making him feel what you felt for just a moment.
“Oh, God! We need to get her out of here,” he turned to Wanda who was ready to do anything.
She gave you her hand and helped you up and then started to escort you to the elevators, Peter was close behind.
“Peter, you stay here and I’ll go with her,” Wanda told him once you arrived at the elevators.
He looked at Wanda and then at you. You were out of it, you were leaning on the witch who looked uncharacteristically concerned. He decided that saying anything wouldn’t help so he nodded and walked away.
Wanda directed you to the now-open elevator and pushed the button to the roof. She put her hand in yours and held on like your life depended on it. As the elevator rose your mind became less and less noisy until you could only feel her. Then the doors opened and she led you out. Your breathing hand slowed down and was only slightly faster than normal. The only person that you could focus on was her. She was beautiful, her hair was blowing in the wind, you could see the mix of brown at the top and the more faded orange at the bottom. She turned to her with that same concern that she’s had for the last five minutes.
“Yeah,” you cleared your throat, “Thank you.” Both of your voices were quiet and despite the loud wind sounding you both, you understood each other perfectly. You were absorbed in her and she was absorbed in you.
Her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes were drowning. She took in a deep, sharp breath, and then her arms were around you. She held you close and squeezed you tight. “You’ve been so different since Peter got hurt and I wanted to give you time,” she separated from you and looked into your eyes, “I really did want to give you time but… You feel so fucking far. When I reach out you're always out of my reach. I know that we haven’t known each other for long but we have this.” She paused for a second trying to find the right word. “Connection and I really don't want it to be broken. I have lost so much, my parents, Pietro, my county, Vision, Billy, Tommy, and then Vision again and I don't think I would survive losing you too.”
Tears were rolling down her face and forming in your eyes. You could feel her hurt, pain, sadness, yearning, fear, and everything else she was feeling. Every word she was saying was true, you were different. Sure you laughed and talked and interacted pretty close to normal but you were distant and cold. You were calculating which could be good but it wasn’t you. And most of all you were afraid of losing Peter, Wanda, and the rest of this group that you now call your family but most of all you were afraid of losing yourself. These powers were often overwhelming and these months since you've been kicked out have been hard. They have been the hardest thing that you’ve ever had to go through.
“Y/n,” she cupped your cheek with her left hand. “ Please just talk to me. I’m here and I just want you to be you again. Tell me what’s wrong and I can fix it or help you through it, at least. If you’re not ready to talk I’m still here. I can help even if it’s just as a distraction. Now or later.”
Tears were running down your face too. The girl in front of you understood what you felt. She understands pain and loss and betrayal. All that she wants is for you to be safe and loved just like you want for her. “I can’t tell you. It’s just too much to say.” She followed every word staring intently at you, only wanting to help. “Can we just sit for a while?”
She nodded.
Next Chapter
Dream or reality
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Greasy Weasel x Reader || Oneshot
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Title: Lottie
Pay no mind to the title- its just an homage to the original piece this is inspired by/for, for my own happiness ^^
So this is an experiment XD I don't think I got Greasy's character quite right (Even if it IS supposed to build on what little info we have) but I like it... sorta... I like the first bit, anyway XD
Plot: Greasy has known you nearly your whole life (Since you were left on the Toon Patrol's doorstep, anyway, with a note that said you belonged to Smart Ass), he raised you- but what happens between the two of you when you return from the Navy 4 years after shipping off cannot be constituted as platonic, in any way.
Warnings: Age difference, Dads friend/Friends kid (NOT pedophilia, Reader is like 24 in this and there were no feelings from his end until now), possible sexual references (I mean its Greasy so what do you expect), etc.
Glaring over your salad, which you play irritated with with your fork, as you lean back in your chair. "Greasy can we talk, in the hallway?" The fury is coursing through you right now, like the goddamn Nile. Where does he even get off saying stuff like this? He is in no position...
He must- he m u s t detect the absolute blood lust in your eyes as he takes a break from leaning on Chase, to you. But look ashamed at all, he does not as he shrugs - but does not speak. A tell tale sign that he's just as, if not more frustrated in the moment and as such, is so not in the mood to get berated, - and gets out his seat; heading for the hallway.
You watch him go with glaring eyes, not moving an inch, before looking at the rest of the table including Chase and taking a breath. Calm down Y/N, keep the anger to yourself... until you talk to Greasy, at least.
"Sorry about this guys, and Dad... " Your gaze flickers the the hallways door and you hop out of your seat, itching to tear into Greasy for his behaviour tonight, and the past couple days actually. "I'll be right back."
You pass your father on your way out, sitting in a recliner chair with earmuffs over his head to block out his family for a while.
As soon as you reach Greasy at the end of the hall, your face twists into a total scowl; all inhibitions and constraints disappearing.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?"
"I do not know what you mean, bonita." He mumbles around his grit teeth, arms crossed and resistant. You clench your fists, totally frustrated. Bitter, spiteful, awful man!
"The hell you don't. What was all that!? You've been acting like this since I got home! If you didn't want me back here, then you could've just said it! Woulda hurt a hell of a lot less then this."
At least at that, his shoulders relax for a moment- but his expression does not soften. And neither does the steel in either his eyes or his voice when he yells back, throwing an arm out to express his anger. "It isn't that I didn't want you back home, Y/N, its that you brought some inválido, with you! I did not expect that, from you!"
"Chase is not invalid- " You gasp, horrified at the way Greasy is speaking. Where is all the disgust, coming from? Greasy isn't like this, normally... in fact, you don't think you've ever seen him this senselessly an ass. Why!? "And you say that like its some mortal sin! I brought a boy home, I didn't kill someone- which you would not have the high ground over, either!"
"This was supposed to be family time! You've been gone for years and the first nights you're back, its with some chico!? He must mean a maldito mucho to you for you to possibly think he's worth hanging around with us right now."
"First of all, he does mean a lot to me. He's my friend- " Under his hat, you see Greasy's eyes deeply roll- a huff coming out of him as he tightly crosses his arms again. Like yeah right- "No, no. He is. Shut up. And second of all- if you just wanted to be with family then you could have just said! That doesn't excuse your behaviour." You glare ferociously, waiting for the real reason. Is he drunk, or something?? Honest to god you are baffled by the way he's acting- he's usually cooler then this. Out of any of your father's gang, he was the one you never really had to worry about. His antics made you laugh- but this? This makes you want to cry. Or scream.
You've gone for the second option.
"He does not see you as just a friend." He mutters back petulantly, avoiding looking at you now; Pulling his fedora down more over his face.
"So what!?" Even if he does, why would that make Greasy so mad? You cross your own arms. "You aren't my father and its is not your job to protect my 'chastity', Greasy."
He suddenly goes quiet, though the wrath from before is still clear in way his jaw is clenched. "... I know I'm not your father... " He mutters.
Something about that phrase stumps you. Of course he knows, but why does he look so ashamed? You uncross your arms, and take a deep breath.
"... Okay." Your eyes flash, looking up at him again; Anger still not sated. "Then why are you acting insane and harassing my guest!?"
A growl rips out of him and he bumps the brim of his hat upwards so he can look at you again, right in the eye. "I told you, I don't like that you brought him into this house!- "
"That's not it!" Its not. He's acting crazy about a boy who's acting absolutely lovely and polite. Its not.
You just want him to tell you what it really is that you did. You don't want to keep fighting with him, not with Greasy. You want your silly, campy, perverted Greasy back. Not this rotten version in front of you right now.
"It is!"
You press your fists brattily to your hips. "Is not!"
He bares his teeth and leans forward. "Is!"
And then all the tension comes to a head, and something absolutely mad happens.
The first thing that you notice is the smell of his stupid expensive perfume filling your nostrils and embracing you, then your your hands curled tightly around the lapels of his suit, and finally the feeling of warmth and tingliness all over your body.
Because you're kissing Greasy.
Your perverted Greasy, one of your fathers best friends, one of the men that raised you, your teenage crush. Your kissing him on the lips and he's slowly reciprocating, his mouth moving carefully, but purposefully against your as he moves his body closer.
But there's anger, too. Your teeth are going to ache when you pull back for pressing into the kiss too hard and the tips of your fingers will pang when you let go of him but not quite yet-
Two sets of lips part and Greasy does this thing with his tongue that tears a long overdue moan out of you, and immediately he rears back like he was burnt. And you're left standing there cold again, completely shocked.
And aroused.
But mainly shocked, because you never expected that to happen but it did and now what are you both going to do?
The air is absolutely silent as you both catch your breaths, from the kiss and also from the fight, and hope your hearts stop beating quite so erratically very soon so you can act normal.
Then, because you've waited for this for too long and the moment is too good to pass up, you step over and kiss him again.
And he kisses you back, like he's totally unable to help himself from kissing you.
All the frustrations and tensions of the past few weeks go into it oh my god- you never expected Greasy to be able to kiss totally well, but it certainly does the trick as it has you holding onto him like your life depends on it, chasing your own pleasure but also experimenting- trying to drag pleasant reactions from him. See what he likes, make him moan.
Between kisses, he mutters 'Cariño... ' warningly, carefully. Like he knows he should stop but you're too good.
When you both finally pull back again minutes later, you're both wide eyed again though far less shocked about your actions, then before.
More scared.
"Don't tell Dad."
"Guys!" You scream, the moment your eyes land on the familiar group at the docks, utter excitement fills you up and you almost want to cry as you drop your bags with your friend in order to rush over to your family and throw your arms around the first man you reach- Stupid. "I missed you. I missed you, I missed you so much!!" You squeeze him, the familiar soft, worn feel of his shirt rubbing on your face as you cant help but smile.
"Duhh, Y/N!! We brought you (Favourite snack)!" Stupid informs above you, but squeezes you back in a moment, a happy whine escaping him at having you back there with him. And your hugs.
"Ohhh," Now you really want to cry. You're so overwhelmingly happy to be home and to see them again- and they brought you food. "Now that's what I came home for... " You joke, giggling a little bit tearily before pulling back and almost running in to Psycho, who holds up the snack.
You just wrap him up in a quick, tight hug. As always he's the warmest- like a lizard who's been sitting out on a hot rock for hours.
Next you find your father standing expectantly for you, fake annoyed that you didn't come to him first. "Hey, kid. Yeah, I told 'em you'd be none-too happy to see us if we didn't have your damn food. But this is some reception, for a regular pack."
"Hey, Dad." Your voice comes out wobbly and weak but in a good way, as he takes you up in his skinny arms and pink suit holding your head the way fathers do; Like someone with a bat is coming up behind you but he doesn't want you to know and there's no way in hell, that you're about to get hurt on his watch. "I missed you so much."
He sighs, and grumbles something about feelings, before burning his head down into the hug. "I missed you more kiddo."
After you father curtly lets you go, nodding stiffly at you as if it would save him his tough guy reputation, your attention is stolen by a familiar rusty, painful sounding voice. "Hey there, chickadee. No hello for me?"
"Wheezy!" You exclaim, thrilled. He holds up his hands.
"I wont take it personal if you don't wanna a hug me- wouldn't wanna get all smelly."
You roll your eyes, grinning. "Whenever have I ever cared about that."
"Hm." He grins, and you too hug warmly for a moment then you pull back and greet the last of your boys.
"Bonita, its good to see you of course. Nice to see you got into such good shape over seas- almost as good as me." Greasy grins sharply, before you two collide excitedly, so happy to see each other again and you press a quick kiss to his cheek. You picked up the habit when you had a crush on him, in your teenage years. Now its just routine. Yours and Greasy's thing together.
You squeeze his arms one last time, before letting go. "Oh, guys- " Sniffling, all teary and happy, you hide your face and pull yourself together. "Ahh... I'm sorry." Greasy pats your shoulder, as they all chuckle at your show of emotion- not that they're doing hugely better. Psycho blows his nose into his sleeve, teary himself.
Your Dad, although honestly as happy and serene as he can possibly be, with his hands in his pockets and his little baby back, glances off to your luggage still laying amongst bustling travellers a few metres away and the corners of his lips tilt down. "Boys- go get Y/N's stuff. I don't want it gettin' stolen."
Finally, you pull yourself together. "I brought someone I want you to meet! My friend Chase, he's- he's only stopping off here before moving on to his home further inland. And I was hoping he could have dinner with us tonight? Just, cuz, you know, its both our first night back?"
Your Dad squints at the guy who looks like he's guarding our luggage, as Stupid and Wheezy go and collect it. "That green bean there?"
"He's talllllllllllllllllllll," Psycho comments, giggling as he judges Chase.
"Yep, him." You agree, hoping your father is okay with it. you would hate to leave Chase alone in his apartment the days before his flight. He needs a good, family cooked meal for his first night off the ship!
"Yeah I guess." Smart Ass sighs, shrugging and sighing. "I just got noise resistant headphones- I don't gotta communicate with no one."
You grin. "Thank you, Dad!"
"A boy?" Greasy pipes up, curiously from beside you. You look over and find him sizing Chase up, then turns to you and smiles weakly- a pale imitation of a teasing smirk. "You brought home a handsome boy?"
Rolling your eyes, you pat him on the back before heading over to Chase; not thinking much at all of Greasy's comment of the odd look on his face. "One, he's a man." Greasy rolls his eyes. "And he's just a friend! Wait here guys, I'll bring him over!"
___Greasy's POV___
"Hmmm... a friend." I shake my head, crossing my arms as watch Y/N interact with this 'Chase'. She picks up one of his bags for him and flashes him one of her pretty smiles, and he watches her move on ahead of him back to us. Por supuesto. For sure.
I watch him as a nauseous feeling rolls in my gut. I know that watch. That is not a 'friend' watch. If he was but a friend, he would be more concerned about the loose wooden board he's standing on rather then the chica's behind.
Perhaps I should tell Smartass what that boy is looking at-
As they come over, the nauseous, grinding feeling in me just gets stronger and I decide against opening my mouth to speak. I'm afraid of whatever might come out- I've never been good at withholding my... feelings.
Its only when the boy catches up to her, and us, and he puts an arm over Y/N's shoulders as she introduces us, and I stiffen up like a wooden plank, that I identify the feeling.
Its something I certainly shouldn't be feeling.
Not about Y/N.
The boss will kill me.
Maybe I can ignore it. Wish it away. Its probably just that I haven't been with a woman in a while, now... Si, that must be it. I am desperate. I good night or two with a lovely lady and I'll be fine.
But then the boy kisses Y/N's cheek and I only just manage to swallow the growl that fights to be torn from the back of my throat at the sight, and I realise immediately that this is going to be more complicated then that.
Far more complicated.
"And this is Greasy! Greasy, Chase." Y/N introduces us brightly, presenting him like he's important and Chase good-naturedly offers his hand to me. All I see though is the devil.
"Nice to meet ya! Y/N's told me about you, I hope we can get along." He beams while I glower, not moving at all to take up his hand.
Oh I doubt that we will, 'Chase', I truly do.
