you know I think probably people in ooo didn’t Suddenly start loving fionna and cake fanfics so much as they knew how much ice king wanted them to like them, and are trying to connect with simon through the thing they remember he (ice king) liked a lot. something he MADE!
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litchkiing · 2 years
how to make my angeldemon gayfucking ocverse more interesting and original than everyone elses ?
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ttaibhse · 2 years
still feeling a little bit defensive over ms anne rice to be honest sorry whatever i will think of other things
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kiwikarpart · 7 months
I'm a little nervous about posting these, but I made some human designs for BFDI characters. I know nothing about fashion and was super worried my designs would be boring, or ugly, or derivitave, etc. But it won't really hurt me to post them here, so I'm ignoring those worries.
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leakism · 7 months
I didnt like saltburn I thought the plot was derivitave at best, did not make sense or add up, feels like they relied on aesthetic shots and boy cum to make up for having no actual substance. Dont say it was a commentary on eat the rich because bro wasnt even poor.
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bladeknight · 2 years
That post about the guy who oil paints cat images without permission b/c it's derivitave and the warfare going on in the notes just reminds me that a lot of people dont view photography as a legitimate form of art 😭 because idk beyond the idea of memes and how photos get spread around in current internet culture, i think about how long i spend sitting in one spot just to get one or two photos which i consider like, good, and i think about how i would feel if someone painted the exact photo i took, and then didnt even bother to credit me, or god forbid sold it. I'd literally be busting that person's door down ID BE SO PISSED
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funkervogt · 8 months
Yeah no my art is way better when im in some severe turmoil. Im too chill right now so its all derivitave and stagnant and shit
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mythtiide · 2 years
with the sheer amount of pn/mickey derivitavs i think we can solidly makd a pjsekai esque fnati rythem game
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wittynameme · 3 months
Several years ago we were confronted with facial recognition potentially being able to track people down at protests or being used to sence if your smiling at work... and then Snapchat filters came out and we forgot about it.
Now ai is coming out and people are worried if art is about to become even more derivitave and opportunities for a higher quality of life will be taken from humans and given to machines which don't care about it's own quality of life ... because it's not alive, and then you could make funny pictures of corgis in space and people forgot about it.
Conclusion, funny dogs really do run the internet.
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ithisatanytime · 9 months
 honestly maybe it was just the two year age gape all along it was a bridge too far, i couldnt enjoy the rivalry/friendship between saske and naruto because it too closely resembled the relationship between vageta and goku, and naruto at least feels too derivitave of goku, its just little things like that, and that she loves the show gumba and her favorite song is desert rose by sting we could never relate
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A Breakup And A Party (Writing Prompt)
Friendships at the punk house were always strained to some extent. When you have a bunch of dysfunctional people with fucked up backgrounds all crammed in a space together living in squalor, conflict is inevitable, and as normal as taking a shit once a day. There was a party, and bands were set up in the living room. Alcohol was brought and supplied in surplus by the many attendees, to the point where there were just unopened fifths of booze laying around you could pick up and take a swig of and no one would fuck with you. There wouldn't be any running out that night. This was pre-covid times, so people didn’t care about sharing drinks or being close. Taking a swig meant having the courage to down a good 2% backwash-to-alcohol content from about 20 or so other people as well as the gunk left on the lip of the bottle from the last guy, but these kids had more important things to worry about. 
The space was crammed, poorly vented, disgusting. Everyone loved it. Bands played for about 15 minutes at a time with a few people out front watching for cops who would rotate between sets. On a busy street like that one, noise complaints were not common, so there was truthfully little to be worried about. In the backyard, two girls were making out passionately on a half busted wooden bench, trying to avoid getting splinters in their asses, and a dbeat kid studded head to toe keeled over the side of the back fence to vomit, a romantic backdrop for their little moment. A circle of stoner kids that had no affiliation with punk but kind of just showed up wherever the drugs were sat and passed around a suspiciously funny smelling joint, remarking on how they didn't know about all this “heavy shit” but liked the general vibe. 
