#descendants walked so twisted wonderland could run
sumeruin · 1 year
twst is just descendants but as a gacha game
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Lavina angst, possibly a first kiss.
Written by @evoedbd
The world was so beautiful, an eerily inviting realm of winter.  A wonderland of gentle whites and a blurred kaleidoscope of blues. She was ascending the mountain, seeking something so dear to her heart, but what was it?  She knew not, only that she had to continue.  Climbing. Seeking.  She had come so far… how did she know that?  Why was everything so distant?  Why did this feel so heavy, despite the soothing light?
Around her, the mountains rose, shielding her from the weather. In places, sheets of ice had frozen between the crevices, forming a natural, iridescent glass ceiling.  The sun gently beat down, trickling through places where the snows did not fall as thickly, illuminating the world in mellow hues of distorted whites and indistinct blues.  The natural passage led deeper into something akin to a hallway, smooth rock covered in a welcoming blanket of snow.  The wild growth broke through, tufts of evergreen and twisted roots reaching from within the rocks, some growing boldly where the overhangs prevented the snow from falling.    Enchanted, Lee walked, daring to place her foot into the swirling mix of mist and snow filling the passageway, dared to ascend nature’s staircase.   The magic lapped at her ankles, caressing her skin.  It was so familiar, the touch of a lover her mind had lost but her body cried for, a touch given for no other reason than the need to be felt.  Even the gentle touch of snowflakes seemed to welcome her, a teasing brush of a breeze against her outstretched fingertips chasing away a few wayward flakes.  Something that made her smile, for although those moments were taken from her touch, more fell into her waiting hands.  They kissed her cheeks, teased the ends of her wild hair, fell, a comforting weight upon her lithe shoulders.
Stone became ice, mellow greys turning into crystalline blues. They shone, reflecting the trickle of sunlight, casting the world in a twilight of prismatic splendor.  Lee found herself entranced by the way the ice seemed to glow, almost as if the layers had formed around the moon on the clearest night.  The illuminated ice cast the world in a winter blue haze, a surreal filter across the whimsical rise of smoke from the floors.   Smoke Lee continued into, letting it guide her from the mouth of a cavern into the pristine clearing. The thick layers of firs and pines wove together, obscuring all but a single archway leading deeper.  Her eyes danced across the marblesque detailing, feasting upon the decorative angel wings curving around the pillars, forming the archway.  Ice dripped from it, each glistening and twinkling in a manner reminiscent of the fairy lights in her room. A gateway missing gates to warn those away from the beauty lingering within.  A wild, untamed beauty that set Lee’s heart racing.  Within, every hallway was reflected, the world a tangle of mirrors and glass, cracked and frozen over.  Some smaller, less decadent archways within appeared empty, the mirrored walls shattered by fallen branches carried on howling winds.  Winds screaming their warnings even as the nature of temptation tightened a fist to silence them.
It wasn’t real… It held that dreamy softness, that discreet blurring whenever she tried to focus too keenly on any single detail, on any clue to where she had found herself. Lee knew the moment she blinked that the world she was experiencing was nothing save a dream.  That the snowflakes kissing her lashes so sweetly would never freeze her eyes shut, no matter how their kiss turned sinister might feel.  The flush to her cheeks, turning her nose bright, would never see her skin pale as the cold stole the last of her life.   At least, until she heard them. Then she went whiter than the snows.
Lavinia’s howls echoed on the whisper of mourning winds.  Her wailing tapered off in the soft whoosh of the breeze, almost melodic in their tragic beauty.  The lone cry of a hawk through the eternal forest. She cried, a banshee singing for the death of her heart, even as it rested safely beyond her reach. A wolf’s howl left unanswered, begging for a response from someone.  Anybody.  Ezra.  Even the response of a beast might have eased her agony.  Alas, she was left wanting, forever searching for what she could never have.   Not that Lee didn’t try to answer.  She desperately screamed in return, trying to push her voice past the brink of the winds… but how could her whispery croak overcome such a song?  All Lee could do was stumble blindly through the branches, clawing at every twig as if she could drag herself to Lavinia’s side if she could just find the right one.   Snap.  Snap.  Snap.  Desperate grab after desperate grab.  Failure after failure, leaving Lee’s teeth gnashing together more wildly than the wolf Lavinia’s cries embodied.  She was slipping, sliding, clawing at the walls, fingers buried in snows so cold that she could feel her skin burning away from her bones.  She clawed onwards into the maze.
“Lavinia!” Lee cried, calling out again and again, desperate to bring the wailing to an end.   The wind caught her cry, twisting it around her, mocking her as she staggered further into the maze. She didn’t know how long she ran, how many corners she turned, only that the air thickened in her screaming lungs, closed around her throat until she was left gasping for breath.  The maze closed in, looming and cloying, as if the walls might fall and crush her. She staggered once more; hand extended to break her fall.  She collided with the wall, palm blistering at the cold, ears tortured by the innocence of a melodic, twinkling crack.  The ice squeaked, filling the air with a sparkly sound, complete with the delicate snow brushing the melted handprint left upon the glass.  Lee finally stopped, her breath fogging the air before her as she stared into the depths of the mirror she had just laid hands upon.   Her second hand came to the stonework supporting the glass, curled around the rippled curve of the gorgeously carved marble, reminiscent of an ancient roman pillar.  Darkness stared back, a landscape of grey lighting and white snows, falling ever silently as her silver eyes desperately sought blue.  She missed it.  Saying she missed blue was so much simpler than saying missed Lavinia.   The air had fallen silent along with her cries, a decadent, deadly diminuendo.  Only her breaths echoed in the lingering silence, the cloying sense of dread as she gasped out a soft question.
“Where are you?” she begged, voice haggard by despondent gulps.  Her throat was so hot, thick and viscus sitting against her vocal cords, dripping into her chest like pus from an infected wound as she burned.  Swallowing, she let her forehead fall to the ice, nestled against the mirror, as if she could soothe their matching torments.
“Please…” she whispered, silver eyes squeezing shut as the first tears touched her cheeks.
“Pathetic.  You’re still so afraid of looking like the bad guy. Like you failed.” The voice was regal.  Sharp. A blade seeking every vital organ, as if it could slip between the plating of Lee’s mental armor.  The girl fell, as if thrown back from the mirror she was resting against, pushed into the deepening snows.  Snow caught her, cushioning the impact, falling across her lap like an inviting blanket, or perhaps a wayward cat demanding affection.  Lee shook it off, rising to her feet in a rush.
“Lavinia?” she called, shaking the powder from her hair, blinking it from her lashes.   She saw her, there for a single blink, just on the other side of the mirror.  A glimmer of ice blue eyes filled with that gentle chill, a calming warmth.
“You’re a coward Lee. You always will be.” Lavinia continued, gone from the mirror.  Lee looked around frantically, trying to sweep a hand through the thickening storm.  There! A flash of blue that stood out against the maze.  Lee ran, chasing, staggering.  A wall.  A dead end?  No, there was a corner.  A whisper of white.  Lee caught her breath, taking one deep gulp of air before she rounded corner, brows furrowed. A storm of irritation and relief, too much for any one body to contain.  She barely took note of the white cloak, only that the figure before her was within her reach.  Lee descended on Lavinia, extending her hand to…
“You’ve got some nerve, calling me the coward when you’re the one running…”
Nothing.  Her hand came away, filled with nothing save the falling snowflakes, as if she’d simply dusted off the abandoned mantle place.  She’d brushed a dream, kissed an illusion with her longing fingertips, only for dismay to sink into the lowest points of her gut.   She blinked, staring, processing even as her mouth continued tumbling onwards.
“…into a Narnia rip-off.  Where are we?”
The figure remained for a blink, an echo in time.  Lee watched the figure turn to her, a face without detail somehow contorted in pain.  Then, just as an echo might if given form, it turned, plunging into the maze.  A stride.  Two.  Three. Each stride saw the figure begin to dematerialise, melting snowflakes and a ghastly mist pried apart upon the breeze.  Lee gasped, as if such a frail, mortal gesture might still her agonised heart.  Gone.  Nothing but an echo in a labyrinth of loneliness.  Had that once been Lavinia?  Had the Ice Queen once walked this passage, looking back as if waiting for somebody, anybody to find her worth following? Waiting for somebody to see beyond the lies spread and her intimidating magic and want her?  Value her for more than the uprising she could lead.   When had the innocent girl ceased to be?  When had Lavinia died to become the Snow Queen?
“Nowhere of your world.  Turn back.  Listen to your fears.” Lavinia’s icy voice instructed, a note of sorrow turning the air cooler.   Lee shuddered.  What could she do but obey?  But lay her fears out for all to read across her pained face.  What if she was too late?  What if Lavinia was trapped forever? How could she make herself leave Lavinia here when a world without Lavinia was more terrifying than anything Lee could imagine?  Another deep, pained breath.  How many times had Lavinia looked back?  How many times had that been a gesture of hope, instead of suspicion?  How many times had she given someone a chance to prove her wrong, to prove she was more than the false tales tarnishing her innocence, only to find a knife poised there?  To find herself alone.  How could Lee be another one of those people to let Lavinia go?  Let Lavinia bear the weight of another’s perversions alone?  How could she be so heartless?  So… Cruel.
“No way.” Lee declared.  She wouldn’t be.  Couldn’t be.  Obeying Lavinia’s command, Lee still found herself stalking deeper into the maze, eyes peeled for a sign.  The snow never crunched, as if Lee touched it as a ghost, leaving no footprints, no trace.  Nothing to follow.
“Not without you.
Lavinia’s frustration was palpable. World defining.  As her guttural snarl ripped through the air, the maze itself seethed. A warning. Lee was struck by the song of cracking ice ringing like the draw a blade all around her, a prelude to the dangers to come.  She barely had time to swallow before the storm struck.  Branches fell.  The wind shrieked. So did Lee, ducking and weaving through the falling debris. Sheets of ice crashed to the stone, dragging shattered glass from archways, staining the snow with glimmering reflections, stubborn stars twinkling through the smog of a city on a cloudy night.
“Is there nowhere I can escape you?” Lavinia’s angry growl took form on the icy winds.  Wolves charging through the destruction, rounding every corner, hungry and seeking.  Lee ran, arms raised to shield herself from the destruction. Her movements caught within the shards of glass, each a glimmer of starlight reflecting beautiful golds into the cool of the descending night.  Dispelling the wolves.  A glimpse.  A tease.  A whisper.  All merely broken reflections, each teasing the edge of Lee’s memory, throbbing in her temples.  As if circling an invisible threshold, waiting for it to weaken.  Much like the icy illusions dogging Lee through the maze.
“I’m not letting you go. Its ok, Lavinia, I’m here. You don’t have to do this alone. We can figure this out! I can-”
“Be the hero? Yes, that’s what the good girl has to do, isn’t it? Never give up. Stay true of heart and pure of soul.” Lavinia’s laughter echoed, cruel and defiant, answered by the burdened groans of the trees, by the whispering cry on the winds.  Betrayed, the Queen found herself, by her own ensnarement.
The walls came alive, their deceptive mirages forever luring Lee deeper.  Pivoting on her heels, chasing figments of unformed, half recognised desires.  Magical allure, coming to a silent war with the gleam of mirrors.  Ice was bare, then it was filled.  The world was bright and crystalline, then dusky, a foreboding midnight descending.  Through it all, Lee chased Lavina.  The Queen’s visage appeared behind walls, teasing to the edge of those revealing mirrors. Phantom and apparition, illusion and echo. Delicate hands reaching for Lee, icy fingers teasing the base of her hair with playful, longing breezes.  Beckoning.  Calling.  Even as the most bitter of words fell from her stained lips, mocking, saccharine.
“It’s hilarious, I’d laugh if it wasn’t so sad. Do you honestly think YOU can save me, Lee? Do you think love is enough to still my hand when you hold my stolen heart? That I will be stayed by a gentle word when my entire being demands to be whole? What do you want? To hold my hand and tell me my fears will not come to pass? Are you so foolish to believe you could defeat me? The Ice Queen?”
“You can’t hide forever! Just stop with the damn mirrors!” Lee exploded, her frustration escalating into an infuriated cry to the maze.  She lashed out; fist driven into the walls of ice.  Semi opaque became cloudy, filled with fissures of white, fissures which became chasms beneath the serene surface.  A surface tinged with a glorious maroon, garnet and scarlet trickling into ruby, rose and blush.
“Please… just come talk to me?”
Lee’s soft voice seemed to sooth the maze.  The singing ice gave finishing twinkle, the pained groans of the ancient firs echoed for only a final solitary moment, then even the winds fell silent.  A world of dark beauty and bated breath, a suspended moment where only Lavinia’s election could start time.  Snow ceased to fall, hovering like fireflies across a fine painting, the world a canvas, an array of possibility.
“It shall be your grave.” Lavinia’s gentle melancholy was the breath needed to change the scene.  A soft blow across black paint upon an ocean of white.  It rippled, bending and twisting as Lee stepped forwards, hand extending towards the beautiful darkness.  The spec of hope disguised as despair.
It spread, molten molasses across the maze, melting into a mirrored surface.  An eternal reflection that continued to devour, rippling, a pool lapping like a loyal hound at Lee’s feet.  An ocean for the girl to drown in, if she so dared.   Of course, Lee dared.  So daring was she that this was a blessing, instead of a funeral.
“Very well. Come then.” The Queen steeled herself, a universal cringe rolling through reality the moment Lee’s fingers brushed that orb of darkness.  How could there be any hope to find here?  Any beauty within the madness?  No, it would be as Lavinia declared.  A grave.  The death of more than merely the foolish girl striding across the mirror of darkness.
“I will tear your heart from your chest. Afterall, I am the villain.”
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
A Rose By Any Other Name Would Still Be As Sweet //Twisted Wonderland Malleus Draconia//
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Since the vote ended up differing by one, with at least four people voting for both I have no choice but to write both stories. But for today, it's Malleus' turn
No matter how long you stayed in the Ramshackle dorm, there was always an aline feeling that bubbled in your gut. There was just something about your new home that made you feel out of place and very, very alone. Even with the understanding that Grim sleeping at the foot of your bed and Ace or Deuce being just a quick phone call away, you couldn't shake how foreign you felt. 
It seemed like every moment you laid in your bed listing to Grim's soft murmurs about the new Unidragon he had fallen for, made the feeling grow stronger. It's cold long limbs descended from your brain, wrapping around your throat and prohibiting air to pass through. You laid there for a moment longer begging the feeling to depart. In the end, you gave up, gradually pushing over the covers and making your way outside. Maybe some fresh air was all you really needed to make the tendrils of isolation and dread leave you alone for the remainder of the night. 
The inside of the "abandoned" dormitory was always a mess, no matter how much you cleaned or how much the ghost (and occasionally) Grim tried to keep things in order, the dorm just tended to fall apart again. This being said the outside was no better. The garden's where empty, the poltergeist insisted they remain that way so they would have enough room to play magical shift. The front yard was nothing more than a graveyard with a stone pathway leading off towards the school. It didn't help put your mind at ease, instead, the whole morbid scene of the tombstones simply made you cry. Tear flew like a stream from your glossy eyes. Quiet sobs pushing past your lips no matter how much you tried to remain silent.  
"Are you the child of man?" 
The sudden voice made you jump setting your nerves on high alert. Your wet eyes traveled upwards being met with a shadow figure looming around by the tombstones. "W-What..?" you choked, your gorge was still hoarse from the crying and mini breakdown. Your heart had sped up, something was very wrong here. For a moment you debated running back into the house but your feet just wouldn't move. 
The figure stalked closer, dead leaves screaming under his heavy step. As he approached, little (y/n) took note of two large curved horns sprouting from atop his mess of raven lock. The darlings orbs locked on the odd features. They weren't mortifying or bizarre, lord knew she'd seen much worst during her stay. If anything they piked her curiosity. The tall man came to a stop in front of her, his blazing eyes seem to be the made up entirely of glowing poisons you'd seen in your potion classes. In the moonlight, you could tell that his skin was as white as the freshly fallen snow. He was mesmerizing, exquisite and...he was smiling at you?