"So Chika!" Promptly I turn to Y/N, a smile on my face as I slip between them and wrap an arm around Y/N, leading her up ahead of the others and especially him. "You haven't told us about your travels much- Psycho ate your last postcard. We have to discuss!"
She glances back, concernedly, at Chase but I just prod her to start talking.
Maybe I can right off these feelings as protectiveness... like I'm supposed to be. I watched this girl grow up and I want her to be happy! I'm like... a... father...
My stomach rolls at the idea, but I swallow the horror down. I have to.
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
Couch People
Henry Cavill x OC (you) drabble 
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Word count: 2.907
Warnings: Alcohol consumption and pure and utter fluff. 
Author’s note: I had a DREAM (last night). And I decided to write about it in Henry’s POV, since that’s a cute lil’ twist on the usual meet-cute situation. 
My couch is my new favourite object. It wasn’t up to last night. Yesterday it probably was like..my kitchen aid, or my glute drive. But today? It’s definitely my couch. Not only because I’m still slightly hungover and the thing is darn comfortable. No. It’s something else.
Sighing, I sink further down into the soft pillows, that darn tartan red throw still lingering in the corner, smelling of you. Fuck. I’m having it bad, huh?
Should I lose the tie? Was it too formal? Hesitantly tugging at the silk I watch the last of the audience leave the London Studios, the infamous red couch now moved to the side so a cleaning crew can ready the stage for the next show. I’m glad it’s over and fans leave me be for a hot second, my mind quite elsewhere as of this moment.
Before me stand the people I recognise to be your friends. Men, all of them. Their voices low but merry as they bounce off the walls of the almost completely emptied out space.
‘Hi Henry.’ Your voice tinkles above the low hum of voices and quite instantly I feel my nerves back in my throat. Shit..Now what? What the hell was I even planning on…Damnit …
‘Hi.’ Is all I can manage back, the six men around you now also turning to offer me a warm welcome. And from the looks on their faces, they know full well why I am here. You, however, seems to be a bit clueless, your fingers reaching into one of your friends’ backpacks to fetch some lip balm.
‘Good show, hmm?’ You mumble, brushing the balm over your supple lips. Kissable lips.
‘Sure was.’ I agree. Come on Henry. You’ll have to do better than that! You don’t seem to care though, your attention drifting back to one of your friends, who raises an expecting eyebrow at you.
‘Oh, eh..Henry, you want to join us? We want to go out for some drinks..and some food maybe?’
‘FOOODD.’ One of the guys grabs his beer belly and makes a gesture like he’s been starved for weeks - which is obviously not true. I chuckle. They seem like good guys. And so very normal, which only makes me like you more.
‘I’d love to.’
‘Oh! And I still have to pee.’ One of the more lanky built men intervenes, to which the whole group blurts; ‘Pee-break!’
One pee-break and a short cab drive later,  I have brought you to one of my favourite pubs. Not only because it’s close to my home. Also, because I know the owner and with a blink of my blue eyes I can get us to use the room upstairs, which is usually reserved for exclusive events. Well. Tonight is an exclusive event, okay? The pub is old, mahogany and smelling of good times, the upstairs level reached through a very, VERY steep and very narrow step of stairs. With hands and feet we climb up, finding a low ceiling room, in equally dark and wooden hues. A lone rough table is set up, inviting us to take a seat before an old paned window that lets you look out over the drunken banter below.
In moments there is fish and chips by the bucket load and a few pitchers of beer, which your friends drink from greedily. And, of course, a glass of wine for you. You don’t like the bitter taste of beer. I make a mental note of that.
There’s nothing stuck up about you. You smile so easily, joke so merrily - and did I spot some nerdy references that escaped your lips? With every glass of wine there are more and it makes my whole body thrum with excitement.  Though perhaps that’s also just the beer talking.
Much too soon your friends have to leave to take their late flight back home. The fact that they had flown out here just to celebrate your success after years of hard work, just shows how good a bunch they are. And you are to them. With any other women with male friends, I’d easily pick on ulterior motives. But not with these guys. You go way back. You’re good. Golden. One of the guys. Though, dear god in heaven, am I happy you’re a woman.
Long bear hugs are exchanged between you and your friends as I stand there on the sidewalk, trying to evade the looks and attention of the drunken merry. The night is cold and winter is soon to come, the lot of us huddling in our winter coats as cars pass by, driving through deep puddles. With a last wave we send your friends off into a cab, back to their homes.
And then it’s just us.
‘So..’ You suck your lips in, eyes darting out to send a warning glance at some drunk brits that take a snapshot of us - it happens so often I barely even care about it still. I try to look as gentlemanly as ever, but the pints dance happily in my eyes. I know it from the way your gaze softens when you look back at me. ‘It was a good night.’ You say.
And I half disagree; ‘It IS a good night.’ As soon as I say it, I’m not sure if the drink is making me overly courageous, my arm hesitating to reach out and offer you something to hold onto. You chuckle.
‘You’re right. Especially since it’s not raining. GOOD HEAVENS.’ And with that you slip your hand around the crook of my arm without question. Like it’s the most natural thing to do, your cold fingers feeling like icicles through the wool of my coat. If only I could warm you up properly.
‘And you’re taking a long holiday? Any plans?’ I try to keep easy conversation flowing, referring to something you had mentioned during Graham’s show. I knew you were taking some time off after this movie was all wrapped up. I had been there, working on the same set, so I know how crazy it had been.
‘Yea...it’s been a crazy two years. Which is a long time not to have any holidays.’ You widen your eyes in exasperation as your feet elegantly move around a large puddle.
‘Tell me all about it.’ I sigh. Unfortunately for me, I’m soon to start on yet another production. Which means no holidays for me.
‘But ehm..I actually made zero plans. My whole life was planned out near minute to minute for the past years. I just need to ..get back to basics, you know? Sleep a full 8 hours. Walk. Cook. Take long baths. Maybe..go hiking in the highlands. Or..go to the Bahamas..I’ve never been to the Bahamas! Or…’
‘A right here.’ I interrupt you, sending us into the direction of a small alleyway.
‘Oohh..must I trust you now or is this where I find out you’re a serial killer, Mr. Cavill?’ You tease.
‘Mm..I’m too busy a man to spend my time planning out how to murder people.’
‘Very well Hannibal.’
‘Hahaha..good series.’ - There’s those nerdy references bubbling up again.
’Tis.’ You agree, sighing deeply as the darkness swallows us, leaving the crowded street behind until there’s nothing else but us and the tap of our feet on the cold wet cobble stone. You lean slightly closer to me and I’m glad you do.
‘So..’ You look up at me. ‘Are we mere wanderers or are we heading to mount doom to get rid of some pesky ring?’
I snort laugh. Yep. I definitely snorted. And you laugh merrily in turn. God, you’re cute.
‘I don’t know Sam, I don’t know.’
You grumble softly in playful dissatisfaction. ‘What if I want to be Frodo?’
‘If you so wish to be, fellow over-sized hobbit. Though I think, since you sound like such a well planned, yet easy going lady, you’re a Sam. BESIDES, you say you love to cook and work in the garden..that definitely makes you a Sam.’
‘True, true.’ You hum, the light at the other side of the alley coming closer, your feet suddenly starting to drag. Almost as if you don’t want to get back into the light, where drunk hustle and bustle is about. I stop and you look up at me, head tilting slightly upwards.
‘Say, Frodo. What does a woman do in this town when she doesn’t want to call it a night, yet?’
I pretend to think about it, though my mind knows full well where we could be going now. ‘Depends on what you want to do, Sam.’
‘As much as I’d like an adventure..so cold are my feet. Something indoors, perhaps?’
Exactly what I was planning.
‘I know just the place. Though…it’s..very private, okay?’
‘Are we going to find prancing ponies and kitten heeled Striders there?’ - With that you print this vision in my head of Aragorn in high heels, lurking on a pipe, and it makes me chuckle aloud. You are slightly cheeky too.
‘Mmm..more like large hounds and vast amounts of books, all crammed into a cute little..’
‘It’s your place isn’t it?’
I chuckle. ‘Yea..I live 5 minutes from here.’
‘Okay. But just in case you are considering a career change; please don’t eat me.’
I smile, nudging us to move ahead, our eyes squinting at the bright street light as we return to the land of the living drunk and the hum of stationary engines. As most pubs are closing for the night, everyone tries to grab a cab.
‘Well, looks like I wouldn’t have come home at this hour anyways haha.’ You mumble, our feet jumping over another puddle as we move to yet another alleyway.
We don’t have to take this route. But I like the lack of people. And having you squeezed up against my arm. So maybe it’s not a five minute walk entirely. You thankfully don’t seem to care.
‘You live in London?’
’Not really. Though for work I’m here half of the week. I stay at this cute hostel with THE MOST COMFORTABLE BEDS I have ever slept in. Like. Ugh. It’s fantastic.’
‘And your real home?’
‘Not such a good bed.’
We shouldn’t be talking about beds at this hour, but I suddenly can’t think of anything else to talk about.
‘Well, the best bed I’ve ever slept in is right at home.’
‘Mmm..are you suggesting anything there, Hannibal?’ Where you were clueless about my flirtations whilst we were sitting on Graham’s couch, the message seems to come across quite perfectly now, your eyes glittering with promise.
I act shocked, but we both know better. ‘Never!’ I say, to which we belt out in loud laughter, the sound echoing off the tall buildings at either side of us.
‘Gods, you are cheeky after a few pints hahah.’ You laugh.
‘And you are walking home with a complete stranger.’
‘Naa..I checked your Wikipedia page. So. Not complete stranger. I think it’s actually YOU who’s walking home with a stranger.’
‘Quite so.’
You’re right. We’ve worked together for 3 months on the same set, but I’ve only seen you from afar. In fact, you were kind of my boss. Which would’ve made any advances from my side even weirder. Tonight felt like the first real opportunity, now the project was finished. And here we were. In front of my house.
After a few awkward fumbles I manage to unlock the door, the two of us being welcomed by a sleepy Kal, his wet nose diving head-first into my face.
‘Down boy.’ I grumble, but thankfully you’re not afraid of my large hound, your fingers already racing through his thick fur before I have managed to close the door behind us.
‘Hi baby!! You are SO CUTE! JUST LOOK AT YOU!! And so tired too! You been sleeping, big boy?’
Kal loves you already. And I..?
‘A wine would be good.’ You look up at me as I just stand there staring at you. Shaking myself from my thoughts and awkward nerves, I put our coats away and try to find some decent bottle of red wine. I forgot to ask what kind you like, so I’ll just have to pick whatever. ‘Make yourself comfortable!’ I say aloud, but as I return with a bottle and two glasses I already see you’ve done just that, legs pulled up and that stupid tartan throw wrapped around your legs, Kal getting yet another head scratch from you.
Oh, he loves you a lot.
‘I hope cabernet is alright?’
You laugh and wave it away; ‘Henry. I had 5 glasses of wine. By this point you’d ALMOST get me drinking beer. Almost haha.’
In what seems like a blink of the eye this bottle is finished as well and the world is near spinning when I get up to make us a snack. Which of course is the worst idea ever at like 2..3..4 am? I can’t see quite straight enough anymore and the giddiness in my bones is showing in the most idiotic grins I’ve probably ever had on my cheeks. My face is going to hurt tomorrow. From laughing, that is.
As I haphazardly decide I should first ask what you want to eat, I suddenly find the long despised throw of my ex earning a much welcomed new, far sweeter memory. In the deep soft pillows of the couch, there you lie. Knocked out asleep, fingers still trailing through Kal’s fur, his head not daring to move as I look the pupper in the eye.
I can’t send you home like this. And so, with a dangerous wobble in my inebriated knees, I tuck you in, the smooth wool warm as it moves beneath my fingertips.
For just a moment I wonder if I should put you in my bed, so I’ll sleep on the couch. But you’re laying so comfortably, that I’m afraid I’ll wake you..and then you’ll probably leave. I don’t want you to leave. Yes. I should have you stay. I..eh…
Blinking I look around the room, deciding how I should keep you to at least stay for breakfast. I don’t want this to be the last time I see you, you know? And so I grab for some paper and a pen, my handwriting not what it should be.
“Good morning, Sunshine. In case the drinks were too many; the dog’s name is Kal. Don’t worry about him. And I’m upstairs. Feel free to grab anything you like. Also. In exchange for a couch..how about we have breakfast, together? Henry.”
Waking up was like thinking everything was a dream. A very drunken dream. My head was screaming for water and sleep, but I couldn’t stop myself from racing downstairs first, only to find you were still asleep. Just where I left you. It was only after I started cracking up my cooking skills (cheesy eggs with toast), that you woke up. Large yawns were heard from the couch-area, before you groggily walked into the kitchen, hair in disarray and just perfect in my humble opinion.
‘Mmmoo- *yawn* -orning.’ You bring out, hands rubbing over your eyes.
You are so cute. 
And then you step in closer, eyeing my cooking, your scent and body so close, I wish we were at the point that I could grab you into a hug, delve my nose into your hair.
‘Sleep well?’ I ask with a crooked smile, your face nodding but your body saying: I need more sleep, for the love of the gods.
After breakfast you quirk up, that cute smirk back on your lips as you lick them in satisfaction.
‘That’s some fine cooking there Frodo.’
‘Thanks Sam.’
‘And a couch that makes a close second to the hostel’s bed.’
‘HAhaha..oh..yes. I was not sure what to do. Wake you up? Put you in my bed? I mean..a lot of..options.’ I trail off as your smile grows. 
‘..I’m so sorry for putting you in that position, Henry. And also, apologies for falling asleep as you were just about to make a snack. Its typical me; midnight snack-time? I fall asleep.’
‘Well, it’s your holidays. You can sleep all you want’
‘So it is.’ You fold your fingers around your hot cup of tea - no sugar, no milk. I make a mental note of that too.  
With curious eyes you watch me sit across you, the kitchen table suddenly feeling too large, too wide. I want to be closer to you. Snuggle up to you. You look so snuggable.
‘Any plans for today?’ You inquire lightly.
And that’s when it clicks. I could keep you around a little longer, maybe? De-hangover together, maybe?
‘Want to stay for a bit?’ I ask, hope sparking in the swallow of my nervous throat.
I think that’s what I like the most about you. It’s easy. Natural. No hassle. No hunt. Though I would have hunted you, if that is what it would have taken.
Now I’m sitting here on the couch and you’ve just gone back to your hostel. I mean, I get it. We’ve been together for nearly 24 hours. When we’re not even..like..more than strangers. For a moment I wondered if I should kiss you, after we walked Kal, our hands interlinked - which also felt so very normal.
The more glad I was when you did it for me.
You kissed me.
Those sweet chapped lips on mine. 
I sink further into the couch and sigh. I like you a lot my sweet Sam.
(Link to my Masterlist)
General Tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss @tumblnewby @magdelen69 @thereisa8ella @mary-ann84 @darkbooksarwin @summersong69 @madbaddic7ed @luclittlepond @maroonmolly
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writers-blogck · 4 years
A Pity Party for One ( Sugawara Koushi x Reader )
Warning(s): This includes a lot of cursing and alcohol use. Characters are assumed to be aged up to past the legal drinking age. Did I get the inspiration to write this after listening to Michael in the Bathroom for the tenth time in a row? The world may never know.