Nearby, Henry, double fisting two bottles of store-brand ripoff Jack belched as he attempted to utter the question “So when is our set?” only realizing after that he was, in fact, talking to a fence. He stumbled up the dangerously busted stairs and swung open the back door violently proclaiming that he was ready to party as if he hadn't already been for the last several hours. Henry was sauced constantly, to the point where a lot of his intoxicated tendencies were just seen as part of his natural demeanor. You generally could not tell when he was drunk or not because he was always drunk. 
In the back room several kids piled on a stinky old leather couch just barely supporting their weight, ready to bust. In the middle of them was one kid in a thrasher vest trying to brush his long hair out of the way with his elbow as he attempted to cut several lines of coke on a busted DVD copy of Videodrome. The kid next to him sneezed, and the powder flew like a sad little cloud, and instantly he was shoved from the couch and told to leave, booted out by the other couch kids with great aggression and narrowly escaping an ass kicking through the kitchen door. Thankfully they were all already way too wasted to get up, so when he left the room, it was as though he had not existed. They licked their fingers and wiped the coke residue from the DVD and dabbed it on their tongues fiendishly hoping to get every last little bit. A crusty kid knelt on the floor and tried to sweep up what was left and snorted it, with all the grime and debris it had mixed with. Realistically, he had consumed worse before. His friends laughed.
The last band had finished their set and Henry had set aside his two bottle friends to plug in his amp when Nelson walked in wondering loudly where the fuck their drummer was. Stink wasn’t even a punk kid, he was a DJ and fucked with the electronic scene, who just so happened to really like drumming on the side. Speaking personally as the narrator removed from this situation, I would argue that his insistence in being there while also taking no interest in the music or community whatsoever was the most punk thing anyone present was doing. 
But, where was he? 
As Nelson hurried to set up the mics and get things in order, Hackney arrived with his bass set up, ready to play within seconds. He always had his shit together. His eyes were red from the 100g edible he had just eaten (the thc content in legally sold edibles was not as heavily regulated at that time so these things were easy to access in the city.) Yet somehow he was clear and present, and immediately irritated that even though they were supposed to start their set right now, their drummer was not even present, and the other two members were wasted beyond belief, even for them. 
Just up the stairs however, a frustrated Stink and his girlfriend Melody were amidst a heated quarrel over several unresolved relationship issues that really could have been discussed at another time. But, as alcohol has a tendency to inhibit judgement and heighten a certain sense of impulse, one or the other, it was unclear who, thought it to be the best time to try to have a discussion. Not just thought so, they felt it had to happen NOW, or their fun time for the night would be ruined with no chance of salvation. 
Stink was not exactly emotionally present, or competent, and communicated poorly. He was also a notorious cheater, an aspect Melody would frequently be in denial of in despite of his repeated offenses, sometimes in full view of her and her friends. He truthfully was not the type to be able to have a girlfriend, but was also unfortunately passive to a fault, and could not stand to end a relationship with someone as lovely and admittedly clingily as Melody. She adored him maybe a bit too much, and had this hope that she could change him somehow. 
 A side-note, from your very gay little narrator here: Please, women of the world, understand. You cannot change your dirtbag boyfriend. Leave Him, Honey. You will be so glad you did. I promise you that. You deserve better. You really do. 
They were fully engaged in an aggressive back-and-forth complete with insults and counter-accusations fit for an episode of Jerry Springer. Melody was clutching a broken red solo cup in her left fist she had crushed in frustration, the remaining beer inside it dripping on the wooden floor. Stink was guzzling a pint of Ancient Age between cruel remarks. After a particularly sour comment, that red solo cup collided with his crooked face, and he returned fire with the nearly empty bottle of Ancient Age. Just then, Henry came storming into the room, grabbed Stink by the collar and dragged him out, leaving Melody to sit and sob on the bed for a little while before composing herself and venturing down the stairs to fix her makeup. Not a single person in this situation even once considered that this was not their room to begin with. The gentleman who lived there would soon come home to discover that his space was briefly a theater for domestic violence in his absence, a discovery that enraged him to say the least. 