 His lips were pulled back into a glowing grin. You seemed to have piked his curiosity too. "Are you the new inhabitant of the dorm?" his voice was breathy and seemed to float on the air around you. "I um y-yeah" you'd forgotten just how broken your voice was, unlike his elegant tone yours was brittle and crumbling. You took a deep breath, welcoming the much-needed air your lips slowly parted tongue peaking out and licking along with them. You tried again hoping your voice actually worked this time, "W-who are you?"
The stranger lifted an eyebrow, tilting his head slightly to the side. "You don't know who I am?" confusion evident on his tone. "Should I?" you asked, he could be some sort of celebrity or another school perfect, either way, you were too new and inexperienced to truly know who anyone in this world was. "I guess not, no, I'm just a third at the school. Pray, tell what year are you? Can you even do magic?"
He sure was inquisitive, you give him that. From the little, you did know, third-year seniors in Night Raven were usually more comprised, collected and mature than the two younger years. Surely it would bring you no harm to entertain him with a few simple answers about yourself.
"I'm a first-year class 1-A." The horned man scrunched his brows a slight wrinkle forming on the bridge of his nose. "Isn't that the class of troublemakers?" it was like he was recalling something distant as if he was looking through you into a past life he had left behind some time ago. 
"I-I wouldn't know" your graze fell to the broken asphalt. Did the headmaster really consider you a troublemaker? Even, after all, you'd done for him from the dammed moment you'd fallen through that godforsaken mirror. He just shrugged seeming to have returned from his little stroll down memory lane. "It may have changed, it been quite some time since I was a freshman" His voice was fading again eyes losing their shine once more. You figure it best to continue talking before he's too far gone "no I-I um can't perform magic".
"Then why even bother staying in school and going to classes?"
You sign and began to recount how you fell through a magic mirror and the misadventures that followed. At the end of your tale, the shine seemed to have been reignited in his eyes if anything it was brighter then before. "You from another world?!" He asks kneeling down to look at you face to face. "My that's all so fascinating! Lilia use to tell me old tales about foreign universes I never thought they were actually real! Yet here you are!" It was the first time you'd heard him raise his voice. Did your story really entertain him so much? The stranger may have been tall and talked as though he was born centuries ago but there loomed a childish nature around him. "Hey, who's Lilia?" it was your turn to ask the questions. 
"Oh, he's my...father...no...nanny? I'm not...sure? His voice kept diving into uncertainty and resurfacing only to down once more. "You don't know the difference between a nanny and your own father?" not only was he childish he downright didn't seem to comprehend what a family even was. "Difficult childhood" he brushed it off as if it were merely a pesky fly bussing by his head "now miss...I apologies where are my manners I never asked for your name?" Oh right! It just dawned on you that you had nither given your own name nor asked for his, the lack of sleep and constant looming anxiety plus the constant run-ins with delinquent students who much prefer to fight than to exchange compellations, had left you forgetting your own manners. 
"(y/n)...(y/n) (l/n) so-called dorm leader of the Ramshackle dorm" 
He let out out a chortling laugh before turning on his heels and stalking back into the shadows "Well (y/n) of Ramshackle it was a pleasure meeting you I do hope we meet again" No sooner had the words departed from his lips that the darkness seemed to gobble him up. "Wait!" you leaped to your feet and ran over to where the man had just disappeared. "I-I didn't get your name!" you called into the nothingness that surrounded you. Your shoulder slumped as you let out a defeated breath, it was no use the moonlit stranger was no more. For a second you debated if he'd even been real or if your fatigued mind had started to play tricks on you. Regardless it was no use waiting out here, you had classes tomorrow and from what you could tell you'd only be getting a few short hours of rest. Overactive mind permitting that is. 
Little did you know that the man had in fact been real. That like clockwork every night since the encounter you dreamed of the stranger again. His lips where always on your a burst of sour blackberries invading your mouth, overrunning your senses. 
one night the dream seemed more lucid than ever before, the night where he was on top of you, your bodies entwined on the cold ground of the cemetery front yard. As time progressed the dreams got more vivid more detailed, the tastes and touches and bruises seemed to follow you into the land of the awoken. 
You were slowly spiraling down a maniacal hole. The line between reality and dreams was so blurred it was practically invisible. You waited impatiently each morning to drift back into sleep and meet your lover once more. To feel his smooth fingers run up and down your spin. To feel his sharp teeth graze your delicate flesh. 
you knew him, you walked with upon your dreams
Oh but darling, he is more than a dream, Malleus Draconia is indeed real. And he is in love, in love with you. He's visited you every single night since your first meeting all so many nights ago. He's well aware that you aren't quite aware that he exists and that he is more than a figment of your imagination. It's a benefit of having someone's name when under the control of the fae they can't quite tell what is real and what isn't. For now, this is alright, for now, he's content with your nightly rendezvous. 
But one day he shall awaken you from your honey-sweet dreams and steal you into a blurry reality where the border of dream and reality has been obliterated. It may seem like a curse but it's merely a gesture of love. 
In the end, it's your fault, you sealed your fate the day you gave the dark Fae your name. 
Now I'm seriously considering writing a story based on this quote from Sleeping Beauty.
"from this slumber, you shall wake when true love kisses, the spell shall break"
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twstarchives · 4 years
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Mirror of Darkness Show
This show has been screened at several events: ■ Twisted Wonderland pop-up shop in Animate (Aug 1 - Sept 6, 2020) ■ First Anniversary livestream on Abema TV (Mar 17, 2021) ■ Halloween 2021 virtual event on Cluster (Oct 18 - Nov 18, 2021)
I’ve translated the script below ↓
Crowley: Allow me to welcome all of you who have gathered here to hear about this academy. I am the headmaster, Dire Crowley. I’m overjoyed to know that so many of you are interested in our Night Raven College. Heheh.
Now then, I will leave it to the first-years to attend to you all. Freshmen, please be very welcoming and professional with them. Alright, I will take my leave. Ah, I’m so busy, so busy!
Grim: Oi oi, the headmaster just left everything up to us and ran off somewhere.
Ace: Bleugh, I don’t wanna be here.
Deuce: C’mon, Ace. Some of these people might be new students next year. Pull yourself together!
If we get to have juniors... then we’ll finally be considered upperclassmen!
Ace: Now that you mention it... if you had a junior, then you could force them to take care of flamingo feeding duty for you! That’d be a win!
...That’s what you were imagining, right?
Deuce: Ah! Don’t act like I’m you.
Grim: But... they wouldn’t be in Heartslabyul with you guys unless the Mirror of Darkness picked it for them, right?
We’d always welcome anyone to Ramshackle! Hehe! If I get more henchmen, I could push them around everyday and make them bring me all the tuna cans I want!
Jack: Hey, Grim. You’re telling everyone too much of your internal thoughts. This is a job the Headmaster entrusted us with, so let’s do it right.
Ace: There it is—Jack’s always-on-task voice.
But anyway, you guys. The looks on your faces all scream “I don’t know anything!” but... don’t tell me—not just about Night Raven College obviously, but you don’t know about the Great Seven either?! Oi oi, I’m getting déjà vu here!
Grim: These guys are just like my henchman—they need you to walk them through everything.
Ace: Whaaat, but I’m too lazy to give the same explanation again. So anyway, Epel! You can take it from here!
Epel: Huh?! M... Er, me? I’d like to help, but... I don’t know if I’d be able to explain it right.... um... ¹
Jack: He’s stumbling right from the start... Alright, guess I’ll do it.
Night Raven College is a mage-training boarding school. There are seven dorms here based off the Great Seven, a group of powerful figures who once existed in the past. Whichever dorm you’re put in is determined by the Mirror of Darkness at the time you enroll. They say it’s chosen based on the essence of your soul.
Epel: Thank you, Jack. I’m sure all of you here must look up to the Great Seven too, and are hoping you’ll be able to get into Night Raven College as well.
Ace: Hello—? Wait, did they all fall asleep?
Sebek: What?? Oi, all of you! WAKE UP!!
Jack: Agh! Sebek! Don’t start yelling without warning us first!
Deuce: Both of you are being too loud! Everyone, I’m sorry if that startled you. Is it alright if I continue?
I’ll explain about the dorms and the Great Seven.
Heartslabyul is the dorm Ace and I are in, which is said to be founded on the severity of the Queen of Hearts. Everyone here lives by the law of the Queen of Hearts. Dorm Leader Rosehearts is very strict about the rules, but he and others like Clover and Diamond are all respectable people.
Ace: “Respectable,” huh? Deuce, that’s such a basic way to put it.
Everyone! If you end up in the same dorm as us, you better be careful. Our scaaary dorm leader will give you hell if you break even just one rule!
God, don’t you think things would’ve been better if they hadn’t kept in that aspect of the Queen of Hearts?
Epel: Um... The Queen of Hearts was also an amazing woman who reigned over a kingdom that was chaotic by law.
Grim: And so, anyone who broke those laws was said to have been put on trial and exiled from the country.
Jack: I’m part of Savanaclaw, which models the indomitable spirit of the King of Beasts. There are many students here, including Leona and Ruggie, who excel in athletics.
Which is why... I wanted so badly to have a serious fight at the Magift Tournament.
Deuce: I know exactly what that feels like!
The King of Beasts used his wit and magic power to climb his way to the top. A MAN AMONG MEN! Doesn’t he just amaze you?!
Epel: Yeah, he’s so manly and cool... isn’t he?
Grim: But ya know, the dorm leader Leona is just a do-nothing who sleeps all day.
Ace: You say that, but you never know—someday he might just knock you dead with a POW!
Next up is the dorm founded on the mercy of the Sea Witch, Octavinelle.
Jack: Octavinelle is a group of intellectuals who are always getting the highest scores on written exams. Along with the dorm leader Azul Ashengrotto, it’s full of really clever students. They also run a café called the Mostro Lounge.
Deuce: The Sea Witch lived in a grotto deep under the sea, and granting the wishes of pitiful merfolk was something she lived for.
Ace: The price was a little bit expensive, but just for that you could get anything you could ever wish for!
Epel: After that... we have Scarabia, the dorm founded in the tactical spirit of the Sorcerer of the Desert Kingdom. I hear there’s a lot of students here who are good at Astrology and Ancient Curses. The current dorm leader is Kalim Al-Asim!
Jack: The Sorcerer of the Desert Kingdom was someone who excelled at anticipating the future, often gave advice to the king, and acted as a support for the entire kingdom. That “tactical spirit” of his has definitely been passed down through this dorm, hasn’t it?
Grim: So what you mean is, they’re really smart?
Deuce: Yeah. And the people here also use their own power to strengthen themselves! You could say they climbed their way to the top too!
Ace: I could never put in so much effort and motivation just to get good at something.
M’kay, next! This is the one Epel’s part of—Pomefiore! It kinda has a sparkly, really aesthetic vibe to it.
Epel: Pomefiore models the heavy efforts of the Fairest Queen. They say the Queen was the fairest in all the land, and that she spared no effort to preserve her beauty.
I wonder if that’s why... the dorm leader Vil is so strict with both himself and all the students here.
Jack: The Queen was also supposed to have been a master at making poisons. And it’s true that a lot of the students at Pomefiore excel at potion-making too.
Grim: Next, we’ve got that guy Idia’s... Hngyi... Hngyahyde Dorm.
Ace: I-G-N-I-H-Y-D-E! Try to remember it right!!
Grim: Yeah, that! The dorm leader Idia is so rude; he’s always trying to pet my fur like I’m a cat! Me, the almighty Grim who’s going to become a powerful mage someday!
Epel: Huh...? You’re not a cat...?
Ace: Ignihyde was founded on the diligence of the Lord of the Underworld! Cater told me that a lot of the guys here are strong in magic energy engineering and digital gaming, but their lifestyles tend to be real quiet.
Jack: The Lord of the Underworld ruled over a kingdom of writhing spirits by himself. He never once neglected his job, even though anyone else would fear it. He was very dedicated and earnest, and worked without taking breaks.
Deuce: One, two, three, four, five, six... We’re at six now, so there’s only one left, right?
Ace: Last is Diasom—
Sebek: With Lord Malleus working as its dorm leader, this is Diasomnia!
Epel: Ah...
Ace: You know cutting in yelling like that scares everyone, right?!!
Anyway, you’ve been gone this whole time... Where’d you run off to?
Sebek: Yes, I was receiving a lecture about gargoyles from the Young Master.
Grim: Gar.... ghnghyle? Do those taste good?
Ace: I don’t really know what that means, but I’ll let you introduce Diasomnia ‘cause it’s too much of a hassle for me.
Sebek: Of course. This is far out of your depth anyway.
Ahem. Are you ready? HUMANS! Diasomnia, the dorm I’m part of, is founded on the nobility of the Fairy of Thorns. The current dorm leader is Lord Malleus Draconia! He is a descendant of the faeries, and ranks as one of the top five... No, the strongest magic-wielder in the world! He was born in the Valley of Thorns, his birthday is January 18th, he’s 202 cm tall, he’s part of the Gargoyle Research Society, both of his eyes are—
Ace: This isn’t a introduction on the dorm anymore; you’re just talking about the leader!!
Sebek: Hm? This is the dorm that Lord Malleus runs, so what’s so strange about talking about him?
Ace: This is obnoxious... 
Deuce: He won’t listen no matter what you say, huh?
Grim: Right?
Epel: I feel like the students of Diasomnia can wield magic much better than the other dorms can.
Sebek: That is correct. The Fairy of Thorns, who lived on the Mystical Mountain², could cast magic that was extremely powerful even among the Great Seven. It’s clear that Lord Malleus is the most suited for running this dorm, isn’t it?
Epel: ...And that concludes our explanation. Everyone, thank you for listening all the way through.
Jack: Every dorm has its own set of quirks, but in the end, the one you join depends on the Mirror of Darkness. You shouldn’t worry too much about it.
Deuce: Jack’s right. No matter what dorm you get assigned to, let’s all do our best together to become powerful mages!
Ace: What’s with this beautiful ending you’re leaving off with? Well, I’m not complaining, getting some cute little freshmen around doesn’t sound too bad.
Let’s go to the next Unbirthday Party together!
Sebek: This orientation is not over until you return home safely. If anything happens, we’re the ones that will be held responsible. Do you hear that, humans? Be on your guard as you make your way back.
Grim: Next time you stop by, make sure ya don’t forget my tuna cans!
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1. Epel: M... Er, me?
I wasn’t able to convey this correctly, but Epel starts off by using the pronoun “Ore” (a rougher version of “me”) and then pauses to correct himself to “Boku” (which is a bit softer).
2. Mystical Mountain
It’s called the “Forbidden Mountain” in the EN dub, but the term engraved on Maleficent’s statue on Main Street is “Mystical Mountain.”
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My like of Descendance walked so my love of Kingdom Hearts could strut so my obsession with Twisted Wonderland could run
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errthel · 4 years
Four, just Four
This is the fourth installment of my fanfiction that is twisted (hehe) from @tri3tri 's Second Wife AU, Tempest.
I have reached peak procrastination, and will continue ignoring my requirements until I have no choice than to do them, don't be like me, I have really bad habits.
To Florius, it was the first time in his immortal life that he was ever startles by a mere question. His golden eyes moved over to the freshman, he had a relaxed aura around him but his (e/c) eyes had lost it's glow making him look eerie.
"Hm... what do you want to know, surely you aren't interested in everything?" Florius' curiosity for the freshman had peaked even further and he was very much getting more interested in him
"Yeah you're right Florius-senpai, I wanna know who rule the Valley of Thorns." quick and calm
"It's a monarchy, like most kingdoms in Twisted Wonderland. The ruling family is the Draconia family and they're direct descendants of Maleficent."
"One powerhouse of a magician she's one of the top five magicians in all of the lands."
"Is that so? Then did she use to rule over the Valley of Thorns?"
"Yeah, it's now passed down to her grandson, Malleus Draconia, he's also a part of the top five."
"Malleus..." Lucien felt an overwhelming amount of pressure when the name rolled off his lips
"Mhm, well right now the family has I think at least six members. Maleficent, Malleus, Malleus's parents, his concubine, Bellatrix and their son the heir, Victor..."
