#depends on circumstance
gertritude-art · 5 months
Hey everyone! In my time zone, it's currently the last day of the global strike in support of Palestine, and I wanted to do something before it ended. So, I'm offering up donation doodles! If you donate at least a couple of bucks to careforgaza, you will get a lovely doodle in thanks.
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(feel free to check the doodle tag of my blog's archive for more examples.)
For those who don't know, careforgaza is a grassroots organization that's distributing food to displaced families in Gaza. As an estimated half a million Palestinians are facing severe famine, and funding has just been cut to the UNRWA, getting supplies to people is more important than ever.
Although the strike ends today, I will be doing doodles throughout the week (1/28 - 2/04). Just DM me a screenshot of your donation to the careforgaza paypal, and I'll doodle whatever you want, within reason. Let's help out how we can!
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the-ace-with-spades · 3 months
This is related to one of my fic ideas, but all you need to know is that Bradley and Jake have four kids that Mav didn't know about until he saw them all together first day in the Hard Deck because he and Bradley haven't been talking
When they come back from the mission, they don't talk talk for a while, there's so much happening in the med bay and then Jake, Bradley's husband Mav hadn't even known existed three weeks ago, is always with him.
Then Ice is in the hospital, still, and Bradley comes to visit but they don't really talk either. They don't ask about the kids, but Bradley himself volunteers that they wouldn't be able to visit the hospital anyway because children are not allowed on the wards.
Finally, Ice comes home and Bradley and Mav talk.
And then, the next afternoon, Bradley comes with their two youngest, a seventeen-month-old baby boy called PJ and two a half-year-old girl named Ronnie. And they each get to hold a baby.
It's something else.
The babies are cute enough that Mav can almost ignore they're half Hangman.
The real surprise, though, is the twins.
Tommy and Nicky (no, Mav is not jealous that all Bradley's father figures but him have a kid named after them, not a lot, anyway, he gets that Bradley was really angry with him) are almost six, identical to the smallest detail, clothes and hairstyles included, and somehow Bradley, Hangman and Jake's mom (who takes care of the kids when the boys work) still can tell them apart.
They are loud and bouncy and so energetic and yet, the minute Bradley walks them through his front door, both the girls both hide behind Hangman's — their other dad, his Bradley's husband, Mav still can't get over it — legs, so shy.
And Mav haven't been around kids in so long, he doesn't know what to do.
And it takes a minute but eventually one of them — he really can't tell them apart — asks, 'who is that?' and Bradley wriggles her onto his knee and pointing a bit at Mav, says, "This is your grandpa, baby. you think you can try saying hi?"
And Mav, no matter how hard he tries, can't blink away the tears.
Because it only settled just now — that this all means, Bradley forgiving him, talking to them again, inviting them to his house, introducing them to his family, to his kids; this all means Mav is a grandpa.
(Mav cries again, weeks later, when he finds out PJ stands for Peter Jacob — even though he still can't believe Jacob 'Hangman' Seresin is the other father of his grandchildren and his son-in-law.)
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pigswithwings · 6 months
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well as it turns out i still do not know what angels look like but still i persevere
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the-final-sif · 3 months
what is your opinion on the situation?
I've been at work all day so I haven't been able to sit down with stuff fully, it also seems like Caiti is planning to release a statement later today with more information I think? So I'd like to get her response there, but based on what I've seen so far I think I fall more on the side of "people made some dumb choices and should learn from them" than anything else.
Consent is messy and it gets messier when people start lying or are drunk. In this case, both Caiti and George were drunk. From what I understand, either Caiti had a 21+ wristband from the vidcon party, or her friend group did and assumed since she was drinking with them, she was also 21+.
Honestly, when it comes to the matter of underage drinking, I don't think it's even remotely fair to place blame on Dream/George for that. The blame there lies with Caiti deciding to drink while under 21, and on her friends, Ghostie and the other person present who were both over 21. Unlike Dream/George, both of them knew Caiti and knew exactly how old she was and were letting her drink. They were also letting her drink with no one sober and no one making sure she got home.
Now, Caiti is 18 and also I'm not a goddamn square, I'm not gonna stand here and be like "oh no drinking at 18 clutch my pearls" but like, if people are going to blame other people for that situation, that very much lies with Caiti's friends who knew they had an underage person drinking with them. I feel like people are weirdly assigning blame to Dream/George for not like, iding every person they hang out with (particularly if she had a 21+ bracelet at vidcon, which would mean she already got IDed). While completely avoiding placing any blame on the people who 100% knew they were taking an 18 year old drinking without a doubt.