Having dragged him down the steps the way a fed up mother would drag a misbehaving child by the ear, Henry shoved Stink behind his drum kit which some well-to-do hipsters took upon themselves to set up for him so the time wasted would not eat into their experimental shoegaze/normcore set, scheduled for immediately after. Seemingly not phased by the last hour or so of nonsense, the band immediately started to go through their setlist. In all fairness, they had a reputation for some level of inconsistency, so when they missed their own cues or played in a tempo different from what was intended for the song no one really noticed it. The whole time, Melody stood amidst the crowd of crust punks, dbeat kids and preppy art school kids, glaring at Stink from behind his drum kit. He however seemed indifferent to the whole situation, and avoided looking her direction for the entire set. 
They would not speak for the rest of the night, he sequestering himself off with his bandmates who went to have a smoke out front and then wandered down the street to the bodega for even more booze they definitely did not need; her nestling herself in the comfort of a small group of queer and trans kids who in despite of being welcomed by this “progressive” community felt as isolated and excluded as ever. They fixed her eyeliner and complimented her outfit while giving her some much needed space to vent, and the rest of the night she spent enjoying the company of her new friends. She would not speak to him again for weeks. Conversely, he would act as though none of it happened and wondered with emotive confusion to his friends why she was upset in despite of her having told him very clearly why. The relationship eventually ended, but not before several attempts at resurrection much to the distaste of their friends on either side who could see what neither was able to; that the combination of the two together was like mixing bleach and ammonia. A very bad idea. 
Upon their return, Henry stayed behind outside, lit another Marlboro, and looked up at the sky. The fog loomed over the distant hills. The occasional car on the nearby overpass zoomed by. He found a moment of peace there. He was the eye of the storm, the settling of the dust before it would be kicked up again. On the horizon, the faintest hint of the morning light began to glow over the city, and the night finally ended. 
Semi-Fictional. The people existed, only some of this actually happened.
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astoriachef · 4 years
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fbfh · 4 years
cuddling with percy hcs
1k words
percy x gn reader
warnings: uh a couple fucks and fuck derivitaves, and er uuuuh a brief mention of cactus leaves as a weapon but like as a joke?? 
There’s really no one who’s not that touch starved
But I wouldn’t say Percy is the most touch starved
He’s at a comparative medium and an objective high
He loves loves loves cuddling with you
Like so much
It’s a really chill kind of love though
Like soft rolling hills
He might not let on how much he likes it
But it fills him with so much love and warmth and serotonin
His touch is really soft and gentle
With his big ass hands
They just kind of skim over your back or shoulders or wherever you like to be touched
He feels really at peace with you
Which is rare
And hard to find for him
You make him feel still without feeling stagnant
That’s really important
You could both fall asleep on each other easily
The only reason he falls asleep on you slightly less often is cause he’s so wrapped up in taking in your presence that his brain won’t let him sleep through it
You can pretty much walk up to him 
Any time any place
And just start cuddling him with no warning
And he’ll seamlessly reciprocate
The only tell is that he smiles that one specific smile that he only does around you 
He also gets hella butterflies but you can’t really see those as much
He’s really muscley so you’d think it wouldn’t be super comfy to cuddle him
But surprisingly you both find little spots that as cliche as it sounds fit perfectly 
Like the tantrum hole
Seriously though 
It’s so 
To feel comfortable around him
It’s one of your favorite traits about him
You don’t need to overthink or do any kind of willy wonka mental gymnastics
You just sort of seamlessly coexist
Which means there’s less obstacles in the way of getting closer and understanding each other better
You know those charts where it’s like looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you
Percy is looks like a big spoon
Acts like a big spoon
Is actually a big spoon
I mean his fatal flaw is loyalty and wanting to protect the people he cares abt
You sleep soundly at night in his arms
He sleeps soundly at night knowing you’re sleeping soundly at night wrapped up in his big ole buff arms
If you get up to get anything or go pee or something he’ll wake up enough to be aware of it and fall back asleep as soon as you’re back
If you’re cuddling and at any point you squish his cheeks and plant a big ole kiss on him
His heart
Will fucking flutter so hard he’ll fly faster than jason
Fr you know that flustered blushy breathy laugh when something hits your feels right
He does that and just fuckin
Pulls you into his chest and can’t talk for a minute cause bitch
You have managed to fluster the fuck out of Percy “Persassy” Motherfucking Jackson
Your commemorative plaque should ship in three to five business days
He tries really really hard not to kiss you too much when you’re cuddling
But truth is his instincts go to kiss you every three or four seconds
Not even exaggerating
As for like
Cuddling positions???