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Title: A Pity Party for One Pairing: Sugawara Koushi x Reader Fandom: Haikyuu! Word Count: 1,798
       Mascara? A mess.
       Drink? Empty.
       Mental State? Terrible.
       Hotel? Trivago.
       You tossed your red solo cup against the tiled wall of the bathtub that you had claimed as your current residency. Whose house was this anyway? You think the guy had a man bun but you could have been wrong. Everything was a blur other than the image of your boyfriend feeling up another girl. How could he just throw three years away, three goddamn years?! A choked sob slipped past your lips as you pulled your knees closer to your chest.
       How had you gotten yourself in this situation? Here you were, in a stranger's empty tub having a mental breakdown. Converse sneakers and pastel pink dress bunched at your waist. Even without looking in the mirror, you knew that your makeup was a mess. It would only make sense with how much you had cried. You had no plan for what you should do. Everything just hurt and you were wishing you were home under your covers instead of this porcelain bed. All your tears had been shed and you were left with small whimpers and clenched fists.
       "Oh...I didn't know that anyone was in here. The door was unlocked and I was just planning on washing up a bit and-" A boy with light brown hair that seemed to be tinted with silver when it hit the light right walked in your hiding place. It wasn't like you had locked the door, you probably should have. You had simply slammed the door behind you and that had been enough notice for the people around you. How long had you been in here? Your phone had died an hour ago when you arrived at the party. You were just on life's shitlist today!
       "It is utter bullshit!" You huffed out, not seeming to care that this guy you had never met before just walked in the bathroom where you were hiding. It wasn't like you were using the restroom but you knew that you looked like a hot mess right now. Damn, you might not even look hot and instead just look like a mess. How was that fair? Groaning, you leaned your head back and hit it against the cold wall.
       "Whoa...You look like you have had better nights." The guy slowly walked in, shutting the door behind him. If you weren't drunk out of your mind and hurting like you never had before, then you might have been scared about being in this room with this guy alone. He could lock the door and then who knows what could happen. Still, that was the last thing on your mind.  
       The boy was wearing a dusty blue shirt with what looked to be khaki pants. Average, normal, safe. He didn't have any immediate red flags that you seemed to attract. Did you just give off the vibe of someone who could be walked over? God, maybe you were. How had you been so stupid for three years...This wasn't the first time. You had a suspicion but you didn't want it to be true. You had been with this boy since high school and the idea of having to live without him was terrifying. You had become dependent on him. God, what were you going to do? How were you going to get home?!
       Red sneakers moved closer and soon the boy who looked to be around your age was squatting next to the tub. His arms rested on the cool porcelain, something that had felt wonderful against your hot skin when you first got in. You couldn't help it, you got hot when you drank too much. Normally you would just sip on whatever you were having that night but once you saw your world crumbling in front of you, you decided it was time to just down the entire thing as fast as possible. The faster it got in you, the faster the hurt would go away. You hoped anyway...
       "I just want to go home!" You whimpered, hands gripping at the itchy fabric of your dress. He had been the one to suggest you wear it, he said that he liked how it 'hugged your curves'. So, being a nice girlfriend, you decided to wear it and what does he go and do?! Feel up some girl that you had never even seen before! Had you not been enough? How long had he been cheating on you? Was this the only girl or did he have multiple women he went to so he could get his rocks off? Your head was spinning with the alcohol affecting your system. You were drunk.
       "Okay," His voice was soft, like he was approaching an injured animal and didn't want to scare it off, "How did you get here? Can I go get someone for you or is there someone I can call?"
       Watery eyes met his warm ones and it was the first time you had made eye contact with this stranger. You wouldn't lie, he was very attractive. In that soft but strong way. The kind of soft where he wouldn't let anyone walk over him. You had thought that was you but you had three years of experience to prove otherwise. You must have been a pitiful sight to see if his expression was anything to go off of. Why did he care? It wasn't like either of you knew each other. You weren't used to people being nice just to be nice. Was he an angel? He sure looked like he could be one. You wondered what he looked like under his shirt with how it accentuated his muscles...Oh, God! Your cheeks only reddened even more at your thoughts. What kind of drunk were you?! You never would think that way...At least, you would never tell anyone you thought those things. Luckily you still had enough control of your lips to keep yourself from saying anything too embarrassing, for now.
       "My ride is out there with his hand under some other girl's shirt. Fuck, I have to go home with him. I live with him and I just saw him...." You buried your head in your knees, in a mix of wanting to hide your misery filled face and wanting the bright lights to just tone down for a bit. They seemed brighter than normal bathroom lights...What were you even talking about? It wasn't like every bathroom had the same lights. Even with your brain trying to distract you with these unusual thoughts, you couldn't get the image of your boyfriend out of your head. The two of you had even been talking about marriage recently. His mother seemed so happy with the two of you...What would she think if she knew what her son was really like?
       "Three years and this is how he treats me...I think I am just cursed with bad luck or something. God doesn't want me to have a good relationship. I've wasted three years with this guy and...."
       "Don't talk like that. Sometimes we have to go through tough times to get out on the other side. You know, you have to have rain to have a rainbow." The boy brushed a stray piece of hair behind your ear and you were convinced that he was your guardian angel. Why else would he be this nice and so helpful to a drunk girl he didn't know, crying in the bathroom for who knows how long.
       Sugawara bit his bottom lip gently in thought, unsure of what he should do in this situation? He knew he was good at helping people (according to the team anyway), but he had never dealt with something like this before. He was glad he decided not to drink tonight or else he would be having a harder time with this. All he had to do was think clearly and he surely would come up with some plan, right?
       "Well...I can always drive you home or we could go find the people throwing the party. Asahi and Tanaka might be able to think of something. More likely Asahi since Tanaka might be a bottle in already..." He mumbled the last part mainly to himself but your ears perked up at the familiar name.
       "....Tanaka?" Your voice was quiet as you glanced up at the handsome boy, causing his heart to skip a beat. Why did people's eyes always look so pretty after they had cried? That wasn't fair. He wished he could help more but he simply nodded at your strange question.
       "I know him," You rubbed the back of your hand against your eyes, not even thinking about the black smudges that were only getting worse on your skin. You were disheveled with makeup smudged more than an abstract painting and a dress with a recent stain that Sugawara would assume was whatever you had in your plastic cup before it was empty. Yet, he couldn't help himself and thought you were one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen. If he saw your ex.....He pushed those thoughts to the side. He could think of that in the future.
       "He is our friend...I mean, my friend...He is in some of the same classes as me."
       "Great!" Relief washed over the young boy as he realized that he wouldn't be left in the dark on what to do with the situation at hand. "How about we go and get you some water and then we go look for Tanaka? I'm sure we can find him, he lives here after all. We can get you feeling a bit better and then we can figure out what to do from there, okay?"
       "That sounds nice...I don't drink normally, I don't like it."
       "Don't worry. Once we get you some water and ibuprofen, then you will start feeling better. Who knows, I'm sure he has something to eat here. Nishinoya and Tanaka tend to keep the place stocked to the brim when it comes to parties. I bet they keep the pantry that filled even when they weren't planning a party. Those guys could eat an entire banquet themselves and still be ready for seconds."
       Sugawara smiled as he heard the soft sounds of your laugh echo in the small bathroom. He hoped he would be able to hear it more, even if only for a little bit. He may only know you for this day but he still wanted to see you smile. Tears and a frown didn't suit your beautiful face.
       As the man offered his hand, you had no idea that it would be the hand that you would be holding for years to come. It would be the hand that gave you what you always dreamed of - a wedding ring.
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princessrainbows · 4 years
Genuine Laughter
Title: Genuine Laughter
Warnings: Mentions of; Depression, Suicidal thoughts/attempts(maybe?) Alcohol intake. (The reader is the depressed one out of the paring!!) Mention of the reader’s Quirk being Teleportation. Ends with fluff
Words: 2k+
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write something for a while now. Seeing so many of the Keigo x reader blogs that I currently follow rn, has hugely inspired me to write up a small drabble!
Paring(s): Keigo Takami | Hawks x Fem! Reader
             Depression is like battling a 200 foot Dragon every day. It’s not something so easy to overcome. Many people don’t even know when  somebody they know have depression whenever it’s brought up in a conversation.
They’ll think that everything is fine and dandy, and that the person who mentioned the mental illness is trying to find attention when, in reality...They just want to be loved, cared for, and helped. They don’t want their thoughts to be true, they want to be saved from them.
So, when you, ever so casually, mentioned that you felt like dying one day to Keigo, it caught him off guard. It really bothered him that somebody  so smart and so powerful just...Wanted to give it all up. “Hey hey, what’s the matter dove? Something bothering you” He asked, noticing that you where....Off, and have been for a long while now that he thought about it.
       That night stuck with you. The fact that he picked up on your casual self-loathing habits of talking about death so casually like that, surprised you to say the least. Most of the time, people around you would either scoff or just ignore you, or Meme your mental illness, thinking that’s what you wanted to do since, that’s what you’d always do to hide the pain you felt all the time.
Being a hero isn’t that easy. Especially with a quirk as powerful as your own, your in constant demand all the time. Always teleporting everywhere to save people and give back-up to pro-hero’s who need it. And now that you where sought out by The Commission people who raised Hawks, you’ve become his body guard so to speak. Sure, he might be fast, but, you can match up in speed thanks to your quirk.
So, not only are you in high demand, you never get to catch a break! Hell, you didn’t even want the spotlight! So, this made you start becoming depressed. You where so busy all the time. You barely got any real decent rest, you hardly have time to yourself for a nice bubble bath, or read a cool book.
You did your best to hide everything from everybody. You’d play it off and fake-laugh with people that would question whether or not you where really okay or mentally sane at the time of the conversation/interaction.
         But, you didn’t take into account for Hawks noticing it. He noticed everything. He noticed your facial expression visibly changing with every minute of the day depending on your mood. He’d notice the way you’d get snippy at different people if you’d woken up to a particularly bad mental day for you. He EVEN noticed that one day when you locked yourself up in your bedroom at his place around 8:30pm at night. He heard your weak sobs underneath the blanket.
The man was like a Dog with his hearing. he heard and saw everything. But, he knew that if he asked, you’d joke it off and turn down his help.
It wasn’t until when things got REALLY bad for you was when he stepped in and demanded that you explained everything to him. You had three drinks that night after poppin’ in quite a lot of Tylenol pills for your severe Migraine you where having that same day. You just wanted it to stop so you could be Okay for once.
After some prying, you finally told him what’s been happening. You told him that you’ve been battling with Depression and your Suicidal thoughts for the past several months. You even mentioned that your PTSD was starting to act up again, which just made things worse for you in the end.
He didn’t show any emotion. he just...Stared at you, in pure shock. You’ve been battling this battle by yourself this entire time that the two of you have been seeing each other, you’ve kept EVERYTHING to yourself until you blew up and tried ending it all.
It terrified him. He didn’t do anything out of worry that he might make it worse for you, but also, he felt like he should have done something, ANYTHING to have helped! “...Oh god........I’m so sorry” was all that he could really say before you passed out from being so damn tired, drunk, and dizzy from the Tylenol pills you took that day. Falling right into his lap, all he did was let you stay there and fall asleep.
             That happened two months ago. You never really FULLY changed but, you noticed that you weren’t as bad as you where back then. Actually, you made a little chart marking down the Really Bad Days, from the Good/Okay days, and you’ve never had a single Really Bad Day since then. You’re days from two months ago to now have just been Meh/Okay and sometimes, even Good!
Today was different for you. When you woke up, it was around 11am, you felt...Light. Like as if you where floating in the air. But, it wasn’t a bad feeling by any means! Which lifted your spirits up quite a bit.
You reach to your cell phone and check your stuff, ignoring the majority of it except for Keigo’s messages (and selfies) and your Boss’ message, which woke you right out of bed! You blinked at it with your glasses on and notice a message from him: [”You’ve been invited to a Pro-Hero exclusive Gathering. Along with Hawks, Endervour, and many others. Dress nicely, and behave.”] Blinking several times, you groaned, falling back on the bed with an arm over your eyes, pouting in annoyance, “I hate fancy parties...” you sighed out loud.
Today was a really good day for you and your mental state. You weren’t smiling by any means but, you weren’t frowning either. You did your usual routine before heading out to work, since you’re with the Commission now and not some Hero agency, you’ve been given permission to have your own schedule (with the help from Hawks so that way he could keep an eye on you of course.)
“---And since I’m in a good mood today....I’ll give you a minute of a head start to try and run.” You say before grinning as you watched the group of bad guys try and flee with the stolen loot from the local store you where shopping at for a Brunch. “Too Slow..” You commented, teleporting right in front of them, grabbing the enemies uniforms and rolling your eyes as they tried running.
The police where called, and you where thanked for your efforts, “Wow! You look happy today y/n! Something happened?” The officer noticed your mood and commented on it, you shrugged, giving a slight chuckle, “Nothing in particular! I just feel good today that’s all~” you cheered before waving them off, seemingly having left them dumbfounded by your response.
           You had a really good day of just, doing whatever you wanted! Holding your drink in your hand with a small snack in the bag in your other hand, you walked by a clothing store with several outfits in the window. You noticed a very nice looking dress with a paired Tuxedo beside it, shrugging you walked into the store, you DID need a dress for tonight’s Por-Hero exclusive Gathering after all! Even if they weren’t your favorite thing to wear.
“Hi there miss! Welcome to our store! is there anything that I can do for you?” You where greeted by a worker who wore a very nice business suit, you took a pause from your drinking and looked at her outfit, “Actually...Yeah. Can I ask where you got that outfit? See, I’m heading to a fancy ball and stuff...But, I’m not that much of a Fancy Dress type of person.” You replied, gesturing your jaw at her outfit, as to not point since that would’ve been rude.
“Oh sure! We actually just recently added these types of outfits to out store so, we’d be happy to have a pro-hero wear one!....You are Pro-Hero Y/N correct?” You nodded in response, sipping on your drink. You followed the business woman to the stores selection and looked around...The shop was nice despite how cold it was.
It didn’t take you that long to find what you wanted. Coming out of the change room in front of the business woman, you stood there with a blows, a nice pair of black work pants, fancy black shoes, and a nice jacket to cover yourself with. Once you changed out of it and went to the cash, you purchased the outfit and thanked the woman for the help.
           You returned home with your now, not so hot Brunch and outfit in tow, getting ready for the fancy ball party for tonight while eating at the same time. You weren’t positive that you were going to have a good night but hey, you where invited! You couldn’t say no! Especially since you where in a good mood, you figured ‘eh, why not? Keigo’s gonna be there anyways so~’ and went with it.
A few hours had past, and it was time for the gathering. You rode in a somewhat fancy vehicle to the location of the party. Getting out of the car, you could already tell that eyes where on you. You ignored them, and thanked the driver and went into the building.