Putting that aside, from my understanding George's side is he believed at the time that she was having fun, and the most they did was cuddle on a couch with other people there. He believed at the time that everything was cool, and that she later decided she was uncomfortable with what happened.
Honestly, I don't really think that's an unfair reading. At this same party, her best friend was there and from Ghostie's own words, she also didn't realize Caiti was uncomfortable until several months later when Caiti told her. If her best friend didn't notice she was uncomfortable or see anything wrong, then I find it hard to think anyone else would pick up on it.
There's certainly risks taken here that I wouldn't have taken. I think that George needs to do better with checking for consent and maybe vetting the people you're hanging out with. Although I also understand that doing a full background check on everyone you ever meet is an absurd requirement and if, at the time, they trusted the person that they actually invited, I get how that shit happens. Per consent, given that he was also drunk, I get how it may've appeared to him that he had consent. I do think it's still something to work on, but I'm also perfectly aware that in real life, people are often going off vibes and social cues, and sometimes those don't mash.
I also think that Caiti's friends have been pretty shitty throughout this. They take no responsibility for having let an 18 year old drink and then ditching her. They are absolutely milking drama out of this shit and they have a weird obsession with blaming Dream for shit he had no fault in.
As for Dream, I don't think he did anything wrong here. Full stop. If Caiti's best friend didn't notice that she was uncomfortable or unhappy, it's insanely unreasonable to expect Dream to have managed that. He was also drunk and hanging out with people, and he had no way of knowing Caiti was underage. None of that shit was his fault, and his statement seems very measured and reasonable. People are trying to blame him for things that he had absolutely no part in, and the UK group are absolutely trying to pull that shit.
Overall, sounds like several people involved made dumb choices, I hope they learn and grow. Otherwise all of this honestly sounds like shit that should've been talked out privately and not tossed to the internet for speculation. Human beings are messy and will fuck up sometimes. This feels like a case of miscommunication and people making risky choices that left people with some hurt.
Again, I may change my mind with further evidence presented, but that's how it feels to me.
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cinamun · 1 year
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The Essentials:
emergency cash | her husband's car keys
9mm with the full clip | burner phone
her husband's wallet | single credit cards 1 & 2
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lotion | lipstick (t$r) | gloss (t$r)
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okay okay, obviously inspired by those cc rec posts you always see on your dash, I just put a little stank on it! hope you find this useful!
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tj-crochets · 1 month
So my little brother and I are not allowed to be on the same team for family game night when we play games like Taboo, because most of the time we share a brain cell and the rest of the family has decided it's an unfair advantage. Today, I was trying to remember the word hummus but completely blanked, so what I said was: "Cabbage. No, hermitage" And my brother guessed "Brussels sprouts?" "No, it's a brown goo" I said, but my brother heard "it's a round goo" "Hummus!" he said "that explains the green from cabbage" "It was hummus, but hummus isn't green????" "Oh I was thinking of guacamole" So like. Even when he and I are thinking of totally different things we can still come up with the same word lol
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royalarchivist · 4 months
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toughtink · 1 year
just curiousssss 👀🩸
for the purposes of this poll, i’m not counting things like forms of birth control or other situations that stop menstruation entirely.
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Question for the Lights out Au:
I believe you mentioned before that at some point Wally learns to control some of the black goo in Home? how would the others react to this? (just ignore this if I‘m remembering smth you said wrong or just misinterpreting it completely 😭)
no yeah he found a Spiderman comic and went 💡❗
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jojossillywalk · 2 months
the inherent homoeroticism of your rival's ability being fundamentally a hard counter to your ability but you beat them anyway through your utilization of the environment, understanding of tactics, and usage of their own ego against them
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descendant-of-truth · 4 months
My personal compromise between a Sonic who never shuts up and one who barely says anything would be to give him a constant inner monologue that he routinely forgets to share with anyone ever
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nadiajustbe · 1 month
A small headcanon that despite his forced courtship of Lettie, Howl had no idea how people around him characterized the Hatter sisters, and so when someone said something about "the pretty sister" he was CERTAIN they were talking about Sophie
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arsenicflame · 1 year
when will someone pick izzy up bridal style and spin him around? hm?