Anything and everything
As long as you’re in close proximity and touching he’s good
He does really like having his arm around you
He also is a sucker for when you lay on his chest
You starting to cuddle with him: :)
Percy’s brain: dad look it’s the good cush
Percy: it’s y/n it’s all the good cush
That’s the vibe
When you guys are cuddling for a while and have finished chatting for a bit
And there’s a quiet lull where he’s playing with the hem of your clothes or your hair or your jewelry
You’re starting to get a little sleepy and he thinks you might nod off soon
If you want to make him laugh so hard he can’t breathe or talk and starts to tear up a little
Right now is the perfect time to start whispering whatever random shit your brain throws at you
Percy, content, admiring the beautiful person snuggled into his chest not questioning how the hell he got so lucky: <3
You, who he believed to be asleep until right now, lifting up your head and saying really quietly in your sleepy voice: I think we should tie some spiky cactus leaves to a tennis racket, I think that’d be a good weapon
Percy: ??!?!??!?!?
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I think I’ve said this before possibly abt someone else
But yk how jenna marbles had never scream laughed until she met julien
The same is true for you and percy
He didn’t know he could laugh like that until you met
He didn’t know he could feel so warm and content just from laying next to someone
That just seeing someone would make him so excited
That he could get so attached to someone 
Until you came into his life
And he’s really grateful for that in a quiet way
Bc he’s lost and almost lost so many people
He worries if he thinks about it too much or is to loud about it that something will happen
So he doesn’t let himself think about it too much
But the feelings are still there
He beyond adores everything about you
Deadass everything
The fabric of your favorite shirt
The smell of your body wash
That little face you make when you make him laugh
The way you put your head on his shoulder absentmindedly
How flustered you are after you kiss
The way you press kisses to his collarbones and neck when you’re cuddled together 
All of it
Everything about you makes him so so happy
It’s rare and unfortunate to go longer than a day max without cuddling
When you do cuddle after a gap like that
Affection city babeeeeeey
Neither of you ever ever want to leave
And for a while at least, you don’t have to
Luckily for you both, that while feels like forever
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vainkaz · 3 years
I fucked up. Find Derivitave from table with function f(x) FUCK!!!!!!
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catboymoments · 4 years
look at what you've done. made us all sad :( what hayato doin making his papas upset
seriously was there another killin game or something 😳
Originally the “game” wasn’t meant to be a game at all, rather, it was a neo world program derivitave that the students at New Dawn Academy had been using to develop their talents already. The final exam was going to be a test to show how they could combat problems in the real world, such as Anita; the ultimate graffiti artist, getting a little “world” that was grey and gloomy that she had to paint bright with hope! But unfortunately... something broke into the school and hacked the program.
One student is dead, and the rest are now comatose and trapped at the Virtual University.
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yellowjavkets · 4 years
Can you recommend non white and non American music?
Absolutely! I am so fucking excited to answer this ask, like u have no idea. I’m fucking thrilled. Some of these are american but all of these are bands of color or are fronted by people of color(I’m gonna italicize musicians that I know are lgbt also. just like. given my recent complaints)
Mashrou’ leila is a Lebanese rock band that has just like. god. the lyrics. I can’t believe I went so long in my life without knowing of them. Their songs are in Arabic, but the translations for most are very easy to find. My personal recs for songs by them to get you started are wajih, radio romance, and  3 minutes. I absolutely cannot recommend them highly enough. 
Babymetal is a band that I recently started getting into, like a million years behind everyone else. They’re a Japanese metal band and their music is super fucking high energy, really just launches you into the damn stratosphere. Some of my favorite songs by them are gimme chocolate, catch me if you can and starlight (most of their music is in Japanese but once again there are loads of translations)
Kevin Abstract is an American hip hop singer who writes music both soft and heavy sounding songs that relate to a lot of not often given the spotlight experiences, namely the experiences of being a gay black man in America. I relate to him more than a LOT of white gay musicians and his album “American Boyfriend” is an absolute fucking masterpiece, I even have it downloaded to listen to on long car rides. My favorite songs by him are Echo, Papercut and Miserable America!