Using the elevator, you went up to the highest floor, which was a party room dedicated to pro-hero’s and their parties. You were slightly nervous since your mental state was still...Not exactly the best but, a lot better than a couple months ago. Putting those thoughts aside, you walked into the entrance area. You saw two doors both opened with two guards there, one stopped you and looked down, “Ma’am, this is a Pro-Hero party. Please show proof that you’ve been invited or we’ll have to remove you from the premise.” You sighed in annoyance, knowing that the guy was just doing his job. You pulled out your Hero License and showed it to him. He nodded and allowed you in.
Walking into the main area, you stood in awe, ‘They really went all out huh?’ You thought to yourself, staring up at the fancy decorations that seemed to blend in well with everything else in the room. You took in the atmosphere, not used to the Party life At All, staring off into the area as you listened to the soft music playing on the small stage area. “Wow! I didn’t think you’d show up of all people!” You hear a familiar voice from a loud woman behind you. Her grin was wide and she was excited to see more people coming to the party, “Yeah....The Commission had invited me over. I’m assuming it’s to keep an eye on hawks since he’s been invited as well...” You automatically noticed the wingless man near the farthest end, standing beside Endervour, laughing it up with the small group that gathered there for the night.
“...You know y/n. Most of the public knows your not a party person. Just imagine the press when they get a hold of this! ‘Y/N seen at a fancy Galla ball with Pro-Hero Hawks by her side!’ haha, they’ll get a good scoop for that one~” She chuckled, patting you on the back shoulders gently before walking towards the crowd giving them a wave. You groaned...You really hate the media being in your face all the time. So, something like this would DEFINITELY, be a pain in the ass to deal with.
                 The party continued on for the night, you talked and hung out with everybody at the party. You also did your job and reported to your boss at what was happening with Hawks, telling them that he was behaving well and having a blast. Once you sent in the report, you decided to spend the rest of the night with Keigo, walking up to the small group of pro-hero’s that he was telling a story too. “---And even tho I was trying to make the poor woman laugh, safe it to say, that didn’t help my situation at all. it just made the other’s more angry--” The group chuckled with him, and you just rolled your eyes.
The party went on like this for hours. By the time you where ready to go back home, it was around 12am. You and Keigo spent the last hour going home. He was just a tad bit drunk and a little bit silly as well, trying to handle him when he’s a bit drunk was hard but, you somehow managed.
“Hey.....Hey y/n....” He mumbled, trying his best to keep what little composure that he had left. “Yes Kei?” You asked, grunting while you placed him on your couch, grinning, he pulled you down into a cuddle, you didn’t mind it at all. Since you were quite tired from the party, having been out for a long time on your feet for the most part.
Keigo wasn’t really talking per say. He was mumbling random words in between some cute sweet nothings to you as he held you close to him. “Hey...y/n?.....” He whispered in your ear, first telling you how much he loved you...And then, telling you a silly joke that was, actually pretty funny! You couldn’t help but snicker then laugh in his chest, burying your face in it, you snorted off and on until you could breathe from the laughing again.
Keigo blinked in surprise. he managed to make you laugh.....Like, genuinely laugh at one of his jokes. He didn’t put any thought into it at all, he just went with it, and that made you laugh until you snort-laughed in his chest.
           This made your night. Just that one time with Keigo on the couch, making you laugh. You felt at ease, happy, even safe. You don’t want to forget this night, you want to cherish it for the rest of your life.
With Keigo being your partner, your depression and suicidal thoughts where a little bit easier to handle. Because you were no longer by yourself dealing with them anymore. You had Keigo to help. And you knew that this man would do anything to make your life, a little less painful to deal with.
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prettyboyjackhughes · 4 years
-Is this real?- |J. Hughes|
“Jack, you know I can’t move with you. New Jersey? That’s how many hundreds of miles away from Michigan? From Trevor?” I watch the shadow of sadness creep across Jack’s face. The two of us had been avoiding this discussion ever since he had been drafted. Neither one of us wanted to talk about the fact that he would be moving 604 miles away from me until Trev and I moved to Boston. Neither of us wanted to acknowledge the fact that I probably wouldn’t be going with him either. Trevor would be heading to Boston in 2 months, Jack leaving a few weeks after him. Alex flew out in 4 weeks. It had been decided that he and Madi would be living together off UW’s campus since she would only be a 10 minute drive away at Edgewood College. Madi was studying criminology and Alex was studying sports management in case hockey didn’t ever pan out the way he planned. Trev and I would live together, renting out an apartment in Chestnut Hills and attending Boston College together. Him playing hockey and studying business, me studying journalism and babysitting Trev’s drunk self. Again, that was all depending on me deciding not to go with Jack. I had gotten into Seton Hall, which was about 20 minutes away from the arena and practice facility Jack would spend the majority of his time at. The two of us had spent a ton of time looking at apartments between the two and had found ones we liked but I wasn’t sure I was ready to leave Trevor and my parents. Driving to Jack’s wouldn’t be a huge issue, he was only 4 hours away, but with my class schedule and his schedule, it wouldn’t work.
“Charlie, you’re the only one I want there with me. You’ve been going through this with me since the beginning. I can’t be that far from you.” I rake my hand through my hair, taking a deep breath at the same time.
“I want to. But what happens when you’re gone and I’m sitting alone in some city I’m not used to? When you’re on the other side of the country and I’m at home, alone?” All of the sudden, there’s a crazy look in Jack’s eyes. One I’ve only seen when he suggested we hook up for the first time, behind Trev’s back.
“Let’s get married.” He says, looking at me. My mouth drops open.
“Get married? Now? With you and everyone else leaving in less than 2 months? Not exactly the best time to plan a wedding and get married. Jack, we’re 18!” It wasn’t the first time Jack had talked about us getting married. He’d been saying it since the first time I told him I loved him. He had vowed to marry me, but we had both decided it wouldn’t be till after I was through college and working and he was somewhat settled in the NHL.
“Baby, think about it. We’ve talked about it and it’s the perfect solution to everything. We get married, you come with me to Jersey. One last big thing with everyone before we leave.” He says, a smile growing on his face.
“Honey, I know. I want to marry you, I do. But I thought we were waiting.” I say, leaving back into the lawn chair I’m curled up in.
“Well yeah, that was the plan. Before I got drafted to somewhere 4 hours away from you. But it’s close to one of your schools, plus we found an apartment already. Come on, why not? We’ve got a month with everyone still here. Let’s do it.” I shake my head.
“Baby, think about it. We’ve talked about it and it’s the perfect solution to everything. We get married, you come with me to Jersey. One last big thing with everyone before we leave.” He says, a smile growing on his face.
“Honey, I know. I want to marry you, I do. But I thought we were waiting.” I say, leaving back into the lawn chair I’m curled up in.
“Well yeah, that was the plan. Before I got drafted to somewhere on the other side of the country from you. But it’s close to one of your schools, plus we found an apartment already. Come on, why not? We’ve got a month with everyone still here. Let’s do it.” I shake my head, not even believing myself as I agree, and kiss him. His eyes are a golden honey color, bright with excitement as he yells for everyone to come out here. I hear the back door slide open as I stand up out of my chair and move to settle myself on Jack’s lap.
“Oh lord, what now? Is Charlie pregnant?” Madi asks, laughing and walking over to where Jack and I are.
“Well…” Jack says, wrapping his arms around me. Her face turns to stone but then back to normal, carefree Madi.
“Shut up, no she’s not. She would’ve told me by now.” Mad says, reaching over and smacking him as she sits in a chair next to Alex. Jack laughs and shakes his head. Trev and Alex take the porch swing and Trev crosses his arms.
“This had better be good. Your screaming woke me up.” Trev says, yawning and throwing a pointed look in Jack’s general direction.
“We’re getting married.” Jack says, bursting. Trev’s jaw sets, Madi’s drops open and Alex covers his mouth with a slap.
“Uh, what?” Alex asks, the first one to recover. Madi and Trev are still in shock.
“We’re getting married.” I repeat, looking down and seeing my hands shake. Jack covers them with his, gently rubbing his thumb across the back of my hand.
“You’re joking. Wow, real funny guys.” Trev says, pretending to laugh. He rolls his eyes but then looks at me. I beg him with my eyes to believe me and not blow up. His face softens but his eyes stare hard at Jack.
“It’s not. We’re getting married. And I’m moving to Newark with Jack.” Madi stands up and looks at me like I have two heads.
“Wait, did I just miss like the last 4 years? Cause last I checked, you two were planning on waiting a while. At least till Charlie was out of school.” Alex grabs Madi’s hand and pulls her back down into the chair next to him.
“Madi, come on. We’re 18, we’ve already talked about this. If anything goes wrong, well then you can say I told you so. But Mads, I’m asking you, I’m asking all three of you. My best friends, my brother, support us in this.” Trev has been silent the whole time. I can see him working it over again and again in his head. Trying to figure out how this was going to work and whether he should be upset or happy. Then I see a calm wash over him. Which could mean one of two things. One, he’s pissed and going to never speak to me again. Or two, he’s decided it’s okay and is happy for us. I hold my breath as he starts to talk.
“You know what, I support you. I’ve trusted Jack with you for 2 years. He’s taken better care of my little sister than I ever have. I’m proud of who both of you are. So I say go ahead.” Trev stands up and walks over to me. He pulls me to my feet and hugs me. Jack stands and puts his hand on my shoulder. Trev lets go of me and reaches for Jack’s hand. They shake hands and I smile.
“Trev’s right. I support it.” Alex smiles, coming to hug both of us.
“Love you guys.” He says, going to stand next to Madi who still looks very confused.
“Charlie, I’m just not sure. Jack, you know I love you, I really do. But I’m just not sure. Charlie, you’re both so young. I guess I have to say yes. You’re probably gonna get way worse from Mom and Dad.” I smile, pulling Madi into a hug.
“Thanks, Mads, love you.” She pulls back, smiling a watery smile as tears fill her eyes.
“Now you know, my apartment is always open. You can come stay with me whenever. Especially if the idiot here is being a jerk.” I smile and Jack laughs. She wipes her own tears and has a huge smile on her face.
“Now you’d better get her a ring. A nice pretty one. Especially with the size of that first paycheck.” Madi says, sticking her finger into Jack’s chest. Jack smiles and puts his arm around my shoulders.
“I’ll get her a ring. You can even go help us pick it out.” Madi laughs and nods in agreement.
“Even though I’ve already asked you and you said yes, can I still plan a big engagement?” Jack asks, sitting down with me still settled on his lap. I nod and kiss his cheek. Trev was on the phone with our parents, asking them to meet us at the house in an hour and a half. Jack’s parents were already planning on coming over for dinner, along with Quinn and Luke so the perfect time to tell them would be tonight.
“Okay, I need to go get ready. Trev, Madi, are you guys okay with cooking?” Trev nods and Madi follows him inside. Alex had gone inside and apparently fell asleep because he never came back out. I head inside behind Jack who goes over to the island in the kitchen and sits down, supervising Madi and Trev’s cooking. I run up the stairs and go into Jack and I’s room. I turn my curling wand on and grab my makeup bag off the dresser. I sit down on the floor in front of the mirror and start by putting my primer on. I go through my whole makeup routine, keeping it decently simple. I’m starting to curl my hair when the door opens and Jack sticks his head in.
“Hey, bub.” He says, coming in and sitting down on our bed. I smile, catching his eye in the mirror.
“Are you ready for this? Do you think your parents will be alright?” He asks, leaning back against the pillow at the top of the bed. I shrug, focusing on my hair. Very rarely anymore am I silent. Jack knows that if I’m silent, it’s usually because of one of two things, anxiety and stress, or I’m mad about something.
“Char, it’s gonna be okay. You need to get out of your head. Your parents love us together. My parents love us together. They may not entirely approve because we’re so young but it’ll be okay.” I smile, walking over to kiss him. He wraps his arms around my waist and I cup his cheeks. He smiles as I pull away.
“Okay, let me finish getting ready. Go make sure Madi and Trev aren’t burning the house down.” He laughs and heads back downstairs. I grab the gray skirt and orange ombre knit sweater I had bought the other day and put it on, tossing my pajamas in the basket by the bathroom door. I flip my hair over, shaking my curls out. I spray some perfume and check in the mirror. I pull the necklace that Jack bought me for our 2 year anniversary out from under the sweater and twist the promise ring on my left hand ring finger, also from Jack about 4 months ago. Both coping mechanisms of my anxiety.
“Jack, babe, come change please!” I yell out the door, still twisting the ring. He bounds up the stairs and grabs me around the waist. He drags me back into the room.
“Okay honey, okay!” I laugh as he tackles me onto the bed.
“Sweetheart, I need to go make sure Trev gets dressed too! Let me up!” He finally lets me go and I head downstairs to talk to the three remaining people in the house.
“Trevor Micheal, please go put on nice clothes!” I say, walking into the kitchen. He turns around, makes a face at me, and runs upstairs. Madi is stirring something on the stove and I walk over, leaning my head on her shoulder.
“Hey, Mads. Thanks. I know this wasn’t the plan.” She nods, continuing to stir.
“It’s okay, Char. As long as I get to be your maid of honor, I’m beyond happy for you. Both of you.” I smile and hug her around her shoulders. Trev and Jack come banging down the stairs, being as loud as possible. Jack is wearing a white waffle knit long sleeve shirt with a khaki jacket over it, and blue jeans. Trev has on a dark blue and green flannel with khakis.
“Alex Turcotte!” I yell, hopping into the living room where he’s laying on the couch. He sits up, his hair sticking up in fifteen different directions. His eyes are wide, almost in terror.
“Charlotte Grace Zegras I swear to God, if you ever wake me up like that again, I will hurt you!” He shouts, rubbing his eyes.
“I’m sorry, but can you please go put on nice clothes? The parents are gonna be here soon. And take your girlfriend up to change with you please!” I shout as he rolls off the couch and walks into the kitchen. He and Madi disappear upstairs with Madi yelling “Watch the cookies please!” I check the oven and make sure they’re not burning before sitting down at the island and getting on my phone.
“Bro, chill out, you’re gonna be my best man.” I hear Jack say, as he and Trev walk into the kitchen. I laugh.
“Oh Trev, only you would worry about that.” He smiles and sits down next to me.
“Wait so, small wedding planning meeting, how many bridesmaids do I need? Because you and I both know I don’t have that many girl friends so we might be in trouble.” Jack crosses his arms and leans back in his chair.
“Well, there’s Trev, but he’ll be paired with Madi. Alex, Coley, Case. So there’s 3. Oh, wait, Quinn and Luke. Oh damn, you don’t have that many friends, Char.” Trev laughs and tries to cover it with a cough.
“Um, I’ve been saying that since we were 6! I always get punched when I say it but lover boy says it and it’s totally fine.” Jack reaches across the island and squeezes my hand.