"A concubine? What about the queen?" Lucien said getting more interested in the royal family of the Valley of Thorns
"Well yeah, there is a queen, no one really knows anything about her though, not her name or what she looks like, nothing. Malleus seems keen on keeping the queen inside of the Valley of Thorns."
"Do they have any children?"
"Hm... now that I think about it, there are rumors that they have two daughters, one leading their military and the other leading magic studies. But it's weird, those two girls are older than the heir, they don't discriminate the gender of the heir in the Valley of Thorns, I wonder if anything happened."
"I see... then, thank you Florius-senpai, I will be going now..." Lucien said before walking back to his cottage
"I don't know why, but he seems a bit familiar... must be my memories getting mixed up, I am starting to get older after all..."
Lucien walked to his cottage in deep thought, he felt like he had spent an eternity to get there.
Malleus Draconia.
He remembers his grandmother wheezing that name after her nightmarish vision.
Is that person supposed to be his father? A sick psycho? One who just couldn't let go of an obviously hurting person? His behaviour is akin to that of a zoo keeper ignoring the sick animals.
Lucien couldn't take it, he wanted to do something, but being patient is a virtue, he should formulate a plan to get them out of that cage. He just regrets his stupidity when he forced himself to forget what his family looked like.
He sighs.
It seems he has to take things into his own hands.
The gloomy atmosphere of breakfast spoiled her appetite. Sitting beside her sister, who seemed like she was about to die of boredom. Infront of her was her father's concubine and infront of her sister was their half-brother, deeming them boring, the black haired lady looked over to one side of the long table and a monotonous scene greeted her eyes. Her father, in all his glory just staring off into the distance, he had barely touched his food and she was sure it was already ice cold.
"Renata, your mother didn't come down for breakfast."
Renata perked up when she heard her father mutter those words before she relaxed a bit and took a bite of her food.
After chewing for a painstakingly long time, she said "I don't know what is happening with mother, because it seems like someone is preventing me from meeting her." her response was as sharp as a whip as she glanced at the lime green haired guard beside her father
She heard the chair beside he screech indicating that her sister had had enough boredom and was ready to just leave.
"True, how can we know what mother does when some ridiculous person prevents us from even saying a hello. It's been like that for a few days, dear Father." hidden malice dripped from Sherry's mouth as she walked to the door of the dining room
Renate followed closely having enough of the sour soup that was served and shut the door with force.
"Waka-sama! Those two are getting out of hand, you should try to punish them." the lime green haired guard said in a small harsh whisper
"Now, now, Sebek, they are rather tame today. Also Victor, we are truly sorry for requesting for you to have breakfast here when you have just started out classes at Night Raven College. We'll prepare a mirror immediately." the deep polite words of the ancient being eased the people in the room
"I am sorry, Lillia-sama!"
The ruby eyed Fae looked off into the open window. He sighs, he had a feeling that a great storm would pass over soon.
The two sisters walked synchronized, each carrying malice towards the king. They separated ways and left to their respective posts.
The lime green haired guard's gaze hardened, those two girls! They don't act like the princesses they were supposed to be. He knew that that woman was the worst person his lord could have children with, their children are uncooperative and rude.
The concubine bade her son good bye as he was escorted to a mirror leading to Night Raven College, she held a small smile in her youthful face, proud that her son was chosen to go to Night Raven College, just a bit angry that he was sorted into Pomefiore and not Diasomnia.
The heir clenched his teeth together, even when he was there, his father only talked to his daughters! What was the point of him being there?! Just an afterthought? No, he was done being an afterthought.
The king stayed silent before he sighed. It had been ten years since he got his wife and children back, they had tantrums even worse than this, but why does he have a sickening feeling like it's starting to get worse than this.
Lucien's lessons were surprisingly easy for him to comprehend, sure it had been only a week, but he was sure that he could survive. But one thing he wasn't so sure about was money. He wasn't able to find a place to convert his money to madols so he was basically broke. He wasn't so sure on how to gain money though.
Lucien walked around the campus after school to try to rack his brain for ways to get money.
Sell stuff? No, the school already has a school store.
Try to become a servant to one of these princes? No, he's very used to having his whole day to himself.
What could he do?
"Hey! Hey freshman!" realizing that the voice was referring to him, he quickly looked behind to see a short male with black hair and porcelain skin
"Ee- yes?" Lucien gave a lopsided smile making the other male's eyes sparkle
"Ohh! So it is true! You really are handsome! Why not join the Modeling Club?!" he said, extreme optimism exuding from his straightforward request
"Eh? Uh, I don't really think I'm cut out for that kind o-"
"You can earn money in this club."
"As I said, Lucien-chan, you can earn real money through this club, you need money don't you? Oh and also I'm Noel LeBlanche, a second year here." he gave Lucien a knowing smile making Lucien just look at him like he grew two heads
"LeBlanche-Senpai. You're right. I need money, so I guess I join the club?"
"Hm... LeBlanche-Senpai sounds weird, just call me Noel-Senpai or... Noel-chan?" he said using one of his long porcelain fingers to rub Luciens left pec through his uniform as he smirked a little
"Fine~ suit yourself. Well then, I'll bring you to the club room so you can start earning money as soon as possible!" he said grabbing Lucien's hand and just running off with him in tow
Lucien felt powerless in Noel's hand, he felt like paper just being aggressively carried by the wind, or in this case, Noel. He feels like he's going to barf.
The blond freshman entered his cottage with a tired face, he came back from club work and was exhausted.
He looked over with a smile to his friends desk to see that Lucien was missing and he screamed.
"Lucien! Where are yo?!-"
"Brier-sama, he's over there." the newly showered Linden said gesturing over to the first years bed
"Eh? But he always did his homework at his desk after classes."
"Well, he recently joined a club." Hawthorne said popping up out of nowhere, dispite that, it phased no one
"I can't really see a club exhausting someone that much..." Brier trailed off
"Yes, but we have to take account that Lucien has half the energy and motivation of a regular human, so club activities will definitely tire him out." Hawthorne said while Linden nodded
"Oh, is that so? Well we should prepare some tea to boost his energy! Let's go Hawthorne! Linden, you can watch over Lucien if you want!" the two louder cottagemates sprung to go to the central cottage to get some tea ready while Linden approached Lucius who layed pitifully exhausted on his belly
"I do wonder what club you joined." he said after crouching on the ground and rocking a bit
"The Modeling Club..." Lucien managed to wheeze out
"...You have my condolences..." Linden muttered unceremoniously while Lucien wheezed like a dying alpaca
Lucien's mind drifted off to what his life did for the last two hours.
"Ohh! You really are handsome!" a boy with lovely blond hair and glowy brown eyes said, he greeted Noel and Lucien when they came inside the expansive club room
The clicks of cameras, people practicing their walking, eating snacks together, taking selfies on their phones, gave the club room an energetic feel and was something Lucien didn't expect at all.
"Lucien, this is Asher. He's the vice president of the Modeling Club!" Noel gestured to the blond haired boy which Lucien greeted
"Nice to meet you Asher-senpai."
"Ohoho! The rumors were true after all! This one's a dandy! Alrighty, let's get you camera ready! Give him something like a suit!"
"Eh! Right now?!"
"Yes right now Lucien-chan. Today will be the start of your blossoming modeling career ;) ~"
"That's how I got to model outfit after outfit for two hours."  Lucien said whilst eating up the soup Brier and Hawthorne got for him
"Ohh! I heard about Noel-senpai, he's a really big influencer! No doubt will people start to flock you when he posts picture of you!" Brier said
"Mhm, Noel is pretty cool." Hawthorne said while whistling
"I only really joined for the money..." Lucien confessed
"Eh? Lucien, you are a person who calculates everything, but you accepted for money?"
"Well, I am broke, it's more for security than actually spending, but I feel like I made a big mistake."
"Mhm, thinking of Lucien-san's personality, you definitely won't catch a break." Hawthorne said monotonously
"What's with that monotone expression?!"
"Hmm, well, since Lucien-san is handsome, I wanna see what the pictures look like." Linden said with a small, knowing smile
"They'll be posted tomorrow from what Noel-senpai said."
"Mhm! I look forward to seeing them!"
So, um, I just realized that there was a limit for posts. This was just like 23 pages in Samsung Notes. Yeah, so I had to cut down the last part but okay man.
Alrighty, we finally get some tea about the Valley of Thorns and boy was I like lollollollollol when I wrote this down yesterday.
That's most of it I guess, so part one of chapter 4 or just chapter 4 and the rest will be part of chapter 5, yeah, I guess it has to be like that. Frick this is going so fast and it's still Lucien's first week of classes,gotta slow down a bit.
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chessdaze · 4 years
Three Wishes Institute: New Locations part 2
I realized I forgot a few locations in my last post about new locations, so I decided to write out the rest here! Under Read more for Length
Crystal Woods:
The crystal woods is a beautiful place, so much so that beautiful seems like a lacking term. The area is full of crystalized trees and nature, yet it’s all entirely organic and the animals who live in the woods have adapted to the environment, eating crystalized foot or grass like it is nothing. Some animals even have crystals growing off of them - it’s an entirely strange and beautiful phenomenon that modern science is still trying to explain.
The woods might be out of the way from a lot of places (the closest city being around two hours away), but it’s not a tourist trap or even a place people visit often. There are people who come to research, people who come to buy land, but they’re all eventually turned away by the residence. The people here are almost all dwarves or descendants of dwarves, and take pride in the land they stand on. There is also a mine, like in the old stories about dwarves serving a princess, and a lot of the residence work there on a normal basis.
It’s a hub of history and tradition, and thanks to modern technology some people have gotten together to properly document all about their land and it’s history - they don’t mind it they simply didn’t want outsiders to do it, not trusting them to really understand or take everything they talk about seriously.
They do however allow new people to move in if they intend to work in the mine or on the fields to pick and sell crystalized crops (this is their major trade item with other cities / countries, and how the town has reminded in good shape for so long). Though it’s rumored that there is an...extensive interview process.
Emil and Otto are from here, and are one of the bigger families within the small town. Not just from the fact that have a lot of younger siblings, but the fact they have a lot of extended family as well. Most of which, are still pure blooded dwarves, while the twins themselves and most of their siblings are only a quarter dwarf, only having pointed ears to show for it.
Thieves Den:
The thieves den is located in a canyon, where ‘houses’ are carved into the side of the canyon wall. If it wasn’t filled with the worst people imaginable, It could be a popular tourist or vacation spot. Sadly, that is not the case. The people who live here are the worst of the worst, stealing from anyone or anything - sometimes even eachother, which starts brawls that could last all night. While they all sort of agree to follow one ‘king’ or ‘queen’ of thieves, there is no honor here, at the end of the day it’s every thief for themselves.
Still, the way they have crafted the homes in the canyon walls is both beautiful and functional. Magic and minor electricity keeps the place let up and functioning with the basics, rooms are filled with gold and other treasures gather Instead of doors there’s normally walls of beads and jewels, or expensive looking fabrics and tapestry that close off areas.
No one from the land of hot sands goes near the Thieves Den, lest they rob you blind and not even leave you with the clothes on your back. Some people from the slums seek refuge here if they have been kicked out for their ‘bad behavior’ and have no where else to go. Sometimes criminals are thrown in here by the guards of the surrounding cities as punishment for their crimes - either those criminals end up joining the den, or they aren’t heard from again.
There are two people who have connections to the den that are correctly At three wishes. One of them is unaware of the other, but the other is all too familiar with the former and occasionally tries to offer advice that only a thief could...
Sand Dune Slums:
A place that is exactly how it is described - a slum area within the Land of Hot Sands. It’s technically in the shadow of the major city (Modern Agrabah, cause idk what else they would call it honestly), so another name for the location is Agrabah’s shadow. People here are sometimes former criminals that can’t get a paying job in the city thanks to their previous record, or just people who had tried to make it big in the city and gave up at some point, or simply those who can’t afford to live in the extravagant city. Their homes are built out of layers of tarp, wood, and stone blocks - and they have to build within a certain area or else the guards from the city get mad at them, saying they’re ‘ruining the scenery’ since the city is a popular tourist spot. This is why the slums are contained to the back side / shadows of the outer city walls.
There’s a bit of a barter system in place of money, as no one really has a decent amount, ad any they’re going to spend would be spent in the city getting better quality things if that could afford it. However there’s still thugs and lowlifes here who try to steal from others without bartering at all - they only get stopped half of the time - the guards tend to turn a blind eye towards crimes that happen in the slums, focusing more on if any of the population of the slums makes trouble within the city, or throwing people out too the slums.
But, overall, the people here are pretty kind and try to welcome everyone with open arms. There’s lots of community events to keep people’s spirits up and they try to share what they get with anyone they can afford to.
Ozan is originally from here, but after stealing one too many things, he was thrown out of both the city and the slums. Left where no where else to go (other than the thieves den, but they wanted to avoid that place at all costs aswell), they wandered until they found a mirror to transport them somewhere else for them to live - which is how he came to steal items from Three Wishes Institute, and later be accepted into the headmaster’s family.
(a big thanks to my friend Freya @twstriddle who let me use this idea that they had come up with and make a few tweaks to).
Underland is the organized crime capital of Twisted Wonderland. It is not a place you ever want to be caught in if you don’t know the unspoken rules of the place. Crime happens 24/7 here, you can barely take a look around without catching at least 3 crimes going on around you.
Having mostly been a dumping ground for the Country of Roses in the distant past, the city itself isn’t too modernized but instead has a more steam based system. This is someone’s Steampunk paradise on the surface; clock towers, exposed machinery with  running gears all day and night, Crazy new inventions being made - and thrown out - every single day. Steampunk fashion is also popular and the most sold (legal) items in the city.
Among the crime families, there is one that practically rules over them all, the Pillars. They practically have a monopoly over most of what comes in and out of the city. They maintain a decent, working relationship with the other families, but they are also the most targeted because of their status. (and funfact the leaders of the Pillars are two husbands. I would say I don’t make the rules, but I very much do in this scenario).
Some say that there has been an uproar in Underland ever since someone stole items from the Pillars and disappeared without a trace.
Chronos Gate:
A stretch of land between the Country of Roses and Underland, which is a famous tourist destination. The land has been touched with time magic, now pretty much forbidden over all of Twisted Wonderland, and while efforts were made in the past to try and correct this area’s disrupted time, no success came of it and soon people founded it as a tourist destination instead.
Different areas of the land have different time zones and seasons, as time does not match up over all of the land. One step you’ll be in summer at noon, the next it might be a dark and cold winter night. The biggest attraction is at what is considered the ‘center’ of the land, time is completely stopped. A special walkway had to be made so that people wouldn’t get trapped here as they traveled through.
Each time one enters a different time, it’s considered walking through a ‘gate’ of time, hence the name of the location.
There are also research facilities set up in multiple areas of the land, studying the time magic and how to dispel it. There are people who live here aswell, but they tend to stick to the outer edges of the land - the ‘beginning’ and ‘end’ gates, the ones closest to Underland and the Country of Roses. These are the two gates that are the most accurate as far as time goes, even if they are a few hours ahead or behind the mentioned areas.
Someone in Three Wishes is very familiar how the Gates work.
Rosa Castletown:
A mysterious castle-town that only few have heard of, and even fewer been to. Apparently it used to be an entire country, but has been dwindled down to just the castle and the surrounding city - all enclosed within large stone walls.
Silas Rosamund is from here and often praises the castle town for persevering through the times, but also has slight criticism for the town as they have not all decided to keep up with the latest technology or trends. A lot of senior citizens move to the castle town because of this, wanting a nice and simple place to retire and relax. They have the basics at least, so at the very least they aren’t entirely in the stone age.
The castle town is said to be rolled by a beautiful and powerful queen, who only shows herself on special nights of the year. International holidays being a few but also a few holidays specific to the town, such as the rose viewing festival - as the castle town, if known by anyone, is known for their roses - they even have vines of roses encasing the walls of the town.
Silas actually lived in the castle as a servant, and tended to the Queen personally, so he’s one of the only ones who has ever seen her face up close.