#it Would upset his tummy but i think he deserves a little holding. as a treat#to be cradled. and spun around with joy#(honestly to me i see this only working as bellhands i dont think izzy would let anyone else get away with it- maybe ed but. thin thin ice-#and i see izzy being too stressed about eds knee to get to unbridled laughter. so sam . hes just appeared; for the first time in a long#time. he sees izzy [they have a little reunion (depending on ~circumstances~ that could just be yelling affectionately at each other like#hey i haven't seen u in a year- or if its after faking his death i see sam getting punched. just a little) they get to kiss a bit etc etc]#then sam just. sweeps him up in his arms. izzy yells in shock and demands sam puts him down but sam just. holds him tighter and#spins him around in pure joy. and izzy laughs#(this; more than anything shocks the crew. they thought the rest of it was shocking- sam bellamy likes izzy???? theyre married???#people think positively about this man they all hate???? wtf wtf. izzy punched sam and got away with it?? the prince of pirates?????#but then izzy is laughing. and theyre astounded. they didn't think he was capable of that. maybe they never knew him at all)#djjdhdhdj ive been. thinking about this. A LOT. today so here#have a ramble about izzy (again)#if izzy not for cradling like lover; why small?#nyxtalks#ofmd#israel hands#izzy hands#bellhands#sam bellamy#i think i went off enough in the tags to quantify those fjdjnd
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waystarresourceco · 7 months
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Kieran Culkin on Roman's intelligence and how that intersects with confidence. (x)
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patronsaintofdemons · 10 days
i want to write a Monty fanfiction. i need to get my Monty thoughts in order. i sit down to put them on a page. i go off on a tangent about Esther. i go off on a tangent about Esther. i go off on a tangent about Esther. i go off on a tan-
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midnightsun-if · 7 months
Sorry if this sounds rude, but I have some things I need to get off my chest. Frankly, the whole Scarlett situation kind of sucks, and the way you’re handling things is not exactly helping matters. I get you have a specific vision for her character, and as a fellow author I would never suggest you compromise that to appease a bunch of sexist, entitled fans, but you’ve given so much attention to her character that it honestly comes as no surprise that people wouldn’t respect her sexuality, as bad as that is to say.
I’ve personally sent numerous asks in the past, and you haven’t answered a single one, so either you’re intentionally ignoring them, or tumblr ate them. If it’s the later, then I’m sorry for accusing you. You’re obviously not under any obligation to answer asks you don’t want to, but I admit it does sting a bit to see Scarlet Ask #523759690 on my feed when I have yet to see a single one of mine. You may not think you have a favorite character, but from an outside perspective, you 100% do.
The amount of attention Scarlett receives compared to the rest of the cast (seriously, when was the last time Caden got an ask dedicated to them?) is truly astounding. Fans will naturally have their favorites, but as an author you should remain impartial… which you really haven’t. In fact, it seems like you actively encourage the Scarlett attention. It’s like you keep showing off a fancy car that only a few people can actually buy, then get upset when people complain they can’t buy the car as well.
Anyways, I’m sorry for this rant, but I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. I wish you luck on your writing journey, and hope you have a happy holiday (if you’re in a country that celebrates any upcoming holidays)!
I truly don’t know what to say other than the fact that I haven’t seen your asks and that I’m trying to avoid Scarlett asks when it specifically involves the discourse with her sexuality— which also may contribute to the possibility on why I haven’t seen them, if that’s what they involved— as I mentioned in my one-and-done post about it… I don’t want to keep this as a reoccurring theme on the blog as I know that many people will grow tired of it just like I have.
I answer Scarlett centric asks, barring when I answer scenario asks about the family and/or the ROs, mainly due to the fact that she’s the one people single out— if someone sends me an ask about C, or Blake, or anyone else, I’ll answer it… It just happens to be that Scarlett gets the most asks when it comes to that sort of thing— and those asks are typically much easier/faster to answer than the all-in-one asks— I’d be more than happy to answer singular asks about any number of my characters. And I have in the past when someone sends something in.
All I can truly say? If not being able to romance Scarlett is this big of an issue, and I truly am saying this as nicely as I can… I don’t think Midnight Sun is the right IF for you. I believe I know a couple more IFs with an Ice Queen type RO, or adjacent RO, that may suit you better if you’d like to me share them!
And, I’d just like to make this small point, I get upset, or am starting to, because it’s a point I’ve brought up over and over again— Scarlett isn’t a lesbian to create an inconvenience for the player… She’s a lesbian because it’s part of who she is. Sending me asks saying “I can change her” or “Give us Scarlett and the F!MCs Koda” (among other things) is absolutely abhorrent in the best case scenario. There are 7 other ROs for you to choose from— all of which offer their own unique routes and experiences within Midnight Sun.
Scarlett isn’t changing, I’m standing firm with this. I’m not going to ever change my mind about it— I’m sorry if that upsets anyone, but it’s not something I’m backing down on.
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