“I mean, we could just do a little ceremony. Just like you, me, Alex, Mads, your family, my family. Keep it kinda a secret for a while and then have a big party, announce it, once we’re all settled and the 1st season has ended. I mean, I know I’d be fine with just the little ceremony but you probably want the big dream wedding with all the people.” I smile, leaning my head on his shoulder. I nod and the front door opens.
“I don’t need a big dream wedding. I’m marrying the love of my life in front of the people I care about most. I’d love to have all the boys there but with everything and them all leaving, some already gone, I’m okay with this.” Jake kisses the side of my head as we walk towards the front room of the house.
“Hi kids!” My dad yells, closing the door behind him and my mom. I ran out, catching both of them in a hug. Trev follows me out and Jack stands in the doorway. Madi and Alex come back down the stairs. Madi is wearing an orange flowy shirt with ruffles and black jeans. Alex has on a black button-up shirt and khaki pants.
“Hi Mom, hi Dad.” Trev says, hugging both of them as I let go. Madi waves hello from the couch and Jack gives my mom a hug.
“Hi Julie, Gary.” Mom smiles and Dad shakes Jack’s hand. The front door opens again and Jim and Ellen, followed by Dumb and Dumber, walk in, crowding the entryway. I hug both of Jack’s parents then move to hug both Quinn and Luke. Trev takes Mom and Dad into the dining room where Madi and Alex are finishing getting dinner set out on the table. Jack hugs his parents and then does the weird bro handshake thing with both of his brothers. Quinn looks at me funny and then leans down to whisper in my ear.
“Why the hell are you guys all wearing nice clothes? This is what I slept in!” I laugh and Luke smirks. I herd the 3 boys into the dining room. Quinn and Luke sit across from Jack and I. Trevor is sitting next to my mom and dad. Madi and Alex are across from the Hughes. The dinner flows smoothly but I can tell Jack is nervous from the way his knee is shaking constantly under the table. I rest my hand gently on his thigh and his knee suddenly stops.
“Hey, family.” Everyone gets quiet and looks at Jack and I. I feel Jack take a deep breath and I lean back in my chair. Quinn catches my eye and winks at me, calming me slightly, even if he doesn’t know what’s going on.
“Mom, Dad, Julie, Gary, This is going to be a bit of a shock. Especially since I know Charlie and I have talked to both of you about waiting to get married until I was settled in the NHL and she’s through college. But Char and I talked through things and we’ve decided we’re going to get married now. Um, I know I should’ve asked for your blessing, Mr. Z, Mrs. Z, but it was something we just figured out today.” I watch my parents’ faces, along with the Hughes’ faces. Quinn looks amused and Luke’s mouth is hanging open. Madi nudges him and his mouth snaps shut.
“Getting married? You’re 18, Jack, sweetie. Are you sure you two are ready for everything that comes with that? Especially heading into your first professional hockey season?” Ellen asks, holding tightly to Jim’s hand. I nod and Jack pulls my fingers into his.
“We’re ready. We’re sure about this. I mean, you guys have done an amazing job raising both of us. I’ve always wanted a love like you and Dad’s, Mom. Jack is the person I get to share that with.” Mom smiles at me with tears in her eyes.
“Alright baby. If you’re sure about this.” Dad smiles too.
“Wait, let me get this straight, y’all are getting married?” Luke asks, resting his chin in his hand.
“Yeah, and I want you and Q to stand up there with me. We agreed that we would just have a small ceremony at the house in Toronto. Just our families, Madi and Alex. We’d keep it on the down-low for the time being. Then later, maybe once the season is over, we’d have a big elaborate wedding reception party thing with everyone.” Jack says, looking at his parents. His mom nods and Trev coughs.
“I get to be his best man! Mads is Char’s maid of honor. Alex, Luke, and Quinn are Jack’s groomsmen.” Trev’s smile on his face shows exactly how he’s feeling and I can’t help but laugh at the fact that I’m pretty sure my brother is more excited about me getting married than I am.
“Wait, one female attendant and 4 male attendants? That won’t work!” My mom says, sitting up and looking at me.
“Honey, you need at least 3 more female attendants.” Ellen says as Jack slides his hand between my thighs and traces circles on the inside of my thigh.
“I know. But these are the only people I really want there. I’m okay with just these people at my wedding.” Jack smiles, gently kissing the side of my forehead.
“I know you already said yes but do we get to plan a big “surprise” engagement? You would have to act surprised though, Charlie.” Mom says, smiling as Jack laughs.
“Oh my gosh, I’ll act surprised. But yeah, you and Mads can help Jack plan all that.” Mom smiles and turns to Madi, who also has a big smile on her face.
“Alright, real wedding talk. You want this wedding at the Toronto lake house? How soon?” Jim asks, looking at Jack and I.
“Oh my gosh! Can I be a bridesmaid?” Luke asks, suddenly standing up and looking at Jack and I with the same crazy look I saw in Jack’s eyes earlier. The whole table bursts out laughing and I smile.
“Luke, you can be a bridesmaid if you want, but maybe not wear the dress? I love you for offering. I also think Jack would prefer for you to stand with him.” Jack smiles and looks at Luke with a raised eyebrow.
“That’s nice Hughesy.” Trev says, fist-bumping Luke.
“Okay, back to the original topic. Yes, at the lake house. Well technically at the Cape building we used for the one dinner last summer. And since Alex, Jack, and Trev all leave within the next 2 months, it’d have to be as soon as we can get it planned.” I say, looking at Ellen and Jim.
“Okay, let’s set a date then. Jack reports September 19th, Trev, Quinn, and Alex are both on September 13th, so before then. How about August 30th? It’s a Friday and we can all just spend the week up there before, getting everything ready. Then you two can go to your apartment in Newark for the rest of the month, finish getting it all ready until Jack has to report.” Jack’s face drops.
“Oh crap, we probably need to actually decide on an apartment. And soon.” I nod and Jack shows me his phone.
“I messaged the landlord of this building and he said we could move into a 4 bedroom apartment on the 14th floor on September first. Which would be right after we get back. The building, The Colonnade, is about 10 minutes away from the stadium and training facility. What do you think?” I take his phone and scroll through the photos. The apartment looks big and isn’t as expensive as most of the other ones Jack and I have looked at. Especially for having 4 bedrooms.
“Let me and your mom have a look.” Ellen says, reaching for Jack’s phone. I hand the phone off to her.
“Now the big question is, is there a guest room for me, Trev, and Madi to crash in when we come to visit?” Alex asks, nudging Jack.
“Yeah, me too! We’re all gonna come visit!” Luke says, bouncing up and down like the teenage boy he is.
“Yeah, there’s a guest room. There’s honestly probably enough room for all of you to visit at once.”
I lay down on the bed, exhausted from getting Jack’s family lake house ready for our wedding tomorrow. Madi flops on the bed next to mine and groans.
“I love you but I’m so tired of getting ready for your wedding.” I laugh and cover my face with my pillow.
“I feel you. As excited as I am to be married to Jack, I’m so sick of cleaning and getting things ready.” Madi rolls on her side and looks over at me. I run my hands through my hair and close my eyes.
“Dude, this is crazy. Like it’s still processing that you’re gonna be married in less than 24 hours. Married!” Madi’s eyes get big, almost like a bug. I laugh, rolling over and falling onto the floor with a bang. I can hear footsteps running up the stairs and our door flying over. Madi and I are both dying laughing when Jack and Trevor burst through the door, Alex not far behind.
“Babe! You okay?” Jack says, rushing to where I’m laying on the floor. Madi and I are both still laughing.
“Honey, I’m fine, I’m fine!” I say, sitting up and leaning against his legs. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and lets out a deep breath.
“Guys, we’re gonna party so hard tomorrow! I’m psyched!” Trev says, bouncing up and down on my bed. Luke and Quinn make their way into the room and sit down on Madi’s bed next to Alex and Mads. Trev is stretched out on my bed.
“Um so since our parents are here, does that mean no drinking?” I look up at Alex, confused.
“We’re all legal here. Plus it’s my wedding so I will be doing whatever I want.” Jack says, laughing. Everyone laughs and I hear the front door slam downstairs.
“Kids, we’re home!” The parents had gone into Toronto for dinner and shopping. Alex’s mom and dad had ended up coming with us, along with Madi’s mom and dad too. Madi’s parents counted me as a second daughter, and with Madi being in the wedding, they came along. Alex’s mom was our photographer. They were all getting here tomorrow morning since the wedding was in the afternoon.
“Madi, we picked up your dress!” Madi jumps up and runs out of the room. I had picked out Madi’s dress and hadn’t let her see it before I had bought it for her to wear. It was a long sky blue off the shoulder dress that would look absolutely gorgeous with her hair and skin. The boys and I follow Madi down the stairs to where Ellen is standing with the dress bag. Madi unzips the bag and gasps.
“Oh my gosh! Char, I love it so much! I’m gonna go try it on!” She runs into the bathroom as the boys scatter to the different couches and I sit down on the floor between Jack’s legs, my head resting against his stomach. Suddenly the bathroom door flies open and Madi spins out. The dress fits her perfectly and makes her look radiant.
“Oh my gosh, wow Mads! I love it so much!” I say, smiling. Alex’s mouth drops open, he’s speechless.
“Dude, your girl is gonna look so good tomorrow!” Trev says, nudging Alex but Alex still can’t find his words. Madi walks over to him and kneels in front of him.
“Baby? What do you think?” Alex looks up and smiles.
“It looks amazing, baby girl.” He kisses her and I smile, leaning my head against Jack’s leg. Quinn gets up and walks to the fridge, pulling a bottle of Smirnoff out of the fridge.
“Night before the wedding shots!” He shouts, setting the bottle down and smiling.
“Do I really wanna get drunk the night before my wedding? And spoil my own fun for tomorrow? Sure why not!” Jack says, reaching for one of the shots Quinn just finished pouring. He hands one to me and everyone else around us.
Alright, 3, 2, 1!” Quinn counts down. Luke starts to cough and I flip around.
“Oh my gosh, Luke! Give me that!” I shout, taking the shot glass out of his hand.
“Damn! I forgot you’re only 16!” Quinn says, laughing as I glare at him.
“Not like it’s the first time…” Luke says, dabbing Trev up and turning around. Luke disappears and the rest of us continue taking shots. The parents finally make their way back out to the living room.
“Kids, are you planning on doing anything? It’s your last night before you’re stuck together forever.” Jack’s dad says, sitting down on the couch and wrapping his arm around Jack’s shoulder. We all laugh and I look up at Jack and smile.
“I don’t know, I was kinda planning on just hanging out on the dock and just spending it with these guys.” Jack says, motioning to the gang gathered around us. I nod and the boys all stand up.
“Hold up a minute. Jack, you’re coming with us. Mads, you’ve got Charlie.” They pull Jack to his feet, almost knocking me over.
“Wait what? Guys, stop it!” Trev turns to look at me, a grin covering his face.
“Chillax, Sista. We’re just gonna have a little fun with Jacky Boy on his last night of being a “boy.” Don’t worry.” I raise an eyebrow at Jack as he is herded out of the room by Quinn and Alex. He has a goofy smirk on his face and blows me a kiss as they grab their jackets from the hallway.
“Don’t worry, we’re going with them. We’ll make sure they’re responsible.” My dad says, grabbing his jacket as Jim grabs his jacket and the boys make their way out the door. Madi moves to sit on the couch next to me. I cross my arms, watching the headlights of Jim’s car leave the driveway.
“And we’re gonna have a spa night and get you all pretty and ready for tomorrow.” Madi says, grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs while Ellen and my mom go into the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine and glasses. We go to my room and she points towards a bag with light blue tissue paper sticking out of it sitting on my bed.
“Open it!” She says, excitedly. I pull the wrapping paper out and pull out a light blue t-shirt. I unfold it and it has 3 words on it. The first one, ‘Girlfriend’ is crossed out, the second one, ‘Fiance’ is scribbled out and the last one is ‘Wifey’ in a fancy script. There are black pajama pants in the bag too.
“Awe Mads, I love it so much. This really still doesn’t seem real that I’m gonna be Jack’s wife. Guess I have to get used to being introduced as his wife to people now, huh?” She smiles and leaves me to put the pajamas on. My phone buzzes and I grab it off the night table, seeing Jack’s name on the screen.
Jack💙: Hey Baby, just wanted to let you know that I love you a lot and I can’t wait to have you asleep on my chest tonight :)
I smile and send back a red heart. He reads the message and I shut my phone off. Mads walks back into the room, sporting a shirt the same shade of blue as mine and the same pajama pants. Her shirt has 3 words too but none are crossed out. The words are ‘Best friend’, ‘Sista’ and ‘Maid of Honor’.
“Awe Mads, these shirts are too cute. I love them.” She smiles and hugs me.
“I know I’ve already said it but I’m so so so excited for tomorrow! You’re gonna be Mrs. Jack Hughes in less than 24 hours!” She squeals, jumping up and down. I laugh and jump with her.
“I know I know I know! Now let’s go downstairs and watch a movie with my mom and future mother in law.” She laughs and takes my hand as we run downstairs. Ellen and my mom are both sitting on the couch, glasses of wine in their hands, “Bridesmaids’ pulled up on the TV. Madi and I both flop on the couch and I grab the blanket Jack had given me as a joke for my birthday. It had a picture of him, Trev, and Turcs from when they won Worlds 2 years ago. It was a picture they had actually sent to me but they looked really little and it always made me laugh. I wrap myself in the blanket and snuggle into the couch. The evening is uneventful with the moms going to bed as soon as the movie is over and Madi and I turning on ‘Friends’ after. Madi falls asleep after about two episodes and I stay up, sort of waiting for the boys to get home, mainly just not wanting to go to bed because I know I won’t be able to sleep because of the excitement I’m feeling. My eyes are just starting to close when headlights flash through the window. The car doors slam and I hear the front door open, the boys coming in quieter than I expected. I walk out to the hallway and watch Trev, Alex, and Quinn head upstairs, probably going straight to bed, trying to avoid the hangover I know they’ll all have tomorrow morning. Luke walks in, my dad and Jim not far behind.
“Hey, Char, Jack’s waiting for you down at the dock.” I nod and smile.
“The moms and Madi are all asleep. I’m gonna go get Alex or Trev and have them take her up to bed.” The dads nod.
“I can get her. Actually, better have Alex do it. He’s the least drunk out of the two.” I laugh and nod, heading upstairs to get Alex. I push his door open, seeing him on his phone.
“Hey Turcs, go down and get your girlfriend. She’s asleep on the couch.” He puts his phone down and rubs his eyes.
“Alright, I got it. Go have fun with your lover boy.” I smile and leave his room. I grab the blanket off the couch before heading out the back door and walking down to the dock. Jack is sitting in one of the chairs, his head leaning back against it.
“Hey baby, how was tonight?” He turns around, a smile on his face.
“It was fun. I drank the least out of everyone and Quinn tried to get a girl to come home with him. Luke had a ton of fun watching Quinn, Alex, and Trev act like idiots the whole night.” I smile, glad the boys had fun.