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zebrabaker · 4 years
Choosing Destiny; Part 1
TA-DA! I promised this to @sayuricorner like, two weeks ago, but it’s finally done! THis is a Twisted Wonderland/Ever After High crossover, and pretty salty. PLEASE COMMENT
Rook had been relaxing in a grove when he heard a rustling in the woods. His eyes snapped to the side when a branch snapped just beyond the tree line. Slowly, he stood, preparing to fight if necessary. Then, stumbling, no, limping, out of the woods, came a girl. Her skin was deathly pale, and her t-shirt and sleep pants were shredded in some places. Her left ankle was swollen and bruised, and she whimpered every time she put her weight on it. The girl’s eyes lit with hope and desperation when she saw him, and she froze, lifting her hands in the universal gesture of surrender.
“Please, I don’t know where I am, or what I’m doing here, or how I got here. I just need a doctor, I hurt my ankle at one point, running from a pack of wolves. I hid in a tree for a few hours, but I’m really lost and scared and I don’t know what to do.” Her voice was rising and her eyes starting to water.
“You can come here, Mademoiselle. I won’t hurt you. Come, there should be a doctor at the school.” He slowly walked towards her, keeping his hands up to show he was no threat. Still, the girl remained wary, her shoulders tense. He took her hand in his, and slipped an arm around her shoulder. She sagged into him, and he could feel how weak she was. Slowly, they made their way towards the main building. Almost halfway there, the girl let out a gentle yelp and collapsed, clinging tight to his arm in an attempt to stay upright. Thinking fast, he squatted and swept his free arm under her legs before standing. After taking a moment to adjust his hold on her, he continued up the path, moving slowly to not jostle the poor girl. How had she gotten lost in the woods? There wasn’t anything but trees for miles around.
They had just entered the main building when the girl spoke.
“My name is Raven. I really can’t thank you enough for helping me.” Her voice was lovely to hear, slightly raspy and sweet like a candy apple.
“There is no need to thank me, it’s what anyone would do. My name is Rook Hunt. We’re almost to the nurse’s office. How did you get lost in the woods? There’s nothing around for miles.” There were no students in the hallways, as it was technically time for classes. He had a free period, so he wouldn’t get in any trouble. Gently tapping his boots against the door to the nurse’s office, he waited for the school nurse, Nurse Isla, to open the door.
“Mister Rook? Who is this young lady?” The frail looking woman asked. She stepped back, making room for Rook to carry Raven over to a cot and set her down.
“My name is Raven, ma’am. I got lost in the woods. Where am I?” Isla and Rook shared a look. Everyone in Twisted Wonderland knew what NCR was.
“Well, you’re at Night Raven College, of course.” Raven’s brow furrowed.
“I have no idea where that is. Are we still in the White kingdom, or anywhere near Ever After High?” Something like realization dawned on Nurse Isla’s face.
“Mister Hunt, you need to go fetch the Headmaster.”
“What? Why? Is something wrong?” There was a note of panic in Raven’s voice.
“Nothing dangerous dear, now let’s see what we can do for that ankle of yours.” Rook waited no longer, and left for the head office.
Today had started well, considering that it was just three days since the disaster that was Legacy Day. Maddie was sick with some Wonderland virus, and had been in the school infirmary for a day and a half, leaving Raven alone. Most of the other Rebels had been supportive, but she wasn’t close with any of them. She had taken to hiding in the woods between classes, just to avoid the hateful words and glares of the Royals. Everything had gone wrong when she had tried practicing her magic. She centered herself, and slowly took deep breaths. She had just been trying a simple teleportation spell to take her back to her room when a twig snapped and she lost control. The next thing she knows, the woods look different, and she hears the baying of hungry wolves.
“Ah!” She snapped out of her remembrance when the nurse pressed on her ankle.
“Sorry, dear, but I need to check if anything is broken.” The nurse continued to poke and prod the throbbing area. After five minutes, the nurse spoke again. “Not broken, but seriously sprained. I’ll need you to drink a potion, and it should heal in a few minutes. For now, just stay here.” The nurse bustled away, rifling through a cabinet for a few moments. The door swung open, revealing a man in what looked like a plague mask. This must be the headmaster, she realized.
“Hello, young lady. I am Headmaster Crowley; might I know your name?”
“I’m Raven Queen, sir.” She greeted.
Crowley watched as the girl seemed to shrink as she introduced herself. Odd, she was a rather pretty girl, but she seemed scared to death of him.
“Queen? That’s a rather unusual last name.” Nurse Isla commented as she came back over, carrying a potion vial.
“It’s from my mother’s side.” Raven murmured, looking ashamed. “Next Evil Queen and all that…” Crowley sucked in a deep breath. Between her references to Ever After High and what she just said, this girl was a descendant of the Beautiful Queen, one of the seven founders.
“Drink up, Miss Queen.” Nurse Isla said, handing Raven a small vial. Raven wrinkled her nose and drank the potion like a shot, gagging on the foul taste. He winced in sympathy. Nurse Isla’s potions were terrible tasting, but they worked wonders.
“Miss Queen, if you would come with me, we can get you sorted out.” Raven nodded and swung her legs over the edge of the cot, testing her weight on her ankle as she slowly stood. With her arm wrapped around herself, the girl slowly padded after him down the hall. Classes were still in session, which was probably for the best, since Raven looked ready to jump out of her skin at the slightest hint of danger.
“Um, Sir, where am I? The nurse said something about a college?”
“This is Night Raven College; an elite boy’s school founded several hundred years ago by seven powerful people. I believe you are descended from one such person, the one we call the Beautiful Queen. However, I need to test this belief, before we decide what to do with you.”
“Really? But, why would you call her that? She was second fairest, that’s just…how the story always goes.” Raven asked, seeming to hesitate.
“Though Snow White was deemed fairer than the Queen, Snow’s beauty and kindness were a façade, hiding just as much vanity and cruelty as the so-called ‘Evil Queen’. Honestly, such a mean thing to call someone.” He sniffed. Miss Queen was looking at him like he was quite mad. They arrived at his office, and he pushed the door open, revealing the floating mirror. He heard Miss Queen suck in a deep breath.
“Is that…the first magic mirror? It went missing almost five hundred years ago!” She slowly walked forward, reaching out one hand towards the glowing mirror. Right before she set her hand against the gilded frame, the mirror lit up, making her recoil in shock.
“Who goes there?” It boomed, an eerily under-lit face appearing in the perfectly smooth glass. “You!” The face boomed. “You are of the blood of Queens! You are not to be here! Has the fool Grim truly let one slip from his grasp after so long?”
“If Headmaster Grimm knew where I was, he would have taken me back to Ever After High by now. He’s very strict on the whole ‘destiny-or-poof’ thing…” Raven seemed disgruntled. “So, what exactly is this place? Everyone keeps calling it a college, but what kind of college has the First Mirror?” Hmm. Miss Queen seemed to be rather bright.
“Well, simply put, Night Raven College is a prestigious boy’s high school for those with the potential to become a truly powerful magic user. We were founded almost five hundred years ago by seven powerful beings, each of whom has a house for their favored students. Your ancestor founded Pomefiore on her heavy efforts.” Crowley paused as an idea came to mind. “Say, Miss Queen, I have a most brilliant idea! Why do we not enroll you as a student?”
“What?” The girl spluttered. “I thought you said this was a boy’s school?”
“Only by tradition. There’s no official school rule or policy that says no girls can attend. Now, to begin, simply place your hand flat against the mirror. From there, the magic of the mirror will sort you into the proper house. I highly doubt you’ll be placed anywhere but Pomefiore, but formalities must be observed!”
Raven, feeling rather steamrolled, did as she was told, pressing her palm flat against the cool glass. She shuddered at the slight tingle that raced up her arm and down her spine from the overwhelming magic in the mirror. The image of a poison dipped apple appeared in the mirror, with the poison taking the shape of a skull.
“Just as I expected then! Now all you need is a uniform!”
“I can handle that aspect, my mother, despite being in the mirror prison, taught me whatever interested me magic wise. I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was a little girl…” Her voice trailed off, melancholy, as magic washed over her. “I can base it off the uniform I saw Rook in earlier.” Raven’s hair tumbled down her back, dark and smooth, missing the usual purple streaks, and reaching the small of her back. She wore a peasant collared, knee length black dress with sleeves reaching just beyond her elbows. Underneath were fishnet knee highs, and fingerless gloves of the same material. Around her waist was a lavender knot belt that matched the headband that materialized on her head, and the new shoes that appeared on her feet.
“Most impressive, Miss Queen!” Headmaster Crowley cheered. And it really was. In a swirl of lavender and lilac magic, her clothing had been completely transfigured from decidedly disheveled and torn pajamas to a fully functional, seemingly stable outfit.
“Ah, it’s nothing. I haven’t done it in a while, since I was maybe thirteen, I suppose. I just…lost interest.” She shrugged, seeming to shrink under his praise. There was a knock at the door, and Grim clapped his hands.
“Ah, there’s your new dorm-mate. Come in, Mister Felmier!” He called towards the door. It swung open to reveal a rather short boy with purple hair, who was almost as pale as she was.
“You called for me, headmaster?” The boy asked, seeming to be scared of his own shadow.
“Indeed! I’d like you to meet Miss Raven Queen! She’s just been sorted into Pomefiore, I was hoping you could show her to the dorms, as I have some business to deal with concerning her enrollment. Miss Queen, I leave you in capable hands!” And with that, the headmaster was gone.
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swanqueeneverafter · 4 years
The Once & Future Queen Pt.35
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Storybrooke. Swan-Mills House. (Henry and Ella stand over Maria's crib, who is sleeping contentedly.) Ella: "Kinda makes you think huh? (Henry looks to her:) About having one of our own?" Henry: (Smiles:) "Yes. Absolutely." (Henry drops his gaze back to his sister.) Ella: (Nudging him with her shoulder:) "I didn't mean right away." Henry: (Sighs:) "Oh thank god." (They both laugh and share a kiss as the doorbell rings. Giving Henry a playful swat on the butt when he goes to answer the door, Ella returns her attention to her slumbering sister-in-law.) Front Door. (Opening the door, Henry sees a man standing on the porch with his back turned.) Henry: "Hello, can I help you?" Mordred: "Actually, you can. (He turns around:) Is Maria home?" Henry: "You! Get out of here and stay the hell away from my sister!" Mordred: "I'm afraid I can't do that." Ella: (Joining Henry at the door:) "Well there's no way we're letting you anywhere near Maria." Mordred: (Spots the kitchen knife in her hand:) "I can see you’re serious. Perhaps I'll call back at another time." Henry: (Mordred turns to leave:) "You come anywhere near this house again and I'll-" (Mordred disappears in a cloud of smoke. Slamming the door closed, Henry winces, instantly regretting it.) Ella: "Henry, she's sleeping!" Henry: "I know. Wait. (He listens but hears nothing:) Oh no. (Running towards the crib:) Oh no, no, no." Ella: (Following:) "Henry, what-" Henry: (Reaching the crib to see that it's now empty:) "Maria. She's gone!"
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Dun Broch. (Merida paces nervously while Anastasia watches from her reclined position on the window seat.) Anastasia: "Will you relax? I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think." Merida: "You don't understand, I've never brought anyone home before." Anastasia: "What, never?" Merida: (Sighs:) "Back when my father died and I became next in line, the clans didn't want to be governed by a woman. I refused proposals from Lord Macintosh, Dingwall and MacGuffin. They exiled my mother and it almost cost my brothers their lives as well." Anastasia: "But you won them over in the end, Merida. You became their Queen." Merida: "Yes, but now there's us and I just don't know how the clans will react." (The doors open and Elinor enters alongside Drizella.) Elinor: "If there's one thing I've learned during my time at your father's side, Merida, it's that searching for universal approval is a fool's errand. (Drizella joins her sister on the window seat, pushing her legs to the side to make room for herself. Elinor takes her daughter's hands and continues:) And as far as love is concerned, that should never come easy. It's messy. It means arguing and making up and laughing and crying and struggling. And sometimes, it doesn't seem worth it. But it is. And, in the end, when you're in love, no matter what happens, you have each other. Don’t ever let anyone take that away from you.” Merida: “I won’t, I promise.” (Merida walks over and kneels in front of Anastasia. Noticing that Merida seems to be searching for the right words, Anastasia takes her hands in her own.) Anastasia: “I think I'm ready. If you are.” Merida: “For what?” Anastasia: “It’s finally time for me to leave Wonderland behind, and start a new adventure... with you?” Merida: (Smiles:) “I’d like that. Yeah, I’d bloody love it.” (Merida surges forward and kisses Anastasia passionately, bumping Drizella from the seat. Elinor helps her to her feet.) Drizella: (To Elinor:) “So... I guess the big question is, which room is mine?” (Elinor chuckles and they leave the room together, giving Merida and Anastasia their privacy.)
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Storybrooke. Library. (Belle sits beside the unconscious body of her husband, when all eyes turn to see the cloud of smoke appear outside the library doors. Drawing his gun, Hook points it at the doorway until he sees Regina and Emma cross over the threshold.) Hook: (Holstering his weapon:) "Apologies, I thought you were Mordred coming back to finish the job." Henry: "Mom! (Henry and Ella cross the room to console each of them. Hugging Regina:) We're so sorry, it was Mordred he-" Regina: "We know. And it's not your fault, it's ours for leaving Maria unprotected." Ella: "I don't understand, how can you already know?" Morgana: (Walking into the library:) "I told them I had a feeling Mordred would want to go after the child again." Hook: (Draws his gun again:) "What the hell are you doing here?" Emma: "Relax, Hook, put it away. Morgana's with us now." Hook: "What are you talking about, Swan?" Emma: "She was cleansed at the Cauldron of Arianrhod." Hook: (Still pointing his gun at Morgana:) "Oh really? Well isn't that nice. (Raises his voice:) Does anyone here know what the bloody hell she's talking about or can we assume this one's got them under her spell?" (While Hook continues to glare at Morgana, Belle steps forward.) Belle: "I do. And if it's true then whatever darkness there was inside Morgana's heart has been purged." Emma: "It's true, Belle. Regina and I were there. Morgana came with us to try and talk sense to Mordred, but I see we're too late?" Belle: (Nods:) "He came here not long ago and ransacked the place. I sent Alice out for help and then Hook and Rumple turned up and all hell broke loose. Mordred used his magic to send Hook and Rumple flying. One of the bookshelves caught Rumple in the head and knocked him out. Hook managed to fire off a shot or two and Mordred fled."
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(Regina kneels beside Rumplestiltskin, stroking his hair.) Regina: "Does anyone know what Mordred was after?" Belle: (Shakes her head:) "He left clutching a map of some kind, but I couldn't tell where-" Morgana: "I think I know where Mordred's headed." (Xena and Gabrielle enter the library and take in the carnage.) Xena: "Care to enlighten us?" Morgana: (Glares at Xena, then looks away:) "I believe he's headed to the Crystal Cave." Belle: (Gasps:) "It's the place where magic began." Morgana: (Nods:) "And it's where the Old Religion was founded." Gabrielle: "Why would Mordred be headed there?" Morgana: "He wants to take the child's power for himself. So that he can be invincible." Hook: "So that's it then. Mordred has Maria and the map and he could've magicked himself to the caves by now." Morgana: "The Crystal Cave is protected. You cannot gain entry through magical means. You have to walk there." Xena: "Yeah, well walking is something we're real good at, but we still don't have the map." Morgana: "We don't need one. I know where the caves are. I'm your map." Emma: "Then what the hell are we standing around for? Let's go." Zelena: (Entering:) "You're not going anywhere without me. (Emma turns to her:) I knew I should've killed that little bastard when I had the chance. Maybe it'll be third time lucky." Morgana: "No one is laying a hand on Mordred. I believe that he too can be saved." Emma: (At Zelena's questioning look:) "Turns out you were right. Morgana could be saved after all." Zelena: (Scoffs:) "All right. (To Morgana:) But if it comes down to saving Mordred or Maria, your little druid boy is done for." Morgana: (Stares at her for a long moment, then nods:) "Agreed."