Conan Gray is a pop musician who writes a lot of really fun music and like, so many fucking earworms. I literally cannot think of a single one of his songs that I don’t like at least a little, which is very rare for even musicians I do like. And his music videos are super fun. Some of my favorite songs by him are Fight or Flight, Crush Culture, and Wish You Were Sober, which I have listened to over 200 times
More music recs under the cut!
Fea is a latina punk rock band based in San Antonio that I absolutely cannot get enough of. Their name means ugly, but in the feminine form in spanish. Speaking of spanish, a lot of their songs are in spanish, but some are not, which gives it a nice eclectic mix. and helpful for spanish practice lol. Plus they were produced by Laura Jane Grace of Against Me! god, imagine being that fucking cool. My favorite songs by them are La Llorona, Sister K, and Pelo Suelto
Oceanator writes an eclectic mix of synthy business and guitar ballads. I love her music so goddamn much, and it's been a big inspiration in me finding my own sound! my favorite songs by her are Nowhere Nothing, I would Find you, and January 21st
The Hu is a band that took me quite some time to get into but they're a Mongolian rock band that wrote that one song that was super popular here in the states a while back. Their sound is heavier, but it's also so incredibly fucking cool. Some of my favorite songs by them are Sad but True, The Legend of Mother Swan, and Wolf Totem
Meet Me @ The Altar is a band that is very, very derivitave of paramore but in like a super fun way. Their sound is just so fun. Their sound has making me forgive pop punk bc turns out when pop punk is sung by a trio of WOC and not a white dude crying on his guitar about his shitty girlfriend, it can actually fucking rule. Some of my favorite songs by them are Garden, Tyranny, and May the Odds Be In Your Favor
Japanese Breakfast writes a lot of really cool slower songs that make my brain feel like it is melting in the absolute best way possible. it's really hard to describe, which is actually one of my favorite things about it. Some of my favorite songs by her are Road Head, 12 Steps, and The Body is a Blade.
Neon Jungle is a British band who writes a lot of high energy shit that just launches me directly into the fucking stratosphere. Like I'm so serious, they will end your life and revive you fifty fucking times over. My favorite songs by them are Trouble, Louder, and So Alive.
Pom Pom Squad is another band I really like, a rock band who does softer shit sometimes. Their range is insane, and Mia Berrin is one of the most talented fucking vocalists I've ever heard in my whole life. Some of my favorites are Sunday Song, Heavy Heavy, and Honeysuckle
Nova Twins are another duo from the UK who write a lot of heavier guitar stuff. Mostly white punk fans have gotten pissy about them being classified as punk, so I won't, but lbr it's clear what their influences are. In a good way. Their music WILL rip your dick clean off. Some of my favorite songs by them are Bassline Bitch, Devil Face, and Ivory Tower.
Black Belt Eagle Scout is an indigenous musician that writes a lot of really cool softer guitar shit. Super chill music I like to put on to relax and write to. Also loads of her lyrics are downright masterful. Some of my favorite songs by them are Half Colored Hair, Just Lie Down, and Indians Never Die
Rina Sawayama, who you probably know of at least periferally, writes pop music and stuff of that nature. Her music could pull me out of a fucking coma. She's based in the UK. I absolutely adore her and her weird fucking fashion. Some of my favorites by her are Bad Friend, Comme des Garcons (Like The Boys), and Lucid
Milck does a lot of like, idk how to describe it. I have no idea what genre it is. I don't care to know. It rules, whatever it is. It's sort of soft, but powerful with a really cool beat. Some of my favorite songs by her are Devil Devil, This is Not the End, and Call of the Wild.
I HAVE TONS MORE, LIKE LOADS MORE, LIKE GIVE ME THE GO AHEAD AND I WILL MAKE A PART TWO, but I think that's a good amount of my favorites for now.
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