“I’m glad you had fun tonight. Bubs, I’m so excited for tomorrow.” I say, settling on his lap with the blanket wrapped around me. He kisses the side of my neck and I can feel the smile on his lips.
“Baby girl, I know. I’m excited too. You know, I’ve been thinking about this day since I met you. You’ve always been my dream girl. I’ve never wanted anyone else. I’m so excited to be able to introduce you to all the big important New Jersey people as my wife.” I smile, turning my head to kiss him.
“Jack, I love you. I always will.” I say as I pull away.
“I love you, Charlie Grace.” He says as I hear running footsteps down the dock.
“Dad says you two probably need to be heading to bed. Since we have to be up and finish getting stuff ready for tomorrow.” Luke says, stomping down to where Jack and I are sitting. I look up and nod.
“Can I have one last hug Dukes? Before I’m related to you?” He laughs and nods. I stand up, leaving the blanket on Jack’s lap. I pull Luke into a hug and he wraps his arms around me. I gently kiss his cheek and pull away.
“Love you, Baby Hughes. We’ll be in soon.” He nods and heads back inside. I settle myself back on Jack’s lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. He holds me close and I close my eyes. His thumb gently rubs my knee, giving me an overall sense of calm. I can feel Jack placing gently, soft kisses up and down my neck.
“Honey, if you keep that up, I’m gonna fall asleep out here and you’ll have to carry me inside. So we should probably go inside.” I can feel him smile and he starts to move.
“Okay, sweet girl. Let’s go inside.” He lifts me up off his lap and wraps the blanket around me a little tighter.
“Aren’t you glad I bought you that blanket? You use it all the time.” I laugh, leaning into his chest as we walk up to the dark house. The only light on is the back porch light and the light in our room. Jack leads me up the stairs and into our bedroom.
“You know, technically, this is like the opposite of how the night before our wedding is supposed to be.” I say, flopping on our bed.
“Sweet girl, you realize nothing about any of this is normal. We’re 18...Getting Married tomorrow...And moving in together next week. Babe, it’s all the opposite of how things go.” Jack says, pulling his shirt off and grabbing a pair of sweats out of the dresser. He replaces his jeans with the sweats and I bite my lip, smiling at Jack.
“Okay okay, hold up. We’ll save that, the best thing, for tomorrow.”He says, laying down next to me and wrapping his arm around my waist, and pulling the covers over us. He kisses my cheek and rolls over to turn the bedside light off. The dark envelops us and I close my eyes. The next thing I know, Jack is kissing me awake.
“Morning sweet girl. The boys and I are heading to the hotel. I can’t wait to see you. 6 more hours until I get to call mine. For good.” I sit up and kiss him, cupping his face. He gives me one last smile then heads out the door. I roll over, feeling the excitement wash over me all over again. Madi comes bouncing into my room, with my mom and Ellen not far behind.
“It’s your wedding day, it’s your wedding day!” Madi sings, jumping on the bed next to me. I smile and Mom looks at me with the same misty eye look she’s been giving me since Jack and I announced to our family.
“Alright my gorgeous girl, time to start getting ready! Let’s make you more beautiful!” Madi pulls me downstairs and drops me into the armchair in the living room. She hands me a black robe and two other ladies walk into the room.
“This is Linda and Mary. They’re gonna do your hair and makeup for today.” I nod and go into the bathroom to put on the robe. I come back out and Madi is sitting in one of the chairs at the island. Ellen and Mom are both double-checking on the dresses, making sure they’re ready for us to put on when we’re finished. I sit down next to Madi and the woman I think is named Mary starts running a brush through my hair. She turns on a curling wand and begins the two braids that I had decided on with Madi last week. She braids my hair and then curls what’s left down. I look over at Madi and she looks amazing. Her makeup looks perfect for her. But with her crazy messy bun, she looks kinda crazy. I laugh and she giggles.
“Dude your hair looks so good. I love it so much.” She says, standing up and moving to where I’m sitting.
“Thanks, girl. Your makeup looks so great but you look kinda crazy.” Mom and Ellen both laugh and Mads and I switch places. Linda starts on my makeup, going with the basic but still done up look Madi had decided on for me. I close my eyes, letting the makeup artist do her work. A few minutes later, Mom is handing me my phone.
“It’s Trev.” She says, walking away and going to get her hair done.
“Hey buddy, what’s up?” I ask, glancing at him on my phone.
“Um well...We can’t find Jack.” My heart drops.
“What? You’re joking right?” He rubs the back of his neck.
“I wish I was joking...He got all ready and we were heading downstairs to go to the car and he just disappeared. He won’t answer any phone calls or texts. Oh wait, Alex found him. Never mind, we’re good.” I take a deep breath and roll my eyes.
“Trev, remind me to kill you when this is all over. Are all of you boys ready? Is Luke’s tie tied? The right way?” Trev nods and smiles at me.
“You look gorgeous, Charlie. I love you, see you in a few.” I smile and blow a kiss to him. I hang up the phone and Madi looks at me.
“Okay, now let the poor lady finish and stop worrying, Charlotte Grace.” I laugh and close my eyes.
“We have to leave in 45 minutes. Charlie, you’re just going to put your dress and everything else on when we get to the building. Your flowers, the boys, and everything else is already there.” Ellen says, checking her phone. I nod and Linda sighs.
“Young lady, I’m never going to be able to finish your makeup if you don’t sit still.” I suck my lips in and remain as still as I can be. Finally, after about 10 more minutes, Linda finishes the last part of my makeup.
“Alright Charlotte, we’re all done. Mary and I will be at the venue to provide any last-minute touch-ups needed for you, Madi, or the mothers.” I smile in thanks and then head upstairs to finish packing up everything I need to take to the venue with us. I grab The Blanket off the bed and fold it, sticking it in the bottom of my bag. I grab my shoes and my extra clothes bag. Mom and Ellen are waiting in the car with Madi and the dress bags. I pull on Jack’s sweats from last night so my legs aren’t exposed under the robe. I head downstairs, grab a blackberry Hint from the fridge, the first thing I’ve eaten or drank all day, and head outside. Madi had ordered food for us that was going to be waiting at the venue so I would have something to eat before all the excitement. I slip into the back seat next to Madi and she smiles.
“I just got off the phone with Alex and Trev. They locked Jack, Luke, and Quinn all in a room. Q and Luke are making sure he doesn’t escape and keeping him entertained. Your dad and Jim are double checking all last minute things and our food is ready in your room.” I smile in thanks and look out the window.
“You’ve been pretty quiet today, Char. You okay? Not getting cold feet or anything, right?” Mom asks, turning around to look me in the eyes.
“No, no. I’m fine. I’m excited. I love Jack, I could never dream of marrying anyone else. It just still doesn’t seem real.” Mom smiles.
“I remember having the same feeling on my wedding day. I’m sure Ellen does too. It will seem real very soon. Speaking of which, you’re still planning on doing the first look with the boys right?” I nod and look back out the window. The venue, a small building on the grounds of the country club the boys usually worked out at when they were up here, was gorgeous on the outside. It was decorated with white lights and covered with sweet pea vines. It looked like something out of a fairy tale.
“Alright baby, let’s get you into the building. There’s a door on the side of the building, see that path there, that leads to the womans’ room. Head in there and Ellen and I will go see where all the boys are. Madi, help her get into her dress.” Madi grabs both dress bags from the trunk and follows me inside. The room is a farm girl’s dream. Everything is modeled after a farmhouse vibe and is part of the reason I love it so much. Mads hangs the dress bags up and then turns to look at me.
“This is the big moment. We get to complete the princess transformation. This is even better than the prom!” She squeals as I sit down on the couch.
“You put your dress on first. I wanna see how your dress looks on you before I put mine on.” The door to the room opens and Mrs. Turcotte sneaks in.
“Just gonna snap a few “before” pictures.” She says, smiling and positioning herself. Madi grabs her dress and slips into the connected bathroom. I pick at the chicken salad that had sounded so good a few hours ago. Now, the nerves are suddenly bubbling up. What if Jack and I aren’t meant to be? What if this was a bad idea and we don’t work out? I shake my head, clearing those thoughts away as the door opens to the bathroom. Mad steps out, looking like something out of a dream. I gasp and Turcs’ mom snaps away. Madi twirls, letting the dress flow out around her.
“I seriously love this dress. I may have to just get it in white for my wedding.” Mama Turcs and I laugh.
“Oh please girl, don’t you and Alex go pulling something on me like this. This is wonderful for Jack and Charlie but I don’t know if I could handle it.” I smile.
“You’re right Mama Turcs. It takes a special kinda love to do this as young as they are. I love Turcs but yeah no.” We all laugh and I take a sip from my water. Madi looks at me and shakes her head.
“Stop it, Char. Just eat your food.” I look up at her, glad she can read me so well.
“I know.” She points at my food, which suddenly sounds good again and I start to eat. I hear a knock on the door and Mrs. Turcotte goes to answer it.
“Mom, is Madi in there? I need to talk to her. It’s kinda important…” I hear Alex ask. Madi walks towards the door and steps outside. Ellen walks in, wearing the light blue dress that matches with the blue that’s scattered randomly around the venue. Mom and Ellen both went dress shopping together a few weeks ago for their dresses and both picked out pretty ones that look really good on them in the light blue color Jack and I decided on.
“Alright Charlotte, we’ve got about 30 minutes till the first look. We decided we’ll do a private one with just you, Jack and Shelly. Then we’ll do the one with Trevor, Alex, Quinn, and Luke afterwards. We figured you’d want to see Jack first.” I nod and continue to eat. Madi comes back in.
“Okay, the boys are ready whenever you are. Jack is freaking out but in a good way. I swear, if that boy doesn’t cry when he sees you, I’m dragging you out to the car and we’re running away.” I laugh and hug her.
“I know Mads. How’d Alex handle seeing you all dolled up?” She rolls her eyes.
“He wanted to make out with me right there. Like boy, I have all this fancy makeup and you’re trying to ruin it? No thank you!” I laugh and she nods, a smile that hasn’t left her face all day, still there.
“Okay, you’re done now. Let’s go put on your dress, please? Mama Turcs has some pictures she wants to do. Uh, has Trev came by yet?” I shake my head as she follows me into the bathroom with my dress bag. My dress was about the plainest wedding dress I had ever seen but it looked gorgeous on me. I had fallen in love with it the second I had tried it on plus, it had pockets, my one requirement of any dress I wore. The top half was lacy and delicate with thin straps that crisscrossed in the back. The skirt and train was an almost ivory tulle fabric layered to fall just perfectly. My veil would be pinned in just above the two braids and my shoes were ivory heels with a square heel so they wouldn’t break while I was walking around in the grass. Madi and I had gotten pedicures and manicures two days before and my fingernails and toenails were a very light pink, almost no color at all. I closed my eyes as I slipped the robe and Jack’s sweatpants off. I had to put on nude underwear and a weird bra thing before putting the dress on. I put both on and turned to Madi. She’s holding the dress, ready to help zip it up. I slip it on and let it fall. It feels nice against my skin. She zips it up and I look in the mirror.
“Oh my gosh.” Is all I can say as I cover my mouth, biting my tongue to hold back the tears. Madi stands to the side of me and smiles.
“You’re ready Charlie. And I just wanna say, we did a pretty good job picking this stuff out. I mean come on,” She says, grabbing my hand where the engagement ring from Jack rests.
“You picked the perfect boy, he picked the perfect ring, and we picked the perfect dress. Tell me this isn’t your dream?” I smile, still fighting the tears, and turn around to hug her.
“Thank you, Madi, for being my best friend every step of the way. I love you.” She squeezes me and I can feel the smile on her face.
“Love you too, now stop it before you and I are both in tears and ruin the gorgeous makeup job Linda did.” I laugh and take a deep breath. I follow Madi out into the room where my mom, Ellen, Mrs. Turcotte, Dad, and Jim are all waiting. They all gasp and smile when I walk out. Dad and Mom both cover their mouths, fighting tears. Ellen is already crying, Jim has a smile on his face, hugging her to his side.
“Darling girl, you look gorgeous. Jack is going to be awestruck when he sees you.” Dad says, coming to hug me.
“Thanks, Daddy-o. You look pretty spiffy yourself.” He smiles and kisses my cheek softly.
“Now I know this isn’t tradition but Trevor asked me if he could walk you down the aisle. He would’ve asked you himself but he’s not allowed to see you right now. What do you think?” Dad asks, looking at me as Madi is pinning my veil on.
“I mean, we’ve done everything else in our lives together, might as well do this. But I totally get to walk him down at his wedding.” Everyone laughs and I smile, the most genuine smile I’ve felt all day.
“Alright, we have a little area set up just a short walk that way, we’re going to meet Jack over there.” Mama Turcs says as I finish checking myself in the mirror. She points in the direction I had seen the boys walking when we pulled up. I nod and head out the door, wrapped in The Blanket. I find the little gazebo where Jack and I had said ‘I love you’ for the first time, 2 summers ago. It was all decorated with white lights and white flowers. Jack is standing in the center, a box in his hand, and a light blue blindfold over his eyes. I smile, seeing the smile on his face and unwrap myself from the blanket, folding it up and handing it to Madi who heads back towards the building.
“Alright Charlie, when you’re ready, you can go ahead and take the blindfold off of Jack. I’ll be taking pictures the whole time.” I smile and nod. I take a deep breath and step forwards.
“Charlie? Before you take off the blindfold, I want you to open the box. It’s a present from me and the boys. Mainly me.” He smiles under the blindfold. I take the box from him and open it. Inside is the most beautiful necklace. It’s a teardrop-shaped pendant with a diamond in the center, surrounded by tiny gold and diamond pieces. It sparkles in the sun.
“Baby, I love it. Thank you.” I say, leaning in and kissing him.
“You’ll have to help me put it on once you can see me.” He laughs and I smile.
“Are you ready to let me see you?” He asks, his face growing serious but soft. I smile and reach behind his head to untie the blindfold. The blindfold drops and he blinks. His eyes widen and his mouth drops open. He covers it with his hand and I watch the tears grow in his eyes.
“Bub, you look beautiful. I...I can’t even put into words what I’m feeling right now. You look so good!” He says, almost jumping back and pumping his fist. He runs his hand through his hair and he grabs my hands, pulling me in.
“Jack! I love you!” He laughs and comes back to me, hugging me close.
“I don’t wanna mess up your lipstick again but can I please kiss you? That’s the only appropriate thing I wanna do right now.” He says, giggling and wrapping his arms around my waist. I giggle right back and he leans in, kissing me. His tongue slips in my mouth and I almost moan, but remember that Turcs’ mom is literally 10 feet away with a camera. Jack finally pulls away, but not before exploring every corner of my mouth with his tongue.
“I just, you’re so beautiful. And so, so damn sexy, mama.” I laugh and he interlocks our fingers, walking back down the path with Mrs. Turcotte snapping the whole way.
“Ready to face your brother and my brothers?” I roll my eyes and nod.