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Will & Tiana’s Apartment. (Tiana breaks an egg into a bowl and starts whisking when Will returns home.) Will: “There you are. Thought you'd be out celebrating. Morgana’s been ‘cleansed’ whatever that means and Anastasia was rescued and plans to stay in Dun Broch with Merida. So it appears Wonderland is solely yours once again, Your Majesty. People should be cooking beignets for you.” Tiana: “Cooking helps me clear my head. Or at least it used to.” Will: “All right, I can see something’s bothering you, so why don’t you put down the whisk and tell me what it is?” Tiana: (Puts down the bowl:) “I don't know who I am, Will. Part of me just wants to run the Rollin’ Bayou and have a life where all I have to worry about is the price of butter. But I realise that kind of simple life isn’t possible for me. When I first heard about what Anastasia was doing, I was pissed. That she could just pretend to still be the Queen of Wonderland for all that time and I didn’t even notice? It made me think that she was right, that maybe Wonderland is too big to manage by myself.” Will: “But you’re not by yourself, love.” Tiana: “I know, but look at Camelot and all the previously unknown forces coming out of the woodwork to take Guinevere’s throne. After taking some time to think about it, I’m not sure if someone were to make a play for Wonderland, that I’d give them much of a fight.” Will: “Tiana...” Tiana: “I mean it, Will. A real queen would be out there helping her people, and I'm hiding in here, stress baking.” Will: “Hey, hey, hey. Come on. (Wraps his arms around her:) Did you forget what happened during the Black Fairies curse? You were the leader of the rebellion that spanned across several realms. You provided a safe haven to all those who had lost their homes. The woman who saved those people, who saved me... That was a queen. It was my queen.” (Both chuckle.) Tiana: “You always did have a way with words, Will Scarlett.”
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The Valley of The Fallen Kings. (The group of six walk along the valley between two large stone statues.) Gabrielle: "Is this place cursed?" Morgana: "No, but it is crawling with bandits. Which is why we must stay together. Without being able to use our powers, we won’t stand a chance.” Xena: (Scoffs:) “Speak for yourself.” Morgana: “I wouldn’t dare speak for you. My soul may have been cleansed back at the Cauldron, but the fact remains that you disfigured my sister.” Xena: “The same sister that locked you in a tower and twisted your mind against the world? Sounds like a little disfigurement was the least she had coming.” Gabrielle: “And I think you pretty much got even with Xena when you had her fight all of your soldiers for your entertainment. Let’s not lose focus as to why we’re here, all right?” (The group continues on, descending several stone steps.) Zelena: (Walking with Emma and Regina:) “No magic. What kind of ridiculous protection is that?” Emma: “I don’t like it very much either but if this is the only way of getting to this cave then we’re sure as hell going to do it.” Zelena: “If it’s even true, I mean we could be letting our guard down and walking into some trap concocted between Mordred and Morgana.” Regina: “Zelena, you were the one who told us that we should give Morgana another chance all along, remember?” Zelena: “Yes, but since when have you ever listened to me?” Regina: “Since we witnessed it with our own eyes. And like Emma said, what choice do we have?” (Up ahead, Xena hears a twig snap and bandits come running at them.) Xena: “Morgana, take cover!” (Unarmed, Morgana ducks down behind a nearby rock while Gabrielle draws her sais and turns to fight the men. Xena blocks the blow of one and pushes him to the ground. Gabrielle punches the other one and knocks him to the ground as the first one gets up. The first bandit goes after Morgana, who stumbles backwards onto the ground.) Morgana: “Help!” (Xena stabs him in the back, pulls the sword out.) Gabrielle: “Xena, behind you!” (Without looking, Xena flips her sword under her arm and stabs the other bandit about to attack her.)
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(Spotting a whole group of bandits now running towards them, Gabrielle turns and shouts a warning to the others.) Gabrielle: “We’ve got company!” (Twirling her sword, Xena slashes two bandits when they run within reach. Gabrielle tosses her sai at another before launching herself at him. Emma draws her father’s sword while Regina raises her own.) Regina: “Take cover, Zelena. We can handle this.” (Also unarmed, Zelena has no choice but to obey. Sliding further into the ravine, Zelena finds herself standing with Morgana while the battle continues above them. Turning to watch the action, Morgana laments a missed opportunity.) Morgana: “If only I had my sword. It’s been years since I’ve had the chance to practice.” Zelena: (Rolling her eyes:) “What is it with you princesses and sword fighting? Do you get a group discount or did Daddy pay for a private tutor?” Morgana: “I’ve had the proper training since I was three years old.” Zelena: “Yeah, well hooray for you. (There is a yelp of pain and both women duck as a bandit rolls towards them. While he flies over and crashes to the forest floor, Morgana eyes his sword:) Don’t even think about it. I’m not going to be the only one out here who’s defenseless.” Morgana: (Smirks:) “I may not be armed, but that doesn’t make me defenseless.” (Morgana looks around and picks up a fist sized rock. Peering up at the ongoing fight, Morgana rears back and throws the rock into the air, hitting a bandit squarely between the shoulder blades, allowing Gabrielle to finish him off with ease.) Zelena: (Impressed:) “Not bad. But two can play that game.” Morgana: “Careful now, it’s not like throwing fireballs you know.” Zelena: “Like I said to your brother years ago, just watch and learn, Pendragon, all right?” (And so, with the fight raging on above them, Zelena and Morgana take turns throwing rocks at the bandits. The sounds of swords clashing echoing throughout the valley.)
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lucyhend8 · 4 years
The Girl
This is a short piece I wrote a while ago. Wanted to post it here!
Cold. All Lucy felt was cold. A shiver ran through her entire body as she lay in the snow. Snowflakes danced through the air and brushed across her rosy cheeks. Her breath came out in little bursts of fog. She could no longer remember how long she had been lying like this. She was yet to open her eyes, afraid of what would appear before her. Her fingers drummer against her sides as she tried to figure out her surroundings. She couldn't open her eyes because deep down, she knew it would confirm her fears. At least with her eyes closed, she could pretend she was somewhere else. Ignorance is bliss after all. It was only when she heard the unmistakeable sound of running on frozen ground that she cracked open her eyes.
Before Lucy lay what can only be described as a winter wonderland. Pure, undisturbed snow encased her. Frozen flakes cling to cobwebs like crystals. The wind whistled gently through the trees, rustling the bare branches ever so slightly. Lucy was surrounded by movement and yet she couldn't move a muscle. She was stuck, lying there. Now that she had taken in her environment, she knew she was back. Back at that place. She hated the fact that she couldn't go anywhere. She was puzzled by how she got there. Surely she wouldn't consciously return to the source of her torment. Surely she wouldn't do that to herself. Surely she'd known better that. Surely- her thoughts were interrupted by a growl.
Lucy's head snapped to the left. The source of the growl became apparent as a wolf emerged from the trees.  Another wolf followed close behind the first but her gaze was fixed on the first wolf. It had a single stripe of brown fur leading from it's nose to it's ears. This was a stark contrast against the rest of it's snow-white fur. The animal paced closer to Lucy. The wind started to pick up. Her hair blew lightly across her face. She paid no attention to it. She only had eyes for the wolf stalking towards her. Fear should have been pulsing through her veins. She should have wanted to run. She didn't. The wolf was now inches from her face. She could smell the rotting meat from it's breath. The wind was raging at this stage. The pale gold strands of Lucy's hair were sent in every direction by the tempest. She kept her gaze locked on the wolf. It studied her. Cold, calculating eyes stared at her. They resembled shattered glass, piercing through her. She knew those eyes. Just like the setting she found herself in, they were all too familiar.
"Lucy! Are you ok? Wake up!"
Lucy's eyes shot open for real this time. Her head shook from side to side, trying to understand what was going on. A slick layer of sweat had built up on the back of her neck and she shrugged the blankets off of her body. A worried face filled her vision. Ah, James, she thought to herself, but where's....? Her question was answered when she flicked her eyes to the end of the couch. She was met with a contemptuous glare. The Girl sat there. She was hunched over at the end of the couch with her chin on her palm and her eyes narrowed. Lucy bit her lip and wondered what she had done to upset The Girl. There were rules, you see, and number one was don't upset The Girl. There would be consequences.
James looked between Lucy and The Girl. He cleared his throat nervously. "Eh.... Lucy. You alright? Seemed to be dreaming something intense there," he questioned. Lucy brought up a hand to scratch the back of her neck-a nervous habit she'd developed over the years. "Funny thing. It's nothing really. Just about... the woods and... stuff." Lucy stammered out. What she didn't mention was that this wasn't the first time a dream had led her to that place. James' eyebrows arched so high they nearly disappeared into his hairline. The Girl remained silent but shook her head, empathizing with Lucy. James seemed to reach a decision as he looked at Lucy carefully. "How about we go for a walk, clear your head?" He suggested. Lucy rolled this idea around her head. Maybe that could be a good idea, she thought. "How about we visit that woods that turns you into a sniveling idiot?" The Girl piped up for the first time. Lucy watched as The Girl got up to stand beside her head. James sent a curious glance between them. He was just as uncomfortable around The Girl as Lucy. They both put up with her. Lucy really wished The Girl would leave. Lucy moistened her lips and in a voice much stronger than she thought, she announced "let's go."
Lucy was left to herself to get ready for their trip. She threw in the clothes closest to her. She stood, brushing her pale blonde hair in front of the mirror. Her eyes found the ugly scar that ran from the bridge of her nose to her hairline, just above her ear. She instinctively traced her fingertips alone it. What a horrible mark that ruined a face that could have been pretty, she pondered. She stared straight ahead in the mirror. The same cold blue eyes from her dream stared back at her. A shiver ran down her spine. Something was about to go horribly wrong. She just knew it.
A glint of metal caught Lucy's eyes from the corner of the mirror. She turned and cast her eyes across the room. They landed on an object poking out of James' bag. She tiptoed tentatively towards the bag. The gleam of the metal put her in a trance. Her mum always said she was like a magpie when it comes to shiny objects. She reached the bag and descended to a crouch. Her fingers fumbled clumsily with the material of the bag. She threw her hand into the bag and closed it around something cool and smooth. She drew her arm back and found a knife in her palm. She turned it over, examining it. It shone wickedly in the light. There was something attractive about the sight of the knife in her hand. The potential for destruction that it held captivated her. This power was under her control. In that moment, she could have done anything. She took a deep breath and shook her head, breaking the spell. No, she thought, put that away. She threw the knife away and promptly stood up. She promised herself that she'd revisit what just happened after she returned from the woods. Right then, she had demons to face and they wouldn't appear in this house.
Lucy stumbled through the house looking for her friends. They had vanished. Against her better judgement, she left the house and made her way down an almost-hidden path. The sight of the little brick estate house was a lot more daunting than she remembers as she trekked towards the woods. Somehow, she knew she knew she'd never set a foot back in the house. As she walked between the trees, it was fairly silent except for the sound of branches crunching under her boots. The wind whooped through the trees. Goosebumps prickled up and down her arms. Feelings of fear and confusion bubbled in her stomach. She didn't remember her friends leaving but she knew they'd be there. Her gut told her.
Lucy felt as though she had been transported back into her dream. She got the same strange feeling, maybe it was just the place. Now deep in the woods, Lucy spotted a figure amongst the line of trees. He was half hidden in the darkness but Lucy would have known that face anywhere. Relief washed over her. She surged forward but stopped when James let out a sharp "NO!" As Lucy slowly got closer, she saw the look of sheer terror on his face. His eyes had widened and his hands wouldn't stop fidgeting. He struggled with words and refused to look Lucy in the eyes. She moved forward to put her hands on his shaking arms. He flinched away as if her touch would burn him. "Your fault. It's all your fault" he managed to stutter out. A darkness descended distorting his handsome features. Lucy shook her head. "You're not making any sense" she replied, desperately trying to get him to listen. That only made it worse. Tears fell down his cheeks as he threw his arms out to push Lucy away.
Lucy stepped away and held her hands up in a surrender gesture. James slowly stopped thrashing and slumped dejectedly to the ground. "I'm already doomed" he said defeated. Realization was clear on his face. He started to gently rock in place. His eyes looked lost. He looked up at Lucy but she could tell that she had lost her best friend. He was gone. His mind was too far away to reach. The only word that could describe the atmosphere was despair. All hope was gone. " What do you-". Lucy's sentence was cut short by a loud bang and she knew better than to look down at James. She wouldn't have liked what she saw.
Panic forced it's way up Lucy's throat. She clamped a hand over her mouth to suppress a terrified scream. Tears flooded out of her eyes, leaving trails down her cheeks. She pushed past James' body. She ran blindly through the woods. She needed to get away. She moved as quickly as she could. She had her destination in her mind. She needed to get back to where it all began. She felt as though a cold hand had closed around her heart. Grief ran rampant through her veins. As she made her way, she tripped over the root of a tree. Her balance was thrown and she landed face- first on the damp ground. She supposed she should have felt pain but nothing came. She ran her hand along her hairline and it came back sprinkled with crimson. She considered just giving up and staying there but then she remembered her destination. I must get there, she thought. She pushed herself up and got shakily to her feet. A hand grabbed her arm and she was spun around.
Lucy came face to face with The Girl. Her heart thumped hard in her chest. Not her, anyone but her. The Girl's face was twisted in a half smirk as she took in the sight before her. Lucy's hands trembled so she hid them behind her back. She didn't want The Girl to know how much she affected her. The Girl took on a nonchalant stance. This didn't soothe Lucy at all. "No need to worry". The Girl mocked. Lucy's stomach dropped. What is she going to do to me? Lucy thought frantically. The Girl read her mind. "Ah, Lucy. There's nothing to worry about. What matters is that we're here, together. Alone. As it should be. You and me." The Girl ran a hand down Lucy's cheeks, wiping the tears. She pulled back and moved her hand into her pocket. She pulled out the knife from James' bag. Lucy suddenly felt extremely cold and a scream threatened to burst out of her throat.
To Lucy's surprise, The Girl turned the knife and held the handle towards Lucy. She pressed it into Lucy's hand as her smile grew. "Don't you see, it's always been just us. No one else. Now, do everyone a favor and use this." The Girl hissed. Lucy's attention was brought to the knife. She stared at it and turned it in her hand. She flicked her eyes to meet The Girl's. Cold, blue eyes like shattered glass awaited. Lucy finally understood. Fresh tears welled in her eyes as she realized that she'd always been completely alone.
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gorjee-art · 5 years
This is just a short story I’ve made for classes and whatnot, but I ended up liking it as a story so, for good practice and a lil bit of fun, I give you this. Hope you like it! Feedback is appreciated! 
Through twisting and turning hallways of a castle, echoed a voice of a giggling woman, as a light beams through the darkened tunnels, shining like a heavenly gateway. Inside was a royal bath, bubbles floated everywhere in the room with a ceiling revealing the night sky, lit by hundreds of warm candle lights dancing on the marble walls decorated with potions and bottles meant for cleansing, with a heated pool in the center, bubbling with suds. A slim woman with fair skin and hair made of a twilight sky swirling with pink and purples shimmering with starlight, cupped a handful of the foam as set her palms near her pink lips and blew to make the foam break apart into a cloud of bubbles to make it all float back in the skies above her. She giggled once again, seemingly amused with floating spheres above her, legs splashing in the warm waters, happy like a child to be observing what was above her. As she gazed, she lost herself in thought and had an idea to spin herself a tale.
“At last, the Sandman sets his stage, the scene framed with curves and twists of shimmering gold. Upon the rooftops, his foot placed on the tops of chimneys like a marble statue, the moon shining down on his porcelain skin, a spotlight made for the star, in a galaxy of his own childish mind.”  
Her tone was almost as though she was entertaining an audience, her voice dancing with energy and whimsy, with her hands playing along with setting a scene; her body spoke more than her voice for what she told.
“A mischievous creature, his aura demanding attention for those who saw him in their dreams, staring with eyes filled with curiosity and whimsy for he meets them with his own maddened gaze, a Cheshire in their wonderlands, painting his own twisted versions of fairytale and myth. For the fools that dare come closer to the man encrusted with gold, would lose their minds as he once did. For the King of Dreams never liked the concept of order, but would rather prefer the beauty that is chaos, and as a man that starved affection and attention, with an innocent smile, he’d display his work with pride, with the feeble mind of humanity that couldn’t bear to look away. His subjects would forever be in his imagination, keeping him company as they slept their days away. Henceforth, he was known by his name, for they took his title as “The Sandman”, he kept his audience, that cherished the thought of Willing Madness and welcomed them with open arms, with a promise of tea, sweets, and tales told by bold men and a man of his word, many have awoken happily. For each morning, the curtain will close, leaving the King of Dreams to sit alone in his throne…”
She finished, her hands laid on her chest and bowing her head with her eyes shut closed as if to end a scene.
“Ahem,” Her purple eyes shot open to focus upon a young lady, clasped hands hiding away her blacked claws posed in the center of a golden Victorian dress, her face bitter as her frown revealed orange tusks. The pair locked eyes, the lady’s own amber stained spheres met of those belonging to a goddess.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything, Gorjina.”
Her voice was filled with grace and patience but a hint of strictness and a respect for her ancestor. That seemed to please to whom was “Gorjina Star Nebula”.
“Not at all, dear.” She said with a smile “What is it you need? Or, would you rather join me for a bath, you look…tense.” She eyed the maiden with a cunning grin, making it well known to her that she was teasing the girl’s stress ”Every girl needs a spa day these days, especially you, Norma.”
Norma rolled her eyes at the remark and raised a brow,
“I’m not interested, I just-“ she paused, a moment of silence to chase her train of thought. Her expression faded from an annoyed sneer to a look of worry but quickly shook it off to set back to a tone of professionalism “I just need some advice.”
Gorjina stared and questioned her moment of silence. Concerned, she waited to hear her darling descendant’s woes, raising her hand and fluttered it as if to say, ‘go on’. Norma neared closer to the pool her eyes jutting away from side to side.
“Be honest…” Her voice softened “ do you… consider me as an awful person? Are you haunting my mind as a punishment?”
The final word was said with hesitation, as if it was a truth never meant to be revealed, with guilty eyes she struggled to look Gorjina face to face. However, the goddess stared back with shock,
“She couldn’t have, she wouldn’t, she couldn’t be this…moronic” she thought to herself.
With eyes wide and jaw agape, she laughed a wicked laugh, it was so loud that it screamed up to the heavens above, Norma quickly shut her ears closed and her face crinkled with anger and fury, black smoke spilling out from her gritting teeth.
“What’s so funny? Why are you laughing?” Norma spat with clear insult.
“You are merely pathetic! Not a monster! If you so consider your misdeeds as sin, then I would be Lucifer himself! You haven’t killed, stole, lied in front of a crying child, do you even HEAR yourself?” Gorjina continued to giggle, gasping for breaths of air as she fanned her weeping tears away
“A punishment? A PUNISHMENT? How low do you think of me Norma? I would be insulted and turn you into a useless doll if wasn’t so funny. Please, you’re only but a serpent living in the caves on top of a pile of gold you so greedily keep to yourself, yet you never bother anyone and they don’t bother you. How could you be horrendous, Norma? Please, I’d ADORE to hear how your mind would come up with this idiocy.”
Norma continued to sneer and growl at the woman who lived in her mind, with anger blinding her judgement.
“Then why does no one come over? Why is everyone that surrounds me takes a good look at me and runs away in a couple of seconds, look at me Gorjina I’m a freak! They’ve hurt me! I’m nothing but a parasite amounting to NOTHING!” As the outburst ends Norma heaves for breath as the smoke subsides, with a few tears sliding down her cheeks.
“What is… my purpose? Who am I? What’s the point in anything? Was I really meant to be an artist? Does my life have meaning?“ “Slow down, dear.” She lets out a sigh, letting the tips of her fingers pinch the bridge of her nose as she processed the questions given,  “Your purpose is achieving your goals and making yourself happier and more fulfilled as a person. You are Norma Kit; you decide what is the point. You’ve already gone this far, why stop doing what you love? And everyone has some meaning and impact on the Earth so long as you’re not some parasite more useless than the ground you’ve walked on, by which you’re not. What’s gotten into you? These are idiotic sentiments; they have no use for you.” She hissed.
Norma sighed, with a look of defeat she buried her face in her palms. With a flick of a wrist Gorjina fashioned her a couch before Norma could sit down. Gorjina with a feeling of pity, swam across to her broken apprentice to make sure that she is comforted. She rested her arms on the edges of the pool and looked up at her.
“That’s it, let it all out…” Gorjina said in a soft whisper, with a snap, her own sorcery made fictional “servants” come to life, made with odd shapes and colors they had no identity besides being what Gorjina meant for them to be. One pet Norma’s caramel hair to soothe her woes the other released the bow that kept her hair in a bun and tidied it up.
“You should cease your little habit of hiding away what makes you human, you could burst one day.”
“I know.” Norma said admittedly.
“Then why continue dear? I’m tired of reminding you that you are my flesh and blood, yes you may be strong, but you are also fragile, I’m here to aid my family and these choices you make in life are…”
Gorjina bit back her tongue and re thought her choice of wording
“…silly. Why close the doors of which are in front of you?”
“I don’t know.”
Feeling slight disappointment for her descendant, she sighed, rolled her eyes and asked a simple question.
“Why are you really here, Norma?”
“I just wanted to be sure, I suppose. It’s been getting to me again. It bothers me that these thoughts come around so…often. I needed just, an answer I can be sure is true.”
“It’s normal, darling. Humanity is known to push themselves and question life to do remarkable things. However, these questions about yourself will grant you these thoughts, and it has simple answers. So stop it before you waste anymore of my time.” She said with a huff and a raised nose, as she turned her back to Norma, sinking into the bubbling water submerging her body. The servants disappeared with her, fading into colorful bits of shimmering smoke, as Norma realized this, she fell on to her knees to call for her.
“Wait, wait, wait! No, you get back here! At least tell me how I stop it!”
Gorjina stopped for a moment, and looked up at her young apprentice, raising her hand so her chin may rest on it, and with no amusement she asked:
“-And what do I get in return for this favor?”
Norma thought for a moment and reached for her ears, removing two pearl earrings and set them in the palm of her cupped hands. “Here, you can have them. Just fix me.”
Gorjee stared at what she put in place, chuckling to herself, “I’m afraid I can’t accept your offer.”
“What?! But these are real pearls! Don’t bail out on this!”
“Oh, I know they are, and they are quite lovely,” She raised her hands from the water to shut Norma’s cupped hands, “but you need to keep them.”
“You need to keep those that simply cannot have a price. That should end your troubled thoughts. Look how you gave them away with no thought, no love for these lovely treasures. So desperate to let someone fix you, when the answer was right in front of you.” After a bit of thought Gorjina raised a brow and chuckled. “Besides, dear. I’m an artist.” With a quick flick of a wrist and a sudden puff of smoke, she was covered in encrusted jewels, pearls, gems, and treasures alike. “I can make my own, don’t you know…?”
“But- But you- I.”
Gorjina quickly hushed Norma, “To put this simply, you focus on those that don’t desire your presence, and you get hurt by it. So you hide away to a place that you believe no one will ever harm you, when your mind is your worst enemy. Thus, I stay here and you’re not alone, and many of us would be delighted to help you with your journey of life, and I’m afraid you don’t have much time as you think you do. You’re fragile, stop making these gray hairs for yourself.”
Norma looked at her earrings and looked back at Gorjina with a smile and an eased expression, as Gorjina looked back all the same. Displaying a love only a mother can have for their child.
“Now shoo, I’ve done enough for you.” As Gorjina turned away and exited her bath, quickly covering herself in robes of silk, both looked up to see the moon starting to set and the sun rising with birds beginning to chirp their own songs.
“It’s time to wake up, dear. It’s going to be a beautiful morning” she chuckled, and snapped her fingers.
Suddenly, Norma was in a modern room, laying on her bed and staring up at the ceiling. No dress except for a t-shirt and hair a ratty mess she groggily, turned her head to look at her clock for it to be 10:34 am.
“Not so bad.” She thought to herself,  with a few stretches and popping bones she sat on the edge of her bed to face her window. A beautiful day, as Gorjina had predicted…
“Meh.” she said with a gruff and closed the curtains and buried her face on the pillow with a smile.
“You’re an absolute disgrace, you understand that right?” her head echoed.
“Mm…you love me.”
The voice sighed and chuckled “You at least understood something, Norma.”
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rememberthattime · 5 years
Chapter 52. Finnish Lapland
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I’m writing this introduction from our flight from London Gatwick. It is 6:14 AM. Cold and rainy. We’ve been up since 4, and even my few hours of sleep were interrupted by relentless coughing. I should feel tired and angry.
But instead I’m bursting with anticipation - like my body can’t handle the excitement (maybe that’s the reason for my cough?).
This is Chelsay and I’s first weekend trip, and as the plane makes its way to the runway, I’m remembering the #1 reason we moved back: accessible travel, starting with this weekend’s trip to the Finnish Lapland.
Our second round of European adventures began with this road trip to Nellim, Finland, an extremely remote town of 150 people tucked 250 miles into the Arctic Circle, just five miles from the Russian border.
However, before writing about our three days in Finland, I want to quickly cover our first three weeks in London.
I could talk about our return to Richmond Park, about our walks through Soho and the reminders of how “cool” London is, or about how we found our flat in Hampstead within 24 hours of arriving... All of that was great, but I really only want to write about one thing: Indy.
Yes, 12 year old Chelsay’s dream finally came true. As a kid, she’d tell her mom she was going to live in London (...she watched a lot of Mary Poppins). She would have a great job and a nice husband. But most importantly: she would have a border collie named Indiana Jones. This dream came true when Chels and I traveled up to Derby, England to visit a puppy litter. All of the puppies had chubby butts, but our little Indy was easy to spot: tail wagging, stomping over his puppy siblings, and already showing affection to his new parents. It was love at first site.
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We won’t get to take little Indy home for a few more weeks, but that hasn’t slowed Chelsay’s “puppy mom” obsession. We bought his crate and fence on the ride home from Derby. We’ve been watching hours of dog training videos on YouTube. I’m receiving dozens of texts each day with the same puppy picture. ...Who am I kidding though? I’m just as much of an obsessed “puppy dad”.
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That one Indy story means you’re caught up on our first three weeks in London. Back to our first trip.
There’s always a buzz when you’re going somewhere new, and that’s especially true in Europe. Every country is so accessible yet so unique. Spain is nothing like Sweden nor Morocco. They’re all just three hours away, but might as well be on different planets.
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This was proven true as our plane descended into Finland. The landscape was whiter than a Dave Mathews concert. Snow everywhere. No patches of civilization, just patches of evergreen forests covered in more white. We took off in metropolitan London and landed literally in the Arctic Circle.
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If this was evident on the flight in, it became especially clear as we left the airport. I asked our rental agent for the car keys and he looked back at me as if it were obvious: “They’re in the car - I started it 30 minutes ago.”
As we stepped out the airport doors, I realized why this should’ve been obvious — and also why his directions to the car were so emphatic. Everything was frozen, including the car had he not started it earlier. Chelsay and I would’ve been frozen too if we didn’t literally dive into the car.
After barely avoiding frostbite, my first thought upon hitting the road was “How can people survive here?” It’s just snow, ice, and sub-zero temperatures for months!
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But the Finnish rightly play up their winter wonderland. In fact, it’s close enough to the North Pole that Lapland claims to be the Home of Santa. Yes, of all the places in the entire world, Santa chose Rovaniemi, Finland to set up shop. What an honor.
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After a brief stop at Santa’s offices, we hit the road for our four-hour drive to Nellim. This place is remote, and that was exactly the intention. My two goals for the trip were (1) to see the Northern Lights and (2) to walk through snowy, silent Finish forests. Heading as far into Lapland as possible gave us the best chances for both.
The drive was a breeze: we had studded tires for the icy roads, and a James Acaster audiobook for entertainment. Plus the landscape kept us in awe - tall spruce forests lined the roadway and the black concrete was covered in ice, loose snow whipping around in the wind.
We were conscious of daylight on our drive up. In winter, the sun technically rises at 9:30 AM and sets at 3 PM. I say “technically” because there is actually far more daylight thanks to Nautical and Civil twilight, two things I’d never heard of before this trip. Given Lapland’s latitude, sunrise and sunset last about two hours each — rather than have a defined light time and dark time, Finnish days are just caught in perpetual semi-visibility... In addition to being “Home to Santa”, Lapland is apparently also the Twilight Zone.
Stop it Mike.
Anyway, we arrived at Nellim Wilderness Resort after sunset and nautical twilight and civil twilight and any other twilight. It was dark, but there were still a few activities available our first evening.
First, our resort had an illuminated sled hill. We didn’t know about the sledding beforehand, but once we’d seen it, Chelsay and I couldn’t resist.
Our riding styles were absolutely on brand: Chelsay laughed and screamed the entire way down (reminding me of our ride on The Mummy roller coaster at Universal Studios).
Meanwhile, I took sledding to an extreme by riding headfirst (likely breaking my ribs with what Chelsay called “The Salmon Jump”), then later trying to surf down (likely breaking my back with what Chelsay called “The Concussion Tumble”).
We were in the right country to recover from our (my) frigid falls, because the Finns love a hot sauna. In fact, they invented it! 1000 years ago, some Viking named Olaf probably tried that sled-surf thing, and a smoky sauna was his novel therapy!
Luckily the resort’s saunas were private, because similar to sled-surfing, I introduced a new twist to an old tradition: no one in the history of saunas has ever sweat as much as I did. Olaf included.
Outside of sledding and saunas, the other big nighttime activity in Lapland is searching for the Aurora Borealis. The Northern Lights are fairly common this time of year: about 50/50. The problem was the weather was due to be overcast & snowing throughout, so Chelsay and I came in with zero expectation.
We mentioned this to the receptionist at Nellim, but she wasn’t giving up hope. She said to keep our eyes peeled for stars: if you can see the stars, there’s a break in the clouds and a chance to see the Aurora. It didn’t hurt that our room was 50% window.
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Just as the receptionist predicted, we saw stars from about 10:30 to midnight. Staring out felt like being on a hunt, eyes dashing from one side of the sky to the other in hopes of seeing a green flash. Eventually I fell asleep, but the resort offers an Aurora alarm in case the lights appear.
Unfortunately there were no alarms either night.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed - the Northern Lights were one of the main reasons for visiting, and the brief star sightings provided a cruel tease of unwarranted hope. But the Aurora is just weather after all, and as the sun rose the next day, we remembered how cool it was to be in Nellim, Finland. Plus, the flip side of this snowy cloud cover was a clean and white-coated winter wonderland.
The fresh snow was perfect for our first activity of the day: dog sledding. These huskies were dying to get out and run, and I’ll never forget their excited gallop as we burst through the trees onto an open, frozen lake.
Chelsay and I switched off as driver, both flirting with danger. Chelsay nearly led us into Russia, while I ghost rode the sled. If you’re not familiar with ghost riding, it’s where you hop out of a moving (now driverless) vehicle and run beside it. Based on the look in our dogs’ eyes, I’m not sure they’d seen this before.
After the morning excitement, Chelsay and I had earned extra whipped cream on our hot chocolates. I’ll briefly mention the dining, which we both surprisingly enjoyed. Finnish food is not traditionally exciting (a lot of lingonberry and reindeer), but the Wilderness Resort came through for each meal: tasty lamb shanks, potatoes gratin, mushroom risotto, panna cotta, and more. And obviously a lot of hot chocolate.
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We regained enough energy over lunch for our afternoon activity: snow shoeing. We planned to be out for a few hours, so bundled up in three layers of everything: socks, leggings, sweaters. We even doubled up on gloves.
Now insulated from the sub zero temperatures, we were motoring around the quiet, empty wilderness in no time. Nothing but clean snow and creaky timber for miles. Chelsay said it reminded her of the land of swirly twirly gumdrops from Elf: “Byeee Buddyyyy”
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We climbed up hills, slid down slopes, trekked across frozen lakes, forged our own paths through the deep snow, and tracked the only other footprints we could find: wolf and reindeer.
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Just as the sun was setting (at 3 PM), Chelsay and I stumbled into a peaceful and perfect grove. It was a beautiful setting and the most memorable moments I’ll take from the trip.