“Baby, I just wanna be married already. I wanna be Mrs. Jack Hughes.” He rolls his eyes back and audibly moans in my ear. I bite my lip.
“That’s the sexiest thing you’ve ever said to me.” He says, kissing my cheek as we walk up behind the boys and Madi. Madi raises her eyebrows, asking me if I’m ready to reveal myself to them.
“Alright, boys, ready to see your sister? She looks hot as hell.” Madi says, crossing her arms and looking at the four boys standing in front of her.
“3, 2, 1, look!” They all four turn around and their faces are about as priceless as Madi’s was earlier.
“Holy crap Char, you look so good! Like damn!” Luke says, nudging Trev whose mouth is stuck open.
“Damn Charlie, you look amazing! I’m impressed!” Quinn says, dabbing me up as I laugh.
“Yeah really Char, you look awesome!” Alex says, coming to hug me. I hug him, smiling at Trev who is still awestruck.
“Hi, bubby, what do you think?” I ask, unattaching myself from Alex and walking over to him
“Wow sis, you look so good. Like so good! I’m so proud of you and I love you so much. Look I’m crying!” He says, pointing at the tears running down his face. I laugh and pull him into a hug. He gently kisses the top of my head.
“Oh, and I hear you said yes to letting me walk you down the aisle? Good.” He says, pulling away but leaving his arm slung around my shoulders. Jack takes my hand and I smile. These are the people I’m choosing to spend the rest of my life with. And I’m so excited to see where I go with them.
“Alright gang, time to take my favorite wedding pictures. Alex, can you go in and get the box of flowers on the table? It has all the boutonnieres and the girls’ flowers. We’ll need them.” He nods, heading inside to grab them. Mrs. Turcotte starts positioning all of us for the first few photos. She puts Jack and I in the middle, Madi and eventually Alex on my left, Trev in the middle, down in front of Jack and I, then Quinn and Luke on Jack’s side. The parents fill in around us and Jack leans in and kisses me. Alex somehow manages to slip my flowers into my hand and Mrs. Turcotte snaps away. We go through so many poses then Mom checks the time.
“Alright Hughes-Zegras family and Co., this wedding starts in 10 minutes. Let’s get inside and get all situated. Trevor, you’re walking your sister down the aisle, correct?” Trev nods and turns to me. He sticks his arm out and I link mine through it. Jack kisses my cheek and whispers, “I can’t wait to see you walk down that aisle, future Mrs. Hughes.” I smile and kiss him quickly. Quinn and Luke follow him inside and stand at the end of the aisle, waiting for our parents to be sitting down and all ready. The preacher is already in position and waiting. The music, an acoustic version of ‘I Won’t Give Up’ by Jason Marz, without words is playing softly. Jack and I both loved that song and had kind of declared it our song. It also described the way Jack and I wanted our relationship to be. Jack walks down the aisle and stands, ready for me to come. Quinn and Luke walk down next. Luke trips and almost wipes out. I cough to contain my laugh and he looks back at me, giving me a thumbs up. I smirk and nod to Madi and Alex. They start their walk down the aisle.
“You ready baby sis? You can still back out. I’ll hide the evidence of Jack’s body.” I laugh and shake my head.
“Come on, bubby, let’s do this.” Trevor sticks his arm out again and I loop mine through it. We begin a slow march down the aisle. Trev pulls me close to him and hugs me, kissing my cheek then handing me off to Jack who’s waiting with a smile. He takes my hand and we turn to face the preacher. He launches into the whole “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today...” speech. Jack keeps leaning over and whispering “You’re mine tonight” in my ear. I bite my lip and catch Madi’s eye. She grins, knowing exactly what’s going on.
“Trevor, the rings please.” Trev pulls the two ring boxes out of his tux pocket and hands them to Jack and I. We remove the rings and hand them back to Trev.
“Now it is time for the couple to share their vows. Jack, you first.” Jack pulls a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and clears his throat.
“Charlotte Grace, you’re my soulmate. I’ve known that since the day I first met you. I have loved you since the beginning. With this ring I’m about to give to you, I give you my promise to hold on to you no matter what and to never let go. I promise to love you no matter what. I promise to take care of you, no matter what’s wrong. I’ll keep you safe. I’ll be there. I’ll be your shoulder to cry on. Charlie, you’ll never be alone. I love you.” He finishes, slipping the ring on my finger. I smile, the tears forming in my eyes mirroring those in Jack’s. I catch Madi, Mom, and Ellen all wiping tears as Jack and I exchange a smile.
“Okay, my turn!” Everyone laughs as I pull out the paper I had worked on for weeks beforehand.
“Jack Hughes. The golden boy. Mr. Perfect. The love of my life. To this day, I’ll always hold on to the first time I was introduced to you. You made some dumb snarky comment and it was all I could to keep myself from falling in love with you. Thanks, Trev, by the way.” Everyone laughs and I smile, winking at Trev over Jack’s shoulder.
“But Jack, I love you beyond a shadow of a doubt. There’s nothing that could ever change the way I feel about you. I’ll love you forever, Jack. Through sickness and health, through victory and defeat, through trials and trades; through everything. With this ring, I give you all those promises. I’m trusting you with me. Everything I am. You’re all I want and I am genuinely so excited to get to spend the rest of my life with you.” Jack’s crying now, I’m crying now, everybody’s crying. I grab Jack’s hand and slip the ring on his finger. I blink and slow the tears. Jack takes a deep breath and regains his composure.
“And now, by the power vested in me by the state of Toronto, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Jake dips me down and kisses me. Everyone cheers and he lifts me back up, the smile on his face matching mine. We walk back down the aisle to the song ‘Best Day of My Life’ by Imagine Dragons. Everyone else follows us out and gathers in the hallway as Jack and I go ahead into the reception hall. Across the hall from the room we held the wedding in, is the reception room. After Jack and I had a few minutes to regroup and to share a few kisses not appropriate for in front of our families, they’re allowed in and sat at the long table set up for us. Jack and I sit at the head, Madi to my left and Trev to Jack’s right. Alex is next to Madi, Quinn and Luke are on Trev’s side, with my new in-laws next to them. Dad and Mom are next to Alex and all I can do is smile. We all get drinks, champagne of course since it is a celebration, resulting in Luke getting a little too excited to “try his first drink”, even though I’m pretty sure everyone knows about what goes on at NDTP parties. Madi stands up and gets everyone quiet.
“So, since you guys are now officially married and you’re Charlie Hughes now, we’ve planned a little surprise for you two. Each of us has prepared a speech that we’d like to give and then there’s gifts from each of us. I’m going first.” She says, staring the boys down. Jack and I laugh and he interlaces our fingers, resting our hands on his knee.
“Charlotte Grace, you’ve always been my best friend. Since as far back as I can remember, it’s been you and me. Well and Trev but he usually was too cool to hang out with us. But I always knew that we were inseparable. There was no one else I’d rather tell my secrets to, cry over boys with, laugh with. You are my soulmate and will forever hold a very special place in my heart. Now you’re married, which was scary, at first. I thought I was going to lose you. But I know, no matter what happens, you will always be my person and things will never change between us. I love you so much. Now Jack. You changed Charlie’s world. I had never heard her talk about a boy the way she did you. You treat her with the love and care that she deserves. And although she may drive you crazy, I know you do love her so much. And if she ever gets to be too much to handle, I’m just a call away.” Everyone laughs and I lean my head on Jack’s shoulder.
“I honestly thought this was just some crazy idea you had to try and get her to come with you to Jersey, at first. But now I know, you really do love her and not only want but need her in your life. So thank you Jack, for taking care of and loving my soulmate, sister and best friend as much, if not more than I do. I love you both, congratulations.” Madi finishes, tears in her eyes and mine as she hugs me then sits back down.
“Okay, best man’s turn.” Quinn says, nudging Trev as he stands up.
“So it took me forever to figure out what I was gonna say. I mean, talking about my kid sister and my idiot of a best friend? Oh boy we’re in for it.” We all laugh and Trev smirks, looking up from the paper he’s reading from.
“But then I thought about it. These two people, two people I love more than anyone else in the world, decided that they loved each other enough to decide to spend the rest of their lives together, and for that, I couldn’t be more proud to call Charlie my sister and Jack, not only my best friend but now my brother. Now I’m gonna tell you a little bit about what it was like in the beginning, although pretty much all of you were around for it. I always kinda figured Jack would be the one of us to settle down first. I mean, he started dating my sister basically as soon as we all moved into town for NDTP. But I definitely wasn’t expecting it to be this soon. Or that I would be standing at my baby sister’s wedding a month before her 19th birthday. But I love Jack and Charlie. They make each other happy. Jack makes my sister the happiest I have ever seen her, even happier than when I got my license and was able to drive her to get food all the time.” Everyone laughs and I smile at Trev.
“Plus, getting to see my girls all dressed up and looking beautiful is always great.” He says, looking at Madi and I and winking.
“Boys, not too shabby either. But anyway, congratulations to Jack and Charlie. May you have the happiest life, the life you both deserve.” Trev raises his glass and everyone toasts Jack and I. Luke and Quinn stand up next.
“Hi everyone, you all know us. We’re the comedic relief. Or Dumb and Dumber, as Charlie so affectionately calls us. We’ve had the luck of getting to watch Charlie and Jack from the beginning. Charlie was this super awesome, really funny, drop dead gorgeous girl that Jack would not shut up about. But, like always, Jack was a little scary cat and wouldn’t do anything about it. So, with some scheming, meddling and a whole lot of intervention and teamwork from Madi, Alex, Luke, Trev and I, we made it happen. And now, we’re here today, celebrating two of the very few people I don’t hate. Congratulations, we love you both, and welcome to the Hughes family, Char.” I smile and hug Quinn and Luke both. They pat Jack on the shoulder and sit back down. Madi nudges Alex and he coughs, standing up.
“Um...So I’ll be honest, Madi wrote my speech.” Alex starts, smirking as Mads nods and we all laugh.“Just like 95% of things I do, I put it off until the last minute and probably wouldn’t have done it if she hadn’t finally done it for me. But anyways, I owe the two of you a huge thank you. You two are the entire reason I even have Madi. Charlie, you told me to go for it, Jack, you helped me realize how much I need her. And now, getting to see the two people who made sure I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, now get to be this happy? Makes me feel so awesome. So thank you, so much. Jack, we’ve been buddies for a while now. Charlie rocked your world the second she stepped into it, 2 years ago. You’ve never been the same and Charlie is the reason. Charlie, you’re the sister I never had. Congratulations to you two, I love you both.” I smile and hug Alex.
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My Personal Trainer
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I met Nick five months ago when he became my personal trainer. I joined the gym in the summer to finally work my body towards my personal goals. I had been skinny all my life and knew that if I wanted to change it I would have to get serious. Five months of 3-5 workouts a week and heavy carb/protein loading I was pushing towards my goal. I was up 20 pounds of muscle and my progress pics were really showing obvious changes. I of course had taken photos every step of the way, but hadn't really shared them with anyone until recently. Nick and I had our weekly Monday appointment scheduled. Today was chest day for me and he pushed me hard through it. I was actually pretty lucky getting Nick as my trainer. He was attractive but not instantly my type. It was easier to get a solid workout in if I wasn't drooling over my trainer the entire time. Nick was probably 5'11. He had a lot of muscle but was rounded since bulking season had set in. His arms were massive, chest was broad, and butt (from what I could tell) was quite a bubble. His legs were probably the most underdeveloped part of him but they weren't thin by any means. Definitely thicker than mine. Nick was pale but had clear, unblemished skin. His hair was dark and kept short. In fact sometimes his beard would get longer than his hair before he trimmed everything up. He was one of the few trainers that didn't seem to shave everything. His legs and arms had a nice layer of thick dark hair.