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The evergreen branches were coated in snowy white clumps, the crisp air was cold in our chests, and the only sound we could hear was crunch... crunch... crunch... as we gently shuffled across the deep snow.
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We returned to our room with that “exhausted but content” feeling. Our quads were burning but we’d accomplished what we came for.
That night, we enjoyed another remedial sauna - this one was somehow sweatier than the last. We didn’t have any energy or unbroken bones left for sledding that night, so we instead stayed in our room and watched Parasite (great movie) while sipping hot chocolate. I doubt I’ll remember what JOMO meant when I read this in 20 years, but this night describes it well.
We were making the long drive back to Rovaniemi around lunch the next day, but had plenty of time for morning walk. This time we attempted to go without snow shoes, but quickly realized that walking through deep snow is hard! Your feet sink with every step, and you have to contort your legs up & out of the snow to make any progress.
Chelsay compared it to the Sahara, except instead of sinking ankle-deep in sand, we were literally waist-deep. Luckily we persevered long enough to stumble across a pack of reindeer.
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With our quads burning, we figured the reindeer sighting was a good enough cap to our Lapland adventure. Sure, I wish we’d seen the Northern Lights, but Chelsay and I are still very content with our first trip back in Europe.
I say that without any doubt. Rewinding to our flight from London: Lapland’s frozen landscapes exceeded the “new city” excitement I felt as our departing plane rolled toward the runway.
Lapland is a different planet: part winter wonderland, part uninhabitable wasteland. Its frigid wilderness is unlike any of the previous places we’ve visited, but the craziest part is that it was all so easily accessible. Chelsay and I were 250 miles into the Arctic Circle, literally a short walk into Russia’s northernmost territories, yet remained just a three hour flight from London.
That’s why we moved back: because every trip Chelsay and I take has the potential to bring us somewhere new, special, and completely different from anywhere we’ve ever been.
I can’t wait for our next departing plane to roll its way to the runway.
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totollieollie · 4 years
Warm Fuzzies (Part 1)
Hey everyone! Welcome to my writing debut! This is the first part of many for this story. It’s based off a prompt posted by Write It Motherfuckers. 
Person A: “Are you going to tell me why exactly my apartment is filled with stuffed animals? I literally can't see the fucking floor.”
Person B: “There was a car accident outside.”
Person A: “......”
Person B: “......”
Person A: “ Yeah, ok, gonna need a liiiittle more information than that.”
I hope you enjoy! If you have any questions or advice for me, feel free to leave a comment!
“Back in my day, before we had these new-fangled smarty-pants telephones, or whatever you kids call them, we used to actually talk to people to pass the time!” A shrill voice pierces through the calming bass of my music. I roll my eyes. Why does she even bother? She’s made this declaration every day on the train ride home for weeks and has yet to receive a response.  Fiddling with the control panel on my earbuds, I glance at the source of the voice. A frail old lady continues to loudly make her case while touching up her lipstick in a pocket mirror. Unfortunately for her, she can multitask about as well as a tree can walk, and ends up smearing the red gunk all over her front teeth. It’s oddly fitting. Along with her nearly translucent skin and the too-large black trench coat draped over her frame, the ‘blood’ on her teeth makes her look like a direct descendant of Count Dracula. As if I needed another reason to not talk to this lady.
Life in the city always has you on your feet. The people who live here all lead fast-paced lives. Everyone’s on a tight schedule- running solely on coffee and deadline anxiety. You learn to snatch up and savor the few moments of rest throughout the day whenever they present themselves. Train rides, for example, are a prime time to do so. This lady, however, while ranting about how disrespectful the younger generation is, completely fails to realize that she’s the rude one. Most of the people here have busy lives and are just trying to unwind.  Personally, I’m exhausted. Between studying for midterms and my ever-increasing shifts at the home improvement store, I’m sure I look as zombified as I feel. Too bad it’s already past Halloween, or I might have considered partnering up with Countess Draculina to open a haunted house within the train. We might have even earned a few bucks in tips before getting arrested. For the rest of the ride, I entertain myself by mentally decorating the train car with cobwebs, skeletons, and ominous smoke. Before I know it, we’ve pulled into the station.
Walking up to my building, I debate on how to get to my third-floor apartment. Climbing three flights of stairs just sounds tiring, but the movement of the elevator always makes me a little nauseous. It’s either going to be easy-peasy-lemon-queasy or… exercise. Yeah, no. I’ve been on my feet all day and I’ve burned more than enough calories stressing about my biology exam. Besides, if I have enough strength to make a corny rhyme about it, then I have the willpower to endure this ten-second underwhelming roller coaster ride. Boarding the elevator, I hit the button and start to squeeze my eyes closed in anticipation when something catches my eye: A little white dot perched on top of the atrocious burgundy carpet. Upon closer inspection, I find that it’s a fluffy bunny toy. Well that’s sad. Some kid probably dropped it in here. I tuck it under my arm, deciding to present it to my roommate Bailey. She loves children. In fact, she’s in college too getting an education major. I bet the minute I show her this rabbit, she’ll immediately start tripping over herself in order to reunite it with its owner. Hopefully when she finds the poor kid, she’ll feel invigorated enough to actually do the dishes for once. The elevator doors open and I step out, bunny in tow.
Three seconds away from freedom… My key clicks inside the lock. Two… I twist the door handle. One… The corners of my lips lift up in a relieved smile. I push the door forward, expecting to be greeted by the comforting scent of the cinnamon-vanilla candles I had lit earlier that day. By all logic, I should be standing in my tiny foyer at this moment. I should already see the empty spot on the floor I designated for a Christmas tree and be worrying about affording one by now, but no. I’m standing dumbfounded in the third-floor hallway. Okay that’s great, I must have never opened the door and I’m hallucinating. The Christmas Spirits have mistaken me for Ebenezer Scrooge. I don’t know how to feel about that; I guess I’ve been called worse? I reach for the door again, turn the handle and push. This time I could feel the door give a little before getting stuck. Something’s blocking it. I suppose this means I won’t be featured in A Christmas Carol II, and I can’t help but feel slightly disappointed. Looking over my shoulder to make sure no one’s calling the cops on me, thinking I’m burglarizing my own apartment, I turn the handle once more and slam my full body weight into the door. It cracks open just enough for me to slip through sideways. That’s when I see it: The reason why I almost had to sleep outside on the filthy red carpet outside. 
The bunny had friends. Millions of them. If someone told me an hour ago that I’d be wading through an unbelievably vast knee-deep sea of stuffed animals in my own home, I’d have thought them to be high, not psychic. What is going on? Have I fallen down a rabbit hole into an alternate dimension? Maybe my debut film wouldn't be A Christmas Carol II, but a sequel to Alice in Wonderland. I mean, the entire moral of that story was if you see a white rabbit, you leave it the hell alone. So what did I do? I took Peter Cottontail home with me. I'm a moron…
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swanqueeneverafter · 6 years
After The Sunset, Pt.32
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The Land Without Magic. Paris. (In the hotel room, the group fill Regina and Emma in on what's happened in their absence.) Regina: (Icily, to Alice:) "So you're telling me that you tricked my son into one of your rabbit holes?" Robin: (Standing between them:) "Aunt Regina, it wasn't like that. Alice was under the Jabberwocky's influence." Regina: (Sighs:) "And wherever you led him to, Rumplestiltskin was supposedly waiting for Henry?" Alice: "That's what I believed was happening, that Rumplestiltskin had something fun planned for his grandson." Rumplestiltskin: (Feeling Regina's eyes on him:) "Obviously the Jabberwocky has taken Henry and is posing as me to gain his trust." Regina: "Clearly you had a hand in this, too. What was it?" Rumplestiltskin: "Regina, I swear to you, I've not seen Henry since before Belle and I left for our trip around the world after the Black Fairy's curse. The Jabberwocky wanted you two out of the way and that's why she had me convince you to leave the magical realms for your honeymoon." Regina: "Why didn't you just tell me all this when we were alone together?" Rumplestiltskin: "Because the Jabberwocky would've sensed my betrayal. I couldn't risk Belle and Gideon's lives. I'm sorry." Regina: (Annoyed, sighs:) "All right, well what about Belle and Gideon?" Hook: "They're safe. Lily, Elsa and the others rescued them from a cave in Arendelle." Regina: "Good. So... I assume you have a way for us to get back home?" Hook: "Well, I had a magic bean, but I lost it on the trip over." Regina: (Rolling her eyes:) "Great." Alice: "I might have something. (Opens her bag and pulls out her looking glass:) I've been keeping this for a rainy day." Robin: (As Alice hands the looking glass to Rumplestiltskin:) "Will it work?" Rumplestiltskin: "Well it's cracked in three places. Which means it's possible it's magic may not work." Emma: (Enters, pulling her jacket on:) “There's only one way to find out." Hook: "Wait, don't all looking glasses lead to Wonderland? How do we know Henry's even there?" Emma: "We don't, but it's a start." Rumplestiltskin: "No, I have a better idea. If the Jabberwocky is passing herself off as me, there's only one place she could be holding Henry." Regina: "The Dark Castle." Rumplestiltskin: (Nods:) "Now if the three of us concentrate our magic onto the looking glass, I think we can make it take us there directly." Emma: "Well we definitely don't have time to fly home. Let's do this." (Rumplestiltskin places the looking glass on the ground and Emma and Regina stand beside him. As the three of them direct their magic onto the mirror, Robin and Alice hold hands before all six of them jump into the looking glass, and vanish.)
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The Enchanted Forest. (At the entrance of Medusa's cave, David and Snow White cautiously descend the lair steps.) Snow White: (Whispers:) “Keep your eyes down.” David: (Whispers:) “How are we supposed to find her?” (A high-pitched screech comes from deep within the cave. David pulls Snow White behind a pillar.) Snow White: “I doubt that will be a problem.” (Nearby, Medusa slithers past a corner as her tail drags behind.) David: “Stay here. I'll draw her out. When she passes by...” Snow White: (Draws the sword:) “I'll do the rest. Remember, whatever you do, don't look in her eyes.” David: “Yeah.” (They ready their positions. Snow White nods, after which David rushes out to attract Medusa's attention.) David: “HEY!” (Medusa turns around, letting out an angry screech, before being goaded into chasing David as he runs down the hall.) David: “NOW!” (When Medusa passes by, Snow White leaps out to severe her head, but the sword breaks instead.) David: “Snow!” (Snow White flees and regroups with David.) Snow White: “That wasn't part of the legend.” David: (Breathing heavily:) “Fantastic development.”
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The Dark Castle. (Landing hard and sliding across the floor, Emma and Regina arrive inside the Dark Castle.) Emma: "Hook?! Gold?!" Regina: "Robin?! Alice?!" Emma: "What happened to them?" Regina: "I'm not sure. But we've got bigger things to worry about. (Looks around:) Rumple's castle." Emma: "Seems a lot darker than I remember." Regina: "By the looks of it, a few things have changed since the last time I was - here." (The Jabberwocky enters the room.) Jabberwocky: "Yes, they certainly have." Emma: "You're the Jabberwocky, I presume?" Jabberwocky: "And you're the Savior." Regina: "You took our son. Where is he?" Jabberwocky: "He's safe. Henry's upstairs living the life he was always destined for, and now he's perfectly happy. I recommend you abandon all plans of 'saving' him and leave." Emma: "We're not going anywhere." Jabberwocky: (Smiles:) "I'm so glad you said that. For someone so filled with light magic, there's an awful lot of darkness in your past. Perhaps I can use that to my advantage?" (The Jabberwocky laughs and transforms into Cruella de Vil.) Cruella: "Hello, darling."
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Enchanted Forest. (Brushing himself down, Rumplestiltskin finds himself facing his old home.) Hook: (Approaching from behind the house:) "Still no sign of the others. (Looking around:) Can't say I recognise this place at all." Rumplestiltskin: "Well, I can't account for the others, but I know exactly where we are. This is my old home. I never wanted to see this place again. (Thinks:) Which is why we're here. The Jabberwocky is pushing buttons. She cracked Alice's looking glass to manipulate exactly where we all ended up.” Hook: “And this detour is meant to...?” Rumplestiltskin: “To remind me of when I became a coward. (Points at the large hammer on the ground:) I used this to hobble myself to avoid fighting in the Ogre's War. But this is one battle I won't back away from. If the Jabberwocky wants a fight, that's exactly what she's gonna get.” Storybrooke. (Granny steps out of the diner carrying the dwarves’ lunch order.) Granny: "Here you go, Leroy. The usual. Times seven." Leroy: "The greatest sandwich in all the realms." (Holding the sandwiches in one hand, his pick axe in another, Leroy turns and is knocked over by Alice & Robin who appear from nowhere.) Robin: "Oh, no! I'm so sorry. (Helping him up:) Are you okay?" Leroy: "I'm fine. My lunch ain't so lucky!" Granny: "Where did you girls come from?" Alice: "It's a bit complicated, but, um, we're here to save Henry and everyone from the Jabberwocky." Granny: "The what?" Archie: "I saw Henry at his graduation, he's fine. Last we heard he was off seeing the world." Alice: "Ugh! Do I have to explain everything? I accidentally tricked Henry into the Jabberwocky’s clutches and now she’s kidnapped him, and now he's in trouble and the point is, Henry Mills needs our help!” Robin: “Right now, he's in need of a serious rescue operation, so go tell Snow White and Prince Charming.” (Leroy, Archie and the others just stare at them.) Alice: “Sorry. Do you understand us, or do we have to try again?”
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Leroy: (Nodding:) “Yeah, we understand you.” Alice: (Relieved:) “Oh, finally!” Leroy: “Traitors. (Alice and Robin both scream as Granny pulls out her crossbow:) Traitors! (The girls run away as the dwarves pursue:) Aaaaah!” The Dark Castle. Continued. Regina: "Cruella De Vil. You think you can use Emma's guilt about Cruella's death against her?" Cruella: "Precisely. Or, then again, perhaps we can strike a bargain for you to be my chew toy. Fancy a little, uh, scratch behind the ear, Savior?" Emma: "Twisted's not really my type." Cruella: "Hm, no. (Looks Regina up and down:) Just evil, it seems. (Drawing her concealed sword:) Your loss!" Emma: (When Regina is about to send a fireball at Cruella:) "I got this." (Emma grabs her own sword and they begin to duel. Regina watches on as, circling each other, Emma and Cruella fight it out. After several parry's and thrusts, Cruella backs Emma against a table. Fighting back, Emma regains the upper hand, eventually disarming Cruella and holding her sword to her opponent's throat.) Cruella: (Breathing heavily:) "I mean, surely, such a noble group wouldn't murder an unarmed woman, hmm?” Regina: “Oh, no, of course not. But we would certainly tighten your leash. (Regina uses her magic to make Cruella disappear and reappear inside a large cage:) Now, be a good girl and tell me where Henry is.” Cruella: “I think you forget who you’re dealing with.” Jabberwocky: (Back in her true form:) “Henry isn’t the one you should be worried about.” Emma: “What are you talking about?” Jabberwocky: “Maybe you should take a trip downstairs and see what your little boy’s been up to. Oh, and here’s a little warning; knowing where they are and freeing them is a completely different animal.” (The Jabberwocky disappears from the cage with a snap of her fingers.)