I tried not to fantasize about him but couldn't help the occasional naughty thought, especially when he would demonstrate squat formations or anything that popped his butt. However, I really tried to keep things professional. No harmless flirting or ogles were done by this guy. Nick figured out I was gay probably 2 months into our routine. It didn't phase him at all and things continued as normal. He would occasionally ask about my personal life, if I was seeing anyone, and I'd ask the same. We were both helplessly single but he was straight so there were no possibilities there. I didn't shower at the gym since I lived so close and Nick always did his workouts in the afternoon before I arrived. What this meant is that I'd never even seen the guy shirtless. The most skin I'd ever seen on the man was his calves, arms, and occasional upper thigh depending on the workout. His body was still a mystery, and that was probably a good thing for me. That all changed in the 4 month mark. We were talking after my workout and just shooting the shit. He asked if I had taken progress pictures and I explained I had, but wasn't quite ready to share. Maybe one day, I told him. He understood, but offered up his own. He flipped through his phone and then handed it to me. "Don't flip too much though," Nick said with a nervous laugh. He obviously had nudes on his phone. Of him or of someone else I wondered? The screen was zoomed in to a 3 picture side-by-side, each 6 months apart. I should probably mention that it was his neck down in nothing but some tight underwear. My eyes must have bulged. His body was amazing. I mean he definitely was a 'round' muscled guy but that was absolutely my type. His chest had a light dusting of dark hair which picked back up around his belly button and continued south, growing in intensity until it was hidden below his waistband. He kept his body hair trimmed but definitely all there. I couldn't help but focus on his package. Fuck keeping things personal, I thought. The pictures weren't amazingly lit, but I could easily see the large bulge in his briefs. Whether it was cock, balls, or both I couldn't tell. Whatever it was though, it was hefty. "... and if you blend that all together, it makes a wicked easy meal with tons of calories." Oh shit! I had completely zoned out while looking at his pictures. Quick, say something. "Well it's working out really well for you Nick. This is great progress. I'd be happy with any of them, honestly." Nick laughed. "Like, for your own body or as in your boyfriend?" It had seemed innocent enough but a million thoughts were running through my head. "Umm, well I meant for my own body, but if I was lucky enough to snatch someone up with a body like yours, I'd hold on tight." Nick just gave a cheesy grin and said thanks. We talked for a few more minutes about our weeks and what I would focus on while at the gym. Unfortunately, that night I jacked off thinking about those photos. The next night, I texted Nick telling him how raw I was from the workout yesterday and he responded with the picture he showed me. "Pain builds progress" he wrote with it. That week I did nothing but masturbate to that photo. The slippery slope had started and there was no turning back. Another month went by without much significance except how I looked at Nick. He was no longer just my personal trainer, he was now an object of my lust. Every workout he showed me I couldn't help but turn it dirty in my mind. I was losing it. We had hung out a few times outside of the gym. It had always been with a bunch of the gym staff for a game or just a night out in downtown. I got a text on Saturday morning asking if I wanted to hang out and drink some beers. His roommate was out of town and he wanted to enjoy the apartment to himself while watching the football game. I agreed, trying not to fantasize about unrealistic outcomes. When I got there he was basically in gym attire. I felt a bit dressed up in my nice jeans and button up shirt but oh well. We drank while watching the game, Nick drinking much faster than me. Near the end of the 3rd quarter, it was obvious our home team was going to win and interest in the game subsided. We talked about the gym, work, girls, guys, and continued to drink. I was getting tipsy at this point but Nick was sufficiently drunk. "When are you gonna show me your progress photos, man?" Nick asked me. He actually didn't need to beg much. The alcohol helped, but it only felt fair knowing how much I'd stared at his almost naked body. "Eh, I'll show you. Remember, I was SKINNY. Don't make fun." "I would never! Plus you've grown so much. I'm so proud!" He was smiling ear to ear. It made me swoon a little. I flipped through my phone to get the most recent. It was my 5 month comparison photo. Nothing too crazy. Just standing in front of the mirror flexing one arm in my underwear. I wore skimpy briefs but it was nothing x-rated. I had clearly changed. My ribs were no longer visible and every muscle and it's own definition. Where a flat chest had been there were now pecs. Where a stick arm was there was muscled girth. "Wow! I'm so impressed; you've changed more than I imagined." "Thanks Nick." I was genuinely appreciative of his compliments. "Although, you need to get better at posing." "What?" Nick continued, "You're not showing off the right muscles in these. Like, you've grown a lot in your back but you can't tell in these." "Oh, haha. I didn't realize there was an art to gym selfies." I chastised him a little sarcastically. "There is!!" Nick was drunkenly serious. This was clearly a subject he was passionate about. "Okay, how do you feel about practicing some?" "Sure, that's fine." I said. "You'd have to take off those clothes though to see what I mean." Nick was very direct. I played along, my mind secretly hoping for something like this or more. "That's fine. You would too, right? To show me?" "Yeah, yeah. Obviously." With that Nick stripped. There was no romantic tease to it. This was clearly just what Nick said it was and nothing more. In a few seconds he had peeled out to just his tight boxer briefs. I stood there for longer than I should have because he cleared his throat and said, "you're turn." I quickly snapped back to reality and disrobed as well. I wore my tight AussieBum red briefs tonight just in case something like this happened. What can I say, I'm a planner. "Nice briefs man." Nick offered. "Nice body." He laughed. "Okay, so the first pose is really to show off your Lats and all the work you've been doing on your back." He walked through a couple poses and I imitated him. He would correct me a few times and move my arms or body in the right way. I was really proud of myself for not popping an erection at all with the contact. Minutes passed and things started to get warm in the living room from all our flexing and holding poses. Nick offered to take some photos for me on my phone and I happily agreed. They would be much better than selfies. After taking some photos Nick asked if I would do the same. I obviously agreed. We got to a pose that Nick wanted to try to accentuate his butt. He stood sideways to the camera and twisted his torso towards the lens to accentuate the roundness of his bubble butt. I took a few photos, wishing they were on my phone instead. "Does it look good? Does my butt look good?" He asked me. "It looks incredible Nick. Easily one of the hottest asses I've ever seen." I didn't really think about what I was saying anymore. We were both getting drunk by this time. "Coming from you that means a lot, thanks!" Nick replied with a cheesy smile. "Hey, I kind of want to get some more but without my briefs. Is that okay?" "You want me to take your nudes for you?" I sarcastically asked. Probably should have played that differently. He laughed loudly, "No! I can take my own dick pics thank you. I'll still cover the goods up, I just want some sexier ones without underwear." "Sure, why would I mind?" Nick shrugged, "I dunno, just wanted to make sure, ya know?" He turned around to slip his briefs off. His butt, was amazing. Two large globes of muscle sat atop his legs. They were dusted in his dark fur but he kept his butt trimmed as well. He went through the same poses but was really good at covering up his cock with either his legs or his hands. As much as I wanted to, I never actually saw what he was packing other than some heavy pubes. When Nick felt he had enough shots, he plopped down onto the couch. He grabbed his briefs and placed them over this crotch but didn't actually put them on. He asked for his phone and flipped through the photos when I handed it to him. He was clearly pleased with the photos. "Is it bad that I find myself hot?" he asked. I laughed, still standing there in my underwear. "No. Is it bad if I do?" Oops. He looked up at me. "You think I'm hot?" I didn't know what to do. I scrambled to find words that would make this alright but the drunken haze was cast over my thoughts. "Well, never mind. That answers that question." Nick was looking down on me. I followed his eyes to see my obvious erection in my briefs. Shit!! I covered up quickly and turned from him. That's when he started laughing. "Don't worry about it dude. I'm flattered. Can't say I've given a guy a hard on before. Nice to know I can." "Ha, ha" I said sarcastically, still trying to will my cock to shrink. "Really, it's not a big deal. Come'on. Come here and help me figure out what shots are the best. You'll clearly have an eye for what looks good here." I looked over my shoulder and he was patting the seat of the couch beside him. I said Fuck it in my head and went to sit by him. My erection wasn't gone at all, but at this point in my life I wasn't really that shy about nudity anymore. A few minutes of flipping through shots and adding filters here and there, Nick asked me a question out of the blue. "So you really like cocks? Like, they look good to you?" "Yeah. Don't you like the look of your dick?" I replied. "Well yeah, but that's mine, ya know. I've never thought any other dick was nice." "I guess that's the difference in being gay," i laughed at that. Nick laughed too. "I guess you're right. But like, what exactly do you like about them?" I couldn't really explain it well after I thought for a moment. "I'm not really sure there's specific things or features I like about dicks and balls. It's just linked so closely with arousal that even seeing one triggers so much sexual endorphin release in me. And it's a muscle that can't hide sexual feelings, as we've clearly seen tonight. I like how honest cocks are." Nick lost it at that. "Hahaha, you like how 'honest' cocks are! That's a new one." "I'm a sucker for an honest dick, what can I say?" I laughed with him. Nick put his phone down. "Okay, then tell me. Do I have an honest dick?" He pulled his briefs off his cock. I stared without caring how obvious I was being, plus I assumed that's what he wanted. His cock was awesome. It was still pretty soft, cut, and pretty thick from what I could tell. However, it was his balls that was giving the bulging briefs in his photos. They were massive. He kept almost all his hair closely trimmed but Nick shaved his balls. "It's um... it's... honestly awesome. Nick, your balls are huge!" was all I could put together. "Haha, yeah. They've been big since I was a teenager." He handled them with palm and moved them around a bit. I swore I saw his cock twitch a bit too. "So, this is hot to you? Like, you actually think my cock and my balls are sexy?" "Do you need reassurance?" "No, no. It's just, I'm trying to figure it out. I'm.. I just can't believe someone would find someone else's dick hot." "Well, I could prove it to you." I offered. "Oh yeah? How?" Nick said. He's not a very good actor and it seemed obvious where this was going. I played it safe though and went with another slow tell. I moved my hand to his thigh. "I could show you how much I like your cock." Nick smiled. "You may have to. I still think you're fibbin'" "I would never lie," I joked. I moved my hand the extra few inches to his soft package. It felt even bigger in my hands. I had to skip to his balls first though since they were so incredibly. I moved them around and massaged them with my fingers. I would pull on them a little bit and stretch the skin which elicited light moans from Nick. I felt adventurous for a few reasons and leaned in. I kissed his balls, first lightly, and then heavier with some wet tongue. Nick moaned more. I continued to kiss and lick his balls while loosely gripping his cock. It was filling up quickly. A few seconds later, he was hard in my hand. I backed up from his balls to take a look at his meat. It was thicker than I thought. Probably 6 inches or so in length but probably the same around. It was the hottest cock I'd ever seen. I looked up to Nick just to reassure myself it was him and that this was honestly happening. He caught my eyes and just whispered, "Please don't stop." Oh that made me wet. I got down onto the floor and moved in between his legs. I took hold of his shaft and licked that cock from base to head like a popsicle. It was delicious. He had already started to precum a little for me. I wasn't in the mood to tease and went right into it. I took as much of Nick's cock into my mouth as I could. He wasn't super long but the girth prevented me from taking him all in on the first go. As I sucked with his member filling my mouth, Nick's light moans evolved to deep rumbling groans. He was loving this which made me even hornier. A couple of bobs was all it took for me to get most of him in my throat. After that I could try my different techniques (which were admittedly rusty). I swiveled my tongue around his head, used my hand to match pace with my mouth, and used a little teeth on the retract. Nick was loving each skill and would buck uncontrollably at some. I was surprised what a gentleman he was. He didn't try and grab my head to face fuck me (although I would have been fine with it) and made it very audible how much he appreciated what I was doing. "Fuck yes. That feels so good. You're amazing. You're incredible. Please don't stop." were the only things he could muster between groans. It only took a couple of minutes before Nick's balls began to tighten. I knew he was getting close. He finally did take hold of my head, but to remove it and saying, "I"m about to cum, man." What a fucking knight. "Good," I said and fought against his grip to latch back onto his cock. He tried to pull me off him again, "No, you really don't have to do that. I don't want you to feel like you do." I continued to stroke him with my hands as I popped off to say, "You don't know what it's like to be gay, but fact one, I WANT to do this." I batted his hands away and took his cock back into my wanting mouth. He just said, "oh god, oh god." over and over as he edged towards the finish line. Nick tried to hold back his orgasm as long as he could but finally he couldn't fight anymore. I took hold of his balls with a free hand as he erupted into me. His tank had definitely been full and I almost struggled to get it all down. Jet after jet of warm seed filled my mouth and was swallowed down. Nick tried to remain still but was bucking and shaking uncontrollably between his heavy breathing. When I was sure he was done, I milked him dry with a last squeeze and popped off his still hard cock. "So," I said, "believe me now that I actually like cock?" He tried to laugh but didn't have the energy. "That. Was. Amazing. I've never gotten head like that before. You're a master." I laughed. "Stand up," Nick said. I did as commanded and rose before him. I was still rock hard in my briefs, and had actually popped out a little on top. He put his hands on my ass and pulled me in closer. I had no words for what was happening, so I just went with it. He fondled me through my briefs for a bit, getting used to the feeling of a hard cock in close proximity to his body. He swallowed, and shucked my briefs to the floor. My cock sprang out and almost hit him in the face which he wasn't expecting and jumped back a bit. I couldn't help but laugh, "You're right to be scared. He bites." "You're huge, dude!" I was definitely longer than Nick. Around 8 inches, but not near as thick. And my balls were only average compared to his massive globes a few feet below. He hesitantly took hold of my cock with one hand and slowly stroked it. This was clearly more for him than it was for me. He was exploring what another man's cock was like and I didn't want to rush him through that. Plus it was incredibly hot to see him oaf around it like a foreign object. After giving me a slow, steady hand job for a few minutes he swallowed again and licked his lips. He inched closer and closed his eyes. I was now feeling bad about this. "Nick, stop. You don't have to do this. You don't owe me anything." He finally looked up at me. "No, I know. I just, I want to see what it's like." "Okay, but go slow. Don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable and you can stop anytime." He was looking at my dick again and nodded. He inched close again and closed his eyes to lick my cock head. Once he had a taste he moved his tongue around in his mouth to figure out if he liked it or not. "It just tastes like, skin?" I laughed, "yeah, they don't come in different flavors." "I guess I just, I thought it would taste different." I explained to him that it can if a guy precums a lot, but that I didn't. My cock was a great 'beginners' cock. We both laughed a bit. He then took hold with one hand and tried to wrap his lips around my cock. He could, but didn't take too much into his mouth. He bobbed on my cock like he thought he should but only took an inch or two in at a time and without any suction. What should I have expected from a straight guy. However poor the actual blow job was going, it was Nick who was giving it and that was incredibly hot. I was loving every second of it regardless. I must have began to leak a bit because Nick pulled away with a slight disgust taste on his mouth.
"That's what I expected they tasted like." Nick said with some nervous laughter.
"Yeah, if you don't like that you definitely won't like the ending."
He looked visibly nervous. I leaned down and pushed him away from my cock. "You're done. I'm not letting you go any further. Thanks for trying."
He sighed some relief, "Thanks for letting me try. And for that amazing blow job you gave me. I just wish I could return the favor."
"Trust me Nick, I loved every minute of that probably as much as you did." We both smiled.
"Well, do you wanna shoot on my chest?" Nick said.
I froze for a second and then began dying of laughter.
"What? People do that right?" Nick looked at my confused.
"Hahahaha, sure Nick, sure they do. But rarely does a straight guy just go, 'hey wanna cum on my chest?' It was just too funny."
He leaned back and rubbed his chest seductively, playing with himself a bit too. His cock had softened up almost entirely. "Do you wanna cum on this hot piece of man or not?"
I did.
I leaned into him and put one arm on his shoulder and the other on my cock. Nick just stared at the barrel of the gun in somewhat excited anticipation actually. Having this hunk below me, wanting my cum all over him, was enough to help me finish quickly. My balls tightened as the first blast shot forward onto his pecs. 8 steams of hot spunk fell onto Nick, coating his chest, abs, and cock in my cum. I sighed in relief.
"Hot." was all Nick had to say before we both started laughing.
We stayed there for a minute while I got my breath back and then he offered we take a shower. I rubbed his back, he rubbed mine. I probably washed his ass more than I had to but he didn't stop me or protest. By the end of the shower we both had erections again but heading into the living room he put on his briefs which signaled the nights fun was over.
We both fell asleep on the couch that night and I woke up spooning him in the morning. He was snoring. I got off of him and got the rest of my clothes on to leave. Before I left I looked back at this amazing, delicious man I had known for the past few months. He was sprawled out, chest up, almost naked in his tight white briefs. He had a serious case of morning wood going on that was clearly visible.
I felt naughty and probably was risking more than I should have, but I gave into the momentary idea. I got down on my knees and fished his cock and balls out of his briefs and gave them some light kisses. Nick continued to snore obliviously.
I took a step back to admire the view. I decided to take a picture of him like this for later use. I was going to put his junk back in but last minute decided instead to bob on it a couple times for one last taste and leave.
When I got home I felt guilty about the picture. I didn't want to delete it for obvious reasons but felt like I crossed a line. I decided to text him the photo with the caption "Had a great night. Took this souvenir. Hope you don't mind ;)"
That way if he wanted me to delete it he could tell me, but at least he would know that I had it.
I woke up from a nap to a response from Nick. "Likewise"
A few seconds later a video came through. I opened it and saw myself giving Nick head, his loud moans were close to the speaker. That little shit took a video of me blowing him without me knowing. The anger was only a reflex and I quickly found it hilarious that he captured that moment.
I texted him back, "That's blackmail!"
"Maybe it is. I need something to hold onto to remember last night."
"You could always just get the real thing again if you needed a reminder."
"Deal! Deleted."
"You don't really have to delete it, you can keep it for your own spank bank."
"haha good. I wasn't actually going to delete it anyway."
"lol, dick."
Bling. A picture of his hard cock and balls came through.
"This one?? ;P"
I was definitely jacking off today. "Tease!"
He replied, "I think we need to have a special work out session each week after our gym sessions. There are some special muscles we need to work out."
"Deal, see you Monday."
My training sessions had become something more, and I was absolutely, fucking floored about it.
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