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Dark Castle. Basement. (Emma and Regina make their way down the castle steps when Emma hears something.) Emma: "I hear voices. It's coming from the table. (Walking over, Emma uncovers a snow globe, in which dozens of people are trapped inside:) Look, it's Belle." Regina: "Zelena, Aladdin, Jasmine-" Jabberwocky: (Stepping out of the shadows:) "Yes. You all wanted a happy ending. So, now you can stick your friends on a shelf." Regina: "You magicked them in, we can magic them out." Jabberwocky: "Wrong. This bauble is unbreakable. No one can set them free but the Author, and I have a feeling he doesn't want to." (The Jabberwocky disappears once more. Resolving to free their friends, Regina and Emma are about to use their combined magic when Rumplestiltskin enters.) Rumplestiltskin: (Approaching with Hook:) "Wait. Think about what you're doing." Regina: "We have, thank you very much. We're freeing our friends." Rumplestiltskin: "And I'm telling you, that's the wrong play to make." Emma: "Gold, your wife and son are in there too." Rumplestiltskin: "I'm aware of that. And while they are, they're safe. If you release them, the Jabberwocky could convince Henry to write them a much nastier fate. No, the only way to save everyone is by going after the Jabberwocky herself. The Captain and I have already found a way to gain the upper hand. (Holds up a seashell from Ariel:) So you stay here, and I'll deal with her." (Rumplestiltskin walks away.) Emma: "We're just letting him go? What if he's really going to cut his own deal with the Jabberwocky?" Hook: "I'll go with him. Make sure he stays honest." Regina: "No, you don't have any magic. I'll go. Rumple's right, our friends are safe where they are for now. You two find Henry and try to make him see sense." (Regina leaves while Hook turns to Emma.) Hook: "Just like old times, Swan." (Emma shakes her head, spares one last glance at the people inside the snow globe, then heads for the stairs.)
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Enchanted Forest. Recent Past. Docks. (Mr. Smee opens a box containing two pistols, each man takes one before they stand back to back.) Smee: "Ten paces. Then turn. Then shoot. (With each count, both men take a step:) One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten!" (Both Hook and Ahab turn and take their shot, each making contact, which sends both combatants to the ground.) Smee: (Rushes over and kneels beside Hook:) "You're fine, sir. Just nicked,  which is more than I can say for Ahab. (Glances over at Ahab and his first mate, the former looking the worst for wear:) He may survive the day, but your aim was true as the North Star. (Hook sits up, a pained expression on his face:) What's the matter, sir? You did it, Captain! You won.” Hook: “I haven't won anything of note. (Groans, standing:) I think... I think I've made a dreadful mistake. Mr. Smee, you and the men, take the Jolly Roger out for a trip around the bay, you’ve earned it.” Smee: “Are you coming with us, Captain?” Hook: “No, I’m extremely late for Maleficent. I have to leave.” (He takes off quickly, leaving Smee and the others who have gathered to watch the duel in his wake.)
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swanqueeneverafter · 6 years
60. The Final Battle, Pt.1
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Enchanted Forest. Present. (Will Scarlett emerges from his tent, yawning and stretching. Unbeknownst to him, he is being watched through a spyglass by his sister, Alice.) Alice: (Lowering the spyglass:) "You look happy, big brother." (As Alice is about to raise the spyglass again, a twig snaps from behind her and she spins around to find an arrow pointed right between her eyes.) Robin: (Bow raised:) “Don't move, spy.” (Immediately, Alice takes off running. Robin chases after her through the woods. Alice manages to put some distance between them before tripping over a trip wire, causing a wooden cage to descend upon her.) Alice: “Aah!” (Alice gets to her feet, gripping the bars of the cage.) Robin: (Catching her up:) “Who are you? Who sent you?” Alice: “Nobody sent me. I just... I wanted to see Will Scarlett.” Robin: “Then why are you lurking?” Alice: “Because his heart is poisoned. If I got any closer he'd die.” Robin: (Relaxing a little:) “You're Alice. Will’s sister. Wow, so you're The Girl in the Tower.“ Alice: “I got out of that tower years ago.” Robin: “So I heard. I thought Will last saw you in Wonderland looking for a cure for whatever is separating you two?” Alice: “Yeah, that’s right. But I failed.” Robin: “I'm sorry. I know he misses you.” Alice: “How do you know my brother?”
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Robin: “We’re sort of a team. Together we found my father’s merry men and my brother Roland. But, I’m new so they put me on sentry duty. My name's Robin.” Alice: “Merry men. And your name’s Robin?” Robin: “Yeah, Robin Hood was my father.” Alice: “Oh, so you’re like the new Robin. Or ‘Nobin’.” Robin: “Yeah, don't call me that.” Alice: “Well it’s short for ‘New Robin’. If you’re the new Robin Hood, it only follows that you should be ‘Nobin,’ get it?” Robin: “No. It's just not cool, okay?” Alice: “Cool? Why would you want to be ‘cool’?” Robin: “You haven't gotten out much since the tower, have you?” Alice: “I've been loads of places. And this cage? My least favorite in all the realms. So mind letting me out of here, Nobin?” Robin: “Only if you stop calling me that.” (Alice says nothing as Robin walks over and pulls a lever, raising the cage.) Alice: “Thank you. Nobin.” (Roaring is heard from the distance.) Robin: (Turns towards the sound:) “That's him! That's the monster. I've been tracking him for days.” Alice: “Wait, wait, wait. I know that sound. That's no monster. That's a friend.” Robin: “Yeah, well, your friend's been tormenting villages. And I have an arrow with his name on it.“ Alice: “Wait! No, you cannot shoot him!” Robin: (Turns back to her:) “No, you’re right. You’ve waited long enough. It’s time you and your brother were reunited.” Merry Men Campsite. (Will is calling for Robin.) Will: "Robin! Where are you?! I hope you've put those archery lessons to good use and caught us something for breakfast! (To himself:) I'm bloody starving." Alice: "Will?" Will: (Slowly turns to see his sister, shocked:) "Alice? (Taking a few steps towards her:) Alice, is it really you?" Alice: (Tears in her eyes:) “Yes. Yes, it's me.” Will: “I’ve missed... (Goes to hug her but thinks better of it:) Alice, what what happened? How did you, uh (Circles her, keeping his distance:) How did you get here?” Alice: “Well, it's a long story, Will, but well, I'm here now.” Will: “Yes. Yes you are. I've missed you so much.” (Without thinking, or perhaps, without caring, Will goes to embrace his sister before being blasted back by the magic that separates them.)
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Alice: (As Will flies to the ground:) “Will, no!” Robin: “Will?” (Clutching his chest, Will pulls himself to his feet as the other Merry Men begin to gather round.) Will: (Using a tree for support:) “It’s all right. (Breathes heavy:) I’m all right.” Alice: “I’m sorry, Will. I’ve been everywhere, looked everywhere and I couldn’t find a cure for us.” Will: “Alice, this isn’t your fault.” Robin: “No, it’s Gothel’s. (As the siblings look to her:) Don’t you see? The only way you two will be reunited is when that witch is dead.” Will: “No, Robin.” Robin: “Yes, Will. You know I’m right.” Will: “We can’t go back there.” Alice: “Back where? Do you know where Gothel is?” Will: (Same Time:) “No.” Robin: (Same Time:) “Yes. (To Alice:) We know exactly where she is.” Alice: “Is this true, Will?” Will: (Sighs:) “It’s more complicated than that. It’s too dangerous.” Alice: “I’ve seen my share of danger on my travels, brother. Now if you’re telling me you know the whereabouts of the woman who did this to us is, then what are we waiting for?” Will: “There’s a curse on the town where she is. I swore to Robin’s mother that I would protect her.” Alice: “And we swore to our parents that we would always be there for each other. How can we do that when we can’t even be near one another? It’s been too long, Will. It’s time we ended this.” (Looking to his sister and then to Robin, Will takes a deep breath.) Will: (Nods:) “All right. Let’s do it.” Storybrooke. The Rabbit Hole. (Regina sits on a bar stool, her expression homicidal. Snow White circles her, attempting to be a calming influence.) Snow White: "I know this is a lot, but try and take a few deep breaths." Regina: "I've been breathing on my own for quite a while now, thank you. Which is more than I can say for that winged bitch when I see her." Snow White: "I know you're angry, but we have to be smart about this." Regina: "Angry? Angry doesn't doesn't even come close to what I'm feeling. She turned me into a barmaid for crying out loud!" Snow White: "Well, technically, you own the place." Regina: "You're not helping!" Snow White: (Putting her hands up placatingly:) "I know, I know. This is why David and I wanted to wake you and Emma together so that she could help calm you down." Regina: "Emma. (Her face twisting into pure hatred:) Hook! I'll kill him. I'll rip off his good hand and make him choke on his own fingers. I'll-" Snow White: (Grabbing Regina by the arms:) "That can wait, Regina. Right now, your son is in the hospital." Regina: (Softens almost immediately:) "Henry. I've got to go see him." Snow White: (Nods:) "I'll go meet up with David, tell him what's happened. Send Henry our love." (Regina doesn’t respond, having already grabbed her keys and headed for the door.)
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Storybrooke Sheriff's Office. (Emma walks into the sheriff's station and puts her jacket on the table.) Emma: "Killian, I'm sorry but John Doe got away from me. He's pretty damn quick for a guy who just got out of a coma. (Walking over to Killian's office:) Killian? (Emma stops in her tracks as she sees the Sheriff down on one knee before her:) Uh, what are you doing?" Killian: "I've been thinking, Swan, and I want you to be my wife." Emma: "Is that supposed to be a proposal?" Killian: "Well, this is how you do it, isn't it? Down on one knee, ring." Emma: "Yeah, but generally you ask the person you're proposing to. You don’t just make a decision." Killian: "I thought this is what you wanted? I mean, come on, it's not like anyone else is lining up for the job." Emma: "Excuse me?" Killian: "Well who else is gonna be willing to take on a former drug addict and her lunatic kid?" Emma: "I was never a drug addict and... and my son is not a lunatic!" Killian: "Oh spare me, Swan. The whole town knows what he did, you're just too blind to see the truth." Emma: "You know what? This, whatever is going on between us, we're done." Killian: (Getting to his feet:) "Oh, you're not leaving me." Emma: "Killian, it's over." Killian: (Smirks:) "You know what? You're upset. So, I'm going do you a favor and pretend I didn't hear that." Emma: "There's something missing, between us. Don't you think?" Killian: "You want to go back to being alone? Face it, you can't be alone. You are nothing without me!" (As Killian yells this, flashes of Nimue screaming at her appear in Emma’s mind’s eye.) Emma: (Shaken by the image, she nonetheless shakes it off:) "It's over." Killian: (Scoffs:) "You see, that's your problem, Swan. You're so afraid of losing the people that you love, that you push them away. And that's why you'll always be an orphan.” Emma: (Icily:) “That’s where you’re wrong. Because I never loved you. (Emma punches Killian hard in the jaw, knocking him backwards over his desk, sending his papers flying. Taking her badge from her hip, she tosses it on the desk:) I quit.” (Emma turns and leaves the office, leaving Killian laying on the ground, groaning in pain.)
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Storybrooke General Hospital. Henry's Room. (Henry reclines on the bed, his arm in a sling and his leg in traction. He groans in pain as Regina enters the room.) Henry: "Mo- uh Roni, hey." Regina: (Pained:) "Oh, Henry. Look at you." Henry: "The doctors say I may have to stay like this for weeks." Regina: "This is all my fault. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you." Henry: "That’s OK I- Wait, does that mean you do? Are- are you awake?" Regina: (Lifting his chin with her fingers:) "Yes, Henry. I'm awake." Henry: (Smiling:) "You read the storybook? Before Emma burned it, I mean." Regina: (Scoffs:) "Read it? I lived it. And the storybook is fine. It's behind Roni's bar." Henry: “You mean your bar?” Regina: “Ugh. Don’t remind me.” Henry: (Sighs in relief:) "Glad to have you back, Mom." Regina: (Smiles:) "It's good to be back." (Henry reaches to hug her but winces in pain, Regina instead kisses him on the forehead. Suddenly, there is a flash of colour that fills the room. Regina and Henry having just shared true love's kiss.)  Henry: (Testing his arm:) "Wait a minute." (Henry sits up and pulls his arm from the sling.) Regina: (Wincing:) "Careful, Henry." Henry: "Mom, it's OK. My arm's fine. (Reaching down to free his leg, jumps from the bed:) My leg too! You did it. You healed me!" Regina: (Laughing:) "Well how about that?" (They hug.) Henry: "Listen, Mom, we've got to stop the Black Fairy." Regina: "I know. But in order to do that, we have to find Emma and wake her up somehow." Henry: "What about-" Regina: "No, (Shaking her head:) true love's kiss won't work this time, trust me. It only works for those who remember who they truly are." Henry: “Or those that believe anything’s possible.” Regina: (Nods:) “And right now, Emma is neither of those things.” Henry: "Well, we're gonna need help. August's awake too." Regina: "I know, so are your grandparents. They're meeting in the farmhouse right now." Henry: “Wait. Zelena’s farmhouse? Mom, Zelena’s here disguised as Marian.” Regina: (Remembering:) “Of course. And she’s with Robin... (Thinks:) but Robin’s dead.” Henry: “Yeah, that’s because the curse sent us back in time.” Regina: “No, something’s not right about this. The curse sent the people who were already in Storybrooke back in time, but it can’t bring back the dead. Nothing can.” Henry: “So how is Robin here?” Regina: (Grimly:) “I don’t think he is.” Abandoned Farmhouse. (David stands peering out of the shutters of the boarded up windows as he hears a noise. Raising a plank of wood as a weapon, he turns to face the arriving Snow White.) Snow White: “Oh!” David: “You're late. I was worried.” (They kiss.) Snow White: “We have to hurry. Regina's awake but Emma isn’t.” Robin: (Walking into the room:) “Which means, the Savior can’t help anyone. (David and Snow turn to face him:) and that’s exactly how things are going to stay.”
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Outside Granny’s Diner. (Emma is loading her bags into the trunk of her car, when Henry finds her.) Henry: “Mom! You can’t leave!” Emma: “It's what's best for both of us, kid.” Henry: “No, don't you get it? This is what she wants. The Black Fairy cast the curse so all this would get you to leave.” Emma: “This is why I have to go, because you still believe this nonsense is true.” Henry: “It is!” Emma: “Henry, stop. I’ve got to leave this place for awhile. Clear my head. Coming to Storybrooke didn’t end up being good for either of us.” Henry: “You're wrong.” Emma: “Yeah? Look where we ended up. Look at you. Look at your arm. (Realises Henry’s out of the hospital bed for the first time:) Wait. Were you faking your injuries?” Henry: “No. Regina just healed me with true love’s kiss.” Emma: “Ugh. Of course she did. Listen, those stories of yours sent us on a dangerous path. I just gotta get back to Boston and figure some things out in my life. And so do you.” Henry: “So the Black Fairy did it. You really don't believe?” Emma: (Voice breaking:) “There's nothing to believe. (Sighs:) Goodbye, kid. (Kisses Henry on the head:) I love you.” (Emma then climbs into her bug and drives away.) Any Given Sundae. (Marian is stood at the counter looking at all the different flavours of ice cream available to her.) Marian: "Mm, I just can't get enough of that Rocky Road." Regina: (Entering the parlor:) "Zelena! Zelena we need to talk." Marian: (Confused:) "I'm sorry, I think you have me confused with-" Regina: “Zelena, we don’t have time for this. (As Marian stares at her blankly:) Are you trying to tell me you don’t remember? Okay. (Thinks:) Okay, I've never been great at subtle. We're cursed. You don't remember it, but we really are sisters. (Motions to herself:) Evil Queen, (Then to Marian:) Wicked Witch.” Marian: (Deeply confused:) “What are you talking ab -” (Regina suddenly reaches forward and pulls out the necklace from around Marian’s neck, turning it. As soon as she does, Marian transforms back into Zelena with images of her past and future life flashing before her eyes.) Regina: “Zelena?” Zelena: (Breathing heavily:) “What's going on? Oh, Regina.” Regina: “Oh, Zelena. (They hug:) Thank God.” Zelena: “Oh. Oh, I was cursed. (Groans:) I was that milk-toast Marian again, wasn’t I?” Regina: “Listen to me. We have a problem.” Zelena: (Gasps, suddenly remembering:) “Gothel.” Regina: “Yes, I think she’s here-” Zelena: “Regina! (Grabbing her arms:) She did something terrible to Robin. My Robin!” Regina: “No, Zelena, we’re back in time. Your daughter won’t have been born yet. Just like Neal.” Zelena: (Shaking her head:) “No. That’s not it. I’m the reason they could send us back in time. They needed my blood for the curse and Gothel she...she-” Regina: (Looks around at the other people in the parlor who are staring at them:) “Listen, we’re causing a scene. You can tell me all about it on the way to save the Charmings.” (With that, the sisters hurry from the ice cream parlor, with several stunned patrons left in their wake.)
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